HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics EQUILIBRIUM PAYOFFS WITH LONG-RUN AND SHORT -RUN PLAYERS AND IMPERFECT PUBLIC INFORMATION Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine No. 524 June 1989 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 EQUILIBRIUM PAYOFFS WITH LONG-RUN AND SHORT -RUN PLAYERS AND IMPERFECT PUBLIC INFORMATION Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine No. 524 June 1989 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/equilibriumpayofOOfude EQUILIBRIUM PAYOFFS WITH LONG-RUN AND SHORT-RUN ^L^YERS AND IHl'ERFECT PUBLIC INFORMATION Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine May 1989 * We are grateful to David Kreps and Eric Maskin. NSF Grants SES 87-088016 and SES 86-09697 provided financial support. Departments of Economics, MIT and UCLA, respectively. AUG 2 3 1989 Abstract Ue present a general algorithm for computing the limit, the set of payoffs of perfect public equilibria, as 5 -» 1 , of of repeated games with long-run and short-run players, allowing for the possibility that the players' actions are not observable by their opponents. We use the algorithm to obtain an exact characterization of the limit set when the players' realized actions, but not their choices of mixed strategies, are observable. Ue show each that long-run player's highest equilibrium payoff is generally greater in this case than when their actions are unobserved. 1. Introduction Fudenberg-Kreps-Maskin [1989] (here referred to as FKM) show that the folk theorem extends in the natural way to repeated games with long run and short run players if the players' choices of mixed strategies are observed at the end of each period. They further show that the folk theorem need not obtain when the only information revealed at the end of each period is the realized choice of action as opposed to the intended mixed strategy. In the latter case, with a single long-run player, they characterize the equilibrium payoffs in the limit as the discount factor goes to one. Their proof expli- citly constructs equilibria in "review strategies" whose form is simple. This paper considers the case of multiple long run players. Rather than explicitly constructing equilibrium strategies, we extend the techniques of Fudenberg-Levine-Maskin [1989] (FLM) to study games with several long-run players facing a sequence of short-run opponents, allowing the possibility that players' strategies need not be observable. As in FLM, at the end of each period all players observe a public signal that is imperfectly correlated with players strategies. We present a general algorithm for computing the limit of the set of payoffs of perfect public equilibria, and use it to provide an exact characterization of the limit set in the case where the players' realized actions, but not their choices of mixed strategies, are observed by their opponents. When all players are long-run, the limit set of payoffs is the same regardless of whether or not the players' actions are observable, provided a "pairwise full rank" condition is satisfied. We show that this is not the case in games where some of the players are short-run: the introduction of moral hazard may lower each long-run player's highest equilibrium payoff. 2. The Model In the star,e pame (pure) action profile ^ i a e A X. 1-1 We let A, m. '^ r (z realized outcome: -^ denote the marginal for n (a) Each action elements. n yz and privately observed outcomes y Y with elements. m y. z (a) over - The public Each player i's depends on his own private information and on the ,y) his opponents' strategies matter only in their influence on the distribution over outcomes. This model includes as a special case games where the public information y It also includes games where the actions. - a. For example, y y perfectly reveals the actions chosen. conveys only imperfect information about can be the realized market price and the can be choices of output levels as in Green-Porter [198'4), or be the realized quantity of a good and good is manufactured. outcome y a r induces a probability distribution i outcomes lie in a finite set realized payoff with A. simultaneously chooses n to 1. publicly observed outcomes (z..,...,z ). - 1 i from a finite set a, •^ each player . z - a. y z. can the care with which the The key to the folk theorem is that there is an is publicly observed, which rules out games where the players receive only private signals. The latter case is considered in Lehrer [1988] and Fudenberg and Levine [1989]. Player i's expected payoff to an action profile g^(a) - S yGY zeZ (a)r (z ff a is y), -^ which gives the normal form of the game. We will also consider mixed actions profile a - (a.. , . . . ,a ) a. for each player i. For each of mixed actions, we can compute the induced distribution over outcomes, 1 - (q) TT y" 2 aeA (a)Q(a), z (a) - tt y^ Z aeA y (a)Q(a) tt y and the expected payoffs - (q) g S S (a)r (z Q(a)7r We denote the profile where player follow profile a by (a,,Q -' ) . -1 1 ,y). > y€Y aGA 2GZ ; tt i plays and (a., a .) y^ 1 -L and all other players a. p. "i (a., a 1 are defined in .) - the obvious way. As in FtCM, we label players so that ieLR-(l,2 2) , i<n, are long-run players, whose objective is to maximize the normalized discounted value of per-period payoffs using the common discount factor (g.(t)) 6. If player i's present is a sequence of payoffs for long-run player i, value is (1-6) where we normalize by S 5^g.(t) t-0 ^ to measure the repeated game (1-5) payoffs in the same units as payoffs in the stage game. The remaining players j represent different types S SR - {i+l,...,n) of short-run players, each representative of which plays only once. One example of a model with long and short-run players is Selten's [1977] chain.store game, where a single long-run incumbent faces a sequence of short-run opponents (see FKM for other examples). In the repeated game, in each period c the stage game is - 0,1,..., played, and the corresponding public outcome is then revealed. history at the end of period history for long-run plaver t 1 is h(t) - (y (0) , . . . ,y ( t) at the end of period c is ) . The public The private h.(t) - (a.(0),z.(0),...,a.(t),z.(t)). sequence of A strater.v for long-run player mapping public and private histories ir.aps (h( t- 1 ) i . A strater.v for the period-t plavers of type mixed actions. a map from the public short- run player j information h(t-l) ,h ( . j to mixed actions. observes the public information at is a 1 ) ) to G SR, is t- 1 Note that the but not the t, private history corresponding to the play of his predecessors. the public information reveals the past choices of action, However, if as in FtCM then these private histories are extraneous. Each strategy profile generates probability distributions over histories in the obvious way, and thus also generates a distribution over histories of the players' per-period payoffs. with discount factor Let S by We denote repeated game tlie G(5). denote the space of mixed actions, and A. B: A, X ... X A. 1 i A -* , „ £+1 X ... xj^ n be the correspondence that maps any mixed action profile (a.. , . . . •°'n) fo^" the long run players to the corresponding static equilibria for the short run players. maximizes That is, for each e.Cq'. ,a J J a e graph(B), and each > i, j a. .). -J Our focus is on a special class of the Nash equilibria that we call perfect public eouilibria each time c, . A strategy for long-run player it depends only on the public information the private information i is h(c-l) public if at- and not on A perfect public equilibrium is a profile h.(t-l). of public strategies such that at every date t and for every history the strategies are a Nash equilibrium from that date on. h(t-l) (Note that in a public equilibrium the players' beliefs about each others' past play are irrelevant: No matter how player i plays, all nodes in the same information ) set for at the beginning of period i distribution over i's payoffs. lead to the same probability t This is why we can speak of "Nash equilibrium" as though each period began a new subgame . It is easy to show that perfect public equilibria are sequential, that the set of public equilibrium payoffs is stationary, of perfect public equilibrium payoffs in any period history h(t-l) is independent of t the set and for any public t However, when the h(t-l). and that is, and players' actions are not perfectly observed, there may be sequential equilibrium payoffs that are not obtainable with public strategies. (With observed actions all equilibria are public.) In any period actuibs player Q(h(t-1)) of a public equilibria, t are common knowledge. the players period-t mixed In particular, believes he will face the mixed action j a each short-run .(h(t-l)). Since the short-run players care only about their one-period payoffs, in a public equilibrium each period's mixed action must lie in the graph of B. (This need not be true of the sequential equilibria that are not public, for subsets of the players can use their knowledge of their own past actions to correlate their play. See FLM for an example of the way this correlation can generate additional equilibrium payoffs.) 3 . Dynamic Let Protrrarominfr E(5) C IR and Local Generation be the set of normalized values that can arise in perfect public equilibria when the discount factor if Abreu-Pearce- 6. Stachetti [1987] introduced the notion of a self -generated set of payoffs for games with long-run players only, and showed that a sufficient condition for a set of payoffs to be in E(5) is that it be self -generated. showed that a sufficient condition for a set of payoffs W to be in FLM E(5) , for all sufficiently close to 8 is 1 be locally generated. W that This section observes that those definitions and results carry over immediately to games with some short-run players. Definition 3.1 Let : 5 W c , enforceable with respect to i w(y) e IR a. e A. 1 L - (l-5)g.(a.,a v. .... 1 V. and v. W such that y € Y, , IR l ''l > (l-5)g.(a.,a .) -1 . ) v e and + 5 5 S S TT y TT (a., a L (a., a a is if there exist vectors 6 q e graph(B) + Action be given. IR and for all . -r , )w, (y) for )w, (y) for i and e LR i s.t. a. (a.) > a. i i -^ l s.t. a. (a.) - a. and w(y) G W. (3.2) We also say that the If for a given a, w(y)'s a enforce with respect to (a,v) exists satisfying (3.1), we say that v enforceable with respect to W and S Note that each . w(y) and W a 5. is specifies continuation payoffs only for the long-run players. Equation 3.1 says that if all players short-run player i j '^ i play ct • can increase his payoff by deviating from if long-run player i's present value starting tomorrow on when today is given by w. (y) , then player i from any of the actions in the support of yields a higher present value. then a., y no (i) and (ii) occurs receives exactly present value v and no choice of action a., We can exploit the linearity of the incentive constraints to show: Lemma 3.2 (Enforcement With Small Variation) i IR . w - 2 Suppose „ yeY TT y (a,v) (Q:)w(y). ^ ' -^ is enforced by Then there is a Let C W(y) e C and S. constant k. : be a convex subset of Let such that for all S' > S there is a enforce e v' and there are continuation payoffs IR < Kd-S') ||w'(y)-w|| (ii) Z^^Y 'ry(a)w'(y) = w (iii) w'(y) + iS')'^ (iv) w'(y) - w + in (V -v) |f|^ e W. (w(y)-w). W (y) This is just a matter of checking that : and satisfy (3.1), C that Moreover, (q,v'). (i) Proof e C w' (y) defined by (iv) are see for example (3.2) and the other properties; FLM. I Definition 3.3 If for a given : is enforceable with respect to P(5,W) W. v, W W, and and S, is the set of all points generated by v G W set U c P(5,W). containing Lemma 3.U exists a Proof with W C If : < 5 such that is compact, IR such that for all 1 there exists a S < 1, such that 6' > 6 S 5' v e U to the discount factor this implies ,U). we may find 5'. W c P((5',W). So of IR and an open 1 > S, W c E(5'). W Since is compact, Since U c P(5',W), W U C P(5 and since the is compact, together choose a finite ,W) that enforce w(y) e W Finally, since W of (U) Let over this subcover. S in the subcover. U < W convex and locally generated, then there be the maximum of for each 3.2(iii) for each U c P(5 5 (a,v) is generated by v A subset W. By local generation we may find an open cover : subcover, and let Then v exists so that a we say that is locally generated if for each U an 5 , v U's 5' > 5. by Lemma with respect cover W, it is straightfor- ward to use the principle of optimality to conclude that since each point in W can be enforced using continuation payoffs in W, that M c E(5). I . A. Enforceability on Halfspaces and the Set of Limit Equilibria This section describes an algorithm that computes the limiting value of the set E(5) as Section tends to one. S uses this algorithm to 5 characterize the limit set of equilibria. The key to the algorithm is the study of the payoffs that can be generated using continuation payoffs that lie in half-spaces H(A,k) - (v|A-v<k) these are sets of the form Definition 4.1 that there exists and 8 5, v e * k (a, A, 5) denoted IR and k G and such that H(A,k) this maximum is 6 A The maximal score attainable by action : with discount factor to for * H (a, A, 6); IR with k - A • H and IR a IR k e : IR. in direction maximum of is the i of A*v X such enforceable with respect (a.v) The halfspace associated with v. * h (a, A, 5) its boundary is the hyperplane A»v-k(a,A,5). given by This definition asks us to fix a mixed action and a direction a then find the "highest" halfspace in direction and A, such that a point on the A boundary of the hyperplane can just be generated with action a and continuation payoffs in the halfspace. Lemma 4.1 : (i) k (a, A, 5) (ii) k*(cr.A) < A o g(Q); (iii) k (a, A) - A • g(Q) - k (a, A) independent of if and only if to the hyperplane orthogonal to A enforceable with respect is g(Q) at 5. g(a) •k Proof : (i) if k (a,A,<5') - k, continuation payoffs (5',H(A,k)). then there is a w' (y) e H(A,k) that enforce v with (a,v) A • and v - k with respect to Now consider the payoffs w"(y) - [(5"-5')/5"(l-5')]v + [5 ' (l-6")/(5" (1-5 ' ) ]w' (y) . . 6" Since Then since is less than one as well. each W (y) the coefficient of less than one, is is in W (y) H(A,k), is is on the v in enforce w"(y) H(A,k) Moreover, (a,v) and it is with ((5",H(A,k)). (ii) k (a, A) > A would imply that g(Q) • of the maximal halfspace. Since each g(Q) and points in (iii) k (a, A) - g(Q) tion of boundary of as well. H(A,k) easy to check from (3.1) and (3.2) that the respect to in the above equations v is g(Q) is a strict v* G H* in the interior convex combina- this is impossible. H*, clearly requires that (a,g(Q)) be enforceable with continuation payoffs on the hyperplane orthogonal to and passing through g(a) ' We should point out that continuous in A k (a, A) is not necessary upper semi- Although the constraints in the definition of a. enforceability (3.1) have the closed graph property, half-spaces are not compact so the set of payoffs enforceable with continuations on a given half-space is not generally upper hemi-continuous in a. St Definition 4.2 k (A) - sup : The maximal score in direction ,,„\ Qegraph(B) ^ (o,^)' ^ • A, k (A), solves The maximal halfspace in direction r is A H*(A) - H(A.k*(A)). Definition 4.3 Note that Q : Q - nH (A). is convex, and that each point q on the boundary of enforceable on all of the half spaces that are tangent to Theorem 4.1 (ii) : (i) For all If the dimensions of 5, E(5) C Q. Q c IR p is i, then lim^ , o-*l Q at q. E(5) - Q. Q is . , 10 Proof of (i) We will show more strongly that : contained in E(5), is point V G E(<5) v A v - k > k*(A) • and A H(A,k) v < k • and a for all must be enforceable with continuation payoffs in contradicting the definition of E(5) C H(A,k), the convex hull of (5), If not, we may find a halfspace Q. such that Then e E (5). v' E k (A). Some preliminaries are needed before proving (ii). Definition 4.4 W C A subset : i interior with respect to smooth if it is closed, has non-empty is IR and the boundary of W is C Since any compact convex set with non-empty interior Q [R , 2 submanifold i of IR . can be W C interior(Q) approximated arbitrarily closely by smooth convex sets part (ii) of the theorem will follow once we show that each such interior of Lemnia 4.4 in the is locally generated. Q W C interior(Q) If : W smooth convex set, then is a Q is locally generated. Proof : We must show that for all neighborhood U of v e interior(W). containing u e U 5 < so v v with As in FLM, let a 5 < 1 and an open This is easy to do for U c P(5,W). be a static Nash equilibrium. Fix a U This implies each W. w e W for some where (l-5)g(Q) + 5w, w(y) - w Moreover, the continuation payoffs (a,u) clearly enforce U C P(5,W) Next we consider points let there is a and with closure in the interior of can be expressed as 1. v € W A be normal to W at v v. on the boundary of Let the unique halfspace in the direction k - A A • v, W. Fix such a H - H(A,k) and let that contains W and whose and v, be 11 boundary that h H is is a tangent to W at Since v. W C interior(Q) proper subset of the maximal halfspace * H (A) strategy that generates a boundary point of payoffs in subset of H Since (A). H (A), v enforced with respect to 6' < and 1 € > 0, w(y,(5") be a a which is a proper H, (or.v) can actually be H(A,k-€). By enforcement with small variation (Lemma 3.2(iv)), may find Let . using continuation boundary point of is a for some H (A) it follows , that enforce and a (a,v) /c S" > 6' for we , such that > w(y.5") e H(A,k-[5'(l-5")/5"(l-5')]0. and |w(y.6")-v| < k(l-S") Consider, then, W is smooth, for difference between that there exists a payoffs . the ball 5 and W < such that 1 w(y) e interior W. in of radius is at most U(5) 2/c(l-5"). Since payoffs in a neighborhood U The Characterization of of E(S) /c(l-5") 2 . /c Since > can be enforced by continuation w(y) are interior they may be transy the It follows v lated by a small constant independent of 5. v sufficiently close to one there exists a 5" H around U(5") generating incentive compatible v. I for Games with a Product Structure We now specialize to games with a product structure. A special case of these games is the case in which actions are observable but mixed strategies are not. In these games Fudenberg and Maskin [1986] show that the folk theorem holds when there are no short-run players. With short run players and a single long-run player FKM show that the folk theorem fails, theless able to characterize equilibrium payoffs. but are never- Using Theorem 4.1, we can This observation originates with Matsushima [1988] . 12 extend this latter characterization to encompass many long-run and short-run players, and moral hazard as well. probability one, and = (a) -n y ^1 the marginal distribution on where tt IS (a.)7r (a. ,) '^^ ^ y^ ^i y^+i In other words, each long-run player's (a,) tt y.. . . . tt 1 action influences only the distribution of hiw "own" outcome y. are statistically independent. condition: for - i L 1 ' and columns y, the matrix tt. - ( 1 ' m tt with rows (a.)) y.^ x' a. 6 A. 1 1 equal to the number of player It is easy to see that under this condition any actions. i's and the y., In addition, we require a full rank should have rank € Y. with y - (y-,,---,y„,y(, ,) Formally, a game has a product structure if a e graph(B) can be enforced by some (not necessarily feasible) specification of the continuation payoffs. observable actions so that is TT. Let 2 Notice that this is a generalization of a game with Observable actions means that . y. isomorphic to a. the identity matrix. be the unit vector in the direction of the e. is i coordinate 1 axis, and recall that * k (-e.) and k (e.) corresponds to maximizing player to minimizing it. We also define V i's payoff to be the subset of X. IR generated as convex combinations of payoffs to long-run players (g.. since where g (q)), (q) B is, Theorem 5.1 Q "k . Note that this set is closed, Our goal is to prove: In a game with a product structure satisfying the full rank : condition, and convex. a e graph(B) is the intersection of V with the 2i constraints -k k (-e.) < V. < k (e. X 2 L ) 1 FLM call this the "individual full rank" condition to distinguish it from a stronger condition called "pairwise full rank". . . , 13 If, i, following Fudenberg and Maskin [1986], we assume that it follows from Theorem 4.1 that Although this gives a has dimension as E(6) characterization of limit payoffs as is not interpretable as a folk theorem, best payoff for player the limit of is Q Q as in general k (e.) 5 is 6 -» - 1 1 it , not the in the graph(B) i In proving Theorem 5.1 there are two cases: directions parallel to a coordinate axis, and those that are not. that are X We refer to the former as coordinate directions, the latter as non-coordinate directions. From the definitions of for non-coordinate directions Lemma 5.2 : k (A) - A (g, (a) g • v, v e V where is tangent to (a)) - V we may find (g,(Q:) g if is a non-coordinate \ V c H(A,k (A)). and V at and a a € graph(B) (q)) - V and h(A,k') w(y) h(A,k'). A V • with , v. Consequently, and such that the Since ^^ initially restrict attention to w. (y) - w^(y^) and such that the incentive constraints all hold with exact equality. may be written as (5.1) Since V. n. - (l-5)g.(a.,a has rank m. , . ) 4- 5Z k' By the definition at w(y) - k' incentive constraints (3.1) and (3.2) are satisfied. ^i'^i+l^' a and such that k' is tangent to satisfying v e V that there is an v, that may be enforced on we need only construct y - (y^ on the k (A) By Lemma 4.1(iii), it suffices to show that for some h(A,k') V we can obtain scores A In a game with a product structure, : such that of must satisfy the constraint Q , v. direction, then Proof k To prove Theorem 5.1 in turn suffices to show that k (-e.) < V. < k (e.). boundary of * and Q n there exist a solution (a.)w.(y.) w.(y.). They 1 1) . 14 Since i = 1,2. A is non-coordinate, Consequently, A • X . for at least two players, j^ w(y) = k' say provided that i 1=3 Clearly, setting - w.(y.) w. (y) tions and w' w' (y of ) 0^(y) = for f^ and y - i "^ ^^'-^l'' 1 , w' ^2^^^ " ^2^^2^ "l^^-l^' ^^^^ "^ ^2^y]L)' preserves incentive compatibility for any func- 2 of y . A.w.(y.)), (1/A )(k'-S. w'(y If we choose the resulting - ) - (-^-i ) /-^^ ^1 (Y-i ) . completes the w(y) proof. I Now we show how to determine the constraints some classes of games of economic interest. Following FKM bounds on the payoffs of the long-run player V. - is the minmax, 1 a min g.(a.,a max 1 X Qegraph(B) a.eA. and k (e.) , - 1,...,^. m k (-e.) we define two First, .) incorporating the constraint that short- run players must play best responses to some play of the long-run players. long-run player's payoff is at least v. FPCM argue that every in every equilibrium. The second bound is * V. L which is H max Qegraph(B) the most player i 11-1.), min p,.(a.,a a.6support(a. can get if he cannot be trusted not to maximize within the support of a mixed strategy. i's opponents that lead to v., and let players that solve the problem defining FVsH Let a be the strategies for be strategies for all a v. show that for games with observed actions and a single long-run player the limit set of equilibrium payoffs is the interval [y v ] . FLH , , 15 consider games with unobserved actions where all players are long-run. * these games all strategy profiles are in graph(B) any strategy profile *i a. that gives player a to static best response ^ a 1 induced not to deviate from gonal to player *i * which is why ' ., -1 *i .. -1 k (e.) so v. payoff i - max g. (a) and , necessarily has v. . This means that player ' i , can be with continuation payoffs that are ortho- a k (e.) - max coordinate axis, so that i's some players are short run, Q a , In *i o. When g.(a). need not be a static best response to can be less than max 1 a g.(a). "=1 An important class of games that do not have perfect observability are hazard mixing games moi'al positive for all a. . e A., These are games for which y. G Y. and - l,...,i, i tt (a.) strictly is so there is genuine k moral hazard. then In addition we require that if is not a best response to a. a . . o e graph(B) g.(Q) - v and This will imply that the incentive constraint due to moral hazard binds on player 1 at his optimal equilibrium. The orem 5.3 * k (-e. ) 1 k*(-e.) - - In games with observable actions k (e.) - v. and v.. In moral hazard mixing games (iii) We calculate for each * k (-Q,-e.). In the e. case, a e graph(B) let 7 - +1 , * * k (e.) < v. the scores and in the •k 7 - -1. and ~i 1 : k (e.) < v. < -V. -L (ii) Proof In games with a product structure (i) : Then k (a, 76.) max 7V. subject to; is the solution to the linear * k (a,e.) -e. and case let programming problem ) . 16 (5.2) V. =- (l-(5)g. (a. ,Q .) + 6S TT (a.)w.(y.) Q(a.) > V. > (l-5)g.(a.,a .) + n (a.)w.(y.) Q(a.) - TV > 7W . . ( y . ) To see that this program determines condition that ( for each i S Suppose : there exists e [0,1] with a. a(a. 1 is simply '^ ' k (e.) > v. k (a,e.) > v. + [6/(l-S)]e all by the full rank condition, 11 L ) can always be satisfied for some 1 w(y.) e H(7e.,v.) •^ Proof of w(y) note that the incentive k (a,e.), constraints for players other than continuation payoffs 61, and Then, . since a °i e. 1 independent of is such that graph(B) t. - 5, It follows that for > w.(y.) < k(e.,Q) + L k '^ L + .) S E y eY . g.(a.,a L 1 k (a,e.) - k (e.) k*(a,e.) - (l-5)g.(a.,a with > 7w.(y.). 7V. and > e and that the < g.(a:,a .) -1 g.(a.,a 1 '^i < v. .) . Let e. for all .) -1 -^ . be such that a. Q(a'.) > 0. 1 (a.)w.(y.) n 1 a. (a.) and > * v., By the definition of 1 ' Consequently, k^(Q,e.) < (l-5)v* + 5(k(e.,Q)+£) or k (a,e.) < v. + [5/(,l-S)]e k (a,e.) > v* + [5/(l-5)]e, Next, suppose such that . so This contradicts the assumption that k*(e.) < v*. k (-e.) > -v.. k (a.-e.) > follows that for all - y. As above, + [S/{l-6)]e a. 6 A. 1 1 there is an k (a,-e.) - k (-e.) and -k*(-e^,a) > (l-5)g^(a^,a_^) + S w.(y.) > k(e.,Q) L -^ 1 X - e. Let a. X - £. It (a^)w^(y^) n Z -^i y.ey. ' ' X with a G graph(B) be such that X g.(a.,a ^x X .) -X > g.(a'.,Q: °x X .) -X 1 . 17 for all eA.. a. By the defir'. tionof e.(a.,a v., >v.. .) Consequently -k*(-e^,a) > (1-5) + 5(-k(e.,a)-€), or k (e.,Qa) < -v. + [6/il-8)]e Proof of (ii) this is a contradiction. Again, . Under perfect observability, the constraints (5.2) simplify : to (5.3) V. - (l-5)g.(a.,Q V. > (l-5)g.(a.,Q L 7V. L For 1 ''l 7-1, > 7W. (y set . -^ 1 + (5w.(a.) Q(a.) > .) + 5w.(a.) a(a.) - 1 1 -1 ) 1 , 11 [v. w.(a.) - min 1 -(l-5)g. (a. ,a. "^1 1 1 1 g.(a) ^1^ ^ . aeA. ) 1 g.(a.,a „ 1 with a. 11 a. (a.) 1 a. and .), - 1 for 1/5 " for . Q. (a. )>0 °x X w.(a.) - 1 I - min v. .) with 1 Since these continuation - 0. a. (a.) 1^ 1'^ > 0; 1 payoffs satisfy constraints (5.3), we conclude that * > min k (a.e.) ^ g.(a.,a .), , a.esupport(a.) ^i^ i' -i^' * - max k (e.) ^ > max k (a,e.) ^ ' and . J.^ i' * a ' i"^ a min Combining this inequality with that of part For 7 - -1, set V. - max 1 a. g.(a.,m '^i 1 , a.Gsupport(a. (i) .), -1 ) / g.(a.,a ^i i \ .) -i * -v.. i k (e.) - v.. we have where . m is the minmax 1 profile against player all a.. player i, and set i's payoff to Proof of (iii) 77-. -1 [v. - (l-5)g. (a. ,m .)]/5 for Once again these continuation payoffs satisfy (5.3), and hold v. regardless of how he plays. and so combining with part (i) yields Let w.(a.) - - min Thus k (-e.) < v k (-e.) - v We turn finally to moral hazard mixing games and : . a.GA. ,y.ey. n y. ii-'i-'i-'i (a.) > i -y - 1. that all outcomes from the assumption ^ have positive probability under all profiles. 18 Now for each consider Che problem of finding a the constraints (5.2). V. subject to max v. At the solution to this program, = k (a.e.) > w.(y.), so that * 2 Choose so that a. (a.)w.(y.) < k (a,e.) + TT Then a. (a.) > 0. 11 1 w.(y.). min rr, * k (a.e.) < (1-5)2. (a. a 1 ''i + .) , 1 -1 <5v. + Stt. ~i 1 min y.ey. •^ -^ 1 w.(y.), -^ 1 1 1 or w^(y^) > e[ [k (a.e^)-max g^]. ia-S)/6] Since we know from above that satisfies k (a.e.) 1 max g. > max v. > min g. we may add this constraint to the LP problem and , find also max g^ > w^(y^) ^ [min g^-max g^]. [(1-7)/5] 7l[ Consequently the relevant constraint set of continuation payoffs is bounded independent of and it follows that there exists a, k (e.,a) - k (e.); that is, the sup over * Suppose then that ^^ g. =1 (a. ,a 1 * < v., .) -1 i' ' For some * v.. ^ y.eY. S •' g.(a.,Q ^x 1 and since tt .) -1 < v. and 1 (a.) > y. ^ Since 11 a. (a.) 1 a_^) + <v., w.(y.) 1-^1 for all y. 1 a. (a.) 11 1 -^ v^ - (l-(5)g^(a Since with a. 1 by the definition of 1 is attained. a * - v.. k (a,e.) ^ with a 1 > (a^)w^(y^). ff -^i 1 it follows that 1 , -'i' > 0, w.(y.) - v. 1 'i 1 for all 1 g.(a.,a °i 1 e ^11 y. Y. .) -1 . -v 1 But we then have V. > 1 for all 11 a', e A., (l-5)g. (a'. '^i 1 ,a .) -1 + 5v. 1 with exact equality if J J if and only -^ Q.(a.) > 0. 1^1 In other 19 words, a. is a best response to contradicting the definition of Remark : player a q . yielding the payoff v. and , moral hazard mixing game. An alternative interpretation of part (iii) of the theorem is that moral hazard reduces his best equilibrium payoff relative to i's the case of observed actions unless the best observed action payoff be attained in the stage game with a profile where player an incentive to deviate. i v. can does not have It is intuitive that moral hazard should not be costly in this case, as there is no need to "keep track" of player i's action; the theorem shows that this is the only case where moral hazard has no additional cost. We now give an example of a moral hazard mixing game. L M U 4,0 0,1 1,-100 D 2.2 1,1 0,3 " R Figure The payoff matrix in Figure the actions. player 2's. egy, Player 1 1 gives the expected payoffs as a function of is a long-run player facing a 1 If player I's actions are observable, but not his mixed strat- then by Theorem 5.1, his maximum equilibrium payoff is corresponds to player 1 playing D with probability Now imagine that there are two outcomes n , sequence of short-run (U) - TT „(D) - 1 - e. y' and p v. r^(yj^,L) - 4-6£/(l-2£) r^(y^,L) - 2-6€/(l-20. 1, which G [1/2,100/101]. y" and that It is clear that we may define payoffs that give rise to the normal form in Figure - 2, for example r.(y^,a ) 20 This class of games obviously has a product structure and for € ^ 1/2 satisfies the full-rank condition. These games also satisfy the pairwise full rank condition described in FLM. According to FLM , if player 2 were a long-run player the limit set of equilibria would be the same as that with observable actions. a short run player, the limit set is strictly smaller when c However, with This > 0. follows from the fact that the game is a moral hazard mixing game: r 1-f. l-£-J is strictly positive, is < V - 2, and the most player while if player 1 is can get from a pure strategy 1 indifferent between up and down, he must clearly get no more than one. Note that it can be shown that as This is quite generally true: £ ->• , k (e.) converges v - 2. if we fix a payoff matrix and consider a sequence of corresponding information structures that converge to perfect observability, the maximum payoffs converge to 6. v.. Conclusion We have investigated the limit of the set E(5) of public equilibria. When this limit is smaller than the limit set of feasible payoffs, it raises the possibility that a strictly larger limit set could be obtained by considering a larger class of equilibria. In particular, some action by a short- run player might not be a best response to any independent random- ization by his opponents, but be a best response to a correlated distribution over the opponents' strategies. When the players' actions are perfectly observed, this possibility is irrelevant, as all equilibria are public equilibria. However, when actions are imperfectly observed, two 21 players can condition on the public information and their own past play in such a way that the distribution over their actions given only the public information is a correlated distribution. Thus, there can be equilibria where the short- run players choose responses that are not in the range of B. 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