Academic Services Pass/Fail Election

Academic Services
Pass/Fail Election
I am electing to take the following course Pass/Fail for the
Fall 2014 term.
This is my first/second (circle one) pass/fail elective in my time at BC Law.
I certify that I understand that my election is final as of the
deadline for submitting this form.
Name ____________________ Eagle I.D. Number __________
Course # ________ Course Title __________________________
All elections for Pass/Fail are final and cannot be changed once the deadline
has passed. Fall semester’s deadline is Wednesday, September 3, 2014.
Academic Services
Pass/Fail Election
I am electing to take the following course Pass/Fail for the
Fall 2014 term.
This is my first/second (circle one) pass/fail elective in my time at BC Law.
I certify that I understand that my election is final as of the
deadline for submitting this form.
Name ____________________ Eagle I.D. Number __________
Course # ________ Course Title __________________________
All elections for Pass/Fail are final and cannot be changed once the deadline
has passed. Fall semester’s deadline is Wednesday, September 3, 2014.