March 6 — The Fourth Sunday in Lent

March 6 — The Fourth Sunday in Lent
The Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Lent: Isaiah 43: 16-21 ! Philippians 3: 8-14 ! John 8:1-11
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Please pray for:
Lenten Art & Environment:
Sunday, March 6
Richard M. Doyle
Angelo Marchitelli
Margaret Wolohan
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 8
May Anne Lynch
12:15 p.m.
Wednesday, March 9
Gerard Stanton
12:15 p.m.
Thursday, March 10
John Powers
5:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 12
Pauline and Eugene Sullivan
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 13
Joan Griffin
Margaret Singleton
Pedro Abadia
Mary Dafarra
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
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Lenten Wellness Program with Suzanne Rowe Palacino
Saturday, March 12
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Garden Level of the Parish Office
Mindfulness, Meditation and Ignatian Spirituality
Suzanne Rowe Palacino has been a St. Ignatius parishioner for
over 15 years and is a member of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Suzanne is an educator who has taught throughout the United
States, Mexico, Canada and Europe. She’s been a meditation
practitioner for over 10 years, has attended various silent retreats and is trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. She
leads meditations at Wellesley College and leads private meditations throughout the Metro West area. Suzanne is heading an
initiative to incorporate reflection and mindful learning into the
Metro West public school curriculum.
Please contact if you have questions on the Lenten Wellness Series.
Lenten Film & Reflection
Join us on Saturday, March 12th, as we reflect on moments of
spirit and grace in Under the Same Moon/La Misma Luna. This
Mexican-American drama in English and Spanish centers on a
young boy's journey across the border to be reunited with his
mother. This moving tale of courage and hope will help us reflect
on the realities of immigration. We gather in the Friary Room at
5:00 for a light supper followed by film viewing in the Media
Room. RSVP by March 8th to
This Lenten season we are invited to enter more deeply into our
identity as a Jesuit parish. As we journey together towards the
gift of new life in Easter, we take the time to meditate on the
signs and symbols, grace and gifts that express the Holy Ground
of this parish community. We ask ourselves the question, “What
are my favorite things about belonging to a parish informed by
Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Exercises?”
We invite you to take some time and reflect on the signs and
symbols in front of the ambo. Right before your very eyes are
some of the symbols of our favorite things as a parish community. There is the cross that is carried in procession on Good Friday. There are wheat and grapes, the sign of our Eucharistic
community. There are copies of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius which have become the ground of the parish’s spirituality.
There is even a pair of ballet slippers symbolizing the way this
community has prayed through movement and dance. The multi-colored cloth symbolizes who we are as a diverse community,
especially with the advent of our Latino Community. There are
brown paper packages tied up in string that could be a symbol of
the unknown gift of the future our God has for designed for us.
And of course, the shepherd staff symbolizing one of our favorite
pieces of liturgical music, Shepherd Me, O God.
In this Lenten season, let us open ourselves to our Shepherding
God, who is leading and guiding us into new pastures, new
hopes and dreams leading us beyond our wants, beyond our
fears, from death into life.
Lenten Taize Prayer
On the next Monday of Lent (March 7), we will offer the meditative, restorative Taizé evening prayer in the upper church at 7:15
pm. On March 14, we will celebrate communal reconciliation
with an opportunity for individual confessions in the Lannon
Chapel. On Monday of Holy Week, the Boston Liturgical Dance
Ensemble, with Fr. Bob, will lead our prayer in the upper church,
“What Wondrous Love”. Details will be posted on bulletin
boards and the website.
The Ignatian Way in the Year of Mercy
All are welcome to come and share your reflections on the journey with Fr. Bob and others in Our Lady’s Chapel (Parish Office
lower level) following Taize Prayer, tomorrow, March 7.
Lenten Reflections on Laudato Si':
On Care for Our Common Home
This Sunday, March 6, 6:30-7:45 pm, in the Choir/Media Room
Light refreshments will be served.
Join us for an evening of reflection with Columban Father Sean
McDonough. Fr. Sean is one of the foremost Catholic proponents of ecological awareness who contributed as a consultant to
the drafting of Laudato Si’. Fr. Sean will be discussing his new
book on the encyclical. This event is organized in collaboration
with the Global Catholic Climate Movement. For further information contact: Kathy Maher at or
Christina Leaño at
Foundations of Ignatian Prayer
Parish Spring Day of Renewal
Foundations of Ignatian Prayer continues this Sunday, March 6,
at 3:30pm in the Lannon Chapel. Have you ever considered making the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius? Join us as the Ignatian
Team leads us in "The Lived Experience: Spiritual Direction and
the Spiritual Exercises". This program is open to all parishioners.
Spring is around the corner, so save the date for Saturday, April
23 for the Parish Spring Day of Renewal: For the Beauty of the
Earth. Come for prayer and reflection on "Laudato Si': On Care
of Our Common Home". Cost for the day is $40 and will be held
at St. Joseph Retreat House in Milton. Slots are limited, so registration will be first come, first reserved. For informational flyer,
and to reserve a space, please email Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life
Coordinator at
Pastoral Transition Team Invites Conversation
Would your group like to invite a St. Ignatius Transition Team
member to have a conversation with you?
The Transition Team was formed last December and is planning
opportunities for parishioners to express their gratitude and say
good-bye to Fr. Bob and Fr. J.A., as well as to welcome and get to
know our new pastor, Fr. Joe Costantino. We would like to make
ourselves available to dialogue with parish groups -- to answer
questions, hear suggestions, and share thoughts. If you would
like to host a gathering at your house, on the BC or St. Ignatius
campus, or other mutually agreeable location, we would be happy to schedule a meeting with you. Interested? Please email
Amanda Green,, with:
Proposed date and location
Number of people in your gathering
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Amanda Green (Vice-Chair Parish Council and Chair of Transition Team)
Denny Martin (Parish Council)
Paul Melley (Staff)
Michael Burgo (Staff)
Peter Levangie (Finance Council)
Santiago Alfonzo (Parish Council)
Frank Faggiano (Parish Council)
Catherine Downing (Parish Council)
Meet with Transition Team members after Mass
On the weekends of March 5/6 and on March 13, members of
the St. Ignatius Transition Team are looking forward to having a
conversation with any members of the parish who are interested
in dialoguing about our transition from the pastoral leadership
of Frs. Bob and JA to that of Fr. Joe Costantino. There are some
things the Team knows about our current and future state, yet
there is much we don’t know. Members of the Transition Team
would like to share with you what we have learned so far and
what we are discussing, and we’d like to hear your thoughts and
suggestions regarding transitions both now and in the days and
weeks to come. Pairs of Transition Team members will be available to talk with you after these Masses:
Sunday, March 6th, 8 AM, Lannon Chapel
Sunday, March 6th, 10 AM Lannon Chapel
Sunday, March 6th, 5:30 PM, Upper Church
Sunday, March 13th, 8 AM, Upper Church
Sunday, March 13th, 10 AM, Upper Church
Sunday, March 13th, 12 PM, Upper Church
We look forward to discussing our shared future with you.
First Reconciliation will be Sunday, March 13th during both
Family Masses. Please join us in praying for the 79 young parishioners who will be sharing in this sacrament for the first time.
Outreach Ministries
Socks, Flip-Flops and Gift Cards for BHCHP: This year,
we’re collecting new white socks, new shower flip-flops
and $5 CVS, McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards that the Boston Health
Care for the Homeless Street Team will
give to its patients. Collection boxes,
in the Lannon Chapel and by the Outreach table, will be in place until
March 20.
Fourth Week of Lent: Hungering to Learn We journey
with CRS Rice Bowl to the Central American country of Honduras, where we
meet students who are learning that it’s
better to help your neighbor learn and
grow than to leave him or her behind. To
whom are we called to extend a hand this week? Visit for more.
Registration is Open for the May 1 Project Bread Walk for
Hunger. Go to and link to
Walk for Hunger. TEAM IGNATIUS is set up
and ready for members. Changes to the Walk
include a new route (10 miles instead of 20) and a
5K Run. In this Year of Mercy, you can help feed
the hungry in a very concrete way.
Habitat Build: This weekend, members of our faith communi-
ty once again supported Habitat
for Humanity Greater Boston in
its mission to provide affordable
housing for deserving families
by spending Saturday working
at a Habitat site in a Boston
Blessing of Easter Foods: We will celebrate the Blessing of
Easter Foods on Holy Saturday
morning, March 26, at 11AM,
in the Parish Center/Rectory Chapel (lower level). Many families
begin their Easter celebration with this custom. Perhaps you
would like to start this tradition (or continue it) in your family.
Rite of Acceptance
Welcome to Justin and Liz who celebrate the Rite of Acceptance
this weekend. They will now join several others who are preparing to be baptized next year. The Rite of Acceptance comes at a
point when the catechumen reaches a decision that they would
like to receive preparation for Baptism. They publicly express
this desire before the whole parish community and the community commits to supporting them on their journey.
The Ignatian Way in the Year of Mercy
From Advent to Pentecost - A Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola
El Camino Ignaciano en el Año de la Misericordia,
Del Adviento a Pentecostés - Una Jornada con San
Ignacio de Loyola
Lent, Scripture
Cuaresma, Escritura
While he was still a long way off,
his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion.
He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.
His son said to him,
‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you;
I no longer deserve to be called your son.’
But his father ordered his servants,
‘Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him;
put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Take the fattened calf and slaughter it.
Then let us celebrate with a feast,
because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again;
he was lost, and has been found.’
Is there a Gospel reading that better captures the essence of this
“Year of Mercy”? The prodigal father does not judge or reprimand his son. He doesn’t give him a “penance”. Rather he
throws him a party! It is this kind of unconditional love that
Pope Francis prays that we experience.
The Life of Ignatius
The prodigal, unconditional love of God for Ignatius was at the
heart of his religious transformation. Although he saw himself as
the younger son who had squandered his inheritance and felt
that he had to live a life of penance for his sins, God revealed
himself to Ignatius as a patient and merciful father who only
wanted a return of his love.
Question for Reflection
Do I believe that God loves me unconditionally? Do I believe that
God does not judge or reproach me for my sinfulness? Do I really
believe that God would rather “throw me a party’ rather than
give me a penance?
Video Reflection, For the Greater Glory
As you reflect on this question, you are invited to review For The
Greater Glory, the dance/theater piece on the Spiritual Exercises, created by Fr. Bob. Return to the meditations of the first week
of the Exercises. Review the story of the Prodigal followed by the
song “You’ve Searched Me”. You can access the video at or
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Summer Service Trips for Students
If you are a Middle School or High School student you are invited to participate in our summer service opportunities this year.
Our summer service trips include trip to Camden New Jersey,
Port Au Prince Haiti, and around Boston. If this is of interest to
you and your family, please contact Anabella Morabito at for more information and registration.
Lenten FoodFast
All middle and high school students are invited to a Lenten reflection on food justice. FoodFAST is a program created by
Catholic Relief Services to get youth thinking about the challenges of hunger at a local and global level. The FoodFAST will be
held Friday, March 18, at 5:30pm in the lower garden level of the
Parish Office. Please contact Anabella Morabito at or 617-552-6103 for questions or to RSVP.
Enseguida se puso en camino hacia la casa de su padre. Estaba
todavía lejos, cuando su padre lo vio y se enterneció profundamente. Corrió hacia él, y echándole los brazos al cuello, lo cubrió
de besos. El muchacho le dijo: 'Padre, he pecado contra el cielo y
contra ti; ya no merezco llamarme hijo tuyo'.
Pero el padre les dijo a sus criados: '¡Pronto!, traigan la túnica
más rica y vístansela; pónganle un anillo en el dedo y sandalias
en los pies; traigan el becerro gordo y mátenlo. Comamos y
hagamos una fiesta, porque este hijo mío estaba muerto y ha
vuelto a la vida, estaba perdido y lo hemos encontrado'. Y empezó el banquete.
¿Hay una lectura en los evangelios que capta mejor la esencia de
este Año de Misericordia? El padre pródigo no lo juzga o regaña
a su hijo. No le da una penitencia. Sin embargo le prepara una
fiesta para el. Este es el tipo del amor sin condiciones que Papa
Francisco espera que experimentemos.
La Vida Ignaciana
El amor de Dios prodigo y sin condiciones está al centro de su
transformación religiosa. Aunque se vio como el hijo menor que
había malgastado su herencia y sintió que tuvo que vivir una vida
de penitencia a causa de sus pecados, Dios se le reveló a Ignacio
como un padre paciente y misericordioso que solo quería que
devuelva su amor.
Pregunta para reflexión
¿Creo yo que Dios me ama sin condiciones? ¿Creo que Dios no
quiere juzgar o regañarme por mis pecados? ¿Creo que Dios prefería preparar una fiesta para mi más que darme una penitencia?
Reflexión sobre Video, Para la Mayor Gloria de Dios
Mientras meditas sobre estas preguntas, estás invitado a ver Para
La Mayor Gloria de Dios, un espectáculo de teatro y baile creado
por el Padre Bob. Revisa las meditaciones de la primera Semana
especialmente la del hijo prodigo y la canción. You Search Me.
Para acceder al video, visita o
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St. Ignatius Women’s Retreat
The 8th Annual St. Ignatius Women’s Retreat will be held April
29 – May 1st at the Connors Retreat Center in Dover, MA. Treat
yourself to a weekend of prayer, quiet reflection, and conversation with other women of the parish at this beautiful location.
The theme of the retreat is: “Eastering in the Garden”, and our
director will be Dixie Burden, who is known to many of us
through her years as a staff member at Eastern Point Retreat
House in Gloucester. The cost for the weekend is $290. A deposit of $100 is due at the time of registration.
For more information or to register, please contact:
Mary Dailey, 617-332-6987,
Martha Sullivan, 508-668-7268,
Celebrate Father Bob
Let’s celebrate Fr. Bob and his time at St. Ignatius. Here are some
important dates to note and ways to say thank you to Fr. Bob for
his service to our parish community:
Attend Mass with Fr. Bob and Fr. JA
May 14 and May 15 - Fr. Bob will celebrate at all the upstairs Masses,
and Fr. JA will preside over the masses in the Lannon Chapel.
May 21 and May 22 Fr. JA will celebrate all upstairs masses and Fr. Bob
will preside at the Lannon Chapel masses.
Tent Farewell
May 14 and May 15 - Join a parish-wide tent celebration after every
weekend mass. Lots of fun, food, friends and opportunity to say thank
you to both Fr. Bob and Fr. JA.
Support the Fr. Bob Legacy Fund
Make a gift to the Fund
Support and attend the April 30 Fr. Bob Legacy Fund Reception
Please visit for details.
Diocesan Appeal
This week, Catholics across the Archdiocese are invited to pledge
their support to the ministries funded by the Catholic Appeal. If
you were unable to make your pledge at Mass, please take a
pledge form from the back of the church or pledge online at Thank you for your prayers for a
successful Catholic Appeal.
Music Ministry Spotlight
The Youth Choir and Family Mass Music Ministry
If you have ever ventured into the lower church early on a Sunday morning, you have no doubt heard the strains of guitar, piano, possibly drums, and, above all, an enthusiastic group of
singers known as “The Youth Choir.” Upbeat and easily singable
music is a central part of the Family Mass liturgy and The Youth
Choir has been leading the Family Mass community in song for
many years. Starting out as a small group of Middle and High
School aged students, it has expanded in recent years to an exciting multi-generational ensemble
The Youth Choir gathers at 9:00 on Sundays throughout the
school year for a one-hour rehearsal before Family Mass at
10:00. The group is led and accompanied by Mickey Zibello on
guitar and features professional piano accompaniment as well as
an assortment of volunteer instrumentalists. The music draws
chiefly from the contemporary liturgical music collection Spirit
and Song, as well as from the Gather hymnal. Many members of
the ensemble are Family Mass parishioners themselves, but all
singers and musicians in 7th grade and beyond are welcome!
The Youth Choir is always seeking new members. If you love
music and would like an easy and fun way to share your gifts
with the St. Ignatius community, the Family Mass Youth Choir
may be the group for you! Contact Mickey Zibello at or stop by and see him in the Lannon Chapel
most any Sunday.
Opportunity for the Right Candidate! Will It Be You?
Campion Health Center, a 70 bed skilled nursing facility and rest home
serving Jesuit priests, currently has staff positions available for RN’s,
LPN’s and CNA’s eager to work with an inspirational population of
retired academicians, philosophers, missionaries and theologians who
have committed their lives to serving others. We are recruiting per
diem for all shifts. Our unique facility offers state-of-the-art equipment,
a realistic nurse to patient ratio, competitive salaries, free parking,
on-site dining facility and much more.
Three ways to apply: Email, Fax or Mail your resume today. You
will be glad you did! Email:,
Fax: 781-788-6890, Mail: Cheryl Wright, Campion Center,
319 Concord Road, Weston, MA 02493.
Annual Knights of Columbus Yard Sale
The Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Parish in Newton Centre
is accepting donation for their annual Yard Sale to be held in
May. They accept most household items, electronics, furniture,
clothes and any other item you feel might be a good selling item
for a yard sale. They will pickup or you may bring items to them.
For further information or for questions or pickup, call Bob - 617
332 1263 in the evenings. Thank-you.
St. Ignatius Pledge Program
On the Pledge and need to update your card information? Donations made by parishioners who participate in the Pledge Program account for 60% of the annual budget needs of $1.5 m. To
date, 25% of our parishioners participate in the program. Our
goal is to have all members consider making a pledge, however
big or small, in order to help us maintain both our programs and
building. Recently we’ve been able to assist parishioners who
realized their monthly or weekly automatic contributions had
stopped. Many of these changes were due to expired or changed
cards. If you think the credit card or bank information we have
on file is no longer current, please contact Kyle Crosby at 617552-6119 or As always, we are grateful for
your support.
BC Corner
Evangelization in Latino/a Culture, Can Pope Francis
March 24, 2016 | Lecture
Presenter: Rafael Luciani, Fellow
Office of the President
Location/Time: Gasson Hall 100, 5:00 p.m.
Latin American Intellectual Roots of Pope Francis’
April 4, 2016 | Lecture
Presenter: Fr. Carlo María Galli
Location/Time: Brighton Campus,
Cadigan Center Atrium, 6:00 p.m.
The Challenge of Interreligious Dialogue in the Age of
Laudato Si
April 7, 2016 | Brien O’Brien and
Mary Hasten Lecture
Presenter: Mary Evelyn Tucker
Location/Time: Heights Room,
Corcoran Commons, 5:00 p.m.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467
Phone: 617-552-6100 ! Fax: 617-552-6101 ! Email: !
The Parish Staff
Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, S.J., Pastor
Rev. John Allan Loftus, S.J., Associate
Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison
Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry
Timothy Zimmerman, Organist, Associate Director of Music
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach
Susan Stuart, Director of Faith Formation
Anabella Morabito, Associate Dir. of Faith Formation
Diana Gaillardetz, Adult Faith Formation, RCIA
Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant
Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator
Kyle Crosby, Database Manager
Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair
Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member
Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member
Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member
The Celebration of the Eucharist
The Sacraments
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)
12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of
Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.
Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Lower Church: Fridays, 12:45 p.m. Adoration
First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in
grade two.
Lower Church: 9 a.m.
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)
Confirmation: Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine. Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults who have
been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.
Matrimony: Couples must be registered as a parishioners six months
prior to beginning marriage arrangements.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by arrangement
Anointing of the Sick: By arrangement