MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 9080 02618 0353 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries DBAIEY HB31 .M415 30 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series EFFECTIVE LABOR REGULATION AND MICROECONOMICS FLEXIBILITY Ricardo J. Caballero Kevin N. Cowan Eduardo M.R.A. Engel Alejandro Micco Working Paper 04-30 August Room 1, 2004 E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Networl< Paper Collection at Effective Labor Regulation AND MICROECONOMIC FLEXIBILITY Ricardo J. Caballero Kevin N. Cowan Eduardo M.R.A. Engel Alejandro Micco* August, 2004 Abstract Microeconomic nomic growth is modem by facilitating the process marlcet economies. the presence of adjustment costs, latter is is in flexibility, rather weak. In this paper some of them for why is at we revisit this the core of eco- this process is not infinitely fast, technological, others institutional. Chief While few economists would object to such a view, labor market regulation. sectoral panel for of creative-destruction, The main reason its hypothesis and find strong evidence for 60 countries and a methodology suitable for such a panel. We among the empirical support it. We new use a find that job security regulation clearly hampers the creative-destruction process, especially in countries where regulations are likely to be enforced. Moving from the 20th to the 80th percentile in job strong rule of law, cuts the annual speed of adjustment to shocks percent from annual productivity growth. The same by a movement has security, in countries with third while shaving off about one negligible effects in countries with weak rule of law. JEL Codes: Keywords: E24, J23, J63, J64, KOO. Microeconomic rigidities, creative-destruction, job security regulation, adjustment costs, rule of law, productivity growth. 'Respectively: Bank. MIT and NBER; Inter-Anierican Development Bank; Yale University and NBER; Inter-American Development We thank Joseph Altonji, John Haltiwanger, Michael Keane, Norman Loayza and participants at the LACEA 2003 conference for useful comments. Caballero thanks the NSF for financial support. Introduction 1 Microeconomic nomic growth by flexibility, modem in facilitating the US is core of eco- at the market economies. This basic idea has been with economists for centuries, was brought to the fore by Schumpeter texts.' In ongoing process of creative-destruction, fifty years ago, and has recently been quantified in a wide variety of con- Manufacturing, for example, more than half of aggregate productivity growth can be directly linked to this process.-^ The main obstacle faced by microeconomic flexibility is purely technological, others are institutional. Chief The ular job security provisions. literature among adjustment costs. the latter is Some of these costs are labor market regulation, in partic- on the impact of labor market regulation on the many diiTerent economic, political and sociological variables associated and contentious. However, the proposition to labor markets and their participants is extensive that job security provisions reduce restructuring is a point of agreement. Despite consensus, the empirical evidence supporting the negative impact of labor market regulation this on microeconomic flexibility has been scant at best. This cal success are legions, including variables, both within a coimtry is not too surprising, as the obstacles to empiri- poor measurement of restructuring activity and labor market institutions and more so across countries. In this develop a methodology that allows us to bring together the extensive by Djankov tion constructed and output from the ofiicial labor new we make a new attempt. We data set on labor market regula- (2003) with comparable cross-country cross-sectoral data on employment (2002) data-set. We also emphasize the key distinction between effective and market regulation. The methodology builds on the simple partial-adjustment idea that larger adjustment costs are reflected The accumulation of limited adjustment to these shocks in slower employment adjustment wedge between builds a this UNIDO et al. paper approach. to shocks.^ frictionless and actual employment, which is the main right hand side variable in We propose a new way of estimating this wedge, which allows us to pool data on labor market legislation with comparable employment and output data for a broad range of countries. As a able to enlarge the effective sample to 60 economies, studies in this literature.'' Our attempt to measure more than double result, we are the coimtry coverage of previous effective labor regulation interacts existing measures of job security provision with measures of rule of law and government efiiciency. Our results to are clear and robust: countries with less effective job security legislation adjust more quickly imbalances between frictionless and actual employment. In countries with strong rule of law, moving fi^om the and ' 20m to the 80th percentile of job security lowers the speed of adjustment to shocks cuts annual productivity grov/th by 0.86 percent. The same by 35 percent movement for countries with low rule of law See, e.g., the review in Caballero and Haniraour (2000). ^See, e.g., Foster, Haltiwanger and Krizan (1998). ^For surveys of the empirical ''To our countries. OECD literature on partial-adjustment see Nickell (1986) and Other recent studies, such as economies. Hammermesh (1993). - Nickell and Nuziata (2000) - included 20 high income OECD Burgess and Knetter (1998) and Burgess et al. (2000), pool industry-level data from 7 knowledge, the broadest cross-coimtry study to date only reduces the speed of adjustment by approximately The paper proceeds Section 3 discusses the results percent and productivity growth by 0.02 percent. Section 2 presents the methodology and describes the as follows. main 1 and explores new data set. 4 gauges the impact of effective their robustness. Section labor protection on productivity growth. Section 5 concludes. Methodology and Data 2 Methodology 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 The starting point for number of (filled) our methodology is where the change a simple adjustment hazard model, jobs in sector j in country c between time ? — 1 and t in the a probabilistic (at least to the is econometrician) function of the gap between desired and actual employment: Gapjc,=e*^-ejc,,-i, ^ejct^^jctGapjct where ejct variable and \|fycr, e*^, denote the logarithm of employment and desired employment, respectively. The random which has country-specific is assumed mean i.i.d. both across sectors and over time, takes values in the interval Xc and variance C0cXc(l to the standard quadratic adjustment Tie maximum. As Equation (1) hints at — Xc), model, the case captures microeconomic flexibility. flexibility is (1) As cOc with = Xc goes to one, 1 all < cOc < The case 1. cOc = to the Calvo (1983) model. [0, 1] and corresponds Tlie parameter gaps are closed quickly and microeconomic Xc decreases, microeconomic flexibility declines. two important components of our methodology: the employment gap and a We describe both ingredients in detail in what follows. strategy to estimate the average (over j and In a nutshell, t) we We need to find a measure of speeds of adjustment (the Xc). construct estimates of ej^, the only unobserved element of the gap, by solving the optimization problem of a sector's representative firm, as a function of observables such as labor productivity and a suitable proxy for the average market wage. We estimate Xc from (1), based upon the large cross-sectional size of our sample heterogeneity ui the realizations of the gaps and the (1997) for US \j/ycr's and the well docimiented (see, e.g., Caballero, Engel and Haltiwanger evidence). " 2.1.2 DetaUs Output and demand for a sector's representative firm are given by: y = p = d-^y, a + ae + ^h, - • (2) (3) ' where >>, p, e, a, h, d denote output, price, We the price elasticity of demand. ri is employment, productivity, hours worked and demand shocks, and let = y (ri - l)/ri, with ri>l,0<a<l,0<P<l < and y 1/a. All variables are in logs. Firms are competitive in the labor market but pay wages that increase with the number of hours worked: w = k° + \og{H'' + Q.). This can be approximated by: w = w° + n{h-h), with w° and // determined by hf and Q, and h constant over time and interpreted below. In order to ensure interior solutions, we assume A key assumption changes employment It (4). is a/i > P and > /i Py. that the representative firm within each sector only faces adjustment costs levels, not when employment, by solving the corresponding In a fi'ictionless labor market the firm's first level. its current level of order condition for hours. employment level also satisfies a simple static first order condi- employment. Our fimctional forms then imply that the optimal choice of hours, on the employment it changes the number of hours worked (beyond overtime payments).'^ it follows that the sector's choice of hours in every period can be expressed in terms of tion for when h, does not depend A patient calculation shows that « = 1 pQ / - lof ' p. \a//-Py We denote the corresponding employment level by e and refer to it as the static employment target: e with C a constant that depends on //, The following relation between = C+- 1-ay a, P and the [d + ya-w°\, y. employment gap and the hours gap then follows: e-e = ^^—^{h-h). 1-ay This is the expression used by Caballero and Engel (1993). (5) It_ia not useful in our case, since we do not have information on worked hours. Yet the argument used to derive (5) also can be used to express the employment gap in terms of the marginal labor productivity gap: e-e =[y-w 1-ay where v denotes marginal For evidence on this productivity, if = fi/{^— Py) see Sargent (1978) and Shapiro (1986). is ), decreasing in the elasticity of the marginal wage , schedule with respect to average hours worked, //—I, and wP was defined in term on the right hand side of ( 1 ) However, tlie . walk (possibly with an exogenously time varying have that e*^, is equal to ejct plus a constant 5c(. ^)ct where we have allowed - sjci-i = It we assume that —an assumption drift) that e o? + ya — w" — e is the — ej^^ e*-^ random follows a consistent with the data^ — we follows that -T—zrr {"^jct for sector-specific differences in - w'jct ) + Aeyrf + 5rt y. nominal terms. However, since these expressions are in if Note dynamic employment gap difference between the static target e and realized employment, not the related to (4). Note that (6) both marginal product and wages are in logs, their difference eliminates the aggregate price level component. We estimate the marginal productivity of labor, vja, using output per worker multiplied level labor share, Two industry- assumed constant whithin income groups and over time. natural candidates to proxy for w°j^i are the average (across sectors within a coimtry, at a given point in time) of either observed wages or observed marginal productivities. competitive labor market, the latter may The former is consistent with a be expected to be more robust in settings with long-term contracts and multiple forms of compensation, where the salary We by an may not represent the actual marginal cost of labor. '' performed estimations using both alternatives and found no discernible differences (see below). This suggests that statistical power comes mainly from the cross-section dimension, that magnitude of sector-specific shocks. In what follows we and approximate w° by the average marginal productivity, which leads to: mented and large s*ct-^Jci-\ where = {vjct _ l-ay/ . v.^ denotes the average, over j, - + ^ejc, + del = of Vj^, and ) we use this report the Gapj^, is, fi^om the well docu- more robust alternative + 5ct, (7) convention for other variables as well. The expression above ignores systematic variations in labor productivity across sectors within a country, for may example, because (imobserved) labor quality differ systematically across sectors. The presence of such heterogeneity would tend to bias estimates of the speed of adjustment downward. To incorporate possibiUty we subtract from [vjci — v.d) in (7) a moving average of relative Qjct^2^{vjcl-l~V.c,-\) As a robustness check, for our main specifications moving average, without ^Pooling Computing 'while changes in our correlation by country the mean value is also computed Qjct results (more on this using a three and four periods when we check robustness in have assumed a simple competitive mai'ket for the base salary (salary for normal hours) within each Xc). is —0.018. 0.011 with a standard deviation of 0.179. procedure could easily accommodate other, more rent-sharing some parameters, but not where {Vjc,-2-V.c,-2)]- countries and sectors together, the first order autocorrelation of the measure of Ae^^., constructed below all tliis we significant we + sectoral productivity, Qja, this like, wage setting mechanisms (with sector, our a suitable reinterpretation of . Section 3.2). The resulting expression for the estimated employment-gap e*jct-ejct-\ where ayy is = T—— ( is: = Gap^.„-|-5«, constructed using the sample median of the labor share for sector j (8) across year and income groups. Rearranging we (8), estimate (j) from = ~ _ ^„ i^'^jct - Av-a) + Kg, + X)u + Ae*ct = 1 - aYy ^ejct -(t^^ycr +Kcr +e;cr, (9) 1 where k {Avjct is a country-year dummy, — Av.c,)/(1 - ajj). We two consecutive we assume is the change in the desired level of respectively. full estimate (9) using {Awjd-i —Aw.ct-i) as an instrument for (Avjd we and across income groups. The Table first 1 two The remaining columns report the estimation results for each of our three set the value of (j) at its full sample estimate of 0.4 for 2.2). all Based on our income groups and results for the baseline countries in our sample. important to point out that our methodology has some advantages over standard partial adjustment It is . — Av.^).^ sample, with and without two percent of extreme values for the independent variable, job security groups (more on both of these measures in Section case, = zjct changes in sectoral labor composition are negligible between that reports the estimation results of (9) for the full sample of countries columns use the employment and In order to avoid the simultaneity bias present in this equation (Av and Ae* are years. clearly correlated) Ae^^, estimations. First, it summarizes in a single variable all shocks faced by a sector. This feature allows us to increase precision and to study the determinants of the speed of adjustment using interaction terms. Second, and related, variables in it only requires data on nominal output and employment, two standard and well-measured most industrial surveys. Most previous studies on adjustment costs required measures of real output or an exogenous measure of sector demand.^ 2.1.3 Regressions The central empirical question of the present study is how cross-country differences in job security regulation affect the speed of adjustment. Accordingly, from (1) and (8) it follows that the basic equation we estimate is: Aejct *We lag the instniment to deal with the simultaneity impact of measurement error = XctiG&Vj^t + ^ct), ' problem and use the wage rather than productivity (10) to reduce the (potential) bias. 'Abraham and Houseman (1994), Harmnermesh (1993), and Nickel and Nunziata (2000)) evaluate the differential response of employment to observed real output. A second option is to construct exogenous demand shocks. Although this approach overcomes the real output concerns, it requii'es constructing an adequate sectorial demand shock for every country. papers by Burgess and Knetter (1998) and Burgess et al. (2000), which use the real exchange A rate as their case in point demand ai'e shock. the The estimated effects of the real exchange rate on employment are usually marginally significant, and often of the opposite sign than expected. where Aey^ is change in employment and the log Xct We denotes the speed of adjustment. assume that the latter takes the form: Xa where JS^f is a = Xy+X2^sf, (11) measure of effective ioh security regulation. In practice we observe job security regulation (imperfectly), but not the rigor with which it is We proxy the latter with a "rule enforced. of law" variable, so that JSf = where a in (1 1) a constant and RLcr is A,3 = dkz and A,i Gap^-^, (12) a standard measure of rule of law (see below). Substituting this expression and the resulting expression for Aeyrt =^ with is JS,,(l+flRL,,), + A,2 'kct in (10), yields our (Gap^^, x JSc/) + A,3 main estimating (Gap^-^, The main coefficients of interest are 1.2 + 5^ + e;cr, x JS^ x RLc/) denotes country xtime fixed effects (proportional to the hct equation: (13) defined above). %ct and A,3 which measure how the speed of adjustment varies across , countries depending on their labor market regulation (both dejure and de facto). The Data 2.2 This section describes our sample and main variables. Additional variables are defined as we introduce them later in the text. 2.2.1 Job Security and Rule of Law We use two measures ofjob security, or legal protection against dismissal: by Djankov et al. (2003) for 60 countries world-wide (henceforth JSc) and the job security index constructed by Heckman and Pages (2000) measure is available for a larger The HPrf measure has Our main job for 24 countries OECD and Latin America (henceforth HP^). The JSc sample of countries and includes a broader range of job by The rules either party at narrow list secxnrity variables. the advantage of having time variation. security index, JSc, on values between in and 1: (r) is the sum of four variables, measured groimds for dismissal protection PGc, procedures PPc, {Hi) notice and severance payments PSc, and tion PCc. the job security index constructed {iv) {ii) in 1997, protection regarding dismissal protection of employment in the constitu- on grounds of dismissal range firom allowing the employment any time (employment at will) to each of which takes relation to be teltninated allowing the termination of contracts only under a very of "fair" causes. Protective dismissal procedures require employers to obtain the authorization of third parties (such as unions and judges) before terminating the employment contract. The third variable, notice and severance payment, is tlie one closest two components: mandatory severance payments advance notice for dismissals after after to the HPcr measure, and 20 years of employment 20 years of employment {NStc = ba+iQ is (in the normalized sum of months) and months of + SPct+io, t = 1997). The four components of JSc described above increase with the The Heckman and Pages measure on the is To quantify costs of dismissal. Our and firing costs, and is of job security. narrower, including only those provisions that have a direct impact the effects of this legislation, they construct an index that The index includes both the expected (at hiring) cost of a future dismissal. legislation level measured in units We RLc) and more institutional variables as well as the countries in efficient statistics for categories).'^ As significant. Differences by including this (1999), and interact them governments (higher GEc). our sample and their corresponding income group are reported in Table 2. Table 3 reports the sample correlations and summary at al. do expect labor market legislation to have a larger impact on adjustment costs in countries with a stronger rule of law (higher income We estimations also adjust for the level of enforcement of labor legislation. with JSc and HPcr.'" computes advanced notice of monthly wages. measures of rule of law RLc and government efficiency GEc from Kaufrnann The the costs of between our main cross-country variables each of these measures for three income groups (based on World Bank per capita expected, the correlation between the two measures of job security can be explained mainly by the broader scope of the positive and is Also as expected, JSc; index. rule of law and government efSciency increase with income levels. Note, however, that neither measure of job security income is income per both JSa and HPc are highest for middle countries. employment and wage data come from the 2002 Our output, The UNIDO ISIC code (revision 2). in sector Statistics Database. Because our measures of job security and rule of law are time measured in recent years, however, we output and labor compensation are in current regressions). UNIDO Industrial 3-digit database contains data for the period 1963-2000 for the 28 manufacturing sectors that corre- to the 3 digit invariant and US restrict our sample to the period 1980-2000. Data on dollars (inflation Throughout the paper our main dependent variable j of country c in period A large number of countries by capita, since Industrial Statistics 2.2.2 spond positively correlated with is is removed through time Aeja, the log change in effects in our total employment t. are included in the original dataset — however ova sample is constrained the cross-country availability of the independent variables measuring job security. In addition, two percent of extreme employment changes in we drop each of the three income groups. For our main specification the resulting sample includes 60 economies. Table 3 shows descriptive statistics for the dependent variable by income group. ^"For rule of law and government eJBHciency since this ' and is closest to the 'income groups Low Income. are: Djankov et al. we use the earliest (2003) measure, which is value available in tlie Kaufinann et al. (1999) database: 1996, for 1997. l=High Income OECD, 2=High Income Non OECD and Upper Middle Income, 3=Lower Middle Income Results 3 This section presents our main result, showing that effective job security has a significant negative effect on the speed of adjustment of employment to shocks in the employment-gap. It also presents several robustness exercises. Main 3.1 results Recall that our main estimating equation Aejc, Note = XiGapj^, + X2{Ga.pj^xJSc)+h{Gzpj^,xJScX'RLc)+?ict+ejct- we have dropped that rule of law and job security [Gapi^i X We x RLc) JScr time subscripts from JSc and in RL^ as we we also include the respective Gap,-^, all specifications that include the x RLc as a control variable. of job security on the speed of adjustment, and set X2 and effect to zero. This gives us an estimate of the average speed of adjustment and Table On 4. (14) only use time invariant measures of our baseline estimation. Note also that in interaction by ignoring the start is: average (across countries and periods) we find that 60% reported in is equal ^,3 column of the employment-gap is of 1 closed in each period. Furthermore, our measure of the employment-gap and coimtryxyear fixed effects explain 60% of the variance in log-employment growth. The next different Xi three by columns present our main sectors and country income which results, level. '-^ are repeated in Column columns 5 to 7 allowing for 2 (and 5) presents our estimate of ^2- This coefficient has the right sign and is significant at conventional confidence levels. Employment adjusts more slowly to shocks in the employment-gap in countries with higher levels of ofiicial job security. we Next, columns 3 allow for a distinction between effective and and 4 (and, correspondingly, 6 and official job security. Results are reported in 7) for different rules-enforcement criteria. In 6 the distinction between effective and ofiicial job security is columns captured by the product of JSc and 3 and DSRLc, — dummy variable for countries with strong rule of law (RLc > RLcreece where Greece is the OECD country with the lowest RL score). The three panels in Figure show the value of the job security where DSRLc is a 1 index for countries in the high, while larger A,3 has the right sign and (downward) medium and low income is highly significant. That on the speed of adjustment effect measured by our rule-of-law dummy. The In countries with strong rule of law, percentile (0.23) reduces effect, 0.006, '-We allow X by 0.22. effect moving include an additional interaction between same change in JSc will in countries with stricter have a significantly enforcement of laws, as 3 is large. 3 digit three in job security legislation has a considerable smaller group of economies with weak rule of law. Employment ISIC sector dummies (we also include sector fixed by omitted Gap^, and the firom the 20th percentile of job security (—0.19) to the 80th in the between Gap,„ and control for the possibility that our results are driven is, Now X2 becomes insignificant, of the estimated coefiicients reported in column The same change on the speed of adjustment for an interaction groups, respectively. variables, correlated with our measures income-group dummies. of job effects). security. For We also this, we adjusts more slowly to shocks in the employment-gap Columns 4 and 7 address whether the negative enforcement. To do so effectiveness we use in countries with higher levels of effective job security. on coefficient A,3 robust to other measures of legal is an alternative variable from the Kaufmann (GE) - and construct a dummy et al. (1999) dataset - government variable for high effectiveness countries Clearly, the results are very close to those reported in columns 3 and on the estimated speed of adjustment when governments significant negative effect (GEc >GEGreece)- Job security legislation has a 7. are effective - a proxy enforcement of existing labor regulation. for Finally, the last column in Table 4 uses an altemative measure ofjob security. We repeat our specification from column 7 (including sector and income dummies) using the Heckman-Pages (2000) measure of job security. size is The HP a reduced by data are only available for countries in the half, OECD and Latin America so our sample and most low income countries are dropped. The flip side is that this measure time varying which potentially allows us to capture the effects of changes in the job security regulation. reported in column 8, we effect As ofHPc on the speed of adjustment. Further robustness 3.2 We continue our robustness tive and significant find a negative is by exploration assessing the impact of three broad econometric issues: alterna- gap-measures, exclusion of potential (country) outliers, and misspecification due to endogeneity of the gap measure. 3.2.1 Alternative gap-measures Table 4 suggests that conditional on our measure of the employment-gap, our main findings are robust: job security, when enforced, has a significant negative impact on the speed of adjustment to the employment-gap. Table 5 tests the robustness of this result to altemative measures of the employment-gap. Colunms relax the assumption of a — 2 and 3 in Table 4 3 and 4 report the ({) common across using the values of results (j) all countries. They repeat our baseline specifications estimated per income-group reported in Table of using values of (f) 1. 1 and 2 —columns In turn, columns estimated across countries grouped by level of job security.'^ Next, columns 5 through 8 repeat our baseline specifications using a three and four period moving average to estimate Qjct. The final two columns wages instead of average productivity in Table 3.2.2 5, (9 and 10) use an altemative specification for (see equation 8) to build Gapj^,. In our results remain qualitatively the same as in Table all w^^,, based on average of the specifications reported 4. Exclusion of potential (country) outliers Table 6 reports estimates of ^2 and ^,3 country from our sample at a time. In using the specification from column 3 in Table 4 but dropping one all cases the estimated coefficient on I3 conventional confidence intervals. 'Countries are grouped into the upper, middle and lower thirds of job security. is negative and significant at Boweva; it is di^atajce in Tsg) also iiie eidier Hong sppsKsA in tins table that exclndiiig point ^limafes. For 4is reason, BDW sscia&Bg these two connjn^. In we re-estimate this case the vahie howers: ihe ^^^^ resrslts lemain xmchanged. Table 7 rqiorts Potential endogeneitT of the gap 3.2-3 Kong or Kenj' a makes a snbstantial our model from scratch (that is, from o of 6 rises from 0.40 to 0.42. Qualitatively, these results. measure One concsn with our procednre is that lie construction of the gap measure includes the change in emplo}'- rassA. While this does not rq>reseiii a problem trnda" the nuU hj'pothesis of the model, euQi in sa^?loyms3Xt and ^ji could introduce important biases. ' anj' measurement We address this issue wiA two procedures. IB^xe descaibing these procedures, we note that the standard solution of passing the Ae-component of &e gap dsSasA in Passing As (8) to tiie left hand side of the estimating equation (10) does not work to tiie left suggests that the coefficient diown in Appss&Sax A, Secfi(Hi2.1). this on the turn to the fra: two procedures. Hie first fbs contraiqKHaneous gap measure. valid insfrnmait if it is (co = A,/(l — X.). As in the notation of productivity, 6/a. Given tiiat Gap vj data play flie role of p^odtlcti^'ily data The second procedure when re-writes the AGapja = Table 8 reports the values of the average procedures. For comparison purposes, for tiie this error is serially correlated. In 7. flie first and hence we It is estimate of relative sectoral eiflier wage hand side of (8). side:'^ (l-7:r:)AGapj^_i-^ejct. (15) estimated witii these two alternative, and row reproduces the first column much less as instruments. Finally, Row 3 apparent from the table that the estimates of average the (modified; gap or the change in employment is is zero. precise, The second row in Table 4. conclude that the bias due to a potentially endogenous gap the Cah.'i>-C2se, for evsrj' observation our speci- in a standard dynamic panel formulation that removes die IV procedure based on using lagged wages the estimate from the dynamic panel right ballpark, 6zyc^_i. Uniortunatety, the latter is not a calculating the v and 9 terms on the right model in- ozp -^tseja can be rewritten as construct an alternative measure of the ex-post gap letting contempotaaeavs employment change from the right hand tiie result — we use a moving average to construct the To avoid this problem, we model (small approach. procedure maintain'; our baseline specification, but congrated with measurement error and fication this could be tiie case because -''in be equal to departures from a partial adjustment when estimating ?. using this ^j^-\ -T-t^j^, a nataiai. instrumait is the lag of the ex-post gap, shows -will By contrast, in the case of a Calvo-tj'pe a(^tistment (a = 1), the corresponding coefficient will, on avaage, be negative}^ More important, even small stnnxsnts gap holds only in the case of a partial adjustment model ralnes of o) introduce significant biases Next we resulting in our context 7^ reports are in the not significant. The former happens wheo adjtislmait laies place, die latter whai it does not It follows that the covaiiance of A^ and the (modified) gap will be eqtial to minus tiae product of the mean of bofli variables. Since fliese means have the same sign^the estimated coefficient wiU be negative. See Appaidis A fer a fbnnal derivation. ''To estimate ftis equation we follow Anderson and Hsiao (1 982) and use twice and toee-times lagged values of AGap ^ as instrtmientsforfteRHS-i^riable. Similar results are obtained ifwe follow Arellano and 10 Bond (1991). Gauging the Costs of Effective Labor Protection 4 By impairing worker movements from less to more productive units, effective labor protection reduces ag- gregate output and slows this effect. Any down economic growth. In this section we develop a simple such exercise requires strong assumptions and our approach is framework to quantify no exception. Nonetheless, our findings suggest that the costs of the microeconomic inflexibility caused by effective protection moving from In countries with strong rule of law, the 20th to the 80th percentile of job security lowers an- nual productivity growth somewhere between 0.9 and 1.2 percent The low rule of law has a negligible impact on is large. same movement for countries with TFR Consider a continuum of establishments, indexed by that adjust labor in response to productivity i, shocks, while their share of the economy's capital remains fixed over time. Their production fiinctions exhibit constant returns to (aggregate) capital, K,, and decreasing returns to labor: = BuKrLl (16) <a< that Y, where Bu denotes and plant-level productivity can be decomposed into the product of a common and Alog^rt where the V; are i.i.d. ^{/ja o^ ) and the , the aggregate shocks) iA^(0, oj). Vj, 's are = i.i.d. price-elasticity bit is ri > 1 . The Bu 's follow geometric random walks, =v, + v[j, (across productive units, over time and with respect to We set /ja = 0, since we of demand . an idiosyncratic component: and idiosyncratic shocks, not in Jensen-inequality-type The 1 are interested in the interaction effects associated Aggregate labor is between rigidities with aggregate shocks. assumed constant and set equal to one. We define aggregate productivity, ^, as: , A, so that aggregate output, Y, = J Yi,di, = do that period.'^ The parameter (17) satisfies Y, Units adjust with probability JBuL^di, = A,K,. in every period, independent of their history A.^ that captures microeconomic flexibility is Xc- and of what other units Higher values of ^e "kc associated with a faster reallocation of workers in response to productivity shocks. Standard calculations show that the growth rate of output, gy, gY '''More precisely, whether unit ; = sA-?>, units (18) time t is determined by a Bernoulli random variable ^;, with probability of success and over time. This corresponds to the case CO = 1 in Section 2.1. adjtists at where the ^a's are independent across satisfies: II Xc, where s denotes the savings Now rate (assumed exogenous) and 8 the depreciation compare two economies that differ only in their degree Tedious but straightforward calculations relegated to Appendix gY,2-gY,\ - B show 1 rate for capital. of microeconomic flexibility, Xc,i < ^c,2- that: 1 e, (gr,i+5) (19) with ^ 07(2-07) , 2(1-07)2°' 7=(r|-l)/n,a2 = aJ + a2.i^ We choose parameters to apply (19) as follows: The mark-up is set at average rate of growth per worker in our sample for the 1980-1990 period, 8 = 5/6), gyj to the 0.7%, a = 27%,'^ a = 2/3, and 20% (so that 7 = 6%. Table 9 reports estimated speeds of adjustment across countries. Table 10 reports the average aimual productivity costs of the deviation between each quintile and the bottom quintile in estimated speed of These numbers are adjustinent. large. More important, they imply that moving from the 20th to the 80th percentile in job security, in countries with strong rule of law, reduces annual productivity growth The same change in job security legislation has a much smaller effect on TFP by 0.86%. growth, 0.02%, in the group of economies with weak rule of law. We are fully aware of the many caveats that such ceteris-paribus the table is to numbers are rouglily consistent with of productivity growth on the estimated ^c's for Xc is 1 1 and Figure 2). Focusing on the around 0.05 and significant of Table 4 implies that falls by as raise, but the point of provide an alternative metric of the potential significance of observed levels of effective labor protection. Moreover, these Table comparison can much as 1 . 8% the economies in our sample from 1980 to results controlling for at the 1 percent level. when moving from 1 all what we obtain when miming a regression income groups (column 3), the coefficient Combining these estimates with those the 20th to the 80th percentile in job security, annual in countries with 1990 (see in on Column 3 TFP growth high rule of law. In contrast, a similar improvement in labor regulation in countries with low rule law reduces TFP growth by only 0.03%. Concluding Remarks 5 Many papers have shown that, in theory, job security regulation depresses firm level hiring and firing de- cisions. 17 Job security provisions increase the cost of reducing employment and therefore lead to fewer dis- There also is a (static) jump in the level of aggregate productivity when X increases, given by: A2-A1 «l See Appendix B for the proof '^'This is Are average across the five countries considered in Caballero 12 et al. (2004). missals when fiiTns are faced with negative shocks. Conversely, when optimal employment response takes into account the fact that workers the employment response smaller. is The overall effect However, conclusive empirical evidence on the is faced with a positive shock, the may have to be fired in the future, and a reduction of the speed of adjustment to shocks. effects of job security regulation has been elusive. One important reason for this deficit has been the lack of information on employment regulation for a sufficiently large paper cal number of economies we have that can be integrated to cross sectional data on employment outcomes. In developed a simple empirical methodology that has allowed us to gap by exploiting: (a) the recent publication of two cross-country surveys on (Heckman and Pages (2000) and Djankov production available in the fill UNIDO et al. dataset. (2003)) and, (b) the homogeneous some of the this empiri- employment regulations data on employment and Another important reason for the lack of empirical success differences in the degree of regulation enforcement across countries. is We address this problem by interacting the measures of employment regulation with different proxies for law-enforcement. Using a dynamic labor demand specification we estimate the 60 countries for the period fi-om 1980 to 1998. We effects of job security across a consistently find a relatively lower speed of adjustment of employment in countries with high legal protection against dismissal, especially likely to sample of be enforced. 13 when such protection is . References [1] Abraham, K. and ity: "Does Employment Protection In: R.M. Blank, Inhibit Labor Market Flexibil- editor. Protection Versus Economic There A Tradeoff?. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Journal of Econometrics, 18, 67—82. M. and Arellano, S.R. and an Application [4] (1994). 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"The Dynamic Demand for Capital and Labor," Quarterly Journal of Eco- 5X3-42. nomics, \{i\, UNIDO (2002). Industrial Statistics Database 2002 15 (3-digit level oflSIC code (Revision 2)). . Appendices A Endogeneity of the The model Gap Measure the one described in Section 2.1. Ignoring country differences and fixing t}^ is Ae; = where xj < CO < 1 and the \j/ are Aej = with Uj {\\ij - X)xj Removing Ae ixom are = and when 1 , same \|/ = 1 sign, measure the gap and Aej we have that when will be equal to the (20) mean X and variance (i>k{l — X), = hcj + Uj, = we is when obtain an imbiased and consistent estimator for equivalent to replacing xy \\fj = 0. = xj — Aej by zj Since the two values estimating the regression coefficient via minus the product of the average of Aey and it (21) satisfying the properties of an error term in a standard regression setting. Thus, if we observe the Aej and xj and estimate (21), that zj = \|/yXy, independent of the x„ with i.i.d., that follows fi-om (20) that: It . — ej,,_i el we have \\fj in (21). It is obvious takes in the Calvo case (co OLS the average of the tlie X?^ follows that the regression coefficient will be negative (or zero = 1) covariance in the numerator Zj. Since both averages have if both averages are equal to zero). we Since (0=1 may seem somewhat are considering sectoral data, the case The following extreme. proposition shows that even for small departures from the partial adjustment case, the bias is lOcely to be significant. Proposition 1 Consider the setting described above. Denote by Aej Denote by ju and d^ the (theoretical) ,• Proof From Acj = \\ijXj and zj = Cov(Ae,z) {\ (3 the OLS estimate of the cofficient 'The latter is justified spending to the is by the mean and variance of the xj 's. Then: (l-co)o2-co;? s — ^j)xj it . .^^^ follows that: = - Y^i{l - \]/i)xf - fact that the essence gap measure defined most of our in = const + ^zj + error ( - Xy,x,- f - X(1 - V;)^/ J ^"This, This, in a nutshell, [3 identification comes from th estimation procedure described of the in (8). 16 > J cross-sectional variation in detail in Section 2 of tlie maio te.xt, with xj corre- and -X(i-v,)^/ Taking expectations over the \|/,, conditional on the A The result now ^ E[y(l-v)](G^ follows that plim^^^^p CO = 1. It A'' tend to infinity leads to: + /?)-^l-l);/ = (l-co)Ml-X), = E[(l-v|/)2] when letting follows from the expression above and the fact that: E[\(/(1-V)] It and Xi, is decreasing in also follows that plim;^_^„P [l-(l-co)^](l-^). varying from X/{1 co, decreasing in is — X) when co = to -l/?/(a^ + Xf?) so that: (l-to)A, < pliinAr_,„oP \ju\, I l-(l-co)A,' B Gauging the Costs In this appendix we tions in Section 4 derive we (1 9). From ( 1 8) and 9) (1 it follows that it suffices to show that under the assump' have: I 1_ e, where we have dropped the subindex c from the X and e ay(2 = - ay) (o? 2(l-aY)2 with 7= The large (ri - + o3), intuition is easier if we consider the following, equivalent, problem. and fixed number of firms (no entry or t exit). is Pi^t Production by firm — Y-^— Alog^,V That is, we ignore hours in tlie /n ' , 17 during period consists t is Yj^i of a very = Ai^tLf,^^ where Ai^t denotes productivity shocks, assumed =^a^ = vf+Vi„ production ftmction. i The economy ' I follow a geometric random walk, so that ^' (24) 1)/ti. while (inverse) demand for good / in period to (23) A,2 A,] with vf i.i.d. ^(0,a3) and vf_, ^(0,a^). Hence i.i.d. Aa,,, follows a 9l{Q,(5\), with a^ = o^ + ay. We assume the wage remains constant throughout. In what follows lower case letters denote the logarithm of upper case variables. Similarly, *-vaiiabIes denote the frictionless counterpart of the non-starred variable. Solving the firm's maximization problem in the absence of adjustment costs leads to: ^^h J_ = 1-^,^^'." -ay" (25) ^^tr = (26) 1 and hence Denote by Y* aggregate production in period 1=1/(1- ay), Taking expectations (over noting that both terms being multiplied on the 7; Averaging over all were no if there t frictions. It then follows from (26) that: = e'^''%_,, Y*, with r^^«'> / (27) for a particular realization r.h.s. are, of vj^) on both sides of (27) and by assumption, independent (random walk), = e^^+2^"f^/7;_,, yields (28) possible realizations of v^ (these fluctuations are not the ones we are interested in for the calculation at hand) leads to F; and therefore for A: = = e2^ ^r7;_j, 1,2,3,...: Y* ^ g2'" ^ty;_^, (29) Denote: • Y,^,-k: aggregate 7 that corresponding to period • From Yi^t,t-k'- would t — k. This is t the average if firms it follows that: had the Y for units the corresponding level of production of firm the expressions derived above and therefore attain in period / in r. frictionless optimal levels that last adjusted k periods ago. of labor . Taking expectations (with respect to idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks) on both sides of the sion (here we use that Aa,_, is latter expres- independent of }^*_,) yields which combined with (29) leads to: A derivation similar to the one above, leads to: Y. , J-i,t,l-k which combined with (29) — — pAfl,v+Aa,v-l+--+Aa;,r-*:+iy* *= -'/-i! gives: 7,,,_i = e-^r;, (30) with e deirned in (24). Assuming Calvo-type adjustment with probability "k, we decompose aggregate production into the sum of the contributions of cohorts: Y, = XY; + 1(1 - X)F,,,_i +%{\- XfYt^,-! + . . Substituting (30) in the expression above yields: " ^' - ^^T-^TTZe^A - (l~?L)e- (31) 1 It follows that the production gap, defined as: Prod. is Gap Y* — Y = ^—-^, equal to: A first-order Taylor expansion then shows that, when Prod. Subtracting this gap evaluated at corresponds to (A2 —A\)/A\ A,] in the from main its Gap |9| << ~ ^^~ 1: ... ^ 9. K (33) value evaluated at X2, and noting that this gap difference text, yields (23) 19 and therefore concludes the proof Figure 1 Inc Job Security and Rule of Law in Countries with High, : 3==1 Inc Medium and Low Income 3==2 PRT .382183 B#>= PAN VEN FIN DEU ESP ARG TWN FRA CHL NOR Gl !C K3R ITA BEL -„ TUR ZAF ISR IFi45t>lK USA NZL ^ URY HKG -.327817 -1.92079 lnc_3==3 ^ ^ SGP MYS PER ECU .382183]°^ ^1 COL yogOL PHL jQ[, IDfl'™ lKATHA TUN SEN ^IGA BFA KEN PA1?^H^A° JAM MAR -.327817 -1.92079 ZMB 1.26311 Rule of 20 Law 1.26311 Figure 2: Productivity Growth and Speed of Adjustment coef =. 05275722, se = 01 829659, . t = 2.88 04HKG KOR THA o 0) PRT O . MWI 00 0) TUR j^f^ j:^MK 0- KEN USA BEL u> FRA Q. " LL h 15 3 C C CHl'ECU ZMB VEN ZWE PER < MEX PAN ARG 041 1 1 .3 Speed of Adj. sector) 21 Table Specification: (2) (1) 1: ESTIMATING ^ (3) Zjci Observations Income Group Job Sec. Group Extreme obs. of instrument Standard errors reported instrumental variable. in in Employment (6) (7) (8) (ha) -0.280 -0.394 -0.558 -0.355 -0.387 -0.363 -1.168 -0.352 (0.044) (0.068) (0.135) (0.119) (0.116) (0.091) (.357) (0.103) 22,810 22,008 8,311 6,378 7,319 7,730 6,883 7,036 All All 1 2 3 All All AH All All All All All 1 2 3 Yes No No No No No No No in parentheses. All estimates are significaiit at the As (5) (4) Change described in the main text, zjct represents the 1% level. All regressions use lagged Awj^., — Aw.c; as, log-change of the nominal marginal productivity of labor each sector, minus the country average, divided by one minus the estimated labor share. All regressions includes a country-year Income groups are 1 High Income OECD, 2; High Income Non OECD and Upper Middle Income, and Lower Middle Income and Low Income. Job Security Groups correspond to the highest, middle an lowest third of the measure Djankov et al. (2003). fixed effect (k^^ in (9)). ; 22 3: in Table 2: SAMPLE COVERAGE AND Main Variables Job Security WDI code AUS Inc Group Djankov ct, al AUT -0.19 -0.15 BEL -0.11 CAN DEU -0.16 DNK -0.21 0.17 InsdlutiDns HP -0.71 -0.65 -0.70 -1.64 -1.56 0.17 1.29 FIN 0.24 FRA QDR GRC -0.02 -0.13 ^0.04 IRL ITA JPN -0.21 -0.09 -0.82 -1.09 -1.00 -1.05 -1.40 NLD NOR NZL PRT 0.04 -0.03 -0.29 RL Rule of Law Gov. Eff. 1.03 0.95 1.13 0,92 081 0.92 1.04 0.92 1.02 41 0.64 1.22 089 081 0.78 1.09 1.05 -0.01 -0,06 0.92 0-S2 0.79 0.09 0.05 -1.84 -1.53 -1.55 0.76 0.46 1.09 1.25 1.23 1.13 -2.21 1.22 1,25 0.37 2.05 0.53 0,24 SWE 0.06 0,97 -0.25 -0.50 -2.43 1.17 USA 095 1,01 -0.48 -1.00 -0.37 -0.82 ARC BRA CHL HKG ISR 0.11 0.56 0.36 0.61 -0.02 -0.32 0.21 •0.17 KOR -0.07 1.14 MEX MYS 0.38 0.73 PAN SGP 0.34 TUR -0.22 -0.13 TWN O.OI 1 0.44 0.32 1 1 0.86 0.81 1 1 0.36 0.42 1 1 0.02 -0.15 -0.85 -0.S6 -0.24 1 1.37 I 1.54 1 0.05 0.18 -0.50 -1.19 1.26 1.41 -0.73 -0.69 0.21 0.49 -0.17 -1.32 -0.40 URY VEN -0.30 -0.20 -0.26 0.31 4.29 ZAF -0.17 -1.38 -0.42 BFA -0.10 BOL COL ECU 0.24 2.32 0.29 1,17 0.34 097 EGY 0.13 GllA -0.17 IDN IND JAM JOR 0.22 KEN LKA -0.16 MAR MDG MOZ -0.22 MWI NGA PAK PER PHL SEN TIU TUN ZMB ZWE -1.46 -1.37 -1.19 -1.13 -0.53 -0.86 -1.09 -0.77 -0.95 -0.56 0.10 -0.14 -0.20 -0.44 -1.4S -0.48 -0.57 -1.55 -1.92 -0.94 -1.89 0.09 0.23 0.38 0.11 -0.07 -0.15 0.37 -1. 16 -1.08 -0.86 -0.92 -0.29 -0.69 -1,08 -0.97 2.25 0.24 -0.04 0.10 0.05 -0.33 -0.13 23 Hish Gov. Eff 0,81 1.02 1.17 ESP -0.14 Strong; -1.38 -1.12 -0.61 •. -1.29 -0.99 -0.78 -0.55 -0.79 -1.06 -0.54 -1.13 -0,93 -0,73 -1,39 -1-23 -1.32 -1.68 -1.02 -0 87 -0..54 -1.04 -0.32 -0.24 -1.44 -0.86 1 1 1 . Table Inc. 3: BASELINE Sample Statistics* Employment Growth (Yearly Mean Group Obs. Avge.): Min -0.24 -0.43 -0.78 -0.78 1 8,607 -0.01 0.06 2 6,063 0.00 0.11 3 7,063 0.02 0.16 Total 21,733 0.00 0.11 Inc. Job Security from Djankov Group Countries Mean -0.05 20 1 1980-2000 SD et al. Max 0.26 0.42 0.96 0.96 (2003): JS SD Min 0.18 -0.29 -0.32 -0.33 -0.33 2 15 -0.01 0.25 3 25 0.05 0.21 Total 60 0.00 0.21 Job Security from Heckman and Pages (2001): Countries Mean Group SD Min -2.43 -0.87 19 1.15 1 -0.20 1.14 1.30 2 9 -0.44 5 1.26 1.13 3 -2.43 Total 33 0.00 1.54 Max 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.38 HP Max Inc. Rule of Law from Kauftnann Inc. Group Countries et al. (1999): 2.05 4.29 2.32 4.29 RL Mean SD Min Max 1 20 0.88 0.37 -0.01 1.23 2 15 0.72 3 25 60 -1.38 -1.92 -1.92 -0.29 Total -0.16 -1.03 -0.18 Governmem Inc. ? Group Effectiveness from Countries 0.42 0.96 Kaufmann SD Min -0.06 -1.32 -1.68 -1.68 1 20 0.80 0.37 15 0.76 3 25 Total 60 -0.16 -0.95 -0.17 0.36 0.90 Correlation Country JS HP RL GE *Income groups dle GE Max 1.25 1.41 • -0.24 1.41 Means HP RL GE 1.00, .TS OECD 1.26 (1999): Mean 2 come Non et al. 1.26 0.66 1.00 -0.36 -0.77 -0.77 -0.35 are: l=Higli Income 1.00 0.97 OECD, 2=High 1.00 In- and Upper Middle Income, 3=Lower Mid- Income and Low Income. 24 Table 4: (1) (2) Estimation Results (3) (4) Change Gap(Xi) (6) (7) 0.600 0.603 0.607 0.611 (0.009)*" (0.008)*** (0.012)*" (0.012)**' -0.080 -0.015 -0.025 -0,126 -0.027 -0,038 (0.037)'* (0.051) (0.051) (0.041)"* (0.052) (0.051) GapxJS(^2): GapxJSxDSRL(X3) -0.514 -0.314 (0.068)"* (0.070)*** GapxJSxDHGE(X3) Gap X HP (5) (8) Log-Employment in -0.515 -0.326 (0.068)*** (0.071)"* -0.022 (X2) (0.007)*" Conti-ols Gap X Dummy Higli RL -0.076 0.086 (0.015)*'* (0.023)"* Gap X Dummy High GE Observations R-squared Gap-Income Interaction Gap-Sector Interaction Efficiency Heckman and Pages dummies (in 0.045 (0.023)* 21,733 21,733 21,733 21,733 21,733 21,733 21,733 12,012 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.62 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * significant at 10%; ** significant at (2003) and -0.091 (0.015)*** 5%; *** . significant at 1%. Robust standard errors in parentheses. JS (2000) job security measures, respectively. both cases the threshold regression has country-year fixed effects. is DSRL given by Greece, see the main Gaps are estimated using a constant estimated values of Gap. 25 (|) and text), respective!}', = 0.40. and HP stand for DHGE stand for strong Rule of Law using the Sample excludes Kaufmann the upper tlie Djankov et al. and high Government etal. (1999) indices. and lower 1% Each of Ae and of the _i £ o o < u w a, -I a i I 00 w > I I =i> [3 [5 <d o H D to £ Q, e w 3 O 2 CJ C3 O o w H P CQ O e- M .^> > i j=) _o Pi f2 £ 6 3 Q X O 26 erf O Table 6: EXCLUDING ONE COUNTRY AT A TIME ^2 Country Coeff. ARG AUS AUT BEL BFA BOL BRA CAN CHL COL DEU DNK ECU EGY ESP FIN FRA GBR GHA GRC HKG IDN IND IRL ISR ITA JAM JOR JPN KEN ^2 ^3 Dev. Country Coeff. -0.51 0.07 0.07 KOR LKA -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 0.05 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.50 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.53 -0.51 -0.52 -0.52 -0.50 0.05 -0.51 0.07 0.05 -0.53 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 -0.54 -0.51 -0.51 -0.48 -0.51 -0.37 -0.51 -0.54 -0.54 -0.52 0.05 -0.51 0.07 0.05 -0.51 0.05 0.05 Dev. Coeff. -0.01 0.05 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 0.05 0.00 0.05 -0.01 0.05 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.05 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 0.05 St. 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.04 -0.02 -0.15 0.05 0.05 St. MAR MDG MEX MOZ 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 ^3 Dev. Coeff. 0.05 0.07 0.05 -0.52 -0.51 -0.51 -0.02 0.05 -0.51 0.07 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.05 -0.53 -0.55 -0.52 -0.46 -0.53 -0.51 -0.51 -0.53 -0.55 -0.52 -0.59 -0.50 -0.54 -0.53 -0.52 -0.53 -0.51 -0.51 -0.50 -0.49 -0.50 -0.53 -0.53 -0.51 -0.51 -0.55 St. 0.05 0.07 MWI -0.01 0.05 0.07 NYS -0.02 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.05 -0.02 0.05 0.07 NGA NLD NOR 0.05 0.07 NZL -0.02 -0.02 0.07 PAK PAN 0.02 0.05 -0.01 0.05 0.07 PER PHL PRT SEN SGP 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.05 -0.03 0.05 -0.02 0.05 0.00 0.05 -0.02 -0.02 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.07 SWE THA TUN TUR 0.07 TWN 0.07 0.07 URY USA VEN -0.49 0.07 ZAF -0.02 0.05 -0.52 -0.38 0.07 ZMB ZWE -0.02 0.05 0.03 0.05 This table reports the estimated coefficients for one countiy (the one indicated for each set 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 "k^ and ^,3, of coefficients) for the specification in at at time. 27 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Column St. Dev. 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 3 of Table 4, leaving out Table ESTIMATION RESULTS EXCLUDING 7: (2) (1) (3) (4) Change Gap(Xi) GapxJS Hong Kong and Kenya in (5) (V) (6) 0.615 0.620 0.649 0.652 (0.009)*** (0.009)*** (0.012)*" (0.012)*** -0.105 -0.156 -0.163 -0.204 -0.171 -0.183 (0.039)*** (0.051)*" (0.05 1)*** (0.042)*** (0.052)'** (0.052)*** (X-.): GapxJSxDSRL(^3) -0.231 -0.062 (0.062)*** (0.072) Gapx]SxDHGE(>.3) (8) Log-Employment -0.227 -0.071 (0.070)*** (0.072) GapxHP(^2) -0.021 (0.007)*** Contivls Gap X Dummy High RL Gap X Dummy High R-squared Interaction Gap-Sector Interaction * significant at (2003) and 10%, ** Heckman 0.065 (0.023)*'* GE Observations Gap-Income -0.121 (0.015)'" -0.136 0.023 (0.015)*** (0.024) 20,881 20,881 20,881 20,881 20,881 20,881 20,881 12,003 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.62 0,62 0.62 0.62 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes significant at 1%. Robust standard significant at 5%; *** and Pages (2000) job security measures, respectively. Law and Government Efficiency dummies, Gaps are estimated using a constant (|) = respectively, using the 0.42. Sample excludes DSRL Kaufmann the upper and lower 28 errors in parentheses. JS and et al. Yes DHGE stand for high and HP stand for Yes tire Djankov (above Greece, see main text) et al. Rule of (1999) indices. Each regression has country-year fixed effects. 1% of Ae and of the estimated values of Gap. Table 8: IV ESTIMATION Average speed of adjustment Estimation Baseline Method Model (Column 1 in Gap instrumented with wage Table 4 data Standard dynamic panel formulation See section 3.2.3 for details. 29 Point Estimate Robust Standard Error 0.600 0.009 0.570 0.065 0.543 0.07S Table Country 9: ^c,I Estimating Country-Specific Speeds of Adjustment St. Ki Dev. St. Country Dev. Kj St. Dev. Ki St. Dev. KOR LKA 0.719 0.028 0.696 0.052 0.744 0.041 0.729 0.056 0.572 0.060 0.569 0.071 0.688 0.067 0.666 0.075 0.467 0.042 0.451 0.058 0.064 MAR MDG MEX MOZ 0.414 0.111 0.370 0.122 0.346 0.078 MWI 0.499 0.095 0.437 0.094 0.038 0.547 0.055 NYS 0.750 0.032 0.723 0.053 0.631 0.045 0.618 0.061 NGA 0.782 0.094 0.754 0.102 COL 0.624 0.030 0.591 0.052 0.467 0.060 0.414 0.073 DEU 0.463 0.048 0.458 0.062 0.472 0.037 0.468 0.054 DNK 0.500 0.058 0.488 0.070 NLD NOR NZL 0.483 0.065 0.443 0.076 ECU EGY 0.645 0.044 0.624 0.059 0.771 0.054 0.740 0.069 0.694 0.052 0.671 0.065 PAK PAN 0.575 0.049 0.561 0.064 ESP FIN 0.488 0.033 0.469 0.052 PER 0.379 0.038 0.376 0.056 0.445 0.032 0.428 0.051 PHL 0.664 0.036 0.652 0.055 FRA 0.292 0.032 0.278 0.052 0.369 0.029 0.362 0.050 GBR GHA GRC HKG 0.577 0.037 0.565 0.054 0.716 0.080 0.707 0.090 0.502 0.064 0.498 0.075 PRT SEN SGP 0.631 0.039 0.605 0.057 0.552 0.032 0.536 0.052 0.578 0.037 0.555 0.054 0.837 0.029 0.821 0.050 0.490 0.143 0.450 0.142 IDN IND 0.676 0.046 0.645 0.061 0.633 0.099 0.605 0.099 0.746 0.051 0.736 0.067 SWE THA TUN TUR 0.506 0.031 0.475 0.051 IRL ISR 0.516 0.031 0.488 0.051 TWN 0.406 0.037 0.379 0.056 0.606 0.040 0.592 0.057 0.584 0.034 0.575 0.053 ITA 0.364 0.047 0.341 0.062 0.544 0.040 0.542 0.056 JAM 0.563 0.411 0.510 0.364 URY USA VEN 0.519 0.037 0.515 0.056 JOR 0.697 0.041 0.681 0.057 ZAF 0.581 0.044 0.548 0.059 JPN 0.470 0.035 0.463 0.054 0.482 0.095 0.457 0.106 KEN 0.224 0.038 0.201 0.055 ZMB ZWE 0.774 0.051 0.749 0.064 Istquintile 0.346 2nd quintile 0.482 0.457 3rd quintile 0.546 ."•0.527 4th quintile 0.619 0.600 5th quintile 0.743 0.723 ARG 0.380 0.060 0.364 0.071 AUS AUT BEL BFA BOL 0,558 0.048 0.537 0.063 0.521 0.040 0.504 0.056 0.160 0.046 0.158 0.062 0.327 0.066 0.309 0.076 0.562 0.049 0.545 BRA CAN CHL 0.385 0.067 0.565 0.325 This table reports estimated coefficients for X Xc.2 includes sectoral controls, while Xc i at the cotmtry level. does not. 30 A common value of ()) = 0.40 is used throughout. Table 10: PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH AND SPEED OF ADJUSTMENT Change Reported: change in in X^-Quintile Change in Annual Growth Rate Isttolud 0.88% 2nd 3rd 0.29% 3rd to 4th 0.23% 4th to 5th 0.28% 1st to 5th 1.68% to I annual growth rates associated with moving from the average adjustment speed of one quintile next Quintiles for X^ from Table 9, equation (19)). Parameter values: y column with = 5/6), gyj sectoral controls. Calculation = 0.007, c = 0.27 31 a= based on model described 2/3, and 5 = 0.06. in Section to the 4 (see Table 11: PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH AND Speed of Adjustment (1) (2) (4) (3) Annual Average Change Speed of adjustment: Constant: Observations R-squared Income Fixed Effects Estimation via 10%, ** * significant at size determined TFP growth = by Per-capita 0.040 0.031 0.053 0.026 0.026 0.046 (0.019)* (0.018)'** (0.019) (0.019) (0.019)** -0.016 -0.013 -0.016 -0.012 -0.012 -0.014 (0.010) (0.010) (0.009)* (0.011) (0.010) (0.009) 42 42 42 42 42 42 O.IOS 0.066 0.294 0.043 0.041 0.230 No OLS No OLS OLS No No Yes WLS WLS WLS growth comes from World Penn Tables weights inversely proportional 5%; **" of TFP data. GDP 5.6 - significant at TFP growth 7!^ 1%. Robust standard errors at the growth and Barro and Lee (1996). to the standard deviation in Yes parentheses. Sample- country level calculated following Marjciw (1995): 0.3 Per-capita capital - 0.5 Avge. Schooling growth. WLS of estimated 32 2427 (6) (5) TFP 1980-1990 (0.018)** significant at availability in II ^^'s. refers to weighted OLS refers The data least squaies, with to ordinary least squares. Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02618 0353 V i liill imi "' ill' II ,1 ' r ilBiifc iiiil> I ,liii,iilm,ili!' ' m ' ' < kl iiii mm\w m\WAm>h mm\kk4 ^^m. v\ i m Ji)!t!iU,.!iil,iii.„! imvM .lM'',i!, ptf|ip|fjfi,iiiriiiiiMii'i;iiif;i;ii, !'! m i>ii''i 1 wm]\\ Villi i' ir ' It i\'' lill'Mtlh!, I '; , 1 !' i';ii',v,iii idgMlMMMIMMl IHl >'