ii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/sequentialbargaiOOyild DEWEY 1 15 H3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series SEQUENTIAL BARGAINING WITHOUT A COMAAON PRIOR ON THE RECOGNITION PROCESS Muhamet Yildiz, MIT Working Paper 01 -43 June 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded witiiout cliarge from tlie Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.coiTiypaper.taf?absti"act id=xxxxx ^ Sequential Bargaining witliout a Common Prior on the Recognition Process Muhamet Yildiz^ MIT June ^This paper my advisor Feinberg, Eric Yale. based on my dissertation, for his Steen, I in and submitted to Stanford Graduate School of Business. especially like to I also I thank thank Chaya Bhuvaneswar, Yossi Kreps, Paul Milgrom, Piero La Mura, Steve Tadehs, Daron Acemoglu and Glenn seminars at BU, Chicago, Harvard, would 2001 guidance and continuous help. Thomas HeUmann, John Kennan, David Van den was presented and is Robert Wilson 2, Ellison for helpful MEDS, MIT, comments. This paper Princeton, Rochester, Stanford, USC, thank the members of these seminars, especially Drew Fudenberg, Bentley MacLeod, and Roger Myerson, for their inspiring comments. Abstract We analyze a sequential bargaining model, where players are allowed to hold different beliefs about which player will make an offer and when. Excessive optimism about making the future can cause a delay in agreement. Despite this, the main result states that, will remain sufficiently optimistic for agree immediately. offers in if players a sufficiently long future, then in equilibrium they will Introduction 1 Considering a strict procedure that determines which player (1972) and Rubinstein (1982) show that, when the delay will reach players will make an is costly, in an agreement immediately. Nevertheless, when there are no such may and when, Stahl offer equilibrium, two players strict procedures, hold any beliefs about the negotiation process, thereby holding any beliefs about what each player about what he will get in case of will get in In this paper, we a delay. In particular, each player case of a delay that they may may be so optimistic not reach an agreement at the beginning. analyze the problem of reaching an agreement in a model that will extends the Rubinstein-Stahl framework, where we will allow players to hold their own (possibly optimistic) beliefs about the recognition process determining which player will when. We take the lack of a common make an offer prior as the only source of the differences in beliefs.' In our model, the recognition process the only source of bargaining power. In equilibrium, is the recognized player at a given date extracts a non-informational rent, as he makes an offer that can be rejected only by destroying power: a player's continuation value when he is is some of the pie. These rents constitute the bargaining the present value of the rents he expects to extract recognized in the future. Therefore, our analysis will help us to explore the broader question of when two rational individuals can reach an agreement even beliefs about which parties will bring which advantages to the table In our model, we have optimism about a date the other player assesses. pI is We the probability player i measure the level of Excessive optimism can cause a delay. To players are trying to divide a dollar, which afterwards. will It is also common knowledge be recognized (and hence Since the dollar is will worth is = only have only one if make an worth zero afterwards, at each gets at least dollar, common knowledge beUefs, as by lack of i = common knowledge plausibility of the 1, is = hy 0, 8 E t yt is = higher than what + p^ — pj will is 6. i where t. where two risk-neutral (1/2, 1) at i = willing to accept Anticipating worth 1, and zero 1, that he 1 independent of recognition at 1 minimum beginning that players (as in — each player dollar. requiring a common knowledge and t recognized at 1 at t offer) at i this, at t = t = 0. any division, 0, each player Thus, they can agree on a division total = 0. amount of 26 > 1. Since they Therefore, in equilibrium, not reach an agreement before i = it is 1. the common-prior assumption holds, then they must hold the shown by Aumann (1976). Hence, the prior (as in Hicks (1932), i is they cannot reach an agreement at at the 'If players' beliefs are same 6, offer) at that each player beheves with probability expects to take the whole dollar next day, which f they keep bargaining. see this, consider the case hence the recognized player takes the whole at make an optimism about assigns to the event that if they hold incompatible whenever each player thinks that the t probability that he will be recognized (and hence will if differences between players' behefs may be caused either Myerson (1979) and Kennan and Wilson, 1993), or by lack of a common Landes (1971), Gould (1973), Posner (1974), and Farber and Bazerman, 1989). For common prior assumption, see Kreps (1990), Aumann (1998) and Gul (1998). main In contrast with this Example, our if result is an Agreement Theorem. It states that, the players will remain sufficiently optimistic for a sufficiently long while, in equilibrium, they will reach an agreement immediately. That the excessive optimism alone cannot be a is, The reason is simple: future will not settle for a small share, even if his reason for a delay in agreement. less if when they wait. Hence, A player is optimistic about the opponent beheves that he would get even opponent recognizes that he his who will remain very optimistic for a very long while, she will lower her expectations. In equilibrium, their expectations will be so low that they will agree immediately. These two seemingly conflicting players will delay the agreement the near future. Particularly, if But the if size of this rent As intuition. in our depends upon players' expectations about the rent at their expectations common results share a Example, they are very optimistic about getting a very high rent in t +1 are high, the rent at t the future. in will be small. If the players will remain sufficiently optimistic for a sufficiently long while, in equilibrium, the rents in the near future will be so small that each player will prefer to agree on opponents his terms rather than waiting and getting these rents. Hence our Agreement Theorem. As our Example indicates, some are excessively optimistic for + until t*. Here, t* Agreement Theorem that the optimism stays this example, in Subsection 3.4 t* in we show that, players if the near future, while they are excessively pessimistic very high while yt'+i 1 (i.e., ii yt' is from trade crucial for our Generahzing high for a long while. for t* it is is very low), then the agreement may be delayed need not be very small: the delay can be so long that almost half the gains is lost.^ In order to cause such a long delay, the change in the level of optimism must also be abrupt. For the special case of transferrable utility and independently-distributed recognition process. Theorem 2 states that they will reach an agreement immediately, so long as the optimism does not drop substantially at any given date low at each t) Theorem , relaxing the hypothesis of our Agreement 2 identifies the Stahl framework. optimism These is It is results also make any offer. by Subsection other hand. This is Theorem — yt+i is sufficiently in this case. assumption behind the immediate agreement result in the Rubinstein- that the level of optimism stays constant - not necessarily that the shed some al, light 1988) and in settle just before the deadline. t*, so long as yt absent. experiments (Roth et to (i.e., level of Hence, if Above, on the deadline some real-world t* may be a the theoretical negotiations, where players commonly hope the players are very optimistic about making the final offer at the deadline, as 2 suggests a further test for our theory: bound observed in some bargaining deadline, after which players do not 3.4, players will settle just before Theorem effect of the length of deterministic delays. agreement depends upon the history, in when When it is observed. the deadhne is On the random people learn from the past, the which case the length of the delay can be unbounded (Example 1). and players can make By must disappear. offers very fast, the deadline effect That implicitly requires that players' beliefs are sufficiently firm. beliefs drastically as they observe who such change of beliefs "learning.") may player, say j, believe that, if If be higher than what would be it gets a chance to a player i is make an known they do not update their is, and when. (We offer will realize that i he is expectation about the future j's terms. In that case, j's if z's will call to update his beliefs fast, the other they disagree now, in a short while wrong, and thus be willing to agree on will Agreement Theorem requiring the level of optimism to stay high for a long while, our behefs were very firm. But does not find i it very hkely that he will change his mind; he might even expect that j will change her mind. This may cause a disagreement. Furthermore, in a typical learning process, agents learn faster at the beginning, in which case the disagreement will be at the beginning of the game, and hence we will observe a delay in agreement on the path of equilibrium. Considering a canonical model of learning and confining ourself to the transferrable-utility case, some date such that players t** reach an agreement thereafter. not firm, t** we show for the infinite-horizon case that there exists will never reach an agreement before We further demonstrate that, when can be large, generating long delays in equihbrium. the beginning of the game that they will disagree until t**, and they will always players' initial beliefs are It is common knowledge at distinguishing our theorem from t**, usual delay results in bargaining with private information. The outline of the paper we analyze the is as follows. In the next section, special case of transferrable utility we lay out or model. In Section 3, and independently-distributed recognition There, we use only simple algebra to derive our main process. equilibria in Section 4, and present our Agreement Theorem in We results. Section 5. describe the Section 6 contains the analysis of our canonical model of learning. After discussing the impact of risk-aversion on reaching an agreement in Section 7, we conclude in Section 8. Model 2 In this section N space, We we will lay out We will write K*^ for T= {t e N\t <t} tohe our time space be our set of players, and a compact and convex set utihty pairs. that is for some U cM? U contains than 0. We will further < i and = {1, 2} to feasible expected oo, a set to be the set of Throughout the paper, we assume that strictly greater any /c-dimensional Euclidean non-negative integers. for the set of take a grid our model. all A'^ at least another member assume the following the following regularity condition. Assumption exists some v^ FDA > u^ Given any (u^,u^) G U, any distinct such that (w^u^) G U. i,j € A'^, and any v' G [0,tx^), there . That U the frontier of is, decreasing on the non-negative quadrant. is This condition is satisfied under the free-disposal assumption with locally insatiable preferences. We will a player i analyze the following game, denoted by G^[5,p]. At each £ N; offers i = an alternative u (i/\u^) G U; then the game ends yielding a payoff vector the game proceeds vector (0, 0). We to date write p = t + t = {6^u^,S^u'^) = i — 1, when for some the game ends 6 S (0, 1); offer, otherwise, yielding payoff {pt}t^T ^°^ ^^^ publicly observed stochastic process that recognizes the players (so that they can make = offers), Pj (/Oq(w),Pi(cj),. history of the recognized players at the beginning of date conditional beliefs at any history p^ 6 we have two t, . . ,pj_j(w)) 6 and P^ A''* i'lPs) for for a generic an agent i's Players recall everything happened in the past; and TV*. everything described in this paragraph Notice that recognizes the other player accepts the 8''u except for 1, if eT, Nature t common is knowledge. one for each player; sets of beliefs, this is our only departure from the Rubinstein-Stahl framework.^ Given any e i N and any history p^ E N^, we write = pliPs) for the probability player By a belief structure, We will also that no player Pt (Ps) he 1- E t is Now, [6,p] for iff pI (Ps) pI (Ps) +P? (Ps) -|- < APs) A''^ going to be recognized at date with s < t>s. of such probability assessments. {pj (Ps)} game where the G is the belief structure t. Since is p. we excluded the contingency + recognized, players' probability assessments agree at {t,Ps) iS p] [p^) if p\ (ps) + Pf (ps) t is Pf (ps) We 1- > > 1, is not bad; so Likewise, 1. then each player thinks that the probabihty that higher than what the other player assesses. in the Introduction, being recognized at Ps = p full list T and any history p^ going to be recognized at is = assigns to the event that he we mean any sometimes write G* Take any date — i P'{Pt we say As explained that players are optimistic for we say that players are pessimistic for t at p^ t iff write yt(pJ=Pf (Ps)+p?(pJ-i for the level of optimism for t. Finally, common-prior assumption in our context corresponds to yt When CPA holds, by No-trade incentive to bet on p. With independently Since we distributed (1993), originally developed by Perry when to make an offer. = (Vf Theorem of (CPA) e T) Milgrom and Stokey (1982), players have where CPA fails (i.e., also isomorphic to an extension of the model of Sakovics are particularly interested in the case p, our model is no and Reny (1993), a bargaining model where players endogenously choose . y 7^ 0), our players do have an incentive to bet on so merely by our p; and they are precluded from doing imbedded assumption that the side-bets are not feasible (e.g., they are not enforceable).'^ Notation We with and a i j^ j, belief structure defined on a large space whose values at any T and Pg are s we In this section G histories p, and pi (p^) An each for t Q.T, p] and Assumption TU U = Assumption NL are stochastic processes, Intuitive Exposition p is {u e utility [0, l]^\u^ two histories p^ and p'^, game G^[6,p\ under the following and no learning from previous recognitions. + u'^ < 1} independently distributed under both probability distributions P^ and Note that, according to Assumption NL, p with s,s' < t. Under these two assumptions, we ment Theorem, stating that players will present yt confine ourself to the simple bargaining problem of dividing a dollar, and two assumptions of transferrable sufficiently long and y > 0. Hence, is pi deterministic, G [0, 1] and yt i.e., pi (p^) e [—1, will present any pi (p'^,) at 1]. will first construct the equilibrium, will reach = and prove the Agree- an agreement immediately, so long as the game Then, allowing y to take both positive and negative values, we an example with a long delay, and discuss the general properties of delay model. Finally, we N yt (Ps), respectively. analyze the subgame-perfect equilibria of a fimte-horizon is p^ e TV*, players i,j,k 6 A''*, Note that p and y are functions p as generic members. x {Us^t^^) and, Dividing a Dollar — 3 £T, will designate dates t,s our in another version of Agreement Theorem that requires only that y does not drop suddenly. Continuation values in Equilibrium 3.1 For any given finite-horizon game G*[5,p], we any subgame perfect equilibrium Let us write V^ St = Vf^ "Even -I- if V^ is first payoff equivalent to the one for the continuation value of player for the "perceived size of the pie." If the side-bets on p were feasible, agents could the other hand, if construct a subgame-perfect equilibrium; players do and that yields p( measurable with respect to immediate-agreement theorem similar to the one p by some contracts on B. we at the construct. beginning of date and t, they have not reached an agreement before make a there exists another contractible process i B side-bet on Pj void by agreeing prior to t. On that remains publicly observable regardless what a (Bo. in Yildiz (1998). , Bt), then we would simply have a general For they can simply emulate the side-bets on . each player t, we will get 0; hence, set = V^ = V^' Taking t V we determine this as final values, Si and = 0. (1) We e T. There are two cases we need to address separately. If they do not agree at will then agree on a +u^ > that u^ will each t, 5V'(l|_j t = u utility pair + <5Vj^j = not reach an agreement at of date will get V^\i at i [u^ ,u^^ only 6St+i > Note that their beliefs Now we = = SV^_^_^ at each is i 1. They t. E N, which requires not feasible. That i is, they at the beginning the recognized player < 6St+i {6St+i t is Any 1. value of player i ~ ^^+1 *'^'^^ ^ ^° himself; at the beginning of date V; = = + 1 adding equation (4) up — for players, St Briefly, the processes V^, = l V'^, perfect equilibrium. Furthermore, player j accepts an offer Note that, with is left iff it gives him at least 1 — SVi^^, which Thus, in equilibrium, player i offer is accepted. Therefore, is now offers to give continuation z + (l-pD'5VtVi + 6V^^, {6St+i<l). at i is (4) the present value ^V^+j of his continuation when he makes an offer. By we obtain + yt- SytSt+i {6St+i < !)• and 5 defined by the equations V^ and S V"^ are (5) (1-5) describes a subgame- the only continuation values consistent with prescribes whether they agree at any subgame-perfect in equilibrium, aggregate data y, 6 (and 5). he SSt+i) he expects to extract any subgame-perfect equilibrium; and equilibrium. (3) t is: pi{l-6St+i) plus the rent pl{l 1) immaterial to the problem. and the pj(l-'5^4i) the continuation value of player i > offers to give SV^^-^ to j, i (2) N, we obtain about recognition at consider the case 6St+i *° j ^^"^ *° value at > equivalent to ^V/^j at {6St+i>l). 6V^^, at least as high as his continuation value SV^^^. is, u^ is > consider the case SSt+i first showing that such u 1, sides of the equation over St That if which 1, us take any will be: Adding up both ^^+1 + this, let Therefore, the continuation value of each t. V; SV^_^_^. If t To do 5, recursively. agreement at any date is fully determined by the Agreement and Disagreement Regimes 3.2 Our equilibrium has two regimes. The > terized by inequality St+i back t is irrelevant; at t, we one, which In this regime, 1/5. players do not reach an agreement recognized at first call disagreement regime, is charac- they have not yet reached an agreement, if Hence, their beliefs about which player will be either. and the perceived size of the "pie" shrinks geometrically as we go in time. If i is the date they reach an agreement after a period of disagreement regimes,^ the first perceived size of the pie at any be in that period will t S^ Hence, the length of such a period will = 6'-'S:. (6) be log Si L{Si,6) (7) log(l/<5) where operator [•] finds the smallest integer that Since S^ can be at most 2, is greater than or equal to the argument the length of a disagreement period can be at most log 2 1(6) (8) log(l/<5) Hence, given any 6, the lengths of disagreement periods are bounded uniformly. In efficiency 1/2 < and characterized by inequality St+i < terms, the length of delay can be at most as large as almost half the pie The second regime 1/6. In this regime, if is called the agreement regime, is i.e., they have not reached an agreement yet, players immediately agree on a division that gives the recognized player (say this is lost, what he would get if i) I — ^^t+i' which is the other player j were recognized. That higher than is, 6V^_^_.^, and the recognized player extracts a rent Rt The discrepancy among = l- <5V/+i - players' beliefs on crepancy between the perceived <5V;Vi = 1 - 6St+i which player size St of the pie and its . will get this rent causes the dis- actual size of 1. In fact, we can re-write equation (5) as St so that the discrepancy is 5t = l 1 = — aligned with excessive optimism + yt{l- SSt+i) = 1 + ytRt ytRt- may Since they agree at t — 1, there is (9) Therefore, a high rent for the recognized player prevent players from reaching an agreement in some previous dates. ^ ' such a date for each disagreement period. at If yt < - as well. Thus, iiyt i 1, and we have an agreement regime at <0 at each t £T, t, then by then we (9), we have an agreement regime have agreement regimes throughout will the game. In fact, this case can be imbedded in the Rubinstein-Stahl framework by recognizing each player with probability i now analyze the will pi, > case of y and by recognizing nobody with probability — pj —Pt- We 1 0. Perpetual Optimism 3.3 Confining ourselves to long but finite games, in this section, we will show that players reach an agreement immediately, so long as players are optimistic throughout the game, yt>0 We start with the following Lemma, the pie at Lemma < 1 + 1 is will i.e., (PO) Vi G T. < t whenever giving us an agreement regime at each date s perceived to be of the "right size." Assume TU and NL. Given any t with > yt 0, 6 St+i if then St G [l,l/i5], [l,2-,5]c[l,l/.5]. Proof. Assume that St+i G by (9), we have above. Since 2 — < 6 yt St € = I [0, 1], + [1,1/^]. Then, we have an agreement regime at ytRt G [0, 1 — 6] — and therefore St = 1). (PO), Lemma long games. To see this, first 1 < {1 — S) /6, we have 5f_i = 1 + yi-i < Lemma 1, we can conclude via mathematical Now we consider the case when yi^i and hence a disagreement regime game i is > > at i {1 — — t ytRt G [1,2 — Note that 6]. = i — 2— L{St-i,6). By 5(_,_i = 6Si_^2 > three periods of constant regimes: t we have 1' i-^-' Si_^i <t. To sum up, We < L (6) disagreement regimes at {i— L{St-i,6) exhibited In either case, proving our first ending at 1, . . . , When In that case, using t < t — i — 2. 1, Now, assuming with an agreement regime before i— < S^_^_i G [1, [1, 1/6 and 1/6]. t > {0, . > The 1/6. again, using 1/6] at each in this case, for i — 2}, and 5j_,_2 Once have agreement regimes at — 1/^]. 1- we have 5f_i = 1 + yi-i > we have already shown that there is a we can conclude via mathematical induction that St+i G have an agreement regime at each [1, +yi-i > 1 6) /6. In this case, In fact, 2. definition, = hence 5f_i 0, &T. sufficiently long, consider the last date inequahty also implies that is + bounded from is 6] induction that 5^ G [1,1/5] at each period of disagreement regimes with length L{St-i,6) (This I 1/6 so that Si-i G showing that we have an agreement regime at each namely = — [0, 1 gives us immediate agreement for sufficiently note that, by (PO), yj_i j/t_i that the 6St+i € and hence 1/6 (with equality only at 5 Under perpetual optimism 1/6, = I ytRt, where the rent Rt t, t 2, latter Lemma 1, <t, showing that we L{St^i,6) + 2, we have —2— L{St-i,6)}, . . ,i again an agreement regime at t — 1. in Figure 1 for the extreme case when yt = pj = p^ = 1 at each £T.) — — 2— 2— < < we have an agreement regime at each t i L{6) i L{Si^i,6), Agreement Theorem: t 1 The Perceived Size 1 1 1 of the Pie 1 1.8 - 1.6 1.4 1.2 1/5 y / ' ] - 0.8 0.6 ^ Agreemeni negimes "* Disagreement' Regimes ; 0.4 0.2 1 11 10 Figure t £T. 1; [i The perceived = 30, 6 = O.9.] size of the pie in the 15 1 -H 20 extreme case where Note that we have an agreement regime at 25 yt = i —1, 30 p} = too. pf = 1 at each Theorem 1 Assume with < t- L{6) -2. TU, NL, and PO. Then, we have an agreement regime at each t £ T t Excluding the end of the game, our Theorem states that, if players are optimistic throughout Example we have the game, they will reach an agreement immediately, suggesting that the may be given in the Introduction Example Actually, our rather singular. illustrated that sequential bargaining allocates a non-negative rent for the recognized player at any date can be very this rent rent, may they large. If choose to wait at Our Theorem goes one t; and players are also extremely optimistic about getting this large t — 1. step beyond this intuition. At such an agreement regime players t, if are also sufficiently optimistic for subsequent times, the rent for the recognized player will be we estabhshed small, a fact that Lemma in Our Theorem 1. states that, in equilibrium, this rent will be so small that the players will reach an agreement at optimistic about getting Theorem 1 even if they are very it. establishes that, in case of perpetual optimism, game except out the like in we have agreement regimes through- a bounded period just before the end. Naturally, as for of disagreement regimes disappears, — i oo, this period > and thus we have agreement regimes throughout the game the Rubinstein-Stahl framework. Take any £ 8 (0, 1) and G*, write S[t\ tively. 1 Perpetual Optimism — Infinite Horizon 3.3.1 - — i Given any solving (5) on infinite behef structure for the size of the pie i[t\ t and any < t[i\, and the p. last For any sufficiently long truncation date before any disagreement, respec- we have an agreement regime this interval, at each s with t < s < t[i\; hence, we obtain t[t]-i St[t]= 5]7rf(l where is ttj and since YVjZ^ < S^<n {Syj) when < 2, St[t\ t < s and 1 + y,) + 7rf5,-[i], when t = As s. ? — > oo, i[t\ — > oo, hence tt^ ' —y 0; converges to oo St[<^]=J2nt{l + (10) ys). s=t By Theorem 1, St[t\ e [1,1/5] for every sufficiently large i so that St [oo] G N. That is, for i = oo, f player i we have agreement regimes throughout: gives the other player, say j, ^Vj-^^Joo] G [0,6], keeping himself - a behavior that replicates the equihbrium behavior work, characterized by CPA. In fact, when CPA 10 holds (i.e., y 1 — at 6 any t, 5VJ-!^j[oo] [1,1/5] at each the recognized G [1 — 8,1] for in the Rubinstein-Stahl frame- = 0), V^'[oo] can take any value in thus any such division [0, 1], Rubinstein-Stahl framework) To = see this, let yi is CPA; and consistent with therefore CPA (and thereby the not refutable in the case of perpetual optimism. is y 6 [0,1] at each i Now, by inserting y G N. each y^ in (10), for - 8St+i [oo] = one can j^§^, and hence Rt [oo] = 1 Moreover, by Proposition 2 of Section 4, we have V} [oo] = Y!^=t ^^"Vs-^s [oo]- Thus, easily compute that Since p\ G ^E^t^'"Vs- therefore the range of V^ [oo] is offers 6 T, the range • is + far holds 5) E^t ^'"Vs at y (i.e., = = = and [y,l], is R. V^ [oo] 0), this interval is CPA. = it 1 (i.e., = pj + consists of 1/(1 That 6). make believing that he will pj leaving the other player 6/(1 6), - of (1 when everyone keeps no matter what happened so player offers to take 1/(1 When CPA and at y increases, the interval shrinks; remaining in is, all the = y = 1 Vi G T), the recognized + 6)\ and the offer is accepted. the equilibrium outcome under the Alternating-Offer Procedure, analyzed by Rubinstein is Note that Rubinstein's well-known division (1982). by any Long Delay Theorem mistic. 1 Now, allowing this in is we players be pessimistic sometimes, will create example is simple. When 1/2^ i.e., opti- a simple example where game delayed for a long while, no matter how long the have an upper bound < not ruled out games where players remain The is. rationale each player believes that he will not be able to make an will act as if the negotiation stops there, imitating a short game. Since the length of a period of disagreement regimes cannot be longer than ^^( )+i is Agreement a given date, they offer after the only division that establishes immediate agreement for the long the agreement behind is optimism. level of A 3.4 j^ jf^-, yij^ consistent with the equilibrium of the extreme case This = at each 5 [y, 1] any outcome entire [0,1], thus As y St [oo] for the delay in L [6), we already agreement. Note that this upper bound almost half the benefit Nevertheless, is lost. it is is rather long: not loose, as our example reveals: Consider any belief structure p with any date with < i* < min{L At {8) ,t}. have any other chance to make an yt- offer, t* = 1 and and recognized player can extract a huge rent: we have extreme pessimism for the future, their = —1 at each is any willing to accept iilj = 1 at each t > going to make an offer at is optimism > t thereafter, thinking that each player an auspicious moment, each thinking that he yj for t* leads them t* . t*. t* he , where will t* no longer offer. Hence, the They consider The pie at t* is =2> to perceive the pie at t* 1/6. perceived to be so large that they will never reach an agreement before St+i = 6^'-'-^Sr =26^'-''^ >l/6, 11 (0 < i t* Amplified by the very large: Sf = l+yt'Rf is < i*) t*: where the That is, when all inequahty last during {0, . . is ,t* . due to the definition of L — [6), which without agreeing, players wait 1}, defined by 26 is ^ for the auspicious S ' (1, 1/6]. moment t*, the offers are going to be accepted. This example illustrates some key properties of delays caused by lack of a Firstly, the delay in our case yi = model Now, giving the 1. is To not Pareto-optimal in general. dollar to the player recognized at i = expected utility levels under these two schemes are 6 and 6* , prior. see this, consider the 1 equilibrium outcome, which gives the dollar to the player recognized at common Pareto- dominates the t*. Note that a respectively. [This also player's shows that the equilibrium outcome in the example presented in the Introduction was Pareto-optimal.] Second, at the beginning of our game an agreement before t*; whereas the delay common knowledge it is is that players will not reach only a possibihty in usual bargaining models with private information, as the types with the least advantageous information reach an agreement immediately in any separating equilibrium Third, there division at t is = among our a consensus that gives each player agree that the size of the pie at would get more than giving 6 + — (1 t = 1 is their equilibrium Finally, even though there = i is players that the delay more than what he only — (1 if gets in equilibrium. 6)/2 to his opponent. There at the beginning is costly, 1, it would give him and would be rejected by player A at least 5* reflect is, a they is f = by no consensus, , one cannot find a mecha- on a procedure that recognizes if such a mechanism were thus would give player 2 at most 1 — 6*, 2. period of low y does not necessarily simply That is and would be accepted by each player to "objective" probabilities throughout the negotiation. For, accepted by player that there dominates the equilibrium outcome. replace the current situation. In particular, they cannot agree them with and they divided the dollar at a consensus that the delay nism that would yield an agreement is costly and each player further thinks that they both 6; consumption 6)/2 to himself and leaving however, on which division at models. in these mean that they are unreasonably pessimistic; it may the fact that agents are not going to negotiate during this period, as happens in bargaining with a deadline or several "bargaining sessions." illustrates that, if the end of the session or the deadline imtil the deadline to settle. This deadline effect is is In that case, our analysis sufficiently close, agents will wait observed in laboratory experiments and the real- world negotiations. 3.5 A sudden loss of In the previous section, incentive to wait. regimes, it optimism we Now we illustrated that a will establish that, must be followed by a sudden Towards sudden this goal, our first lemma loss of optimism may give players an whenever there is a period of disagreement optimism. states that 12 loss of if a disagreement regime proceeds an agree- ment regime, there must be a substantial drop Lemma 2 Given any G^[S,p] and any < t i in y. — I, > St if and St+i < ^ then -j, y^ — j/^^j > {l-b)/6. Take any Proof. agreement regime at Since St+i 1 < — > SSt+i i + t — St = l we then have yt > and St+\ < \ Since St+i |. < |, we have an + yt{l-8St+i)>^. Since St 0. we have 5f+2 < = rendering St+i 1, > with St 1 and hence In that case, 1- regime at t, 0, < t 1/S and 1/^, for otherwise > 8St+2 > (11) 1- yt > Lemma by 0, 1, we have we would have a disagreement Hence, we have an agreement regime at t + 1, and thus = l+yt+i(l-<55,+2)<l, 5t+i yielding yt+i < 0. By combining 1 -^<St = Since ytyt+iSt+2 < 0, this and (11) + yt~Syt[l + yt) + l + 8ytA > 8ytA gives us A = yt and writing (12), + SytA (12) — yt+i, we obtain 6^ytyt+iSt+2- 6'^ytyt+\St+2 > - ^ (13) I - yt + 6yt{l + yt)- Hence, Once can check taking the value of By Lemma hand that the expression on the right 2, if 2w| (^ — l) — — (^ l), which is we have a disagreement regime is minimized greater than \/8 at i — 1 while - at y* = -j^Jj — 1, 1. we have an agreement regime yt — yt+i < {1—6) /6 and we — ^) /^- Put it differently, if have an agreement regime at i < i — 1, we must also have an agreement regime at t — 1. We already know that we have an agreement regime at some i with t — 2 — L{6) < i < t — I. Hence, if y is smooth enough so that yt — yt+i < (1 — 5) /5 at each i G T, we would have an agreement regime at each t < i: at t, we must have Theorem 2 yt — side yt+i > (1 Assume TU, NL, and an agreement regime at each t £T that yt with t — yt+\ <i — Excluding the end of the game, Theorem 1 < L{6) — (1 — 6) /6 at each t £ T. Then, we have 2. stated that, if players are optimistic throughout the game, they will reach an agreement immediately. Proposition 2 establishes that, actually, we do not need optimism stay high; all we need 13 is that it does not drop too fast. In fact, by requiring perpetual optimism, yt — < yt+i Of 1- Theorem bound course, this is 1 also bounded the drop much looser than that of We may results are logically independent. the game, precisely because after the smooth enough, there is We game ends yt is identically some prehminary Theorem 2 also implies that we In this section, we will a the transition to if either. Beforehand, we 5. results. will describe the Ccise subgame-perfect equilibria of our game. be payoff equivalent to each other. In the horizon case, all the equilibria will case, then may have be no disagreement regime at the end of the game, Equilibrium and the Rents — General 4 [0,1], and these two 2; —1, and thus we our Agreement Theorem for the general case in Section will present present will Theorem 6 have a disagreement regime just before the end of substantial drop in y at the end of the game. —1 in y: iiyt,yt+i In the finiteinfinite horizon only consider the limit of the equilibria of the finite-horizon truncations. In and these equilibrium, at each date, the recognized player extracts a non- informational rent, rents determine players' equilibrium-payoffs. Towards describing the subgame perfect (7* [6,p], and write The history P(. V/ [t\ [t\ Vf^ (pj for the V stochastic process iPt) = P' = [p, i\Pt) equilibria, let us take any finite-horizon game equihbrium continuation- value of a player [t\ is at any i t with defined by the recursive equation m\bVt+i {p„ [t\ i)) + P' = {p, j\p^) 6V,\, [t\ (15) {p„j) and the boundary condition Vi[i\=0, where m' each i; : G K^ K^ — R+ for i 7^ j. is = max defined through m^(u) Note that rn}{v) is if i.e., when v U.) will get the maximum = i|p(), player i i will get his continuation value in fact that players automatically get The equihbrium Given any t to give ^V/^_j strategy with [F| pj, s, [t] if i (P(,t) to j at can enjoy > if v^}\ at he needs gets m^{v), j gets i wiU be recognized, (/9( = j|pt), [i] vK Hence, in (15) which case he {Pf,i) to player j in which j will be recognized, in the case of a delay. Condition (16) simply states the t. of a player is i G U, u^ too costly to convince the other payoff given that he needs to give at least 5V(-^j order to reach agreement, and with probabihty P' case payoff player if it is By Assumption FDA, when expresses that, with probability P^ {p^ {u'| (u^,u^) the payoff vector v would be realized in case of a disagreement. (Of course, he wiU choose to disagree player, U [{v^} maximum the the consent of player j for an agreement and (16) i [^ j) will recognized at and m}{6Vt+\ 14 [i] t, be as and {Pt^'^)) if to follows: 6Vt+\^{p^,i) G U, i; if i is offer recognized, but ^Vj+i [t\ ^ U, then {Pf,i) accept his offer iff offer to give he gives i at least SV^^^ Given any infinite-horizon game G°° and m' to j [t\ cation G* [5,p], which agrees with G°° [6,p] until if z; j is recognized, {pt,j). each [6,p], for (0) to G N, consider the finite-horizon trun- t and ends i, Defining there. V as above, [t\ assume that asf-cx) Vt[t\{p,)^Vt[^]ip,) some for t = oo. V [oo]. We The define the strategy profile s [oo] when following Proposition states that, the unique subgame perfect equilibrium; when i = (Vp(,Vi) (sj [oo] ,S2 [oo]) as is finite, s <^= oo, s [oo] is but not necessarily unique. The proof of this Proposition be found [f] = (si Given any G°° 1 any finite-horizon game G* [6, p] with (17), s {6,p\ s , is [i] any subgame-perfect equilibrium, and S2 [i]) is essentially a subgame-perfect equilibrium, is fairly and can straight- forward, [oo] is at any date if 8Vt+\{pi,i) ^ U and In the rest of the paper, we i is Given a subgame-perfect equilibrium. < oo, at unth pj, the following are true: the vector of t is Vj (pj); if 6Vt+i{pt,i) is in the interior recognized, then they do not reach the equilibrium will confine ourself to ofU, and and m^{6Vt+i recognized, then they reach an agreement that gives 5V^_^_^{p^,i) to j and , a subgame-perfect equilibrium. Moreover, for i continuation values at the beginning oft to i; [t\ above, by taking in Yildiz (2000). Proposition is (17) s; [t\ an agreement i {pt,i)) at t. we suppress the terms in square brackets. In equilibrium, the recognized player extract a rent; and these rents constitutes the bar- gaining power. To see this, observe that, given any pj when he makes an his payoff at {Pt,i), m'(5Vt+i(pt,i))-5ViVi(p„j) Here, the last term players' beliefs equihbrium. is = and offer, [vn}{8Vt+^{p„i)) informational; that is, first is the difference between when he does 6Vl^,{p„i)\-^[6V^%^{p,,i) = t-\- \\ V^ip,) Pi 7^ respectively. i, is is t affects in turn affect their continuation values in m\dVt+^{p^,i)) - dVi^M^i), and we call it (18) offer that can be rejected only by the (non-informational) rent for Substituting (18) in Equation (15) and carrying out the necessary algebra, l{p,=i} not, 6V^\,{p„j)\. the identity of the recognized player at caused by his opportunity to make an delaying the agreement until where - term, B\{p,) on the other hand, i, his payoff at {Pf,j), - about the future recognitions, which The and any player at t. we obtain = E%,-,yRl\p,] + 8E'[V^^,\p,], the indicator function of {p^ Equation i = i}, taking values (19) states that the value of the 15 (19) 1 game and when for a player i pt = at any date i and t is his discounted expected value of the game at being a recognized player at i +1 plus the rent he expects to extract from game Since the value of the t. at i is identically nil, this gives us the following Proposition, stating that, in equilibrium, the continuation value of a player is the present value of all the rents he expects to extract in the future. In an agreement, the recognized player gives the other player his continuation value, keeping the rest of the pie for himself. Therefore, a player's share in an agreement he expects to extract the discounted is itself he in the future, plus the current rent in case Proposition 2 Given any i G A'^, t Q T and any pi, is sum of the rents the recognized player. we have i-l V^Pt) = J2^'~'^' [l{p.=,}^slPt] (20) • s=t Using and the law of iterated expectations, one can (16), (19), induction that (20) holds for any (2000) shows that it finite i. Using the fact that he expects to extract that he is more mathematical R is is the present value of the rents uniformly bounded, Yildiz holds for the infinite-horizon case as well. Proposition 2 states that the continuation value of a player well as the history, easily check via in the future. it is Since the rents themselves depend on players' beliefs as not clear that a player would not lose likely to example where a player make loses as offers in the future. if each player comes to believe In fact, in he finds himself more likely to A Appendix make an we present an offer at i = 1, while everything else remains unchanged. Nevertheless, there we also show that a player will not lose when each player comes to believe that he as the recognition process the cases that we mainly is is more affiliated, e.g., it is make likely to offers in the future, so long exchangeable or independently distributed - focus. In that case, our definition of optimism will be unambiguously valid. According to we will say that s, players reach an agreement at any {pt,i) we have an agreement regime SVt+i{pt,i) G U. In that case, and a disagreement regime, otherwise. Agreement Theorem 5 Assuming that players do not change an if at {pf,i), iff offer and when (NL), their beliefs as they observe for the case of transferrable utility who gets a chance to (TU), Theorem 1 make estabhshed that, the level of optimism y stays non-negative for a sufficiently long future, players will reach an agreement immediately. In this section, we extension will state that, if will present an extension of this result. the level of optimism y stays sufficiently high for a sufficiently long future, players will reach an agreement immediately. While Assumption entirely, it will Our be clear that a weaker form of NL is dropped remains embedded in the assumption that y stays sufficiently high for a suiBciently long future. 16 TU . We Theorem y* e yt > ( present the result for the finite horizon case. first — 1, 3 Given any such 1) y* it each Theorem Intuitively, t and any non-negative integer (0, 1) for every finite-horizon that, game players Theorem know > t + t* there exists + L{6) some 3 and with t* TU a weaker form, by dropping Assumptions and NL. that their opponents will remain sufficiently optimistic, they will down adjust their expectations 1 in < t G N, t* G*[6,p] vjith Q.T, we have an agreement regime at every 3 extends if G 6 so that they will reach an agreement immediately, except for the end of the game, where we may have a period of disagreement regimes due to a large last-mover-advantage. Under Assumptions do not 3 we lose their optimism, hence y* will establish that y* The proof of this therefore relegated to show Theorem was and TU, Theorem sufficient for The proof Appendix B. required only that players immediate agreement. In Example to be strictly positive with risk-averse players. Theorem similar to that of is 1 but 1, and less transparent, consists of the following steps. we Firstly, NL, the lengths of disagreement periods are uniformly bounded. Then, we that, under show that our may need = NL result holds with strict inequalities for the case when y identically is Finally, I. invoking a continuity property of equilibrium payoffs with respect to the belief structures, we obtain our result. We extend Theorem 3 to the infinite-horizon case as follows. Theorem 4 Given any 6 6 and any non-negative integer (0, 1) Vt [i,p] -^ Vt [oo,p] uniformly over belief structures exist some i G N and y* G ( — 1, (Vt < such have an agreement regime at every t*) (21) t that, given any G'^[6,p] with yt > under 3 to infinite-horizon games, stating that, (21), the infinite t < t, we <t*. stays sufficiently high for a sufficiently long future, players will reach Intuitively, Then, there y* at each Assuming that equilibrium continuation-values converge uniformly over Theorem 4 extends Theorem that where i and p indicates the underlying game. p, 1) asi-*oo G N, assume t* if belief structures. the level of optimism an agreement immediately. horizon can be approximated by a finite horizon, whence a version of Theorem 3 (with strict inequalities) would give us immediate agreement for the infinite horizon case. Here, a finite period of a sufficiently high level of optimism suffices for an immediate agreement. By requiring the optimism stay high only for a finite time, to merge, a plausible property exhibited by employ many in Section 6. 17 we allow players' beliefs learning models, such as the one we will While Assumption Theorems 3 and i, as p\ + yt I dropped is any two histories p^ and for NL a weaker form of entirely, remains embedded in our Theorem also requires that p] further requires that (pj — |pj bounding how much can be learned before p[, > y* for each < p\ ip't)\ 1 — y* t. Discussion 5.1 If = TU By requiring that yt >y*, — pI > yt- Since pj < 1, this 4. a player opponent j believes that his i very optimistic and will remain is so, his expectations. For such an optimistic opponent will not settle for httle, even the value of continuing on bargaining for j is If If will be so low that they an agreement immediately. the level of optimism stays very high for a long while, much with conditional beliefs do not vary respect to Bayesian, this means that they adhere to their very firm. will lower thinks that the level of optimism will remain then players' expectation sufficiently high for a sufficiently long future, will reach even lower. he if i On the other hand, if it must be the case that what happens so initial beUefs, and thus far. players' Since they are their prior beliefs are players' prior beliefs reflect a high level of optimism for a long future and their prior beliefs are firm, then the level of optimism will remain high. Therefore, we can restate our theorem as follows. If players ' prior beliefs reflect a sufficiently high level of optimism for a sufficiently long immediate-future, and if these beliefs are sufficiently firm, then they will reach an agreement immediately.^ Our theorem asks for three conditions for a sufficiently long future. about making an opponent will If offer at the the game is an immediate agreement. to end very soon, and if players are very optimistic end of the game, each may choose to wait know that she will get if until the end, they disagree - as we demonstrated if as they may do Finally, it in a short if the game ends there, is it is may asks players' initial beliefs be sufficiently firm, that the game offer after is a disagree at the beginning, is, they should not update There are three reasons for this requirement. essential for our theorems that the length of a period of disagreement regimes uniformly bounded under NL, as there game. hence they his game.^ their beliefs drastically with a limited observation. Firstly, if each player thinks that he will never be able to make an given date, they will act as when in the Introduction. Second, they must remain sufficiently optimistic for a long while. For, even to continue indefinitely, must be Firstly, there When may be a disagreement period at the end of the players update their behefs as they observe which players are recognized and when, whether they reach an agreement at a given date depends on which players have been For formal statements, see Yildiz (2000). Since players will wait for the end only when they are optimistic about the end, the level of optimism does not drop suddenly and drastically, as suggested by open question whether we can (qualitatively) extend Theorem stronger theorem. 18 2 we may only need that Theorem beyond Assumptions TU 2. It remains an and NL, obtaining a The recognized and when. drastically, the length of when following example demonstrates that, may such a disagreement period the beliefs are updated be unbounded, causing (possibly long) delays. Example we have Pgj^i Consider the following 1 =p (pj p] at each s [ijj] at each < — i On 1. Pt we ~ {Po i'^) i.e., = we have P^{pt = iP(-i (^)) "^^^^ s* I that alternating history. In that case, given any < t Consider any alternating history then he Hence, i Pt iPt) —P will be revealed to will offer to take I each k E /^'~ N — where {pt,j) is = = y^i these values into (22), > 1, p^^j (w)} > p at each Letting i 0. = oo, never reach an agreement at an game each player believes t. — i is recognized at 2, we is recognized at = p), leaving S {I — p) = V^ {p,6) 1 -p for j t ^ who to j, I. If (Note that z. will have R=l-6.) will accept the offer. Since The subgames starting at pj (22) and {Pt,j,i) o,re game and V/ (p,) is symmetric with respect = V;Vi (Pt,j) to the players = V^ {p,6). Substituting we obtain 1 1 6{\-p) l-6^p{l-p) dp 1 one can check from. (23) close to 1 such that will = Ps' {^)\Pt) Vt{pt,j,i), hence, at any alternating history, payoffs depend only (pt,i) V^(p,6) \ VP{p,6) j — = = In that case, by Proposition i player recognized. Furthermore, our last so that V^ (pt) ^ has been recognized twice in a P^iPt l\pg {ui) and V,\, {p„i) again an alternating history. identical so that Vt{pt) Letting ^ where 1/2, {ui) = p{\~6{\-p)) + {l-p)8Vl^,{p„3) = p6V^^,{p„j) + {l-p)6{\-p), y/(pj . — . > where p^ we now have , VI [p^) •' 6 {I p^, and for some p , ,Pf_i (w)) an agreement before be blessed. = Es>t '5^"'p(l -5)=p Vt+i [Pt^T) on the — , . at the beginning of the t, that with positive probability they will not reach t, = Ps' {^)\Pt) niin {s . "blessed" so that he will be recognized is i i N 6 i (u) (/Jq demonstrate for high values of 6 that players will too, = the other hand, if a player row before the other agent, each player thinks with probability p, For each belief structure: ''alternating" history pj V^ (p, 5) + V^ (p, for every p that, <5) > 1/5, > when we **<' -*"-/». (23) 1/2 there exists some 6 sufficiently will have a disagreement regime at each alternating history. Second, when players update their behefs drastically, we will have another form of the deadhne effect, as illustrated in Example {P(),Pi, the following example. 2 Assuming TU, take any ,Pt') 0.1^6 t* with stochastically independent < i* < min{L (6) ,t]. Consider the case where under both P^ and P^, P^{pf 19 = i) = 1 for each ) i G N , and that he will = pj no longer at each p^. ^t' is {Pf ) = 1 each p^. at t > be able to t* . player If a make any i offer, recognized at is = In that case, we will have m^ {8Vt+i {pf,i)) . ^y (15). Now, Sf [pt, ) = Vjl (p(. As we showed independently distributed. not reach an agreement before t* ) + 14? (pj. ) = , the other player j will = and 1 1 — 2, we have 8V/_^_^ 2 at each pj. V^._^_^{pf..,i) {pi.,i) , and know = (pg, pj = yt = yielding 1, , . . . , under these conditions, they in subsection 3.4, [Note that y^ . t* hence by Proposition pj. viill thereafter, consistent with perpetual optimism.] Example beliefs 2 also suggests the third When be firm: servation, his a player is and the most important rationale known to update his beliefs substantially with limited ob- opponent may be willing to wait and convinced that she is right. illustrate Assume s as i more likely to s. Now, player she will be recognized at very likely to be recognized at not be willing to give t if i i thinks that, if i. t offer. t, and is will s, they disagree until be willing to agree on player will i for j, will i's large, or the required is s, it is terms. Being very i is by an agreement at the beginning. In j, and if s is 2. s, and fact, if close enough, Oiu: so slow that either the impact of convincing j time to convince him very be convinced about convincing continuation value at s increases substantially as she convinces assumes that the rate of learning find not settle at the beginning unless also very optimistic what she wants and that they then they would choose to wait until s - as we demonstrated in Example On their In that case, they must and hence her opponent, namely s, she gets a high share. But her opponent z's be recognized at a strong evidence of being recognized at be very optimistic about may no longer be able to make any will that players are very optimistic about optimistic about convincing her opponent by thus when is being recognized at i is , p, s. that t* they know that she finds a player recognized at some likely that observe, hoping that he will be our rationale in a greater detail, consider the canonical case of affiliated where each player also him let For instance, in our example, players wait until opponents are expected to be convinced that they To for requiring players' Theorem is not so too long to wait. the other hand, in canonical learning models, unless their beliefs are sufficiently firm, players update their beliefs substantially at the beginning, whence we have disagreement regimes at the beginning of the game, and thus a delay in reaching an agreement on the path of equilibrium. Analyzing such a canonical learning-model, show that agreement can be delayed, and 6 A Without effects, stylized restricting we will by Assumption now TU will derive model with le2irning how update their fast players explore when a strict beliefs, in our next section we bound on the settlement will date. but assuming away the deadline players reach an agreement in a canonical case, characterized and Assumption XB below, which 20 we will maintain throughout this section. Under these two assumptions, we show will for f = oo that there exists a predetermined date such that players will never reach an agreement before that date and will always agree Throughout thereafter. any valid for sufficiently large XB Assumption where player we this section, i; N Given any t,s,r G < with r t, for N some kj,h & with < k^ N, < t each ^'^- = '"'' = for T = = i i.e., (Our oo. results are also see Yildiz, 2000). recognized r times out of 1 is take will and any history p[ of recognitions s, & N, i have v/e T^ P^' h. This assumption holds when each player believes that p is exchangeable, identically i.e., it is and independently distributed with some unknown parameter ^ measuring the probability = {Pt and p 1}, is distributed with a beta distribution such that as p and observed h distribution on [0,1] for player was recognized 1 believes that his own h While h measures the measure the Note that, since depend on s. at each pj e beliefs A^' s and level of conviction in players' prior beliefs, believes that p s > Therefore, it by measures the discrepancy of date at t, that We t, Two t. do not depend on we denote i an interim stage where Of course, each player will write K/ had a uniform [h + K= 2) will k\ — k2- be shown to identically distributed, his beliefs is y^^j about p^ does not we obtain that properties of y are important for us. Firstly, since players' s, the discrepancy in beliefs about s does not depend on i.e., ys{Pt) = VtiPt) for each s - indexed only by the date the behefs are held. Note that in players' behefs about any recognition > s, t. j/(f) in future at the beginning while yt denotes the entire process of the discrepancy in behefs about the recognition whose value at the beginning of t is yuy When assume that Second, ki > k2 (i.e., K > 0), yt is deterministic, i.e., yt {Pg) due to our assumption that h - even though V is is same for rendering = < ki we have agreement regimes throughout the game will each optimism. depends only on the date the behefs are held, It We are relevant for this bargaining. trials Substituting (24) in definition of y, about either. i (pre- bargaining) trials at times (see Fudenberg and Levine, 1998). k^ initial level of if of k2, we have j/(j) < throughout so as in the Rubinstein-Stahl framework. > y(() yt (p's) for throughout. each Ps, p's both players. This renders not deterministic. (Recall that St = V/ + VJ^ € N^ with s < t. This is R and S also deterministic and B\{pt) = max{0, 1 — 6St+i{Pt,i)}.) Lemma 3 Under Assumptions deterministic, and hence R^ TU = B^ = and XB, given any t Rt for some Rt & K. 21 E T=N and i £ N, St and R\ are When 5(+i deterministic, Rl is Lemma. deterministic, giving us our regime at i = deterministic and B\ is B^. In that case, Si will also be Since St+\ and 6 determine whether G T, the event that players reach an agreement at t is we have an agreement also deterministic. Writing Kt = Y.^'-'Rs (26) s=t Lemma The 4 Assume = pI is Using (28), each (pj) for stochastic, so On is Vj'. = p\{Pt)Kt StiPt) = _(l >t. Adding up we have At By (28), A = Rt we have an agreement regime the right-hand side, as the left-hand side, A t is t, we t > to = jzrs-^ -^ At<— ^(i , y(^t) t, — have At = fact (28). Since pj is St- any t These difference SAt+i. i — = 1 G T iff D{t). (30) 1, which is less D (t) | — 1, yielding D (s) Vs > t} j/(j) < approaches to 1/6. than 1/S. Thus, inequality yielding an agreement regime at we have 2, i we obtain and the (29) converges to zero so that uniformly bounded by rendering an agreement regime at 3, 1. any gets larger, —h— Lemma difference equation for A. Consider clearly at (30) holds for every sufficiently large whenever 2, and Aj are deterministic, and so j/(t) + y(t)) On On (28) = !-%+!) At+i- uniformly bounded by is (27) = 1 — 6St+i, hence (28) yields Rt = 1 — 6{1 +y(t+i))^t+i+ ^Aj+i. Combining these two equations, we obtain have a disagreement regime at equations imply that & N, we have + y(t))At. and obtain a (26), At When we i (27) over the players, the other hand, both we can decouple (26), terms of A: in a simple application of Proposition is s Vt\pt) with an agreement regime. Now, Rt Moreover, by and S and XB. Given any p^ e N^ and any statement, (27), first that pI (pj) TU V we express for the present value of all future rents, i — D (t) > 1. 1, For instance, and thereby 1. Let us write PA = for the interval of perpetual regime at each t** < s > t. Since {te T\As < agreement, consisting of the dates to e PA, PA C N is non-empty, to. 22 t such that we have an agreement and thus possesses some minimum We ment now will derive a stricter upper-bound for B{t)= ^ + ^y(t) 1 Lemma each we (29) repeatedly, = 5 Let i e oo, 6 obtain the following bounds for Af. first TU and assume (0,1), B {i) < and XB. Then, < B {t + h.t 1) at >t**. t We large the date the period of perpetual agree- , Writing starts. and using t** plot our t, B {t) bounds and As shown for A. in Figure 2. B {t + B{t) converges to as 1 — i > Hence, oo. for sufficiently are arbitrarily close to each other, providing very precise bounds 1) our bounds are valid only when in the Figure, > t t**, because the recursive equation (29) holds only at agreement regimes. Let us compare our bounds with D, the process that determines whether we have an B {t) < D {t) agreement at any given date. Clearly, at each t so that our lower agreement regime throughout. In comparing our upper bound B{t Since y^t) - y(,+i) = (i_^;,_^2J(t+fe+3) ' B{t *^*^ implies that t>tcut + 1) D [t) < l) + bound stays in with D{t), we write iff 1 _viiM. = h-2. (32) D {t) holds, yielding an agreement ^ when Consequently, regime at i — t > tcut, < B{t + inequality At This gives us our bound for 1.^ < \) t**: 0<<** <max{0, [Wj}- We small,^ As exhibit some values of t** and h tcut ior we have agreement regimes throughout, d increases, some disagreement becomes = K = I (33) aX Table When 1. in particular at the 6 is sufficiently beginning of the game. possible; in fact, the perpetual agreement may be delayed for a long while. It turns out that there cannot be any agreement regime before f**, the date the period of perpetual agreement starts. This gives us our main Theorem in this section. (1 — Note that this S) /6 for each s is precisely the region > an agreement regime at t. t 'For instance, when 6 This — < 1 . is where y^t) — 2/(t+i) analogous to Theorem whenever y, j'^2_ -1-1 — ys+i , < (1 2, — we have ^ (^ 6) /i5 for [tcutj 23 ~ ^) /^t where we also have which implies under < each s > so that NL t. t" = 0. and TU j/(s) that — we y^s + will l) < have 1 1 0.95 1 — 1 - B -_ ^g^f^ - >x' - ^' 0.9 D J, -^ A -^ A /7/,' 0.85 B(t+1) * i " 0.8 1 0.75 1 r 5 Figure only on 2: PA. Note that tcut = 15 10 cut Functions D, B, B{t t + 1), 1 1 20 25 and A. A* denotes the solution to 6.4624. [6 = 0.99, h 6'" 0.95 1 1 Table 1: tcut - 1 0.99 6 6 0.9415 0.999 28 27 0.9733 10-*^ 996 996 0.9990 10-9 31619 31618 1 and (29), K =l,t = 500.] t** [tcutl <5 = 30 t** vs. 6. {h 24 = K= I, t is very large.) which is vahd . Theorem such 5 Let i agreement oo, b > t** t G TU and assume (0,1), By and XB. Then, players reach an agreement immediately , and they do not reach an agreement yet, Proof. we each that, at = show that we have a disagreement regime will only vacuously true, so, we assume that disagreement regime at — t** < t tcut, we at each at each In that case, i** 0. by definition of 1 a disagreement regime at any > t** Now we t**. will they have not reached an — t**. tcut by show will that, Rt = 0, and hence Aj = > Hence, St is By (28), this yields we have > St St+i > + y^t+i) < ^(1 + 2/(1)), i-e-, - whenever > and hence a disagreement regime at and t < tcut, hence i/(f) y(t) y(t) - — 1. t For a very canonical case, Theorem 5 states that, unless players' that our Agreement typically, at the Theorems is > — 1, showing — 1. 1/6. We have + y{t+\) ^y{t+i) > 1/6, l t t** 6At+i- St+i whenever always true: y{t+i) < with a disagreement regime so that St+i i this 0, whenever we have have a disagreement regime at s = and we have a (33); tcut t ra\nPA, hence If t** < some this end, take = t** < t < 1 > t by mathematical induction that we have a disagreement regime at each To T G before t** we have an agreement regime definition, if there exists at** - •|y((+i) y(t+\) > ^. But this ^- Therefore, > initial beliefs are so firm apply, reaching an agreement will be delayed for a while. For, beginning of a learning process players are more open to new information, in the sense that they update their beliefs substantially as they observe which player gets a chance to make an proceed in off'er. Knowing this, each player waits, believing that the events are very likely to such a way that his opponent will change his mind. As time passes, they become experienced. In this way, two things occur simultaneously, both facihtating agreement. Firstly, having similar experiences, the discrepancy in their beliefs diminishes. Secondly, they become so closed minded that wilUng to agree , when they share the pie at opponents hope to convince them and thus become more lose their a while, they reach an agreement. in their terms. Therefore, after At the beginning until t** their of our game it will reach t** will Since they disagree about is common knowledge that they will not reach an agreement an agreement no matter what happens by then. depend on how many times each player how many times each player is will How they will have been recognized. hkely to be recognized by t**, there is no consensus among our players on how they can better each of them by agreeing on a decision at the beginning. Therefore, that there How is they wait imtil t** even though there a consensus among them an agreement at the beginning that would leave each player better long can they delay the agreement? tcut{h,K,6). is Now, given any K for sufficiently large values of h. and 6, as /i We showed that the delay — oo, tcut{h,K,6) — — oo, > There are two factors behind 25 > off. can be at most so that t** this limit. Firstly, as /i — = > oo, become very players' initial beliefs limit, thus by Theorem 1, firm, approximating an independently distributed p they reach an agreement immediately. But more importantly, the discrepancy in beliefs also disappears since would be more interesting then to It optimism level of h —^ as Now, oo. always is tcut = set y(() yo- In that case, for ^ Finally, as 5 agreement in = y(o) i > 0, \/ah~+b — h — 5/2 where a K, 1, t^ut {h, we = -^ oo. The converging to some yo G for have will y^S/ — (1 in = and as /z — » oo. so that the initial (0, 1] y(j) 5) due to the increasing for large values of h, consistent 6) + 2), t^/{h and approaches to — oo point, however, tcut starts decreasing, be no delay < K = yo{h + 2) increases, initially, tcut also increases, possibly will in the + yo/{-Ar[ b level of = 2a + 1) ^* yo 1/4. As h optimism. After a the limit. Once again, there with our Agreement Theorems. intuition for this result is clear. Very patient players can wait very long to find out whose beliefs are more accurate. We will now measure how long real-time delay we can have in the continuous-time hmit. We measure index-time t in terms of real time by r {t, n) = t/n, where > measures the fineness ra Now, discount of the grid. exp(— rr Clearly, in real time If is — > = and thus t (5*, exp {—r/n) where r > = {t,n) the real-time impatience. is Mog(6~'). Therefore, the maximum delay K do not depend on n, we can measure the real-time delay in the continuous time h and 1, = is (n) ('5-«-t('^,/c.5)^ ^ log hmit by hm5_i 5 (<,n)) rate <5 5""''="*' ' ^ ' and K, the delay One can check from ^og (s~^'="^-^'^'^^^n. ^ ^ 1 so that there is no real-time delay (32) that, given in the limit. any h and K, as That is, given any h agreement can be bounded to be arbitrarily short by recognizing players in sufficiently fast. It is h and crucial for this result that K are taken to be independent of n discrepancy in beliefs vanishes arbitrarily fast as at any real time r is K/ (rn -\- h+2), converging gets sufliciently large, to as n goes In updating his beliefs, a player might take into account how i.e., n so that the the discrepancy to oo. fast the players are recognized. In particular, one might attribute the recognition of a player at a given time to the player's innate abilities measure the little if players are to be recognized very frequently. effect of the frequent recognition purely, one may want to adjust h ingly so that the discrepancy in beliefs at a given real-time does not of the grid much. To do this, let in behefs at a given real time t values of n. As n — of » optimism stays at oo, 6{n) j/o > oo, however, > and K accord- depend on the fineness n = n and K = yo{h + 2) so that the discrepancy yo/{^^T + 1), which is approximately yo/{T + 1) for large us take h 1, and h and /C go unchanged. taken separately, in both cases When n — is — Therefore, in order to 6'*="' we compute We to oo in such a way that the initial level have already checked that, when these two limits are goes to 1, rendering immediate agreement in the limit. that lim T{tcut{h{n),K{n),8{n)),n) 26 = \/yJr - 1 we can have very long so that, in the continuous time limit, both patient (with low and r) if the players are optimistic. Impact of Risk- Aversion 7 In this section, reinstating Assumption NL, we wish to demonstrate the impact of risk aversion We on the problem of reaching an agreement. beginning of the game even though y of real-time delays Theorem TU > present a case where players disagree at the and the game can be 3 needs to be strictly positive, and thus Theorem 1 arbitrarily long. That is, y* could not be extended beyond in its full strength. Example 3 Assummg NL, take U = {u e [0,l]'^\{u^f + [u'^)^ < l},^^ i > e (0.907,1), 3, 6 and = so that y (0, 1,0,0, . . Now, by Proposition (vl —S^,6) and ,0). . V3 2, (1,1,1/2,0,0,... ,0) p2 = (0,1,1/2,1,1,... ,1), We will have a disagreement regime at = (0, 1). Hence, att = 2, if recognized, ,^^2^), The offers will be accepted. -^ N \( I 1,^ = l(x/rr7^..)+i(o, At the beginning of date — {6V2) = (0,1), respectively. v. 1 p' which t = 1, player Vl (\/\-b^ = 0. players 1 and 2 will offer and will offer Thus, l + 5\ certain that he will be recognized, 1 is will be accepted. , t Thus, his continuation value will be .2/1+5^' ^l-6^^] .2_./. = ^l-{6ViY = (34) . Likewise, V,' We = y/i-mf = ^i-S^'-^ 4 have a disagreement regime att the case when2-^ + ^) > ^. thus f{S) > (1 /'(I) = —1/2 < that, for any 6 G (0.907, 0, "This would be the case 1), if = whenever we have f{5) + [Vi) > 1/6 By (34) and (35), this is = 2- ^ (1 + 5) -•^, we observe that f{l) = 0, Oif {V^) Writing f {6) > 6 is sufficiently close to 0, (35) . 1. In fact, one can check hence we have a disagreement regime at players were dividing a dollar and each had utility function x 1— ^/x. > 27 t = 0. In a game with perpetual optimism, each player adjusts his expectations down, knowing that his opponent has very optimistic beliefs - even though he believes that his opponent wrong. With transferable utility this adjustment was enough for agreement. When is players are however, uncertainty about which player will get the rent lowers their continuation risk- averse, values at the beginning of any date with an agreement regime, increasing weakly the rent for the player recognized at the previous date. If in addition players are highly optimistic for this date, such an increase before - as our may be high enough for preventing them from agreeing at the date Example demonstrates. Conclusion 8 As suggested by Edgeworth results in agreement (1881), with complete information, in equilibrium, bargaining an optimal outcome. is Given that the delays are Yet, the agreement reached immediately. prominently proposed explanation for the delay we analyzed the problem In this paper, is costly, this also implies that the delayed as a rule in real parties' excessive is life. A optimism. of reaching an agreement in a model where players are possibly optimistic about the recognition process, the ultimate source of bargaining power in sequential bargaining in with no outside option. In order to see the pure impact of optimism, our analysis we relaxed only the common prior assumption of complete information, and adhered to the equilibrium. We showed that the excessive optimism alone cannot be a reason players are sufficiently optimistic for a long while, recognizing that his When for the delay. opponent will remain optimistic for a long while, each player will lower his expectations about the future so that they will reach an agreement immediately. In other words, presence of perpetual optimism includes also the bad news for each player that his opponent wiU remain optimistic, inducing a form of pessimism that moderates Corroborating this, his optimism to the extent that they we further showed settle at the beginning. in a special case that agreement so long as there are no sudden jumps in the level of we will have an immediate optimism, providing a ratio- nale for the immediate agreement result in complete-information models, where the level of optimism is constantly nil. It is not the absence or the presence of optimism that determines whether we have an immediate agreement; that is determined by the change in the level of optimism. Relaxing the common prior assumption enriches our understanding further. Taking ences in information to be the only source of differences in beliefs, the common prior assumption allows only one notion of convincing, namely communicating the privately in a credible way. While the delays are used sense, another notion of convincing for delay. When becomes as a means salient in known information to convince the other party in this our model, providing a distinct rationale players' beliefs are substantially different 28 differ- from each other, a player may be J opponent willing to wait so that his of the truth, which A show will becomes more make an U = 4 Take 6 (^u^,u^) < Player 2 \. be recognized at any p^ = = t and 1. (pg (w) ,pi {uj) ,.. he if = 1) P^ 0, = t t > 2, 2|p,) = | with (oj)) = p2(p. (po = = 2) beginning of date player 1 1 and P^ hence he 1 is — ^t 1, (Pt) — ^i+i {Pt+i) will offer [6/ {2 1, we is by Proposition — 6) ,1 — 6/ {2 — (pj) 6)), 6 oo, 6 =1) = 1 beliefs 's tt, — v^, (3 and P^ 1), and consider about pj [p^ = 1) Under P^ . = the , p 1/2 at each will never be recognized again. That given is, >t, we have s ^/2 ^/^iM = U othenmse; show i. that player 1 Hence, when continuation value at the 's gets higher, player 2 will offer it to be accepted. is = (The continuation values Now, Player 2 1. Vj'^j 2, Thus, be accepted. to this have the Rubinstein- Stahl framework with identical players, unll ^^ then have V^ ' he I, recognized at date is hence, offer; which offers (1,0). he n an example showing that except that player 2 believes that he will not 1, 6/2,6/2), which will be accepted. Take any Pf where player 2 never make an = recognized att will offer (1 (pj = 0. We will = P^ (pj = 1). 2|po) a lower share at date 0; and the offer 1 If player 1 = {pi decreasing with is = i f, for any I and P^ 1 parametrized by player p, = recognized at is ,Pi_i . +u^ < [0.1]" 1"^ equilibrium payoff increases as he will first present affiliated. similar to those of player beliefs are 's not is independently distributed with P^ [pQ > We the future. offer in following family of recognition processes s payoffs with respect to beliefs for affiliated recognition processes that a player's likely to not true when the recognition process Example IS our player thinks. like Appendix - Monotonicity of Here we is presumably is observe more facts and have a better understanding will (P(+i) = by (20), V^ (pj 1/(2 which — i5). is to be = ' 2 ^ at "*" t, ' 2 Therefore, if player 2 accepted. t = 2 are 1/2. always think that he will will Hence 0. at if recognized, player ^^(+1 (P<+i) Since is recognized at date The continuation value of player 1 at the beginning of date 1 is then V/ Since 5 6 (3 — Vl +V\ <\, \/5, 1), 6/ {2 — 6) > I = — TT • (1 - 6/2) 6/2, hence thus they reach an agreement at t = + V^ (1 some non-negative rent. In the bad news that his opponent if is our example, tt) • ^ 2-6' decreasing with is tt. (Note that V^ t 1 is overall the recognition at date not excessively pessimistic, hence bad news now it is for player 1. If player 1 in the dollar. 29 1 comes also with common knowledge is 0, in that, dominant; and being comes to believe that he to receive such bad news, he will have a weaker bargaining position at date a smaller share 6/2, hence contains a good news for a player that he will for player 1, they wait, he will not be able to get more than half the dollar. This bad news recognized at date = 0.) Proposition 2 stated that being recognized at some extract - is more which case he likely will get Now we focus on a canonical class of recognition processes, where recognition-process p is said to be (weakly) affiliated P'iPs =i\Pto =hPu,Pt^,--- ,PtJ > P" each for if p is sequence {to,ti, finite . . among affiliation members the all = [Ps T-\Pto ^i,Pu,Pt^,--- ,Pt„) ,i„) of non-negative integers, for each . independently distributed or exchangeable, weakly is it of a process, while A these news are good. all iff N € i and Note affiliated. s usually defined between two it is = say Pj and p^g, which corresponds to the sequence with to *i = • = - • If a *«• G N. Note that, we also that random process p define the variables, is affiliated, then we have = F' {p, at any two > P' i\i,pt) histories {i,Pt) and = {p, and P^ i\j,p^) {p, = < P^ j\i,p,) {j,Pt) that start with distinct players i = j\j,p,) (36) j at date 0, but continues {p, and with identical players. Proposition 3 Given any two games G* P' at = i\Pt) > i'Ps P' each s and p^ for some distinct players V' where the terms in That is, opponent when the (if Apt) and P' {p, and i > V' [p] with [6,p] [p] j, if p recognition process i is at least as likely to A anything) loses. and V^ < V^ [p] is [p] Vj [p] our Proposition holds for any two games G* hi,o = (k, which are of length (37) i & = 1 and each Recall that, by (15), = [p] games 1. change i (if in such a way that each anything) gains and his is by their modelling assumptions. affiliated of limit. mathematical induction on the length V^ [p] = 0, and our Proposition some length i and Conditional on that p^. ^ [5,/9] [p] t. Firstly, for is trivially satisfied. (n,P^,P^). Setting for every [6,p\ satisfying the hypotheses of the Proposition. jPt-i) Gl^^ V^ > (38) , offer as before, player N xU x {Reject}, consider subgames G{, and process {pi,P2, subgames t Vj all =t — (38) holds for at each [p] similar proposition for the Rubinstein-Stahl framework can be found will use and G* [5,p] ui, Reject) (37) jift) then affiliated, if players' beliefs make an remain to hold as we take the = = defined as limits of the continuation values in finite-horizon games; and the Assuming that f 6 N, we simply have V^ [p, to prove the Proposition for finite-horizon case. For, the continuation values in It suffices an infinite-horizon game inequalities will < P^ j\p^) is affiliated, Merlo and Wilson (1995), where the recognition process Proof. = indicates the underlying recognition process. [] player finds a player in = {Ps and G* [6,p] is affiliated (for and iPt) > Gj,j VI [p] ^ [6, p] is recognized at p is affihated). Hence, [S,p], i.e., [p\ (pj < K/ Thus, we only need to show that Vq we have V^ \p] = P" (Po i) m'{SV, 30 Gf, 0, we =t+ \, take Given any history [S, p] starting at hi,o, by our induction assumption, we have (pj and Vi = and = these subgames trivially satisfy A; 0, t t Assume that [p] {i)) + \p\ [p] (39) ip,) > P' (po Vq [p] and Vq = j) 6V{ [p] (j) \p] < Vq and V^ [p] [p\. = = P' (po Tn'(6Vi i) + [p] (?;)) = P' (po = yo[~p]-Vo{p\ j) P'(Po 5K/ = Hence, we can decompose [p] (j). V'J [p] - V^ \p] as i)[m'{SV,[p](i))-m'{6V,{p]{i))] (40) _ +P'{Po = j)[SV^\p]U)-6Vnp]U)] + We show that will with all = [P= (po the terms in - P^ z) (po = are non-negative. [J's [m'{5V, i)] (41) - 6V^ [p] {i}) note that m' Firstly, [p] (j)] (42) . non-decreasing (v) is v^ Hence, by (39), m^{6Vi \p\ [i)) — m^{6Vi [p] (i)) > 0. By (39), we — > thus the terms in lines (40) and (41) are non-negative. To show 0; 6Vl [p] {j) [p] (j) — > m^(6Vi [p] [i)) 0, we need to compare the subgames G* [6,p] and G' [S,p] starting 6Vi [p] {j) and non-increasing with v' . also have 6Vi that and at histories (i,w, Reject) have a game G'~' ['^'Z''^] p'{p'; at each p, P' {Pl = and £ N. {p and I > P' ^\Pt) so are p' and p' Vj' [p] (i) = V^ decreasing in where the term = p'^ ^\Pt) > V^ [p'] and P^ [p'] = VI < V^ [p]; in = p'{p^ = {pi < PJ j\pt) Similarly, u-', (v) it > = {p^ we have V^ [p] (i) m^{6Vi [p] (z)) Therefore, Tn^{SVi [p] (i)) - Vq [p] > [p] is affiliated, j\pt) at each we have V/ follows that v. showing that Vq we p,. > V^ affiliated, is [p']; in particular, < F/ [p] (j). Since m' is non> m^{SVi [p] (j)) > 5Vi [p] (j), — 6Vi [p] {j) > 0, and thus the and thus 0, is [p'] by (36), we have Since p V > V- [p]. Similarly, will present these proofs under the [p] complete. Appendix— Proofs will present the titles of the sections they belong to. [], e.g., B.l — we omitted proofs that We K[i,p], V[p], etc. maxt,j^p^ \pI (pj) ql (Ps)|, When We in the text. needed, is it K ifTpJ (p^) > A for for the underlying parameters the functions, i.e., |p — g| = each {t,i,p^). Agreement Theorem size of the pie. bounded. Then, we Then, we will will show that, under show that our first develop our notion of measuring the NL, the lengths of disagreement periods are uniformly result holds with strict inequalities for the case when y is Finally, invoking a continuity property of equilibrium payofTs with respect to the belief identically 1. structures, we wiU obtain a stronger Measuring the >0 will write supremum metric will also use the and we write p > A € we Now we will prove Theorems 3 and 4. Towards this goal, we will V [6,p], i\k,p,) and by induction hypothesis, the proof Here we in = \p] ij). due to m' in line (42) is non-negative, [p] i\p,) can be defined on different spaces.) Since p and non-increasing ti' = Therefore, by our induction assumption, . last inequality is we have V^ B {pi Isomorphic to each such subgame GJ. (j,u, Reject), respectively. where relative to U, size of version of the pie Define Theorem E : 3, R\ — which IR+, will also measuring the by setting IU,II max{A||t;|||AvG 31 imply Theorem [/,AeR+} size of 4. each payoff vector = v G IR^\{0} and setting E{0) at each where 0, continuous, increasing, and homogenous of degree Moreover, ||-|| any given norm on K^. Thus defined, is E(At;) i.e., 1, [/nR^ = {v|E(u) S [0,1]}; and the Pareto-frontier = E(v\m^(u)) = 1. Given any t, we write pie at the beginning of date any v, we is (m' (v) NL Disagreement under regimes we have an agreement regime t; m (u) = will write ,m} if t, where we have a disagreement regime = 6Vt+i, yielding 5t agreement regime after first log(^t) = is due to the Extreme case Writing 1 equilibrium of any finite- horizon When {Pi,i) iff St+i {Pt,i) < 1/^- Given at interval of disagreement any given t, we have m{6Vt+i) = = E {Vt) = E {6Vt+i) = 6T, {Vt+i) = = 6 ~ S^ at each such 5t_i € [1, G*[6, 1]. = p with is [y = pj 1 at each by 0, and t i, we now analyze the also identically 1.) we have 14_i we have an agreement regime at i — 2. Since Vj 1/5], L{6)., < E(m(0)). for the belief structure game -1 = \og(l/6) fact that 5; Consider the end of the game. 1. we Hence, the length of such an interval of t. log(E(m(0))) < 1 \og(l/S) E {m{0)) > in particular, (Vj) for the perceived size of the is L{Si,6) where the inequality any 1; is with a disagreement regime; we must thus have St the date of the i is disagreement regimes = E and v £ (v)). 6Vt+i, and hence by equation (15), we have Vt t at T, Under Assumption NL, the length of an uniformly bounded. For, dSt+i- This holds at each = St > XT,{v) at each A defined by S(v) is have T,{m^{v),v'^) = (15), = 771(0), and hence Si-i = If St-i > l/S, then we have — 1,. .. ,i — 2}; and we have an agreement 5j_i = S(m(0)). By construction, St_i,^^_i € disagreement regimes throughout the interval {i — L(6) regime at [1, i — L{S) — where L{6) 2, = L{St-\,6) as Together with our next lemma, this 1/6]. will guarantee that we have an agreement regime at each t<i-L{6) -2. Lemma 6 Take any finite-horizon game Given any G*[i5, 1]. t € T, if thus, by St+i € [1,1/5], then St £ [1,2-5] C[l,l/A). Proof. Since St+i < 1/5, we have agreement regime at and t; (15), Vt = m{6Vt+i). Now, E (514+1) = 5E {Vt+i) = 6St+i S [5, 1]; therefore, it suffices to show that E(m(u)) € [1,2 — 5] whenever S (v) € [5, 1]. Given any v € IR+, if E (v) = 1, then m{v) = v, hence E {m{v)) = E (v) = 1 € [1, 2 - 5]. Now take any w € 1R+ with 5 < E (v) < 1. By definition, m(v) > v, hence E (m(v)) > E (v) > 1. Hence, we only need to show that E {m{v)) < 2 — 5. We accomplish this using a geometric construction. CONE for the convex huU C. Since m.{v) € CONE — max {E ((2 5)wi) E ((2 — 6)102)} =2 — 6, See Figure 3 for our notation and graphical exposition. In addition, we write of n and and E is r2. [Note that v, wi, Tn{v), W2 € CONE.] increasing and convex, this implies We will show that m{v) < E (m(w)) < , completing the proof. To prove B, C, is V, that m{v) < C, we and m{v) are all first < B< v, < rn{v), line In this order, clearly, linearly ordered. the center of the rectangle defined by Hence, we have v note that, since v wi, rn{v), m,{v). Furthermore, we have 32 and W2, A< v. i.e., I has a positive slop so that A, we have B= v/2 A < B < C. + m{v)/2 = [For otherwise, Moreover, B Wi/2 + W2/2. we would have v < A < B Figure 3: An illustration for 33 Lemma 6. , . A so that CONE £ would then have A On contradiction.] A= and hence € 6U, i.e., T,{A) — X)6w2 \6wi + < But v < S. (1 the other hand, since hnes \\B-A\\_ I, 61, A also and {2 \\w,-bw,\\ some A € for impHes that 6 — < T,{v) < we have a T,{A); we have _^_ ^^g^ • \\{2-8)w,-w,\\ IIC-BII we convex, is b)l are parallel to each other, \l-6\\\w,\\ _ 6U Since [0, 1]. 12-5-lllKII Hence, - \\m{v) where the one is equality first due to C>B Since S{_ir^\^ G - B\\ the second one is due to \\B C - = \\C < v\\ and since m{v) and A\\ B> > v Lemma A, and the last m{v) < C. are ordered, this implies that with mathematical induction, l/6\, together [1, - \\B B = v/2 + m{v)/2, due to is (43). Since = B\\ gives us the following 6 Lemma. Lemma This 7 Given any Theorem is G*[i5, 1] urith i < oo, at each t 3 for the extreme case of p < i— L = 1 (6) with —3, we have St+i € [1, On strict inequalities. — 2 6] C we can bound p also l/S). the other hand, continuation values are continuous with respect to the probability assessments p, as our next states. Since [1, to be close to 1 by bounding y from below, this gives us Lemma Theorem 3, again with strict inequalities. Lemma 8 Given any 6 € \Vt\p] (Pt) - Proof. Pj. By We continuous. Since P ^i[p] (Pt) Lemmas Theorem game whenever t < g| Q T, and any e > 0, there exists is continuous in some A > such that A. = p. Take any t € T and Vt'[p] (pj (pj m' {5Vi+i[p] (p(,i)) + (l -pj (Pt)) ^^<+i[p] (Pt>j) at each and each i £ N. Assume that both p i— Vi_|_i[p] (pj, 1) and p >-^ Vj+i[p] (Pt,2) are m^ : M^ —* M. and the projection mappings p must be continuous as 6 Given any 6 € G*[8,p] with y t G N, - = pj 7 and 8 gives us If i |p we have regime) at each date Proof. e any use mathematical induction. Clearly, Vj [p] definition, belief structure p, >— < Vt[q] (pi)| (0, 1), well. By Theorem 3 with (0, 1) and any i--» v'^ are all continuous, induction hypothesis this completes the proof. finite i > , — L (5) — and v p] (pt) strict inequalities: 2, > y* we have St+i (Pt+i) < {2 <t — L{6) — and each Pj+j t >—* — there exists 6 + 1/(5) /2 some y* < < 1/6 1 such that, for every (and hence an agreement 2> 3 < 0, then our Theorem is vacuously true; so, assume that i — L (5) — 3 > 0. = {< S T\t < f — L((5) — 3}, which is finite and non-empty. Given any t € T^ariy, by Lemma 7, E(Vt+i[l]) <2 — 6 < 1/6; and since E is continuous, there exists some et > such that S {Vt+i\p] {Pt+i)) <{2-6 + 1/6) /2 whenever \Vt+i\p] (p^+i) - Vt+i[l]\ < £«. But by Lemma 8 there also exists some Ap^^^ > such that |yt+i[p] {Pt+i) — ^+i[lll < (t whenever |p— 1| < -^p.+j, i.e., and y* = 1 - A < 1. Take pi (Ps) > 1 ^P,+, for each (s, p^, i). Set A = miup^^^, teT,„wv ^p,+, > any p with y > y*. Now, given any (s, p^, and any P(_,_i with t € Tgariy, we have pl (p^) > >2/* 1 = l-A>l- Ap,^, where j / Therefore, at each pj+i with P^ (Pj + Vs (ps) > Vs (Ps) t G Teariy, We havc \Vt+,\p] < eu yielding E {V^+M (p,+i)) < (2 - + 1/6) /2. Vt+i[l]\ (p,+ i) Define Teariy ?'), , i. -5 34 Proof. by { (21), for Theorem each < t Take any 4) |S,+i [co,p\ whenever > i iV This 6, there also exists (2 - + 5 + St+i [Up] A B.2 Now we ii < 1/^ 1/^, s > Vt' for some t [t\ iPt) = t 1 with > p,_,_i [t] P* {ps = i\Pt) - (2 6 + > 1/6) /2 E Since 0. [f,p])| < continuous, is (Vp) ei = max {t* + L [6) + 3,maxt<(- i with y G''[<5,p] < f. t - ~^{Vi+i \J:(Vt+i [^,P]) In that case, an agreement regime at each we We < t t* . > (44) By Theorem it}- we have St+i [i,p] (pt+i) ^ by (44), we will have St+i [oo,p] < y*, u e {0,1) and 6 and St prove the following e N, assume TU, i Also, write Aj i. = Rs [^ The 6. results in this section are stated for the and then take the will first consider the finite-horizon case will first [t\ = [pt) f [Pt = XB = X^^lj 5^~'i?s (1 + = APt) and that R\ [i]. We limit. Lemma. = [t\ R'^ = Rs [t\ Then, given any p( S [i\ R G for each and any A''* i € A'^, y(i)) A[. Proof. Under our hypothesis, given any pj and Rs 1/6 such that such that, for every each €i at {0}. M P\ (Pt) - Here, < N the proofs omitted in Section N = (Nu {oo})\ 9 For any = [f,p]| = let ei e fj model with learning stylized will present Lemma St+i < y* i-C-, infinite-horizon case. write - and 0, some true in particular for i is some = 1/6) /2 > 6 there exists f*, Pt s >t, we have £' \l^p^-^^R\ {pt)Rs [f|> [i] |pj] = Rs where the penultimate equality the fact that player's beliefs about different dates are identical. Hence, by Proposition E'' [<] is 2, [l{p,=i}|P(] due to we have = ^\=t 6'~'E^ [^{P,=^}Rl \Pt] = Pi {Pt)K- This also impHes that St (p,) = y/ (p,) + (Pt) = pj iPt) Aj + P? iPt) A[ = {pI iPt) + P? iPt)) A[ = (1 + Vd)) Aj. Lemmas 3 and 9 imply Lemma 4 as an immediate corollary. We now prove Lemma 3. Proof. {Lemma 3) We will prove the lemma for any t € N. We first consider the case t € N = Fi^_i = li which is deterministic. Assume and use mathematical induction: Firstly, R\_-y = = ii^^ = -^3 Then, by Lemma 9, St+i that R] e K for each s > < + 1 for some t < (l +y(t+i)) A(^j G E and hence R\\t\ = R^^ = max{0, 1 — 6St+\ [<]} € K, showing by mathematical = Rt^ for some i?t (^ € M for each t < induction that R\^ = iZf In that case, by Lemma 9, = (l +2/(f)) Aj € IR for each t <t, proving our Lemma for finite-horizon case. In the infiniteSt — 14 [oo], and hence St — St [oo] and Rt — Rt [oo] horizon case, as ^ — oo, we will show that Vj Vl Vt^ [<] [t\ [t\ {Pi) [i\ [t\ [i] [^1 t. [«] [*] \t\ t. [i] [i] [i] at each To t, showing that St see that Vt [f] — > [oo] and Rt [t] » Vt [oo], first observe that A' agreement and disagreement regimes at these equalities that A* is This also shows that = s [oc] is [i] (pj 1 — — > |5y((+i)| Since A|_j Vt [oo] (pj) = 6y(t+\)^\+\ and A' Using the fact that t. strongly stable backwards. pointwise limit A°°. Therefore, Vt [i] » are also deterministic. [oo] = ilt-i = p\ {pt) A^ an equilibrium. From now on, we < 6h\^^ when we have 6 < 1, one can check from [*] = 1, A' thus possesses a everywhere. will take 4 = oo and suppress i in our expressions. Towards proving B{t + 1) and C{t) last inequality, Lemma 5, let us define functions B, B, and = ^^^T+I^T^ ^^ ^^^^ * C ^ ^- ^°^^ *^^t ^(^) < ^(*) one can check that C{t) - m = V(.-i) (1 35 - ^y(m)) = ^^} '^(*) ^* ^^^^ by setting B{t) ^ < , *• B{t) = ^°^ *^^ We Lemma: start with the following Lemma 10 Given any = Proof. Since At € PA, and t 1 G R, we have c 6, At+i = B{t + l)-b At+i = C{t + l)+c — ^^ ^^ At = B{t)+6y^t+i)b, (45) At = B{t)-6y^t+l)C. (46) we have 6y(^t+i}At+i, r = -——. 1 + oy^i+i) A(+i showing for some 1 1 6y^t+i) 1 + > = c B{t + + + 5y(t+i)&, 6y{t+i) i <5j/(t) B{t) + < and hence we have At 0, 8y(t+i)b < B{t). Likewise, whenever At+i = Lemma 12 For any t € PA, B{t) < At Proof. Take any t £ PA, and write Given any t we have Aj+i = B{t + 1), 11 e PA, B{t if — B{t) + 1) < < 5j/(t+i)C > + <5y(t) < C{t + At+i s > t. Then, using = A, C{t) Lemma + e*+2' 10, C{t — + b for some 6 < 0, we have At+i 1), and hence we = C{t 1), then B{t) < At < + 1) + c Lemma. B{t). C{t). iit = s we compute that - C{t + [At+2i < 1) B{t). This gives us the following 1 each + 1 (46). Lemma for 1 + <5j/(t+i) y(t+i) 1 ^y(t) Note that, whenever At+i have At - 1 (45). Likewise, y(t+i) 1 showing <=> At = b ^*+2fc - 21)] ^^(j Y^ ^ 2k) - B{t + 2k)] . (47) 0<fc<i-l for each t € PA, and I > Using 0. Lemma 10 and mathematical induction on I, one can easily check that (47) holds. < Equation (47) implies that At |— ^2/(f)| < 1, as follows that, as Z Z — — » — CO, ^t^^' > 0. oo, ^*"^^' [At+2i - multiplication of evenly that X^o<fc<;-i ^t^ C{t) many when Since C{t 61+"^' 0. » negative numbers. is To see this, note first that, since — C{t + 2l)\ < 1 at each t,l, it > for each k, as it consists of Since C{t + 2k) — B{t + 2k) is always positive, it follows further have |Af+2( + 21)] — + 2A;) — B{t + 2fc)] exists € N such that [*-^(* zero. Therefore, there we sufficiently large. is / Second, ^*+^'' positive, increasing in I, and hence bounded away from Z' [At+2i - C{t + 21)] - ^t"^^*" ["^(^ Y, o<fc<;-i 36 + 2't) - B{t + 2k)] < (48) whenever On / > /'. the other hand, using (47) at = A, t + and 1 (46), one can also obtain B{t)-6y^,+,)elXf+'[\t+2i+i-C{t +6y(t+i) <^lVi^^' [C(t Y. + 2l + \)] + 1 + 2k)-B{t + l + 2k)]. (49) 0<fc</-l Of course, by (48), there exists -6y{t+iAtf^' [A(+2i+i some - C{t + 21 I" + N € 1)] + such that 6y^t+,^ ^t+f Y. ^' [^(* + + 2^' 1) " ^(* + '2k +1)]>0 0<k<l-l (50) whenever I > whence we have At > B{t). Therefore, I", for any I > Tnax{l' I" } , and (49), we have B{t) < At < C{t). u Lemma 5. Proof. {Lemma 5) When t ^ PA, our Lemma is vacuously true. Take any t we have B{t + 1) < A(+i < C{t + 1), hence by Lemma 11, we have B{t) < Aj < , inequaUties (48) and (50) simultaneously hold, hence by (47) We can now prove Lemma 12, Review of Economic Studies 54: e PA. By B{t). U References [1] Admati, A. and M. Perry (1987): "Strategic delay in bargaining," 345-364. [2] Aumann, R. (1976): "Agreeing to disagree," Annals of Statistics [3] Aumann, R. (1995): Economic Behavior, "Backward induction and common knowledge of "Common A Aumann, [5] BattigaUi, P. and M. rationalizability" Research in Economics, 53, 246-273. [6] R. (1998): Edgeworth, 1236-1239. rationality," Games and 8, 6-19. 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