MATH 141/142 C - Summer 2011 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry

MATH 141/142 C - Summer 2011
Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Instructor: Brian Estervig
Office: Carver 451
Class: MTWRF 2:30-4:40 in Carver 0124
Office Hours: M 4:40-5:40
T 11:00-11:50
W 12:00-1:00
F 1:00-2:00 or by appointment
(seriously, e-mail me)
Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry by Michael Sullivan, 8th edition.
Note: You will also need a MyMathLab access code. This comes with your book if you buy it
new. If you buy your book used then you will have to purchase the access code separately. You can
either do this at the bookstore of online at
The course ID for this course is estervig51003
Course Webpage:
Check this page frequently. This is where announcements, homework assignments, and other important information will be posted. There is also a course page on Blackboard where your grades will
be posted.
Course Outline: In this course we will cover most of chapters 7-11 in Algebra and Trigonometry
including trigonometric functions and their inverses, solving triangles, trigonometric identities and
equations, graphing, polar coordinates, complex numbers, conic sections, and parametric equations.
Homework: There will be two forms of graded homework in this class, some using the online program
MyMathLab and some to be turned in during class on paper. A MyMathLab assignment will be due
each evening Monday-Thursday at 11:59pm. The assignments to hand in will be due at the beginning
of class every Tuesday and Thursday. At the end of the semester the 4 lowest online homework scores
and the 2 lowest turned in homework scores will be dropped (i.e. not count towards your grade) so
no late work will be accepted.
Note: Mathematics can only be learned through practice. I almost certainly won’t assign exactly
the right amount of problems for each of you to learn every concept adequately. If you still are
having trouble with a concept after doing the assigned problems come in and ask me some questions.
Then do some more problems.
Staples - Papers with more than one page that are not stapled together will lose 5 points. Paper
”staples” (i.e. folding over the corner and ripping) do not count as a staple.
Project: There will be an in-class project on Wednesday July 20th. This will be a required part
of your grade so you must be in class that day.
Exams: There will be an exam each Friday during class. If you are taking Math 141 then Exam 3
will be your final exam
Plan ahead to be at these exams! No make-up exams will be given without prior notification unless
there was a legitimate emergency.
Assigning Course Grades: The scores from homework, in class work, group project and exams will
be given the following weights to determine your final grade:
In Class Work
10% each
The letter grade will be loosely based on the standard 93-100% is an A, 90-92% is an A-, and so
on. These percentages may move slightly in your favor, but don’t count on a ”curve” for a good
grade. Please be proactive about your grade by coming to talk to me about your concerns as early
as possible.
Extra Credit: There will be two departmental surveys available to take during this class. If you
take both of them you will have an extra 3% added to your final score. You will get the details via
e-mail soon.
Where can I get Help?: There are many resources available to help you with the material in this
course. Take advantage of them! If you are having trouble with the material try the following:
Come to an office hour - Don’t spend hours struggling without getting anywhere. If you are confused come in and ask me questions.
Try some of the MyMathLab help tools - Every problem in MyMathLab has some buttons on
the side listing help options. Try these out! Also you can click on ”Study Plan” to find a full list of
practice problems to try.
Read the section in the book - Textbooks are there for a reason, no matter how dense they may
Did I mention come to an office hour?- I am available more than just my office hours. If you
can’t make them please talk to me and we can figure out a better time.
Disability Accommodations If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact
me early in the session so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You will need to
provide documentation of your disability to the Student Disability Resources (SDR) office, located on
the main floor of the Student Services Building, Room 1076, 515-294-7220.
Changes to Syllabus: There may be minor changes to course policies during the semester. If there
are any changes they will be announced in class and on the course website.