Record Retention and Destruction Guidelines Medium Key: P= Paper E=Electronic F=Film/fiche H = Hardware S=Scanned Type of Document/Record Account reconciliations (balance sheet) Description/Examples i.e. bank reconciliations, receivables, liabilities, assets Responsible Department DurationDisposition P Controller's Office 5 Years Medium Accounting Reports (monthly reports) ACR's, TDR's, Payroll Reports in VISTA E Controllers Office, Owner/User department 2 Years Accounts Payable Invoices and attachments invoices, packing slips P Procurement Services 1 year Accounts Payable Invoices and attachments invoices, packing slips E,S Procurement Services 5 Years Accounts Receivable Statements, unit generated Invoices generated by OSP, Service Centers 3 Years from submission of final report Annual Financial Reports Published external Fin Statements, Internal Financial Statements (red book), NCAA, A133, UFR Office for Sponsored Programs, Appropriate department Office of Financial Vice President and Treasurer, Controller's Office Office of the Financial Vice President Internal Audit Audit documents - University Internal IRS, Federal & Other Sponsors; workpapers Workpapers, reports Assets: acquisition/disposition appropriation documentation, invoices Banking records deposit and withdrawal records, bank statements, voided and canceled checks Audit documents - University External P P,E P P P, E P, E, F Permanent Permanent 10 Years Life of asset or Controllers Office/Facilities underlying debt issue plus 5 years Controllers Office 5 Years v.062015 Board of Trustee & Executive Committee Finance & Audit, Investment Committees minutes Certificates of insurance, indemnification agreements, hold- harmless agreements, contracts Chart of Accounts Electronic PeopleSoft Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure Statement Employees Conflict of Interest Annual Disclosure Policy forms filed for individuals Statements - Board P President's Office, FVP Permanent P Risk Management 7 years after expiration E Controller's office Permanent P Internal Audit 5 Years P Office of the Financial Vice 5 Years President Office of the Financial Vice President, Risk Life of contract + 7 Management, Owner years Department Contracts and leases (non employment) From Procurement, OSP, Service Centers, Facilities P,E Credit Card Terminals Wired and Wireless terminals managed by Cash Services and loaned out to departments on campus to process POS credit card transactions H Controllers Office P Police Department P Office of the Treasurer Life of the Asset P, E P Controllers Office Controllers Office As mandated by State (1481) Underlying debt issue plus 5 years 5 Years 1 Year P, E Controllers Office 5 Years Gift letter agreements - original P Controllers Office, Advancement Permanent Health Permits P Dining Services 1 year of active service Incident Reports, Accident Reports, Property Damage Reports (except for Workers' Compensation Reports) P Risk Management 3 years after report date F&A Proposal and supporting documentation P, E Office of Sponsored Programs, Controllers Office 3 Years after end period of negotiated rate Crime Reports Debt documents Depreciation records / schedules Duplicate Deposit Slips Expense analyses and expense allocation schedules Tax Exempt Bonds, mortgage documents O&M Allocation, Depreciation Allocation v.062015 Individual contracts of employment/compensation If any e.g.-coaches Insurance claims - Closed (all but workers compensation) Insurance policies liability, property, worker's compensation, D&O, other Intake Reports P Office of Human Resources, Office of the Financial Vice President 5 years after termination P Risk Management 10 Years P Risk Management Permanent P, E Police Department As mandated by State (1481) E Controllers Office Life of Asset Record Inventories - Asset Management moveable equipment Inventories of product, material and supplies Dining inventories P, E Appropriate department Current Year Journal entries and back-up documentation EVP Authorization memos, GL Journals, Budget Transfers P, E Controllers Office/Budget 5 Years P,E OSP Journal entries and back-up documentation Licenses (Food, Liquor) P Payment Card Data Payment Card Data (Credit Cards) Planned gifts, real estate gifts Trusts, life income, stock, agreements, annuities P, E P Dining Services Appropriate department Controllers Office Procurement card charge documentation (Grant Invoices, Packing Slips Budgets) P,E,S Appropriate department Procurement card charge documentation Property appraisals P,E,S P Appropriate department Office of the Treasurer Invoices, Packing Slips Property deeds, easements, licenses, rights of way, rights of first refusal, remainder interests Property tax invoices Purchase Orders invoices 3 Years after filing final report 1 year of active service Immediately after Processed and Reconciled Permanent 3 Years after the end date of the Grant/Contract 3 Years 3 years P Office of the Financial Vice Permanent President P Controllers Office P, E Procurement 3 years unless under abatement 7 Years v.062015 Sales & Meals tax returns Street Permit Bond P P Controllers Office Risk Management 7 years Yearly Tax Returns 990, 990T, Mass PC, Mass 990-T, 3-ABC's P,E Controllers Office Permanent Tax return workpapers workpapers behind tax returns P, E Controllers Office Office of General Council, Office of Technology, Transfer & Licensing 5 Years Trademark and Copyright agreements P Permanent Vouchers for payments to vendors, employees Travel and Expense Reports, Support Documents P Procurement Services, Accounts Payable Dept. Current Year or until scanned Workers' Compensation Claims/Reports Closed allowances and reimbursement of employees, advances for travel and entertainment P Risk Management Permanent P Risk Management Permanent Workers' Compensation Claims/Reports - Open Document Destruction Review: Boston College utilizes industry accepted standards for secure deletion. The University employs third party service providers to securely destroy physical and electronic files. Physical files are placed in a secure storage bin for vendor destruction. All hardware to be securely wiped (including credit card terminals) is managed by an ITS Assurance approved third party vendor. Lastly, destruction of electronic files follow a method approved by ITS Assurance. On an annual basis, University personnel review documents / hardware and ensure destruction in accordance with the respective Duration - Disposition timeframes noted above. If the item can be deleted it will follow one of the approved disposal procedures outlined. v.062015