'^^, [ubrasoeb] ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/equilibriummodelOOcaba DEVVE> HB31 .M415 01- Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series An Equilibrium Model of "Global Imbalances" and Low Interest Rates Ricardo J. Caballero Emmanuel Farhi Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas Working Paper 06-02 January 14,2006 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research httsp://ssrn.com/abstract= 2 a9 5 87— - <^noo2 ^'^'^fVM^^S^oE^'''''^ 1_I _BR ARIES 1 An Equilibrium Model of "Global Imbalances" and Low Ricardo J. Interest Rates Emmanuel Caballero Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas* Farhi This Draft: January 27, 2006 Abstract Three of the most important recent facts in global macroeconomics — the sustained rise in current account deficit, the stubborn decline in long run real rates, and the rise in the share of in global portfolio — Instead, in this paper appear as anomalies from the perspective of we provide a model the US US assets conventional wisdom and models. that rationalizes these facts as an equilibrium outcome of two observed forces: a) potential growth differentials among different regions of the world and, b) hetero- geneity in these regions' capacity to generate financial assets from real investments. In extensions of the ba.sic model, we also generate exchange rate and FDI excess returns which are broadly consistent with the recent trends in these variables. Unlike the conventional wisdom, in the absence of a large change in (a) or (b), our model does not augur any catastrophic event. More generally, the framework enough to shed light JEL Codes: EO, on a range of scenarios F3, F4, in a global equilibrium environment. deficits, capital flows, interest rates, global portfolios growth and financial development asymmetries, exchange •Respectively: flexible Gl Keywords: Current account We is MIT and NBER; MIT; Berkeley and NBER. rates, FDI, intermediation and equilibrium, rents. E-mails: caball@mit.edu, efarhi@mit.edu, pog@berkeley.edu. thank Daron Acemoglu, Olivier Blanchard, Mike Dooley, Francesco Giavazzi, Maury Obstfeld, Ivan Werning, and seminar participants at Berkeley, thank the NSF IMF, MIT, MIT-Central Banks Network and SCCIE for financial support. First draft: September 2005. for their comments. Caballero and Gourinchas Introduction 1 Three Fact facts have dominated the discussion The US has run a 1: in global in recent times: persistent current account deficit since the early 1990s, which has accelerated dramatically since the late 1990s. Today, illustrates this path, as a ratio of it World's The exceeds US$600 billions a year. GDP be apparent below, but for reasons that will macroeconomics solid dark (this line also includes the deficits of the it is line in Figure 1(a) U.K. and Australia, overwhelmingly dominated by the U.S. pattern). The counterpart of these deficits has been driven by the surpluses in Japan and Continental Europe throughout the period and, starting at the end of the 1990s, by the large surpluses in Asia ex-Japan, commodity producers, and the turnaround Fact 2: The of the current account deficits in long run real interest rate has been steadily declining over the last decade, despite recent efforts from central banks to Fact Conundrum"). See Figure raise interest rates (the "Greenspan's The importance 3: most non-European emerging market economies. of amounts to over 17 percent US assets in global portfolios has increased 1(b). throughout the period and now of the rest of the world's financial wealth, which is equivalent to 43 percent of their annual output. See Figure 1(c). Despite extensive debates on the factors behind and sustainability of this environment, there are very few formal structures to analyze these joint phenomena. The conventional view and their recent formalizations, attempt mostly to explain (the The first half of) fact 1, largely ignore fact 2, and take 3 as an exogenous anomaly. analysis about the future then consists of telling the story that follows once this "anomaly" goes away. However, capital flows are primarily an asset market phenomenon and hence the paths of interest rates and portfolios must be made an the current situation and The main purpose integral part of the analysis how it is likely to get of this paper important side product, shed some is light out of to provide a on the above if we are to conjecture on framework to analyze global equilibrium and, as an The model facts. of different shocks on global capital flows, interest rates 1 into it.^ is fairly and provides a simple asset-demand and (most importantly) -supply framework the patterns in Figure what got the world and We portfolios. standard in its ingredients to characterize the impact use this model to show that (together with observed exchange rate and gross flows patterns) can arise naturally from observed growth and financial market shocks, which interact with heterogeneous degrees of financial market development We U.K.) US the world. divide the world into three groups: ([/); 'Recently, for in different regions of The US (and the EuroZone/Japan {E); and the rest {R). some of the debate in policy circles also has The latter include began to highlight the current account deficits. See especially Bernanke (2005) and we have developed our framework. "similar" economies such as Australia IMF (2005). emerging markets, oil and the producing role of equilibrium in global capital We will revisit the "saving glut" markets view after % of World GDP 1.5% 1990 1991 1992 1993 1934 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ^— USA. AuslralB, UK -O-EU. Japan 2002 2003 2004 -^ROW Current Account by Region (percent of world output) (a) 1992 1990 1994 1996 (b) 2D00 199S -o- US-long -*-worid-short real World and US Real 2002 real Interest Rates pwzarn 45 40 3S 30 25 20 15 ^-"^^™""°^ ^_a 'm : Hi ^ It III ^ 10 5 1994 1996 1 ^^Flnancial Wealth (c) Share of US Assets in -Output Rest of the World's Output and Financial Wealth Figure 1: Three Stylized Professional Forecasters, Facts. (c) Sources: (a) WDI World Development Japan and Authors' calculations (see appendix) and Deutsche Bank, Indicators, Bureau 3 of (b) International Financial Statistics and Survey of Economic Analysis, European Central Bank, Bank of countries, U and E and high saving newly industrialized economies, such as Hong-Kong, Singapore and Korea. Both produce good quality financial instruments. R, on the other hand, has high growth potential but has episodes when cannot generate "enough" reliable savings instruments.^ it we In this world, investigate the implication of a growth We asset markets in R. capital flows toward U , show that both shocks point slowdown same in the U , these are tenuous, as t/'s E and, primarily, a collapse in terms of generating a direction, in a decline in real interest rates, and an increase global portfolios. Importantly, while there are natural forces that in in the undo some importance of rise in f/'s assets in of the initial trade deficits in current account never needs to turn into surplus and capital fiows indefinitely toward U. The key Regions U feature of the and R coupled with E compete on is that it focuses on the regions' ability to supply financial assets to savers. Region asset production. U and E. More growth potential in model productive assets are U (implicitly) relax these assumptions in extensions. In the main reason is FDI from U to first financial assets. Thus, fast E than in means that a demand R The exchange run by local agents and there one we allow U we for saving for foreign direct is a single good. rate patterns generated by the There are several recent to finance expanded model — and anticipate a very limited and slow depreciation articles related to the Giavazzi and Sa (2005) analyzes investment (FDI), whose permanent trade in R, and in the process deficits. US in response to the shocks highlighted above are in particular, U appreciates vis a vis both, R and E— of f/'s exchange rate in the absence of further shocks. U—E analysis in our paper. For instance, Blanchard, external imbalances from the point of view of portfolio balance theory Kouri (1982). Their approach takes world interest rates as given and focuses on the dual exchange rate We allow for heterogeneous goods and discuss (real) exchange rate determination. broadly consistent with those observed in the data result in larger share of global saving improves the financial quality of assets created from investments In the second extension relative growth transfering "corporate governance" standards from one country to the other. In this context generate rents for U. Moreover, these rents allow la demands t/. In the basic a R their inability to generate local store of value instruments increases their instruments from flows to model in allocating portfolios demand through the terms from exogenous increases between imperfectly substitutable domestic and foreign assets and of trade. In their model, the large recent in U.S. demand for foreign Their model predicts a substantial future depreciation of the ^See Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2006) for a model generate reliable financial assets. When role of the conglomerates, degree of "cronysm," and so on. in US current account imbalances in foreign demand for U.S. assets. dollar since the exchange rate is the only of bubbles in emerging markets as a result of their inability to local bubbles crash, countries could arise from a fundamental shock due to a change goods and US need to seek store of value abroad. This pattern also public perception of the soundness of the financial system and local equilibrating variable and current account deficits must be reversed. Obstfeld and Rogoff (2004) and (2005) consider an adjustment process through the global reallocation of demand for traded versus non traded and domestic versus foreign goods. Their analysis takes as given that a current account reversal needs to occur in the US, as well as the levels of relative supply of traded and non-traded goods in each country. Because the current account deficits represents a large share of traded output, they too, predict a large real depreciation of the dollar. These papers differ from ours in terms of the shocks leading to the current "imbalances", our emphasis on equilibrium in global financial markets and, most importantly, on the connection between this equilibrium and the countries' ability to produce sound financial assets. For the Far hi and U— E part, the closest paper in terms of Hammour and low global (forthcoming 2006), interest rates. opportunities in E. ignores the role of R One of the who asset supply, in that paper is is triggered by a in this (forthcoming 2006) analyze an environment similar to that in Caballero et US bubble but it in booms in U investment on the investment side of the problem and which are central to our analysis allocation of excess global savings to a slowdown Caballero, is present several models of speculative investments mechanisms theydiscuss However the emphasis and themes and some of the implications al.. paper. Kraay and Ventura Their emphasis is on the does not connect capital flows to growth and domestic financial markets fundamentals as we do here. For the U—R part, Dooley, Folkerts- Landau 2006) have argued that the current pattern of and Garber (2003) and Dooley and Garber (forthcoming US external imbalances does not represent a threat to the global macroeconomic environment. Their "Bretton flows is Woods 11" analysis states that the structure of capital optimal from the point of view of developing countries trying to maintain a competitive exchange rate, to develop a productive traded good sector, or to absorb large amounts of rural workers sector. Unlike theirs, our analysis emphasizes the role of private sector capital flows and argues that the exchange rate Section 2 is is in the industrial mostly a sideshow.^ the core of the paper and presents the main model and mechanisms. Section 3 introduces a foreign direct investment margin, while Section 4 analyzes exchange rate determination. Section 5 concludes and is followed by several appendices. ''We do not deny the existence of large reserves accumulation by China and others. Nonetheless, most of these reserves First, bonds in are indirectly held by their local private sectors three observations. a context with only limited capital account openness. Second, US gross flows are an order of magnitude larger than official fiows - rather than imputing Chinese reserves accumulation to financing the equally well (or poorly) argue that they are financing interventions was more we make through (quasi-collateralized) low-return sterilization most important persistent trends. at a time when FDI the US current account deficit, one could flows to emerging markets, including China. Third, the role of oflicial US was experiencing a temporary slowdown, while our analysis refers to A 2 Model with In this section we develop a model that endogenizes and captures the broad patterns of capital stylized and global flows, interest rates market Explicit Asset Supply Constraints portfolios We for global saving instruments. shown Figure in 1. The model highlights the supply side of the the world into three groups: [/-countries have deep financial slice markets and good growth conditions; S-countries have deep financial markets but (perhaps temporarily) bad growth conditions; finally, i?-countries (perhaps temporarily) do not have deep financial markets but have exceptional growth conditions. we show In this context markets in R compound growth conditions in R that both the depressed growth conditions in to generate large and exacerbate rather than persistent capital fiows to In the we study one, first U global equilibrium in a world with and has the dual closest to the conventional analysis and the depressed financial Moreover, the exceptional . offset this pattern."^ After a series of preliminaries explaining the essence of our framework, parts. E U role of we and split E the argument into three This countries only. is the showing the workings of our model and studying the equilibrium impact of a persistent decline in £"s growth conditions, as experienced by Japan from the early 1990s and Continental Europe more recently. That global interest rates almost indefinitely. is, This decline raises capital flows from E U to and lowers the automatic rebalancing forces, regardless of the extent of home-bias, are tenuous in the absence of a reversal in the factors that led to the original imbalances, namely depressed growth conditions in E. In the second part of our model. rates drop We we study global equilibrium in a world with show that first if and capital flows from U R to U permanently. in financial than U—E in the R countries only. This is the core development is if growth potential in R is In particular, long run rates decline by deficits indefinitely. That is, if above that more than the initial not undone, the automatic rebalancing forces are even more tenuous world. This part primarily captures the events following the Asian and Russian crises, as well as the fast growth afterwards. Moreover, can finance very significant current account asymmetry and R's capacity to generate reliable financial assets crashes, global interest of the rest of the world, both effects are exacerbated. short rates, and U It also and (favorably) high commodity prices experienced by much of the R region shortly captures some of the elements following the crash of the Japanese bubble in the early 1990s. We parts, close this section we show by integrating the three regions. Aside from adding the that the shock in ''Thus, the view that growth of be a factor has a larger (favorable) impact on trading partners is in explaining the large capital flows to the growing faster and who those that US R demand is assets growing slower than the US. grow faster, U effects of the previous than on E. The reason on average similar to that of the US, so that US, If is misguided from our perspective. those that compete with the then both factors play in the same direction. US It in asset differential is two that the growth cannot matters a great deal who is production grow slower and lower interest rates resulting from the asset markets collapse in in the region R has a larger positive effect on asset values with better growth prospects. Preliminaries 2.1 A 2.1.1 closed economy Time evolves continuously. Infinitesimal agents (traders) are born at a rate 9 per unit time and die at the same rate; of (1 — S)Xt which they population mass is save in resources at the time of death. that is its entirety until they die (exit). The term (1 — 5)Xt their accumulated should be interpreted as the share of national output arbitrage, the instantaneous return from hoarding a unit of a tree, Vj is SXt per unit time. in local trees. rtVt ratio all vehicles are identical "trees" producing in aggregate a dividend of Agents can save only where Agents consume endowment not capitalizable. The only saving By constant and equal to one. At birth, agents receive a perishable the value of the trees at time t. As = 6Xt rt, satisfies: + Vt (1) standard, the return on the tree equals the dividend price is 5Xt/Vt plus the capital gain Vt/Vt. Let Wt denote the (deaths), savings accumulated by active agents at date t. Savings decrease with withdrawals and increase with the endowment allocated to new generations and the return on accumulated savings: Wt In equilibrium, savings = -eWt + (1 (3) into (1), S)Xt +rtWt. must be equal to the value of the Wt = Replacing - and the Replacing this expression back into trees: Vt. (3) result into (2), yields a relation Wt = (1), using (3), (2) f. we obtain an between savings and production:^ (4) expression for the instantaneous equilibrium interest rate: rt ^By Walras' Law, noticing that dWt corresponds to Xt = ^+5e, (5) consumption, we can re-write this relation as a goods-market equiUbrium condition: eWt = Xt. Conditional on exogenous output Xt, the interest rate of growth of financial wealth rises demand {W), and hence We and it rises capitalizable is with 6 because this lowers financial wealth assume that the total endowment in the the rate lifts the expected capital gains from holding a tree; with 6 because this increases the share of income that assets;® with growth because the latter rises and hence demand and hence economy, Xt, grows at rate g. it raises the it supply of asset prices/ Hence rt is given by raut where =9 + 59. Taut A 2.1.2 now open Let us Open Economy Small Assumption the (small) economy, which faces a given world interest rate, 1 g < r < g r, such that: +9 Definition 1 (Trade Balance and Current Account): Let us denote the trade balance and current account at time t as The TBt and CAt, definition of the trade balance the financial account and To respectively, with: is is TBt = Xt-9Wt CAt = Wt-Vt standard. The current account is also standard. It is the dual of defined as the increase in the economy's net asset demand. find the steady state of this economy, we integrate (1) forward and (2) backward: Jo ^Given our particular parametrization, a but it is rise in 5 also lowers asset demand. This effect reinforces our asset supply mechanism not robust to alternative parametrizations. '^Note that (5) differs from the usual equation that horizon consumption model. would prevail if we were to adopt the standard frictionless infinite There, the interest would be determined entirely by the (asset) demand side: only on consumption growth, the rate of time preference and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution. parameterizes the supply of financial assets, would play no model, a reduction in consumption. That i5 is, role. The reason changes the relative importance of financial to as we reduce 6, the drop in financial savings is human it would depend Hence, 5, which that in the standard frictionless infinite horizon wealth, without changing total wealth and hence — the demand for financial assets — exactly offsets the drop in financial asset supply, leaving the interest rate unaffected. Thus, in order to introduce an equivalent role for supply of financial assets in that model, Our we would have to introduce preferences and demographic assumptions achieve the collateral constraints same more efficiently. and link collateral to capitalizable income. W _ X l-i5 g+e-r (Demand) faut W/X Figure Assumption 1 The Metzler diagram. 2: implies that asymptotically Xf t->oo r — Wt Xt t-oo g Equation (6) is just Gordon's formula. the size of the economy, It a decreasing function of is equilibrium in a supply and If r < cross at r = (6) g l-S + e-r (7)' ^ shows that the asymptotic supply of assets which, normalized by the size of the economy, demand curve V/X , demand diagram, a Equation r. is (7) describes the an increasing function of r. variation on the Metzler diagram. assets, normalized by asymptotic demand for Figure 2 represents the The supply curve and raut- Taut S r and domestic asset supply exceeds - > g 1-5 g+e-r demand. Since along the balanced growth path Wt = gWt and Vt = gVt, the above inequality implies that the small country runs an asymptotic current account deficit (financed by an asymptotic capital account surplus): CAt Xt Note [rant t^<=o''\g r-gj + e-r also that, asymptotically, the trade balance is {g The in surplus: + e - - r) r)(r - g)' (8) lower rate of return on savings depresses wealth accumulation and, eventually, consumption TBt Xt raut *-oo g + - r (9) ( Importantly, however, this asymptotic trade surplus liabilities of the country, which is why when r > Conversely, note that is not enough to service the accumulated net external the current account remains in deficit forever. Taut, (8) and (9) still hold, but now the economy runs an asymptotic current account surplus. We can prove a stronger result that will be useful later on. Lemma Consider a path for the interest rate {rt}t>o such that limt_,oo 1 Xt t—'CO r — g' CAt Xt t^oo " [g Xt +6— t->oo g [Taut - r) + -r){r- r with g < r < g + 6. Then r TBt -r g+Q - r Taut Xt g)' = ft t-^oo Proof. See the appendix. 2.2 A World with Symmetric (and Developed) Financial Markets {A U — E * World) Let us now study same setup which is global equilibrium with two large regions, common in V^ is country i {U,E}. Each of them is described by the the value of country at date (10) rt, across both regions and satisfies: i's tree at time = and 5Xi Let t. + W^ V^ (10) denote the savings accumulated by active agents t: Wi = ~ewi + Adding = as in the closed economy, with an instantaneous return from hoarding a unit of either tree, rtV^ where i (11) across both regions, (1 - 5)Xi + rtWl (11) yields: nVt = Wt = -9Wt + dXt (1 - + Vt (12) S)Xt + rtWt + Vt^, Xt (13) with Wt = From now W^ + Wt^, Vt = Vt^ = Xf+Xf. on, the solution for global equilibrium proceeds exactly as in the closed eWt = Xt. economy above, with (14) and rt Let us now specify the initial conditions = (15) Y^+59. and follow with our 10 first shock. Assumption 2 (Initial Conditions) common rate of growth, Suppose now Lemma The world i = 0, is initially symmetric, with equal levels of XI and a constant There are no (net) capital flows across the economies and to both countries, g. that, unexpectedly, at the rate of growth of 2 (Continuity): At impact, r absorbs the shock while Proof. At any point It : follows that in time, Wt does not jump conclude that Vj does not jump it at V E and drops permanently to W remain unchanged. must be true that i = either: : Vq- Wq- = Wo+ = = = Vo+ Xq/Q. Since Wt Xq/O. But = ^ ^ +69 <ro-=g + Vt must hold absence of a decline for this to be consistent with the asset pricing equation, the growth slowdown in ro+ = E must be offset at all times, in V we at impact by a drop in r: 5e that reflects a decline in world output growth.* While global wealth and capitalization values do not change economies does. On one hand, it stands to reason that the lower growth in rise since both dividend streams are discounted at the Wq /Wq' rises or home not depends on the agents' bias in these portfolios, established fact of home Wq /Wq common Xf implies that Vq' /Vq' global interest rate. initial portfolio allocations. On we assume an extreme form our mechanisms more starkly. home bias, is some Because the conventional view has taken the well rises as well. of must the other, whether However, as long as there bias as a key force bringing about rebalancing of portfolios, well, as this isolates the contribution of propositions at impact, the allocation of these across we Moreover, for shall assume clarity, in it as the main but then extend the simulations and figures to other cases. Assumption 3 (Home Bias). Agents first satisfy their saving needs with local assets and only hold foreign assets once they run out of local assets. This assumption implies that, at impact, local wealths' changes match the changes in the value of local trees one-for-one: ^0+ 2 ~ °+ 2 ^0+ 2 ~ '^°+ 2 ^According to the World Development Indicators, average output growth the 1990s and 2.75% since 2000. 11 for U, E and R was 3.41% in the 1980s, 2.77% in These changes in wealth have a direct impact on consumption, which are reflected immediately in the trade balance and current account. Before describing these effects, let us digress momentarily. At times, to note that the current account can also be written as the sum will it be convenient of trade balance for exposition and net income from global holdings: Lemma 3 (Alternative Formulation of the Current Account) = Xi-ewt+rt{a'^W^-oP/V,') CAi = TBi+rM''Vt^-c4''v;) where i / j, aj'-' is the trees held by agents in share of country j country 's trees held by agents in country i, aj'^ is the share of country i 's j. Proof. See the appendix. Note that our current account definition excludes, as does national accounts, unexpected valuation (unexpected capital gains and losses from international positions) the only surprise takes place at date this issue when 0, when agents . This is not a relevant issue for are not holding international assets. We effects now since shall return to relevant. Also note that since both. Henceforth, we CAf + CA^' — 0, we only need shall describe the behavior of one of the current accounts to characterize to describe CA^, with the understanding that this concept describes features of the global equilibrium rather than [/-specific features. Finally, without any substantive implication (see the Appendix for the general case), we make an as- sumption to narrow the asymptotic cases we need to analyze: Assumiption 4 (Bounded Growth Proposition 1 Decline): {g — g^) < (Persistent Current Account Deficits in persistent decline in E 's rate of growth from g to g^ < (1 — U ): g, 5)9. Under assumptions turns CAf in deficit in the long run (although vanishing asymptotically relative to Proof. At impact, we have CA'^ For t > 0, using OWt = Xt and 9Vt = = TB^ = X^ - eVo"+ < Xt we have CA'^ = Wt" - Vi' 12 = Vf - W^ 1 to 4, an unexpected and into a deficit at impact X^ ). and remains . Prom equation (15) and g > g^ \\m.t^^rt , = Lemma r'^ut- Vf shows that 1 5 X^ *-- - 9" r^ut Wl {1-5) and CAf CAY Finally, it follows immediately from g The impact effect of a decline in down E's wealth one for E's consumption which > g^ 5^(rL-^f.,) , that CA^ /X^ B's rate of growth a decline in the value of E's assets which drags in not matched by a drop in E's current income. Thus E's trade balance, which is is initial to absorb this surplus by running a trade deficit. results vanishes asymptotically. one given the extreme home bias assumption. This leads to an immediate drop equal to the current account in the symmetric which is <0. from an increase not stem from any increase in [7's in f/'s equilibrium, goes into surplus. In equilibrium, The latter achieved by an increase in is C/'s U has consumption, wealth following the appreciation of U's assets. This appreciation does growth prospects, but from the fall in interest rates brought about by E's slowdown. Suddenly assets look relatively L'''s more attractive, and hence a share of E's saving begins to flow to these assets. Over time, the return on these assets raises E's wealth and consumption (relative to output), eventually overturning the initial trade surplus, and hence U' s trade deficit. However, U's eventual trade surpluses are never enough to service the accumulated net-foreign in full, is and hence U's current account remains in deficit forever. a sustained accumulation of U's assets by E. importance of U assets in E's portfolio rises until The counterpart This accumulation is g-9^ ^ in the limit, Of course, this E continuously accumulates U's assets at a rate g^ does not mean that our model violates the intertemporal approach to the current account. Integrating forward the equation: w^ we to: >0. ^ {{l-5)e-{g-g'^)){{g-gE)+5e) Thus, of this persistent deficit very fast early on, as the relative converges (asymptotically) it liabilities - v^" = x^ - ew}' + n{wi' - V,") find the usual expression: /oo {x^ -ew^)e-i't^-''^ds /oo 13 In particular /•OO = W^+ -V^+ = - TB^e- I J'o ''''^'dt. Jo Since the surpluses is initial net asset position The trade balance zero. is balanced in our basic scenario, the net present value of trade balance TB^ is initially in deficit TBl^_TBl t::^gE xf xf and eventually turns g-g^ + e-r^^, E due to Importantly, however, increased net interest payments to t/'s accumulation of net foreign exceed the trade balance surpluses and generate a chronic current account We can understand the asymptotic result economy in and Section 2.1, its Figure 2. into surplus since: deficit in liabilities U. the proposition with reference to the simple small open in First, since in the long U run dominates the global economy, the equilibrium interest rate converges to the Autarky interest rate for U: Thus W^ /X^ the gap between interest rate exceeds the and V^ new Autarky r^o = jX^ is g + Se. . However, note that the limit asymptotically vanishing. rate in E: roo = + Se > 9 means that the asymptotic gap between + Se = g" V^ jXf Thus the asymptotic gap between Wf' /Xf and this = Taut W^ jXf is r^^t. Moreover, by global equilibrium strictly positive. and V^^ jXf is strictly negative. Let us now turn to a characterization of the entire path. Figure 3 portrays an example of the impact of a growth slowdown for parameters calibrated to match some key aspects of the data.^ Our only goal here to consolidate the insights from the proposition and to argue that the effects significant. We do not attempt to match the exact paths Still, gradual and capital flows remain large which are more robust to the absence Panel A of Figure 3 shows that V^ relative to initial global portfolio to loss.^° More V^ 5% . costs. would require additional Absent these, adjustments note that even in this frictionless environment, adjustments are many years after the shock. Also note that the cumulative results, of frictions, are large C/'s current account/GDP of output, which converge to zero only gradually. shock lowers describe are quantitatively in the data, as that smoothing mechanisms, such as gradual globalization, and other adjustment are too large at impact and too fast. we is Panel Since in order to (rather than the centrally, the large initial current 0% B exhibits large initial deficits of 17 percent reports C/'s net external position. match Figure 1(c), in the proposition), we U calibrated U's The growth assets share in suffers a small initial valuation account deficits worsen rapidly U's net foreign asset position ^See the appendix for a discussion of the calibration. The drop in E's growth rate is about one percent. ^"That is, the initial jump at t = 0+ reflects the unexpected valuation effect from C/'s holdings of E's asset. Recall that our convention, similar to NIPA or BoP accounting, excludes these valuation effects from the current account. 14 Panel Panel -2 2 4 6 A: Panel Interest Rote C: 8 CA/Output 10 12 16 14 18 20 Panel 24 22 Net Foreign Assets/Output B: D: Global Portfolio Share 26 years Figure from zero to -75 percent in A g^ Collapse in 15 years. Eventually, the net foreign asset position converges to zero (relative to domestic output), but panel B illustrates that this denominator (output growth) since initial real interest rate 3: U is slow, and in fact comes entirely from the never runs a current account surplus. Given our parameter values, the C equals 6 percent. Panel then climbs back very slowly to pre-shock wealth, under the assumption that convergence U shows that levels. Finally, maintains it drops by about 60 basis points at impact, the last panel shows the share of its initial holdings. f/'s assets in B's This portfolio share increases rapidly from 5 percent to 25 percent, and asymptotes to 34 percent. The model (Fact 1); Up U. is thus able to generate simultaneously large and long lasting current account deficits a decline in real interest rates (Fact 2) and an increase in to now, differential But there are other differences, ranging We growth limited the aggregate A Let us now share in the global portfolio (Fact ability to create valuable assets in E U 3). relative to factors that create comparative advantage in asset creation, such as institutional from corporate governance to transparency of the financial system and policymaking. turn to this analysis next, which 2.3 f/'s in is at the core of our explanation for recent global imbalances. World with Asymmetric Financial Markets turn to the interaction between U now. The key element of this part of the model and R. For is that 15 R is clarity, we (a U— R World) shall remove E from the analysis for able to grow and generate income for savers but is limited in its ability In this section in we develop our argument an environment where now in R and an environment where How sound financial assets to generate R U is realization that corporate governance ? property rights protection, and so on. The formulae rate g. Second, > 5 drop from 6 to U 5, g. alia, in a bubble; the benign than once thought; a significant loss of informed and — ^justified — of or not "crony capitalism"; a sharp decline All of these factors -and more- were (e.g. a crash mentioned in the events Fischer (1998)). U—E are very similar to that in the model, but there are some differences that need to U be highlighted. Let quantities without superscript denote world aggregates (now made of than 5^ < we repeat the experiment but This could result from, inter be. is less surrounding the Asian/Russian crises let /?'s In general, as the realization that local financial instruments are intermediation capital; the sudden perception in same growing faster than U, g^ should we interpret a drop in 5 we steps: First, at date are growing at the sound than they were once perceived to less two in for these savers. and R, rather and E), then: and = nVt with x^ = X^ /Xt- Similarly, we have 5Xt - (1 - xf ) [5 - 5^)Xt + Vt that: Ty« = (1 - 5«)x« + [n - e)w^ (5 - and Pi/, Finally, using the = [l _ 5 equihbrium conditions + 5«)(1 - x,^)] Xt + (r, - B)Wt W — V — X/9, and the arbitrage equation for V , we can solve for the equilibrium interest rate as before: n = xf{g + 5e) + {l-xY){g + 5''e) (16) = r,^„,-(l-xn(<5-5V Proposition 2 (Crash same rate g. deficit at The impact and remains in interest rate falls Proof. Note interest rate first Symmetric Growth): Assume in R's Financial Markets with Under Assumption 3, if 5 drops in R to 5 deficit thereafter, with permanently below (17) < 5 , R and then the current account of CA^/X^ U U grow at the turns into a converging to a strictly negative constant. r^^^. that since both regions are growing at the same rate, remains constant after dropping at date 0: 16 x^ = Xq for all t > Q, and the . rt = Next, because the interest rate = r^^, - r+ (1 - x^)i5 - 5^)0 < r^- (18) constant, the values of the trees change immediately to their is new balanced growth path: Vt'- =^T^. r 9 ^t ^ ff Let us now describe the balanced growth path and then return to describe transitory dynamics. In the balanced growth path, we know from Lemma * 1 that + g-r+ e * e + g-r+ and CAY— = —O For transitory dynamics, define w^^ = W^/X[^ with a balanced growth equilibrium value of Prom home-bias Assumption since < r"*" Since r^„f. r"*" < That r^„j < is, u;/^ is g + 6, 3 we have below its — (1 5 )/ {9 That deficit. is, The its now even latter is if ih^ when w^ > CAf = is i below collapse in 5 0+. its steady state, or equivalently: > gW,^ V/^ — Wf'' is in deficit - in fact, a larger deficit- before path. both regions have similar rates of growth, If and hence must U runs a permanent current account who have resort to [/-assets. In balanced growth, il-savings few reliable grow at the rate i?-savings are below (output-detrended) steady state, then the rate of accumulation exceeds the rate of growth of the economy and capital flows toward The = the counterpart of the increasing flow of resources from JJ-savers, local assets to store value of growth of income. r"*") balanced growth path at we must have new balanced growth +g— that also have that [/'s current account converging to < so that W,"" Thus we - r+ r^ut 2i£i decreases the global supply of be capitalized. As before, the shock is decline in the global dividend rate from Eissets U grow at a fast rate (faster than g). by reducing the share of R's income that can entirely absorbed via a decline in world interest rates, reflecting a (5 to <5 — (1 — xq) {6 — S'^). While global wealth and capitalization do not change at impact, the allocation of wealth and assets across countries does. 17 The collapse in 5 implies (Demand) NA" > (Supply) w"/xVv"/x" Figure that Vq' /Vq^ must w'^/x^ The Metzler diagram 4: an unchanged stream of rise as Correspondingly, under our home Vs for a permanent drop dividends bias assumption, the ratio is this, (5 Wq /W^ must note that the equihbrium interest rate v«/x« . now discounted Again, we can resort to the analysis of a small open economy in Section the asymptotic result. For in . at a lower interest rate. also rise.^^ 2.1, and falls its Figure 2, to understand between the two to a level in ex-post Autarky rates: Thus the gap between W^ /X^ and V^ /Xf other region's perspective, the gap between is negative and non-vanishing (see W^- jX^ and V^ jX^ is rate r„„j, the decline in shifts the (5 V^/X^ curve to the right (increase in asset demand). foreign assets in U [NA^ = W^ -V" curve to the The world <Q) and left A interest rate declines just R Or, from the and A* with a world (decline in asset supply) the net foreign assets in 1). and non-vanishing. Figure 4 positive presents the asymptotic result. Starting from a symmetric equilibrium at Lemma [NA'^ interest and the W^/X'^ enough so that the net = W'^ - V'^ > 0) sum to zero. Figure 5 characterizes the entire path following a collapse of 5 by 50% on impact trajectory of the (see the US appendix U—E '^It is The a discussion). current account following the Asian quantitatively significant. Panel of 20 percent. for A calibrated so that R's asset prices drop Again, our objective crisis, is not to match the precise but to argue that the effects we describe of Figure 5 shows that U's current accounts exhibit large initial deficits current account remains negative and asymptotes at -2.8 percent of output. case, the large initial current account deficits easy to show that if & capture this flavor through the C/'s rise in As in the worsen rapidly the net foreign asset position from -6 crashes to zero, then a bubble must arise in (/-trees. captures the flavor of the behavior of are While that drop asset markets in recent years. In the less extreme version we have in 5^ is extreme, highlighted, the value of U's fundamentals following the decline in equilibrium interest rates. 18 we it still Panel -2 A: 2 4 Current Account/Output G e 10 M 12 16 20 IB 24 22 Panel B: Net Foreign Assets/Output 1-2 26 10 8 6 4 2 yeors Panel C: Interest Rate Panel Figure percent at impact to -95 percent (panel B). and remains permanently 12 14 16 IB 20 22 A 5: The D: 26 Global Portfolio Share Collapse in 5^ real interest rate drops by slightly more than 50 basis points Finally, U's share in R's portfolio increases gradually lower. 24 years from 11 percent (immediately after the shock) to 55 percent. -"^ Once in U again, the (Fact I); model a dechne is able to generate, simultaneously, large and long lasting current account deficits in real interest rates (Fact 2) and an increase in the share of U's assets in global portfolios (Fact 3). Importantly, now CA^ /X^^ does not vanish asymptotically as it converges CAl = _g Jini^Kl^^D^ < {e The reason Note in is that excess savings needs in large and persistent importance of because '^The deficits in U with Ws . — Xq)). In practice, 0. output, which grows in tandem with deficit in U (relative to output) C/'s is output. increasing This observation hints at an important additional source of i?'s funding of [/-deficits rate of growth exceeds that of U, rises over time — both, because of and hence the differential relative growth and countries are gradually globalizing. now turn initial (equal to (1 this source of many R Let us R R grow permanent current account also that the size of the the relative size of + g-r+){r+-g) to: and explore the effect of a crash 5 to 11 percent reflects the drop in H's wealth and jump in to our second experiment jump from 19 V^ at in t 5^ that takes place = O"*". in an . environment where; 9'^>9- The instantaneous interest rate in this case r, is: = xf(9 + R Let us assume that the additonal growth in + 50) (l-a;f)(ff« + 5«^). (19) not enough to offset the effect of a lower 5 is on interest rates: Assumption 5 (Lower Proposition 3 (Crash 5 hold, but that g^ > in = r^^^ + 95 < g^ r^^j — ^(1 — Xq){6 — 5 ) < r^^f R's Financial Markets with High Growth in R) Suppose that Assumptions 3 and 5 drops to 6 date g. If at ^aut and the asymptotic current account g'^ R) ex-post autarky rate in = in R, then: > ro- U deficit in ro+ >r^ = rf^^ relative to its output is larger when g^ > g than when = g: CA" ,. hm 9 CA'^ ,. < hm --77- >9 —-rf- < „ =9 9 Proof. See the appendix. The its result in this proposition demand for financial assets. financial assets, these assets is intuitive given the previous proposition: Since this rise must be found in and interest rates fall demand As more than the short term for assets, R, before, let us in the long Autarky run rises now interest rates because the relative X^, the global economy that gap is larger when 5^ > g, U. Long run The interest 2, from Section 2.1. First, since the equilibrium interest rate converges to the = r^ut = g'' the gap between W^^ and V/^ is vanishing, roo , deficit in rise. it!: However, note that this limit interest rate Thus, relative to X^ does importance of the country with excess describe the asymptotic result in terms of Figure r-oc Thus, relative to rises, so over time. R dominates interest rate for growth drop as the price of [/-assets corresponding increase in capital flows finances the larger current account rates i?'s not matched by an increase in R^s ability to generate is U As the gap between when g^ > g than = g"" is + SH < = s^e. and so below the Autarky rate W^ and V^ when g^ + is g. 20 g + 56 = is in that between W^ and V^ U: r'i^,. negative and not vanishing. Moreover, since The Three Regions World {U - E - R) 2.4 we In this section, consider a U—E- R sub-worlds described above, but there then the asset appreciation are directed to U in U is environment. one additional Much is insight: If the crash in 6 (much) larger than that is of this world in simply the takes place sum of the two when g^ > g^, E, and the bulk of the capital flows from R " rather than to E. Since the dynamic equations follow directly from those discussed above, pendix and state the main proposition directly, after we relegate them to the ap- making an assumption on the parameter region under consideration: Assumption 6 r^^^ = g^ + 6^9 < =g + S9, r^^t Proposition 4 (Disproportionate Flows toward U) increase in V^ /V^ and <g^ + e,g'^<g. r^^ If Assumption 6 leads to an holds, then a crash in 5 a "disproportionate" (to relative output) allocation of R's capital outflows to E. Asymptotically ^^ ^^ F g'^ Too- vJ^TP^ g-g F ^ U over , Proof. See the appendix. In words, the reduction in world interest rates stemming from the crash in 5 ?7-assets since these are a decline growth more leveraged than ^-assets when g > g^. This calibrated so that in S differential g — V^ collapses = g and 5^ = 5), with x^ Then, at disproportionately affects for V^. This results in in net liabilities in 3 U = g^ and a 1.1 percent g^, the ratio of asset price elasticities equals 1.43. = x^ = reduces world interest rates to 5.5 inflows (panel D). difference can be quite large. For by 50 percent on impact, with g = Figure 6 traces the entire path in the case where g {g' has a larger impact on i = % 5, x^ = and increases we decrease V'-' relative much 0.425 and to V^: 5 V^ g^- We start the 0.15. We Panel D R and U symmetric equilibrium i = illustrates that the collapse in 5 U relative to 0. This as both regions receive capital increases by 12 percent at larger current account deficits in in a then reduce S's growth at asset values in . economy i E = 5, and V^ compared to 8 percent and an additional build-up (panel A). Foreign Direct Investment, Excess Returns, and Persistent Trade Deficits Let us now add an investment margin to the We U—R model and a reason capture the former with the emergence of options to plant 21 new for foreign direct trees over time, investment (FDI). and the latter with U's Panel Panel A: C: CA/Output Ponel B: Net Foreign Assets/Output Interest Rate Panel D; Asset/Output J~ -2 4 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 years Figure ability to convert 6: A R trees into 5 (rather new the trade surpluses that As long stronger result: and there is any rent for U Collapse in g^ followed by a collapse in S than 5 ) as there are no FDI its 3.1 An Investment Margin Let us split aggregate output in each region into the U will all of trees, TV, reduce we show a In fact, investment can be done by U) run permanent trade number FDI rents from persistent early deficits. obstacles (in the sense that Ifs intermediation service, U-E-R model The intermediation trees. ^^ needs to generate to repay for in the deficits}'^ and the output per tree, Z: xi = Nizi '^Note that in a three regions version of the model E also could convert R trees. Although in this case, a good question is which rate of growth would the output of those trees have. ^''The view here the Bretton Woods is not unrelated to that in Despres, Kindleberger and Salant (1966) and Kindleberger (1965), era argued that the US had a unique role as a provider of international currency liquidity. Gourinchas and Rey (forthcoming 2006) have documented that the total return on US who More during recently, gross assets (mostly equity and FDI) consistently exceeded the total return on gross liabilities (mostly safe instruments) by an average of 3.32 percent per year since 1973. Of course part investments. Our of this excess return is due to the risk-premium analysis omits this risk dimension Table 1). US have risen from $222 billion in nature of US and focus on the "intermediation" rent obtained by the US. Everything suggests that this "intermediation" role of the to/from the differential associated to the leveraged 1990 to $2.3 US has only grown in importance as total gross capital flows trillion in 2004 (see BEA, US International Transactions Accounts, See also Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (forthcoming 2006) for a systematic analysis of cross border flows and positions for a large sample of countries. 22 At each point new trees arise. new trees in time, g'^N^ options to plant tree grows at the rate g^. Planting the g"'N^ shall £issume that n is low enough so that aggregate output grows at rate g, all first that II: investment options are exercised (see below), and hence = + g'- g^ the region where the tree S^ is specific to nVi = where consumes resources with (equal for both regions): g Suppose time, the output of each planted = kxi li We At the same 5'xi + Vi is planted it. Then - 5"V/ (20) (new and old) trees planted at time V^ represents the value of all who planted, not to t in region i, and V"/— g"V/ represents the expected capital gains from those trees. The exercise options to invest are allocated to them by t who immediately within each region, investing I}}^ Thus, Wi = As those alive at time all [n - e)Wi + (1 - 5')Xi + g^Vi - II usual, aggregating across both regions to find the equilibrium interest rate, yields: TtVt = 5Xt - Wt = [n - e)Wt + (1 (<5 - <5^)Xf + Vt- - 5)Xi + (<5 g'^Vt (21) - 5^)X^ + g^'Vt -h < r'i,^ am = + ^^, fZ^ (22) so that: and T = g' + r^(<5 ^' 1 - K which amounts to the same model as of output per-tree enters, interest rate (since it (5 V- - 5^) x^), , - in the previous section, and that the investment ~ e5_ g' . (23) with the exceptions that only the rate of growth cost reduces wealth accumulation and hence lowers the price of trees). '^Note that the share of options that are allocated to existing owners of trees are subsumed within the we can trees. in reinterpret the model in Section 2 as The only reason we modified the a more realistic raises the an investment model where all allocation of options in this section manner (otherwise the Z component. In is to spread the excess returns from entire capitalized excess returns accrues to the first generation in U). 23 fact, the options are allocated to the owners of existing FDI over time 3.2 An Intermediation Margin: Foreign Direct Investment Let us now assume that R residents can sell the options to the Pt where X/*" denotes the output from the process but its particular value is news trees to U residents at price, P: = KpXf ". We think of this price as the result of some bargaining trees sold to U. not central for our substantive message as long as it leaves some surplus tot/. There are gains from trade: If U that can be capitalized rises from 5 residents. In fact, the following to R trees, new residents plant the Suppose that Pt S. U assumption ensures that is the share of output from the such that all and R investors new R sellers new trees are planted trees by U gain from foreign direct investment along the entire path. Assumption 7 (Asymptotic Bilateral Private Gains from FDI) 9 raut Proposition 5 If Assumption 7 holds, then > r - 9^ U + Kp K >ff" Taut - Let up and {5 — 5 ) he such that: 9 runs an asymptotic trade deficit financed by its intermediation rents. Proof. Let us assume that enough time has passed so that the output of the old relative to the total output produced by trees planted R in by U. We R trees is negligible have: irt+gnvi = 5Xi + V^ {rt+9nVt = 5Xt + W^ = (n - e)Wi' W,^ Wt = = {rt + {rt (1 - - + g^Vt - <5)Xf 9)Wt'' - e)Wt + + (1 Vt (1 - - <5)Xf 5)Xt [I^ + + I^) - Pt. Pt. + 9"Vt - (24) It so that: Wt = Vt = {l- k)^. and r = raut = 9" + 1 i It — (25) Ki follows from derivations analogous to those in previous sections that: ^u Xy {1-5- k)+ 5"-^ + S"^^ 9 + g- raut 24 (« + Kp) x^lx^ and TSf = -OW}^ - since — -rrrrr + X^ we Rgn the trade balance is, ensured by Assumption Does not. mean this ;rrrm U,aut e+g-r ^ _ U + Kp) + - Taut X^ That have that: , -o' * X^ Jf is g in deficit in the long run as long as there and, assuming Taut > U TBI' 5 so the integral converges, and R, Figure 7 reports the path of when Kp when is + g^y!" it no FDI takes to f = which is when the \J (i.e. g^ -VbQj (1 — for Certainly the initial + ^p)^/" follows that: y .^ place. Second, when all is consider three cases: when all inequality of assumption 7 holds exactly).-'^ first k) where 5 We the rents asymptotically go to the second inequality of assumption 7 holds exactly) and lastly very similar to the model of section Ta^ut (« trade balance following a collapse in b t/'s sufficiently high that asymptotically go to from rent, which case, we have: respectively. In /+00 is an intermediation Alternatively, one could account for these intermediation services as deficits. tb" = FDI Kj simply means that the intermediation rents rather than future trade surpluses pay It (i.e. - that the intertemporal approach of the current account has been violated? "non-traditional" net exports and imports for R is (1 7. (and now permanent) trade first, 1- 2.3: following a collapse in b^ the , the rents from The model without permanently interest rate falls the fraction of world income that can be capitalized. consequences are well known: the wealth transfer to U generates a trade deficit, FDI By now, the an accumulation of foreign debt, eventually followed by trade surpluses (panel D). In the presence of FDI, the results are starkly different. Let's start with the long run. effect of FDI is to increase the supply of [/-like assets sufficiently to offset the initial shock. This has a strong implication for the path of net foreign assets (panel B): since (Panel C), the Metzler diagram Kp ^^We R calibrate the decline in 5 as before, to a drop in we assume k = also choose 5 so that Taut = 6%. We 0, converges to Vaui a^ long as trees (n;p) as long as controls the distribution of wealth between '^For this simulation, rt FDI takes place us that long run external imbalances disappear asymptotically. This tells independent of the cost of ownership of the that The asymptotic = p = 0.03, & = 0.24. 3" obtain U and /?, Assumption 7 is satisfied. The reason is is leaving total wealth unchanged. V^ of 50%. See the appendix for details of the simulation. = and we vary «p between 5% and 12%. For comparability, we g^ 25 Panel A: Current Account/Output Panel Net Foreign Assets/Output B: O o o :\ V u \ 2 ti Q. - 1 -- ''*•'•'. m.m..?rM?r,.rr.' 1 1 in ^^— - - o o no nji ^MB CO Koppo^M no FDI 1 ltoppop-12X ift 4 2 6 10 8 14 12 18 16 o o _ . -2 20 22 24 -2 26 2 4 10 8 6 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 yeors years Panel C: World Reol Interest Rate Panel D: Trade Balance/Output 26 IS s "'y:i^:^^^^'-' - ^ - -" * ^^ - - - ^ to ^ ^^ — - ' no FDI n» no FOl Ke>ppo,-52 itoppop-121 , 8 10 12 IB 16 14 20 22 24 26 10 Figure 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 years yeors A 7: with and without Collapse in 5 Consider the short run now. The interest rate FDI satisfies:-^® ,-Rol (26) Xt where xf'" (resp a;^^") denote the new represent the value of one < rt f since Vq^ demand new > Vq° and (resp. old) = Xq'^ 0. relative to total asset supply In the short run, FDI (resp. R The tree. The last term of reason for this last term when increases asset old) R's trees share of there is FDI (g" (l^^ demand -which world output and u/^" this is (resp. equation makes clear that the initial + N^v^^) > ,,fio\ initially rapid increase in U's aisset 5"Vt). lowers further interest rates; in the long run, it increases asset supply, which brings interest rates back to raut- From Kp (20) and (as long as (26) FDI we note dynamics of also that the takes place). Hence, the initial interest rates increase in C/'s wealth of FDI. It follows that t/'s initial trade imbalance (equal to Indeed, we observe on Panels A and D that and f/'s initial asset values are independent of is also independent of the cost Xq — 9Wq — Iq) is also independent of Kp. current accounts and trade deficits are the same for different realizations of Kp. A to 4% lower value of Kp (higher rents for U) implies a permanently larger trade deficit in U, ranging from of output (Panel D). ^®See the appendix for a derivation. 26 To understand why U runs asymptotic trade deficits as soon as pluses, consider first the case trade deficit either. Yet, Panel on rents its U where D has no FDI U indicates that FDI investment along has strictly positive asymptotic sur- U rents asymptotically. In that case, never runs a trade surplus. the path, which allow can define these rents (over total wealth W'^) it it has no asymptotic The reason is that U earns to run trade deficits in every period. In fact, we as: g-^N^v^'^ - {Kp Xt + kX^ X^"" - k) wi' Asymptotically, these rents converge (from above) to <5 , Xoo which is We equal to zero when can now understand the first (/^p Too- g + x^ k) (27) w,u inequality of assumption 7 holds exactly. why U can run permanent trade deficits: When Assumption 7 holds intermediation rents remain strictly positive and provide the resources to finance permanent trade some show that adding such dimension to is cases quantitative) features of the results. to the model does not a vis both, R and interest rates and amplification (to a lesser extent) alter the qualitative (and in While adding multiple goods allows us to generate exchange rate patterns from our shocks that resemble those observed in recent data 4.1 However, the main to now, our conclusions have abstracted from (real) exchange rate considerations. point of this section and deficits. Multiple Goods and Exchange Rates 4 Up strictly, E, when asset markets collapse in — particular, U appreciates R— the behavior of capital flows vis in remain largely unchanged with the exception of some attenuation in some U—R U—E in the context cases. Preliminaries Let us return to the framework in Section differentiated goods. Each country i 2, without an investment margin, but extend produces one type of good X\ while its it to consider consumers have the following constant elasticity preferences (CES): where a represents the -constantcoefficients 'y^j elasticity of substitution between the goods from any two countries. The meeisure the strength of preferences for the various goods and satisfy ^^ 8 below imposes that agents have a preference for their empirically. It also generates relative demand 7^ = home good. This assumption effects that will 27 • be important for is 1. Assumption well-established exchange rate dynamics. Assumption 8 (Consumption Home Let q^ = X^ and the be the numeraire good and define Given 1). Bias) Each agent has a preference for the real q^ as home the price of good j in terms of good U good: 7^^ = 7> 0.5. (with the convention (28), the Fisher-ideal price indices are: exchange rate between countries and k i is 1/(1-^) (^-) ^ E,7.,V ^,,_p' This expression highlights the importance of consumption home bias for all j, 7fc,- Given for exchange rate movements: then purchasing power parity obtains and the real exchange rate CES preferences, the and equilibrium in the demand for good j by residents of country i is equal to if 7^ = 1. satisfy: goods market imposes Y^Xij = Xj, Vi. i Substituting P*C" = OW^ condition for good i (where domestic wealth can be rewritten now measured is in terms of C/'s good), the equilibrium as: •E7.5($)^^-^^v,. 4.2 AU- E World We now specialize the terms of the numeraire. model to a symmetric By U—E world, and denote by rt the instantaneous return in arbitrage, rt satisfies rtVi = SqiXi + Vi while wealth dynamics follow Wl = {\-^)ct,X\^{rt-e)Wl ks, before, adding across countries and using the equality between global wealth and global asset values, one obtains: m= 14 28 = f . where Xt = X^ + qfXf^. Following the same steps as before, the instantaneous interest rate The only notable difference satisfies: that the (inverse of the) terms of trade is qf -and hence the real exchange rate- enters into the determination of global wealth and of the equilibrium interest rate via Xt In turn, the terms of trade are determined by the equilibrium on the market for X'^ (by Walras' Law, X^ the market for is also in equilibrium): e-yw^ pI'^'-"^ + » (1 - 7) wf pf (^-") = xy. Let Assumptions 2 and 3 hold, so that the world and there is extreme portfolio home that the interest rate bias. is initially symmetric with a common rate of growth Given the symmetry assumption, it is immediate that g^ = 1, g, so satisfies: while asset values and wealth satisfy As before, suppose that at The main i = E 9" < 9- with Section 2 initial difference absorb the shock at impact. To see Assumption 3 (extreme home the growth rate of this, is drops unexpectedly and permanently now both the that observe that the decline interest rate in g^ decreases E's portfolio bias), this impoverishes £"s residents. bias assumption (Assumption 8), the associated decline in £"s consumption E goods. Equihbrium in the goods markets then requires that q^ that f/'s real exchange rate appreciates portfolio biases. at impact. It is a direct Over time, however, the increase and the falls. real to: exchange rate asset values. With Given the consumption-homefalls mostly on the demand This relative demand for effect implies consequence of both home consumption and in the relative supply of C/'s good requires that its real exchange rate depreciates. How large is the initial fall and eventual increase see this, observe that the relative demands . From this, we q^ depends on the elasticity of substitution a. To satisfy Asymptotically, the ratio of relative demands for at X^/X" in letist one country must equal the ratio of relative supply, infer that: -£ = -5-5 29 )• . Let us rule out the region a the (T = between 1 CcLse E < I since implies immiserizing growth. In the feasible region, consider it which yields the starkest departure from the previous section. Given the and U, one can show that now terms of trade initial first symmetry satisfy which implies, when growth In this extreme case, and a gradual increase return in terms of X^ in q at rate [g is down slows — g^) E there is no change in the is exchange rate at impact, constant, the instantaneous f E ^ Q^ +:^^ also check that Hence neither country needs to run current account imbalances in response to the collapse in g^ The reason . that the terms of trade offset perfectly the relative dechne in output growth, leaving relative wealth and relative dynamics! output unchanged (when measured realistic case a smaller rate than the growth a growth in the same units). Log preferences eliminate the model's -"^^ Consider now the more at in and equal to also constant 1 is 1 2 thereafter. Since the output share 2^+21^ One can y * where a > \. From the previous discussion, For instance, with differential. differential of 1 percent per year, the cr model impUes that = 4 f/'s we infer that q^ increases —not an unreasonable value^" — and terms of trade would worsen at 0.25 percent per year. This implies an even slower real exchange rate depreciation, which eventually converges to a steady state value of ((1 We can rates. — 7) /7) From x^ ' prove a result similar to Proposition rt = Xt/Xt + 56, we tends to 1, we 1 and the associated Metzler diagram have n= Since "''' ' gx'i + (ff^ + qtlqt) (1 - x'^) + 86. obtain: lim t—>oo rt=g + 56 = r^^j. From Wf TtVf = {n-6)Wf + {l-d)qfxi = 5qtXf + Vf shown by Cole and Obstfeld '^This well-known result was first ^"See later in this section a discussion of the calibration of for 30 (1991). cr. in presence of exchange . . it is apparent that W^ (1 - 5) gfXft-.<^r^^,-{g^ + ^{g-gE)) Thus, the asymptotic wealth and asset values are similar to those of Proposition that g^ has By a -{g — g^) + g^ to be replaced hy reasoning analogous to that in CA^ CAf ( E , As we discussed above, when tends to infinity we ^ ct = 1 Lemma there 1, we obtain: apparent: The is no current account recover the deficits from Proposition possibility of long-run {1-5) 5 movement. While there can be non-monotonicities rate the only difference being < g^ E\ I 1, 1 At the other extreme, when a deficit. since there <0 is no offsetting long-run in the intermediate region, the general exchange message exchange rate movements attenuates rather than exacerbates the wealth effects associated with differential growth and hence attenuates asymptotic current account The main reason behind initial trade deficits in the latter U is that the reduced wealth effects at impact and hence smaller accumulated net external when a < oo confirms our conclusions from the one-good model -see Figure in both figures, we observe that deficits. leads to smaller liabilities. Figure 8 presents a simulation of a decline in g^ in the two-goods model when a Comparing panels A-D is = 4 and 7 = 0.9.^' It 3. relative price movements limit the size of the current account deficit (Panel A, 8.2 percent versus 17 percent in the single good model) and limit accordingly the build-up in net foreign debt (Panel B, -57 percent after 24 years versus -75 percent of output after 15 years in the single good model). Accordingly, the increase in the share of (Panel D). Panel C in panel C in figure 3: The trajectory of the world real interest rates more muted is very similar to the from 6 percent, the world interest rate drops to 5.41 percent on impact, then climbs very slowly back toward 6 percent. Finally, Panel On in global portfolios is reports the world's real instantaneous rates of return, defined as the output-weighted average of both countries real returns. one obtained U E reports the real exchange rate A = P^/P^ impact A appreciates by about 7.8 percent, then gradually but persistently depreciates. Importantly, our model it is the latter effect that dominates (dampens) wealth effects and hence limits the initial in current account deficits in U. ^'Feenstra (1994) finds a value of 4 for a while Broda and Weinstein (2004) report estimates ranging from 17 at 7-digit between 1972-1988 to 4 for 3-digit Rogoff (2000) used a value of 6. goods in 1990-2001. Obstfeld and Rogoff (2004) use an elasticity of 2 while Obstfeld and Obstfeld and RogofI (2004) use a weight on domestic tradeable of 0.7. But they also assume a share of expenditure on non-tradeable equal to 0.75. This corresponds to a share of domestic consumption on domestic goods 7 of 0.925, not far from our 0.9. 31 1 Panel A: Current Account/Output Panel Net Foreign Assets/Output B: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^™ ** m c V u o « — ^ ^ •7 o -2 6 4 2 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 1-2 26 4 2 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 yeors years Pone! Ponel C: World Real Interest Rote Global Portfolio Share D: to «1 - s • - tfl R • -2 < 2 E B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 -2 2e 4 2 6 B 10 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 yeors Panel E: Real Exchange Rate Figure 8: A Finally, Figure 9 presents the case of in g^ is now currency at t Collapse in g^ in the two-good model an unexpected reversal in g^ back to g after ten years. associated with a sharp reversal of the current account deficit in = 10, but followed by a gradual appreciation so that by year 25, The purpose U The increase and a depreciation C/'s exchange rate is of its at 1.02 rather than the 1.06 in Figure 8. a sharp reversal account and exchange rate, but this would stem from a fundamental shock, in the current of this figure and not from the exogenous and spontaneous correction have it. 32 is to highlight that in our setup there can be of an "anomaly," as the conventional view would Panel Current Account/Output A: o Net Foreign Assets/Output B: ^^^^^^^^^___ — — c tJ Panel ^H e a o -2 4 2 S 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 '-2 26 2 4 6 B 10 Panel 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 Pone! D: Global Portfolio Share World Reo! Interest Rote C: 12 yaors yeors •6 rf> "a •^ s <^ -2 4 2 6 B 10 14 12 16 IB 20 22 24 -2 26 Panel E: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IB 20 22 24 26 years years Real Exchange Rote 1 V,,^ s ^^«»»,^^ ^***-*—««„ s ^H — — — — — —^^«^— — — — — — — — ^^^ 9 O — ^r y^ a> O r g o 1 -2 2 4 E ID 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 yeors Figure 9: A Collapse in g^ in the two-good model, followed by a reversal at 33 t = 10 AU - R World 4.3 now Consider U the interaction between and R. As before, = 5^ < 5 while g^ capitalize financial assets drops from 5 to let's consider a scenario where R's abihty to g. Following the same steps as before, we obtain: where Xt = X^ + gf Xf , = Vt + Vf^ Wt = V/^ and W^ + W^'^. The instantaneous rate of return now satisfies: n = rL + which is (1 - xY) - e{5 - 5«)) similar to equation (16), except for the rate of change of the terms of trade. Since output growth is the same both countries, a reasoning similar to the previous section implies in that q^/q^ = asymptotically. are stable. On impact, however, the relative The absence of relative supply effect implies that the long run terms of trade demand value of R's financial assets which, under portfoho consumption home for i?'s (I bias, the decline in financial good and induces a decline effect is still present: home wealth in the decline in 5 reduces the bias, reduces i?'s financial wealth. Finally, R reduces disproportionately the relative due to demand in g^. Asymptotically, substituting q^/q^ — into the expression for rj, we see that the interest rate reaches the value: = \rmr, rj, = r^ - (l - x^) where x'^ represents the asymptotic share of U's output. 6" V^t« V}" X^ 1-6^ q^X^t-^'^e + g-rto' Wy and the asymptotic current account The differ r+ < , C7 f initial applies, so that 5 t- 9 \-5 X^ t^^ 9 + g - r^^ 1-6 runs a permanent current account results of Proposition 2 carry from the 1 r^^, satisfies CA^ > r+ - 5^)6 < Now Lemma q^Xf'i^^rt.-g' W^^ Since r^^( [5 output share Xq r+, or, from the formula for r+ , 5 \ deficit. through with one exception: the asymptotic output share . It is immediate that the current account if X,^ < 34 Xfi . deficit will i^ may be larger if Since x^ = X^ ciates asymptotically, to the single + Xq) / (flt'XQ good which , this is q^ > equivalent to Qq > or Aoo Aq. If the real does in our simulations, the asymptotic current account worsens, compared it case. The conventional rebalancing channel has implications for exchange rate our calibrated parameters, adding the exchange rate dimension allows account Vs deficits and hold larger net foreign liabilities. share of output (a;^). This is movements but does not else in global asset markets. ^^ In fact, the core story for capital flows, which Hes somewhere for exchange rate depre- The reason U although small to run larger asymptotic current that the long run depreciation reduces is equivalent to a further reduction in the global supply of assets world interest rates lower (Panel C), reducing borrowing C/'s affect and pushes costs. Figure 10 presents the results of a simulation similar to Figure 5. E Panel demonstrates that the exchange rate appreciates on impact by 17 percent, then depreciates slowly, returning to Aq- real in 12 years, then depreciating by another 3.5 percent. Given the previous discussion, the long run depreciation of the real exchange rate implies that the asymptotic current account model (99% liabilities than good in the single good model) with a correspondingly higher permanent (-2.96 percent versus -2.85 percent in the single accumulation of net foreign deficits are (slightly) larger of output versus 95%). Panel C shows that our conclusion with respect to the decline in interest rates from the single good model remains largely unchanged. Finally, Figure 11 we observe that when 10 and 11, rate depreciates, by documents the paths when 5 R residents 5 jumps, and then appreciates f/'s slowly. returns unexpectedly to 5 ^Xt 4.4 is 10. Comparing Figures current account deficit turns around and The latter (panel D). Again, the point of this figure must be a reversal of the causes that triggered the forces = its real exchange comes with a rapid de-cumulation of claims on U that for these sharp reversals to take place, there is initial shift, since the strength of automatic rebalancing tenuous at best. The Three Regions World For completeness, we conclude this section by integrating the three regions. The results are as expected, when g^ < g, and, given financial home bias, on V^ has a disproportionate effect on with the additional insight that since a crash in 6 W^ , at impact [/'s relative to currency appreciates not only vis-a-vis R's currency but also vis-a-vis £"s currency (due to consumption-home-bias). However, this effect relative to the depreciation of R exchange vis-a-vis both U (g' ^^The rebalancing channel with the consumption ^^We also home = g and refers to the <5' = 5), with x'q = x^ = U E , and R. 0.425 and Xq mechanism whereby the rapid accumulation — We start the We 0.15.^^ of claims on (/ by bias assumption requires a future a depreciation of the real exchange rate. assume that the home good preferences are such that 35 ^^^ is small and E. Figure 12 reports the bilateral real exchange rates between symmetric equilibrium V^ = 0.9, 7^,' = 0.05 for i ^ j. economy in a then reduce £"s /{ residents, together A: Current Account/Output C: World Real Interest Rate Panel Panel Panel B: Net Foreign Assets/Output Pone! D: Global Portfolio Shore •^ o »> r- 10 3 _ 10 V in . c fc-" "g -- y^ rft s -2 6 4 2 e 10 12 14 16 IB 20 24 22 -20246 26 yeors Panel E: at i = 5, increases t we 0. decrease b E 16 18 20 ^ 22 24 26 Real Exchonge Rote A Collapse in (5 in the two-good model so that V^ decreases by 50%. which increases the relative demand The for in section 4.2. Then, figure confirms our intuition: the crash in good U and appreciates V s real (5 exchange rate by 2%. Final In this paper 14 This leads to an immediate appreciation of U' s real exchange rate, as V^ jV^ relative to 5 = 12 yeors Figure 10: growth at 10 Remarks we have proposed a framework capital flows, portfolio shares and to analyze the interest rates. efi^ects The framework 36 of different structural shocks on global highlights the connection between a region's Panel A: Current Account/Output -2 4 G 2 S 10 12 U 16 20 IS 22 24 Ponel B: Net Foreign Assets/Output 26 yeors Ponel Panel World Reol Interest Rote C: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^ -2 4 2 6 8 10 12 14 ^^mm^^m^^ 16 20 18 22 24 -20246 26 10 Figure relative assets We A fundamentals - - and its ability Collapse in S in the The second one is 18 20 22 in particular, its two-good model, followed by a reversal at growth potential and the quality 24 26 i = 10 (or acceptance) of its financial to produce financial assets for global savers. used the framework to discuss two shocks that we view "global imbalances" 16 Real Exchange Rate E: 11: 14 12 years yeors Ponel Portfolio Shore D: Global ~»^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and the a collapse "interest rate conundrum." The 2ls first particularly relevant in explaining recent one in the capacity to generate assets in R. is a sustained growth slowdown in E; The former captures well the effect of a relative slowdown in the Euro area and Japan. The second captures aspects of the Japanese bubble crash in the early 1990s Asia in and the developments in much of emerging markets and newly industrialized economies of the aftermath of the Asian and Russian crises at the end of the 1990s. effects of the interaction between R's limited financial markets and 37 its fa^t We also explored the global potential growth. All these effects . \ ) J Exchange Rates Real Bilateral >» . V ^ ------- 1 ' ^ , - ' ' - ^ 1 1 ^ 1 . i y 1 /' / / ^ ^^ -^ . - - U-E U-R E-R 1 1 1 . 1 , , 22 24 1 o -2 10 U 12 15 - . 1 20 18 1 26 years Figure Real Exchange Rates 12: Bilateral in (5^ at i U-E-R model. Collapse in ^-^ at = i followed by a collapse =5 point in the same in the "global To a sustained direction: The framework trivial to in the is flexible enough imbalances" debate. analyze reallocation of savings toward U and to explore a variety of experiments and to lower interest rates. issues that For example, a dimension we did not develop in have been postulated the main text but that of an increase in a regions' saving propensity (for example, a decline in is ). is The implications would be similar in terms of the path of capital flows, measured saving rates, interest rates and the interaction with fast growth in entirely different for as those following a crash in 5 i?, V^: While a drop comes with an in 8 the propensity to save does the opposite. This distinction capital flows This is more toward the US in the late 1990s not to say that a drop Q is recent increase in saving rates by asset prices) or even to capture pressure on long rates b^ that most in the fast capital flows to One could also came with a crash rather a growth R to in R. it is values in R. rise in asset a convenient short-cut to represent the slump story is local (7 However, in terms of timing it is the crash in V naturally leads to a domestic investment slump of Section 3, a crash in 8 R, as the return on projects not implemented by and in asset prices, Moreover, such drop further strengthens the downward factors. the massive flows from well with the facts, as the investment important since the dramatic acceleration crash in commodity producing economies (which have come with high demographic model K& in not part of the story, as when combined with likely started Note also that in in R from However the implications would be an increase initial is . or £ falls. one that is This is yet another impUcation that goes used often to explain low real interest rates t/. model some of the aspects of indeed lead to current account deficits in U fiscal deficits in but it the US as an increase in Q would increase rather than reduce 38 . This would interest rates, and hence it is probably not the main factor behind current "global imbalances." Similarly, one could model the process of globalization as one in which regions are gradually allowed to participate in global capital markets. In that case, one could generate a economies are integrated. rates as low S This probably accounts for downward trend some of the in global interest downward pressure observed on rates since the 1990s. Finally, a metries with of U word of caution. Our framework also highlights that the current configuration of global asym- likely to is risks. We vis-a-vis continue building the already large net external E, model and add a little U. 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Proof of definition, (1 asset demand <T^ + (1 - aj'^)^ as: so that: A. 3 The role of = (l-(5)X,'-eW/+rtW/t^-y/ = (1 - (5)x,^ by this change, assumption that g^ > 1//) + 5X1 assumption 4 Suppose that assumption 4 does not hold. affected - ewi + n {wi - 0, This appendix shows that the essence of our analysis although the expressions are so that g > (1 - 6)9 if less friendly, if we Assumption 4 does not 42 are willing to hold. make is not the minimal Let a;" = X^ /Xthe the relative size of country U's endowment. Since ^ * It will X^e^* X^e3t + Xie9^t prove useful to compute J^ x" ds in closed ^ Xq = Xq, we have 1 1 + e-(9-9^)t form du I u 1 ff-5 Note that we can express rt = In £ 1 1 +u In )* ^ + 59 as A-, rt = 5e + g^+x'^{g-g'') Solving forward the differential equation for V^^ Vf , 9-9" -(s-9E)t + u) n + e^s-s e-{9~9 E)i u(l -i: 5Xfe- J'' , we get '"'^"ds -i: = 6Xf / e-^o^'-'^-^s-G^^^'^'^'^ds '•I l it Similarly, we can l + e-(9-9^)* + e-(9-s^)^ solve forward the differential equation for V^ /oo 5X^e-^'^-d-^ds /OO ^-5e{s-t)-g^(s-t)-{g-g^) // ^d/i^;^^ gS(s-t)^g /OO We can also solve the differential equation for W^ 43 and Wl' with , initial conditions W^^ and W^ ^ w^ Jo Wf^ exp [-(1 - + g^t + S)9f. (5 - g^) f x^tds Jo +(1 - 5)Xf J exp -(1 - 5)0{t -s) + {g- l Jo + g^) J' e-(9-s xl dh ds )* {ru-e)du Jo W^^ exp -il-6)et + g^t + {g-g' Jo - 5)X^ +(1 uej2+: = J ,gt Wr0+' exp -(1 - 5)d{t -s)-ig- e-H-m + (1 _ s)X^u f'l l g^){t - + s) {g - g") J x^dh ds + e-i9-9^)\_n{l-5)9it-s)^^ + e-(9-9'')s Hence vf = 6Xf ^^^— / t^oo g - g^ +69 »''* Wt = g-(g-S^+ifl)(s-t)^^ + e9' g-(l-<S)et _(i M/o'h- 2 l ^ (^ _ 5)^£ l + e-(9-9^)* + e-(s-s^) „(g-(l-i5)«)t /•* 70 „ e{9-{^-i)B)t Therefore, it is (1 - 5)Xo^e(s-(i-W* / o-(9-S^)« l+e-(s-s^)= />00 + _u -1 L^e-(«-«"-(^-''W^ds easy to see that ^^L V- H^f ^^^ 1 (s-g^-(l-<S)e)(t-s)^g (g - (1 - <5)^)eC-(^-^)«)* «, + (1 - 5)Xo^) 44 Q + J^^ __-L__e-(P-.^-(i-W.d,j Hence (->oo ^^'"^ e Now ~oo -(^ - (^ - '5)^)^^^'^'-*'''' the decomposition «- + (1 - ^)^o^) (^ + ^'''''^"''''^"^^^ /°° i+e-U-)- is: t —^OO t—*oo Therefore, the trade balance is positive while income flows are negative (and larger in absolute value than the trade balance), as in the main text. Proof of proposition A. 4 The first inequality of the 3 statement follows directly from first inequality follows from the fact that Prom Lemma 1, we know x^ {5 — 5 ) > as in Proposition 0, declines over time. Asymptotically, rt 2. The second converges to r^u^. that '^"t i ' „ , x^ aut {g + e- -^ oo ' aut r^,t) (r« t - <0 g) g^>g we Dosition 2 I CAY ^f hai ' i ^ oo 5^ = where r~^ = r^„j in the proposition — 6 (l — Xq) now follows since — {5 5 {g is increasing with respect to A.5 The U - ) + n "^ 5 (see (18)). 9 ^ aut ^9 + e-r+){r+-g) ^ -r){r - From assumption g g) + 9 -r 5, r r"*" - > r^^ and g r. E-R model In this case the equations describing the dynamics of each country's wealth are 45 the second statement -ew^ + {1 - 5)x^ + nwy = w^" wf = -ewf + {i-s)xf + nwf which aggregate to the following differential equation for global wealth Wt = (l - 5 + (^6 - S^^ x^) Xt + - e)Wt {rt (29) Similarly, the a^set pricing equations for each country's tree are = nV," sxi' + v," nvf = 5xf + vf which imply the following equation for the total nVt As = (5 - value of world assets (5 - 5^) xf ) Xt + Vt (30) usual, investment equals savings in the world market: Wt = Vt (31) ^ (32) which implies a goods market clearing condition ^t The equilibrium Hence the world relative size of the interest rate can be solved = x'^g" = a;[^(p^ interest rate endowment is = for + xfg^ + x^g^ + Q + ?>Q) + xf a average of g^ [g^ (5(1 - xf + S'^xf) + bS) + xf (ff^ + 5«^) + bB, g^ + 59 of each country. 46 ) and g^ + 6^9 with weights given by the Proof of proposition 4 A. 6 < Define Too the asymptotic interest rate, r^j Too < r^^t with equality when g^ > g. Note that: gE +e^roo * t-oo ' t_oo 5 + 61 ff« Too +e- roc and t^oo Too - 5^ i-^oo Too - t^oo roo - g^ !/,« g Hence S^ dVf Vf 55« <5^ _ dr Too - 5^ Too -5 5(5^ "t Vl" 55« 5J^ which implies 5« 9 V," r-oo-S^ <5« That in E. is, We ^oo l,'-"' roo- 9 -ff the long run proportional increase in the value of assets following a collapse in 5 The results wealths are A. 7 SV-E on the current account follow immediately from less sensitive than initial its definition and the is larger in fact that U than asymptotic wealth to interest rate changes. Investment and gross flows need to distinguish between the old trees (with 5 tree, v/^" the value of a The aggregate value of new U R trees tree is ) and the new and v^ the value of a U rtv^° = j'^Zf rtv^- = <5Zf V^ = N^vl' nv^,^ = and tree. + We if" + if" satisfies 5x," nt/U + v;^-5"^t 47 trees. have Define v(^° the value of an old R " The aggregate value of new R trees in rtl/,^" is = V^^" « O - = (5 = <5Zf " + - (7V/^ Nq^) v^^ and satisfies Zf + (AT,^ - TVo^) if - 5"Arf wf 14^" Finally, define the aggregate value of the old trees in iJ as V/^° rtVt^ " " = 5^X^° + = N^v^°. It satisfies: Vt^° Aggregate wealth then evolves according to = rtVt Let's now <5 (Xf + Xf") + 5'^X^° + Vt- g^V^ - (/"A^f vf consider wealth accumulation equations: = Wt^ in - e) w^ + (1 - 5) xf " + (1 - <5^) xf ° + Pt Aggregating, we obtain: W, = Now equate W^ (Tt =K -d)Wt + {\- and <5) {X'i + Xf ") + =Xt{\- k) interest rate satisfies r, = |i + Xt As - 5^) Xf" + g"V;^ + ^"iVf t;f " - h infer eWt and the (1 for g [^ {x^ "^ L + .f") + J^xf °] ^ ' ' ^ / (1 ' - .) i' - ^g" ^" ^^f""^^ ' ' -ff i-k" Xt aggregate output growth, we have +9' Y =9" so that: (33) The last term makes clear that the The reason is that 5" interest rate will initially be lower with (V^ + N^v^^) > g^Vt FDI. This depresses even more interest so the asset rates. 48 demand in FDI, U increases more when there is Asymptotically, the last term disappears (since and x^° tends to i;/*" = 65 + 9 —K 1 v[^'^ The X grows at rate g) so that 0, roo Since and v^° grow at rate g^ while > v^° and < 5^xf-° = rant dx^°, we have: solution for the interest rate requires that we feed in a solution for the asset values v/*" and v^°. Integrating forward, they satisfy: /oo so that v^°/v^"- = 5^/5 and we obtain: where /OO yRo e-//(r.-s=)<iu^3 = l/«° What complicates the problem V/^/X^° which To in -5^JCf ° interest rate = V/^°/Xt^ = can be expressed = rt we note upon the current value further that 5^ x^° + y4^ [<5 in (1 It satisfies terms of v^° and x^° - x^) + <5«xf °] as: - J-g^v^o^^o ^g/^R _ i) follows simple dynamics: obtain a single equation for -^ 1- = -g^xf" with a forcing term x^° Ro dv^ dt v^°/Z^. = (n-5^)0f°-5« if° we (36) turn depends upon the entire sequence of future interest rates. ^ If + rtVt^° that the equilibrium interest rate depends is solve this problem, define v^° and the (35) -[5(1- xf °) + 5 V 49 : - 9"^f °^f° [5/5^ - l)] if" - 5^ of We can solve this differential equation by 'reversing time'. Since rt —> raut, v^° settles to: 5 6 So we can start at oo with Finally, after using luf we = Wl'/X^ find the solution, {rt and v^° close to we can = v^ then move 'back' in We - e) Wt^ + (1 - <5) - Xf + g'^Vi" + ff"7V/^u«" X^ Ptt — it - . - gwtu = {rt-e-g)w^+(^l-5-~^+g-(^vl' + = in-e-g)y.r+(i-S-^)+g-C-^ij-v^''^^(l-^)-./-^ vRn ~ZU '^P ~ir / \ t t s ^ \ ^Rn \ / t last line uses: Solving the Model with Exchange Rates use a shooting algorithm to solve for the initial terms of trade Define wt xq° u t A. 8 = integrate backward the budget constraint to obtain wealth Ro / where the time until x^° and ^t u x^° very = W^ /Xl' and Xt = m 1 X^ = = / ^. q\Xl. The system gQ_^ and asset values VQ_^_ after the shock. {wt, Xt, ql) satisfies: {rt-e-g)wt + il-S) e^«;,P^^(-^) + (1 _ ^) (37) ("1 _ Xt = Xt{l-xt)(g-9'-^) rt = xt{g p;(--i) flt,,) (38) (39) + 69) + {l-xt)(g' + ^ + 5'e) (40) It Equation (37) for is the wealth dynamics for country good U. Equation (39)characterizes the law i. of Equation (38) motion of is the equilibrium condition on the market relative output. Unlike the one-good model, the path for future interest rates depends upon the future sequence of terms of trade, which depends upon the current and future asset values. We start with a guess for the asset values allocation, we infer the initial trade go+- Finally, we Vq^ immediately wealth distribution W^^. We after the shock. Given the then use (38) to solve for the initial portfolio initial terms of integrate (37)- (40) forward to construct the path of future interest rates and terms of 50 trade rt^Qt consistent with equilibrium on the goods markets. We then use /OO Jo /•OO _ i Xq Jo to update our guess for Vq^, where 6t A.9 = J2i^t^^ ^^^ average (time-varying) capitalization ratio. '^ "Calibration" This section discusses the choice of parameters underlying Figures 3-12. requires parameter values for approximately based on xq, Qq'^, Qq^*, {g aggregate data. Table 5 x^ x§ p^^ 0.25 3% 0.12 0.5 0.3 0.05 According to we should think (4), 1: {5 — NA^JX^ g Table — g^) and 5 ). 'cahbration' of the model We chose to assign parameters summarizes our parameter assumptions. 1 6 Parameter Value US 5, 6, g, The ^\t=o [g trillion in 2004.^4 In the simulations, we round We 2004 equals 3.33%. this round GDP parameter to Average output growth set the good oil turn to the output shares. asset suppliers, We define U US Flow — g)/9 = 0.12. as the U.S., the U.K. and experienced robust growth in in the U.S. growth rate g to 3 percent. value of Taut equal to 6%. This imphes a value of 5 of (r We now X/W. We of $11.73 trillion in 2004, this implies 6 0.25. number and this 0.07 Main Parameters of 9 as the output to financial wealth ratio, With a US {5-5'') 1.11% -0.5 estimate of ly as the net financial worth of the household sector. According to the equal to $48.52 - 9^) the past decade. obtain an of Funds, = i|^ ~ it is 0.24. between 1950 and Finally, we assume a ^^ and Australia. These countries are We identify E with developed non- producing countries with sound financial markets, but a lackluster growth performance. Accordingly, we define E as countries from the European Union Finally, we identify R with developing and oil (less the UK), Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, and Switzerland. producing countries with a good income growth potential, but limited asset production capacity.^® ^•See the Balance Sheet Table BlOO, line 42 of the September 2005 release. ^^ Another possible S&P way to calibrate 6 is to observe that in steady state, the 500 averages 18.2 for the period 1950- 2005. (see Robert This yields 5 economy •^®The = 0.22,. This value of are capitalizable, list we i5 would imply a prefer our estimate of Shiller's webpage risk free rate of 8% P/E ratio is V/SX = 1/69. The P/E ratio for the at http://www.econ.yale.edu/'shiller/data.htm).) which we view as too high. Since not all assets in the 5. includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Hong-Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Malaysia, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and Venezuela. data for Poland and Russia starts in 1990. 51 Output We measure the initial output share as the average output share between 1980 and 2003.^^ X, We find ^0.50 x§ + x^ X, R we assume Lastly, that the financial wealth, as estimated in figure 1(c). the ratio of US We adopt an US, the EU To estimate the latter, we US value of 0.05. Figure 1(c) initial BEA's US gross external liabilities (from the of the World's financial wealth. for the share for [/-trees equals the share of initial portfolio assets in is ROW constructed as International Investment Position) to the Rest calculate the ratio of financial wealth to output We and Japan between 1982 and 2004.^8 find a GDP weighted average of 2.48. apply this ratio to the Rest of the World GDP. For 2004, we estimate a financial wealth of $72 We trillion for ROW and $36 trillion for the US. the We set: ^°- where i = ^ G {E,R}. Furthermore, we assume that the = 0-05 initial (41) net foreign asset position is 0.^^ This implies that — wL vL "0- = ^-°- •''^0- Substituting into (41), we obtain ^^i"- which yields: .^^ = 0.05 i^" = 0.02. Finally, since <_ - V^o- = c^o'vL - ai^Vo'L we = find = We now describe According to the the parameters for our shocks. WDI, lJ-o_ = We set 0.05 the decline in E's growth rate, {g — g'^) = 1.11%. E's average growth rate between 1980 and 1992 was 2.73% and only 1.63% between 1992 and 2003 (ppp-adjusted). ^^We use ^^Sources: cial GDP data in current dollars from the World Development Indicators. US; Flow of Funds, Table BlOO and capital account of the non line 8, household financial assets; EU: Table 3.1 of the financial sector; Japan: Flow of Funds, households Bureau of Economic Analysis, the US had a zero net foreign asset position 52 Bulletin, finan- total financial assets, available at http://www.boj.or.jp/en/stat/stat_f.htm. ^^ According to the ECB in 1988. We crisis. 6 = calibrate the decline in S Prom (xq5 + so that matches the decline it Section 2.3, R's assets price drops from VqI. (l — Xq) (5 j is = X^/d around the time of the Asian , = 5^15 - 1< = 5^/65Xq where values at t = is before the shock to Vq^ the world capitalization index. Hence the drop in asset t=o Solving this expression for 5 in asset values 0. we obtain ro^[l (5-5^) = + r1. ^U=o 1- (5 I V ^|,=o(l-0-xo^ The decline in dollar asset values Indonesia.^" We was 37 percent Hong-Kong, 75 percent in Korea and 83 percent - 5^) = 0.07; 5^ = calculated the decline between July 1997 and January 1998 of the 0.05 Hang Sen Composite Index (Hong Kong), the KOSPI (Korea) and the Jakarta Stock Index (Indonesia). All price indices were converted into dollars using daily exchange rates. 53 r ' in conservatively consider a decline of 50 percent. This implies: {5 ^°We in - Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 9744