7 MIT LIBRARIES oev^A ' 1 VW31 tin 11 < ' . i ' . i 3 9080 03317 5685 ./AMIS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE STATE OF Olivier J. MACRO Blanchard Working Paper 08-1 August 12, 2008 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This MA 021 42 paper can Pe downloaded without charge from the Paper Collection at Social Science Research Network http:/7ssrn.com/abstract= 235536 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/stateofmacroOOblan The State of Macro * Olivier Blanchard^ August 2008 Abstract After the explosion macroeconomics — in both the positive and negative meaning of the word in the 1970s, there convergence. For a while Over time however, has been enormous progress and substantial —too long a while—the largely because facts field looked like a battlefield. do not go away, a largely shared vision both of fluctuations and of methodology has emerged. Not everything Like and of all revolutions, this one has suffers macro The first come with the destruction from extremism and herding. But none of this is of is is fine. some knowledge, deadly. The state good. section sets the stage with a brief review of the past. The second argues that there has been broad convergence in vision, with the third looking at more —of detail. The fourth focuses on convergence in methodology. The it in last looks at current challenges. Key words: Macroeconomics, shocks, propagation mechanisms, fluctuations Prepared for the "Annual Review of Economics". Thanks to Daron Acemoglu (one of the editors), Ricardo Caballero, V.V. Chari, Laura Feiveson, Ben Friedman, Jordi Gali, Anil Kashyap, Jaewoo Lee, N. Greg Mankiw, Mariamia Riggi, Julio Rotemberg, Robert Shimer. Andrei Shleifer, and Harald Uhlig for their very useful comments. 1 MIT and NBER. The editors of this new Journal asked me to write about Nobody should accept such a economics". task. with some confidence: Research technology output following inputs to the scene. One and weaknesses disguising me Let them macro I of largely Austrian in nature, with see the various teams at work, will succeed. show shall leave aside progress have taken place; this parative advantage. 1 I balanced, or detached. what I shall shall focus I But it is and nearly im- and Prescott came evolutions, point to strengths of the current state of knowledge, is Macro- what somebody would have predicted can, however, take stock, as forecasts. This of forecast the near future circa 1970, before Lucas, Sargent, continue with more caveats. fluctuations. they later, Think possible to forecast beyond that: for the future of One can later in time. thus be confident that, sooner or is One can "The Future do and express hopes without in this paper. on only part of macro, namely work on growth, where much action and much is shall also not a value judgment, just a reflection of com- make no attempt The bibliography will to be either encyclopedic, be largely random. In short, this is not a handbook chapter, but rather the development of a theme. The theme is that, after the explosion (in both the positive and negative meaning enormous progress and of the word) of the field in the 1970s, there has been substantial convergence. For a while — too — the long a while battlefield. Researchers split in different directions, looked like a mostly ignoring each other, or engaging in bitter fights and controversies. Over time however, largely because else facts have a of field way of not going away, a largely shared vision methodology has emerged. Not everything is fine. Like both of fluctuations and all revolutions, this one has come with the destruction of some knowledge, and suffers from extremism, herding, and fashion. But none of this 1. I shall even leave out a topic close to is my deadly. The state of macro is that not much (not enough) has happened on 2 heart, the '"medium run," the low frequency evolutions reflected in movements in capital/labor ratios, the labor share and so on. is good. One reason this front. know, disagree with this optimistic assessment (for example, Solow (2008)). To I was totally delusional I organized a session at the 2008 AEA meetings on the theme "Convergence in Macro". Robert Shimer, Michael Woodford, and V.V. Chari together with Pat Kehoe and Ellen McGrattan, all wrote papers which will be published in the first issue of the new journal of the American Economic Association, the AEJ-macro, and are already available on the journal's web site. I read the papers as indeed suggesting substantial but not full convergence; the readers can judge for themselves. 2. Others, I check whether — The paper organized in four sections. is of the past. The second argues that with the third looking at it in more The first sets the stage with a brief review there has been broad convergence in vision, detail. The fourth focuses on convergence in methodology, and the current challenges. One could argue that convergence methodology have come is more obvious than the convergence It is first. explain facts, and this probably true, but, the reason for is in vision, in the end, my in and should therefore what matters is how we choice of organization. 1 A When they launched the "rational expectations revolution", Lucas and Sargent Brief Review of the Past (1978) did not mince words: That the predictions [of Keynesian economics] were wildly incorrect, and that the doctrine on which they were based was fundamentally flawed, are ple matters of fact, involving no subtleties in economic theory. faces contemporary students of the business cycle is The now sim- task which that of sorting through the wreckage, determining what features of that remarkable intellectual event called the Keynesian Revolution can be salvaged and put to good use, and which others must be discarded. They predicted a Though it is evident that far it long process of reconstruction: from clear what the outcome of will necessarily involve this process will be, it is already the reopening of basic issues in mone- tary economics which have been viewed since the thirties as "closed" and the reevaluation of every aspect of the institutional framework within which mone- tary and fiscal policy is formulated in the advanced countries. This paper is an early progress report on this process of reevaluation and reconstruction. They were right. For the next fifteen years or so, the field exploded. Three groups dominated the news, the new-classicals, the new-Keynesians, and the new-growth theorists (no need to point out the different agenda: PR role of "new" here), each pursuing a very The new-classicals embraced the Lucas-Sargent Soon, for reconstruction. call however, the Mencheviks gave way to the Bolcheviks, and the research agenda became even more extreme. Under Prescott's perfect information, money, sic leadership, nominal rigidities, im- and the Phillips curve, all disappeared from the ba- model, and researchers focused on the stochastic properties of the model (equivalently, a representative agent as the Real Business Cycle model, or Ramsey Arrow-Debreu economy), rebaptized RBC. Three principles guided the research: Explicit micro foundations, defined as utility and profit maximization; general equilibrium; and the exploration of how far one could go with no or few imper- fections. The new-Keynesians embraced reform, not revolution. United in the belief that the previous vision of macroeconomics was basically right, they accepted the need underlying that approach. for better foundations for the various imperfections The research program became one of examining, theoretically and empirically, the nature and the reality of various imperfections, from nominal efficiency wages, to credit market constraints. Models were partial equilibrium, or included a trivial general equilibrium closure: It each one in a common The new-growth remark thing abandoned the theorists simply convinced seemed too soon to embody general equilibrium structure. many Lucas' field (i.e. fluctuations). about growth, one can hardly think about some- that, once one thinks else, rigidities, to to focus on determinants of growth, rather than on fluctuations and their apparently small welfare implications. Ironically, as the Ramsey growth model became the workhorse of the new-classicals, progress on the growth front was made by examining much of the the implications of various imperfections, from the public good nature of knowledge and the nature of R&D, to externalities in capital accumulation. Relations between the three groups by Hall of most "fresh water" and "salt of the new-classicals often unpleasant. — or, more specifically, the first two, called water" respectively and most The first accused of the (for the geographic location new-Keynesians) — were tense, and the second of being bad economists, clinging to obsolete beliefs and discredited theories. The second accused the first of ignoring basic facts, and, in their pursuit of a beautiful but irrelevant model, of falling prey to a "scientific illusion." One could reasonably (1986)). of us came This is still the view happened theory out. The facts despair of the future of macro (and, indeed, some close (Blanchard 1992)). many to reality. Facts have a it Summers (See the debate between Prescott and outsiders have of the way The new But no longer corresponds it of eventually forcing irrelevant theory out (one wishes And good faster). field. theory also has a tools developed way of eventually forcing by the new-classicals came to dominate. emphasized by the new-Keynesians forced imperfections back A benchmark model. largely common vision has emerged, which bad is in the the topic of the next section. 2 Convergence 2.1 The It is role of aggregate hard to ignore demand, or more substantially More in Vision facts. demand, and nominal One major macro fact that movements in the aggregate is precisely, shifts in the aggregate more than we would expect optimistic consumers in rigidities demand for goods, affect a perfectly competitive economy. buy more goods, and the increase more output and more employment. Changes in the federal from bond to stock output in demand leads to funds rate have major on effects on real asset These facts are not easy to explain within a perfectly competitive flexible-price prices, prices, and, in turn, activity. macro model. More optimistic consumers should consume more and work less, not consume more and work more. Monetary policy should be reflected primarily in the prices of goods, not lead Wall Street to react strongly to an unexpected 25 basis points change in the federal funds rate. Attempts to explain these market effects of effects open market operations, while maintaining the assumption of perfectly competitive markets best. through exotic preferences or exotic segmented- and flexible prices, have proven unconvincing at This has led even the most obstinate new-classicals to explore the possibility that nominal rigidities matter. Present nominal rigidities, movements in nominal money lead to interest rate, movements movements and the demand in aggregate money, which lead in real in turn to movements goods and output. And, with nominal for demand are not automatically offset by in the rigidities, movements in the interest rate, and thus can translate into movements in output. The study in of nominal price macro today. It has all and wage setting is one of the hot topics of research the elements needed to make for exciting research: It has newly available micro data sets on prices, either from CPI data bases or from large distributors themselves (see the survey It faces delicate aggregation issues: set, individual stickiness may build by Mackowiak and Smets Depending on the way specific up or instead disappear as (2008)). prices are we look at more aggregate price indexes. The cast of characters involved in that research nicely makes the point that the old irrelevant: fresh water/salt water distinction has become largely While research on the topic started with new-Keynesians, recent search has been largely triggered by an article by Golosov and Lucas (2007), re- itself building on earlier work on aggregation of state-dependent rules by Caplin and by Caballero, among others. Technological shocks versus technological waves 2.2 One fluctuations is technological shocks. The notion that quarter aggregate technological shocks in times of flies however Europe the face of reason. Except shift from central planning in the early 1990s, technological progress about the diffusion and implementation of new ideas, and about institutional change, both of which are likely to be low-frequency movements. of quarterly movement in the Solow residual frequency movements in measured aggregate error. 3. of there are large quarter-to- in dramatic economic transition, such as the to market economies in Eastern is was that the main source central tenet of the new-classical approach convince the skeptics: High will TFP No amount must be due to measurement 3 (Too) many papers source of fluctuations are in still written with high-frequency productivity shocks as the only the model. I suspect that most of the authors use these shocks as a convenient stand-in, rather than out of conviction as to their actual existence. For some purposes, the assumption example, the source of may be innocuous; shifts in labor if demand the focus — whether is on understanding labor supply it is for technological shocks, or shifts in — This does not imply, however, that technological progress does not play an impor- Though tant role in fluctuations. technological progress is smooth, it is not constant. There are clear technological waves. Think of the high of the post TFP WW-II era, the TFP low certainly TFP growth growth of the 1970s and 1980s, the higher growth since the mid-1990s. These waves clearly determine movements output in the medium and on demand, and the in long run. But, combined with the role of anticipations role of demand on output, they behavior of output in the short run. This is my may also determine the next point. Towards a general picture, and three broad relations 2.3 The joint beliefs that technological progress of the future affect the rigidities, this demand demand for goods today, and that, because of nominal for goods can goes through waves, that perceptions output affect to give a picture of fluctuations which, believe, I in the short run, nicely combine many macroeconomists would endorse today. Fifty years ago, Samuelson (1955) wrote: In recent years, 90 per cent of American economists have stopped being "Key- nesian economists" or "Anti-Keynesian economists." Instead, they have worked valuable in older economics and in toward a synthesis of whatever is ories of income determination. The and is accepted, in left-wing I its result the- might be called neo-classical economics broad outlines, by and right-wing modern all but about five per cent of extreme writers. would guess we are not yet at such a corresponding stage today. But we may be getting there. These joint beliefs are often presented in the shall concentrate on a specific, Keynesian model, below): tightly specified, version, the so-called aggregate, — demand relation, in (I new- which output is demand under sticky prices may be unimportant. For other purposes however example, joint movements in employment, output, and real wages it, is not, and leads to aggregate for An more form of three broad relations — which are puzzles only under the maintained and incorrect assumption. For a nice discussion, see for example Rotemberg (2008) artificial "puzzles'', 7 determined by demand, and demand depends A future output and future real interest rates. which And in turn on anticipations of both Phillips-curve like relation, in depends on both output and anticipations of future inflation inflation. a monetary policy relation, which embodies the proposition that monetary policy can be used to affect the current real interest rate (a proposition that would not hold absent nominal rigidities). In such an economy, anticipations obviously play a major role. of future productivity. start may The belief that a technological wave demand, and, lead to a large increase in Take anticipations may be about in turn, to a boom; think about the second half of the 1990s, and the talk of a "new economy" and "IT revolution" . to a large decrease in demand, and a recession Portier (2006), Lorenzoni (2008), or (I cannot Lorenzoni (2008)). Or take anticipations of well anchored limits actual inflation in the future A 2.4 Within of an Conversely, the realization that what looked like the start of a technological wave turns out to have been just a series of good draws, is to may movements (see, for may lead example, Beaudry and Blanchard, L'Huillier, and resist), inflation: The belief that inflation in inflation; conversely, worries about well lead to higher inflation today. toy model; the new-Keynesian model this broad picture, a specific model, the so-called new-Keynesian (or model, has emerged and become a workhorse for policy NK) and welfare analysis (two references here are Clarida et al (1999), and, for the application to monetary policy, the book by Woodford The model starts tion, from the (2003)). RBC model without adds only two imperfections. goods market. The reason is It capital, and, in its basic incarna- introduces monopolistic competition in the clear; If the economy is going to have price setters, they better have some monopoly power. It setting, using a formulation introduced by Calvo, and which turns out to be the most analytically convenient. Within then introduces discrete nominal price this frame, the three equations described earlier take a specific form. • First, the aggregate demand equation ditions of consumers, which give is derived from the first-order con- consumption as a function of the real in- and future expected consumption. As there terest rate demand of in the basic gregate demand. cost is less aggregate than the demand gether, the rate And first model, consumption demand is the same as ag- given the assumption that, so long as the marginal demand price, price setters satisfy is no other source is at existing prices, equal to output. Putting these three assumptions to- output as a function of the real interest relation gives us and future expected output. Second, under the Calvo specification, the Phillips curve-like equation • gives inflation as a function of expected future inflation, put gap" nominal , defined as actual output minus what output would be absent is formalized as a "Taylor rule" tion of inflation in the the nominal and the output gap. (Nominal money does not explicitly model: The assumption money in is that the central bank can adjust stock so as to achieve any real interest rate for activity is it wants. the real interest rate, not nominal money se.) The model model a reaction as a func- And, what matters per , bank function giving the real interest rate chosen by the central appear of the "out- rigidities. Third, the monetary policy rule • and is simple, analytically convenient, as the basic model and has largely replaced the IS-LM of fluctuations in graduate courses (although not yet undergraduate textbooks). Like the IS-LM model, to a few simple equations. Unlike the it IS-LM model, reduces a complex reality it is formally rather than informally derived from optimization by firms and consumers. This has benefits and costs. and thus The benefits are the ability to study not only activity, but also welfare, to derive optimal policy based The criterion. on the correct (within the model) welfare costs are that, while tractable, the first two equations of the are patently false (more obviously so than those in the more model loosely specified IS- LM model)... The aggregate demand equation ignores the existence of investment, and relies which is on an intertemporal substitution hard to detect in effect in the data on consumers. response to the interest rate, The inflation equation implies a purely forward looking behavior of inflation, which again appears strongly at odds with the data. derived in the Still, the model yields important lessons, which could not be IS-LM model, and which are very general. Let me mention what I see as the • main three: Fluctuations in output are not necessarily bad. This was the main message of the basic RBC remains true model, in which, indeed, NK in the model. It may be all fluctuations were optimal. It best for the economy to respond some to changes in technology, or changes in preferences, through tuations in output and employment. Trying to smooth those fluc- fluctuations through the use of policy would be wrong. How relevant this argument clear to me, and smooth path I is still is for rich, diversified, economies, remains un- suspect that the argument for keeping output on a a strong one. It is, however, surely relevant to emerg- ing economies, affected by terms of trade shocks if they are commodity exporters, or sudden shifts in capital flows. Trying to achieve a path the face of such shocks in is likely, smooth from a welfare viewpoint, to be counterproductive. • In thinking about policy, one must think about three different concepts of activity: First, the actual level of output. Second, the level of would prevail in the output (as level of absence of nominal it corresponds to the natural rate of unemployment, best. Third, the level of monopoly power of firms); call which, in the basic In the basic NK NK I prefer to call second- output which would prevail in the absence of and other imperfections rigidities the natural rigidities, often called introduced by Friedman and Phelps), but which nominal output which model, (in NK the basic model, the it the constrained efficient level of output, is also the first-best level of output. model, the monetary policy which keeps the inflation rate constant (where the price index used to measure inflation is that corresponding to the set of prices set by price setters) will automatically keep output at supply side, in in unison, so constant, and • level, even in oil response to shocks to the price shocks. Is depends on how the second best and the output move move second best such as technological shocks or to do so? This of its let response to the shock. In the basic it turns out that output equal its it is first NK it optimal best levels model, they indeed optimal to keep inflation second best level. This leads to a strong policy conclusion: Strict inflation targeting is good, 10 both for inflation, and output (a result Jordi Gali and for I have baptized the "divine coincidence"). This result serves as an important benchmark. In the presence of further imperfections however, To take a very to more topical example, suppose labor wage real rigidity wage may no longer hold. market imperfections lead than would be implied by a competitive labor market. Then, an increase in the price of in the real it oil —which requires —may lead to a large decrease a decrease in the second-best level of output: Very low output, and thus a large increase in unemployment may be needed to make workers accept the real wage cut. First-best output, which is defined as what output would be without real move much In this case, less. and a deviation of output above than to stick to constant 2.5 it may be its inflation. wage better to allow for second best level for rigidities, some may inflation, some time, rather 4 Building on the toy model Implications of the proven extremely NK rich. 5 model The for policy, in particular role of anticipations in the study the implications of time consistency for earlier, role of literally This being said, have model has allowed us to anchoring expectations, to think communication. Woodford's work, and his book mentioned shows the enormous progress which has been made, and work has policy, optimal policy, to examine the use of rules versus discretion, to discuss the role of about the monetary this changed the way central banks think about monetary it is clear that the NK model, even extended to allow, body of policy. 6 say, for As the reader may guess from the heavier prose, I am trying to present informally some from my own research (Blanchard and Gali (2007))... My excuse is that I see these results as a good example of what can be learned from the NK model that could not be learned from the IS-LM model, or its textbook extension, the AD-AS model. 5. Because the model is clearly well designed to look at monetary policy, and also perhaps because central banks are rich institutions with large research departments and conference money, there has been substantially more work on monetary policy than on fiscal policy. A good normative theory of fiscal policy in the presence of nominal rigidities remains largely to be done. 6. Another slightly cynical remark: The embrace of inflation targeting by central banks may not. entirely come from their deep understanding of the new monetary theory, but also from the coincidence of theoretical results with their long-standing desire to keep inflation low and 4. results constant. 11 the presence of investment and capital accumulation, or for the presence of both discrete price many and nominal wage of the details setting, is still just a toy model, and that lacks it which might be needed to understand fluctuations. The next section reviews developments on these fronts. 3 Extensions and Explorations Much of the current research on macro fluctuations can be thought of an ex- ploration of the implications of various imperfections: Beyond nominal what macro? How do they are the imperfections which matter the How the dynamic effects of shocks? most do they introduce at What do we know about of additional shocks? important are these shocks? This is for how I rigidities, affect least the possibility how these dynamic effects, and shall organize this section, going mar- ket by market (from labor markets, to credit and financial markets, to goods markets), and then taking up some issues which cut across markets and I see as largely unresolved. Labor markets. Introducing unemployment 3.1 One is striking (and unpleasant) characteristic of the basic NK model is that there no unemployment! Movements take place along a labor supply curve, either at the intensive margin (with workers varying hours) or at the extensive margin (with workers deciding whether or not to participate). that this may The first fall so, in normative terms: The welfare cost of fluctuations question is then how to think about fortunately, we can build —and developed over the past twenty years by, are building in particular, fact that the labor market is —on in a a parallel Peter Diamond, name "DMP model". sentation, see, for example, Pissarides (2000)). In this approach, from the often and introduce unemployment Chris Pissarides, and Dale Mortensen (thus, the arises is disproportionately on the unemployed. macro model. Here, effort, a sense, however, give a misleading description of fluctuations, in positive terms, and. even more thought to One has For a pre- unemployment a decentralized market, where, at 12 any time, some workers are looking The workers. This has two implications. ways some unemployment that, as it — and, for jobs, while first is some jobs are looking for by necessity, there al- that, symmetrically, some vacancies. is The second is takes time for a worker to find another job, and for a firm to find another worker, both the worker and the firm have some bargaining power. This implies that the wage unemployment —and by implication, the cost of labor, employment, and —depends on the nature of bargaining. This approach has proven extremely productive on representative agent approach, it makes one think its own. In contrast to the of the labor market as a mar- ket characterized by large flows, flows of job destruction and creation, flows of workers between employment, unemployment, and non-participation. one to think about the of unemployment. affect reallocation, It effects of labor market institutions on the natural rate allows one to think about whether and whether some and how fluctuations of the fluctuations themselves may be due to variations in reallocation intensity. The model scription of the labor market that can be confronted to the data, be it data on workers, or micro data on firms, matched panel data on workers and The central question however, effects of shocks, which for is twofold: First, may themselves be an important is it we micro even better and increasingly available, shocks on activity? Second, does the answer sufficiently realistic in its de- whenever we explore the implications of a In the context of labor markets, cial to or, is firms. imperfection for macro fluctuations, namic allows It it how does it specific affect the dy- lead to the presence of other source of fluctuations in activity? are just starting to explore the answers. Cru- the response of real wages to labor market conditions (see example, Shimer (2005), and Hall (2005)): Decentralized wage setting implies the existence of a wage band, within which both the firm and the worker are willing to continue istence of such a wage may move band implies less that, so long as it their relationship. The ex- stays within the band, the real than the boundaries of the band. In less formal terms, the presence of a band allows for more real wage rigidity than would be implied by a competitive labor market. This real wage rigidity does not by itself tions for existing matches, which remain profitable so long as the wage remains implica- 13 within the band. same real wage If (a is big if, and also paid to implications for fluctuations: new then real wage rigidity has important hires, Combined with nominal rigidity implies less pressure of activity and more persistent an additional assumption), however, the clearly effects of shifts in on more rigidities, aggregate demand, and stronger and more oil, The presence rigid wage band implies that competitive counterparts. particular, the real The wages can be more real question, however, wages of new hires, hiring decisions of firms, are indeed wage inflation; this in turn implies stronger persistent effects of supply shocks such as increases in the price of of a real is whether on activity. than their real wages, and in which are the ones that determine the more rigid, and if so why. This is also a hot topic of research. Theoretical work, based on the exploration of constraints across workers' wages within a firm, and empirical work, based on micro evidence on the The next stage appears to be an integration of the market frictions that characterize the DMP wages of existing workers and new hires, are proceeding apace. model, with efficiency wage models, which can explain wage setting within firms and. in particular, the relation between wages paid to existing workers and to new 3.2 The hires. Credit and financial markets current financial crisis makes it clear that the arbitrage approach to the determination of the term structure of interest rates and asset prices implicit in the basic and shocks NK falls short of the rnaxk: Financial institutions matter, to their capital or liquidity position macroeconomic The main model appear to have potentially large effects. imperfection around which thinking about credit markets asymmetric information. Owners/managers of an investment project is built (call is them the entrepreneurs) have a better knowledge of the distribution of returns on the project and of their own effort, than outside investors. As a investors are only willing to participate under entrepreneurs put some of their own funds some result, outside conditions, typically that the into the project, or put up enough collateral. 1 I This has two direct implications for macro fluctuations. First, these constraints are likely to amplify the effects of other shocks on activity. To the extent that adverse shocks decrease profits, and thus reduce the funds available to the entre- preneurs as well as the value of the collateral they can put up, they are likely to lead to a sharper drop in investment than would happen under competitive mar- Second, shifts in the constraints can themselves be sources of shocks. For kets. example, changes in perceived uncertainty which lead outside investors to ask more guarantees may lead entrepreneurs to reduce for demand leading to lower their investment plans, and lower supply in the short run, who (two standard references are Bernanke and Gertler (1989) this mechanism an in RBC in the medium run first model, and Kiyotaki and Moore (1997), introduced who showed the role of asset prices and collateral.) To the extent that entrepreneurs are not financed directly by the ultimate in- vestors but rather by financial intermediaries, may ultimate investors, these intermediaries in face the turn get financed by the same problems To make sure that the intermediaries have the proper preneurs. ultimate investors their who own may want as entre- incentives, the intermediaries themselves to contribute some of funds. Thus, decreases in those funds will force intermediaries to cut on lending to entrepreneurs, leading again to decreases Holmstrom and Tirole in investment (a standard (1997)). Thus, capital constraints are reference here is likely to affect both borrowers and lenders. Furthermore, to the extent that investment projects have horizons longer than those of the ultimate investors, financial intermediaries maturity than their specific expertise may find it liabilities. Because financial intermediaries are even impossible to sell turn opens the scope for liquidity problems: receive funds before the assets likely to have mature may these assets to third parties. This in A desire by the ultimate investors to force the intermediaries to sell assets at depressed prices, to cut lending, or even to go is hold assets of a longer about the loans they have made and the assets they hold, they difficult or current financial may crisis has Diamond and Dybvig made (1983), vivid. bankrupt — all possibilities (The standard non-macro reference here which has triggered a large mechanisms may again amplify the the effects of adverse shocks, literature.) and These shifts in the 15 distribution of funds, or in the ultimate investors' impatience or perceptions of uncertainty, can have major Even by macroeconomic in centralized markets, asset prices their fundamental valuation. Many effects. do not always seem to be determined investors care about resale value, rather than just the expected discounted value of expected payoffs on the idea that, when this speculative bubbles, tory. A is the case, infinitely long lived assets standard theoretical result is The subject to many apparent examples an old one, sustained by is may be asset. in his- that, in the absence of other imperfections, rational speculative bubbles can only exist under dynamic inefficiency, a condi- tion that does not appear to be satisfied in the real world. Recent research has explored whether, in the presence of other credit market imperfections, rational bubbles may exist (2003), Caballero et A even when the economy al, 2006). The conclusion is is dynamically efficient (Ventura that they can. very different approach to the same set of issues has explored the implications of limits to arbitrage (an (1997)): While markets may come it is argument initially formalized by Shleifer and Vishny easy to accept the notion that some participants in financial not act rationally, the more difficult question to take advantage of the implied profit opportunities. been explored in the literature is that, again because of is why others do not The answer that has asymmetric information between ultimate investors and potential arbitragers, the arbitragers may not have access to sufficient funds to arbitrage and return prices to fundamentals. Yet another approach has explored the role of public and private information the determination of asset prices, and has shown that prices much to public information scope for large and too little may respond in too to private information, opening the swings in prices in response to weak public signals (for example, Morris and Shin (2002), Angeletos and Werning (2006)). The reason: In the pres- ence of complementarities, investors will respond to public signals, not necessarily because they strongly believe them, but because, in contrast to private signals, they know other investors observe them as well and To the extent may thus respond to them. that there can be large deviations of prices from fundamentals, 16 7 these can clearly be sources of shocks to activity. more emerge likely to in some economic environments, and investors are "searching rates are low boom and through a long investors booms and to the extent that they are for for yield", or become held beliefs about the behavior of investors such deviations And example, when interest when the economy goes steadily too optimistic, (two widely among financial market participants), the dynamics of other shocks, for example amplifying will affect increasing subsequent slumps. All these dimensions of credit and financial markets are also the focus of active Given the urgency of understanding the current financial research. be confident that progress the next topic I will happen rapidly. The same is crisis, one can not true, however, of take up. Goods markets and markups 3.3 In the basic NK model, the desired markup of price over marginal cost is This comes from the assumption that the elasticity of substitution constant. in utility between the differentiated goods sold by monopolistically competitive firms is constant. Reality suggests that this assumption also creasing number costs are the of goods, is main component all off the mark. First, for an in- from software to drugs, fixed costs rather than marginal of cost, with the implication that the price reflects mostly the markup rather than the marginal pear to be wide Second, desired markups ap- cost. but constant. As neither marginal cost, nor the desired markup directly observable, the evidence here is more controversial. is To my mind, perhaps the most convincing evidence comes from the evidence on pass- through effects (or the lack of) of exchange rate movements. Recent empirical work on the United States, using disaggregated prices, nated in dollars at the border, shows that, when import prices are denomi- exchange rate movements have barely any the prices for these imports in the United States, while, 7. if effect on they are denominated i.e. the decline in aggregate output has not been associated with a decline in aggregate stock price true of the current financial crisis. While volatility has increased Interestingly however, the so called "Great moderation" , volatility since the early 1980s, volatility. So far, the same in financial markets, it is has not yet led to increased volatility in activity. 17 in foreign currency at the border, exchange rate movements lead to nearly one- for-one effects on prices for those imports (Gopinath et al (2007)). It also shows that these differences survive long after importers have had a chance to reprice goods, and thus cannot be attributed to nominal rigidities. exchange rate movements have large and heterogenous Put another way, effects on the markups charged by importers. How markups move, nita for macro. We 8 in response to what, and why, is however nearly terra incog- have a number of theories. One of the most plausible may be that of consumer markets, developed and introduced in a macro model by Phelps (1994), in which firms think of the stock of consumers as an We choose prices accordingly. Some competitive firms. asset, and have others, based on games between imperfectly of these theories imply pro-cyclical markups, so that an increase in output leads to a larger increase in the desired price, and thus to more pressure on inflation. the opposite implication. and Chang Some We But we (2000)). convincing theories, and this Some 3.4 also imply, however, counter-cyclical markups, with have some empirical evidence are a long is clearly way from having (for example Bils either a clear picture or an area where research is urgently needed. unsettled issues. Shocks, anticipations Having reviewed progress market by market, way, and take up two issues I see let me now slice the research another both as central and unsettled. The nature and number of major shocks behind fluctuations. The second is first is the the actual role of anticipations. In thinking about fluctuations, an important question a few major sources of shocks, or from their own dynamic of fluctuations, effects. The nature many is whether they result from different sources, each of them with of optimal policy, the welfare implications depend very much on the answer. In the traditional Keynesian interpretation of fluctuations, shocks to aggregate demand, "animal 8. I spirits" , played a major role. In the RBC have found 10 economists to he reluctant to help us on this interpretation, front: They seem it was to find the notion that one could reliably measure movements in markups over time, or the notion that one could trace and explain the evolution of an aggregate markup, both naive and doomed... 18 instead shocks to aggregate supply, may be many imperfections above suggests there The quick survey technological shocks. i.e. 9 others. One can approach of the question in two ways: The dynamic and get estimates of the shocks, and of to use a structural model, first is effects. This is, for example, the approach taken by Smets and Wouters (2007), using a state of the art DSGE models article by Chari in the DSGE model the U.S. for economy (more on next section). Their results (examined and discussed in the et al (2008) referred to earlier), many that is shocks contribute to fluctuations, with no particular shock emerging as dominant. however, is that the answer depends very —a examine the data in this context. their remark that To take a trivial is much on the specific model used to always true, but example, we if The problem, is particularly relevant specify the slope of a supply curve incorrectly, we shall interpret movements along the true supply curve as deviations from our assumed supply curve, thus as shocks to supply. DSGE parametrization of the priors, makes The second is The tight models, together with the use of strong Bayesian this risk particularly high. to use a less structural approach, and use a factor model. Factor models allow one to explore whether the movements of a large number can be well explained as the dynamic effects of of variables a few underlying factors. We can then think of these factors as linear combinations of the major structural shocks. Work using factor models to interpret macro fluctuations in earnest, and the second similar from going from I find some VARs of the results and Watson (2005) step, going time The VARs) of the role. use of "shocks" The is first is still While largely to be taken. Work intriguing. gives the following picture: series they look at, three factors play a dominant 9. to structural most believe, just starting from factors to underlying shocks (a step we already have factors are needed to explain is, I for But example by Stock their formal tests find seven movements in the 130 macroeconomic (which are orthogonal by construction) explains most of the movements in quantities, but fraught with philosophical, but also with practical, difficulties: Tech- nological shocks, animal spirits, changes in perceived uncertainty, and so on, causes, which themselves have even deeper causes, and so on. An all have deeper operational definition is that shocks are the unexplained residuals of behavioral equations, and that, as a result, different patterns of such residuals have different effects on fluctuations. 19 the movements in prices or asset prices. little of movements explains in asset prices, some of the or asset prices. same in the movements There That shocks results: but is little but little of the explains some in quantities. movements of the The third in quantities a tempting but slightly worrisome interpretation for these to aggregate direction, movements of the in prices, The second have demand, which indeed move most quantities on little effect prices, and thus on inflation. That shocks to prices or wages, and thus to inflation, explain most of the movements in inflation, have a with life little relation to or effect on output. And that asset prices largely of their own, with limited effects on activity. This interpretation, nor is the work by Stock and makes one uneasy about the control Watson the of inflation through last is not the only word, but, if so, it monetary policy implied by the basic model, an assumption which underlies much of modern monetary policy. 10 The second issue in the basic NK affect current the role of anticipations. Anticipations play a crucial role is model: Other things equal, anticipations of future consumption consumption one-for-one. Anticipations of future inflation affect current inflation nearly one-for-one as well. Under rational expectations, these imply a very large That role for anticipations of future events, or of future policy. anticipations matter a lot is obviously true. That people and firms look into the future, directly or by relying on the forecasts of others, in forming anticipations is also obviously true. of anticipations cum Whether the basic rational expectations is model does not overstate the role however open to question. Surely, various credit constraints limit the ability of people and firms to spend in antici- pation of good news about the future. Surely, there is a lot of adaptive learning, with people and firms looking at past evidence to update their beliefs (a route explored by Sargent The reason why — for example Sargent (2001) —and used by him to explain a given market that quantity separate factor, with both factors being orthogonal) is indeed consistent, with a fully elastic supply curve, an inelastic demand curve, and uncorrelated demand and supply shocks (the interpretation I have implicitly given here). But it is also consistent with upward sloping supply and downward sloping demand curves, and the right relation between slopes and variances of the underlying supply and demand 10. this is not the only interpretation: Finding in and price are uncorrelated (and thus each can be explained by a. shocks.. 20 the evolution of the Phillips curve over time). Surely, and processing count what abilities limit the ability of firms happen will in the future (see for also, bounded and households rationality to take into ac- example the work by Sims (2006), and, with a slightly different formalization, an exploration of macro implications by Reis (2008). One of reason to worry medium-term implies that, if is, example, the central role given to the anchoring for inflation expectations the central bank The formal argument of price setting, on what very month in much want to believe it, I is, am in been convergence be about theory or facts, not sure we setter, choosing prices his decision depending on Put another way, while we actually understand whether We so important. is in vision is not: may be controversial. That there has Macroeconomic articles, whether they look very similar to each other in structure, and very From some of the errors of the past, but mostly to technological can solve and estimate models we just could not solve then. These evolutions have been, I shall argue, largely but not entirely for the best. small to larger models Small models are essential communication and exposition devices. cessful, and from the way they did thirty years ago. The changes can be traced in part to a reaction against 4.1 be more Methodology methodology in change say. in five years. of inflation expectations That there has been convergence progress: will the Calvo-like specification whether a price or the next quarter, will Convergence different much on and output turn depends on inflation in the more distant ask, however, his expectation of inflation how anchoring 4 which One may reasonably for the next very inflation model which implies that inflation today depends nearly one-for-one inflation next year, future. relies between NK medium-term expec- able to credibly anchor is tations of inflation, then the trade-off favorable. by central banks. The basic they reduce a complex issue to its essence. They can either When suc- embody the 21 — wisdom of larger, more explicit micro-founded models, or they can instead trig- ger the development of such models. Dornbusch's model of overshooting comes to mind It is as an example of the latter. nevertheless true that much of the work macro in in the 1960s and 1970s consisted of ignoring uncertainty, reducing problems to 2x2 differential systems, and then drawing an elegant phase diagram. There was no appealing alternative as anybody who has spent time using Cramer's well. Macro was largely an art, and only a few Today, that technological constraint artists did — a set of simply gone. With the development of them nearly even if of software such as programs which allows one to solve and estimate non-linear models under rational expectations solve knows too well. it dynamic programming methods, and the advent stochastic Dynare is rule on 3x3 systems —one can specify large dynamic models and And, at the touch of a button. in many cases, larger models, they cannot be solved analytically, can serve the same role as the 2x2 models of lore, namely communicate a basic a basic mechanism. They can point, or show the implications of deal with uncertainty without relying on certainty equivalence, allowing us to think about such issues as precautionary saving or the behavior of investment under irreversibility. To a large extent, technological progress has reduced the required artistic component of research, and this is for the best. 4.2 From equation-by-equation In the 1960s . The first to system estimation and early 1970s, empirical work in was equation-by-equation estimation macro proceeded along two tracks. of behavioral equations, be it the consumption function, or the money demand equation, or the Phillips curve. The other was the development of large econometric models, constructed by putting together these separate equations. Much was learned from this double-headed effort, but, by the mid-1970s, the problems of these models were becoming They were best identified by Sims (1980): There was gate dynamics of models put together in that dynamics. Putting zeros in little way would reason why clear. the aggre- replicate actual aggregate an equation might be a good approximation for the equation as such, but not necessarily for the system as a whole. 22 Today, macro-econometrics this is is mainly concerned with system estimation. Again, due to the availability of new technology, namely more powerful computers. Systems, characterized by a set of structural parameters, are typically estimated as a whole. Because the likelihood function below), the standard approach is to rely tion in this context can be seen as a inated the early RBC cases, to ask too much VARs (SVAR) — that work on Bayesian estimation. Bayesian estima- compromise between calibration —and maximum likelihood —which —which dom- appears, in most of the data. Vector autoregressions (VARs), or structural is VARs which allow one to trace the used often poorly behaved (more on this is with a minimal set of identification restrictions effects of at least in various ways: Before estimation, some of the structural shocks — are they are used to get a sense of the data. After estimation, they are used to compare the impulse responses to shocks im- by the structural model to those obtained from the plied SVAR interpretation of the data. Because of the difficulty of finding good instruments when estimating macro back seat relations, equation-by-equation estimation has taken a much back seat of a relation, see for (for —probably too estimation and discussion of the Phillips-curve like example Gali et al (2005), and the associated discussion in the corresponding issue of the Journal of Monetary Economics). Another form of limited information estimation has appeared: subset of impulse response functions of various and The — for macroeconomic variables to an fitting of the rationale responses to that is oil whole The estimation and fitting of a example the impulse response functions oil price shock — rather than estimation set of impulse response functions implied we may have more confidence in the by the model. estimated impulse price shocks than in other aspects of the data, and thus may prefer to use only this information to estimate the underlying parameters of the model. 4.3 DSGEs The most visible outcomes of this general equilibrium models (or foundations —that is utility new approach DSGEs). They are the "dynamic stochastic are models derived from micro maximization by consumers- workers, value maximiza- tion by firms, rational expectations, nominal rigidities to some and a full specification of imperfections, of the imperfections discussed earlier estimated by Bayesian methods. The result of estimation parameters fully characterizing the steadily increasing with the is from — and typically a set of structural model. The number of parameters has been power of computers: Smets and Wouters (2007) for example estimate 19 structural parameters and 17 parameters corresponding to the variances and the first order autocorrelation coefficients of the underlying shock processes. DSGE models have become ubiquitous. Dozens of teams of researchers are in- volved in their construction. Nearly every central bank has one, or wants to have one. They are used to evaluate policy rules, to do conditional forecasting, or even sometimes to do actual forecasting. There is little question that they represent an impressive achievement. But they also have obvious in which technology has run ahead of our This flaws. ability to use it, may be a case or at least to use it best: • Macroeconomic data can only deliver so much. The mapping of structural parameters to the coefficients of the reduced form of the model non Near non-identification linear. is meters yielding nearly the same value why pure maximum or weak 2008). is likelihood identification, see for The is for the likelihood function —which is nearly never used (on non-identification example Canova and Sala 2006, or Iskrev use of additional information, as embodied has become rather formulaic and hypocritical. in Bayesian priors, The approach priors used often re- the priors of others, and, after backward recursion has traced their origins, also highly frequent, with different sets of para- clearly conceptually the right approach. But, in practice, the flect is have more little basis in facts. Partly for the similar in their structure than same would seem reason, models are desirable: Roughly the same models are used both in rich and in emerging economies, despite their very different structures « and their very different shocks. Current theory can only deliver so much. One of the principles underlying DSGEs is that, in contrast to the previous generation of models, all 24 dynamics must be derived from first principles. 11 The main motivation is that only under these conditions, can welfare analysis be performed. A general characteristic of the data, however, is that the adjustment of quantities to shocks appears slower than implied by our standard bench- mark models. Reconciling the theory with the data has led to a lot of un- convincing reverse engineering. External habit formation ification of utility sumption where utility — that consumption to explain the slow adjustment of consumption. ing investment, rather than the — has been introduced Convex costs of chang- more standard and more plausible convex costs of investment, have been introduced to explain the rich far as I know, Backward indexation is a spec- depends not on consumption, but on con- relative to lagged aggregate of investment. is of prices, an dynamics assumption which, as simply factually wrong, has been introduced to explain the dynamics of inflation. And, because, once they are introduced, these assumptions can then be blamed on others, they have often become standard, passed on from model to model with This way of proceeding First, if little discussion. clearly wrong-headed: is such additional assumptions should be introduced in a model only they have independent empirical support. The fact that an additional assumption helps fit the aggregate dynamics in a model which misspecified elsewhere Second, it is is clear that heterogeneity example Chang surely not convincing. gate dynamics which have (see for is little and aggregation can lead to aggre- apparent relation to individual dynamics et al (2008) on the relation of the aggregate labor supply relation to individual labor supply, when individual labor supply decisions are taken both at the intensive and the extensive margin, and workers have limited access to insurance). Progress theoretically and empirically, from individual behavior (for ample Caballero and Engel make more in deriving aggregate is being made, both dynamic implications a recent review and exploration, see for ex- 2007)'. Until we get there however, it may well sense to recognize our ignorance, and to allow part of the 11. This is not as clean a position as it sounds, as shocks are typically allowed to have own, unexplained, dynamics, for example to follow AR(1) processes. their 25 dynamics of our make formal wrong very DSGE models to be data determined. True, interpretation of the data much But welfare welfare analysis impossible. is this would analysis based on the clearly worse. For example, it matters assessment of the welfare costs of fluctuations whether for the the slow adjustment of consumption is attributed to habit formation, or instead to aggregation, or to slowly adjusting expectations. Ad-hoc welfare functions, in terms of deviations of inflation and deviations of output may be from some smooth path we know. In Guise of a Conclusion 5 I the best we can do given what have argued that macroeconomics is going through a period of great progress and excitement, and that there has been, over the past two decades, convergence in both vision and methodology. There is, slightly: however, such a thing as too A macroeconomic much convergence. To caricature, but only today often follows article from a general equilibrium structure, starts expected present value of Then, it utility, introduces a twist, be of markets, it firms in Such which individuals maximize the maximize their value, and markets clear. an imperfection or the closing of a particular set and works out the general equilibrium implications. a numerical simulation, based on calibration, well. It strict, haiku-like, rules: It It then performs showing that the model performs ends with a welfare assessment. articles can be great, and the best ones indeed they suffer from some of the flaws I are. But, more often than not, just discussed in the context of DSGEs: In- troduction of an additional ingredient in a benchmark model already loaded with questionable assumptions. ingredient. Thus, The first is for nomics. While I want And to end little or no independent validation for the this review added with three related hopes/pleas. 12 the rehabilitation of partial equilibrium modeling in macroeco- it can obviously only be a first step, it is important to understand 12. Andrei Shleifer has pointed out to me that my three pleas are, to borrow an expression from computer design, for a more "open architecture" of the field. 26 the implications of a particular imperfection on own, its i.e. taking as given a large part of the macroeconomic environment. Forcing oneself to examine the implications of this imperfection in general equilibrium unattractive trade-offs. For example, of many from the start typically creates imperfections lead to heterogeneity income and wealth across agents; a general equilibrium closure requires the in- troduction of various auxiliary assumptions, such as counterfactual assumptions about the existence of various forms of insurance, making it difficult to assess the relative roles of the central and the auxiliary assumptions. Better in this case to proceed in two much tougher —general equilibrium problem second. The second is steps, with partial equilibrium first, and with the that no additional ingredient should be introduced in a general equilibrium model without some independent validation. cess to large micro-data sets, behavior. rive the We of individual behavior (for is ac- DSGE model should be a for the re-legalization of shortcuts possible, realistic descriptions of last step, and an example, To the extent be how we proceed. Introducing these more aggregate behavior in a third have increasing are steadily deriving theories of aggregation, which allow us to de- in the case of investment, see Caballero et al (1995)). The We which allow us to learn about aspects of individual dynamic aggregate implications this should —admittedly 13 not a first step. of simple models. DSGE models tend to be very complex. Approximating complex relations by simple ones helps intuition and communication. The shortcuts of the past may have been potentially dangerous, to be used only by the masters of the trade. is now much potentially see whether easier. we can capture We can start from fully articulated models, and their essence through simpler whether and when the implications of the shortcut of the full fledged (1998)). 13. We model (a nice But the job example fit relations. We can check the main characteristics in this context is Krusell and Smith should be willing to do more of this than we are today. 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