MIT LIBRARIES 3 1060 DQTDlSat. 7 mmm 9B i KBHll HftRHl iHltemn 9.. 1- ; ; ..: -: ' Sii jwnfuai.unif' hm : lm i r 1HH 3 fuBSASIEs] g ^W <? ao.SG3 working paper department of economics OPTIMAL INCENTIVE CONTRACTS IN THE PRESENCE OF CAREER CONCERNS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE Robert Gibbons Kevin J. Murphy Number 563 August 1990 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 OPTIMAL INCENTIVE CONTRACTS IN THE PRESENCE OF CAREER CONCERNS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE Robert Gibbons Kevin J. Murphy- Number 563 August 1990 MEXICO: REAL PER CAPITA INCOME (INDEX 1980-100) 1978 1982 1983 19B4- MEXICO: THE REAL WAGE 1985 IN 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 MANUFACTURING (INDEX 1980=100) 110 105 - 100 - 1970 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 OPTIMAL INCENTIVE CONTRACTS IN THE PRESENCE OF CAREER CONCERNS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE* Robert Gibbons MIT and NBER Kevin J. Murphy University of Rochester First Draft: July, 1989 This Revision: August, 1990 Abstract — This paper studies career concerns concerns about the effects of current performance on future compensation and describes how optimal incentive — contracts are affected when career concerns are taken into account. Career concerns arise frequently: they occur whenever the market uses a worker's current output to update its belief about the worker's ability and competition then forces future wages (or wage contracts) to reflect these updated beliefs. Career concerns are stronger when a worker is further from retirement, because a longer prospective career increases the return to changing the market's belief. In the presence of career concerns, the optimal compensation contract optimizes total incentives the combination of the implicit incentives from career concerns and the explicit incentives from the compensation contract. Thus, the explicit incentives from the optimal compensation contract should be strongest when a worker is close to retirement We find empirical support for this prediction in the relation between chief-executive compensation and stock-market performance. — * We are very grateful to Bengt Holmstrom, David Kreps, Meg Meyer, and Jean Tirole for substantial advice and this paper's long gestation. We are also grateful for helpful comments from David Card, encouragement during Henry Farber, Seonghoon Joon, Eugene Kandel, Alan Krueger, Bruce Meyer, Sherwin Rosen, Michael Wiesbach, and Jerold Zimmerman, and from seminar audiences at BU, Harvard (Kennedy School), Kentucky, Northwestern, NYU, Oxford, Princeton, Queen's, Rochester, Yale (S.O.M.), and the 1989 summer meetings of the Econometric Society and of the NBER Labor Studies Group. Richard Sloan and Kathleen Jones provided able research assistance. Financial support from the following sources is also gratefully acknowledged: the NSF (grants 1ST 86-09691 and SES 88-09200), and the Industrial Relations Section at Princeton University (Gibbons); and the John M. Olin Foundation and the Managerial Economics Research Center, University of Rochester (Murphy). Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries OPTIMAL INCENTIVE CONTRACTS IN THE PRESENCE OF CAREER CONCERNS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy Introduction 1. —concerns about This paper studies career concerns on future compensation — and describes how optimal career concerns must be taken into account. whenever the (internal or external) labor belief about the worker's ability the effects of current performance incentive contracts are affected when Career concerns arise frequently: they occur market uses a worker's current output and then bases future wages on these updated to update its beliefs. In such a setting, the worker will want to take actions the market cannot observe, in an attempt to increase output and thus influence the market's belief; in equilibrium, however, the market will anticipate these actions and so draw the correct inference about Career concerns are stronger output. when a worker is further ability from the observed from retirement, because a longer prospective career increases the return to changing the market's belief. further from retirement thus is willing to take more A worker who is costly unobservable actions in an attempt to influence the market's belief. Career concerns were first discussed by Fama (1980), who argued that incentive contracts are not necessary because managers are disciplined through the managerial labor market: superior performances will generate high Holmstrom (1982) showed effects, it is typically that although wage offers; poor performances, low offers. such labor-market discipline can have substantial not a perfect substitute for contracts: in the absence of contracts, managers work too hard in early years (while the market is still assessing the manager's ability) Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy and not hard enough in concerns can We later years. contracts are necessary to provide In this paper, we add August, 1990 2 conclude from Fama's and Holmstrom's work that managers with optimal incentives. contracts to the Fama-Holmstrom model. We show that career create important incentives, even in the presence of incentive contracts. still Accordingly, in the presence of career concerns, the optimal compensation contract optimizes total incentives — explicit incentives the combination of the implicit incentives from the from career concerns and the compensation contract. Because the implicit incentives from career concerns are weakest for workers close to retirement, explicit incentives from the optimal compensation contract should be strongest for such workers, while for young workers it could be optimal for current pay to be completely independent of current performance. Our formal model examines the career concerns that arise from competition among current and prospective employers in an external labor market, but career concerns also arise in internal labor markets, in among two ways. supervisors within the external labor market. First, same Second, even competition division) can if there is distinguish between effort and ability. Although we mimic within a firm (or even the competition we study in the only one supervisor, career concerns arise promotions are based on a worker's assessed labor markets, among divisions ability but the supervisor we do expect analogous results to hold: not cannot perfectly model career concerns Implicit incentives if in internal from promotion opportunities should be weakest for workers close to retirement and stronger where promotion opportunities are plentiful rather than scarce (as in expanding organizations). Current pay should be most sensitive to current performance for workers close to retirement and for workers with no promotion opportunities (such as workers at the top of the corporate hierarchy or other job ladder, and workers in declining organizations). 1 In addition to analyzing the characteristics of optimal incentive contracts in the presence of career concerns, this paper also examines the empirical support for the career-concerns 1 Rosen (1986) makes a similar observation in the context of elimination tournaments or promotion ladders: win an early round can be big even if the prize for winning that round is small, because winning the incentive to also buys entry to subsequent rounds with larger prizes. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy model in a particular setting: the relation We market performance. example, that each compensation for CEOs more than 10% change CEOs between chief-executive compensation and stock- study longitudinal pay and performance data on a large sample of (CEOs) and chief executive officers August, 1990 3 find empirical support for the model. in shareholder wealth corresponds to less than three years 1.5% changes in cash three years from retirement. from compensation issues associated with wage contracts, our from career concerns and the model incorporates several of Of concerns are to arise, the fourth is these five elements of the model, the something like explicit the fundamental determination: incentives, learning, market forces, contracts, and risk aversion. fifth (or estimate, for from retirement, but only .9% pay changes for In order to analyze both the implicit incentives incentives We it) is necessary if explicit first three are necessary if career incentives are to be considered, and the necessary so that optimal contracts do not completely eliminate career concerns. Other models of career concerns and MacLeod and Malcomson (1988) not risk aversion or contracts. 2 —such as Fama (1980), Holmstrom (1982), — incorporate incentives, learning, and market forces, but Other dynamic agency models — such as Lambert (1983), Rogerson (1985), Murphy (1986), Holmstrom and Milgrom (1987), and Fudenberg, — Holmstrom, and Milgrom (1987) learning or market forces. Holmstrom (1982) — incorporate incentives, contracts, and risk-aversion, but not Finally, other dynamic insurance models — such as Harris and incorporate risk-aversion, contracts, learning, and market forces, but not incentives. 3 2 Career concerns are related to the "ratchet effect" that arises in dynamic models of regulated firms, such as and Tirole (1985), Baron and Bcsanko (1987), and Laffont and Tirole (1988). These models ignore the market forces analyzed in this paper because there does not exist a market of prospective regulators, but the assumption that the regulator cannot commit to ignore information once it has been revealed has a similar effect. Lazear (1986) and Gibbons (1987) study the ratchet effect in models of the employment relationship, but also ignore market forces because the worker's private information concerns a firm-specific Freixas, Guesnerie, such as job difficulty. Aron (1987) and Kanemoto and MacLeod (1987) study the ratchet effect in models of the employment relationship that include market forces because the worker's private information attribute, concerns a worker-specific attribute, such as 3 Holmstrom and Ricart ability. Costa (1986) extend the Harris-HolmstrOm model by adding an observable action based on private information, as opposed to the unobservable action based on symmetric information considered here. MacDonald (1982) and Murphy (1986) analyze the effects of learning and market forces on job assignment, rather than on insurance contracts. i Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy Theoretical Analysis 2. Consider a worker who works stochastic production process in y = l + Ti + al et worker and mean mo and In period periods. which output (y t ) is the sum of The variance o^. is exponential assume U(wi, We w t the error terms are r\ Normally distributed with is Normally distributed with mean zero and employers are risk-neutral but tj. that the worker has the following utility function: (2.2) where that (n.), symmetric (but imperfect) information about the worker's variance c^, and are independent of each other and of ability, We the worker's ability (t{): prospective employers believe that all worker controls a the t, . Before production begins, there ability: the T for worker's non-negative effort (aO, and noise (2.1) August, 1990 4 is the ..., wT wage paid assume further assumption that g'" a 1; ; period in that g(a t ) > is ..., is aT ) t = - exp ( and g(aO convex and is -r{£[=1 5 lA [w a (monetary) satisfies g'(0) = t g(a t )]}) - measure of 0, g'(°°) = °°, , disutility and g'" > of effort. 0. (The a sufficient condition for certain maximization problems to be concave and for several intuitwe comparative-static results to hold.) Note that (2.2) is not the additively separable exponential utility function often encountered in the literature: (2.2) implies that the worker is (computed using market. Our indifferent among all deterministic wage streams with 5 as the discount factor), just as if the results are similar in spirit but and that the worker has no access worker had access more complicated conventional assumptions that the worker's exponential to credit; see the constant present value utility to a perfect capital to express function is under the more additively separable Appendix. Given our empirical focus on Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy CEO pay, however, no access to credit. To keep our (i.e., are linear to theoretical analysis simple, (Al) short-term possibilities: term seems more reasonable it August, 1990 5 CEO needs no rather than has we make two assumptions about contracting assume one-period) contracts are linear in output; and (A2) long- (i.e., Our assumption multi-period) contracts are not feasible. is that the obviously convenient: we wish that short-term contracts to formalize the idea that contractual incentives should be strong when career-concern incentives are weak, and the strength of the contractual incentives is easily summarized by and Milgrom (1987) demonstrate model much that a (but lacking the uncertainty about the agent's ability, the optimal contract is linear. (In the Holmstrom-Milgrom argument extends Our assumption (again, in the exist but r\) can be reinterpreted so as Appendix, we discuss the extent The idea at to our model ensure that which to the our model.) assumption that this must be Pareto-efficient renegotiation-proof. to like the single-period version of that long-term contracts are not feasible Appendix) Holmstrom the slope of the linear contract. Furthermore, is We show equivalent to assuming that long-term contracts each date; that that contracts can be reinterpreted. is, long-term contracts must be should be renegotiation-proof has been widely accepted in recent work; see, for example, Dewatripont (1989) on contracting under adverse selection, Fudenberg and Tirole (1989) on contracting under moral hazard, and Hart and Moore (1988) on incomplete implementation). mimics In our model, renegotiation the effect of competition We now derive the state the results for the 4 contracting under symmetric information among (i.e., Nash between the worker and a single employer the current and prospective employers. 4 optimal compensation contracts for the two-period case and then T-period case. Another potential role for long-term contracts is consumption-smoothing; see Lambert (1983), Rogerson Murphy (1986). Fudenberg, Holmstrom, and Milgrom (1987) show, however, that if the agent has perfect access to credit then the optimal long-term contract is equivalent to a sequence of optimal short-term contracts. In our model, the fact that the worker needs no access to credit, as described in connection with (2.2), eliminates this consumption-smoothing role for long-term contracts. (1985), and Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August, 1990 6 The Two -Period Model The timing of the two-period model is as follows. At the beginning of the first period, prospective employers simultaneously offer a worker single-period linear form wi(yi) = is ci + biyi. no need for employers The worker chooses period, the firm the {i.e., wage contracts of the (Recall that information is symmetric, although imperfect, so there to offer most menus of contracts attractive contract in order to induce workers to self-select.) and begins production. At the end of the the first-period employer) and the market (i.e., first prospective employers) observe yi and then simultaneously offer the worker single -period linear wage contracts of the form W2(y2) = C2 + b2y2- These second-period contract offers on yi, depend implicitly because first-period output will convey information about the worker's described below. The force of our assumption (A2), however, can depend on first-period output only in commitment most will of course at the beginning of the first this implicit period. is ability, as that second-period contracts manner, rather than explicitly through Once again, the worker is free to choose the attractive contract. Given these compensation contracts (where, for now, the parameters ci, bi, C2, are arbitrary), the worker's expected utility (from the perspective of the first period) following function of (2.3) From - first- E { exp and second-period (-r[ci + bifa+ai+ei) -g(ai)] - and rS[c 2 is the a2: + b 2 (r|+a2+£2) -gte)]) } the perspective of the second period, however, after ai has been chosen and yi has been observed, the worker's expected (2.4) effort, ai and b2 - utility is exp (-rS-^C! + biyi -g(ai)] )• E { exp ( -r[c 2 so the worker's second-period effort choice problem reduces to + b 2 (ii+a2+e2) -gte)]) | yi } , Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy "£* (2.5) - E { exp August, 7 + b 2 (r,+a 2 +e 2 ) -g(a 2 )]) ( -r[c 2 | yi } 1 990 • 3|C The worker's optimal second-period g'(a 2 ) (2.6) = b2 effort, a 2 (b 2 ), therefore satisfies the first-order condition . Competition among prospective second-period employers implies that the contract the worker accepts for the second period must earn zero expected profits, so (after normalizing the price of output to unity), c 2 (b 2 ) satisfies c 2 (b 2 ) (2.7) Using = (l-b 2 )E{y 2 yi }. | worker's first-period output equals the ability of the worker's second-period output given the (2.1), the conditional expectation and the optimal second-period sum of effort the conditional expectation of the worker's induced by the contract: E{y 2 |y 1 }=E{T1 |y 1 }+a2 (b 2 ). (2.8) To compute the conditional expectation of the worker's ability, the market must extract the relevant information about the worker's ability from the observed first-period output, and this requires a conjecture about the worker's first-period effort. Suppose the market conjectures become that the worker's first-period effort to pure-strategy equilibria.) (1970), the conditional distribution of (As will r\ Using well known formulas from DeGroot given the observed first-period output yi Normal with mean na\ ai. clear below, in equilibrium the market's conjecture about the worker's effort is correct. We restrict attention (2.9) was - i \ mi(yi,ai)= J m° + CT — -j-° <rz (yi - + a 2 Sl) I is then Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August, 1990 8 and variance (2.10) °i = + a e2 c£ We include &\ in the notation —a + convenient to define Z\ i m^yi, ai) for expositional clarity in tne conditional variance of °"c> T| + e2 what follows. It is given the observed also first- period output yi. Substituting the appropriate expressions into (2.4) yields the worker's expected utility (from the perspective of the second period) for an arbitrary b2, given first-period output The market thus believes (2.11) - E{exp that the optimal second-period slope, bj, ( -r[c 2 (b 2 ) = where the righthand distributed with - side of (2.11) mean u. is Optimizing (2.1 1) - I yi } g(a*(b 2 )) -|rb^ ]) derived using the observation that if x is , Normally and variance a2 then E{exp(-kx)} =exp(-ku + ^k2a 2 ) (2.12) maximizes + b 2 (r,+a2(b 2 )+ e2 ) -g(a*(b 2 ))]) exp ( -rim^y^aO + a*(b 2 ) y^ and implicitly differentiating . (2.6) yields the first-order condition for b2, the optimal second-period slope: 5 (2.13) b2 = 1 5 Note +rl 2 2 g"[ai(b 2)] Lazear and Rosen (1981), who derive it more general (static) utility function U(w-g(a)). Thus, (2.13) and approximately optimal more generally. that (2.13) is identical to the result given in footnote 8 in using a second-order Taylor approximation to the is precisely optimal given (2.2) Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy Using the assumption concave, so (2.13) uncertainty (L^ ). that g'" > 0, straightforward to it is that D2 is independent of yi, of implicit incentives from career concerns, because output on the second-period contract given in show both (i.e., it and implies that the effect of first-period the career-concern effect) is limited to the intercept (2.7). yi, the worker's first-period incentive (2.14) (r) which greatly simplifies the analysis Given the optimal second-period contract derived above, with on that (2.11) is strictly as well as that b2 decreases with both risk-aversion is sufficient, Note also August, 1990 9 -E{exp (-r[ci problem is to choose ai to its implicit dependence maximize +bi(Ti+ai+e 1 )-g(ai)] -r6[C2(b|) + bJ(Ti+aJ(bJ)+e2) -g(a*(b*))])}. Substituting (2.8) and (2.9) into (2.7) yields c 2 (b2)= (l-bl) (2.15) (<£ m 2 + a (yi-ii) *„*A +a2(b2) „* + „? : + °s ' V The worker's optimal first-period effort, ai (bi), therefore satisfies the first-order condition (2.16) The g'( ai ) = bi + 5 g2 = bl + 5 (1-bJ) total incentive for first-period effort, — — JL denoted by Bi, = Bi is thus the . sum of the explicit incentive from the first-period compensation contract, bi, and the implicit incentive from career concerns, 8(l-b2)a^/(c^+c^). (2.13), The career-concerns incentive and increases (decreases) with the uncertainty about Note that the expressions period effort, ai, as given. is positive, since ability (production), 0<b2<l from c^ (c^). above take the market's second-period conjecture about Thus, (2.16) characterizes the worker's best response to conjecture. In equilibrium, the market's conjecture must be first- this correct, but the necessary fixed- Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy point computation conjecture is trivial August, 1990 10 because (2.16) does not depend on Therefore, the equilibrium aj. is ai=a?(bi) (2.17) . Competition ensures (A2), expected profits that firms earn zero must be zero in expected Because of assumption profits. each period. Hence, d(bi) = (l-bi)E(yi) = (l-bi)[mo+af (bi)] (2.18) Substituting ai(bi) and Ci(bi) into (2.14) and applying (2.12) yields the worker's expected utility (from the perspective of the (2.19) - period) for an arbitrary bj: first exp( -r[m + af (bi) - g(a?(bi))] - r5[m + a*(b*) .exp(ir2[(B 1+ 5b2) 2 S? where Bi sum of explicit and reflects the first-period slope, bi „, m . (2.20) bi , where z] = * is + r - the variance of r\ + this generalized in the T-period model, so comparing the three terms The first g , 1u *, 5 (l-b2) Z\ g"[af(bi)] The main conclusion from to the result. 2B 5b*al]) 1 , implicit incentives, as defined in (2.16). 1 2 a Q + a| g(aj(b?))]) The optimal thus satisfies the first-order condition = 1 - - o£ r 5 2 b* a g"[at(bi)] + cl * : : 1 + z] g"[a?(bi)] r e\. two-period model we is that bi < give only the intuition here. in (2.20) to the single term — og b2 As . is This result is apparent from expression in (2.13), three effects contribute in (2.20) reflects a noise-reduction effect: learning about the Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August, 1990 11 2 worker's ability causes the conditional variance of output to decline over time (Z 2 optimal tradeoff between insurance and incentives shifts towards the tl] g"[a2(b2)]} < b2 (2.16); it • The second term so the I.]), — over time / 1 { 1 + from in (2.20) is the career-concerns effect, familiar implies that optimal explicit incentives are adjusted to account for career-concerns incentives by imposing a lower pay-performance relation third latter < term when human-capital-insurance effect: risk-averase workers with in (2.20) reflects a uncertain ability want insurance against low realizations of ability; in our must take the form of a reduction The worker's demand optimal for The career-concerns difficulties for this for human-capital insurance can be quite strong. worker against low realizations of negative slopes (bi < 0) even model insurance in the slope of the first-period contract. total first-period incentives to incentives. 6 The career concerns are high. when be negative (B\ < 0) ability if the benefits In fact, from insuring exceed the benefits of providing positive effect in (2.20) suggests that optimal contracts total our analysis. Negative it is the effort can have incentives are positive, but this possibility creates no total incentives, in contrast, require a reinterpretation of the first-order condition (2.16). In order to handle the possibility of negative total incentives in a simple way, we we now assume that effort continue to assume that g(a) is can be either positive or negative and that convex and satisfies g'(0) = 0, g'(°°) interpret negative effort as hiding or stealing output; our assumptions activities are increasingly difficult The the margin, as may be on °°, and g(a) g'" imply > = -°°; 0. We that such realistic. T-Period Model The now on = g(-°°) three equations that be written as follows: summarize the workings of the competitive labor market can First, the zero-expected-profit constraint in period t is 6 Suppose, for example, that there is no noise in production (i.e., g\ = 0). Then first-period output perfectly 2 reveals the worker's ability, so a\ - 0. Since there is no uncertainty in the second period (i.e., 1\ = af + a = 0), the optimal slope is b 2 = 1, which imposes substantial human-capital risk on the worker: second-period pay moves one-for-one with the worker's actual ability, and not at all with the market's assessment of the worker's 2 ability based on first-period output (because C2(b2) in (2.15) is zero). If 5 = 1 and g(a) = [a ]/2 then the total first-period incentive is B = bj = (1 x - r al )/(! + ro 2 ), which clearly can be negative. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy cl (2.21) = (l-b l )E{y l August. 1990 12 lyi,... I y,.i}. Second, the conditional expectation E{y t lyi,..., y t _i) E{y t lyi,..., y t.i) = (2.22) where and m^ is mn + at is , the market's expectation of the worker's ability as of the beginning of period a t is the market's conjecture about the effort the worker will supply in period t. t, Finally, the market's conditional expectation of the worker's ability, given the observed history of prior outputs (yi, ...,y t -i) and its conjectures about prior effort levels (a.\, ...,a t _i), is t-i a2 m .i(yi, (2.23) t ...,y t .i; ai, ...,a t .i)= m + cx 2 cr + 2 £(y T aT ) - * (t-l)g 2 Substituting these three equations into the worker's utility function (2.2) and applying from a sequence of contracts with (2.12) yields the worker's expected utility (bi, ..., arbitrary slopes by) and associated intercepts given by (2.21), given the market's effort conjectures (&i, ...,ar) and the worker's effort choices (ai, ..., a t ). (See the Appendix for this computation, as well as the others omitted below.) The worker's optimal effort level in period t, at , then solves a first-order condition analogous to (2.16): (2.24) g'(af) = b + t IS^It dat = b + T=t+i Naturally, a t depends on b t and (b l+ i, ..., t 2 y-t(l-bt) by), but not : o^ x=t+l on (bi, ..., f~— (ai worker's expected utility from the sequence of contracts with slopes (bi, ..., written as B t b t -i). = In equilibrium, the market's conjectures are correct: (ai, - + (T-l)a 2 ...,ar) , ..., ay ). The br) can then be Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy (2.25) - exp( -r [ August, 1990 1 1 5^ (mo + a? + \ r2 z g(af ))] - t=i For now, take Bi from (b2, (2.24), < ..., B = 2 26 > - : i which solves the —^x 1 +rz' 1 bl= (2 27) - T-T7X i 1 ' 1 B,) 2 o 2]). t>i affect only a*. Since g'(ai ) = to the first-period total first-order condition ra 2 g"(a?) l fiH B t - J:l*. +rztg"(ai) ; g"(ai) Applying (2.24) then yields the optimal £ (5 + t=i convenient to optimize (2.25) with respect bx), 2 t=i bx) as given. Recall that changes in ..., it is incentive, Bi(b2, £ 5*-* BO 2 o [( . 1 , */ first-period contract slope bi (b2, st-i(l-bt) 2 " l+rZig"(ai) bj), 2 ;' ot+(t-l)a„ t=2 ra 2 , •.., I 8»-l B g"(af) t t=2 1 + r I 2 g"(a*) Finally, using (2.27) recursively yields the optimal slopes (bi working backwards to bi(b2, ..., , ..., b-r), bx). We now provide a partial characterization of the optimal slopes bx for all t Appendix < T; that sensitivity those t b* < bx for (in fact, all t <T We : t = 1, ..., T) b t < : suspect that the optimal slopes typically increase we have been unable is sufficient of pay to performance more than {b t contractual incentives are strongest for those about to retire. (See the for the derivation.) monotonically with result that is, beginning with br and is for our empirical work, in which greater for x years from retirement, to construct a counter-example), but the CEOs where less than x years we show that the from retirement than for x equals two, three, or four years. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murpiiy August, 1990 14 Evidence on Career Concerns for Chief Executive Officers 3. Testing our model involves estimating the pay-performance relation between the agent's compensation (i.e., the wage, w, in our model's notation) and the principal's objective (i.e., output net of the wage, y-w) and detecting changes in the estimated pay-performance relation (i.e., the slope of the compensation contract, b) as the data necessary to analyze the model is difficult and-file workers that contain data (measured or firm level). consider the agency relationship between the shareholders and the shareholder-CEO relationship is data on the (i.e., CEO's compensation measured with available by the market value of the Third, under the assumption that data: shareholders desire to firm's common stock. 7 Although the managerial labor market is model require uncertainty about firm The assumption is strictly We - common maximize objective that their wealth, as measured compensation policies, The career-concerns the worker's ability, but in which to investigate may not be ideally it effects analyzed in our most CEOs are long-time employees that well diversified shareholders are risk neutral with respect to the returns of correct only when is 8 an attractive laboratory characteristics and effects of incentive suited for an investigation of career concerns. 7 to are publicly available in corporate proxy statements issued in shareholders are approximately risk neutral, the principals have a many of the managers take actions that increase shareholder wealth). Second, detailed longitudinal conjunction with annual shareholders' meetings. easily of a an archetypal principal-agent relationship: widely diffuse shareholders, through delegation of authority to the board of directors, hire supply effort CEO We focus on this particular agency relationship for several reasons. publicly held corporation. First, the because existing longitudinal datasets for rank- on wages seldom also contain data on performance at the individual, divisional, We worker nears retirement. Obtaining the any given the firm's returns are uncorrelated with market returns. ignore debt by focussing on shareholder wealth instead of the combined wealth of shareholders and bondholders; Smith and Warner (1979) argue that explicit bond covenants are designed to mitigate the agency problems between managers and bondholders. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy CEO, before being appointed so shareholders (as well as potential alternative employers) have precise information about the CEO compensation employers who ability of a our model in August, 1990 15 is new CEO. 9 determined by a competitive market of prospective CEO's managerial The ability. fact that join another, coupled with the likely existence of large capital, suggests that a We competitive market of the kind of a newly appointed different new information is CEOs rarely leave oneFigure 2to amounts of organization-specific human we assume may not exist. 10 believe that these issues do not pose substantial problems for our empirical analysis, for the following reasons. ability In addition, the expected level of continuously revise their bids for the CEO's service as revealed regarding the may from the skills CEO First, because the skills is unlikely to yield precise information about the performance as CEO. Furthermore, quickly, both because it is difficult to isolate the determine firm performance and because (as environment ability in the required to pilot a corporation are quite required at lower levels in the organization; the performance of an individual as vice president, for example, individual's potential shareholders are likely to be uncertain about the may renew this uncertainty not be resolved CEO's contribution from other we factors that discuss below) a change in the firm's the shareholders' uncertainty about the previous environment had may CEO's ability, even if his become known. Second, our assumption of a competitive market of prospective employers implies that a CEO receives the full benefit from an increase in the market's estimate of his managerial ability (and bears the full cost unchanged, however, if from Our a decrease in the estimate). we assume instead that the CEO receives qualitative results are (bears) some, rather than of the increased (decreased) rent associated with changes in the market's estimate of his One model relationship 9 that would predict such rent sharing between the CEO and his shareholders, is a bilateral-monopoly where the rent to ability. model of be divided is all, the the return The median CEO in our sample of nearly 3,000 CEOs described below worked in his firm 16 years before ascending to the top position. 10 Note, however, that Fama's (1980) and Holmstrom's (1982) early work on career concerns for top managers relies exclusively on just such a managerial labor market to provide managerial incentives. • Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy on the CEO's organization-specific compensation contract under same kinds of (implicit and August, 1990 1 this capital: in each period, the slope of the CEO's linear new formulation of our model would be determined by explicit) incentive considerations that arise in but the intercept would be determined by bargaining constraint implied power rather than the our original model, the zero-expected-profit by a competitive market of potential employers. 11 A Longitudinal Sample of Chief Executive Officers We following in test the implications of our career-concerns model using data constructed by chief executive officers listed in the Executive Compensation Surveys published all Forbes from 1971 These surveys, derived from corporate proxy statements, to 1989. include 2,972 executives serving in 1,493 of the nation's largest corporations during the fiscal years 1970-1988, or a total of 15,148 CEO-years of data. In order to distinguish to retirement left their from CEOs with longer horizons, we initially restrict CEOs our analysis to close CEOs who firms during the 1970-1988 sample period, using data from the 1990 Forbes survey to identify CEOs whose last fiscal year was 1988. This subsample includes 1,631 CEOs, representing 916 firms and 8,786 CEO-years. Our model assumes executive is appointed CEO position that a CEO, is CEO experiences something like the following career path: an paid based on the performance of his firm, and remains in the until retirement, at which point his career ends. by presenting results that suggest We begin our empirical analysis that such a career path is typical. Figure histograms describing the frequency distributions of tenure in the firm, tenure as age, all measured at the date the CEO leaves office, for the 1,631 during the 1970-1988 sample period. Panels A and B of Figure CEOs 1 show 1 presents CEO, and leaving their office that, upon leaving If the sole objective of this paper were to deepen our understanding of CEO compensation then we would have developed this rent-sharing model rather than the competitive-market model developed above. We think it likely, however, that career concerns arise for many workers other than CEOs and that the competitive-market model applies more naturally than does the rent-sharing model for many of these other workers. Thus, in choosing to develop the competitive-market model we were in part attempting to convey this larger potential scope of the career-concerns model. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy average office, the CEO has been position for over ten years. in his firm for Panel 60% were normal retirement age: August, 1990 1 C shows almost thirty years and has been in the most executives leave that between 60 and 66 when they their position near 31% were and left, CEO ages 64 or 65. There either steps also evidence is down from other sources that when the typical into retirement or continues to serve the firm in a reduced, semi-retirement capacity. Vancil (1987) estimates that 75% CEOs remain of departing This evidence seems inconsistent with the hypothesis that directors. firm, since CEOs ill on their firms' boards of CEOs move from firm to joining rival firms are unlikely to maintain close relationships with their former employers. Vancil finds that an additional 6.4% die while in because of CEO leaves office he health. In our own sample, we their firm during the sample period became period. we In addition, office; CEO We found that fewer than 6% Who post-departure Who's appeared in Who's Who absence of these data Figure remaining as their firms are from Panel 1 is of these 1.4% joined law firms or information on 40% prior to their departure); who left of another sample firm by the end of the searched (the 1985 edition of) Who's after leaving their firm; another others resign find that only 36 of the 1,631 (2.2%) Who in departure information on the subset (of about half) of our 1,631 departing firms before 1985. many we CEOs joined universities. of the departed America for post- CEOs who left their another corporation We were unable to find CEOs (most of whom believe that the most likely cause for the retirement or death. also presents a histogram describing the frequency distribution of years CEO for the 8,786 CEO-year observations from the subsample of CEOs leaving during the sample period: Panel CEOs in one of their D shows that about half the CEO-year observations last three full fiscal years in office. Note that the distribution in D is not representative of the full population, the sample period can have at longitudinal dataset. most 18 years since CEOs who — left in office the leave their firms during number of years covered by our Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy Figure is 1 based on all CEOs 1,631 In our empirical work, period. August, 1990 18 leaving office during the 1970-1988 sample however, we analyze first-differences and eliminate observations with missing pay and performance data; this leaves 1,292 CEO-year observations. corporations, or 6,737 In what follows we refer subsample as the completed-spells subsample. Table completed-spells subsample. been in his position for three to four years. Column (1) shows presents 1 that the average He receives 90% comes consumer price index 1 in the subsample has form of a base salary and in the and subsequent analyses are adjusted for for the closing month of the 1988-constant dollars. Adjusted for inflation, the average We CEO statistics for the annual compensation (excluding both grants of and gains from annual bonus. All monetary variables in Table by 6.6% per summary to the latter almost nine years, and will continue in his position for an additional exercising stock options) of $616,300, of which inflation (using the CEOs representing 785 CEO's fiscal year) to represent salary and bonus has grown year. matched the Forbes compensation data performance data obtained from the Compustat data in 1988-constant dollars (although the median is files. Average firm only $2.2 (in We define the change in shareholder wealth, AV market value of common stock (in millions) at the inflation-adjusted rate of return The sample average change on common beginning of the sales exceed $4 t, firms in the completedas the inflation-adjusted fiscal year multiplied by the stock (including splits and dividends): in shareholder wealth is a billion Shareholders have realized billion). average inflation-adjusted returns of 1.8% over the sample period spells subsample). and stock-price to fiscal-year sales $56 million loss with AV =V .ir t t t. a standard deviation of $1.9 billion. Columns (2) and (3) of Table 1 report the same summary statistics for two subsamples of the completed-spells subsample: column (2) consists of CEO-year observations in which the CEO is in his Panel and A last three full fiscal years; shows that CEOs their position than column (3) consists of the complementary subsample. near retirement are older and have served longer in both their firm CEOs with many years remaining. Panel B shows that CEOs near Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August, 1990 19 CEOs retirement are better paid than with many years remaining. deviations of pay changes and percentage pay changes are higher for performance (and hence more variable) as CEOs CEOs near retirement; we pay becomes more sensitive interpret these results as indirectly supporting the hypothesis that to The means and standard C approach retirement. Panel shows that average firm size (as measured by either sales or market value) and average firm performance (as measured by similar in the The change either the in shareholder wealth or the shareholders' rate of return) are two subsamples. last row of Table shows 1 that CEOs with many years until retirement are over- represented in the early years of the sample. This over-representation CEOs methodology: the completed-spells subsample includes only is a direct result of our actually leaving office between 1970 and 1988, so there cannot be any CEO-year observations with more than three years remaining in the last three sample years, 1986-88. An Empirical Specification for CEO describes the optimal linear relation between compensation and output in Our model period w t, t Contracts in the Presence of Career Concerns and y t . We assume that shareholders seek to maximize their wealth, and we consider two alternative empirical representations of output, yt in terms of shareholder wealth, , V t. First, one could interpret y as the change t compensation contract linear w (yt) = c t t + in shareholder wealth in period bty t simply t; w = c + b AV becomes t one could interpret output y t as end-of-period firm value, y = t t V t. t t. in this case, the Alternatively, In an efficient capital market, beginning-of-period firm value equals the conditional expectation of end-of-period firm value: = yt - (3.1) V _i t E{y = E{y t lyi,..., w t lyi,..., yt-i), t = ct y t _i). Therefore, the change in shareholder wealth in period and the linear compensation contract + b t [AV t +E{y t lyi,..., y t-i}]. w t = ct + biy t becomes t is AV t Both approaches share the feature that the coefficient approaches yield qualitatively similar largely because it is more August, 1990 20 Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy tractable (as will AV is t b t consequently, the two ; what follows, we take the second approach, In results. on become clear below). Substituting (2.21) and (2.22) into (3.1) yields w (3.2) but (3.2) is m = t + t _i + b AVt at t not convenient to estimate because variable that depends on all m t _! is an individual-specific time-varying prior realizations of output, as described in (2.23). Because we interpret y t as end-of-period firm value, however, the first-difference of (3.2) is a Substituting (2.22) into the definition of change in tractable empirical specification: shareholder wealth, lagged version of m (3.3) AV = y t E{y - t t -i = m t _2 L = yn t _i <$ + y t -i}, yields lyi,..., AV this expression, oi+(t-l)a 2 - a t-i - AV t =y t at CEO t effort t t and this year's a2 , o^+(t-l)a 2 which suggests the empirical specification Aw (3.5) where ot t = Aa t, (3 t t = oc t + pt AV = b and y t , t t + f Yt t -i. Substituting the AVu Aw = Aa + b AV + t m t and AV _i t , <& i o^+(t-l)a 2 bt- >t-l CEO compensation are a last year's wealth: (3.4) - m -2, into (2.23) then yields Thus, the first-difference of (3.2) implies that year-to-year changes in function of the change in more AVM , change in shareholder Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy we In our model, August, 1990 21 take the worker's total career to be fixed. A worker with fewer periods remaining therefore has worked for more periods, so the market has a more precise belief about his ability. career lengths (i.e., As Panel completed durations on the empirical specification remaining in a of exposition, state these monotonically with HI . (3.5), CEO's career and we A of Figure t; the 1 illustrates, in office). we however, CEOs have heterogeneous In formulating testable hypotheses based therefore distinguish between the number of years already spent hypotheses for the case in number of For ease in office (tenure). which the optimal slope b t years increases analogous hypotheses can be derived from the result that b t < bj CEO constant, the increases as tfie CEO nears retirement. Holding tenure as slope of the compensation contract, pt , Career concerns provide fewer incentives as the CEO nears retirement, so by current compensation increase. the incentives provided H2. Holding years remaining as contract, CEO constant, the slope of the compensation p increases with tenure as CEO. t, The optimal relation between pay and current performance in part reflects with incentives to the trade-off between the goal of providing the increase shareholder wealth and the goal of providing efficient risk-sharing for the risk-averse CEO. The optimal pay-performance relation increases when the variance of output decreases, since at the same pay-performance CEO CEO bears less risk as variance decreases. The CEO's true managerial ability becomes estimated more precisely as tenure increases; consequendy, the variance of y t decreases and the pay-performance relation relation the increases as the H3 . Holding tenure as CEO's CEO tenure increases. constant, the coefficient period t-1, yt decreases as the , CEO on shareholder-wealth change in nears retirement. on the change in shareholder wealth in period t-1 has two and -b t_i. The first term reflects the effect of AV _i on the updated estimate of ability in period t; this effect depends only on tenure as CEO and is independent of years to go. The second term The coefficient components, a£/(a^+(t-l)cr£) t decreases as the CEO nears retirement concerns provide smaller incentives. H4. Holding years remaining as shareholder wealth in period CEO t-1, {i.e., b t _i increases) since career constant, the coefficient on the change in y decreases with tenure as t , CEO. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy Both 22 a^/(of+(t- 1 )al) and -b August, 1990 decrease as tenure increases because the t _i estimate of managerial ability becomes Performance Pay and Years Left as Hypothesis HI predicts performance hypothesis will more precise. CEO that the relation be higher for executives close between CEO A to retirement. pay changes and current way simple to evaluate this estimate a regression that allows the pay-performance relation to vary with is to years remaining as CEO: 18 Aw = a + pAV + (3.6) it it ^p I T (CEO has x years left) it *AV , it T=0 where (CEO has x years remaining in his career left)i t is a dummy in fiscal year performance relation increases as the least four potential CEOs measure analysis, since CEO salaries, (3.6) directly, AVj t, is net of > the - however. payments th CEO has x years the slope of the pay- > Pi \ - •> PisFirst, to the There are at our empirical CEO, while our before these payments. This difference has a negligible effect on our compensation Second, while Aw; t should include on nears retirement, Po problems with estimating is if Under Hypothesis HI, t. definition of shareholder-wealth change, theoretical variable equal to one is trivial all compared to changes in the value of the firm. forms of compensation, the Forbes surveys include data bonuses, and some minor additional forms of compensation but do not include data on grants of stock and stock options. To the extent that a CEO's holdings of stock in the firm increase with tenure, stockholdings will act to increase incentives as career-concern incentives decrease, so our estimates of the change in the pay-performance relation as the retirement may concerns. To underestimate the shareholders' the extent that however, our estimates compensation CEOs may total CEO nears response to the issue of decreasing career decrease their stock holdings as they near retirement, simply reflect the effort to provide incentives through to replace those formerly induced through stock ownership. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August, 1990 23 A third problem with direct estimation of (3.6), as noted in connection with Table that CEOs 1, is near retirement are over-represented in the later years of the completed-spells subsample, so the estimates of the p x's from (3.6) for the CEO subsamples will reflect secular trends in incentive compensation in addition to the effects of career concerns. Appendix Figure Al, the relation As shown in between pay and performance has increased over the past decade, so the estimate of p T 's for CEOs near retirement are likely to he biased upward. Fourth, and perhaps most important, (3.6) assumes that the relation between pay and CEOs performance differs across remaining as performance — CEO One in shareholder firm value Awt/AVO may decline with firm size both because the variance of wealth increases with firm size and because the CEO's direct effect on may decrease We years potentially important source of heterogeneity is firm size: the optimal pay-performance relation changes number of does not allow for other sources of heterogeneity in the pay- (3.6) relation. (and within a CEO's career) only by the show below with firm size. connection with Table 3) that the pay-performance relation (i.e., varies significantly with firm size but that the pay-performance elasticity (i.e., Aln(w t)/Aln(V t)) is (in almost invariant to firm related heterogeneity size. We therefore attempt to control for size- by converting the regression variables to logarithmic changes and then estimating an elasticity form of (3.6) that allows the pay-performance elasticity to vary across years: 1988 Aln(w (3.7) it) = Van (n a+ th year dummy)i t n=1972 1988 18 + [Po +^Pt(CEO has x years left) it year th year dummy)i t ]*Aln(V iL), Aln(Vjt)=ln(l-i-ri t ) is the continuously accrued rate of return dummy)i t is a dummy logarithmic change in the 12 p n (n n=1972 T=0 where + ]T variable equal to one if n=t. CEO's salary and bonus (in We on common stock and (n* define Aln(w; t ) as the annual thousands). 12 We also used a more comprehensive measure of compensation that includes fringe benefits, and contingent (but non-stock) remuneration. The qualitative results from these regressions are similar to those presented in the Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 24 August, 1990 Figure 2 depicts the estimated pay-performance elasticities from (3.7) for grouped based on or their years CEO. (To remaining as more years remaining have been pooled.) The .06, which is CEOs simplify the figure, observations with 15 figure drawn assuming is CEOs the average of the 17 estimated year coefficients. a year effect of in their final year, second-to-last year, or third-to-last year have estimated pay-performance elasticities of .179, .199, and .184, respectively. Each of these estimated estimated elasticity for CEOs elasticities is significantly higher than the year (.120) or sixth-to-last year (.115); no in their fifth to last other pairs of coefficients in Figure 2 (including pairs involving the highest estimated elasticity for CEOs in 5% their eleventh-to-last year) are significantly different at the Figure 2 suggests that, in general, pay-performance level. elasticities are higher for CEOs nearing retirement, but also suggests that separate coefficients based on years remaining as CEO are estimated with large standard errors. correspond to we CEOs Since the only significant differences in Figure 2 in their last three years vs. CEOs with more than three years remaining, divided the completed-spell subsample into two groups and estimated the following regression: 1988 Aln(wi t) = ao + ai (Few Years (3.8) Left)it + ^^(n 111 year dummy)i t 1988 + [Po + P!(Few Years Left)i t + ]£Pn(n th year dummy) ]*Aln(V; it t ), n=1972 where (Few Years Left)it is a dummy variable years of his career in fiscal year Column (1) if the i CEO lh is in the last three t. of Table 2 reports estimates of regression (3.8) for the completed-spells subsample. CEOs category. The (unreported) estimated interactions range equal to one serving in their last three years as from .02 CEO are assigned coefficients to .20, indicating that to the "Few Years on the (Shareholder Return)* (Year) CEOs with many years remaining receive between .2% and 2.0% raises for every 10% return realized by shareholders. tables, but the significance levels are generally additional measures of compensation. much Left" The lower, reflecting the noisiness of the data on these Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 25 Return*(Few Years Left) coefficient is August, 1990 also positive, suggesting that remaining receive an additional .44% raise for every Return*(Few Years Left) coefficient is 10% CEOs with few years return realized by shareholders. highly significant (t=3.0), which we The interpret as empirical support for the Hypothesis HI. Our arbitrary, Few Years definition of Left — CEOs and we re-estimated the regression definitions of Few Years in their last three years column is admittedly (1) of Table 2 for three alternative Left: executives in their last one, two, and four years as CEO. The in estimated Return*(Few Years Left) interaction coefficient significant except — when Few Years Left is defined as CEOs is positive in all cases and in their final year; we believe this insignificance reflects both small sample size and non-performance-related payments CEOs in is made to their last year. The hypothesis: results in CEOs whose performance remaining Table 2 support hypothesis HI, but also support an alternative total stay in office is elasticities than until retirement. do CEOs who only a few years may have higher pay- stay in office longer, independent of years We tested this alternative hypothesis by repeating the regressions in Table 2 for the subsample of CEOs who had None of the qualitative results spent at least five years in office upon retirement. in Table 2 are changed, suggesting that our results are not driven by cross-sectional (negative) correlation between total time in office and the pay-performance elasticity. Performance Pay and Hypothesis performance CEO Tenure H2 predicts that, holding years remaining as elasticity increases less uncertainty. which includes controls for CEO variable that equals one the CEO is in with shareholder return. constant, the pay- with tenure because managerial ability becomes estimated with We test this hypothesis in if CEO the regression reported in tenure: the new regressors are his first four years as Our model column "Low (2) of Table Tenure," a CEO, and Low Tenure 2, dummy interacted predicts a negative coefficient on the (Low Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy Tenure)*(Return) interaction. 26 The positive (but insignificant) coefficient in Under inconsistent with this hypothesis. however, the pay-performance relation Holmstrom, 1982) as T| t+ i = Ti t + v t> that August, 1990 is managerial ability (2) is a plausible alternative formulation of the theory, not predicted to increase with tenure: suppose (as in is not a fixed parameter r\ but rather varies over time where the innovations v are independent and Normally distributed. t steady state, the market's uncertainty about the CEO's ability independent of the CEO's tenure. column Thus, hypothesis H2 would is In the time-invariant and so not be a prediction of this alternative model. Estimates Based on the Full Sample The completed-spells subsample of 1,292 CEOs their firm during the who actually leave 1970-1988 sample period represents only about half of the 1,900 (11,359 CEO-years) in the full sample observations with missing data). subsample include (6,737 CEO-years) CEOs still (after constructing first differences CEOs in the full sample but not in the serving at the end of the 1988 fiscal year and CEOs and eliminating completed-spells CEOs of firms that were deleted from the Forbes survey. 13 Data from these additional observations are useful for two reasons. First, although corresponds to one of his tell we cannot last three tell whether the CEO's years in office, for many CEO-year whether he has more than three years remaining as CEO. additional observations can be used to estimate more (3) of observations CEOs who do can 2. (2) for the full not leave their firms during the sample period. regression contains two additional explanatory variables: "Can't Tell If A we Second, data from these Table 2 reports results from the re-estimation of column sample of CEOs, including 13 observed year precisely the year effects and shareholder return*year interactions in columns (1) and (2) of Table Column final Few Years The Left," a of 623 firms were deleted from the Forbes surveys during the 1970-1988 sample period. Of "going concerns" as of 1989, 290 were acquired by or merged with another firm (127 of these were acquired or merged within two years of the Forbes delisting), and 56 liquidated, went bankrupt, or went these, total 277 are private. still Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 27 August, 1990 dummy variable that equals one if the CEO-year observation on a CEO who does not belong dummy variable with (2) to the completed-spells is in the last three years of the data subsample, and an interaction of Shareholder Return. The results are similar to those reported in this column and are consistent with the primary implication of the career-concerns theory: the pay- performance elasticity increases as the CEO approaches retirement. Years Remaining and Pay for Lagged Performance Hypotheses H3 H4 and predict that the relation between current CEO pay changes and the previous year's performance should decline with both years remaining as We re-estimated tenure. CEO and CEO the regressions in Table 2 after including lagged shareholder return and interactions of lagged return with Few Years Left, dummy variables. The magnitude Low Tenure, and the seventeen year and significance of the coefficients reported in Table 2 were not affected by including lagged performance, reflecting the low correlation between current and past stock returns. The coefficients on the new interaction terms Years Left) and (Lagged Return)*(Low Tenure) hypotheses H3 and H4 are not —were —(Lagged Return)* (Few insignificant in all regressions. Thus, supported by our data. Performance Pay and Expected Years Left as CEO In formalizing the theory of optimal contracts in the presence of career concerns, we^ assume that the CEO's final year is known with certainty, but executives retire earlier or later than they were expected to on optimal CEO explicit incentives than on the CEO's may therefore retire. depend more on actual years remaining (as it The seems likely that many effect of career concerns the expected years remaining as measured after retirement has been observed). As shown in Panel C of Figure 1 , many executives leave their position age 64 or 65. One estimate of the expected years remaining until the CEO reaches 65. We re-estimated is the regression in the when they reach number of years remaining column (1) of Table 2 after re- Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy defining the "Few Years CEO is The coefficient is (i.e., dummy variable that equals one if within three years of reaching age 65, or older than age 65). Thus, hypothesis HI is not supported when "years remaining until used as a proxy for expected years remaining. We also conducted a three-stage investigation in spells subsample board at the to estimate the CEO's beginning of each period, including age, firm and We sample, and set the for all was used the completed- CEO tenure, and prior CEO-year observations dummy variable (Few Expected Years Left) the estimated horizon first sales, then used these estimated parameters from compute estimated years remaining the first stage to less than three years. Finally, we in the full equal to one for an observation used this new dummy variable of regression 3.8) with and without year and tenure effects. to re-estimate versions coefficient which we years remaining using information available to the stock-price performance, and compensation. if Left," a on the interaction term (Return)*(Few Expected Years Left) was positive but statistically insignificant. age 65" "Few Expected Years Left" as age 62 or older August, 1990 28 The on the interaction term (Return)*(Few Expected Years Left) was positive but insignificant (using the uncorrected standard errors) in all regressions. not supported when expected years remaining is Thus hypothesis HI is substituted for actual years remaining in this way. The board of directors' assessment of a information not available to us, including the or explicit mandatory retirement policies. experiments reported above — years remaining is that — using CEO's One CEO's horizon is obviously based on health, potential replacements, and implicit interpretation of the insignificance from both either age-based or regression-based proxies for expected actual years remaining proxy for expected years remaining than is (i.e., "Few Years Left" in Table 2) is a better either the age-based or the regression-based proxy. Both the age- and regression-based proxies tend to classify older executives into the Few CEOs tend to be excluded from this group. But Expected Years Left group, while younger many older CEOs have long remaining careers (and therefore have small explicit incentives, according to our model); including these CEOs in our "Few Expected Years Left" category Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy biases downward 29 the coefficient August, 1990 on the (Retum)*(Few Expected Years Left) the market expects a lengthy subsequent career. "Few Expected Years when they Left" category Similarly, excluding interaction term if young CEOs from the are in fact near retirement (and therefore have large explicit incentives, according to our model) also biases the interaction coefficient downward. Other Sources of Heterogeneity As in the Pay -Performance Relation noted previously, regression (3.6) allows the pay-performance relation to vary with years remaining as CEO, but ignores other potential sources of pay-performance heterogeneity, such as the effects of firm we In this section, size. justify specification to control for size-related heterogeneity, and control for other potential (but Column (1) of (3.8) for the 1,292 also describe our attempts to unknown) forms of heterogeneity. Table 3 reports estimates of the non-logarithmic version of regression CEOs is subsample. The coefficient on the interaction in the completed-spells A(Shareholder Wealth)*(Few Years Left) performance relation we our use of the logarithmic is positive but insignificant, suggesting that the pay- independent of years remaining as includes two interaction terms, AV *Sales t and relation to vary quadratically with firm size as CEO. The regression AV *Sales 2 t , to measured by net in column (2) allow the pay-performance sales (in millions of 1988- constant dollars). Based on average values for the (AShareholder Wealth)* (Year) effects, the coefficients suggest that CEOs in median size firms (sales of $2.0 billion) receive average changes of .930 for every $1,000 change in shareholder wealth. (sales of $400 million) and 90 th percentile column Years Left) coefficient, although The (1) to (2) increases the it at the 10 th percentile (sales of $8.2 billion) receive average of .990 and .700, respectively, for every $1,000 change size interaction terms in CEOs in shareholder wealth. pay pay changes Including the magnitude and significance of the AV *(Few t remains insignificant. increase in the interaction A(Shareholder Wealth)*(Few Years Left) from column column (2) of Table 3 suggests that it is important to control for size-related Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 30 heterogeneity in the pay-performance relation compensation contracts. One on the observation that the August, 1990 when testing for career concerns in common way of controlling pay-performance CEO for size-related heterogeneity, based elasticity is relatively invariant to firm size, is to convert the regression variables to percentage changes or logarithmic changes; see, for example, Coughlan and Schmidt (1985) and Gibbons and Murphy (1990). Column column (1) (3) of Table performance of Table 3 simply repeats the elasticity specification (3.8) reported in Column 2. elasticity to (4) of Table 3 includes interaction variables to allow the pay- vary quadratically with size as measured by net sales. Although the size-interaction variables are individually insignificant, they are jointly significant (at the level), indicating that pay-performance elasticities are slightly 2% higher for larger firms. The estimated coefficient on the (Shareholder Return)*(Few Years Left) interaction in column (4), column (3). however, is extremely close These results suggest in magnitude and significance that the logarithmic specification to its counterpart in removes the from the estimated size bias career-concerns coefficient. Although the logarithmic specification controls for performance relation, other sources size-related heterogeneity in the pay- of potentially important heterogeneity remain. Some of the heterogeneity reflects secular trends, which can be controlled for by including year interaction variables, but other possible sources of heterogeneity include reflect firm or industry factors not yet incorporated into our theory or specification. by allowing the pay-performance elasticity to We attempted to control for these factors vary across firms: 1988 Aln(wi t ) (3.9) = a; + ai(Few Years Left)it + ^an (n th year dummy)i t n=1972 1988 [Pi + Pi(Few Years Left)i t I + ]T PnCn* year dummy); t ]*Aln(Vi t ), n=1972 where oq and P; are firm-specific intercepts and pay-performance elasticities, respectively. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy We subsample August. 1990 31 estimated (3.9) for the subsample of 625 that had at least four years of data. 14 The estimated Left)it is positive (Pi=.0297) but insignificant (t=1.4). in magnitude performance to the coefficient in elasticities to somewhat diminished performance column (1) of The point the completed-spells (Few Years coefficient on estimate, however, is similar Table 2 (Pi=.0436), which constrained the pay- Thus, our support of hypothesis be equal across firms. after controlling for firm-specific heterogeneity elasticity to HI is by allowing the pay- vary across firms. Conclusion 4. The driving CEOs from force behind our theoretical analysis is that an individual's actions are influenced by career concerns. We extend previous research by showing that career concerns can have important effects on incentives even in the presence of contracts. We also show that optimal compensation contracts neutralize career-concern incentives by optimizing the total incentives when — from the contract and from career concerns explicit contractual incentives are high implicit career-concern incentives are low, and vice versa. In developing our model, we have kept the analysis tractable by making strong assumptions. Weaker assumptions would — undoubtedly allow additional effects to emerge, but our primary qualitative results that career concerns affect incentives and that optimal contracts account for these implicit incentives seem likely to be robust Perhaps the most natural application of the idea that optimal incentive contracts optimize total incentives is to promotions. 15 It would be useful contracts in the presence of career concerns with a 14 We estimated (3.9) in two stages. to integrate our model of optimal dynamic model of learning and job we regressed the dependent and each of the independent by CEO. In the second stage, we regressed the residual from regression involving the dependent variable in (3.9) on the residuals from the first-stage In the first stage, variables in (3.9) on shareholder return, AlnCVjt), the first-stage regressions involving the independent variables in (3.9). After adjusting standard errors for the correct degrees of freedom, the results from the second-stage regression are equivalent to estimating (3.9) with CEO-specific intercepts and slopes (on shareholder return). 15 Rosen's (1986) model can be interpreted in terms of promotions but does not allow new jobs to have new technologies or for workers to be matched to jobs. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy assignment. The latter August. 1990 32 could involve symmetric learning, as in MacDonald (1982) and Murphy (1986), or asymmetric learning (where the current employer learns a worker's ability faster than a prospective employer does), as in model would endogenize career we transitions take as exogenous. We Waldman (1984) and Ricart i Costa (1988). Such a between jobs, which would improve upon the T-period expect the development of such models, together with the development of new data sources on internal organization, research on incentives and organizations. to be an important part of future Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 33 August, 1990 Appendix This Appendix discusses four issues: (1) the difference between the multiplicative exponential utility function (2.2) and the additive exponential assumption that short-term contracts are (4) the solution to the 1) The Utility utility function; (2) the linear; (3) renegotiation-proof long-term contracts; and T-period model. Function We now adopt the more conventional assumptions that the worker's exponential utility function is additively separable and that the worker has case, these assumptions (Al.l) U(wi, to credit. In the ai, a 2 ) ; = - exp (-r[wi role of career concerns, - g(ai)]) - 5 exp (-r[w 2 we continue to impose - g(a 2 )]) is particular, (2.13) then the same whether we use and (2.15) continue . assumptions (Al) and (A2): short-term contracts are linear and long-term contracts are not feasible. period problem two-period imply that w2 on the In order to focus no access The second- (2.2) or (Al.l) for the utility function; in Given the market's conjecture to hold. equilibrium play in the second period, however, the worker's first-period problem is ai and now to choose ai to maximize (A1.2) - E{exp = (-r[ci + - bi(r,+ai+ei) g(ai)]) } b^+a^b*)-^) - 5E{exp - exp (-r[mo + (l-bi)ai + biai - 6 exp (-r[mo + a2 (b 2 ) (-r[c 2 (b|) + - - g(ai) g(a2 (b 2 )) + - - g(a*(b*))]) } -rb^]) (l-b 2 )p(ai-ai)- \ r2>j2(l-p2) + p 2)]) , Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy where p = o^/ (o^ + first-order condition (A1.3) 34 The worker's optimal o£). = g'(ai) EXP2 = bi + 5 (1-b*) —JL- (-r[(l-bi)ai exp(-r[a2(b*) - Thus, the worker's equilibrium expected - exp (-r[mo + - where (A1.5) ai is given - g( ai ) ||p • - - biai g(aj(bj)) utility - Bi where , g(ai) -^rb]Z]]) + and (l-bj)p(ai-ai) given an arbitrary - 2 2 \ rZ?[b2 (l-p ) first- period + slope bi p2]]) . is -|rb£?j) - g(a*(b*)) by (A1.3). The optimal bi therefore - ^(baftl-p 2) + satisfies the first-order p2)]) , condition [l-g'CaiHa^rbiL bi = 1 It ai + 5 exp (-r[mo + aj(b|) Implicitly differentiating (A 1.6) first-period effort, aj (bi), therefore satisfies a analogous to (2.16): EXP1 = exp (A1.4) August, 1990 (A 1.3) and solving for 1 - + r a'i implies that (Bi -bi) *, z\ g"[ar(bi)] remains only to show that bi as given by (A 1.6) Intuitively, this inequality holds for the is less same reasons given than b2 as given by (2.13). in the text: noise reduction, career concerns, and human-capital insurance. Formally, suppose bi > b2- Since g'(ai) = Bi > bi > Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy b2 = and g" > g'(a2) 0, 35 > then follows that ai it August, 1990 &2- Since g"' £ 0, we have > g"(ai) g"(a2), so Zj g"(ai) > Zj g"(a2), but this implies bi< b2, a contradiction. 2) Linear Short-Term Contracts To keep our theoretical analysis simple, contracts are linear in output. in the n.) that short-term Holmstrom and Milgrom (1987) demonstrate like the single-period version of ability, we assumed (i.e., that a one-period) model much our model (but lacking the uncertainty about the agent's can be reinterpreted so as to ensure that the optimal contract Holmstrom-Milgrom model is to The key is linear. reinterpret output in the single-period step model as the aggregate of outputs over time in an underlying dynamic model, as follows: Suppose a worker on a day-to-day basis. either high or low, is to Each be employed for a year, but can control the production process day's production is an independent Bernoulli and increased effort trial (i.e., output is on a given day increases the probability of output being high that day). The worker observes output each day, and so can choose future effort levels in response to past output realizations. After rewriting the worker's accommodate this utility function in (2.2) to underlying dynamic model, Holmstrom and Milgrom show that the optimal compensation contract for the year is equivalent to repeating the static contract that is optimal for each one-day incentive problem. Therefore, the optimal contract for the year depends on only the aggregate output produced during the year and is linear in this aggregate. 16 limit (as the output that a Bernoulli trial represents shrinks instant, in a suitably from that of a day to that of an normalized fashion), the worker continuously controls the dimensional Brownian motion. Again, the optimal compensation contract output, and now In the aggregate output is Normally Holmstrom-Milgrom model, a In the is drift of a one- linear in aggregate distributed, just as is £[ in (2.1). contract that is linear in year-end aggregate output provides the agent with a constant incentive for effort on each day of the year (while a step- 1 to The optimal one-day be paid if output is low incentive contract specifies a (x~). If there are Hw + + (N-H)w" = H(w + -w") + Nw", which is H wage w+ to be paid if output is high (x + ), and a wage high-output days during an N-day year, then the year's indeed linear in the year's output, Hx + + (N-H)x". wage w is Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August. 1990 36 function contract of the kind analyzed by Mirrlees (1974) would provide very different We incentives). believe that there constant incentive for effort, even for insurance. assuming Given the a is when good deal to be said for providing the agent with a uncertainty about the agent's ability creates a Holmstrom-Milgrom linearity result, new need our assumption (Al) amounts to provided by reducing the slope of the linear contract that would that this insurance is be optimal in the absence of such uncertainty. 3) Renegotiation-proof Long-Term Contracts We now relax assume our assumption that long-term contracts are not feasible. Instead, that (linear) long-term contracts are feasible but To keep renegotiation-proof) at each date. Suppose period case. the must be Pareto-efficient that at the beginning of the first period, prospective that the contract the employers worker accepts binds both the firm and the worker, but parties will renegotiate the contract if period (i.e., it is We that the Pareto-inefficient at the beginning of the second after first-period output is observed). We continue to assume that one-period contracts must be linear: wj(yi) = ci W2(yi,y2) (i.e., argument simple, we consider only the two- simultaneously offer a worker fwo-period contracts of the form (wi(yi), W2(yi,y2)). assume we = + b2iyi + b22y2- Renegotiation-proofness then implies C2 that b22 + biyi and = b2 from (2.13) and hence that the worker's second-period effort choice is a2(b2) satisfying (2.6). Furthermore, given the first- function (2.2), utility and second-period wages on we can set b2i = 0: any desired dependence of first-period output can be replicated through the appropriate choice of bi. Thus, the worker's optimal first-period effort choice order condition g'(ai) = The bi. first-period competition therefore amounts to choosing ci, bi, and C2 to (A3.1) -E{exp (-r[ci rS[c 2 among given by the - g(a0] + b2(r,+a2(b2)+e 2 ) - g(a*(b2))]) first- prospective employers maximize the worker's expected +bi(Ti+at(bi)+ £l ) - ai (bi) is } utility, Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 37 August, 1990 subject to a zero-expected-profit constraint for the firm, (A3.2) ci Arguments + 5c 2 = (l-bi)[mo + parallel to those in the text then (A3.3) bi 1 +rE 2 1 which is show r 1 = + 5(l-b*)[mo+ a?(bi)] g"[a 1 (b 1 )] precisely the optimized value of that the optimal first-period slope satisfies 2 b* a g"[af (bi)] 5 +rL 2 1 a*(b*)] g"[a 1 (b 1 )] I Bj given —the optimal in the text career-concerns model. Thus, the sequence of one-period contracts the text provide exactly the same would incentives as total incentive in the we identify as optimal in the optimal renegotiation-proof long-term contract derived here. 4) The T-Period Model We first derive the first-order conditions (2.24) and the optimal total incentives and contract slopes (2.26) and (2.27). We then prove that for any t < T, bf < bp. Substituting (2.21), (2.22), and (2.23) into the worker's utility function (2.2) yields the worker's utility intercepts given choices (ai, (A4.1) ..., U by a^), from a sequence of contracts with slopes - ..., bj) and associated (2.21), given the market's conjectures (ai, ...,ar), the worker's effort and the output realizations = -exp(-r{Xli5 = (bi, exp ( -r{ Xli 5 t- 1 1- 1 [c t (yi, ..., yx): + b y -g(a )]}) l t t " [(1-bOfit + % +ff °2 q +b tyt " g(*) Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy August, 1990 38 0-btK ;?^2S.'.<*-w]}) = - exp ( -r{ Xl 1' 1 t 5 (l-b t )crf + yr S exp ( 5 -r { Xli 1" 1 [fit + (1 - b y-t = l+1 ^P ( -r(£Ii m + [d-bOSt + ^"+ (t-l)4 btyi g(a ° " ^« (yt -a t))]}) <£+(T-l)a. ^"^" ° " g(aO + B t (y t - fi - g(aO + B t (a t - a,)] } ) t )] ff M [St + ^w^°2 } exp(-r{£T iSM Bt (Ti+EO }) where B t is To , defined in (2.24). apply (2.12) to the distributed with mean M = (EIi V ) = Maximizing 8t " (XLs t last term in (A4.1), note that ^J=1 5 worker's expected "1 B t (T| + e t) is Normally M and variance V, where lB t) mo -1 md B )2a ^ + XI t 5l 1 ( lB t) 2 ^ the worker's expected utility with respect to (ai, conditions (2.24). 1 ..., After imposing the equilibrium condition utility aj) then yields the first-order (ai, ...,ar) from a sequence of contracts with slopes (bi, ..., = (ai , —, aj), the by) becomes Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy EU - (A4.2) — August, 1990 XL, *-'[? + ££^j§ p ( -r{ ( 1 r2 { «P which simplifies 39 (££, 5-1 B,)2 of + and then yields the optimal to (2.25) Jftft ££, + B,mo] ) B,)2 of } ) (a'"' total incentives , given in (2.26) and the optimal contract slopes given in (2.27). We now show that b t < br for any t < The proof involves T. the following Lemma. T Lemma. For each € t {1, T-l}, .... £6W B*^0. T=t+1 By Proof. induction. For = T-l, (2.26) implies (l-Bf)-rg"(at)^Bf = (A4.3) where t (for any t) L^ = cf^ Bt > because , + a2 and a2= a 2 a2 I , (ta 2 + a 2) is the conditional variance of T the previous t output observations. For t < T-l, suppose £ S1 ^ " 1" 1 BT > We must 0. T) show T=t+2 (A4.4) X 5™ B* =5B t *i first-order condition for 1 (A4.5) B,!i 1 > , or B t *i > - - r B l+ i, which o2 g»(a,!o £ 5™- 1 B* . T=t+2 T=t+2 T=t+1 But the I S™" B* +5 is adapted from (2.26), l 5^-t-l is B*T —^% = 1 + r which implies the second inequality We first show that Bf < Bj. 2 Z H g"(a l+ i) , in (A4.4). Q.E.D. Restate the first-order condition for B t , given (A4.5), as Robert Gibbons and (A4.6) Kiivin - (1 J. B?) Murphy 40 rg"(a t ) [B?Z? + - August, 1990 I 8™ B* <5& ] = T=t + 1 Since the objective function (analogous to (2.26) but restated for period sid of (A4.6) lefthand side and only negative (positive) is when evaluated at B > t (<) t) is B t concave Thus, . B in B < t t, the B-f if if (A4.7) (1 - Bft - [B^ rg"(a T ) £ 8™ B* + a? ] < , i=t+i where g"(a (A4.6) becomes g"(ax) in (A4.7) because g'(a l (B l )) = in t) Substituting (A4.3) into (A4.7) and applying A sic To show that b t < br, it now suffices to show the Lemma shows t that (2.24). B* < Bj. that 2 T (T I (A4.8) Zp < 1% and B from > S^Cl-b*) + Cc-l)a£ o£ x=t+i in (2.24); that is rr 5(i_b* 1 )- r (A4.9) + tCT for all °e which follows negative, bj < 1. if B* < For t < implies that b t+i 1 b^ < for all 1 t. 2 T JL_ + 8 o Given S rp- 5^-t-l T= t+ 2 t. 1, oi - > , + (x-l)a 2 Since the lefthand side of (A4.6) evaluated this, (A4.9) follows by induction: For T-l, suppose the second term in (A4.9) < ° (1-b*) which completes the proof. is positive. Then t at Bt = = T-l we have the fact that B t +i 1 is that < 1 Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 41 August, 1990 References Aron, D. (1987), "Worker Reputation and Productivity Incentives," Journal of Labor Economics, 5: S87-S106. Baron, D., and D. Besanko (1987), "Commitment and Fairness Relationship," Review of Economic Studies, 54: 413-436. in a Dynamic Regulatory Coughlan, A. and R. 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(1984), "Job Assignment, Signaling, and Efficiency," 15: 255-287. Economics, Rand Journal of Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murpiiy 43 August, 1990 Figure Frequency Distributions for for 1 CEO Tenure, Firm Tenure, Age, and Years Remaining in Office CEOs Leaving Office During the 1970-1988 Sample Period 8 A Panel Panel B 70 _ Mean: 28.1 Median: 30.9 50 S LiA 30 gL 20 10 _ 10 5 Years as Note: 25 i 30 Leaving Office 23 CEOs who left after more than 34 10 5 Years CEO When Histogram docs not include years as 20 15 Note: CEO. lA. 20 15 in 30 25 40 35 45 50 Firm When Leaving Office Histogram does not include 18 CEOs who left after more than 50 years in their firm. C Panel Panel D oo c^ 300- Mean.- 615 Median: 45 50 Age Note: 63.4 of 55 60 CEO When Histogram does not include 8 65 70 Leaving Office CEOs who left after age 80. es ^t c*i ti H H 75 -^ © H ^ c*> Years Left Note: so w> *f m ts — ' H in Office Histogram does not include 107 CEO-years for CEOs with more than 14 years remaining. (Histogram is based only on CEOs who actually leave office during the sample period; these CEOs have at most 18 years remaining). based on 1,631 CEOs, representing 916 firms and 8,786 CEO-Years, leaving their The empirical results in the paper are based on the subsample that remains after constructing first-differences and eliminating observations with missing performance data. This subsample includes 1,292 CEOs serving in 785 firms, or a total of 6,737 CEO-years. Histograms and statistics are firms during the 1970-1988 sample period. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murpiiy 44 Tabic Tenure, Compensation, and Corporate Summary August, 1990 1 Statistics for "Complctcd-Spcll Sample" of CEOs Leaving Office During the 1970-1988 Sample Period, Grouped by Years Remaining as All CEOs leaving Variable Number of CEO-Years CEOs CEOs in their Sample Period Last Three Years in Office (1) (2) office during not in their Last Years CEO a in Test Statistic Three Office for Differcnceb (3) (4) 6,737 3,117 3,620 59.1 61.2 57.3 /=29.4* Firm 26.8 28.4 25.4 r=10.8* Mean Tenure as CEO 8.9 9.6 8.2 1=8.6* 3.8 1.0 6.2 1=93.7* $562,500 $592,800 $536,400 1=8.0* $616,300 $649,000 $588,200 1=6.8* $25,500 $123,300 $28,400 $140,400 $22,900 $106,500 F=1.7* 6.6% 23.3% 7.0% 26.7% 6.2% 20.0% F=1.8* $4,239 $4,417 $4,087 $2,352 $2,510 $2,215 1=2.1* $53 $1,892 $19 $2,077 $83 $1,717 F=l.5* 1.8% 31.5% 1.8% 31.2% 1.8% t=0.l* 31.8% F=1.0* 1979.5 1979.1 1976.5 1=24.4 Panel A. CEO Characteristics Mean Age Mean Tenure in Mean Years remaining until end of final fiscal as CEO year Panel B. Compensation Statistics Mean Salary + Mean Total Compensation d A(Salary Bonus + Bonus) Mean: Std Dev: A%(Salary + Bonus) Mean: Std Dev: 1=1.8 1=1.3 Panel C. Firm Characteristics Mean ($millions) Total Sales Mean Market Value of Stock A(Shareholder Wealth) Mean: Std Dev: Shareholder Return e Mean: Std Dev: Mean * Fiscal Year The sample is constructed from longitudinal data reported in Forbes on 1,292 their firms during the b 1970-1988 sample period. * indicates that the difference equality of subsample variances Monetary variables CEOs 1=-1.5 1=1.4 serving in 785 firms who leave are in 1988-constant dollars. between columns (2) and (3) is significant with 3,116 and 3,619 degrees of freedom. at the 5% level. F-statistics test the c (Tenure as CEO) and (Years Remaining as CEO) are evaluated in the middle of the fiscal year. Thus, a CEO retiring at fiscal year-end would have .5 years remaining. This measure understates actual years remaining since it ignores time served after the end of the CEO's final full fiscal year. d Total Compensation includes salary, bonus, value of restricted stock, savings and thrift plans, and other benefits but does not include the value of stock options granted or the gains from exercising stock options. e Cumulative rate of return on common stock, defined as log(l + annual return). Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 45 August, 1990 Figure 2 Estimated Pay-Performance Elasticities, by Years Remaining as CEO 0.25 0.20 5 w cs £ 0.15- au ft- 0.10- I cs ft- a 0» *! 0.05 53 E V) 0.00 Years Left in Office The figure depicts estimated coefficients from equation (3.7) in the text, given below, and is drawn assuming a year effect of .06, which is the average of the 17 estimated year coefficients. The group T-15 includes a small number of CEOs with more than 15 years remaining. 1988 Aln(w it ) = a+ > a n (n tn year dummy)j t n=1972 1988 18 [p\)+^P T (CEO has T years left)i t + Y Pn( nth y ear dummy )j t ]*Aln(V it ) n=1972 v=o Each of the estimated elasticities for CEOs in their final year, second-to-last year, or third-to-last year (.179, .199, and .184, respectively) is significantly higher than the estimated elasticity for CEOs in their fifth to last year (.120) or sixth-to-last year (.115); no other pairs of coefficients in the figure (including pairs involving the highest estimated elasticity, for to-last year) are significantly different at the 5% level. CEOs in their eleventh- Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 46 August. 1990 TABLE 2 Coefficients of Ordinary Least Squares Regressions of Aln(CEO Salary + Bonus) on Shareholder Return, including interactions to allow the Pay-Performance Relation to vary with Year, Years as CEO, and Years Remaining (t-statistics in as CEO a parentheses) Dependent Variable: Aln(CEO Salary + Bonus) Independent Variable Predicted Subsample of CEOs who Sign Retire Between 1975-1988 Full Sample (1) (2) (3) Few Years Leftb (Dummy Variable) -.0090 -.0056 -.0085 (-2.0) (-1.2) (-2.0) Low Tenurec (Dummy Variable) — .0396 .0434 (8.4) (11.2) — -.0095 Can't tell if (Dummy — Few Years Leftd Variable) (Few Years (-1.4) .0436 .0429 .0383 (3.0) (3.0) (2.9) — .0032 .0199 (0.2) (1.6) — — .0335 r2 .0833 .0929 .0927 Sample Size 6,730 6,730 11,359 Left) (+) *(Shareholder Return) (Low Tenure) (-) *(Sharcholdcr Return) (Can't tell if Few Years Left) "(Shareholder Return) The sample is (1.8) constructed from longitudinal data reported in Forbes on 2,236 CEOs serving in 1,204 firms The subsample in column (1) includes 1,292 CEOs serving in 785 firms leaving their from 1970-1988. firms during the sample period. Compensation is measured in thousands of 1988-constant dollars. All regressions also include intercepts, year dummies, Shareholder Return and Shareholder Return interacted with the year dummies, allowing the pay-performance elasticity to vary by year. a dummy variable that equals one if the CEO is in his last three years as CEO. dummy variable that equals one if the CEO is in his first four years as CEO. (Can't tell if Few Years Left) is a dummy variable that equals one if the CEO-year observation three years of the data on a CEO who does not belong to the completed-spells subsample. 'Few Years Left) (Low Tenure) is is a is in the last Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 47 August. 1990 TABLE 3 A(CEO Salary + Bonus) on A(Sharcholder Wealth) and Aln(CEO Salary + Bonus) on Shareholder Return, including interactions to allow the Pay-Performance Relation to vary with Years Remaining as CEO and with Firm Size as measured by Sales Coefficients of Ordinary Least Squares Regressions of (t-statistics in parentheses) Dependent Variable: Dependent Variable: A(CEO Independent Variable Salary • + Bonus) + Bonus) (3) (4) -3.06 -2.63 -.0090 -.0091 (-1.0) (-0.9) (-2.0) (-2.0) 7 — — 12 — — — — — (AShareholder Wealth)*(Sales) Salary (2) (1) Few Years Leftb (Dummy Variable) Aln(CEO -4.1X10" (-4.2) — (AShareholdcr Wcalth)*(Salcs) 2 3.1xl0 (3.7) (AShareholder Wealth)*(Few Years Left) .0008 .0025 (0.4) (1.2) 2.7x1 O 6 (Shareholder Retum)*(Sales) (1.5) (Shareholder Retum)*(Sales) 2 -3.2xl0 12 (-0.1) (Shareholder Return)*(Few Years Left) .0436 .0432 (3.0) (3.0) R2 .0426 .0452 .0833 .0845 Sample Size 6,727 6,727 6,730 6,730 CEOs serving in 785 firms Compensation is measured in thousands of 1988-constant dollars; A(Shareholder Wealth) and Sales are measured in millions of 1988-constant dollars. All regressions include intercepts and year dummies. Columns (1) and (2) include AShareholder Wealth and AShareholder Wealth interacted with the year dummies, allowing the pay-performance sensitivity to vary by year; columns (3) and (4) include Shareholder Return and Shareholder Return interacted with the year dummies, allowing the pay-performance elasticity to vary by year. The sample who is constructed from longitudinal data reported in Forbes on 1,292 leave their firms during the 1970-1988 sample period. ^Few Years Left) is a dummy variable that equals one if the CEO is in his last three years as CEO. Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy 48 August, 1990 Appendix Figure Al Time Trends in the Estimated Relation Between Pay and Performance, 1971-1988 >> $0.12. •5 A $0.10, e I Pay-Performance Estimated change in \^ $0.08 - to Sensitivity: CEO Salary + Bonus each $1,000 Change in corresponding Shareholder Wealth. I u C ca E $0.06' f Pay-Performance I 1 Sensitivity: 8-Year Linear Trend $0.04re cu, $0.02 $0.00. W $-0.02. — — t i — — t -\ — — i t Figure A Estimated pay-performance scnsiliviiies, by year. Figure is based on annual regressions + Bonus-Sihousands) on A(Sharcholder Wealth-Smillions) using Forbes data on 2,236 CEOs serving in 1,204 firms. Each year's regression is based on approximately 650 observations. of A(Salary 0.45- f "I 0.40-1 I Pay-Performance Elasticity: % change in CEO Salary + Bonus corresponding to each % Change in Shareholder Wealth. Estimated V^ 1 0.35- c re Pay-Performance Elasticity: 1 8-Year Linear Trend 0.30- E -r 0.2501 0.20cs Figure A2 Estimated pay-performance elasticities, by year. Figure is based on annual regressions + Bonus-Slhousands) on Aln(Shareholder Wealth-Smillions) using Forbes data on 2,236 CEOs serving in 1,204 firms. Each year's regression is based on of Aln(Salary approximately 650 observations. 38, 3 055 Date Due 08 ftyj U Ml «<3* Lib-26-67 Hit 3 c, oa o 0070156b 7 H mi HnHHI IMlSP pa dill £8Bgm KHBSKaP KmHn sHSraHBRB Ji HraHnHHI m if£SMl nm HHHBHi IS : -.;,•. :.'';;.:. Bill 111 SrasssSSlfflp