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Cabailero Arvind Krishnamurthy WORKING PAPER 02-15 March 2002 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This Excessive Dollar Debt: Financial Development and Underinsurance (Forthcoming: Journal of Finance) Ricardo J. Arvind Krishnamurthy* Caballero This draft: March 1, 2002 Abstract We propose that the limited financial development of emerging markets nificant factor is a sig- behind the large share of dollar-denominated external debt present in We these markets. show that when financial constraints affect borrowing and lending between domestic agents, agents undervalue insuring against an exchange rate depreciation. Since more of this insurance is present when external debt is denominated in domestic currency rather than in dollars, this result implies that domestic agents choose We excessive dollar debt. also show that hmited financial centives for foreign lenders to enter emerging markets. development reduces the The in- retarded entry reinforces the underinsurance problem. JEL Classification Kejnvords: Numbers: F300, F310, F340, G150, G380 Ciurency mismatch, balance sheets, international contingent liquidity, credit lines, thin markets, limited participation. * Respectively: MIT and NBER; Northwestern University. We thank Philip Bond, Guillermo Calvo, Bengt Holmstrom, Hugo Hopenhayn, Nisan Langberg, Adriano Rampini, Jean Tirole and an anonymous referee for comments. and the University of Moore We also Rome thank seminar participants at Lsicea's Summer Camp in Buenos conference on Information and Business cycles for comments. for editorial assistance. Caballero thanks the First draft: June NSF 1, for financial support. 2000. We Aires, MIT thank Sandra E-mails:, Although observers still one factor they agree on is debate the causes underlying recent emerging markets' crises, that domestic firms' contracting of external debt in dollars as opposed to domestic-currency creates balance sheet mismatches that lead to bankruptcies and dislocations.^ The evidence is that most contracts between foreign lenders and borrowers in emerging markets take the form of dollar debt (see Hausmann, Panizza, and Stein (2001)). However, although foreign lenders must eventually be repaid in dollars, in principle there is no reason that these payments cannot be contingent on the exchange rate. For example, contingencies can be added explicitly by indexing debt contracts, or implicitly, by foreign lenders receiving domestic currency payments that they then convert into dollars. As a result, we are asking why the choice of dollar debt On the one hand, domestic ones. Is is in the best interests of borrowers in the attraction to dollar debt On is left emerging markets. that dollar interest rates are lower than the the other hand, dollar debt exposes firms to a balance-sheet mismatch. the low price of dollar debt worth the balance sheet risk for a firm in an emerging market? Do prices allocate the risk efficiently? Should a policy maker be concerned that companies underprice the risk of dollar debt and therefore take on too much of it? We address these questions in this paper. Analysis of this issue has for the most part centered on the (harmful) incentives of the government.^ In the context of sovereign debt, Calvo and Guidotti (1990) argue that once foreign lenders purchase domestic- currency-denominated debt, governments have an incentive to devalue and reduce the real value of their debt (see also Calvo (1996), Allen and Gale (2000)). Foreign lenders rationally anticipate this and avoid purchasing domestic currency debt. First, these explanations seem most compelling for high inflation countries (Latin America), rather than the Asian countries where chronic inflation a problem. Moreover, as Calvo (2000) points out, private sector debt difficulties. if we and it is was not hard to extend this argument to are interested in the connection between debt choices and financial The problem is that if balance sheet mismatches are indeed costly, firms will prefer to introduce contingencies into their liabilities to avoid them. In our model, all risk of liquidation (or agents are risk neutral but demand insurance because they face a production interruptions) in bad states of the world and they might need resources at times when the country faces international borrowing constraints. This Much of the analysis of the currency-balance sheet channel assumes that companies choose dollar de- nominated debt. See, (2001a); for example, Aghion, Bacchetta, and Banerjee (2001); Caballero and Krishnamurthy Chang and Velasco (1999); and Krugman (1999). Constraints on domestic currency external borrowing cently, the borrowing. may also have a domestic policy origin. Until re- Chilean tax code penaUzed external borrowing in domestic currency vis-a-vis dollar-denominated demand from the observation, arises first made by Proot, Scharfstein, and Stein (1993), that the anticipation of borrowing constraints in a dynamic setting motivates firms to hedge. Since the exchange rate also depreciates in bad states of the world, borrowing in domestic currency as opposed to dollars provides more of this insurance. We show that when financial constraints affect borrowing agents, agents' valuation of this insurance is because some agents who purchase to those who provide it It limits than its social value. the insurance will not need will sell his excess resources to those friction in this transaction. less is and lending between domestic who do need The it. the amount that agents and places a wedge between the it. The undervaluation In this case, the agent financial constraint places a who need insurance can pay social valuation of insurance and the equilibrium return to providing this insurance. In a dynamic setting, agents undervalue insurance and take on too Our result differs much dollar debt. from the sovereign debt literature cited above, because we show that domestic firms in financially underdeveloped economies by borrowing in domestic currency. The problem extends to the private misvalue the insurance afforded with financial constraints in the private fault lies The sector rather than a misguided government. will result also explains sector's debt choices, why the dollar debt and why the private sector might undervalue indexing their debt contracts. In the sovereign debt literature, lenders charge higher prices for lending in domestic currency because of the sovereign moral hazard. However, we show that the same mechanism responsible loans at actuarially fair prices. for In our model, foreign lenders extend underinsurance can also affect the supply decisions of foreign lenders. We allow foreign lenders to pay a fixed cost to enter domestic financial markets. In this case, they are able to value more of the collateral of domestic agents. linked to the equihbrium return states of the world. As a We show that returns on entry are closely on providing insurance to domestic agents against bad result, the distortion in the valuation of insurance by the domestic agents also lowers entry by the foreign lenders. Although our explanation mechanism, it free insurance is for dollar fiabilities is also driven quite distinct from those that point out that fixed exchange rates and creates moral hazard that (1997)). In these models, fixing the in dollars it is by an insurance mispricing and therefore encourages distorts investment choices (see, e.g., exchange rate offers free insurance to firms that oflfer Dooley borrow In our model, on the other hand, dollar borrowing.'' not government misbehavior but financial underdevelopment that creates the private underinsurance problem. This result may explain why Distortions of private sector incentives due to free insurance models, such as Burnside, Rebelo and Eichenbaum (2001). is the dollar debt problem extends also behind the government bail out type ^ across emerging markets, regardless of exchange rate systems.'* In methodology, our paper relates to a growing hterature on aggregate liquidity shortages (Diamond and Dybvig (1983); Allen and Gale (1994); Holmstrom and Tirole Krishnamurthy (2000); and Diamond and Rajan (2001)). The canonical model in this literature and the Each of these papers studies macroeconomic and asset price consequences of an aggregate different on aggregate effects of runs is (1998, 2001); liquidity shortage. Diamond and Dybvig, who study banking structure Allen and Gale present a model in which liquidity. aggregate liquidity shortages affects asset price volatility, and endogenize the links between market participation, aggregate and asset liquidity, Our modeling approach owes most relates to that in Caballero literature is when Holmstrom and Tirole to the (1998, 2001) model of Their papers motivate a role for the state in aggregate liquidity in the context of firms. the creation of liquid assets prices. Our there are aggregate shocks. and Krishnamurthy (2001a), whose basic model economy central departure from the that they consider two forms of liquidity, one domestic and one international. In this sense, the paper also relates to the recent work by Diamond and Rajan (2001) in which bank's solvency constraints play a role similar to our domestic collateral in determining domestic asset In Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001a), there are two forms of prices. because foreign and domestic agents have different technologies to seize collateral liquidity, on non-repayment of loans. Aside from the this paper, the model of this different substantive issue that concerns us in paper builds the asymmetry between domestic and foreign lenders from their different valuation of nontradable goods rather than from an asymmetry in collateral valuation. The paper proceeds Section as follows. I presents our model. Section II discusses the underinsurance result. Section III explores the connection between underinsurance and domestic financial development. This section also serves as a transition to section IV, where we discuss external supply problems that arise in this context. Section of agents, domestic entrepreneurs/firms are three periods, which we define as V concludes. The Model I. Our model has two sets may t = 0, 1, 2. and foreign All agents are risk neutral investors. There and competitive. See, e.g., the evidence of external dollar debt in fixed as well as flexible exchange rate systems in Hausmann 'in et al. (2001). most currency in dollars crises, governments run out of resources to end up being badly hurt. Thus we are left rational firm can expect the government to provide. bail out firms with the question as to The free insurance and the firms that borrow how much free insurance a models require a government with deep pockets. Our explanation has the advantage of relying only on the resources of the private sector. Domestic agents borrow from foreign and invest in production at date 0. investors, choose the contingency in their Habihties, Then at date 1, there are an idiosyncratic and an aggre- The gate shock that determine the funds required to continue production. agents' abihty to cope with this shock depends on the vahie of their assets minus contracted habihties. The question of currency denomination of habihties turns on whether Habihties are sufficiently At date contingent to insure against this shock. 2, debts are fully repaid and all agents consume. Technology and Preferences A. Domestic agents are ex-ante identical and have equal access to the same production technology. All production requires foreign (or dollar) goods and produces domestic (or baht) goods. Domestic agents have no dollars, so they must borrow from foreigners to finance production. At date 0, all a firm borrows b^ dollars from a foreigner and creates capital of k at a cost of c{k). Thus, c{k) To generate an Once we assume interior solution, created, the capital is < bo (1) that the function c{k) "baht." It generates domestic goods, is convex and increasing. and its value as collateral varies with the exchange rate. We note in advance that our model rate refers to the real exchange rate. is is entirely real. Hence, We denote the exchange rate as e (the formal definition below). At date 2, if all goes well, capital generates part of the normal churn of the idiosyncratic shock. If this Ak so, then its output happens, the firm is toa<yl = a-|-Aon falls a firm chooses to salvage a fraction ^ — 9)ak + 9Ak units of baht goods. economy production may be interrupted < 1 of Ak at date 1 by an baht. If a firm chooses not to do Thus, if capital units, then its date 2 output is the capital that its However, as required to import an additional unit of foreign goods per unit of capital to reahze output of (1 any allusion to the exchange is not salvaged. and the firm imports 6k units of goods. Firms that are affected by this shock are distressed type, and those that do not are intact type. Let uj e {/, h} be the aggregate state of the world at date firm suffers from a liquidity shock. However, need to reinvest. The shock of firms in the /-state, but 0.5 of being affected by it is it is 1. In the /i-aggregate state, no when the aggregate countrywide in the sense that it state is affects I, half of the firms a positive measure idiosyncratic in that an individual firm has a probability of in the /-state. The probabihty of the /-state is n, and that of the 1 — At date 2, /i- state is date tt. and the domestic entrepreneurs/firms repay the debts accumulated at date out of production proceeds. They consume the excess. Their preferences are 1 U<i where c^ is = c^ c^,c^>0 + c'^ consumption of baht goods, and c^ (2) consumption of dollar goods. is Unlike domestic agents, foreigners have preferences only over the consumption of dollar goods at date 2, Uf = c^ (3) and Foreigners can lend dollars to domestic agents to finance production at both date date 1. We assume they have large endowments of dollars at each of these dates. assume that they have access to a storage technology also endowments, providing a for these down the gross rate of return of one. These assumptions pin We dollar risk-free interest rate at one. B. Liability Denomination and Contingency Domestic agents borrow at date on the aggregate from foreigners, using contracts that are fully contingent state: Definition 1 (Contingent Liability Contract) For uj 6 {l,h}, a date contingent liability investor specifies date 2 repayments, fi^ contract between a domestic firm dollars, foreign investors are risk neutral, competitive, bo = 7rf and date and funding of bo dollars. + il-n)f^ Flexibihty in specifying liabilities contingent We production shock in the Z-state lenders (Caballero (4) mean that firms take on so Definition 1 on the type of firm is debt is (distressed/intact) could private information of that firm, and Krishnamurthy (2001b) examine all liability structure of firms. assume that the identity of firms that experience the date Although we define the repayments ically Since the dollar interest rate is one, This definition only allows for aggregate contingencies in the provide greater insurance. and foreign in dollars. much noncontingent and is not observable by this issue further.) in units of dollars, this definition does not The puzzling question dollar debt in automat- emerging markets is why from foreigners. Since the repayments are contingent on the aggregate state, they are not the of a noncontingent dollar-debt contract. 1 same in as the repayments We prove that in equilibrium, e' > e'* would be represented under Definition repayments of dollar = repayments of b^ ^ < = b^ = bbaht and (i.e., bhaht = find that f^ high state = /'' = /' bhaht- f = = 1. ddoiiar- If Consider how noncontingent debt contracts 1. A noncontingent dollar debt contract specifies A noncontingent baht debt contract has baht we convert _(miii Since e' > same for the 1, dollar repayments in the the baht contract has lower repayments in the /-state ddoliar), we these to dollar equivalent repayments, (i.e., ddoliar)- Thus, we look at the hability denomination question as a contingency question: How high are dollar contracted repayments in the /i-state compared to the /-state? Credit Constraints and Collateral C. matter because firms face credit constraints. Liability choices by requiring firms to post straints We recall that foreigners We introduce credit con- collateral to secure all financing. do not value any baht goods because they do not consume these goods. Therefore, eventual repayments to foreigners can never be in the form of baht goods. We assume that goods arriving at date domestic agents have an exogenously specified endowment of foreign 2 given define w of the output from production is by w. Following the sovereign debt we literature, as international collateral. all of w collateral. That is, production returns can pledge all Although is collateral, we assume that not (1 — 6)ak + of this output to lenders. However, all 9Ak. In a perfect capital market, firms we assume that the reinvestment at date not observable and verifiable. Thus, courts cannot verify the extra output of {A 1 is due to reinvestment and can only enforce repayments up to ak. For is clearly larger Assumption than ak. This limited w assnmption is > 0, (1 — 9)ak a)k + 6Ak central to our results. (Collateral) 1 Lenders demand collateral against of collateral 6' — dollar goods and domestic all loans. collateral of capacity of a firm, measured in dollars, Each domestic firm has international ak baht goods. Thus, for each u>, collateral the total debt is r<-+^ The collateral value of the firm (5) depends on the exchange rate. Since as the exchange rate depreciates, the dollar value of this collateral Since collateral is worth less in amount falls. is baht collateral, Our question is: the /-state, and since firms will need resources to finance their production shocks in this state, the appropriate ak do firms match this collateral sensitivity of contingency in their liabilities? by choosing We note that Assumption 1 rules out the possibihty of equihbrium default Lenders rationally anticipate the value of a borrower's collateral and never demand repayments above The assumption also implies exceed w. This contracted debt above w, anticipate this and there it is will our model. each state of the world, in this collateral value. that in equilibrium, foreign debt repayments of f^ will never because foreigners only value is in w have to default on for consumption and if the country has this debt. Since foreign lenders rationally never default in the model, they never demand repayments above w. Assumption 1 is all that explain decisions and equilibrium If a foreigner is However, we can better required to generate our results. is if we consider a slight variation of this problem. repaid in baht goods at date dollar goods at the exchange rate of e. 2, he will exchange the baht goods However, he does not need to wait until date 2. for He could also exchange the claim on the date 2 baht goods for a claim on date 2 dollar goods at date 0. That is, the foreign lender is indifferent between waiting of claims against domestic collateral and swapping out of them date 2 to swap out until at date 0. Rather than having foreigners lend against ak and then swap these goods at date some of the w we dollar goods, directly 2 for impose a constraint under which foreigners only lend against w. We collateral of ak. These two assumptions are unnecessary impose a similar constraint, that domestic lending be only against the for the workings of the model and our main results, but they do simplify the exposition. Assumption la* (Foreign Lending) All foreign lending takes the form of good collateral ofw. Lending is liability contracts that are fully secured by the foreign default free, so that f'^<w Assumption lb* (Domestic Domestic firms can lend to so that agents can only use Lending) each other at either date fully secured by baht revenues. (6) or date All domestic lending 1. However, the domestic financial market ak of the date 2 baht revenues to secure is is underdeveloped, financing from another domestic agent, /^•" It < ak turns out that since domestic agents are identical at date (7) 0, there domestic agents to borrow or lend from each other against the ak at date 0. is no reason At date 0, for /^'^ is always zero. This is convenient, because denomination of foreign uncertainty is habilities. Domestic lending can occur resolved and the contingency issue is at date 1, but at this time moot. Decisions and Credit Chain D. We solve the decision problem of a firm by 60 allows us to restrict our focus to the currencj' it funds to create capital of /i-state, At date k. there are no shocks, and all backward induction. At date 0, the firm borrows there are two possible states of the world. In the 1, firms continue to produce Ak. Entrepreneurs repay f^ and consume = Ak + w-f^ V'' In the ^state, firms divide into distressed and intact groups. alleviate its production shock. goods. To (8) A distressed firm raises funds to A choice of 6k will result jn output at date 2 of {\—9)ak+9Ak of distressed capital, the firm must borrow and invest 9k salvage a fraction imported goods. The That firm can do this in two ways. First, can go to foreigners to raise additional funds. it the firm can always directly raise is, Second, the distressed firms can turn to intact firms for loans. There is an as3rmmetry between domestic and foreign agents. Unlike foreigners, domestic agents value the ak of baht output. indirectly Thus, the distressed firm can access foreign funds by borrowing from the intact who firms, in turn use their international collateral to borrow from foreign agents. Since the exchange rate maximum amount financial of ^ dollars from intact market in our framework. By is e', the distressed firm can borrow a This credit chain represents the domestic firms. using this chain, the distressed firm can aggregate the resources of the economy and pledge this to foreigners, thus raising resources for date 1 reinvestment. The decision problem of a distressed firm (PI) Vl s.t. =m&yiQjijD w + ak + 9k{A-a)-f-f[-fP (i) fi<w-f li) /f < ak Hi) 9k straint (iii) of /{ and is /f*. (z) and {i = fi + ^ 0<9 <1 (iv) Constraints is are the international and domestic collateral constraints. Con- that investment must be financed by the resources raised from the debt issues Constraint (iv) is purely technological. 8 An intact firm at date ^ intact firm lends ei dollars at date constraint Date is At date = max^D w + Ak + x^-^- f s.t. ^<w-f a firm maximizes 0, and either distressed or intact, date against collateralized baht goods of 1 that the intact firm can at most lend problem. in either w—f xf If the at date 2 then dollars to the distressed firm. expected profits over the events of being its the low or the high state. Thus, the decision at is (P3) ma^k,boJ- - (1 + 7r(V^3' + F/)/2 7r)y'^ f\f'<w s.t. = nf + c(fc) < 6o bo - (1 tt)/'' Equilibrium and Exchange Rates E. An {^1 the distressed firm. will lend to it F/ (P2) The how much decides 1 economy equilibrium of this fiT fF^^i')^ respectively, and prices (PI), (P2), and (P3) given prices of The only equilibrium price agents, the following Lemma 1 economy • Ifc^,c^ > • Ifc^> The case and Decisions are solutions to the firms' problems At these prices, the financial From the the exchange rate. is {k,bo,f'^) market clears. preferences of domestic true. 0, but of c^ The exchange at date 2: then e 0, generates at least c^ = = = 0, 1. then e and c^ > > 1. :- can never occur in our model, since production always some baht and domestic agents must consume rate consume both baht is one as long as the solution happens is as well as dollar goods. However, precisely the case at date 1 in Equilibrium in the l-state we are interested the low state, What of dollar goods? Intact firms have pins w- i.e., down where in, e' if c^ we > = 0, where domestic agents the economy runs out of reflect this scarcity. construct an equilibrium in which e'* = 1. the exchange rate f' oi dollar this baht. at an interior is goods and the exchange rate depreciates further to Since this this e'^. e'^. decisions, 1 Let c^ and (P denote the equilibrium consumption of any intact entrepreneur in the domestic dollar must hold and date consists of date when goods that they the economy runs out sell to distressed firms to use in production. Distressed firms pay for these dollars by selling The exchange firms. rate is the price in this trade ^(--/V ^/f = This exchange rate rate is one and interest parity must hold, the date rate divided we need to one, A a date 2 forward exchange really is by the gross domestic interest rate. down the domestic interest rate. not pin we can call e" the date A— A > to By is the date 2 exchange free = zz; — capital, its make up the fc, shortfall. well. exchange rate of It will e'. We let its A= much sum unconstrained in its of ^ its than the funds needed for it can w— f\ up to ak date sell is less have to access the domestic financial market will > e'). 2 baht to another domestic at the The maximum amount and u; — /' is of funds raised is borrow than less (10) more than the borrowing need reinvestment at date this case, the firm will is can against as ^<^ as the —a yl choose to do this as long as the baht return on restructuring exceeds the exchange rate (A As long capital /'). then the firm It in that capital. Since the international interest rate the amount raised from foreign investors, of parameter choosing this interest rate to be equal the distressed firm chooses to borrow as 1, international collateral (6i all exchange rate a units of baht goods at date 2 per unit of foreign debt. one, as long as salvaging rate. Since the international interest international collateral to salvage its be the baht return to salvaging one unit of If 1 (9) The model has a exchange rate as 1 distressed firm that borrows against generates of baht to intact fP 1 ^ and in all production units will of fc, the firm is be salvaged. In domestic financial markets. Intact firms will lend dollars to distressed firms as long as the exchange rate weakly exceeds one (e' collateral oi w— If and > The most 1). that A > intact firms lend as all lent be salvaged is is their excess international f. we assume which are that intact firms can lend e' > much 1 , then distressed firms as possible. to the distressed firms. that | <w — f . A will In total, the borrow as much as they can economy imports necessary condition for For a given equilibrium ^ < 1, we all w—f goods production units to refer to the constraint e\<w-f (11) as the international collateral constraint. As long positive. as the international collateral constraint does not bind, both c^ From Lemma 1, we note that this will 10 mean that e' = 1. However, if and c^ are the constraint does bind; the economy will have sold all of dollar goods, its and from Lemma 1, we see that the exchange rate exceeds one. constrained demand 1/2 Figure Figure 1 1 < international collateral equilibria at points A and The supply 1). international interest rate of one, up 1/2 e k in the /-state to ^{w — of dollars from intact firms /'). this point, the is elastic at the economy has no more The figure represents and B. The points are distinguished by whether the distressed firms one. However, in the case where w— /', in both equilibria 9 (10) does not bind, the represented by the dashed upper line for other case (the At so the supply of dollars turns vertical. are credit constrained or not. Given is Market Clearing ') represents the market clearing for the case in which the international collateral constraint of (11) binds (for ^ case : (w-f downward sloping is the same and less than exchange rate demand corresponding is equal to A (this to point B). In the solid curve corresponding to point A), the exchange rate is l<e' = Since /-state, we ak w- < A are interested in equilibria in which the exchange rate we assume that the (12) fis depreciated in the international collateral constraint of (11) binds in this state. We are interested in the distinction in outcomes between the cases where (10) does and does not bind. Lemma 2 (Exchange Rates) • In the h-state, the international collateral constraint does not bind. 11 Therefore, e'' = 1. In the • l-state, the international collateral constraint binds. I e // (10) binds, then e' We must profitable also mm = <^^ r A A, 1 -7 1 < A. make assumptions such that date and gives an > Therefore, < interior solution {k investment in capital c~^{w)). We is sufficiently provide the assumptions on primitives required to generate these equilibria in the appendix. Underinsurance: Excessive Dollar Debt II. Firms contract to make contingent debt repayments two states of the world and noncontingent in dollars of /'' and baht debt have dollar and /'. linearly There are independent repa3anents. Thus, spanning results apply and the contingent repayments of (/'',/') can be implemented by contracting debt when a central planner in a mixture of dollar and baht debt. There is excessive dollar would choose a lower fraction of dollar debt than would private agents. Definition 2 and librium, and // /'* F and F /' are debt repayment choices in the competitive decentralized equi- are debt repayment choices of a central planner, then the has excessive dollar debt economy if ^<^ Competitive Equilibrium versus Planner's Choice A. To arrive at the program for a firm at date and (P2) into (P3) Firms solve e' (13) > 1 (as in If Lemma a firm chooses the /i-state of 0, we substitute the value functions from (PI) their decision problem, given exchange rates of e'* = 1 and 2). (fc, /'*, /'), it will V^ = Ak + w — f^ make date (equation (8)). 2 profits (net of In the i-state, if any contracted debt) the firm is in distressed, the date 2 profits are Fi {w — /') is The ak at A. ^A (14) pledged to foreigners and the proceeds are invested at the project return of A. of domestic collateral If = (u,-/')A + the firm is is sold at the exchange rate of e' and the proceeds are invested intact, date 2 resources are Vl = {w- /')e' 12 + Ak (15) f Combining these (P4) results, the program date {l-TT){Ak maj^kj^f + w- is f'')+nl(^{A + a^)k + {A + e^){w- f\f<w s.t. c{k)<TTf + {l-Tr)f^ In both h and I states the firm can increase its Habihties benefit of increasing dollar by one dollar used to increase capital by is less in f'^ that the firm raises is p^ The . increased capital) to cost of increasing / dollars at date 0. This tt that there is Now we consider the same at date 0. This dollar is . we the /-state used to increase capital by see that the cost 7r(A is 7r(A Comparing these 1 ^ C'(fc) -|- -pf]^- e')/2. However, since in the from that differs n ^ dollars /-state firms in the /i-state. From the Thus, the same benefit-to-cost ratio last + 1 ^ c'(A:)(A e') + ((A + two expressions confirms our intuition that since firms e')/2 However, this cost is > it is costlier to have more will need liabilities 1). lower than that which a central planner would compute. In the a dollar certainly returns strictly less ' ^ e')/2 resources to finance their production shock in the /-state, is ratio of benefit is; -^/c'jk) in this state one dollar exercise in the /-state. Increasing /' by one dollar raises have to finance their production shock, the cost objective in (P4) The is is: ^ l-TT firms — cost of doing so (l-7r)/c-(fc) state, 1 the h-state, which reduces date 2 consumption by one dollar. (in units of in up to a maximum of w. The A when used than the planners ((A in production. Since e')/2 -I- < e' < A, /- the cost term for A). As a result, the planner will have firms choose to contract less liabilities in the /-state than in the competitive equilibrium outcome. We confirm this intuition more formally by constructing the program of a central planner who maximizes an equally weighted sum of the utilities of the domestic agents, subject to the domestic and international collateral constraints. Suppose the central planner makes a date choice of {K, F^, F') (capital letters denote the central planner's aggregate quantities). At date of V'^ = AK + iu- F^. 2, in the high state, all In the low state, a distressed firm's profits are (equation (14)). For the planning problem, we construct an Substituting the market clearing condition of e' = °'^pt firms earn profits {w - F')A objective that is -f ^A free of prices. into this profit expression, we obtain: Vl = 2{w 13 - F^)A (18) an intact firm's Similarly, in the profits are market clearing condition, [w efficient (P5) + AK (equation (15)). After substituting = ia + A)K (19) debt choices in this economy are given by the solution to {l-Tv){AK + w-F'') + maxj^ph^pi TTl(^{A + a)K + 2A{w-F^)^ F'',F'<w s.t. c{K) We now F')e' becomes: this Vl The — < ttF' + (1 - tt)F'' compare the benefits/costs of increasing liabilities. since the objectives corresponding to the /i-state are the benefit/cost computation for both the planner and firms Lemma w. = 3 In both (P4) and (P5), F'' f'^ = Starting with the ^-state, same across (P4) and (P5), the in increasing /'' is the same. B Proof: see Appendix. Since there no chance of a liquidity shock is w in this state In the /-state, Lemma 4 // and use the proceeds to increase we confirm that the A> e' , then F' is no reason to leave much Optimality requires firms to borrow as a slack in the debt repayment. against in the /i-state, there < /', K at date as possible 0. choices over liability diverge: or debt repayments are set too high in the l-state in the decentralized equilibrium. H Proof: see Appendix. In the objective in (P4), /' multiplied by A. Proposition 1 When e' < multiphed by (A A, the latter is -f e')/2. bigger and we In the objective in (P5), /' arrive at the is lemma. (Excessive dollar debt.) Suppose that the international tic collateral is collateral constraint of (11) binds in the l-state. If the constraint of (10) binds, so that debt. If (10) does not bind so that e' This proposition follows from = e' < A, then firms contract excessive dollar A, then debt choices are Lemma 2. e' < of (10) binds. 14 domes- efficient. A only if the domestic collateral constraint The B. The Externality planner's choice differs from the competitive equihbrium because of an externahty that arises when there are domestic coUateral constraints. The market price of a dollar in the Estate at date of this dollar in production for is (10) binds, the demand for dollars is depressed its social The A demand responsible market price of a dollar is relative up the price of dollars no distortion. distorted price affects the quantity of insurance purchased. The insurance decision decision to save one dollar into the /-state. If the firm turns out to be distressed, a date A uses this dollar in production to return and fetches less The must sell if the firm is intact, the dollar at the price of than the social marginal product of A. Ex e' < ante, this translates into result.^ Financial Development and Underinsurance III. The main However, at date 2. firm underinsurance and the excessive dollar debt ities distorts the and there the distorted price comes into play: A is value because the firms in need of dollars value. If (10) does not bind, then the distressed firms bid towards their marginal product of it The marginal e'. A. The difference between these two valuations are credit constrained. This depressed is given by the underinsurance result. When to 1 is result of the previous section is that the excessive share of dollar debt in the liabil- of firms in emerging markets arises because credit constraints affect borrowing/lending relationships among domestic agents. We now consider an economy with a mix of firms that face no credit constraints in their domestic borrowing and the constrained ones of the previous section. We model financial development as increasing in the fraction of firms that are not credit constrained. We simplify the analysis by ruling out domestic insurance markets contingent gate shocks, which will naturally arise when firms are ex-ante heterogeneous. on aggre- The results in this section are robust to relaxing this simplification. ®We note that there A, distressed firms sell is domestic coUateral at ^ as opposed to ^. We overvaluation, relative to the planner, of the collateral created by k investment. and overinvest in this by paper is at date 0. Although, in understanding financial development, When e' < can show that this is an another factor that reinforces the underinsurance in our model. their we do not how As a result, firms overborrow focus on this aspect of underinsurance because our interest liabihty choices (as opposed to asset/investment choices) are affected we can show that when there are more than two aggregate leads to overborrowing but does not affect insuring against the Estate. 15 states, the latter effect , Constrained and Unconstrained Firms A. Assume that a fraction A of the domestic firms face no constraints on domestic borrowing. For these firms the date domestic collateral constraint 1 fF < > For 6 than those of all clear that {{l 0, it is ^)a + ^^)k (20) ak. Thus, these firms are less credit constrained appendix that since these firms are able to pledge in the of their baht output as collateral, the domestic collateral constraint of (20) will never bind them. for Lemma 5 (20) will never bind for unconstrained firms. Proof: see Appendix. we Next, Ak + w — the firm is — 6)a + 6A)k > we show (10). In fact, - ((1 is program consider the date f^. In the is B ' able to salvage and generating A state, if the firm is intact it I distressed all it makes of its profits of VJ capital units baht at date maXfcjHj, = ak + (A — - Tx){Ak + {w — Ak + — f)e\ dollars at the — /')e'. {w = nf + exchange rate of f'') + Tx ({A firm: - ^)k + e\w - f)) Efficiency) collateral constraint binds in the l-state, then e' = A, e'* jr = jL Proof: Suppose in contradiction that maximum amount and 1). Thus A > e'. Then the distressed firm will choose to salvage production units. ^= |. 1 (21) We use Lemma 5 that (20) will never bind. As a result, distressed firms will issue debt and salvage = = pH fh production units [9 e' {l-n)f>^ and borrow the If because the firm program of an unconstrained +w- Proposition 2 (Financial Development and and the international e')fc V^ = in the h state, f^j'<w c{k) 1 profits of V} by borrowing k yields the date [l s.t. If \— makes As before 2. Combining these expressions (P6) for these firms. However, since (11) binds, 6^ =w— f and note all of their ioT 9 < 1. This implies that ^>w-f which violates market it must be that A= clearing. There is excess e'. 16 demand (22) for dollars at date 1. As a result, We =A substitute e into the maxfcj^ J, (1 program - n){Ak + w - c{k) is a firm at date f^) + tt in (P6). (^fc + A{w - f) f\f<w s.t. This program for < nf + (1 - identical to that of (P5). Hence, tt)/'^ A if = 1, the economy makes efficient debt B choices. This proposition fimited to ak in clarifies the main result of the previous section: Assumption 1, since collateral firms are constrained in their domestic borrowing. causes the distortion in prices and results in underinsurance. of firms can be pledged as collateral, market prices When reflect the social all is This of the baht output marginal product and insurance decisions are chosen optimally. We conclude by showing that for the intermediate cases of A monotone As in A. financial development rises < 1, the debt choices are and more firms are unconstrained, the debt more insurance. choices feature Proposition 3 (Financial Development and Underinsurance) Consider two economies indexed by A and A', where A international collateral constraint binds in the l-state. > A' and Then for in both economies the both constrained and un- constrained firms, (23) A' Proof; see Appendix. Limited Foreign Insurance: Further Costs of Domestic IV. Financial Underdevelopment The general principle behind our result mand for funds. Those by these funds to the in We lenders. In a dynamic context, the latter find that the business of far, is not profitable and so they transfer their resources apply this principle to explain the hmited entry of speciahst foreign lenders into domestic markets So that credit constraints leads to constrained de- need of funds are not credible in transferring the surplus created lending to firms with bad collateral elsewhere. is (i.e., we have modeled credit line facilities, foreign banks). foreigners as passive lenders who make no lend in either currency. This characterization of foreigners (and hardly realistic. profits and many domestic willingly savers) is This section extends the model to study the effects of financial development 17 We on foreign lending decisions. introduce an active margin whereby foreign lenders may choose to pay a fixed cost and specialize in lending to the domestic market. A. Foreign Specialists We return to the model of section two classes, specialists and III., < A < with nonspecialists. The We 1. divide foreign lenders into specialists value baht goods as do domestic agents: U^ = c^ + c^ (24) Nonspecialists are exactly like the foreign lenders of the previous sections. dollar goods, i.e., U= They value only c^. Unlike the nonspecialist, a specialist can invest in loans backed by domestic baht collat- This modification captures the idea that specializing in the domestic market enables a eral. foreign lender to receive higher returns on lending to domestic agents. lenders (both specialists is endowment and nonspecialists) have a date a continuum of measure a of these specialists, a will shortly We of assume that w^ dollars. all There be endogenized by positing a cost of specializing. B. Specialist Lending as Insurance Definition 3 (Specialist Lending Contract) A contract between a foreign specialist and a domestic firm specifies repayments of {fs, fs) and initial loan of bo. boq^il-n)fl + Trfs, The > e' (25) collateral constraints for this lending contract are fs if the firm is the firm is <Ak + w (26) unconstrained (in domestic markets), and f^ if q <ak + w (27) constrained. In this definition, we have accounted for specialist lending against baht collateral by expanding the collateral constraint to include the baht output. The required return of the specialist lender specialist has is g > e' a high return investment opportunity in the good and receive e' > 1 baht-goods in return at date 18 2. (in (25)). /-state. If This He can is because the lend one dollar- the specialist converts all of his wealth into date 1 nonspecialist), he will earn the return of receive at least this return on date on e' maxi^jt^jijiji^ 0. [1 s.t. . Thus, the speciahst lender must lending. and nonspecialists at date (P7) w^ his This firm chooses to borrow from both Consider the problem of a constrained firm. specialists by investing with a risk-neutral dollars in the /-state (for example, We modify (P4) to - n){Ak + w - f^ reflect this: - f^)+ /^/'<u; 0<fl,fs<ak c{k) As in the previous sections, < TT/' we shorten the + (1 - tt)/'' + i + {jrfs (1 - n)fl) . collateral constraint for specialist loans (the second constraint) to being constrained only by ak. This is without loss of generality for the same reason as in previous sections. The following Lemma lemma describes the insurance features of specialist lending: 6 (Lending Contract as Insurance) Consider an economy in which case, fg>0 and fg = 0. e' < A and <a < e, where e is In addition, the return to specialists is positive but small. In this = q \^ . B Proof: see Appendix. In the economy without borrowed against. Since cialists is specialists, the baht collateral of firms specialists value that collateral, their premium of g > > e' nonspecialists lend at the international interest rate of one and /' increase borrowing from a nonspecialist before it h -state is never advantage vis-a-vis nonspe- lending against the /i-state collateral- This results in /^ Since speciahsts are limited, they charge the in the borrows from a 0. on their lending. Since < w, a firm prefers to specialist. firms choose not to borrow against the Z-state from nonspecialists {fg = This is why Specialists 0). provide more contingency and insurance than nonspecialists. In this sense, their lending is more domestic currency denominated. Proposition 4 (Specialist Lending and Insurance) Consider two economies indexed by a and a' where a> a' . e^ < q < A in both economies. Then 2-^jS{const,unconst} '^jyJj ' Z-'j£{const,unconst} ^jxJj JS,ji 'Js,j) (28) 2-ij£{const,unconst} '^j\Jj ' Isj) 2^j&{const,unconst} ^jKJj Q, 19 ' Is,j> a' ^ Proof: see Appendix. As the mass of specialists increases, constrained firms raise their borrowing against the h-st&te. Moreover, these proceeds are used both in increasing k and insuring against This can happen directly by receiving dollars the Z-state. or indirectly by reducing /' the Estate from speciahsts, in from the nonspecialists. There is an indeterminacy in which lender provides the /-state insurance. However, in total, the Hability structure of the firms provide more insurance as the mass of specialists rises. Equilibrium, Entry, and Financial Development C. We endogenize a and describe how financial development affects a and lending premia. Assume that As a specializing costs C. and non-entry yields utihty of V"^ result, entry yields = w^ The . expected utility of V^ free entry condition that is a = [w^ -C)q lenders choose to specialize such that, in equilibrium, V^ = F"" The return to specialists of g is (29) a function of both the equilibrium well as the exogenous level of financial development (A). amount In the Appendix, of entry, as we prove the following comparative statics: Lemma 7 As more specialists enter the market, q falls: (q, As more firms The entrant In a and X) in the first result is falls, Lemma 7 and q we noted e' are unconstrained, q < 0- af '^ ^• that as more specialists enter the market, the return to the marginal falls. this positive relation show that economy d^ We use previous results to establish the second comparative static. that q was equal to ^^^ for small a. In the Appendix, between q and was increasing in A. financial market, firms have e' As a we show holds more generally for any a. In section result, q is also increasing in A. In more domestic collateral that III. we a more developed and the return on lending to these firms rises. We 5 = e note that the proposition applies only to the case and unconstrained firms will also in be borrowing from which q > e . This is because when a is large, specialists in equilibrium. Since these firms are unconstrained, they are indifferent between borrowing against /i-state collateral or Estate collateral. As a result, the liability structure is features of the liabihties. If indeterminate and we are unable to we assume tion continues to hold. In terms of welfare, increasing between the h and make statements about the insurance that they always borrow against /i-state collateral, then the proposi- a /-states. 20 is always beneficial, since it leads to more insurance q k V N \d ^N V d' \ \^ V \\ N \ \\ V \ e=Une N N. ^ V V N. N N N \ 'k . \ S. a Figure 2: "»> N a Entry by Foreign Specialists The Figure 2 represents the equilibrium for the entry decision.^ demand for foreign specialist an economy which is more funds as a function of financially developed (i.e., q. A The is solid line line d' represents d is the demand in higher). Inspection of the figure leads to: Proposition 5 (Financial Development and Specialist Entry) Financial development increases the entry of specialists into the domestic lending market (a is increasing in X). Financial Development and Lending Premia D. The limited foreign entry described in the previous section can feed back into the price charged by foreign specialists through a thin-market externality. Suppose foreign lenders prefer to lend in a market in which there are already other foreign (1994) provide a microeconomic model for this phenomena. We lenders. Allen and Gale defer to their results, and take a reduced form approach to this issue by positing complementarity in foreign entry ^Foreigners require that, A + e' 1 in order to enter. As a result, a is - c such that the equilibrium exchange rate 21 is e' = 2 ',; — A. ^\^ d' d U^=U"^ ! i , i a a Figure decisions. Suppose that C 3: 1 1. a Complementary Entry Decisions a function of the amount of entry: is if a < d if a > d C{a)-- Figure 3 illustrates the effect of complementarity. At the low level of financial develop- ment corresponding to d, there is the possibility that foreign specialists anticipate limited entry by others and stay out of the market. However, (d'), this possibility themselves. if the market is developed sufficiently disappears, since specialists expect others to enter and therefore enter Comparing across these two cases, we see that the lending premia fall as A rises. V. We Conclusion began the paper with the following question: The large share of external debt ing markets that is However, since this dollar is denominated has played a central a private decision, why do role in in emerg- most recent crises. firms expose themselves to the risks of dollar debt? We answer this question equivalent to a choice over when by showing that the choice over how much international collateral is scarce. liability denomination was insturance to purchase against states of the world The central result of our analysis is that when domestic financial markets are underdeveloped, the private valuation of this insurance will 22 be distorted relative to a planner's valuation. The distortion leads to underinsurance. If there is a drop in returns to providing insurance, then the supply of this insurance foreign specialists also foreign credit lines The Countries with limited financial development also have fewer falls. and foreign lending by complementarities in in domestic currency. This situation is exacerbated the lending decisions of foreign specialists. primitive result in our analysis liabilities in dollars is just is one of underinsurance. Denominating external one manifestation of this underinsurance. Other forms of un- derinsurance include the limited availability of external credit lines and the large of short-term external debt in emerging markets. We the exchange rate system. Lastly, the dollar-debt tigations into the role of are able to rationalize We problem we have discussed government to correct is due to an this externality externality. have proven Our fruitful inves. We policies such as capital inflow taxation or Pareto improving in some situations, although not without draw- backs (Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001b)). We monetary and international reserve management Krishnamurthy (2002)). Without a theory cies, it among which are currently investigating this issue. some canonical government liquidity requirements as amount conjecture that the manifestation of underinsurance in a particular country depends on institutional factors, chief is by- for are also able to policies can be show that well-designed effective (Caballero why governments may undertake has not been possible to study the relative merits of these policies. framework to analyze these issues currently. 23 We and these poli- are using our Appendix A. Proof of Lemma C*^{l-Ti){AK + We 3: form the Lagrangian W -F^) + for (P5), + a)A' + 2A(V^-F')) - 7ri((/l \{c{K) - - ttF' (1 - 7r)F'^) (Al) - M^F'' -W)- ^i{F' - W) First, 1^ = (1 1^ = _(1 _ ^) + A(l - TT) Likewise, We = if [ih - + tt)^ TT^ - Ac'(K) = (A2) 0, i^ = ((1 - 7r)A + TT A from above and note that the project substitute in to arrive at the inequality. > Since ^p- 0, it A±^ - c'(K)) is > (A3) sufficiently profitable at must be that F^ = W . date The same proof applies for (P4). Proof of Lemma We 4 note that, °W -"-"'"' = F' (A4) ^''^-i^--)^ f = (A5) = A(^(l-7r)yl+^(^ + a)) (A6) IT From the FOC, c'{K) c'{k) If e' < A then c'{k) > F'. Proof of Lemma 5 > = 7^((l--)^+^(^ + c'{K) and c{k) > c{K). From the vO first set (^') of equations this also meai^s that /' If the unconstrained firms salvages 6 units of capital by issuing debt that raises dk dollars, then the maximum amount of dollars they can raise li^:il^A:>.4it is, (A8) e' e' Since y4 we conclude = a + A>A>e' that il^3^L±lAu > Thus, given any restructure (A9) all 6, ek (Aio) unconstrained firms will always be able to obtain the funds required to of their capital units. 24 From Proof of Proposition 3 FOC (P6), the an unconstrained firm for is (the "hat" denotes choices for unconstrained firms), (1 Note that k - strictly decreasing in is + tt)^ decreasing in ( = A-^ ' = nw+{l-n)f (A12) From the same program e'. (All) e'c'(fc) I Also, from the budget constraint e'. c{k) /' is also strictly TT for FOC constrained firms, the is -n)A + n(^^- (1 Again we conclude that We know choices. If that and k are /' = if e' a A^ ^ ^^^'(fc) strictly decreasing in (A13) e'. A, the private- sector debt choices coincide with the we take the other case where e' < A, efficient the market clearing condition in the /-state is Xk + ^(1 - = A) (1 want to prove that This increasing in A. is V obviously true However if this is true, then clearing condition e' > is e' - /'(I - - A) (A14) 2/'A both constrained and unconstrained firms) (for when proof by contradiction. Suppose not, then < X)tu fh We e' + . Proof of Lemma e' , For a fixed 6 increasing /^ in (P7), and raises (1 — Tr)^ which compare more resources gives a gross borrowing cost of costs (1 — tt). /'>/', fc > is and costs ^^^, k, we consider the /'>/', this to the cost in and incurs Increasing f'^ amount is > From the market fc'. of money raised at date by costs of (1 raises (1 — tt) — tt) in the objective. This more resources 0, but costs at date 7r^j=j-. The and gross tt *^^^ ratio of increasing /'. in the objective for a gross e'. This raises n borrowing cost of = 0. "^^ . Borrowing from the dominated by borrowing from the nonspecialist. return to specialist lending ^^2^ > fc we have that A', terms of the objective. Increasing fg However, since specialists lend in equilibrium, fg = > which A the constrained firm will always choose fg specialist in the /-state Thus, q in \^ ^ resources at date < A;', we construct a In the other case, two economies compare each of these to the cost/benefit Since ^^^ A. Increasing fg raises tt^ more resources at date borrowing cost We = weakly a contradiction. at date q. for e' is is > 0. For small values of a, the determined by the value of dollars to firms in the /-state. Also, at this price, unconstrained firms choose not to specialists. 25 borrow from We Proof of Proposition 4 write the program for an unconstrained firm; first - ^)i^k + w-f^- (1 '^^''kj'^J'JlJ's fl) + ^[{A-i)k-f's + e^{w-f^)) f\f<w s.t. (A15) 0<f^,fs<Ak < c{k) In the region where all fg + (1 - n)f'^ + i + {nf's - (1 n)f^) e\ the unconstrained firms will not borrow from specialists. Thus, lending by specialists must go to constrained firms. To show that (1 q> tt/' — A)/' + A/' will rise We ratio of /i-state to /-state liabilities rises falls. This is because we know from with a, while fg show the we show that = two result in Lemma with a we need to show that 6 that for the constrained firms, 0. steps. First this implies that (1 — A)/' we show that + A/' as e' falls a and second, increases, falls. Consider an increase in the mass of specialists of da. Since this increase goes toward investment and borrowing against the /-state (from constrained firms altering their date nonspecialists), - C)da = {wf The market (1 - clearing condition in the /-state Afc + ^(1 - A) = - X)c'{k)dk (1 - > (A16) 2/'A (A17) A)7rd/' is (1 -f X)w - /(I - A) - Thus, iln^l^de' = "^ " ,2 If de' (A16), > 0, c//' < - A)c//' Proof From 0. de' < (A18), 0, c/e' < < 0, which is 0,dk We first < 0,d/' < note that q is >0,dk> proportional to 0, df' e'. the region that specialists only lend to constrained firms, q begins at When there resulting in g = e'. linearly. The proof However, given < > for 0. This "^^ da > From is 0. (A18), because in and decreases are sufficient specialists, specialists also lend to unconstrained firms, follows the same logic as that of proposition 4. First since specialists lend to both constrained and unconstrained {w^ 0. a contradiction. Thus, de' from the FOC's we know that dk + Xdp < 0. of Lemma 7 (A18) ,2 then from the FOC's we know that dk Given that (1 ^^—^dk + \dk + (1 - A)d/' + 2\dp. - C)da = (1 - firms, \)c'{k)dk + we note that Xc'{k)dk 26 - (1 - X)ndf^ - Xndf > (A19) > If de' for da > 0, then from the FOC's we know that dk < 0. From (A18) given (A19), d/' de' < da > for means that this < de^ last ^dk + \dk + = J^ e e/2 The term on the RHS is (1 the is non-negative. first term on the <0,dk< positive for The proof RHS is < and contradiction. Thus, de' > for Parameter assumptions we have used. First, we is However, 0. a contradiction. Thus, we can show that d\ > df' dA We 0, Thus, we only need to show that the 1. > de' < for dA > However from the FOC's we know that < 0. (A20) because on net, unconstrained firms are by contradiction. Suppose positive. 0,d/' then dk is df < - A)d/ + 2Ad/' + (1 - X)ak(k - 2{w - f))d\ borrowers of dollars in the market at date term which 0, 0. For the A comparative static, after a httle algebra -de' 0, <0,dk < From (A20) this means that de' < 0, if iirst Then 0. de' < which 0, is a 0. examine the technical assumptions on parameters that require that w = F'^ in (P5), or that the return to investing domestically exceeds that of investing abroad: {l-7r)A Second, F' < we + n^-^>c'{w) require that the solution features (A21) some insurance against the /-state, so w. c'HA> Finally, we require that equihbrium has (l-7r)yl 1 < e' + 7r^^^. (A22) < A. The FOC for the program in (P4) c'{k)^^ = {l-n)A + 7r^(^A + a^^ We denote the solution to this equation as k{e). when that e = 1, and the smallest value when e = Then the largest value of k is, (A23) is attained A. Using this knowledge as well as the market clearing condition leads to: 7rafc(l) < A (A24) > (A25) u;-c(A;(l)) 7rafc(A) w- c(fc(A)) 27 1 REFERENCES Aghion, Philippe, Philippe Bacchetta and Abhijit Banerjee, 2001, Currency monetary policy in crises and an economy with credit constraints, forthcoming, European Eco- nomic Review. Allen, Franklin asset prices, Allen, and Douglas Gale, 1994, Limited market participation and American Economic Review volatility of 84, 933-955. Frankhn and Douglas Gale, 2000, Optimal currency crises, Carnegie-Rochester con- ference series on public policy 53, 177-230. Burnside, Craig, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo, 2001, Hedging and financial fragility in fixed exchange rate regimes, European Economic Review 45, 1151-1193. Caballero, Ricardo and Arvind Krishnamurthy, 2001a, International and domestic collateral constraints in a model of emerging market crises. Journal of Monetary Economics 48, 513-548. 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