MIT LIBRARIES IllllllliHI iiii.. 3 9080 02618 3266 Pji: R.liiiii':' 2005 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries DEWEY HB31 .M415 . . Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series EUROPEAN UNEMPLOYMENT: THE EVOLUTION OF FACTS AND IDEAS Olivier Blanchard Working Paper 05-24 October 10, 2005 Revised: November 5, 2005 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This MA 021 42 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research http://ssrn.conn/abstract=825885 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITU^ OF TECHNOLOGv JUN 2 G 2G0S LIBRAE European Unemployment: The Evolution of Facts and Ideas Olivier Blanchard November 5, * 2005 Abstract In the 1970s, in European unemployment started the 1980s, to reach a plateau the average unemployment in the 1990s. increasing. It is still It increased further high today, although rate hides a high degree of heterogeneity across countries. The of shocks. As unemployment remained focus of researchers and policy makers was initially on the role high, the focus has progressively shifted to institutions. This paper reviews the interaction of facts gives a tentative assessment of what we know and what we and still theories, and do not know. MIT and NBER. Prepared for the Economic Policy Panel, London, October 2005. I thank Giuseppe Bertola, Ricardo Caballero, Emmanuel Farhi, homas Philippon, Steve Nickell, Julio Rotemberg, Thomas Sargent, and Robert Solow for comments. I thank the Russell Sage Foundation and the National Science Foundation for financial support. Introduction From the end was of World War II to the end of the 19G0s, European unemployment ver}' low. In the 1970s, it started increasing. It 1980s, to reach a high plateau in the 1990s. the average European unemployment It continued to increase in the still is high today, although rate hides a high degree of heterogeneity across countries. This has been a tough learning experience, both makers. When ment was just born, and Milton Friedman (1968) level economists and for for policy the 1970s started, the concept of a natural rate of unemploy- from operational. The following quote from still far "The natural rate revealing: is of unemployment is the which would be ground out by the Walrasian system of general equilib- rium equations, provided that there characteristics of the labor imbedded is in them the actual structural and commodity markets, including market imper- demands and fections, stochastic variability in information about job vacancies and labor supplies, the cost of gathering availabilities, the costs of mobility, and so on." One might have hoped in the evolution of that, with thirty years of data, with clear difl'erences unemployment now have an operational theory Many come and theories have rates and policies across countries, unemployment. of — partly — gone. I we would do not think that we do. Each has added a layer to our knowledge, but our knowlege remains very incomplete. To use a well worn nnila, we have learned a The purpose of this paper ment and the theory me but we lot, is fronts, begin with two caveats. my my own defense, for- lot to learn. both on tlie unemploy- and give an assessment of where we are today. Let I ha,ve not tried to research— one of the I have a to review the developments, the editors unwisely encouraged on still would argue that me to do so, I be encyclopedic.^ And, because have certainly focused too much results being a Stiglitz-like bibliography. For it is broadly representative of the twists and turns of our theories over the last thirty years. I review the basic facts, across time and across countries, in Section 1. As 1. A more cncyclopodic and very good survey, but, now 10 years old, wa,s given by Charles Bean (1994). A more recent one was given by Stephen Nickell (1997). The standard reference on unemployment in general, and European unemployment in particular, remains the book by Richard Layard. Stephen Nickell, and Richard Jackman published in 1991 (2nd edition, 200.5). Another important contribution is the 1994 book by Ned Phelps. unemployment increased from oil price increases to the topic of Section 2. was on the in the 1970s, the initial focus slowdown in role of shocks, productivity growth. This As the shocks receded but unemployment remained is the high, the focus shifted in the 1980s to persistence mechanisms, from the role of capital accumulation, to the role of insiders in bargaining. This is the topic of Section 3. In the early 1990s, the focus shifted yet again, this time towards the role of labor market institutions, from employment protection This the topic of Section is 4. to unemployment insurance. Since then, research has tried to sort out the respective role of shocks, institutions, and interactions. The main directions of The state of play, exploration and the open questions are the topic of Section and whether we know enough up to usefully guide policy 5. and reforms, are taken in Section 6. 1 Basic Facts Figure (the 15 1 gives the evolution of the unemployment member European Union) steady increase a rough plateau countries of the in unemployment from 2% in rate for the EU15 since 1960. It the 1960s to 8% whole shows the in the 1980s, and — with cyclical declines at the end of the 1980s and 1990s — since then. Figure I960 as a 1. EU15 unempioyment 1970 1980 rate, 1990 since 1960 2000 Source: OECD How much reflects database. of the increase reflects an increase in the natural rate, an increase of the actual rate over the natural rate? The answer to that question — around 2% inflation rate to be an indication that rate, this suggests that, today, the the natural using the since 1970 reflects, for the Figure 2. 1960 EU15 actual most tell question is to EU15 actual 1970 how If stable roughly at the natural rate close to is unemployment rate in the natural rate. and constructed natural rate 1990 1980 been 2000 natural database and text the natural rate has increased over time? obviously be useful: is we take a unemployment an increase part, inflation has index. If unemployment actual Can one CPI follows that the increase in the actual rate.-^ It OECD EU15 relatively straightforward: Since 2000, is indeed roughly constant Source: and how much we much harder. Despite are willing to assume its limits, I that, The answer find the following exercise when unemployment natural rate, inflation will tend to increase, and to that is below the when unemployment is above the natural rate, inflation will tend to decrease, we can construct a series for the natural rate using the actual rate and the change in inflation. 2. One may The results of question however whether this relation holds at very low rates of inflation; return to the issue in the la-st section of the paper. I such a construction are presented in Figure rate increased in the 1970s since then. They suggest 2.^ that the natural and early 1980s, and has remained roughly stable ,, , Heterogeneity Across Countries Turning from the EU15 average to individual countries, Figure 3 gives the unemployment rates in each of the the evolution of unemployment EU15 countries as of rates in each May 2005 EU15 country (for reference, shown is in the appendix.) F gure Greece " EU15 3. "" unerr ployment rates, 2005 **"*"' "" "^" Spain France ^^ Germany ""'"""" *"""""*"'''*''''''^"'""""Biiiiin^H Finland Portugal ^^^^^'~'" ""'''*^^^^"^~"' """'"""'™™"' ^^^^^^^ ^^^ """""*""iiiiiii"'**** i.ii— 1— Sweden IIIIIW^IIHI Belgium Italy II ^^^^""**' IIIIIWIMIIII"""""""""''* Netherlands ^^""'^"*"** "'*^*" Denmark Luxembourg United Kingdom IIIWMIIIIIIIII ^— in ^. f IIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIII Willi IIIIIII ! *™''^™iiiiiii^iiiii Austria ^^^ Ireland 2 C 6 4 10 8 percent Source: Eurostat The figure tries. While 3. The n{ — l) shows the large heterogeneity of unemployment rates across counthis heterogeneity scries for the natural rate — a(u — u') where w unemployment is has always been present, is it is more marked toda)', constructed as follows: Start from the rcJation it = the rate of inflation, u and u' are the actual and natural rates of respectively. Rewrite the relation as u* = u + (l/a)(A7r). The scries for ix' in Figure 2 is constructed using this relation, using a = .5 (a value consistent with econometric estimates for Europe) and a three-year moving average of the change in CPI inflation for Att. (A different value for a would change the amplitude of the movements not the ordering of the two rates in a given year.) in u" relative to u, but to the point leading. where talking about "European unemployment" Unemployment is knv in many Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, inent rates lower than the United States. ployment unemployment reflects high Germany, France, But have imemploy- in the four large continental countries, unemployment rate dif- down from more than 20% is is instead up from its low and shows sharp regional differences between the West and France's unemployment Italy's the early 1980s. all high average European unem- Germany's unemployment rate pre-reunifi-cation level, and the East. of mid-2()05, the United and Austria And indeed mis- and Spain. Even among these four countries, the Italy, ferences are striking. Spain's in the early 1990s.' As countries: Ireland, is Italy's rate rates have been high since shows sharp regional differences between the north and the south. France's does not. Unemployment, As FIovv^s, and Duration a matter of arithmetic, a high unemployment rate may be the result of high flows in and out of unemployment, or/and a high average duration of unemployment. Figure which gives the evolution of the unemployment rate 4, and unemployment duration employment by duration unemployment rate has exists year.^ France of long term year) has increased from which data on the composition un- 20% in the large increase in duration. The figure sug- was already higher than that of United States more than doubled The proportion (for from 1968 on) shows that the increase come with a gests that duration, which late 1960s, has in since then, and now stands unemployed (unemployed in the late 1960s, to in the at well over a for more than a more than 40% today. From the point of view of the unemployed, being unemployed in Europe has always been a different experience from being unemployed mean duration has remained around 3 months — , in the United States — where and has become increasingly so over time. In 1994, the official number for the unemployment rate reached 24%. The definition of unemployment and the number.s have since been revised, and the current time series have unemployment peaking at 18.4% in 1994. 5. The increase in duration would be even larger, were it not for the increasing role of 4. temporary contracts since the early 19S0s, contracts which are ensuing unemployment spells. typically associated with shorter Unemployment Figure 4. and duration rate France in E °^ 1970 1980 Source: Enquetes Emploi, 2000 1990 2010 • Unemployment rate » Unemployment duration (months) INSEE, adjustment by author series longues; with for 1968 to 1974. Unemployment Rates Another across Workers dinicnsioii of uii(;uij)loyiiiciit is how it affects different groups, skilled versus unskilled workers, young versus older workers, men versus often-mentioned characteristic of European unemployment employment plots the rate unemployment for all rate for the 15-24 age group against the overall unem- EU15 country Figure in and Greece, indeed have very high youth unemployment rates, in excess of for each this reflects a uniquely countries, high unemployment some groups, the young and the experience of Europe responding numbers is European countries time for the year 2004. European pathology is associated with higher To unskilled in particular. in this respect, I also plot in United States circle. is less for Put simply, the points for and Greece indeed have much more line would predict, clear however. unemployment see whether the Figure each year since 1960 Germany much 5 the cor- —each year the cross section of are not far off the regression line one series. Italy than the regression unusual for the represented by a small US the un- which is countries, such as 25%. Whether In is shown 5, workers. This Some ployment rate Italy among young is women. One how high would obtain from youtli less unemployment (because of its ap- prenticeship programs); on average, the experience of the EU15 does not appear that unusual^ Figure c EU15 ' — ..•-- ' percent US rate, countries and across time for the ilTA " "* ss- Youth unemployment 5. across *GRC '^ "" — " ' • <D CL B A ESP c/f 2O C. ro <D *FIN o CM ^FRA _ *BEL >, sf CM • • 1 i^u^ . - *PRT " *SWE s ^1, •• « ra A LUX -^BR*!! * • *DEU ment 10 T >. o KDNK • • •• • *" • 'mnL o. E c AAUT o zjm - , Unemployment Source: OECD ..,„ ... . 10 8 6 — rate, 12 percent database Unemployment versus Other Labor Market Indicators Yet another question is whether the unemployment rate is in fact a may in- employment dicator of the general state of the labor market. Faced with poor prospects, people good decide not to join the labor force, students may decide to stay longer at the university; these decisions will show up as lower participa- tion rates, not as higher unemployment rates. reduce unemployment numbers; and indeed Governments may many governments also want to have. Measures have ranged from training programs, real or perfunctory, to generous disability programs (the example early retirement of the Netherlands being the best known), to subsidized programs (which have played an important role in France since the mid 1980s.) 6. Bertola et employment that decreases stronger in al unemployment and and OECD countries. They conclude the employment rates of younger (15-24) and older (55-I-) have typically been (2005) provide a detailed description of the patterns of rates for different age groups across time in more unionized countries. There is thus httle question that a complete examination of the labor mar- ket requires looking not only at and employment rates J But it unemployment is still rates, but also at participation the case that, in the case of European unemployment, focusing on the unemployment rate is not misleading. This is because, in general, depressed labor markets have shown not only higher un- employment, but and employment also lower participation example, the participation rate of men, aged 55 to 59, 85% in the late 19GOs to below 70% retirement, precisely at the time Figure 6. in in rates. To take one France, went from the mid 1980s, reflecting subsidized early when unemployment was Unemployment and increasing. participation rate in Spain CO 1960 '0 1980 • Unemployment o 2000 1990 rate A Participation rate Figures 6 and 7 provide more time series and cross section evidence on this point. Figure 6 shows the evolution of the rates for Spain since 1960. It unemployment and participation shows how the large increase how associated with a decrease in participation, and has been associated in turn with a large increase the in more recent decrease in participation. the employment rate against the unemployment rate across men 7. for the year 2003, The participation rate is unemployment was Figure 7 plots EU15 covmtries for and shows a strong negative correlation between the defined as the ratio of to the population of working age. to the population of working age. The employment llie rate sum is of the employed and unemployed defined as the ratio of employment two. Figure 7. Unemployment and Employment 2003, NLD • EU15 rates of men countries .DNK.(3BR AUT .IRL 1 i i "BEL 10 Unemployment rate, percent m- Having laid the basic facts, The 2 Initial I now look at the history more closely. Rise in Unemployment. The Role of Shocks Along a balanced growth path, the wage consistent with stable employment must grow if at the rate of Harrod-neutral technological progress.'"* In addition, the prices of the other factors of production increase, the wage must de- crease so as to maintain zero net profit for firms. Call this wage the "warranted wage." Call the wage set in bargaining the "bargained wage". If, for given labor market conditions, the bargained wage grows faster than the warranted wage, equilibrium employment will decline, and the natural rate of unemployment will 8. The reason ipation rates of for focusing women on men in the figure is that, cross-country variations reflect in part cultural differences. A in the partic- low participation rate of women an indication of a liadly functioning labor market. 9. Much of our intuition and most of our models are based on the assumption that technological progress is Harrod-neutral and that there is a. balanced growth path. What happens is not, per se, if not is largely unexplored, but may well be relevant. 10 This proposition in the 1970s. the key to understanding what happened to is European countries were which impHed a slowdown hit by a unemployment series of adverse shocks, shocks the rate of growth of the warranted wage: in Just Hke the rest of the world, European countries were hit by two major price increases, the first one triggered by the Arab embargo oil oil of 1973-1974, the second by the Iranian revolution in 1979 and the Iran-Iraq war of 1980. Figure 8 gives the price of shows 4 times oil, in dollars by the early 1980s, the that, its level and 8. Nominal and 2005 terms of its 1965 1970 1975 less visible initially 1980 real price of down crude 1985 1990 . 1995 2000 2005 , but eventually more important, both considerably. By which had been high in the in 1950s and 1960s, the late 1970s, the rate of Harrod-neutral tech- nological progress (constructed using the Solow residual, labor share), which had run at more than down oil impact on growth and on unemployment, was also at work. Total factor productivity (tfp) growth, slowed stood at nearly dollars Source. U.S. Department of Energy. Another shock, in dollars, oil, at the start of the 1970s. Figure 1960 in real (U.S.) terms, since 1960. It real price of 5% to 2%, In other words, the annual rate of in and dividing it by the the 1950s and 1960s, was growth of warranted wages had decreased by 3 percentage points, a dramatic decline. Figure 9 gives five-year 11 averages of estimates for the Italy, and the UK) — the EU5 similar across countries Figure EU countries (Germany, France, Spain, for short. It shows that the dechne was largely five major 10 Rate of Harrod-neutral technological progress, 9. EU5 Centered five-year averages, 1968 on 00 - q • ITA • ESP • FRA — • GBR • FRA .D^E^ r 1 ^ s m —— . . — • GBR fj tm • ESP • ff*A • DEU "to o - • FRA • ITA 1970 1975 1980 • ITA • sas • ESP • DEU • ESP Ji^ • DEU • FRA • DEU 1965 • GBR 1985 1990 • 1995 ITA 2000 Source: Blanchard Wolfers (2000) database. These two shocks would have required slowdowns wages to avoid an increase labor unrest in Italy, unemployment. In countries growth of actual both came after a period of fact, — May 1968 in France, Spring 1969 in the end of dictatorships in Portugal and Spain in 1974 and 1975 workers had asked of lower in in many European in the rate of for increases in — in which wages. Not surprisingly, the joint outcome growth of warranted wages and higher wage demands was an increase unemployment. By the end increased to 5%, up from 2% of the 1970s, unemployment for the at the start of the decade; Spain's EU15 had unemployment rate exceeded 10%, Prance's and Italy's exceeded 6%. The development this story, 10. of a conceptual frame, and the econometric fleshing out of were largely the work of Michael Bruno and Jeffrey Sachs, who put For a tentative explanation, see Peter Temin (2002). 12 it together in a series of articles and then in a book in 1985." Their book can be seen as a natural rate. first attempt to put together a working theory of movements They argued tliat in the the rise in unemployment could be explained of shocks interacting with two types of rigidities, real and nominal (Box 1 gives the basic algebra): "Real wage rigidities" captured the speed at which real wages adjusted • to changes in warranted real wages, the speed at which, employment, workers would wages in for given un- example accept a slowdown for response to a productivity slowdown. ment, the higher and the longer lasting the The in actual slower the adjust- efTects of adverse shocks on unemployment. "Nominal wage • rigidities" captured the speed to which nominal wages adjusted to changes in prices. The slower the adjustment, the larger the decrease in the real wage in response to an unanticipated increase in prices. And by implication, the slower the adjustment, the monetary authorities could use inflation to reduce real fore limit the increase in actual unemployment more the wages and there- response to an adverse in supply shock. Differences in real ilar A and nominal could explain why, despite largely sim- rigidities shocks, different coiintries experienced different increases in unemployment. smaller increase in unemployment could be due to smaller real rigidities, re- sulting in a smaller increase in the natural rate; or nominal flation, a rigidities, an unemployment rate below the natural more aggressive use unemployment Where it could be due to larger allowing policy makers to achieve, through the use of in- of monetary rate; or it could be due to policy, leading to higher inflation and an rate below the natural rate. did these differences in real and nominal rigidities themselves come from? Differences in real rigidities were naturally traced to differences in the structure of collective bargaining. Sweden, with an unemployment rate of 2.2% at the end of the decade, was seen as a poster child centralized bargaining and strong unions. for the case for corporatism, An important that of Lars Cahnfors and John DriffiU (1988), 11. who i.e. contribution here was argued, both theoretically Other researchers share the credit, among them Robert Gordon (for example Gordon ModigHani and Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (1977), Branson and Rotemberg 1975), Franco (1980). , , 13 and empirically, that, in the face of adverse supply shocks, countries with either very centralized bargaining or very decentralized bargaining would fare better than those with intermediate bargaining structures. With centralized bargaining in particular, the parties at the bargaining table could see the implement the wage adjustment required need and for employment. to maintain Differences in nominal rigidities were also traced to collective bargaining, albeit to different aspects of The it. High indexp^tion countries, played a central role. monetary policy many European degree of indexation, present in to limit the increase in prevented the use of in effect unemployment, or required a very high rate of inflation. must be seen Overall, this initial strand of research as a major achievement. Macroeconomists had entered the 1970s without a model of the natural and had not anticipated stagflation. working model of the natural the increase in rate, By rate, the end of the decade, there was a And and stagflation was well understood. unemployment was explained by adverse shocks intera.cting with country-specific collective bargaining structures. Continuing Unemployment. Sources of Persistence 3 Unemployment continued EU15 The in 1980, to 8% to increase at the further increase in the end throughout the 1980s, from of the decade, with a half of the 1980s first peak of 9.5% was still 5% for the in 198G. easy to explain. Partly accomodating monetary policy in response to the adverse shocks of the 1970s had led to a large increase in inflation: In 1980, EU1.5 inflation was 12.5%. Throughout Europe, governments and through By tight 1986, the monetary EU15 inflation rate through a large increase central policy, starting in the banks decided to reduce inflation UK in 1979. with Mrs Thatcher in the was down to 3%. This was achieved however unemployment rate — reflecting an increase in the actual rate of unemployment over the natural rate. For the rest of the decade however, inflation was roughly stable, an indication that the actual unemployment —around 8-9%) rate explain: for the rate was now close to the natural unemployment EU15. This high natural rate was more As can be seen from Figure 8 earlier, difficult to by the mid-1980s, the sharp 14 increases in oil prices growth was But it wage still had been much very present, appeared increasingly setters largely reversed. and now unlikely, decline in productivity well understood more than would not have adjusted The to the and documented. ten years after the decline, that new reality of lower productivity growth. This led researchers to focus on persistence mechanisms, on why the initial ad- verse shocks might have very long lasting effects on unemployment. Research focused mainly on two mechanisms, capital accumulation, and the role of insiders in collective bargaining. Capital accuniidation was already one of the themes of Bruno and Sachs. It was the focus of a major project later on, directed by Charles Bean and Jacques Dreze (1991). The basic down in productivity logic was straightforward: growth or an increase in If, in response to a slow- the price of non labor inputs, bargained wages did not adjust fast enough, employment decreased. ment decreased, so did the profit rate. And If as long as the profit rate employ- was below the user cost, capital decreased over time, leading to a further decrease in em- ployment. The dynamics and deep increase in of capital accumulation could therefore lead to a long unemployment.^^ This had interesting and highly relevant imphcations for monetary policy; In that context, expansionary monetary policy potentially played two roles. was, as before, to decrease real wages and limit the decrease in employ- first ment for rate, and a given capital stock. b,v The second was to decrease the real interest implication the user cost; by doing so capital accumulation, Both channels had and clearly been at work — forecasts of inflation at the time in the banks in limited the decrease in employment over time. second half of the 1970s. In- were negative, and — using so were ex-ante real interest rates in European countries (Blanchard and Summers By symmetry, it so the further decrease in flation steadily increased; real interest rates most 1984). a monetary contraction, such as that engineered by most central the early 1980s, also had two effects. The flrst one was to increase real wages, and thus decrease employment given the capital stock. was The to increase the real interest rate, The second and thus decrease capital accinnulation, 12. The focus here is on the effect on the increase in the natural rate. The in investment demand could well lead to an even larger increase in the actual unemployment rate. 15 and by implication, further decrease employment. Again, both channels were clearly at work in the first half of the 1980s. Inflation real interest rates was sharply were much higher than they had been In short, the delayed reaction of monetary policy, first and lower, earlier. accomodating and later contractionary, could explain wliy the effects of the initial shocks were in fect delayed. Under this interpretation, ef- with a more neutral monetary policy, the increase in unemployment would have been higher initially, but shorter in duration. An interesting twist to the theory in their study of Germany. was suggested by Hellwig and Neuman (1987) bargained wages were set by looking at labor pro- If ductivity growth rather than at the underlying rate of technological progress, then a vicious cycle could easily emerge. Suppose workers asked for too high wages. Firms would respond by reducing employment, thereby increasing the capital-labor ratio, and thus increasing labor productivity — relative to the un- derlying rate of technological progress. This might trigger further wage de- mands, further decreases and in employment, further increases so on, leading to a potentially very large increase in The second in labor productivity, unemployment. focused on collective bargaining. line of research It was based on the idea that wage bargaining typically takes place between employed workers (or, more specifically, their union representatives) and firms, and that the un- employed are not represented at the bargaining table. This "insider-outsider" theory was developed by Lindbeck and Snower (as summarized for example in their 1989 book), and applied to unemployment, then by Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence first Summers by Robert Gregory (1986), (1986) and by Nils Gottfries and Henrik Horn (1987). The basic idea was straightforward. Suppose that unions set the to the firms' the demand for labor. employment prospects wage so And of the currently employed. that, in expected value, wage subject suppose that unions cared only about Then, they might set the employment remained the same. Because of unexpected shocks, employment would be sometimes smaller and sometimes larger than expected. In other words, and for a given labor force, so employment would follow a random walk, would unemployment. There would no longer be a natural rate of unemployment to which the economy would return; unem- ployment would exhibit "hysteresis" not returning , to any particular value, but 16 being determined instead by the wiiole liistory of shocks to the economy. This extreme form of the theory was provocative, and rightly criticized as being too strong: Empirically, in it implied that movements in the labor force would not be reflected employment; but a strongly established fact is that, even in economies with — due high unemployment, exogenous movements in the labor force phy or repatriation, such as the return of dence of former colonies movements for in (for Europe from the 1970s Theoretically, even if — translate fairly quickly into [1992]) also, why would and hysteresis be relevant at other times? the unemployed do not participate in bargaining, there unemployment will afTect the outcome. The that, given the positive probability of finding themselves employed workers should and The after the indepen- on, but not elsewhere are at least two reasons to think first is European nationals example Hunt employment. Empirically demogra- to will care unemployed, about the state of the labor market: higher the unemployment rate, the more careful they will be in setting the wage. The second is that wages are not set unilaterally by unions, but rather by bargaining between imions and firms. \memployed; the higher the unemployment These And firms can threaten to hire the rate, the criticisms suggested that the central role of gaining implied persistence of unemployment but typically not hysteresis. The weak, but was not zero; even if effect of in more relevant the threat. employed workers in bar- response to adverse shocks, unemployment on wages might be the unemployed were not present at the bar- gaining table, high unemployment still led the economy to return to the natural rate, albeit slowly. An important extension to this line of argument was provided by Richard La- yard and Stephen Nickell (1987), focusing on the effects of high unemployment on human capital —following They pointed out that, in an argument European first developed by Phelps countries, high unemployment implied very high average unemployment duration (recall Figure duration was likely to lead to of the long the term unemployed unemployment loss of skills, loss of in effect 4). morale, and thus in 1972. typically Such high make many unemployable. In that case, the higher rate, the higher the duration, the higher the loss of skills, the lower the pressure on wages from a given unemployment rate. Separating the unemployment rate between short-term unemployment (the ratio of those 17 unemployed less than a year to the labor force) and long-term unemployment unemployed (the ratio of those and Nickell indeed showed to more than a year for to the labor force), Layard what seemed that, in Phillips curve type relations, matter was short-term unemployment, not long-term. This provided a po- tential explanation for why persistence was higher in Europe than, say, in the United States (where the proportion of long term unemployed was and low), . . very . , . Overall, these developments again represented progress. movement on employment and capital, real wages and the ing, were important extensions of the number real interest rate, The focus on the joint on the role of monetary policy through on the implications of initial collective bargain- framework. They also made clear a of holes, theoretical and empirical, in our understanding of mination. Were wages in collective bargaining set with an eye to (more specifically, the rate of to the dynamic Looking effects of capital at bargaining How more wage TFP deter- growth Harrod-neutral technological progress) or labor As we saw productivity growth? ing? is earlier, the answer makes a lot of accumulation on unemployment closely, how did unemployment affect difference for example. wage bargain- did employment protection, which clearly affects the probability that employed workers will find thomsolves unemployed, affect the outcome? This takes us to the next stage, the shift in focus towards labor market institutions. 4 Stubbornly High Unemployment. The Role of Institutions In the 1990s, average 10.4% for the EU15 European unemployment remained very high, peaking at average in 1993, and ending at 7.6% in 2000 (a cyclical peak; the unemployment rate stands at 8.6% in mid-2005.) But this average reflected • an increasing heterogeneity of evolutions across countries: Unemployment remained high unemployment rate, about 10% (8.5% Italy. which had remained relatively low 1990s, steadily increased after reunification: at and in France, Spain, in it now Western Germany, twice Germany's until the early stands (mid 2005) as much in Eastern Germany). • Unemployment decreased Netherlands, all from high to under 5% in the UK, levels in the early 1990s. Ireland, and the (Belgium, with an 18 — unemployment Flemish provinces in the the is rate of 8%, unemployment an interesting case; the unemployment rate — those close to the Netherlands— rate in the Wallon provinces — those is 5%, while close to France 11.0%). Unemployment remained • is gal. And, while it relatively low in Austria, went up sharply in Norway, and Portu- Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, the behavior of inflation suggests that this wtia mostly a cyclical movement an increase in the actual unemployment unemployment sharply declined Finland With ers still these evolutions, a clear shift in focus took place, both in the —and has high unemployment. and among researchers, ment rate over the natural rate thereafter; of the three countries, only for two reasons. First, major continental countries made the among mak- policy continuing high unemployearlier explanations, based on adverse shocks and persistence, increasingly implausible: Could shocks the 1970s and the 1980s And in still have such strong effects in the 1990s in and 2000s? second, given the continued large commonality of shocks, the differences unemployment rates across countries pointed to differences in institutions as central to any explanation of unemployment. The most dramatic evidence of this shift in focus Study."'"' Ill-adapted labor market the source of high unemployment. institutions, the And was the 1994 OECD OECD ".Jobs report argued, were the report went on to advocate reforms, from the design of unemployment insurance and employment protection, to a reduction of the tax wedge and the labor market policy programs. extremely influential. of The minimum The wage, to better training and active report was — and its general line still is notion that "labor market rigidities" are at the core European unemployment has gained wide acceptance among policy makers. In parallel, on the academic research was made easier side, the shift in focus towards institutions by the emergence of a new and richer framework to think about unemployment, a framework based on flows, matching, and bargaining. For some time already, Christopher Pissarides. building on earlier work Diamond on 13. To be first Peter search and bargaining (1982), had explored models of the labor market which explained unemployment the bj' the labor market as a result of a importance of institution.s was already an important theme book by Layard, Nickell, and Jackman. historically fair, the edition (1991) of the in in 19 process of creation and destruction, large flows of workers in the labor market, and a complex matching and bargaining process between firms and workers example, Chris Pissarides [1985]). His and the development and extension Mortensen rightly so. model of the in of its much more strengths was to allow for a in 2000), a series of articles with Dale example 1994) made the framework extremely (for One 1990 book (with a second edition (for and influential, specific analysis of the role of institutions, both theoretically and empirically (Box 3 gives a more formal description): The framework by large flows firms. In France roughl,y as as in the why for many example, 1.5% of are created may from rates of separations separate from a many this and high is is and there will reasons other than job destruction 4% per month (Pierre Actual unemployment is the in typically have away from the more From the this rate of point of efficiency, there unemployment is unlikely to be optimal however, nature of bargaining. Even to walk is a complex is an optimal clearly positive. and depends on the the absence of collective bargaining, both the firm some bargaining power. The worker can threaten job, but walking so the higher the away and unemployment rate. finding another job The tighter the labor market, the lower the is costly, firm can threaten to the worker; but doing so and replacing the worker by another more so the Cahuc and always be workers looking for jobs (unemployment) and jobs unemployment, and and the worker much 2004). looking for workers (vacancies). rate of by month and about the same percentage In such a labor market, the process of matching workers and jobs one, characterized rates of hires firm, the flows of workers are typically higher. In France, they are of the order of Andre Zylberberg labor market firms, jobs are destroyed each all — interestingly, United States. As there are a worker The started from a basic fact: — high is fire also costly, the unemployment rate. This has two main implications. First, the bargained wage depends on the labor market prospects of workers and and strengthens in firms: firms. Second, labor High unemployment weakens workers market institutions also play a central role wage determination: The more generous the unemployment insurance, the less costly it is for the worker to look employment protection, the more From for costly another job. it is The higher the level of for the firm to fire a worker. a methodological viewpoint, this framework led to major progress: 20 It allowed for a careful analysis of the implications of than could be done before. Take institutions tion. more The framework made tion, to the extent that it for complex labor market example employment protec- three broad predictions. First, employment protec- increased the cost of laying off workers, was likely to decrease layoffs, and thus to reduce the flow of workers entering unemployment. Second, by increasing the costs to firms, and more importantly, by strengthening the bargaining power of workers, bargained wages, and Third, given that the in was it likely to lead to an increase in turn to an increase in the duration of unemployment. unemployment rate is the product of the flows into unem- ployment and unemployment duration, lower flows and higher duration implied that the effect of employment protection on the unemployment rate ambiguous. All three implications have proven to ple Olivier Blanchard and Pedro Portugal fit [2001]). itself was the facts well (for exam- Employment protection probably one of the main factors behind the long unemployment duration is in Europe; differences in employment protection seem however largely unrelated to differences in It uninnploymcut rates across countries. mapping between the allowed for a better increasingly available panel-data microeconomic evidence on firms and households, and macroeconomic models. Take for example unemployment insurance. The framework points to two sep- arate effects of insurance on unemployment. The first is through its effect on search intensity, and thus the matching between unemployment and vacancies. The second is through the reservation wage: Higher unemployment benefits make unemployment less painful and are likely to lead to an increase in the bargained wage. Both effects in turn imply an increase in equilibrium unem- ployment duration, and thus an increase theory, much in the natural rate. Guided by search empirical work has looked into the effects of the schedule of unem- ployment benefits on search by the unemployed. The findings better calibration of our in turn allow for a macro models. (There has been however micro work on the other channel, namely the effects of little empirical unemployment ance on bargained wages. This reflects a more general shortcoming, a insur- still poor empirical understanding of wage determination in environments such as Europe where both individual and It collective bargaining are likely to play a role.) gave new macro tools to interpret facts and look at the sources of unemploy- ment. In particular, it gave a way to combine the evidence from the Phillips curve with the evidence from the Beveridge curve — the relation between un- 21 employment and vacancies. Conceptually, the Beveridge curve evidence tells us about factors that matching affect in the labor market, whereas the Phillips curve evidence teUs us also about factors that affect bargaining. A shift in the Phillips curve not associated with a shift in the Beveridge curve points to factors related to bargaining; a joint shift points to factors related to matching. I initially hoped that the joint use of these two tools would prove powerful (Olivier Blanchard and Peter Diamond 1989), been disappointed, at least in its application to a recent examination, and a slightly Olivier Blanchard 1990); unemployment Beveridge curve across countries; one reason much from may be Europe in more optimistic conclusion, Nickell et al [2002]). It has proven hard to learn have I (for see Stephen the shifts in the that data on vacancies are often of poor quality. Did the shift in focus towards institutions give us the key to the evolution of European unemployment, across countries and time? The at the data, at the end of the 1990s, gave a mixed Differences in institutions appeared able to explain unemployment was first first systematic look an.swer: much of the differences in rates across countries either in the 1980s or in the 1990s. This shown in a cross-country regression quantitative indexes for a number of labor by Stephen Nickell market institutions in 1997. for the Using mid- and late-1980s, he found that, together, they did a good job of explaining differences OECD across 20 in his regression countries. Among were the duration of unemployment benefits (which increased unemployment), and the degree decreased Changes of in institutions did not appear able however to explain the evolution rates over time. "employment I institutions, relying on if the initial increase in unemployment first to his earlier in the 1960s should unemploy- be explained by much less friendly" institutions than 40 years ago. In 2000, .Justin Wolfers took a careful look not the Even to shocks rather than institutions, the difference between ment today and unemployment and of coordination in collective bargaining (which it). unemployment was due the most economically significant variables do at the relation between unemployment, shocks and on a panel data approach over countries and time. so. In We were an important book pubhshed in 1994, and building work with a number of collaborators (Hian Teck Hoon, George Ned Phelps had articulated a theory Kanaginis, and Gylfi Zoega in particular) 22 of it movements to the in the natural rate based on shocks and institutions, and taken data using panel data. Our contribution was and in part to construct include time series for a larger set of institutions than Phelps. And our first pass at the time series evolution of institutions, was not very encouraging: EU5 Figure 10. Replacement rates, a: Average • f.A • FRA EM • • SEU • OCU M=. • DEU • DEU • FRA !'.. since 1960 • DEU mofiu • DEU im • ESP t^ '" • £5P .tt-J • OBR • eSC 1 1 ':"' ..: • ITA ..-A • IT* S60 1970 • IIA b: EfiJt 2000 1S90 1980 • m ... Maximum • ESP •ESP • FBA .FPA • E5P .,s= • irA • 5a> • DEU •'•• • aeu • 03" .,:* • ITA •'" 960 1970 19S0 2000 1990 Source: Blanchard and Wolfers (2000) we gave Figures 10 and 11 reproduces two of the time series replacement rates and for employment protection country, for each five-year period since 1960. Figure 10 were constructed from an OECD in that paper, for respectively, for each The replacement data set, rates EU5 shown which measiured the in ratio 23 - of pre-tax social insurance and social assistance benefits to the pre-tax wage, for various categories of unemployed workers, depending on income, family status, and duration of unemployment. Figure 10a summary measure replacement rates, the gives an unweighted average of these striking are the different evolutions of the five countries, a common trend. Figure 10b provides a different maximum showing the OECD. What is and the absence of often used by the replacement rate over all and more relevant angle by categories for each country and each subperiod. Again, no clear trend emerges. Clearly, some of the replacement rates increased maximum the early 1980s, but they have declined since in then. Figure 11. -^ - eESP • Employment • BSP • BSP protection index, • esp ITA • ITA • ESP • ITA • DEU • DEU • ESP EU5 since 1960 • ITA • ESP • DEU • DEU X • DEU • FRA ,, „ c c g • FRA ^ E o — — o rFRA- • EBR • DEU • FRA • FRA • ITA • DEU Q- Ev- • FRA - HI • DEU • FRA • GBR • GBR • GBR o • GBR • GBR • GBR • GBR • GBR - 1960 1980 1970 2000 1990 Source: Blanchard and Wolfers (2000) The indexes of employment protection shown by combining two sources, the in Figure 11 series constructed by Ed Lazear (1990) period before 1985, and the indexes constructed by and the 1990s. Again, what is striking is were constructed tire OECD for for the the 1980s the absence of a clear trend, and the heterogeneity of evolutions across countries. A more systematic construction ular Michele Belot sions. In panel of time varying and Jan van Ours measures by others (in partic- [2001]) suggested roughly similar conclu- data regressions of unemployment rates on institutions across 20 24 and allowing countries since 1960, country and time dummies, none of the for labor market institutions appeared significant. Figure 12. Tax wedge, 2000 versus 1960, by country ABEL IFIWSWE *AUT 'ESP I'feSft'* m A PfiCSA So 20 Tax wedge 10 Source: OECD (courtesy of 1 40 30 960 Luca Nunziata) In this context, one variable deserves particular mention because back in discussions. The "tax wedge," workers and the cost of labor for gone up in i.e. the difference for firms, divided often comes by the wage, has steadily it is blamed by firms and policy makers often as is given in Box 4): On (a theoretical grounds, taxes or social contributions that treat income equally whatever unemployment it one major sources of unemployment. Most economists are more skeptical formal discussion affect it between take-home pay most European countries since the 1960s. In many countries, stands at above 30%, and of the 50 its source (labor income or benefits) should not affect the cost of labor to firms, unemployment. The same should be true and thus not for taxes or social contributions which come with corresponding benefits, such as retirement contributions, so long as they are not redistributive.' in the tax wedge 14. to a Major fits effects of the ta-x minimum wage ' On empirical grounds, while the increase the general increase in unemployment, wedge are fioor. In this case, likely to for does poorly be present only for wages which are at or close additional contributions by firms cannot be shifted to workers, and thus lead to an increase in cost. For this reason, decreased the tax wedge it many European countries have low wages since the late 1980s, somotiirics by substantial amounts. 25 explaining differences in unemployment across countries. This in Figure 12, which plots the tax wedge (defined as the sum EU15 country and for in shows all little countries in 2000 than relation to 1960 and the United States. All the points are above the 45 degree line, indicating that the tax higher in in of payroll taxes paid by employers and employees and income taxes paid by employees) 2000 for each shown is was it unemployment in 1960. rates. But the ranking wedge is of countries Three of the four countries with the highest tax wedge, Finland, Sweden, and Austria, are also countries with a low natural To take rate. stock; We ended the 1990s with a much better framework unemployment. But we also ended with many questions. Even to study the earlier if shocks were no longer the main source of unemployment, they clearly were responsible for the initial increase. unemployment less at the employment constructing? friendly? If so, One can Institutions institutions were primarily responsible for end of the century, is it why was it because they had become steadily not reflected in the series we were see the research since then as exploring different answers to these questions. This 5 If is the topic of the next section. and Shocks. Current Directions of Research Giving a clear description of current research is always harder than giving one of past research; research appears to go in many eventually pan out. main directions I see roughly three directions, only some of at this point. which The will first is an exploration of the role of other shocks, other institutions, other interactions. The second third of is is a more careful exploration an attempt to look not only unemployment, employment, at and measurement unemployment, but capital, wages and user of institutions. The at the joint behavior costs. I take them in turn. 5.1 Other Shocks, Other Institutions, Other Interactions? Another line of research institutions and shocks, has extended the initial panel data examination of to look at other shocks, other institutions, other inter- actions: 26 There are potentially many more relevant institutions than those • cluded in the initial regressions many Researchers have examined the effects of others, from measures of product-market regulation, to measures of home ownership suggested by Andrew Oswald train crossings in FVance that said; well. ''A There used train not implausible that, in the same way that may oil hid the decline in productivity growth, the demand away from —due slowdown (I for example at low skilled workers, or at increased economy, through bai'riers, return to this particular theme below.) There are potentially many interactions between shocks and • is in productivity deregulation of domestic goods markets, the decrease in trade and globalization. It price increases initially to higher competition in the world turbulence be a sign at to hide another". growth also hid other shocks. Researchers have looked shifts in labor — a variable (1997). There are potentially many shocks as • in- by Nickell and Blanchard and Wolfers. Recall that the initial focus of research by interaction between adverse supply shocks institutions. Bruno and Sachs was on the and the structure of collective bargaining. Recall that the focus of the research on persistence was on the strength of insiders; this strength clearly depends on institutions such as employment protection and unemployment There are • also potentially theme explored The for lective bargaining, a layoffs ing —may be The may depend for example on the structure of effects of employment protection — which may increase prisingly high labor turnover A partial —which layoffs, a hypothesis explored numbers in to explain the sur- Europe. and a few more, have been explored through panel data summary of the results is reduce by collective bargaining focused on reduc- by Giuseppe Bertola and Richard Rogerson (1997) All these col- theme explored by Francesco Daveri and Guido yiartly offset wage dispersion interactions between institutions, a example by David Coe and Dennis Snower (1997). effects of taxation Tabcllini (2000). many benefits. given in Dean Baker regressions. et al (2002). Some correlations are intriguing; the conclusion by Stephen Nickell et al (2005) that time series for institutions do a better (but of the evolutions of Blanchard Wolfers the number still mediocre) job of fitting some unemployment across time than series is intially perhaps the most interesting. of potential shocks, institutions, It is and interactions suggested by the clear is however that sufficiently large that the ability of such panel data regressions to matters is limited. Such regressions allow us correlations; they are unlikely to institutions is tell tell us what exact combination to check for simple and partial us about which combination of shocks and responsible for unemployment (for a similar view, see Freeman 2005). Of all the hypotheses listed above, at least one deserves a longer treatment. ^^ It the idea that higher competition in the goods market, lower trade barriers and is higher integration of goods markets across countries, higher globahzation and outsourcing, are all leading to a more turbulent environment, an environment with more job destruction and job creation. more turbulent, and lead existing labor market institutions to substantially higher was rarely binding before and most of us believe Unemployment off, benefits, become dysfunctional that, indeed, there but the data just do not show is is becomes binding and which were not very costly costly, requiring higher contribu- to higher costs of firms. than there was thirty years ago. There it, may become unemployment. Employment protection, which so long as few workers were laid and leading again the environment becomes as firms rarely laid off workers, increases the cost of firms. tions When The general story is appealing, more economic turbulence today one catch however. We may all believe it... This puzzle showed up early on, when European unemploj'nient was just rising in the late 1970s. didate. But it Increased turbulence already seemed to be a plausible can- turned out that the measures of reallocation we could construct — typically measures based on the standard deviation of rates of change of employment, either across sectors or across regions — showed no trend increase. then The evidence (1986), for a who as of the early 1980s is well summarized in Johnson and Layard construct a table of standard deviations by industry or by region number of countries: Half of the standard deviations are higher in 1979 than they were in 1960, half are lower. In all cases, the changes are small. I could not locate an update of this table for the 1980s and 1990s, but the series I have seen for a few countries yield the same conclusion: There is no apparent increase. 15. Another hypothesis worthy of a longer treatment is the presence and the role of skilled- mention that, while one ob,serves that, in countries with high unemployment, unemployment high across the skill spectrum (although obviously higher for low-skilled workers). biased technological progress. relevant, I shall not do it here, except to it is is surely typically 28 One may reasonably argue crease in reallocation is that these measures are too raw. Perhaps, the in- taking place mostly within industries or regions, rather than across industries or across regions. In that respect, measures of job flows based on plant-level data, along the are clearly preferable. far enough in time. The But lines of the practical issue is work by Davis et al (1996) that they typically do not go back to the extent that they do, they also show little sign of increased turbulence. Figure 13 gives the evidence for France, based on two studies, one by Nocke (1994) (1999) for 1990 to 1996.^'' tion (the sum of all for The 1985 to 1990, and the other by Duhautois lower line shows the evolution of job destruc- employment changes at plants with decreasing employment, divided by total employment); the upper line shows the evolution of job reallocation, defined clear: is At cis the sum least starting of job destruction and job creation. The conclusion from when data becomes no evidence of an increase available, is namely 1985, there in turbulence.-"' Figure 13. Job destruction and job reallocation France 1985-1996 0) n] o 1985 1990 1995 The juxtapo.sation of the two scries, constructed using shghtly different data and methodimply that there may be an artificial break in the series between 1990 and 1991. 17. One might argue that, in the case of France, turbulence has increased, but its effects on flows has been offset by increasing employment protection. This suggests looking at data for the United States, where employment protection is low and has not increased. The evidence there is that, if anything, there has been a decrease in flows relative to total employment over the last thirty years (Steve Davis ot al [2005], Figure 4 for the private sector since 1990, and Figure 5 for manufacturing since 1947). 16. ology, 29 — Source: See text. Is the argument therefore settled? No, for two reasons, one empirical, the other theoretical: The empirical reason is that other measures of turbulence send a measure of different sales volatility constructed less appropriate flows. For example, the by Diego Comin and Thomas Philippon set, measure of variabiUty over time since the evidence on show a steady increase late 1960s. Reconciling the job flows and increasing sales variability remains to be done.^* flat Until then, the discrepancy should The message from job Compustat data (2005), based on the firms in the in this — admittedly conceptually theoretical reason is make more us careful about conclusions. that one can construct models in which turbulence is not necessarily reflected in higher job flows. Such models have been explored by Ljunr|vist and Sargent in a series of contributions In their formalization, increased turbulence is specificity of skills associated with particular jobs. involontary job change example, 1998, 2005). (for reflected in The an increase implication is in the that an associated with a larger drop in the wage distrib- is worker than was the case ution facing a laid-ofi' unemployment benefits are linked to past wages, the in the past. In this case, if unemployed may have high reservation wages, and remain unemployed for a long time. Furthermore, if skills deteriorate through unemployment, become trapped into some unemployment. Differences of the unemployed may even in the generosity of the unem- ployment insurance system, Sargent and Ljunqvist argue, may therefore explain why Europe is doing so increase in turbulence much worse than — an example of the interaction between institutions and shocks. While the theory skills for laid-off 5.2 A workers is is appealing, direct evidence of a larger decrease in however so very limited. institutions are typically multidimensional. quantitative indexes is not easy: employment insurance systems, 18. far Closer Look at Institutions Labor market for the United States in facing the same The two series differ in coverage in How if the many Reducing them to does one compare for example two unfirst wa)'s has more generous unemployment — plant versus firm level data, manufacturing the long series for job flows, large firms for Compustat, employment versus sales. 30 benefits, but also more compare two systems conditionality of benefits on search effort? of employment when the protection, first How does one includes higher protection for some workers, and lesser protection for others? In the process of looking at the effects of institutions, vinced that existing measures fully capture what work with to explore, in on-going Da.niel is Cohen and have become I less con- going on. This has led Cyril Nouveau me (2005), the evolution and the determinants of labor market institutions in France since the What 1950s. ^^ emerges a is more complex picture than that given by quantita- tive measures. What we find major changes is that the increase in unemployment in the mid-1970s led to ance was Under the in institutions. therefore the increase in made initial assumption that the shock, and unemployment, was temporary, unemployment insur- more generous, and employment protection was substantially sharply increased. Early retirement programs were put in place to "make room" for young workers. As high unemployment turned out pressures on the unemployment system, and the to persist, both financial some realization that of the earlier measures probably contributed to unemployment, have led most of the initial changes to be reversed. But the reversal has not taken the form of a return to earlier institutions. The decrease in employment protection has come form of the introduction of two types of labor contracts, traditional and in the highly protected permanent contracts, and new, less protected, temporary contracts. what Whether such a reform is certain is that it actually decreases unemployment is ambiguous; has created a dual labor market, with protected and marginal workers. So, while existing time series for labor market institutions in France show change since the 1960s, a closer look at history suggests that, at institutions indeed 1980s. became less employment-friendly While things turned around starting reforms have had perverse effects, either in in the early the 1970s and early 1980s, man\' of the because of poor design, unanticipated consecjuences, or political constraints.^'^ Institutions today are less 19. For an exercise in the .same spirit for 20. In addition, fallacy, little least for France, Germany since 1990, .see employment Conny Wunsch (2005). France has suffered from a number of policies based on the lump-of-labor from the generous early retirement programs put in place in the 1980s aimed at freeing jobs for new workers — — to the 35-hour laws at the end of the 1990s — aimed at creating jobs by decreasing hours per worker. Both of these programs have turned out to have large budgetary costs. 31 friendly than tliey were in the early 1970s. do not know whether the concln.sions reached from similar studies of other I European conntries will One why of the reasons be similar. I suspect that the message in in institutions, which has been partly and poorly undone Employment, All the theories more general: the shocks of the 1970s and 1980s have led to high some European unemployment 5.3 is countries today Wages and Capital, we have discussed have is that they triggered a change in these countries. Interest Rates unem- testable implications not only for ployment, but also for capital accumulation, wages, profits, and interest rates. For example, an increase in bargained wages, for given labor market conditions, should lead not only to an increase in unemployment, but also to a decrease in the labor/capital ratio, a in th(^ profit rate, and, for a given user cost, a decrease in capital accumulation over time. Yet, few of these theories have been more than data on unemployment and through the estimation tested using unemployment This led me, in the late 1990s, to of looking jointly at capital, perform a conceptually simple exercise, that employment, wages, profits, and user use this information to try to identify shifts in either "labor lation giving warranted wages as a function of level of side, (the re- capital, and the employment, I assumed that firms chose capital rate, with then constructed shifts labor the period 1970-1995. demand and My organizing the empirical evidence tually On the labor convex to the supply side, level of technology, the un- labor supply for 14 OECD I coun- papers were primarily an exercise aimed at in a simple but interpretable way. A concep- more ambitious attempt was made by Ricardo Caballero and Mohamad Hammour 21. On other factors showing up as shifts in the relation. all in ~^ and labor subject both investment and factor proportions. assumed that bargained wages depended on the employment tries for and technology) or "labor supply" (the relation giving bargained wages as costs of adjusting I costs, demand" a function of labor market conditions) (Blanchard 1997, 1998). demand of ecjuations. (1998), who constructed a structural model starting more explicitly Semantics are not settled here. The relation giving warranted wages is often called the it gives the prices set by firms given wages and other variables. The "price setting relation" as relation giving bargained the wages set in wages is often called the ''wage setting" relation, because it gives bargaining, given the price level, actual or cxficctcd, and other variables. 32 from bargaining and institutions such as employment protection, and allowing for endogenous technological progress. Their model was not estimated, but Hammour brated, and Caballero and used it employment, productivity and factor prices Both of On the one hand, Bruno and Sachs and the shifts" — that visible, of the I had dynamics suggested by the early work work on the role of capital accumulation, early 1970s were characterized interest rates cali- capital, France. in increases in bargained wages given is, and effect of profit rates later The clearly present in the data. supply many on and the evidence more complex than exercises proved interesting, expected. to look at the evolution were by "adverse labor unemployment. The on capital accumulation were also clearly with low interest rates delaying the slowdown in capital accumulation to the 1980s. These labor supply shifts were largely reversed starting in the mid 1980s. Countries, such as the Netherlands and Ireland, which had seen a major decrease in unemployment, also showed a large decrease in wages in efficiency units —wages divided by the index of Harrod neutral progress. The reversal of adverse labor supply shifts should have led to a decrease in unemployment over time. But, the data suggested, something else starting in the early 1980s. At a given stock, employment was result was a decrease lower: wage (in efficiency units) There was an adverse at work and given capital shift in labor European the labor share in most in was demand. The countries, starting in the early 1980s. Figure 14a gives the behavior of the labor share in France, one of the countries where the decline was the most dramatic, sector, for the business from 1965 to 2001. The labor share, which had gone up by down by 12% percentage points from 1970 to 1981, then went to the early 2000s; has remained roughly at that it and 14c show the proximate causes 5 percentage points from 1980 level since. ^^ Figures 14b of the evolution of the labor share. Figure 14b shows the evolution of the wage (in efficiency units), and figure 14c shows the evolution of the ratio of employment (in efhciency units) to capital, since 1965. 22. in There arc many the figure is i.s.sucs adjusted also payroll taxes and other reconstructed by the measurement a-ssociated with the labor .share. The .scries used employment. Labor income includes not only the wage but of for self OECD since 2000, decrease; the basic evolution due to composition effects, by firms. Some of the data have been and the current series for France shows a smaller social contributions paid is still the same. the result of a France, this composition effect is Some of the evolution of the labor share shift to sectors with lower labor shares. Again, small. (Alain de Serres et al, is for [2002].) 33 wage Figure 14. Share, employment and real France a: b: .-,.,...; q Real wage per efficiency unit " p - - r\ r^ p V p ^ 5 c: o Labor share - - - w Ratio of V W \ y^-^ / employment In " - / efficiency units to capiital - -- — rotn ; 1 s IS' UJ ^^-^" ^ (^J I ^^^-^ y 1 960 1980 1970 2000 1990 Source: Olivier Bianchard (2000), updated In the second half of the 1970s, the wage (in efficiency units) went up, and the ratio of result employment (in efficiency units) was an increase went down over time in the labor share, and this is expect in response to an adverse labor supply shock gained wage for in response; the exactly what — an increase we would in the bar- given labor market conditions. Since then however, the wage has come down; since 1990, it has remained roughly at its 1970 level. The ra- 34 , tio of employment a given wage is to capital has not recovered however: what mechanically explains the lower labor algebra of the labor share Why is employment lower is Lower employment given in Box at a given share. at (The basic 5.) wage? In my 1997 and 1998 papers, I considered various candidates and converged on a decrease in "labor hoarding" due perhaps to higher competition and tougher corporate governance, as the more likely one. Under this explanation however, the decrease in excess labor should have led to an increase in profit, an increase and an eventual recovery of employment; so employment has not taken in capital accumulation, and far the increase in capital place, at least not in France or in Germany, where a similar evolution of the labor share has taken place. An alternative interpretation They argued was given by Caballero and that the decline in the labor share below instead an increase in the marginal crease in the marginal wage for wage Hammour its initial level relative to the average (1998). reflected wage (an in- a given average wage will lead to a decrease in employment, and thus a decrease in the labor share). Caballero and Hammour's conclusion was therefore that the low labor share reflected the firms' desire to decrease labor beyond what the average cost of labor would suggest. And, they argued, this reluctance of firms to hire labor could be traced to a worsening of labor market institutions. Their explanation leads to a view of the future: A low much less optimistic labor share does not lead to higher incentives to invest, nor to an increase in employment. I see the labor share puzzle as largely unsolved. has been much smaller in the UK The decrease in the labor and the United States than share in continental Europe, pointing indeed to factors specific to continental Europe: Institutions are a natural starting point. At the same time, within continental Europe, the decrease in the labor share has taken place both in countries that have reduced unemployment (the Netherlands for example), and in countries that high unemployment (Prance for example). I still have also see the puzzle as a potentially major piece of the story of European unemployment, and one on which more work should be done. 35 Do We Know Enough 6 At the end to policy of this tour, one may makers about how to Give Advice? know enougli ask whether we to reduce unemployment. the proper degree of humility. In this last section, I I to give advice believe we do summarize what I — with think we know and we do not know. A 6.1 General Story Line Going back over the increase in common There is last thirty years, there unemployment shocks, from oil in price increases to the much question not is little question that the slowdown initial to adverse and largely Europe was primarily due in productivity growth. that different institutions led to different initial outcomes. Whether collective bargaining led to a decrease the growth of in bargained wages, whether inflation could be used to reduce real wage growth, all played a central role There is not much in determining the unemployment. question that the increase in unemployment led, in most countries, to changes in institutions as increase in size of the increase in most governments unemployment through employment protection, tried to limit the and to reduce the pain of unemployment through more generous unemployment insurance. There is not much question that, since the early 1980s, because of financial pressure and intellectual arguments, most governments have partly reversed the initial change in institutions. But this reversal has been partial, and some- times perverse. unemployment The different paths chosen rates across may well explain the differences in European countries today. Despite the twists and turns of research, the sediments from the successive theories are nearly all relevant. bargaining emphasized by insider effects The role of shocks initial theories, and the interaction with collective the role of capital accumulation and emphasized by the theories focusing on persistence, the specific institutions clarified by flow-bargaining models, all role of explain important aspects of the evolution of European unemployment. 6.2 It is know Which Institutions? one thing to say that labor market institutions matter, and another to exactly which ones and how. 36 Humility is needed here, and there is no better reminder than the comparison between Portugal and Spain. Both experienced revolutions and wage explosions in the 1970s (the Portuguese labor share reached 100% in the mid 1970s...); both have, at least on the surface, rather similar institutions, including high employ- ment protection. Yet, Spanish in the unemployment has been very high, exceeding 20% mid-1990s, whereas Portuguese unemployment has remained low, with a high of 8.6% the mid-1980s, and a decrease thereafter. in Many researchers, including myself, have tried to trace the differences to differences in shocks or institutions (for a recent attempt, see much more than that our explanations are And Olympia Bover the history of the last thirty years sad endings, first is et al 2000). am ex-post rationalizations. not sure ^'^ a series of love affairs with sometimes with Germany and German-like institutions ment started increasing I there in the 1990s... — then — until unemploy- with the United Kingdom and the Thatcher-BIair reforms, then with Ireland and the Netherlands and the role of national agreements, Denmark, and and now with the Scandinavian countries, especially concept of "flexisecurity" its Nevertheless, even if .•^'^ one cannot pretend to have much confidence about the optimal overall architecture, much has been learned about the effects of the various pieces, especially from the large number of empirical micro-studies and natural or designed experiments. As a review of the relevant research would require another survey, much more about let me just mention a few directions of research. the incentive aspects of unemployment insurance on search and unemployment duration, be intensity employment We know benefits, or the it the length and time shape of un- form of conditionality or training programs example the surveys by Peter Fredriksson and (see Bertil Ilolmlund (2003) on unemployment insurance, and by John Martin and David Grubb (2001) on ac- for tive labor market policies). We know more about the contributions on low wages (for example (2001) on the French experience). ment protection, and the 23. now .\long the fallen same lines, below 10% — i.s effects effects of decreasing social Bruno Crepon and Rosenn Desplatz We know more about the effects of employ- on the labor market of introducing temporary the rapid decrease of the unemployment rate in Spain —which has also hard to trace back to either shocks or dramatic changes in insti- — is the coincidence of very low productivity growth zero measured growth in Spain over the last 15 years and decreasing unemployment. 24. For descriptions of events and reforms see Stephen Nickell and Jan van Ours(2000) for the Netherlands and Ireland, Patrick Honohan and Brendan Walsh for Ireland (2002), David Card and Richard Freeman (2004) for the UK, and Niels Westcrgaard-Nielscn (2001) for Denmark. tutions. Yet another puzzle tfp — contracts at the margin while keeping employment protection the same workers (Olivier Blanchard and Augustin handler (2002) From both consensus It macro evidence and the body this for most for France). of micro-economic work, a large — right or wrong — has emerged: holds that modern economies need to constantly reallocate resources, includ- new products, from bad ing labor, from old to to good firms. At the same time, workers value security and insura.nce against major adverse professional events, job loss in particular. While there a trade-off between efficiency and insurance, the experience of is the successful European countries suggests important in essence is need not be very steep. it This means providing unemployment insurance, generous tional on the willingness of the unemployed to train available. This means employment protection, but to firms to make them What is to protect workers, not jobs. in the internalize the social costs of in level, but condi- and accept jobs for if form of financial costs unemployment, including unemployment insurance, rather than through a complex administrative and judicial process. This means dealing with the need to decrease the cost of low skilled labor through lower social contributions paid need to make work attractive to low tax rather than a minimum by firms skill at the low wage end, and the workers through a negative income wage. for example a description, see Conny Wunsch This consensus underlies most recent reforms or reform proposals, Germany in the recent Hartz reforms 2005), or the "Camdessus Report" on reforms in These measures are probably would they be enough all (for in France (2004). desirable. If they were to be implemented, to ehminate the European problem? I see at least two reasons to worry. Collective Bargaining and Trust 6.3 The first worry is that these reforms deal only with a subset of the institutions that govern the labor market. An unemployment was the importance some early theme of the research of collective bargaining. And on European it is a fact that of the successful countries, the Scandinavian countries in particular, have 38 very different structures of collective bargaining from, say, France or much more of an emphasis on national, trilateral, discussions between unions, business representatives, and the Italy, with and negotiations state. This raises two questions. First whether countries such as France or Italy need to modify the structure of also did, the results know Sweden as in we explored the hypothesis that perhaps tracable to differences firms, explain We would be the same or Denmark. the answer to either of the two questions. In work with (2003), firms, Second whether, even collective bargaining. some differences in trust in of the difference in I if they we do not think Thomas Philippon between unions and economic models between unions and unemployment rates across countries. found that various measures of trust, from strike intensity in the 1960s to survey measures of trust between firms and workers, could explain a substantial fraction of differences in unemployment across European countries. ^^ these findings reflect causality from lack of trust to unemployment, start. The question is Even it is just a UK whether trust can be created. The example of the where the unions have not only become weaker but have also if changed attitudes, suggests that trust cannot be taken as an immutable country characteristic.^^ Low Inflation, the Natural and Unemployment 6.4 Since 2000, European inflation. the Actual Rate of unemployment has been associated with roughly constant This would suggest that the current high unemployment rate reflects a high natural unemployment rate, rather than a large deviation of the actual unemployment rate above the natural rate. This on justifies the focus constant inflation is inflation indeed the assumption which is by the European Central Bank; Maintaining then equivalent to maintaining unemployment close to its natural rate; this natural rate can only be reduced by labor market reforms, and this is not the responsabihty of the central bank. One may however question this assumption. Inflation in the ning under 2%, and close to 25. A 0% in countries EU15 is now run- such as Germany. At these low Cahuc and Algau [2005] takes another step in that direction, and and empirically, that the efficiency cost of social insurance depends on recent paper by argues, theoretically civic attitudes. 26. This section can be seen as a variation on the old theme of whether there are different national models, adapted to different countries, an "Anglo-Saxon" model, a "Scandinavian" model, and so on. • ' • „, ,7 : 39 inflation rates, it is not implausible that nominal rigidities matter more, that workers for example are reluctant to accept nominal wage cuts — a hypothesis explored, for example, by Akerlof et al (1996). In such an environment, be that an unemployment rate above the natural rate may lead than declining of demand might inflation. Put another way, inflation. it may be that, in fact, The experience different, argument unemployment is unemployment below the natural for an expansion where unemployment has steadily decreased of Spain, for a in inflation, can more expansionary monetary that institutional reforms encounter less opposition is are growing and rate low rather in this light. Another, conceptually policy, may decrease unemployment without leading to steadily higher without major labor market reforms and without an increase be read to it itself. This argument is rate may actually help decrease the natural an old one (Blanchard such a "two-handed" approach in Europe) but issue however is whether, in fact, when economies decreasing. In other words, a decrease in et al (1985) is still growth and the decrease already argued relevant today. in One unemployment do not alleviate the political need for reform, and thus delay rather than encourage reforms. The experience often delayed reforms, of the late 1990s in is Europe, where a cyclical expansion not reassuring in that respect. Developing this last point would take us to the political economy of labor market reform, and this should be the topic of another survey. 40 Box Real and Nominal Rigidities 1. The purpose of ments these and the following boxes in the text. I one wants some of the argu- have made the choice of presenting simple, related, hut ad- hoc models. References if to formalize is to derive micro-founded models to explicitly optimal policy — are given when This box shows the role of real and nominal rigidities — which axe needed available. shaping the in effects of adverse shocks to warranted wages on unemployment. Conisider firms with constant returns to labor (we leave aside capital for the time being): so, using logs: J/ „ ; where y tfp or log output, is "'_. and a log employment, is is log productivity (either w— ' , lu is . the log nominal wage, = p and p a ' = , the price level (constant terms are is a( — 1) ' . Assume out throughout for notational simplicity). we can focus on firms, the given by: a so +n a goods market or a constant markup, the wage paid by "warranted real wage", left is = labor productivity; the two are the same here). Assuming either compe- tition in the where n . .. + further that a follows: e the effects of a negative realization of e, a decrease in pro- ductivity. Assume the bargained wage is given by: w - p = Ea — Pu The bargained wage depends on expected productivity Ea and ing function of the unemployment rate u. Assume adjusts over time to actual productivity according Ea = XEa{-l) + I taJce the {I is a decreas- that expected productivity to: - X)a speed of adjustment of expected to actual productivity, (1 — A) as given here. In more explicit models, the A hke parameter has been derived 41 from learning in a Bayesian environment in firms u'liicA and workers have to assess whether sliocks are temporary or permanent, or from staggering of wage decisions (a la Taylor (1980) or Calvo (1983)), or both. Combining the equations u An unexpected decrease Combining the equation warranted and for the in = tlie bargained wage gives: — Ea) —-^{o. productivity leads to an increase in unemployment. for expected productivity with the equation above gives the behavior of the natural rate of unemployment: u = Au(-l)--e A permanent decrease in productivity increases equilibrium alently, the ''natural rate" of and ft unemployment) capture the two dimensions of real for some rigidities. unemployment time, but not forever. A The higher A, i.e the .slower the adjustment of expectations, the longer lasting the effects of the shock. lower Now ft, (equiv- The the larger the effect of the adverse shock on unemployment. introduce nominal rigidities. To do replace the equation for the bar- so, gained wage by: ru The nominal wage is set = Ep + Ea - ' ftu on the basis both of the expected price level and expected productivity. Combining the equations for the warranted and the bargained wage gives: u = -^[(<^ - E"') + (P - Ep)] (Ignoring the unexpected productivity term and moving terms around gives the conventional expectational Phillips curve, p = Ep — ftu). The of this equation nominal is that, in the presence of can, to the extent that effects of it central implication rigidities, can increase p — Ep, potentially monetary policy offset the adverse adverse productivity shocks. Put another way, expansionary monetary policy can offset the increase in the natural rate by maintaining the actual rate below the natural rate. The precise form of monetary policy required depends on the formation of price expectations and the not essential to the argument made rest of the to do so model; it is here. 42 a In short, this box has adverse supply shocks shown how, will depend on real micro- founded treatment of these issues Box The 2. Erst persistence its is and nominal (An rigidities. explicitly given in Blanchard and Gali (2005)). Persistence Mechanisms mechanism focuses on plications for the warranted wage. and response of unemployment to in genera.!, the capital accumulation The second focuses on and its im- collective bargaining implications for the bargained wage. Capital accumulation, and the two effects of monetary policy Assume that, instead of the assumption of constant returns in the previous box, the production function labor, and constant returns is Cobb-Douglas is we made in capital and to scale: y where k to labor — a{a -\- n) -\- [1 — a)k the log of the capital stock, and a the index of Harrod neutral is technology ("technology for short). Assuming perfect competition in the goods market or a constant markup, the wage paid by firms, the "warranted is real wage" given by (up to a constant term, that I ignore): lu — p = (a ~ For a given capital stock, the higher product of labor, the lower The is l){n is — k -i- a) -\- employment, the lower is the marginal the warranted real wage. profit rate associated with a given real wage is given by the factor price frontier relation (up to a constant term, again ignored) 1 where n is -Q [w — p — a) the log of the proBt rate. 43 Let r be the log of the user cost of capital. Ifn time. If TT is greater than w— the bargained wage is p a ~ is given by: 7- -{ Box — Ep = Ea — Let n the log of the labor force, so u wage -a I = given, as in xu warranted real wage k decreases over r, k grows over time. In the long run, the profit rate r, be equal to the user cost, so the warranted real Assume than is less n - n. 1, by: ' f3u ' Then, using the equation for the in the short run and the equation for the bargained wage — — gives: p + {a l){n + k a) — {a ~ l)u = Ep + Ea — [3u Or, reorganizing: u=~-1 -a+ -\{a - Ea) + {p - Ep) + {a - l){n - k + In the short run, unemployment depends, as and p — Ep. But it stock, the lower the in the demand for labor, the higher the unemployment ative a — Ea. For will initially expectations of productivity adjust to the in the previous box. But, is proBt, and so may In the context of this model, affect p — and as new lower before, it is is level. at work. it effect is what we saw So long as employ- capital accumulation. Thus, is unemployment worth returning to the role of monetary expansionary monetary policy, to the extent also reduces the real interest rate can also reduce the — Ep. take a long time. by having actual unemployment remain below the natural in the This Ep. can reduce real wages and Umit the increase extent that a neg- initially, to go up, and then come down as now, another mechanism returns to normal, but this policy. Finst, — Ea, rate. the time being, ignore nominal rigidities and the term p Other things equal, unemployment lower, so . depends on the capital stock. The lower the capital also consider a permanent decrease in productivity, leading, is ' previous box, on a Now ment a)] /5 in rate. it can unemployment, Second, to the and therefore the user cost, it on capital accumulation, and thus reduce the increase natural rate over time. What happened in the second half of the 1970s can 44 be interpreted Had monetary in tiiis ligiit. would have been higher, and the decrease If. policy been tighter, unemployment accumulation larger. in capital however, monetary policy turns contractionary, then both effects work money reverse. Tight And natural rate. and tion, to leads to an increase in the in unemployment rate over the high real interest rates lead to a decrease in capital accumula- an increase in the natural This can be seen as what happened rate. during the disinflationary episodes of the early 1980s. Insider Effects, Hysteresis, and Persistence Assume real real and so the warranted wage are the same that technology, wage paid by firms —equivalently the wage— given w —p = — {a \){n — To focus on the dynamics from wage setting. k + a) + = a (cv — Suppose the nominal wage where m is is lets is l)(n collective bargaining, Think of wages as being chooses the wage, and then of the union employment and the relation between source of persistence, and assume the capital stock to The by: is Turn as above. set — fc) + aa we turn off the other is fixed. by a monopoly union that the firm decide about employment. chosen so that, in expected value, the membership employed: ;'' w \ En = log membership. Suppose that .• 7n membership is •-' given by: m = n(-l) + 6i(rl-n(-l)) If 9 = 0, then membership is just equal to cares only about the employed. If I > on employment of the unemployed, but 9 employment > less 0, last period: the union puts The union some weight than on the employment of those already employed. Assume that the union chooses the nominal wage, based on the warranted relation above, level, wage and based on expectations of both technology and the price so w = Ep + {a - l){n{-i) + 9{n - n{-l) - k)) + aEa 45 . Combining the equations ganizing, using u — il — u={l- for the warranted and the bargained wage, and reor- n{ — l), gives: e)u{-l) - —^[{p — a 1 Unemployment adjusts nology. Tlie lower 9 Ep) over time to unexpected — t^e + a{a - Ea)] movements in prices lower the weight of unemployment in the higher the persistence. The assumed Under that assumption, the process 6 equal to zero. ployment rate has a unit root: particular value, and where price level and technology. initial It Even if — for the unem- rate does not return to any depends on the history of surprises to }:)oth the the assumption that is equal to zero is too the union does not care about the unemployed, they care what could happen to their members if there were adverse shocks became unemployed. The higher the unemployment will bargaining exhibits "hysteresis" As many pointed out however, strong. tech- Blanchard-Summers (1986) formulation The unemployment it is and and some members rate, the more careful they be in their wage demands. Also, unions rarely set the wage unilaterally; to the extent that there The higher the is bargaining, firms can threaten to hire the unemployed. unemployment rate, the stronger the threat. All these factors imply a positive value of 0, and thus persistence rather than Box 3. Flows, Matching, and Bargaining. hysteresis. The Beveridge Curve and the PhiUips Curve. Tlie purpose of this box for understanding most full easily is to present the basic implications of the flow unemployment. comparable I have presented it in a approach way which makes to the theories presented in the previous boxes. it For a treatment, see the Ijook by Pissarides (2000). Gross Flows The is starting point of the theory is that relatively stable aggregate the result of large gross flows of job creation employment and job destruction. Let :i: and y 46 be respectively the logs of the Hows of jobs created and jobs destroyed. Assume that X and y are given by: X = = y lu and p are the creation logs of the -p) + -Ox{iv 2x ey{w -P) - Zy nominal wage and the price Job level respectively. decreasing in the real wage, job destruction increasing in the real is wage. Zx and Zy are the factors that affect creation and destruction given the real wage (for focused on example, productivity, earlier). = This y. in turn , , stable, so creation must be equal This implies that the ''warranted" real wage W-p = -.:. ,,.,,,.. , we ,,, . ;, employment must be In steady state, struction: X the cost of capital, which oil prices, = Z to de- satisfies: J-^{Zx + Zy) determines steady state gross flows x and y. Matching, Unemployment, and Vacancies At any point time, there are workers looking for jobs (the unemployed), in and jobs looking by a "matching vacancies. is function'', Assume '>:,'., h for workers (vacancies). ".-v^- „>'-'. i^ respectively. U The higher of vacancies, the is characterized which relates hires to the stock of unemployed and this function the log of hires, The matching process ,^ and the of the form: is ctU V + - a)V + Zm arc the logs of number more matches, [l '' "'- '- '- unemployment and vacancies of unemployed, or the higher the the more hires. Zm captures all number the factors that affect the efficiency of the matching process. For example, a decrease in the search intensity of the unemployed, or an increased skills of the unemployed and the skills mismatch between the desired by firms, both lead to a decrease in 2^,. The relation between unemployment and vacancies Beveridge curve. Shifts in for a. given h is called the the Beveridge curve correspond to changes in z,n. 47 The U and V relation between h, can also be written {h-U) = {l-a){V-U) + U h— is Zrr, the log of the ratio of hires to unemployment, thus the log of the prob- per period of finding a job when unemphypd, ability as: or, minus the log of average unemployment duration. The unemployment duration that is put yet another way, relation therefore says a decreasing function of the ratio of vacancies unemployment. to Bargaining, and the Determination of the Bargained we think of wages If and firms, the h — U. as being the result of bargains between individual workers outcome the easier it is will for a depend on the state of the labor market. T'he higher worker to find a job if unemployed, and so the stronger the worker will be in bargaining. Symmetrically, the higher h for a firm is Wage to 611 a vacancy, and so the stronger the firm — V, will be the easier it is in bargaining. This suggests a wage relation of the form: w-Ep = 0[{h -U)- where the nominal wage depends, as {h before, - V)] + zb on the expected price difference between the labor market prospects of the worker, h firm, h — V. z^ stands for all it if — which strengthen the worker or employment protection — which makes costly for the firm to replace a worker by another. Note that the wage equation can be rewritten w-Ep= Or U, and of the unemployed bargaining and increase the wage, more the the other factors that affect bargaining; for example, the level of unemployment benefits in — level, —a this suggests the correct labor the bargained wage is Zb from the matching function: w - Ep = -^[{h Note that as: -p{U -V) + equivalently, using the relation derived 1 , U) - z„,] + Zb market variable in the equation for not the unemployment rate (the variable traditionally used in such equations), but either the ratio of unemployment to vacancies, or 48 the probability of exiting unemployment unemployment (or its inverse, average duration). Combining the ranted wage first of the two wage equations with the equation for the war- earlier gives a Phillips curve relation: p- Ep= -0{U -V)-z + Zh The Natural Unemployment Rate Combining Ep = this equation and the equation for the p, gives a characterization of equilibrium h^U = -^[(1 Ecpiilibrium duration (recall that - a)z + U— h /ir„ warranted wage, and assuming unemployment duration: - (1 - a)zk\ the log of duration) depends on the is factors that shift the warranted wage, those that shift the and those that affect , bargaining (some factors may be matching function, common to the different z's.) The equihbrium flow h must be equal job creation, so h to determined by the warranted wage. This in turn = x where x is determines the natural rate of unemployment as the product of equilibrium duration and the equilibrium flow. Note how, in principle, we can learn about the sources of the shifts in the natural rate by looking both at the Beveridge curve relation in Zjn — and at Box 4. the Phillips curve — which tells — which tells us about shifts in z and Zf,. The Tax Wedge and Unemployment Suppose that there are two types of taxes. (Assume both are paid by workers rather than by the firm, but, except in the presence of a binding it us about shifts minimum wage, does not matter whether these are paid by the worker or by the firm.) 49 A • tax levied on the same income all here), be consumption; the two are taken (or unemployment it benefits or labor income, T] to . he (For example, an income tax, or a VAT.) A • tax levied on labor income only, value) equal to Xt2. A maybe with benefits (in present discounted r-y, equal to zero, with any benefit to the worker. It may be the if may not associated ta.x is he close or equal to one goes towards financing a retirement account. if it Consider the choice between unemployment and employment. If unemployed, the worker receives b — ti — > f{u), /(.) 0, /'(.) benefits, and J(u) captures the private assumed to receives ti , — T2 + \t2. His surplus Vy,, • = w-b+ from working - f(u) [l - unemployment b is is it does not, from employing the worker where y lu, receives nothing. it therefore: is Thus the is the produc- firm's surplus is: = Vf total surplus for the firm X)t2 employs the worker, the hrm receives y — tivity of the worker. If The where 0, be increasing in the unemployment rate. If employed, the worker w— If the firm > cost of being unemployed, which from the match y ~w given by: is V = y-b + f{u)-(l-^\)T2 If we assujue that workers receive a wage (and tfie sliare cost of labor to the firm) w = py + {l- (i)(b - is of the surplus, so [3 V„, = f5V, the given by: f(u)) + 72(1 - A)(l - /3) So dCost/dTy = dCost/d.T2 = (1 - A)(l - i3) This makes clear that the frequent practice of simply adding contributions together, plus the VAT and/or the income tax wedge" does not make sense (with one exception: all to get a If the alternative to not unemployment, but a job in the underground economy, then the becomes again relevant). For each tax, we need to the social know whether it is "tax work VAT is rate levied on 50 labor income and other benefits, or just on labor income. For each tax, we also know the relevant value of X. In the case of social security for example, need to some redistribution Box 5. Assume is typically at work, so A depends on the wage level. The Labor Share that the production function has constant returns to scale, and Harrod neutral technological progress, so: y where y,k,n, and a are the = fifi.ari) levels of output, capital, employment, and technol- ogy respectively. Let fi. = an and (I shall the drop wage lu = w/a denote cuiployrncnt and the wage "in efficiency units" in as given, labor demand 1= The ratio of wage. employment The share of labor is follows). Then, assuming firms take 3(^0) g'i.)<o given in turn by: ' wn _ wn ~ y y consider an exogenous increase in the wage w. Suppose that in the short run, there The what given by: to the capital stock is a decreasing function of the . Now is in cfhcicncy units is no scope for substitution between labor and ratio of labor to capital remains the same, to output. Thus, What happens it is less w goes up, = 0. ratio of labor h/y does not change, and the labor share goes up. over time depends on the long run elasticity of substitution. If than one, the labor share decreases from higher than before the increase in the wage; returns to capital, so g' and so does the its initial value; if it is its initial if it is peak, but remains equal to one, the share greater than one, the share returns to a lower value than before the in the wage. 51 These dynamics can went first up, clearly explain why, after the increase in w, the labor share and then down over labor share decreased below time. But they do not its initial level. A easily explain permanent increase a long-run elaMicity of substitution greater than one would explain we saw in the text, id mid- 1980s decreased back to or below its original why in ib, it; the and but as value from the on. Another element and a lower is share. therefore needed to explain the combination of a lower One Extend the equation potential explanation for the demand J Then, a decrease in z, due for is wage a decrease in labor hoarding. for labor to be: g[>{) =g{i'v,z) example to the reduction of x-inefBciciicy, will decrease labor demand, and decrease the labor share. This is the explanation suggested in Blanchard (1998). Suppose instead that firms are not wage call it Wm, differs takers, and that the marginal wage, from the (measured) average wage. The demand for labor is therefore given by: -j: = g(wm) In this case, an increase in the marginal wage for a given average wage, will lead to a decrease in employment, and thus to a decrease in the labor share. One can in the think of a number of institutions which might lead to such an increase marginal wage: for example, additional regulations, additional workers' rights as the size of the firm increases. 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Unemployment rates, continued 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 GREECE IRELAND Sli 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 ITALY 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 NETHERLANDS PORTUGAL LUXEMBOURG mi 1970 1975 1980 19S5 1990 1995 2000 2005 1970 19?5 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 SWEDEN UNITED STATES 60 Figure 8. Nominal and 2005 real price of crude oi dollars o 00 o CD ro I 75 E E o c o ^ o CNJ 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 t I 2000 2005 61 •GO'O^ C55 mm m im 1 ii wm ililf i'iiiliuKiiW' 'ititi^SiSiP«ii .1