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' . . . 9.00$ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Econonnics Working Paper Series INTERNATIONAL CREDIT AND WELFARE Some Paradoxical Results with Implications for the Organization of International Lending Kaushik Basu Hodaka Morita Working Paper 02-18 April 2002 Revised: January 26, 2005 Room 50 Me E52- 251 morial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http://papers.ssrn. com/abstract_ld=31 1 281 at MASSACt-.v OF Tr MAR 1 L 'L.:0 LIBRARIES January 26, 2005 INTERNATIONAL CREDIT AND WELFARE: A Paradoxical Theorem and its Policy Implications Hodaka Morita Kaushik Basu Department of Economics School of Economics Cornell University The University of New South Wales Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Sydney, E-mail: kb40@comell.edu NSW 2052, Australia E-mail; H.Morita(a),unsw.edu.au Abstract This paper considers a developing nation that faces a foreign exchange shortage and hence its demand for foreign goods is limited both by its income and its foreign exchange balance. Availability of international credit relaxes the second constraint. We develop a simple model of strategic interaction between lending institutions and finns, and show that the availability of international credit at concessionary rates can leave the borrowing nation worse off than if it had to borrow money at higher market rates. This 'paradox of benevolence' is then used to motivate a discussion of policies pertaining to international lending and the Southern government's method of rationing out foreign exchange to the importers. Keywords: Bank-firm JEL classification interaction, foreign aid, international credit, welfare comparison. numbers: LIO, F30, OlO. Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Abhijit Banerjee, Jonathan Eaton, Fernandez, Arvind Panagariya, Priya Ranjan, Debraj Ray, Henry participants of a conference at presented. Wan Raquel and the the University of California, Irvine, where the paper was 1. There is Introduction a small literature that argues that the benefits of international credit do not accrue to the recipient developing country, ending up, instead, benefiting the donors The aim or in the coffers of large corporations that sell goods to the developing country.' of this paper is claim to to subject this carefiil theoretical scrutiny. while this hypothesis need not always be under which sight it it is seems valid. This is true, there interesting because of that the availability of credit (or, better terms) caimot make do more the recipient, whether it What we (by, for instance, burning is that, exist parametric configurations its paradoxical nature. At first generally, availability of credit at be an individual or a nation, worse off because the recipient has the option not to take the credit or to pay a higher what the donor demands find interest than money). However, such simple logic runs into difficulty, especially in the domain of strategic international finance. We construct a formal model and show that, when a nation buys goods from large corporations with monopolistic power, the availability of cheaper credit leave the recipient worse may In particular, a poor developing country that is currently off. borrowing money from a profit-maximizing international bank or financial may become worse off if some 'benevolent' organization maximizing bank, and begins Since public foreign lending market actually to lend is institution steps in, in place of the profit- hard currency at zero or a subsidized interest usually motivated by altruism and the need to failures (Eaton, 1989, p. 1308) it seems quite surprising fill rate. in for to find that there are For works that either defend this proposition or debate it, see Winkler (1929), Hyson and Strout (1968), Bhagwati (1970), Gwyne (1983), Taylor (1985), Darity and Horn (1988), Basu (1991), and Deshpande ' (1999). where the recipient nation does better when situations it gets its foreign capital from private sources. To see the logic, note that if a poor country has to maximizing lender at an interest (assuming the exchange i and pay a price p rate is 1) the effective price to a and the manufacturer controlling sets the interest rate equal to zero, p. Now which reduces the raising this price rise results in a welfare loss, since a part its own foreign exchange. On is (1 manner with + i)p. Here the the lender controlling suppose that a 'benevolent' lender steps The manufacturer takes advantage of this by by profit- manufacturer for the good, then on the margin lender and the manufacturer compete in an interesting i borrow money from a effective price its from price from p to p'. (1 + is and i)p to p. On one of the country's purchase in hand, financed the other hand, for the other part of the purchase that financed by the lender, the country is still the effective price p' turns out to be still is benefited from the benevolent lending because lower than former disadvantage of the benevolent lending is (1 + i)p. We demonsfrate that the greater than the latter advantage of it under a range of parameterization conditions. In brief, this paper proposes a sti^ategic interaction between lending possibility of paradoxical reactions process it draws attention to paying particular attention new game-theoretic framework for analyzing the institutions (which we call the how we may want to the market and producers, and demonsfrates the 'paradox of benevolence'). In the to reorganize international lending, stiTJcture that the recipient as to ensure that the benefits reach their intended target. country confronts, so 2. In this section theoretical framework though the latter is One own we is present a is number of real- world contexts to which our applicable, and explore the policy implications of our analysis, picked up once again in Section country lending exports The Factual Context money not unusual at all. to 6. another or giving aid with an eye on enhancing Many industrialized countries give loans to developing countries with the explicit requirement that the latter then use these to former (Eaton, 1989; Fleisig and Hill, 1984). Virtually all provisions for providing export credit. This for those nations to buy goods from is This is buy goods from the OECD countries have special money given to other nations specifically the donor nation. Moreover, importantly, a lot of this credit is given at concessionary rates, and, in particular, at rates. its lower than market interest done, ostensibly, to help the recipient nations. Sweden, for instance, has the Swedish Export Credit Corporation or AB Svensk Exportkredit (SEK). Tlris was established in 1962 "for the purpose of financing exports of Swedish capital goods and services on commercial terms" (OECD, 2001 Sweden , p. 3). Up to 1978 SEK used to grant credit on strictly commercial terms. Since then there has been a program of subsidized lending. Subsidies are funded from Sweden's Development Aid Budget. OECD (2001, Sweden exports", though this p. 10) notes, is "Concessionary credits are mainly tied to Swedish not necessarily In U.S.A., the Trade and As so. Development Agency (TDA), formerly known Trade and Development Program (TDP), has two objectives — as the to give subsidized credit to help developing and middle-income countries and to promote the export of goods and services to those countries. In the US tied aid has legal authorization because the Trade and Development Act, 1983, the Eximbank and USAID to in particular, its sections 644 and 645, explicitly authorize provide tied aid and credit to other nations. These are just two among many examples found to believe that the subsidized international credit sector, and help the recipient country is substantial. As Fleisig in OECD (2001). which aims and to There is reason promote export Hill (1984, pp. 322-3) noted, "Outstanding direct subsidized and export credits of the major lending countries (Canada, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States) amounted end of 1978. These lenders offered substantial subsidies, charging 7 and 8%, at the Under same time that private lenders $55 billion interest rates charged between 5 and 1 at the between 5%." the requirement that the export credit should be used to import goods the donor nation, the loan-recipient countiies limited to number of potential sellers. That requirement could end up creating or is, forced to choose a seller from a the provision of export credit with such a at least bolstering the sellers' paradoxical result of our model suggests that been better off if they were exposed may be from some of these to the private credit market power. The recipient countries market with its may have non- concessionary lending. There are accounts galore of countries that have received subsidized international credit but have adamantly remained basket cases. There are a number of reasons for The money may have been may have been dissipated in consumption and not invested diligently; there coiTuption and leakage at the level of the government. But, in addition, our model suggests that there beneficiaries this. may may be another previously- unexplored reason not have done well. This is to why the do with an unholy alliance between subsidized credit and the market structure of firms and banks that confront die borrowing country. One The money may have leaked out implication of our model concessionary rate, it is that, to international when an producers with market power. export credit is offered to a country at a should be ensured that the recipient country uses the credit to import goods from competitive markets. Our model also yields important implications for the organization of international lending by multilateral organizations, such as the World Bank and subsidized credit. The IMF, for instance, provides financing to under different types of credit anangements at ("facilities"). its the IMF, member that give countries These include regular facilities market-related interest rates, and a concessionary facility for low-income countries (The Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)). three-year period, with repayments over 5.5 See IMF - PRGF arrangements cover a 10 years at an interest rate of 0.5 percent.^ (2001a) for further details on types of fiind arrangements offered by the IMF. A number of IMF-supported programs (in particular, practically all concessionary financing arrangements) have included a variety of structural conditionalities. Concerning trade-related conditionality, the measured by the trade restrictiveness index IMF that often requires trade liberalization combines the average protection as well as the coverage of non-tariff barriers (IMF, 2001b). indicates that the IMF level of tariff Our model should also keep an eye on the structure of the markets from which the borrower countries import goods. In particular, if a borrower country imports goods from industries with substantial market power, ^ PRGF was Facility established in 1999. (SAF) and the Enhanced it The predecessors of the Structural may be better off by having to PRGF had been Adjustment Facility (ESAF). borrow the Structural Adjustment from a non-concessionary investigation is facility rather than a concessionary facility, needed regarding the type of lending arrangement The model also highlights the crucial role of the limited foreign exchange is that and so careful is suitable. mechanism through which the released to the importers in the borrower country borrower government (or Cenfral Bank). The paper suggests the that the rules for allocating by the government can make the limited foreign reserves followed by a crucial difference in determining what effect international credit or aid has on the well-being of the recipient Hence nation. the model, despite its use of a rather stylized framework, depicts theoretically the general idea explored empirically by Bumside and Dollar (2000) on how the nature of governance in the borrowing nation can critically determine whether aid (or subsidized international lending) will As a final point, we work to its advantage or not.'* discuss an application of our theoretical framework to infra- countiy rural credit markets. In rural regions of developing countries, peasants often face short-term money shortage in the pre-harvest season. Hence, borrowing is widespread in such times with repayment occurring after the harvest when the peasant regains liquidity. According Bardhan, to a large-scale survey of confractual relationships 1984, Chapter 9, for details), landlords often lend where There the loans can be for is openness now a lot of evidence in general leads to the many different purposes to their own —consumption share tenants, to tide over the lean from cross-country studies on how trade liberahzation and greater growth of income 1995; Frankel and Romer, 1999). more competitive money in rural India (see What we show trade environment as one concessionary facility offered by the IMF. may (see, for instance, is that, if Ben-David, 1993; Sachs and Warner, the trade liberalization and openness leads to a expect, then this may also increase the efficacy of the season or production purpose loans. Interestingly, Bardhan reports that these loans can often be without interest. If such a peasant faces a monopolistic product market from which he buys the goods that he needs, then our theoretical framework suggests paradoxical result can occur.^ That exposed to a profit-maximizing it is often such a peasant could be better off if he were money government subsidized In this context, that is, made credit to industrialized country poor peasants may not be the panacea The Model a developing country - henceforth North. These - henceforth South, and an countries have their for all inter-country trade and exchange the only acceptable currency currency. This is lender. . 3. is money lender rather than to a 'benevolent' out to be. In this model there that the the 'hard' cuiTency. We own is currencies but the North's shall refer to the South's currency as the 'soft' currency. The South, that if it to it in our model, has a shortage of 'hard currency'. This could buy more hard currency buy more foreign goods. The suggests some rigidity in the without loss of generality, assumption " is to See also Collier It is (1 ( 1 make the fact exchange we treat model it going exchange rate at the it so in the sense is would do so and use of a country facing a shortage of hard currency rate. We treat the exchange rate as as fixed at tractable, we 1 . fixed and, Although one reason for making also feel that this is this not as strong an 997) and Hansen and Tarp (2001 ). plausible that poor peasants often buy goods from sellers with substantial market power. Bardhan 984) argues that highly personalized ties between transacting agents that are typically observed in isolated rural villages often result in monopolistic power. See Bhaduri (1983) for a similar regarding 'personalized rural market'. argument assumption as may appear The at first sight. fact that many Third World nations do face a shortage of hard cuiTency, suggests that exchange rates are at least partially rigid in reality. We relations suspect that there are innate factors in the structure of international economic which cause governments go for a this. How free float else can one explain why, even and allow the exchange rate to after developing country be market driven, shortages of hard currency persist? Another assumption in this paper concerns the modeling of the developing We treat the government not as a country government. strategic agent, nimbly maximizing some payoff, but as a somewhat mechanical bureaucracy which has some rigid rules, to to which it adheres. In particular, which the government (or the Central balance; and they are given the right to One reason why we model has a surfeit treat the licensed importers in the South, its limited foreign exchange buy goods abroad and government as not a sell strategic agent we them is in the South. for tractability; the also believe that this description is of many developing and transition economies. For instance, the case of Pakistan and India, it fits reality quite well especially in through the seventies eighties.* We shall in this paper focus on one good, which the South likes to consume but does not produce. The good the Bank) allocates of strategic agents. However, fairly realistic in the case and we model good (may be in the is in fact produced by a firm based North but also) in the in the it North, which sells South through the licensed importers. The Writing in the very early nineties on Pakistan, Baysan (1992, p. 468) observed, "Distinct from import bans and restrictions, value limits on individual licenses against cash for imports of machinery and mill work have been (and still are being) maintained .... These ceilings ... function as nontariff barriers and serve as a nonprice rationing mechanism for the allocation of foreign exchange." ... Northern firm produces the good chooses the price p at which it constant marginal cost at a Though sells to the South. c, faces no fixed cost, our formal model in and we work with one such firm, our qualitative results would be unchanged under n oligopolistic firms. On : who consumer, hard currency demand demand the is side we assume, without loss of generality, that the South has one a price taker. Imagine at the going exchange fiinction for the first that rate. In good sold by consumer has the such a case let fi:ee access to the the consumer's inverse the North be given by: p = a-bx, where will a > c, b> 0, and p is (1) the price of the product and x the amount demanded. This be called the unconstrained demand cun>e. Without a shortage in the absence of licensed importers (that is, assuming that the in hard cunency and consumers buy directly from the Northern producers), standard monopoly analysis shows the equilibrium price and quantity to be: a+c . p = , ; . and x Figure 1 by -c a . 2b 2 Tliis point is illustrated in = the point E*. Note currency needed to buy the equilibrium amount of the good that the total is amount of hard given hy p*x'' a' -c' Ah We shall from here on consider the case reserve R, though positive, we are making Assumption 1: is in which the South 's foreign exchange insufficient for this point the following assumpfion. Q<R< a 2 —c Ab 2-' E* to be attained. In other words, 10 That the the shortage is, monopoly It is of hard currency is such that the Northern firm cannot fully capture demand rent associated with the unconstrained being assumed here that, what the South suffers from insolvency but illiquidity. In other words, exchange in the The simplest way future. its not a problem of is expects to have adequate access to foreign it make to South's currency becomes convertible in the constrained by curve. this So fixture. foreign exchange reserves. formal We will is to suppose that the in the future its assume demand that our model the m (> 2) importers. exchange up this foreign to this We will That is, a reserve assume of R units of hard currency. that the each importer is government sets a as given It sell to will be the Southern consumers. assumed and constitute It will model works a be shown the does quota for each of quota limit by giving up an equivalent amount of soft currency. With We to buy goods from shall, for simplicity, importers are treated identically, and so each importer has access to currency. How given the right to acquire foreign exchange the importers use the hard currency which they then this it is studies. So the Southern government has the government use this? not that this foreign-exchange constrained position lasts for one period (which can of course be very long) and one period is R/m the North assume that all units of the hard that the importers take the international price of the product Bertrand oligopoly in the domestic market. later in Section 5 that, for the same way as an alternative gives consumers direct access to a fixed mathematical equivalence, in model in puipose of our analysis, such a which the Southern government amount of foreign exchange. Given this what follows we proceed our analysis by supposing Southern government announces that the consumer can acquire up to R units that the of hard 11 currency. In other words, the amount of foreign good, x, that the consumer buys must satisfy x<R/p Keeping in constraint) demand This is mind is that (1) implies that the given by x = (a-p)/b, function of the South is demand and combining function (with no foreign exchange this with (2) we see that the actual given by: demonstrated by the thick line in [Figure We now (2) 1 Figure l/ somewhere here] incorporate international lending into our model; we will consider the following two cases: Case Case I: There is to the South II: There a non-profit 'international organization' that lends hard currency credit is subsidized interest at a rate. a profit-maximizing international bank (based in the North) that gives hard-currency credit to the South. We shall, throughout, assume, without loss of generality, that the interest rate prevailing in the North If we were have consumer is zero. The Southern consumer and government do not have thinking of this as an mtra-country, credit market problem, demand curve maybe because a 'true' liquid cash, is (that is, in the we could think of consumers absence of any liquidity problems) given by (1 ) this is the pre-harvest, lean season. If the liquid cash available given by R, then his effective demand function for the good in questions is but have with the given by who little (3). 12 direct access to the Northern credit market, but the international organization Northern bank have access of lending money to the to So it. South is to these latter agents the opportunity (interest) cost Given our focus on zero. insolvency) problems faced by the South, The analysis of Case I is we assume illiquidity (rather than that the South never defaults. straightforward. Let us suppose that the international organization lends to the South at the oppoitunity cost interest, that zero. Once South has access to and the such credit, the foreign becomes immaterial. South's demand for the product an is, interest rate of exchange constraint of R is given by equation (1) and the equilibrium price and quantity are given by p* and x*, which are represented by point in Figure 1 Case II is Southern country the interesting case, and may be better what we go on to show, off in this case than under Case depict the equilibrium that will arise in Case I. later, is that the But first we need II is the strategic interaction between the firm and the bank, we derive the reaction functions (more precisely reaction functions') of the firm and the us start with the firm. Consider buys from the North it has to first first is where R = 0, that is, for 'implicit equilibria. Let whatever the South borrow money from the bank. [Figure 2 In Figure 2, aF bank and then characterize Nash the case to II. Since the central issue in the analysis of Case (1)). E* somewhere the South's unconstrained Suppose the bank charges an interest rate here] demand cun'e of i. Then if the (given by equation firm charges a price of p, 13 the effective price to the Southern curve is consumer Oa = given by the Hne a'F where implies that the firm's best response to is + (1 it By E'. demand the effective Standard monopoly analysis choose a price that is represented by the considering different interest and plotting the mid-point that represents the firm's best response for each i, obtain the firm's best response curve. This call Hence i)p. i)Oa'. midpoint of line segment a'H', shown by point rates, + is (1 is the firm's 'implicit reaction function.'^ 0, the firm's implicit reaction horizontal axis. function The reason why we represented by the broken line E*E'C. The reader should would be a vertical line also check that, if c from E* down an 'implicit' reaction function call this i, is we We were to the because, unlike in a conventional reaction function where the two variables chosen by the tvvo players are represented on the two axis, here the interest rate represented on any axis, but is implicit in the effective somewhere [Figure 3 Now let charged by the bank demand curve (the does not need to The fmn's is one which takes borrow money) ' is into i = The mathematical 0. is To The firm's best response is not curve. shown in Figure 3. If the interest rate, is line, i, a'F, then the actual account the fact that up E*K' and in Figure 2. chosen by the bank, here] given by the thick implicit reaction function from 0, as demand such that the effective demand curve segment of the E*E'C curve starting R> us bring in the fact that i, to R units, the South going through points point B, where E*K is B and D. a truncated see this, gradually increase the value of i, is represented by point properties of this function are spelled out in Anant, E* when i=0, Basu and Mukherji (1995). and by • 14 . point E' (see Figure 2) in the i positive but sufficiently small. Then, as is southwest direction. But before E' reaches point response point will To when jump to point B. 3 Clearly, the firm . B corresponds to point the total cost indifferent is is strictly i is such that the line, a'F, jump passes through point rather than point K; since at both prices revenue is the same and smaller at point B. Hence, there exists point K', where the firm is between choosing point K' and point B. a price, p, such that —> suppose that the firm has fixed holds. In this case, the South does not currency because the consumer's is First borrow hard b P feasible without demand given by the unconstrained demand curve borrowing any hard currency. Then, any value of i bank's best response, because the bank cannot make any profits fiom lending South, for occurs. better off by choosing the price that Now we turn to the bank's reaction function. p = a-bx) 3), the firm's best Let us denote by K' the point where the see that this will happen, suppose that K in Figure K (in Figure moves rises E' i all i > is the to the 0. Next suppose that the firm has fixed a price, p, such that —< p — holds. This b condition means that, demand curve not feasible without borrowing hard currency because the Southern is (i.e., government has only under the price, the consumer's demand given by the unconstrained R (> 0) units of hard currency. Graphically, the price between the prices represented by point B and can make a profit from lending hard currency D in Figure 3. to the South, Given such which is is stiictly price, the given by bank 15 somewhere [Figure 4 Graphically, the bank's profit has fixed a price at is represented by area p=p' and the bank has chosen bank chooses i so that the area QRST is bank chooses i such that point T in given p', the here] bank's best response i QRST in Figure 4, where the firm represented by a'F. Given p', the maximized. The maximization implies that the Figure 4 becomes the midpoint of QZ. Then, for any is choose to i such that corresponding a'F line goes through the midpoint of QZ. Plotting such midpoints for different values of p', the broken line in Figure 5. We call it are now somewhere price is given by a'F. Tliis is here] ready to identify Nash equilibria. Superimpose the firm's implicit reaction function (E*K' in Figure 3) here. intersection of the obtain the bank's 'implicit reaction fiinction.' [Figure 5 We we A Nash equilibrium is depicted by the point of two reaction functions, shown here by point N, where the equilibrium p and the interest rate is the one implicit in the effective an equilibrium in which a positive amount is borrowed. demand curve We call this the N- equilibrium. Note that the N-equilibrium does not always exist because the broken line does not necessarily intersect with E*K'. Note also that there exists another Nash equilibrium, where the firm chooses the price that corresponds to point chooses a very high interest rate. This is an equilibrium in B and the bank which no lending occurs. 16 4. The Paradox of Benevolence We now demonstrate that the paradox of benevolence The aggregate welfare earned by equilibrium. Figure 6 as the area call this, in brief, W" , b is when Our claim for benevolence. We will say that the borrow from a this shown is in is ti a reminder that this we need good it is is is the welfare of the a profit-maximizer. Let us denote South's aggregate is benevolent (and charges no is that interest) there are parameters of the to first depict benevolent lender (Case examining Figure 6 N- here] 'paradox of benevolence' occurs price of the Northern Now, we is the Northern lender To prove the South in the N-equilibrium somewhere where the South when the lender of credit welfare in the STQpa. [Figure 6 Let us can happen I, W . clear that a priori where if this inequality is true. Recall that Hence W'' we cannot , model where when the South can freely above) equilibrium occurs given by p*. by W'' is at point the area of aE*p*. say which is E* and the By larger W'' or W " are able to state the central result of the paper. Proposition (The Paradox of Benevolence): For any parameter values that satisfy Assumption fixed, the 1 , there exists a value c (>0) such that, holding all parameter values except c model exhibits the following property for all c e [0, c ]: 17 The N-equilibrium exists and the paradox of benevolence occurs in that equilibrium. [Proof] See Appendix. To understand profit the logic behind the result, maximizing behavior firm's marginal revenue Case in when Case it and Case I sells let us compare the Northern firm's Let MR(p, x) denote the Northern II. x units of the good to the South at the price the international organization lends to the South at the interest rate I, Northern firm sells becomes equal x* units of the good to the marginal cost, at the price maximizing international bank charges > i 0, and the of p* so that the marginal revenue MR(p*, x*) = i.e, = i of p. In In c. Case II, the profit- Given the shortage of hard currency 0. in the South, the positive interest rate reduces the South's willingness of pay, which in turn reduces the Northern producer's marginal revenue. In order to the Northern producer can [1/(1 + i)]MR(p*, now charge only MR([I/(1 + i)]p*, X*) = [1/(1 Northern firm's optimal quantity rate where MR([1/(1 + i)]p*, x*) = its c is zero. Then, in Case marginal revenue MR(p*, x*) I, is under zero. In although the positive interest rate reduces the South's willingness to pay, the Northern firm's marginal revenue when is, ij]p*, where the marginal cost the Northern firm's optimal choice (p*, x*) II, + x* units to the South, x*). First consider the case Case [1/(1 sell charged in Case II it sells + i)]MR(p*, is x* in x* units x*) Case II = 0, if is unaffected and MR(p*, x*) = as well as in Case I. still Hence, the 0). That is, does not result in any additional quantity distortion. hand, the Northern firm must reduce its price from p* to [1/(1 + i)]p* to sell And, given the positive amount of the South's foreign reserve (R > 0), the zero (that the interest On the other x* units. South gets 18 benefit from the lower price charged some South is strictly Now let Case better off in II (i.e. by the Northern firm. under the Northern firm's optimal choice (p*, x*) stricdy now below the marginal cost c (that is [1/(1 + i)]MR(p*, X*) < Case in the marginal cost c is II and hence the South what the Proposition The result is strictly (denoted x) is more than Case better off in N-equilibrium point, N, Northern firm's optimal quantity capture area aE*p* (which Case South also captures area is x* in the South's is Case TQ^ p* as its represented by area E*p*a. Case II, the N-equilibrium point, N, is II consumer suiplus in Case is when holds it sells is, the x* than x*. strictly less small. Then, is offset by the benefit of the lower when c is small II is let c = a vertical line now vertically as well as in enough. This in Then, as 0. is below E*. Since the I, Case I) represented by area is not vertically The suiplus. E*TQ p a, is Now let c > 0. we have from E*. Hence, as Case the South can as a part of by its the firm, the result is that the South's greater than its Then, as shown below E* anymore, and x where x < x*. This additional quantity distortion , 0. = In addition, due to the lower price charged II. in quantity = the South's lower II, i)]p*, x*) now consumer surplus consumer surplus I, is can also be understood graphically. First in In Case I. > c c states. in Figure 7, the consumer surplus Case MR([1/(1 + is, already seen, the firm's implicit reaction function shown in small, the degree of this distortion negative impact on the South's welfare price, when This results in an additional quantity distortion; that c). Northern firm's optimal quantity this MR(p*, x*) = implies that the Northern firm's marginal revenue units However, when result is that the the paradox of benevolence occurs) the marginal cost c be strictly positive, so that willingness to pay The in consumer in Figure the firm's optimal Case II reduces the 6, 19 South's consumer surplus. However, area RQ p p*, which implies if c is relatively small, South that the Case axis represents c'"^^, c. For each value of R made is displayed in Table 1. The 6.06, or 3.00, when R = occurs for c all which g [0, for the case we have computed where a all = the I. 10 and b 10, 20. or 40, respectively. 6.06] when a = 10, b = 0.4 and Benevolence occurs therefore in non-trivial seem maximum = b = b = 0.4 b = 0.5 0.94 1.22 R=10 R=15 2.23 3.22 7.00 6.29 R = 20 R = 25 R = 30 R = 35 R = 40 R = 45 R = 50 R = 55 R = 60 R = 65 6.06 5.16 5.16 4.16 4.35 3.31 3.63 2.57 3.00 1.91 2.44 1.23 1.91 - 1.37 - 0.73 - - - value of c, c"^^''. 0.4. we have c™^= 2.23, Namely, the Paradox of Benevolence R = 20. Note that c < a (= 10 in amount of goods to indicate that the ranges of parameter values. 5 and the vertical 0.4 or 0.5 and the results are Numerical examples for the Paradox of Benevolence (The value of c™" when a = 10). R= R non-negative values of c less than table tells that, for instance, with The numerical examples 1. than in Case . these examples) must hold for the Northern firm to sell a positive Table smaller than here.] the horizontal axis represents such that the paradox occurs for The computation South. II is conducted numerical simulations to compute the zones of paradox in the (R, c)-space, in particular, a space in denoted better off in somewhere [Figure 7 We is still SE*RT area Paradox of to the 20 interesting to note the table exhibits an "inverted-U" shape in the (R, c)- It is space. That when is, holding other parameter values fixed, the value of c'"^" the value of R relatively large. property in all Although of them, we have worked we have been 5. In Section 3 and relatively small, is number of examples and unable to prove that this Competition we began out a with the Among Licensed realistic bank in order to import goods for domestic is identified this the general property. that, in the South, the to acquire hard currency sale. from the We then pointed out that, if these importers took the international price, p, of the good and the interest rate, i, given, and chose the domestic sale price (that we is, they played a Bertrand game), ignore these importers for the purpose of our analysis. Given we this, to the designated importers. In this section indeed ignore the importers in order to derive out As before, the Southern demand for the as could derived our result under the assumption that government allocated foreign exchange directly consumers rather than R Importers assumption government gives some designated importers the right central increasing in R when the value of R is decreasing in it is is to the we show that we can results. Northern good is given by: a-r where r is the price that the consumers have to pay. Tliere are They can buy producer the good (subject at a price, p, to m identical importers. having the requisite foreign exchange) fi^om a Northern chosen by the Northern producer. It is importers take this price as given. Each of these importers foreign exchange by the now Southem government. If they is assumed that the Southern given access to R/m units of want more foreign exchange they 21 have to wants from a Northern bank borrow this buy x units to by: at an interest rate of this good from the North it of i. Hence, has to incur a if total cost, an importer TC(x), given . px, if px<—. TC{x) R — + ,, jv . + i)p{x {l m mp Now, each of these in m importers have to choose a price at which the product to the Southern consumers. If we may (4) R ),ifpx> — .^ , it offers to sell denotes the price offered by importer rj i, then m importers by denote the strategy n-tuple of the (ri, ....,rm) The profit earned Our aim by importer is case) of this game. may then be denoted by to characterize the We will equilibrium. In other words, 7ti(r*, i define be interested to r in the ti, function. We will here every importer charges the same price If all importers, excepting importer consumers respond as follows. consumers who i. r, . . , rm). in this symmetric Nash if, for all = i 1, . . ., m, ...,r')>7i,(r', ...,ri, ...,r*), for all n. characterize the > . be an 'equilibrium' Fortunately, to characterize such an equilibrium ti , Nash equilibrium (Bertrand equilibrium in particular we 7i,(ri all fail to buy from consumers go These are If i, ri i, r, make r, r direct their and importer i faces a demand i. fiilly the following reasonable assumptions. If importer to importers other than fairly usual not need to then each importer faces a charges < we do i demand of (a-r)/bm. charges rj {^ demand equal r), then the to (a-ri)/b. All at price r to the other importers. Only those with unmet demand turn If to assumptions; a formal statement of these occur in Basu (1993). 22 Let us now suppose that the firm has fixed a price, p, such that —< — Also suppose that the bank has fixed an interest rate, i, such that —< holds. b P This condition means that, if holds. b P government allocated foreign exchange directly to the consumers, then the consumers' demand given by the unconstrained demand curve feasible without marginal cost functions (derived from (4)) = + to show r then no one can do better by deviating. that in this case r (l+i)p, the profit earned price, an importer no one The not borrowing hard currency and so they borrow a positive amount of hard cuiTency from the bank. Under such p and (l+i)p, is (1 will the horizontal the thick line is summation of all importers' shown an equilibrium. That i)p is To by each importer can only do worse. i, If, is is, see this note that if in Figure 8. It is each importer charges when everybody charges given by iR/mp. Clearly by undercutting this on the other hand, an importer charges buy from him. Hence, easy ri > his profit will drop to zero. analysis in the previous paragraph indicates that, for any p and the conditions described above, the profits of the finn and the bank i that satisfy are identical with or without the designated importers. Also, consumers face the same marginal price and demand shown the same amount of the good for other in the combinations of p and the strategic interaction i. two Since cases. we A focus on the welfare consequences of between the firm and the bank, this ignore the importers in our analysis. [Figure 8 somewhere similar equivalence can be here] equivalence allows us to 23 ^. The model and implications. First, 6. . Policy Implications the results described in this paper have important policy cautions aid donor agencies not to presume that subsidized credit, it given to a Third World nation, necessarily benefits the recipient relative to the case in vifhich credit is sight first it made seems we have shown market, the advantages of subsidized credit goods to the recipient nations. ways, other than subsidized on aid-tying used however, is financial institution. that the availability of subsidized credit cannot nation worse off However, sell bank or available by a profit-maximizing to may the recipient depending on the structure of the import flow into the hands of corporations that donor agency has In such a situation the to think of reaching benefit to nations. The classical literature credit, for be concerned with that the flow -back that, make At this question. What we have shown of benefit to the North can occur even when in this paper, aid is not tied, but depending on the market structure of imports and the strategic position of the donor. In trying to reach out to poor nations, method of lowering nations, while to interest rates. The IMF uses this for the combining the generous loan terms with macroeconomic policies such as the need to money supply growth may most international organizations use the in check. most indebted and poor 'conditionalities', keep the fiscal deficit Wliat this paper alerts us to is which pertain under control and the fact that such policies not be enough to plug the holes through which the benefits of cheap credit get frittered away. The 'market structure' of trade may be the main route through which the immiserization occurs. Hence, before lending at concessional rates, it is worth examining and advising recipient governments on the channels and structure of trade and methods of releasing limited foreign exchange reserves. 24 The model suggests (though we have not really gone may be into this) that there advantages to the South of giving the import rights to a single agent. This would empower the importers vis-a-vis the Northern manufacturer and the Southern consumer. Secondly, the Southern more pro-active in the foreign quotas to different agents may Let us take up the first may end up government may stand benefiting by being to gain exchange market. Releasing the foreign exchange as not be a good idea. point first. In our because they compete against one another both international credit market. If they could power. However, collusive behavior model the Southern importers do poorly in the product market and the behave collusively, they could exercise market is difficult to sustain on its own - a point made persuasively in the context of international borrowing by governments by Fernandez and Glazer (1990). However, in our model since the borrowers are agencies within a nation, the government can enable them to exercise market power. Tlie system of 'canalized' imports used by some nations, for instance, India, could have potentially played this role. In practice, canalized imports have been inefficient and bureaucratically cumbersome. potential has not been understood, let alone realized. Let us now turn to the second subject of /;ovv to ration the limited foreign exchange reserve. The method analyzed in this exchange - is rationed out to the importers is paper - namely, one where the foreign not the only one. The government could (and they often do) place quantity restrictions on the amount each importer The analysis of this is not trivial since, given which the total import. while each importer will of course take the quantity ration as given, the government should be ration, may modeled as choosing that quantity import value equals the amount of foreign exchange tlie Its 25 government has (or wants to release). rationing, for instance one in There can be other more sophisticated kinds of which the amount of foreign exchange released to an importer could depend on the terms of trade. Each such ration will change the market outcome and the total benefit benevolence. In the future it generated to the South and will choose a system consciously to avert the paradox of be worth examining formally the welfare different systems of releasing limited foreign to may even maximize effects of exchange and for the Southern govermnent the welfare of its consumers. 26 Appendix Proof of the Proposition: We analyze the firm's best response given first First consider /> (Al) i i (>0) chosen by the bank. that satisfies (Al). a^-AbR . - 4bR Under (Al), the South does not Northern firm. To see this, borrow any hard currency note that (Al) is equivalent to for ' i? any p chosen by the > — ^^ ^^ holds for b all p.' Given such i, the firm chooses p such that the South spends currency to purchase the good; namely the finn's best response .,^, (A2) Any p= (p, i) a + ^a^ -AbR twice. In this equilibrium (A3) is = ps . > i is (we i call it (y-c)(a-p') ^^s_ Next consider a^ < i that satisfies (A4). -AbR AbR equilibrium. Graphically, in this conesponds to point B-equilibrium), the bank's profit given by (A3). i Nash B in Figure 3 and so that a'F does not intersect the rectangular hyperbola b (A4) a the firm chooses the price that bank chooses high enough fimi's profit chooses p such that p[(a-p)/b]=R holds. Hence, given by (A2). such that p=p^ and Nash equilibrium the is it R units of hard is zero and the 27 who Consider the monopolist the price given by (A5) and (A5) p= a+ 2(1 X= (A6) (3 demand curve given by the quantity + i)c (1 faces the + demanded is p=(a-bx)/(l+i). It charges given by (A6). _ =p - (1 + i)c — = X~ ^ lb Note that the Northern firm can earn n by choosing p=p chosen by the bank. Then, given Hence i, the firm chooses the Northern firm's reaction fiinction a + (1 + /)c 2(1 (A7) _ . - is p if regardless the value of i and only \f n = {p -c)x >7i . given by (A7). _ o + Pij) a + yla~ ~4bR = p^ otherwise Next we analyze the bank's best response given that the firni chooses p that safisfies (A8). (A8) p[(a-p)/b]>R Given such p=a-bx) is demand given by that, a-pil + i) The bank chooses i that R pa- p' -bR Kp) 2p' that the bank's best response is is maximizes given (A8), the bank can choose i>0 such that n(i)>0. The standard maximization exercise then implies (A 10) demand schedule (which by (A9). nil) ^ tip (A9) the unconstrained not feasible unless the bank sets i=0. profit given Note price, the given by (A 10). its Now we positive Nash equihbrium amount of hard currency in which the bank lends a to the South. Insert (A 10) into (A5), and strictly we obtain f(p)E^2p^-cp'-(2bR+ac)p+bcR=0. (All) Note characterize a that root that f(0)=bcR>0 and f(c)=c^(c-a)-bcR<0. This means is strictly greater than c. We denote the root by that (All) has exactly one p*. If there exists a Nash equilibrium in which the bank lends a strictly positive amount of hard currency to the South, such equilibrium is characterized by (p, game if and only equilibrium of the equivalent^ if Note (p*, i(p*)) satisfies 7f>n^ and (A8); or ^^ c(a-Va^-4M) + /(;^*))cr 4b{l (A13) = i) Nash (p*, i(p*)). This constitutes a (A12) and (A13) hold. [fl-(l .^12) if (p, = i) + iip*)) 2b p*[(a-p*)/b]>R that p* is continuous in c, which impHes that i(p*) is also continuous in Letc=0. Thenf(p)=2p^-2bRp,andsop*=VM and i(p*) = "^^^ c. "^^ . We 2bR find that, when Note Assumption that continuous in hold for all c=0, (A12) c. is equivalent to implies 1 a>2^bR a>2^bR and (A13) holds when is equivalent to &>2-JbR c=0, and that both p* and i(p*) are This implies that there exists c* (>0) such that both (A 12) and (A 13) ce[0,c*]. 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