Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/onoptimaltimingoOOshim DEWEV HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Departnnent of Econonnics Working Paper Series On The Optimal Timing of Benefits with Heterogeneous Workers and Human Capital Depreciation Robert Shimer Ivan Werning Working Paper 06-1 April 25, 2006 Roorri E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http://ssrn.com/abstract=899003 at m 1 S 2006 LIBRARIES On the Optimal Timing of Benefits with Heterogeneous Workers and Human Capital Depreciation* Ivan Werning Robert Shimer University of Chicago A-lIT shimerOuchicago edu iwerningOmit edu . . This Draft: April 2006 Abstract This paper studies the optimal timing of unemployment insurance subsidies search model. Risk-averse workers sequentially sample random job in a McCall opportunities. Our model distinguishes unemployment subsidies from consumption during unemployment by allowing workers of to save and borrow freely. When the insurance agency faces a group homogeneous workers solving stationary search problems, the optimal subsidies are independent of unemployment duration. In contrast, when workers are heterogeneous or when human constant. We capital depreciates during the spell, the optimal subsidy explore the main determinants is no longer of the shape of the optimal subsidy schedule, isolating forces for subsidies to optimally rise or *Shimer's research is fall with duration. supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Werning is grateful for first draft of this paper was written. the hospitality of Chicago and Harvard University during the time the Introduction 1 When a homogeneous worker insurance subsidy ing, 2005). is faces a stationary search problem, the optimal unemployment independent of the worker's unemployment duration (Shinier and Wern- we examine how In this paper timing of unemployment subsidies. relaxing these assumptions affects the optimal In particular, we model an unemployment insurance agency which sets a schedule of unemployment subsidies as a function of unemployment duration and faces either: a group of homogeneous workers whose (i) during unemployment; or (ii) significant departure from pre- unemployment insurance, which focuses on the optimal contract vious work on optimal homogeneous workers with stationary search problems and capital depreciates a group of heterogeneous workers. Both scenarios are empirically relevant and represent a liayn human Our work Nicolini, 1997). also differs (e.g. Shavell and Weiss, 1979; Hopen- from most research on optimal unemployment insurance by distinguishing unemployment consumption from unemployment subsidies. allow workers to borrow and save using risk free bonds. we axgued that icy: this is In Shinier crucial for understanding the design of a constant subsidy is for We and Werning (2005) unemployment insurance pol- optimal, but unemployed workers choose a declining path for their consumption. Intuitively, with homogeneous workers facing stationary search problems, constant subsidies are optimal because the tradeoff between insurance and incentives does not change over time. This paper shows that the optimal subsidy schedule the benchmark with is not flat when we move away from, identical workers facing stationary search problems. opportunities deteriorate during the spell, or when the pool of When workers' job unemployed workers shifts from one type to another, the tradeoff between insurance and incentives changes during the spell — and subsidies change with it. We provide a simple and tractable framework for exploring the main determinants of the optimal timing of subsidies. In particular, our model is well suited for isolating the impact of human capital depreciation and heterogeneity on the timing of subsidies, precisely because subsidies are constant in the version of our model without these features. Throughout this paper, we focus on workers with constant absolute risk aversion preferences, since the absence of wealth effects larly clean results. The results in Shinier (CARA) and bounds on borrowing leads to particu- and Werning (2005) suggest that policy towards the unemployed distinguish efforts to increase liquidity (Feldstein, 2005; Feldstein and Alt- man, 1998) from unemployment subsidies that provide insurance. Our paper focuses on the latter, on the optimal unemployment subsidy schedule once the worker has already been ensured adequate liquidity. In the benchmark model with neither (CRRA) benchmark model We is preferences. Again, the fact that subsides are constant in the CARA an important benefit of our show that the optimal time- varying path The main lesson specification. of subsidies and that there are capital depreciation or heterogeneity, subsidy schedules. we derive is depends on the form of human forces for increasing or decreasing that optimal subsidies tend to shift over the spell in the direction suggested by simple comparative statics. For instance, but lower M'ith constant vironment, then when human human unemployment duration. position of the if capital depreciates over the spell, subsidies should Similarly, we could if first, workers are heterogeneous, subsidies shifts fall if who would towards those workers with the com- merit a lower We some interesting particular conclusions consider two forms of human emerge from capital depreciation. In the job opportunities arrive at a constant rate but the wage distribution they are drawn from deteriorates in a steady and parallel fashion. This case captures close to that in Ljungqvist skill depreciation and That that workers is, search frictions rise during the their nearest sources for jobs In our subsidies. unemployment spell. become increasingly detached from the labor market form of depreciation skill skill is and Sargent (1998). The second form of depreciation has workers sampling from the same distribution of wages, but the arrival rate of opportunities time. fall have, fictitiously, costlessly separated them. In addition to this general finding, our numerical explorations. a worker if capital merits a lower constant subsidy in a stationary en- unemployment pool constant subsidy CARA unemployment duration when workers have constant preferences and increase slowly with relative risk aversion capital deprecia- are constant with unemployment insurance subsidies tion nor heterogeneity, optimal human and turn One falls over interpretation is as they initially exhaust we to remoter options. For concreteness, call the first depreciation and the second form search depreciation. depreciation exercises we find decreasing optimal unemployment insurance Constant subsidies would give the long-term unemployed a higher replacement ratio relative to their potential wages and induce these workers to become overly picky, or even drop out, as stressed by Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998). In our exercises, the declining wage opportunities lead the reservation wage However, subsidies decline even the reservation wage is faster: to decline steadily during unemployment. the ratio of the unemployment insurance subsidy to also decreasing. Interestingly, we also find that skill depreciation creates a force for larger initial unemplo3'ment subsidy levels. Intuitively, the shocks to workers' permanent income from remaining unemployed for an additional week, which we seek to insure, is larger because they are no longer simply the missed current earnings, but also include the lower future earnings. In contrast, we find that search depreciation creates a force for rising subsidies. unfortunate workers itively, who remain unemployed demand more of offers and, therefore, the spell. The reason in time have lower arrival rates insurance to deal with their heightened duration Long-term unemployed workers have lower they become choosier. Indeed, for a long exit rates Intu- risk. from unemployment, but not because our exercises we find declining reservation wages during for the lower employment rate that they receive fewer job offers. is Since the moral hazard problem becomes less severe, but risks loom greater, this leads to rising insurance subsidies. we also find forces for increasing or decreasing sub- fall if the pool of unemployed shifts over time towards In our exercises with heterogeneity Roughly speaking, subsidies sidies. workers that would have required lower constant subsidies had the agency faced them isolation. unemployment insurance. Conversely, spell. differ in their value of leisure. Workers who more have a higher reservation wage and longer unemployment duration but leisure for For example, suppose workers if workers In this case, subsidies tend to decline during an differ in the variance of their less in value need unemployment wage draws, those who face more idiosyncratic uncertainty have a higher option value of search, a higher reservation wage, longer unemployment duration, and a tend to rise during an unemployment In both cases, we greater need for unemployment insurance. Benefits spell. find that optimal subsidies tend to overshoot their long-run target. To' be concrete, suppose individuals differ in their value of leisure. If optimal subsidies would be constant for each type and higher less. for types could be separated, who workers value leisure A common decreasing subsidy schedule partially imitates this desirable but unattainable property. The reason longer for workers is that with any who have a per-period subsidies is common subsidy schedule, unemployment duration is higher value of leisure and so the expected present value of lower for such workers when the subsidy schedule is decreasing with unemployment duration. Put differently, the model predicts that optimal unemployment subsidies for the long- term unemployed should be low both because the long-term unemployed mostly have a high value of leisure and because this provides better a tradeoff between insurance and incentives for workers in the early stages of an unemployment points to a time consistency problem; agency would like to raise if it unemployment spell. The second piece of the argument were possible to reset the subsidy, the insurance subsidies. By constraining itself from doing that. possible to provide better incentives early in the it is Throughout we this paper, focus on the optimal timing of than unemployment benefits and taxes. This is spell. unemployment subsidies rather because of Ricardian equivalence. many unemployment workers can borrow and lend, in unemployment benefit When and tax schedules are equivalent the sense that they do not affect workers' budget sets and hence do not affect their However, the model uniquely determines the optimal timing of unemployment behavior. subsidies, the present value of transfers from the worker remains unemployed Our model and the man skill loss unemployment unemployed workers to explain higher European unemployment. as stochastic, so their story actually also combines elements of het- erogeneity. In particular, during 'tranquil' times unemployment generating unimportant amounts human capital depreciates steadily during of heterogeneity among the unemployed. In contrast, during 'turbulent' times a fraction of workers lose skills immediately at the off, the unemployment insurance. Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998) emphasize hu- capital depreciation of they are laid if one additional period. incorporates elements present in various positive models of effects of They model for unemployment insurance agency moment generating significant amounts of heterogeneity.' Our paper departs in important ways from existing normative analyses that focuses on homogenous workers facing stationary search problems. In these contexts, Shavell and Weiss (1979) and Hopenhayn and Nicolini (1997) showed thai consumption should decline during unemployment. declining unemployment Although these results are often interpreted as a prescription subsidies, for Werning (2002) and Shimer and Wcrning (2005) highlight the importance of distinguishing consumption from unemployment subsidies and suggest a different interpretation: workers collect constant, or near constant, unemployment benefits but choose to have consumption declining as they draw down their assets or borrow, by the usual permanent-income reasoning, to smooth their consumption. Pavoni (2003) and Violante and Pavoni (2005) are two papers that study optimal insurance in environments with human capital depreciation. However, these papers do not focus on the optimal timing of subsidies because they do not attempt to distinguish thej^ focus on the latter consumption from subsidies, and by assuming that the unemployment insurance agency can control consumption. ^ Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998, pg. 548) conclude that "during tranquil times, the depreciation of skills is simplj' too slow to have much effect on the amount of long-term during spells of unemployment [. . . ] The primary cause of long-term unemployment in our turbulent times is the instantaneous loss of skills at layoffs. Our probabilistic specification of this instantaneous loss creates heterogeneity among laid-off workers having the same past earnings." unemployed. The rest of the paper is organized into four sections. Section 2 describes the model. Section 3 characterizes the worker's search problem for any given unemployment insurance Section 4 describes optimal unemployment insurance policy. schedule. homogeneous workers who face skill Section 5 studies and search depreciation during unemployment. Section 6 turns to the case of heterogeneity. Section 7 contains our conclusions. The Model 2 We adapt the model from Shimer and Werning (2005, 2006). These papers provide a tractable version of a McCall (1970) search problem enhanced to incorporate risk-averse workers that can save and borrow Time freely. maximize expected discounted is continuous and infinite t G Workers seek to [0,c>o). utility /"OO Eo / e-P'u{c{t))dt (1) Jo where c{t) is We consumption. = functions: u{c) —e~'^'^ work with Constant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA) with c G IR. This assumption allows us to solve the model utility in closed form." Unemployed workers sample job opportunities tinguished by their wage forms of human w drawn from a We capital depreciation. Budget Constraints. Workers can at Poisson arrival rates X{t). Jobs are dis- distribution F{w, assume jobs t). This introduces two potential last forever. save and borrow at the market interest Their budget r. constraints are a{t) where a{t) are assets and = ra{t) + y{t)-c{t), (2) y{t) represents current non-interest income: it equals the un- emploj^ment subsidy, B{t), during unemployment and the wage, w{t), during employment. Initial assets a(0) fers, as we = ao axe given, although there discuss further below. > limt_oo e""*Q(t) may In addition workers be initial must lump-sum taxes and satisfy the No-Ponzi condition 0. Heterogeneity. To capture worker heterogeneity we assume that there are by n = 1, 2, . , . . A'^ types indexed A and index the primitives of the worker's search problem by the type, ^Shimer and Werning (2005) verify that solution with CRRA trans- preferences is CARA very close to the preferences provide a good benchmark: CARA closed form solution. A„(/:), the numerical F„(zi;,t), u„(c), 7n, and /)„. Unemployment Insurance of unemployment insurance Policy. In this paper we are interested in the optimal timing subsidies, and not in larger, more comprehensive, This motivates the policy problem we consider, which reforms. unemployment subsidies {B{t)}t>o that remains unemployed at t. is to select a schedule of stipulates the subsidy B{t) received Subsidies can be conditioned only on The optimal unemployment insurance policy problem social welfare by a worker that unemployment we study is duration."^ to find the best such schedule of subsidies. For the case with heterogeneous workers one must, in general, specify However, to avoid redistributional concerns we allow a welfare criterion. between workers types. These transfers are equivalent to redistributions transfers initial assets oq. is It turns out that, with then uniquely pinned down: schedule by varying the we do not need Pareto initial all initial CARA Pareto in terms of preferences, the optimal schedule {B(t)}t>o efficient allocations lump-sum lump-sum can be achieved with the same between workers. Thus, transfers (initial assets) to specify any particular welfare criterion and our analysis characterizes all efficient schedules. Worker Behavior 3 In this section we characterize the behavior of a single unemplo^yed type n worker confronted with any subsidy schedule {B{t)}t>oFor any job-acceptance policy, workers solve a standard consumption-savings subproblem, maximizing utility in Ponzi condition. As equation is well (1) subject to the budget constraint equation (2) and the No- known, the solution to any consumption-savings problem must satisfy the usual intertemporal Euler equation u.'(Q) where {q} Un{c) = e-(^"-'-)'E,[u„'(Q+,)], the optimal stochastic process for consumption. With CARA preferences 7„n„(c), so this imphes ^We do likewise is = not consider, for instance, menus of schedules that may we do not consider constraining workers access to savings. self-select and separate worker types; It follows that /oo r Jo which conveniently Let Vn{t) and relates lifetime utility to current consumption. c{t) represent respectively, after duration t; the lifetime utility and consumption of an unemployed worker, note that both are deterministic functions of /. Then applying the argument above implies that uum^ ^ (3) r Unemployed workers wait around offer if the wage is with current assets job for An unemployed offers. worker accepts a job higher than the wage Wn{t) which makes her indifferent. Since a worker a{t) and a job paying y /^^ u)„(t) forever Unirajt) ^ + + lUnjt) consumes {pn - ra{t) + iUn{t) + {pn — i^)/lnf, r)/7„r) r Time differentiate = — 7„ii„(c) and use Un{c) = Vn{t) During unemployment, a{t) • = ra{t) + to get —fnV{t){ra{t)+^n{t)). B{t) — c{t). (5) Eciuations (3) and (4) imply: c{t) = r)/7„r, (6) a{t) = B{t)-iIJn{f)-{pn-r)hnr. (7) + ra[t) Wn{t) + (p„ - Substituting equation (7) into equation (5) yields V;(i) With a reservation = K(t)(- 7.(^(^(0 wage -^^V,,(i)) rule, lifetime utility + ^^'n(i))+Pn-r). during unemployment is (8) a function of time and evolves according to Pr^Vnit) = Un{c{t)) + Vn[t) + -n{rait) X.{t) l I + u, + ip.„-r)M _ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ J Wn(t) Use equation (3) to eliminate u„(c(i)), equation (8) to ehminate K(i)i ^i^d divide through 7 by Vn{t) as given in = - i!n{t) r{w„{t) equation (4): Bit)) r ^n{t) In = Since u„{a)/un{b) -Un{a - (^ Un{ra{t) Ju,At) V + w + {pn-r)hnr) + w^{t) + [pn - r)hnr) Un[ra{t) _ ^p, ^. j , equivalent to b), this is ^,,{t)^Gn{iUn{t),t)-rB{t), where Gn{w,t) — = rw In This is {l+Un{w - / (10) In a stationary environment, with constant and a constant wage distribution F{w), the stationary subsidies B, a constant arrival rate A, down w))dF„{tu,t). Jul a crucial equation for our analysis. solution in equation (9) boils (9) to the reservation wage equations in Shinier and Werning (2005, 2006). The relations in equations (3)-(9) are necessary conditions for worker optimality. Indeed, they completely characterize behavior over any "transversality" conditions, which pin equation (9), they are also sufficient for benefits {B{t)}, one solves the down for finite horizon. the relevant solution to the ordinary differential In particular, given a path worker optimality. ODE Together with appropriate (9) for the reservation wage path equation (6)-(7) can be solved for the path of assets a{t) and consumption unemployment. This then characterizes the The appropriate B{t) are constant paper, (for (i) when c{t) during primitives F{w,t) and X{t) and benefits = 0. For the purposes of this to characterize "transversality" conditions in more general cases since our relations completely characterize behavior over will suffice for Then entire allocation. the constant reservation wage with w{f) we do not need two reasons: they is solution to equation (9) w{t). any finite for horizon our theoretical results, derived using dynamic programming arguments example. Proposition 1 below); (ii) economy by assuming that primitives and our numerical work truncates, benefit policy are constant for bj' necessity, t > the T, after some long duration T. Relation between in equation extensively. (9) It is u'-„(t) and B(f). We shall use the characterization of the relationship between the reservation wage path useful to understand what {ilin{t)} this relation and subsidy schedule {B{t)} does and does not imply. Suppose we are time in Wr, This more t. Then, at a steady it is in a stationary environment so that Gn(w,t) state, wliere follows that there is iD„, 0, we have B= independent of is Gn{wr,)/r. Since G„ is increasing a positive relation between subsidies and the reservation wage. intuitive since a higher subsidy attractive without = — Gn{w) makes the option making employment any more becomes more picky about what jobs of waiting for higher desirable. As a wage diaws result, the worker to accept. However, the steady-state relationship does not imply that along any dynamic path Wn{t) and B{t) will rise and both w-ni't) and 'Wn[t). fall in Informally, if tandem. In equation the reservation wage the unemployed worker's lifetime utility future, so current subsidies This implies that there instance, suppose u}n{t) is is is B{t) are determine rising sharply, it indicates that doing the same; things are better must be temporarily is (9) subsidies in the near low. no simple relation between the paths of monotonically increasing; then, it may seem iUn{i) and B{t). For reasonable to expect subsidies B{t) to also be increasing. This will be the case as long as iUn{t) does not accelerate too much, so that w-nit) does not rise too abruptly; otherwise, equation (19) implies that subsidies will decrease over a range where iD„ rises quickly. not imply monotonic subsidies B{t). B{t) is monotonic then u)n(t) is The converse, however, Thus, a monotonic Wn{t) does is true: if the subsidy schedule monotonic. This discussion emphasizes the dynamic nature of worker's search problem. The reservation wage a is not only affected by the current subsidy, but also by future subsidies. result, current subsidies unemployment may As generally provide a poor measure of the current subsidy to implicit in the entire schedule.'' Perhaps a better measure serve the effect on the actual reservation wage, which is is simply to ob- forward looking and incorporates the dynamics of future subsidies. Optimal Policy 4 We of imagine an unemployment insurance agency that wishes to maximize a weighted average unemployed workers' on average. If lifetime utility subject to the constraint that it must break even workers are heterogeneous, unemployment insurance redistributes income across individuals. To focus attention on insurance, we allow for the possibility of lump- To take an extreme example, suppose that subsidies are negative during the first week of unemployment but they then jump up to a positive level, much higher than any potential wage. Few would describe the situation faced by the worker in the first period as providing a tax on unemployment that encourages finding ^ a job. sum Given the structure of preferences transfers between groups of workers at tiipe zero. in equation (4), tlris implies the schedule B{t) to maximize the unemployment insurance agency sum of the reservation wages net selects a single subsidy of the discounted cost the program. ;v J]K-;„(OK(0)-rC, n=l where Wn{0) is the time-zero reservation wage of type n workers, type n workers in the unemployed population at time 0, and C is //ri(0) is the measure of the expected cost of the unemployment subsidy system: Jo „_i n=l where l^^t) is = exp (^- the probability of being unemployed at time //"(iy'\5) is H^iiv^s), s)ds^ = (11) J^ t and A"(s)(l-F"(iD",s)) (12) the hazard rate of accepting a job. The agency n workers recognizes that for any benefit schedule B{t), the reservation wage of type solves equation (9) and the transversality condition, while the measure of unem- ployed type n workers decreases as these workers find jobs according to equation (11). The solution to this problem maximizes total surplus, which can then be split, using transfers, in any way. Use equation (9) to eliminate B{t) from the objective function N 5]]ilv(0)/i,,(0) n=l lump-sum N - rC = J]-u;„(0)m„(0) n=l N - / ^0 10 e-^* J2 „=i ('^"(^) - Gn{wn{t),t))ii„{t)dt (13) Use integration-by-parts to eliminate the term of the integral involving w{t): OO /-OO e-'*Wn{t)j^n{t)dt ^ -lDn{0)fin{0) - = -u)„(0)/^^„(0) + e-'^XVn{t){iln{t) / JQ - r ^n{t))dt /OO where the second Une e-''wn{t){r / Jo + H„iw,{t),t))^„{t)dt, differentiates equation (11) to get fln{t) = -fin{t)Hn{iOn{t),t). (14) Substitute this back equation (13) to simphfy the objective function w{0) must choose a sequence of reservation wages for — rC. The planner each type to maximize N /•OO e-^*Vj4u),,(t),i)/x„(i)dt, / (15) where JniWnit),t)=Wnit){r Since there is + Hn{Mt),t))-Gn{Wn{i)^t)- (16) a single unemployment subsidy schedule, the evolution of the reservation wages are linked by equation (9): An{t) where A„(i) type 1 We = iD„(t) — = iui{t) is G„iiv,{t) + Ar,{t),t) - G,{w,{t),t), (17) the difference between the reservation wage of type n and workers. Finally, the share of each type evolves according to equation (14).^ can view this as an optimal control problem where the planner chooses a sequence for the reservation wages. wage of type 1 workers and an initial value for other types' reservation This then determines the evolution of the differences A„(t), n the unemployment rates fin{t), n = 1,2, . . . ,N. Of = 2,...,N and course, the planner also faces a set transversality conditions. Appendix A discusses our solution method for the case of A^ = 2, when this reduces to an optimal control problem with three state variables and one control variable. how ^ to eliminate one of the state variables and apply Pontrya^gin's we some Formally, this requires also require that the the implied worker behavior be optimal. "transversality" conditions to be met, which purposes. 11 we Maximum We show Principle to As discussed in Section .3 fortunately do not need to specify for our find the solution/' Human 5 In this section Capital Depreciation we consider the case of a single worker type that faces a non-stationary search F are changing over time. problem, with A or The optimal unemployment insurance problem simplifies considerably: oo max e / -rt J{w{t),t)fx{t)dt (18) {^} Jo subject to where J defined in equation (16) and —yu(i)i/(u'(i),t), = /i(0) given/ 1 is Constant and Non-Constant Benefits 5.1 An is = /i(t) interesting property of optimal subsidies that follows from our reformulation schedule is entirely forward looking; only future values of A immediately from result then follows Proposition 1 problem \{t) = B{t) =B To ( Shinier- Werning, 2005) A and F{iu,t) for some B> problem An alternative is are relevant. The next '^ With a single worker type facing a station.ary F{iu) for problem we write all t > the optimal subsidy schedule is flat: t) = max it recursively. Let ^{/.ij.) be the value function This value function solves the Bellman equation in eciuation (18). r^ifi, ^ = F that the 0. tackle the general for the this observation. and is *" (j{w, to formulate the t)fj, - $,,,(/i, t)//(u^ t)fi + $t(/i, t)) dynamic programming Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial-differential equation of the problem. ^ Formally, we also require that the implied worker behavior be optimal conditions, as discussed in Section * Note that this is true even — which requires "transversality" 3. when we consider explicitly any "transversality" condition required to ensure worker optimality. ^ This result is proven in Shinier and Werning (2005) in a discrete time version of the model using a argument. That paper shows that the planner does not want to distort savings. In contrast, here we have simply assumed that the policy problem does not consider introducing such distortions. different 12 Note that the vahie function is homogeneous of degree one in r0(i) = max we have an ordinary Equivalently, (j{w, where the law of motion function M{(t>,t) t) - (p{t)H[w, = M = is <j){t)) min Ur w follows that the optimal w (19) + is - J {w,t)). H{iD,t))(t) (20) motion function M{(p, of and id increasing in (p is increasing (p. to solve this ordinary When differential equation (19), ensuring that the transversality condition holds. down t) is negative in the objective To characterize optimal unemployment insurance, we simply need primitives subsidies that implement this reservation system to system and satisfies the transversality conditions. some time T, that (p = Fo{w) at for which point they switch forever alH < evolves according to We know Thus, the T and X{t.) ^ = Mq{iP) = for t independent of is reservation wage and subsidies 1. primitives are constant up after. That is, = Fi(w) <T, and then p = we have for all t > M-i{ip) for t X{t) initial T— > it = and Aq T. This imphes >T. that the optimal solution must reach the steady-state point 0* of which point indeed, as The 1, is and F{w,t) Ai l\Ii at t = T. value p{0) must start somewhere to the right of point p^ and increase accelerating with the explosive dynamics of at ODE solves the 1 when simple non-stationary case, illustrated in Figure F{w,t) the eciuation (9) for B(t). the stationary solution in Proposition implicit in this solution are constant, as in Proposition A And = M{ip). Since M{il>) is increasing there exists a unique steady-state value = M{ip*). Then note that the stationary solution 'ip{t) — ip* solves the satisfying ODE how wage are found by inverting equation (19). Since primitives are constant the law of motion M{ip,t) time: •0* instructive to verify in The one can solve backwards from the long-run steady-state. in the long-run optimal reservation wage solves the right hand side of equation (20) at each date. It is = given by Moreover, since the cross-partial derivative of it + t) M(0(t),t) Note that the envelope condition implies that the law settle (p{t) differential equation for 0(i): 0(t) function, and so we can define solving <J>(/i.,t)/yU in 0. /i remains constant there. Mq — until The oo then p{0) limits to pQ. 13 larger it reaches ^j exactly at time is T t = T, the closer p{0) must be to Pq; Figure The Law 1: of Motion for 4>. implications for subsidies B{t) are immediate translations of those derived for 0(t). Let B* denote the optimal constant subsidies for the stationary problem with Then subsidies B{t) converge to the optimal constant subsidy and they start somewhere near Bq. This we imagine time extending that fined limits limf^_ooA(i) = = on both indefinitely Proposition 2 Suppose result we have \{t) is in the long and F^{w). run as t — > oo generalized in the next proposition, where sides. and F{iv,t) defined for Aq and \imt^-oaF{iu,t) Then B{t) B^ Aj = all t E M. Fo{w) and limj^oo such that limj^^nc B{t) = Bq with well de- A(/:) — Xj and limt_co B{t) = and B\, limf_oo F{iu, t) where B* defined as the optimal constant subsidy levels for the economies with constant is Fi{tu). is primitives at A^ and F^{w). An Aside: model Q-Theory Analogy. Our model can be of investment with constant returns to scale mapped into the adjustment cost which Hayashi (1982) used to related investment to "Tobin's Q". In the case of certainty the investment model can be formulated profits f TT{l{t),t)K{t)dt Jo 14 as maximizing discounted subject to K{t) = i{t)K{t), where = i{t) I{t)/K{t) is the mvestment rate. There are constant returns to scale in the net profit function, which equals revenues net of investment costs, and constant returns that the value function No assumption investment. in is average value of capital, homogeneous q, of concavity of degree one, V{K) = qK One can show required. is and so that the marginal , often referred to as "Tobin's Q", solves rq = max{7r(i, t) + iq} + q. i The important future result for this theory that the investment rate is is a function of the role of w q, playing the role of investment ji playing the role of and n given by w{r i, + We This section describes the outcome of two numerical experiments. The purpose depreciation, then search depreciation. Our definite quantitative conclusions. model and perhaps get a tentative Our baseline parameterization = r 1, = p .001 and A interest rate of 5.3%. set e t)) = The = 1 goal is playing , — G{w, t). is consider skill not to obtain to understand the qualitative workings of the feel for their quantitative importance. close to that in is first of these explorations Shimer and Werning (2005). We set and interpret a period to be a week, with an implied annual distribution is assumed to be Frechet: F{w) = exp(— u;~^). We 103.5. This baseline calibration has wages concentrated near of around 10 weeks, which optimal constant subsidy to insure is is in line in this 1 and delivers with unemployment durations economy turns out in to be very low, an expected duration the United States. around 0.01. The The desire small enough, while the moral-hazard problem severe enough, that low subsidies result at the is H{iD, /\ Numerical Explorations 5.2 = the entire captured by this forward looking variable. is This model maps directly into our framework, with 7 g; optimum. As discussed by Shimer and Werning (2005), liquidity, in contrast, important: workers are able to smooth their shocks, spreading their impact over time, by dissaving or borrowing. 5.2.1 Skill In this wages first shifts Depreciation exercise we keep downwards \{t) = 1 constant and instead assume that the distribution of in a parallel fashion. Our 15 specification is inspired by the depreciation Benefit/Reservation-wage Optimal Benefits ratio 0,16 0.35 0.14 0.3 g S 0.12 <u 0.25 en n] S c 0.1 O m 0.08 0.2 £ r 0) 0.15 (I 0.1 0,06 0.04 I 0.05 0.02 400 400 800 600 Figure Figure Optima.l Benefits with Skill De- 2: 3: Ratio of subsidies to the reserva- tion wage: B{t)/w{t). preciation. process used in Ljungqvist a.nd Sa.rgent (1998). Specifically where F{w) distribution shifts is is F{w, t) = F{w - exp(-(5F F{w, t) = F{w - exp{-SF T)) t)) • we let t<T t>T Thus, at the baseline Frechet distribution defined above. simply a rightward continuously to the of convergence to 6p Our approach steady state for We 1000 600 time (weelis) lime (weeks) t then compute = left, = the wage Over time the distribution shift of the baseline distribution. converging back to the baseline distribution. We set the speed 0.01. is to solve the > T. u!{t) t We ODE system then solve the and solve eciuation equation (19). in ODE backwards up (9) for B{t) = We first solve the system's to t = 0. This gives us ^(i). ^{G{iv{t),t) — w{t))}^ Figure 2 shows the outcome of this exercise for the optimal schedule of subsidies. schedule and is decreasing with unemployment duration, starting at subsidies just above 0.30 falling to the steady-state value of 0.01— equal to the value of subsidies Figure 4 shows that these subsidies induce the reservation wage to ment spell. The The rate at which the reservation during the unemploy- wage drops, however, does not keep up with the rate of decline in the distribution of wages. We fall at the baseline. This is shown in Figure 5 where we plot employed Matlab's ode45 routine to solve the ODE, along We computed 4>(t) and then backed out the implied reservation wage w(t). We then fit a piecewise cubic shape-preserving spline through w{t) (using Matlab's interpl routine with the pchip option) to obtain the derivative il'{t) from it. ^° The numerical details are as followed. with the fminbnd routine for the required optimization. 16 Reservation Wage 400 Acceptance Probability 600 400 200 time (weeks) Figure 4: Reservation Wage. Figure the acceptance probability of job opportunities, 1 — 5: of out unemployment, the ratio B{t)/w{t), As Figure = in this case, since A(i) A(/:)(l it is — Benefits, however, F{uj{t))). all even hazard rate out of unemployment their skills which increases the dispersion of is greatest. Figure 3 plots faster: is high, especially at the Workers become more willing to accept from depreciating. We computed the solution for ^ = 15 wages making search more attractive. Figure 6 plots optimal Once again we the hazard rate out of from aroun(d 80% to the acceptance probability equals the hazard rate 1 beginning of the spell where depreciation subsidies for this case. offer falls in(duces decreasing. 5 illustrates the bad matches to prevent Acceptance Probability. The optimal schedule F{w{t)). workers to become pickier: the probability of accepting a job 10%. Note that 600 time (weeks) see that subsidies are decreasing. Figure 7 unemployment much is shows that lower now, and close to the hazard at the benchmark without depreciation. 5.2.2 Search Depreciation In this second exercise specification, A(0 and we assume that the wage but that the arrival rate = Aoexp(— 5a t) + Aj = .1, so that the • Ai for t falls < r and distribution is fixed at the baseline's Frechet continuously over time. Specifically, constant thereafter; we set 8\ arrival rate starts at our benchmark = we 0.01, Aq week and of one offer a = let .9 falls continuously towards one offer every 10 weeks. Figure 8 shows the results of this exercise for optimal subsidies. schedule, which risk of is in line with Proposition unemployment prompting higher 2, We find an increasing since a lower arrival rate increases the duration subsidies. 17 The level of subsidies is quite low in this 400 600 400 Figure 6: Optimal Benefits with 9 = Figure 15. case throughout, so the increase in subsidies even though subsidies 600 lime (weeks) time (weeks) rise the is become Hazarid rate. Figure 9 shows that not very spectacular. acceptance probabihty (blue opportunities become rarer. Workers 7: less line) rises with duration as job picky and lower their reservation wages. However, the resulting hazard rate out of unemployment X{t){l — F{w{t))), also shown (green line), comes out We to be slightly declining. have found that the limiting long-run subsidy Ai for low enough values, and become quite large shows optimal subsidies when 6 years Ai = —similar to what we found .01. in close to zero, subsidies rise sharply is for Ai quite sensitive to the long-run value near zero. To illustrate this Figure 10 Note that subsidies rise only modeiately for about Figure S for higher Aj. However, and asymptote to a high level, with these parameters only an insignificant fraction of workers make unemployment. Nevertheless, this illustrates that the when around it X{t) gets ver)^ 0.73. Of course, this far into long-term magnitude of the increase in subsidies depends on parameters of the problem. As explained in Section 3, where subsidies axe decreasing. for the when the reservation We found that this occurs over an intermediate region of time extreme parameter value of Ai =0. Figure 12 shows that subsidies are decreasing over an intermediate region. Indeed, they low and close to zero initially. become slightly negative there The nonmonotonicity occurs that an insignificant fraction of workers will reach. made wage accelerates there may be regions earlier: that subsidies may be after because they were around 6 years, a duration However, this illustrates the point a poor measure of the subsidy to unemployment workers are forward looking and incorporates the d3'namics of future subsidies. IS we since optimal Benefits 400 200 600 800 time (weeks) Figure 8: Optimal Benefits with Search De- Figure 9: Acceptance Probability and Haz- ard Rate with Search Depreciation. preciation. Heterogeneity 6 When workers are heterogeneous, for any given common subsidy schedule, the pool of un- employed worker types typically varies over time. That lower hazard rates affects the by n = become more prevalent optimal subsidy schedule. 1. 2. To bring out the arrival rate of offers A„ We is, worker types that tend to have as time passes. This section focuses on how this study the case with two types of workers indexed role of heterogeneity we suppose that for each worker type the and the distribution of wages Fn does not vary with time t. Numerical Explorations 6.1 As with the depreciation case, the purpose of our explorations is not to obtain definite quantitative conclusions but to understand the qualitative workings of the model. In all our exercises jj,2 = 1/2- We we start with equal population fractions for begin with heterogeneity in to B„ . The values of Heterogeneity specification: 5„ in 0. Fn{w) it = /ii = the distribution functions of potential wages. All the other parameters are set at our baseline, as described in Section separate workers, then both worker types 5. If we could costlessly would be optimal to give worker n some constant subsidies equal will be useful references In this experiment we exp(— tu"^"). Workers in the exercises below. set 6i of type = 1 50 and 02 = 100, in our Frechet tend to have a lower hazard rate out of unemployment because they sample from a distribution with thicker a higher option value of waiting for offers. As a consequence, 19 tails and have their fractions rises in the 400 400 600 Figure 10: Optimal Benefits with Search Depreciation when Ai = Figure Acceptance Probabihty 11: Hazard Rates when Ai .01. unemployment pool over time. The impUed constant optimal workers, but slightly higher for type-1 workers: = J5i rise = an(J .01. subsidies are small for both 0.024 and §2 Figure 14 shows the optimal subsidy schedule for this case. around B2 600 time (weeks) time (weeks) = 0.012. Overall subsidies start with duration and limit to 5], as type-1 workers prevail in the unemployment and pool. Indeed, subsidies rise initially overshoot Bi and then come Figure 15 shows the evolution of the fraction of type hazard rate Hi{t)/H2{t). In side the relative 1 workers example the this iii{t) down back towards {n.i{t) relative + fi2{t)) hazard rate along- is quite constant, hoovering around 1/2, and the fraction of type-1 workers rises steadily towards the hazard rates are also quite constant and around Hi « .48 and H2 ~ it. 1; .95. In this example, given the chosen parameters, the overall subsidy levels are quite low. As a consequence, so is the rise in subsidies. This need not be the case: Figure 16 and 17 and 15 but using are comparable to Figure 14 subsidy levels are is more now Bi = now significant In the previous 0.267 and B2 when example inverts = 10 and 6 0.073. Figure 16 as subsidies rise from a value near Bi 20. The associated constant shows that the rise in subsidies and asymptote to B2. unemployment subsidy, in the sense that Bi > policy cannot separate workers subsidies tend to rise over time. B2. As a Our next this logic. Parallel Shifts. We now assume that workers of type shifted to the left in a parallel fashion, so that Fi{w) One = two examples workers with lower hazard rates were also those workers that merited a higher constant consequence, = 6* interpretation for the source of heterogeneity 20 1 sample from a distribution that = F2{w + is is ui). that the wage workers sampled is to 0-8 0.6 0,4 0.2 400 600 400 time (weeks) Figure 12: Optimal Benefits with Search Depreciation when Ai = Figure be interpreted broadly as a wage net of work can be interpreted as "lazy" relative to type is that type capital, lowering their productivity model upon being is Acceptance ProbabiHty and 1 effort cost 2, in on the Ai = .01. Then workers job. workers have suffered a discrete on the job by a constant amount. This laid off, the rest are spared. of type 1 that they have a higher cost of working. and Sargent (1998), where a fraction of workers in Ljungqvist in skills 13: Hazard Rates when .01. Another interpretation 600 time (weeks) loss in is human similar to the an immediate suffer loss This introduces a form of heterogeneity that very similar to that explored here. Their model also includes a steady rate of depreciation during the unemployment spell, that can be roughl}' captured by our previous analysis,'' Thus, we can captures both elements, heterogeneity and depreciation, in Ljungqvist and Sargent's (1998) specification. We solve the model with F2 These choices imply Bi Figure 19, Benefits fall = set to the Frechet specification 0.185 and Bo = 0.242. from around 0.225, not too The far with 9 results are = shown 10 and in uj — 1/2. Figure 18 and from B2, and asymptote to the lower value of Bi In all these examples subsidies start verge to Bi. This is somewhere between B2 and §1 and eventually con- intuitive since workers of type the long-run. Note, however, that in all Our ^^ One human is unemployment pool in in our explorations with homogeneous workers capital depreciation. intuition for this finding difference prevail in the these examples subsidies actually overshoot the Bo. Note that such overshooting never occurred suffering from 1 tliat is as follows. The planner would wish they model the steady depreciation during the deterministic, partly for numerical reasons. 21 to separate workers spell as stochastic instead of ^— 1 0.9 0.8 / ' 07 0.6 0) a. / ; ; 1 : / =i0 i \ ,/ r i ; : 5 gLO.4 0.3 0.2 i 0.1 150 100 50 ) time (weeks) Figure Optimal Benefits with Hetero- 14: geneity in = 50, ^i = offer them different 9; 9i by types and cannot do so there when a worker is 100. wage unemployment, all effective subsidy for schedule. i.e. Bi and Bo. Although he to continue searching 1 note that and collecting subsidies, the relevant an average of the unemployment subsidies over the is is found. Since workers of type this subsidy reflects things the same, a type this, 1 have lower hazard a longer average of subsidies. downward sloping subsidy schedule implies a lower workers than for type 2 workers; the reverse is true of an increasing Thus, tithng the schedule helps imitate desired discriminatory policy. titling that is long-run level Note levels, rates. something that imperfectly mimics separation. To see rejects a follows that, Fraction of type-1 wor leers and hazard unemployment subsidy span of time until the next suitable job It 15: relative per-period subsidy in her calculation rates out of Figure responsible for the overshooting: subsidies rise or in fall It is this past the desired ex-post order to provide better incentives ex ante. that, by the same logic, this phenomena is symptomatic of a time-consistency issue: ex post the overshot subsidies are not optimal, they were provided to affect incentives ex ante. Formally, as we discussed briefly above (and in detail in Appendix A) the planning problem can be formulated with a two-dimensional state vector using the fraction of type workers /j,i{t)/{i^ii{t.) However, only the + i^oit)) first is and the promised difference (i.e. variable, that is is to keep track of general, the promised differences in reservation would wish wages W2{t) a physically unalterable state variable, the second sometimes termed, a 'pseudo' state planning problem recursive in reservation to reoptimize over W2{t) — U!i{t), what "promise-keeping" constraints). will be inefficient is In ex post: the planner ignoring the inherited promised value. 22 — Wi{t). introduced to render the commitment all wages is, 1 p 0.9 0.8 •| 0.7 /^ i i 1 : ^0.6 1 / 1- ] \ £0.5 -4 1-0.4 • 0.3 ' ' 7 " 0.2 - :;:::: 0.1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 200 400 time (weeks) Figure 16: geneity in Optimal Benefits with Hetero9; Ox = 50, 9i = Figure 100. Recall that, in contrast, re(iuced so that at 7 800 1000 1200 Fraction of type-1 workers ancd relative hazarcd rates. when workers any point 17: in time it are is homogeneous the planning problem can be entirely forwarcd-looking. variables except for calendar time (and none whatsoever It 600 time (weeks) does not, therefore, feature a time inconsistency when There are no state the problem is stationary). issue. Conclusions studying the optimal timing of unemployment This paper provided a tractable framework for subsidies over the unemploj'ment spell. Subsidies should be constant homogeneous and face a stationary search problem. In contrast, human when workers are capital depreciation and worker heterogeneity can lead to increasing or decreasing schedules, depending on the precise nature of the depreciation or heterogeneity; A simple heuristic is we provided some useful dichotomies. suggested by our finding that optimal subsidies generally shift direction suggested by a comparative-static analysis. 23 in the 1 ' ' 0.9 0.8 0:7 |0.6 / -J ...i I-- ; £0.5 g;0 4 0,19 ...-. 0,3 j 0.2 0,1 1000 500 2000 1500 2500 1000 time (weeks) Figure 18: geneity in 1500 time (weeks) Optimal Benefits support of F{w). Hetero- witli Figure relative 19: Fraction of type-1 workers an(d hazard rates. Appendix A Optimal Control with Heterogeneous Agents we describe In this appeniiix its in detail the associated Hamiltonian, the resulting optimality conditions, and our numerical strategy for solving it. We being with some definitions. Definitions. Let the difTerence of optimal control problem with two worker types, motion for this difference in reservation 1 u'2(i) - = G2{m+A)-G,iwr), wiit). Then the law (21) workers as a{t)^ \\'ith = is A{t) Define the fraction of type wages be A{t) f^iit) Mi) + Mt)' the law of motion a{t) = a{t){l - a{t)) [H^iMt) + 24 A(t)) - H^{w,it)) (22) The objective function is then fOO -Ttl l^a{t)Ji{m{t)) + - a{t))J2{m{t) + {1 A{t))y.{t)dt, (23) JO where J„(iD) = w„[r + — //n(u'„)) equation (23) over Wi{t), A(i), a{t) and = A(i) It is fi{t) -,jit)ia{t)H,{wAt)) useful to think of iu\{f) as the control Truncated Control Version. is Thus, the planning problem Gn{'il>„). + wages of A T - (1 we a{t))H2{iMt) + //(t) as state variables. > t T, for T Let large. 1 where policy ^['(q. with a constant subsidy that implements a difference and with the fraction of type maximizing A(i))). solve a version of the problem restricted to offering constant subsidies for continuation value at to subject to equation (21), equation (22) and and A{t), a{i) and In practice, is A) be the in reservation workers equal to a. The problem can be written as / — with q(0) Q'o e-''j{a{t),iD,{t),A{t),f)fj.it)dt and //(O) = + e-'-'^'^{a{T),A{T),T)^i{T). (24) ^q are given, where = J{a,Wi,A,t) Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian aJi(^iDi,t) for this + - (l problem is a)J2{'Wi H- A, t) (omitting the arguments in functions to save on notation) where = -{aHi{wi) + {I -a)H2{iui + A)) M"{a,Wi,A,t) = a{l - a){H2{wi + A) - Hii'w^)) M^(iDi,A,0 = G2{w, + A,t) - G,{wi,t) M^(Q;,u)i,A,f) The II functions M'^ is M° and M'^ are the laws of motion the law of motion for /i and that M^ of motion. 25 for itself a and A derived above. Note that can be thought as a "normalized" law Maximum Principle. The reservation wage solves msxH And (25) the co-states evolve according to = ru^-{J^^u^NP) (26) t'A = ruJ^,ll - Ha (27) Va = rVajl - Ha (28) v,, Equations (25)-(28), together with the law of motion equations ODE system for the 6-dimensional vector Normalized System. It (/x, a, A, for ^u, a and A, comprise an v^, Ua, i^a)- proves convenient to work with the normalized Hamiltonian and co-states: H = J + k^M"" + kaM" + k.AM^ ,. Kn The _ — , "'a l^Li benefit of this transformation 5-dimensional one by dropping Since fi is that _ — I'a , "-A _ — I'A we can reduce the 6-dimensional problem fi.. can be factored out, the optimality condition (25) is eciuivalent to maxH and that using (26)-(28)' to a we can obtain the laws (29) of motion for the transformed co-states becomes k^ = rk^-{J+k^M^) kA = kA{r-M^)-HA ka ^ Kir - A4n - na Equations (29)-(32), together with the law of motion ecjuations ODE system for the 5-dimensional vector {a, A, 26 t'^, !/„, i^a)- (30) . " for (31) (32) a and A, comprise an Terminal Conditions. Since A(0) a free variable is fcA(O) Ai=T costate should be initially zero = • (33) we must meet the terminal conditions that ^v(^) = *(a(T),A(T),^) (34) fcA(T) = *A(a(T),A(r),T) (35) UT) = Algorithm. The idea the states are role in the (2, A and T to start at is it to solve this is T k^ and /c^, As ka- before, is // -uii and plays no /ca, ka. /c^, One can then a{T) and A(r). This using equations (34)-(3r)). and «(0). One can then search is and work backwards. The control variable to guess the values of the S5'stem backwards for Wi, a, A, Qq, that (36) can be ignored. the values of the co-states at and a{0) = ^M{T),A{T),T) a; along with their co-states dynamics and One way /ca(0) its is then sufficient to solve One can then compute the implied value of and A(r) that has for the initial guess o:{T) obtain to satisfy the optimality condition equation (33) /ca(0) and the given = initial condition for a. Useful Expressions. We now collect some expressions that are needed. First, some atives of the Hamiltonian function: We 'Ha = Ji-J2- Hi, = [l- a) ( {H, J^ - - Ho) Av/Za) ((1 + - 2a) k^ kAG'2 + + k,,) k^a{l - a)H^ also need the derivatives: J'{iL') = r + H{w) + wH'{w) - G'{iu) /oo G'{w) = r - Xit) / n„(u; - iD)dF{w, t) = + r j{G{iv) - riu) JW We define the value from a steady state policy as *(«, A) = m_ax{QSi{iui) 27 + (1 - a)S2{wi + A)) + A(l - F{w)) deriv-, subject to, = M^{wi, A), where we define for convenience the steady state surplus function: r It follows immediately that 'i/{-,A) As for the for A always differentiable and = other partial derivative, note that the constraint as a function of Wi, maximization is trivial. maximization is However, is + H„{w) which we write as A*(m;i). In general this function nontrivial. This may at points of differentiability ^A(a-, A) If M^{tvi, A) can be solved this function is invertible then the may be non-monotone, so that the above also introduce kinks in the value function ^(a,-). we must have = iaS[{w,) + (1 - = {aS[{i-u,) + (1 - a)S',{m + A)) a)S',{wi + A)) —1— + - M^ —^ + ''''(ill 28 (1 (1 - q)5^(iZ;i + A) - Q)S',{m + A). References Feldstein, Martin, "Rethinking Social Insurance," American Economic Review, March 2005, 95 {1), 1-24. 1 _ and Daniel Altman, "Unemployment ing Paper 6S60. Insurance Savings Accounts," 1998. 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