HABITAT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Fishery Division osSIN 571r -41141.411.94 SAME COMMISSION OREGON STATE GAME COMMISSION P. O. BOX 3503 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 Umpqua River Research (Winchester Segment) 1966 - 1967 Number 24 STATE OF OREGON Oregon State Game Commission Fishery Division Co J. Campbell Chief of Operations Umpqua River Research (Winchester Segment) FEDERAL AID TO FISH RESTORATION PROJECT Project F-75-R-2 By Jerry A. Bauer District Fishery Biologist Umpqua River Research (Winchester Segment) 1966 - 1967 Number 24 UMPQUA RIVER RESEARCH (Winchester Segment) ABSTRACT Fish passing Winchester Dam view-window counting station on the North Umpqua River were enumerated. and denotes the counting station. Figure 1 is a map of the Umpqua basin The counts for summer steelhead, fall chinook, and sea-run cutthroat increased while those for winter steelhead, spring chinook, and coho decreased. By far the greater number of fish again passed through the station from Noon to 8 p.m. The contribution of the hatchery and rearing pond programs to the anadromous fishery was demonstrated by the numbers of marked fish returning (1008 and 6700 percent of each run). Substantially higher returns from March releases over fish stocked in either April or May is indicated. METHODS A statistical sampling program developed at Oregon State University was followed with five of the twenty-one periods counted each week. Within each enumeration period, fish passing the view-window were identified, examined for Marks, and recorded. DISCUSSION Six species, and/or races of anadromous fish and three species of coarse fish were counted through the station. Table 1 presents the number of fish tabulated through the station and the projected total for each species. A comparison of data obtained for 1965-1966 is also listed. The count for sea-run cutthroat was the highest recorded at the station since its beginning in 19450 FIGURA. .2- 1 Table 1 Counts and Projected Totals of Fish Passing Winchester Dam July 1, 1965 - June 30, 1967 Fish Counted 1966=67 Species 1965-66 Projected Totals 1965-66 1966-67 Spring chinook 3,276 2,826 11,730 7,407 Summer steelhead 3,227 25191 5,428 5,956 430 750 796 2,364 79 82 182 302 975 266 2,262 917 6,726 39363 9,935 89589 38 6 60 21 20,526 38,896 549145 87,441 1,930 4,402 6,257 11,498 18,732 11,319 53,642 23,283 Sea-run cutthroat Fall chinook Coho Winter steelhead Miscellaneous trout Suckers Squawfish Lamprey The study to determine time and rate of fish movement through the station within a 24-hour period again demonstrated that the majority pass in the afternoon (Noon to 8 p.m.). Table 2 shows the results obtained in 1966 and 1967. A total of 3,329 spring chinook was examined at Winchester Counting Station with 842 marked fish observed. The number of fish examined for marks will vary from that listed for total fish counted because the selection of brood stock and examination for marks does not always occur within the established statistical sampling period. The marked fish originated from the Rock Creek Hatchery and Whistler's Bend Rearing Pond. There were 2,736 summer Table 2 Rate of Movement Through Winchester Counting Station July 1965 - June 1967 Species 4 a.m. 1966 Percent of run passing by time period B p.m. - 4 a.m. Noon - 8 p.m. - Noon 1967 1966 1967 1966 1967 Spring chinook 22 20 59 59 19 21 Fall chinook 38 43 44 36 18 21 Summer steelhead 32 37 54 52 14 11 Winter steelhead 13 13 80 82 7 5 Coho 22 33 40 45 38 22 Sea-run cutthroat 34 25 40 53 26 22 steelhead examined with 1,126 fish with excised fins. Hatchery operations contributed substantially to the record run of sea-run cutthroat, as 454 marked fish were observed in the 750 fish examined. The cutthroat released in March returned at the ratio of 26 to 1 over fish released in May. 3,363 winter steelhead examined, 343 were of hatchery origin. Approximately 68 percent of the marked winter-run fish were of the summer race. depicts the percent of fish marked by species. tion of hatchery fish by brood year. Of the Table 3 Table 4 lists the contribu- Table 3 Results of Fish Examined for Marks at Winchester Dam July 1966 - June 1967 Species Number of Fish Examined Spring chinook 3,329 842 1,995 7,407 26.9 Summer steelhead 2,736 1 126 3,024 5,956 5008 750 474 19584 29364 67.0 39363 343 930 8,589 10.8 Sea-run cutthroat Winter steelhead Number of Marks Observed Projected Marks in Total Run Total Run Marked Percent of Run Table 4 Contribution '7,_31- Brood Year of Marked Fish July 1966 - June 1967 Percent by Brood Year Run and Species 61 1962 63 1964 1965 3706 33.7 5206 34.6 9.8 31.7 Winter Steelhead: StS Stock StW Stock 58,6 43.7 40.6 14.6 0.8 41.7 Cutthroat: Sea-run Stock 3.9 2.5 93.6 30.0 24.7 43.3 1 1 Summer Steelhead; StS Stock StW Stock Spring Chinook: Spring Stock Period Covered: 008 1.2 July 1, 1966 through June 309 1967 Financial Reports Project Approval: Actual Expenditures: 5 $8,500 $79561088