March 13 — The Fifth Sunday in Lent


March 13 — The Fifth Sunday in Lent

The Readings for the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord: Is 50:4-7 !

Phil 2:6-11 !

Lu 22:14-23:56





































Please pray for:

Sunday, March 13

Joan Griffin 8:00 a.m.

Robert Crossen (Lower Chapel) 8:00 a.m.

Margaret Singleton 10:00 a.m.

Pedro Abadia 12:00 p.m.

Mary Dafarra 5:30 p.m.

Monday, March 14

Paul J. McNamara 12:15 p.m.

Tuesday, March 15

Robert O’Brien 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 17

Winnie Breathney 12:15 p.m.

Paul J. McNamara and Caryl Plunkett 5:30 p.m.

Friday, March 18

Sr. Marie Carmel, S.N.D 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 19

Rev. Ronald Boccieri 9:00 a.m.

Sheila Dunn Feitelberg 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 20

Marie Maloney 8:00 a.m.

Richard Miller 10:00 a.m.

Ann M. Pezze 12:00 p.m.

James C. Bowdring 5:30 p.m.





















Holy Week Schedule

Holy Thursday:

8:00 pm Mass, Upper Church no 12:15 or 5:30 pm Mass

Good Friday:

12:00 pm Way of the Cross for Families (Carol Choir, Cantor,

Liturgical Dancers), Upper Church

3:00 pm Stations of the Cross (Cantor, Organ, Liturgical Dancers), Upper Church

5:30 pm Stations of the Cross, Spanish, Upper Church

Holy Saturday:

11:00 am Blessing of Easter Food, Parish Office Garden Level no 4:00 pm Mass

8:00 pm Easter Vigil, Upper Church

Easter Sunday:

8:00 am Mass, Upper Church

8:30 am Family Mass, Lower Church

10:00 am Mass, Upper Church

10:15 am Family Mass, Lower Church

12:00 pm Mass (English), Upper Church

12:00 pm Mass (Spanish) Lower Church no 5:30 Mass

Lenten Art & Environment:

This Lenten season we are invited to enter more deeply into our identity as a Jesuit parish. As we journey together towards the gift of new life in Easter, we take the time to meditate on the signs and symbols, grace and gifts that express the Holy Ground of this parish community. We ask ourselves the question, “What are my favorite things about belonging to a parish informed by

Ignatian Spirituality and the Spiritual Exercises?”

Lenten Wellness Program with Rita Beckman, Bernadine

Chan and Maria Sullivan

Saturday, March 19

9:00-10:00 a.m.

Garden Level of the Parish Office

God created us as embodied creatures. Massage therapy and

Reiki are two wellness modalities that invite us to befriend our bodies either through touch and/or through energy work. Come explore how massage and Reiki can be incorporated into your spiritual practice. In this session, you will first be led through a practice of self-massage that includes a meditation of the body.

There will also be an opportunity to receive/learn how to give massage and also opportunity to receive prayerful Reiki.

Rita Beckm an is a Nurse Practitioner and Reiki Master, meditates daily, and regularly provides treatment and facilitates Reiki clinics.

Bernardine Chan is an educator, massage therapist, and spiritual director. She is a licensed massage therapist and views her work as a way to be a listening and caring presence to others.

M aria Sullivan has been a Reiki Practitioner for five years. In addition to her private practice, she is a Reiki volunteer for hospice patients.

We invite you to take some time and reflect on the signs and symbols in front of the ambo. Right before your very eyes are some of the symbols of our favorite things as a parish community. There is the cross that is carried in procession on Good Friday. There are wheat and grapes, the sign of our Eucharistic community. There are copies of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius which have become the ground of the parish’s spirituality.

There is even a pair of ballet slippers symbolizing the way this community has prayed through movement and dance. The multi-colored cloth symbolizes who we are as a diverse community, especially with the advent of our Latino Community. There are brown paper packages tied up in string that could be a symbol of the unknown gift of the future our God has for designed for us.

And of course, the shepherd staff symbolizing one of our favorite pieces of liturgical music, Shepherd Me, O God.

In this Lenten season, let us open ourselves to our Shepherding

God, who is leading and guiding us into new pastures, new hopes and dreams leading us beyond our wants, beyond our fears, from death into life.

Lenten Taize Prayer

On the next Monday of Lent (March 14) at 7:15 pm, we will celebrate communal reconciliation with an opportunity for individual confessions in the Lannon Chapel. On Monday of Holy

Week, the Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble, with Fr. Bob, will lead our prayer in the upper church, “What Wondrous Love”.

Faith Formation News

First Reconciliation

Please join us in celebrating the young members of our parish who will be receiving the Sacrament of God's mercy and forgiveness for the first time this weekend. A reception is being held after both of the Family Masses in the Friary Room.

Meeting the Faith Formation needs of all of our young parishioners

Parishioners have begun to meet to discuss how best to serve the faith formation needs of our young parishioners with differing abilities. We are currently gathering information to discern our next steps. We will be sharing our ideas along the way, but feel free to contact Susan Stuart if you would like more information.


Last weekend, the Spring Confirmation Retreat was held and many retreatants called it "the best retreat so far!" As a parish we owe a debt of gratitude and praise to the 16 high school retreat leaders who spent countless hours preparing to make this such an amazing retreat. Among their many responsibilities, the leaders prepare powerful talks that connect their personal faith experiences with themes of coming to know and understand God and

Jesus. Many a reluctant freshman or sophomore left the retreat saying they did not know it could be so much fun to talk about

God and their faith! A special thank you to Anabella Morabito,

Associate Director of Faith Formation, on an outstanding job steering our Confirmation Program into such a positive and influential direction for our parish this year.

If you are making your Confirmation this year, we need a copy of your Baptismal and First Communion certificate if we do not have it already. We also need the Confirmation name you have chosen and your Sponsor's name. Please share this information with Anabella Morabito as soon as possible.

Lenten FoodFast

All middle and high school students are invited to a Lenten reflection on food justice. FoodFAST is a program created by

Catholic Relief Services to get youth thinking about the challenges of hunger at a local and global level. The FoodFAST will be held Friday, March 18, at 5:30pm in the lower garden level of the

Parish Office. Please contact Anabella Morabito at or 617-552-6103 for questions or to RSVP.

Summer Service Trips for Students

If you are a Middle School or High School student, you are invited to participate in our summer service opportunities this year.

Our summer service trips include trip to Camden New Jersey,

Port Au Prince Haiti, and around Boston. If this is of interest to you and your family, please contact Anabella Morabito at for more information and registration.

Chorale Concert this Weekend

“The Revelations of Divine Love” by Carson Cooman will be performed by the Commonwealth Chorale (formerly Newton Choral Society) this weekend, Sunday, March 13 at 3 pm at the

Church of the Holy Name, 1689 Centre Street, West Roxbury.

Especially appropriate for Lent, this beautiful and meditative piece is based on the writings of Julian of Norwich. Tickets are

$30 ($25 student/senior) and can be purchased at the door or online at

Parish Spring Day of Renewal

Spring is around the corner, so save the date for Saturday, April

23 for the Parish Spring Day of Renewal: For the Beauty of the

Earth. Come for prayer and reflection on "Laudato Si': On Care of Our Common Home". Cost for the day is $40 and will be held at St. Joseph Retreat House in Milton. Slots are limited, so registration will be first come, first reserved. For informational flyer, and to reserve a space, please email Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life

Coordinator at

Pastoral Transition Team Invites Conversation

Would your group like to invite a St. Ignatius Transition Team member to have a conversation with you?

The Transition Team was formed last December and is planning opportunities for parishioners to express their gratitude and say good-bye to Fr. Bob and Fr. J.A., as well as to welcome and get to know our new pastor, Fr. Joe Costantino. We would like to make ourselves available to dialogue with parish groups -- to answer questions, hear suggestions, and share thoughts. If you would like to host a gathering at your house, on the BC or St. Ignatius campus, or other mutually agreeable location, we would be happy to schedule a meeting with you. Interested? Please email

Amanda Green,, with:

• Proposed date and location

• Number of people in your gathering

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Amanda Green (Vice-Chair Parish Council and Chair of Transition Team)

Denny Martin (Parish Council), Paul Melley (Staff), Michael

Burgo (Staff), Peter Levangie (Finance Council), Santiago Alfonzo (Parish Council), Frank Faggiano (Parish Council)

Catherine Downing (Parish Council)

Meet with Transition Team members after Mass

On the weekend of March 13, members of the St. Ignatius Transition Team are looking forward to having a conversation with any members of the parish who are interested in dialoguing about our transition from the pastoral leadership of Frs. Bob and

JA to that of Fr. Joe Costantino. There are some things the Team knows about our current and future state, yet there is much we don’t know. Members of the Transition Team would like to share with you what we have learned so far and what we are discussing, and we’d like to hear your thoughts and suggestions regarding transitions both now and in the days and weeks to come. Pairs of Transition Team members will be available to talk with you after these Masses:

Sunday, March 13

Sunday, March 13

Sunday, March 13 th th th

, 8 AM, Upper Church

, 10 AM, Upper Church

, 12 PM, Upper Church

St. Ignatius Pledge Program

On the Pledge and need to update your card information? Donations made by parishioners who participate in the Pledge Program account for 60% of the annual budget needs of $1.5 m. To date, 25% of our parishioners participate in the program. Our goal is to have all members consider making a pledge in order to help us maintain both our programs and building. Recently we’ve been able to assist parishioners who realized their monthly or weekly automatic contributions had stopped. Many of these changes were due to expired or changed cards. If you think the credit card or bank information we have on file is no longer current, please contact Kyle Crosby at 617-552-6119 or As always, we are grateful for your support.

Outreach Ministries

Socks, Flip-Flops and Gift Cards for

BHCHP: This year, we’re collecting new white socks, new shower flip-flops and $5 CVS, McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards that the

Boston Health Care for the

Homeless Street Team will give to its patients. Collection boxes, in the Lannon

Chapel and by the Outreach table, will be in place until March 20.

Fifth Week of Lent: Hungering to Grow a New Tomorrow. This week’s CRS Rice Bowl country is the island nation of

Madagascar, where we’re reminded of the important role farmers play in caring for

God’s creation. As we prepare our meals throughout the week, let us reflect on where our food comes from— and what role we can play in caring for our environment. Visit for more.

Registration is Open for the May 1 Project Bread Walk for

Hunger. Go to and link to Walk for Hunger. TEAM IGNA-

TIUS is set up and ready for members.

Changes to the Walk include a new route

(10 miles instead of 20) or a 5K Run. In this Year of Mercy, you can help feed the hungry in a very concrete way.

Blessing of Easter Foods: We will celebrate the

Blessing of Easter Foods on Holy

Saturday morning, March 26, at

11AM, in the Parish Center/Rectory lower level. Many families begin their celebration of Easter with this custom. Perhaps you would like to start this tradition (or continue it) in your family.

St. Ignatius Women’s Retreat

The 8 th

Annual St. Ignatius Women’s Retreat will be held April

29 – May 1 st

at the Connors Retreat Center in Dover, MA. Treat yourself to a weekend of prayer, quiet reflection, and conversation with other women of the parish at this beautiful location.

The theme of the retreat is: “Eastering in the Garden”, and our director will be Dixie Burden, who is known to many of us through her years as a staff member at Eastern Point Retreat

House in Gloucester. The cost for the weekend is $290. A deposit of $100 is due at the time of registration.

For more information or to register, please contact:

Mary Dailey, 617-332-6987,

Martha Sullivan, 508-668-7268,

Rite of Acceptance

Welcome to Liz O'Brien and Justin Woolf-Sullivan - our new

Catechumens! Liz and Justin took the first step on the RCIA journey in conversation and conversion when they participated in the Rite of Acceptance this weekend. This Rite celebrates their openness to God and their desire to grow in faith. Please pray for Justin and Liz and the other RCIA catechumens and candidates as they discover the love of Christ within our community.

Celebrate Father Bob

Let’s celebrate Fr. Bob and his time at St. Ignatius. Here are some important dates to note and ways to say thank you to Fr. Bob for his service to our parish community:

Attend Mass with Fr. Bob and Fr. JA

May 14 and May 15

May 21 and May 22


Fr. Bob will celebrate at all the upstairs Masses, and Fr. JA will preside over the masses in the Lannon Chapel.

Fr. JA will celebrate all upstairs masses and Fr. Bob will preside at the Lannon Chapel masses.

Tent Farewell

May 14 and May 15 - Join a parish-wide tent celebration after every weekend mass. Lots of fun, food, friends and opportunity to say thank you to both Fr. Bob and Fr. JA.

Support the Fr. Bob Legacy Fund

Make a gift to the Fund

Support and attend the April 30 Fr. Bob Legacy Fund Reception

Please visit for details.

BC Corner

Thy Will Be Done: The Function of Prayer in Mark's


March 15, 2016 | Lecture

Presenter: Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.

Location/Time: Heights Room

Corcoran Commons, 5:30 P.M.

Evangelization in Latino/a Culture, Can Pope Francis


March 24, 2016 | Lecture

Presenter: Rafael Luciani, Fellow

Office of the President

Location/Time: Gasson Hall 100, 5:00 p.m.

Latin American Intellectual Roots of Pope Francis’


April 4, 2016 | Lecture

Presenter: Fr. Carlo María Galli

Location/Time: Brighton Campus,

Cadigan Center Atrium, 6:00 p.m.

The Challenge of Interreligious Dialogue in the Age of

Laudato Si

April 7, 2016 | Brien O’Brien and

Mary Hasten Lecture

Presenter: Mary Evelyn Tucker

Location/Time: Heights Room,

Corcoran Commons, 5:00 p.m.

The Ignatian Way in the Year of Mercy

From Advent to Pentecost - A Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola

Lent, Scripture

Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new!

Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

For his sake I have accepted the loss of all things and I consider them so much rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him,


Sometimes it’s very difficult to discern where God is in the events of our lives, especially the ones that are painful and costly. How do we find God doing something “new” when we are at a loss to understand what’s happening in our lives?

Isn’t Jesus always the answer to the confusion that comes from loss? Certainly for St. Paul he was. Nothing else mattered to him other than knowing Christ Jesus and being found in him.

The Life of Ignatius

Certainly Ignatius could echo the sentiments of Isaiah and St.

Paul. Ignatius could never have dreamed what God had in store for him and his least society that would flourish in countless ways for hundreds of years.

For Ignatius, the only name that he wanted for his least society was the Company of Jesus. At the heart of his vocation was the person of Jesus and that is why he saw no other way of naming this new religious order. Like St. Paul, he considered all as “rubbish” in comparison with what he had received from Jesus


Question for Reflection

Am I open to God doing something new in me? How do I hold on in times of loss and confusion? Do I like St. Paul and Ignatius find “all that I need” in the person of Jesus?

Video Reflection, For the Greater Glory

As you reflect on this question, you are invited to review For The

Greater Glory, the dance/theater piece on the Spiritual Exercises, created by Fr. Bob. Review the second week for the last time.

You can access the video at or





















March 13 ~ Fifth Sunday of Lent

In Isaiah the Lord tells us, “See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” For some people, speaking about their faith and the importance of prayer and sacraments in their life is new. It can be difficult. It takes practice. It is worth the effort. Saint Paul’s goal and the goal he encourages the Philippians to adopt should be our goal as well:

“I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God’s upward calling, in Christ Jesus”. That’s our goal: living our lives rooted in Christ Jesus, who is full of mercy and forgiveness.

Continue to pray for the Catechumens who celebrate the third scrutiny today on their journey to the saving waters of Baptism.

El Camino Ignaciano en el Año de la Misericordia,

Del Adviento a Pentecostés - Una Jornada con San

Ignacio de Loyola

Cuaresma, Escritura

No recuerden lo pasado ni piensen en lo antiguo; yo voy a realizar algo nuevo.

Ya está brotando. ¿No lo notan?

Voy a abrir caminos en el desierto y haré que corran los ríos en la tierra árida.

Todo lo que era valioso para mí, lo consideré sin valor a causa de

Cristo. Más aún pienso que nada vale la pena en comparación con el bien supremo, que consiste en conocer a Cristo Jesús, mi

Señor, por cuyo amor he renunciado a todo, y todo lo considero como basura, con tal de ganar a Cristo y de estar unido a él.


Algunas veces nos cuesta trabajo discernir dónde está Dios en los eventos de nuestras vidas, especialmente en los eventos dolorosos. ¿Cómo podemos encontrar a Dios haciendo algo nuevo cuando no podemos entender la razón por la que algo nos ocurre?

¿No es Jesús siempre la respuesta a la confusión que sentimos cuando sufrimos una pérdida? Ciertamente para San Pablo,

Cristo lo era todo. No le importaba más nada, excepto conocer a

Cristo Jesús y encontrarse en él.

La Vida Ignaciana

Ciertamente Ignacio hubiera entendido los sentimientos del profeta Isaías y San Pablo. Ignacio nunca se hubiera imaginado lo que Dios tenía planeado para él y su Compañía, que iba a florecer de muchísimas maneras durante siglos.

Para Ignacio el único nombre que quería para su nueva comunidad era la Compañía de Jesús. Al corazón de su vocación siempre estuvo la persona de Jesús y por eso no veía ninguna otra manera de nombrar su nueva comunidad. Como San Pablo, lo consideraba todo como basura, con tal de ganar a Cristo y de estar unido a él.

Pregunta para reflexión

¿Estoy abierto a la experiencia de Dios haciendo algo nuevo en mí? ¿Cómo resisto en los tiempos de pérdida y confusión? ¿Es posible que como San Pablo y San Ignacio encuentro todo lo que necesito en la persona de Jesús?

Reflexión sobre Video, Para la Mayor Gloria de Dios

Mientras meditas sobre estas preguntas, estás invitado a ver Para

La Mayor Gloria de Dios , un espectáculo de teatro y baile creado por el Padre Bob. Revisa la segunda semana por la última vez.

Para acceder al video, visita o

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

28 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467

Phone: 617-552-6100 !

Fax: 617-552-6101 !

Email: !

The Parish Staff

Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke, S.J., Pastor

Rev. John Allan Loftus, S.J., Associate

Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, BC Liaison




Michael Burgo, Director of Music Ministry

Timothy Zimmerman, Organist, Associate Director of Music

Sr. Diane Vallerio,

Susan Stuart,

MFIC, Director of Outreach

Director of Faith Formation

Anabella Morabito, Associate Dir. of Faith Formation

Diana Gaillardetz , Adult Faith Formation, RCIA

Reenie Murphy, Parish Administrative Assistant

Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life Coordinator

Kyle Crosby, Database Manager






617-552-6103 617-552-6102 617-552-6112 617-552-6119

Kathy Maher, CAP Team Member, Chair

Rev. John Allan Loftus, SJ, CAP Team Member

Marc Gervais, CAP Team Member

Mary Santapaula, CAP Team Member

The Celebration of the Eucharist


Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 Noon, 5:30 p.m.

Lower Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (Family Liturgy)

12 Noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon


Lower Church: 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Mass

Lower Church: Fridays, 12:45 p.m. Adoration

The Sacraments


Lower Church: 9 a.m.

Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil)

Baptism: Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of

Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement.

First Eucharist: Preparation begins in grade one and includes classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.


Our Confirmation program begins in grade nine. Students are confirmed in the spring of grade ten. Young adults who have been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the parish office for an alternative program.

Matrimony: Couples must be registered as a parishioners six months prior to beginning marriage arrangements.


Saturdays, 3:15–3:45 p.m., Upper Church or by arrangement

Anointing of the Sick:

By arrangement
