^CHff^N Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/stockownershippaOOpote DEWEY HB31 .M415 | working paper department of economics STOCK OWNERSHIP PATTERNS, STOCK MARKET FLUCTUATIONS, AND CONSUMPTION James M. Poterba Andrew A. Samwick 96-2 Oct. 1995 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 J STOCK OWNERSHIP PATTERNS, STOCK MARKET FLUCTUATIONS, AND CONSUMPTION James M. Poterba Andrew A. Samwick 96-2 Oct. 1995 mas: m 13 1996 STOCK OWNERSHIP PATTERNS, STOCK MARKET FLUCTUATIONS, AND CONSUMPTION James M. Poterba MIT and NBER Samwick Dartmouth College and NBER Andrew A. October 1995 ABSTRACT The market value of corporate stock in the United States increased by nearly one between December 1994 and July 1995. This paper explores the distribution of the stock ownership, and hence the gains from the stock price rise, and what the rise in stock prices implies for consumer spending. It begins by noting the substantial change in the trillion dollars pattern of stock ownership during the postwar period. Individual investors, who directly held the early 1950s, have gradually replaced their direct stock holdings with indirect holdings through mutual funds, pension funds, and other financial intermediaries. It then documents the substantial predictive power of stock price fluctuations for future consumption growth, and considers two potential explanations for this relationship. The first, or "leading indicator," view, holds that the stock market responds to news that suggests most corporate stock in consumption will rise in the future. This does not suggest any causality between stock price changes and subsequent consumption movements. An alternative and not necessarily exclusive view, the "wealth effect," holds that higher stock prices raise consumption by raising household net worth, and thereby expanding consumption opportunity sets. We test for the importance of the wealth effect by studying the effect of stock price changes on the share of consumption devoted to luxury items, and we test for effects of changing stock price ownership patterns on the link between stock price fluctuations and consumption growth. We find virtually no evidence to support important wealth effects associated with stock price changes. We also explore whether the source of stock price fluctuations, in particular fluctuations that are related to changes in dividends or earnings rather than to changes in discount rates, affects the predicted change in consumption that follows a stock price change. We are grateful to Rochelle Antoniewicz, William Brainard, John Campbell, Joel Dickson, Jerry Hausman, Greg Mankiw, Tom Morley, George Perry, Chris Probyn, James Shapiro, Martha Andrei Shleifer, David Shulman, Chris Sims, David Wilcox, and participants in the Brookings Panel meeting and at a seminar at the Federal Reserve Board, for helpful discussions, to Alex David for data on share repurchases, and especially to Arthur Kennickell for assistance with the 1992 Survey of Consumer Finances. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation. Starr-McLuer, Robert Shiller, The market bull has raised the of the last year United States by nearly a many While trillion dollars. corporate stock total value of in the analysts have tried to explain or interpret the stock market's recent movements, there has been less attention to the link between rising stock prices and real economic activity. What distributed across households? investors? How do rising in share prices stock prices affect consumer spending? depends on labor income and is are the gains from an increase fraction of these gains accrues to a small set of wealthy The standard textbook treatment wealth How of aggregate financial wealth. consumption holds that consumption 1 The marginal propensity to consume out typically taken to be approximately .04 per year. In this of framework, the wealth effect of a stock market rally should have an important stimulative effect on consumption. Although this stock prices consumption view neglects some may rise directly, potentially important factors, notably the possibility that as a result of a decline many economic in real discount rates, which might also affect forecasters embrace the textbook view. For example, a recent Wall Street research report explains that "as long as asset prices are rising, the risk of a significant drop in consumer spending is small," and notes that the rising number of stockholders has "made real economic activity more tied to the performance of financial assets than ever before." 2 This paper describes the changing pattern of stock ownership during the last three decades, investigates whether changing ownership patterns have in fact altered the links between stock values and consumption, and explores the wealth effect fluctuations. At the outset, following a rise prices may rise in in it is important to recognize that an increase share prices could be attributable to either of anticipation of strong economic activity, including 'See for example Dornbusch and Fischer (1994). 2 Shulman{1995). two in of stock price consumer spending factors. First, stock consumer spending. The 2 role of share prices as a leading indicator is well documented. market values are not a source of subsequent changes that subsequent changes are expected. stock prices and consumption values cause changes in is A second, and in case changes In this not necessarily exclusive, link between in share consumption by expanding households' resource constraints. Over must be operative; we consider whether important effect on consumption at horizons of one to four quavers. between the leading prices and consumption, stock consumption, but merely an indicator the "wealth effect," the possibility that changes long horizons, such a wealth effect distinguish in indicator It it also has an is difficult to and causative view of the relationship between share because doing so requires identifying autonomous movements in share prices that are not attributable to changing expectations of future dividends or discount rates. This paper presents and consumption. substantial It increases new evidence on the summarizes the changes in association in between share is stock market values, and presents several tests directed at correct, then the pattern of If the "leading indicator" consumption changes following stock should be independent of the distribution of stockownership, and there differential movements consumption that have typically followed disentangling the "leading indicator" and "wealth effect" views. view price is price fluctuations no reason to expect consumption responses by households that do and do not own corporate stock. This paper presents empirical tests of both of these propositions. We find little support for an important wealth effect of share prices on consumption. The strong positive correlation between consumption growth and lagged stock market returns therefore appears due to the "leading indicator" feature of stock price We begin by placing the primarily movements. 1995 stock market increase in context. We report on the evolution of price-to-dividend and price-earnings ratios, Tobin's q, and the ratio of stock 1 3 market value to q, GDP during the postwar period. suggest that the stock market of 1 995 is at a Some of these measures, notably Tobin's postwar valuation high. Others, notably the price-earnings ratio, suggest a less extreme situation. We next investigate the fraction of stock market capital gains that accrue directly to individual investors, in contrast to gains that accrue indirectly such as defined benefit pension plans or life through financial intermediaries A insurance companies. range of recent "behavioral" models of consumption suggest that the marginal propensity to spend out of depends not only on different types of assets the way they are held. of capital gains 3 their risk and return characteristics, but also on Households may exhibit lower marginal propensities to spend out on assets held in retirement plans than on assets held directly. Popular discussions sometimes note that the fraction of corporate stock households has declined during the postwar period and fact, the principal postwar trend has been from direct is We Funds data that show households owning less than fifty combine plans, least individual 962 Survey s, May See the accounts 1 We defined contribution pension find that individuals of stock ownership, of Financial Characteristics of Households, Thaler (1994) provides a 4 indirect percent of outstanding shares. and the Consumer Finances. While share ownership patterns changed 3 In have direct control over at thirds of outstanding corporate stock. To describe the changing incidence 1 ownership to 4 re-analyze the widely-cited Flow of ownership of equities through mutual func and other financial intermediaries, and two presently below fifty percent. individual stock financial intermediaries. ownership through various owned by 992 for in the examples. summary we examine 1 983 and relatively 1 little data from the 992 Surveys between 1 of 962 of this literature. New York Times . 18 July 1995 p.D21, or Wall Street Journal 1 4 and 1983, there has been a substantial increase the last decade. Recent shareownership growth in is the prevalence of share ownership during the result of rising rates of indirect share ownership. The fraction of stock held by the largest stockholders, those of the top one half one percent of the distribution of equity investors, has also declined during To develop evidence affect consumption, of in that can distinguish between the two views of this period. how share prices we explore the correlation between stock returns and the subsequent mix consumer spending between luxury items and all other goods. An operative wealth effect should imply that positive stock returns increase the share of consumption accounted for by luxury goods. We consider aggregate data on several categories of consumption that are purchased disproportionately by high-income households, including purchases of "upper luxury" vehicles, and find little evidence that luxury spending rises in the aftermath of rising stock prices. We next consider whether changing patterns of stock ownership affect the linkages between consumption and stock market fluctuations. The "leading indicator" view suggests that ownership patterns should not affect this relationship, while the "wealth effect" at least admits this in possibility. We explore the effect of changes in stock prices, as well as changes the dividend-price and earnings-price ratio, on various measures of consumption. 5 We recognize that stock prices and consumption are jointly determined, and simply try to describe the typical pattern of economic activity following substantial stock price movements. results suggest that changes consumption spending. A in 5 Fama (1981), equations stock prices have significant predictive power for future permanent magnitude as the price increase Our in the 17% stock price first six months of rise, one of roughly the same 1995, forecasts an increase in Fischer and Merton (1984), and Barro (1989) also estimate reduced form the predictive power of stock price movements for various measuring macroeconomic aggregates. 5 consumption by about 1.1% in mid- 1996 relative to what would otherwise have been. The it stock market increase forecasts particularly large increases in consumer spending on new autos and other durables. We find little evidence to suggest that the shift from direct to indirect ownership of corporate stock has altered the link between stock price fluctuations and consumption spending, and little evidence more generally of an important wealth effect on consumption. Unfortunately, the time-series variation the pattern of corporate stock ownership yields in To address tests with low statistical power. this limitation, we also use household survey data from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics to compare the correlation between consumption growth and stock market fluctuations We holdings. through find thrift plans, some evidence such as 401 with direct and indirect that the consumption of individuals (k)s, movements than the consumption for stockholders 403(b)s, and ESOPs, of those who do is more who hold stocks sensitive to stock price not hold any stock, but once again, the avaiable tests have low power. We do not find any evidence that the effect on the source of stock price movements. substantial body of research in financial change the value of the dividend-price several years. for further 1 . We conclude of share prices This finding somewhat economics that suggests surprising, given the price fluctuations that or earnings-price ratio are reversed over a period of with a brief summary of our findings and a discussion of topics work. Recent Stock Market Fluctuations in Perspective The stock market has climbed to record heights after the is on consumption depends Dow Jones Industrial Average first in the last year. reached the historic 4000 In the six months level, it climbed 6 another 700 rose nearly points. Between January 17%. 6 Although the news media has recent returns are not extraordinary. 1 993, the real return In To provide background 1 twenty presents several for analyzing the summary annual percentage change on the market because real it in 1 historic, 926 and In five years, The statistics. in aggregate effects of stock price movements. 1 994 first column shows the dollars. real value of the The second column presents the the index. This column does not correspond to the return excludes income from dividends. The entries ($1994) value of corporate shares at the in in column two confirm 1995. The third column end of each year, as reported Flow of Funds accounts. Real equity values increased by more than six market as between of the sixty-eight years the presence of other years with returns comparable to those shows the bull 7 Standard and Poor's 500 Index, measured real depicted the recent on stocks of large corporations exceeded twenty percent. the real return exceeded forty percent. Table and June 30, 1995, the Standard and Poor's 500 1 1 .1 trillion in the dollars in the months ended June 30, 1995. 8 While the increase in share prices during the last year is not unprecedented, measures of stock market valuation do suggest that the stock market war high. Table 2 reports four different valuation measures. of the The first is some currently at a post- column shows the market value of corporate stock to gross domestic product. On June 30, 1995, "We calculate this as ln(539.4/455.2) 7 These 8 The change statistics are ratio this = .1697, which we approximate as 17%. based on Ibbotson Associates (1994). in the market value of equity during any period reflects the change in the value of the shares that were outstanding at the beginning of the period, plus the value of any new shares issued during the period. If firms are issuing substantial amounts of new equity, then changes in the market value of stock can overstate the rate of share price appreciation. In each quarter of 1994 and the first two quarters of 1995, however, nonfinancial corporations were net repurchasers of shares, so this concern does not apply. 7 was ratio 1 .039, a level that has been exceeded only once This ratio has more than doubled of similar in just magnitude, between the early 950s. over ten years. The table records one previous move 1 950s and the early 1 it also plotted is in Figure The recent stock historic highs. 1 . late it is ratio for the price rise mid-1995 (16.3) in substantially lower than at the end of 1 991 (26.2) Because earnings fluctuate substantially from year to year, or 992 1 15.7 P/E„ in although was 22.3 1990. it is it at the The June 1995 value is 1 in in 1980, the postwar period. 965. Nevertheless, postwar (22.8). Since 80%. of real earnings. S&P 500. The 1.9 1 higher than any year-end value not the highest value recorded reached 23.3 at the end of Stock can be helpful to construct of real earnings for the end of June 1995, up from 9.8 its risen almost measures that divide share prices by a moving average We did this with a ten-year arithmetic average ratio of S&P 500 above is , alternative valuation doubled. 9 has coincided with rapidly increasing corporate 991 share prices have increased by nearly 30%, while earnings have 1 ratio P/E ratios do not suggest that stocks are currently at earnings, so that while the price-earnings ratio average value, 1 960s, when the The second column shows the year-end price-earnings Index; 968) since the early 1 (in in in resulting 1985, and the 1990s 10 , This measure of P/E avfl this valuation indicator suggests that stock prices are high relative to historical patterns. The rise in corporate earnings is evident in the national income accounts, where corporate profits adjusted for capital consumption and inventory valuation have increased as a share of GNP from 5.6% in 1991 to 7.2% in 1994. The rate of return on tangible assets has also increased. Table 3 presents recent estimates of a standard measure of the pretax 9 A similar pattern emerges if we consider the market value of corporate equity plus an estimate of the market value of corporate debt, computed by capitalizing corporate interest payments by the BAA bond rate, relative to GDP. 10 The values of P/E„B for 1 990-1 994 are 1 5.7, 1 8.4, 20.3, 21 .2, and 1 9.9, respectively. Figure o Price-Earnings & 1 Pnce-Qmaenc 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 H 1950 1955 1960 19B5 1970 1975 Year 19B0 p/E and P/D Ratios, 1947-1995 1985 1990 1995 8 on the tangible assets rate of return shown of return in the first of nonfinancial corporations. 11 In addition to the rate column, the table also reports a cycle-adjusted rate of return. To construct the adjusted return, we first regress the rate of return on the civilian rate, using a first-order serial correlation correction unemployment with an autocorrelation coefficient p. This yields = 0.124 Return 0.0052*RU - p = .845 t (0.0099) (0.0013) We then compute fitted 12 The values at the sample average unemployment rate of 5.61 %. adjusted and unadjusted series are plotted The unadjusted 1 it is 1 989 and 1 in 1 995 is not as high as it between 1991 and was throughout the last twenty-five years. The change 994 is the the cycle- in less dramatic than that for the unadjusted series, suggests an increase of 1.7 percentage points. 13 still In spite of this last Figure 2. 994 and in 1 higher than at any point adjusted return between but in rate of return rose nearly three percentage points 994, and while the rate of return 1960s, (.085) few years. The sharp increase third column in earnings, corporate dividends have not risen during the of Table 2, "This measure of the rate of return and Figure 1 , shows the price-dividend ratio on was analyzed by Nordhaus (1974) and Feldstein and Summers (1977). For a discussion of alternative measures of the rate of return, and of the effective tax rate on corporate earnings, see Feldstein, Poterba, and Dicks-Mireaux (1983). "Adding a time trend to this equation changes the coefficient on RU to -.00521 coefficient, -.00051 (.00034), provides weak support for a secular decline in The time the corporate . profit rate. 13 We have also estimated the cycle-adjustment equation allowing for a 1994 and 1995. The results are: Return = .123 - .005*RUC + .007 # DUM94&95 p = .842. shift in the level of profits in (.010) (.001) (.009) also include a time trend, the coefficient on the trend coefficient on DUM94&95 rises to .0136 (.0093). If we (.086) is -.00067 (.00031), and the Figure 2 o NFC Return :ycle-A: 13 11 " c OJ u c 01 a. 7 - 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 Year 1980 1985 1990 1995 Return to Capital: Nonfinancial Corporations, 1948-1995 9 the S&P 500, which reached 39.2 at the end of June, 1 995. This value is end of any year during the post-war period. Values of the price-dividend thirty have been recorded only a few times during the the late 1960s, and then One higher than at the excess ratio in last forty years: in the early 1 is a growing reliance on non- dividend alternatives, such as share repurchases and cash purchases of stock for returning cash to shareholders. became an important source limited, declined the late in mid-1980s, in 1980s and the last two in the recent stock price increase. in potential explanation of rising price-dividend ratios companies, 960s, of early years. of in other Repurchases, which were historically very cash payout during the mid-1980s. Their importance 1990s, and then increased, but not to the level of the 14 Table 4 tracks the role of non-dividend cash payouts over the last fifteen years, and suggests that these payouts cannot explain the recent column in Table 4 shows the ratio of cash payouts to cash dividends all 1980s very close corporations. This ratio, which began the in the mid-1 980s. years. declined The second and cash payout more It ratio, for third the in the early rise in price-dividend ratios. 1 columns show the price-cash dividend S&P Composite Index. The rapid increase in share prices relative to total ratio, ratios in the third 1 first for nonfinancial to unity, rose to 990s, and has ranged between The more than two and 1 .5 in recent and the price-total column show an even cash payouts than in prices relative to dividends, because non-dividend cash payouts have declined relative to cash dividends during the mid 1 990s. The fourth column of Table 2, as well as Figure 3, shows Tobin's q ratio for nonfinancial corporations, the ratio of the market value of their equity to the replacement cost 14 Bagwell and Shoven (1 989) describe the growth of share repurchases the tax incentives for repurchases rather than cash dividends. in the 1 980s, and Figure 3 o Stock Market/CD* a ionin'5 i i a o y c ao U o en -0.25 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year Stock Market/GDP and Tobin's Q, 1952-1995 10 of their tangible assets net of outstanding debt. several years 1995. 16 in the late 1 970s, was The recent change in between q is which ratio, fell to below .40 for .47 at the end of June unusual by historical standards. The only comparable .27 at the end of 1972 and is when more than .50 during q declined by This 1 1 percentage change late 15 a late 1 994, and 1974, the period of the two year first oil embargo, The recent values are the highest period. recorded values of q during the postwar period. There are good reasons "average q" measures such as those for suspecting that Table 2 are poor measures of relative value for some types the market value and replacement cost of corporate assets illustrate this. 17 At the end of of firms. in An the 1980s in extensive study of makes it possible to 1987, when the aggregate value of q was .574, many high technology and high-growth stocks exhibited q's many times greater than the aggregate. Several illustrations are provided below: Company Coca-Cola Compaq IBM Average o Value. December 1987 2.89 2.65 1.53 15 This ratio is computed by the Federal Reserve Board and published in the Balance Sheets of the U.S. Economy Tangible assets include plant, equipment, and residential structures, the replacement values of which are estimated by the Commerce Department using a perpetual inventory method with adjustment for changing investment good prices, inventories, and land. The market value of land is estimated by the Federal Reserve Board. The book value of debt is subtracted from this estimate of asset replacement cost. This measure of q suffers from several limitations, notably the failure to compute the market value of debt and the absence of any correction for the presented discounted value of future tax shields as in . Summers (1981). movements in q. These factors are unlikely to result in large changes in the short-run 16 Revisions to the Flow of Funds that are expected in December 1 995 will reduce the estimated market value of equity in nonfinancial corporations, thereby reducing the estimate of q for recent years. The rise in the value of q in 1 994-95, relative to other recent years, will not be affected by the revision. 17 The q values shown below are drawn from the in Hall (1993). R&D Master File described and analyzed 11 2.79 1.53 1.59 Intel Kodak Motoro'a If a rising fraction of firms' high-value assets are intangibles, such as patents, specialized workforces with particular human capital attributes, or brand loyalty, rather than the property, plant, and equipment, q may become increasingly difficult to interpret. In addition, an increasing fraction of corporate earnings are also generated overseas, and the replacement cost of foreign assets domestic assets. is probably measured with more error than the replacement cost of 18 The market value of equity relative to GDP has increased more slowly than Tobin's q during the recent stock market rise. This implies a decline assets to GDP. value in ratio five the early fluctuated the ratio of tangible corporate At the end of 1994, the replacement cost of tangible assets nonfinancial corporate sector below the in was 0.77 times GDP. This value was more than twenty for the percent years earlier (1.016 at the end of 1989), and forty percent below the 1980s (1.23 between .86 and 1982). During the postwar period prior to 1973, this ratio in .96. rose between It 1 974 and 1 982, and has been declining for the period since then. It is difficult to distill a simple conclusion from Table 2. While P/E ratios are not unusually high at present, other measures of stock price valuation are at or near historical highs. Conclusions about whether current stock prices can be justified by fundamentals are beyond the current 18 project. 19 Table 2 does suggest, however, that Hines (1991) documents the rising it may be important to share of international earnings for U.S. nonfinancial corporations. 19 One concluded in French and Poterba (1991) that fundamental Nikkei stock index was approximately 39,000 in 1 989 (high real estate values for corporate land made Tobin's q for Japanese shares was nearly one), is hesitant to venture again into analyzing stock market fundamentals! of the authors, having factors could explain why Tokyo's 12 distinguish or P/D between stock ratio, price fluctuations that are associated with and fluctuations that are not, in movements in the P/E assessing the macroeconomic consequences of stock price movements. A number of recent studies suggest that variations in the earnings-price ratio are correlated with prospective stock market returns, and one concludes that "shocks to [stock] prices holding dividends constant are almost entirely transitory (Cochrane, Sharp increases in the P/E or P/D ratio, other things equal, are associated with lower prospective returns. increases in If households view increases Aggregate Trends All in share prices that are not supported by dividends or earnings differently from those that are, this could result effects on consumption from these 2. in two types is ultimately owned by individuals. With the exception of shares all U.S. equities represent net Yet the form of individual equity ownership share price fluctuations on household behavior. in divergent the Ownership of Corporate Stock corporate stock of U.S. citizens. in movements. of share price held by foreigners, currently about five percent of the total, worth 1994, p.241)." 20 response to fluctuations in If may affect the impact of individuals adjust their the price of shares that they shares that they hold through financial intermediaries or own in consumption more directly than in response to accounts that are dedicated to retirement saving, then the causal channel by which stock prices affect real economic activity may depend on stock ownership patterns. 21 Differential transactions costs associated with 20 Campbell and Shiller (1988, 1989) present closely related evidence on E/P, D/P, and stock returns. 21 Behavioral models, developed for example in Thaler (1994), suggest that the form in which shares are held, and even the record-keeping convention applied to them, may affect the magnitude of the wealth effect on consumer spending. Because mutual funds and other financial intermediaries mail their investors quarterly statements, individuals may be more 13 different types of equity accounts, 401 (k)s, such as penalty taxes can also induce divergences in for early withdrawals from IRAs or the consumption response to capital gains on stock held different ways. Accumulation in accounts that are tax-deferred saving plans, may "off-limits," not lead to the as many people view their IRAs or other same spending response as increases in the value of directly held assets that can be tapped for current consumption. Investment through these accounts has of become particularly important in recent years. the first eight months 1995, more than two thirds of the cash inflows to leading mutual fund managers were directed to mutual funds held nearly one third of For some all in retirement plans. and local complicated. Consider the example of equity government retirement plan, a defined-benefit plan for the retirement employees. Individuals as taxpayers are the ultimate beneficiaries of gains not be aware of the increase in the value of their locality's pension portfolio, and they may funding future pension The perceived change aware owned of their gains imply that future may still not be confident enough that their future taxes the value of stock will Yet individuals tax burdens can be lowered while 23 represently is the value of this pension fund's holdings, since higher asset values to such gains. now categories of indirect stock ownership, the link between a current capital gain held by a state and local of state Retirement plan assets mutual fund assets. 22 and benefits to the indirect individual holders in In directly, or in will decline to raise consumption net worth stock liabilities. may in response be quite different for changes owned through mutual funds which in continually on these investments than on direct stock investments that require action to evaluate. "Schultz (1995). "There is an inconclusive literature on the extent to which unfunded state and local government pension liabilities are capitalized into house values; see Epple and Shipper (1 981 ). 14 provide information on net asset value. Before considering whether changes in stock ownership patterns have affected the between share prices and consumer spending, we summarize the postwar history stock ownership. The standard claim that individual investors of equity ownership in the United States Flow of Funds Accounts. declining from nearly 90% 24 is now account the 1950s of individual for less than half based on data from the Federal Reserve Board's These data show "household" ownership in link to less than 50% of corporate stock today. Although widely used, the Flow of Funds data do not measure what many analysts think they do. They do not apply to listed equity on stock exchanges, but rather to a broader concept of corporate equity, including stock economic actors institutions. a group of 25 in closely-held companies, by a group of (the "household sector") that includes individuals as well as nonprofit Moreover, they do not describe holdings of individual investors, but rather of economic actors, the "household sector," which includes nonprofit The entry for household sector holdings in institutions. the Flow of Funds table for corporate equity balances also excludes equity held through mutual funds, through defined contribution pension plan accounts, and through other financial products such as variable annuities. of individual equity ownership are allocated to other sectors have become more important in in These forms the Flow of Funds, and as they the last decade, the potential for misinterpretation of the "household sector" data has grown. The growth of institutional holdings does not necessarily imply that shocks to stock market values than in now have smaller effects on individual net worth previous periods. "See for example Blume and Zeldes (1994) and Friedman (1995). 25 The total market value of corporate stock in the Flow of Funds exceeds that on the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ. The value of closely-held shares at the end of 1994 was approximately $1.2 trillion. . 15 Table 5 summarizes the Flow of Funds data on the share of outstanding equity held by various classes of investors. column is shown in the first column. 26 The mutual funds combines ownership by open-end and closed-end investment for companies, and that local The household sector pension funds includes private pension funds as well as state and for government retirement systems. contribution (DC) plans, in The private plans which the plan participants have column includes both defined distinct accounts that change in value along with the price of underlying assets, as well as defined benefit (DB) plans, which promise particular benefit streams to retirees as a function of their age, years of service, and wage history at retirement. To estimate the share indirectly, (i) we make We five of corporate stock that individuals hold either directlv or adjustments to the Flow of Funds household sector data: subtract the equity holdings of nonprofit institutions from the Flow of Funds household sector. Experimental data presented in equity holdings of nonprofit institutions for the period 1 5.7% of of the we in the 987-1 992. Nonprofit holdings average this period, we so each year between 1 multiply the Flow 952 and 1 994 when need to remove these holdings. (ii) of 1 household sector's equity holdings during Funds household sector equity value by .843 shows the Flow of Funds accounts all add stock held by bank personal trusts, since individuals are the beneficiaries of these accounts. (iii) holdings. stock, 26 We We add equity held in defined contribution pension plans to the household sector At the end of 1993, when private pension plans held $1075 $481 billion was held in these plans. billion in corporate Since individuals are the owners of these The sharp decline in the share of equity held by households between 1 968 (81 .9%) and 969 (69.1 %) is due to the creation of a separate Flow of Funds category for bank personal trusts, which accounted for 10.5% of equity holdings in 1969. 1 16 accounts, held the in we attribute this equity to them. The share defined contribution plans has increased from just over a quarter at the beginning of 1980s to nearly half in the mid-1990s. We (iv) add equity held in variable annuity reserves at Variable annuities, which have been one of the the last decade, provide a Total assets held 991 to $1 76.4 invested in (v) in rapidly for individuals to defer variable annuity accounts the end of billion at stock. means most life insurance companies. growing insurance products taxes on capital income, at the price 1 have grown from $47.7 billion at the end of 994, and nearly three quarters of variable annuities are 27 Finally, we add household ownership of open- and closed-end mutual funds that invest in corporate stock. Individuals are the ultimate owners of most mutual fund shares. At the end of 1994, 66.2% of mutual fund shares were allocated to households of Funds, with another households. of and some limitations on investment options and withdrawal provisions. of insurance loads 1 of private pension fund equity assets 1 3.2% allocated to bank trust departments, Given the growth in in the Flow which we aggregate with mutual fund holdings of corporate equity over time, it is increasingly important to recognize this channel for individual equity ownership. 28 The magnitude of each of these corrections to household equity ownership, at the end "Gentry (1994) and Poterba (1995a) discuss the growth of variable annuities. "Retirement accounts comprise roughly two thirds of household mutual fund holdings. At the end of 1994, household ownership of mutual funds totalled $1066 billion. Data from the Investment Company Institute show that $361 billion of this total was held in Individual Retirement Accounts, $161 billion was in 401 (k) plans, $76 billion was in non-401 (k) defined contribution pension plans, and $98 billion was in 403(b) plans. 17 29 1994, are shown below. of entries All are percentages of corporate stock total outstanding: Flow of 47.7% Funds Household Sector Nonprofit Holdings - (7.5) + Bank Personal Trusts + Pension Plan Assets + Variable Annuity Accounts + Mutual Fund Holdings 2.7 7.7 2.0 1 1 The net that all is effect of these adjustments attributed to individuals. .0 63.7% Adjusted Individual Holdings is to substantially raise the fraction of corporate equity Rather than suggesting that individuals hold less than half of corporate stock, the modified calculations suggest that individual investors hold two two thirds of outstanding stock, either directly or through a fiduciary. Table 6 shows these adjustment terms for the period 1952-1994; Figure 4 plots the adjusted and unadjusted time series for individual stock ownership. the trend in stock ownership patterns. The secular decline individuals that emerges individual direct and declines from 76% but then rebounds. years. This is in the first column indirect ownership. of the It market in 1970 of Table 6 Individual is in The adjustments change the share of equity owned by not supported by the data on ownership on our expanded definition to just over 60% of the market in the late 1980s, has grown by more than three percentage points during the last four largely the result of the diffusion of tax-deferred saving plans, particularly tax- deferred saving programs such as 401 (k)s and 403(b)s, through the employed population. 29 0ne of the revisions that is due to be incorporated in the December 15, 1995 revision Flow of Funds accounts will involve some reallocation of variable annuity assets between the mutual fund and insurance company sectors. The current Flow of Funds procedure includes variable annuity equity assets in both the mutual fund and insurance sectors, and consequently subtracts these assets twice from total equity outstanding in computing household equity holdings. The correction presented in the text, adding back variable annuity assets, corrects for this. The December 1 995 Flow of Funds revision is also expected to decrease the amount of stock held by corporate pension plans. of the Figure 4 o FOF House r olc:s .rc;v:cj3.3 90 - BO - 01 en to — c 70 QJ (J C (U a 60 - 50 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 Yean 1980 1985 1990 Share of Stock OwneO by Households, 1952-1994 1995 18 The adjustments potential to the Flow of consumption effects framework. A key concern an increase of in this Funds data are necessary context is in share values ownership traders'* in security may understanding the the "mental accounts" in the degree to which individuals recognize capital gains on equities as a potential basis for higher consumption. individual stock for The adjusted measures also be important for gauging the significance of "noise markets. 30 For other issues concerning stock ownership, however, these corrections relevant, and the standard view that individuals "own" less than is may not be half of corporate stock may Since corporate stock held through mutual funds or defined contribution be appropriate. pension plans of who voted by the fiduciaries, not by the individuals of these shares, the rise of indirect ownership may have are the beneficial holders altered the balance of power within corporations. The factors that explain the evident trend away from direct ownership of corporate stock and toward ownership through financial intermediaries are not well understood. Tax considerations actually incline individuals toward direct ownership of shares. Individuals can more gains efficiently invoke tax planning strategies that realize capital losses, if they own shares directly rather than through a mutual fund. explain part of the growth of corporate pensions. and defer capital Tax incentives may By investing through 401 (k) plans and defined contribution pension plans, individuals can defer taxes on both capital gains and dividend income. Many households only hold equity in these tax-deferred forms. vailing incentive is the opportunity for greater diversification that is afforded relative to the 30 Shleifer traders, purchase of securities and Summers and explore (1 in individual companies. 990) describe models of their allocative effects. financial Further A counter- by mutual funds work is needed to market equilibrium with noise 19 understand the other factors in the financial services marketplace that have led investors away from direct stock holding. 3. Evolvino Patterns of Individual Stock Ownership One of the salient features of stock the population. In light of ownership is its in 31 the analysis of portfolio behavior. who understanding the consumption effects of changing "who share prices, and role of direct vs. indirect we stock ownership may it is be important for also a key input to may Because the be associated with shifts in the interrupt our analysis of aggregate trends to present information on the changing cross-sectional pattern of equity ownership. We use data from the 962 Survey of Financial 1 1983 and 1992 Surveys of Consumer Finances, during the last three decades. random sample of U.S. to gather detailed Beginning This gains or loses" from share price fluctuations. distribution of stock holdings, summary rising hold no equity represents a Holdings of corporate stock are more concentrated than most other components of net worth. standard analyses of a sub-set of the higher historical average return on stocks than on other investment assets, the substantial number of households puzzle among concentration in 32 The Survey of to Characteristics of Households, and the summarize individual equity Consumer Finances (SCF) households administered by the Federal Reserve Board. information on assets, liabilites, is It ownership a stratified is designed and demographic characteristics. 1983, the SCF has been conducted every three years. In recognition of the 31 Haliassos and Bertaut (1995) provide a recent survey of the related literature. They, along with King and Leape (1984), present careful econometric treatments of the incidence of stock ownership. 32 A systematic survey of trends in share ownership in the early postwar period may be found in Blume, Crockett, and Friend (1974). Projector and Wise (1966) describe the 1962 Survey of Financial Characteristics of Households. 20 highly skewed distributions of many types of and financial assets, each real survey oversamples high income households. Each SCF contains an area-probability sample, which is a stratified stratified random sample random sample of households chosen from the population at large, and a of households drawn from a set of high-income tax returns. Both samples are surveyed using the same questionnaire, but missing value imputations public release versions are typically households in the SCF were from done separately. In 1983, 438 of the the high-income sample, compared with 1450 in the 4103 SCF of 3906 in 1992. 33 Our analysis focuses primarily on the because in 1 983 sample and was previous survey. The design 983 and 1 992 Surveys these two years the specific goal of the cross-sectional sample of wealth holdings. the 1 35 One of the not as complete of the 1 989 34 The 1986 SCF was in its priorities SCF was was of Consumer Finances, to provide a detailed entirely a re-interview of gathering of stock and pension data as the establishing a panel with the 1 983 survey. 1983 and 1992 surveys was not encumbered by considerations of preserving a panel data set. 36 Table 7 reports the number and percent of households owning stock and 1992. 33 The successive rows of the table contain progressively in 1962, 1983, more comprehensive Kennickell and Starr-McCluer (1994). "The 1 983 survey instrument and sample are described 1992 survey is described in Kennickell (1995). in a very and Elliehausen (1 988), while the 35 36 Heeringa, Connor, and Woodburn (1994). and Morgan (1 989) compare different wealth surveys, and conclude that the only one with enough high-income households to permit tabulations of detailed asset categories. Avery, Elliehausen, Canner, and Gustafson (1984) and Avery and Elliehausen (1 986) tabulate basic results from the 1 983 SCF. The 1 992 data are summarized in Kennickell and Starr-McCluer (1 994). Antoniewicz (1 994) describes the link between SCF data and aggregate data from the Flow of Funds accounts. the Curtin, Juster, SCF is 21 measures The of stock ownership. The next row traded companies. The next row adds shares held row focuses on first also includes stock held indirectly through mutual funds. IRAs or Keogh accounts, then shares held through tax- in deferred saving plans such as 401 (k)s, and plans. finally, equity held in defined contribution pension 37 The upper panel increased between to calculate directly or 196^ direct holding of shares, in publicly two 1 of Table 7 962 and 1 definitions of 983. shows Institutional ownership through mutual funds. that the in number of households owning stock changes and data 1962: limitations only permit us directly held stock, Neither IRAs nor 401 (k) and stock held either plans existed in 1962, and the £>CF did not collect information on detailed pension plan attributes, so there is no information on equity held through defined contribution pension plans. The percentage of households with direct stock ownership declined between 1992, while the percentage with indirect holdings increased. corporate stock accounted for less than half of all By 1992, equity holders. 1 7.8% stock of households reported direct stock holdings. For ownership, direct holdings, the data all show an but th most increase in mutual funds, for 37.4% of we consider, limited the stockownership between 1983 and 1992. The percentage of households either directly or through 983 and direct holders of While households owned stock either directly or through one of the intermediaries 1 only measure incidence who own all of of stock example, rises from 20.1 to 22.0 percent. The share of households holding equity under our most expansive definition increased by 4.2 37 Some equity holdings may still be omitted in our analysis, because the SCF does not provide detailed information on equity held in trusts for which the respondent is a beneficiary, or in variable annuity accounts. We have imputed the share of mutual fund holdings in 1 983 that are accounted for by equity mutual funds. The 1983 SCF questionnaire did not collect We information on the type of mutual fund investors held. therefore divided reported 1983 mutual fund assets between stock and bond mutual funds on the basis of the mix of these funds in the 1989 SCF. 22 38 percentage points from 33.2 to 37.4 percent. 12.7% of Between 1983 and 1992, an additional households became stock owners. The information in the first part of Table 7 indicates the total number of households with any exposure to stock price fluctuations. For analyzing consumption decisions, however, it may be more appropriate to focus only on those households with substantial exposure, defined by an absolute level of equity holding. $2000 to only those individuals with at least own some falls invested limit in our definition of stockholders common stocks stockowners declines to 12.9% fraction of households categorized as extended measure of ownership When we to corporate stock, but less than 29.3%. Thus roughly $2000 worth. Stock in in 1992 39 the , 1992, and the eight percent of households price fluctuations are not likely to have large absolute effects on the net worth of these households, although given the low levels of asset holdings for movements may be One provide holders. many substantial. households, the proportionate effects of stock price 40 of the reasons for exploring the disaggregate pattern of stock some information on the marginal propensities to One important dimension for such analysis is consume out stor '(holder nge. ownership is to of wealth for stock 41 Table 8 presents 38 SCF staff report some concern that some closely held stock was classified as publicly traded stock in the 1 983 SCF, thereby overstating the number of households owning traded stock and understating the growth of shareholdings between 1 983 and 1 992. 39 All monetary amounts in our analysis of the Survey of Consumer Finances refer to 1 992 dollars. 40 Poterba, Venti, and Wise (1994) present data on the distribution of financial asset holdings for households approaching retirement age. 41 Bosworth, Burtless, and Sabelhaus (1991) and Attanasio (1994) present information on age-specific saving rates. 23 information on stockownership by the age of household head. of 65 hold more than The highest 40% (50% probability of in 1983) of the owning stock occurs in 42 Households over the age household sector's publicly traded stock. the years preceding retirement. Table 8 illustrates the dramatic growth of indirect stock holdings. 17% example, of households in the 45-54 group held stock only indirectly. analogous percentage had grown to 28%. The comparable 20% from to 24%. Comparing that the critical the entries growth has taken place in statistic for 1983, In for By 1992, the those aged 35-44 rose the middle and right panels of Table 8 suggests mutual fund holdings and IRA/Keogh holdings. in Including indirect holdings has a larger effect on the estimated rate of stock ownership for younger households than that own shares directly indirectly. The increase in for older ones. is only 1992, the share In of 35-44 year old households 20.2%, compared with 44.1% owning stock ownership probability is smaller (1 8.4% to 26.5%) for directly or households over the age of 65. To link the disaggregate information on stock ownership to our discussion of consumption and stock price fluctuations, we can use the information in Table 8 to compute the age distribution of capital gains on corporate stock. The market value of corporate stock was $6048.8 billion at the end of 1 994, and 1994 and June 1995. Since 63.7% it increased by $1 of outstanding equity 1 1 was 9 billion held in between December forms that we define as providing individual control over these assets, individuals therefore received a capital gain of $713 billion. The distribution of this gain Age < 35 Age 35-45 Age 45-54 42 $ by age 37 is shown below: billion $ 121 billion 175 billion $ head of household is that when the survey respondent is couple, the head is the spouse with higher wage, salary, and self-employment income. If neither spouse reports labor income, the head is the older spouse. part Our convention of a married for selecting a 24 Age 54-64 Age 65+ The key conclusion from this calculation $ 161 billion $ 219 billion. is that the majority of wealth changes from stock 43 market fluctuations accrue to older households. Some have because they will argued that younger households benefit indirectly receive in among households that do not hold stock. Ultimately, the bequests any assets that are not consumed by older households. develop this argument more in actual mortality tables to detail, we consider the timing of expected bequests. compute the expected percentage bequests are not a critical factor in The Over a Yet to We we estimate that fifteen year horizon the share is receive a large fraction of outstanding equity through the bequest channel, but that the expected bequest of equity during the next fifteen years of equity currently held 24.4%, can translate is it is will notable comparable to the amount by households under the age of 45. The concentration We use results suggest that the near term. Over the next five years, of corporate stock will be bequeathed. young and over 25 years, 45.3%. These calculations do not suggest that younger generations 43 rise of corporate stock that will be bequeathed to younger generations over various horizons. 44 5.7% share prices receive substantial bequests from the current elderly. This could stimulate higher consumption even will when of stock ownership, as well as its age distribution, can affect the consumption metric with the crude assumption that households exhibit marginal propensities to consume out of wealth equal to 1 /(T-age), where T is expected end of life. We set T = 80, assume that all over-65 households are age 72 and that all under 35 are 30, and that the households in the other age brackets are all at the bracket midpoint (i.e., 50 for the 45-54 bracket). This implies a "predicted" consumption response of $45 billion (6.3%) to the $713 billion share price increase. this into a "For married couple households that own stock, we define a bequest as occurring when members of the couple have died. The average mortality table may understate life expectancy for stockholders, since age-specific mortality rates are negatively correlated with both wealth holdings. 25 between stock linkage price fluctuations and consumption spending. The skewed nature ownership underpins the view that consumption adjustments by the small set of substantial stock owners cannot have detectable effects on aggregate consumer spending. the concentration of share ownership 1 983, and new 1 992 SCFs. The In least in of all of concentration is owned 55.1% To be included equities in 10.3% stockholders, which held 962, well-known cross-sectional patterns, but suggest both direct and indirect holdings, $800,000 1 1983, the 0.5% of stockowners with the largest equity the analogous group held only 36.8%. needed at We describe Table 9, which presents information from the results confirm conclusions about trends. portfolios, including in of in 1%, top 1/2 of The next one 1992. equity in this of the stock. half of In 1992, a household one percent of 1992, had equity portfolios worth between $500,000 and $800,000. The degree publicly traded stock. with the largest holdings between the 66% Over "All Equity" in 1 even greater we if was of directly held stock as IRAs in in and "Non Pension Equity" entries 0.5% in 1 of stockholders 992. Comparison Table 9 suggests that growing been less important than growing reducing the concentration of equity ownership. 45 holding, and net worth, in two variants of in equity holdings, non-equity financial asset 1962, 1983, and 1992. Because some of the variables that use to construct net worth 45 held by the mutual funds and the expansion of tax-deferred retirement saving vehicles such Table 9 permits comparisons of inequality report our attention to directly-held 983. This percentage declined to 58.6% by participation in defined contribution pension plans has investment limit in 1992 are not available 1983 wealth inequality in for the 1962 data, and vice versa, we we comparison with 1992 and 1962 Some assets that are accumulated in defined contribution pension plans may show up as assets in IRAs if these pension assets have been "rolled over" in a lump sum distribution. For information on the importance of such rollovers, see Poterba, Venti, and Wise (1995). 26 respectively. 1983 We then focus on pairwise comparisons across years. The calculations 1962 data, on the basis of definitions, are shown in the last The comparison between 1962 and 1983 suggests two columns relatively little of Table 9. change 1 983. Total non-pension equity also became The substantial decline (62.3% to 43.2% in 1962 was 63.3%, compared with 66.2% in 0.5% with stock portfolios in directly held stock more unequal between slightly 0.5%) thus represents The data show trend of the previous period. that 1 962 and by households in 983. a significant departure from the between 1983 and 1992, the share the 90th to 99th percentiles increased substantially. for 1 1983 and 1992 of the stockholding population declined, while that of accounted the of the inequality of non-pension equity between held by the top equity held by the top in in 0.5% concentration of equity ownership. The share of publicly traded stock held by the households with the largest stock portfolios for the of households The share of the 80th through 90th percentiles declined slightly. The central message of Table 9 is that more than one third of the gains or losses on corporate stock accrue to the roughly half a million households with the largest equity holdings, with another forty percent of the gains accruing to the 4.5 million households with the next largest equity stakes. If the linkage between stock returns and consumption turns on directly held equity, then the concentration of holdings is even more dramatic: nearly sixty percent of the capital gains on directly-held corporate stock accrue to the half a million households with the largest portfolios of corporate stock. Table 9 also presents distributions of non-equity financial assets, real assets such as owner-occupied 48 real estate, The tabulations because the and total net worth. 46 These tabulations use the data and 1992 should be viewed as preliminary and subject to revision release of the Survey of Consumer Finances has not been made. The for final public data underlying these tabulations contain no missing values but use a preliminary sample 27 sample weights that underlie the first sample weights are subject to revision published tabulations from the the in final 1992 data between 1983 and 1992.* 8 The seventh column distribution in 1 983 and 1 992 as computed from the Survey a rising share (9.7% versus 1 % of income of the 7.6%) distribution, concentration of housing equity, is in of became more is 80% Consumer Finances. income accruing to households of the distribution.* important not simply an artifact of the Survey of computational algorithms. Net worth financial assets are distributed is 9 in It shows the top 1/2 of in the share falling inequality of equity Consumer Finances data more unequally equally This finding, and the rising showing that the in The Table 9 shows the income and a substantial decline, from 49.6% to 43.4%, income reported by the bottom holding of family 47 public-use version of the data set. With the exception of owner-occupied real estate, each of these asset categories distributed set. set, nor of our distributed than income, non-equity more unequally than net worth, and equity holdings are distributed less equally than non-equity financial assets. The and top of 1 finding that the fraction of corporate stock % of the distribution declined between 1 and of net worth held by the top 0.5% 983 and 1 992 contrasts with recent studies wealth inequality suggesting growing inequality of financial asset holdings increased during weight to construct the asset distributions. 47 Kennickell and Starr-McLuer (1994). 48 Our net worth calculations, and most others directed at measuring the inequality of wealth, exclude the actuarial present discounted value of defined benefit pension benefits. Including these benefits would probably reduce the share of net worth held by the highestwealth households. 49 Levy and Murnane (1992) describe and discuss recent changes distribution. in the U.S. income 28 the 1983-1989 period. 50 The result is striking given the rise in share prices during this and the unequal distribution of share ownership. An increase period, distributed less equally than net an asset that is worth; principle it is in more equal, while the changes. even possible the relative value of worth should increase the inequality for the distribution of distribution of net in of net each component asset to become worth becomes less equal, with such asset price 51 To assess the importance estimated the change resulted only from in the inequality of net worth between changes in 52 asset prices. We 1 983 and 1 992 adjusted the reported that would have 1983 values corporate stock holdings and closely-held businesses by the real appreciation of the Composite share the price index, Commerce Department's we of rising share prices in contributing to inequality, and the value of owner-occupied housing by the homes. The price index for constant-quality real of S&P change in resulting shares of 50 Wolff (1994, 1995) reports the changes in wealth inequality between 1983 and 1989. These studies adjust the SCF data to align the total reported assets with aggregate totals in the Flow of Funds accounts. Because the SCF totals are typically below the Flow of Funds values, these corrections inflate the amount of each asset held by each household that reports the asset. These corrections do not change the set of households who have a given asset, or the inequality within asset categories, although they can affect the measured inequality of broader composite measures of financial assets or net worth. Consider an economy with two assets, A and B. Households in the top 1 % of the wealth distribution own sA and s B percent of these assets respectively, the market value of asset A is VA and that of B is VB Let w A = VA /(VA + VB ) and w B = VB /(VA + VB ). The percent of net worth held by the richest 1 % of households is sA *w A + s B *w B Assume that A is distributed less equally than B (sA > sB ). On a different date, the top 1 of households hold sA and sB percent of A and B, respectively. Assume sA < s A and s B < Sj,. It does not follow that net worth is more equally distributed. If w A > w A wealth could still be more equal at the second date then the first. If the simple case of s B = sB net worth inequality rises if s A 7s A > SB/ s A + n-s B /s A ) # (w A /w A '). If s B /s A = .25, and asset A appreciates 50%, so w A /w A = .67, then net worth inequality will rise for any sA 7sA above .75. 51 . . % ' ' ' ' ' , ' , ' "Weicher (1995) explores the effect of rising share prices on net worth inequality during the 1983-1989 period, and concludes that favorable stock returns did not substantially exacerbate inequality then, because they were parallelled by rising real estate values. 29 net worth are The in shown below: 1992 Actual 1992 Wealth Percentile Actual 1983 Predicted Top 0.5% 23.74% 25.63% 21.68% Next 0.5% Next 4.0% Next 5.0% Next 10.0% Remaining 80.0% 7.12 22.86 12.12 13.08 21.08 7.70 23.11 11.71 12.10 19.75 6.99 24.37 13.77 14.10 19.20 results show 1992 was that the actual share of wealth holdings by the highest-wealth households substantially less than the extrapolation of the have predicted. Ceteris paribus the relative rise , in 1983 wealth distribution would corporate stock prices would have Other changes, however, principally the diffusion of contributed to increasing inequality. substantial stock holdings to households near the top, but not at the top, of the wealth distribution, were important than asset of equity holdings The source changes price in generating changes of the difference 1 between our % findings, of asset holders, which show a decline and other findings of appears to be due to our reliance on 1992 rather than 1989 data. methods to the 1989 SCF data, we find rising Our estimates suggest that the share of the highest net worth increased from is the distribution and net worth. holdings and net worth of the top the decline from in 26.1% whether the change Consumer Finances is 21.7% the equity rising inequality When we apply our wealth inequality between 1983 and 1989. total net 23.7% in worth held by the 0.5% of households with to 26.1 1992 % between 1 983 and 1 989. This makes A in 1989 in wealth inequality recorded by the 1989 and 1992 Surveys of to in a reliable indicator of actual all the more striking. changes in critical question the U.S. wealth distribution. 53 "Even though the SCF is the best available data source on the distribution of wealth, the number of high-wealth households on whom the SCF results are based still makes these tabulations potentially sensitive to outliers. Analysis of the 1983-1989 SCF panel might provide further information on the changing patterns of asset holdings between these years. small 30 The asset 1 992 for raises among distribution some questions about the highest net worth households the 1 989 SCF example, the share of net worth held 1989, and 14.4% in in Among data. corporate stocks 1992. The share of net worth in the top in 1983, 1989, and 0.5% was 21.2% in of households, 1983, 8.0% closely held businesses was 34.6%, 42.1 %, and 38.4%, respectively. At a minimum, the negatively-correlated fluctuations two assets suggests share of these equity in some years. It is that there may be some in in the misclassification of closely held not clear whether this could have any effect on the measured inequality of net worth, but could affect the inequality of it component assets such as corporate stock. The 1989 and 1992 Surveys of net worth held by the of net worth from 21 fell 80% . 1 % of in 1 of Consumer Finance both show a decline in the share households with the lowest net worth. This group's share 983 to 1 9.2% in 1 992. Roughly half of the decline group accrued to households between the 80th and 90th percentiles distribution, and the remainder accrued to those from Table 9 is among those high in changes analysis of stockownership, who own stock. 54 information on these dimensions of stock ownership, 992 SCFs. The the wealth A key conclusion to emerge in the distribution of wealth the net worth distribution. non-equity wealth holdings of households 1 the top decile. that there have been non-trivial recent To complete the disaggregate summary in in for this tables show a strong positive relationship we consider the income and Tables 10 and 11 provide drawn from the 1983 and between income, financial assets other than equity, and the probability of stock ownership. Table 10 ^Poterba stockholders. shows (1995b) that 60.5% presents of more households with a family income of more than detailed information on the characteristics of 31 $250,000 in was 79.3% when 1 992 owned stock for this group. directly. The ownership probability of direct or indirect stock much Both of these probabilities were higher a decade earlier. the probability of direct or indirect equity ownership for a household with an income of $250,000 (1992 dollars) was 92%. Approximately 23% of corporate stock was owned by 23% was households with 1992 family incomes of more than $250,000; another held by households with incomes between $100,000 and $250,000. Thus, consumption decisions by these households play an important part in linking stock price fluctuations to overall consumer spending. Table 10 also shows, however, the In rising equality of 1983, those with family incomes of $100,000 (1992 directly-held equity; that share Table households 1 1 had declined to 50% dollars) share ownership. and above held 75% by 1992. who own corporate stock. we Publicly traded stock consider, with 44% is the most unequal of the of directly-held stock owned by households with non-equity financial asset holdings above $250,000. The comparison between reveals a substantial increase ownership in of stock at expansive definition of equity holdings, the one that includes equity plans as well as shares held through financial intermediaries, held by households with less than $50,000 in in 1983 and lower wealth levels, consistent with the previous data on the family incomes of stockholders. is all presents similar information on the non-equity financial assets of the various equity measures 1992 again of On the most defined contribution 27 percent of corporate stock other financial assets, and 34 percent by those with non-equity financial assets between $50,000 and $250,000. The conclusion that emerges from ownership is concentrated. households is that this analysis of cross-sectional data on stock ownership has become more equal over time, but remains highly The proposition that equity capital gains not supported by the data, since 37.4% of accrue to only a small set of households owned some corporate 32 stock in 1 992. The concentration of stock holdings nevertheless implies that a small subset of the population, on the order of five percent of households, receives roughly three all quarters of the capital gains and losses associated with stock price 4. movements. Stock Market Fluctuations and Consumption We now consider the relationship between stock market returns and consumption. We organize our analysis as a test of whether the stock market has a causal wealth effect on consumption, or spending. 55 steps. We is simply a leading indicator that forecasts future changes in consider the effect of rising stock prices on consumption outlays We illustrate several the difficulty of interpreting these time series relationships by reference to discussions of the market crashes of 1987 and 1929. We consumption effects of the stock then study four issues that are motivated by our previous discussion of share ownership patterns. First, fluctuations affect the mix of consumption spending disproportionately by high-income households, and all we examine whether closely correlated with households. Third, we changes in share prices than is stock price between "luxury goods" consumed other goods. Next, survey data to investigate whether the consumption of households that we own use household stock is more the consumption of non-stockholding investigate whether the changing pattern of direct versus indirect stock ownership affects the relationship between stock market fluctuations and consumption spending. This amounts to testing whether stock price changes 55 in We begin by summarizing the time series relationship between stock price changes and subsequent consumption fluctuations. in consumer movements in the early This leading indicator view closely resembles the "passive informant" hypothesis that Morck, Shleifer, and Vishny (1990) develop with respect to stock price movements and investment spending. Detailed evidence on the predictive power of stock returns as leading indicators may be found in Stock and Watson (1990). 33 post-war years had greater predictive power for consumption growth than analogous fluctuations in r.iore recent years, when individual direct stock we share of total market capitalization. Finally, changes are associated with ratio, in dividends, i.e. ownership represents a smaller explore whether changes in share prices that price fluctuations with a constant dividend price have different effects on consumption spending than fluctuations that are not supported by dividend movements. 4.1 Aggregate Statistics We c t ) begin by estimating regressing the growth rate on lagged changes Aln (1) c, in real share prices, Aim = a + a(L)*Aln P t ., + et in real per capita consumption (Aln P,.,: . We consider equations with only the most recent lagged stock price change side, as well as equations with a fourth-order lag polynomial o(L). using seasonally adjusted quarterly data for the period 1947:2 to Table aggregates. 12 present the The results of estimating results r the first row, for total i (1) 1 We right estimate equations broad consumption consumption and including only a single lagged stock return, suggest that stock market fluctuations forecast increases consumption outlays. A ten percent rise in real hand 995:2. 56 several for on the stock prices predicts an increase capita consumption of approximately 0.3 percentage points. 57 in in real real per Further lagged changes in 56 Fischer and Merton (1 984) report some results for consumption growth as a function of lagged stock returns. Hall (1978) found that lagged stock market returns were the only variable known at the beginning of each quarter with predictive value for future consumption changes. "We tested for the possibility that stock price increases are associated with proportionally different changes in subsequent consumption than stock price decreases, but found no evidence of such an effect. 34 share prices also have predictive power for consumption growth. The entry of Table 2, also for total 1 consumption, is the sum values of stock price changes. The cumulative change after a stock price increase We is values of Aln durables. 58 .064, more than twice the first-quarter effect. We P,., The for the three results in the lower in rows of Table 12 show that stock price changes predict spending for consumer durables. in durable outlays of 1.4% the ten percent increase first quarter, and in 2.9% six times larger than that on nondurables, which in turn is several times than the effect on consumption of services. The results in Table change in 1 2 focus on the change in stock prices, to avoid the simultaneity consumption beginning in in the quarter contemporaneous stock returns and consumption growth. This may lead us to underestimate the is in A Rising stock prices predict a proportionate increase in durable outlays after four quarters. between four and for various present results with both one lagged value and four lagged share prices predicts an increase after a make major subcategories of consumption: nondurables, services, and the largest percentage change larger aggregate consumption four quarters next consider the predictions that stock price fluctuations categories of consumption. the second row on the four lagged of the coefficients in in total change in consumption that predicted by a stock price change, although our use of quarterly data should mitigate this problem. We have explored the sensitivity of our findings to including the contemporaneous stock market return. of the coefficients In an equation like ln in the second row of Table on four lagged stock market returns market return has a coefficient of .01 58 that 1 equations not reported here, (.007). we The is 1 2, where the sum .064 (.014), the current stock coefficients on the lacked stock market also included four lagged values of the real consumption growth rate in the specification. Only one of the four lagged values of consumption enters with a statistically significant coefficient, and the long-run predicted effect of stock price growth on consumption is very similar to that from the equation in the second column. 35 returns are virtually largest unchanged when we add the current return contemporaneous correlation is point estimates in Table 1 is of durable spending 1 995 1.09%, and an increase in 1994 was $591.5 outlays, and to a $50.4 billion prices translates into just over one consumption spending is negative. 2 suggest that the increase December 1994 and June 1995 (17.0%) consumption share prices between predicts, after four quarters, durable consumption of in billion, this increase trillion in 4.92%. corresponds to a $29 in total dollars of an increase billion consumption. Since a 1 in total Since total increment to 7% rise in potential "control" approximately .05 times the change variables, is share wealth creation, the predicted change in 59 net worth. in Thus, the conclusion that emerges from these consumption growth equations, which exclude other The between stock returns and nondurable consumption; the correlation with outlays on durables The to the specification. many very similar to that from traditional aggregate consumption function analysis. The open question is whether these results reflect the stock market's role as a leading indicator, or whether they are partly due to a wealth effect associated with stock price fluctuations. 60 4.2 Consumption and the Stock Market In spite of in 1987 and 1929 the long tradition of modelling aggregate consumption as a function of labor 59 One component of the link between stock price fluctuations and consumption involves the "target saving" of defined benefit pension plans. When share prices rise, corporations do not need to contribute as much to their pension plans to cover prospective pension liabilities. This leads to a reduction in the flow of contributions to these plans; tnese contributions are income accounts. Bernheim and Shoven (1988) discuss this linkage between asset prices and saving in more detail. classified as personal saving in the national S0 The ideal test for distinguishing these views would study the reaction of consumption autonomous changes in stock prices, changes that were not explained by revisions to expectations about future cash flows or discount rates. Morck, Shleifer, and Vishny (1 990) to attempt a related test in their analysis of how the stock market affects investment. 36 61 there appears to be some reluctance to apply income and household net worth , to analyzing the evident in consumption effects of large stock market movements. This discussions about the economic effects of the 1987 and is this model particularly 1929 stock market crashes. The stock market crash of October effect of stock price fluctuations on analysis of their effects. August 1 987 1 987 provides consumption spending, and to review the economic Real share prices declined nearly thirty percent from their peak Mechanisms concluded that "it is of the Presidential Task Force on Market unlikely that a direct wealth effect along the straightforward described stands behind movements and fact that in to their value after the crash. In evaluating the potential effect of such a price change on consumer spending, the report lines usually a valuable opportunity to study the ... the observed relationship between stock price aggregate-level consumer spending." 62 This conclusion was based on most households do not own stock, the highly-concentrated ownership among those who do own shares, and the view that those distribution the of who do own substantial stock have enough wealth to insulate their consumer spending from short-run shocks. 63 Popular accounts noted that a feared consumption collapse failed to materialize after the crash, 61 in the months and that surveys showed that most consumers reported that they had not and Deaton (1985) provide a recent discussion of aggregate consumption Modigliani (1963) is the seminal paper on the empirical modelling of aggregate consumption as a function of labor income and net worth. Blinder functions. 62 Ando and U.S. Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms (1988, p. VII-2). "Mankiw and Zeldes (1991) note that households that report owning stock in the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics account for 32% of total food consumption in this data base. Because the budget share of food is smaller for high-income, high-wealth households than for lower income households, the fraction of total consumption accounted for by stockholders is presumably greater than this. The fraction of consumption done by households with substantial equity holdings is likely to be substantially smaller. 37 adjusted their spending patterns Two important features of the stock price increase that preceded crash. The growth path response to the crash. in 1 987 stock market crash were the and the rebound it, of both total 64 in share prices in short duration of the the quarter after the and durable consumption, as well as the pattern of stock market returns, for the seven quarters centered on the October 1987 stock marekt crash are shown below: .148 .019 .046 -.290 -.002 -.067 .010 .007 1988:1 .091 1988:2 1988:3 .006 -.023 .015 .004 .005 .032 .033 -.034 .047 .002 1987:1 1987:2 1987:3 1987:4 (Crash) The stock -.003 price increases in the three pre-crash quarters prices finished first Growth Rate of Per Capita: Consumption Durables Expenditure Aln (Stock Price) Quarter quarter of 987 only 1988 left 1 The columns slightly negative, for 7.7% below the market were reversed by the crash, but stock their value a year earlier. in March 1988 above it's The stock market value in rally in the January 1987. consumption growth show that per capita consumption growth was and the growth quarter of the crash. 65 -.010 If we in spending on durables was include indicator variables for regression equations for total consumption outlays reported substantially negative, in the 1987:4 and 1988:1 in in the Table 12, the resulting "Pennar (1988) reports evidence of a Business Week /Harris Poll in which 85% of the respondents indicated that the crash did not affect their finances, and noting that some macroeconomic forecasters had revised downward their view of the "wealth effect" of stock prices on consumption. 65 Dornbusch and Fischer (1994) note that consumption grew slowly in support of a wealth effect on consumption. use this as evidence after the crash, and 38 Thus the coefficients are -.0096 (.0073) and .018 (.008), respectively. first quarter of 1 988 experienced more rapid consumption growth than would have been predicted by simple models with four lagged quarterly values of stock returns. hypothesis of no unusual effect on total consumption patterns are slightly different. is The effect of 1987:4 .071 (.042). Expenditure on durables did decline but it was unusually strong, given the decline in is in in 1 We cannot reject the 987:4. 66 null For durables, the negative, but the 1988:1 coefficient the quarter of the stock market crash, share prices, during the first quarter of 1 988. The data thus suggest that the 1987 stock market crash had a smaller negative effect on consumption growth than the regression equations predicted. in Table 12 would otherwise have 67 The events of 1929 and the early 1930s provide another opportunity to study the effect of stock price fluctuations on consumption. The data for this period are less detailed than for 1987, and the strength of the conclusions that can be drawn lower. Calculations that assume a stable marginal propensity to is correspondingly consume out of wealth suggest that the wealth effect of the 1929 crash on consumer spending should have been small, both because the stock market accounted for a relatively small share of household net worth, and because the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth appears to be small e6 The models in Table 1 2 related consumption growth to lagged returns. Since the stock market crash occurred only three weeks into the fourth quarter of 1987, it is therefore plausible to expect unusually low consumption growth in this quarter. While the coefficient estimate on the dummy variable for 1987:Q4 confirms this, we are unable to reject the hypothesis that this quarter's consumption growth is explained by the model that excludes current returns. and Miller (1987) conclude that the evidence suggesting that stock market fluctuations cause consumption changes is weak at best. They present evidence of a very weak association between the prices of New York City condominiums and changes in stock market values, despite the fact that this is a luxury consumption item that might be demanded by stock owners. This evidence is similar in spirit to our tests below for whether stock market fluctuations affect the share of luxury consumption. "Birinyi 39 during the inter-war period. 68 Household spending on durables declined more than that on non-durables, which remained robust of a stock price decline until 1932. 89 Thus it appears that the negative effect on consumers, through the wealth effect, was muted. 4.3 Stock Returns and Spending on "Luxury Goods" We investigate whether stock price fluctuations affect consumer spending through wealth effect by examining whether stock returns forecast changes consumer spending. We in a the composition of 70 (CEX) to identify several use the Consumer Expenditure Survey groups of goods that are disproportionately consumed by high-income households that are likely to own stock, and test whether the share of these goods after stock prices increase. luxury products The in in aggregate consumption rises Anecdotal evidence suggesting a very strong market for some 1995, possibly related to the results of our analysis of rise in share prices. consumption patterns are shown both the share of spending on particular items that is accounted before-tax annual incomes of $70,000, the value at which income and the 68 ratio of 71 in for in Table 1 3. We report by households with the CEX is top-coded, spending by this group to spending by households with before tax income of A constant marginal propensity to consume out of wealth is a specialized result that when a consumer maximizes a time-separable utility function with perperiod utility given by log(C). More generally, the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth depends upon the available rate of return. obtains for example 69 Temin (1976) discusses the effect Romer (1990) draws particular attention 1929 stock market crash on consumption. consumer uncertainty engendered by the crash in depressing household durables purchases. Wigmore (1985) examines the behavior of the earnings and share prices of companies in various sectors of the economy, and of the to the role of notes the relatively stable earnings of retailers until 1 932. Durables producers, notably auto companies, experienced sharp downturns in profits and share prices much earlier. "U.S. Bureau of Labor 71 Bird (1995). Statistics (1994). 40 $20-30,000. 31 .4% spending on of $70,000 and above account For example, households with incomes of new cars, while they account 23.6% for of spending on all for goods. Table 14 reports the results of estimating consumption share equations that are designed to evaluate whether increases share prices in tilt the mix of consumption toward goods that are consumed by higher-income, stock-holding households. new considers the case spending on predicted to raise spending on is next quarter, and by 6.3% share prices, similar to that new A 10% cars. new the share prices in The four-quarter effect of a 1995, would be a of first half 72 rise row first the current quarter cars as a share of total consumption by after four quarters. in rise in The 2.5% 20% in the rise in from 2.3% to 2.7% in car spending as a percentage of total spending. Whether these findings for new car sales reflect the operation of a wealth effect, or simply the stock market's forecast of strong consumer demand, can be evaluated by demand considering the relative for different types of automobiles. Ward's Automotive Yearbook allocates new cars to several different categories, one of which includes 1 most cars with prices above $25,000 .22 million were classified as luxury cars. accounted 5-, 6-, for .1 7 million cars in 1 1994, additional "upper luxury" category, which and 7-series, three Jaguars, and Mercedes prevalent, and many in 0ne difficulty in new and S-class cars. The households are likely to have substantial equity portfolios. new with interpreting these results is who may rise we is shows both 1980-1995 period. estimated a regression that automobile manufacturers and their market value. If investors foresee a nontrivial fraction of total stock car sales, stock prices Figure 5 car sales for the effect of share prices on luxury car purchases, components suppliers are an increase E- BMWs in the the wealth category where stock ownership luxury and upper-luxury cars as a percentage of To study the This million cars sold in in An "luxury." 994, consist of only fifteen models, including purchase these vehicles are almost surely 72 1994. Of 8.99 is as a result. Figure 5 o Luxury Cars 0.16 - 0.14 - -0.03 en L. in 0.12 ID - C-J c_ >. ID C 3 C 3 0.10 - -0.02 C CD Q. Q. 3 -0.01 1980 1983 1989 1985 1992 Year Luxury Can Sales, 1980-1995 1995 41 equation for the luxury fraction of consumer spending through new fraction of for the period a new car sales in each quarter. If share price changes affect wealth effect, then stock returns should positively affect the car sales that are classified as luxury vehicles. We estimate this relationship 1980:1-1995:2, the sample over which the Ward's data were regression equation, which includes unreported seasonal indicator variables, = -0.283 log(luxury t /allcar,) (0.130) These results - 0.084 *Aln P t ., + 0.821 available. is The shown below: R 2 = .763 •log(luxuryt.,/allcar,.,) (0.064) (0.098) do not support the operation of an important wealth effect. The unreported seasonal coefficients suggest that purchases of luxury cars reach their highest share of vehicles the fourth quarter of each year, and on average account for a in of total vehicle sales in Q4 We also estimated The autos sold. than in Q1 , and 5.4% more in Q4 than in 14.5% greater share Q3. a similar equation for the share of "upper luxury" cars in the results are shown below, and provide very little all mix of support for an operative wealth effect: log(upp luxt /allcar t ) = -0.223 + 0.017'Aln (0.244) P,., (0.046) + 0.900*log(upp lux^/allcar,.,) is = .824 (0.056) While stock prices are positively correlated with the upper luxury share of the effect R2 new vehicle sales, not statistically significant. These results must also be viewed as providing littel support for the wealth effect, as opposed to the alternative "leading indicator" explanation of the correlation between contemporaneous stock returns and future consumption growth. The results for the other luxury items luxury cars. 1 4. in The regression we consider are consistent with the findings for coefficients on each consumption category are shown in Table We cannot reject the null hypothesis that stock price changes do not predict any change the share of aggregate consumption accounted for by education, domestic services, hotel and motel spending, and entertainment spending. In most cases the standard errors on the 42 estimates are large, admitting large positive or negative effects, but the point estimates are not supportive of wealth effects. The two "anti-luxuries" considered at the bottom of Table 14 provide more support the proposition that stock returns affect the consumption mix. associated with a decline in the share of total consumption that is for Rising share prices are devoted to rental housing, and with a weak negative effect on the share of tobacco spending. These results provide more support for operative wealth effects associated with stock price fluctuations, and leave us with mixed results from our analysis of luxury goods. 4.4 Stock Prices and Consumption: Household-Level Evidence Aggregate data appear to have limited power to resolve whether stock returns exert a significant wealth effect on consumption. is An alternative source of information household survey data. One of the standard problems with such analysis of data sets that collect information on both household portfolio holdings is on this issue the absence and consumption. The Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, an annual survey that collects information during the few months of each year, first information on consumption help resolve the "equity is is one survey that does contain such data, although direct limited to outlays premium puzzle" stratified on food. Ar, important study designed to PSID households into those that own stock and those that do not, and then computed the correlation between per capita food consumption growth and excess returns on the stock market households. 73 The results suggest that this correlation own is for these two groups of substantially higher for those who stock than for others. These results could be due to differences between stockholders and non-stockholders that are not related to 73 Mankiw and Zeldes (1991). their share ownership per se but they at least . 43 consumption through wealth effects. raise the possibility that stock returns affect We revisit the Mankiw-Zeldes analysis, but introduce three modifications. addition to considering food consumption growth, consumption from the PSID. It as well as spending for food at is of the variation in total also analyze a broader home and food away from home 74 we Second, upon food consumption as an exploit information that has participation in pension plans have 72%. Thus it seems possible to indicator of household consumption. been released since the Mankiw and Zeldes study, and employer thrift indirect holdings of corporate stock, but of traded equity to obtain a proxy for total consumption the Consumer Expenditure Survey, a consumption notably the additional years of consumption data. to of total While food consumption alone explains only proxy including house value and rental payments explains substantially improve measure possible to use information on rent payments, house value, household consumption for PSID households. 26% we First, in Third, we use PSID information on plans to identify households who are likely no direct holdings. While direct ownership and mutual funds cannot be distinguished between those with such equity holdings and those with equity in in the PSID, the distinction 401 (k) plans, 403(b) plans, or defined contribution pension plans is relevant for our analysis of direct vs. indirect stock holdings. 75 Our analysis follows previous work 74 in defining the sample for analysis. 76 Skinner (1987) develops this broader consumption measure, and explores In particular. its statistical properties. 75 The PSID survey asks households whether they own "any shares of stock in publicly held corporations, mutual funds, or investment trusts, including stocks in IRAs." 76 We follow the sample selection and data definition rules described in the appendix to (1 991 and Zeldes (1 989). When we test for differences in the correlation between consumption growth and stock returns between households that hold stock, and households that do not, for the sample period considered by Mankiw and Zeldes (1991), we Mankiw and Zeldes ) obtain results that are broadly similar to theirs. 44 we exclude from the PSID families who were that are living with other families (which family-years in which the family-years in which any component makes identity of the of it 1968 poverty subsample, difficult to distinguish consumption families outlays), household head or the head's spouse changed, and consumption was topcoded. Because the PSID not collect information on food consumption period part of the in did 1973, 1988, or 1989, our sample spans the 1970-1992 but excludes 1973, 1974, 1988, 1989, and 1990. We PSID households along three dimensions. The stratify We report ownership of corporate stock or mutual funds. first is distinguish whether or not they between households with different levels of equity ownership, considering "stockholders" to be those with any, more than $1000, consider and the is or more than $10000 whether the head in corporate stock. 77 of household or the head's third is participation in a 78 pension plan. We The second dimension we spouse participates in a thrift plan, then consider the correlation between the year to year growth of the Skinner consumption aggregate, and stock market returns, for groups of households with different combinations of direct equity holdings, pension coverage. related we changes in thrift plans, and While our previous analysis focused on quarterly time series data, and consumption to lagged stock market returns, the PSin data are annual and therefore focus on contemporaneous changes "These thresholds for the definition of equity in share prices and consumption. 79 ownership are measured in 1984 dollars. 78 The PSID only collects detailed information on pension plan characteristics for workers over the age of 45. For younger workers, we cannot distinguish between defined benefit and defined contribution plans. We therefore use only an indicator variable for "pension plan participant" in our analysis, recognizing that this combines some DB plan participants with no equity stake with equity holders through defined contribution plans. We 79 have estimated the correlation between current consumption growth and lagged stock returns for the PSID households, and the resulting correlations are indistinguishable from zero. This is due to our choice of sample period; a similar result emerges from annual national accounts data for the PSID sample years, even though our findings in Table 1 2 show that over a longer period, quarterly national accounts data suggest a positive correlation between stock 45 Table 1 5 presents the results of our analysis of these consumption correlations. upper panel reports results for food consumption growth, while the lower panel with growth in the Skinner consumption index. small differences 80 who stock holders than for those is greater for those "stockholders" defined as having between the growth who more than $10000 statistical tests. rate of the Skinner It is disturbing that non-stockholders, those who do is positive. ownership are suggestive, but not conclusive. not have which are defined contribution correlation than those without such plans. 81 that even indirect stock holding matters price of the when we consider who have thrift plans exhibit greater correlation between consumption and stock returns than those of equity, in many between food consumption growth and excess returns results with respect to indirect stock some of these consumption index and excess stock For both food consumption and the Skinner index of consumption growth, plans, are classified as This appears to be due to the non-food components of the Skinner index, since the correlation The find correlation for stockholders With the Skinner index, only one are not. approaches significance using conventional returns are negative. we For each definition of stock ownership, however, the correlation between consumption growth and stock returns differences, that for concerned use the Skinner index, between the consumption growth-stock return and non-stockholders. correlations When we is The in thrift plans. Similarly, those with pension plans, also exhibit a higher These consumption results are consistent with the notion household consumption planning, but they do not changes and consumption growth. 80 The differences in the stock returns-food consumption growth correlations between between stockholders and non-stockholders parallel those in Mankiw and Zeldes (1 991 ). Our results from the longer PSID sample period yield less statistically significant differences in these correlations than in the Mankiw and Zeldes (1991) study. 81 For consumption growth, these findings emerge for two of the three definitions of "stockholding," any equity held and stock worth more than $10,000. 46 reject the null hypothesis of no effect. For those households Those of the patterns are difficult to explain. correlations than those who are not in in thrift such plans who own plans exhibit for two stock directly, some weaker consumption of the three definitions of stockownership. The they are results of this analysis are stronger than the findings using aggregate data, but not conclusive. Stock returns are more closely correlated with the consumption still growth of households who own who do stock than of those The PSID data do not have not. enough power, however, to distinguish between the view that only direct stock ownership matters, and the possibility that either direct or indirect stock ownership has a similar effect on consumption growth. The results are consistent with the presence of a wealth effect, but they are not definitive support for those with larger stock portfolios consumption it. is There is only weak evidence that the consumption of more closely correlated with the stock market than is the of those with small portfolios. 4.5 The Ownership of Shares and the Consumption-Stock Price Nexus The third broad issue that ownership patterns on the link we consider concerns the effect of changing stock between stock returns and consumption. question by interacting the lagged stock return variable in equation the fraction of corporate stock held by households. 82 corresponds to direct individual ownership, stock ownership (excluding 82 nonprofit is The (1 first ) with We study this two measures such measure, which the ratio of the Flow of Funds household sector holdings) to the total market value of shares We also tested the sub-sample coefficient stability of the equations reported in Table sample before and after 1970:1, and before and after 1985:1. We could dividing the any of the consumption categories; the trending shareownership variables. reject the null hypothesis of constant coefficients for foreshadows our weak results for of 1 2, not this 47 outstanding. This time series declines substantially during the postwar period, from 1960, to 51.3% in in 1980, to 40.2% in 1994. We amend equation (1) 72.3% to include lagged stock price changes as well as the lagged price change interacted with the direct share ownership measure (SHARE1,.,): Aln c t (2) Because Aln P,., = o + a/AIn P and SHARE1,., *Aln P ., are t that only include the interaction term. addition to our In equation in (2) measure directly or through it .,'Aln P + t ., we collinear variables, ev also estimate equations 83 of direct shareownership, series for SHARE2, bank personal SHARE2, is is SHARE 1,, we the percentage of corporate stock trusts, also estimate shown owned by households mutual funds, and defined contribution pension plans. in the last column of Table 6. This time series declines more gradually over the postwar period than SHARE1 1994, t with a variable that captures direct as well as indirect share ownership, SHARE2,, the interaction term. The time + o2 # SHARE1 t ., . In 1970, in Table SHARE2 was 75%, and by had declined to 63.7%. The results of estimating equation (2) are shown 1 6. The first row shows an equation relating consumption growth to lagged stock returns without any allowance for share ownership effects. The second row shows the effect of including the interactive term with SHARE 1,. The coefficient on the lagged stock price interaction term change in the is first positive row. change is negative, and that on the and roughly twice as large as the coefficient on the stock price Unfortunately, the collinearity of these impossible to reject the hypothesis that either o, or a2 in (2) is two variables zero, although we makes it reject the hypothesis that these coefficients are jointly zero. The third row presents an equation that "Including a trending variable such as SHARE,., as a separate regressor in these equations results, because there is little trend in the rate of consumption growth. does not affect the 48 includes only the variable alone is SHARE1,*Aln fifth rows in rows, with SHARE2, replacing to those for variables, SHARE 1 and it variable, and shows that the explanatory power greater than that of the lagged stock price variable alone. The fourth and third P,., 1 ; Table 1 SHARE1 the interaction term show 6 is , in 84 results similar to those in the the interaction terms. the more important in The of this second and findings are similar the specification with both has a positive effect on consumption while the lagged share price term alone has a negative coefficient. Yet the collinearity problems remain in On these specifications. balance, the results do not support the view that changing patterns of stock ownership have altered the link between share price fluctuations and consumption. 85 4.6 The Forecast Power of Stock Returns, Dividend Movements, and Earnings A consider final is aspect of the linkage between stock returns and consumption that whether the source of stock price fluctuations affects the predictive stock returns for future consumption growth. in stock prices that are not associated with transitory than similar price differences in we now power Given the evidence that fluctuations dividend-price ratio and earnings-price ratio predict future stock returns, increases Movements rising in of the which implies that dividends are more likely to be changes backed by dividend fluctuations, one might expect the predictive effects of different stock market shocks. To explore whether fluctuations in share prices, dividends, earnings, or some 84 A non-nested hypothesis test of the model with SHARE1,*Aln P,.,, against the model with Aln P,., as the dependent variable, does not permit us to reject either hypothesis in favor of the other. 85 0ne way to develop additional tests of whether stock ownership patterns affect the wealth effect of stock prices on consumption would involve analyzing data from different countries. In Japan, for example, the fraction of shares held directly by individuals is substantially lower than in the United States. 49 combination of these variables has the greatest predictive power for consumption spending, we augment payments equation for the If S&P Aln c (3) (1), for t the simple case of a(L) = Industrials (Aln = a + P cr,* Aln share price fluctuations predict the source, then y should equal zero. If : prices move with D/P with the lagged change a,, in dividend D,.,): + h # Aln D t ., same change t ., in + et . future consumption regardless stock prices only predict changes in of their consumption when constant, then y should be positive, and a, should be indistinguishable : from zero. Table growth 1 rates, 7 shows the results of estimating equation and also lagged earning growth suggest that changes their source. in (3). We report results with dividend rates, in the specification. stock prices predict similar changes in consumption, regardless of The equations that include lagged dividend growth provide no support view that dividend fluctuations can predict future consumption growth. null hypothesis that changes in dividends real real dividends in real share prices for the We cannot reject the have no predictive power consumption growth, and the estimated coefficient on by including The estimates is virtually for future unaffected these equations. These results are insensitive to our choice of consumption aggregate. The four broad results with lagged earnings consumption categories, growth are more total difficult to interpret. is we estimated models and four lagged values of (not in all specifications. shown) with four lagged values real earnings of the marginally significant. growth does not reduce the coefficient on the lagged change stock prices, but actually raises this coefficient results, two consumption and spending on durables, the lagged earnings growth variable enters with a positive coefficient that Controlling for earnings For As a in real further test of these of real stock price changes, growth. The results do not support the notion that 50 earnings fluctuations are an important determinant of consumption growth. The coefficients on the four lagged stock return terms different is positive and of the statistically significantly from zero. The sum of the coefficients on lagged earnings, however, statistically insignificantly different sum is negative ana Thus, the evidence seems to suggest that from zero. share price increases have similar effects on consumption, regardless of their source. We rates, also followed a separate strategy to identify the effects of shocks to discount We and shocks to expected cash flows, on consumption growth. estimated a first- order autoregression for the dividend-price ratio, and defined the residuals from this equation 86 as estimates of the shock to discount rate expectations. period 1947:2 to 1995:2, generates an estimated coefficient value of D/P. We analogous to those then include the value of in Table 1 2. The [(D/P),., - This autoregression, for the of .961 (.021) .961 *(D/P),. 2 ] results suggest that it is in regression equations not possible to distinguish the effects of discount rate shocks and cash flow shocks with the available data. the estimation equation for total consumption Aln c t = .004 + .013*Aln (.001) The imprecision P,., (.016) - on the lagged For example, is: .004 # [(D/P) t ., - .961 *(D/P) t . R 2 = .0719 2] (.003) of the coefficient estimates makes it difficult to argue that shocks to expected returns are more or less important than shocks to cash flow in predicting future consumption growth. 5. Conclusions and Future Directions This paper documents substantial changes during the postwar period 86 in the aggregate This procedure follows the suggestion of Fama and French (1 988), who argue that "the unexpected component of D/P can be interpreted as a (noisy) measure of the shock to expected returns (p. 20)." 51 and cross-sectional patterns of corporate stock ownership. directly by households in the 1 950s and early 1 While most shares were held 960s, there has been a gradual but significant trend toward greater ownership of equity through mutual funds and through thrift plans (e.g. 401 (k)s, ESOPs, and 403(b)s) and defined contribution pension direct individual but the rise of IRAs, in each of these cases ownership has been replaced by indirect ownership through a financial The incidence intermediary. plans. In of stock thrift plans, ownership remained stable during the and other related institutions 1 960s and 1 970s, has led to a substantial increase stock ownership during the most recent decade. We explore the implications of growing intermediary ownership for the effect of stock We find clear evidence that changes in share prices price fluctuations on consumer spending. portend growth consumer spending, with durables. The first is We in a particularly large effect for outlays then try to distinguish between two alternative explanations for this finding. the view that stock returns are a leading indicator, reflecting a prospective increase in second view is on consumer news that suggests consumption before the spending change actually occurs. The the traditional wealth effect of asset market fluctuations, which suggests that higher stock prices should I' ad to an increase in consumer spending. We investigate the effect of stock returns on the share of consumption that is devoted to luxury goods, and also study household level data from the Panel Survey of Dynamics on the that correlation between consumption growth and stock returns own, and do not own, corporate stock. price fluctuations We do for Income households not find any pronounced effects of stock on the mix of luxury and non-luxury consumption within the following year. This evidence casts doubt on the short-run consumption consequences of wealth effects 52 We 87 associated with stock price movements. do not patterns of share ownership have altered the relationship find any evidence that changing between stock consumption, even though such effects might be expected in some price fluctuations and behavioral models of saving and consumption determination. These findings represent consumption function that found is in many macroeconomic budget constraints suggests that stock market reflected either in higher greater bequests. It is model a challenge to the traditional of the textbooks. 88 aggregate The that increase household wealth rallies logic of must be consumption during the lifetimes of current stock holders, possible that consumption responds gradually to increases in or in stock market wealth, and that our focus on consumption fluctuations within a year of stock price movements does not capture these effects. It is also possible that the effect of stock price fluctuations on consumption operates through channels other than a direct wealth effect, for example by alterning consumer confidence. More generally, our findings suggest the need to develop better data, and possibly better models, for the determination of consumption spending by high-wealth households. While our primary focus between the for future predictive power is on testing for wealth effects, of stock price changes, in in dividends are transitory, yet that consumption evolves differently after increases lt is still as suggested 98 and changes also investigate the links dividends and earnings, consumption growth. Substantial evidence suggests that changes that are not associated with changes 87 we in we in share prices find find no evidence share prices associated with dividend possible that cash realizations of past gains affect current consumption outlays, in Poterba (1991). The findings in many ways parallel Morck, Shleifer, and Vishny's (1990) findings that the stock market's role in predicting investment movements was largely due to its role as a passive informant of future developments. 53 increases and changes associated with discount rate movements. Our analysis focuses on a prices, and leaves many issues relatively limited set of household responses to higher stock We for further research. have not considered the example to possibility that higher share prices lead to changes those nearing retirement age. Rising share values that lead to increases in household net worth may also trigger changes employment and labor supply, for in occupation, for example in to strike out as an entrepreneur, and Changing share prices may may earlier retirement decisions to leave by paid also encourage retirement. 89 "consumer confidence," and influence spending also affect decisions through this poorly-understood channel. Some of the most important issues that arise from changing stock ownership patterns, and which our tests have not addressed, concern the effect of ownership structure on the performance of asset markets. If the switch from dispersed individual ownership to concentrated stock holdings alters the stock returns, then it trader" models in financial who may money managers as availability economics how much and market new information or to past many aspects volatility. 90 of macroeconomic Many discussions implicitly portray individual investors of "noise as the poorly be affected by fads or other investment trends, with professional the arbitrageurs requires information on range of dimensions; investors respond to could have significant implications for performance, including capital informed traders way who trade against this group. institutional investors differ of the core research on Exploring these issues from individual investors along a this issue remains to be done. "Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and Rosen (1 994) present empirical evidence suggesting that the become self-employed is sensitive to changes in net worth, in their case the receipt of a bequest. 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An Wealth in Empirical 59 1: Real Value of the Stock Market, Change Real Value in Real S&P of S&P 500 Table 1955-1995 % Year 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 253.4 251.9 212.6 -15.6 277.1 30.3 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 25.5 -13.8 16.5 12.1 7.2 -14.3 420.8 449.0 361.8 338.7 361.2 413.9 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 13.7 6.7 -19.4 -6.4 6.6 14.6 -25.8 -37.0 23.7 12.5 -16.0 307.1 193.5 239.3 269.2 226.2 212.5 210.4 231.5 1981 197.1 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 213.8 242.9 233.8 283.9 336.8 312.6 343.5 413.8 367.8 421.8 459.6 478.4 455.2 539.4 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995* Notes: Real Entries for 8.5 -5.1 370.1 1971 -6.0 -1.0 10.1 -14.9 8.4 13.6 -3.7 21.4 18.6 -7.2 9.9 20.5 -11.1 14.7 9.0 4.1 -4.9 18.5 S&P 500 is computed 1995 relate to June; Real Value of Corporate Stock, FOF -0.6 300.7 285.3 358.0 308.5 359.3 402.8 431.8 1961 500 using average column 3 for 1,643.5 1,712.1 1,479.9 2,039.2 2,169.8 2,134.7 2,710.7 2,339.0 2,719.3 3,105.6 3,459.7 3,005.0 3,687.8 4,200.4 3,374.7 3,164.8 3,597.0 3,978.3 2,875.5 1,730.4 2,158.4 2,721.8 2,271.9 2,191.9 2,293.7 2,662.2 2,265.5 2,471.2 2,837.1 2,631.3 3,232.3 3,743.8 3,604.9 3,849.9 4,522.7 3,949.7 5,279.8 5,763.2 6,352.0 6,048.8 7,167.8 S&P index for each December and 1995 is the authors' estimate. the CPIU. 60 Table 2: MV Year Relative Shares/GDP Measures of Corporate Share Values, P/E Ratio 9.5 1947 1948 1949 1950 6.6 7.2 7.2 9.7 1951 0.470 0.450 0.628 0.709 0.723 0.625 0.834 0.851 0.832 0.989 0.820 0.908 0.981 1.006 0.838 1.000 1.090 0.868 0.820 0.880 0.899 0.633 0.399 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 11.1 9.9 13.0 12.6 13.7 11.9 19.1 17.7 17.8 22.4 17.2 18.7 18.6 17.8 14.5 18.1 18.0 15.9 18.0 17.9 18.4 12.0 7.7 0.481 11.3 10.8 8.7 7.8 7.3 9.2 8.0 0.578 0.460 0.421 0.456 0.542 0.459 0.504 0.541 0.478 0.570 0.637 0.593 0.614 0.713 0.631 0.839 0.885 0.955 0.877 1.039 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995' 11.1 11.8 10.1 14.5 16.7 14.1 11.7 15.5 15.5 26.2 22.8 21.3 15.0 16.3 1947-1995 P/D Ratio 18.0 16.0 14.8 13.8 16.7 18.3 17.2 22.5 24.1 23.6 21.6 30.0 31.5 29.3 35.1 29.4 32.0 32.8 32.8 27.9 32.4 Tobin's q 0.437 0.396 0.418 0.475 0.510 0.483 0.452 0.656 0.756 0.742 0.593 0.819 0.830 0.808 0.954 0.832 0.942 1.056 1.080 0.897 1.070 34.1 1.111 28.4 28.9 32.3 37.0 27.0 18.4 24.2 25.5 0.846 0.778 0.828 0.835 0.575 0.319 0.390 0.470 19.6 18.5 0.371 18.1 21.1 18.0 20.3 23.2 21.4 25.8 29.6 27.0 27.2 30.0 26.7 32.2 34.5 36.8 34.4 39.2 0.343 0.350 0.413 0.336 0.360 0.417 0.387 0.472 0.556 0.574 0.617 0.761 0.733 1.068 1.264 1.361 1.268 1.467 in the Flow of Funds accounts (year end value) each year. Column 2 (Column 3) is the P/E ratio (reciprocal of the dividend price ratio) for the Standard and Poor's Composite Stock Price Index averaged for the last month of each calendar year. Column 3 is the market value of equity in nonfinancial corporations divided by the replacement cost of their net assets, net of debt outstanding, from the Balance Sheets for the U.S. Economy. June 1 995 q is estimated by Notes: Column 1 is the market value of corporate stock as estimated divided by the fourth-quarter the authors. GDP for 61 Table 3: Year 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Rate of Return to Nonfinancial Corporate Capital, 1947-1995 Unadjusted 11.0 12.4 10.8 12.6 12.8 10.9 10.3 9.6 11.9 10.3 9.4 Cycle-Adjusted 11.4 10.9 12.4 11.5 9.4 8.8 9.6 11.2 9.5 8.6 8.6 9.9 8.1 10.1 9.3 9.1 1961 9.3 9.8 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 10.5 11.3 11.9 10.4 11.2 11.6 12.4 11.9 10.6 10.2 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 13.1 12.9 11.6 11.3 10.0 8.0 8.4 8.6 8.5 8.8 7.6 8.5 8.6 8.0 6.7 6.6 7.0 7.4 7.8 7.8 6.9 5.8 6.0 5.2 6.0 8.5 8.4 8.5 8.0 6.9 6.6 7.0 7.2 8.1 7.4 7.2 6.8 8.3 8.0 7.4 7.5 7.8 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.4 7.9 7.5 7.5 9.1 10.2 10.3 ' (est.) 7.9 8.8 9.7 10.3 10.2 Averages: 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 10.6 11.1 7.7 6.8 10.0 10.6 8.0 7.6 Source: Tabulations based on data from the National income and Product Accounts and Balance Sheets of the U.S. Economy. The return is computed as the ratio of pretax profits for the nonfinancial corporate sector, with the capital consumption adjustment and inventory valuation adjustment, plus net interest payments by NFCs, divided by an estimate of the mid-year value of the tangible assets held by these corporations. The value for 1 995 is based on quarters of profits and interest payouts, and an estimate of NFC tangible assets as of March 31, 1995. two 62 Table 4: Dividends Ratio of Total Year & Other Cash Cash Payouts to Cash Di/idends Payouts, Nonfinancial Corporations, 1980-1995 Price/Divi- Price/Total dend Ratio Cash Payouts 1980 0.993 21.1 21.2 1981 1.488 1.204 1.109 2.285 18.0 20.3 23.2 12.1 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 2.334 2.409 2.238 2.712 2.312 1.602 1.169 1.080 1.154 1.462 1.206 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Column 16.8 20.9 9.4 11.0 12.3 12.0 10.0 13.0 16.7 27.5 31.9 31.9 23.5 32.5 21.4 25.8 29.6 27.0 27.2 30.0 26.7 32.2 34.5 36.8 34.4 39.2 the ratio of dividends plus gross share purchases by nonfinancial in corporate control transactions, to dividend payments by NFCs. Column 2 is the price-dividend ratio for the S&P500; column three equals column 2 divided by column 1 Data on dividend payments for NFCs are from NIPA Table 1.16; data on gross share purchases are from the Federal Reserve Board. The value for 1995 is an estimate based on data for the first two quarters; the P/D and P/Cash ratios are as of June 30, 1995. Source: 1 is corporations, including both share repurchases and shares bought . 63 Table 5: Unadjusted Percentage of Flow of Funds Corporate Stock Holdings Held by Major Investor Categories, 1952-1994 Pension Year 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Households Funds Mutual Funds Insurance Foreign Companies 89.7% 1.1% 3.1% 2.2% 3.4% 88.6 89.3 88.6 88.6 87.5 87.6 86.8 85.8 85.7 84.7 84.2 1.5 3.5 1.4 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.2 5.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.6 3.3 2.1 83.8 83.0 81.7 81.9 2.3 2.8 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.9 6.4 6.6 6.8 69.1 8.1 68.0 65.9 9.2 10.5 11.5 12.8 15.2 16.5 14.7 16.3 18.5 84.1 64.1 60.4 56.1 56.7 61.8 59.0 56.9 58.7 60.9 59.0 56.1 53.5 51.4 51.3 50.6 49.8 48.8 48.0 48.6 50.8 51.4 49.7 47.7 18.1 17.4 18.7 21.3 22.9 24.6 24.8 25.4 25.5 26.8 27.2 27.0 26.2 25.8 25.6 25.7 5.1 5.1 5.4 4.9 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.4 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.7 4.3 2.0 1.9 3.1 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.2 3.7 4.2 4.2 4.1 6.1 6.1 6.9 6.5 7.0 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.3 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.4 4.1 7.1 7.7 8.7 11.5 13.6 3.1 3.0 2.1 4.6 5.0 2.9 3.3 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.8 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.2 5.3 3.1 3.1 ' 5.1 5.7 5.2 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.4 5.1 5.5 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.5 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.0 5.0 4.4 4.0 4.0 4.2 Source: Calculations based on Flow of Funds Accounts, July 1 995. Pensions include private and government plans. Mutual funds include closed end as well as open end investment companies. Households includes ownership by nonprofit institutions, insurance companies includes both property/casualty and life insurance companies. 64 Table 6: Adjusted Flow of Funds Data on Stock Ownership: and Beneficial Ownership, 1952-1994 Individual Direct Bank FOF Year Households 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 89.7 88.6 89.3 88.6 88.6 87.5 87.6 86.8 85.8 85.7 84.7 84.2 Non- Personal profits Trusts -14.1 68.0 65.9 -13.9 -14.0 -13.9 -13.9 -13.7 -13.8 -13.6 -13.5 -13.4 -13.3 -13.2 -13.2 -13.2 -13.0 -12.8 -12.9 -10.9 -10.7 -10.3 64.1 -10.1 60.4 -9.5 56.1 -8.8 56.7 61.8 59.0 56.9 58.7 60.9 59.0 -8.9 84.1 83.8 83.0 81.7 81.9 69.1 -9.7 -9.3 -8.9 -9.2 -9.6 -9.3 56.1 -8.8 53.5 51.4 51.3 50.6 49.8 48.8 48.0 48.6 50.8 51.4 49.7 47.7 -8.4 -8.1 -8.1 -7.9 -7.8 -7.7 -7.5 -7.6 -8.0 -8.1 -7.8 -7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.5 10.4 10.7 11.0 12.0 12.7 11.5 10.3 10.6 10.4 9.6 8.8 8.8 8.3 7.9 7.9 7.3 5.9 5.6 5.5 5.4 b.4 4.8 4.0 2.9 2.7 'IndivVariable Mutual DC Funds Pensions Annuities iduals" 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 3.1 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.3 1.0 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 5.1 1.7 5.3 5.0 5.2 4.9 4.7 4.9 4.4 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.0 2.6 2.6 2.8 3.6 4.0 4.5 5.5 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.5 3.8 3.4 3.7 4.3 4.2 6.1 7.1 5.7 7.5 7.7 4.1 4.3 5.0 5.2 6.2 6.2 6.4 6.1 6.0 6.5 7.2 9.3 11.0 Notes: Authors' calculations as described 7.1 7.1 7.5 7.8 7.7 in the text. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.2 2.0 79.0 78.6 79.0 78.6 78.8 78.4 78.7 78.4 78.0 78.0 77.4 77.2 77.1 77.1 76.7 75.8 75.8 76.1 75.0 74.0 72.6 70.8 68.4 67.7 69.6 67.7 66.2 66.5 67.0 65.8 63.7 62.2 61.7 61.6 61.0 61.5 60.6 60.5 60.5 61.9 63.0 63.2 63.7 65 Table 7: Number of Stockowners, 1962, 1983, and Millions of Stock Category 1962 Households 1983 1992 1992 Percentage of Households 1962 1983 1992 Households With Any Stock Holdings Publicly 10.0 16.0 17.0 17.2 19.1 17.8 11.1 16.9 21.1 19.0 20.1 22.0 19.7 26.8 23.5 28.0 Plan 23.2 31.8 27.7 33.2 Plan 27.9 35.7 33.2 37.4 Traded Plus Mutual Fund Plus IRA/Keogh Plus 401 Plus All (k) DC Households With Stock Holdings Publicly Traded Plus Mutual Fund > $2,000 7.3 11.5 12.4 12.6 13.7 12.9 8.3 12.3 16.3 14.3 14.6 17.0 Plus IRA/Keogh 14.4 21.5 17.1 22.5 Plus 401 16.8 24.8 20.0 25.9 20.7 28.0 24.6 29.3 83.9 95.6 Plus All Total (k) DC Plan Plan 57.9 Source: Authors' tabulations from 1962, 1983, and 1992 Surveys of Consumer Finances. Further description may be found in the text. CO o -1- in O CN CO CD CN CN CN CO CO O CO CO CN CO CM r» in in oo co d in — ^ in en «- «- in cm ^t CM CN cm X CD eu X o • § ** CJ " co c 5 TJ C 3 _ 0_ CO o £*o CO LO en cb o in **' CN CO co «r- CM CN O CO CO 6 O O J2 » 13 co CM CO co C D O CD *- tJ " If *O X (0 iC o o • * CD a. in 00 p^ en CO o CO CM CM CO CO CO ao en "SO CM CO * in CO > o O CO CO o o ro co "tf 00 CO ^t CM i- E c o CO P^ CO CO p^ in en O CM u CM CD O) o < 3 TJ Sf e Q. C go en CO c-g > 2 > O* yj CO to CO o en CM co CO CO CM * O CN O m o o O en co CO CO CN co (0 CD TJ in CM CO 3 CO 00 (7) TJ c o "O o ® • ** c o C to on < o ^ a 3 o c Sep o o o J* "2 < S£ en co co CM CN CO CO CM c o " O CD CD CD o. ^ o ^ m m CM CM CO > CO CM r» «•o o o CO en ~ in CM CO 00 en co •- CN "SO o CM 00 en en eo «- go cj XI CD 3 X 'C CO CO CM CO p^ «- cm en in oo »- cm en o io o CN CM c-g 5 o € >O r/5 CM lO CO 0. Q. o en co o in p". CM co co CO in CN i- p^ CM co co en i- en 00 CO 00 00 in CM CM in en CO CO cm en eo CM p^ o CM 00 CM pv en o CO CM , ! CD 00 to E 3 ca C o u > CO CN CO _£ XI c c to to c g '^ 3 Q O CD lO o o CM (A CD CD CO ** CO en en CN en XI CO CO co * ~ tj c 3 CD m CO CJ J* o o t£ *O £C "so in O d 00 CM •tf o o £ » CO CN in CN co 00 CO ® CO CO CO in CM CD > 3 (O CM en en TJ CM cn C CO CO 00 en C/) tj CD TJ n k. I- CO™ O CD CD CD | > e£ o- _>• CO CO "SO o in o m CO CM in CO in m in eo oo en ^ oo CM t- in eo 00 «- o CO CM CM CO o x3 a. E o c o C O C * co 2 ; o " > * 2 • > ° co Q. * in CM a a < 2cs O 00 CO CM CM CO O o CM CM CM CM CO in w CD tj c Z) i-' o CO CO 00 m CO in CO in in in eo i m CM CD in CO > O in en en in CM a> TJ C 3 co JJ r- 00 CO O CM CM CM co CM o ^1- CO '^ JO en »CM in CO in eo in m o> CO xo 3 < w> I CD in CM X3 in co in o u. 3 O cn ' CO C o m 00 CN cn CN CO in m o oi cn <* in CO co oo en en en CN CN O CN CN «- CN oo en cn CN en i- co CN cn £ i a> 01 O CM CD > "^ .2 co = 7\ *•* LU fe CO o iT CN o CO CO in 00 in CO CO CN *" CM m en CO o 6 en in en * \S \-o CN a> ic CN O I o is l> CM cn cn ICD — > c TJ r» C ^ to LL en C 00 en m o CO *t en CO CO in en ^ in en CN CO CO t• * O ^ en ^ «in CN en *— ^ o co ® S °. ^ S o ^ 2 CO ci en in en in in IE i c ^Lo en i^ in 1.9- ic IU CO 00 1(0 en I® CN CO cn CO <* 3 5 1 d 1? o en in in CN <* o in in o in en CO CN CN co CN ^ CN O en en en cn CN co 00 en eo cn en £ !£» co co en CN »- It uc nr i«« a> «o lo ic < ICO «o co CO 3 .2 *c CO CN > C o CO O **^ > ^ .2 «o UJ J= en (0 rr CD O c o CN O) c a> u c o en en **' CN i^ en co CN CN r«i co °°. CN CM CN *~ CO CN i- en «- CO CN en cn CN co o in CN in in * o cn in en en CN cn en i- *- CN ci CN 1 13 CN CO en en CO cn CO en s! lu q q 00 CN r^ ICO IS lo CN CO IS ^ «- 1ST ICO \i >-T3 *t U = T3 XI £1 (0 u o o CN CN en en 05 CO en co co in 00 CO m t«- 00 CN CO *' CN o o 6 6 00 00 «cn to to r^ ao cn — «- f* «- o o o " ^ 6 oo in cn r* «n CN oo ^n to i*- o d CN in & OI £ o r^ oil en icn c 5 itn O .2* '5 « cn » ! Iff en en CN in en o 00 oo CN co cn o t- en o cn cn co 6 «- 00 CN en in d CN 00 O 00 CO CN CN CO in en CN cn CO ^' 00 q o CN 6 cn r- en <* «-; en in oi *- CN CN CN o en co ^- «- o o 6 IE IE IO 1.2 co _® '£» c a> o cp a. cn en cn CN cn cn 2 ^ - m in o O in 6 6 2 O m « CP s ® z Z CO o o in o rin CO in E § o CD co CM CO in CN CO * CN o t- X CP 4-* X CP CP S CP s i-^ m q q q o d oo in *t d 6 a. q E o V o z Z Z Z m m o q in d d ^ in a. o l- Er* o x cp !ip cp ti i co ! CO r^ CM CD CM 00 CO CO in in o en in in en q *^ CD CM cn o CM CM CO i CO co CO i CM 00 CO CO CO q in CD i i O j x CO 1*^ a o » "O i u. _ iS o. ! ! °- O d CO CO en <* CD CO °°. too I CM o cn CO CD CM o o d CM en CO CM CM CM CM cn 00 *" CM in CO CM CM CO q CO CO en CM CO CM 00 CO CO CN 00 CM r-' en 00 CM CDJ.E 2i§ 3o o w (N If 05 73 co < 3 Q- ! r>-' "SO go £? <D a. en g 8 • 0) > co c-g 1 * 2 > >Om i jm o ° ! Q. > ^ CM CO CO CO CO CO CM cn in in CO CO in CO CN *t ** t CD en 00 O r>- CO CO in CM CM en CM in r* en r^ in CO CO r^ CO CM 00 CM CM in cn cn CO q q r*" 00 CM It eni| is. d it lO he IO ha in CN O ^~ r^ '- in r° r^ OJ CO in r^ «- CO <n ^c m 13 E 1 X> o o c c • O re 1 3 E ! re u. 1 >i J3 00 CD 3-= 3 O ! i Sn £ C/5 3 c o 3 CO in "~ il CM CM o CO CO d in CM CO CM CO CO en Q. "5 cn CO O I CM i p>; a. 0. in (N CD CO r^ C r. c -* co 2 5 O " > * 2 > O yj 9 o in -N CM en CM ** CD q r'o d g Ire d d d CM * IC P IE o ® CO c CO cn !| co o u o ^ * <S Dc cn CM CD CD CO *~ CO CO 00 CO CO d CM CM CM in "~ CM CO en CO CM *~ CD CM <— CO ** en CM CM CO CM O m CO in CO in in CD in r^ in O CD CD CD CO t 00 <* r* m CO s d ? -!c5 CO CO CO CO CO CM eri cn CO CO CO CN 00 r^ ^ i— ** 00 in CO CO > in t * 1 > icn P 5 So 82 Q 6 u o el r"2 ' § "SO CO i in ! ** CO CO CM CO CM cn CO in CO CO CO 1^ d CM ^ in 00 in CM 00 en CM o CM CO CM en CO en CN in CO * CM i re °!co *> is icn »*- 00 -O (0 ; iS Eo 2 o 82? a> i in (0 |n! a- o o "So in en CM CO m O CM en CM en CO CO m O t' in CO CO in CO CO CM <6 CO CO CO CO CM CO q ai 9|E «" CM 1° jnt l«0 Li 3 a. g y oc-g € > o 00 0- ! CO ° CO cn u> ai o i r*. in ** CO 00 "~ r>. 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O «- <D CO «- «O io o o d CM O) i- CD i- CO CO 00 cr> CM CO CD CM IO CM oo CO o CD CO 'C IO 3 «- no 5o co "D C as TJ co oo en " If O < o O) » is* re 0. 3 O CO CM g 8 | Q- o o o CO ** CO CO CM * CO .5 io o CO ^ N d ° " *CM CM «*- 00 CD «-; CO CO in co *- «- o O "> O) LO re E c o r*5 c en p|l| >O ® * en oo CM O ** co a. 00 LO 00 IO CM IO en 00 CO CO CM CO IO CO en en CM IO o 00 00 CM CO IO CO r^ _ CD n 5 * CO IO . en «- io CO »CM o CO CM en *- r- IO — £ CO CO d IO 00 00 CD CO CO CO en \% u 05 9 o o CO CO CD ro 1^ IO CD CO jx IO « CO CO < c So® re "re 'o c re c 00 o d TJ c 3 ; O) CO o ** CO OS 3 O , ! I e o "8 CM oo oo CO CO CM *- IO CD © CO CM CM o CM CD CD §= ^ <-> *t IO C O CO CO CO IO OO CD CD CO IO CO CO CD O d >- (DO® S« | JE < Q-® —O O o O O IO CD CD IO J- m CO r» oo tt oo r>» CM CO IO IO O CM o LO *- CO 1^ II e|! CO •- gSE > re i* a> re c § o -O re 3 ft 2 5 o £O o IO CD CM IO CM CO CM (73 CD CO IO en CO O io CD t CO CD CO o en co CM CO CD CO CO CM CM CD i- O O CO CM CO CO CO CO CD IO a. iCD u o (/) So* c o CM CO ** c o 3 .* U O CO T3 (0 a> o b 5 -O re re t £•50 IO CO *fr 00 o * CO CO 00 00 CD co io io CM r^ ^ , co 00 o o O O i- CO «-~ CM CO CO CM CD CO iCD CO CO d ^ oolyj ire CD ** te |00 p o 2 E 9 o e £5) I d CO 00 IO "* CM CO Q£ CO CO CO CD CO ^ K ' 00 I® IOt tCM 00 CM en CD' V CO* » d CO CD ^* CD CO o CO o o CM 00 CD LO o CO CM cd!^ "!| ^ CO io 1*= in o Li i 3 a. c o e -x • 2 ; o IO o CM CD f» o CO CO IO 00 * r*. ^ *"" T— ^ > , CM o *• CM CO IO Tf CO t 00 «~ en co IO IO CM CM r« o o £ CM CO IO CO CM LO 00 CO LO en o io §1 en co |re J** r» < o o re O IO o 1 N o CM i IO o o o o O IO o IO IO CM CM • IO CM 1 k. o > o o o IO re LO N LO O o io IO CM LO CM O «- IO CM o O o LO II Si! cm r*5 S °? !co 70 Table 12: Aggregate Consumption Spending and Stock Market Fluctuations Consumption Concept Total Total (Four Quarters) Nondurables Nondurables (Four Quarters) Services Services (Four Quarters) Durables Durables (Four Quarters) Lagged Change Constant .0037 .031 (.0011) (.008) .0036 .064 (.0011) (.014) .0021 .032 (.0011) (.008) .0023 .054 (.0011) (.015) .0055 .007 (.0008) (.006) .0056 .025 (.0008) (.010) .0017 .139 (.0057) (.041) -.0011 (.0057) in Real InlStock Price) .290 .068 .101 .065 .070 .009 .015 .058 .091 (.076) Notes: Each row reports estimates of the coefficient a u or the sum of the coefficients a from an equation of the form Aln c, = a + a(L)*Aln P,., + e,. All equations are estimated from 1947:3 to 1995:2. Standard errors are shown in parentheses. All equations include quarterly indicator variables. it 71 Table 13: Luxury and "Anti-Luxury" Consumption Spending Ratio CEX Share of $70K+ Households Consumption Subcategory All for 70K + Households/ 20-30K Households NIPA Consumption Share Consumption .236 1.85 1.000 .314 3.10 0.023 .308 3.24 0.023 .369 3.69 0.003 .337 3.44 0.004 .296 2.76 0.003 Rented Dwellings .045 0.25 0.037 Tobacco Products .099 0.54 0.008 Expenditure "Luxuries": New Automobiles Education "Other Lodging" (Hotels and Motels) Entertainment - Fees and Admissions Household Operations Personal Services - "Anti-Luxuries": in the first two columns are based on data from the 1991-1993 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, as reported in U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (1994). Households are allocated to income groups based on income before taxes. Entries in the last column are from the National Income and Product Accounts data for 1994. "Education" is the NIPA entry for "private education and research," and "Entertainment-Fees and Admissions" corresponds to the sum of NIPA categories "motion picture admissions," "legitimate theatre," and "spectator sports." Notes: Tabulations 72 Table 14: Luxury Consumption and Stock Price Fluctuations One Quarter Lagged Change Consumption Concept in Four Quarter Changes ln(Stock Price) in Sum of Lagged InfStock Price) "Luxuries": New 0.250 0.627 (0.103) (0.193) -0.022 -0.041 (0.012) (0.024) Automobiles Education -0.007 0.011 (0.041) (0.082) -0.086 -0.128 and Admissions (0.056) (0.109) Household Operations -0.000 0.019 Personal Services (0.033) (0.065) -0.026 -0.051 (0.007) (0.015) -0.018 -0.071 (0.024) (0.046) "Other Lodging" (Hotels and Motels) Entertainment - Fees "Anti-Luxuries": Rented Dwellings Tobacco Products Notes: All equations are estimated from 1959:1 to 1995:2, with the exception of the equation for new automobiles, which is estimated from 1947:2 to 1995:2. The estimating equation is log(L,/C,) where L, + o,*log(Lt 1 /C l . .1 ) + a2 *AlnP,., + e, denotes luxury (or anti-luxury) consumption and C, denotes aggregate consumption Standard errors are shown in parentheses. All equations include seasonal dummy spending. variables. = a 73 Table 15: Correlation of Consumption Growth Any Stock Growth Rate & Stock Returns, Stockholders vs. Non-Stockholders Stock > $1,000 of Per Capita Stock > $10,000 Food Consumption .120 .076 .078 Without Thrift Plan .058 .077 .063 With Thrift Plan .350 .049 .226 Without Pension Plan .059 .071 .044 With Pension Plan .143 .047 .080 .125 .214 .286 Without Thrift Plan .190 .133 .226 With Thrift Plan .043 .261 .314 Without Pension Plan .148 .134 .339 With Pension Plan .089 .205 .232 Non-Stockholders Stockholders Growth Rate of Per Capita Sk inner Consumption Index -.125 -.146 -.126 -.208 -.178 -.182 .218 -.010 .048 Without Pension Plan -.217 -.191 -.202 With Pension Plan -.004 -.090 -.052 .011 .068 .219 .081 .042 .269 Thrift Plan -.095 .094 .097 Without Pension Plan .055 .026 .226 -.012 .092 .187 Non-Stockholders Without Thrift Plan With Thrift Plan Stockholders Without Thrift Plan With With Pension Plan Each entry reports the correlation of a measure of consumption growth with excess return on the stock market for PSID households in each category, as described in the text. The sample period is 1970-1992 excluding 1973, 1974, 1988, 1989, and 1990. Stockholders versus nonstockholders are defined based on the criteria at the column head. The correlation of excess stock market returns with food (Skinner index) consumption growth for all households is .129 (-.070). The standard error of each correlation may be computed as [(1-p 2 )/16] B where 16 denotes the degrees of freedom; these standard errors are approximately .25 for each entry above. Notes: , MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00931 0084 74 Table 1 6: Stock Ownership & the Stock Price Fluctuations-Consumption Linkage Lagged Change Consumption Constant Category Real ln(Stock Price) Panel A: Total Ownership Share* Lagged Change in in Real ln(Stock Price) No Ownership Measure .0047 .030 (.0005) (.007) .098 Panel B: Direct Individual Stock Ownership Measure Total Total .0047 -.003 .060 (.0005) (.031) (.055) .0047 .056 (.0005) (.012) .098 .104 Panel C: Expanded Individual Stock Ownership Measure Total Total Notes: -.064 .136 (.069) (.099) .0047 .045 (.0005) (.010) .102 .103 Each row corresponds to an estimate of an equation of the form: Aln All .0047 (.0005) c, = a + o,*Aln estimates correspond to t..e SHARE1 and SHARE2, which P,., + ^•SHARE1,. , 1 Aln P,., + c . period 1947:2-1995:2, replaces SHARE1 in 193 quarterly observations. The values of the foregoing equation, are defined based on Flow of Funds data for the period 1952:4-1994:4. They are extrapolated Standard errors are shown in parentheses. of the sample. t at the beginning and end 75 Table 17: Consumption Spending, Stock Market Fluctuations, Dividends, and Earnings Constant Total Total Nondurables Nondurables Services Services Durables Durables Notes: Lagged Lagged Consumption Concept .0045 .030 .002 (.0005) (.007) (.021) c, Lagged .071 .0044 .032 .015 (.007) (.010) .0022 .032 .013 (.0006) (.008) (.021) .0021 .033 .010 (.008) (.011) .0059 .008 .001 (.006) (.016) .0058 .008 .005 (.006) (.008) .0070 .137 -.008 (.041) (.113) .0063 .146 .100 (.041) (.056) = a + a, * Aln P,., + y, * Aln D,., .001 .046 (.0029) in .076 -.001 (.0004) (.0030) .081 .074 (.0006) (.0004) R2 Aln (Earnings) (.0005) Each row reports estimates of the coefficients Aln Aln (Dividends) AlnlStock Price) .062 the equation + e, same equation with E,., replacing D,.,. All estimates correspond to the period 1947:31995:2, 192 quarterly obsarvations. Dividends denotes the real value of dividend payments to shares in the S&P 500 Index, Earnings the analogous measure of earnings for these firms. Standard errors are shown in parentheses. or the Date Due NOV 1 5 OCT 2 199£ 1 2003 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES I I II 3 9080 02165 799'