Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/inflatingbeastpoOOcaba DEWEY ir\ o. <9 $-0* Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Inflating the Beast: Political Incentives Ricardo J. Pierre under Uncertainty Caballero Yared Working Paper 08-07 January 15,2008 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02142 MA This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research httsp://ssrn.com/abstract=l 1091 73 B31 A415 1 • I Inflating the Beast: Political Incentives under Uncertainty Ricardo J. Caballero and Pierre Yared* January 2008 Abstract High commodity prices and a sustained global expansion have brought about a new policy dilemma for many economies: much wealth and what should be the Why are governments accumulating so response to this abundance? fiscal In this paper we characterize how politicians' rent-seeking incentives and their interaction with political and economic uncertainty economy model the standard political affect the management of abundance. of debt, the presence of political risk leads current governments to over-borrow in order to starve the beast. economic risk is significant, we show that the presence gives rise to an option value of rent-seeking . relative to political risk, the standard result incentive to over-save or inflate the beast. also hedges less than rules that weaken social welfare. is is if economic risk is large overturned and politicians have an In the latter scenario, the government we show that and the option value One implementation However, when of rent-seeking politicians In this case, socially optimal. Finally, political risk In incentive compatible of rent-seeking can improve of such rules takes the form of contingent tax caps (lower during booms). In contrast, standard fiscal rules are suboptimal since they do not address the central problem of high taxes. JEL Codes: Keywords: E6, H2, H6 Public funds, politicians, retained rents, starve the beast, inflate the beast, option value of rent-seeking, *MIT and NBER, and Columbia commitment, hedging, University, respectively. We fiscal rules, tax-caps are grateful to Stefania Albanesi Patrick Bolton for comments and to Jose Tessada for research assistance. Caballero thanks the financial support. First draft: November 2007. and NSF for Introduction 1 Not long ago, over-borrowing was the typical financial concern for sovereigns. with the prolonged expansion of the world economy and sustained prices, the concern in many instances on the other is rise in side of the spectrum. Today, commodity All around the world, governments are creating "wealth funds," which, combined with central banks' reserves, add to around 8 trillion dollars the beginning of the next decade What these large funds? In this paper characterize we how is (see, e.g., the optimal fiscal affect the management economy model a rent-seeking government to save However, this analysis savers in the world are governments creating response to this period of abundance? politicians' rent-seeking incentives In the standard political 1 Why Johnson 2007). focus on a particular dimension of the answers to these questions: and economic uncertainty the beast. today and could easily double this amount by less is and their interaction with political of abundance. of debt, the presence of political risk leads than a benevolent government in order to starve inconsistent with the fact that economy can be categorized some of the biggest as rent-seeking governments. This pattern extends beyond a few special cases. For example, the first column of Table 1 categorizes governments as high versus low rent-seeking based on three standard indicators of tutional quality. almost 2 2% more shows that It of their GDP Table 1: in 2006, -.011 High Rent-Seeking .007 Our model addresses high rent-seeking governments on average saved Average Surplus-GDP Ratio (200( High Fiscal Uncertainty (N = (N = 89) 84) this inconsistency ative to political risk, the standard result an incentive to over-save or insti- than low rent-seeking governments. Average Low Rent-Seeking We is Low Fiscal Uncertainty = (N = .019 {N = 25) -.023 (N 64) .053 (N = 45) -.046 39) by showing that if economic risk is large rel- overturned and rent-seeking politicians have inflate the beast relative to a benevolent government. In our framework, these excessive savings do not result from a standard precautionary motive and are instead the result of an option value of rent-seeking, whereby politicians have an increased incentive to postpone rent-extraction as economic theoretical result high levels of ^ee 2 is fiscal volatility increases. in line with the observation that high rent-seeking uncertainty save the most. As an illustration, This governments facing Table 1 categorizes Alesina and Perotti (1994) for a survey of the literature on the political economy of debt. See Appendix for details on data construction. countries as having high fiscal uncertainty own since governments often The they are significant exporters of if oil or ore, these resources and are exposed to their price volatility. table shows that in the subset of countries facing low uncertainty, high rent-seeking governments save less than low rent-seeking governments, which tional understanding of the political experiencing high fiscal economy is in line with the conven- However, in the subset of countries of debt. uncertainty, high rent-seeking governments save more than low rent-seeking governments. 3 Our main by two results are driven and the intertemporal reallocation of abundance of forces: the current fiscal resources rent-seeking. In our model, rent-seeking politicians are partially benevolent since they are not only concerned about deadweight losses from taxation, but they also value rent-extraction. If fiscal resources are very scarce, the benevolent component if fiscal prevails, and there is no concern with rent-seeking resources are abundant, the questions of to extract rents become With regards how much activities. In contrast, and, most importantly, when central. to the timing of rents, the calculations of the current government consid- government. Since rent-extraction can induce a deadweight ers the actions of the future from taxation, the future government has a higher incentive to extract rents during loss booms than during extract rents at In fact, recessions. all (i.e., is left if the future government with enough resources for it), booms, since otherwise rents could have been extracted government always prefers. it is given the chance to would only do so during earlier in time, This asymmetry introduces a which the current call option-like element in the payoff of the future government, which increases in value with an increase in aggregate uncertainty. By postponing rent extraction and increasing public savings, the current gov- ernment "purchases" more options and hence if political risk which is is likely to raises expected rent-extraction. However, high, then the option value does not benefit the current Thus, whether economic uncertainty leads to under- or be replaced. over-saving depends on the relative importance of political versus economic Given the importance of low inflate the beast scenario, it political risk and high economic follows that our result depends sufficiently incomplete, since otherwise, effective ative to political risk. 3 Our example, GDP ratio, 1 a regression of surplus to and (iii) risk in generating ratio an interaction term of the on (i) economic uncertainty remains low latter the high rent-seeking two variables, the an financial markets being are not sensitive to our discontinuous definition of volatility. GDP dummy, (ii) fuel rel- we For exports to coefficients are -.027, .006, and with the first and last terms significant at the 5% level. Our characterizations of Table survive conditioning on terms of trade growth. It also survives defining institutional quality using only .308, respectively, 1 on risk. In the cases in which the inflate the beast scenario prevails, characterizations in Table in government constraint on the executive (see Appendix). show that if hedging markets exist but are expensive to use, then the government not only has an incentive to over-save but also one to under-hedge. By hedging, the government reduces the effective aggregate uncertainty faced by taxpayers (which also reduces the option value of rent-seeking (which then the latter tle political risk, In summary, faced with volatility sufficient and economic an incentive to over-save and under-hedge. In it is beneficial), yet government faces it lit- strong and the government opts for self-insurance effect is which both protects taxpayers from costly). If the is is raises the option value of rent-seeking. 4 risk, partially benevolent governments have this context the question arises of possible to design a set of policy rules that shift the politicians' fiscal decisions toward those of a benevolent government. We start whether and portfolio from the premise that since these rules are proposed and approved by politicians, they must be incentive compatible to the government in power. fashion is negligible. We show that a rule that caps taxes in a state contingent welfare improving as long as both political and economic uncertainty. are nonPoliticians are willing to cut rent-extraction and taxes today, if in exchange they get a commitment for similar constraints on future politicians, in particular in the form of a commitment to cut taxes during booms. If the rent-seeking government over- saves in the absence of rules, the presence of rules can induce lower public savings and increased hedging. but not taxes is This paper We also show that the typically used rule of capping public deficits suboptimal since politicians have an incentive to keep taxes too high. is related to the literature on optimal fiscal policy and debt management dating back to the classical work of Barro (1979) and Lucas and Stokey (1983). 5 We depart from this work by relaxing the assumption of a benevolent government and by as- suming that the economy is managed by and who face potential replacement. In erature on the political economy of debt, politicians this regard, and who derive partial utility from rents our paper in two important respects. First, we allow we as in this work, replacement can lead current governments to starve the beast. for is 6 related to the vast highlight We how lit- potential depart from this work economic uncertainty which gives rise to the option value of rent-seeking, leading the current government to potentially inflate the beast. Second, we allow the government to determine the effect of political to hedge this uncertainty at a economy on the government's premium in order portfolio allocation de- 4 See, e.g. Caballero and Panageas (2007) and Borenzstein and Mauro (2004) for articles advocating an increase in hedging by governments. From this perspective, our paper can be seen as a political economy argument for why governments refuse to adopt modern risk management practices despite the large economic advantages of doing so. 5 See also Aiyagari, and Marcet, Sargent, and Seppala (2002), Bohn (1990), and Chari and Kehoe (1993a,1993b). 6 See for example Aghion and Bolton (1990), Alesina arid Perotti (1994), Alesina and Tabellini (1990), Battaglini and Coate (2007), Lizzeri (1999), and Persson and Svensson (1989). This costly hedging scenario also allows us to highlight the importance of market cision. incompleteness for the option value of rent-seeking mechanism. 7 Finally, our paper is related to the literature in public finance which considers policy prescriptions that take into account the potential non-benevolence of policy-makers. Specifically, work of Yared (2007) economy paper is of who it builds on the introduces non-benevolent politicians to the complete market Lucas and Stokey (1983) and who evaluates policy prescriptions. 8 The current different from this work in three important respects. First, in our model, politi- cians are replaced in equilibrium, and this allows us to examine the interaction between political and economic uncertainty. 9 Second, we focus on the portfolio allocation decision of governments in partially incomplete markets as opposed to complete markets. Third, we provide a procedure This introduction is for the evaluation of politically sustainable fiscal rules. 10 followed by five sections and an appendix. the environment and a benchmark in which government. Section 2 describes implemented by a benevolent fiscal policy is Section 3 introduces politicians and describes the main mechanisms. Section 4 introduces (costly) hedging instruments and studies the government's portfolio decision and its interaction with the key mechanisms sub-optimal (but used in practice) describes the data in Table 1 fiscal rules, and includes all and and Section 6 concludes. The Appendix of the proofs. Benchmark Model: Benevolent Government 2 Economic Environment 2.1 We of our economy. 1. Pr {y In period = a} 1, originally studied effect of allowing for the partial In period 0, the government raises tax revenue r current exogenous level of assets Aq 7 economy consider a two-period version of the incomplete market Barro (1979). In Section 4 we examine the to in the model. Section 5 discusses optimal ^ to purchase assets the government experiences an = Pr{y = —a} = 1/2. A\ ^ completeness and uses its at a price normalized endowment shock y The government must > by = {— a, a} for which finance public spending g > Battaglini and Coate (2007) allow for (unhedged) economic uncertainty though they do not describe They focus on the long run equilibrium with permanent uncertainty in which the benevolent government reaches the natural savings limit. 8 See Acemoglu, Golosov, and Tsyvinski (2007) for a similar application to a Mirleessian economy without government debt or aggregate shocks. 9 A subtle difference which allows for this interaction is the partial benevolence of politicians in our framework which directly exposes politicians to economic risk. 10 In this regard, our paper is related to the work of Kydland and Prescott (1977) which considers the role of limited commitment and policy rules but that maintains the assumption of a benevolent government which we relax. the option value of rent-seeking. which represents an increase decline in commodity-reserves. the increase in liabilities The government's period The government accommodates by raising taxes t\ budget constraint =.A 1 t and period its due to factors such as an aging population or in liabilities the endowment shock and and by using accumulated assets A\. u > is -A (1) , budget constraints under the high and low shock, respectively, 1 = g-Ax-a, = g-A + rf t\ quadratic, so that social welfare is equal (2) (3) For simplicity, this deadweight loss. to: and cj. x Raising revenue creates a deadweight are: loss is 12 (4) Optimal Policy 2.2 To fix ideas, we describe the benevolent government's policy which maximizes household welfare (4) subject to (1), (2) , (3), and To,rf rf > , ernment using assets to smooth the deadweight deadweight follows a loss is random equal to the tax itself, volatility instance, taxes loss of taxation, which is t \ " + 1 1 entails the gov- and since the marginal ¥^ increasing in the volatility of the In order to focus on interior solutions for taxes, The it walk: would be perfectly smooth with tq Assumption Specifically, the optimal interior solution admits a tax which to= with a 0. 1 (Positive ^-^ > Taxes) (5) endowment a. If a — 0, for — t^^=t\. we assume: a. following proposition characterizes the solution to the benevolent government's All of our results can be extended to an infinite horizon upon request. standard, an open or closed economy economy experiencing a. temporary endowment shock. Details available 12 As which households possess quasi-linear preferences and in is associated with a convex deadweight loss function of revenue generation. For expositional simplicity, we assume such a function to be quadratic. is which the government is in constrained to linear taxes We problem. All proofs are in the Appendix. ment with superscript denote the policies of a benevolent govern- b. Proposition 1 The benevolent government chooses = r Tj g b Note that the savings It is ' —a = — — and - ' A\ is independent of a. This absence of precautionary provides a useful benchmark for understanding economic 3 satisfy: a result of our assumption of a quadratic cost of taxation (certainty equivalence) cians can alter the in 2 level of savings t1 which +A l ' +a= ' policies way in is independent of a precautionary motive. Economy with Rent- Seeking In the standard political economy model governments to over-borrow significant, we show Politicians of debt, the presence of political risk leads current in order to starve the beast. However, when economic risk is that the presence of rent-seeking politicians gives rise to an option value of rent-seeking. In this case, the standard result incentives of rent-seeking politi- which the savings decisions of governments respond to changes manner which risk in a how the is when economic risk is large relative to political risk, overturned and politicians have an incentive to over-save or inflate the beast. 3.1 Economic and Political Environment In order to consider the impact of rent-seeking politicians, benchmark economy who values social welfare, but extracted in period and public spending, so that 1, is managed by a also values rents respectively. (1), (2), and first In particular, imagine to allow for rent-seeking. benevolent government, the economy we must instead of a partially benevolent politician > x if, modify our and x\ > These rents are financed for j = H,L in the who which are same fashion as the modified economy become, respectively: (3) in r = Ai - t" = g r\ = g-A +a + x^. A + x (6) , - A - o + x" and x x , (7) (8) Like households, politicians value social welfare The conditional on being in power. q € he remains in power (0, 1) probability 1 — q he is replaced consumes the rents and consumes rents x[ 1 With . = for j probability H, L, and with 1 who instead independent of and occurs together with the is Regime changes are not realization of the shock to y. — values rents x with an identical politician in period Replacement x\. chooses t\ and x{ for j politician in period in period However, they also value rents (4). H, L which maximize The period insurable. 1 politician his welfare JziL+fcj, subject to (7) and (8) for 9 which parameterizes the our introduction and Table light of olent, > (9) 1, politician's desire for rents. In one can think of 9 = as representing a benev- low rent-seeking government and a government with 9 > as a high rent- seeking government. Given the behavior of the period and A\ which maximize 1 politician chooses tq, Xq, politician, the period his welfare E (- I i'Y +9xo+q9xi subject to period rents 1 The (6), where we have taken into account that the period (i.e., utility becomes the period 1 from rents captures the is Battaglini and Coate, 2007) since consequences for given taxes. implies that politicians are This more is flexible in period .1 politician period 1 this environment amounts to a transfer with no distortionary it an important assumption 13 loss his choice of of limited our results will it relative Whoever acquires power in period 0. Consequently, the period hold A\ affects the incentives of the commitment for rent-seeking, since the utility functions, our setting since 13 limited commitment. Note that the presence Under more general with the deadweight request. is must take into consideration how combined with the incentive in on the intertemporal reallocation of rents cannot commit to particular policies politician. toward public spending relative natural in distortionary taxation settings (see, to the intertemporal reallocation of tax burdens. Another feature of politician receives politician) with probability q. politician's bias to consumers' preferences. Its linearity e.g., (10) ) if is only relevant benchmark economy when of Section the curvature in the function associated from taxes exceeds the curvature associated with rents. Details available upon 2 under a benevolent government the order of events specifically, 1. The period 2. Period 3. 1 absence of commitment. 14 More in the as follows: x , and A\. , shocks are realized: (a) Economic shock: y (b) Period = {—a, a}. politician replaced with probability 1 1 and politician chooses T\ — q. X\. denote the policies of politicians with a superscript by the period policies chosen Lemma Let us characterize the p. 1 politician. Conditional on A\, the period 1 t{' 1 politician's strategy is = max {5 — p xj' forj unchanged politician chooses r The period We is is p y — A\, 6} = max{O,0-s + + j/ and , (11) j4 1 } (12) = H,L. The marginal deadweight Remark loss of taxes p 1 rf' The period > t^ p 1 must is 9. Therefore, also be 9. Alternatively, politician always rents are positive, the marginal if then rents are 0. consumes weakly more rents when the economy is p by (11) and zf' experiencing a boom. This rent-seeking is benefit of rents > if taxes exceed 9, L x { v by (12). because the government's budget constraint is is looser, and easier to achieve without additional increases in taxes. In principle, there are three regions to consider: Region I: Region II: Region III: A < A G A > x } x —a—9 [g - a - 9, g + o g + a - 9 g Given the anticipated behavior of the period remains in power in period 14 In Section ment. 5, we consider 1, 1 government, his continuation welfare how much 9} if . the period politician is rents politicians are willing to sacrifice in exchange for commit- 2 V P (A )= l { -ig-l Cg+^i) -Y.+ If + If (6 + a-g + A 1) WO-9 + Ai) A\ < g — a — 9, the government in period use government resources for rents in period [g ie 1 is Region I Region II Region III relatively poor, so that it is . inefficient to For intermediate values of Ai in the range 1. — a — 9,~g + a — 9], rents are appropriated only under a favorable y shock Ai > g + a — 9 rents are appropriated under both shocks in period 1. If the period politician is thrown out of power in period 1, in period 1. his continuation welfare is f V N (A l )=l [ - fr~Y +g2 Region I -l£- Iffii2=dil! Region II -f Region III , where we take into account that he receives no benefit from the rents appropriated by the period 1 politician. Collecting terms, we have that max the period -^ + Oxq + qV p [A,) + s.t. It is 1 , and t ,.t (1 > apparent from the objective that as long as q we can disregard date (6) region politician to III. The date consume problem can be written politician's - q) V N (A we x ) 0. < 1, which we assume throughout, politician will never leave enough resources rents in both states of the world, for in such case better for the current politician to consume with certainty a bit the next sections as: more it is for the strictly rents at date 0. In characterize the solution to this problem in the remaining regions. 3.2 Starve or Inflate the Beast? Figure 1: Savings by Government Type Benevolent Government Figure 1 illustrates the choice of level of political risk. 15 Rent-seeking Government A\ as a function of economic uncertainty There are two sets of important results in this refers to the slope of politician's saving function refers to the level of savings for different values of discuss the first set The figure one We value of focus on the level results. shows that whether politicians save ernment depends on the first economic uncertainty. when explaining the option of results in the next section, we The with respect to economic uncertainty. The second rent-seeking, while here figure: a given for relative less or more than a benevolent gov- importance of economic and political uncertainty. standard political economy model focuses on cases of low economic and high uncertainty (low a and low q), which leads to the classic The political "starve the beast" result of depressed savings (or higher debt) under politicians relative to a benevolent government. However, it is clear from the takes place, the result is it The 3 2 following proposition summarizes this discussion. in is in A > g — the figures are (Ao^g^O.q) 10 29. = The a situation of relative abundance, politician chooses positive rents at (Abundance) The parameters chosen the opposite configuration of uncertainty ensures that the economy in the sense that the period Assumption when rather one of "inflate the beast", or higher savings relative to a benevolent government. assumption preceding figure that (15,80,40, .9). some date. Proposition 2 A\ > (<)A\ if a > (<)0(2 - g-A q) 2 ' Importantly, the high savings in the politicians' equilibrium needs not represent good news are for society, as these savings are by future rent extraction. Figure state at date l. 16 rents at date 1) not so and during the high For low levels of economic uncertainty, the economy and an increase the economy enters region in uncertainty lowers savings II (positive in this uncertainty leads to boom driven by tax-stabilization as they 2 illustrates rents at date extraction (to be explained in the next section) to the much state in date . At higher rents at date 1 is in region I (no and increases early rent levels of economic uncertainty in the high state) and an increase an intertemporal reallocation of rent extraction from date 1. Figure 2: Rents by Government Type 15 25 20 30 Figure 3 illustrates the path of taxes behind these rents and savings. There are three results that stand out: First, on average, taxes are higher Second (bottom panel), as economic uncertainty rises, in the presence of politicians. high public savings by politicians do protect taxpayers during recessions since, unlike the case for the benevolent government, taxes increase less than one for one with uncertainty. Third, and most importantly (middle panel), politicians fail to cut taxes during booms. Thus, for high economic uncertainty, politicians extract a large 16 amount of rents during Recall that rents in the low state at date 1 booms (second panel are always zero since q 11 < 1. of Figure 2), as they arrive to that state with high savings and unwilling to cut taxes. Figure Taxes by Government Type 3: 5 10 20 15 25 3.3 Option Value of Rent-seeking and Let us now tainty, which we describe Corollary Why 30 Political Risk return to the slope of the response of savings to changes in economic uncer- 1 A\ is in the following corollary to Proposition a for a > (<)9 increasing (decreasing) in — (1 2: q) /2. are public savings affected by economic uncertainty in the political equilibrium? Or, what breaks the certainty equivalence result of the benevolent government? In a nutshell, it is boom phase the unwillingness to cut taxes during the a sort of option value of rent-seeking which rises at date 1 that introduces with economic uncertainty. This option value increases the return to savings as long as political risk is low relative to economic risk. That is, while both the benevolent and rent-seeking government increase taxes during recessions, only the former lowers by saving more it protects the boom. Going back which taxes do not economy during to Figure 3, rise them during booms. Thus the government we recessions see that there is is it increases rents during a a range of economic uncertainty during recessions when politicians are in power. This example of the mechanism behind the option value in uncertainty and accomodated with a one economy from higher taxes during for recessions. 12 realizes that is in an extreme of rent-seeking. In this case, the rise one increase in savings that insulates the However, these higher savings also translate one for one into additional rents during the high state, since as the figure shows politicians do not cut taxes during booms. The when increasing relation between public savings and economic uncertainty turns around political risk is high relative to economic risk (the condition in the corollary) because in such case the option value of rent-seeking governments, in which case the most likely goes not to the current but to rival economic uncertainty exacerbates the incentive to rise in starve the beast. More formally, the marginal value of savings from economic risk is: ^W + Tf). (13) In a model without rent-seeking, optimality requires that this value be equal to the marginal cost of saving which from is (13) the cost of saving r In a . due to model with rent-seeking, politicians must deduct political risk: -\{l-q)6. (14) Expression (14) takes into account that an additional unit of savings represents a cation of rents from period with probability boom which (1 — q), to period and that for go to another government margin these rents are worth 9 the region that concerns us the most political uncertainty (region II) is at the may in the event of a occurs with probability 1/2. More importantly political risk that these rents 1, reallo- term —the role of political —high economic and low economy is not only to add the (14) to the government's calculation, but also to alter rf in (13) which not only larger than under a benevolent government but also does not decline as the size of the risk term boom (14), rises. it is In summary, while the value of savings is reduced by the political increased by the presence of economic risk in (13) as a increases. Figure 4 illustrates these different effects in the benevolent and politicians' cases. The two top panels describe the values of (13) and considers the marginal cost of saving, which is 17 (14) as a function of a. equal to tq. The bottom panel ll Note that this figure describes the equilibrium value of the different components of the marginal value and cost of savings. The option value of rent seeking rises monotonically with economic uncertainty for a given level of savings. However, in equilibrium (and hence in the figure) savings are not constant; they fall early on and then rise throughout (see Figure 1). 13 Figure 4: Decomposing Economic and Political Risk „ by Government Type Rent-seeking Government r - 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 30 w DC S "2 15 _ 50 The Role We have thus 25 30 20 25 30 - ~1 1 15 3.4 20 of Political Institutions far described the manner by which economic risk interacts with the rent- seeking motive of politicians to generate over-saving or under-saving by a rent-seeking government relative to a benevolent government. In this section, we disentangle the rent-seeking motive of the government into the component associated with political risk (q) and the component associated with the marginal value the manner by which rent-seeking governments differ among themselves facing the of rent-seeking (9) to highlight same level of economic risk may in their savings behavior. Corollary 2 The following comparative statics apply to A^: > (<)9 1. It is increasing (constant) in q for a 2. It is increasing (decreasing) in 9 for o > (<) (1 — q) /2, A — Figure 5 considers the same economy as Figure g 1 for + and 9 (3 — q). different levels of q. It shows that for any level of economic uncertainty, a reduction in political risk (an increase in q) always weakly increases savings. The intuition for this is related to the conventional un- derstanding of the political economy of debt whereby a reduction in political risk reduces 14 18 the incentive to starve the beast Figure Savings by Political Risk 5: 65 ^02 60 55 ; s /' '*' '* y 50 S /' / /' 40 v •« Figure Figure 6, / i 6: / / / .' 45 '' ^ / // ' s s s / / / / i i i i i 10 15 20 25 30 Savings by Marginal Value of Rent-Seeking which considers savings for different levels of 9, reiterates the novel result achieved in our framework. For low levels of economic volatility that a high 9 government saves less than a low 9 government since The economy with q = 1 technically represents the there are multiple solutions associated with q = 1. 15 economy cr, it it is always the case has a greater incentive as q approaches 1 from below, since to starve the beast. Nevertheless, for a high enough more, since the option value or rent-seeking is level of er, a high 8 government saves sufficiently high to induce the government to inflate the beast. 3.5 An Welfare, Rents, and Uncertainty increase in economic uncertainty lowers welfare in the benevolent planner's as well as the politicians' equilibrium. Figure 7 plots the gap between households' welfare under and under the benevolent government. Since the presence of politicians cially costly, this difference is negative worth highlighting. First, and as in when economic risk is is so- throughout. Moreover, there are two related results most of the political risk (an increase in q) raises welfare for literature, politicians political many economy literature, a decline in parameters. However, unlike that sufficiently high, the welfare ranking inverts, and the low q government provides higher welfare to households than the high q government. Second, in the region (region a II), where public savings are increasing with respect to economic uncertainty the welfare gap relative to the benevolent government initially decreases with economic uncertainty but then starts increasing. rise in The reason savings is for these in turn increases 8, results public savings. is good but eventually the combination of low uncertainty bloats too Figure two much public savings (i.e., Initially, an increase in public political risk and high economic politicians inflate the beast), and this expected rent extraction by politicians. The latter point can be seen in which shows that the economic value of rent extraction, xq once economic uncertainty becomes very for society to face a system with high significant, and + \x^ for this reason, it , rises sharply may be better political risk, despite the incentive to starve the 16 beast that such governments experience. Figure Social Welfare 7: Under Rent-Seeking Government q="l -400 -450 s '-/ . ~ / / x 's., -500 .2 > g -550 y' \ 13 \ X3 \ < - -bUU £ 5 - ^ \ ' ^ // ' - / / - / V— -""'" * ! 0) -650 CO o (/> -700 20 Figure 8: 25 Economic Value 30 of Rents i q-.» q^.U M | 26 s // // / 24 ° 22 <D 3 > g ""'/ 20 ivy o o w / 18 / . . vl/ - 16 14 i i The next proposition summarizes our Proposition 3 1. i i welfare discussion. The following comparative statics apply Social welfare weakly increases (decreases) in q 17 if q < (>) {A — g + 39 — a) /6, and 2. The welfare gap increases (decreases) in a if a £ (g 1 ) [6 (1 — q) /2, A —g+ 6 (3 — q)\. Economy with Hedging 4 The government's motivation importance of endogenous. political to starve versus inflate the beast depends and economic we model In this section hedge some of the economic We risk. However, risk. and the hedging premium, both economic risk relative in practice the latter risk is partially by allowing the government to this endogeneity show that on the as long as political risk politicians save is low relative to more and hedge less than benevolent governments. Nonetheless, as the hedging premium goes to zero this result is overturned, which highlights the importance of incomplete markets behind the inflate the beast and under-hedge outcomes. 4.1 Hedging Opportunities Let us assume that in addition to A\, the period a > at unit price it > a if y = —a and equal to 0. In period equal to —a 1, government can purchase insurance the government receives an insurance payment Budget constraints otherwise. (6) — (8), respectively, become: We refer to a as the r = Ax - T^ = g r[ = g- amount A + x + an, - Ax - a + xf + Ax + a + x[ - (15) a, 0, tt effectively (16) a. (17) of hedging purchased insurance has an expected value of and by the government. Since this represents the hedging premium, and the economy analyzed in the previous sections corresponds to a case in which the hedging premium is arbitrarily large so that an economy in which n — no government would ever choose to hedge. Note that corresponds to the complete market economy of Lucas and Stokey (1983). The welfare of households and politicians along with the order of events remains un- changed, with the exception that the period Ax and a in period 0. 18 politician must now allocate savings across Optimal Policy 4.2 As a benchmark, we know = sets x$ from Section 2, us let describe the actions of a benevolent government, which as first = x± = x\ and maximizes random taxes continue to follow a now depends on premium the hedging The lower tax volatility. Lower 7r: social welfare. in in equation (5) walk, although the volatility of taxes it's policies of the benevolent As induce higher levels of hedging and government are described in the next proposition. Proposition 4 Proposition 1. If If < a a > 7r g~ 7r the benevolent ° , 2 g~ ° TV 1-7T g(l ^i = ab = + for +7T 1 policies as described by policies which satisfy: - AA + 7TCT 2 + 7T 2 . 2 ) + Ao-7rcr 577"^ 7T 2a-Tr(g- A » and ) - 2 Thus, - L,b Hfi T-,' h .6 government chooses the benevolent , 2 government chooses + 7T 2 low enough levels of economic uncertainty, the benevolent government chooses not to hedge. Eventually, however, as a rises the government uses some of its savings to purchase hedging contracts. Under- hedging 4.3 Now 7r let > 1 us consider the policies chosen by politicians. — q, so that the hedging premium government, which means that the scope Then, politicians hedge 2, for less high enough a and The next is for Our central case reducing exogenous economic risk than a benevolent government. Moreover, as q, Ifir = 0ifa< 1. aP 2. ap < 3. A\>{<)A\ ot if > 1 — q, if 0, a is limited. in Proposition the politician saves more than the benevolent government. then ^g^ -9 + A ab > one in which high relative to the time horizon of the proposition summarizes these results: Proposition 5 is and ap > and >(<)9(2-q)-^. 19 if a > ^^ ~g + A , The reason for depressed hedging that postponed rent-extraction serves as a substi- is tute for hedging. The statements ogous to Figures 1 of the proposition are illustrated in Figures 9 and 2 with the exception that Figure 9 adds the function of volatility o\ 19 The high Figure 9: _ 50 < Savings and Hedging . _ . ^ ' . _ , 45 i i i i 10 19 The parameters hedging a as a savings lower the value of hedging for politicians, _ N--^- which are anal- level of only start hedging at very high levels of economic uncertainty. 40 10, apparent in them that as a increases, politicians backload It is rent-extraction and save more. who and are chosen as before with 7T = .15. 20 i i Figure To understand the under-hedging economic risk result, Rents 10: note that the marginal value of hedging from is: (18) since an additional unit of insurance translates into a reduction form of lower taxes in a downturn and higher taxes an politicians, optimality (at cost of hedging which is ttto. (18) the benefit of hedging in a model with be equal to the marginal economy, politicians must add to political due to the reduction of In a model without boom. interior) requires that this value In a in tax volatility in the political risk: 1 (l-q)8. (19) Expression (19) takes into account that an additional unit of hedging (versus saving) represents a reallocation of rents from the may boom go to another government with probability worth 8 in the event of a boom which Political — q), and at the ties boom during a boom. political risk term (19) to the government's cal- culation (which increases the value of hedging), but also raises ing, the latter effect margin these rents are the hands of the government during a for rent-seeking economy not only adds the the value of hedging). These rents occurs with probability 1/2. Note that (19) takes the opposite sign as (14) since hedging whereas savings increases the scope (1 in period 1 to period 0. If political risk is sufficiently rf in (18) (which reduces low relative to the price of hedg- outweighs the former, so that politicians under-hedge relative to the 21 benevolent government. On 4.4 We the Importance of Incomplete Markets have highlighted thus how far the presence of economic risk reverses the traditional understanding of the political economy of debt. Rather than under-saving, politicians facing sufficient levels of economic risk over-save relative to a benevolent government. costly hedging is available, this insight also manifests itself into lower more uncontingent for In this section we (in exchange savings) by politicians relative to the social optimum. how our highlight insights financial markets. Specifically, consider turns out that there It hedging If is depend on the what happens a critical level 1 — q, sufficient as the hedging such that if it incompleteness of premium it declines. drops below this value, the previous results are overturned and the traditional intuitions related to starve the beast are upheld. 20 We Proposition 6 1. ap = 2. a? 3. A\ < A\. If If it 0ifa< >a < it discuss this region next. b ifa p — 1 q, < 1 — q, then 7r§, and a p > >0 and 9 then xf' p if a > <g - A = , since tt\, and it cheaper for politicians to use the hedging is instrument as opposed to contingent rent-seeking in order to reduce the volatility of taxes. its The existence of politicians therefore implies a novel role for hedging. usual purpose as a buffer for downturns (i.e., allows the government to frontload whatever rents and hence it also reduces political risk. That it reduces economic risk), but it could acquire during a future hedging political risk (19) 20 main There differently, also boom overaccumulation of savings when hedging economic risk also serves as proxy- for political risk. If political risk is large in the Put it the possibility for hedging economic is, risk disentangles the dual role for savings driving the markets are incomplete. It serves is is enough that the benefit from hedging due to the reduction high, then a low hedging text. In this case, politicians premium overturns the results under-save and over-hedge. a continuum of solutions at the boundary q 22 = 1 — it. in we emphasize Fiscal Rules 5 we In the previous sections ment highlighted policies to differ substantially how the presence of politicians can cause govern- from those of a benevolent government. This policy- gap clearly imposes welfare costs on households which could be reduced somehow constrained Why would politicians currently in political risk. Recall by in the policies they from Section politicians in period rules allow is power ever accept such constraints? Because of 3 that date politicians cannot control policies chosen at date 1 (political risk). Therefore, on the politician in period it, then the period this policy may be this section 5.1 fail We also willing to sacrifice society can if impose when economic some a different fiscal conditions rents in exchange for describe a set of welfare enhancing rules that One implementation are acceptable to current politicians. simple contingent tax caps. we politician if to ensure that taxes are cut 1 politician commitment. In suboptimal since they were Consequently, taxes are not cut during a boom, although this 1. power in politicians can implement. would have been the preferred policy outcome of the period government if show that the of such rules takes the form of typical fiscal rules used in practice are to lower taxes during booms. Optimal Rules Let us define W p politician in the absence of rules, as as the welfare of the period described in Sections 3 and 4. Then the optimal incentive compatible fiscal rules we consider are associated with the solution to the following problem: max to ,xq ,A i ,a,Ti ,rf ,xf ,xf E (-^ - ^] (20) S.t. E (15) The solution to this t2 f - r2 -f -^ + 9x (17) , and r 0) x + , program represents a q9x 1 j > W, rf r\ zf x\ > , , , set of policies (21) 0. (22) which improve household welfare while leaving politicians at least as well off as they would be in the absence of fiscal rules. We denote the solution to (20) Proposition 7 The solution 21 Note that much to (20) — — (22) with a superscript r. 21 (22) satisfies the following properties: like financial contracts, policies under rules are not allowed to depend on the ization of political uncertainty in our economy. 23 real- 1 - = T (T^A) 1 ^' By r (TfA) /° — ^0 H,r '9^1 *^0 = reducing Xj restore the ,p , 1 2 SOme date 1 politicians random walk property ^^O' anrf for now cut taxes during of taxes exhibited for the current booms and along government as long as economy studied Figure Benevolent Government 11: Rents (it = in Section 3. Fiscal Rules 40 20 20 15 22 This is 20 a special case of the economy in Section 4 with n 24 way 25 = 1. 30 it faces political as well. Figures 11 22 1) Rent-seeking Government 60 V the by the benevolent government. These tax cuts and rent reduction at date illustrate these effects in the - A- tf,p This gain creates space and 12 - Xl changes represent a welfare gain risk. ° Figure - Benevolent Government Taxes 12: — (ir = 1) Rent-seek bU 40 30 1 i ' 10 5 ) 15 20 25 30 20 25 30 i " a 50 V 10 5 () 15 a 60 H~ 40 • ~ i i 20 15 a The counterpart Figure 13. These savings uncertainty and and the of these tax fall for inflate the beast Note that the presence and rent cuts rise relative to high levels. is the behavior of public savings, shown in the rule-less economy for low levels of economic That is, the rules partially alleviate both the starve problems, as least in the extreme regions of economic uncertainty. of incentive compatibility constraints implies that the general shape of savings as a function of economic uncertainty shares much in common with the rule-less economy. One can rules, interpret our results in light of the discussion of Section 3.3. Under fiscal on one hand an additional unit of savings continues to serve the purpose of ducing economic risk (13). However, the cost of political risk (14) re- no longer enters the government's calculations since rules are chosen so as to constrain the period 1 politi- cian into utilizing any additional units of savings (on the margin) for tax reduction in downturns as well as in booms. On the one hand, the alleviation of political risk (14) serves to increase the marginal value of savings to the government. the implied reduction in rf in (13) relative to the rule-less economy On serves to reduce the marginal value of savings to the government. For low values of economic force outweighs the latter, and economy, since they counteract rules imply higher levels of savings politicians' the other hand, risk, the former than in the rule-less tendency to starve the beast. For high values of economic risk, the latter force outweighs the former, and rules imply lower levels of 25 savings, since they counteract politicians' tendency to inflate the beast. Figure 13: Savings Benevolent Government - (7r — 1) Rent-seeking Government Fiscal Rules / /' / 10 We can see with in Figure 14 that the 25 30 + ^x" economic value of rents xq declines substantially intermediate levels of economic uncertainty. However, since the rules, especially at politician 20 15 must not be worse off under increase in taxpayers welfare, which is rules, the counterpart of this decline in rents illustrated in Figure 15 _ _. . Rent seeking 26 „ = 1) , 1 / / / / / / / / / / /' / / / / / r / - f \ y - / .-'* \ ' i i ' 20 10 26 i an which depicts the welfare gap with a benevolent government. Figure 14: Economic Value of Rents (n is , Figure -250 E . 1 = Welfare (n 15: Social — 1) _ . 1 —I 1 1 1 -350 / -450 1 . t / 1 I / s \ \ \ - \ 1 1 1 I i I 10 Note that there The reason is is is that in such case no economic motive no constraint on date There is no gain from no is rules 1 = if there no economic uncertainty (a is rent extraction all for cutting taxes is frontloaded to date 1). result, = 0). and there during the boom, which means that there governments that can increase the date an entirely analogous political risk [q 30 which we do not show here politician's welfare. for brevity, government In such case the date is is when there also the date 1 government, and hence there are no concessions by future governments that can improve the current government's welfare period (i.e., there is no time-inconsistency problem for the politician). Figure 16 explores the implications of rules for the level of hedging in an economy in which (expensive) hedging opportunities are available. The main new result is in the second panel, which shows that under rules, the government starts hedging at lower levels of economic uncertainty than in the case without compensates high. More for the lower savings specifically, rules. induced by the rule when economic uncertainty the presence of rules reduces rf in reducing political risk on the margin. For high values of economic uncertainty, economic (18) dominates, inducing the government under rules to hedge more than 27 is in (18) so as to increase the economic benefit of hedging, but also makes the value of hedging (19) less relevant This increase in hedging risk in the rule-less economy. 23 Figure Savings and Hedging 16: Benevolent Government 60 (1 - q < tx Rent-seeking Government 1 1 i 1 < 1) Fiscal Rules 1 1 i i 1 55 .-"".'-'"'' - 50 < 45 40 ~--~-' i . i i i 25 in Proposition 7, the question arises of what types of Given the general characterization rules would the period The next politician accept which could improve the welfare of households? proposition shows that simple rules which constrain the size of taxes can induce the optimal incentive compatible policy. Specifically, consider the following constraints: Now (24) imagine and if the period Proposition 8 Under (20)23 it Furthermore, the period constraints lead to the to TQ (23) r? M < rS(l-A) (24) rf < r r (l 1 politician is free ensure that these choices make (25). < Furthermore, imagine (25). r TO in choosing must politician as that (25) to choose any policy as long as Ai and a, the period possible for the period same welfare rules (23) if + A) 1 it satisfies politician must politician to satisfy (24) satisfy (23). We under the solution to and can show that these (20) — (22). (25), politician's strategies correspond to the solution (22). Recall that if the hedging premium is very low, n < 1 — q, the economy with politicians frontloads more than the benevolent government. In this region the optimal rent extraction and hedges potentially lowers hedging. We omit this case from the main text since our central concern with relatively incomplete markets. fiscal rule is 28 in the paper Rules which constrain the size of taxes can serve to well off and household strictly better off. If a fiscal constitution households have an incentive better for implementing it since it the period is politician as possible, politicians and can make both parties strictly off. Suboptimal Rules (Used 5.2 make in Practice) bound on the government's In practice, rules take a different form by imposing a lower primary surplus: -x t r^-xf-g > s > sf, and (27) s[. (28) r^-xf'-s > The motivation for such rules is to provide incentives for governments to save in order A to ensure that they repay their debts. improve to savings and potentially rule does not put issue at hand is is whether such rules can not debt overhang but In the context of our model, (27) and (28) provide motivation by the period for less savings natural question which the efficiency in our context in manage abundance. (26) , politician, whereas (26) provides motivation for more more hedging. Whatever the an upper bound on taxes, so that the marginal product of rents 9. direction of the overall effect, this in equilibrium taxes always exceed Consequently, social welfare cannot reach the level under 24 the rules described in Proposition 8 in this circumstance. The next proposition states these results. Proposition 9 Under rules (26) do not correspond to the solution Final 6 The — (28), politician's strategies induce to (20) — To,T^,rf (22). is that the combination of economic uncertainty and rent-seeking behavior by politicians gives rise to an option value of rent-seeking raises the expected future return Whether 24 from public savings as uncertainty this option value of rent-seeking leads to less or benefits from 9 and Remarks building insight of this paper which > its return. In our context, (26) — If economic risk is mechanism rises. more savings depends on who low relative to political risk, then the current (28) are generally not incentive compatible since they only constrain the period politician. 29 government expects other governments to benefit from and starve the beast. However, if economic risk is it and is inclined to cut savings high relative to political risk then the opposite happens and the current government raises savings above what a benevolent government would do. That is, the government inflates the beast. This theoretical result serves as a potential explanation for the pattern displayed in Table 1 whereby high rent- seeking governments over-save relative to low rent-seeking governments in the sample of countries that are highly exposed to Another widespread pattern is commodity the government's strong bias toward rather than hedging economic uncertainty. of the inflate the beast result is expensive). The reason is price shocks. when markets We show that this is self- insurance simply the counterpart are sufficiently incomplete (i.e., when hedging that the retained rents in public savings, while costly from the point of view of high average taxes, have the side benefit of providing low cost insurance. Finally, yet another increasingly prevalent practice grated to the underlying stabilization funds. is likely to be suboptimal, as it environment we describe, which is the adoption of fiscal rules inte- We argue that this widely praised mechanism does not address one of the fundamental problems of the is that of high taxes during booms. 30 Appendix 7 Explanation of Data We describe in this section the data behind Table calculated using statistics from the sources since it Surplus to 1. CIA World Factbook GDP (2007) which is ratio in 2006 is preferred to other maximizes the available cross-section of countries. In order to categorize countries into high and low rent-seeking countries, we use constraint on the executive for a given country in 2004 from the Polity IV dataset, the rule of law index in 2004, and the control of corruption index in 2004, the last two variables being from and Mastruzzi A (2005). country places the country in the is high rent-seeking classified as bottom 33rd percentile of the sample. we use countries into high and low fiscal volatility countries, GDP and ore export data If fuel volatility is classified as experiencing available, a If low and ore export data fuel known fuel exports as a fraction of a given country which are the averages for country is is neither of these conditions There fiscal volatility. is The data oil. is satisfied, we classify fiscal volatility is if it is fiscal in the top then the country a small group of countries for unavailable, and from these, to be significant exporters of high classified as experiencing the Republic of Congo, and Equatorial Guinea as high are In order to categorize in the top 25th percentile in fuel exports or alternatively if it is 25th percentile in ore exports. which for any of these indicators and are from the World Development Indicators (2007). available years in 2000 to 2005 is GDP and ore exports as a fraction of if Kaufmann, Kraay, summarized OPEC countries, countries since they in Appendix Table Al. Proof of Proposition Let fi , i//f tively. First , and 1 \\i\ represent the Lagrange multipliers on (1), (2), and (3), respec- order conditions yield: TH = H — H T _ Ti Ti To : l T /i H-l l = first order conditions, non- negativity constraint on taxes Proof of Lemma is we ' Mi\ and 1 Combining these , h 1 r achieve (5) which yields the solution. satisfied 1 31 by Assumption 1. Q.E.D. The If the state is H, the period politician chooses 1 rf and xf maximize to rf = 9 if otherwise which leads to the solution. Analogous arguments hold if the state to (7) > and rf xf , First order conditions imply that 0. Proof of Proposition Combine (6), (7), and f T0,XQ,T subject and t^ > 8 Q.E.D. L. is 2 Lemma together with (8) 1 w» 1 1 2 --Tou - Trf - -Tj + max xf > (9) ri 4 2 ,rf,xf,.Tf x „ 8 1 4 1, to rewrite the politician's problem: Aw -xf + -x VV / x + q 1 (29) 2 2 s.t. A - g + T + -rf + -t[ -xq- -xf - -xf = j t{ this program. Let (32) > (33) multipliers for constraints (30) — 0, xf > T X case then \x x (39) since q imply that (37), (38), = < it is implies that from 1. and (40) Since t q ,t"\r\ 9. We ip, t/> , |</>f , Lemma 1 is satisfied and i^j represent the Lagrange Mo + Ml, = V M'0 ~ Ml + + Mi (37) V> (38) (39) <?V lH = qQ + <t>\ + Mi = <?# + ^f- Moreover, 1. > (36) ~ fl (41), not possible for Xo r^ = (35) Mo L Lemma and 0. in all future proofs that , x (34) Ha-, = /z from /j, , — To r\ > Q and (35), respectively. First order conditions yield: TO jLtj 0, xf > fj, (31) 7?>0, be apparent from the solution here and by the solution to (30) - a - xf = Tf + a - xf x It will 0, <b\ ; and 9 from = xf = 0. (36) — (41) > which implies that (40) and x\ = fi (39), = 0. If this is not the q9 but which contradicts then Assumption 2 and (30) From Lemma 1, (36) , (37), and (39), this characterize three cases and then perform comparative statics with respect to A\. Case 1: x > and xf = 0. (36) and (39) 32 imply that t = 9. From (31), rf = 9 + 2a, = which implies that A\ = [i x g - - By Assumption a. a < 2a, so that (40) requires 0(1 - and (39) A\ < 2, A\. From From Assumption q) /2. (36) 0(1 2, and - g) (38), /2 < -g)-^. 0(2 Case x > 2: = and xf > 0. (36) = imply that r 0. From and (36), (38), - g), so that A? = + o" - (2 - g), which means that A\ > (<) A\ if a > (<) 6 (2 — q) — ^y^. It is necessary that a > (1 — q) /2 since the alternative implies that rf > 0+2cr which contradicts (31). Satisfaction of (33) requires o < A —g+6 (3 — q) r{ (40), 6 (2 <? given (30) and (31). Case 3: = x and xf > (30) and that A\ > (<) A\ > (<) implied value of tq exceeds a > into (30) that Assumption 2, this A — (36) ^^ - + g — 9 (3 0g. and for (36) (40) = 2r -6q. Combining = (g + a + 2A + 9q) /3. This means imply that t\ For this case to hold, and (39) to hold, which exceeds 9 q) (1 it is necessary that the this implies - from substitution /2 by Assumption q) ^^ - 9q, so that A\> A\. a > implies that Proof of Corollary and (38), , and xf implies that A\ (31) to solve for r if ct 0. By 2. Q.E.D. 1 This follows from the solution described in the proof of Proposition 2. Q.E.D. 2. Q.E.D. Proof of Corollary 2 This follows from the solution described in the proof of Proposition Proof of Proposition 3 From the proof of Proposition 9 - r-P {-g + a-A + 9 ( L t v = { \ { It is clear (A — g + (2(g that for q 30 — + 9q)/3 is ) < (A — if q < 1 if 1 - 2o-/0 if g q and - 2ct/0 < > {A Q q < 1 < (A + 30 - a) q g g + 30 - a) /9 , and /9 - 2oj9 ifl-2a/9<q<{A -g + 39-a)/9. 9q) /3 + a) /0, social welfare q. 9 if 9(2-q) +a-A - decreasing in = 2a -(g + which p ' rl 2, 39 — if q > (A - g + 30 a) /9, social welfare is a) j9 increasing in q. If q > is a-A 2 2 f/Q-(9q) /12-9 /4 (42) In order to evaluate the welfare cost of political economy, note that welfare under a benevolent government 33 is equal to — (g — Aq) — a 2 /2. If a < — 9 (1 q) /2, then social welfare under politicians economy welfare cost of political is increasing in a. then social welfare under politicians economy declining in a. is a > If is is 9 (1 If -9 2 -9a -a 2 equal to - /2 q) , so that the < a < A -g+9 (3 — q), independent of a, so that the welfare cost of political A - + g 9 (3 - q), from (42) and Assumption 1, the Q.E.D. welfare cost increases in a. Proof of Proposition 4 Write the program as The Proof of Proposition n represent the Lagrange multiplier straints, letting a. in the additional order condition first a — < a ^~ " a > If . 2 a > tt^-j^ requires then 0, Trite the we let (5) and hand a < 2. a. (44) and t\ Imagine if a r (1 — a} = x^ = combined with = Lemma 1, + vr). , : 1: x (37), > = 7r/x (38) /ij + The a. k. (44) if a > can be substituted into r and > 9 + + 2r x\ = since Lemma by the proof of Proposition (31), to achieve 7TT (39), this implies that and xf = — 7TCT = a — a— T} ~r ' 0, from (36) and (39) violates Assumptions analogously to the proof of Proposition Case on where Substitution into (30) yields: fact that (36) for the non-negativity constraint This can only be true 0. — (36) side of (31), substituted in for y applies given that optimality requires Ao — g which by the hand as in the proof of Proposition 2 imply that a, xq left is a = {—a + with modified budget constraints, and 2a to the side of (30) order condition The same arguments (43) implies that Q.E.D. to be positive. to the first and 5 k represent the Lagrange multiplier with y a in the proof of Proposition 2 left 1 imply the solution by substitution, and this (43) program as — air additional 1 H 1 / in order for the implied value of Proof of Proposition adding non-negativity constraint on then the solution corresponds to that under Proposition 0, 7r for the is 1 If with the modified budget con- 1 0. rf = 9. We 1 and 2. From characterize the three cases 2. Imagine a > if substitution of (44) into (40) contradicts q > 34 1 0. Since r — n. The = £i solution = 9 is therefore identical to from (36) and (39), that in case Case a = of the proof of Proposition 1 and x^ > > x 2: and that the solution Case = xQ 3: if - > q6 t ^ 6 3 (1 1 -g~+A — Q that the economy (36), (38) (40), , The 0. a > -g+^^ A 1 and = imply that t (44) >a b if b a > By some 0. left that ab > hand 0, side of (45) increases in n < so that the 1 contradicts Assumptions — — ^= ^a 1 and 2 and the a > ap and the , fact that r\' > t[' p > q) since q 9q a < if 1-vr, so part of the proof. first + tt) / (1 - vr), (1 9+<r-A -eq(2+w)/(i-*) so Imagine _ if is > (45) By Assumption 0. fact that q need only be checked b > side of (45) otherwise proved in the proof of Proposition b a = c* it is this = and rf n) v fc since 7r 6 (2 , - (1 - (3 occurs (^)>^. hand left 9q/ a > q) (40), this occurs would imply that algebra, this (- + *-*) The By 2 hold. establishing the 0, we achieve that by substitution into (30) and (31), ap and 1 > A -g+6 then a , and a > necessarily in case 3 is solution coincides with that of case 3 in the after substitution of the implied solution for t instead If imply that 1 identical to that in case 2 of the proof of Proposition 2. is analogous arguments to cases which 7r), . if Analogous arguments to those of case 0. and xf > proof of Proposition 2 2. 1 maximized — To n. for case 3 for a > at and the 1 = rr verify that fact but this 1, A\ > A\ ^J —g + A , if since This follows from (31), the fact that 2. by Assumption 2 and since q > 1 — n. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 6 Follow the same initial steps as in and violates (36), (39), (40), a = If the solution 0, is the proof of Proposition identical to that in case < order for (44) to hold, this requires a Ti = Ai —g — 6 (1 + 7r/2). We a > 9 (1 7r|, Finally, If + by Proposition we av = verify that but a b > 0, 2, If a > p 0, (30) and from a > and (36) 0, If dP = a = then this implies that fact that n < 1 it (g 0, (31) implies that Proof of Proposition 7 35 1 This 0. = (39), t - AQ and /2 ) < a < Av < 2. x 6. In a = a— ir6/2 > a b when a p > is that 6 Since 0. < and ~g —A then this follows from Assumption implies that then this follows from Assumptions and xf > then (38) and (44) imply that the additional requirement for this to be true b if of the proof of Proposition 2. 1 determine conditions under which a p A\ < A\. which together with the If 7r|. which by substitution into 7r), > Therefore, x Q (44). Imagine 5. ty6/2, so that 9 A\ by Assumptions Q.E.D. > 1 g . 2. -A and 2. This program constraint (32) is identical to that of the previous sections with the exception that ignored and replaced with constraint (21). Let A represent the Lagrange is on constraint multiplier (21). First order conditions yield to + (1 +.X)-rf-.= (1 + /i X, Mo a < fi x < If ap > T*n + + ^ (f> , ^t 1 ' /ij, (48) (49) XqO + + (47) , + 0f + (50) (j)\, and (52) — but this violates p + |r ' 1 < 1. and the p , (31). From The second fact that and the (48) (50) , (51) K. < rf follows from (30) Tq = /i Xq9 x 7T/i = -fM 1 > xf = but this violates (49) since q 29 -n = + Mi = fi then (50) and (51) imply that x\ 0, implies that t\ ap = A)rf (46) Mo- part of the proposition follows from (46) first instead A) T H = \9 + X The = (1 From 0. and (51), if fact that and (47) x\ > 0, ^ > 0. If (48), this then ji l = 0, part of the proposition in the case that from (46) - (48), rr + \t -1- 2 TX where we have used the analyses of Propositions , \9 '1+A 2, 5, and < 6. 0, then the solution described in the proofs of Propositions 5 and 6 implies that l_H,p, lL,P a p n > 29 which follows from Assumptions 1 and 2, so that analogous iT + Fi 2'1 reasoning holds. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition There exists a policy associated can choose which satisfies (23) with different taxes. solution to (20) to (20) 8 — (22) — — with the solution to (20) Imagine (25). Then households would (22) since taxes the period if — (22) which the politician the politician chose a different policy necessarily be better off than under the would be lower. Moreover, by definition of the solution politician would achieve a welfare the politician does not choose different taxes. strictly below W p . Therefore, Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 9 Lemma 1 applies here, and it is the responsibility of the period politician to ensure that the policies induced by (11) and (12) satisfy (27) and (28). This 9 > r1 ' r and rf > of Proposition 2. 9. Moreover, t > 9 > means that rf > t t by similar arguments to those in the proof Q.E.D. 36 Appendix Table Al Surplus' High Rent- High Fiscal GDP Country Afghanistan Albania Seekmn 033 1 •0.053 1 •0 Algeria Surplus/ Uncertainty GDP Country Lao PDR -0 Latvia -0 Lebanon -0 1 1 0.1 14 1 1 Antigua Argenlrna 0.025 018 Armenra -0.D15 1 Lithuania 006 574 -0 002 Australia G 017 1 Luxembourg 0.001 Austrta •0.013 Azerbaijan •0 Bahanias 0.000 Bahrain 0.031 -0.039 Bangladesh Barbados Belarus 0001 Benin Bnutan •0 Bolivia 0.051 Bosnia and Herzegovina CO40 Botswana 0.133 Madagasca' 1 Malawi Malaysia Maldives 1 1 093 Bulgaria 0.040 Surk-na Faso -0.046 -0.1-8 -0 -0 1 1 003 039 044 -0 023 1 Morocco Mozambique Myanmar -0.019 1 Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua 0.026 1 1 -0.010 I 113 1 076 1 C.O05 034 Paraguay 0.006 Peru Philipoines 025 -0 010 Poland -0 Portugal -G043 -0.007 -0 0.029 035 ,0 Cuba -0.047 1 Czechosiovakta -0.053 Romania Denmark 0.045 Russia 067 -0 -0.022 041 -0.016 Saudi Arabia 0.251 0.017 Serbia and Momenegro Senegal 1 -0.153 1 Estonia 0.045 G Elhirjoia -0.044 1 Fiji -0.004 Solomon Finland 0.039 South Africa Slovakia 206 0-306 -0.029 Slovenia -0.008 Islands -0.027 0127 -0.055 1 Georgia -0.033 1 Gennany Ghana -0.0 17 071 Sudan -0 064 Sunname I 1 Tanzania -0 046 1 Hondu'as Hong Kong Hungary 0.016 Togc Tonga -O.090 Trinidad and Iran 0069 Iraq 0.147 Italy I 0465 06046 1 Uganda -2 1 Ukraine 4J -0 -0.06204 Kaza-Jislan Kenva 001 164 -0 0255 KinbaTi •0.05484 Yemen Korea Rep. 000423 Zambia Zimbabwe I 1 Vanuatu I 1 Venezuela. Vietnam 1 1 I 1 1 37 1 1 01885 00755 007572 -0 Uzbekistan 0018974 RB 0.000267 -0.0 549 1 1 1 0.010883 -0 03054 -0.2O057 1 1 -0 029154 Uruguay t 1 65E-02 00839 0.180512 United states Jordan G •0.02 191 40135 00244 1 I -0 -0 1 0003 1 Umled Arab Emirates UnKed Kingdom 1 no 079 -0 028 -0 008 Turkey Turkmenistan Jamaica Japan Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic -0 1 I -0.00884 -0 -0.029 Tobago Tunisia 039 I 011 Thailand • U3077 Ireland Israel Syrian Arab Republic 014 0.063 1 1 •0.012 -0.012 1 1 -C.I28 -0 1 I Haiti Indonesia 1 •O.045 Guyana Inula 1 Tajikistan 1 Switzerland 1 1 Taiwan 034 -0.036 -0.066 1 1 1 1 Sweden 065 -0 1 1 -O024 -0 026 022 002 -0 072 002 I •0 -0.017 1 1 020 Lanka Swaziland a 1 069 -0 Sri 1 1 0.007 Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Iceiano -0 Spam France Gabon Gambia The 1 233 -0 Singapore 1 I 1 044 Leone 0.256 Eritrea Sierra 1 -0.061 Equatorial Guinea -0 -0 sevcnettes 1 1 1 100 Rwanda Sao Tome and Pnnclpe -0.008 1 -0.025 1 I I 1 024 c 1 1 1 126 G-atai I -0.099 1 -0 Croatia 1 1 Panama 0312 1 044 Papua New Guinea Congo. Rep Cosla Rica Cote dlvare -O038 -0 -0.014 Pakistan I 1 1 1 I I 111 007 0.041 Oman -0.006 1 1 1 244 0.053 0.013 -0 153 1 1 000 China Colombia Congo. Dem. Rep Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt Arab Rep. El Salvador -0 Niqerm •Norway -0.039 Djibouti 001 Nigel 1 0.000 Chile 027 -0 1 1 -0.027 1 1 022 1 Mexico Moldova Mongolia 1 061 1 1 -0.045 1 -0.110 006 -0053 -0 037 -O039 Mauritius I 1 1 -0 Mauritania 1 1 1 -0 011 Malta 1 t 1 -0 ISO Mali 025 Brazil Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Chad 1 -0.018 -0.020 -0.05 FYR 1 -0.012 Belize Burundi 1 Uncertainty 157 -0 Macedonia. 067 Belgium Brunei 1 Seekina 116 153 Angola Lesotho Libera Libya High Rent High Fiscal 053 003 1 ' I 1 Bibliography 8 Acemoglu, Daron, Mikhail Golosov, and Aleh Tsyvinski (2007) omy of Mechanisms," Working Paper. 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