MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 9595 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries DEWEY HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Efficiency and Welfare with Complementarities & Asymmetric Information George-Marios Angeletos Alessandro Pavan Working Paper 05-29 October 31, 2005 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection 1 547 at MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OP TECHNOLOGY 1 DEC 1 2 2005 LIBRARIES and Welfare with Efficiency Complementarities and Asymmetric Information* Alessandro Pavan George-Marios Angeletos MIT and NBER Northwestern University October 2005 Abstract This paper examines equilibrium and welfare ities, in a tractable class of economies with external- strategic complementarity or substitutability, and incomplete information. In equilibrium, complementarity amplifies aggregate volatility by increasing the sensitivity of actions to public information; substitutability raises cross-sectional dispersion by increasing the sensitivity to pri- vate information. To address whether these effects are undesirable from a welfare perspective, We characterize the socially optimal degree of coordination and the efficient use of information. show how depend on the primitives of the environment, how they compare efficient allocations to equilibrium, and how they can be understood and dispersion. equilibrium We in terms of a between complements emerge as information volatility When welfare necessarily increases with the accuracy of information; and creases [decreases] with the extent to which information are strategic social trade-off next examine the social value of information in equilibrium. is efficient, we [substitutes]. When is common the equilibrium the gap between equilibrium and affects is and only if if the it in- agents' actions inefficient, additional effects efficient allocations. We con- clude with a few applications, including production externalities, Keynesian frictions, inefficient fluctuations, JEL and efficient market competition. codes: C72, D62, D82. Keywords: Social value of information, coordination, externalities, transparency. "Earlier versions of this paper were entitled "Social Value of Coordination discussions and useful comments, and Information." For stimulating we thank Daron Acemoglu, Gadi Barlevy, Robert Barro, Bassetto, Eddie Dekel, Christian Hellwig, Kiminori Olivier Blanchard, Ivan Werning, and seminar participants at Harvard, MIT, Michigan, Northwestern, the Federal Reserve Chicago, the Bank of Italy, the 2005 workshop on coordination games at the workshop on beauty contests Cowles Foundation. at the Isaac We are grateful to NSF research grants SES-0519069 and SES-0518810) and to the Federal Reserve paper was completed. Marco Matsuyama, Stephen Morris, Thomas Sargent, Hyun Song Shin, Bank Newton Institute, for financial Bank of and the 2005 support (collaborative of Minneapolis where part of this Introduction 1 In many economic environments, such as economies with production externalities, incomplete fi- nancial markets, or monopolistic competition, the action an agent wishes to take depends on his expectations not only about the underlying fundamentals but also about other agents' actions. Fur- thermore, different agents have different information about the fundamentals and hence different beliefs about what other agents are doing. Clearly, private incentives to coordinate and information asymmetries impact equilibrium behavior. But, are these incentives socially warranted, and decentralized use of information efficient? Also, does more the is precise information improve efficiency and welfare? In this paper we examine equilibrium and that feature rich external and strategic effects welfare in a tractable class of concave economies — albeit a unique equilibrium —and asymmetric in- formation. There (e.g., is a large number of ex-ante identical small agents each taking a continuous decision investment). Individual payoffs may depend, mean, and possibly the dispersion, of activity strategic effects in the model. economic fundamentals and information is — this not only on one's in the population — own action, but also on the this is the source of external and Agents observe noisy private and public signals about the underlying is the source of information asymmetry. Finally, payoffs are quadratic Gaussian, which makes the analysis tractable. In equilibrium, strategic complementarity raises the sensitivity of actions to public information; strategic substitutability raises the sensitivity to private information. Common noise in pub- lic information generates volatility; idiosyncratic noise in private information generates dispersion. It follows that complementarity contributes to higher volatility, substitutability to higher disper- sion. 1 These are interesting positive properties but alone have no normative content be no presumption that the impact of strategic volatility and dispersion is on the use of information and thereby on undesirable from a welfare perspective. To address this issue, one needs which to characterize the efficient use of information, We effects —there should The our first main maximize ex-ante define efficient allocations as the ones that that information can not be centralized. is efficient result. utility under the constraint allocation for a given economy can be represented as the equilibrium of a fictitious economy where individual payoffs are manipulated to reflect social motives (that with respect to the must align to internalize payoff interdependencies). activity in this fictitious their choices for efficiency to obtain; of coordination. The mean is, The analogue for the actual it The slope of best responses economy measures the extent defines economy what we call to which agents the (socially) optimal degree defines the equilibrium degree of coordination. amplification effects of various sorts of complementarities are the subject of a vast literature. See Cooper (1990) for a review of complete-information applications and Morris and Shin (2002, 2003) for incomplete information. We how first show how the depends on the primitives of the environment and efficient allocation compares to equilibrium allocation. As with equilibrium, complementarity contributes to it a positive optimal degree of coordination, substitutability to a negative. But unlike equilibrium, the optimal degree of coordination also depends on other external payoff effects that are irrelevant for private incentives. coordination is In the absence of such non-strategic external effects, the optimal degree of when higher than the equilibrium one agents' actions are strategic complements (and lower when they are strategic substitutes). This result highlights the danger in extrapolating positive properties to normative implications: economies with complementarities, the high sensitivity to public information and the in amplification of volatility featured in equilibrium can be socially desirable. We next relate the optimal degree of coordination to the of payoff concavity, both aggregate volatility When comparing allocations that sensitivity to volatility and differ in their effective degree of coordination idiosyncratic noise The use of information. Because cross-sectional dispersion induce welfare losses. — the planner common and dispersion. and efficient resolution of this trade-off is — and hence effectively faces a trade-off in their between reflected in the optimal degree of coor- dination: the latter increases with social aversion to dispersion and decreases with social aversion to volatility. Our second main we find it result is a characterization of the social value of information. For this purpose, useful to parameterize the information structure by the level noise in the agents' forecasts of the underlying fundamentals. information with the precision of these forecasts, that is, We and the composition identify the accuracy of available the reciprocal of total noise, and transparency (or commonality) with the correlation of forecast error across agents, that extent to which noise is common. Since in the of is, its the absence of external effects welfare depends only on the level and not on the composition of noise, this parametrization seems most appropriate from a theoretical point of view. When 2 the equilibrium is efficient, welfare necessarily increases with the accuracy of information. Moreover, welfare increases [decreases] with the transparency of information if and only if agents' actions are strategic complements [substitutes]. Efficiency thus implies a clear relationship between the form of strategic interaction and the social value of information. When the equilibrium is inefficient, efficient allocations. Its welfare effects but also on two key aspects of information may also affect the gap between equilibrium and then depend, not only on the form of strategic interaction, this gap: the discrepancy between optimal and equilibrium degrees of coordination, and the correlation between first-best and complete-information equilibrium activity. "This parametrization is also appropriate for contemplating whether to transmit information about the release of more or idiosyncratic or common less in some applied questions. Think, for example, of a central banker a transparent or ambiguous way. This need not be simply a choice information, but rather a choice about the extent to which individuals will adopt interpretations of the same piece of information. We conclude the paper by illustrating how our results can help understand the inefficiencies of equilibrium and the social value of information in specific applications. model of production In a typical choices, coordination is spillovers inefficiently low. where complementarities emerge in investment Moreover, welfare unambiguously increases with either the accuracy or the transparency of information — a case for timely provision of relevant information by the government or the media. The same coordination result is appears to hold in standard Keynesian monetary economies. inefficiently In contrast, high and transparency can reduce welfare in economies resembling Keynes' beauty-contest parable for financial markets. Furthermore, in economies where equilibrium fluctuations are largely inefficient even under complete information, welfare accuracy and transparency Finally, is efficient may —from a social perspective, ignorance could be a we consider an example of a competitive production decrease with both bless. economy where the equilibrium even under incomplete information. Since individual actions are strategic substitutes, welfare increases with accuracy but decreases with transparency —perhaps a case for "constructive ambiguity" in central bank communication. Related literature. To the best of our knowledge, this paper The welfare analysis for the class of economies considered here. is the first to conduct a complete closest ascendants are Cooper and John (1988), who examine economies with complementarities but complete information, and Vives (1988), of the who shows more general However, leifer efficiency of equilibria in a class of competitive this paper value of information. is certainly not the how More first to examine the distributional effects can drive a recently, and more strategic complementarity. wedge between the private and in social and Shin (2002) an economy that resembles a "beauty contest" Angeletos and Pavan (2004) and Hellwig (2005), on the other hand, provide counterexamples where public information economy with a special case social value of information. Hirsh- closely related to this paper, Morris show that public information can reduce welfare complementarity is class considered here (see Section 6.4). (1971) highlights and that features economies that is socially valuable despite — a real economy with investment complementarities in the pricing complementarities in the second. These works first paper, a monetary illustrate the non-triviality of the welfare effects of information within the context of specific applications, but do not explain the general principles underlying the question of interest. social value of information depends, not only We fill the gap here by showing on the form of strategic interaction, but also how the on other external effects that determine the discrepancy between equilibrium and efficient allocations. The literature on rational expectations has emphasized how the aggregation of disperse private information in markets can improve allocative efficiency and Messner and Vives (2001), (e.g., Grossman, 1981). on the other hand, highlight how informational generate inefficiency in the private collection and use of information. Laffont (1985) externalities can Although the information structure here is how exogenous, the paper provides an input into this line of research by studying the welfare effects of private and public information depend on payoff externalities. The paper about central-bank transparency. While also contributes to the debate focused on incentive problems and Shin (2002, 2005) and Heinemann and Cornand (2004) argue that central-bank disclosures can lead markets behave can improve welfare by reducing price dispersion. Roca (2005) show that public information, while in Section 6.4 The we show in efficient competitive rest of the paper equilibrium in Section We we In Section 6.3 such disclosures ought to depend on whether the business cycle made even to welfare losses Keynes' "beauty contest"; Svensson (2005) and Woodford (2005) question like in the practical relevance of this result; Hellwig (2005) and effects of work Canzoneri, 1985; Atkeson and Kehoe, 2001; Stokey, 2002), (e.g., recent work emphasizes the coordinating role of public information. Morris if earlier highlight that the welfare under complete is efficient that an argument for constructive ambiguity could be economies. organized as follows. is disclosures 3, efficiency in turn to applications in Section Section We introduce the model in Section 2. We examine and the 4, The Appendix 6. social value of information in Section 5. includes proofs omitted in the main text. The model 2 Actions and payoffs. Consider an economy with a measure-one continuum of agents, each choosing an action k G R. Let K section of the population, \I/ denote the cumulative distribution function for k in the cross- = J kd^(k) mean the action, exogenous payoff-relevant variables (the fundamentals), with U U(K, K, M Ar+2 — R 9) denote utility (also, aggregate welfare) Externality emerges whenever restrict — Ukx/Ukk within ( — 1, ^ {//<• +1). 0, As we level in the sense that The analysis is Ukk simplest < when We an d N= 1, when Individual utility 1. Wkk — but TV is given by — 1,+1) is > Ukk 1 W(K,9) = whenever UkK strategic complementarity ( let agents choose the same action. all next section, — Uki</Ukk is ¥" 0- We the slope of necessary and sufficient for the existence impose concavity also a vector of (1) will see in the best responses; restricting this slope within of a unique stable equilibrium. R E a strictly concave quadratic function. 4,5 Finally, we is > : N> (#i, ...,9^) = U(k,K,6), u where = and 9 at both the individual and aggregate + %UkK + Ukk < 0. If U were not concave, best allow us capture the possibility that there are fundamentals that are relevant for equilibrium but not for efficient allocations, and vice versa. ''That is, U(k, K, 9) 'Note that an external ''In what U effect = vXJv' where depends on ty U is a (n only through + 3) its first x (n + 3) and u = (1, k, K, 6). we extend the model to incorporate negative-definite matrix moment (mean activity); from the second moment (cross-sectional dispersion) at the end of Section follows, we often refer to UkK as the complementarity even with negative complementarity. 4 if UkK < 0. That is, we 4. identify substitutability responses would not be well-defined; similarly, well-defined. Before agents move, nature draws 9 n = + 9 -a en , where and ^n The common what = we follows, and variance a\ = °ZV a n Sn If we best would not be {1,...,7V}, from independent with variances, respectively, a 2 \n )vn and variance a Zn where A n , = realization of 9 e n are, respectively, idiosyncratic = 2 n + £n 9n and common and = and a n l — 9n let u] n ee {o~l + O^Y E[9 n \x a\ l ,y] = Var 1 '2 E[6i„|x l ,7/] = — and public noises, signals independent of 2 a' . is Normal with mean = a~ 2 /a~ 2 and a Zn (1 not observed is 5 n )x n y. (a~ 2 8 + a^ 2 )- 1 '2 . In Private posteriors, and variance o 2n where + S n zn l ee = zn , - denote agent (uj n ) l (9 n ) l often identify public information with z rather than with on the other hand, are Normal with mean 2 The . n £ posterior for 9 n given public information alone + (1 - X n yn 9, fi n for , each n, agents observe private signals x\ for one another as well as of E[9 n \y] mean distributions with by the agents. Instead, yn first 7 Information. Normal W were not concave, the if i's and Sn forecast error about 9 n then , = 2 Corr (w n ,w{) i , ^ j. Hence, a n measures the total noise in agents' forecasts about the fundamentals and 6 n the extent to which noise cr~ 2 and We its is common 9 across agents. We accordingly identify the accuracy of information with transparency (or publicity) with 5 n . prefer to parametrize the information structure reasons. First, this mapping between without any is (<J Xn ,&y n ) and (<5 by (5n ,an ) rather all n ,a n ) only on o~ n , . If not 5 n + ofn + a~ 2 > ' it ) for two a one-to-one and 5n = _i_ Vn -2 CT _9 _2 e » _ 2 £(0,1). , (2) with a change in strategic interactions, instead, the extent to which information plays an important role since point of view, a Vn its there were no externalities and strategic interactions, welfare would depend With . , : Second, a change in a Xn or a yri combines a change in the level of noise, a n composition, 5 n (cr Xn loss of generality since, given the prior, there is -2 = a~ 2 than it affects the structure of higher order beliefs. thus seems most interesting to separate these two From is public a theoretical effects. For tractability, we have restricted U, and hence W, to be quadratic. For non-quadratic concave environments, our results represent approximations that are better the lower the noise hand, may introduce effects about which our analysis is in information. Convexities, on the other not appropriate. For example, aggregate convexities can = and generate a social value for lotteries. L also Throughout, we use the convenient vector notation x drop the superscript Note that S n 1 is also i whenever it = (y n ), similarly for all other variables. We an increasing transformation of the relative precision of public information. In the context of specific applications, however, statics with respect to (x n ), y does not create confusion. (ct x ,ct.) . it is also interesting to translate the results in terms of comparative See Section 6 for some examples. Equilibrium allocations 3 Each agent chooses k so maximize as to his expected utility, TEi[U(k, optimization problem gives the best response for the individual. Definition An 1 = k(x,y) where K(9, = e) It is useful E{ k (x, y) = K (9) = is linear: The incomplete-information Proposition N= allocation, {n > 1 Kn : equilibrium = 1 Let k(9) + K\9\ + kq kq ^ + 0} E[ U(k', all (6, e) where k k, max The such > K,9) \ x, y K\9\ ^ 0, is + 13 is solution to this the equilibrium. for that, all (x,y), } , n When the unique solution to Uk (k, k, 9) is ... The fixed point R 2N — K : 9)\x,y\. the complete-information benchmark. first k is arg 6,e], for \ to consider (unique) equilibrium quadratic, k any function k equilibrium, allocation is K, + kjv#at 9 = some constants K n G K, n 6 for is known, the Since 0. {0, 1, ..., U is N}. 12 then characterized as follows. ... + Kpj9pf denote the complete-information equilibrium and \Ukk\ An (i) allocation k : — M R > k(x,y) where K{6,e) (ii) = = The equilibrium exists, is 7" Proof. Part is an equilibrium — E[ (1 a)K and only if + aK x,y | = unique, and K = K Sn + + ^ i [C _ 1 ln) x n that 13 «.„ ^ U + l n zn] (5) , f° r al1 n&N . - ( , 6) ) : R 2N -» R and let K(9,e) = E[k(x,y)\9. e\. A best- a strategy k'(x, y) that solves the first-order condition state of the world Since (4) - n - dF^ - all n Take any strategy k (i). Kn a5 n (l - 6 n ) 1 is given by the realizations of and other aggregates are functions of 12 (x,y) all given by is E[Uk (k',K,9)\x,y} "A for ] E[k(x,y)\9,e}. k(x, y) response is is if quadratic, k and only The assumption if N^ = -Uk Uk e (6, e) (0, 0, 0) 8, e, = and {£ l };e[o,i]- However, since f is i.i.d. across agents, alone. /(Ukk + UkK ) and js n = -UkS ,J(Ukk + UkK ). n € {1,...,JV}. It follows ¥" 0. avoids the trivial case that the fundamentals are irrelevant for equilibrium. Using Uk(n,K,0) for all (x,y). function must satisfy ¥i[Ukk(k' — for all 9, and the fact that U is quadratic, — k) + Uki<{K - k)\x, y\ = 0, or equivalently, k'(x,y) for all (x, y). In equilibrium, k'(x,y) Part x and in Since E[k|x,j/] (ii). = = Thus suppose the equilibrium z. some coefficients a £ 1R, RN £ b x,y | } and c it is natural to look for a fixed point that is linear is k(x, y) for aK k(x,y), which gives (4). linear in (x, z), is - a)n + E[ (1 the best-response = a + b-x + c-z K £ R^. 14 Then (7) (9, e) = a +b 9 +c z and therefore (4) reduces to k(x,y) = where k A is = (1 NxN the an equilibrium a (1 — a)«o + aa + ((1 — a)n + = (I («!,...,«„). Substituting E[6|x,j/] matrix and is = if aa, = bn Equivalently a k , if a, b = A).x E[0|x, + ac j/] + Az, where = b (I Kn (l and — A) - z the I is diagonal matrix with n-th element equal to 5 n and only — a)no + - ab) , N N x identity we conclude that (7) c solve [(1 a)(l - — a)n + a 6] 5„)/[l and , - a (I - iV}. Note that 6 n + c n = K n always; b n = Cn = n £ {1, c,j £ (0, Kn) otherwise. Letting 7 n = Cn/'n n £ (0, 1) for any ..., c 5 n )\, = A [(1 and c„ whenever k„ n £ N gives — q)k + + ac. c*6] = K n 5 n /[1 - q(1 - 6 n = 0; and 6 n £ (0, k„) and )], (5)-(6). Clearly, this is the unique linear equilibrium. Furthermore, since best responses are linear in E[0|x,y] and there do not exist equilibria other than this one. (This follows from the and Shin (2002); our payoffs are more general but the structure of same argument beliefs E[/CT|x, y], as in Morris and best responses is essentiaUy the same.) Condition (4) has a simple interpretation: an agent's best response of his expectation of some given "target" and simply the complete-information equilibrium. activity, a, The is what we is an afflne his expectation of aggregate activity. The combination The target is slope of best responses with respect to aggregate identify with the equilibrium degree of coordination. sensitivity of the equilibrium allocation to private and public information depends on both the degree of coordination and the transparency of information. When x n and z n are simply the Bayesian weights and hence -y n = 5n . a The term = 0, the weights on signals [a5 n (l — 5 n )]/[l — a(l — S n )] thus measures the excess sensitivity of equilibrium allocations to public information as compared to the case where there are no complementarities. Note that this term is increasing in a. Stronger complementarities thus lead to a higher relative sensitivity to public information. This A dot between two vectors denotes inner product. is a direct implication of the fact that, in equilibrium, public information of aggregate behavior than private information. coordinating If = a relatively better predictor In other words, public information has also a role. information were complete choose k is = (<r„ for all n, or at least for all n £ N), K = k. Incomplete information affects equilibrium behavior in two ways. noise generates (non-fundamental) volatility, that complete-information level variation in aggregate activity is, The first is and only if a < -* do n da (ii) over, the Var{K — k), (i) Volatility, d 2 V-r(K-,) e -' ( ie ^• is, around the variation in is characterized a and a n and increases with 10 Proposition 2 if K common measured by Var(K — k), the second by Var(k-K). Their dependence on the degree of coordination and the information structure Sn agents would First, Second, idiosyncratic noise generates dispersion, that k. the cross-section of the population. below. all < or 5 n necessarily increases with , ^~-- Moreover, the impact of noise on volatility increases with a U Q)>- Dispersion, Var(k~ K), necessarily decreases with impact of noise on dispersion decreases with a a and (i.e., — Sn and increases with a n More. — g„ gQ < 0). Higher complementarity thus mitigates the impact of noise on dispersion, and obtains a better alignment of individual choices, but amplifies aggregate Higher transparency also reduces volatility. dispersion possibly at the expense of higher volatility. Higher accuracy, on the other hand, reduces both later. volatility and dispersion. In the next section, this relates to the 4 We we turn will in more detail the welfare effects of information to the characterization of the efficient allocation and show how optimal degree of coordination. Efficient allocations The property that complementarity generates high sensitivity to plifies volatility, is interesting on its normative question of whether these is examine the efficient use of information. welfare (expected utility) among own. But common this is only a positive property. effects are socially undesirable, We and thereby am- noise, To address the one needs to understand what define efficient allocations as those that maximize ex-ante the ones that are measurable in the agents' decentralized infor- mation. Definition 2 An efficient allocation is a function k Eu= f J(6,e) In the following, whenever we say information counterpart. : W 2N — R > that maximizes ex-ante utility i U{k(x, y), K{6, e), 6)dP(x\6, e)dP(6, e) Jx "volatility" we mean volatility of aggregate activity around its complete- subject to K(9,e) where P(9,e) stands for the distribution of x given 9 We c.d.f. and = f k(x,y)dP(x\9,e), cooperatively and e. is to it. It thus answers exactly the question of interest for this paper, namely how allocations and welfare would change agents were to internalize their payoff interde- if pendences and appropriately adjust their use of available information. 16 see in Section 5, it is The appropriate for the purposes of this paper. the solution to the "team problem" where agents choose a strategy is commit all (9, e). of the joint distribution of(9,e) and P(x\9,e) for the conditional believe that this notion of efficiency allocation defined above for What is more, as we will precisely this notion of efficiency that helps understand the social value of information in equilibrium. We by deriving a necessary and start Lemma An 1 allocation k : E[ WL 2N — > sufficient condition for efficient allocations. M. is efficient if and only if, for almost Uk (k(x, y),K, 6) + UK {K, K, 9)\x,y] = all (x, y) , 0, (8) where K(9,e) =E[k(x,y)\9,e]. Proof. The Lagrangian of the problem in Definition 2 can be written as A= U(k(x,y),K(9,e),9)dP(x\9,e)dP(9,s)+ / l{9,e) Jx + f The first Jx l order conditions for K(9,e) and k(x,y) are therefore given by UK (k(x,y),K(9,e), 9)dP(x\9, e) + \(9,e) = J Jx Noting that Uk is linear in its can be rewritten as —X(9,s) strictly for almost all (9,e) [Uk (k(x,y),K(9,£),9)-X(9,e)}dP(9,e\x,y)=0 / is K(9,e)- f k(x,y) dP(x\9,e) dP{6, X(9,e) J(e,s) = arguments and that K(9,e) for = J Uk(K{9,s),K(9,£),9). Replacing concave and the constraint is linear, (8) is almost ah (9) (x, y) (10) k(x,y) dP(x\9,e), condition (9) this into (10) gives (8). Since both necessary and sufficient, U which completes the proof. 113 Our efficiency that information concept is is the same as in Radner (1962) or Vives (1988) and shares with Hayek (1945) the idea disperse and can not be communicated to a "center". Clearly, this concepts that assume costless communication and focus on incentive constraints Myerson, 1983). (e.g., is different Mirrlees, 1971; from efficiency Holmstrom and The This result has a simple interpretation. commonly known and case where 9 is U(K, K, thus solves the the first-order condition 9). It Uk(K, K, We = 9) 0. 17 which corresponds to the first-best allocation, henceforth denoted by k*(0), maximizes is Wk{K, 9) = The incomplete-information counterpart 0, or equivalently of this condition can then expand this condition to characterize the W(K,9) = Uk{K, K, 9) + is (8). efficient allocation under incomplete information in a similar fashion as with equilibrium. Proposition 3 Let k* * Kn ^ ^ 0} (9) = Kq + k\9\ + + k*n 9n ... 0, and , \ukk An allocation k : R 2N — = k(x,y) > E[ (1 \ and only is efficient if TSL {n W U 2UkK + UKK = n „ 2a4 KK „ * _ = a (i) N* = denote the first-best allocation, - a*)K* + a*K > 1 : nn (11) if \x,y] for almost all (x,y), (12) where K{9,e) =¥,[k(x,y)\9,e}. The (ii) efficient allocation exists, is essentially unique, k(x, y) = Kq + Y] „ r,» Kn K 1 - }~-y < = 5n + f- 5n{ a* 5n {I 1 and l*n) x n is given by + 7n zn] (13) , forallneN*. (14) ) In equilibrium, each agent's action was an affine combination of his expectation of k, the complete-information equilibrium action, and of his expectation of aggregate activity. true here for the efficient allocation this sense, condition (12) is the idea if we replace k with «;*, the first-best action, and The same a with is a*. In analogue for efficiency of the best response for equilibrium. This formalized by the following. is Proposition 4 Given an economy e = (U; a, S, ji, erg) G S, U (e) let be the set of functions U' such agents perceived their payoffs to be U' rather than U, the equilibrium would coincide with that, if the efficient allocation for e. For every (i) (ii) For every Part (i) U In some may be U' non-empty. eW (e) only if a' = —U'kK /U'kk equals a* be represented as the equilibrium of a fictitious 16 Part individual incentives are manipulated so as to coincide with social incentives. and hence -WkbJWkk, 18 e, is states that the efficient allocation can game where ''Since U (e) e, n e {1, cases, this W ..., is quadratic, k* (9) N}. may = It follows that «£ also suggest a way kJ ^ to + if k\9i + ... and only + if implement the n 9 n where Kq k.* WK B„ , efficient allocation. able to use taxes and subsidies to fashion individual best-responses. 10 = —Wk = Uk e„ + UK e„ # (0,0) JW'kk and K~n = 0. For example, the government (ii), on the other hand, explains why we identify a* with the optimal degree of coordination: a* describes the level of complementarity that agents should perceive to obtain as an equilibrium outcome, that The counterpart is, of optimal coordination mal degree of coordination, the higher the Corollary The 1 equilibrium one, which externalities were to be internalized. the efficient use of information: the higher the opti- is sensitivity of efficient allocations to public information. and only true if is turn, is second-order non-strategic it the optimal degree of coordination if the complementarity is higher than the high enough relative to is effects: Proposition 3 and Corollary environment and how if and only >jn \/neNDN* In is the efficient allocation were relative sensitivity of the efficient allocation to public information is higher than that of the equilibrium allocation if of coordination if all if 1 >a a* <^=> show how the 4=> efficient allocation UkK > -Ukk- (15) depends on the primitives of the compares to the equilibrium one. As with equilibrium, the optimal degree But unlike equilibrium, the optimal increasing in the complementarity, UkK,- degree of coordination depends also on Ukk, a second-order external effect that does not affect private incentives. In the absence of such an effect, the optimal degree of coordination absolute value) than the equilibrium one (a* = is higher (in 2a) reflecting the internalization of the externality generated by the complementarity. To understand better the forces behind the determination of the optimal degree of coordination, an alternative representation expressed as Eu = EW(k*, 9) is \EKK\ Var{K _ Kl + volatility and dispersion generate welfare on volatility is respect to individual activity. Note that and second-order external losses follows directly Wkk = (Wkk = equally to welfare losses. Complementarity level, Wkk, given by Ukk effects (in the sense that the curvature of individual utility volatility. ( i 6) £* captures the welfare namely those due to aggregate to aggregate activity, while the weight on dispersion the individual _ A"). volatility and cross- 19 ences. Naturally, the weight its \IM Var{k 9) is ex-ante utility in the first-best allocation, while sectional dispersion. can be , losses associated with incomplete information, That utility) at the efficient allocation - L* where r= Note that EW(re*, Welfare (ex-ante useful. is the curvature of welfare with respect given by Ukk, the curvature of utility with + ^UkK + Ukk- When there are no strategic UkK = Ukk — 0), aggregate welfare inher- Ukk), so that volatility and dispersion contribute (UkK > 0) helps offset the diminishing returns faced at thus reducing concavity in the aggregate The converse is from concavity of prefer- true for substitutability (UkK < Condition (16) follows from a Taylor expansion around k 11 = K= (Wkk) an d 0) or external therefore the weight on concavity k*(5); see the Appendix. (Ukk < 0). Volatility is generated by common tive sensitivity of allocations to public information dampens by idiosyncratic noise, dispersion —equivalently, The dispersion at the expense of higher volatility. noise. Increasing the rela- raising the degree of coordination efficient use of information reflects the resolution of this trade-off. Corollary 2 The optimal degree of coordination equals one minus the weight that welfare assigns to volatility relative to dispersion: Extension. In some applications of effect in on individual We on the other hand, dispersion has positive external can easily accommodate such an = f(k — K) d^(k). Uk k + 2£/ dispersion with 2 CT £* The optimal degree Then 20 all effect effect (see Section 6.2). — and we do so for the rest of the paper—provided 9, aV) with Ua 2 £ K being a constant our results go through once we replace the welfare weight on In particular, welfare is IWWI = ±^K±Var(K-K*)+- now \Ukk of coordination beauty contest of Morris and Shin (see Hellwig, 2005). In the that dispersion enters linearly in the utility function: U(k, K, and o\ has a direct external For example, price dispersion has a negative effect on individual utility utility. New-Keynesian monetary models (2002), interest, cross-sectional dispersion given by Eu = EW(k*, 8) — £*, where + 2Ua 2\ —^-Var(k-K). (18) is WKK a Ukk + 2Ua 2 Finally condition (15) becomes > In Vn In Note that a* A higher Ukk of dispersion. is e N n N* increasing in <=> Ukk ( a* ^> UkK >a Both these Ua higher Ua or v) an(i decreasing in decreases the social cost of volatility, while a effects are external and non-strategic coordination without affecting private incentives. > -Ukk + The former (or u). 2 i —they 2L^2. This is intuitive. decreases the social cost affect the social value of contributes to a higher optimal degree of coordination, the latter to a lower. Efficient economies. We conclude this section with necessary and sufficient conditions for the equilibrium to be efficient under incomplete information. 20 In analogy to Wkk < 0, we impose Ukk + 2Ua 2 < 0, negatively on dispersion. 12 which is necessary and sufficient for welfare to depend Proposition 5 The equilibrium is efficient if and only if = and a k(-) or, UkK +UKK -2Ua2 = equivalent^, 0, k for k*(-) = a*, UK (0,0,0) = Uk (0,0,0) UkK /Ukk andUK e„ = Uk g UkK /Ukk n , all n. The But condition k(-) «;*() means that the equilibrium under complete information. is efficient under complete information alone does not guarantee efficiency What information. = also is needed efficiency efficiency in the use of information is addition the equilibrium and the optimal degrees of coordination coincide. under incomplete which obtains when in 21 Social value of information 5 We now examine the impact of information on equilibrium welfare (allowing for U„2 k with economies where the equilibrium because efficiency is is ^ 0), starting This provides a useful benchmark, not only efficient. always an excellent starting point, but also because in our class of economies efficiency implies a clear relation between the form of strategic interaction and the social value of information. Proposition 6 Suppose with <r n the equilibrium is efficient. and increases [decreases] with , 5 n if For any n £ and only if TV, welfare necessarily decreases agents' actions are strategic complements [substitutes]. As highlighted allocation is An increase welfare. in the previous section, the summarized in on in the impact of noise on for given 5 n raises An increase in 5 n for given both Note that, That accuracy the when is is volatility with either o Xn or a Vn Corollary 3 Suppose implies that, , for is (see condition (18)). Such a substitution equivalent to a reduction in dispersion, is higher than that of volatility, that beneficial can then and dispersion efficient and dispersion and therefore necessarily reduces , the equilibrium aUocation same observation volatility a n on the other hand, possibly at the expenses of volatility. social cost of dispersion impact of information on welfare at the is efficient, it welfare-improving is, if and only if a* if > and only if the 0. maximizes ex-ante expected utility. be obtained also an implication of Blackwell's theorem. Indeed, when the equilibrium is efficient, welfare necessarily decreases any n £ N. the equilibrium is efficient. Welfare necessarily increases with the precision of either private or public information. Note that a and a* depend on U but not on (a, S) . This explains the payoff structure alone, as shown in Proposition 5 above. 13 why efficiency can be checked on the basis of In economies where the equilibrium complicated for two reasons. the optimal one {a and dispersion is ^ is inefficient, the equilibrium degree of coordination need not coincide with First, resolved. ^ in addition to those associated with volatility and the role ofa^a*, re*), (18) differ from the socially thus introducing first-order welfare losses dispersion. moment maintaining for a = re sum with incomplete information continue to be the weighted 22 trade-off between volatility may Second, the equilibrium level of activity (re first way the a*), thus introducing inefficiency in the optimal one even under complete information Consider the welfare effects of information are more re*. The welfare losses associated and of volatility dispersion, as in For given a, a higher a* means a lower relative weight on volatility and hence a lower . cost associated with an increase in (Proposition <5 n It follows that, relatively to the efficiency low coordination (a 6), inefficiently while inefficiently high coordination (a a ^ a* does not 23 . > < benchmark a*) increases the social value of transparency, a*) reduces affect the value of accuracy: a lower it. On the other hand, the possibility that a n reduces both volatility and dispersion and therefore necessarily increases welfare. Consider next the role of re ^ re* , information. In equilibrium, welfare £ = -Cov {K - re, Wk (k, 9)) in which case the equilibrium is given by + \^d Eu = EW(re, Var(K - are the welfare losses due to incomplete information. 24 re) + The 9) — is inefficient C, where —^——^- Var(k - K) • two terms last efficient (re = re* and hence Wx(re, of the fact that small deviations 9) K— re, = 0), When the the covariance term around a complete-information equilibrium term contributes to a welfare first-order effect. maximum is inefficient loss or gain; this are the familiar The covariance term, complete-information equilibrium is zero; this have zero first-order is merely an implication is effects. due to externalities (Wk(k,6) is (19) £ in welfare losses associated with volatility and dispersion (second-order effects). on the other hand, captures a novel even under complete 7^ 0), But when the the covariance because a positive [negative] correlation between the "error" in aggregate activity due to incomplete information, and Wjk(k,6), the social return to activity, mitigates [exacerbates] the first-order losses associated with externalities. As shown in the Appendix (Proof Cov (K - re, Wk (k, 9)) of Proposition 7), this covariance = \WKK \Cov (K - re, re* - re) term can be expressed as = \WKK Y, \ 0»«n ( 20 ) neJV "As k = k* a / a' as long as a) /a, which we assume obvious from the derivation of (16) in the Appendix, (16) and similarly (IS) extend to when This can also be seen from (19) below noting that Wk(k,9) = 23 Recall from Proposition 2 that volatility increases with <5„ if and only if a < . k. = k*. or 6 < (1 - here in order to simplify the discussion. In the alternative case, welfare necessarily increases with S n (when K 2,1 Condition (19) follows from a Taylor expansion around 14 K = k{9)\ see Appendix. = k"). where, for n £ N, all —k k* — k, k #_„ Var(K|0_ n Cov 71 ~^T 4,71 2 = n <y\ <j> ' K - K, K Gov ( The . coefficients 7j I 9- n ) . , n capture the covariation between aggregate "error" due to incomplete information, and while the coefficients ) n 1 with 0_ n standing for (Oj)j^ n | ) — - a + aoT^ = vn k* ( K — the k, the complete-information equilibrium, k, — n capture the covariation between the latter and k* the efficiency gap k, under complete information. A 6. lower a n always implies a v n closer to zero, for less noise brings But how and 4> n 0. positive and (j) n As a result, when is K Intuitively, less noise brings (f> n the welfare contribution of a lower but negative when > <j> n < <j any given for means getting 4> n K but further away when > n through the covariance Combining 0. the correlation between equilibrium and this with the effect of necessarily increases welfare best first is term in <r (19) is n on volatility when <p n > positive) but can reduce welfare (i.e., when sufficiently negative. The impact of S n on v n on the other hand, depends on the sign , K transparency increases the covariance between How when closer to k* we conclude that higher accuracy dispersion, when also k which in turn depends on the correlation between complete- information equilibrium first best. < closer to depends on whether getting A' closer to k this affects welfare closer to k*, K this in turn affects welfare and k when a depends again on the sign of of the complementarity: higher > <f> n but decreases . it when a < 0. Hence, as evident from (20), the sign of the effect of 8 n on first-order welfare losses depends on the sign of the product of a and 4> n - Combining with the this covariance term dominates for [low] suffices for <p effects of S n on volatility n sufficiently away from zero, the welfare effect of 5 to have the same and dispersion, and noting that the we conclude that <p n sufficiently high [opposite] sign as a. These insights are verified in the following complete characterization of the welfare effects of information. Proposition 7 There 4> < 0, exist functions <f>, <f>',4>, <j> : (— 1, 1) x (-co, 1) — > M, with 4> < 4> and <f>' < such that the following are true for any n 6 TV: [Strategic Independece] and only [Strategic if a* > [a* When a = < welfare increases [decreases] with 5 n for all 0, if and only if q> n [Strategic Substitutability] ((?n,5n) if and only if <p n if 0] Complementarity] When a (o„,5 n ) (cr n ,5 n ) > </>(a, a*) S When a G < <f)(a,a*) n [<f> ( welfare increases [decreases] with 5 n for all (0,1), < </>(a,a*)]. — 1,0), [4> n > welfare increases [decreases] 4>(a a*)]. } 15 with 5 n for all Welfare decreases [increases] with a n for [Accuracy] [<t><£ = —\ while 4> < < if By (ft, <p' if = a* and only and only if Proposition 5, ; (ii) a* if < -a a* and are invariant with £ <j>, <j) , whenever a (f) 2 a £ for > a 2 y£ /(I - and ; 0(= K n ) N n £ and only a € — 1,0), (Hi) for as long as efficient if is N, then a = a* and cj> The — is if and only if If 6. and only n for all = = k* a* and k the only inefficiency this inefficiency — a if does not is, affect the a* following case is /(l — 2 < a a* = = tf> 2a), while , still , in which case ^ Kq or comparative statics of Proposition 6 continues to hold for n £ N. Away from is benchmark, Proposition this be understood as a function of a, a*, and —which is what we did — k, the complete- either constant or positively correlated with k. 0' * n which case Cov (k* — k,k) > creases with the accuracy of information, whereas it if 2 also instrumental for understanding the social value of information. Corollary 4 Suppose (4>n)n£N — and decreases with = either that «o is following sufficient conditions are then immediate for the case where k* information efficiency gap, The < We- conclude that understanding the efficient use of information in the previous section (j> a > 1/2 or a* > — if 4> ( 5 implies that the social value of information can (<A n ) n6 jv- (a, a*) <j> 2a). the equilibrium some n for if equilibrium welfare with respect to (S n ,a n ) for n G TV; that all > d> satisfy the following properties: (i) < (0, 1), the welfare effects of information are given by that k* if (a, a*)] The functions 4> (a n ,8 n ) if and only all < a< it increases with 0. its Then, welfare always in- transparency if a* > a > 0, 0. also interesting, as it contrasts with the Blackwell-like result we encoun- tered earlier for efficient economies. Corollary 5 Suppose <fi n < —1/2 and a = private or public information about 6 n 6 we show how our efficient allocations simplicity, in 6.1 = 0. Welfare decreases with the precision of either . Applications In this section, and a* results and the welfare most cases we assume a may help understand the relation between equilibrium effects of single information in specific contexts of interest. For fundamental variable (TV = 1) and drop the index n. Investment complementarities The canonical model of production externalities can be nested by interpreting k as investment and defining individual payoffs as follows: U(k, K, 9) = A(K, 16 9)k - c(k), (21) where A(K, 9) = and c(k) 6 £ R, — (1 = a)9 + aK represents the private return to investment, with a 6 2 k /2 the private cost of investment. 20 (0, 1/2) and Variants of this specification appear in Bryant (1983), Romer (1986), Matsuyama (1992), Acemoglu (1993), and Benhabib and Farmer (1994), as weU as models of network externalities and important ingredient investment = k* }~2 9, level of investment and hence the more so the higher there is 9. = tSt > <j> under complete information That 0- investment is, = — 1, UkK = Furthermore, Ukk is a > this class of is k = 6, inefficiently 0, and equilibrium degree of coordination that the equilibrium one: a = a is positive > and a* and the optimal one = 2a > a > 0. is Using models. whereas the low for all 9 Ukk = Ua 2 = a positive complementarity but no other second-order external effect. we have the The that the private return to investment increases with the aggregate level of is —the source of both complementarity and externality in The equilibrium is spillovers in technology adoption. It 0. first > 0, best and That is, follows that the also positive and indeed higher this together with Corollary 4, following result. Corollary 6 In the investment example described above, coordination fare unambiguously increases with both the accuracy and inefficiently low and wel- the transparency of information. In this example the agents' private desire to coordinate actually not strong enough. is is, not only socially warranted, but then intuitive that higher transparency, or more precise public It is 26 information, necessarily increases welfare by facilitating better coordination. Economies with —where complementarities emerge through or other types of market incompleteness — are often related to frictions in financial lateral constraints, missing assets, markets economies with investment complementarities priate for many positive questions, it col- the one considered here. Although this like need not be so for is appro- normative purposes. As the examples we study in the next two sections highlight, the result here depends on the absence of certain secondorder external effects and on a sufficiently strong correlation between equilibrium and first-best Whether these properties activity. are shared by mainstream incomplete-market models is an open question. "Beauty contests" 6.2 Keynes contended that vs. financial other Keynesian frictions markets often behave like "beauty contests" in the sense that traders try to forecast and outbid one another's forecasts, but this motive "This on 8, " is the example we examined thus omitting the effect of Cov in (k, . (presumably) not Angeletos and Pavan (2004), although there we computed welfare conditional K — k.) on welfare Translating these results in terms of a x and a y reduction in either a x or a y is , it is losses. easy to show that welfare unambiguously increases with a Hence, both public and private information are beneficial in this example. However, a higher a, by increasing the value of transparency, increases the welfare gain of public information and decreases that of private information. 17 warranted from a social perspective because Capturing microfoundations this idea with proper following Morris and Shin (2002), = a > = a* and «() «*(•). due to some (unspecified) market imperfection. it is The is is an open question, but one possible shortcut, economy" as an economy to define a "beauty-contest means that the condition first which in private motive to coordinate not is warranted from a social perspective; the second means that the inefficiency of equilibrium vanishes becomes complete. By Proposition 7 we then have the as information Corollary 7 In beauty-contest economies, welfare is following. increasing in accuracy but non-monotonic in transparency. The Ui where 6 £ K and r G i's (0, l). follows that k* Note how -(1 - r) this = - Of - (fe L = L(k x action from other agents' actions, 2 This example ' U(k, K, It = the underlying fundamental, is distance of agent of Li, assumed by Morris and Shin (2002) specific payoff structure = k 6, 9, a\) Ukk = = is (Li - - L) = J (k' — k )~ d^(k') is the mean squareL = J L(k)d' i/(k) is the cross-sectional mean % ) t i nested in our framework with -(1 - -2, r given by is r) UkK — • (k 2 0) - r • (k Ukk = — 2r, 2r, example features two external - - K) 2 + £/_2 = r, r a\. effects that tilt the trade-off between dispersion in the opposite direction than the complementarity. In particular, the social cost of volatility, while \Ja i > = and hence a r = a*. > k volatility Ukk < are non-strategic, in the sense that they do not affect private incentives, increases Both decreases the social cost of dispersion. and effects and both contribute to reducing the social value of coordination. In the specific example considered by Morris and Shin (2002), these effects perfectly offset the impact of the complementarity, so that the optimal level of coordination is zero — which explains why transparency, and thereby public information, can be welfare- reducing. Keyensian competition or incomplete markets are in the heart of frictions such as monopolistic various macroeconomic complementarities (a.k.a. "multipliers" or "accelerators"). These frictions share with beauty contests the idea that complementarity originates in some market imperfection. However, the normative properties of beauty contests need not be shared by other Keynesian frictions. "'The first term in u, captures the value of taking an action close to a fundamental "target" introduces a private value for taking an action close to others' actions, whereas the no social value in doing so. social perspective, it is as if Indeed, aggregating across agents gives utility were simply u = —(k — 8)~, in w = —(1 — r) The Li term L term ensures that f(k — which case there 8. is 0)"<i\t'(fc), there of course no social value to coordination. 28 Note that Li = / ((*:' - K) - {h - K)f d<H (k') = (fc - 18 A') 2 + a\, L= 2 <j\, is so that, from a and L, - I = {K - A') 2 - o*. Consider, for example, new-Keynesian monetary models where complementarity emerges in pricing decisions (e.g., Woodford, 2003; Hell wig, 2005; Lorenzoni, 2005; Roca, 2005). goods results in a negative externality from cross- class of models, imperfect substitutability across sectional dispersion in prices (U i < which 0), In this in turn contributes to a higher optimal degree of k coordination —the opposite of what happens an excellent analysis of information is beauty contest above. Hellwig (2005) provides in the He shows this class of models. that the optimal sensitivity to public Moreover, the business cycle higher than the equilibrium one. is efficient complete information. Translating these properties in our framework gives a* > a in which case, by Corollary 4, > and under <j) = 0, and transparency. This helps welfare increases with both accuracy understand why, unlike in Morris and Shin (2002), public information welfare improving in is Hellwig (2005) and Roca (2005). Inefficient fluctuations 6.3 The focus in the previous section was on trade-off between volatility To isolate the gap k* — k tilt the turn focus to first-order effects. In particular, co- varies negatively with k —that is, economies inefficiently deep. impact of external effects (JJkK efficiency the complementarity and second-order effects We now and dispersion. we consider economies where the where recessions are how first-order effects — Ukk — Ua 2 = 0), so ^ (<j> 0), that a* we abstract from =a= 0. strategic and second-order From Proposition 7 then <p < —1/2 is necessary and sufficient for welfare to decrease with accuracy and be independent of transparency. Corollary 8 Suppose in the sense that Cov that a* =a= (k, k*) < and ^Var(K,). that equilibrium fluctuations are sufficiently inefficient Then welfare decreases with either private or public information. As an example, consider an economy where 8 — (61,62) 6 and where agents engage ffi" investment activity without complementarity but for which private and social returns U(k, some A £ for (0, 1). follows that k — 8\, The A', 9, a%) = 61k 2 - k /2 private return to investment while k* = (1 — A) 8\ + + is X{8 2 the discrepancy between private and social returns is 9\, while and social returns is o~e 2 If = 0, so that k* we maintain that the is = —A. But if close to zero, then decreases with either private or public information about 8\ and the social return If small enough, then increases with either private or public information about 8\. correlation between private . A 4> A and k* is 19 low enough but cf> a* 89 3= 9\. It < > —1/2 and l 1/2, =a> is 0, welfare meaning that the = — 1 < —1/2 and special case of this let is A < 1/2, meaning that constant and the entire fluctuation in investment correlation between k differ: - h)K, and hence <^ X82, in an is welfare when A = 1 inefficient. then welfare continues to The on the recent debate on the merits of transparency in central bank communication has focused role of complementarities in new-Keynesian models The 2005; Woodford, 2005; Hellwig, 2005; Roca, 2005). suggest that this debate might be somewhat misfocused (e.g., Morris and Shin, 2002; Svensson, results of this —a critical role is and the previous section played by the inefficiency of equilibrium fluctuations. For example, we conjecture that the result in Hellwig (2005) and Roca (2005) that public information has a positive effect on welfare in these models. In up introduces an shocks —which relies on the property that the business cycle standard new-Keynesian models efficiency gap. As long (e.g., business cycle. But if fluctuations are driven by productivity, taste, or the business cycle efficient Woodford, 2003) the monopolistic mark- the case in Hellwig (2005) and Roca (2005) is is — this monetary gap remains constant over the driven by shocks in mark-ups or the "labor wedge," is it seems possible that providing markets with information that helps predict these shocks can reduce welfare. This an interesting question that we leave open is Efficient competitive 6.4 The examples considered We now economies so far feature either positive complementarity or There is is of inefficiency. under both complete and incomplete information. 30 efficient a continuum of households, each consisting of a consumer and a producer, and two commodities. Let qn and q^i sumer i). living in household denote the respective quantities purchased by consumer v(q, 6) = 6q - 2 bq /2, 6 e R, and b = l > the price of good are the profits of producer terms of good 2. i 1 relative to v(q ll ,9) 0, pqu is i (the con- His preferences are given by u where p some form turn to competitive economies where agents' choices are strategic substitutes and where the equilibrium where for future research. + q 2l (22) , while his budget + q2i = e + good 2, e is is (23) TTi, an exogenous endowment of good (the producer living in household i), 2, and 7r,- which are also denominated in Profits in turn are given by n=pki-c(ki) decrease with accuracy but now it also decreases with transparency (24) — which strengthens particularly the case against public information. 30 We constructed this class of quadratic competitive economies independently but then found out that Vives (19SS) had proved efficiency of equilibria for exactly this class long before us. only the welfare effects of information are novel here. 20 Hence, with regard to this particular class, where good ki denotes the quantity of good with 2, c (k) The random = 2 k /2 produced by household 1 i and c(k) the cost in terms of 31 demand variable 9 represents a shock in the relative for the two goods. Exchange and consumption take place once 9 has become common knowledge. On the contrary, production when information takes place at an earlier stage, Consumer = qn K consume the same quantity for all and p i = — bK, where 9 -pK + e + = bK restated as Ui = v(K, This example is thus nested in our model with 9) U(k, K, = which case k* in and a* = a = -b < k, = 9/ (1 + TTi 9, b) , a\) 2 /2 K= l = {9- bK)k - Ukk t = -1, UkK — 1 where bqu. It = 7T; follows that = pk{-c(ki) i's (6 utility can be -bK)k{-k 2 /2. + bK 2 /2 + e, 2 k /2 Ukk = -b, — 9 which together with market clearing , f kd^(k). , = b, Ua = 2 = and therefore 0, 0. der complete information, the economy in good of +e+n That the complete-information equilibrium economy incomplete. chooses (qu,q2i) so as to maximize (22) subject to (23), which gives p i Clearly, all households gives is still which the first is is efficient (k = Un- k*) should not be a surprise. merely an example of a complete-markets competitive What welfare theorem applies. is interesting is that the equilibrium under incomplete information, despite the absence of ex-ante com- remains (constrained) efficient plete markets. This because the strategic substitutability perceived by the agents coincides with is = the one that the planner would have liked them to perceive (a* a) 32 The . following is then a direct implication of Proposition 6. Corollary 9 In the competitive economy described above, unambiguously decreases with both 6 and may be This result monetary a single policy. If common we relevant for the debate on transparency vs. interpret "transparent" central even " 0). It is for efficient bank disclosures makes a case be reminiscent of Morris and Shin (2002), but = a < constructive ambiguity in as information that admits =0 < is different. a), here perhaps more surprising that a case it This for constructive ambiguity. is Whereas the due to for constructive result there was efficient substitutability ambiguity can be made competitive economies. Implicit behind this cost function is a quadratic production frontier. The resource constraints are therefore given by = Ji fc an d Jz <?2i = e — | f, k^ for good 1 and 2, respectively. Ji Qu "The equilibrium would be inefficient if we had defined welfare as producer surplus for open economies that are net exporters of good is, and welfare interpretation and "ambiguous" disclosures as information that admits multiple driven by inefficiently high coordination (a* (a* is efficient a. idiosyncratic interpretations, then the result above may the equilibrium 2. In this case, u; = 7r, alone, and therefore a" which may be relevant = —2b < a = — b < 0; that the cooperative solution between the producers would involve stronger substitutability (and hence less sensitivity to public information) than equilibrium. 21 Finally, this last result welfare damaging even in competitive economies where the use of information example, suppose that an exogenous increase in the informativeness of prices by a reduction in the may be opens up the possibility that the informative role of prices impact of noisy traders Due costly collection of private information. markets in financial is efficient. —caused for For example —leads agents to reduce their to strategic substitutability, such a substitution of private information for public information could reduce welfare even if agents' overall uncertainty reduces. model Clearly, the in this paper does not allow for information aggregation through prices, but extending the results in this direction seems a promising hne for future research. Appendix Proof of Proposition From 2. condition k[x,y) K(6, S) (5), = kq + Yl Kn [(1 - 7 Js„ + jn zn = K + J2 *n [(1 - 7n)0n + ] In^n] n€N Hence k - Var(x n - K = 6n ) = T, n€ ^ K n [(l a\ i0 Var(zn - - j n )(x n 9n ) = 2 a Zn = { K and 9 n )} a y^ - k = EnGW K n7n(~n - + a g„) = and 5 n 2 a~ /a~ Using n )- together with , we have (6), Var(k - A ) ^ = f Kn [(1 - 7 „) <J Var(K-K) = which gives the neN 9 J2 K nri*i = £>' n£N n£N 9 Kn (l-a) 2 (l-<5 n {l _ a + a6n)2 Uk (K*, k*,9) + Ukk °n, <5n _(l-a + a5 n :al ) Part 3. (k(x, (i). y)-K*) + Since U is UkK (K - quadratic, (8) can be rewritten as K *)+ + Uk {k\ k\9) + (UkK + Ukk) (K Of 2 ) result. Proof of Proposition E[ ^ = neN 33 2 course, for this to be true it must be that there is some inefficiency in the collection otherwise Blackwell's theorem would again imply that any exogenous information 22 «*) is beneficial. \x,y] = = 0. of information, or Using Wk (k*, 9) = Uk(K*, k*,6) + Uk(k*, k*, E[ follows from the Part (ii) with «*() Proof of Proposition the equilibrium is + ^Uk K + Ukk Ukk same steps the unique function k ... + K^tf/v , = 1, = — > x,y | } = 0, re', 9) = a with a* and U\ agents perceive payoffs to be that solves E. (l-a)K +a'K Uk (n', KQ 2jV When (ii). From 0. \x,y], (25) = -U'kK /U'kk E[k(x,y)\e,e], a' the unique solution to (25) k(x, y) «*) gives (12). part first M : E[ = where tf(0,e) the unique solution to is Proposition K 27V G the above reduces to as in the proof of Proposition (1) replacing Consider 4. k(x,y) for all (x,y) 0, y)-K*) + (2UkK + UKK )(K - (k(x, Wkk = which together with re(-) Ukk = 9) and k'(9) = k' + k'^i + the same arguments as in the proof of given by is + Xl ne ^, K» [( X ~ "f'n) + l'n z n) Xn , where - 1 For this to coincide with the that = re'(-) k*(-) For part diate that (i) it = re'(-) and that = K is re*(-), dn efficient allocation for all (x,y) = a' and - a*, which proves part = a' (16). a*, K, 9) = G M. , it is necessary and sufficient (ii). + Uk(K, K, 6)k, U(k, K, 9) in which case it is imme- u Since U is quadratic, a second-order Taylor expansion around exact: U(k, K, It 1 suffices to let U'(k, Proof of Condition k a' 9) - U(K, K, 9) + Uk (K, K, 9) follows that ex-ante utility is = U(K, K, 9). k(x,y) and A K = -K) + ^- {k - A') 2 . given by Eu = E[W(K, where k (k Ukk^u^ - T K + -y-E[{k ., 9)} K(9,e) are shortcuts quadratic expansion of N 2i and W[K,9) for the efficient allocation W(K, 9) around re*, which is exact since U quadratic, gives W(K,6) = W(k*,9) + Wk {k*,B) 23 (A - re*) + ^~ (K - re*) 2 . and thus = W are By definition of k*, Eu At the Efc follows that 0. It W Ukk KK wurj ^2 = EW(k*,8) + —~^-E[(K-k*^] - k efficient allocation, = EA = = Wk(k*,Q) = k* , ^2 n eN' K *n Ek* and therefore E[(A - k*) — [(1 ln)( x n = Var{K - k*) 2 \ ~ -E[(k-K) 2 + 7n(~« — E[(k - A') 2 = #n) and ] #n)] implying that Var(k - A), which gives the result. Proof of Proposition with the definitions of The 5. a and a* «;*(•), «(•), Proof of Proposition . Suppose 6. from the proof of Proposition 4 together result follows directly = «;(•) = and a «*(•) a* and consider the set K. of allocations that satisfy for some a' < 1, or equivalently 71 k(x,y) = E[(l fc(z, y) = k + -a')« + _ in) x n Y^neN K « K 1 — Ek = + Yn ~n] where i n (l-5 n °"." ^+ a'5 — Sn) = ) " or 1 ( Clearly, the equilibrium (and efficient) allocation allocation in K, EA' a'if|x,y] is nested with a' Ek, ex-ante welfare can be written as IWifK-l C = i!i££lyar (#-«) + = a(= a*). Since for any Eu = B1F 21/^1 1^ + — ^-Var(Jfc-A') = - (k, 5) — £, any where 2U —+ — ^fi, \Ukk a 2\ with = fi Using T/ar(A-«) = - A) = Var(fc we have (1 - Q*)Var (A - ^ ^< ^ = K ^ _ [(1 ^ar(fc = (a £V _ 2 - A). g /( _ ,2 [(J _ yj2 2 {(J /{1 _ ^ ^ that Note that Eu depends on allocation ~ + £^ ^ y^^j ^n&N "| l'n «) is nested with a' In solves dQ/d"f'n = 0; = and a' a*, that it l-5n Sn for (<J,i,cr„), must be that n G a' TV, = n f only through Q. Since the efficient a* maximizes Eu, or equivalently that is, (1 _V)2$ = On 24 iz< 1 - 0„ (26) Q Next note that Sn . By and hence Eu increases, is d5 n we thus have (26), the case if and only if U Using the K, (k, 9, a'l) fact that a* > U Since and only if if 7*/(l - 7*) > [<] <5 7l /(l - 6n ), which a* (by efficiency) then gives the result. A, [k, — K)'\8, e] and E[(/c 9, a2 ) A, 8, is quadratic in k and linear in a 2 0)(k hence Eaj. = ^(k - A) - A) + — A')-], we E[(k 2 , + Ua *o\. have that ex-ante utility given Eu = EW(K, A — Using a [<]0. (19). [<]0 = U(K, K, 9, 0) + Uk (K, = o\ dEu/d5 n > that Proof of Condition is Finally, consider the effect of . the envelope theorem, dd n Using any o n decreases, with Taylor expansion of W( A, 8) Ukk + 2Ua + 9) 2 k - E[(k - A') 2 ]. K = k then gives around Wk W{K, 8) = W(k, 9) + 9)(K - {k, k) —^(A - k) + 2 and hence Eu = EW(k, In equilibrium, E[(A - k)} 9) + E[Wk (k, 9) (A - EK = Ek = = Var(K - 2 Step (f>, </>', E[(A - E[Wk(k, = Var(k - 2 } 9) k) 2 g* + ] (K - Wkk < E[(fc - A) 2 ]. = Cov\Wk{k, 9), (K - k)} A), which gives the prove the result in three steps. Step k)], result. computes the welfare 1 statics. Step 3 characterizes (j> The property 1. and <j), that W is quadratic, along with \\\-(k* 9) , = (by definition of the first imply that 0, Wk It • due to incomplete information. Step 2 derives the comparative the bounds best), We 7. ^p therefore, and E[(k - K) k) Proof of Proposition losses and Eac + k,)} (k, 9) = WK K ( *, 9) + WKK -{k-k*) = \WKk\ («* - «) • follows that Cov(K Since A" - k = £ Kn -y n (z n - k, Wk 9 n ), z n mutually orthogonal whenever n COV (K - K,K* - K) 7^ j, = \WKk\ Cov (K - (k, 9)) - 9n = [X n (e n ) (1 - A„)(^ t _ - k) 9 n )] (27) . , and (e n ,£j, 9 n 9 3 ) are , we have = Cov ( £ K n Jn (zn - 9 n = H( K n~= + k, k* ) , £ K n) K n f n C0V (9 n Z n , ( Kn ~ K n) - 8n ) 8n = Z (^T^yhnl-(l-K)Var(9 n 25 ) )} = Using = 4> n «- Kn )/Kn = 7„ , - a + ad n ), and 5 n /(l - A n Var (1 = (8 n ) ) (cr g ^/a z ^)aj n = a\ n = a n/5 n we have that , l C0V(K-K,K*-K,)= Y.^nl--, -^-T K l a l] 1 - a + a °n I (28) j ir, while Cov ( K - k, k 0_„ | = ) K^7 n Cou (*„ - n 6> , = -- n) n — a + aoT-^ n 1 Next, as in the proof of Proposition crn . 2, 5 Var (A'"^ tt E n - nZnXv + = ^—i z = Substituting (27)-(30) into (19), using v (1 (29) ad n J- (l-a)i(l-6 n A (1 — a + ao n —i — a (1 n€N 2 ) 2 ) a*)\Ukk + 2 f/ 2 , 1 and rearranging, we get k + 2Uol - 2^ A (a, a \Uk k L= k \ <5 0,,, , n) << n6Af where = (1 Note that KW(k,9) is A Step 2. (a, a , 0, d) welfare with respect to (5n , o~ n ) dC a*) [20(1 independent of \Uk k + 2Ual (5 7l ,a n ) Kn A{a,a + 2Ua2\ 2 thus need to understand the sign of By 2 (l - *) • and hence the comparative \ 2 85 n We q) coincide with the opposite of those of £. Note that \Ukk dC - a + a5) + 5] + (l9 (1 — a + ao)~ , = q~2 - ,4>n ,a n ) dA(a,a*,<f>n ,5n ) Kn °n2 85 n A and 8A/8d n . (31), dA q 2 [(l ~ = J n )(l - a) - gn] - (l-a + S5„ When a = 0, this -a- aS n a*(l a6 n ) - ) 2a<t>(l - 3 reduces to dA _ _ , <9<5„ and hence, When for any n £ N, 8C/85 n > [<]0 instead if and only if a* < [>]0. a^O, dA 85 n 2(1 [1 -q*) - q + a5 n 2q[/(q,a*,d" n ) 2 ) 26 - <f> n }, q*)(l - a + aJ n ) (31) statics of /(a a < Since a* su7n[<9£/(9<5 n 1, = ] = J) ' ' or (p n G (0, a < 0. a > and - 0j. sign\f(a,a*,5 n ) and /(a, a*, 5) alternates sign as S n varies between is necessary and sufficient for V£ n when a < 0, whereas n d£/d5 n > for V(5„ dC/da"^ Finally, note that /(a, a*, <5). <5e[o,i] cp <f> Let = max <^(q,q*) < Hence, dL/d5 n < dC/dS n then </>), 2a(l- a + a5)(l-a*) sign[a] 4>(a,a*) = min <5e[o,i] If ai{(l-5)(l-a)-5}-a*(l-a-a6) - n > when a < 0. > [<] * «= (p (p is dC/d5 n > if > ra — - <5 — + J(l- Q *) < - a + ad) — 2(1 ' V5„ when a [<] g(a, a*, (l-Q.) 2 (l-^) , o(a,a ,o); yv no matter whether a > 1, dC/d5 n < necessary and sufficient for and only if and a*)(l > and for V£ n when where n ), 0. Letting a*)= min 6'(a, and <?(a, a*, 5) </> = max (a, a*) d"£[0,l] we get that dC/do'^ as £ n varies Step 3. if 4> n G > [< ((/>', (ft 0] a* = instead a* and when a* < Consider a* < 1) G [0, 1] if 4> n a, first > a, / is f > 4> [< </>'], whereas dC/do^ alternates sign is = a*) a*) <j)(a, in 5, with (l-a) ^g = = both / and 5 are independent of 4>'(a, When for all 5„ Note that both / and g are monotonic a, 5), ). g/ When g(a, a*, <5e[0,l] = and 5, = a*) <p(a, ,_ <p (a, a*) = f(a,a*,l), (a, a*) = g(a,a*,0), = f(a,a*,0) = g(a, a*, = f(a,a*,0)<j>(a,a*) 4/ (a, a*) = g(a,a*,l) strictly decreasing in 5 < 4> = f(a,a*,l)<j>(a a*) 4>'(a,a*) = g(a, a* ,0) > (0, 1). If a* > 5, < <p (a, a*) a, then a2 + (1 1). - 2a)a* > (using the fact that and therefore #a,a*) < <Ha, a*) = so that and £(a,a*) a G 0. (and g strictly decreasing) in strictly increasing ±(a,a*) the case — —— < /(a, a*, 27 1) = Zl 2a(l — J_ < cv*) 0. If < instead a* a, *\ At #«,a = ) Since —a /(l ft /(a,a < and therefore 2 then — a > 1/2 or a* > if -a 2 -n , if /(l - a* < < a, then a* and only < < < we conclude if If and only > a* a = _ 2; ^ < a2 while if a* ) , - ) = /(«,« > -a 2 /(l - 2a), or a* 1/2, a G ( — 1,0). /<„, „-.<» if < <f> ( and hence (1 a > 1/2 and 2a). ^o - 2a)a* < _ 2a(1 a. } + - whenever a Next, consider the case Ha, a') = Q2 = 1) and only < 2a) * if while a* > a - a2 q* - 2a(1 < if (0, 1), _ a«) and only <p < if if a' > a2 and only . if 2 . a, then < *., C) = cfi < if = /(a, a', 1) and only a* if f^fff < — a 2 /(l — 2a). If instead a~ and hence * 0(a,a*) — We <ji a G that, for = ,0) conclude that, for a 6 < j>(a,a*) (0, 1), < tfi = if and only if 2 ° ~ "* (— 2a)(l — = f(a,a*,0) a* < a", < 0. a*) and © < if and only if a* < 2 -a /(l-2a). 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