Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/onspeedoftransitOOaghi ^ rA working paper department of economics On the Speed of Transition in Central Europe Philippe Aghion Olivier Jean Blanchard No 93 -8 Jiine 1993 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 1 On the Speed of Transition in Central Europe Philippe Aghion Olivier Jean Blanchard No. 93-8 June 1993 AUG 1 2 1993^ RECEIVE I On the Speed of transition in Central Europe Philippe Aghion June 1, Olivier Jean Blanchard * 1993 Abstract Transirion in Central Europe involves the closing and restructuring of state firms, as well as the and the emergence of a new private sector. The speed of closing and restructuring rate of private job crearion unemployment new It in private jobs. cum affects Our paper determine the dynamics of unemployment. And both the decisions to restructure as well as to create presents a model which captures these interactions. characterizes the positive and normative properties of the equilibrium speed of transition and unemployment rate, and the role of policy. Analytics of Transition In system is all Central European countries, the legacy of the previous economic a large and must parts of firms, ailing state sector. made ding before they can be been extremely The close. Labor productivity is low. Many firms, or others need drasric restructuring and labor shed- to prosper. But, so far, the pace of restructuring has slow. The evolution of the state sector accounts however only for one side of the tran- sition process. The been impressive so ing many other far, is but new the growth of a it private sector. The growth has not taken place across the board. obstacles, ft-om poor financial markets to insufficient And it is has fac- human capital and expertise. This transition process speed of transirion fast ? raises many important How and why can it derail and what are those of going too slow These are the issues we take up ing two sectors, the state one of the two sectors, or unemployed. one in which all "What are the determining the risks of going too try to affect ? in this paper. and the private ? is Should the government ? the speed, and through which instruments What issues. We sector. think of the economy as hav- Workers are either employed in We think of the pre-transirion economy as workers work in the state sector. We then formalize transirion as the result of two interacting processes, the restructuring of state finns hand, and the growth of new private firms on the other. The on the one rate of restructuring determines the flow into unemployment; the rate of private job creation deter- mines the flow out of unemployment. Together they determine the evolution of unemployment and the speed of transition We think that our contribution lies ceptual structure as in the results -but not all- of a role for the as we ^. much in offering a simple and flexible obtain. But those can be stated simply. con- Most our results point to too slow a speed of transition, and thus government ever to a clear risk that too to accelerate the process. fast They also point out for how- a speed can lead to derailment and an ultimately X Analytics of Transition unsuccessful transition. Our paper Section 1 is organized as follows. offers a and are closed at benchmark model. In some constant flow out of unemployment tion of both of unemployment, while state firms are low productivity firms rate, leading to a flow into comes from wage and non wage it, private sector job creation, costs. non wage unemployment. The Wages which is a frinc- in turn are a decreasing frjnction costs are an increasing fijnction of unemploy- ment. By assuming that state firms simply close at a constant rate, the model does justice neither to the possibility of restructuring, nor to the decisions of state firms as to restructure or not. But it sheds light on the joint dynamics of unemployment and private sector job creation. Those dynamics are characterized and 3. The main unemployment, lesson kill is in Sections 2 that too high a rate of closing can, through private sector growth and its effect on derail the transition. Sections 4 and 5 refine the treatment of the state sector. Section 4 allows for restructuring rather than closing. Restructuring firms become ers are laid in effect, private, productivity off. is increased, is formalized as a process where and a proportion of the work- Section 5 focuses on the decision to restructure. It argues that workers can block restructuring, so that restructuring only happens workers approve it. It derives the implications of such an assumption. Clearly, as restructuring implies that some workers set as in private firms, restructuring compared if to those in private firms, is will lose their job less appealing, and that wages will be the higher state firm wages and the higher unemployment. Thus, the rate of restructuring and the flow into unemployment are decreasing in the level of unemployment. Sections 6 to 8 put the pieces together. Section 6 characterizes the equilibrium rate of unemployment and speed of transition. Section properties, and the case calibrations. for 7 looks at their normative government intervention. Section 8 presents rough Analytics of TTansition Section 9 concludes, and indicates what we see as some of the limitations of our mention one from the analysis. Let us start. We carry our analysis under the as- sumption of a hard budget constraint, that firms cannot act obtain larger subsidies from the government. true so far in the major Central of our paper). But the constraint may well not hold in the future. Our The economy hence the be tested again and again, and only excuse for not modelling it is that this far. composed of two is sectors, the state sector with the private sector with employment E+N+ U = that We rate. so that wages, E = first 1 where and N in the state U labor force is normalized to one, so unemployment, equivalently the unemployment is = U = N. The employment E, transition, 0. and then We all workers work in the state sector, describe the behavior of employment and in the private sector. state sector Both price many 1, assume that before the The 1.1 liberalization and the demise of the CMEA had the effect of making jobs unproductive from the start of the transition process. by assumirig that, as transition We likely to in Russia; A benchmark model 1 (1) is to see this as having been mostly European countries (but not title would have taken us too We such a way as in starts, employment We capture this in the state sector drops to assume that the remaining workers, Eq, have constant marginal product, The low productivity of state firms is captured by assuming that x is less than x. y, the marginal product of workers in the private sector, described below. (2) Three years into the state owned. But, in the transition, most state firms have remained nominally absence of state supervision and control, firms have acted Analytics of Transition largely in the interest of their workers, with a fairly short horizon. firms, Thus, in workers have increased wages so as to appropriate quasi rents. We capture this by assuming that the wage in state firms We — where a is clx — is equal to: z (1.1) greater than one, reflecting the appropriation of quasi rents by workers, and z are taxes per worker. Once the workers have appropriated incidence of taxes levied on the firm must (3) Finally, we assume fall entirely all rents, the on wages. that the speed of closing in the state sector is given by dEjdt = -s We shall start by thinking of s as an exogenous parameter, say under the control showing the basic dynamics of the model most starkly. But, later, assumption in two ways. First we shall allow parts of firms, s: (1.2) of the government. Starting with the assumption of an exogenous 5 this many can be saved and restructured, for the fact that we is useful in shall relax some firms, or albeit at the cost of reductions in employment. Second, and more importantly, we shall endogenize s, by looking at the choice of state firms/workers between restructuring or not restructuring. The 1.2 (1) The private sector private sector has overnight. We grown fast, assume private job creation to be given dN/dt = where y wage is but clearly cannot replace the state sector by: a{y-z-w) the constant marginal product of labor in the private sector, in the private sector, (1.3) w is the and z are again taxes per worker, which are assumed Analytics of Transition be the same to and for private Private job creation ployment and the is thus characterized by a relation between the change in em- is new capacity not exceed retained earnings "'. The indeed that that new private firms do not use outside finance. Or we can think of tional, This relation can be seen as coming ft-om the profit per worker. constraint that investment in evidence state firms. as it coming and some coming fi^om costs of adjustment, such aspects ft^om some physical as learning by doing, and conven- accumulation of information, development of reputation in goods and financial markets and so "•. If comes from the relation costs of adjustment, it is likely however looking: before creating jobs, firms will worry about both current pected We profits. ignore this aspect for the time being, but take on to be forward and fijture ex- it up in Section 3 below. (2) The evidence on private sector idea that the private sector reasonable. We 6 hires to is unemployment unemployment is later to derive it explicitly: ^. Assume H/U. the interest rate, and H/U from efficiency wage considerations. fijrther that there are equal to Under those assumptions, equal to is (1.4) is the ratio of a constant. It is useful for be the values of being unemployed and employed in the private sector respectively. H + c{r+H/U) the exit rate ft-om unemployment, and c easily derived Vu and VV b benefits, r is so that hires, sketchy, but the take private sector wages to be determined by: This equation Let is still wage depends on labor market conditions appears w= where wage determination is dN/dt, and that no turnover all in the private sector, hires are firom the probability of being hired unemployment when unemployed is Analytics of Transition The two values thus follow "arbitrage" equations: r ' "^ '' i When no risk forever Many = b rV^ = w + dV^/dt + {H/U){Vrsf-Vu) + dVu/dt (1.5) (1.6) unemployed, a worker receives unemployment benefits H/U bility rVu of being employed. When employed, and has proba- 6, a worker faces, by assumption, of becoming unemployed again, and thus receives the private sector wage after. wage considerations can be summarized by the condition that efficiency wage such firms choose a that the value of being employed exceeds the value of being unemployed by some amount, thus such that Vjv that assumption, which obviously implies that dV^ jdt — Vfj = c, Note that, in that equation, higher the wage one for one. unemployment rate Note itself, also that the wage is unemployment 1.3 to workers, and affects the as well, an increasing function not of the se, It is clearly which is of wage. Taxes and unemployment benefits The remaining assumption efits. which Under wage equation but of the exit rate out of unemployment. thus, 0. benefits increase the probability of getting a job, not the unemployment rate per concern > — dVu/dt = taking the difference between the two equations above gives the (1.4) above. c We relates taxes, unemployment and unemployment ben- assume that taxes are levied equally on employment, to finance unemployment benefits. state and private, This implies: Ub = {l-U)z (1.7) This relation has a straightforward implication. Higher unemployment, given unemployment benefits, leads to higher taxes per worker; thus, ceteris paribus, Analytics of Transition higher unemployment decreases private job creation. There obviously more to the relation between the process of transition and is balance than this simple relation. different channels through We see this formalization as a which a depressed economy and thus the growth of the new private itability metaphor These may be sector. been flow of retirements, clearly as an alternative to unemployment demand for the output of private unemployment decreases support form process and uncertainty, There firms is will go on; for for older workers; may be through may mean lower aggregate demand, and firms. One can think of yet others: higher reform and thus the likelihood that the this in turn leads to lower expected profitability, just It is that the tax burden on private One may easily channels through which the burden may depend on that composirion, if higher on unemployment, and does not depend on the composition of employment between the private and the state sector. ple re- in turn lower private job creation. a strong assumption implicit in (1.7). depends other, but Poland an unusually large in those higher retirement benefits also need to be financed. These lower for the affects adversely the prof- related, fiscal channels: for example, there has aggregate demand: higher unemployment fiscal state firms receive subsidies and private firms do not, or if think of for exam- state firms and private firms are taxed differently. Allowing for such distriburion effects would, complicate the analytics below; we do not think that it would change very much the substance of our results ^ 1.4 laking care of comers In specifying our assumptions, it might have been more natural to specify the equations for state and private employment in terms of rates of change rather than changes, dN/dt. in terms of i.e. We {dE/dt)/E and {dN/dt)/N than have chosen our specification because analysis later, leaving only employment in one state variable, it in terms of dE/dt and substantially simplifies the unemployment, rather than two, one sector and unemployment. But, as a result of these assump- Analytics of Transition tions, the economy can are reached. and we have Those conditions only similar condition A'' = 0. to must hold make if it is £ > for private what happens when those end of the play a role at the employment can only decline the condition (1.2) only holds for innocuous to state economy go very wrong, but they must be things in the First, state hit corners, first = 0,dE/dt = employment. Here, it is a slightly different assumption, that for {y Namely, private firms can close if when specified nevertheless: positive in the 0: for i^ transition or they are losing money. place, so that 0. Second, a convenient and — z — w) < We shall 0, ignore these conditions in the text, (but not in the derivatior^s and graphs which underlie the text) only mentioning , them when Unemployment and 2 In our directly relevant. the speed of transition benchmark model, the speed of closing determines the inflow into unem- ployment. Unemployment in turn determines private job creation, the out-flow firom unemployment. Together, these two relations thus determine unemployment dynamics. Working backwards, we first derive the relation between unemployment and pri- vate job creation. Solving for the wage, using equations (1.4), (1.3) and (1.7) gives: iw-b) = Replacing [ca/iU w by its value from + ca)][y (2. 1), + {r/a)U - ((1/(1 - U))b] and z by its (2.1) value from (1.7) gives private job creation as a function of unemployment: dN/dt = a[U/{U + Unemployment channel is ca)][y -re- affects private job creation captured in the first (1/(1 - U))b] = f{U) (2.2) through two channels. The direct term: the higher is unemployment, the lower is n ^^fv^ /^, I ^ u ^\^i.Mf ^ £-,Ay u Analytics of TTansition 10 the wage, and thus the higher The second term private sector job creation. is captures the effect of unemployment through contributions, taking into account on the implicitly the incidence The higher the lower How is is private sector wage, which partly offsets the effect. unemployment, the higher are unemployment contributions, thus private sector job creation. these two relations determine unemployment is shown in figures and I 2, which, each, plot private job creation and state job closing as functions of U. In both, private job creation origin. When private employment exit rate unemployment and thus dominates equal to zero, the wage is would lead to an infinite wages. As unemployment increases, the effect which increases. unemployment on wages, so As unemployment private employment growth that private gets sufficiently large however, declines. effect of unemploy- As unemployment gets enough, wages and contriburions exceed the marginal product of labor, lead- ing to the disappearance of the private sector. Thus, at low unemployment more job leads to ployment leads to creation; at high unemployment, higher unemployment, higher unem- job crearion. less In both, the decline in state is, locus starts from the so high as to prevent unemployment on contributions dominates the ment on wages, and large is dN/dt = f(U). The the direct effect of is employment growth given by crearion; any positive rate of hiring infinite initially the effect of is employment on the other hand is given by 5, which by assumption, constant and thus independent of unemployment, a horizontal line at s. Figures 1 In figure 3, so that starts and 2 consider the two configurations which these equations can 1 , the yield: maximum rate of private sector job creation is such that it exceeds unemployment anywhere between during the transition. ment decreases If to Ui. at that point is decreasing. In that case, and Ui unemployment goes , the economy starts to Ui if the economy and then stays there between Ui and U2, then unemploy- Beyond U2, the weight of contriburions is too large; the Analytics of Transition 1 1 enough and unemployment grows private sector does not take off fast until the private sector actually closes. To the right of point A, the private sector never takes off. In figure the 2, employment maximum is still rate of private sector initially, employment is employment decline, the fiscal effects employed There is down. Unemployment one simple lesson from If the speed change of private sector employment growth can become dominant, and private relentlessly increases until this It is model: there enough is a offset state employment everybody maximum that value of 5 such that the higher, the rise in is is un- two speed at which loci are exactly unemployment never allows the private to replace the jobs lost in the state sector. earlier, private part, forward looking. the rate of A forward looking private sector As we pointed out will instead such that un- ^. sector to grow fast 3 and the increasing. But, before private the state sector can be closed. tangent. is increasing at that point. In that case, starring from low un- employment, things look good starts slowing change not invest fijture. if Many private firms, likely to be, at least in is and especially foreign direct investors, they expect conditions to deteriorate, and profits to shrink in But in turn, profits in the fijture may be low if private job creation is unemployment. insufficient to avoid rising To explore sector job creation this interacrion, we modify our description of private employment cre- ation, equation (1.3), to read: where dN/dt = gtV (3.1) rV = {y-z-w) + dV/dt (3.2) V is the value of a new private job. Job creation now depends on the value ^,qcYt 3 Vr 23 U rO 2 Analytics of Transition new of a that costs, z The value job. of a new job follows an arbitrage equation, + w. Such a relation is easily derived from quadratic costs of adjustment. Under these assumptions, the economy reduces dU/dt = s-arV rV = f{U) where, as before, f{U) The locus {dU/dt = 0) = [U/iU + is locus (dV/dt erties as the is zero, f{U) = 0) all and V: - (3.4) U))b]. V — U space, at (F = s/ar), V = f{U)/r and thus has the same propIt V goes through the origin is zero. It it downward sloping, and is as, if upward sloping increases U ini- unemployment V becomes equal to zero at b/y. There are again two We U equal to state employment destruction. the rents and thus it is in ca)]dV/dt unemployment decreases wages more than contributions. Eventually, U = 1- (1/(1 locus characterized earlier. wages extract tially as given by - line in the is two equations, (3.3) ca)][y an horizontal is to + [U/{U + such that private employment creation The which implies the present value of the difference between y and direct and indirect is it 1 cases, depending on whether the two loci intersect or not. concentrate on the case where they intersect; the conditions for this are the same as before. The dynamics paths. are characterized in figure 3. There are always two equilibrium The first path is given by A'B' (under myopic expectations, by OB' instead). The private sector to maintain is optimistic, unemployment constant. The path goes to the wrong place. Firms are ment creation goes from is it would be given and quickly creates enough jobs transition is a smooth one. The second less optimistic, create less jobs, never enough, and their fears are proven founded. employ- The economy A to B and asymptotes to C as above *. Thus, even if the speed is below the maximum speed derived in the previous sec- Ancdy tics of Transition tion, expectations matter very much. If 5 is and indeed does the policy lessons from this exercise control There no obvious sense -at is speed makes the good outcome more nounce a policy ? Suppose that the government can path will result. same purpose. But one senses benefits is more rate higher Under such an announcement, the only One can that there is a substantive difference explicit treatment of the armouncement of lower benefits serves the between the government's ob- when unemployment problems of credibility and time consistency. likely to suffer firom Thus, within our model, the lesson is that, in order to avoid self-fulfilling forecasts of the failure of transition, for example, by foreign investors, the government want to announce unemployment, it namely armounce a flexible policy, will slow per- think of other announcements unemployment exceeds Ui formally if two annoucements. Even without an clear that the an unemployment For example, the announcement that unemploy- benefits will be eliminated it is which a lower But the government can however an- likely. be the good path. which achieve the same jectives, in which eliminates the bad outcome. Any policy which announces than, say Ui, achieves this result. ment we can see- least that that the speed of closing will be equal to zero for fect foresight anticipated to it is fail. What are s. 3 constant, there are always two self one where transition succeeds, and one where fulfilling paths, fail 1 down that, conditional may on high the process of closirig state firms. In doing so, the government will avoid the emergence of high unemployment, and therefore will not have to actually decrease How robust risky to is this result go slow as it is ? to It go s. goes against the often expressed view that fast. One possible rationale for that view with time, state firms may increasingly ask private firms. Our model very much relies erate under a hard budget constraint. in Russia, far. it for and obtain subsidies, on the assumption While this assumption more it is is as that, so than that state firms opis clearly incorrect has been largely satisfied in the major Central European countries so Analytics of Transition 4 14 Restructuring instead of closing The approach been so far has from the new private sector. assume that to all The evidence however wrong, that a number of state firms are likely to must eventually come activity suggests that this view is be profitable, although not with- out closing of some activities, and not without considerable labor shedding. This possibility of transformation can be introduced easily -perhaps too easilyin the following way. Reinterpret the initial lows. Initially, there are employing each 1 Eq worker state "firms", (a fol- each producing x units of output, and convenient normalization). Over time, those firms are transformed. Transformation (1) assumptions about state firms as is such that: each firm now employs only A workers, A < 1, and each worker produces y,y > X units of output, so that each firm now produces Xy units of output, which can be greater or is less than clearly just a special case of this (2) the new x. Closing, the case we have considered more general formulation, with A firm operates from then on like a private firm, so that set as in the rest of the private sector, at level we shall when now far, 0. wages are now w. Thus, we think in effect of transformation as restructuring private sector will = so cum privatization. The include both transformed state firms and new private firms; convenient, refer to the second source, as "new" private job cre- ation. We shall maintain for the moment the assumption of an exogenous speed s, where 5 is now the speed of restructuring rather than of closing. We shall endogenize it in the next section. When restructuring takes place The equation for the at rate 5, (1 — A)^ workers become unemployed. behavior of unemployment becomes: dU/dt = s{l-X)-f{U) (4.1) 5 Analy tics of Transition The dynamics and 1 ( 1 2, of 1 unemployment and transition are thus the same as in figures with the flow into unemployment being given by the horizontal line — A)5 rather at s. The conclusions we derived earlier above still at hold, in slightly modified form: There is a maximum speed of restructuring -which is simply equal to the maxi- mum speed of closing we derived earlier, multiplied by 1/(1 — A)- consistent with a successful transformation. For speeds ing directly increases output, that much. This eventually kills is beyond even this Xy > if maximum, even private sector job creation. Eventually, both the For speeds lower than the maximum, and eventually converges to U\ , to £/i 0, and as long as the lower of the two stays there during the transition. restructuring , is restructur- unemployment increases too x, and the transformed private sector become unprofitable and dU/dt = if contributing both directly increase in the private sector. The indirect effect ployment, which, given that f'{Ui) > close. Uq < U-i, unemployment the economy rates at When unemployment (,Xs) is and is which equal indirectly {f{U)) to the through the increased unem- leads to faster job creation in the 0, new new private sector as well. When forward looking behavior is introduced in the new private sector, as we did in the previous section, then constant announced speeds of restructuring associated with two paths, one successful and one unsuccessful. And, nouncing that restructuring will be halted if unemployment is are again, an- too high can help sustain the virtuous circle equilibrium. 5 We Restructuring as a choice have so far viewed the speed of restructuring as a given parameter, under the control of the government. Many of them to operate at We now view indeed have the choice, it instead as a choice by state firms. at least for some time, between conrinuing low levels of productivity, or restructuring, getting rid of redundant 6 Analytics of Tramition 1 When operations, eliminating labor hoarding, and increasing productivity. they take the decision to restructure decisions mostly represent, as If firms' ? have argued, the interests of their workers, the answer must be that firms when restructured only the workers agree to What it much relevance, lb see that, ment in the means for "workers to agree" let untransformed state unemployed. And let we can use the is will we be it. ambiguous, and an issue of this raises represent the value for a worker of employ- sector. Let, as before, V)v be the value of being which, under our assumptions, sector so that Ve is will Vu employed be the value of being in the transformed firm, the same as that of working in the same symbol. Recall new private that restructuring implies that a proportion A of the workers will remain employed after restructuring, and a pro- portion If all 1 - A will become unemployed. workers perceive an equal probability of keeping their job after restructuring, then -under the assumprion of risk neutrality, an assumption that we have made implicitly until now in defining the various value funcrions as linear in benefits-, the condirion for restructuring XV^ + {1 wages and is: - X)Vu > Ve (5.1) For restructuring to take place, the expected value after restructuring must be greater than or equal to the value absent restructuring. But, in most firms, the assumption that workers choose under a veil of ignorance is clearly wrong, in surely have to the firm. Even close. if most cases, it is What happens easy to idenrify parts of the firm which will then depends on the decision process within decisions to restructure require, as they do de facto in Poland, quasi unarumity of the workers, the condition above who know they will lose their job can be pay for example, by those in many cases, workers who fijlly may still hold if those workers compensated, through severance are likely to keep theirs. But the evidence who were is that, likely to lose their job as a result of restructuring 7 Analytics of Transition 1 have blocked attempts at such restructuring. Under the extreme assumption of unanimity and no- transfers, the condition for restructuring must be: Vu > Ve This condition, that restructuring as a result are as well off as is if (5.2). We shall work is Endogenous only if those who lose their jobs somewhere between the two conditions, what follows with condition when working with things are modified 6 in will take place they remained employed in the untransformed firm, probably too strong, and reality and (5.2) (5.1), (5.1) and indicate how (5.2) instead. unemployment and the speed of restructuring, transition We now put both parts of the model together, and start by giving a general de- scription of the transition, with details Starting from an unemployment rium unemployment From then rate, qualifications to follow: rate Uq, the economy converges U', such that the condition economy on, the and stays at this unemployment (5.1) to an equilib- holds with equality. rate, until the end of the transition. At [/ = [/*, job creation in the of restructuring new private sector is = f{U'). Thus, sector job creation, from transformation of state firms is equal + fiU') = U= U', total private and from new private sector = f{U')/il-^)- transition path, the value of being given by V}v at unem- to: sX Along the The speed thus given implicitly by the condition that inflows into is ployment equal outflows, or (1 - A)s* creation equal to f{U'). w/r. As the wage is employed in the private sector a decreasing fiinction of is unemployment, V}v Analytics of Transition is J a decreasing function of unemployment. And from the conditions Vyv = AVV + (1 — ^)Vu, the three values unemployment. And from the same conditions, and Ve sector are better off than those off employed are = Vjy 8 +c decreasing functions of all those employed in the private in the state sector, who are in turn better than the unemployed: V^ > Ve = V^-(1-X)c > Vu = 6.1 V^-c (6.1) Characterizing U' We now characterize absent restructuring is U' formally. of being employed in a state firm characterized by: rVE = Along the The value transition path, ax-z + dVE/dt when U is (6.2) equal to U*, unemployment benefits and thus taxes per worker, z are constant. Thus, dVE/dt = 0, and Ve is given by {ax — z)/r. The values of being unemployed and of being employed in the private sector re- spectively are given by equations (1.5) are also constant, and dV^/dt b (1.6). If = dVu/dt = rVN = w = rVu = and b + c{r 0. [/" is constant, Thus, V/v and Vu + f{U')/U') + U{U')IU'){Vn - Replacing in equation (5.1) and noring that Vjv = Vu) Vj/ thenw,f{U)/U are given by: (6.3) (6.4) + c gives: ax-z = b + cf{U')IV + Xcr (6.5) Analytics of TTansition 19 U' must be such Equilibrium unemployment, hand sector, the left are unemployment side of (6.5) equal to the , and the benefits, make as to sum the wage of three terms. exit rate out of The two first unemployment times difference in value between being employed in the private sector employed. The third in the state c, the and being un- the annuity value of being employed in the private sector is over the value of being unemployed, times the probability of being employed in the restructured firm. If we had used condition restructuring had to be approved by those does the economy get to U' ployment from the restructuring, initial If, ? shock, Uq, \s and a discrete increase Uq exceeds U', there unemployment they were going to lose their is at the start of the transition, the less in than U', there unemployment no restructuring is a discrete U= until until private sector U'. unem- amount of If instead, growth has reduced to U'. To characterize U' fijrther, rewrite (6.5) using the expression for balanced budget condition that z = bU/{l - Figure 4 plots both sides of the equation. right f{U) and the U). This gives: - cr) + _£_(6/(l jjf^Ay [U + ca) K^ + caj ax - Xcr = A{U) = Qi - Act-. The who knew is if term would be absent. jobs, this third How (5.2) instead of (5.1), that hand side, /!((/) is The left hand side equal toy — cr for is an horizontal U= 0. If (6.6) [/)) line at y — cr — 6 > 0, the condition that the marginal product of the private sector exceeds the lowest wage the private sector may however, increases it pay, and tends A{U) \s initially downward to oo as f/ tends to one. Figure 4 depending on parameters, three configurations are In the first, state workers just state wages, which sloping. Eventually do not want shows that, possible: to restructure, and prefer to keep their in part capture quasi rents, to the risks of restructuring associated unemployment. This will be the case when A{0) is below and the horizontal ()(^-cAr .. T)'^U^-C i. Afu.) ^ _ CCL ii + .cr) ca 20 Analytics of Transition locus, or equivalently ax — cXr > if to zero, the process of transition will and zero unemployment new of the — cr. In that case, never start. No if Uq equal initially is restructuring will take place, high private wages, preventing the growth will lead to private sector as well. y If unemployment is sector job creation will also be initially positive, but as initially positive, private unemployment job creation will stop altogether. In that case, the transition will fail, decreases, by being too slow. In the second, state workers ment This rate. A{U) - A)£'o) f{Uo + on, the If {l new instead > 0, then + f{Uo (1 — A)£'o) unemployment all will 0, until is will also In the third case, the case twice. This is we fail, rate is stable, drawn and we = 0. At to zero. up to the that point, the private sector will never time from being too shall focus on, the case actually unemployment this will take place such that /(U) A{U) and If and from then unemployment has returned new transformed sector will break even, and Thus, the transition so low as not to be instantaneous restructuring. then restructuring generates it is state firms will be restructured, expand < no matter what the unemploy- the horizontal locus The outcome private sector will point such the the locus. to restructure when be the case will intercept the want start. fast. the horizontal locus cross in figure 4. In that case, only the lower shall concentrate on it as we turn to com- parative statics. Comparative 6.2 Using figure and 4, statics we can ask how changes in the various parameters affect both U' s'. Take a decrease in a, a goal that the Polish government has tried to achieve through punitive taxation of wage increases in state firms in excess of wage norms. Such a decrease shifts the horizontal locus ployment. This is down, increasing equilibrium unem- because, while they have no direct effect on production in the 1 Analytics of Transition 2 wages makes state workers state sector, lower state sector bark on restructuring. As they do so, unemployment less em- reluctant to increases. As f{U)/U is a decreasing function of U, the exit rate from unemployment decreases until equation (6.6) holds with equality. What happens to creation the speed of restructuring and to the speed of new private sector however ambiguous. Note is the fact that if unemployment is first that what happens to both linked by is constant, the flow into unemployment, which is proportional to the speed of restructuring, must be equal to the flow out of uncreation. What thus determined by the value of f'{U'), the effect of unem- employment, which happens to both is ployment on hires becomes negative be signed. If is equal to in figure 1, employment /'(.) is initially positive, unemployment high enough. And f'{U') cannot > f'(U*) private sector As we saw at f/'. for new 0, if and in general unemployment through wages dominate the effects of the effects through taxes, then higher unemployment increases both the speed of restructuring and of private sector employment creation. But, if < f'{U*) 0, then higher unemployment leads to slower restructuring and private sector em- ployment creation. Our numerical simulations below suggest that the the more relevant, but this Take now an increase in is case is ultimately an empirical matter. saved in restructuring. It down, increasing equilibrium unemployment. This is A, a higher proportion of jobs shifts the horizontal locus first because a higher A decreases the probability of unemployment after restructuring. The exit rate from unemployment must thus decrease for equilibrium to be maintained, and the unemployment rate must therefore increase. Note however away that this effect goes workers who know same ambiguity private is we assume condition (5.2) instead of (5.1), if those they will lose their job have to be in favor of restructuring. at employment Finally, consider if work for the effects creation. If /'([/*) an increase locus up, leading to in on > 0, the speeds of restructuring The and new then both increase. unemployment more unemployment. This benefits, 6. is This shifts the A{U) both because higher unemploy- Analytics of Trarusition ment benefits 22 make unemployment less unattractive to state sector workers, and because higher taxes decrease the wage in the state has on the speed of transition first is sector. The effect this increase The again ambiguous, this time for two reasons. is the sign of f'{U'). But even if f'{U') > 0, the effect may still be negative because b affects z which enters f{U): given unemployment, higher unemploy- ment any given unemployment These a decrease ? generally, should the government is try to affect transition two questions. Compared disposal We shall raises it ? This is the issue to which what to ? turn. transition. too fast or too slow, is we now And assuming what we have first tools at the answer to government's ? take as the objective function of the government the present discounted value of output. Thus, unemployment we focus on efficiency, and give no weight to income or distribution. This leaves the issue of what the government takes as given, in solving mization problem. There the parameters profitability on is a sense in we have defined so far. which the goveniment can private sector job creation, the parameter a, must lowing the government to choose a trivial and unemployment unrealistic. benefits and Thus, fireely we affect its opti- most of For example, the strength of the effect of on the organization of credit markets, which both unem- the speed of transition too high or too low, and Optimal unemployment and speed of lb answer whether the a the speed of transition, should the government try to say, raises More hires at rate. results raise the next obvious question. If a decrease in ployment, and, 7 unemployment contributions, which reduce benefits lead to higher in part the government can improve. But al- clearly shall depend makes the optimization problem assume that the government takes the their financing, the wage determination process, and the equation for private job creation, as given. This implies that the government 23 Analytics of Transition cakes the function It can do dN/dt = /(f/) as given, and chooses the rate of restructuring. our model, through changes in a, or by imposing top-down this in vatization and restructuring, or by modifying decision rules within firms. not specify how at this point, pri- We shall but will just take the speed of restructuring as the control variable. 7. 1 Let Optimal unemployment and speed En denote employment in the transformed state problem of the government max is / sector. The optimization thus: {Ex + ENy + Ny)e-''dt (7.1) ^0 subject to: 1 = E + En + The first N + U; equarion is En = K^-Eo); dN/dt = fiU) simply the condition that people be either employed some- where or unemployed. The second states the relation between employment in the transformed state sector and employment in the untransformed state sector. The third is the relarion between private job crearion and government takes Using the first unemployment that the as given. two equations to eliminate both max(l - A) /°°[i Jo E and En gives: - U{x - Xy) + N{y - x)]e-'*d< (7.2) subject to dN/dt = f{U) The solution is characterized by an optimal unemployment rate, U°, and an as- sociated speed of private sector job creation, f{U°). This in turn implicitly defines the optimal speed of restructuring, which must be such that the inflow Analytics of Transition unemployment into 24 is equal to private sector job creation, and is thus given by = fiU°)/il-X). s° If initially, Uq < U°, then a discrete amount of restructuring takes place up U = the point where U°. If instead, Uq > U°, no restructuring takes place private sector job creation has reduced transition takes place at constant U° is unemployment to U°. From then until on, the unemployment, U°. implicitly defined by: x-\y = nU°){{y-x)lT) The intuition U in given N is as follows: is From the associated with a change in output unemployment can be associated with an marginal increase in U -(1 — A)(x — \y). the present value of a marginal increase in increase in unemployment is rate A'^ if Ay > x, If the an increase increase in output. In addition, a affects private sector job creation The optimal unemployment (7.3) objective fijnction (7.2), a marginal increase gains in productivity firom restructuring are large enough, in to given by f'{U°). From (7.2), U is given by {l-X){y-x)/r. must be such that the net gain of a marginal equal to zero. Dividing both sides by (1 - A) gives (7.3). U° is characterized graphically in figure 5, dN/dt = f{U). The oprimality condirion is tor(x- Aj/)/(y-i).Note is that if Ay > i, which, once again draws the locus that the slope of the tangent be equal then the oprimal speed of restructuring such as to push unemployment beyond the point which maximizes new private sector growth, 7.2 somewhere to the right of A. Comparing U' and U° To compare actual and oprimal U's and associated speeds of venient to rewrite the equilibrium condition for U' transition, it is con- in terms not of the underlying 25 Analytics of Transitian parameters, but in terms of tor. Using we and w, the wages and the equilibrium condition (6.4), (6.3), (6.2) WE-b = X{w-b) + The equation benefits and costs [f{U')/U']{w - WE)/r as perceived two opposite is not U' — U° 1 /'(.), the marginal effect of unemployment w - we which is is in that, if the decision to restructure do not oppose term on the - smaller than the difference in productivity y optimal, leading to too low unemployment. first (7.4) shows wages between the private sector and the state likely to hold, the incentive to start restructuring will their jobs and (7.3) sets of effects at work. sector is on unemployment f{U)/U. we cannot. Comparing In general, To the extent that the difference way (7.4) by workers. Note in particular that from the point private job creation, but rather the exit rate from sign (5.1) yields: has the same structure as that for U°, but this time with the private of the workers, what matters Can we and the private sec- in the state right it, be weaker than is A second effect which goes the same is such that even those who so that the relevant condition hand side of (7.4) x, a condition V^ = is Vj/, will lose then the disappears. This leads workers to be reluctant to restructure and thus leads to a lower unemployment more rate. But two other effects work in the opposite direction: unemployment benefits make unemployment less painful, leading to higher equilibrium unemployment. And, while the marginal effect of unemployment on private job creation, f'{U)\s what is relevant for optimal unemployment, what matters to workers effect f{U)/U. By concavity of /(.), the marginal effect the average effect; this factor leads again to too high Assuming we can sign is V — U°, can we then sign s* is which will the average always smaller than unemployment ^. — s° Here again, t ambiguous, and depends on the sign o( f'{U') and f'{U°). positive, is If the answer both of them are be the case as long as the two unemployment rates are less 26 Analytics of Transition than A in figure 5, too low an unemployment rate will also imply too low a speed of transition. These ambiguities capture the complexity of effects biguities, to statements that transition be too bold. But we do not want to is at work. In light of these obviously too end on fast this note. am- or too slow appear to us We think that, for plausible parameter values, many of the ambiguities can be removed, and that equilibrium speed 8 is indeed likely to be too low. This is what we turn to in the next section. Cautious calibrations. Choosing numbers much the various parameters of the model for empirical work is currently going on, our knowledge where we can confidently choose parameters fine benchmark parameters ^°. is is not easy. While not at the point This caveat being made, we de- as follows: Choosing parameters 8. 1 We normalize the marginal product in the state sector, i to be equal to suming that workers appropriate the returns a = We 1.3. take We we take the marginal product in the private sector, y to be equal to unemployment in the state sector. horizoris, to to capital in the state sector, 1. We benefits, 6 to be equal to .5, or about a third of the take the interest rate, which here be relatively high, . I is Astake 1.8. wage an index of effective per year. This leaves three parameters where even more guess work is involved. We take A the proportion of state employment which can be saved by restructuring to be equal to .4. This the worst firms is lower than the numbers observed so is still to on the output of a state be 2, far, come. This implies that the direct firm is to reduce it from 1.0 to 1.8 x but restructuring of effect of restructuring .4 = .72. We take c to leading to a difference between the value of being employed in the private . : 27 Analytics of Transition sector and the value of being unemployed of and without shame, we choose . 1 x 2 = 20% on annual basis. on the effect of profit a, Finally, private job creation, in such a way as to generate roughly the speed of new private sector creation Poland, or about 4% of the . I Optimal and equilibrium unemployment and speed. 8.2 The assumptions are given in table results of these ployment condition rates, (/*, the equilibrium Vg = AV}v + Ve = Vu, and U° of labor force per year. This yields a value of a of in new , (1 1. unemployment - \)Vu, U", Table gives three rate obtained unem- assuming the the rate obtained assuming instead the optimal rate. For each of the three, private job creation, f{U), 1 and the marginal it also gives the speed effect of unemployment on that speed, f'{U). The first line gives the implications of the unemployment U* is benchmark parameters. Equilibrium equal to 12%, and the rate of private sector creation is 3.9% of the labor force per year. This implies a total increase in private employment, firom both restructuring and new private sector job creation, of 6.5% per When restructuring decisions have to be such that those not worse off, equilibrium unemployment [/** job creation to 3%. Both 20%, which the /'(.) And all than the optimal rate of much lower three are becomes negative, which three lines give the effects of changing unemployment ingly, which rate at lose their job are equal to 8%, and private sector rates are lower associated with a speed of 4.8%. unemployment The next ing is unemployment is who unemployment benefits lead to higher equilibrium is than equal to 31%. benefits. Increas- unemployment. Interest- higher benefits and higher unemployment both imply higher taxes, and from equation (6.2) and (6.1), lower values of being employed in either sector, and of being unemployed. But this has nearly no effect on the speed of transition. effects of higher benefits same year. unemployment on wages are offset by the effects of increased on equilibrium wages and of higher unemployment time, higher unemployment The contributions. benefits lead to lower optimal At the unemployment Table Unemployment and Speed 1. of Transition U' fiU') U" f{U") U° /(f>'°) Benchmark 12 3.9 8 3.0 20 4.8 b = .6 15 3.8 10 3.1 18 4.1 b = .4 10 3.8 7 3.0 23 5.7 b = .3 9 3.6 7 3.0 26 6.7 Q = 1.4 8 3.0 5 2.1 20 4.8 Q = 1.2 20 4.8 13 4.0 20 4.8 Q = 1.1 - - 22 5.0 20 4.8 All numbers eters are X = as percentages of the labor force. 1, 2/ = 1.8, a = 1.3, 6 = .5, A = Benchmark values .4, c = 2, r = .1 for the param- Analytics of Tramition 28 higher benefits decrease the marginal effect of a given level of unemployment on job creation The last '*. three lines show how the effects of changirig a, one of the potential in- struments at the government's disposal to affect the equilibrium speed of transition. Decreasing a horn 1.3 in the benchmark and an equilibrium unemployment studied in figure 4 earlier. a more unemployment, and speed nearly equal rate ones. Interestingly, ftjrther decreasing to 1.2 lead to to I.I leads to the second configuration Staying in state jobs becomes so unattractive that state firms are instantaneously restructured, leading to high high level of unemployment, /(.) this is still private sector job creation eventually reduces 9 We to the optimal all unemployment. At positive however, so that positive unemployment to zero. Conclusion have presented a model of transition where unemployment rate of private job creation where both in turn affect and the speed of restructuring of the unemployment over affects both the state sector, and time. We have characterized the equilibrium rate of unemployment and speed of transition. We have concluded that, while librium speed of transition ernment likely to to accelerate the transition. wages in the on is ambiguous on theoretical grounds, the equi- state sector, be too slow, justifying measures by the gov- These measures may include and top-down privatization and firms rather than chosen by them. But going too fast, and of sticking we have to inflexible policies, restraints restructuring, on imposed also pointed to the dangers of which do not reduce the speed of restructuring in the face of high unemployment. Going too fast may lead to too high unemployment and derail the transition. Inflexible policies open the scope for self ftjlfiUing We have expectations of an unsuccessful transition. at various points in the tential extensions. In ending paper discussed formalization choices, and po- this paper, we put the list together: 29 Analytics of Transition We (1) have assumed throughout that state firms were subject to a hard budget constraint. far in With the exception of bad shape, firms in very this has been true so the major Central European countries. But this should not be taken as an assumption. It is will be played (2) We better thought of instead as the for many have assumed, outcome of a game, a game which years to come. in parallel, that the government ran a balanced budget. Transition has been associated with a large loss of revenues, and the temptation have recourse to to inflation finance is So there. far, the temptation has been mostly avoided. But the same caveat applies. (3) We have assumed simple interactions between the tax burden and the process of transition, namely that the tax burden depended only ployment. But in fact, on the level of unem- the composition of employment and the financial posirion of firms also matter. Profit taxes from state firms have largely vanished ^^ Collecting taxes as on private firms has proven difficult. VAT's, are not yet in place (4) We have only skirted the ^* issues of decision-making within firms. We taxes, such ^^. roles of ministries, workers, uruons, vary across countries New, across the board have restructuring and privarization. and managers are also skirted a Some firms crucial to the number The specific outcome and of issues by associating have been able to partly restructure without privatization, and some privatized firms, in particular those privarized through buy-outs, have not restructured (5) We have assumed state firms ity. This is state firms. We except a number of firms affected by the that, were identical and could survive, not true. There And is albeit at a initial shock, low level of productiv- a distribution of marginal revenue products across the degree to which state firms can really wait and see, while maintaining employment, (6) ^^. is unclear. have taken a black box approach to private job creation. Looking within the black box, by exploring in particular the role of credit markets, could poten- 30 Analytics of TTansition dally modify some of our conclusions. We also have not distinguished between two types of private job creation, the initial burst of job creation in trade which aimed tor at filling holes left growth aimed at the success of the second. services, by the previous economic regime, and private sec- competing with and replacing state has been dominated by the and first; much of the firms. The process so far success of the transition depends on 1 Analytics of Transition 3 Notes MIT "Oxford University and EBRD, and paper owed a this We Schaffer. thank Fabrizio An respectively. early draft of with Stanislaw Gomulka, Richard Layard and lot to discussions also NBER and Coricelli, Peter Diamond, Stanley Fischer; Mark John Flem- ming, Michael Gavin, Martin Hellwig, Michael Kremei; Marcus Miller, Andrei Shleifer and Jean Tirole 'Our paper comments and for is suggestions. short on facts, which have been documented elsewhere. The reader referred in particular to the papers presented at the Eastern Europe. pened in Our analysis Poland over the last is very much NBER Conference on is Transition in based on the interpretation of what has hap- three years, presented in Blanchard and Dabrowski [1993], and by the evidence on the evolution of labor markets summarized in Blanchard et al. [1993 J. Other more specific references are given along the way. ^In Poland, the first shock was early 1990, the felt in second in early 1991. In those countries which started reform in early 1991, such as Czechoslovakia, the two were roughly coincident. In most countries also, while the decline in output was sudden, the effect ^ on employment was much slower. These additional dynamics are ignored here. This is however only an interpretation, slightly different formulation: If all finance from employing one worker; earnings of earnings are reinvested, and will be given by as in the text. ''Chadha {dN/dt)/N if will of the private sector *The evidence is is — w — z) is the net cash flow N{y — w — z). Thus, if a proportion internal, ii(y be equal to job creation is proportional to investment, job creation = a{y—w—z), arateof change rather than a change relation As discussed below, our et al. [1992] is as a retained earnings constraint leads to a specification turns out to be develop a model, which is more a cousin of ours, but tractable. where the growth based explicitly on learning by doing. that things are more complex. First, there is substantial turnover in the private sectot Second, a substantial fraction of hires from the private sector from the state sector. See Blanchard et al. general at the cost of analytical simplicity. incorporated is is directly [1993]. Both aspects can be integrated, but in One extension which can be straightforwardly that the pool of potential hirees includes iwt only the unemployed but 32 Analytics of Transition also a proportion of those ^Another and its interesring extension details of the the private or the state sector. in either would be we interaction with the dynamics ^The tions, employed, to consider the possibility of deficit finance, analyze below. end process depend on the comer conditions. Under our assump- when unemployment reaches A, the private sector closes, so that unemployment increases discretely at that point. Thereafter the private sector remains closed, and un- employment * While ment is increases until everybody B* is a saddle point, point smaller than Ui, then, even unemployed. is E can be if E either a sink or a node. a sink, the is If initial unemploy- economy can only be on one of the two paths we describe. ^This effect also plays an important role ^°Many of in Gavin [1993]. these countries have long collected and are still collecting detailed data on wages, flows and stocks. Results from country studies using those data are rep>orted in Blanchard et al. [1993]. A clear warning ^^ ment is needed at this point. As in the Harris-Todaro model, unemploy- benefits appear to be unambiguously bad in our model. Harris-Todaro like assumption that, even ployment is if But this comes from our off, unem- realistic model, the unemployed are ex-post worse the result of the voluntary decision to restructure. In a more some of the unemployed would be involuntary unemployed, and the case ment for unemploy- benefits reappears. ^^A warning that this might indeed happen was sounded by McKinnon [1991]. ^^See for example Lipton and de Combrugghe [1992] on the effects of transition and the government budget. ^^These issues are closely related to tion plans. 15 See how to buy off stakeholders in top-down privatiza- See Shleifer and Vishny [1992]. for example Pinto et al. [1993] for recent survey evidence on Fblish state firms. 33 Analytics of TTansition References Blanchard, Q, Commander; S., and Coricelli, E, 1993, Labor markets in Eastern Europe, mimeo, World Bank. Blanchard, Q and Dabrowski, M., 1993, Poland, mimeo, MIT, forthcoming MIT Chadha, in Restructuring in Central Europe; the case of "Reform in Eastern Europe; Pain and Progress", Press. B., Coricelli, E, and growth and Kranjak, C, 1992, Economic restructuring, unemployment in a transition economy, mimeo, IMF. Gavin, M., 1993, Unemployment and the economics of gradualist policy reform, mimeo, Coumbia University, January. Lipton, D. and de Combrugghe, A., 1992, The government budget and the economic transformation of Poland, mimeo, November. McKinnon, R., 1991, Pinto, B., Belka, M., The order of economic and Krajewski, S., liberalization, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore. 1993, Transforming state emterprises in Poland: Microeconomic evidence on adjustment, mimeo World Bank. Shleifec A. and Vishny, R., 1992, Privatization in Russia 75 79 02 9 : first steps, mimeo. Date Due MOifctTta^ im em mi'i 4' .^f^^^'"'' JUM. 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