SI 335 Spring 2012: Project 7 Coversheet Your name: Due: Monday, 30 April, before class Instructions: Review the course honor policy for projects. In particular remember that absolutely no written collaboration is permitted. Fill out the left column only in the table to the right (“selfassessment”), as well as the questions below, and attach this page to the front of your project before submitting. Only fill out the self-assessment for the parts that you actually completed. Make sure all parts are submitted IN ORDER. For each part of each problem, give yourself a score on how confident you are that your solution is correct, and how clear you were in presenting your solution. • 5 (Very confident): Correct and clear solution • 4 (Moderately confident): Mostly correct and clear • 3 (Somewhat confident): Some flaws • 2 (Little confidence): Some parts correct • 1 (No confidence): Not much progress • 0 (Nothing of value to show) Problem Self-assessment 1(a) 1(b) 1(c) 1(d) 1(e) 1(f) What did you learn the most from? 1(g) 2(a) What would you change about this project? 2(b) 2(c) Any comments or suggestions for the instructor? 2(d) 2(e) Classmates you discussed the project with: 2(f) 2(g) Other sources of collaboration besides the textbook and course notes (i.e., web sites): Final assessment