Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/nonparametricestOOhaus HB31 .M415 kfif*.::zrt.- 2_ working paper department of economics NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF EXACT CONSUMERS SURPLUS AND DEADWEIGHT LOSS Jerry A. Hausman Whitney K. Newey No. 93-2 Dec. 1992 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ' NONPAEAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF EXACT CONSUMERS SURPLUS AND DEADWEIGHT LOSS Jerry A. Hausman Whitney K. Newey No. 93-2 Dec. 1992 1S93 NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF EXACT CONSUMERS SURPLUS AND DEADWEIGHT LOSS by Jerry A. Hausman and Whitney K. Newey Department of Economics, MIT October 1990 Revised, December 1992 This research was supported by the NSF. Helpful comments were provided by T. Gorman, Jewitt, A. Pakes and participants at several seminars. Sarah Fisher-Ellison and Christine Meyer provided able research assistance. I. Abstract We apply nonparametric regression models to estimation of demand curves of the type most often used in applied research. From the demand curve estimators we derive estimates of exact consumers surplus and deadweight loss, that are the most widely used welfare and economic efficiency measures in areas of economics such as public finance. We also develop tests of the demand. We work symmetry and downward sloping properties of compensated out asymptotic normal sampling theory for kernel and series nonparametric estimators, as well as for the parametric case. The paper includes an application to gasoline demand. interest here are the shape of the from a te« on gasoline. Empirical questions of demand curve and the average magnitude of welfare In this application loss we compare parametric and nonparametric estimates of the demamd curve, calculate exact and approximate measures of consumers surplus and deadweight loss, and give standard error estimates. sensitivity of the welfare We also zmalyze the measures to components of nonpeirametric regression estimators such as the number of terms in a series approximation. Keywords: Consumer surplus, deadweight loss, consumer tests, nonpsirametric estimation. Authors: Professor Jerry A. Hausman Professor Whitney K. Newey Department of Economics Department of Economics MIT MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 Cambridge, MA 02139 Introduction 1. Nonparametric estimation of regression models has gained wide attention few years the past Nonparametric models are characterized by a very large in econometrics. numbers of parameters. in Often they may be difficult to interpret, and their usefulness We applied research has been demonstrated in a limited number of cases. in apply nonparametric regression models to estimation of demand curves of the type most often used applied research. After estimation of the demand curves, in we will then derive estimates of exact consumers surplus and deadweight loss which are the most widely used welfare and economic efficiency measures We also in areas of economics such as public finance. work out asymptotic normal sampling theory for the nonparametric case, as well as the pau-ametric case (where except in certain analytic cases the results are not known). The paper includes an application to gasoline demand. interest here are the shape of the from a taix on gasoline. Empirical questions of demand curve and the average magnitude In this application of welfare loss we compare parametric and nonparametric estimates of the demand curve, calculate exact and approximate measures of consumers surplus and deadweight loss, and given estimates of standard errors. sensitivity of the welfare such as window width where p level. aind number of terms .u"^) = e(p ,u'^) are initial prices, The case EV(p where ,p y r = ,p ,y) 1 also analyze the measures to components of nonparametric regression estimators in a series The definition of exact consumers surplus CS(p We - e(p is based on the expenditure function: ,u'^), are new prices, and p approximation. is u*" the reference utility corresponds to the case we focus on here, equivalent variation: = e(p ,u ) - e(p ,u ) = y - e(p ,u denotes income, fixed over the price change. ), It is also easy to carry out a similar analysis for compensating variation. The measure of exact deadweight loss (DWL) used corresponds to the idea of the in consumers surplus from imposition of a tax compensated less the teix under the implicit assumption that they are returned to the consumer (1974) definition of deadweight loss where equivalent variation the definition of exact DWL(p h(p,u) is ,p ,y) = EV(p ,p ,y) - (p is p - p DWL is the vector of taxes. Then, for is: -p )'h(p ,u ) = y - e(p ,u ) the compensated, or Hicksian, demand function and Marshallian (market) demand function. it a lump sum Here we use the Diamond-McFadden loss (also called the excess burden of taxation). DWL revenues raised, See Auerbach (1985) for a discussion of the various definitions of deadweight mamner. where in loss - (p -p )'q(p q(p,y) is ,y), the Thus, to estimate exact consumers surplus or exact necessary to estimate the expenditure function and the compensated function demand which are related by the equation, 5e(p,u)/ap. = h.(p,u). (Shephard's Lemma). The expenditure function and compensated demand curve on the market, or Marshallian, demand curve, aire estimated from observable data q.(p,y). Various approximations h"'ve been proposed for estimation of the exact welfare measures. is Willig (1976) demonstrated that the Marshallian measure of consumers surplus often close to the exact measures, and he derived bounds as a function of the income share. Various authors have also recommended higher order Taylor-type approximations to the exact welfare measures. Limitations of the approximation approach are that they do not yield measures of precision given that they Eire most cases and the approximations may do poorly specify a priori. (1981) in based on estimated coefficients some situations which are Deaton (1986) discusses these problems in more detail. Also, in difficult to Hausman demonstrated that while the approximations may often do well for the consumers surplus measure, they often do very poorly in measurement of DWL; Small and Rosen (1981) also demonstrated a similar proposition in the discrete choice situation. Two approaches have been proposed to estimation of the exact welfare measures from estimation of ordinary demand functions. Hausman (1981) demonstrated that for many widely used single equation demand specifications, the necessarily differential equation could be integrated to derive the expenditure function and also the compensated demand function. He was also able to derive the sampling distribution for the measures of consumers surplus and DWL, given the distribution of the estimated demand coefficients. Vartia (1983), instead of using an analytic solution to the differential equations, proposed a variety of numerical algorithms which estimate consumers surplus and any desired degree of accuracy. DWL to While the Vartia approach can be applied to a wider range of situations, no correct sampling distribution has been derived for the estimated welfare measures, although some approximate results are given in Hayes and Porter-Hudak (1986). Both the Hausman approach and the Vartia approach can be applied to multiple price changes and are path independent for the true demand function. The various approximation approaches do not share the path independence property which cam lead to perplexing computational results and has led to much theoretical misunderstanding literature. Here, we in the appropriate consider nonparametric estimation via an unrestricted estimator that uses some, but not all the implications of path independence. us to test path independence, i.e. symmetry of compensated demands, and impose further more implications of path independence to construct efficient estimators. The Hausman and Vartia approaches begin with Roy's demand function with the Our approach allows identity which links the ordinary indirect utility function: q.(p,y) = -[av(p,y)/ap.]/Ov(p,y)/ayl, where v(p,y) is the indirect utility function. The partial differential equation from this equation can be solved along an indifference curve for a unique solution so long as the initial values are differentiable. and p(l) = p and , let y(t) Let denote a price path with p(t) be compensated income, satisfying Differentiating with respect to y p(0) = p V(p(t),y(t)) = V(p ,y). gives [av(p(t),y(t))/ap]'sp(t)/at + [av(p(t),y(t))/ay]sy(t)/at = o. Hausman notes that this equation can be converted into an ordinary differential equation by use of the implicit function theorem and Roy's identity. denote the equivalent variation for a price change from compensated income is Alternatively, this equation follows immediately of S(t,y). Hausman p(t) S(t,y) to p . = y - e(p(t),u ) Then, since y - S(t,y), 5S(t.y)/5t = -q(p(t), y-S(t,y))' Sp(t)/at. (1.1) Let solves this equation for S(l,y) = 0. from Shephard's Lemma and the definition some widely used demand curves. The solution gives both the expenditure function and indirect utility function, while the right-hand side of this equation gives the compensated demands. Vartia's numerical solutions to the differential equation also arise from equation (1.1). (s = To solve N), it Vartia uses a numerical method of Collatz. and defines S(t^^^) = S He orders = t 1 - s/N, s iteratively by S(t^) - .5[q(p(t^^j),y-S(t^^j)) + q(p(t^).y-S(t^))]' [p(t^^^)-p(t^)] This algorithm consists of averaging the demand at the last price and multiply this average by the change in price. eind the current price By the envelope theorem, the product of the price change times the quantity equals the additional income required to remain on the same indifference curve. Intuitively, dy = q*dp, where y is updated at each step of the process, rather than holding y constant which the Marshallian approximation to consumer surplus does. One can also use alternative numerical algorithms to solve s equation (1.1), that may lead to faster methods. We use an Buerlisch-Stoer algorithm from Numerical Recipes that does not require solution to the implicit equation in Vartia's algorithm, has a faster (quintic) convergence rate that Vartia's (cubic), and in our empirical example leads to small estimated errors with few demand evaluations. The possible shortcoming of and the Vartia approach is all applications to date of both the Hausman approach that the parametric form of the demand function is required. most applied situations, the exact parametric specification of the demand curve (up to In unlinown parameters) will not be known. may Thus, commonly used demand curve specifications well lead to inconsistent estimates of the welfcire measures misspecified. This problem is if the demand curve is potentially quite important, especially in the case of measuring deadweight loss which depends on "second order" properties of the demand curve. See Hausman (1981) for a discussion of the second order properties and their effect on estimates of the deadweight loss. Varian (1982 a,b,c) has proposed an alternative approach based on the revealed preference ideas of Samuelson (1948) and Afriat (1967, 1973) which is is nonparametric, but only able to estimate upper and lower bounds on the welfare measures. nonparaimetric approximation approach bounds, because many is very interesting, but it Varian' often yields rather wide price observations per individual are required for tight bounds. Furthermore, use of sampling distributions to measure the precision of the estimates problematical. Here, we is use a nonparametric cross-section demand analysis analysis, imposing enough homogeneity across individuals and smoothness of the demand function that we can estimated it by nonparametric regression. consumers surplus and DWL sensitivity of the welfare We construct point estimates of exact as well as precision estimates of the welfare measures. measure to the amount of smoothing used regression can be analyzed straightforwardly. in The the nonparametric Estimation 2. Our estimator of consumer surplus with q(p,y) is obtained by solving equation (1.1) numerically We replaced by an estimator obtained from nonparametric regression. also allow covariates w to enter the demand function these covariates are region and time dummies. will work In our empirical q(p,y,w). In other contexts they might be demographic variables. We will try to minimize the dimension of this nonparametric function by restricting w to enter in a parametric way. denote a one-to-one function with range equal to the nonnegative orthant of one-to-one function of and (p,y), further discussed below. We t(x) let Let k IR T(g) such as , g T(g) = e^, x denote a "trimming" function, to be assume that the true value of the demand function will a is given by g^Cx.w) = r^Cx) + w'p^, qQ(p.y.w) = T(gQ(x,w)), (2.1) T"^(q) = ggCx.w) + e, where q E[c|x] = E[T(x)we'l = 0. denotes observed quantity and the expectations are taken over the distribution of a single observation excluded from q, from the so that k We assume here data. is specification for the regression of assumed to be a function of a partially linear is T (q) estimator of the demajid function will be an estimator of g^^, that a numeraire good has been the number of goods, minus one. Thus, the true demand function is 0, on p, y, and w. A corresponding q(p,y,w) = T(g(x,w)) = T(r{x)+w'3), such as the kernel or series estimator discussed below. estimate exact consumer surplus nonparametrically by substituting q(p,y,w) for where g We q(p,y) This specification does not restrict the joint distribution of the data, unlike previous is imposed. work on partially linear models (e.g. Robinson, 1988), where E[e|p,y,w] = A precise description of g (x,w), for nonnegative t, is as the mean-square projection of Pr E[q|x,w] on functions of the form = E[x{x)li4)]/Pr{d), where !(•) {id) w'g for the probability distribution denotes the indicator function. r(x) + in equation w version of the paper set A Let kernel estimator mean and equal to its sample v has = h h q, of -k-1 E[B(z)|x] J'K(v)dv = a bandwidth parameter, > In z z, For a matrix function and possibly other variables. w, y, h Also, let the data be denoted by K(v/h). 1. elements, satisfying k+1 and other regularity conditions discussed below, K, (v) t(x) = in this a locally weighted average that can be described as follows. is be a kernel function, where J<(v) The empirical results reported and solving numerically. (1.1) , where B(z), 1 and z includes a kernel estimator is E[B(z)|x] = J:.",B(z.)K. (x-x.)/5:.",K. (x-x.). ^j=l h ^j=l h J J J To estimate the pau'tially linear specification in equation (2.1), coefficients of w in we "partial out" the a way einalogous to that in Robinson (1988). The estimator of g IS g(x.w) = f(x) + w'^. (2.2) P = where [Ii"ii^i( x. = V^^"^ ' ^i^^^ V^^"^ ' ''i^^' ^'^li^i'^i^ V^fw A convenient kernel that we consider t(x.). fed - v'v), v'v < x.l)(T'^q.)-E[T"%) x. )). in the empirical work is I otherwise , where the constcint C is chosen so JK(v)dv = 1. This is a multivariate Epanechnikov The asymptotic theory requires kernels with integrals over even powers of v J<(v) of certain equal to zero, that are often called "higher order," and are useful for reducing asymptotic bias in kernel estimation. Therefore, we empirical work a kernel of the form (2.3a) I ' K(v) = (2.3) kernel. f(x) = E:lT"^(q)|x] - E[w|x]'p, Kiv) = ^(v^)^{v2)(12 - 6v^ - 6v^ + Sv^ + lOv^v^ + 5v^), also consider in the for our one dimensional price (k = It is application. 1) known that the choice of bandwidth well In the empirical nonparametric regression. can have important effects on h work we consider a data based choice of mean square equal to a "plug-in" value that minimizes estimated asymptotic also consider the sensitivity of the results to the choice of bandwidth. we empirical work also allow the kernel to be data based in that h, error, and In the we normalize by the estimated variance of price and income, although the theory does not allow for data-based bandwidth or kernel. A series estimator is the predicted value from a regression of the log of gasoline consumption on some approximating functions for one-to-one, smooth transformation as above, let matrix of functions of K combinations of IT. ,<j) ^1=1 (x.,w.)0 (x.,w.)'] regression of 11 T g(x,w) = (2.4) where y = • (i}',^')' <f> y. on K is .<b = (<p (x.,w.)T 1 1 A (x.,w.). Ax,w)'y K (x,w) = ''1=1 -1 (q.) K Let (x). 11 the idea being that x, ^'^(x)'-;; )' w, is I, ®(^ x For w. denote a ^(x)) j.(x) a to be approximated by linear and y = be the the coefficients from a with g t(x) = 1 is + w'3. 4> This estimator can also be (x). satisfying equation (2.2) with the kernel E[B(z)|x] = coefficients of the least squares regression of Power r(x) = and on y series estimator of conditional expectation estimator replaced by splines. (x) partitioned conformably with interpreted as "partialling out" Two important <f> (x)' ,w' (q.) ^1 and p B(z.) on 4> (x)'t)_, <p (x.). where tj^, are the types of approximating functions are power series and regression series are formed by choosing the elements of powers of the individual components of x. Power series aire ^ (x) to be products of easy to compute and have good approximation rates for smooth functions, although they are sensitive to outliers and local behavior of the approximation, and can be highly collinear. The collinearity problem can be overcome to some extent by replacing the powers of individual components with orthogonal polynomials, which does not effect the estimator but may lead to easier Regression splines are piecewise polynomials of order computation. x For univariate points. in [0,1] with evenly spaced knots regression spline approximating functions are (x-(j-<i-l)/(K-<x]) j , i <x + 2, where regression spline can be formed from components of (v) all a.^,(x) = l(viO)v = x Also, the a+1), 1 in order to place the knots. power a x, cross-products of univariate splines in the is not as fast Unlike power series, the range In practice, be constructed by dropping from the data any observation where range. = The spline approximation rate for very smooth functions x. must be known x (j join points), For multivariate . as power series, but they are less sensitive to outliers. of , (i.e. with fixed join <x such a known range could x is not in some spline sequence above can be highly collinear, but this can be alleviated by replacing them with their corresponding B-splines: e.g. known problem see Powell (1981). Series estimators are sensitive to the numbers of terms in the approximation. the empirical work we choose the number of terms by cross-validation, and different numbers of terms to see how the substituting the estimated demand function As be a price path with 1, let p(t) denote the solution to equation S(y,w,g) also try results are affected. Returning now to estimation of consumer surplus, our estimator in Section In in (1.1) equation (1.1) p(0) = p is constructed by and integrating numerically. emd p(l) with demand function Then consumer surplus at particular income and covariate values y = p . Also, let q(p,y) = T(g(x,w)). and w respectively, with a corresponding estimator, is Sq = S(yQ,WQ,gQ), (2.5) where g is S = S{yQ,WQ,i). a kernel, series, or other nonparametric estimator. A corresponding deadweight loss value and associated estimator can be formed by subtracting the "tax receipts," as in Lq = Sq (2.6) L = - (p'-p°)'T(g(p'.yQ.WQ)). § - (pV)'T(i(p\yQ.WQ)). A summary measure for consumer surplus can be obtained by averaging over income In addition, values. it may sometimes be of interest to average over different prices, To set up such an average to reflect the fact that individuals face different prices. u let u, index price paths, so that with and final prices initial p(t,u) p(0,u) is the price at and For example, for covariates. distribution, or y_^ solution to equation = T(g(x,w)). q(p,y) means across z, w and (1.1) u, y and w for the price path z Also, let w for income and y might be drawn (simulated) from some might be the actual observations. p(u,t) y at The average surplus and deadweight aind loss we Let S(z,g) w with demsind , be the consider are weighted form of the Mq = E[w(z)S(z,gQ)l/E[w(z)], (2.7) , and values u for price path e [0,1] respectively. p(l,u) denote a single data observation that includes t A = JT^Ij^i^^^i'^^/"' " = L^i^^^^-^^- Xq = Mq - E[u(z){p(l,u)-p(0,u)>'T(gQ(p(l.u),yQ,WQ))]/E[u(z)l, A = A - ir^Ej"^u(z.){p(l,u.)-p(0,u.)}'T(i(p(l,u.).yQ..WQ.))/n. It is interesting to note that the consumer surplus estimator than the deadweight loss estimator. dimension (the variable t in which depends on the value of surplus and deadweight loss In particular, p(t)), g is like 2 different convergence rates. 2 thaui Similarly, average will be the same, both being the faster an integral over one and so has a faster convergence rate at a particular point. may have where their convergence rates S may converge L, consumer One important case parametric l/ViT rate, is It is known from the work on semiparametric estimation that integrals or averages converge faster than pointwise values, e.g. Powell, Stock, and Stoker (1989). The fact that one-dimensional integrals converge faster than pointwise values has recently been shown in Newey (1992a) for kernel estimators. 10 when the initial be that where the initial price for each individual the tax rate all is An example would and final prices and income have sufficient variation. the same across individuals. the price they actually faced, and is In this case averaging will take place over the arguments of the nonparametric estimates, which is known from the semiparametric estimation literature to result in Vn-consistency (under appropriate regulairity conditions). So far, our nonpaircLmetric consumer surplus estimators have ignored the residual T (q) - gp,{p,y,w). econometrics, and This approach is difficult One can ignore the residual it is Hausman individual heterogeneity. consistent with current practice in applied is Even when is e measurement error and not all shows that (1985) measurement error and heterogeneity heterogeneity in is is all heterogeneity, it Brown smd Walker for some value of V (e.g. specification of contains possible to separate out may be possible to interpret the demand function Suppose that c = e(p,y,w,v) of prices, income, covariates and a taste variable independent of price and income. value of is it not identified in our nonparametric, linear in residual specification. e(p,y,w,v) as shown by it if residual. parametric, nonlinecir models, but the aunount of as corresponding to a particular consumer type. function more information about the to improve on without if c = v for then e = demand as In (1990). g(p,y,w) (r(p,y,w)v). general 3 Nevertheless, if will depend on c(p,y,w,v) where p v and is identically y, zero can be interpreted as the demand function for that In the rest of the T(g (p,y,w)), measurement error or to evaluation c(p,y,w,v) v, for some paper we stay with the corresponding to an interpretation of at a particular consumer type. c as 4 3 They showed that for T(q) = q the residual c must be functionally dependent on p and y. Also, Brown has indicated to us in private communication that the same result is tr true for T(q) = e . 4, An alternative approach recently suggested by Brown consumer surplus over different consumer types, when one-to-one function of v. 11 sind Newey c(p,y,w,v) is to average an estimable, (1992) is 3. Asymptotic Variance Estimation Under regularity conditions given To be asymptotically normal. specific, -^ Vn<r"-(B - 0^) will be 9 •nV"^^^(e - e.) O n -^ l/iVna- V a series estimator there will be (3.2) V and a i such that a = N(0, is while in other cases the slower than 1/v^ by o- — > 0. For 1). and kernel estimators will have the same asymptotic V converging to which ), 0, such that n In the v^-consistent case the series variance, with V^ N(0. V^). The "full-average," v^-consistent case corresponds to convergence rate for estimators will be denote any one of the estimators G let For a kernel estimator there will be previously presented. (3.1) in Section 6, ail of the from equation In other cases the (3.1). two estimators generally will not have the same asymptotic variance, and the series estimator weaker property of equation will satisfy the convergence. (3.2), that does not specify a rate of Exact convergence rates for series estimators for v'iT-consistency, although it is still For large sample inference, suppose that there /V (V If ) -£-» 1 then it VnW'^^^le - G^) n Consequently, a (3.4) G ± 1-a >x /J -^ N(0, is an estimator large sample confidence interval will be ,Vv n /n .„. . , 12 V of V in follows by equation (3.2) (and the Slutzky 1). '^a/2 Despite this be used for asymptotic inference. theorem) that (3.3) not yet known, except possible to bound the convergence rate. lack of a convergence rate, equation (3.2) can equation (3.2). au~e where ^ is .„ the 1 - <x/2 form large sample hypothesis also use equation (3.4) to To form large sample confidence of V a formula for V. This procedure is tests. intervals, as in equation (3.4), an estimator V For kernel estimators, one method of forming needed. is n One could quantile of the standard normal distribution. n V would be to derive and then substitute estimators for unknown quantities to form cr V . not very feasible, because the asymptotic variances are quite complicated, as described in Section 6. we use an Instead knowing the form of (1992a), that only requires method that just uses the form of Q. alternative method, from Newey For series estimators we also use a ,..,,. 6. The asymptotic variance estimators for kernel and series estimators have some common features. In each case, (3.5) V = Z^.^jj^./n, ''1=1 n ni where the estimates \{i are constructed in the following way. . variance will be based on the form of the surplus estimator, as (3.6) where G = jr^5:."^a(z..i)/n, a(z,g) is ecu-lier, and w(y) a function of a single observation is (3.7) g a weight function. corresponding to each case in u = l-^^uiyJ/n, g = g(x,w) = r(x) + w'p, specification Also, in each case, the is z and the partially linear the kernel or series estimator described The specification of a(z,g) and is e = S: a(z.,g) = S{yQ,WQ,g); e = L: a(z.,g) = S(yQ.WQ.g) - (pV)'T(g(p\yQ,WQ)); e = fi: a(z.,g) = w(y.)S(z.,g); e = A: a(z.,g) = u(y.){S(z..g) - (p(l,u.)-p(0,u.)]'T(g(p(l,u.),y.,w.))>, (j(y) 13 = 1; (j(y) where For both kernel and series estimation, (p,y). which accounts for the variability of the variability of we can that ^ (3.8) where in y. 0) The g. component first . is that is the image of have two components, one of will a(z.,g) in z. x evaluated at the auid and the other for tj(y.), the same for both kernel and series, so specify = 0^ + . ni 0^ = w ^a(z.,g) - e - !/>?, subscript on n aui term iji. w'p g{x,w) = r(x) + denotes g(p,y,w) "Z "-R and \jj. 0? is (J ^e[w(y.) - w], an asymptotic approximation to the influence on is The term ,a(z.,g). r" '^1=1 of the will account for the estimation of !L. observation i can be It g. 1 constructed from an asymptotic approximation to the influence on observation in The suppressed for notational convenience. of the 6 th i taking a different form for kernel and series estimators. g, For kernel estimators the idea for forming differentiate with respect to the developed in Newey (1992a), ., observation in the kernel estimator. i is to This calculation amounts to a "delta-method" for kernels, and leads to an estimator that is robust to heteroskedasticity and has the same form, no matter what the convergence rate of G is. (3.9) To describe the estimator, h''(x) = J h J ^j=l u 1 J G^ = 3[Ej=ia(Zj.ip)/n]/ap|p^^, = j:.",K. (x-x.)/n, ^j=l h J 1 h 1 ip(x,w) = E[T"^(q)-w'p|x] + 1 5=0_, . w'p = 5:."^T.(w.-E[w|x.])(w.-E[w|x.])/n, 0| = The term r(x) f(x) J a[n"^j;.",a(z.,{f + 5K.«-x.)r^<h^ + S{T~hq.)-vf'.p}KA'-x.) + w'.p)/n]/a5| 1 M denote a scalar and = j:",<T"^(q.)-w.'p}K. {x-x.)/n, J=l A. 5 let (J A. '{A. - in L^jA ./n + g'^M T.{w.-E[w|x.])(T ^q.)-i(x.,w.))>. an asymptotic approximation to the influence of the on the average of a(z.,g), while the second term in 14 ifi. is th i observation in a fairly standard i delta-method term for estimation of For series estimators the Idea approximation were exact. -'.•-' p. to apply the "delta-method" as If the series Is This results in correct asymptotic inference because accounts properly for the variance, while the bias To describe the estimator, conditions. G^ = a[E " (3.10) a(z it small under appropriate regularity is let g^(x.w) = /(x,w)'r. g )/n]/arL _;, ^^ = ir^G^Z"V(x.,w.)[T"^(q.) Z = j:."^^'^(x.,w.)/(x.,w.)'/n. - g(x.,w.)], ACT Here is \Jj. a standard "delta-method" term for ordinary least squares estimation of r. /nCT For either kernels or series, the main difficulty the derivatives G and A. or G in computing ifi. is calculating For each of the estimators described . in Section 1 2, it is possible to derive analytical expressions for these derivatives, but the expressions are so complicated as to make them almost useless for calculation. these derivatives can be calculated by numerical differentiation. requires evaluation of J]._ many different values for a(z.,g)/n Instead, This calculation only of which g, is quite feasible, peirticularly for series estimators. A procedure analogous to that for the series estimator can be used to construct a consistent asymptotic variance estimator for exact consumer surplus for any parametric specification of the dememd depend on the parameters 9(5]._.a(z.,y)/nl/3y 1— that I 1 For a parametric specification, function. -y demand of the In this case function. G can be calculated by numerical differentiation. _* will a(z,9r) = Then, supposing "*tf = Vn(.y - r.) Y. ,* (z.)/v'n + o ^1=1 1 and that (1) p *T is an estimator of 1 * (z.), we 1 can form (3.11) ijj. 1 = IJK 1 + ir^G^*T. 1 Asymptotic inference for parametrically estimated exact consumer surplus could then be carried out as described above for V n as in equation (3.4). 15 Demand Conditions Testing Consumer 4. Tests of the downward slope and symmetry of Hicksian (compensated) demands provide useful specification checks for consumer surplus estimates, aind are of interest in their own Here we consider tests that are natural right as tests of consumer theory. by-products of consumer surplus estimation. surplus An implication of symmetry is that consumer independent of of the price path, which can be tested by compairing estimates is The downward sloping property can be tested by comparing based on different price paths. new the demand at the demand price with compensated at the initial price, which is easily computed from the consumer surplus estimate. Path independence can be tested by comparing consumer surplus for the same income To describe and covariates but different price paths. path p with (t), p'^(O) = p and = p. p-^(l) Let this test, let w covariates 1, ..., J) should converge to the same limit. comparing the different estimators. Let chi-square. TT = n (4.1) n vector of is I's. income f$ (s, c V s,)'. J i *. = A simple way f.7,^ (i/»t 1 1 Then the test n(II is and y^, that all S., to construct this test is by ,1,^\' ip-.y. = minimum n =j:. =r " ,*.*'./n. * A' Q 1 ^1=1 1 1 ft. Let e denote a - S«e)'n"^(S - fl'e), jl = (e'n"^e)"^e'n"^fl. will be X^U-l). S J statistic is given by Under the symmetry hypothesis the asymptotic distribution of this test statistic The estimator (j This implication can be tested by an estimator of the joint asymptotic variance of T = (4.2) (t), denote the corresponding estimator from equation (3.7), and 0. 1 Here p An implication of symmetry of compensated demand . index a price denote the equivalent S. variation estimator described above for the price path j may be of interest in its 16 own right. By the usual minimum x 1 chi-square estimation theory, under symmetry of compensated demands as asymptotically efficient as any of the estimators -1 1 variance matrix (e'n e) S will be at least it with an estimated asymptotic ., This efficiency improvement leads to the question of an . This question could be answered, in part, by deriving the optimal way efficiency bound. to average over all different price paths, a question outside the scope of this paper. The downward slope of compensated demands can be tested by testing for nonnegativity of (p^-p )'[T{g^(.p .y^.w^)) - T(g|^(p ,yQ-S{yQ,WQ,gQ),WQ)] To describe incomes, cind covariates. denote different values, let § this test, let p., over several different prices, p., w y.^., (j ., = J) 1 denote the corresponding equivalent variation . estimates, and (4.3) e^. = - p°)'[T(i(p^.,yjQ,w^.Q)) - T(i(p°.yjQ-Sj..w^.Q))], (p^. An implication of convexity of the expenditure function approach of Section Let 4. 9 = (9 ^i^'* ^^^lI be as described in equation (3.7), for ijr: Alternatively, if w(z) = the income values distinct then the asymptotic covariances between the n = 5^._ diag((i/».) distribution of ,...,(01.) 9 that the limit of is 9 )/n 9 9 . let « = Ej^i will be zero, so that Thus, the hypothesis Q/n. a nonnegative vector can be tested by applying multivariate A particularly tests of inequality restrictions developed in the statistics literature. simple test would be to reject if min .{v^9 J ./n..) ^ k J for some k. The size of minimum of vector of zero normals with variance matrix equal to the correlation matrix implied by is possible to combine these two types of tests, of 17 this JJ test could be calculated by simulating the distribution of the It = are mutually y. normal with variance is and 1 a(z,g) The asymptotic approximation to the will suffice. then that is that each of these estimators can be constructed via the (p^.-p°)'[T(g(pJ,y^.Q,w.Q))-T(g(p°,y.Q-S.(y.Q.w.Q,g),w.Q)]. (i^.,...,i/i.)' (i^.,...,i/».)/n. J). 1 This hypothesis can be tested using an estimator of the should have a nonnegative limit. asymptotic variance matrix of is = (j mean Q. symmetry and of downward sloping compensated demand, into a single test of consumer S and into a single vector 6 The (§',§'). values could be stacked in the (§',§')' corresponding way, and an estimator of the varieince of outer product of the stacked vector of ^ demand theory, by "stacking" values. Also, formed as the average would be possible to it consider versions of these tests based on the consumer surplus averages of equation Furthermore, (2.7). it should be possible to give these tests some asymptotic power against any alternative to demand theory by letting a way size in such that different price paths and income and covariate "cover" all values in their These extensions are beyond the scope of this paper. support. An Application 5. grow with the sample J to Gasoline Demand To estimate the nonparametric and parametric demand functions for gasoline, we use data from the U.S. Department of Energy. The first three waves of the data were collected in the Residential Energy Consumption Survey conducted for the Energy Information Agency of the Department of Energy. and 1981 at the household level. Surveys were conducted in 1979, 1980, Gasoline consumption we use average household is gallons consumed per month. in our analysis is the weighted average of purchase price over a month. quite high during shock. $. 1983 most of kept by diary for each month; The gasoline price Note that gasoline prices were this period in the U.S. because of the second (Iranian) oil Gasoline prices averaged between $1.34-1.46 for these 3 years where Income $). $50,000. is we use 1983 divided into 12 categories with the highest category being over $50,000 (in Here we used the conditional median for national household income above Lastly geographical information is given by 8 census regions. patterns differ significantly across regions of the U.S.. were collected by the Energy Information Agency 18 The last three in the Residential Average driving waves of data Transportation Energy Price and income were collected Consumption Survey for the years 1983, 1985, and 1988. in the same manner as the (The upper limit on income changed in the earlier surveys. surveys; however the technique used to estimate income in the top category remained the same) Note that the (real) gasoline price that by 1988 had decreased to it before the first divisions oil shock were used. levels, fell throughout this period so about $0.83, approximately equal to prices In the latter surveys, in 1974. Since in the U.S. we are unable to map 9, rather than 8, census the earlier 8 region breakdown into 9 we use regions, or vice-versa, in the empirical specifications different sets of indicator variables depending on the survey year. we have Overall, 18,109 observations which should provide sufficient observations to Our empirical approach do nonparametric estimation and achieve fairly precise results. is to do both the nonparametric and parametric estimation with indicator variables both for survey year and for regions. In the specifications. Thus, we have 20 indicator variables in our parametric specifications, we allow for interactions, most of which are found to be statistically significant which to be expected given our very is However, we decided to use the same set of indicator variables large sample. in both the nonparametric and parametric specifications to make for easier comparisons. We give four types of nonparametric estimates, using the Epanechnikov kernel from equation (2.3), the normal higher order kernel from equation (2.3a), a cubic regression spline with evenly spaced knots, and specification, where T(g) = e . power series. We Also, the covariates use a log-linear demand w that allow for different region and survey year effects. are indicator variables In the results evaluate demand and consumer surplus at a fixed value for We 20 w we present we equal to its sample mean. tried several different bandwidths for the kernel estimators, based on the smoothness of the graphs discussed below. The Epanechnikov kernel estimates used a bandwidth of .82 of used to form r(x), order kernel in for the coefficients equal to equation (2.3a), h = .82, 3 w, and h = .55, and we used bandwidths 19 of t(x) = h = .45. h = .55 1. The bandwidths were For the normal, higher and h = .45 for both the nonpeirametric part and the coefficients of w. For the series estimates, we used cross-validation to help choose the number of terms. Cross-validation is the sum of squares observation using coefficients estimated from a cross-validation criteria estimates. is known of prediction errors all other observations. from predicting one Minimizing minimum asymptotic mean-square error to lead to Table 5.1 reports the criteria for splines and power series that are additive in (log) price and income. No interactions were included because they were never found to be significant, either in a statistical sense or in terms of lowering the cross-validation criteria. Table 5.1: Cross-validation for Series Estimators Power series Cubic spline, evenly spaced knots CV Knots 832 826 842 857 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 922 903 834 824 825 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 801 797 784 801 782 10 CV Order 900 823 791 804 801 The criteria are minimized at 7 or order power series. knots and 8 9 suggests that one should choose a number of knots that is greater than the mean-square error minimizing one, so the bias goes to zero faster than the variance. we prefer 8 or 9 knots and an knots were similar to those for large, so we do not report them. 8, 8 or 9 The theory order polynomial. For this reason The results for 9 except that the estimated standard errors were very Instead we report results for 6, 7, and 8 knots. For purposes of comparison we also report results for standard parametric forms for the demand function. The specification of the demand function 20 is: Inq. (5.1) where y = tIq + "njlnp + Tl2^ny + household income, p is dummies discussed above. .01 is w'^ w gasoline price, and The estimated income while the estimated price elasticity To check on the + c, is sensitivity of our estimates, are the 20 region and time -0.80 we with standard error .37 elasticity is with standard error .09. also estimated a "trcinslog" type of parametric specification where we allow for quadratic terms in log income and log price The income-price as well as an interaction term between log income and log price. interaction term has no estimated effect, but the quadratic terms do have an effect on The sum of squared errors decreases from the estimates. decrease of 0.26%, but a traditional F statistic is degrees of freedom due to the large sample size. 8900.1 to 8877.0 which is a calculated to be 16.1 with three The estimated elasticities for the log-linear and log-quadratic model are quite similar at the median gasoline prices, $1.23: the log-linear price elasticity log-quadratic model price elasticity is is -0.81 at all income levels while the approximately -0.87 with very The two specifications do have different across income levels. higher gasoline prices. The log linear model price a single parameter, remains at -0.81 across all little variation elasticities at lower and elasticity, since it is estimated as gasoline prices while the log-quadratic model, which has a variable price elasticity, has an estimated elasticity of approximately -0.64 for gasoline price of $1.08 (the first quartile price) while the log-quadratic model has an estimated elasticity of -1.14 at a gasoline price of $1.43 Since the results for log quadratic translog specification are (the third quartile). only approximately similar to the simpler liner specification, both of the parametric specifications Figures 1-3 in we present results for what follows. show the estimated nonparametric log demand with respect to log price, evaluated at mean income, for the parametric, Epanechnikov kernel, and spline specifications. We do not give graphs for other income values because the graphs have 21 similar shape and the spline results discussed below strongly suggest that the log additive in log price aind log income, in which case the shape of log function is will not depend on income. demand demand There are interesting differences between the parametric and nonparametric estimates, with the nonparametric estimates having a much more complicated shape than the parametric ones. generally for downward h = .82 find kernel sloping over the range of the data. looks "too smooth," and the one for subsequent analysis spline we In Figure 2 we demand function will use is h = .55 demand curves that are In our opinion the h = .45 demand curve looks "too rough" so in the as our preferred bandwidth. The shape of the qualitatively similar to that the kernel estimate, although the demand function does slope up very slightly at some points on the graph. We tested whether this upward slope indicates a failure of demand theory using the test for of downward sloping compensated demand described a price chauige from up, our $1.39 - 1.46, N(0,1) statistic .90. which This value above. For 8 knots (our preferred number) is the range over which the demand curve slopes is not statistically positive at any conventional (one-sided) critical value. We next estimate the exact consumers surplus, here the equivalent variation, across our different estimated demand curves. gasoline: We an increase from $1.00 to $1.30 $1.00 to $1.50 per gallon. gasoline prices and a 50 consider two sets of price changes for (in 1983 $) per gallon and an increase from The starting price of cent increase is $1.00 corresponds roughly to well within the range of the data. 1992 We estimate the equivalent variation for these prices changes at the median of income. present the estimates in Table 5.2. Estimated standard errors are given in We parentheses, and were calculated using the formulas given earlier. The conventional significance levels may not be appropriate here, because we have chosen the interval based on the estimated demand function. However, the conventional critical values should provide a bound when the test statistic is maximized over choice of interval, with our test being an approximate maximum. 22 Yearly Equivalent Variation Estimates Table 5.2: $1.00-1.30 Parametric Estimates 1. 442.00 282.34 Log linear model ( 2. $1.00-1.50 2.07) 285.44 Translog quadratic model ( 2.31) ( 444.16 3.90) ( 3.03) Epanechnikov Kernel Estimates 3. 4. h = .45 h = .55 $281.31 4.36) ( $445.09 $284.00 $447.41 ( 5. h = .82 4.11) 4.11) ( 445.42 279.87 ( 4.46) ( 3.58) ( 3.59) Normal, Higher Order Kernel Estimates 6. h = .45 286.44 450.14 7.07) ( (6.56) 7. h = .55 284.36 ( 445.35 5.35) 6.34) ( Cubic Spline Estimates 8. ( 9. 4.93) ( 282.30 7 knots ( 10. 444.63 284.58 6 knots 8 knots 441.72 5.82) ( 4.68) 447.80 287.12 ( 6.31) 4.77) ( 6.04) Power Series Estimates 11. 12. 8th order 9th order 287.31 4.76) ( 448.64 287.27 448.55 ( Note that all ( 4.75) ( the nonparametric estimates are quite close. 5.91) 5.88) A choice of different nonparametric estimator assumptions leads to virtually the same welfare estimates. Surprisingly, although the graphs show quite different shapes for parametric and nonparametric estimates, the welfare estimates are quite similar. A Hausman test statistic based on the difference of the kernel estimate and the difference of their estimated variances, which is is valid if the disturbance is homoskedastic, is not significant for a two-tailed tests based on the normal distribution. 23 1.3, which We from a also estimate the deadweight loss rise in the gasoline tax of either $0.30 or $0.50 which would induce the corresponding rise in gasoline prices. We base our estimate of deadweight loss on the equivalent variation measure of the compensating variation. The results are given Table 5.3: in Table 5.3: Yearly Average Deadweight Loss Estimates Parametric Estimates 1. $1.00-1.30 Log linear model 26.92 ( 2. $1.00-1.50 Translog quadratic model 62.50 3.13) ( 75.30 27.07 ( 6.77) 3.15) ( 7.24) Epanechnikov kernel estimates 3. 4. 5. h = .45 $27.70 h = .55 h = .82 $33.41 (5.65) (8.68) 27.94 36.90 (5.01) (7.97) 22.89 37.10 (3.88) (6.80) $36.38 $33.09 (6.47) (14.06) Normal, higher order kernel estimates 6. 7. h = .45 h = .55 $31.62 47.61 (5.72) (8.92) 28.60 51.05 (5.03) (8.65) 38.68 46.84 (5.37) (8.77) 35.72 46.95 (5.27) (8.94) 34.92 48.66 (5.21) (8.80) 34.86 48.74 (5.38) (8.86) Cubic Spline Estimates 8. 9. 10. 6 knots. 7 knots 8 knots Power Series Estimates 11. 12. 8th order 9th order The estimates of DWL are very similar across bandwidths for the kernel estimator, but are sensitive to the use of a higher order kernel. We give more credence to the higher order kernel estimates, because of their theoretically better property of having smaller bias 24 relative to mean-square error, and their similarity to the spline estimates. results are sensitive to the number of knots. We prefer The spline the results for the larger number of knots, because they are theoretically preferred and the results seem sensitive to choice between We do 7 and 8 than to 6 and 7. find rather large differences between the nonparametric and parametric estimates of deadweight loss. The estimated differences between the nonparametric estimates and the log linear parametric estimates are particular, the nonparametric estimates in the range of 40-507.. These are economically significant differences, with the ratio of DWL nonparametric specifications. The differences are also to tax revenue varying widely between parametric and statistically significant: test of based on the log-linear and normal kernel specification is the larger price change and bandwidth and bandwidth .45. In seem to be somewhat smaller for the larger price change and larger for the smaller price change. Hausman to be less .55 and is 5.18 A -10.14 for for the smaller price change Thus, efficiency decisions on which commodities to tax and the size of the tax might well depend on the rather sizable differences in the estimated efficiency cost changes from the increased taxes. '!'),' 25 J 6. Asymptotic Distribution Theory In this section we give results for the kernel estimator of consumer surplus at particular income and covariate values, and for power series. The conclusions for other These results show cases will be described, without full sets of regularity conditions. that the standard error formulas given earlier are correct, and describe the asymptotic properties of the estimators, without overburdening the reader. Let Precise conditions are useful for stating the results. and g(p,y,w) the image of be a set of r(x(p,y)) + w'p. denote p(t,u) on Let W and [O.llxli, p (t,u) be the support of 11 be the support of w. solving equation (LI). The conditions function over the set Z = TxyxW. will involve Let llgll . partial derivatives of all elements of V = Also, let is be [y,y] evaluated in _ i .119 » g(p,y,w)/5(p,y,w) i where II, Z€£.,c— denotes any vector of d B(z)/5z B(z), p([0,llx1i) supremum norms for the demand = sup J for a matrix function T = u, values that includes those where the demand function y = 3p(t,u)/St all distinct order £ Let "a.e." denote almost everywhere with B(z). respect to Lebesgue measure. Assumption 00, T(g) 1: and W, 11, V and x(p,y) Z are compact, is [O.llxlJ, continuous a.e. and for outside We "y z., Hgn"? are one-to-one and three times continuously differentiable with nonsingular Jacobians on their respective domains, differentiable on contained in the support of and T C = sup.^ = [Y+C+e,y-C-c], p(t,u) does not include zero. ^, e Also, u{y) t(x) identically equal to one for series estimators. 26 j , is bounded and w(y} = for > 0. will derive the results under an i.i.d. assumption Let twice continuously ^^^^^|T(gQ(p(t,u),y,w))'p^(t,u) for some specified in the following result. is and certain moment conditions be a trimming function that will be y ^ -1 Assumption 2: bounded density ^q^x), Assumptions earlier format, E[IIT is i.i.d., z. 1 we and 4 (q)ll < ] x oo, is continuously distributed with E(t(x)(w-E[w|x])(w-E[w|x])' is ] nonsingular. and 2 are useful for both the kernel and series results. Following the The next three will first give results for kernel estimators. assumptions are more or less standard conditions for kernel estimators. Assumption on (q)ll |x]f (x) is bounded, There 4: is a positive integer 1, and for Assumption E[w|x] is J"K(u)[®.%]du = all j < s, 5: There R to all of K(u) is k+1 differentiable to order f f^v^x), d s s + 2 on is positive. X(u) is twice continuously zero outside a bounded set, is R d and extensions of (x)r_(x), and f E(T (q)|x] (x)E[w|x] is k+1 . income and covariate value, it is necessary to introduce a denote the solution to equation -T(gQ(p(t),yQ-S(t),WQ))'p^{t), x(p(t),y -S(t)), and partition S(l) x(t) at the truth, (1.1) = 0, where = (x (t),x p^(t) (t)' )' , i.e. the solution to = 5p(t)/at. where x .t = C(t)«exp{-r C(v)'[ag„(p(v),y -S(v),w ))/ay]dvK •'o 27 at a particular more notation. little Let <(t) An example the Gaussian one used in the application. To describe the result for the kernel estimator of consumer surplus S(t) and are continuously Assumption 4 requires that the kernel be a higher order, bias-reducing type. of such a kernel JKtujdu 0. a nonnegative integer such that bounded, bounded away from zero fp,(x) such that s differentiable, with Lipschitz derivatives, = t(x) and zero outside a compact set on which z e Z, Assumption 4 -1 E[IIT 3: (t) Let is x(t) Let dS/dt = = a scalar. = T (gQ(p(t).yQ-S(t).WQ))'p^(t). e(t) Let x(t) = x(t(T)) = (t.x^U))'. Assumption D domain zero; 6: = E[ee' |x] ii) let x is (t) p{t) can be extended to a function with one-to-one with derivative bounded away from is for > 0, t) {0,y' aind partitioned ) ), |x=x(T)+(0,3r))f (x(T)+(0,r))>dT x(p(D),[y,y]), x„(t) such that > x(t) = (t,x (t)' 4 Note that 7) CWt)). continuous a.e. and for some is (1+E[llell from zero on is (which will exist by Assumption 6 below), (t) C(t) = and such that [-tj.I+t)] -„><sup and There i) conformably with S x be the inverse function of t(T) ^^^ x < m. from Assumption y f iii) bounded away is 1. differentiable by the inverse function theorem and the chain rule, 2 K{r) = /[JKCv.u+lSx (T)/5T]v)dv] du. The asymptotic variance of consumer surplus at a point will be Vq = Let Xl(0£t(T):£l)K(T)fQ(x(T)r^ St(T)/St ^E[{<:(t)' e}^ X=x(T)]dT. I denote the indicator function for the set 1(A) I I The following result gives the A. asymptotic distribution of the kernel estimator of consumer surplus evaluated at a particular income and covariate value. Theorem with na-^^^^/llnCn)]^ -^ addition /ln(n) n(r — /ln(n) — > m and no- and oo, > For our application, where ncr 1-6 If Assumptions 1: k = — n<r^^ then for m, > kernel be at least sixth order. 1, 0. w(y) = l(y = y^), are satisfied, for -^ V 0, in then Vnc^^^CS-S^) equation (3.5), a- V the conditions on the bandwidth These conditions require that The normal kernel used 28 -S ^ — <r s > 5, c = (r(n) N(0. V^). If K_. are that i.e. in the application is that the such a in sixth order kernel. The asymptotic distribution of a kernel estimator of deadweight income and covariate value straightforward to derive. is Because the "tax receipts" term depends on the demand function evaluated at a particular point, (p -p )'T(g(p .y^.w-)) it will have a slower convergence rate tham the will loss at a particular dominate the asymptotic distribution. consumer surplus "integral," and hence Then standard results on pointwise convergence of kernel regression estimators can be applied to obtain, for (k+l)/2,,~ Vq = Also, means , — d .,,_, > ,. = x(p .y^,), . N{0, Vq), [J-J<(u)^du]fQ(x^)"^- E[{(p'-p°)'T {g^{x\w^))c)^\x=x\ straightforward to show consistency of the asymptotic variance estimator, by is it , (L - Lq) n x those used to prove Theorem like 1. As previously noted, average consumer surplus and deadweight loss will be ^-consistent initial if and final prices are allowed to vary. In this case the asymptotic distribution will be the same for both kernel and series estimators. This asymptotic distribution will be described below. Some of the conditions need Assumption from zero. Let llgll (x,w), E[e.c'. |x.,w.] 7: bounded and has smallest eigenvalue that be as defined above except that the supremum . amd Assumption X let 8: <p, nondecreasing in the order is to be modified for series estimators. is from zero on denote the support of {x) X K is bounded away taken over the support of x. consists of products of powers of the elements of order as increased, is is x that are increases, with all terms of a given order included before a compact rectangle and the density of X. 29 x is bounded away The condition that the density The next condition variance of a series estimator. Assumption E[w|x] and r (x) 9: C a constant bounded away from zero is such that for is order are bounded in absolute value by This smoothness condition is useful for controlling the bias. is all d integers C on 2), all orders on X the partial derivatives of X. undoubtedly stronger than necessary. apply second order Sobolev norm approximation rates and derivatives up to order useful for controlling the are continuously differentiable of and there d is (i.e. It is used in order to approximation of the function where a literature search has not yet revealed such approximation rates for power series except under this hypothesis. Also, results for regression splines are not given here because multivariate Sobolev approximation rates do not seem to be readily available for them. Average equivalent variation and deadweight loss will be ^-consistent under certain conditions that we now Let describe. t. denote a random variable that is 1 uniformly distributed on y.-S(t.,z.,g ), x. = x{p.,y.). Let = S(t,z,g ) = p(t.,u.), 10: T E[a)(y.)] C'^(x,w) = (gQ(p(t,u),y-S(t,z),w))'p^(t,u). Conditional on is y. and = a(x,w) w = S(t,z) p. ?(t,z) E[tj(y.)^(t.,z.)|x.=x,w.=w] f(x|w) Let z., = C(t.z)«exp{-r C(v,z)'gQ (p(v,u),y-S(v,z),w))dv>, and for the density (x|w) and independent of C(t,z) Assumption f and [0,1] is w, x f(x|w) is of continuously distributed with bounded density x. given w, zero outside the support of a(x,w) = f(x|w), bounded. and = f(x|w) ^f'^(x|w)E[tj(y.)C(t.,z.)|x.=x,w.=w]. 30 and C^(x,w) = E[C^(x,w)|x] + (w-E[w|x])'M ^E[(w-E[w|x])' C^Cx.w)]. = u \l/j u(y.)S(0,z.,g -^1+0) ) Then the asymptotic variance of ^i ^l l(j}(.y.) will be - w] + w" c'^(x.,w.)'c.. E[\Jf:*lr.' ]. Under an additional condition we can also derive the asymptotic variance of deadweight We loss. consider here only the case where there requirement, by the condition that the final price Conditional on 11: bounded density Let T. = cj f w, and (x|w), = x(p x. i//*^ continuously distributed with zero outside the support of f(x|w). = f(x|wr^f'^(x|w)E[cj(y.)(p^-p°)'T (g-(x..w.)) x.=x,w.=w]: 1 1 1 1 1 g | C^x.w) = E[C^x,w)|x] = /11 is is and ^u(y.)(p^-p°)'T(g(p^(u.),y.))) cV.w) continuously distributed. is {u.),y.) (x|w) cj(y)f sufficient variation in The next assumptions embodies this the final price to achieve Vn-consistency. Assumption is + (w-E[w|x])'m"^E[(w-E[w|x])'c'^(x.w)]. 111 - {T. - E[T.] - E[T.]w"^[(j(y.) - w] + l^^^\x.,^N.y c). 1 1 1 Then the asymptotic variance of L 1 L 2 will be E[(i/».) ]. The next result shows asymptotic normality of the power series estimators. Theorem = K(n) L, 2: Suppose satisfies K /n Assumptions — > and Kn - 2, 1 —X Assumption V -^ V^ = E[(\l^J^] is 11 V > 0. then also satisfied and V — > 9 = equation (3.3) will be satisfied and satisfied and and 11 that 7 - 9 are satisfied, with m for some 9+0 (K/-/n). N(0,V^) = E[(tp.) > 0, then 31 0. and V VrKX - X -^ ) 10 is V^. — > K - - 6 = 5 Then for If Assumption -^ . and 1, ^ y > VR(ii - ti^) ] t(x) = or also If N(0,V^) 6 Proofs of Theorems Appendix: C Throughout the Appendix will denote a generic positive constant, that may be different in different uses. One intermediate result that needed for both kernel and series estimators is linearization of the solution to equation (1.1) around the true demand function. additional notation is needed to set up this linearization. and u that includes the solution to 5S/5t = -T(g(p(t,u),y-S,w)). C(t,z,g) (6.1) Let Some be a data observation z denote the corresponding solution to equation S(t,z,g) with respect to g{p.yiw) Let a is (1.1), i.e. denote the derivative of g (p,y,w) and y, = C(t.z,g)-exp{-fr C(v,z,g)'g (p(v,u).y-S(v,z,g),w))dv}. '0 ^(t.z.g) = T (g(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w))'p^(t,u). Under conditions specified below, when g is near the truth g , equivalent variation can be approximated by the linear functional _.l A(z ,g;g) _ I = r g(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g).w)'C(t,z,g)dt, J*0 n (6.2) g = g^. evaluated at Lemma that Al: for If Assumption all z e Z , Wg-g is 1 W satisfied then there is an < e, and \\g-gA\ \u)(y)A(z,'g;g)-o>(yWz.g;gQ)\ Proof of y e y . Lemma We Al: it is the ^ C\\g-g\\^\lg-g\\^, \oi(y)S(0,z,g)-u(y)S(0.z,g)-u)(y)h(z.g-g;g)\ \(ji(y)S(0,z,g)-u)(y)S(0.z,g^)\ < c, c > and for any ^ CWg-g^W^. g | such case that w('yM('z,g;g^; with C and a constant llgll^ < | s CWgW^, oo, ^ C(\\g\\^\\g-g^\\^ + WlW^Wg-g^W^). By Assumption 1, it suffices to prove the result when w(y) = 1 for use standard results on existence and continuity of solutions of differential 32 all equations, e.g. in Finney and Ostberg (1976). By thrice continuously differentiable, its derivative up to order T(g) Then by Lipschitz on any bounded set. llg-gQiL and llg-g^ll^ < 5, < 5, In particular, y for (p(t,u),y-s) e , TxV for sup. , ^ ., for Furthermore, by integration of equation y y-S(t,z,g) e g replacing Next, for llgll y y-S(t,z,g) € q in g < 00 for t g (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w) by T (g) Z z e . and by z e on (1.1) € t Z so that for 0, 1, 2). Also, by construction 5S(t,z,g)/3t = and now y |S(t,z,g)| [0,1], = Then by Theorem 12-6 of to , (j s C+e. I S(t,z,g) e [0,1], t Clli-gll^.. [dlxl/xy x[-C,C]. (t,u,y,s) e S(l,z,g) = 0, s |q(t,y,z,g) Finney and Ostberg (1976), there exists a solution -q(t,y-S(t,z,g),z,g), e small enough, 5 small enough, 5 are bounded and 2 bounded, we can choose p (t,u) supjQ^j^y^2l^"^'^^^'y'^>g^/^y"^ - 3Jq(t,y,z,g)/5yJ| (A.l) of q(t,y,z,g) = T{g{p(t,u),y,w))'p (t,u). Let < included in C+e, z. so that same existence and boundedness properties hold for Also, the S. llgQll2 < € [0,1], " and and Z z e "g-gglU , it < ^- Also, by follows that p(t,u) e bounded on any compact set and boundedness of p and and g(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w) Then boundedness of are bounded on this set. T (t,u), follows by ^(t,z,g) giving the second conclusion. Next, follows by Theorem 12-9 (equation 12-22) of Finney and Ostberg (1976), it Lipschitz on any bounded set, (A.2) sup^g[o,i],zeZ bounded, and eq. (A.l) that p (t,u) lS(t.z,i)-S(t,z,g) | ^ Clli-gll^, which implies the third conclusion. Next, for follows that (A.2) that llg all t e [0,1], z 6 Z llg(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w)ll , by |S(t,z,g)| ^ "gUn' ^"'^ s C+c 33 :s |S(t,z,g )| < C, it ^^ ^ mean-value expansion and eq. lli(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w) - i(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,gQ),w)ll {p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g,gQ),w)ll|S(t,z,g)-S(t,z,gQ)| and < llgll^llg-gQllQ for an intermediate value T(g) g. Then by boundedness of CCt.z.g^), £ "i"o^"Pt€[0 |A(z,i;g)-A(z.i;gQ)| (A.3) bounded for uniformly are all Eire the same expressions with S(t,z,g ). Also, it Kit,z.g)-(:(t,z,g^)\\ + CIlill^llg-gQll^. e and in t € [0,1], z e Z llg-g , g (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g).w)) < II emd e replaced by a value in between S(t,z,g) llg-g_IL as < c, and S(t,z,g) then follows by mean-value expansion arguments like those above, including expansions of in (^•^^ ' g (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w)), g(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w)), Also, zeZ 1] ' around S(t,z,g) S(t,z,g IIC(t.z.g)-C(t.z.gQ)ll ^"Pt€[0.1],zeZ that uniformly in ), llg-g ll„ < e, ^ Cllg-g^l^. e For example, for a value S(t,z,g,g llg (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w)) - g g (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w))ll + in ) between S(t,z,g) (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,gQ),w))ll llg £ llg (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w)) - g llg-go"i + llgQyy(p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g.gQ),w))l|. and S(t,z,g ), (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,g),w)) (p(t,u),y-S(t,z,gQ),w))ll s IIS{t,z,g)-S(t,z,gQ)ll £ Cllg-gQll^. The fourth conclusion then follows by eq. (A.3). Finally, to show the first conclusion, let notational convenience, suppress the S(t,z,g). (A.5) t and z D(t,z,g,g) = S(t,z,g)-S(t,z,g). arguments, and let S For = S(t,z,g) and S = Differencing the differential equation gives SD/at = -q(y-S,i) + q(y-S,g) = -[q(y-S,i) - q(y-S,g)] - [q(y-S,g) - q(y-S,g)] - •(q(y-S,g)-q(y-S,g) - [q(y-S,g) - q(y-S,g)]} = -C(g)Mg(y-S)-g(y-S)y - q^Cy-S.gjD - R(g,i), R(g,g) = [q(y-S,i)-q(y-S,g)-C(g)Mg(y-S)-g(y-S)>] + [q(y-S,g)-q(y-S,g)-qy(y-S,g)D] + [q(y-S,g)-q(y-S,g)-q(y-S,g)+q(y-S,g)] = R^(g,g) + R2(g.g) + R3(g.g)- The first equation here is an inhomogeneous linear differential equation, with final 34 = D| _ condition nonconstant coefficient 0, Let -?(g)'<g(y-S)-g(y-S)> + R(g,g). this linear equation at Then the solution to DI^^Q = jJ[?(g)'{g(y-S)-g{y-S)> + (A.6) 2—2 and By g(y-S) of a T(g(y-S))/5g g and g |S| C+e < containing € t and around q(y-S,g) z e [0,1], all t jSj < with [0,1], |R„(g,g)| (A.8) i ^ S = S(t,z,g,g) between S z e Z c z e (A.9) where that Z e S, ^(t,z,g) 2 5 T(g)/3g on a line joining g 2 ). Then by a mean-value and mean value Clli-gll^. differentiable in an open interval mean value for an expansion of be the S is :£ so that S, y-S € V of an expansion of S and jS-Sj q (y-S,g) ^ |D|. around A S. , Iq„(y-S,g)-q (y-S,g)l|D| y y < (y-S*.g)||D|^ s Clli-gll^. Iq yy '-' q(y-S,g) - q(y-S,g) around for S, all t e , jR^tg.i)! g, for any , , Similarly, for a mecin-value expansion of [0,1], to element of q(y-s,g) - q(y-s,g) C+e, Let S. S, € Z Z £ Cllp^lllia^T(i)/Sg^llllg(y-S)-g(y-S)ll^ similar statement holds for the Then for is e [0,1], z e t from element differ and S = ??. — |R^(g,g)| (A.7) t q (r,y-S(r,z.g).z.g)'Cdr] twice continuously differentiable, the elements bounded on will be may all = exp[- R(g,i)]i^(t.z,g)dt = A(z,i-g) + jQR(g.i)?(t,z.g)dt. T bounded and g(y-S) (that expansion, for By ^(t.z.g) and nonconstant shift -q (y-S,g), and is s |q^(y-S,i)-qy(y-S,g)| IS-SI ^ CIli-gll^lli-gllQ. S denote mean values. bounded uniformly J'QR(g.g)€(t,z,g)dt ^ Cllg-gll Proof of Theorem 1: We llg-gll in t Then combining e [0,1], z € Z , eqs. and (A.7) - (A.9) llg-g„ll so the first conclusion follows by eq. first consider S, 35 < c, and noting we have (A.6). QED. and proceed by using the Lemmas of Section 5 of Newey functions f(x), g(z;p,h) = f(x) f(x)E[T f, h^, P'w (x)] + h cind f(x)E[w|x] and (q)|x] [h^(x)-3'h Q Let (1992a) (N henceforth). Let here. - e and and for any m(z,p,h) = (m (z,P,h),m (z.P.h)' m„(z,3,h) = T(x)[q-g(z;P,h)]®[w-f D^(z,h;h,p) = A(z,L(',h;P,h);g(«;P,h)) let denote possible values for the -1 (x)h h L(x,h;/3,h) let p Let and m there be )' h = (f,h ,h respectively, and f(xr^[h^(x)-p'h^(x)] - f(xr^[h^(x)-p'h^(x)]f(x). h W w (x)]. For h = N equaUe.p' in = S(0,y ,w (z.^.h) 1 with u(y) = l(y = y preceding Assumption that the density of 1, x and llhll . ) = sup y^ e V f^j r n^.119 ~i\ bounded away from zero on is . Let n(x)/5x llgll lip-p_ll Also, it are small enough then x(?'x[y,y]), llh-h-^ll„ (A.IO) . ^ C llh-h II for . . I and s llh-hll llh-h II 1 be as defined llh-h if g = g(«:h,p) Then by the conclusion of Lemma . By follows by a it follows by the usual mean value expansion for ratios that for such llg-g-L(',h-h;|3.h)ll for llg-gll and by II Ilh-h-ll ., h and llh-hll I £ |A(z,g-i;i)-A(z,L(-,h-h;p,h),i)| + Cllg-illQllg-ill^ s Cllg-g-L(«,h-h;P,h)ll It + Cllh-hll llh-hll also follows by similar reasoning that for (A.ll) |D^(z,h;/3,h)| = |A(z,L(',h;/3,h);i) |D^(z,h;P,h)-D^{z,h;pQ,hQ)| I lip-p £ Cllh-hll II and llh-hll lih-h . ll„ small enough, s CIIL(-,h;p,h)llQ £ CIIHiIq, = CllhllQllh-hQll^ + Cllhll^(llh-hQllQ+llp-pQll), |m^(z,^,h)-m^(z,^Q,hQ)| s Cllh-hQil + 011^-^^11. 36 ., g = g(«;h,p). and small enough, m^(z,p,h)-m^(z,p,h)-D^(z,h-h;p,h) (A. 2) Then by the hypothesis II. straightforward application of the quotient rule for derivatives that and g(«;p,h)) D2(z,h;h,p) = and follows that it and )' from equation A(z,g;g) -T(x)f(x)"^q-g(z;p,h)]®[h^(x)-r^(x)h^(x)f(x)l - T(x)L(x.h;p,h)®lw-r\x)h'^(x)]. Assumption Let ). h, £ llh-hll also follows by straightforward algebra that for It enough, there = b(z) is lip-p llh-h^ll II, llh-h small II such that C(l+llqll) llm2(z,p,h)-m2(z,p,h)-D2(z,h-h;p,h)ll £ b(z)(llh-hQllQ)^, (A.12) and , s b(z)llhllQ. a = m/2, we have |D2(z,h;p,h) | IID2(z.h;^.h)-D2(z.h;/3Q,hQ)ll s b(z)llhllQllh-hQllQ, Jlm^Cz./S.hl-m^Cz.pQ.hQJII £ bCzKllh-h^llQ + IIP-PqII). Furthermore, — 0, > v'n(T7 E[b(z) — ) n 4 ] 0, ) < Vncr t) > Lemma = [ln(n)/(n(r t) n 0, = a a and = a 0, Next, by hypothesis, m (h) = 0. Then by the definition of = JwCtlWxttDdt, By Assumptions 5 and A ^ ln(n)/(-/ncr ) — 0. ^ satisfied, giving (1). U = 1, 2), f when t (t) and is is t and ) f (t) = uniformly distributed on bounded and continuous a.e. with compact L, 6, w(t) = fQ(x(T)r^C(T)'[-rQ(x(T)).I,-p^]f^(T). cj(t) is bounded, continuous almost everywhere, and zero outside Also, by the inverse function t([0,1]). theorem and the chain differentiable with bounded derivatives on in its interior. Lemma > ) tj m^(h) = J"A(z,L(-,h;pQ,hQ);gQ)dF(z) (A.14) — l/(yno- ^(t) = <(t(T),y ,w ,g Let By the inverse function theorem, support. 0- and m.(h) = J'D„(z,h;h ,P )dF(z). and denote the density of KO^tCx)^!) |St(T)/ST| by N are s +o- )] implying that 5.4 of 1/2 k+2i v/n(r°'£^"^[m^(z.,h.pQ)-m^(z.,hQ,pQ)]/n = /n(r°'£[m^(h)-m^(hQ)] + o (A.13) [0,1]. — t) n n Therefore, the hypotheses of for i and for co 0, 5.4 of t(Z)), By the above shown conditions, N that Vn'cr°'[m (h)-m (h and the triangle inequality that 37 )] -^ x rule, (t) is continuously a compact convex set containing 2k ncr — N(O.V Tncr 2^.m (z.,p m > ). and It ,h)/n 2s no- — > 0. Then t([0,1]) it follows then follows by equation (A.13), — > N(0,V ). Furthermore, 2 n by equation m^th) = (A.13), Lemma Next, note that by for Al, derivative with respect to 9 equal to straightforward to show that n nonsingular by Assumption The 2. A = with m For m„. 0, A, 1 that i) — > V„ 1 ill) — . N Ill (q.)-g(x.,w.))>, is cr G 2s and ^1 n<r + A. - — > 0. > . ,A./n. ^ Assumption 8 here and N Lemma Lemma a(z,g 8.4 of bounded ) Also, by ip. = arguments M —^ and in probability similsir to so the M, QED. N. each case. in Newey Assumption Al for each case. follows that for any so that for 0. (1991), with follows by Assumption 9 here and equal to any positive number. follows by straightforward to ^ The proof proceeds by verifying the hypotheses of Theorem 2: Assumption 7 and boundedness of A. 3 of is it F^ 12 F,, >, A. 4 of N, a , d Kn such that ll^^ll2lK^''^/Vn + K""2] £ C'K^'K^^'^/Vn + o(l) = Assumption A.2 of 11^ II . £ 8.2 of A = 2, — > * CK A oo n iK zK '^, j Newey = 0, A for some d — > 0. N follows by = 0, 1, (1991), = A r > 2. with = 0, 1, it Therefore, o(l). V^il^^llQJI^'^iyK^^^/v^ + K'"o)(K^^^/v7r + K""i) £ CK-K^-K/i/n + o(l) = 38 A.l of Assumption A.l of N follows by Lemma with Furthermore, by there are 5.5 of 1 (1992b), that will henceforth be referred to as Assumption Also, by 1/2, J m„, /n — Jli/».ll ^1=1 is for both Lemma then follows by It ^j=l J satisfied for ). N 5„ = pn Also, part iv) is satisfied with second conclusion follows by the triangle inequality. Newey is it of Assumption 5.2 follow by eqs. (A. 10) - (A.ll), U. = 0. 1 those for asymptotic normality, Proof of Theorem and p, useful to verify Assumption 5.2 of 0. oo > for check that Assumption 5.2 of 11 - 1 T.(w.-E[w|x.])(T is and h, linear in (z.p.h) converges in probability to (z.,p,h)/ajS is it A„ = o /ln(n) no- (T^). ,U./n ^1=1 parts , = A„ = 1, and z 3k+4 the conditions that N is and p in m„(z,3,h) Also, -1. m small enough, ll„ 0. first conclusion then follows by a Taylor expansion. To show the second conclusion and llh-h -^ h)/n V^cr"j;.m (z.,p with a first column of zeros, and the remaining columns being E[5m„(z,p^,h^)/S3], m and bounded uniformly is 9m J]]._ follows that it IIP-^qII with derivative that p differentiable in m^Ch^) = and 0, o(l). a, s CK^^'^K^/i/n = K^'''^\\4>^\\^/Vn Theorem so that the rate hypotheses of 9 = S show that for 9 = A, or fi For values with N Assumption 3 = satisfied. is 0. It For L, N N are satisfied. T x_ = x(p .y^) p * p continuously distributed and T T and with r.(x ) = converges to zero for so there exists r, that (x) = $ r K > - (p -p )'T For y., A(z,g;g j — > in N is E[ll$ Lemma (p r * 0. -p )'T ) = 2 II ] (j(y)A(z,g;g ) N is Also by 0. A. 4 of N, there exists in j, /^(x)' r(x(T))f (x)dx K (x)'-n g )), — > and — > 0, E[A(z,r (x);g K. u K satisfied. here, so that wE[A(z,g;gQ)] = E[u(y.)g(x.,w.)'C(t.,z.)] = E[E[tj(y.)C(t.,z.)' |x.,w.]g(x..w.)] = E[J'E[w(y.)C(t.,z.)' |x.=x,w.=w]g(x,w)f(x|w)dx] = E[/C(x,w)'g(x,w)f(x|w)dxl = E[C(x.,w.)'g(x.,w.)] = E[C(x.,w.)'g(x.,w.)], where the last equality follows by straightforward calculation. similarly that Assumption A. 5 of Theorem A.l of N. N is 6 = that Assumption A. 6 of Prob(x(T)=x and hence oo, so that Assumption A. 6 of ) o(l). qFIx^). (0,1), K. r * 0, (x^.w such that r the proof of such that (x)'t) K. — as , = suffices to Consider everywhere continuous, bounded uniformly x * x all in (g N A. 4 of (pS°)'T one-to-one on p(t) is T = there exists Therefore, by reasoning similar to that r.(x) Lemma follows as in the proof of nonsingular and -^ it satisfied, while for is J^tx)' [r{x(p(T),yQ-S(T))+w^p]dT. is E[A(z.r(x);gQ)] = JCCt)' r(x(T))f^(T)dT - By Therefore, N v^""o o(l). satisfied. is from N ) A.l of Assumption A. 6 or A. 7 of A. 5 of A(z,g;g the S, 9 = L, or CK^^V/'/n = K^'^'^H^W^/Vn £ o(l), satisfied for QED. 39 X. It also follows Then the conclusion follows by U )] References S. (1967): "The Construction of a Utility Function from Expenditure Data", International Economic Review, 8, 67-77. Afriat, Afriat, S. (1973): "On a System of Inequalities on Demand Analysis: Classical Method", International Economic Review, 14, 460-472. An Extension of the Auerbach, A. 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