Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/simple3stepcenso00cher IB31 ,M415 M Oi' •7-6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series SIMPLE 3-STEP REGRESSION CENSORED QUANTILE AND EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS Victor Chemozhukov, Han Hong, MIT Princeton University Working Paper 01 -20 March 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/paper.taf7abstract id=272499 MASSACHUSEnSINSIItUit ^OFT£ CHNOLOGY AUG Paug 1 5 2001 LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Econonnics Working Paper Series SIMPLE 3-STEP CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION AND EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS Victor Chemozhukov, Han Hong, MIT Princeton University Working Paper March 01 -20 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/paper.taf7abstract id=272499 SIMPLE 3-STEP CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION AND EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG Abstract. This paper suggests simple sion 3 and 4-step estimators for censored quantile regres- models with an envelope or a separation restriction on the censoring probability. The estimators aire theoretically attractive (asymptotically as efficient as the celebrated Powell's censored least absolute deviation estimator). At the same time, they are conceptually simple and have or trivial models with computational expenses. TheyLaxe, especially useful in samples of small many regressors, with desirable finite sample properties and small size The bias. envelope restriction costs a small reduction of generality relative to the canonical censored regression quantile model, yet its also main plausible features remain intact. The estimator can be used to estimate a large class of traditional models, including normal Amemiya-Tobin model and many accelerated failure and proportional hazard models. The main empirical example involves a very large data-set on extramarital estimate 45% — 90% conditional quantiles. affairs, with high 68% censoring. We Effects of covajiates are not representable as women, with fewer children, and higher status, tend to engage more than their opposites, especially at the extremes. Marriage location-shifts. Less religious into the matters relatively longevity effect is and negative at high quantiles. Ed- We also on the Stanford heart transplant data. We positive at moderately high quantiles ucation and marriage happiness effects aire negative, especially at the extremes. briefly consider the survival quantile regression estimate the age and prior surgery effects across survival quantiles. L Introduction In statistics, biostatistics, and econometrics, there has been a great deal of attention given to censored data. This paper analyzes censored quantile regression models with known cen- soring points, suggesting a very simple 3-step estimation procedure with congenial features. This simplicity is achieved through the structured envelope and separation restrictions on the censoring probability, yielding an easily implementable and well-behaved technique. These restrictions preserve the plausible semi-parametric, distribution-free tures of the model. We illustrate the and heteroscedastic procedure in two examples, an extramarital fea- affairs example and the Stanford heart transplant data with complete censoring times. The paper first is organized as follows. We first evaluate the censored quantile regression model, proposed by Powell (1986), as a generalization of the Lehman-Doksum p-sample quantile Key words and phrases. Median Regression, Quantile Regression, Fixed Censoring, Robustness, AccelerTime Model, Proportional Hazard model. Classification, Discriminant Analysis. Chernozhukov is at Department of Economics, MIT, vchern@mit.edu; Hong is at Department of Economics, Princeton and UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, doubleh@princeton.edu We thank Takeshi Amemiya, Roger Koenker, and Stephen Portnoy for very constructive, critical comments. We also thank Joshua Angrist, Jerry Hausman, Jinyong Hahn, Sendhil MuUainathan, Whitney Newey for very helpful conversations. Of course, the usual disclaimers apply. ated Failure . 1 VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 2 treatment problem for the case of censored data and general treatment. CQR models are semi- parametric, with distribution-free character, and equivariance to monotone transformations. They embody rich information covariates, all summarized about shifts in location, scale, Ensembles of quantile regression as the quantile treatment effects. curves provide a more complete, often more and other moments induced by interesting picture of relationships in the data than conventional mean or median regressions alone. Graphically a spectacular technique, they rouse curiosity, and engage attention. CQR models compare favorably to the well-known Amemiya-Tobin, Cox, Buckley-James, and other approaches, as they permit distributionforms of heteroscedasticity, including scale and non-scale free specifications as well as rich forms. We briefly discuss available estimators for the cases of fixed censoring. This discussion motivates the k-step estimators on congeniality grounds, including implementation ease, good performance in small samples and models of many continuous or discrete regressors, and cases These of very high censoring. and simulations. The k-step CQR a constructive, robust, and well-behaved method to estimate the traditional Amemiya-Tobin, accelerated for conditional quantile tile models as well as the models had been recognized early Effects. Although the in the 19th century, only Lehmann in the past century did an extensive research of the subject begin. Doksum offers and many Cox models. failure, Censored Quantile Regression and Quantile Treatment need CQR Censored Regression Quantile Models 2. 2.1. which qualities especially pertain the empirical examples, follow after the discussion of theoretical properties (1974) and (1974) formulated the theory of quantile-quantile plots, posing a p-sample quan- treatment problem and arguing that location-shift models are insufficient to summarize ubiquitous quantile shift effects. Koenker and Bassett (1978) introduced quantile regression (QR) estimators that have evolved into a popular approach to data analysis. Another early work of high merit by Hogg (1975) suggested instrumental variable estimators and gave a first empirical illustration of the conditional quantile model's breadth. inal works also lay the foundation of the initial A number of sem- Amemiya (1981), developments, including Chaudhuri (1991),Chaudhuri, Doksum, and Samarov (1997), Powell (1986), Koenker and Portnoy (1987), Portnoy (1991), Jureckova and Prochazka (1994), Newey and Powell (1990), Buchinsky and Hahn (1998) Koenker and Machado (1999), Khan and Powell (2001), as well as many QR is others. central to a substantial number of empirical studies, as Koenker and Hallock (2001) recently reviewed.' Our target covariates X is the conditional quantile function of the dependent real variable in R*^, Qy\x- Qy\x is The Qy\x is given the inverse of the conditional distribution function Fy\x- QY\x{r) therefore Y = mUv : Fyixiv) > r}; a complete description of the stochastic relation of model of Qy\x is of fundamental importance. It appealing and simple, incorporating classical linear model and linear 'Koenker and Gelling (2001)'s introduction to quantile regression is is F to X. convenient, conceptually linear location-scale very worthy. models CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 3-STEP 3 as important special cases, Qy^^{r)= We X assume that X'Pir). includes a constant and note that (1) may it incorporate a wide array of polynomial and alternative transformations of the observable covariates. This model could be specified a particular quantile, say median, or for an ensemble of quantile curves, for providing a more complete, global description of conditional distribution. shall stress en-route. In sequel QR model Both we assume that (1) applies to the quantiles of interest. Linear a natural generalization of the classical location-shift model: (1) is Y = X'a + u, where u shift independent of is or local, models and global models each have their own virtues, which we single quantile restriction X , (2) with distribution function F, and of the linear location-scale model Y = X'a + XV, > where X'j Indeed, in the 0. = a + ^F~^{u). the second /5(t) for all T, QR whence model (3) As Thus, is =a+ F~^{u)ei, where ei = (1,0, ...)', and (2) implies that all the slope coefficients are the in same monotone in the quantile index r. The general make such restrictions. Thus, QR models ascribe a implies that /3(t) are (1), local or global, does not rich role to covariates effects. case /3(t) first (3) X, allowing them to exhort location, scale, kurtosis, and quantile-shift mean models, the QR models are distribution free. a way to extend the Lehmann-Doksum p-sample quantile the case with conditional Another principal view of QR is as treatment problem to the regression setting(Koenker and Gelling (2001)). In the two-sample Lehmann setting, (1974) and Doksum (1974) arrived where the value of the untreated is y, F Lehmann F(y) = G{y + = Evaluating A(y) at a quantile, y shift vs. the familiar distance from the 45 degree line in the quantile-quantile plot of is = a scale-shift form Sq, for all r, or (5o(t) = effect could take a simple location- So-\-SiF~^{t). More treatment can affect such features as skewness, kurtosis, and other moments, by the quantile shift effect S{-). firstly, = generally, the all summarized This 2-sample formulation leads to the linear model (1), + ^(^)^i5 where Di is the treatment indicator. ^"U''") we may view linear QR models X'P(t) as a generalization of the p-sample noting that Qy\d,{t) Thus, effect: = G-\t) - F-\t); G~^{t). For example, the quantile treatment form 6{t) and = G-\F{y))-y. F^'(t), one obtains the quantile treatment 6{t) G A(y)) or A{y) F~^{t) y has the untreated is defined by the random variable Y + A{Y). defined the treatment effect A(y) as the horizontal distance between in (y,p) coordinates In fact, 5{t) Suppose the treatment adds amount A(y). If distribution F, then the treated distribution, G, Thus, at the following formulation. problem to the case of continuous or polychotomous treatment, represented by covariates -^(j)i J > 2, as in dose-response studies. In this case, P{j){t) can be interpreted as a partial derivative with respect to change in the treatment, or, equivalently, a quantile treatment VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 4 of changing the treatment effect is = X(_,) xq to xq + Secondly, introduction of covariates 1- a pertinent way to control for observed heterogeneity. Regardless of whether covariates bear causal or control meanings, we refer to /0(t) as the quantile X X treatment or the quantile shift effects. Equivariance to monotone transformations as els, emphasized state a slightly Y a useful property of quantile regression mod- Chaudhuri, Doksum, and Samarov (1997), and Koenker in Powell (1991), and Gelling (2001) is and transformation models. in connection to censoring, survival, more general form. For a given measurable transformation Tz{Y) and other variables Z, it is We shall of variable obvious that QT-AY)\x.zir) =Tz{Qy\x.z{t)), since (4) P[Y <QnxAr)\X,Z] = P[Tz{Y) <UQy^^Ar))\X,Z]. For example, Y = if we estimate a linear model X'P{t) for the log(r), as in accelerated failure time models, then logarithm of survival time T, Qt{t\X) equals exp{X'/3{T)). This property helps interpret and communicate data-analytic findings; and conditional mean models. Koenker and it is not shared by the Gelling (2001) contains a lucid illustration in the case of quantile regression survival analysis. Transformation equivariance naturally leads to models of censored data. Assume that the latent variable and we Y* is by the observable, possibly random, censoring points left-censored^ Ci, collect X„ Y^=Y*yC^, Assume Y* is = 1{Y^Q). 5^ conditionally independent of the censoring point P (y* < y\X,, C) =P{Y* < y\X^) (5) d, that is, for all y G M: so that , ^^^ Qy'Ix.c^^X'(3{t). The conditional independence assumption sumption of independence between example, for example, there is (YJ, i, is realistic in many realistic The assumption, (but clearly not because we know the transplant and the possible to impute them example, the censoring point of censoring ies. is very common (see is, all) that censoring points are situations. last follow known for For example, in the analysis of we can compute up dates for each i. all censoring points In other situations, Powell (1986) for discussion).^ In the extramarital affairs naturally, zero, or "fixed", for all observations. in social, Conditioning on Cj, assumption censored as- X^) and the censoring variables Ct. (In the Stanford post-transplant survival times in the Stanford data-set, it is than the frequently made a significant correlation between the "ace" and "surgery" variables with the censoring times). all more is (6) This type psychometric, technometric, and econometric stud- and transformation equivariance yield the following QR model: QY\x,c,{r) right-censoring is handled by reversing the = X'l3{T)VC,. (7) sign. Here we do not consider the cases where the censoring points are unobserved. There on median and M-estimation under random censoring - see e.g. Yang (1997) and Zhou is a growing hterature (1992). CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 3-STEP Early formulations of go back to (7) Amemiya Gaussian errors and fixed censoring point at This model states that (5y|x(l/2) of error Y^ - V X'/3 consistent estimators. fact that considered 0: = X'p V u~Af(0,a); \inot; (8) and assumes a parametric form of distribution 0. Tobin (1958) Historically, who (1973) and Tobin (1958) = X'P + u, \^X'p + u>0&ndO, Y^ 5 . formulated first and Amemiya (1973) provided and (8) expenditure was nonnegative and frequently assumed value specifically Tobin's example, such censoring formulation is may be hard median model Qy|x(l/2) if conditional on expenditure is X mean to interpret as a = X'pvO for the observed probability of "censoring" recurrently criticized, since the In his path-breaking work, Powell (1984) was We expenditure median first stress of a "latent variable," the conditional an excellent one. Indeed, is greater than 1/2, then conditional is zero. Otherwise, the conditional for the many examples, In 0. negative values are sometimes meaningless or given imaginary interpretations. that although x'P justified Analyzing expenditure on durable goods, Tobin accounted is median of (reasonably approximated as) X'I3. median and quantile regression to stress we refer to this model the Amemiya- Tobin model. in the distribution-free, fixed censoring world. For this reason, the Powell CQR Having model summarizes the When is model, and to (7) in its normal form as to mind, we can speak of the quantile treatment/shift effect of as to effects. I3{t) now a treatment on both the censored and uncensored latent variable. the latent variable has real meaning, such as the survival time, the interpretation the same as discussed earlier, except that censoring treatment effects for all quantiles of interest. the expenditure or extramarital examples, When it is may prevent identification of the the latent variable is imaginary, as in important to indicate the relevance of /3(r). Define the censored quantile treatment/ shift effect as a partial derivative Sj{t,X,c) = "i? [{x = 6j{t,x, c) characterizes the (ej is a zero vector with 1 eff'ect - Qy\xA'^) Qy|x+e,i,,c(-r) + ejvypir) V c a - x'/3(r) V c)] /v l(x'/3(r)>c)/?(r) of changes in components of x keeping everything else fixed in the j-th position). /3(t) in turn characterizes the treatment effect 6{t,x,c). As the class of CQR models inherits the qualities of the uncensored distribution- free character, talent of heteroscedasticity, they Amemiya- Tobin models, QR models, such as compare favorably to the normal distribution-free homoskedastic accelerated failure models, and Cox proportional hazard models. For example, an accelerated failure time models are of the form \og{T) = a + XL^e + u, (9) where u has an unknown distribution F, X^-[ represents covariates without the is a location-shift model with quantile treatment effect given by hazard Cox models are special cases of (9), for 9. Many intercept. This useful proportional example, one with Weibull baseline hazard model. More generally. Cox models can be written as In Ao(T') = a + X'_i6 + au, for unknown VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 6 Gumbel variate u. Vector 6 summarizes the Cox model is a location-shift one up to a view, one or the other model may be preferred integrated baseline hazard function Ao and a relevant quantile treatment effects, so that the Prom a constructive point depending on the context. However, when transformation. desired, the CQR approach Motivation 2.2. is of heteroscedasticity and distribution free spirit are valuable. for k-step Estimators. Sample regression quantiles may be defined in The most widely used method, due to Koenker and Bassett(1978), is ingeniously we have n observations {Yi^Xi}. In the no-covariates case, the sample r-th several ways. simple. Suppose quantile /3{t) generated by solving the problem (Ferguson (1967)): is T.PriY^-P), Ti^ where Pt{x) = {t - l{x < 0))x. Koenker and Bassett (1978) extended this concept to the regression setting as follows: n T.pr{y^-^i(^)- g^, They also (10) and Powell (1984) and Portnoy (1991) developed the asymptotics. The asymp- totic distribution parallels that of ordinary sample quantiles. Also, as Koenker and Bassett (1978) elaborated, the sample regression quantiles inherit good robustness and equivariance features of the ordinary sample quantiles. Robustness is a strong motivation for quantile re- gression even in canonical, seemingly normal, homoskedastic cases, as heavy-tailed admixture known or outliers are spoilers of For brevity assume for now Ci many = classical procedures. 0, Vi. form with the semi-linear one {X'/3 V In the censored model (7), replacement of the linear 0), n leads to the celebrated Powell (1984), Powell (1986) estimator. Powell (1984) established the asymptotic normality of /3p(T) and developed an inference theory, paving the way and setting forth a standard for future work. Despite the intuitive appeal, this method has not become popular in empirical research due to known computational well its difficulty.^ See, for instance, Fitzenberger (1997b), Fitzenberger (1997a) for remarkable research as well as extensive simulations. Buchinsky (1994) and Fitzenberger (1997a) designed ingenious computational algorithms, which Fitzen- berger (1997a) recommends for low degrees of censoring, while admitting that "all practical algorithms perform quite poorly We know when a or Cox approaches found hundreds For example, see Fitzenberger (1997a), n = p. 15. In 100, in several important designs (e.g. 5% to censoring of about three or four applications of censored Amemiya-Tobin from lot of 37% for various algorithms. is present" ? His conclusion median regression of applications, the case of 50% if is well in econometrics. In contrast, not thousands. censoring, one regressor, and small sample A, B), the frequency of computing the Powell estimator ranged For some of the other designs results were better - convergence 3- STEP CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 7 substantiated by a very extensive Monte-Carlo experiment with tens of different practical designs. All experiments involved only one regressor complications. In many empirical applications, the censoring in the heart dataset of section (3.6.2) - 37%. and respectively. 3, and is The number quite heavy and dimensional- degree of censoring (4), theory statistic is at hand particularly 68%; for the mat- the design of both theoretically also implementable, practically attractive estimators. It makes the problem is of regressors in these two datasets This serves as one strong but not the only motivation an important goal of ter herein. Arguably, elegant Increase in dimension leads to further For example, in the affairs example of section ity is also high. are 9 (!). that requirement that is challenging. In part motivated by such limitations, recent remarkable work by Buchinsky and Hahn and Khan and Powell (2001) suggested a number of alternative estimators. Buchinsky and Hahn (1998) proposed to first estimate the propensity score h{Xi) = P {8i = l\Xi) by (1998) a nonparametric kernel regression, then select a set where sample, those observations i.e. and then use a transformed to use any of the three i (iii) : where the conditional quantile QR on the selected sample. methods > h{Xi) line Khan and is 1 — t} of the whole above zero, X[P (t) > 0, Powell (2001) also proposed to perform the first stage selection: estimators of the regression quantile, h[Xi), {i (i) maximum score nonparametric kernel propensity score estimator (ii) nonparametric locally linear conditional quantile estimator of Chaudhuri (1991) (denoted q{Xi)). In the second step, they obtain the estimator by running a weighted min^ Er=i AzPr {Y, - X[P) where A, e.g. = K{h (X,) - (1 - r) - c) or A {q {X,) - c), etc. QR: The two-stage estimators are somewhat less efficient than the Powell estimator due to smoothing and trimming. Ideologically, these estimators share the ideas behind the construction of the Powell (1986) estimator (especially the estimating equation version of imposed simultaneity to obtain The suggested first stages are extremely attractive, but are only practical in low dimensions, and have slow convergence This is rates. Local kernel smoothers apply to (sufficiently) continuous will Of very confounding. ^/n- estimates could ^ when ss 1. Thus such asymptotics .2 the bandwidths are carefully chosen] sets for all of the first stage estimates. estimators in our examples and many is As a other cells. observations per void here. is many (sufficiently) discrete an asymptotic theory suggests that the course, be obtained by averaging within the be on average roughly 6800/(8^) 69/(15 X 2^) except that Powell his single step estimator. variables only, whereas a lot of applications, including ours, have covariates. it), In the affairs example, there cell; in the heart The computational burden example [especially very substantial in high dimensions, large data- result, we simply cannot use any of the available applications due to 1) heavy censoring, 2) real-life high dimensionality, 3) very small or large sample, and 3) polychotomous nature of numerous regressors. From a As our interest concerns many constructive angle, however, we quantiles; these settings are even more confounding. strongly stress that the mentioned estimators can be potentially fruitful in a lot of conceivable cases. In an unpublished report that precedes this one, we suggested a number of flexible para- metric techniques that exploit the global approximation and classification ideas, that lead frequencies ranged from many 30% to %70. These results were obtained regressors and larger n, the results can be expected to for the case of be worse. one regressor. In case of VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 8 to consistent and asymptotically normal estimators that are as The Powell estimator. benchmark we think is an esThe current approach present paper extracts and further develops what most implementable and usable part of our previous research. sential, is efficient as the based on the structured modeling restrictions that we put on the censoring probability. These restrictions cause a reduction many Cox models, and incorporate, for example, Amemiya-Tobin, models as very As a free character. offers it not only an efficient, practical for heteroscedas- an easily computable (comparable to result, linear least squares), well-behaved, robust estimator properties, accelerated failure time important special cases while at the same time allowing and distribution- ticity but only a small one, since they allow to in generality, is available. way Due to the good robustness models, but also a good way to estimate very important traditional models. computable, easily its finite The procedure: 3.1. sample properties can be studied in Simple 3-step and k-step 3. CQR to estimate the general Powell CQR Because it is fine details. Estimators This section describes the steps of the estimator and briefly sketches the basic ideas behind them. The Steps. 3.1.1. Step where Si is Estimate a parametric classification (probability) modeler 1. Xi indicates desired transforms of Xi and Ci. r-l-c}, where c is strictly between and r and the indicator of not-censoring. Next, select the sample Jq = {i : not too small (practical choice Step Obtain the 2. p{X['^) > — 1 discussed in the appendix) is estimator initial (inefficient) /3o . (t) by running the standard QR: mmY, Pr{Y^-X',p). (11) ieJo Next as select Ji = {i : X'^Po{t) > Cj + (5„}. is (5„ n —> DO (The formal condition on {5n} is a small positive number going to zero slowly that y/n x ^„ therefore consistently selects the largest subset of i —> oo and 5„ such that XIP{t) > \ 0.). This step Ci, building up the efficiency of the next step. Step Denote 3. Run QR (11) with Ji in place of Jq. this 3-step estimator pi (r). Step 4. (Optional) Further repeat step 3 ^/3/-i(t) > a+ <5„} in place of Jo.[/ In step 4 each repetition involves selecting Jj Pi{t) from (11) using the sample Made .Jj. = = {i once or 2,3, : finite times, X'-Pj-i{t) > Ci + 5n}, and is {i : then obtaining (3j (r). index can be relaxed by allowing the binary model to have plausible stochastic complexity as measured by the uniform covering or bracketing entropy. The the single index = ...]. Denote the k-step estimators as for brevity of proofs, the restriction of single using sample Jj particularly suited here from a practical point of view. class of CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 3-STEP What 3.1.2. example, its we may In the step 1 details are as follows. extreme value, linear (polynomial) or any other model that logit, probit, Xi denotes any desired transform of Xi. For example, Xi well. {5i,Xi} and Some in the steps? is 9 may use, for the data fits consist oi Xi,Ci squares (Remark 4 allows for power series and regression spline approximations). In an inconsistent estimator of the propensity score general, this gives but the inconsistency not important as long as the misspecification is Indeed, the goal of the step 1 observations where h{Xi) > 1 — is to select some and not where the quantile r, i.e. is not too severe. necessarily the largest subset of line XI/3{t) is above zero, so as to obtain an initial consistent but inefficient estimator Po{t). This task can be carried out for example, p{Xl'yQ) — a lower bound on h{Xi): c is a.s. = (70 plim-y) and EXiX'-l{i G Jo) it is is nontrivial, meaning that the selected a weak requirement since p() is Thus the envelope function. p{Xl^o)-c<h{X^), (12) set Jq sufficiently rich - is restriction is not required to be a distribution is and not very intuitive Figure (cf. 1 The above may be it restriction in Theorem See the subsections below for formal details and further for motivation). discussion of this assumption. but restrictive, replaced by an even weaker condition - the separating hyperplane 1 matrix asymptotically invertible. Greater c and better model p{-) simplify the This selection task. if, Appendix B contains construction assumes that the estimator details for practical implementation. 7 reasonable and converges to a value is and the model p{Xlj). For example, 7 may be defined by minimizing Y17=\i^i " Pi^llWi >" which case under standard conditions > 7o that solves min-y E[h{Xi) —p{X['-f)]^. Alternatively, quasi-ML methods can be used 7o 70 that minimizes a sensible distance between h{Xi) — and will be equivalent to weighted least-squares. polynomial logistic model and estimated Another attractive choice tive is is it In our empirical section using conditional the Fisher-Rao discriminant analysis. justifiable as follows (treat Ci as part of has density or p.m.f. ^i(x) and Xj{(5j P{S^ = 1\X^ = = X or set C, qi = means and LQDA P{5i = = 1) 1 — go- = The discriminant prospec- for brevity). If Xi|{(5i x) = —— — + qog2{x) Approximating gi{x) and g-zix) by normality with Amemiya (1985), p. 282). Other forms of Efron (1975), Press and Wilson (1978), simulated and real- LDA tion classifier becomes (because it different variances, leads to the classical logistic linear-quadratic discriminant analysis, (see e.g. (cf. 1} -, gi and ^2 could of their concrete problems, but even normality assumption has been results = 0} - go{x), then by the Bayes's rule: 9191(2;) where we employed a MLE. life Amemiya and in view to produce good be chosen known Powell (1983)). Using both examples, the studies found a surprisingly good performance of the even when the regressors were binary! Naturally, when the normal approximarealistic, discriminant analysis does approximates the unconditional MLE). In the terminology of modern classification analysis. much better than conditional approaches LQDA was among the top 3 classifiers for VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 10 11 out of 22 datasets in the impressive Statlog project(see Michie out-competed many sophisticated classifiers. The and Taylor(ed) (1994)) and Statlog project tested 23 algorithms on 22 commercially important problems (Michie and Taylor(ed) (1994)). For excellent large-scale, further refinements and generalizations of the discriminant approach see the literature cited in the next subsection. Formally we shall not confine ourselves to a particular estimator, instead an assumption such as (12) or generalization will be required to hold. its Under conditions to be stated, (r) /3i is asymptotically normal with variance equal to that of the Powell estimator. Thus, starting with a "good" subset of observations, only two QR suffice recomputations of also asymptotically to obtain the Powell-efficient estimator. Estimators asymptotic rationale for considering the fourth step? efficiency structure of the Powell's one step estimator computing QR is /3/ (t) has the more efficient 3 than the selector a unique property of the Powell is iterations on step 4 are somewhat analogous to those markable ILPA algorithm that Buchinsky (1994) designed going beyond the third or fourth step tion computational reasons), based given the 2 estimator the is and our 4-or-more step estimators. single-step estimator The (r) are in the sense that the selector in step This efficiency structure I3\{t). > For / has y/n rate of convergence and Powell's variance, which $q{t) used in j3i normal with variance equal to that of the Powell estimator. What for the not desirable on is in the pioneering and re- Powell problem.^ However, statistical grounds (not to men- on our Monte- Carlo experience. Our result show that step only two recomputations of quantile regression lead to an first classification estimator (relative to the Powell estimator). (Regarding computational aspects, the efficient faster interior point algorithms, Koenker and Portnoy may be (1987), preferred to linear programming.) In summary, the estimation procedure has two very distinct features: a very simple, para- metric classification and the additional 3rd and the optional further first step, The step. estimators are as efficient as the Powell estimator. 3.2. The Model Beneath: Normative and Agnostic CQR model in (7), together with the "nontrivial envelope" restriction (5), as a model. This additional restrictive Set Cj Xi^ Yi is normal assumption is a can be thought of How critical ingredient to yield the simplicity. is it? = to simplify notation. A popular normal model assumes that conditional on Then propensity conditionally homoscedastic normal. c.d.f. A cf). significantly simply assuming that 4>{x'^q) h{x)^ Prospectives. The canonical where e.g. x = (x,x'^, — ...). more general c is CQR score h[x) 4>{x'a), for the is model can be immediately obtained by a nontrivial envelope of an unknown propensity score Such assumption imposes neither normality nor conditional homoscedasticity nor a location-scale sub-model. Similarly, if the benchmark model is, say, the Weibull proportional hazard model, as in the section about the heart example, then '^see Buchinsky (1994) or Fitzenberger (1997b)) then proceed with iterative to Powell's estimator The convergence is linecir details. not guaranteed and can be quite to a local The programming computations optimum does not raure; basic idea until is to start at a value /?(r), say convergence is reached. see Fitzenberger (1997b) and 0, and The convergence earlier discussions. lead to a consistent estimator-cf. Powell (1984), Powell (1986). 3-STEP CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 11 Y Prob / t of UncensoKo Conditional QuantHeFunctiqrt / ' /Propensity / ,.' / Nol- Score / Estimated ' QF in step 2 ^K^ Censoring Point / ' / /X // sr S2' 1 1 Estimated (Linear) "Envelope" / in Step 1 1 1 y / / Figure How 1. it The works. solid line depicts the conditional The propensity quantile function and the propensity score. equals to 1 —t X for the value of s.t. d = and below - if X'P{t) equals the censoring point for X s.t. sample is 0, > Xi/3(r) s.t. of the uncensored QR. > X/3{t) and selecting "envelope" is not Next Step 0. — r 1 Once a 0. the conditional quantile function 0, all ideal, i, s.t. fits Xi G linear but this the irrelevant, since is selecting a sub-set of QR Note that the [51,51']. which line, is it z s.t. acts as a X[I3{t) used to select > all Xi £ [52,52']. The Third Step uses the selected sample, which asymptotically gets close to the Note that h{X) can cross the In dimensions greater than 1 1, —r X defined by the hyperplane X'P{t) in XP{t) < model can be estimated by the usual good separating hyperplane : above It is 0. Initial step involves fitting an "envelope" of the propensity score, i score conditional quantile line W^ . Thus, in ideal: line only G = M'', 0, i : Xi £ [0,52']. once at X'P{t) = 0. the crossing points are which have a zero span W^ the crossing points form a singularity as well. 1-tau VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 12 h{x) = Gumbel g{x'a) for the — assuming that g{x'jo) More generally, c is Theorem c.d.f. A much g. more CQR flexible model is obtained by a nontrivial envelope of the propensity score h{x). 1 replaces the intuitive envelope restriction by a separation restriction, which requires that once pix'-jo) above a threshold is c, much weaker h{x) > 1 — r. This assumption allows the envelope to be an incorrect lower bound of the propensity score, but only requires that does a good job at selecting a correct subset of observations. Figure it quantile function, the further is 1 For well behaved models, the further away from zero the conditional illustrates the situation. away from 1 — r the propensity score function, the easier is it to carry out the classification. Classification/discrimination problems of this kind can be subjected to the standard or more modern classification analysis Breiman, Friedman, (e.g. Olshen, and Stone (1984), LeBlanc and Tibshirani (1996), Ripley (1996), Vapnik (2000)). Therefore, in principle, are available. The We many is first classification step confine our discussion to the simplest, most familiar methods. justification outlined alternative elaborate, structured strategies for the above is based on a An asymptotic point of view. classical, to view such a procedure as a shrinkage method where the first We of approximating a propensity score envelope for smaller variance. step trades bias also argued above that due to the special nature of the problem the bias itself can be quite small. Thus, the may be shrinkage aspect of primary importance in moderate-sized samples. This is confirmed by the computational experiments discussed next. More generally, from a real-life (agnostic) perspective, either models are approximations. other, once There both are reasonable and is the linear quantile or envelope no reason to believe one more is we hope flexible models. Therefore, correct than the this paper off"ers an organized way of thinking about and building such models. In summary, strictive it should be said the model studied here than the canonical Powell CQR model. is, many other prospectives. re- Yet despite being more restrictive, the em- CQR phasized model leaves the general, plausible features of the congenial from somewhat more of course, The estimator easily is intact. This model is also computable and applicable to such examples as extramarital data (high censoring, very large sample, many categorical regressors) or Stanford heart data (small sample, high censoring, categorical regressors). It does well in Monte-Carlo expriments and very sensibly in real-life examples. estimator will help procreate the presently scarce applications of the B discusses other practical aspects of estimation and Large Sample Properties. The following assumptions are made tions (1), (5)-(7). For u^{t) = Y* - X-/3(t) and all TjJ < J of interest 1. (i) {{X^,Y*,Ci)} a'^e i.i.d; Ui{T) u near zero. Ht^[t) X, is rj £ (0, t). equa- zero, is and continuous, uniformly 0. The support of compact. Xi includes a constant. = E fy^^i^T.^{Q\Xi)XiX[l[h{Xi) > constant in addition to Ui{T) has the unique r-th conditional quantile at the distribution of Xi, (ii) Appendix has density /y^(^)(u|Xj), which bounded uniformly in Xi, from above, away from in believe this inference. 3.3. Assumption We CQR models. (1 — r) 4- 77] is positive definite, for a fixed CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 3-STEP (iii) The pair of model p and trimming constant the binary or a separating hyperplane of the propensity score: 3c > p(X-7) - (1 + r) c implies = for any 7 in a small neigborhood of jo P{X-a > is a uniformly Lipshitz in and Xi denoting Xi and Xi, /3{t) Theorem v) Under 1. > same if holds quence (5„ 1, = where Ao(t) t(1 any other consistent and 4. l/Sol"^) — tion of several estimators for Ti, i > 0,t; € t) + a.s., in v, for -^ N a in > — (1 t) + c} is an open neighborhood 0/70 or cxd estimator /3o(t) — is H^\r,)Ao{T„Tj)HQ'{T,), where Ao(r,r') is — 1 Furthermore, the r}). used in step 2, provided se- Furthermore, the joint asymptotic distribu- 0. > and Sn i {0,H^Hr)Ao{r)H^' {r)) — T)E{XiXll{h{Xi) > < J w (0, t), respectively. initial /3('7")|/(5„ a nontrivial envelope plimj.; EXiX'^l{p{X'^jQ) the stated assumptions, as 6^ x y/n -^ v^(/3/(r)-/3(r)) for finite / - (1 form c and continuous. invertible. p{-) is strictly increasing (iv) > h[Xi) 13 asymptotically normal, with covariance given by = [(r A r') - Tr']E{Xa^h{X^) > (1 - r) V - (1 r')). Thus the second part of the theorem allows for a wide range of alternative initial estimators Mr). Remark literature 1. and Remark 2. Our proof is uses an approach that therefore both short Assumptions (i) and is distinctly simpler than those in the cited and straightforward to understand. (ii) are standard. Assumption "probability" model p(x'7o) to be moderately misspecified. controlled by the constant have discussed. It c. Assumption requires very (iii) (iii) allows the parametric The degree of misspecification rationalizes the parametric first step, as weak smoothness conditions on the "probability model" is we p(-): continuity and strict monotonicity. Remark 3. No assumptions made about The trimming are limit 70 or of $q{t) to ^{t). the rate of convergence of device is to its probability 7 designed to eliminate the bias and stochastic equicontinuity eliminates the impact of the variance of the preliminary steps. As- sumption in a (iv) requires, for example, the distribution of in the vicinity of 79. The X[a to respond smoothly to changes Lipshitz condition can be replaced by the weaker Holder continuity. Remark 4- It is useful to take account of the structural risk sourced by the complexity of the envelope or separation models ip{x) = p(i(x)'7) — c that is increasing with n, e.g.a;„(x)'7„ may be a power series or regression polynomial spline as X p(in(x)'7„) converges uniformly in C""(X) to a fixed function, r i-> latter property in may depend on (1998) and references therein. For brevity methods of these The result is preserved as long > dim(x)/2. The many of which are discussed Newey (1997),Chen and Shen particular estimation methods, Stone (1985), Cox (1988), Andrews and particular series. references. r = {x^ Whang (1990), we do not reproduce the Note that the resulting i(<pix) > c),ipee,ce regularity conditions class of "envelope" [o, i]} and models VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 14 is Donsker as long as > smoothness order r £°°(X), uniformly in as that for ^= is a compact set in C"^(X) of boundedly differentiable functions of This c. true since is {x h^ ip{x)-c, E 0, c/j c € bracketing entropy integral for V is finite w.r.t to the of V and Wellner example Hence (1996). and Donsker property holds Furthermore, Donsker property envelope. number for J^ are given in (1998) or Corollary 2.7.4. in van der Vaart ip is sup-norm of the is in same order by monotonicity of the indicator function and 1]} [0, Lipshitz in c) is bracketing 1/2 (-P) The bracketing numbers Lipshitz property. > dim(a;)/2 and P{y:>{X) when preserved V is 19.9 in van der Vaart > dim(2;)/2, the if in r view of a constant random multiplied by a variable with a constant envelope, as required in the proof. 3.4. Remarks on Robustness. The approach erties, because it allows outliers regression estimator of and heavy pursued here enjoys certain robustness prop- tails for Koenker and Bassett (1978), used arbitrary perturbations of Y above and below the in steps 2 Y is heavy-tailed (e.g. example the in the extramarital and 3, is This property fitted line. that of the ordinary sample quantiles and can be also advantageous of The the dependent variable. is when quantile stable under inherited from the distribution index Hill estimate of the tail implies thick tails). In such cases least-square based methods, such as Buckley- James, The suffer a great deal. step first as long as the censoring indicators MLE is also robust in typical implementations. 5i are unaffected by perturbations in Yj, the conditional estimates are stable. Discriminant analysis will enjoy the values of 8i may change, there have to be sufficiently many changes For example, same property. Even [0(n)] to distort the if first the step significantly. 3.5. Remarks on Computation. Computational expense of the estimator linear least squares and appears to be of orders faster 2 implemented and higher all by, for and coxph modules They show same order as for linear least squares. 1) Step is due to based on the interior point and preprocess- that both practical and theoretical computational times are of the QR software for R and S-|- environments is available http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/ ~roger/research/rq/rq.html. Other able software includes 3.6. S-I-). involve quantile regression with a very small computational expense ing ideas. statlib or in example, meiximizing a convex, smooth quasi-likelihood. Steps Portnoy and Koenker (1997), whose algorithm from comparable to than computing other survival/censored regression estimators (based on our comparisons with survreg 1 is easily is QR modules in STATA, SAS, avail- Xplore. Finite-Sample Properties and the Stanford Example. This subsection presents a graphical bivariate simulation example, 2) a (standard) test of sensibility of our method on the well-known Stanford heart data-set. 3.6.1. A tration, Simulation Example and Concordance Diagnostics. For the sake of clear visual we consider the case examples intend to tics. clarify the median regression ,i in three simple bivariate examples. These workings of the method. They also help devise simple diagnos- In each of the three models, there The data {Y*,Xi) i.i.d. of illus- < n = 200 is a fixed censoring mechanism: YJ are generated as follows: and mutually independent, u ~ A''(0, 3), /3(^) = Xi (0, 1)' = (l,Xj)', and Xi = Y*l {Y* > 0). ~ A''(l, 1), w, are 3-STEP • B. Y* =X'p{^)+u, Y* = X'p{h) + Xu, . Y* A. . By C. = X'/3(^) 15 + u/X. construction, X'f3{^) B and C model, while CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION is the conditional median function. Model A a standard normal is 42%, 38% ,and 38% of the 200 are heteroscedastic normal models. observations are censored in the respective data sets, which isn't atypical for a lot of empirical applications. The rows correspond Figure 2 illustrates our procedure. plots the pre-censored data {Y*,Xi), The data clouds x'l3{^). A logistic probability using 5i = > {Yi 1 0) ,Xi and the first column shows the true regression function solid line are representative of the models' nature. model ^(^",'7) is estimated by maximizing a quasi-likelihood function, = {Xi,Xf,Xfy. In the second column, "+" points represent {Yi,Xi) selected by the logistic envelope using p (X-j) > 80% > of the observations with p{Xl'y) The second of the sample. The to models A-C. 1 — J 1 — + c. J c ?=: 0.1 The are selected. chosen such that about is "o" points depict the rest step regression quantile estimator, $o{^)^ the Koenker-Bassett procedure to the selected sample. The is resulting obtained by applying fit x'Po (r) is shown by the dashed line and contrasted with the solid line of the true regression function x'/3o(^)- The "+" points now present (yj,Xi) selected using Xl$o{^) > Sn, where Sn ~ 0.7 is such that 90% of the observations with X'^Poi^) > are selected. The "o" points represent the rest of observations. The third step estimator, The /3i(|), column third illustrates the third step. uses the selected sample, and the fit x'pi{^) is shown by the dashed line. These figures are representative of the principle, and they seem to accord well with the asymptotic results described earlier. The an incorrect model logistic classifier, albeit h{x), does well in separating out a good subset of observations - those with Xi initial inefficient estimator Po{^) is fairly reasonable. step that separates a larger subset of Monte-Carlo results discussed Finally, the last column p{x'j) vs. 0. The serves as a classifier for the next It good obervations. Thus, the a progressively larger sample and pools > for last step estimator uses This agrees well with the itself closer to the truth. in the appendix. plots simple diagnostics that — we found The column helpful. C, (circles) and x'Pi{t) — plots the logistic fit The to account for the concordance of different classifiers in choosing the trimming idea is quantile fits x' Pq{t) constants and deciding on the sensibility of the estimates. separate out a set of observations for which Xj'/3(t) classifier, the first > Each of the Ci or h{Xi) > 1 Ci (triangles). classifiers tries to — t. As a conservative step p{x''y), with the addition of trimming, should be seen as one selecting a smaller set of observations. The subsequent classifiers should confirm all or almost all of this initial set. The classifier concordance is presented by the placement of points in diff'erent quadrants of the plots A.4-C.4. For example, on the plot B.4, a large proportion of observations for which p{X-^) > 1 — T is confirmed by the quantile classifiers, as seen in the upper-right quadrant. However, those points in the right-bottom corner, are dis-confirmed. Nonetheless, most of these are trimmed out by the trimming hurdle c, ^(^^'7) > 1 — r -I- c. Hence the discordance VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 16 "from-the-right" is reduced or eliminated by such trimming. The left-bottom corners of A.4- B.4 represent the points agreeably disqualified by both the logistic and quantile The upper-left corners represent the discordance of the logistic In principle, this type of dissonance the-left". right" , since quantile classifier observations. However, the hurdle (5„. we is find meant it classifiers. classifier "from- not as pernicious as the one "from-the- to asymptotically separate a larger, better subset of prudent to reduce discordance "from-the-left" by adding For example, on the plot A. 4 the than a subset of in selecting a superset, rather is and quantile initial quantile classifier is overly optimistic {i : X^ > the discordance, and helps select a more appropriate and the quantile models are approximate models of set. 0}. The trimming factor 6n reduces In practice, since both the envelope reality, it appears prudent to reduce the discordance "from-the-left" as well. Overall, if the concordance plots reveal a very drastic disagreement, sensible warning to revise the all at it trimming constants, envelope models, or the models in question once. A.1. Pro-consorod Data A. 2. 1 at and Znd Stops A. 3. 3-rd Stop . . Pro-censorod Data 1.2. l9t and 2nd Stops B.3. 3-rd Stop Concordan A.4. Classlr. .-^ J. y y V 4. Cla»«if. Concordonco ^•^' rod Data C.2. 1 9t and 2nd Stops Figure 3.6.2. should serve as a C-3. 3-rd Step C4. Clasair. J Concordance 2. The Stanford Example. The section considers a well-known Stanford heart transplant who received heart transplants, 45 had died by the closing date and are uncensored. Thus 35% of the observations are censored. The censoring times for the post-transplant survival are random observable. data We set. The dataset is built into S-l- shall contrast our results with the (heart). Out of the 69 patients well-known and thorough study of Aitkin, Laird, and Francis (1983), and follow their definition of variables: • (log) survival time, dependent variable: the log of the difference between the death and the transplant time. Censoring times are log differences between the last follow-up and the transplant dates. • Age: Age of the patient at the time of acceptance into the program. 3-STEP • Acc: Years since January CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 1, 17 1967 to acceptance into the program. This regressor may be seen as representing a technological progress. • Surgery: indicator of a We estimate the CQR previous open heart surgery. model: Qy\x,C where C = {r) + X'O (r)) A (a (r) denotes the observable random censoring time. analysis studied in Aitkin, Laird, and Francis (1983) = QY\Xfi{r) where F~^ (r) is {a is C, (13) A benchmark model from survival the accelerated failure time model: + aF-'[T) + X'e)^C, Vr, (14) the inverse of (a) the extreme value (Gumbel) or (b) the standard normal distribution function. baseline hazard and Model model (b) thus a proportional hazard (PH) model with Weibull (a) is - a non-PH AFT seemed Aitkin, Laird, and Francis (1983), these model. to fit Among many models best. For comparisons, considered in we shall use the estimates of ^ in model (14) reported in Aitkin, Laird, and Francis (1983), table way discussed, another to robustly estimate 9 in model (14) is 5. As we any 6{t), say median, to take or average over several quantile regression estimates 9[t) with different indices t. Because there are only few un-censored observations on patients with prior surgery, we could estimate the To CQR model with the surgery regressor only up to the 50%th discuss higher quantiles, we also estimated the Figure 4 presents the results. The first and of slope intercept coefficients, a{T), four plots [read by rows] confidence intervals. The bottom The shaded The dotted model divided by the shape estimates of quantile shift effect, .1 to for .5, areas represent the pointwise lines present the Aitkin, Laird, Francis (1983) estimates of quantile treatment/shift effects, PH show the estimates of three figures plot the quantile coefficient estimates for the model with age and acc as regressors. hazards (coefficients of percentile. the surgery regressor. r ranging from coefficients, 9{t), for the model with age, acc and surgery as regressors. 80% CQR model without 9, in the model (14) with Weibull coefficient). the normal version of (14). ^, in and The dashed lines are the Note that the lines are horizontal since location-shift models impose constant treatment effects across quantiles. Comparing the quantile shift estimates 9{t) in the CQR model with those in the models (14), 9, across r, we observe much qualitative and quantitative similarity. At the median, for example, the technological effects (acc) are both small and insignificant. The effects of age are both negative and significant, and the effects of previous surgery are both positive and significant. In other words, prior surgery survival. Overall, it is an encouraging and younger age seem fact that the 3-step to prolong the post-transplant CQR estimator produces results which compare well with a well-known, high-quality study. Furthermore, as the CQR model (15) nests model (17) as a special case, we may confirm the general validity of the models considered in Aitkin, Laird, and Francis (1983), at least concerning the quantile treatment to be constant across all effects. estimated quantiles. 1967 to acceptance of the program we should In particular, the effects of prior surgery appear is The effect of the time between January small and insignificant at point out that the age effects differ across quantiles. all quantiles. 1, However, For low survival quantiles , VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 18 the age treatment effects are positive, small, and statistically insignificant. For middle and higher survival quantiles the age efi"ects are negative and significant. Yet this variation does not appear to (statistically) negate the location-shift models of Aitkin, Laird, and Francis (1983). Of course these findings warrant further careful examination of the age effects once more data becomes publicly available. conclusions are well sustained bottom row agreement of columns of the second row Ci — the-left" X[p\ , Note that of these quantitative and qualitative all the surgery indicator omitted from regression. See the is in Figure 4. Finally, the fit when (r). almost classifiers in figure 4. seems to be We fairly high, as plotted the logistic fit p presented in the last two (X'^j) against the quantile There are only a few discordant observations "from-the-right" or "fromall of which are eliminated by trimming. Intercept ^ ^^^ 0.3 0.2 O.n 0.4 0-5 0-6 0.1 0-2 .,.- .-r . . ^--o 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Ouantlle Ouantlte concord. 0.2 quantile concord 0.4 quanti e 0,2 0.1 0,e 0.8 1.0 O.I 0.2 logistic clBsslller 0.6 O.B logistic classtrie age Intercept ?-->,_ ""1^ ^ ^ ;S -*< i. 0.2 Figure 4. 0.4 0.6 3. Determinants of Extramarital Affairs: A Extramarital affairs, an important social (1991), DeLamater CQR Analysis phenomenon, received much attention by an- thropologists, psychologists, evolutionary biologists, sociologists, Reiss, Anderson, '"T ''I (1981), Fair (1978), Miller and Klein and economists. See Cronk (1981), and Sponaugle (1980) and many references South and Lloyd (1995), therein. spective analysis of the Redbook data-set on extramarital affairs. We We present a retro- shall mainly contrast our analysis with both the data and the model-analytic findings of Fair (1978). Fair (1978) 3-STEP CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 19 presents a utility-based optimization model of the time spent in the affair (aifair intensity) as determined by preference for diversity, value of goods labor and non-labor income, 4.1. consumed in and outside marriage, and time already spent with the spouse and paramour. Data. The dataset has been collected by the Redbook magazine. Fair (1978) mater (1981) describe the collection procedures as well as the place of only few similar data-sets. The "censoring". with his We define statistical all women, of which This presents a very high degree of the variables as in Fair (1978) in order to facilitate comparisons and model-analytic • Intensity of Affaire, affairs. among this data-set data-set covers 6388 first-time married 68.5% reported to have had no extramarital and DeLa- dependent findings: variable, defined as the number of different partners outside marriage times the approximate number of relationships with each partner, divided by the number of years in marriage. For 68.5% of respondents, of respondents, the density function it is For the rest equal to zero. sketched by the histogram and a kernel estimator in is figure 4. A-ffsIr Intensitv Figure 4. Simple histograms of the following regressors are given in figure • Marriage Rating: 5: respondents' rating of their marriage, on the scale from 1 to 5. • Age, Years Married, No. of Children respondents' rating of their religiosity, on the scale from • Religiousity: • Education: 9.0, 12.0, 14.0: college graduate, • Occupation, 6: 3: to 4. grade school, high school, and some college; 16.0, 17.0, 20.0: some graduate and advanced degree. school, Husband's occupation: Hollingshead's socio-economic status of occupation: professional with advanced degree, artist, etc. 1 managerial, administrative, business, 5: white collar (administrative, clerical), 2: 3: teacher, blue colar (farming, factory), 1: student. 4.2. Models. The CQR model assumes the following form (with C, QYlx{T) That is, = {air) + is appealing, as we have 0): X'_,e{T))yO. the conditional quantile function of the affair level functional form = discussed. We is (15) either zero or linear. also consider a standard This normal VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 20 h/Torrlago Flatir Mo. IVIsirri^d chillc: 2 S . i i I C^ccupatlc Ftellglovj3lty 1 J3t»nrici*^ Oco. I i [l s r^ t » 1 f p 1 i 1 6 1 i Figure 5. model: QY\x{r) where #~^(r) is = {a + a<^-\T)+X'_,e)VO, Vr, (16) the inverse of the standard normal distribution. Another benchmark model is the accelerated failure time model (for exp(y)) from survival analysis: QY\x{r) where F 9 in this will is = {a + (jF'\T) + X'_,e)WO, unspecified distribution function. It is Vr, (17) easy to estimate the quantile shift effects model by taking or averaging any of the estimates of 6(t) in the CQR model. This not be necessary, since neither this nor the normal model are supported by the data. Estimation and Model Comparisons. To construct the initial envelope/classifier we examined the pairwise-plots of Y vs X. Many of covariates appeared to be associated with higher dispersion of Y, which lead us to consider a number of polynomial powers in 4.3. the logistic model p{x'"f): x consisted of xu^, x? appeared to significantly improve the the large sample of the envelope size. was Due to negligible. heavy censoring 18, which is results are = The trimming constant it -y that c was set to c si .1 was not possible to estimate (Q(r),0(T)')', t G {.4, The dashed normal model (16) according to the was estimated by conditional MLE. all quantile coefficients 6{t). Iden- This condition .5. summarized graphically confidence intervals. effects in the X(j)X(j) plausible in view of depended on the nondegeneracy of the selected design matrix. estimates oi (3{t) 90% and certain interactions Dimension of i was prevented considering quantiles lower than The x?-,, Sensitivity of the final estimates to further increasing the complexity rule described in the appendix, tification fit. ^, ..., in Figure 6. .9}, The solid line denotes the 3-step and the shaded region depicts the pointwise line presents the MLE estimates 6 of the quantile shift obtained by Fair (1978). 6{t) significantly vary across quantiles, especially at higher ones. This presents an evident violation of homoskedasticity assumption. Therefore, either model (16) or (17) are strongly CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 3-STEP unsupportive of the data. estimates of the normal model. of both normality heavy (e.g. interesting to briefly It is still It is well known see Goldberger (1983), we have both. seem to correspond for five out of eight variables, the estimates 6j estimates 6j{t),t It is extreme quantile to fairly For the marriage longevity variable, on the other hand, the estimate .9. away from any of T, so 6j, understandably, can not even match the direction of the quantile shift Furthermore, djir). Thus, ks This finding an empirical illustration to the CQR of the is raw Finally, the last fairly is Figure is flexibility - is discordant "from-the-left", eliminated by the additional trimming. Discordance "from-theit is Analysis. The most exciting matter Religiosity effect would have been the on the breadth and small proportion of observations mildly present, and part of effects 6{t) (cf. it in Figure 6 presents the concordance plots. Overall, the concordance a major chunk of which riglit" is also earlier discussion ^ model. appears to be good. Only 4.4. dj effect, since can hardly be given any meaning in the present setting. case that 9{t) all r. changes across in several cases sign of ^j(t) the normal model (16) or location-shift model (17) were adequate, 9 for Hurd interesting that Oj is far if ML of that the estimates are not robust to violations (1979) for proofs and simulation studies. In our example, ~ comment on the behavior and homoskedasticity ~ tails) 21 is also eliminated by trimming. the interpretation of the estimated quantile shift 6). quantiles of affair intensity and especially sociologists emphasized, the institutions and norms of expectedly negative at strong at very high quantiles. As all Judeo-Christian doctrine have had a major influence on American families, endorsing a pro- and strictly-within-the-marriage orientation towards sexuality creational (1981)). This thesis is Education quantile shift effects, on the other hand, are more engaging. negative and strongly negative at high quantiles. weakly correlated (e.g. DeLamater well supported by the data. (.14), but since we condition on of this and other factors. Education The Note that education and religiosity, effects are religiosity are the education effects are net effects are inexplicable within the Fair's model, yet they appear to have a clear meaning in view of the relational (rather than recreational) perspectives towards a paramour among the more intelligent, educated, and not DeLamater (1981)). necessarily religious individuals (Reiss (1980), The quantile treatment effects for age are nonpositive across effects are negative at the all presented quantiles. Age middle quantile and strongly negative at high quantiles. means that the younger respondents are more likely to engage in an affair, especially in This very intense ones, holding everything else fixed. In Fair's analytic model, diversity considerations ("variety is a spice of life") the life-cycle considerations. are incorporated in the utility but does not shed On much light on the other hand, the elaboration by DeLamater (1981) on the life-cycle perspective dynamics, within the social institutions and norms, conforms the present data-analytic findings. Women engage in affairs, especially One view affair with an occupation of higher socio-economic status are relatively more is more intense ones. likely to Explanations for this are to be looked at. that such status creates an interactional advantage, increasing the hazard of an and subsequent marital dissolution (South and Lloyd 1995). Fair's analytic model does ^ VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 22 Age Marriage Rating Intercept — o d c 5 = O d o O "': d 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 Quantile Index Quantite Index Years Married No. children Religiousity o o ° ° **"«—»-o—et r o o %5; o '^% \ 0.4 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.8 Quantile Index Quantile Index Education Occupation Husband's Occ. 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 Quantite Index concordance: .6 concordance: quantile .8 0.2 0.4 0.6 1. .9 quantile (0 a u « o o n 3 0.8 concordance: quantile S c 0.6 1.0 Quantile Index 1 i 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Quantile Index c o 0.S 3.0 logistic classifier 02 0.4 0.6 o 0.8 3.0 0.4 0-2 logistic classifier 0.8 0.6 logistic classifier Fi(3URE 6. not necessarily yield predictions about the direction of the status effect (because he treats the status as proxy for labor income). To the extent that higher status is associated with non-labor income, or to the degree that income effects dominate substitution model may predict a positive effect. Husband's occupational status has very small positive or negligible quantiles, except at very insignificant at .95). effects, Fair's extreme ones, where it effect across becomes very negative Besides an (anecdotal) explanation that good men almost all is positive but pick good wives, (it 3-STEP women may CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION value statusful husbands and pursue affairs, of marital dissolution optimally low. On in at all, optimally to keep the risk the other hand, Fair's analytic model predicts the positive effects of a husband's status (income) consumed if 23 on the affair level, as a higher value of goods marriage causes wives to substitute labor activities for time spent with family and paramour. The Fair model, however, ignores the negative value of the dissolution option; which is real as other studies point out model explains only the middle results suggest that Fair's the high quantiles. (South and Lloyd (1995)). Our quantile regression quantiles, but does not apply to seems plausible that incorporation of the dissolution It risk in Fair's model, more along the lines of the Becker (1968) crime and punishment model, can make conform to the present findings. Finally, statusful also not implausible that more intelligent or is slightly positive at .6-. 8 quantiles and strongly negative Fair, using behavioral considerations, postulates that marriage longevity positively relate to diversity quest, leading to an increased affair level. not entirely clear fact that only why the effect is effect is the with the "cheating ability". detection ability marriage longevity effect of at high quantiles. may is husbands can have better unobserved detection rates and the observed interaction of this hidden The it it very negative at high quantiles. This However, may it is relate to the married and undivorced respondents were selected to the sample, so that the marriage longevity correlates with the marriage match quality and thus has a deleterious effect on affairs. Such an outcome would be a alternatives) theory. Our clear prediction of the search (for spousal finding thus partially disconfirms both the analytic and statistical predictions of Fair (1978) derived from the normal model. 5. The This paper had three goals. spectives on the global CQR Discussion was to first offer both theoretical and empirical per- models as a useful way to approximate the quantile The treatment variety assumed by many commonly used models. In ment/shift effects in censored regression settings. is simple location-shift effects the richer treat- than the CQR models, the covariates and the treatment can affect such features as scale, skewness, kurtosis, generally, the entire The second serious social goal shape of conditional distribution. was to offer an empirical phenomenon - extramarital ogy, psychology, or, CQR affairs. and economics of marriage and analysis of the determinants of a very This family. is an important topic within To our regret, sociol- we found no previous implementable estimators that can be used in the settings of heavy censoring, many poly- chotomous or continuous prevail in many regressors, and large or small samples. areas of applied statistics. mentable, well-behaved estimator. Such data sets seem to This justified the pursuit of a practical, imple- The suggested estimator can be used to robustly estimate many traditional models. Studying this estimator in large the global CQR models and samples, in the well-known Stanford heart transplant data-set, and developing the finite as well as diagnostic tools, was the third goal. VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 24 Appendix K Below, C, const, and we are generic positive constants. For notation sake, set d = General case 0. is very similar. Proof of Theorem Appendix A. Part consider 1. First ffo Qn Vi„{z) = [z, Z = 4= 1) — X[z/y/n) — y/n[pT(ei = Rescaled statistic Z° (t). > V'i„(z)l[p(X.'7) and PrCft)] — y/Ti{po (r) 1 - T 1. minimizes {t)) + where c], =Yi — Xl0 (r) = max (a;, —X[f3 (r)) The e, claim . is, for finite k: Qoc 1 — 2, + T and c]. J since invertible is Qoo by conditions and (ii) (iv). by the convexity theorem (Knight (1999), Theorem LLN, CLT, and some standard calculations, so Qn For any fixed (a) \l — 7o| < VC Theorem is <5} subgraph 2 of {Qn 2, and 5 > class) in (2,7) — EQn (z, Type (1994) (b) (a) is verified 70) I (i) T with random in But if 7 = 70, (18) follows by -^ for any fixed 2. (19) stochastically equicontinuous in 7, is where G = {-y : functions (bounded variation functions of a single index, a class ^= {x >-> l\p{x~f) > 1 — r + c], 7 £ 5} , hence by entropy condition with a constant envelope. This property satisfies Pollard's it and continuous are convex, finite, (18) implies also see Pollard (1991)). 5, € 5} (2,7) ,7 variable Vin(2), Vin(z) ® J^, by Theorem 3 in Andrews (1994).^, |Vin(2)| has a constant envelope; \V,n{z)\ Hence (18) remains only to verify that it Andrews (1994) include the Andrews by assumption — Qn 7) small. Indeed, is retained by the product of since (2, Qn and Qoo Since —J~^W = Op (1), uniquely minimized at is where W = N{0,A),J = Ef^iO\X,)XiX',l[p{X',yo) > 1-t+c],A = T{l-T)EX,X',l\p{X'no) > = W'z+\z'jz, (z) j<k), j<fc)^(Qoc(2,), {Qn{zjn), by Theorem in 1 Andrews < 2\X,z\ < const (20) (1994). Space Q with pseudo-metric p(7i,72) = sup E\v,n(z) X [l{p(X'ni) < C X \p{X'a, >p''[l-r + c]) > - 1 - r + P(X.'7i c} > - l{p(A':72) p-'[l - r > 1 - r + c}]f + c],Xa2 >p-'[l-T + c]) (21) + P{X'n2 >p"'[l-r + c]) -P{Xhi >p-'[l-r-|-c],A:;72 > p"'[l - r + c]) | < ®We const X 72 — 71 note that Andrews allows for triangular sequences, which allows the r.v Vin{z) to be indexed by n. Otherwise, we would have to refer to van der Vaaxt and Wellner (1996) 2.11.3 for dealing with functional classes indexed sense that 2 is by Note that convexity allows us to treat Vin{z) as in the above arguments. n. fixed r.v. and not a function of z, in the . CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION 3-STEP is bounded, where the totally inequality follows from (20), and the second one follows from assumption first by bounding each of the two terms, (iv) example; for -r + c]) -P(X'7i |p(.Y;7i >p"'[1 25 >P"'ll -T^-c\,X['y2 >p~'[l-r + c]) | < |p(a';7i >p-'[l-r + |p(a:,'7i >p"'[l-r + c]) -P{x[i, >p-'[l-r + c],A-:7i+A':(72-7i) > c]) " p"'[l ^ + c]) | < -p(a','7i - > A' x H^, -71II2 - p"'[l + r c]) | < C^i\ where \X[ and (a) (71 72II2, — 72) < | — A'||7i sup has a compact support X. 72II2, since A,- (b) together implies that Andrews e.g. ( - Qn \Qn (2,7) (1994) equations 3.34 and 3.36 - EQn (2,70) + EQn (2,7) ): = (z,7o) | Op ( 1) . l7-70|->0 Thus, to complete the proof of (19), remains only to show that it \EQn We will show that = for Si(7,7o) EQn (2,7) > l[p(A,'7) - EQn - EQn 7) (2, (2,70) - 1 + t (2, (2) - c] = -^[{r - 7 close > — , i. (1 - 1 r 70)^=^ - + r) c]: = Op(7 - e,V^}] enough to which implies + = A,'/3(t) > v" V^V^n(z), > and (i) — (1 r) + c (iii). Hence > small, for v' ,v" a.s. , + p(A,'7) by assumption c, (23) ^VU^) Then 70. 70), = ^[\A^V/„(2)l(A.'^(r) since P[e, [the > (22) Hence, as 7 gets close to 70 E[^^V/„(2)s,(7,7o)|A,] 0]. A\so Op (1) (2) 6.(7, ?;=(2){A,'2 , for all = - = where - l[p(A,'7o) U=^ = V^EV.n \[u < 0]}Xlz] + v^[ — < < Xlz/^/n)]. Set l(ei [l(ei rii{z) 0) — implies h{Xi) > (1 r) + v' and so does p(A,'7o) necessarily implies h{Xi) > (1 — r) + v' Si(7,7o) / Write y/nVin 70) 1^^ < 0|A,, A',/3(r) > t;"] = r [ if Ai/3(r) > v")\X,] X s,(7,7o) > 0, €, = 0, uniformly = max (-u^, — A','/? (r)) m (24) t, has r-th conditional quantile at E[V^v-U^)s,('rno)\Xi] second = £[^^V/:(2)l(X.'^(r) = O[/„(0|A,)2'AiX;2l(A;/3(r) line follows > ^")1A.] X s,(7,7o) (25) > v")] x 5,(7,70), uniformly in by the standard calculations]. Therefore by assumptions (iii) i and Lipshitz condition (iv): i?i^[^/^K/,;(2)s.(7,7o)|A.] (24) and Part is (26) 2. identical. imphes Proof Rescaled is to show the for part 2 in part statistic Zl is The proof result for /3i(r) with Po{t) as the selector. similar to that of part 1, for Pi{t),I > 1 so only important differences are given. Notation I. = y/ni^jii (r) — /3(t)) minimizes " 1 Qn{z,Po{.T),5n) Consider ^„ as a parameter sequence. = -yr^Y Vin{z)\[X[Po{T) > Proceed identically 35 > 1 - t - c] by 1[X%{t) > 5n\, ^\p{X[^) > N{0,Hg^AoH^^), Ho, Aq. It remains to show 1[p(A:7) 1 Qn{zJ{T),5n) - Qn{z,l3{T),0) - r -^ , : 5n\. in part 1 up - [X[P{t) 0, c] by for 1 to equation (19), only replacing any fixed (a) For any fixed z, {Qn {z,/3,5) — EQn {z,f3,S) (/3,5) G B x V} is where B = {(3 \l3 - ^(r)| < C"}, V = {5 < 5 < C"} and C',C" > in Andrews (1994) (VC subgraph classes) contain T = {x ^ l[i'/? > : (26) (22). It suffices undefined here =0(£[s,(7, 70)]) =0(7-70). > 0] and W, J,AhyW = (27) 2. stochastically equicontinuous in (3,6, axe small. Indeed, 6], {(3,6) 6 S Type I functions x V}. Hence T has VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND HAN HONG 26 a finite uniform covering entropy integral and a constant envelope, This property in Andrews retained by the product of space T S P x is totally by Theorem verified is entropy condition. satisfies Pollard' i.e. ®T, with random variable V,n(2): ^in{z) (1994), since |V',n(2)| has a constant envelope, (a) Space (b) is 1 by Theorem 3 Andrews in (1994). bounded under the L2 pseudometric: f£|V'.„(z)x p((/3i,5i),(/32,<52))ssup [l{A','/?i > - 5i} If.Y.'ft > ^ H ^2}] ^ (28) < where X const ||;92 from (20) and from assumption (28) follows — /3i II, + x const ||52— (5i||.,, analogously to the proof of (21), treating 5 as shifting (iv), the intercept parameter. along with (b), (a), implies ( e.g. Andrews (1994) eq (3.34) and (3.36) ): Qn{z,P,K) - Qn{z,l3{T),Q)-EQn{z,P,5n) + £Q„ (z, ^(t) sup , Op(l). 0) |/3-/3(r)|-tO Thus, to complete the proof of (27), it remains to show that |£Q4z,/3,5„)-£Q„(2,/?(r),0)|^^^^ =Op(l). = (29) By assumption on the sequence 5n, w.p. —> 1, Po{t) is inside the ball with radius n'Sn, centered at P{t), where k' > is small. By the compactness assumption on {t))\ < ^6n- So set /3 inside this ball. Then Xi, k' can be chosen so that w.p. — 1, sup^g-^ \^'{Po{t) — implies x' P < Sn- Thus for small enough k chosen as such, x' (3 > S„ implies x' /3 (t) > 0, and x' (i {t) < uniformly in i, 7^ necessarily implies X,'/3(r) a.s.. Hence, > Si{j3, P{r)) Let 5,(/3,/3(r)) \{X[P > Sn) - l(.Y,'/3(r) > 0). )• E[V^Vt{z)s,{l3,0{T))\X,] smce P[e, uniformly < in 0|X,-, i X,/3(r) > = O] r. = E[J^VU{z)\{X[P{t) > Also E[y/fiVZiz)s,{l3,p{T))\X.] = i?[^^C(z)l(A':/3(r) = O[fu{0\X,)z'XiXlzl{Xll3{T) [the last equality again follows and Lipshitz condition > 0)|A',] > 0)\X,] x s,(0,0iT)) = 0, (30) = x s.(/3,^(r)) ^^^^ x 0)] by the standard s.(/?,/9(r)), Therefore by assumptions calculations]. (iii) (iv) EE[V^V::{z)sdP,l3iT))\X,] and (31) give (29). Part 3. Finally, to show = 0[Es.{l3,l3(r))] = O{0 - P{t)) + 0{ <5„). (32) (30) before by defining variable over z parts = 1 (zi, and i 2, < J), joint convergence of Zn(r,) Z^ — < = y/n{(3{Tj) noting that sum of B. s.e. — i3{tj)), i < J for either step, proceed as J) as minimizing the objective function: 671(2) where Qn are objective functions defined as Appendix Inference: (Zniri),i processes is s.e. (see e.g. in part 1 or part 2. = X]i<j Qn{zi) Repeat the arguments in Knight (1999)). Practical Details of Estimation and Inference Because of distributional equivalence with the Powell dures developed by Powell apply without modifications. CQR estimator, The bootstrap all of the inference proce- inference of Bilias, Chen, and Ying (2000) can be extremely useful in practice. All inference procedures are as for the standard quantile regression procedure with the only difference being that the selected (rather than complete) sample QR software need not make any last step QR routine are all valid. user of the standard produced by the fit is used. Therefore, a modification - the standard errors, confidence intervals Model p() and Trimming Constant: Parametric model p in step 1 should be reasonably good. Goodness of all the standard statistical packages and are easy to carry out. It is always possible checks are supplied in to achieve a reasonably good fit using a series approximation of probability model. not very small, although the Monte-Csirlo work shows that c = is check sensitivity of the estimates Po{t) to increasing the constant The theory requires c to be also quite sensible. In practice, c. one should Also, c shouldn't be too big, for we may 3-STEP The select very small Jo- CENSORED QUANTILE REGRESSION better the parametric the smaller c can be fit is, set, 27 improving efficiency of the initial p(X'^) > 1 — r + c} /3o- A sensible rule for choosing c is to compare the size of the selected sample J(c) = {i for c = and other values. Choosing c = q-th quantile of all p(A','7) s.t. > 1 — r, appears to be sound, as it gives a control of percentage of observations from J(0) can be thrown out:#J(c)/#J(0) = (1 — g)%. This rule, with q = 10%, was employed in simulations. We also set 5n corresponding to q = 5%. : Appendix Finally, table I C. Monte-Carlo Experiments reports the result of a small monte standard location-scale model with an error term (l,A', by e, 1 {A', = : : = Y' ||A',|| Ui X (l + X',P < + The 2}. 0.5X]j = i censoring point is -0.75. We ei. is experiments.'" The model we consider was a scale, for i^i ~^-^'))' "^^^ We used X and X^ little effect parameter vector ^"^^^ in the logit, chosen at (1, 1, .5, ~ A^ (0, 25), — 1, — .5, .25), and parametric propensity score regressions. on the performance of the estimators. Therefore, them = We the experimented probit and linear models. However, the type of probability Note that due in table I we only report the to the heteroscedasticity error structure, even the probit not consistent with the true propensity score. step estimators, and compare is Xi distributions, truncated error term has the multiplicative heteroscedasticity structure; for u, results for the probit selection model. model cEirlo by a linear-quadratic heteroscedcistic draw Xi 6 R^ from independent standard normal with different probability models including model used has very hit to the Buchinsky We report the initial step, the first step and the third and Hahn (1998) estimator and the Powell estimator. 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