June 14—Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 14—Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Readings for The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jb 38:8–11 ! 2 Cor 5:14-17 ! Mk 4:125-41
Please pray for
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Eleanor Dalton
10 a.m.
John Connelly
Helen Stacey
5:30 p.m.
M onday, June 15, 2015
Evan Keohane
5:30 p.m.
W ednesday, June 17, 2015
Francis Farrell
12:15 p.m.
Saturday, Jun 20, 2015
Rose Capobianco
4 p.m.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
No intentions
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Leonard Le Compte
10 a.m.
Rosalia Martinez (LC)
12 p.m.
Tim Conroy (UC)
12 p.m.
Friday, Jun 19, 2015
No intentions
Tuesday, Jun 16, 2015
Alys Jane Farrell
12:15 p.m.
Nativity Prep Annual Golf Classic
Nativity Prep will host its annual Golf Classic on Monday, June
15 at Brae Burn Country Club. Nativity would love to have you
join them for the day, or just for dinner and drinks. Golf foursomes are $3,000 or individual tickets for the dinner/cocktail
hour can be purchased for $75 by contacting Brooke O’Donnell
at bodonnell@nativityboston.org or 857-728-0031 x21.
Sem i-Retired or Retired? Eager to Give Back?
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps is currently accepting applications
for women and men age 50 and over. Volunteers for the Jesuitsponsored program have the opportunity to serve the needs of
people who are poor, to work for a more just society, and to grow
deeper in Christian faith by reflecting and praying in the Ignatian tradition. Volunteers serve two days a week, and meet
monthly with a Spiritual Reflector and other IVC members. For
more information, contact Dave Hinchen, New England Regional Director, at 617-571-3838 or dhinchen@ivcusa.org See our
national website at www.ivcusa.org
Test Prep for 8th Grade Catholic Students
Saint Joseph Preparatory High School in Boston, a co-ed Catholic, independent school which offers shuttle bus transportation
from area commuter rail stops, will offer a five session Test Prep
for the Catholic High School Entrance Test (HSPT) in the fall for
students who seek to maximize performance for admission and
scholarship opportunities. Space is limited and registration is
available on a first come, first served basis. Entrance testing in
the Archdiocese is scheduled for November 7th and December 5th
and will also be offered at Saint Joe’s. Registration Forms for
both offerings are available on the website,
www.saintjosephprep.org. For more information, please contact
Kevin Faherty, Assistant Director of Admission, at 617-2548383, x 1109 or kevin.faherty@saintjosephprep.org
2015 Catholic Appeal Update
We are still hoping that more of our parishioners will be able to
support the Archdiocesan Appeal. Saint Ignatius has raised
$63,200 toward the 2015 Catholic Appeal assessed goal of
$77,900. If we don’t reach our goal, the remainder will have to
come from our operating budget. If you have not yet made a contribution, please consider doing so as it will help reach our goal.
Appeal materials are available in the church. On behalf of Cardinal Seán O’Malley and all who will benefit from your generosity,
thank you for your support.
Celebration of Com m unity and M inistry
During the weekend of September 19 and 20, we will once again
come together as a community to celebrate our parish, including
fun activities for persons of all ages and opportunities to enrich
your faith. We are looking for people to serve on the planning
committee for this event. We are especially in need of persons to
plan activities, food and beverage service, public relations and
finances. If you can help, please contact Catherine Downing at
617-782-5812 or sending an email to her at
cfdesq@hotmail.com .
Eucharistic M inisters Needed
Is God calling you to serve as a volunteer hospital Eucharistic
Minister? Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Department of
Spiritual Care and Education is looking for Eucharistic Ministers
to serve the Sacrament of Holy Communion to our patients once
a week, either on weekdays or weekends. If you are interested in
exploring the possibility, please contact the BIDMC Spiritual
Care Department at 617-632-8103 or jroy@bidmc.harvard.edu
for more information. Parking and a meal coupon will be provided.
St. Ignatius Pledge Program
St. Ignatius strives to create a model of Church where the
gifts of all our parishioners are valued and celebrated. We
are committed to issues of social justice and assist many
non-profit organizations in the Boston area. Our many
ministries depend on parishioner support.
Running the parish and all of its programs costs $1.5mm
a year, 95% of which is covered through contributions
from our parishioners. Our goal is to have all of our parishioners consider making a pledge, however big or
small, in order to help keep these programs alive.
By making automatic, recurring donations via credit
cards, automatic bank withdrawals, or by requesting parish envelopes, parishioners make possible the planning of
an appropriate operating budget and help us to forecast
income for the upcoming year. By joining the pledge program, parishioners can maintain their planned level of
support throughout the year.
How much should one give? This is up to each individual,
but traditional guidelines suggest devoting one hour’s pay
each weak, or 2.5% of your income. Please consider the
amount you are able to contribute to St. Ignatius Parish
and indicate this amount on the pledge form. Here are the
following options for participating in the annual pledge:
Complete a pledge card and put it in the collection basket
or mail it to the Parish Office. Pledge cards can be found
at the back of the church or are available by calling the
Parish Office at 617-552-6102.
M iram ar Retreat Center
This is the time to make time for yourself and for God! See below
a retreat that will help you get your bearings, get you on track
with God's dream for you, and help you get the perspective you
need to find your way back to life! We're here to help! Give us a
call or visit our website. Miramar Retreat Center, 21 Parks St.,
Box M, Duxbury, MA 02331, (781) 585-2460,
Directed retreat June 21–28
Allston Brighton Youth Coalition
Part of the greater Allston Brighton Substance Abuse Taskforce,
the Allston Brighton Youth Coalition represents a coalition
of schools, community based organizations, parents, and businesses that all work together to prevent substance abuse in the
community. They teach other kids at the local housing communities and YMCA about prescription drug and marijuana abuse
prevention as well as how to cope with stress through our peereducation workshops. The coalition is currently recruiting
new members, who are in 8th grade to their senior year, to work
together with adult staff advisors to learn about and lead community health initiatives and get paid to do so. It's a great leadership opportunity and way to give back to the community. For
more information, contact Youth Coalition Assistant, Caitlin
Abber at abyouthcoalition@gmail.com or 339-224-0633.
Catholic TV
Watch The CatholicTV Network 24 hours daily in crystal-clear
digital on Charter channel 101, Comcast channel 268 (183 in
some areas), RCN channel 85, and Verizon FiOS channel 296.
For the week of June 14, 2015 the Priests presiding on the televised Mass are:
Sunday June 14 - Father Cadin, North Andover
Monday June 15 - Father Sheridan, Lakeville
Tuesday June 16 - Father Kopp, Sudbury
Wednesday June 17 - Father Crowley, Mattapoisett
Thursday June 18 - Father Dabney, Boston
Friday June 19 - Father Clary, Brookline
Saturday June 20 - Father Reed, The CatholicTV Network
Jesus in Boston
All Young Adults and College Students are invited to join us on
Friday, June 26 at 7:30pm for our monthly “Jesus in Boston”
event. We will be at St. Leonard’s Parish in the North End for
Eucharistic Adoration followed by Holy Mass and then a social
gathering afterward. It’s a great way to meet new people and
strengthen your interior life. For more information please email
Mike Drahos at MDrahos@rcab.org.
June 14—Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Tim e
Oh such beautiful images! Trees, branches, birds, seed, fruit.
The mustard seed is our paradigm for evangelization. “The
smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it
springs up and becomes the largest of plants” One person sharing his/her faith with one person, who shares with one person,
who shares... Stories of God working in our lives, of prayers
made and answered, of feeling the presence of Jesus – this is
evangelization that builds the Kingdom of God. We walk by
faith; have the courage to speak about it.
Staff Retirem ents
Parish Council Update
Dear Parishioners,
Please join me in celebrating the retirements of three long time
members of the St. Ignatius staff: Betty McLaughlin, Mary
Blackburn and Richard Moynihan. Each has served our parish
community with honor and distinction and we are in a better
place because of their contributions. We thank them from the
bottom of our hearts and wish them every happiness in retirement. While we honor their request to not celebrate publicly, members of the community are invited to send notes or
emails to them at the Parish Office.
Dear Parishioners,
Last Saturday, 30 members of the Parish Staff and Pastoral
Council gathered for a day of prayer and planning at the Jesuit
Residence on Beacon St. We are blessed to have so many committed parishioners who choose to serve the parish in this way. I
believe that we have a good representation of persons from our
various “upstairs” liturgies as well as our Family Mass and Latino
community. What is so tangible is the love that each person has
for this parish. What a privilege it is for me to work with such an
incredible group of dedicated and talented people!
Betty McLaughlin was the parish Administrative Assistant for 29
years and retired from her post in March. Best known for her
kindness and compassion, Betty has touched more families and
members of our faith community than any other staff member.
Anyone who has called the parish knows how welcoming and
helpful she is. We have been so blessed to have Betty as the person who would best represent our parish's welcoming and gracious spirit. Betty will continue working part time to assist with
Faith Formation. My longevity as pastor in the parish is in no
small part due to Betty’s support, love and dedication to me and
to the parish.
The first part of the day was spent in prayer and reflection focusing on my transition as pastor and what that will mean for the
parish. I was happy to share with people that I will be here
through the end of May before a new pastor takes over. In the
light of this transition, the rest of the morning was spent working on a parish profile that could be shared with the new pastor
as well as the provincial assistant. We hope to have a description
of who we are and how we are as a Jesuit parish and what our
hopes are for the future.
Mary Blackburn worked as the Database Manager for the past
15 years. Mary was responsible for launching the Annual Pledge
Program, converting the parish membership records from paper
to computer and helping Father Bob start his weekly email letter.
Mary grew up in the parish and as such has a great institutional
memory. We have benefited in so many ways from her commitment to St. Ignatius.
Richard Moynihan has worked as the Business Manager for the
last 15 years and retires at the end of June. Richard oversaw several capital improvements in the church including the Friary
Room renovation and the construction of the new choir room.
Over my more than 25 years as pastor, the position of business
manager has become more and more demanding, especially in
regard to our relationship with the Archdiocese. Richard has
been my “go-to” person for advice and support and solutions to
problems of every kind. He has a remarkable breadth of practical
knowledge that has been a God-send for me. In addition to his
work as Business Manager, Richard has been very involved with
the Spiritual Life Commission and contributed enormously to
the spiritual development of the parish. I am truly grateful to
Richard for all he has done for the parish and for me.
Fr. Bob
The afternoon was spent focusing on the purpose, make-up and
functioning of the Pastoral Council so that it might assist the
new pastor and serve the parish as best it can. A critical aspect of
this is the need to communicate to our parishioners who the
members of the Pastoral Council are and what the Council is
doing to further the mission of the parish. We spoke as well
about membership and the need to invite new members to be
part of the group. Any parishioner who is interested in serving
on the PPC next year should feel free to be in touch with me.
Finally, we spent some time talking about a community building
event that will take place the weekend of September 19th and
20th. “Come and Journey With Us, a celebration of community,
ministry and the Ignatian Way”. If you are interested, in being
part of the planning team, you would be more than welcome.
Contact Catherine Downing for more information.
Please know that I am cherishing every day that I have with you
as your pastor. I am so grateful for your support for me at this
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Bob
June 20 and 21: Arrupe at the door Collection
On June 20, the United Nations observes World Refugee Day. On that weekend, ARRUPE volunteers will be
holding an at-the-door collection to assist their activities in support of refugees arriving in the Boston area
through the United States Refugee Program. This collection will enable our ARRUPE ministry to work together with Catholic Charities to
provide incoming refugees with household basics as they settle into their new homes. Look for the house-shaped box at any church exit.
June 20 and 21: Pine Street Inn and Shattuck Shelter Cookout
Next weekend, sign-ups for our July 11th PINE STREET INN SHATTUCK SHELTER COOKOUT will begin. We’ll
need food donations and helpers for kitchen prep (here) and serving at the Shelter. All sign-up materials will be on the
Outreach table in the Gathering Space.
June 23: Shattuck Fourth Tuesday
Our monthly ministry to the Guests at Shattuck Shelter continues throughout the summer. We’ll be serving dinner,
with our desserts, on June 23rd. Please drop off any desserts at the Parish Office by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 23rd. If
you’d like to serve dinner that evening, contact Sr. Diane at 617-552-6107 for information.
June 27: Cor Unum M eal Center, Lawrence:
This will be the first of three Saturday nights of serving supper to the Guests at Cor Unum. The other two dates
will be July 18th and August 15th. Servers may car pool from church, leaving at 3PM and returning by about
8PM; those living “closer” to Lawrence may choose to go directly there. Servers must be at least 10 years of age.
If you’d like to serve, or if you have questions about ministering at Cor Unum, please call Sr. Diane at 617-552-6107.
Helping Out those in Need:
We are all aware of the fact that utility, food and fuel costs are continually on the rise. As a parish, we want to be
prepared to assist persons who come to the Parish Office seeking help to provide food for their family. You can be of
help by donating $10 gift cards from Stop & Shop or Shaw’s/Star. Your past donations have carried us through the
winter, but right now, we’re almost of out cards. You may bring your donation to the Parish Office or just drop it in
the collection basket on the weekend. Thank you!
La Pagina Hispana
Queridos Parroquianos,
El sábado pasado 30 miembros del Equipo parroquial y Consejo pastoral se reunieron para un día de oración y planificación en la residencia en la Calle Beacon. Somos bendecidos de tener tantos parroquianos comprometidos al servicio de la parroquia de esta manera.
Creo que hay una buena representación de nuestra comunidad incluyendo la de las familias y la de los latinos. Lo que me conmueve
mucho es el amor que cada persona tiene para esta parroquia. ¡Que privilegio para mí ha sido trabajar con un grupo de personas tan
dedicadas y talentosas!
La primera parte del día rezamos y reflexionamos sobre la transición que va a ocurrir por mi parte y el significado que tendrá para la
parroquia. Me dio alegría compartirles que me podré quedar como párroco hasta el fin de mayo. Dada la transición fue inevitable pasar
el resto del día trabajando en un perfil parroquial que compartiremos con el nuevo párroco y con el asistente del padre provincial.
Esperamos tener una descripción de quienes somos como parroquia Jesuita y nuestras esperanzas para el futuro.
La tarde la enfocamos en la meta y funcionamiento del Consejo para que pueda ayudar al nuevo párroco a servir a la parroquia de la
mejor manera. Un aspecto crítico es la necesidad de comunicarnos con los parroquianos quienes son los representantes en el consejo y
son los que hacen que la misión de la parroquia sea cumplida. Hablamos también de la necesidad de invitar a nuevos miembros a participar en el Consejo. Si tienen más ganas de enterarse, pueden comunicarse con Helena o Santiago Alfonzo, Reina Meléndez o Pedro
Por fin, conversamos de un evento que va a tomar lugar el 19 y el 20 de septiembre.
“Vengan y Caminen con Nosotros” será una celebración para toda la parroquia. Es una oportunidad de ver como puedan involucrarse
mas en la vida parroquial y familiarizarse con la vida de San Ignacio. Si se interesan en el equipo de planificación, por favor comuníquense con los representantes nombrados de arriba.
Espero que sepan que cada momento que paso con ustedes este año es un regalo para mí. Les agradezco su apoyo en este momento.
En el amor de Jesucristo,
Padre Bob
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467
Phone: 617-552-6100 ! Fax: 617-552-6101 ! Email: Ignatius@bc.edu ! http://bc.edu/st-ignatius
The Parish Staff
Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, SJ, Pastor
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, Associate
Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison
Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry
Timothy Zimmerman, Associate Director of Music
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach
Susan Stuart, Director of Faith Formation
Kathy Maher, Faith Formation Middle School
Ernesto Reyes, Confirmation Coordinator
Diana Gaillardetz, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA
Richard Moynihan, Business Manager
Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant
Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member
Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member
Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member
The Celebration of the Eucharist
The Sacram ents
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)
12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of
Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: Friday, 12:45 p.m. Adoration
Lower Church: 9 a.m.
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)
First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes classes,
retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade
Confirmation: Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine. Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults who have
been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.
Matrimony: Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior to
beginning marriage arrangements.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by arrangement
Anointing of the Sick: By arrangement