Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/relativeperformaOOgibb of economics RELATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Robert Gibbons Kevin J Murphy . No. 532 August 1989 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 RELATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Robert Gibbons Kevin J Murphy . No. 532 August 1989 RELATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS* Robert Gibbons MIT and NDER Kevin J. Murphy University of Rochester August. 1989 (forthcoming, Industrial and Labor Relations Rcx'icw, 1990) Abslract Measured individual performance often depends on random factors which also same firm, industn,', or market. In tiiese cases, relative performance evaluation (RPE) can provide incentives while partially insulating workers from the common uncenainty. Basing pay on relative performance, however, generates incentives to sabotage the measured performance of co-workers, to affect the performances of other workers in the collude with co-workers and shirk, and to apply for jobs with inept co-workers. RPE contracts also are less desirable when the output of co-workers is expensive to measure or in the presence of production externalities, as in the case of team production. The purpose of this paper is to review tlie benefits and costs of RPE and to test for the presence of RPE in one occupation where the benefits plausibly exceed the costs: toplevel management. Rewarding chief executive officers (CEOs) based on performance measured relative to the industry or market creates incentives to lake actions increasing shareholder wealth while insuring executives against the vagaries of the stock and product markets that are beyond their control. We expect RPE to be a common feature of implicit CEO compensation and dismissal contracts because the potential benefit of filtering out common uncertainty is high, the cost of measuring the performance of other firms is small, and opportunities for sabotage and collusive shirking are limited. bur empirical evidence strongly supports the RPE pay revisions and retention probabilities are positively and to firm performance, but are negatively and significantly related to In contrast to previous research, hypothesis — CEO significantly related industry and market performance, ceteris paribus. Our results also suggest that CEO performance is more likely to be evaluated relative to aggregate market movements than relative to industry We are grateful many movements. comments from John Abowd, Joshua Angrist, James Bricklcy, David Card, Lawrence Katz, AJan Krueger, Edward Lazear, Meg Meyer, Sherwin Rosen, Sharon Smith, Ross Wans, and Michael Weisbach as well as from participants in seminars for helpful Jeffrey Coles, Ronald Ehrcnbcrg, Henry Farbcr, NBER, NYU, and the Princeton Labor Lunch. This research is supported by the Sloan Foundation (both (grant SES 88-09200) and the Industrial Relations Section at Princeton University (Gibbons); and the John M. Olin Foundation and the Managerial Economics Research Center, University of Rochester (Niurphy). at authors); the NSF RELATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Robert Gibbons and Kevin It is for their common for workers to be Murphy rewarded not simply for performance measured relative explicit contests J. to the their own performance perfonnances of co-workers. and tournaments, the allocation of a fixed bonus pool a are awarded to one group of subordinates. Economic risk-sharing. Examples rhcrcorporate or at divisional level, forced-distribution performance appraisals, and promotions worker from but rather theorj' provides a rationale for relative performance evaluation (RPE) based on Compensation based solely on observed individual performance provides incentives for a worker to be productive, but measured performance (and therefore almost always affected by random factors beyond the worker's control. The compensation) is random which factors other workers in the affect same one worker's perfomiance often division, firm, industr}', or market. incentives while panially insulating the worker from the Although uncertainty, it RPE affect the offers benefits also entails costs. when observed performances of In these cases, common RPE can provide uncenainty. there exists an important source of common risk or Basing pay on relative performance generates incentives to sabotage the measured performance of co-workers (or any other reference group), to collude with co-workers and shirk, and to apply for jobs v/ith inept co-workers. Relative-performance contracts also are less desirable when the output of co-workers is expensive to measure or when there are production externalities, as in the case of team production. One occupation for which the risk-sharing advantages of counterproductive side-effects is top-level corporate RPE likely exceed its management. Executive compensation contracts based only on firm performance subject executives to vagaries of the stock and product markets that are clearly beyond management control. Measuring managerial performance relative Robert Gibbons AND to the Kevi>: J. performance of other firms same in the from such industry and market shocks. (CEOs) officers are inexpensive to administer, since the stock performance of rival firms CEOs in rival finns, The purpose of this paper In addition, RPE in the test for the is to presence of who developed who RPE in We begin CEOs the economic theory of tested for the existence of Our debt are with a review of the benefits and costs We than one thousand publicly held corporations. in relative RPE agency theory, especially Holmstrom (1982), performance evaluation, and Antle and Smith executive compensation contracts. in We extend as well as the benefits of relative-performance to other related research is discussed The Theory A which executive compensation by analyzing a longitudinal sample of Holmstrom's analysis by discussing the costs contracts. tend to have limited investigate empirically the extent to This paper builds on previous research (1986), CEOs workplace, and then apply the analysis to the case of top-level management. CEOs from more over 1,600 because is sabotage and collusive shirking seem unlikely. rewarded on the basis of relative performance. of industry or market partially insulates executives Relative-performance contracts for chief executive available on a daily basis at trivial cost. interaction with August. 1989 2 MuRPinr below. of Relative Performance Evaluation Simple Model of the Benefits of RPE This section presents an informal review of the economic theory of relative performance evaluation. Early papers on this subject include Baiman and Rosen (1981); Wolfson (1985) applies analysis in this section applies to theory to top-level Suppose example, management all Demski (1980) and Lazear and the theory to shared-equity real estate contracts. employees in a workplace; we The defer our application of the until the next section. that output, y, depends on the worker's effort, a, but is stochastic. For ROBERTClBDONSANDKEVINJ.MURPin' AUGUST, 1989 3 y = a + (1) where E is a noise term with zero mean. e, Because the worker's employer and worker cannot sign a contract specifying of effort. Instead, the employer offers the that the worker a effort is unobservable, the employee supply a particular level compensation contract, w(y), that determines the worker's wage as a function of the realized output of the production process. The worker then chooses whether utility IJO. to sign the contract or to take up alternative employment yielding After signing the contract, the worker chooses a level of effort, and production """ " occurs. Suppose that compensation, y-w. compensation risk. the at is The worker, on risk-neutral: full efficiency (the 'Tirst-best") must supply the productively which the expected value of he cares only about output net of the other hand, dislikes effort and Under these assumptions, conditions: (a) the worker of effort employer is defined by two efficient level of effort (that the output resulting averse to is from an additional is, the level unit of effort equals the disutility to the worker from this additional unit of effon); and (b) the worker must be perfectly insured against compensation risk. If the worker were risk-neutral, insurance be achieved via a contract w(y) = y - F would be unnecessary and that, in effect, sells the the first-best could worker the firm: the worker receives the entire output, y, as compensation, but pays the employer an up-front fee, F, so that the worker's expected utility just equals his reservation utility. however, the optimal contract income risk is When workers are risk-averse, necessarily "second-best," both because the worker bears and because the worker's effort choice is smaller than is productively efficient. The optimal contract for a risk-averse worker reflects a trade-off between the goals of insuring the worker and providing incentives for The efficient effort choice. fact that the best possible contract of the form w(y') induces a risk-averse supply less than the productively efficient amount of effort suggests that employers to y. improve the contract by making pay contingent on a second variable, Holmstrom (1979) showed that the optimal contract has the z, in worker may to be able addition to output, form w(y,z) whenever z contains Robert Gibbons AND Kevin J. August. 1989 4 MuRPinr incremental information valuable in assessing the worker's unobservable effort.' The intuition for including z in the contract w(y,z) is either to provide more insurance without reducing incentives for effort or to provide greater incentives v-dthout increasing risk exposure. As suppose a concrete example, that the worker's output idiosyncratic noise, E, but also on an additional noise term, experienced by some set y = a + E + 6 clearly where is a common shock e. could reflect seasonal or random variations in industry demand, market-wide stock movements, or the fixed-effect of workers, 9, among other possibilities. a single supervisor evaluating If 6 is perfectly each member of a group of observable, contracts of the form w(y-G) improve on contracts of the form w(y). The presence of 9 makes y a noisier signal about effort than it would be in the absence of Therefore, the employer can reduce the noise in his 9. evaluation of the worker's effort by basing contracts on y-9 rather than on y alone. Even common shock 8 is not perfecdy observable, the employer form w(y) by incorporating an estimate of the and effort of workers in the same division, firm, industry, or market: (2) The shock depends not only on common shock 9 with error, 9, denoted by 9, still if the can improve on contracts of the into the contract. Since 9 measures optimal contracts incorporating the estimate 9 will generally be of the form w(y,9) rather than of the simpler form w(y-0), and the common risk will be only partially filtered out of the worker's compensation. To see how might be computed, consider the following elaboration of the example above.2 Suppose that there are n identical workers whose outputs are given by for i=l,...,n, where Then, assuming estimate of the subject to the ^ More yi = ai -f- ej -f- 9, £i are the i^ worker's effort and idiosyncratic noise, respectively. that the Ej's are independendy and identically distributed with zero mean, an aj and common common shock shock is 9 0, = y and a precisely, the optimal contract will - is a, where y is the average output of all other workers the average anticipated effort level of these n-1 other depend on z if y is not a sufficient statistic for the pair (y^) with respect 10 ihe woricer's efforL •^ AUemaiive methods of calculating 9 applicable to special situations include seasonal adjustments and prorating output to adjust for unanticipated plant closings. Robert Gibbons AND Kevin J. MuRTifY August, 1989 5 workers conditional on their compensation packages. ^ Under the assumption that the normally distributed, Holmstrom (1982) showed that the optimal contract for the WjCyi.y).'' Typically, the wage paid to the i^ worker will be positively related to his but negatively related to the average output of Holmstrom shock. also very precise estimate of showed G), i'^ that as the all other workers subject to the number of workers becomes worker own same common ver)' large (so that performance of the i^ worker measured relative to the performance of others is output form Wi(yi-y), where yj-y the optimal contract approaches the are Ei's is a is the in the reference group. Relative performance evaluation may be beneficial even in the absence of risk-aversion and incentive problems. Alternative models based on learning about also predict RPE when individual output, yi, workers depend on in a ability group are exposed and not (3) yi where ri; is distributed with that ability is not known mean zero and variance but uninformative.) Suppose o^'^. common shock. = Tli + ei + and is ihe unobser\'able (Allowing for a non-zero mean common shock common is and noise terms are independent. Given these assumptions, (see, for example. Theorem and Graybill, 1963) straightforward mean zero and and the n workers' individual abilities Mood it is that the straightforward to The worker. A more =y efficient If the joint distribution likelihood estimate of 9. 9, is as (4). estimate in the text, 8 other workers. show expected ability of the i^ worker, given his output and the outputs of the n-1 co-workers subject to the shock described by equation let precisely; rather, riiis believed to be normally variances oe^ and c^}, respectively, and that the of Formally, e. further that 9 and £[ are normally distributed with 9. 11 example, effort: the i^ worker's ability, Eiis idiosyncratic noise, Suppose shock. to a ability rather, for - a, OLS is the OLS estimate of 6 given the available information about the n-1 estimate of 9 would also include the information available about the of the idiosyncratic noise terms One can is knov/n, one can also compute the i'*" maximum relax the assumption that the idiosyncratic noise terms are independently and identically distributed. Note that y; plays two roles in this contract. improves the estimate of 9 as described in footnote 3. First, it provides incentives in the usual way. Second, it RobertGibbons andKevinJ. MuRPinr Eh,ly,,...,yn] (4) August, 1989 6 = ,^2 I ^2 Vi ^^T^^^J^l^ '^0" ^J^ j=l ' V Suppose that individual outputs are observable Then wage offered the negatively related to to the i^ tlie average output of In both the incentive risk worker will model and from workers' compensation all that tj'pically wages are a function of expected ability. be positively related to his other workers subject to the the learning model, contracts. economic rationales behind) both models distinguish between these and The own output but same common shock. RPE provides a way to filler common qualitative predictions of (an'3" underlying are similar enough that we make no attempt to complementary theories of RPE. Disadvantages of Rewarding Workers Based on Relative Performance The benefits of RPE be reduced by filtering out some or relative that — the risk exposure of risk-averse workers can common risk. This rationale for basing rewards on are straightforward all of the performance rather than on absolute performance accords with the general rule-of-thumb workers should not be rewarded or punished for "things beyond their control." Before embracing the theory completely, however, we must also consider the costs of compensation systems based on relative performance. An obvious cost of subject to the is same common shock. whether or not a firm uses in RPE RPE at all the cost of observing the average output of the workers If the cost of measuring y is a fixed cost, C, it affects but does not affect the irriportance of relative performance compensation contracts that use RPE: firms vrill use relative performance if C is less than the increased value of the best contract wj(yi,y) relative to the best contract wi(yi). Aheraatively, the size of the reference additional workers group may be a choice variable for from the pool of workers subject to the incremental gain from improved contracts (associated with the cost of measuring an addinonal worker's outpuL employers —employers common more will sample shock as long as the precise estimates of 6) exceeds RobertGibbons andKevinJ. MuwiiY There yi-y, instead of on absolute performance, worker can lake actions ways RPE another set of costs associated with is that may much more imponant be measurement costs described above. Paying workers based on the simple four August, 1989 7 in ifiat affect y,-, than relative performance, distorts the worker's incentives whenever the the average output ofilie reference group, y. TTiere are at least which a worker's action can have tliis kind of effect: sabotage (in which the worker takes unproductive actions to diminish the measured performance of another worker in the reference group); collusion (in which workers in the same reference group collude and shirk); choice of reference group (in which a worker chooses which of several groups of other workers to which worker to be compared); and production externalities affect the outputs (in which the productive actions of one of other workers). — such fellow employee— Sabotage ranges from relatively subtle forms from, or spreading false gossip about, a as concealing relevant information to outright theft or destruction of co- worker output. Sabotage can be effective even if it diminishes one's own output provided that it has a larger negative effect on the average ourput of other workers. Lazear (1987) argues that the sabotage-related problems of organizations. According RPE may to Lazear, reduces uncooperative behavior that is be a driving force in the pay equality observed in many reducing pay differences based on relative performance detrimental to the firm. Withholding valuable conmients on a colleague's paper or deleting data from a colleague's hard disk are examples of potential sabotage in academia. Rewards based on and supply less effort than and Dye 1984). relative performance also generate incentives for workers would be supplied in the absence of collusion (see Mookherjee 1984 In academia, for example, colleagues could agree not to weekends, or during summers. The general conditions for canel (Stigler 1964) apply to a potential colluders is workplace cartel as well — collusion small, for example, and collusion observe the output and compensation of co-workers. workplace is more likely to be stable than collusion to collude It in the is is work stability in the more more likely seems plausible on product market when effective at night, the number of when workers can that collusion in the product market will be, both because RobertGibdons akdKevinJ, MUKPiTY workplace collusion workers who is not an antitrust violation and because are close at hand than to August, 1989 ' 8 it may be easier to monitor co- monitor the costs and outputs of geographically dispersed rival firms. Relative perfomiance evaluation also distorts incentives determination of which of several possible reference groups Workers is when agents can used influence the in the evaluation process. are often involved in interviewing, selecting, and recruiting potential colleagues. Workers paid on the basis of relative performance clearly have an incentive not to hire rookies of For example, Carmichael superior ability, and will instead desire incompetent co-workers. (1988) argued that non-tenured faculty have incentives to recruit less-able colleagues. Tlie same rationale also applies to job search Dye firms with inferior co-workers. relative — RPE generates incentives for workers to self-select into (1988) argued that paying top executives based on industry- performance yields incentives to locate in industries with inept so that the manager rivals, appears to be both talented and hard-working relative to other managers in the (carefully selected) reference group. Similarly, declining industry, and if may RPE may adversely affect an executive's decision to leave a cause a mediocre performer to leave a rapidly grov.'ing industry even staying in the industry maximizes the value of the organization. Finally, complementary RPE when will be less desirable the effort levels of individual workers are factors in the firm's production process, as in Workers paid on the basis of relative performance will not that uniformly increase the productivity of all team production, for example. have incentives to develop innovations other workers in the reference group. Optimal contracts in the presence of such production externalities typically involve rewarding individuals for group output, 3wj(yi,y)/9y relative to the The effective in RPE 0, instead of rewarding individual performance measured performance of others, 3wi(yi,y)/3y < costs and benefits of some subject to the and > RPE suggest that filtering out situations than in others. same common shock will therefore be are 0. common risk will be more Incentives to sabotage or collude with other agents more important when less effective for small the number of co-workers is small, groups than for large groups, ceteris paribus. RobertGibbons andKevl-; Also, RPE J. more will be effective group, and will be less effective team production), or when August. 1989 9 MLrRPiri" when when the worker there are externalities in the production process (such as output of co-workers i)ie unable to influence the choice of reference is is expensive to measure. Rewarding Executives on Relative Performance The relationship between the shareholders of a publicly corporation's top manager diffuse shareholders, owned corporation and the an archetypal example of a principal-agent relationship. Widely is assumed to be well diversified and therefore risk-neutral, want the manager to lake actions that increase shareholder wealth. takes actions that increase his expected utility. The imperfectly monitorable manager, however, Managerial contracts tying pay and dismissal decisions to changes in shareholder wealth help align the interests of shareholders and the manager by giving the manager Although the change output or firm performance, it incentives to take actions that increase shareholder wealth. in is shareholder wealth makes decisions changes clearly how hard an many factors by managers. (Managerial effort in this executive works but rather to whether or not he takes actions or that increase shareholder wealth.) in shareholder an appropriate measure of managerial an imperfect measure of managerial effort, since affect the value of a firm besides the actions taken context refers not to is Executives facing contracts based only on wealth are subject to vagaries of the stock and product markets that are beyond management control. optimal managerial contracts may The theory of relative performance evaluation suggests that base compensation and dismissal decisions on performance relative to other firms in the industry or market in order to filter common risk from the compensation of risk-averse managers. Top-executive compensation and dismissal policy seems a likely place to observe RPE. First, it seems plausible that industry or maiicet shocks (such as the October 1987 stock-market crash) are important and that filtering out these shocks can benefit risk-averse executives. Second, although there are of course important problems related to defining an industry, Robert Gibbons AND Kevin J. Murphy August. 1989 10 measuring the stock-market performance of other firms accomplished on interaction v,'ith a daily basis at trivial cost. CEOs production externalities reference group, may be choosing the industry CEOs there in collusion defined industry CEOs easily tend to have limited sabotage, collusive shirking, and important, however (to the extent that the which his firm competes): under RPE, a CEO plays a key role in manager who have the correct incentives is among to leave the industry. be production externalities across firms: for example, more is probably small. Another source of distorted incentives, the choice of a in a declining industry will not may Third, because in rival firms, the potential for is a in RPE makes ihe best Finally, oligopolistic difficult to sustain. Another way to filter risks associated with industry and market shocks is to pay (or dismiss) executives in a given firm on the basis of iheir performance measured relative to the f>erformance of other executives in the that same firm. Lazear and Rosen top-management promotions are a form of RPE measured output the costs of is promoted to RPE may be large. CEO. It is in (1981), for example, argue which the vice president with the highest precisely this type of situation, however, in which First, there are typically only a small number of vice presidents with a non-trivial chance of winning the promotion tournament, and therefore the opponunities for sabotaging or colluding with rival vice presidents seems large. Also, CEOs t>'pically play an important role in selecting the team of vice presidents as well as their ultimate successor (Vancil 1987), so a CEO paid subordinates presidents. may on the basis of his performance measured relative believe he can hold his position longer Finally, because firm output (in this case, if shareholder's objective of maximizing team production. performance of he chooses incompetent vice changes presumably jointly produced by the top management team, to the in shareholder wealth) is RPE may interfere with the 1 Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murpiiy August. 19S9 1 Rclati>e Performance and We following lest the all importance of RPE CEO Compensation executive compensation and dismissal decisions by in chief executive officers listed in the Executive Compensation Surveys published Forbes from 1974 corporations, or a total of 10.400 dismissal rather than on his surs'eys include 2,214 executives serving in These 1986. to CEO-years of data. total incentives threat of dismissal but also by changes in 1,295 We focus on the CEO's compensation and (which are created not only by compensation and in the value of his outstanding stock options and of his inside stockholdings) because changes in the value of previous holdings of stock and stock options are determined entirely by firm performance, independent of relative performance. Tlius, performance if relative policy. on is important, We examine RPE in relative importance must arise in the measured using the population of coverage, and historical research digit SIC rate of 1 1 weighted portfolio of files. Stock returns for ("the market") and fums in the Industry return is all is same is full the one-, two-, three-, and four- defined as the continuously accrued Compustat firms (excluding the continuously accrued return Compustat firms (excluding the sample New York firm's shareholders, Several potential reference groups arc analyzed: industry; market return all by the Reference-group stock-market performance reuim realized on a value- weighted portfolio of same SIC logarithm of shareholder wealth, ,000 firms listed on the Compustat expanded industrial, industries as the sample firm. firm) in the in the rate of return received including price appreciation and dividends. Compustat population compensation and dismissal next section. measure firm performance as the change which equals the continuously accrued entire in executive compensation contracts in this section; dismissals based performance are examined We its the sample on the value- firm). Stock Exchange (N^'SE) firms arc calculated using fiscal- year stock-market data available from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP). Fiscal- year industry classifications for N^'SE and American Stock Exchange firms are also obtained RodertGibbons ANuKE\aN J. MuRTHY 12 August. 1989 ' from CRSP. Compustat industry classifications and stock data are used for firms included Compustat files but not on CRSP in After matching these performance variables with the files.^ Forbes compensation sample and eliminating observations with missing data, our final sample contains 9,425 observations and includes 1,668 executives from 1,049 corporations. All rates of return and monetary variables are adjusted for inOation (using the consumer price index for the month of tlie closing predicts that compensation will depend on absolute or relative Agency theory performance but gives relation 1986-constanl dollars. fiscal year) to represent little between pay and guidance as firm, industry, to the form of the Rewarding CEOs related to the industry salary 1 and market return, CEO pay revisions and bonus RPE 0. should be negatively Y<0. to the rates of return realized Column significantly related to firm (I) shows performance that as by shareholders CEO salaries measured by the 1.6% for each 10% return on the that we common CEO in the firm, two-digit SIC and bonuses are positively and rate of return return coefficient of .1562 (i=19.5) implies, for example, that Note P> reports estimated coefficients from regressions relating the growth rate of industry, and market. The ^^Indusiry and/or Market Return). for taking actions that increase shareholder wealth implies that implies that, holding the firm's rate of return constant, Table We estimate the following and market performance: AIn(CEO Pay) = a + P(Sharcholdcr Rctum)+ (5) contract. CEO on common stock. pay changes by about stock.^ interpret our estimate as having identified a compensation formula, rather than a causal relation from the compensation formula to observed performance. The latter inter-. Compustat industry designations arc appropriate only for the current or final year (generally 1987), whereas data allow the fuTTi's industry to change from year to year. Compustat stock remms arc based on calendaryear and not fiscal-year data, but when we replicated our analysis (including the construction of industry returns) for the subset of firms with December fiscal closings, our results were qualitatively unchanged. CRSP The estimated return coefficient in column (1) is highly significant, but its economic magnitude is small. The sample medians for CEO pay and firm size (measured by market value) are S465,000 and S81 2,000 ,0(X), TTius, a 10% return in a median-size firm is $81,200,000 and corresponds to a pay raise for the median-pay CEO of S7,300, or less than nine cents for each SI, 000 of increased shareholder wealth. See Jensen and Murphy (1990) for funher discussion of the magnitude of the empirical relation between pay and performance. respectively. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy AUGUST, 1989 13 TABLE 1 Coefficients of Ordinar)' Least Squares Regressions of Aln(CEO (l-statistics in Salary Common Industry, and Market Rates of Return on * Bonus) on Firm, Stock parentheses) Independent Intercept Firm's Rate of Return on Common 2-Digit Aln(CEO Dcpcndi:nl Variable: Variable Slock (2) (3) (4) .046 .055 .068 .068 .1562 .1781 .1805 .1824 (19.5) (19.4) (21.0) (19.9) — -.0750 — SIC Industry (-0.6) — — Market Value-Weighted Common Slock r2 .0467 Sample size is 7,755 for all reponcd in Forbes on 1,668 would be .0496 ob.'icrvalions. CEOs incorrect, because it The sample example) will induce more adjust for this effect on the observed. Subsequent effort in and industry trends is, although rate is it is shareholder return is in years receives an increase of only when 7.6% profits, the stock price will column (2) shareholder return in years when is 1 negative is for column (2) coefficients in The same 20% of Table make some adjustment receives an average pay increase of zero in both the firm and the industry. pay increase of 9.1% true that a higher piece rate in place. when determining executive compensation. The CEO .0538 our independent variable, the firm's rate of return, are thus suggesting that boards of directors suggest, for example, that a .0537 announced, well before future profits are coefficient for industry rate of return in statistically significant, (-5.8) construcicd from longitudinal data and so improve expected future independent of the compensation formula The estimated -.1407 (-7.6) ignores the role of the capital market in bidding up the day the piece movements is -.1490 serving in 1,049 firms from 1974-1986. stock price to reflect a firm's expected profit. That (for -.0112 - (^.9) Return on pretation + Bonus) (1) Valuc-Weighicd Return Nolc: Salar)' 5.5% in years CEO receives an and industry return all firms in the industry realize is when average zero, but 20% rates of Robert Gibbons ANT) Kemn J. return. This result consistent with the hypothesis that uncertainties shared with other firms are is partially filtered out of the Column August, 1989 14 MuRTiiY (3) of CEO's compensation Table 1 contract.^ CEO reports coefficients from regressions of shareholder return and the rate of return in the m:u"ket. The negative and pay growth on significant market- execuuve return coefficient suggests that market risks are also partially filtered out of compensation. The explanatory power of column (3) exceeds CEO compensation contracts are The market-return CEOs coefficient is in column performance. The industry-return coefficient (4) includes to industry industry. Table 1 is more that both industryjind market is no longer common significant after controlling for market- is still negative. uncertainties will be filtered out of executive of course silent on whether industry or market uncertainties are the most is common important source of I>erformance risk. The results in column (4) of likely to be evaluated relative to aggregate movements, where the industry We explore is defined as all Table other firms in the the robustness of this conclusion by re-estimating Columns from these regressions (1), (2), and (3) 1 suggest that CEO market movements than relative same two-digit SIC columns for three alternative industry definitions: one-digit, three-digit, industries. Results suggesting that performance and not only on absolute wide stock-price movements, although the point estimate compensation, but (2), negative and statistically significant, indicating that are rewarded on the basis of market-relative The theory of RPE suggests of column clo.sely linked to market-relative returns than to two-digit The regression industry-relative returns. returns. more that (2) and (4) of and four-digit SIC are presented in Table 2. of Table 2 show that CEO pay growth is positively related to shareholder return and negatively related to the value-weighted returns for other firms in the same CEO pay is more one-digit, three-digit, and four-digit SIC industry. These results suggest that closely linked to broad industry definitions than to narrow industry definitions. In fact, interpreting the market return as our broadest industry definition, the regressions in Tables In keeping with the discussion in footnote 6, the 1 and economic magnitude of the industry adjustment implied by median-paid CEO in a median-size firm receives ten cents for each 51,000 of increased shareholder wealth when his firm's rcuim Ls 20% and the industry reium is zero, but receives only six cents per SI, 000 when both his firm and the industrj' realize returns of 20%. column (2) is not large. In particular, a Robert Gibdons and Ke\t< J. Murphy August. 1989 15 TABLE 2 Coefficients of Ordinar)' Least Squares Regressions of Aln(CEO Salary + Bonus) on Shareholder Return, Industr)- Return, and Market Return for Thrc^ Alternative Industry' EHifinitions (i-siatistics in parentheses) Rcgrcssiion Coefficients Independent Dependent Variable Variable Intercept is Aln(CEO Salary + Bonus) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .064 .051 .050 .069 .068 .068 Firm's Rate .1850 .1722 .1637 .1855 .1810 .1771 of Return (20.6) (18.7) (18.4) (20.7) (19.5) (19.5) -.1266 — — -.0554 -^' — -.0018 — 1-Digit SIClndusuy Rate of Return 3-Digit (-7.1) (-2.0) — SlCIndusuy — — -.0452 Rate of Return (-0.1) (-3.5) — — 4-Digit SIC Industry Rate of Return — -.0303 — -.0019 (-2.8) Value- Weighted Market — (-0.2) — — -.1027 -.1462 -.1444 (-3.4) (-6.6) (-6.9) Rate of Return Sample Size r2 Note: TTic sample is 7.757 7,687 7.429 7.757 7,687 7.429 .0528 .0483 .0479 .0542 .0536 .0539 constructed from longitudinal data reported in Forbes on 1.668 CEOs scrying in 1.CM9 rirms from 1974-1986. 2 suggest that the magnitude and significance of the industry coefficient, and the explanatory power of the The regression, decline monotonically as the industry becomes more narrowly defined.' regressions in columns (4), (5), and (6) of Table 2 include market return as an additional explanatory variable and replicate the regression in alternative industr>' definitions. The market-return column coefficient is (4) of Table 1 for the three negative and significant in all three regressions, indicating that market risks arc pardally filtered out of executive compensation after controlling for industry returns. growth is Holding market returns constant, however, negatively and marginally significantly related to one-digit industry returns, but significantly related to three-digit or four-digit industry returns. that CEO CEO performance is more likely relative to industry movements. An to be evaluated relative These is pay not results support the finding to aggregate market movements than alternative interpretation of these results, however, is that RobertGibbons andKevin J. MuRPitY August, 1989 16 firms are rarely engaged in a single industry, in which case our inability to delect an industry movements could simply effect after controlling for market definitions based on a single SIC code reflect the fact that industry for each firm are inappropriate for purposes of relative performance evaluation. Other alternative interpretations based on a connection between the performance of the stock market and conditions in the labor CEOs may market for also be possible. The RPE hypothesis movements portfolio. predicts that the higher the correlation Using CRSP CEO pay between the monthly stock returns for will be more strongly firm's return NYSE and the return on- the market firms, we compute the correlation We re-estimate the between firm and market return over each preceding two-year period. regression in column (3) of Table 1 (CEO pay changes on related to market finn and market return) for the subsamples of observations above and below the median value of this correlation statistic The find coefficients on the market return of -.1775 and -.0916, respectively. between the coefficients support for the RPE is significant (t=-1.8). difference interpret this result as strong additional hypothesis. The regressions in Table 1 partially adjusted for industry- and consistent with the We and RPE and Table 2 indicate that CEO salaries market-wide stock price movements. and bonuses are This evidence is hypothesis.^ These results are based only on salaries and bonuses, The evidence also is consistent with a subtly diffcrcni hypothesis: CEOs are rewarded for shareholder return excess of the market return because this is ihc true objective of the shareholders. This laiier hypothesis is incorrect, because it confuses the shareholders' ex ante and ex post objectives. To understand the distinction between the shareholders' ex ante and ex post objectives, consider the following two-siage model of invesmient and production. During ihc investment stage of the model there arc two kinds of agents, entrepreneurs and investors. Entrepreneurs have ideas but no capital; investors have capital but no ideas. If an entrepreneur receives capital from (at least) one investor, then the entrepreneur becomes a CEO, the investor becomes a shareholder, and the production stage of the model begins. The production stage is identical to the model in which yj = ai + E; + 9, ° in where is, yj is now the change in shareholder wealth (gross of completely firm-specific) noise, and 6 is wage payments) at the a market-wide shock. (Note that this action to affect either the variance of the firm's returns or its i* firm, e^ is idiosyncratic (that model docs not allow the CEO's covariance with the market.) According to the capital-asset pricing model, at the investment stage investors care about the covariancc between the firm's return and the market (among other things). But at the production stage, shareholders at the i'^ firm face precisely the conu^cting problem described above (in the section entitled "Rewarding Executives on Relative Performance"): they have invested their capital and now want to make the most of it. Thus, in this model, the covariance between the firm's return and the market has ex ante relevance (because it helps determine which entrepreneurs will receive capital) but not ex po5/ relevance. RobertGibbons ANTsKEsaNJ-MuRPitY however, whereas CEOs August. 1989 17 in fact receive compensation in many additional forms — including stock options, profit-sharing arrangements, stock grants, savings plans, long-term performance plans, and other fringe benefits. These other forms of compensation and market movements, and not only the cash it is therefore useful to analyze the also be adjusted for industr)' CEO's total compensation and component of compensation. The annual Forbes surveys include Unfortunately, although bonus. may tlie data on total compensation as well as on salary and salary and bonus data are easily verifiable and definitions have remained constant throughout the components of compensation relate to the largest sample period, the Forbes ^{a for other are neither easily verifiable nor reliable. non-cash component of compensation The most — stock options. severe problems Forbes surveys do not include any stock-option data prior to 1978, and after 1978 the surveys report gains exercising stock options but their do not repon stock options granted during the year. from The gains from exercising options are typically associated with options granted five to ten years previously, and therefore using these data imposes serious timing problems. Columns (1) and (2) of Table 3 report regressions based on the Forbes total- compensation data, excluding both stock-option grants and the gains from exercising stock options. The definition of total compensation varies somewhat from year includes salary, bonus, value of restricted stock, savings and The one-digit industry coefficient in CEO's total column (1) is The plans, and other benefits. negative and significant, indicating that the compensation (exclusive of stock options) absolute firm performance. thrift to year, but typically is based on industry-relative as well as regression in colunin (2) suggests that market returns are a more important determinant of total compensation than arc industry returns, although the industry coefficient is negative and statistically significant. are qualitatively similar to the results in earlier conclusions are not columns The (1) results in and columns (4) of Table (1) and (2) of Table 3 2, suggesting that changed by analyzing broader measures of compensation. our Robert Gibdons and Kivin J. August, 1989 18 Murj'iiy TABLE Coefficients of Ordinal")' Lca.<;i 3 Squares Regressions of Aln(Salary + Bonus) and AIn(Tota] Pay) on Firm and Murphy (1985) Sample of Manufacturing Finns Industry Return for Forbes Sample and for (t-statistics in parcntlieses) Independent Regression Coefficients Variable 1,049-Firm Forbes Sample 73-Firrn Dependent Variable: Aln [Total Pay] Intercept Firm's Rate of Return on Common 1-Digil Slock SIC Industry Value-Weighted Return Market Value- Weighted Return on Common Slock Aln[Salary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .074 .082 .024 .025 .031 .025 .2CM8 .2055 .1441 .1455 (17.9) (18.0) (7.1) (7.2) (5.1) (4.9) -.1859 -.0827 -.1533 -.1089 -.3282 -.5670 (-8.2) (-2.4) (4.7) (-1.2) (-5.2) (-3.3) — -.1487 — -.0522 — .2807 r2 .1918 (1.5) 7,757 7.757 997 997 997 997 .0397 .0415 .0495 .0498 .0328 .0351 Note: Forbes sample consirucicd from longitudinal data on 1,668 Forbes .t99i-' (-0.5) (-3.8) Sample Size -f- Muqihy Sample Dependent Variable: Bonus] AIn[Total Pay] CEOs serving in 1,{M9 firms from 1974-1986. TTic definition of total compensation typically includes salary, bonus, value of restricted stock, savings and thrift plans, and other benefits but does r\ol include the value of stock options granted or the gains from exercising stock options. The Murphy (1985) data arc based on 173 CEOs serving in 73 large manufacturing firms from 1966 to 1983. Murphy's definition of total compensation includes salary, bonus, value of restricted stock, savings and thrift plans, oilier benefits, and the estimated value of slock options granted. The total-pay variable used in columns (1) and (2) excludes stock options, but a better measure would include the value of stock options granted during the year. Although these data Forbes sample, they are available are not available for the manufacturing firms first for a longitudinal sample of 73 analyzed by Murphy (1985). This sample, constructed from proxy statements, includes data on salaries, bonuses, deferred compensation, stock options, and fringe benefits, and covers 173 sum of salaries, CEOs firom 1966 through 1983. Total compensation is defined as the bonuses, fringe benefits, stock options, the face value of deferred compensation, and restricted stock awarded during the year (valued at the year-end stock price). Stock options are valued on the date of grant using a Black-Scholes (1973) valuation formula that allows for continuously paid dividends as described in Murphy (1985). RoBERTGronoNSAKD Kevin J. Murphy Columns (3) 19 through (6) in August. 1989 Table 3 report coefficients from relative-performance regressions based on the 73-firm sample of manufacturing firms. earlier results, we cash compensation of Table .01% Table 3 shows in that the growth rate of Neither the industry- nor market-return variables are individually statistically significant in the regression in (4) check on our positively related to firm performance and negatively related to is industry performance, ceteris paribus. significant at the a robustness re-estimated the one-digit industry salary-and-bonus regressions reported in Table 2 for the manufacturing finn sample. Column (3) CEO As These level. 2, indicating that our column (4), although they dJt jointly results are qualitatively similar to those in earlier results are not specific to the particular columns (1) and sample analyzed there. The column industry-return coefficient in indicating that the CEO's total Table 3 (5) of is negative and significant, compensation (including stock option grants) relative as well as absolute firm performance. additional explanatory variable, and shows that Column CEO pay (6) includes growth is based on industr)'- is market returns as an negatively and significantly related to one-digit industry renjms, but positively (and insignificantly) related to Thus, our earlier finding that CEO performance is more likely to be evaluated relative to aggregate market movements than relative to industry movements for broader definitions of finding may simply is compensation and industry performance. refiect a market returns. not robust across samples On the other hand, this high correlation between market performance and one-digit industry performance for manufacturing firms. Indeed, when we re-estimaie the regressions (3) through (6) of Table 3 using two-digit industry definitions, are a more important determinant of CEO pay changes than As an additional robustness check, we use the Forbes sample of 1,668 In(CEO where (5). Pay),i = ^^ are reponed in in Table 4. i'^ CEO, and the movements. CEOs Table + a(Age),j + P X(Sharcholder Rcium),^+ 7X(1-Digil Xi is a separate intercept or "fixed-effect" for the Our results reponed columns movements find that market are two-digit industry the levels equation analogous to the first-difference specification (6) we in 2, to estimate namely: Industry Retum)^, first difference of (6) is Robert Gibbons \sd Kevin J. 20 MuRPinr August. 1989 TABLE 4 CocfTicicnts of Ordinary Least Squares Regressions of One-Digit ln(CEO Salary + Bonus) on Firm and Shareholder Return for Level and First-Difference Spccificaiions Industry' (l-suiiistics in parentheses) Dcixindcnt Variable Ln Change in ln(CEO Pay) Independent Variable Intercept Current Slock Return (Rji) in (CEO Pay) 1000s of 1986-Dollars Change in ln(CEO Pay) Ln (CEO Pay) (1) (2) (3) (4) .064 (CEO- specific) .005 (CEO-specific) .1850 — .1801 — (20.6) Current 1 -Digit Industry Return (20.1) — -.1266 (Iji) Time Trend (-2.7) — (t) — -.0740 (-7.1) — — .0343 (15.5) X Cumulative Stock Return — ^ii 1^=1 — Sii. ^T = l — -.0011 -.0449 (-0.1) (-2.2) J Year Dummies Sample Size r2 Note: The sample .1762 (24.3) J Cumulative 1-Digil Industry Return — .1829 (25.0) (no) (no) (yes) G'cs) 7.757 9,361 7.757 9.361 .0528 .8926 .0758 .8964 consuiiclcd from longitudinal data reported in Forbes on 1,668 CEOs serving in Columns (2) and (4) include 1,668 individual inlcrccpts. is 1,049 firms from 1974-1986. t t Regression Specification: Level: lr»(Wit) = Xj -f- at -t- P ]^ Rjx T=l Aln(wi[) = First Difference: To ease comparison, column of Table 2. Column (2) of (1) should equal the intercept industry stock returns in industry return in column (2) of Table 4 in column column is pRjt T S 'il + ^it T=l + -fiii + v;[ of Table 4 repeats the regression reported in column (1) Table 4 reports estimated coefficients from the fixed-effects levels equation, (6). If the levels regression (2) a+ -^ is correctly specified, the time-trend coefficient in column (2) (1), column and the coefficients for the cumulative firm and should equal the coefficients for shareholder return and (1), respectively. In fact, the cumulative-stock-retum coefficient in very close to the stock-return coefficient in column (1), but the RobertGibbons AND Renin J. Murphy August, 1989 21 cumulative-industr}'-retum coefficient in column (2) coefficient in coefficient in The column columns is (1) is significantly negative. (1) and whereas the corresponding insignificant This difference (2) suggests the possibihty that the model in the industry-return is columns first-difference and fixed-effects specifications in misspecified. and (1) (2) of control for observable and unobservable individual characteristics that are fixed for a time, but do not allow for economy- wide shocks time-effects in columns (3) and (4) by including year columns fiirst-difference specifications in that vary (1) and (3) from year dummy shows again similar, and the industrj'-reium coefficient in column the coefficient reported in effects specifications in column columns (1), (2) column (4), in contrast to its A comparison of the that the rate-of-retum coefficients are though smaller (3), magnitude than in remains negative and significant. Comparing the fixed- and (4), the cumulative-stock-return coefficient essentially unchanged, but the cumulative-industry-retum coefficient in CEO over We allow for these to year. variables. Table 4 insignificance in column (2). is is again negative and significant Thus, including year dummies appears to resolve the discrepancy between the first-difference and fixed-effects specifications. Comparison with Previous Research Antle and Smith (19S6) conducted a careful examination of the relation between salary and bonus and industry filtered out rates of return but found no evidence that two-digit industry risk is of executive cash compensation contracts.^ In contrast, we partially filtered out of contracts (although the effect diminishes movements as well). find that industry risk when we Ande-Smith methodology and our own. is include market we investigated First, whereas our In an attempt to reconcile these conflicting findings, several differences between the CEO regression specification relates changes in compensation to absolute and industry stock returns. Anile and Smith (1986), Tabic 6B. Although Antic and Smith find no relation between salary and bonus and industry returns, they do document a weak relation between industry returns and a broader definiiion of compensation that includes the net returns on inside slockJioldings. They measure these net returns on inside stockholdings as the change in the value of stockholdings minus the change portfolio. Thus, their results may be in the value of the S&.P 500 driven by correlations between industry returns and the S<&:P portfolio. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 22 August, 1989 TABLE 5 Aln(CEO Salary + Bonus) on A(Sharcholdcr A(Retum on Assets), and A(2-Digil Industry Return on Assets) for 1,668-CEO Sample, CEOs in Three Indusunes, and CEOs in 26 Firms CocfficicnLs of Ordinary Least Squares Regressions of Return), A(Industry Return), Full (t-siatjstics in parcntJiescs) Independent E>epcndent Variable Variable Forbes Sample Change in Firm's Shareholder Return Change in 2-Digit Industry Return Change in Indusirj' (3) (4) (5) (6) .065 .066 .061 .060 .051 .048 -.0431 .0583 .0646 .0436 (8.9) (3.6) (2.5) (1.2) (-0.3) -.1071 -.0828 -.1494 -.0738 -.1370 -.0026 (-11.0) (-8.4) (-5.5) (-2.6) (-2.5) (-0.0) 1.220 — 1.590 — 3.426 — r2 Note: (8.0) — .3730 Return on Assets Sample Size (7.1) — 1.804 (3.3) (2.0) 1.682 (2.2) 7,693 7,468 1,079 1,059 247 247 .0196 .0539 .0273 .1036 .0264 .2162 sample and subsamplcs consu^clcd from longitudinal dala rcporltd in Forbes on 1,668 CEOs serving in 1,049 firms from 1974-1986. The thrce-indusU'y subsample includes 218 CEOs serving in 135 chemical (S1C=28), clccu-onics (S1C=36) and transporiaiion (SIC=37) firms. TTic 26-firm subsample includes 44 CEOs. Full the Antle-Smith specification relates pay changes to changes in absolute and industry stock and accounting returns. Also, whereas our sample pools data from over l.CXX) firms SIC -.0114 .0731 (11.2) (15.2) in 2-Digil 26 Antle-Smith Firms Industries (2) Return on Assets Change Salary + Bonus) (1) — Firm's Aln(CEO Three Antle-Smith Full Intercept is industries, the in 58 two-digit Antle-Smith results are based on separate regressions for 39 firms in three industries. Column (1) of Table 5 reports results from relative-performance regressions using our data and the Antle-Smith specification. AIn(CEO Pay) = a (7) The coefficient CEOs on the change in -i- pA(Shareholder Return)-*- YA(2-Digil Industry Return). shareholder return is positive and significant, indicating that are rewar<led for taking actions that increase the value of their firm, ceteris paribus. Moreover, the coefficient on the change in industry return is negative and significant, indicating RobertGibbons AND Kevin that J. Murphy August. 1989 23 when boards of directors adjust for industry shocks evidence is consistent with the RPE revising the CEO's compensation. This hypothesis, and indicates that specification differences do not explain the difference between our resuUs and Antle and Smith's. Our specification does, however, have more explanatory power than the Antle-Smith specification, with R^ = .0496 column (2) of Our Table 1, compared results in Tables 1 R2 = .0196 to in column (1) of Table 5.1° through 4 are based on pooled cross-sectional time-series data, whereas Anile and Smith report separate regressions for each firm. replicate their results, we in estimate the regression firms in our sample that had six or more usable in column obscrx'ations. (1) In a further attempt to of Table 5 separajelyfor the 690 The average and median t-siaiistics associated with the coefficients on the change in industr>' return in these firm-specific regressions are -0.39 and -0.37, respectively. Two-thirds (450) of the 690 estimated coefficients are less than zero, and 89 (13%) of the associated t-statistics are less than -1.8. coefficients are based on varying degrees of freedom and significance of the individual coefficients. provide fairly strong support for the It seems RPE likely that the use of As a it is The estimated therefore difficult to test the joint whole, however, these firm-specific regressions hypothesis. RPE varies across industries, and particular firms in the three industries analyzed it is possible that the by Antle and Smith (electronics, aerospace, and chemical companies) are for some reason characterized by a lack of relative-performance evaluation. changes Column in firm (3) of Table 5 reports coefficients from a regression of pay growth on and industry rates of return for CEOs in the three industries and Smith: chemicals and pharmaceuticals (SIC code 28), electric examined by Antle machinery and equipment (SIC ^° Our specificaiion in (5) restricts ihc ccxtfficicnls on lagged shareholder and industry returns lo be zero, whereas the AnUc-Smith specificaiion (7) implicitly restricts these cocfficienLS lo be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the analogous coefricicnis on the contemporaneous performance variables. The Appendix presents results of both Hrst-differcnce and fixed-effects (level) regressions of compensation on jxrfonnance and lagged performance. The results in columns (1) and (3) suggest that changes in CEO pay arc positively related to shareholder return and (to a much smaller degree) lagged shareholder return. In addition, the results in column show that pay changes arc negatively related to contemporaneous industry return, but are (3), for example — — The estimated coefficients in the associated pay-levels regression in suggest that misspeciflcaiion is not the cause of this perplexing result. Column (4) docs, however, provide an alternative statement of the result: although current and lagged returns are important determinants of the level of pay, we find suppoa for \hc RPE hjpoihesis with respect to current but not lagged industry raums. positively related to lagged industry return. column (4) 24 Robert Gibbons AKD Kevin J. MuRTiry ccKde 36), August. 1989 and transponation (SIC code 37).'' The industry-retum coefficient in column (3) is negative and significant (t=-5.5), suggesting that the specific industries analyzed by Anile and Smith do not account for the difference firms are included in our data, and in our column results. (5) of Twenty-six of the 39 Antle-Smith sample Table 5 reports RPE regressions for this 26- firm subsample. (Most of the 13 remaining firms were delisted or merged prior to the beginning of our sample.) The industry-retum coefficient is again negative and significant; thus, the difference between our results and Antle and Smith's does not appear to be due to differences between the two samples of fimis. In addition to stock performance, the Anlle-Smiih specification also includes changes firm and industry return on assets. Columns (2), (4), and (6) of in Table 5 replicate the Antle- Smilh specification (including return on assets) for the Forbes sample, the three-industry sample, and 26-firm sample, respectively.'^ After controlling for accounting returns, the change industry-stock-retum coefficient the three-industry (6). '3 sample in is negative and significant for the column (4), but is full sample insignificant for the 26-firm in column sample in in the (2) and column Therefore, a combination of differences in sample size and composition and in regression specification seems to reconcile our results with Antle and Smith's.''' Although Jensen and Murphy (1990) do not directly analyze Forbes compensation data and conclude that changes in related to changes in test the RPE hypothesis, they CEO pay are much more closely shareholder wealth than to changes in shareholder wealth measured relative ^^ The Anile-Smilh sample is from the aircraft-manufacturing subset of the two-digit transponation industry (which also includes automotive firms) and the chemical subset of the two-digit chemical and pharmaceuticals industry, but their industry-relative returns are based on the more broadly defined two-digit industries. Return on assets is conslnicicd from Compustat data and is defined as the sum of after-tax income (before extraordinary items), interest, and interest tax shields, divided by total assets. Industry return on assets is defined as the assct-weighted-averagc return on assets for all other firms in the same two-digit industry. ^^ The return on assets and industry return on assets variables are positive and significant in columns (2), (4), and (6) of Table 5. RPE hjpothesis with respect to RPE with respect to accounting returns. Therefore, although our results support the objective (shareholder return), '* we do not find evidence for the principal's There are other differences between the Antic-Smith methodology and ours that may have some bearing on Antic and Smith average the after-tax salary and bonus of the three highest-paid executives, for example, and their data cover an earlier lime period (1946-77). Also, whereas our measure of industry returns is the value-weighted average return in the industry, Antle and Smith calculate weighted-average industry returns in which the weight for each firm in the two-digit industry is the correlation coefficient between the returns of that firm and the sample furo. the difference in results. Robert Gibbons AXD Kevin to the Murphy J. 25 market or two-digit industry. CEO of the change in August, 1989 In the spirit of their specification, pay on the change we estimate a regression shareholder wealth and the change in wealth the in shareholders would have received had they invested in an industry portfolio rather than in the Shareholder-wealth changes are measured as RiV(.j, where R^ sample firm. return and V(.] measured is the firm value at the end of the previous year. where V, as IiV(.j, portfolio of all j is as before and Hie estimated other firms in the two-digit industry. shareholder Industry-wealth changes are the rate of return I[ is is on a value-weighted coefficients from this regression are A(Salar>' and (8) Bonus) =32.1 + .0133CR,V,.,) + .0021 The coefficient on the change specification therefore yields from column (2) of Table salary and bonus, as opposed growth-rate of pay) in Table differ from those value. two reasons. RPE First, the to the cliange in the in (8) is ix)sitive hypothesis. 1, The regression dependent variable although the to V,.!, the Tliis in (8) differs in (8) is the change logarithm of salary and bonus (that because the former are multiplied by and Table and insignificant. Second, the independent variables (excluding the intercept) 1. Both of these differences appear results in (8) related in (5) indusu^ wealth no support for the for 1 in (1,V,.,). (1=1.0) (1=6.3) is, in the in (8) beginning-of-period market have some bearing on the difference between our latter seems work (Gibbons and Murphy 1989) we show to be the more important of the two.^^ In that the rate-of-retum specification of the indef>endent variables reduces the impact of heterogeneity by firm size in pooled regressions. ' ^ Re-esdmaiing (8) with the rate of growth of CEO pay as the dependent variable yields Aln(Silary and Bonus) = .061 + .00001 69(R,V,.,) - and rc-cstimating (8) with rates of return instead of wealth changes as independent variables yields A(Salary and Bonus) = 28.4 + 110.7(RJ (1=15.0) is .0OO0025a,V,.,). (i=-1.0) (1=6.4) - 38.89at). (l=-3.2) Both of these regressions >ield negative point estimates for the industry variable, but the industry coefficient where wealth changes arc replaced by rates of return. significant only in the second case, Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murpiiy August. 26 Relative Performance and CEO directors (an arrangement that under which the maybe CEO CEO will be encotiraged or forced The to leave office. "new blood" CEO succession process into the helm, replacing tired or unhealthy CEOs, and providing promotion opportunities for other executives in the organization. focus on one important aspect of the succession process that provides direct incentives for the current CEO: the threat of dismissal for poor performance. Implicit contracts linking dismissal to changes in shareholder wealth generate incentives for that increase shareholder wealth. absolute performance subjects price and his board of either exphcit or implicit) is a specification of the conditions serves a variety of purposes, including bringing We movements. As CEOs performance yields incentives CEOs analyzed 286 in the to increase are rarely openly fired CEOs and market stock- cannot take actions to affect the measured market, basing dismissals on relative shareholder wealth while filtering out exogenous risks. from their positions; Weisbach (1988), CEO changes over ten years and found only nine cases in CEO frequently: over half (1,000) of the 1,914 was replaced. CEOs in CEO our sample for available left office during the 1974-86 sample period. CEO dismissal to take actions case of compensation, however, basing dismissals on in the industry or performance as a reason why the CEOs to uncertainties associated with industry Therefore, as long as performance of the other firms for example, which boards mentioned turnover, however, occurs whom performance data are We estimate the importance of RPE in decisions by estimating the effect of firm, industry, and market performance on the probability that a CEO will soon leave office. In particular, we estimate the following logistic regression: (9) 989 Turnover important part of the contractual arrangement between a An 1 \n( ^'^'^1 p^upl^ ) = a+ P(SharchoIderRcium)+-y<l-Digit Industry and/or Market Return). Robert GrBBONS AND Kevln J. MuRPifY 27 August, 1989 TABLE 6 Esiimatcd Logistic Models Prcdiciing CEO Turnover Using Shareholder, Industry, and Market Rates of Return (asymptotic parentheses) l-statistics in Independent Coefficient Estimates Variable Intercept (1) (2) (3) (4) -2.10 -2.19 -2.22 -2.22 -.4152 -.7130 -.7542 -.7341 Slock (-4.1) (-5.7) (-6.2) (-5.8) 1-Digil IndusU7 Value-Weighted — .8330 — -.2613 Firm's Rale of Return on Common Return on Common Slock Sample size is 9,372 serving in his last — — Market Value-Weighicd Return on Common Stock Nolc: for all regressions. The dcpcndcnl rales of return are calculalcd for fiscal year. llic .01% Tlic sample if the many (3.1) is equal lo if 1 the CEO is ollicrwisc (8.372 observations); constructed from longitudinal data CEO is All regressions are serving in his last full fiscal year, and zero predicts that in the firm, but are less likely to and market, ceteris paribus. explicit dismissals are rare, is 1.350 (4.9) serving in 1,104 firms from 1974-1986. The theory of relative performance evaluation be dismissed following bad years the industry CEOs 1.114 level. The dependent variable equals one otherwise.^^ voiiablc year (1.000 obscr^'alions) ajid full fiscal reported in Forbes on 1,915 significant at (-0.6) (3.9) We interpret P < CEOs are more likely to leave following bad years in and y > as evidence that, although instances of turnover are in fact dismissals and are based on relative performance. Table 6 repons coefficients from logistic regressions predicting the probability turnover as a function of shareholder, industry, and market rates of return. that, Column unconditional on industry and market performance, the probability that a his last full fiscal year is negatively shareholders during that year. and significantly related to the rate CEO is of (1) CEO shows serving in of return realized by Converting the regression coefficients into estimated turnover The 1988 Forbes survey was examined to identify CEOs whose last fiscal year was 1986. The final CEOyear for firms leaving the Forbes survey is excluded, since we cannot determine whether or not this is the last year CEO. A total of 582 firms were deleted from the Forbes surveys during the 1974-86 sample period. Of 293 are still 'going concerns" as of 1987, 214 were acquired by or merged with another firm, and 35 liquidated, went bankrupt, or went private. Current stauis data arc unavailable for 40 of the 582 firms. for that these, Robert Gibbons AND Kevin J. Murphy column probabilities, the regression in years when realizes a August, 1989 28 (1) implies that a CEO has a .109 turnover probability in the firm earns a zero return, but a .131 dismissal probability in years -50% when the firm return.'"' Columns and (3) of Table 6 show that turnover probabilities are negatively and (2) significantly related to shareholder return, but positively and significantly related to returns in the The one-digit industry and market, ceteris paribus. example, that a CEO has a .098 turnover probability in years earn a zero return. The same CEO return while the market return the firm and market earn a Column (4) in in size. The is -50% in (2) definitions. and when both has a .137 turnover probability (3) implies, for the firm and the market when the firm earns a zero, but only a .083 turnover probability in years -50% when both return. column (4) is positive and industry-return coefficient in significant after controlling for columns column Table 6 includes both industry and market returns. As market-retum coefficient reduced regression in statistically significant, column (4) column although remains positive but market-wide stock-price movements. (4) using the two-digit, three-digit, in We is it (3), the is much no longer also re-estimated and four-digit alternative industry Consistent with our earlier results on compensation, the industry coefficient declines monotonically as the industry we find that the magnitude of becomes more narrowly defined (although the results for one-digit and two-digit industries are virtually identical). Thus, our results suggest that movements than CEOs CEO turnover policy to control for industry is more likely to control for aggregate movements. leave office for a variety of reasons and usually leave their position only after reaching normal retirement age; a third of the CEOs in and more than half left between the ages of 62 and 66. by re-estimating the logit regressions in our sample left when they were 64 or 65, We attempt to exclude normal retirements Table 6 for the subset of CEOs younger than 64. y ^' market Dismissal probabilities are computed as p= where x = -2.10 - .4 152 (Return). Our Robert Gibbons AND Kevin J. MuRPinr August, 1989 29 TABLE 7 Eslimaicd Logistic Models Predicting 1-Digii SIC CEO Turnover Using Current and Lagged Shareholder, Industry', and Market Rates of Return (asymptotic t-statistics in parentheses) Indcpcjidcnt Coefficient Estimates Variable Intercept Current Slock Return Lagged Slock Return Current 1 Industry' Lagged -Digit (3) (4) -2.10 -2.21 -2.26 -2.25 -.3499 -.6531 -.6981 -.6747 (-3.4) (-5.2) (-5.7) (-5.3) -.2660 -.4114 -.4122 (-2.7) (-3.3) (-3.4) — .8253 — — siic is scrying in his 9.291 for last significant at the full regressions. all fiscal The dependent .01% although the asymptotic CEOs The samp'c is CEO (3.1) .3835 .1924 (1.7) (0.4) is equal lo 1 if the CEO is . constructed from longitudinal data serving in 1,092 firms from 1974-1986. All regressions arc to the results for the full sample, and significance levels tend to be higher for the subsample. plausibly require to leave office. CEO 1.379 (4.8) level. t-statistics may 1.117 olhcrv,isc (8.299 observations); factors can affect stock prices in addition to industry the probability of more than and market movements, and a single bad year before forcing or Table 7 reports coefficients from turnover as a function of current market rates of return. The results effects of variable year (992 obscrvalions) and younger subsample are qualitatively similar boards of directors .2377 (0.6) — — reported in Forbes on 1,896 encouraging a — — — rales of return arc calculated for fiscal year. Many -.2905 (1.6) Lagged Market Reium results for the '"(-3.4) (-0,7) .3263 Return Sample -.4295 - (3.9) Current Market Return Noic: (2) Reium 1-Digit lndustr>' (1) in and lagged Table 7 are very similar logit regressions predicting shareholder, industry, and to the results in Table 6, and the contemporaneous performance on turnover probability are uniformly greater than are the effects of lagged performance. We also re-estimated the regressions in Table 7 after incorporating an additional lagged performance variable (namely, performance measured two years before the CEO's final fiscal year)' and obtained similar results. These results are Robert Gibbons and Kjenin J. Murphy consistent with the findings of that decisions to replace CEOs August. 1989 30 Wamer, Watts, and Wruck (1988) and Weisbach, who concluded are based on relatively recent }>erformance data. Comparison with Previous Research Wamer, Watts, and that ihe probability Wruck estimated logit regressions for 87 of CEO turnover is CEO changes and found negatively related to contemporaneous shareholder return and positively related to contemporaneous market return, whereas the relation between turnover probability and past performance Watts, and Wruck found changes), the generally insignificant. Consistent with our resuhs, that turnover market performance. Although CEO is their in The unrelated to industry performance after controlling for sample Wamer-Watts-Wruck performance from the date when the fiscal year.^^ is CEO data much smaller than ours (which may be is based on less noisy than ours since they 1,(XX) measure change was announced rather than over the preceding is that are consistent with RPE robust to these potentially important timing problems. Several studies that did not directly CEO is similarity of our results and theirs suggests that our evidence supporting CEO turnover policy between Wamer, test the RPE hypothesis nevertheless provide results our findings. Coughlan and Schmidt (1985) found an inverse relation turnover and abnormal stock-price performance (estimated as the cumulative annual residual from the market model), and Weisbach (1988) obtained similar results by measuring performance as shareholder return minus the return on a value-weighted market portfolio. entire In addition, ft Shleifer, top-management team leaves abnormal performance 1 Morck, is and Vishny (1988) found that the probability that the negatively related to abnormal performance minus in the industry. In addition, Wamcr-Watls-Wruck also excluded cases in which the CEO title changed hands but the topmanagement team remained iniacl (for example, the chairman-CEO remained chairman but passed the CEO title to the president). We have no way of idenuf>'ing these cases in our data. Robert GiDBONS AND Kevin J. August, 1989 31 MuRPifY Conclusion Rewarding performance top-level executives based in the industry or on performance measured market creates incentives to take actions increasing shareholder and product markets v^ealth while insuring executives against the vagaries of the stock beyond their control. relative to aggregate We expect RPE to be a common feature of implicit common dismissal contracts because the potential benefit of filtering out cost of measuring the performance of other firms is that are CEO compensation and uncertainly -is high, the small, and opportunities for sabotage and collusive shirking are limited. The empirical evidence presented above supports CEO's pay and the probability that a CEO remains RPE the hypothesis: the revision in a in his position for the following year are positively and significantly related to firm performance, but are negatively and significantly Our related to industry and market performance, ceteris paribus. performance to industry is more likely to be evaluated relative to aggregate movements, although our market movements may results also suggest that CEO market movements than relative inability to detect an industry effect after controlling for reflect the inappropriateness of industry definitions based on SIC codes for purposes of relative performance evaluation. The theoretical justification for rewarding top-level executives performance is strong, and therefore the fact that previous research significant relative-performance effect has been troublesome. The more work remains to provide completely convincing support for the the RPE to has failed to detect a results in this paper begin to resolve the puzzle by documenting a significant negative relation betv.'een industry and market performance, but on the basis of relative CEO compensation and be done before ihc data can be said RPE hypothesis. hypothesis with respect to current shareholder return, with respect to changes in shareholder wealth (equation Although our we do 8), results support not find evidence for RPE lagged shareholder return 32 Robert Gibbons AND Kevin J. MuRPiiY (Appendix), or accounting returns (Table Finally, 5). between the incentive and learning versions of the RPE we have made no CEOs from many industry and market shocks, there are are not protected from industry and market attempt to distinguish hypothesis. Although the theory of relative p>erformance evaluation predicts protect August. 1989 ... movements that optimal contracts will aspects of a CEO's wealth The gains and in stock prices. that losses associated with stock options and inside stockholdings, for example, depend solely on the firm's absolute stock-market performance and not on performance measured relative to the industry or market. Therefore, although the CEO's compensation and probability of dismis.saLare panially insured against industry and m:u"kct risk, other potentially more important components of his wealth are not. It would be straightforward, however, to design a compensation plan that duplicates the rewards and losses from stock ownership or stock options after adjusting for industrj'- or market-wide stock movements, and compensation systems. It may be it is puzzling that few firms have adopted such explicit that current stock-option and restricted-stock plans are easy administer and offer tax advantages, and that the costs of suntching to potential benefits. Alternatively, the distorted incentives induced collusion, choice of reference group, or production externalities top-level managers. Determining future research. why RPE is not RPE by new systems outweigh RPE —may more comprehensive — in the terms of sabotage, in fact is to be important for an important goal for Robert Gibbons ANT) KfviN J. August, 1989 33 MuRTin' References Anile, Rick, and Abbie Smith. 1986. "An Empirical Investigation of the Relative Performance Evaluation of Corporate Executives." Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Spring), pp. 1-39. Baiman, Stanley and Joel Demski. 1980. "Economically Optimal Performance Evaluation and Control Systems." Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 18 (Supplement), pp. 184-220. 1973. 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Murphy 35 AUGUST, 1989 APPENDIX ln(CEO Salary + Bonus) on Firm and and Firsi-Diffcrcnce Spccificaiions CocfTicicni^ of Ordinar)' Lcasi Squares Regressions of Indusu^' Shareholder Rcium for Level (t-slalisiics in parcniliescs) Dcpcri dent Variable in 1000s of 1986-Dollars Change in In(CEO Pay) Independent Variable Intercept Rcium Cunrcnl Slock Lagged Slock Return (Rii) (R\[.\) In (CEO Pay) 1 -Digit lndusU7 Return Lagged 1 (3) (4) .046 (CEO-spccific) .043 (CEO-spccific) .1792 .0166 .1746 (1.9) (19.5) .0284 — .0275 .0222 . --(2.5) — (3.2) -.0893 -.1443 -.0855 -.0636 (-5.0) (-9.5) (-3.1) (-2.3) .0849 — .0584 — Industry Return Gii.]) Time Trend Pay) (2) (20.2) (IjO -Digit In (CEO (1) (3.3) Current Change in ln(CEO Pay) (2.1) (6.1) — (t) .0256 — — — .1676 (10.8) / Cumulative Stock Return \ t Z ^T=l Cumulaiivc 1 -Digit /^ y — '"^ — .0830 -.0244 (-1.1) (4.7) Sample Size r2 is (20.8) j Year Dummies Note: TTic sample .1779 (22.0) ^ -^ Industry Return — Kit (no) (no) (yes) (yes) 7,696 9.361 7.696 9.361 .0652 .8941 .0769 .8965 dau reported in Forbes on 1,668 CEOs serving and (4) include 1,668 individual inlcrcepls. conslrucicd from longinadinal 1,049 firms from 1974-1986. Columns (2) in Regression Specificaiion: t t Level: . In(wiL) = a; -t- at -^ (Po-Pl)Rii "^ Pi Z 1=1 First Difference: Aln(wii) ^a + PoRjt - Z lit Kit + (Yo-Yl)Iit+ 7l (Po-Pl)Rit-I + TO^it t=l - (TO-Tl)Iit-l "^ Vit + Eit 2385 005 Date Due net 09 OCT. 1991 2 4 1996 ,5-'^-v, MIT 3 TDflO UBRARIES DUPL I QDSTfiTT? b