ww. r. LIBRARIES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/emergingmarketchOOcaba hU5 61 • VE WHI5 working paper department of economics Emerging Market Crises: An Asset Markets Perspective Ricardo Caballero October 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Emerging Market Crises: An Asset Markets Perspective Ricardo Caballero No. 98-18 October 1998 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 LIBRARIES Emerging Markets An Ricardo Asset Markets Perspective J. -< Crises: Arvind Krishnamurthy* Caballero This draft: November 5, 1998 Abstract Although internal policy mismanagements can be cited in most recent emerging market crises, they seldom account fully for the severity of these crises. The reluc- tance of international investors to provide the resources that would limit the extent of the reversal, almost invariably plays a key role in bringing a previously (over?)-heated economy to a costly halt. Domestic assets experience dramatic depreciation and other- wise solvent investment projects and production, especially in the nontradeables sector, find no down financiers and are wastefully shutdown. Ultimately, the reason of a country's access to international capital markets (real or perceived) of its international collateral. sufficiency and its We build must he for this break- in the inadequacy a framework where this in- consequences stem from microeconomic contractual problems. Fire sales of domestic assets naturally arise as the result of desperate competition for scarce why the private sector does not take international collateral when crises are likely. The answer lies international collateral. This begs the question of steps to ensure sufficient in the presence of a pecuniary externality. We show that contractual problems also lead to a problem of insufficient domestic collateral, which restricts the transfer of surplus arising from the use of international international collateral. also sheds light there is The on when collateral between the users and providers of interaction between domestic pre-crisis capital flows Capital flows, collateral ought to be regulated and on whether scope for currency support measures during the Keywords: and international this fire sales, financial crisis or not. constraints, wasted collateral, ex- cessive leverage, collateral underprovision, real depreciation, asset deflation, financial intermediaries, stock market "Respectively: and currency support, MTT, AEI and NBER; Northwestern participants at the IMF, MTT, Northwestern and the suggestions. Ricardo Caballero thanks the NSF interest rate policy. University. EFG-NBER for financial We thank V.V. Chari and seminar (conference) for their comments and support and the Research Department at the IMF, where part of this work was accomplished. E-mails: caball@mit.edu, a-krishnamurthydnwu.edu. draft: August 1998. First Summary Motivation and 1 Asset markets view. In contrast with the disagreements on the causes and appropriate responses to the ongoing Asian by international role played crisis, there is substantial consensus on the mostly negative capital markets during the crisis The itself. reluctance of inter- national investors to provide the resources needed to smooth the impact of a combination of internal and external demand fell, external deficiencies, dramatically external credit —and capital flows real sector, especially nontradeables, to preciations what was a virtual halt. in general 1 — vanished, bringing the Asset deflation and currency de- —as symptoms and consequences— took unexpected proportions, justified light of the crisis." is "well beyond by any reasonable reassessment of economic fundamentals, even in the 2 Although a very dramatic one Asian crisis worsened the situation. As internal and just the for its relative surprise and extent of "contagion," the most recent chapter of an increasing trend toward shifting the "blame" from current to capital account issues. Many think that this trend is side effect of increasing globalization of capital markets. ually tilting policy advice as well. traditional policy advice on the While large an almost unavoidable Such change of emphasis real devaluations grad- were central ingredients in seems to be increasing face of external imbalances, there concern with the possibility that "too much of the medicine is may kill the patient." Cur- rency boards and interest rates hikes to shore up the currency in the midst of severe crises are common advice these days, often even coming from the staunchest former advocates of devaluations. Markets also have spoken loudly at times; on Black Thursday (September 10, 1998) the Brazilian stock market plummeted by nearly 15 percent. In a desperate measure to stop the hemorrhage of capital flows, the authorities raised interest rates from 30 to 50 percent... and the stock market responded with a 13 percent rebound. 3 Largely due to the central role played different by capital flows, economics of emerging markets is sometimes radically from that of developed economies. Gradually, the traditional "goods markets" view of external crises and their solution is being replaced by an "assets markets" view. imbalance is no longer to simply devalue the to reallocate consumption real The central issue in resolving an external exchange rate and allow the private sector and production to restore real activity and external accounts. Although certainly an important factor in the long run readjustment of an economy, 1 For the crisis-countries this —Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand— net capital flows declined from 73 billion dollars in 1996 to minus 11 billions in 1997. The actual decline in net inflows was probably higher since "errors and omissions" went from -8.5 billions in 1996 to -19.5 billions in 1997. 2 World Economic Outlook, 3 The May 1998, p.4. leading international article in the Wall Street Journal Big in Winning Back Foreigners." on September 11 was entitled: "Brazil Bets relative price ingredient subordinate to the short run movements in asset prices and their is feedback into real activity - a link which, in our view, magnitude of and our crises In this paper Goals. ability to control we develop a framework where answer many of the questions surrounding is it them. is crises in at the core of understanding the 4 asset during these affect real activity? why crises, why emerging economies. In particular, Why that foreigners are unwilling to finance these crises? How do markets take center stage to do assets' fire sales occur? providing the financing If foreigners are reluctant in doesn't the domestic private sector take steps to ensure profitability during these times by provisioning against them? from the point of view of crisis-prevention? Is Should currency and assets be supported during The inessential and there a role for regulating capital flows? crises? Our framework the essential. the productive structure appropriate Is reflects our view that a core component of the answer to these central questions does not depend on the intertemporal substitution ingredients economies — i.e. we normally emphasize in macroeconomics. The very fact that emerging — normally run economies whose future looks brighter than their present very small current account deficits — to 10 percent of in the order of GDP, rather than — indicates that they are nor- 150 percent or more, as they should in a neoclassical setup mally severely financially constrained. Deep crises are just times are overwhelming. Instead, our answers to the questions when such constraints we posed above build around the simple and sufficient premise that, ultimately, the reason for the breakdown of a country's access to international capital markets, must lie in the inadequacy (real or perceived) of its international collateral. But what Collateral. is international collateral? can be valued and seized by foreign investors in sical as well as the Sovereign Debt literatures At a basic lieu of The literatures on debt crises, anything that promised repayments. The Neoclas- make some proportion of the present value of net exports (or exports alone) the central answer. 5 Although 4 level, it is it highlights a fundamen- currency speculation, and bank-runs, offer important insights on different aspects of assets markets during crises. Most of the effects in these literatures are either amplified or more likely by the (1994, 1996); issues on debt we emphasize crises see, e.g., in this paper. For papers on currency speculation see, e.g., made Obstfeld Calvo (1988), Giavazzi and Pagano (1990), Cole and Kehoe (1996); on bank runs see the canonical Diamond and Dybvig (1983) and' the applications to open economies by Goldfajn and Valdes (1998) and Chang and Velasco (1998a). Also see Calvo (1998) for an overview and interesting discussion on implications and sources of worth pointing out that, while insightful possibility of multiple equilibria, the 5 crisis must be left and unexplained capital and probably very market relevant, crises in small open economies. a central issue in these papers in so doing this literature admits from the outset that (i.e. a It is is the large part of to "sunspots"). See Bulow and Rogoff (1989) for a canonical model of international debt capacity based on the amount of "punishable" future trade flows and exports. tal constraint, this On scenarios. answer one hand, is among very incomplete central dimensions of modern crises does not capture the idea that an excessive devaluation it be harmful for international collateral. 6 On may the other, in today's emerging economies the private sector carries the lion's share of international borrowing, thus microeconomic rather than representative-agent frictions ought to be at the roots of the problem. Our model gives market constraints arising from microeconomic contractual problems central roles to credit in the process of creation and aggregation of international Domestically, collateral is created by the corporate sector claims on firms in the nontradeable — understood limit the in distress. The and tradeable number of claims that to obtain external financing situation is when in need, by international International collateral and shares on sector, while claims assumption captures by Mexico when their liquidity package it received investors (e.g. 6 limits on is made of financial problems —broadly firms can issue, affecting both their ability collateral to other firms collateral. when not 8 In most of our analysis the tradeable sector. international collateral is on both sectors count as domestic Very realistic biases. directly, that cash revenues from exports can be seized before they feature used and itself, sectors. Contractual and to supply make a simple broadbrush assumption that stylized, this 7 worse with respect to foreigners, which only accept a subset of these claims as backed on the tradeable collateral. oil made revenues were during the 94-95 crisis, real estate investments). make it is it we restricted to claims collateral. justified Although by the fact back into the country, a part of the collateral backing the and by mandate on foreign institutional 9 More indirectly, this assumption is a Quite the contrary, an excessive (real) depreciation should build more international collateral and further entice foreign investors to finance the crisis. Of course, if concerned with this specific issue alone, one could enrich the story by adding a financial sector which is over-exposed to the nontradeable sector, and plays the role of an input into production of tradeables. Still, one needs to address the question of why banks are over-exposed to begin with, and how an excessive depreciation 7 According to the is IMF an equilibrium outcome. (1998, pp. 63-64), a distinguishing purely macroeconomic considerations has played et al. a lesser role characteristic of the current crisis is that than in previous crises. Also, see Johnson, (1998) for stark evidence on the correlation between weak corporate governance and institutional environment (i.e. a weak contractual environment) in an economy and the incidence of the current crisis. As the corporate finance literature has demonstrated, weak corporate governance and, more generally, weak hand in hand with credit market an extensive literature documenting "home bias" contractual enforcement go 8 There 1991), is matched by asymmetric reasons behind home bias, as constraints. in asset holdings (see, e.g., information explanations (see e.g. most countries Zhou French and Poterba 1998). There are also institutional limit foreign ownership of domestic companies. range from constraints on a few "strategic" sectors (e.g. oil and telecommunications), as These limits in the U.S., to across-the-board constraints, as in pre-crisis Korea. 9 Of course there are important exceptions (1997) for systematic (e.g. "too big to Japanese evidence showing that, fail" utilities), but see, e.g., for small firms, those that are Kang and Stulz export oriented are very efficient mechanism to capture the central implications of an expanded model where foreigners' collateral-bias is only against small firms and current production of perishable nontradeable goods (see the appendix). Financial Transactions. Financial claims in our economy consist of equity shares issued by tradeable and nontradeable be traded may freely. 10 own issue its Thus, a firm in the nontradeable sector in need of funds, for example, may have already owned, it nontradeables firms' shares in reshuffling of collateral its as well as the proceeds is assumed to be (firms) are subject to aggregate which accumulate to determine a country's net import needs. — such needs, these, from possession, as international collateral. This through stock market transactions Domestic entrepreneurs Shocks. and use shares in exchange for shares in the tradeable sector together with any tradeable shares selling other Stock markets function perfectly, so these shares can firms. costless. 11 and idiosyncratic shocks, International funds must finance — lateral. Although the mechanisms we emphasize magnify the impact of aggregate surprises —be a decline in terms of trade, in foreigners' it in full or part ness, or in banking capital, surprises are distinct etc. brought about by these break down. First, a country may fail to aggregate international collateral properly; by shocks have severe agency problems and/or scarce collateral provisions, be constrained by domestic collateral well before the country has used up favored by foreign investors. See, e.g. Blommestein (1997), for a discussion of assets considered highly illiquid or by foreign institutional investors. 10 for how may if firms they may all its real estate available and Other exposed to exchange risk are generally avoided (sometimes by mandate) Interestingly, the very few exceptions to the sovereignty principle, by which the rating on debt issued by a country's corporate sector government debt rating, are we until the last section of the paper. In our framework, there are two stages at which the "credit chain" Bottlenecks. hit issues In order to highlight these differences, insights. col- "risk appetite," in external competitive- — the hedging and insurance from our main assume no aggregate surprises which foreign investors demand international for is bounded from above by that country's companies which belong to the export In this sense, individual foreigners may sector. hold shares on firms in the nontradeables sector, but the total value of foreigners' holding of shares in tradeables and nontradeables must not exceed the total value of the pledgeable shares in the tradeable sector. Some words a far cry of interpretation are in order. Our from the reality of emerging markets. usual form of financing in most economies. focus purely First, on frictionless equity Qualitatively, is like. is not an interesting Second, the reshuffling of collateral in an emerging more often done by the banking system than directly by firms' trades in adding richness by modeling the role of intermediaries in these transactions these transactions are costless in our model, which implements them. certainly debt rather than equity contracts would aggravate many of the effects we describe by introducing debt overhang problems and the economy is and with a few caveats that are not central to our story, whether external financing takes the form of equity purchase or debt distinction. Quantitatively, markets debt contracts rather than equity are the more means that it is a stock market. Again, is not central to our insights. All irrelevant whether a creditor or borrower international collateral. 12 Second, even if aggregation can be done the international fully, collateral creating sector may not be able to generate enough pledgeable shares to finance the more likely as contractual crisis; this scenario is problems in this sector rise. We refer to these as domestic and international collateral problems, respectively. Given institutions contractual problems, which constraints the aggregate shocks. For mild shocks the domestic constraint one likely to is become is economy encounters depends on the —perhaps "normal" times likely to bind, while and severity of an emerging economy for during deeper recessions the international active as well. the latter scenario, with the simultaneously binding constraints, that accounts for It is the most dramatic differences between crises in developing and developed economies, and in the appropriate policy response to these crises. Equilibrium Prices and Fire Sales falls Once one region or the other depends on the relative price of domestic and interna- into tional collateral. Other things equal, as the relative price of domestic collateral likelihood of wasting international collateral equilibrium price depends to a large extent As the other. whether the economy in a costly crisis scenario, falls. On is in one region or the becomes more binding, the relative price of domestic collateral declines rapidly as competition for scarce international collateral Indeed, we show that a fire sale of these shares, by which below their fundamental value, constraint. 13 is the the other hand, the behavior of this on whether the economy international collateral constraint rises, we mean a rises. decline of their price a natural consequence of a binding international collateral In our model, this sharp decline in the domestic share prices can be thought of as the combination an "excessive" depreciation of the real exchange rate and a substantial widening in the domestic-international interest rates spread. On Collateral underprovision. the face of these potential fire sales, the question arises as to whether they are not sufficient incentive for the private sector to reallocate factors of pro- duction to collateral creating sectors to benefit from the additional international collateral value of their shares. and increase The its We find that indeed the private sector will value collateral provision supply, but generally it will not do as much of it as is socially optimal. source of the externality behind the undervaluation of collateral provision ing in itself, for it is is interest- the result of the interaction between the domestic and international credit constraints. Despite fire sales, the domestic credit constraint limits the transfer that l2 This equivalent to the "wasted liquidity" in is collateral" Holmstrom and Tirole (1998), although oui "wasted has implications for pre-crises policies not present in theirs, which stem from the two-goods nature of our economy. l3 This definition of a fire sale is collateral assets as constrained, prices we assume that is similar to that of Shleifer must fall. and Vishny (1993). When the domestic economy However, unlike Shleifer- Vishny there foreigners will never hold claims on the nontradeable is no outside bidder firms. for the firms in distress can constrained demand make The to suppliers of international collateral. anticipation of this for international collateral reduces the incentive to create Contrac- it. tual problems in collateral providers generate the fire sale, while contractual problems in distressed firms act as a disincentive is collateral provision. Even Overinvestment in nontradeables. as on additional international collateral if the case in the milder wasted collateral region, benefit from reallocating resources reallocation we argue that the is economy would from the nontradeable to the tradeable would appreciate the long run exchange real not needed, Such sector. rate, boosting the collateral value of nontradeables shares during the crisis period. Individual investors in the nontradeables sector do not internalize the negative effect of their investment These externalities Capital flows. may economies predictably run into systemic pre-crisis capital inflows this question or in the since individuals The crises. can exacerbate these fire sale is more We fire sale of insufficient international collateral, all Policy. wasted collateral and region, this is collateral aggregation value of a real on the other hand, the problem is one aggravated by pre-crisis capital inflows. where domestic and foreign return when this differential is large. The standard neoclassical is a natural obstacle to differential is low, it is not arbitrage of relative productivity overwhelms the collateral provision enterprise, making severe crises and the more whether show that the answer to likely to fall in the Although the equilibrium domestic collateral provision premium differential is region. In the former, equilibrium capital flows are insufficient exchange rate appreciation. In the so why emerging natural question to follow externalities. do not take into consideration the capital inflows in situations collateral value. harbor some of the answers on depends on whether the economy more severe on others' fire sales likely. Since the outcomes of our simple structure are certainly rerniniscent of the events and dilemmas faced by emerging economies, of discussing policy implications. of insurance contracts; we Many it is difficult to resist the naive temptation of the natural policies in this setup take the form relegate these to a secondary role because they often have high informational and enforcement requirements which are not likely to hold well in emerging economies. Rather, we focus our attention on direct intervention in asset markets, without attempting to differentiate among and exchange asset holders within each type of asset. Perhaps the clearest implication of our model in terms of policy is during the pre-crisis period where subsidizing domestic investment in sectors that create international collateral should be contemplated whenever the likelihood of falling into the wasted collateral or fire sale region is significant. Advice regarding capital flows or taxing pre-crisis capital flows depends international collateral is more likely to is more ambiguous; fostering on whether the aggregation or the amount of be the main problem in the event of a crisis. What can be done during crises exacerbated by collateral constraints? price of domestic shares, or lowering domestic interest rates, problem primarily one of insufficient domestic collateral. is may be sures transfers if In the one of is Boosting the in principle useful But the costs of these high, since arbitrage conditions require persistent interventions the exchange rate fire-sales region is when and the mea- implicit to be maintained. the story is quite different. insufficient international collateral, Since the fundamental problem is boosting the price of domestic shares without supplying additional international collateral or resources does not have any positive impact by Supplemented and financed with an increase in domestic itself. this is what is real interest rates required for the government to attract foreign funds at the margin — if — may instead have favorable effects. 14 The Collateral in macroeconomics. international economics literature has long recog- nized the importance of international collateral and sector. 15 The Latin American debt its relation with a country's tradeable of the 1980s led to the development of formal crisis models of sovereign debt renegotiation, and to the closely related question of what is it that international lenders can threaten sovereign countries with in the event of a default (see Eaton and Gersovitz its costs is (1981), Bulow and Rogoff and mostly modeled as a country-wide phenomenon, the question immediately arises on whether the domestic private hood (1989)). Since in this literature default Bardhan of these events. sector internalizes the effect of their actions (1967), Harberger (1985) on the likeli- and Aizenman (1989) advocated taxing capital flows on the grounds that individual agents do not pay for the increase in a country's average cost of capital brought about by their international indebtedness. Our results on capital flows and collateral underprovision of the circumstances under which this problem ommendation can be seen as a formal description is likely to arise. Similarly, our policy rec- in favor of subsidizing the tradable sector to increase collateral availability is akin to Borensztein and Ghosh's (1989) advocacy for subsidizing investment in the export sector. Although we touch on many of the insights of the eling and conceptual closely related to the differences with new literature and Moore (1997) place the it are large. on the On debt-crisis literature, both our mod- these aspects, our approach is more role of collateral in macroeconomics. Kiyotaki collateral role of a fixed input —land— and its distribution across agents at the center of their amplification mechanism. Krishnamurthy (1998) shows 14 Generally, these policies have perverse effects on the incentives for collateral provision during normal Krugman (1998) for an times. These should be offset with some form of account of the recent Asian terms of a model that highlights the absence of such palliatives, together crisis in collateral creation incentive. See with uncertainty about the government's willingness to provide "insurance." l5 See, e.g., Simonsen (1985). how a richer set of contracts than that allowed by Kiyotaki and Moore shifts the relevant constraint from that which applies to individual agents to the total availability of collateral in the economy. Holmstrom and Tirole (1998) argue that the stock market alone provide insufficient collective collateral if not aggregated properly. even when wasted corporate collateral (hquidity) be required in the presence of large shocks. modeling aspects with each of these with them as a group is not an Although our articles are plenty, They issue, public also and an international one — - and show that supply of it differences in terms of goals may and our central theoretical departure our focus on the presence of two collateral constraints is may their rich static as well as dynamic —a domestic interactions. Certain aspects of our model are similar in structure to models of liquidity in the banking literature (Diamond and Dybvig (1983)). In this light, underprovision of collateral is analogous to the free rider problems and underprovision of liquidity emphasized in that literature (see Jacklin (1987), Bhattacharya and Gale (1987)). However, the source of the externality behind this inefficiency in our tract laws liquidity and institutions, while theirs is the A second by consumers. believe that bank failures is the endogenous result of imperfect con- exogenous divergent ex-post valuation of departure from these models rather than on banking arrangements we do model and their fire sale in our focus on markets key sequential servicing constraint. While and runs can aggravate the basic features of crises and their prelude arise even Moreover, the is crises, when our model points out that there are only stock markets. mechanism we emphasize boosts the likelihood of banking crises themselves (see the appendix). Outline. the Section 2 follows this introduction with a description of the model, starting from crisis period. It analyzes and characterizes the critical wasted collateral regions. It continues with as well as with an and fire sale a discussion of the dangers of a weak domestic banking system, illustration of the fragility brought about by excessive leverage. Section 3 takes a step back and analyses the history preceding crises. In particular, it illustrates the basic externalities leading to private undervaluation of collateral provision investment and to overinvestment by in nontradeables. It pre-crises capital flows. Section 4 discusses insurance markets and the shock structure. Section 5 discusses policy implications 2 The 2.1 more generally and concludes. An appendix follows. Phase Basic Setup Overview. neurs Crisis then shows how these externalities are affected who We model the core of our economy as comprised by ex-ante identical entrepreuse their resources to begin companies in a tradeable and a nontradeable sector, and to buy shares of other companies. Contractual problems neurs' leverage, so that they must retain a fraction of their limit the extent of entrepre- own shares. Entrepreneurs do not value diversification per-se, as they are risk neutral with respect to idiosyncratic shocks; however they have a strong incentive to hold others' shares as ing an idiosyncratic collateral in the event of fac- In equilibrium, residents are indifferent on whether to hold this crisis. form of shares on firms on the tradeable or nontradeable sectors (T- and collateral in the To start, we assume N-shares, respectively). N-shares as individual collateral, foreign investors are not; although they accept they promptly swap these for T-shares in the market. 16 In emerging economies, marginal investment (and consumption) We capture this feature in a simple environment. demand their net for tradeable goods. Firms are At the aggregate existing shareholders. If the firm in need to be exchanged collateral at its avail, which also need to be swapped very similar, although the fully flexible period structure, and fina.nr.ing own it of which The problem economy governance problems are may be may be obtained by diluting 17 in the new shares have The rest has to form of N-shares of a firm in the tradeable sector Time is indexed as t — 0,1,2. Date is agents design the productive structure, ownership Date 1 is the crisis period. Date 2 represents the future summarizes the cost of the crisis and realizes budget constraints. issues are distinct from the chronology, and discuss crisis issues here taking history and we raise issuance can be used directly as international collateral. when economic period; some lasts three periods. interrelated, the date the next section If in the nontradeables sector, its for T-shares. portfolio allocations. and "accounting" Although its The world Basic setup. by shocks which for T-shares to serve the role of international collateral. be financed with the is is financed externally. these shocks require external level, financing, for which foreigners require T-shares as collateral. not too severe, a substantial fraction of the required hit is discuss history formation. crisis issues. its We reverse the "mistakes" as given. In Thus, for the purpose of this section, our starts at date 1. The domestic economy is populated by a continuum of unit measure of agents with Cobb-Douglas preferences over date 2 consumption, Where, q is consumption of tradeable (T) goods at date 2 and c„ tradeables (N) at date as e. 16 2. 2 consumption only, of the roles the domestic financial sector plays, in our view, is we remove from our Whether the borrower or lender implements this transaction 10 analysis in evening this asymmetry. return to this issue below. 17 consumption of non- We denote the date 2 exchange rate of T-goods in units of N-goods By specifying preferences over date One is is irrelevant. We will standard intertemporal substitution and smoothing arguments which are not central to our approach. On the production side, how much care output at date 2 is given to the existing productive structure at date is the total amount of capital devoted to sectors from date 0. the result of investments At date 1, production in a fraction p of the firms goods at date imports. 20 output of Rnln 1 to contribute 19 at date 2. at date < is and Let kn and kt denote 1. N and T at the beginning of date the N-sector, firms are required to contribute In in order to realize made inherited 1, interrupted by a shock. 18 In kn additional units of the tradable good The domestic economy will have no tradable and the shock can only be accommodated by an increase in Besides heterogeneity, the two essential ingredients of our modeling of the shock are an import need coupled with a margin on which to adjust production. Because having a second reinvestment opportunity does not add substantial additional insights, we model the shocks to the T-sector more simply as just resulting in lost output; firms that are hit with a shock lose by the shock is all output at date 2. Production per unit of capital in T-firms not affected Rt. Firms' investments in the two technologies are held as N- and T-shares. These shares can be bought and sold at all dates subject to one important constraint. Because of an agency problem (contractual problem) between an entrepreneur/firm and each firm must hold at least a fraction 6n and only the complements, 1 — 6, 6t respectively of its #o,t As we worth to be the fractions that each firm holds in These fractions are the outside claimants, own shares. 21 Thus, can be transferred within the agents in the economy. This fraction constitutes domestic collateral. It has equal Let #o,n and its result of date decisions and its all agents in the economy. own technologies at date 1. constraints. said, foreign investors are willing to receive N-shares in exchange for funds but transform them immediately into T-shares. Thus international collateral constitutes only the T-shares. These investors are risk neutral and have preferences only over the consump18 We assume that the identity of firms receiving this idiosyncratic shock is not verifiable. This rules out insurance markets against the shock. See section 4 for details. 19 Production has a time-to-build aspect. Investments are possibility of scrapping the project or investing made at date 0; date 1 leaves firms with the more resources in order to realize some of the output at date 2. 20 In the appendix we introduce production and consumption at date with this extension and obtain our we can drop fire sale results (see 1. Our conclusions remain unchanged the assumption that foreigners do not accept N-shares as collateral to below). The formulae is obviously more cumbersome, thus we leave it for the appendix. 21 We appeal to agency conflicts in making this "high-level" assumption. See the appendix for a deeper justification of the assumption. Also, see La Porta et correlation between corporate governance problems higher concentration is al. (1998) for worldwide evidence and ownership concentration needed to prevent managers from 11 stealing). on the high positive (in their interpretation, tion of T-goods. Unlike domestics, foreign investors have preferences over all may be dates because they called endowments of T-goods at large on to supply tradeable goods at date count the future so that the preference structure pins at zero. For now, we assume foreign investors have They have 1. we assume that they do not dates. Additionally, all consumption at down dis- the international interest rate no positions in terms of domestic shares at the beginning of the crisis period. At the beginning Initial conditions. technologies, while the remaining 1 of date 1 firms hold #o,n shares in their — #o,n p of the N-firms are hit with a shock at date replenish production each firm that is up to In < k„, left of the option to replenish production. hands of the manager of the their shares are worthless. 1 that leaves — #n )(l — p)Rn, Firms hold We assume that of this at date all this option value rests purely in the firm. Outside shareholders are fully diluted shares in their 1. shareholders of upon a shock and 22 or each share repays (1 #o,t The to with no value in terms of goods but value in terms Given the shock, the shares on the market of the N-sector (1 fraction them with the opportunity with an input of In tradable goods. with a shock are hit A held by other firms (the market). is own N- own The remaining 1 aggregate will payoff in — p)Rn. Firms that receive the shock lose T-technologies. — #o,t held in the market and repays per share of is (i-p)RtThus the by a shock. (1 total resources available to A distressed firm — p)(l — 6o,t)kt T-shares at date (D) is left a firm at date with (1 shares of the T-sector. Let 1. Then the date 1 depend on whether or not — p)(l — #o,„)fcn shares of the N-sector a£ = (1 - p)(l - o ,n) 1 collateral (in T-shares) of such Decisions and constraints. and wf = (1 - p)(l - 60it — of shares to raise (1 — 9)In P < fcn- Then a firm, wd , is (1) ). it can issue against this a fraction shares of T-sector. However this share issue to the constraint that the firm retains at least >6n of the firm also include its shareholdings in other "Some it a is subject fraction of the firm because of the agency problem. In addition to the proceeds from the share to convert a fraction and A firm in distress needs to raise funds to finance continuation. Suppose the firm chooses to finance In 1 hit P be the price of an N-share in units of the w^KPuZ + ktcof where, it is issue, the available resources N- and T-firms. Suppose that it chooses of the N-shares of this holdings into T-shares so that these also degree of dilution of external claims' is obviously realistic. We have adopted an extreme form of to exclude "debt overhang" problems from our discussion. In any event, expected dilution will be built into prices at date 0. 12 constitute resources for reinvestment. Then, the total resources of the firm at date 1 The this firm chooses to sink In from these resources back into production. reinvestment first is on = OlnRn + c(((l - 0)In P + OcknPui + k,f4)Rt - In) term represents the second term profit is, 7T The The is, fraction, 0, of date 2 output that the firm retains. the amount of resources that the firm is left with after contributing In The firm maximizes this profit subject to budget einRn + e(((l - d)In P + aKP^i + k u>f)R - /„) towards saving production. The and collateral constraints, max S.t. t t (1) ((l-eVnP + aknPcjZ + ktvfiRt-In^O (2) e > (3) e <i (4) /„ (5) a< en < K 1 Forming the Lagrangian, l = einRn + ie+xMai-e^p+w^Rt-ij + Mie-On)- M9 - 1) - Hln -K)- A where the A's are multipliers on each of the Let In , 6 and by these firms is a be solutions to p((7n (l 5 (a - 1) five constraints this problem. Then the the agency problem of N-shares to is buy to is total all greater than zero. number of N-shares sold — 6) + cuJ^kn). A firm that does not receive a shock is sound (S) these N-shares. This and are paid for with its at date 1 and may choose to purchase available shares of the T-sector, the fraction (1— 6t) of its T-share holdings. It solve, max s.t. e(Rtkt - XPRt) + XRn xpKktVo.t-et+ii-eojO.-p)) x>o 13 which because of chooses X, the number Let X{P) be the solution to this program. Equilibrium. In equilibrium, the number of N-shares purchased by the sound firms. Thus, market clearing (1 This condition gives the date Date 2 exchange rate and date sold by the distressed firms must be is - p)X{P) = p((l - B)In + auZkn) 1 equilibrium price, P, of an N-share in units of the T-shares. collateral premium. Consider now the spot exchange rate at Given the Cobb-Douglas preference structure, the exchange rate will only depend 2. on aggregate consumption. The first order condition for a representative consumer yields, Cn Given /„,£„,&*, = (l-p)Rn kn + pRn In C„ C = (l-p)R kt-pIn t As we know, of T t P is the price to exchange claims on R„, N for units of at date 2. Consider however the simple exchange at date 2 of R units of N for Rt claims on Rn goods t goods of T. Let the price of this exchange be P, which we refer to as the fundamental price. Then, P= When P y£ P, there is a collateral — eRt premium governing exchange at date 1. Let L be this premium, -I we show The to the in the next section that equilibrium will require that strict inequality rises collateral. Equilibrium requires that the return on holding above that of holding international collateral. interpreted exclusively as a decline in the relative price of N-shares. a [fictional] This need not be To see this, let us define date 1 exchange rate, ci, as the price to exchange 1 unit of the T-good for e\ units of the N-goods at date 1. 1 holding 1. P < P holds if there is scarcity of international collateral relative amount of domestic domestic collateral L> Now consider the investment decision of an agent at date one unit of T-good and choosing between investing this in the domestic or the international economy. Investing the international interest rate is abroad just means buying international collateral. Since pinned down to be one, the return on this investment 14 is one as well. Investing domestically of L. The domestic and an investment means purchasing domestic collateral, which yields a return transaction can also be implemented via an exchange rate transaction at the domestic interest rate. units of N-goods at date The agent can convert the T-good into e\ which can then be invested domestically at an interest rate of 1, Rd, yielding Rd&\ N-goods at date The 2. return on this investment must be equal to L, or, rAe = l Thus, when L> 1, the domestic economy must these resources, domestic investment > we In the next section Wasted 2.2 Preliminaries. w which d is (1) need of foreign resources. To attract 1, come or in the form of an expected real exchange and equilibrium characterize decisions in more detail. and Fire Sales Return now to the optimization problem of the distressed > and 0) (4) does not (A4 firms. Analysis We focus our discussion on the case depend on which constraints bind. binds (Ai either in the 23 Collateral of this problem will in l. in great yield a high return, which can Rd > form of a high domestic interest rate, rate appreciation, ei/e is = 0). Constraint (1) will not bind only if very large, so domestic firms are sufficiently well capitalized that they are financially unconstrained. markets like While perhaps useful in classifying countries with well developed capital the US, this constraint is likely the focus of this paper. Constraint (4) net-present-value (henceforth, constraint only binds N-sector and is if NPV) is to bind in the emerging economies which are similar, in that projects that the it represents the economy is able to undertake. This the economy has sufficient resources to save thereby able to finance all of its positive Differentiating the Lagrangian with respect to amount of positive all production in the NPV projects. In we obtain that constraint , (1) binds as long as, 6(Rn -e)+ e(l - 0)(RtP - 1) > Saving a unit in distress in the N-sector is a project that creates at a cost e, the value of Rn/e which we assume that Rn/e > one unit of tradeable. The social return on is greater than l. 24 We will shortly then Ai > 0. show that RtP Consider next the derivative with respect to ^ = PR (e(L-l)-\ t 1 this project is therefore > 1, implying 1 is sufficient for (1) to always bind. If (1) binds, 23 Rn units of nontradeables The model does not pin down Rd and ei/e because 6, 1) in our formulation there is no goods market at date through which an exchange rate can be established. In the appendix we introduce this market. See appendix for assumptions on primitives that yield this result. 15 Our concern is mostly with regions where this expression straint (1) binds 'Voluntarily;" will not be willing to use up this region at the end of if is negative, for otherwise con- the equilibrium price of N-shares is too low, entrepreneurs N-shares to finance reinvestment. all their this section; for now, In let 6 = 6n and a= 1. We will return to Thus, = jR wd t where, lf -i-(i-en )PR >0 t and 7-Rf Wasted is the return on internal collateral of a firm that Region collateral. 1 is is hit with a shock. the case in which the domestic collateral constraint binds while the international collateral constraint does not, which happens as long the following inequality holds: p P ((i - en 1 R w d + Kwi) < t ) The left hand side (henceforth, LHS) The right hand side (henceforth, There is off selling financial constraints factors govern market RHS) is (2) for T shares from firms collateral in the hands of distressed the demand the supply of T-shares from the rest of the an excess supply of T-shares, the price governing must simply for T-shares is - p))- reflect the exchange rate at date 2 (i.e. P). wasted international collateral in this region because, while the economy as a whole would be better Two is o , t )(i t of this inequality domestic economy. As long as there exchange of N-shares - p)kt(0o,t -e + (i- amount of domestic that receive a shock. It reflects the firms. (i is more of this collateral in order to finance this shock, domestic on the firms that poor receive the shock prevent this collateral aggregation. collateral aggregation. First, if 6n is high, the domestic financial poor so that firms are reliant on their own resources. Scarcity of these resources (low vf1 ) compounds this problem. As aggregate be easily seen for conditions deteriorate, the an increase in foreign cost of capital. economy into the Fire sales. 25 in p but 2, of (2) rises relative to the RHS; this can can also be shown for a decline in Rt or an increase Eventually, such decline in aggregate conditions brings the more severe fire In Region it LHS sale region. the inequality (2) is violated at the (fundamental) price P. Excess demand for T-shares requires that the price of these shares in terms of N-shares rises (i.e., that fire sale region 25 P falls), resulting in a depressed value of N-shares. We refer to this as the because the shock results in firms selling N-shares at prices depressed beyond A decline in foreigners "risk appetite" can be easily built into our framework and has consequences very similar to an increase in Ot; see below. 16 fundamentals. Investment (/„) economy is primarily curtailed by scarce international collateral. The as a whole has T-shares of, {i- P){i-et )kt the international collateral constraint binds, If must be that it to foreigners to finance the shock so that reinvestment In of these shares are sold all by each firm is, = hRt—il - St) P However, this equality derives from general equilibrium considerations. Each firm chooses P as given. Thus, the equilibrium value of P must fall until yRtWd falls to satisfy P instead of P. We can write this equilibrium condition in the fire sale region as r In taking (2) with 1 = -&Pu>Z+u?) n tJ i-(i-en )PRt K h where we have made one simplifying assumption and ^(l-6 (3) t ), P let #o,t = St (we later show that date optimality will ensure this relation.) A Equilibrium price and collateral premium. conducted from condition LHS downward (kn/kt) will shift the LHS a First, (3). down, leading to a decrease in rise in so that prices. number of comparative statics can be the ratio of N-production to T-production P falls. Second, a fall in 6n also shifts the Finally, a rise in 6t will cause the supply of 26 Figure 1 illustrates shifts on T-shares to shift inward resulting also in a decrease in P. LHS (upward sloping curves) and investment and prices in the The main consequences RHS fire sale (vertical lines), together with their consequences for region. of negative aggregate shocks, in terms of moving the into or along the fire sale region, are well captured economies as their St increases. This decreasing curve of economy has Thus, in the less what we do and cross sectional comparison of in figure 2. Raising 6t traces out a Additionally, a large 6t will in the fire sale region. less international collateral This will lead to e). P is by the is less economy able to fund its mean that the shock in the N-sector. production of N-goods at date 2 and an appreciating currency (lower fire sale region eP is uniformly downward sloping. In the wasted collateral region, domestic firms that do not receive a shock hold both The return on N-shares N-shares and T-shares. eRt. Since firms are holding both Rn/P is N and T shares, while the return on T-shares is arbitrage will dictate that, Rn/P = eRt 26 Note that an increase in by the productivity growth Rt lowers P but by less than the increase in the former. in tradeables, the relative price 17 of N-shares rises. That is, once correced I./K& Figure Equilibrium in the Fire Sale Region 1: or, The first region of this graph is enough that the only constraint that and there is wasted international sufficient T-shares. The second the case in which t 6 FS . < limits investment is the In this case 6 region is where, 6t insufficiency of international collateral leads > . both to a small domestic collateral constraint collateral. Prices in this region are 6 FS In is simply this case fire sale eP P since there falls is because the and an appreciated currency. Then, the collateral premium, eP which is 6t clearly increasing in . As the collateral premium rises, the cost of financing production in the N-sector becomes higher as issuance and sales of N-shares occurs at sale prices. is The collateral premium is fire financed with the surplus from reinvestment, which gradually transferred to T-shareholders. There is a point where this transfer is complete, and from then on firms bit by shocks withdraw voluntarily as they prefer to cut reinvestment rather than "give away" all their N-shares at region of the diagram, where &t Returns and transfers. 2 both domestic and > extreme fire-sale prices; this is Q IC , snd can be shown that the right-most P = 1/Rt- In Region 1 only the domestic constraint is binding, while in region international constraints bind. In region 3 only the latter constraint 18 \\ \ \ X "\^ e/R, ^ 1 6K Figure binds. This observation which ones do not, and is 2: Regions important for understanding which arbitrage relations apply and will play a key role later on when we analyze the social inefficiencies associated to each region. The sells is return to purchasing N-shares to an outside investor depends one share on the T-sector which is Thus, the external return on investment at date 1 ext P. The investor a claim on T-goods at date 2 totalling Rt. This used to purchase 1/P units of N-shares which each return r on Rn units of date 2 N-goods. is, = Rn = L, PeRt while the social or total return is r tot = Rn L L e Figure 3 depicts these returns as a function of 0* L — 1, the external return of T-shareholders capital. Collateral providers, is . In the wasted collateral region, equal to one, the international cost of which are in excess supply in equilibrium, bid up P in their attempt to capture part of the surplus of reinvesting in a constrained firm. In equilibrium, all the surplus goes to the constrained firms. supply shortage of international collateral. 19 The problem is one of demand rather than eR a* Figure In the since all and in so doing bid the collateral premium, L, above 1. collateral becomes binding Constrained firms compete for the few units of the pledgeable shares are used. international collateral, Returns on the other hand, the supply of region, fire sale 3: e, As down the this relative price of N-shares, and raise happens, the domestic collateral constraint becomes binding, hmiting the amount of surplus that constrained firms can transfer to collateral providers. Eventually, as the increase in t keeps reducing the amount of pledgeable T-shares, reach a point where the entire surplus is transferred to external investors (region 3); from then on the price of N-shares stabilizes at 2.3 Fire Sales P = 1/Rt, which sets r^ = r*°*. 1 and the Banking System Domestic financial systems play many useful collateral. we Most of these roles functioning stock markets. roles in the allocation we have already circumvented One we have not, however, is and aggregation of in our assumption of perfectly the capacity of banks to smooth the distinction between domestic and international collateral in the eyes of foreign investors. In emerging economies, banks are largely in the business of intermediating foreign funds into nontradeable sectors. In our setup, since the tradeable sector has direct access to international financiers, banks have an "arbitrage" opportunity 20 in the nontradeable sector and naturally borrow abroad to lend to This intermediation this sector. when domestic is highly beneficial, especially in the event of a crisis, of future T-shares which is not part of international collateral due to governance problems in that sector. a However, the cost of this activity - fragile capital structure and collateral T-liabilities). A fire and assets is that it leaves the banking system with that are de-facto mismatched (N-assets liabilities sale in this context will deteriorate banks' balance sheets rapidly by lowering the value of assets (N shares) while leaving the create a host of problems can be used to access that part by itself, either or simply through the possibility of a substantial withdrawal at due to unchanged. This can rigid institutional factors bank run by fire sale prices liabilities foreign investors (BIS constraints) which would dry up the banks resources. adequacy the reason for the failure of the banking system is straightforward but important recommendation that closing banks using as a reference is not a good is amounts to a idea. It reduce international collateral at the wrong time. rigid capital self inflicted realize that 27 ' 28 Indeed ratios, a if a very fire sales prices bank run, which can in turn 29 Foreign Leverage 2.4 Opening the capital account at date domestic firms to increase their scale of will allow production by selling some of their T-collateral to foreigners and using these proceeds to finance have more production. At the aggregate level, less T-collateral to sell to foreigners at aggravate the price decline in the We shall analyze how fire sale date the consequence of this 1. We show is that firms will in this section that this will region. equilibrium relation, (3), in the 4 , u..d\- l fire sale region, ~Pi changes with the introduction of foreign leverage. Changes in foreign leverage First, if firms sell have effects on both the reversal in cross-board interbank lending, Most of the and LHS a fraction Of of their T-shares to foreigners at date "See, for example, Diamond and Dybvig (1983) 28 Indeed, the bulk of the capital flows reversal in the in 1997. RHS pre-crisis loans crisis of this expression. 0, the RHS of this economies of Asia came in the form of a sharp which went from 41 billion dollars in 1996 to minus 32 billions were transformed into unhedged domestic currency loans or foreign- denominated loans to the N-sector (primarily real estate), in which case exchange-rate risk came in the form of credit risk. Banks' realization of the risky nature of their unhedged positions after Thailand's devaluation was a big factor behind the regional currency crises that followed; see IMF (1998). 29 As for real or self inflicted bank runs, they can be avoided by boosting the price of N-shares. In a multiple equilibria scenario, this can be done by just credibly announcing a transfer to "patient" foreign investors in the event of a run. As always, if credible this policy will cost nothing. 21 expression will become, l—^ktil-Ot-Of) P Selling shares at date to date 1. The per cjf , falls since also reduces holdings of T-shares as internal collateral on the distressed entrepreneur's holdings of T-shares, capital return a fraction of from date this is sold to foreigner. Thus, u;? = (i-p)(i-e -ef , t ) Substituting these into the equilibrium relation yields, i-(i-en )PR (knPu}» + ** (1 ~ 6t ~ t The key expression to be analyzed is kt(l W = ^y- — 9t — 6f). On from foreigners allows financing more production, so that increased production is - 0t ~ W- the one hand, raising funds kt rises. On the other hand, this held mostly as illiquid shares by domestic firms so that they hold of the fraction of aggregate collateral at date less h{l shares issuance are used towards an increase in 1. Suppose that all of the proceeds of so that collateral creation A^, is maximized. If the firm had originally invested k\ in the T-sector, opening the capital account will allow it to scale this investment up to, kt i-R (i-p)ef t Then, d 89f The numerator must be i-e -ef t 1 - R less t l- (i e )Rt(i 1 - Rt(l - p)9f t (l - p)9f than zero or production reflecting P must fall. resulting in down would be a money — 9t — 9f) falls with a rising First, the vertical curve shifts to a contraction in the aggregate supply of collateral at date curve for T-shares shifts that two ways. < in the T-sector machine (which we must rule out by assumption). Since kt(l 9f, the curves in figure 1 are affected in p) reflecting the fall in domestic 1. Second, the collateral. The the left demand net of these is Thus, aggregate collateral in the economy declines with foreign leverage a steeper price decline in the fire sale region. A puzzling feature of crises is that both flows and stocks, rather than only stocks, seem to contribute to their unraveling and likelihood. Our model offers one possible explanation. Flows matter primarily through distressed firms which in principle can renegotiate the stock of debt but need the new flows to survive. Stocks, on the other hand, primarily matter though sound firms, by curtailing their role as suppliers of international collateral. 22 The 3 Pre-Crisis Phase The Model 3.1 Introduction. in Of advance of the course, many crisis itself. of the conditions that lead to a crisis are created well The analysis thus far has taken these initial conditions as given and illustrated the types of problems that they might lead international collateral question that arises is is what largely why to. As a shortage of responsible for triggering a fire sale, a natural is the private sector does not anticipate this and take steps to invest in highly profitable international collateral. In order to address these issues in our model, we add a history to our economy; a date in which agents have full flexibility. In particular this section addresses two sets of choices: production and financing. On the production side, we study the difference between private and social incentives to allocate benefits and On and nontradeables. factors of production to tradeables costs of foreign leverage that results the financing side, we study the from opening the capital account at date 0. The must Firms at date basic problem. first how much decide N- and T-sectors. Production requires resources at date finance this production — how many T- and N-shares the complement of this financing decision to produce in each of the and firms must decide on how to to issue against production. Finally, an investment decision is — how many T- and N-shares of other firms in the economy should be purchased. We focus first on the case in which there total resources of the economy are fixed, kn is no date we must have borrowing from abroad. Since the that, + kt = w. While the incidence of crises must surely by tied to aggregate shocks, our model allows us to highlight the main issues leading to a crisis in an environment with only idiosyncratic shocks. Given wealth at date 2 (in units of N-good) of t«2, a firm solves — Since uncertainty is -1 ' 2 = max{tzd idiosyncratic, e is s.t. Cte deterministic + Cn= W2-} and firms are risk neutral. taking e as given, simply maximizes the expected value of wealth at date Let Vn Each firm, 2. be the marginal value of a unit invested in the N-sector and Vt be the marginal value of a unit invested in the T-sector. max s.t. Then the firm solves, Vn kn + eVth kn + kt = w 23 Investing in tradeables. Consider each of V t Vn and A in turn. unit of date physically invested in the T-sector generates returns in two components. keeps a stake in its own enterprise of o ,t > &t- This illiquid component is resources First, the firm worth (in date 2 T-goods), eQit Rt(l-p). The complement price of q. The (1 — #o,t) is The market sold to the market. firm raises from this issue T-goods at date discounts these flows at a totaling, {l-p)(l-8Qtt )Rt q. Since these T-goods at date this can always be reinvested in the T-sector, the date 2 value of is, {l-p){l-eQ t)Rt V q. t Thus, V= t , t Rt(l -p) + (l-p)(l- e 0it )Rt qVt . Rather than making a physical investment, a firm can also choose to simply purchase the T-collateral of another firm. it can use Doing this collateral to finance in this case is Q^Rnje. this produces two benefits. the shock with foreigners. If the firm If the firm receives a shock, The value of a unit of collateral does not receive a shock, the collateral can be sold to another firm which does. In this case the collateral generates a value of L. Thus we define the value of collateral provision as, <) j since the cost of a unit of = penl ^ + (l-p)L>l; e collateral is q, the return to this investment is simply, 4>jq. Holding provisions of collateral from date to date 1 (precautionary savings on the part of firms). insurance, however the shares or the (1 — 6) is insurance against entering distress Firms can hold either N- or T-shares as must be saleable in the market at date 1. Thus, only collateral share of production can satisfy this insurance need. In equilibrium, the return on holding a unit of collateral, return on undertaking physical investment, Vt. This is <f>/q, because if must be equal to the Vt < <f>/q, no firm will undertake physical investment and hence there will be no collateral for any other firm to purchase. On the other hand, if Vt > Since neither of these is <f>/q, each firm will only undertake physical investment. consistent with equilibrium, we have the above condition. Then, V = (l-p)(eQ ,tRt + (l-eo,t)Ri4>). t 24 (4) now the Consider Since <fr > 1, it is choice of The #o,<- max jt s.t. e0>t easy to see that firm chooses this to maximize Vt RtO.-p) > et #o,t + {l-p)(l-Qojt)Rt 4> . = &t- In other words, each firm will only hold the minimum possible of its own shares. Holding its own shares leaves the firm subject to shocks which reduce the resources of the firm precisely when they are most needed. Holding shares market in the is partial insurance against these shocks. Turning now to the Investing in nontradeables. region where In reinvest < kn. N sector, Then, adding a unit of capital to by expanding the capacity constraint at date 1. N A we continue working in the does not affect the option to similar analysis to the above yields that, Vn = (1 - p)(0n Rn + e(l - en )PR t <f>). In equilibrium firms must be indifferent between investing in Equilibrium. Equating Vn and eVt this is + (i-en )4>/L) = o + (i-e t an equilibrium relation, shifting sheds light on private incentives for production. or a Rn/Rt a rise in 3.2 fall (5) fundamentals and the collateral premium A rise in P, either through an increase in On the other hand, the collateral premium, L, increases the incentive to shift resources to the T-sector. Externalities in Collateral Creation While the reallocating production is insufficient as, t )4>. in e, increases the return to production in the N-sector. Issue and setup. To and T. yields: P(0n While N collateral and Nontradeables Investment premium provides a clear private incentive for from nontradeables to tradeables, we show in to align private and simplify the analysis, let 6n this section that this social incentives. — 6t = 6. The problem of a firm at date can be written 30 max j u = i \CnCt) 2 kn,kt We have written the optimization problem as that of a representative agent over aggregate consumption. There are some this case issues of aggregation that have been suppressed because of the Cobb-Louglas preference structure. Thus, the objective function in writing this optimization. It is valid in A firm at date is, maxp(4c?)±+ (1 -/»)««*)* However, aggregate resource constraints mean (*£ that, + (1 - P)<£ = Cn 25 1 is either distressed or sound. = Rnknil - p) + pRnln Cn S.t. = Rth{l ~ p) ~ pin Ct - 0)(1 - pXknP + kt) In = 7R kn + kt = w. t (l Consider the derivative of the objective with respect to a perturbation of a in kt and A decrease in A increase A^. dud 5A / 1 dCn dct\ +C 2^( Q aA "5Aj ,A=0= where, and dCt Substituting these into the above 0, T> fi we 9I" \ arrive at the first order condition for a firm at date 31 Consider next the Social versus private problems. planner at date 0. This differs from (6) in first order condition for a central only one way. Changes in A affect investment at date 1 through their effect on asset prices, that private decisions do not take into account. This difference is reflected in the or term qj soda! At the private level, private ^ whereas at the social ^. =7^(1- 0(1 -p)(l-P) level this is, sp q Private incentives do not take into account the effect of a change in collateral at date 1. Since firms at 2, increases in collateral A aj private on the value of date 1 are financial constrained in both regions values allow for more positive NPV investments (Rn > 1 and e) to be undertaken. p4 + (1 - pK = <* where, individual consumption satisfies, -g- = -£. These relations and the fact that preferences are Cobb- Douglas imply that the objective can be written to maximize preferences over aggregate consumption. 3I A little algebra verifies that this condition is equivalent to (5). 26 Wasted In the wasted collateral region, increasing kt causes the pro- collateral region. duction of T-goods at date 2 to rise relative to that of N-goods resulting in an appreciated At date currency. 1, this raises meaning that the positive, In the Fire sale region. P, the domestic value of N-collateral. Both g^ and |£ are social value of increasing fire sale region, this effect and relaxes the international collateral constraint easily understood. N economy is always greater than zero since Rn/e is would not at date > affect the investment decision, /„, at date is (i.e. 6n = or and private and 1, wd high), social incen- closely related to the financial constraint differs across region 1 and In the wasted collateral region, shifting production to the T-sector results in a 2. is reflected at date 1 as value of collateral, which loosens the financial constraint. take this into account because there is the collateral premium (L) at date 1. The no extra price which duction decisions on firms in distress. In the fire sale only L. In region diminishes as 2, Rn/e < region, there The source of the L, while in region private 3, an increase in the economy does not internalizes the effect of prois externality not high enough. Socially, the premium to collateral creation it is Since the 1. investment was not financially constrained If permanent appreciation of the currency. This is — p)(l — 6)Rt- always be used to fund reinvestment However, the mechanism underlying the externality 1. is return to this reinvestment gives, would be aligned. Thus, the externality region P. 32 The intuition behind this Suppose that a central planner allocated one unit of resources away from The The mechanisms. tives reinforced because the change in k t raises in the fire sale region, this collateral will in the N-sector. prices is into T. This generates aggregate collateral at date 1 of (1 and which A is higher than the private value. Rn/e is such a price, namely is that this premium Rn/e, however privately = L. Thus, the externality we move through region 2. An immediate implication of this is that any date 1 policy of supporting prices in the fire sale region has the ex-ante consequence of diminishing private incentives to create collateral. Foreign Leverage 3.3 The The issue. answer in this asset question of whether capital flows should be regulated or not finds one markets view: it depends on whether they collateral constraints during the crisis phase; ultimately, during the do not I.e. crisis. and 7 on whether they raise or lower As in our discussion of externalities in production decisions, fully internalize P affect positively or negatively rise P private agents the consequences of their decisions on others' collateral value at date by more with A. 27 1. In the wasted collateral region, the chief factor behind P is the long run real exchange rate; as capital inflows appreciate the latter, they help aggregating collateral In the fires sales region, on the other hand, the main factor capital inflows increase this premium and lower P, of international collateral at the time of Private tradeoffs. for during crises. P is the collateral premium L; as they reduce the country's availability crisis. Borrowing resources from foreign investors allow firms to expand production at date However, in return firms must 0. would otherwise yield a collateral premium a discount rate of one (the international sell some of their collateral which at date 1. Foreigners always interest rate), buy T-shares using which means firms borrow if, V- > t <f> or, <?>!• (7) While, foreigners use a discount factor of one to buy T-shares, domestics discount flows at q. If < q 1, firms will always prefer to sell shares to foreigners Expanding the expression their domestic production. Q which shows that as Rt(l — p) q falls ^+ (l- p)Ri for q, yields (1 -e )) t the neoclassical advantage of borrowing from abroad to invest in high return projects rises. If this (<p), in 1 = rises, and invest these proceeds below one and firms find it high relative to the value of collateral provision is profitable to borrow from foreigners and take on leverage. Wasted In the wasted collateral region, boosting the domestic exchange collateral region. rate raises the value of N-collateral Foreign inflows are one at date way and loosens the domestic financial constraint at date 1. to accomplish this since they appreciate the currency. If firms are able to leverage their production in the T-sector with respect to foreigners, the effective productivity of the T-sector appreciates the currency. This Fire sale region. fire sale region. The is rises. In turn, the increased production of T-goods the benefit of opening the capital account at date social benefits of 0. opening the capital account are reversed in the Foreign leverage lowers the amount of international collateral available to the domestic economy and therefore lowers reduces the amount of investment at date generates T-goods of Rt(l P (see section 2.4). 1. On fall in collateral values the one hand, selling a T-share at date — p), which are each worth Vt 28 This at date 0. On the other hand, this . V.' R./e y^ * • eK Figure 4: Social and Private Values reduces the amount of collateral at date 1 by Rt(l generate date 2 flows of Rn/e per unit. in the Fire Sale — p), Thus, leverage Rn/e e, is Region which could otherwise be used to socially beneficial if, <V t. Figure 4 illustrates the divergence between private and social values of opening the capital account in the fire sale region. abroad, while region 2 while <f> is it is Rn/e is the social cost of selling a unit of collateral the private cost of this transaction. It equal to Rn/e in region 3. Thus the is easy to show that private cost is <f> < Rn/e in always less than the social cost. This does not mean, of course, that capital flows should be stopped altogether. The benefit from borrowing from abroad which shows that when Rt and social values is high, the business of borrowing is very h While Vt is a function of are less interested in good and both private dictate taking on foreign leverage. This case corresponds to the horizontal line in the graph. 33 33 is: its 6t, it shape than medium, and low values of On the other hand, when Rt has been drawn as a horizontal its dependence on Rt. This Vt. 29 is is line. uppermost low, private costs of leverage For the purpose of our the parameter that is figure, we shifted to give high, overwhelm the at. date to take rises, 0. It is in V™ in between Rn/e and the intermediate range, on foreign leverage when and leverage be will rise, that firms will choose <p, As aggregate social incentives dictate otherwise. both private and social costs of leverage V™ in the figure, of and firms do not access international capital markets benefits of borrowing eventually turning V h t leverage into the equivalent socially inefficient. Insurance Markets and Aggregate Shocks 4 If distressed firms could arrange in advance to receive financing from we have vorable levels the inefficiency that identified - contracts which our fa- would disappear. However, doing so would require introducing insurance contracts contingent on the date ization of firm type sound firms at 1 idiosyncratic real- analysis has implicitly ruled out. To see why the introduction of such contracts would eliminate the inefficiency, consider the following. Note that the externality arises in the fire sale because at date 1 distressed firms are un- able to transfer the full value of their surplus to sound firms because of a binding domestic collateral constraint. If these firms could arrange in distressed they slack, advance that in the event of becoming would receive a payment to exactly leave the domestic collateral constraint then they would always have sufficient resources to transfer the surplus to the sound firms. Ex-ante, since all firms are identical, the no transfers and is purchase of this insurance contract involves therefore clearly feasible as long as the firm type is verifiable. While insurance markets against idiosyncratic shocks can be defensibly suppressed, those against aggregate shocks need is that we be considered. and are able to describe crises First, a simplifying feature of our analysis identify the collateral undervaluation externality without introducing aggregate shocks. However, the incidence of a aggregate shocks, and as such we now extend the model crisis is surely tied to to include aggregate shocks and insurance markets against these shocks. At date 1, given date on (p,6n ,6t,Rn,Rt)1, decisions of Let s G {so, with corresponding probabilities ... (fcji,fct,0o,n 3 #o,t)j = ,Sj} 7r(s). «S the extent of a pG {0,/>i}, where p(«o) where the economy is in = a is all depend represent the state of the world at date Then, in each state s there are realizations of (p(s),6n (s),0t(s), Rn(s),Rt(s)) that represent the aggregate shock. on the case where s € {so,Si} and crisis will aggregate uncertainty is To simplify let us focus captured by variation in a state where no constraints bind and p(si) = p\ is a state fire sale. Let us close the capital account at date provide insurance against shocks. This is 0, so that kn + kt — w, captured by letting #o,t depend on to the restriction that, l-6 = t 7T (1 - M s o)) 30 + tti(1 - M but allow foreigners to s i)) s, but subject At date is 0, 1 arrived at — Qt is by imagining that firms state contingent The the fraction of T-shares that can be sold to foreigners. sell all restriction of this to foreigners and then purchase back a number of shares. The quantity of insurance is then denominated in units of T-shares. Now, in state sq the if economy firms encounter no shock, there insurance against this state, so that 1 — 6o,t(so) — 0. is no reason to purchase 34 This implies that, ^ i-M^i) = 1 Return to the question of the choice of k„, and (8) kt. (8) reflects all of the insurance decisions that firms will take in response to aggregate shocks. Then, at date 0, the of kn and kt - kt is just is similar in character to that of the case in which there are a scale factor on the amount of T-shares available in sj. underprovision for the production and the decentralized economy will fire sale. Final Remarks, Caveats In terms of our model, the particular and hence command However, for the same logic as in the previous section the premium will be insufficient to incentivize efficient collateral 5 no aggregate shocks While in state so the T- shares have no collateral value, in state sj, T-shares are very valuable a premium. problem first and Policy Considerations phase of the current crisis —Thailand (mid 1997) — can be seen as an accumulation of aggregate shocks, leverage and weakening nancial institutions that eventually ran the the devaluation of the baht, ent practices and these countries came institutions, economy fi- into the fire sale region. Together with than fully transpar- investors' learning of a series of less which they extrapolated to neighbor countries. —Indonesia, Malaysia and the in Effectively, — experienced a Philippines, in particular sharp increase in perceived #'s and perhaps a decline in the fraction of the available shares which were thought to be appropriate international international collateral As the stiff crisis collateral. This perception of declining was exacerbated by a widespread weakening of financial has spread, beginning with the regional consequences of institutions. Hong Kong's defense of their currency board after the Taiwanese devaluation, continuing with the severe distress of Korean and Japanese banks, and reaching a climax in Russia's collapse, the problem has shifted in nature from domestic to one of shortages in the international supply of funds. Even relatively solid countries within Latin America have been severed from international capital markets. Although the world as a whole seems to have plenty of liquidity, 34 those that have the One can think know-how to invest in these countries have seen their funds, of this as a line of credit that the central bank takes out from foreign banks. 31 capital and mandate dry up. Marginal constrained ones. investors in the region are either uninformed or very- Both considerations have led to an increase in the required return on these countries. Equivalently, the "flight to quality" and avoidance of exchange rate risk of these investors has led to a reduction in the fraction of domestic shares that are acceptable by foreigners widespread — a negative aggregate shock from the point of view of fire sales collateral. As before, are the natural consequence of these shocks. 35 Before discussing policy aspects of our problem, it remind the reader of the narrow goal we have pursued seems particularly appropriate to which in this paper; to highlight is the core features of a world where asset market and financing considerations take center stage. In so doing, we have removed many aspects of the problem which obviously need to be considered when designing an actual policy package; traditional nominal and real wage rigidities, intertemporal smoothing and aggregate Even within the domain of an what we view and as the essence asset demand name a factors, to few. markets perspective, we have limited ourselves to novel, leaving aside important issues which have been already discussed in the literature and for the most part, would only reinforce our conclusions. firms is We have assumed, for example, that full dilution of smooth and uneventful. The prolonged and claim holders on distressed costly nature of the Latin American debt overhang problem during the 1980's attests to the fact that the process of dilution is a sluggish and imperfect one. 36 Adding such considerations would reduce even further the collateral available to distressed firms, and since commitments to foreigners are often it made would also reduce international collateral — directly or through domestic banks terms of T-shares. Similarly, except for our brief discussion of the banking system, — in we have shutdown the most powerful dynamic multiplier mechanisms discussed in the credit constraints literature. mechanisms a Adding a few periods to our model would give us dynamic amplification la Kiyotaki and Moore may be the result of today's distress, exacerbating the extent of the crisis (1997), where the anticipation of a which fire sale, further feeds back into today's decline in stock prices, and the effects we have discussed. 37 Throughout our analysis we have taken contractual problems as given, and have explored the implications of these for crises scenarios and their likelihood. Whether a country to exhibit a crisis 35 —and the particular form it — depends to a takes large extent a fixed number of T-shares is on whether relaxed. Financial panic does its damage, we argue, precisely by reducing the number of shares that are acceptable 36 See, e.g., Krugman (1985a,b) and Sachs (1984) on disorderly workouts. last likely See the section on financial panic as well as the appendix for a discussion of situations where the strict allocation of international collateral to 37 is The main reason we do not have period there can be no fire sale this effect in and the date 2 underinvestment problems. By adding more our two periods (dates real 1 and much of collateral to foreigners. 2) model, is that in the exchange rate always dampens rather than amplifies periods, the equilibrium real exchange rate constraint can be postponed and replaced, along the transition, by a dominant collateral premium 32 effect. individual entrepreneurs can commit effort and output we have the direct consequence of misguided policies, at relatively low cost. given a more active role to the private sector in generating the conditions for crises in emerging economies. is more indirect, and it lies in not providing and commitment mechanisms. Johnson et recent crisis. Rather than The government's fault economic agents with appropriate enforcement al (1998) find strong They document that corporate governance support for this view in the factors seem to do substantially better in explaining the cross sectional variation in aggregate distress stock market decline, exchange rate depreciation and — as interest rates hike — measured by in emerging economies, than do traditional macroeconomic variables. Unfortunately, while removing misguided policies should be "relatively" easy, creating appropriate institutions to protect investors and financiers from dishonest behavior tainly a more complex rent-seeking cultures. 38 task, as We is cer- often involves changing deeply ingrained customs and are not nearly as ambitious in our discussion; instead on the policy implications of our approach it is analysis, given imperfect institutions. Consistent we focus with this our omission of insurance, complicated microeconomic contracts, and narrowly targeted transfers, from our discussion of potential remedies. The most immediate implication of our model in terms of policy is during the pre-crisis period, where subsidizing domestic investment in the tradeable sector (perhaps financed with a tax on nontradeable investment) should be contemplated whenever the likelihood of faffing into wasted collateral or fire sale region is significant. Although the bottom line is not, the rationale for such reallocation policy region the goal is is different in each region. In the one of long run appreciation of the real exchange relative price of N-shares. In the event of a crisis, this rate, wasted collateral which raises the higher price facilitates collateral aggregation and thus reduces the extent of the waste. Policy incentives are needed because the private sector does not take into account the negative consequences that overinvesting in nontradeables has In the fire sale on others' region, collateral shortage, collateral. on the other hand, the most acute problem which is is one of international obviously alleviated by an expansion of domestically owned tradeable sector. Incentives to create collateral are inefficiently low in the private sector, because collateral providers anticipate a relatively depressed due to limited domestic collateral. international collateral constraints, It is demand for this collateral the dynamic interaction between domestic and which underlies the externality that justifies government intervention. On pre-crisis capital flows, sale is likely or not. If 38 our recommendation varies depending on whether a wasted collateral is fire the primary concern, then capital flows should Which, in turn, axe sometimes the consequence of misguided 33 policies. be The fostered. long term real exchange rate appreciation which results from such active policy would revalue assets in the nontradeable sector, boosting domestic collateral values. 39 However, are the primary concern, then the opposite if fire sales entrepreneurs consider the effect of foreign leverage on their negative impact of their leverage on aggregate course of action. As the amount — fragility, and on what actions to take during market intervention and principle milder the suggested do not always take the appropriate — may be large enough to make crises. — wasted In particular, and motivated by policies crisis, how should one think about interest rate hikes within an asset markets view? But relaxes the financial constraint of distressed firms. rates, In the crises. collateral scenario, boosting the price of N-shares an appreciation of future exchange The question crises unavoidable. important to distinguish between different types of it is is in those circumstance that they do, aggregate shocks advocated and implemented during the current Asian it taxing capital flows real or speculative Again, but disregard the fragility, ' of preventive measures, direct stock true. Since individual 40 41 recent events so vividly highlight, countries arises, then, own is unless this is is —in useful because accompanied by such policy will depress the expected return on holding N-shares and create arbitrage opportunities across N-shares and T-shares. In other words, devised only as a temporary measure, and not supplemented by structural changes supporting a more appreciated currency in the future, this policy can be prohibitively expensive in terms of the resources needed to In the fire sale region the story is make quite different it succeed. and more relevant for current events in emerging economies. Boosting the price of N-shares without adding available international collateral or resources has no effect by itself. It is at this juncture that raising domestic a high return —not in the sense of pure monetary policy but by For to happen, the government instrument to foreigners— may have a favorable offering interest rates effect. must be able to this partially circumvent foreign investors concerns with holding N-shares 43 promising a high return on the bonds issued. 39 42 Alternatively, with The by international collateral so generated a well capitalized domestic banking system, this incentive may not be needed since the N-sector also becomes the recipient of capital flows in that case. 40 The same argument rationalizes, within can be used as international our model, the practice of government's reserve hoarding which collateral in the event of a crisis. It is straightforward to show that, because of the externality, the private sector will not undo one for one the government's reserve accumulation. 41 In agreement with our policy proposition and the factors behind it, IMF (1998, p.7) conjectures that in the absence of go jd financial supervisory and corporate governance, taxing short term capital inflows may be appropriate. 42 Of course, the interest rates is 43 initial shock could be the withdrawal of existing foreign resources, in which case raising a mechanism to reduce the outflow. A possibility not available to individual entrepreneurs. Cavallo (1996) describes Central Bank policy in a currency board system as the "normal ones" of a Central Bank but where funds must be obtained from 34 must be channeled back their shares, A into N-share holders in distress, possibly which otherwise would be hurt by the high interest brief formal ernment can issue make payments model highlights the Suppose the gov- limits of such interest rate policy. The government of T-goods at date 2. investors, with R(0) = for these and R'(B) 1, R{B) bonds. > 0. premium given B. Domestics is B issues will bonds and faces a down- and allows for sale of B bonds in the more investment. L(B) = R(B). Raising R return, is raised beyond this point, the and actually the economy domestic stock market starts to raises less funds from abroad. In closing, we highlight a few extensions which we have not paid much The same mechanism domestic investors also run. We It follows that we have fall is better to equalize the 45 left for future work. is First, the maturity leading to underprovision of collateral in our model should encourage excessive short term borrowing as well. crises the is R(B). This economy attention to a central vulnerability issue, which structure of foreign debt. fire interest rates as long as these returns are less than the return on domestic holding of N-shares assures that the off. If > not buy bonds as long as L(B) because they prefer to hold the domestic stock market at these prices. the optimal bond issue sets L(B) will it the required return by international The proceeds from the sale region reduces the extent of the fire sale is rates. bonds to foreigners at date 1 against an imperfect promise that ward sloping demand curve collateral by boosting the price of view this as a dynamic issue, Second, in actual which reflects informational advantage these investors have, and therefore their ability to anticipate the the fire sale scenario. After the capital loss occurs, they are likely to return before foreign investors do to reap the benefits of fire sales. Lastly, we have discussed wasted collateral and fire sale regions almost in parallel. In reality, they are likely to correspond to different phases of development and medium frequency events. For example, an early wasted collateral region can gradually turn into a fire sale region as capital inflows accumulate without the parallel development of an adequate enforcement and regulatory environment. willing lenders rather than from printing money. Argentina's issuance of collateralized (by domestic mortgages) repos, is a very direct example of N-shares turned into international collateral through government intermediation. 44 Unlike the wasted collateral region, there post-crisis scenario, since the increase in is P just no need to promise a higher price of N-shares during the reduces the extent of the fire sale, so there is no need to worry about arbitrage across N- and T-shares. To shorten our problem. discussion, we have disregarded the monopoly aspects of the government bonds issuance Taking into account the monopoly problem, we get that the optimal rain{L(B),Rn/e(l + (i)}, where y. is a monopoly markup. 35 B is such that R(B) = Appendix 6 Regions 6.1 We have discussed fire sales and wasted collateral regions in the text without demonstrating that both of these regions necessarily arise in the model. to find conditions on parameters such that these regions Take the case where 6n = 6 = 6. t P(0 + Consider first (1 Then date The purpose of this subsection is exist. optimization means that, - 6)4,/ L) =0 + (\-6)<j> the wasted collateral region. In this case, L= 1, so that 4 = P=1. eR Prom the aggregate t constraints at date 2, Rnkn (l -p)+ pRnln _ i^ Rt kt(l-p)-pln Rt solving, In (Rt + 1) = R^—^ih - K). Now, Jn where the = 7# (l - 6)(1 - p^KP + h)= 7-Rt(l -fi)(i - P)w t last equality follows from the fact that + kt = w. kn Substituting this above and solving for kt, yields w f p(Rt + !)(!- 6) + !-(!- 6)Rt \ ^~2V We i-(i-e)Rt are in the wasted collateral region where In L=1 if ) w r two conditions are satisfied: (1) if, < ^—^-ORth P and (2) if, In <K Substituting in for kt and rewriting inequality (1), < l-(l-6)Rt ~ The RHS than varies zero. from Thus there to oo as p falls from exists p* such that p 1 to 0. < p* p> p*, gives us the fire sale region. 36 1-P p The LHS is bounded and always greater implies that (1) holds. The complement, Both region 2 and region 3 are possible to jump from possible when p > region 1 to region 3, so that the optimality condition at date p*. We fire sale show next that not it is of region 2 can occur. The is, P6 + (1 -6)P) = + (1 -0)4, rewriting, 0(P-i) It easy to show the following: <f> the fire sale region. The to are continuous, a continuous, increasing function of !?; is P and P = (i-0)4,(i-p) collateral jump from premium is L= region 1 to region 3, ^°-. p. In region This ensures that equilibrium 3, this p enough shocks < p* ensures that (e.g. p = 0), 6.2 Returns Some basic assumptions To ensure we are not in the may be inequality (2) condition for (2) to always hold is L = Rn/e > means that 1 to 1. unique in In order Rn/e. However, this is not possible. fire sale region. violated. is However, for small A sufficient, but not necessary, that, on returns which we have not stressed that investments be positive NPV at date 0, be greater than one. We on be bounded. In other words, internal collateral becomes we must have that L jump from continuity of the optimality condition with respect to p Finally, monotone decreasing functions of also require that, when in the both jR„(1 paper are required. — p) and Rt(l — p) must firms are able to borrow, the multipliers l-(l-0n )Rn >O and, i-(i-e )Rt (i-p)>o. t We unit is have also assumed throughout the paper that Rn/e always a positive NPV project. In the wasted collateral region we have that, eRt rewriting, ^ = Rt>l € 37 > 1 so that saving a distressed which verifies In the the assumption. fire sale region, we must have that, £(P-l) = (l-fiMl-P) Since P > P, it must be that P > 1 P< and ^> 1. Rt e which again verifies Therefore, > 1 the assumption. Incentive Constraints 6.3 We have appealed to agency conflicts in order to justify the assumption that entrepreneurs be required to retain a fraction of their shares. One possible formulation to justify illiquidity assumption is as follows. Consider a contract between a firm and a lender at date Now [0,oo). can observe R yields date 2 flows of one unit at date t where E[Rt] assume that the realization of Rt this this payment only by paying a is 0. Suppose that a firm investing = Rt, and the support of Rt A lender private information of the firm. cost of c (in units of T-good). Then, is it is fairly standard to show that an optimal contract will be a debt contract (see Gale and Hellwig (1985)). The contract will specify a face of /; otherwise, the firm defaults Assume that each Each project is is m = E[Rt-f\R t - Then >f]Prob[Rt>f] - c\R\ < f]Prob[Rt — c. i.i.d. return of Rt. define, <1 <f]+ fProb[Rt > < f\Prob[Rt < f) _ Prob[Rt < f] ( Lenders receive f] Rt ^> = ^^ Proftfc the component of firms that can be held by outsiders. In our formulation suppressed the cost holds and receive Rt is, Rt is cost of, scaled by Rt this This and lenders pay the audit individually financed via a debt contract. E[Rt - t the share of each firm that the entrepreneur necessarily holds. expected flows E[Rt R > f the firm makes the repayment of /; firm has a continuum of such projects each with et This if itself. c, so that this component is -ft* we have simply the complement of what the firm However, this makes no qualitative difference to the problem. 38 < /] Domestic and International Collateral 6.4 Throughout the paper, we have assumed that international on the T-sector. While justified in many the most prominent example being the question to pose is how instance, this assumption ADRs on Telecoms and restricted to shares is Utilities. Two basic results have been stressed the paper. of international collateral generates a interpreted the fire sale in two ways: fall in is often violated - Thus, a natural sensitive are our results to the assumption that all N-shares are purely domestic collateral. and a collateral fire sale at date a shortage In terms of asset prices, 1. an excessive date First, 1 real we have exchange rate depreciation we have shown that there the value of non-tradeable shares. Second, externality that leads to underinvestment in the tradeable sector - or too little is an international collateral creation. The purpose of this section is two-fold. First, we introduce a small "dividend" on pro- duction at date 1 and a corresponding consumption decision at this date in order to pin down the extent of exchange rate depreciation and rise in domestic interest rates. Second, we break the strict connection between domestic collateral and N-shares by assuming that a fraction of the N sector is also international collateral. domestic firms") remain purely domestic collateral. sumption, the fire sale region naturally yields a large large real exchange rate depreciation. ation is preserved. 46 The important The remaining N-shares We show that even under fall in ("small this as- the price of N-shares and a In addition, the basic externality in collateral cre- auxiliary assumption that is needed is an asymmetry in the goods market: foreigner never accept N-goods as payment, but always accept T-goods. In other words, at date 1 N-goods count only as domestic collateral while T-goods count as both domestic and international Consumption at Date collateral. 1 Extend preferences to include consumption at date As before, given aggregate domestic 1, consumption at dates d = 1, 2 of Cn< d and Ct d, we have t that, Cn ,d ^t,d Suppose that given production choices of k„., kt, N-goods and Dtkt T-goods to each firm. 46 A trivial extension is to is generated at date 1 of Dn kn assume that these goods are perishable. add "small" T-firms, whose shares do not constitute international Indeed, by introducing enough of these, to the N-bias We a dividend we can go back and rely only on the "home-bias" collateral. —as opposed — finding as our primitive assumption driving the wedge between domestic and international collateral. 39 However, while N-goods must be consumed by domestics, T-goods can be sold to foreigners to generate resources to finance the production shock. Consider now the problem of a sound firm. It has resources of goods at date shares at date 2 in each sector. Let the fraction of N-shares that be /. Then resources at date 1 in units of T-goods its liquid ws = kn (Dn /e 1 and illiquid n )(l - f)PR E\ and £2 1 t t t )R t) is the at each date to maximize, 1 s t t for this this, E\e\ s.t. > + h(D + (1 - p)(l - e /e 2 ) + E2 e% Ei + E2/L = w + {6n Rn kn /e 2 + e R k )/L E2 >en Rn kn /e2 +e R k max where A is, wealth at date 2 of N-goods of OnRnkn and T-goods of 6t Rth- Given firm chooses expenditures of The F.O.C. international collateral is + (l-p)(l-en )fRn /e2 + - p)(l - (1 and 1, t t t t is, the multiplier on the second constraint. (t>L = 1 When L > 1 In the wasted collateral region, we know not bind. Thus e\ ei > ^2, it must be that or the real exchange rate = e2 is . that firm is suitable modifications of liquid and illiquid resources. The amount in the fire sale region, excessively depreciated at date The problem for a distressed collateral constraint. and that the second constraint we have will that 1. similar to the case of only date 2 consumption, with Consider, however, the aggregate of international collateral must be modified to include date 1 T-goods as well as claims on date 2 N-shares which are international collateral. Thus, In The economy can at date 2. < hD + (1 - P)(l - Qt)hRt + (1 - P)(l - 6n)fknRn/e 2 t finance a production shock Suppose it sells Jni i at date 1 and In>2 In ,i and selling resources at date 1 at date 2, then (l), and resources 47 < hD t (2), /n,2 7 by We < (1 - />)(* " et)hRt + (1 - />)(! " Gn)fknRn/e2 have suppressed the aggregate resource constraint at date 40 2, that I„_2 < Rtkt(l — p). Note that while on it can of sell all its resources at date 1, its depends sale of date 2 resources Given these choices, 6. Cn,i = Dn kn Ct,\ = D h — In t ,i C„,2 = {l-p)kn Rn C = (l-p)ktRt-In,2 t fi + {In ,l+Infi)kn Rn In the model with consumption at both dates, the analogy to wasted collateral D— nK - l Dth-In,! while in a (l-p)ktRt-In,2 fire sale, (1- p)knRn + (/»,! + In^KRn (1 - p)hRt ~ Infi Dnkn Dth ~ In,l Consumption smoothing dictates that T-goods at both dates is unable to is that ei > 1 and date sell sufficient = e2, or that the However, 2. if 6t is economy balances very high (and collateral. / that in the fire sale region we will In addition, it must be that both the N have of economy The L > result 1, since premium over purely shares that collateral as well as the T-shares that are international collateral carry this fire sale is restricted its sale low), the claims on consumption at date 2 and (2) will bind. It follows closely e^. e\ claims on date 2 consumption that can be sold to foreigners carry a domestic that, - p)kn Rn + (In.l + In^nRn -(1 = ei — e 2 = - is is international premium. The to domestic collateral, which in this case will be N-shares that are not international collateral and the date 1 N-goods (manifest as the exchange rate depreciation at date 1). Consider next the price of a claim on the non-tradeable sector. In this formulation the N-shares that are international collateral and the domestic N-shares will have different prices. While, as in the sale), this, 1 main text, it is clear that with consumption at date consider a bond that is 1, the international N-shares will also fall and 2 of one unit of N-good. The cum-dividend price of such a bond the economy is not in a fall in price (fire in price. 48 To see issued by such a firm which pays a dividend at each of dates fire sale, then e\ will be, e2 ei If domestic N-shares will — ei = e and, Pn = e <8 The decline in the latter's price value of dividends. Still, its decline is is not a fire sale, in the sense that the price excessive in the Kiyotaki 41 is still and Moore (1997) equal to the present sense. Now, consider the constraint (2) on sale of date 2 consumption fire sale if 6t increased further, as the is Suppose we increase 6t following experiment. economy is is exactly binding. not able to smooth its We can calculate the effect of such an increase on P across time. until the point that the n A fire sale consumption of T-goods As such, suppose consumption at date 1 decreased by is how a small be evaluating reallocation in consumption between these dates will affect the exchange rates prices. occurs dC and and thereby that at date 2 is increased by dC. Then, pn = pn_dC(_l e If C2> Ct,i, tj falls in the there are then the expression in parentheses fire sale region. more resources 1_\ C \Ct,i ti2 is ) positive so that the price of N-shares Constraints in an emerging economy will usually mean that than in the present (but liquidity issues available in the future prevents financing a consumption increase in the present), thus this inequality will naturally The economy would hold. rather finance a production shock by selling claims consumption than claims on present consumption. exchange rate depreciation at date of these falls sale effect sale of is due to 1. over and above the fall do this causes a severe N shares are just N-goods, and the value Dividend on this depreciation resulting in Inability to on future a fall in share prices. Note that this fire caused by a depreciation in both e\ and e2 due to the T-goods to finance a shock. 49 Consider next the externality that leads to too underinvestment in the T-sector. The logic now is little international collateral creation exactly as before. In the fire and sale region, provisions of international collateral will receive a yield of L. However, the social return still is &. is Divergence in these returns leads to the externality. Investment in N-sector that international collateral date 1 N-goods that is is beneficial, however, this investment is packaged with a flow of only domestic collateral. Banking 6.5 This subsection sketches more formally the role and potential collapse of a banking system. Let us introduce banks whose main role date and date 1 and is that they can invest in the N-sector at either of raise foreign funds against these assets. Thus banks are a conduit through which foreigners can invest in the N-sector. However in order to raise funds from foreigners at date 0, we assume that banks must standby to provide liquidity in case (date 1) withdrawals by foreigner. This <9 An a accomplished by selling foreigners a claim with extension of the above by adding consumption KiyotaM and Moore (1997) may amplify in is fire sale, this in turn will (the share price) will mean of early this price drop. and dividends at dates The exchange rate d € [1,2] along the lines of at each date will be depreciated that dividends will be less valued at each date and their present value fall. 42 50 One way of thinking about short versus the option to redeem this claim at par at date l. long term debt, a central issue during crises, to think of the former as foreign investments is with an option to redeem. The bank holds kn6B, n shares of the N-sector at date whose face value withdraw at date economy The is RnKi^B^/^ 1, for T-shares Against in units of date 2 T-goods. the bank simply and 0. If this, it issues claims any foreigner wishes to N-shares to another firm in the domestic sells its gives these T-shares to the foreigner. assets of the bank, in units of T-shares is therefore, Pkn6B n , while the liability of the bank at date 1 in units of date 1 T-shares n S-k exit Btn is, = PK6B,n —. A fire sale occurs if P falls below P. Each he does not withdraw funds, the bank remains solvent, as the appreciation between date 1 and date investors bank withdraw funds, then he too fails at date 1 and is 2. will . - .? foreign investor then has a choice. However, if fall in P greeted by an the investor conjectures that other withdraw funds. This has two therefore unable to provide is If effects. First any additional funds to the the N sector. Second, the foreign withdrawals imply that banks need to buy T-shares, which further contracts the supply of scarce international collateral 50 and the fuels the fire sale process. 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