Document 11163667

Academic engagement and
research strategies
Victoria Lain
17 September 2013
Strategic Research Priorities
Four key research questions as identified by the Executive Team that The
National Archives want answered by 2013:
• What is the nature of the digital archival record?
• Has digital changed the needs, expectations and nature of research
and user behaviour?
• How can we develop and exploit digital information extraction tools
to help support digital selection and digital sensitivity review?
• Can we develop Open Data models to provide better-quality,
authentic and trusted data for use and re-use?
Organisational Research Priorities
Key priorities for each department across The National Archives:
• Supporting Government data and policy
• Access, use and the user
• Digital information management
• Leading the archive and information sector
• Caring for collections
Historical Research Priorities
The historical research priorities were produced by the records specialists
in the Advice and Records Knowledge to guide our involvement in
collaborative projects and studentships.
• Modern and contemporary
• Early Modern
• Medieval
• Legal
• Maps and photos
Academic Engagement Strategy
• The work we undertake at The National Archives on research and
collections is underpinned by our academic strategy.
• Last version dates from 2010
• We would welcome wider input to help us focus on areas of importance
to academics and researchers.
Academic Engagement Strategy
• What the academic community needs from The National Archives
• What the academic community needs from academic liaison
• What services researchers would like to see offered by The National
Academic Engagement Strategy