iKiiiirMmimim-mimiwi tp I libraries) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/nonlinearaggregaOOcaba :Mm H6 St working paper department of economics Nonlinear Aggregate Investment Dynamics: Theory and Evidence Ricardo J. Caballero Eduardo M.R.A. Engel January, 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Nonlinear Aggregate Investment Dynamics: Theory and Evidence Ricardo J. Caballero Eduardo M.R.A. Engel No. 98-1 January, 1998 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02139 :*^e ''--^yfyn'* 'Ill MAigAWiUal-TTS iMSTITUTE JAN t 8 ^SS9 y^KARtES Nonlinear Aggregate Investment Dynamics: Theory and Evidence By Ricardo J. Caballero and Eduardo M.R.A. Engel^ This version: January, 1998 In this paper we derive a model of aggregate investment that builds from the lumpy microeco- nomic behavior of firms facing stochastic fixed adjustment costs. Instead of the standard sharp (5, s) bands, firms' adjustment policies take the form of a probability of adjustment (adjustment hazard) that responds smoothly to changes in firms' capacity gap. The model properties, and yields nonlinear aggregate time series processes. occasionally, more than offset The has appealing aggregation passivity of normal times is, by the brisk response to large accumulated shocks. Using within and out-of-sample criteria, we find that the model performs substantially better than the standard linear models of investment for postwar sectoral U.S. manufacturing equipment and structures investment data. 'MIT and NBER; Universidad de Chile and NBER. We are grateful to Olivier Blanchard, Guy baroque, Whitney Newey, James Stock, three anonymous referees and seminar participants at Brown, CEPRChampoussin, Chicago, Columbia, Econometric Society Meetings (Caracas and Tokyo), EFCC, Harvard, IMPA, LSE, NBER, Princeton, Rochester, SITE, Toronto, U. Catolica (Santiago), U. de Chile and Yale for their comments. Ricardo Caballero thanks the National Science and Sloan foundations, and Eduardo Engel FONDECYT (Grants 92-901 and 195-520) and the Mellon Foundation (Grant 9608) for financial support. This paper is a substantially revised version of "Expl8uning Investment Dynamics in U.S. Manufacturing: A Generalized (S,s) Approach" (1994). Introduction 1 repairs aside, investment projects at the plant level are intermittent Minor upgrades and and lumpy rather than smooth. This They starkly is documented in Doms and Dunne (1993). use the Longitudinal Research Datafile to study the investment behavior of 12,000 continuing (and large) U.S. manufacturing establishments for the seventeen year period from 1972-1988, and find that: growth (i) more then half of the establishments exhibit and close to 50 percent in a single year, (ii) capital over 25 percent, and perhaps as much as 40 percent, of an average plant's gross investment over the seventeen year period concentrated in a single year/project.^ Since this basic feature of microeconomic data vestment equations, it is is seldom considered perhaps should come at no surprise that success testing investment equations is so rare.'' At a broad level, our goal in empirical in in- estimating and in this paper is to develop and test a framework to study the dynamic behavior of aggregate investment, subject to the constraint that it builds up from microeconomic units generating the lumpy and intermittent pattern observed in microeconomic data. Achieving such a goal requires three methodological ingredients: model of lumpy adjustment; testing method which is (ii) an aggregation procedure; and not only consistent with (i) and (ii), (i) (iii) A microeconomic an estimation and but also able to highlight the impact of the proposed microeconomic model on aggregate dynamics. As in the standard {S,s) literature, our microeconomic model generates lumpy behavior through the presence of a fixed cost of adjusting the firm's capita! stock. literature, the fixed cost across firms). is random The optimal so the '"inaction range" policy still w (i.e., in no longer fixed over time (and takes a simple form under standard assumptions about the stochastic process of exogenous variables: a firm's actual and frictionless is Unlike this let z denote the log-difference between the absence of adjustment cost) stock of capital, and be a random variable indexing the adjustment cost faced by the firm at some point in time, with distribution G{u). that represents the not to adjust. ma.ximum For any smaller The solution to the firm's problem yields a function ^[z) realization of u>, u for which a firm with imbalance z chooses firms adjust fully. Removing conditioning on lj, on the other hand, yields an adjustment hazard function A{z) which describes the probability Since plants entry is excluded from their sample, these statistics are likely to represent the degree of lumpiness in plants' investment patterns. See Cliirinko (1994) for a survey of the empirical investment literature. thsit lower bounds on . a firm with imbalance z adjusts. Since type rule is more amenable more importantly, has the when smoothly with 2, this probabilistic (5, s)- to aggregation than the standard fixed-bands (5,5) virtue of nesting a wide variety of models. G(y)) degenerates into a spike distribution with plenty of varies it mass At the extremes, we recover the (5,5) model, while when at very low values of w and model and, it becomes a the remaining mass at very high adjustment costs, we approximately recover a model with linear aggregate dynamics (the standard partial adjustment model). Firms' actions are not perfectly synchronized. ment costs differ across firms. On On one hand, any point at in time adjust- the other, differences in initial conditions, idiosyncratic shocks, and previous actions, yield a non-degenerate cross sectional density of capital imbalances, f{z,i), at of a large now all number times. Aggregation proceeds in two steps, both under the assumption of firms: First, within each -, the microeconomic adjustment hazard represents the fraction of units with that imbalance that choose to adjust at any given moment across in time. ~, Second, to obtain aggregate investment we integrate these adjustments using as measure the current cross sectional density. dynamic path of aggregate investment assumptions, In order to describe the wc characterize the path o{ f{z,t) which, under our Markovian with a transition operator that depends on the realization of is aggregate shocks. We make (fairly flexible) distributional assumptions about aggregate shocks and esti- mate the model by Maximum Likelihood using (aggregate) two-digit U.S. manufacturing investment/capital ratios for the period 1918-1992. generalized {S,s) model, both tive in We find clear evidence in favor of our terms of within sample criteria and out-of-sample predic- power. Our structural interpretation of these nonlinearities indicates that the fraction of firms' capital subject to fixed costs important for both, these features are When compared postulate One models is is large, and that these costs are also more pronounced for structures large. Although than equipment. with standard linear models, the forecasting accuracy of the model we substantially improved. of the differs over the cycle main mechanisms by which aggregate dynamics generated by (5,5) type from their linear counterpart, — is that the number of active firms changes a point emphasized by Bar-Ilan and Blinder (1992). Doms and Dunne's (1993) confirm the importance of this mechanism by showing that the number of plants going through their primary investment spikes, rather than the average size of these spikes, tracks closely aggregate manufacturing investment over time. Consistently, and depending on the specific sequence of events preceding current events, the nonlinear model we estimate has the potential to generate brisker expansions than this feature which largely explains Beyond the empirical two its linear counterparts has. also It is enhanced forecasting properties. findings on investment and specific methodological contributions to the costs its its new integrative nature, this paper has literature on non-convex adjustment and lumpy actions. On the microeconomic side, there have been several developments on models of and intermittent adjustment (the {S,s) literature).^ lumpy As we discussed above, here we extend these models so the adjustment trigger barriers vary randomly across firms and for a firm over time. This modification is a first step toward introducing the realistic and empirically important feature that units do not always wait for the and that adjustments are not always of the same same stock disequilibrium and size across firms for the to adjust, same firm over time, while preserving a fairly parsimonious aggregation setup. More recently, there have also been developments of empirical models of aggregate dynamics with heterogeneous microeconomic units adjusting intermittently.^ Econometric implementation of these models, however, has required observing (or estimating separately in an often debatable driving force. first stage) a measure of the exogenous Our nonlinear time series component of the aggregate procedure does not require the first stage; it only requires information on the aggregate investment series itself and on the generating process of the driving force (but not its realization). Somewhat analogously with procedure of estimating convex adjustment costs parameters from the order serial correlation of investment, we learn about more complex the standard first (or higher) lumpy adjustment cost functions from the structure of aggregate investment lags and their changes over time. The next section presents the basic model. It is followed by section 3, which describes the econometric method and presents our main empirical results. Conclusions and extensions are discussed in section 4. Several technical appendices follow. See Harrison, Sellke and Taylor (1983) for a technical discussion of impulse control problems. For a good although with an emphasis on models where investment is infrequent survey of the economics literature but not lumpy — see — A model more closely related to a special case of ours is consumer durable purchases. ^Blinder (1981), Bar-llan and Blinder (1992) and Lam (1992) look at data on inventories (the first one) and consumer durables (the other two) under the organizing principles of (5,5) models. Bertola and Caballero (1990) and Caballero (1993) provide a structural empirical framework and estimate {S,s) models for consumer durable goods. Bertola and Caballero (1994) implement empirically an irreversible investment model where microeconomic investment is intermittent but not lumpy. Caballero and Engel (1992a, 1993a, 1993b) estimate aggregate models of employment and price adjustments when microeconomic units follow more general (probabilistic) microeconomic adjustment rules but, contrary to the current paper, they do not derive these rules from a microeconomic optimization problem. Dixit and Pindyck (1994). Grossman and Laroque's (1990) model of The Basic Model 2 Overview 2.1 We model a sector composed of a large but Each firm faces an firms. isoelastic demand fixed number of monopolistically competitive for its differentiated product, which with a Cobb-Douglas constant returns technology in labor and capital. Both is produced demand and technology are affected by multiplicative shocks described by a joint geometric random walk. These shocks have firm We work The and sectoral (aggregate) components which we specify specific in discrete time. We sector faces infinitely elastic supplies of labor and capital. the latter as numeraire and random walk let is choose the price of the wage (relative to the price of capital) follow a geometric process, possibly correlated with adjust their labor input at will but suffer a loss our aim later. to capture firms' infrequent demand and technology when shocks. Firms can resizing their stock of capital. Since and lumpy investment, we assume this loss takes the form of a fixed cost; which can be interpreted either as an index of the degree of specificity of firms' capital, or as a secondary market imperfection or as a reorganization cost associated with putting some of the time series if machines or structures are replaced, new capital to work. In order to capture and cross sectional heterogeneity in these fixed costs, we let the extent of the loss due to adjustment vary randomly over time as firms may, for example, find better or worse matches or uses for their old machines, or may face reorganizations of different degrees of difficulty. As in standard {S,s) models, tlie resulting microeconomic policy interspersed with periods of large in\'cstnicnt or disinvestment. models, at each point fixed in in one of inaction standard search time the firm decides whether to "accept" the currently offered adjustment cost or to postpone adjustment and draw a new adjustment cost next period. The than in time for the interaction between these two standard {S,s) models, the same firm. disequilibria in its size of mechanisms implies that, more realistically adjustments varies both across firms and over During a given time period, firms with identical shortages or excesses of capital act differently. Over time, the same firm reacts differently to similar stock of capital. Intuitively, the largest its As is adjustment cost a firm is prepared to tolerate without adjusting capital stock decreases with the extent of its capital stock imbalance. If the distribution of adjustment costs is non-degenerate, this implies that the probability that a firm adjusts for a given disequilibrium — a concept we describe as the firm's adjustment hazard — ^ increases smoothly and monotonically with the firm's disequilibrium in Since we assume the number of firms is large its stock of capital.^ and adjustment costs are independent across firms, the adjustment /iazarc? described above characterizes actual sectoral investment at each point in time. Given firms' capital imbalances at the beginning of a period, the fraction of units resizing their stock of capital Sectoral investment is the sum determined by the adjustment hazard. is of the products of the adjustment hazard and the size of the investment undertaken by those firms that decide to adjust. Equivalently, it is the sum of the expected investment by firms, conditional on their capital stock imbalances before adjusting their capital stock. Sectoral investment depends critically on the number of firms at each position in the space of capital imbalances, thereby motivating our focus on the cross sectional density of The dynamics disequilibria. The path density. of sectoral investment are determined by the evolution of this of this density is driven by the interaction of sectoral, firm specific, and adjustment cost shocks with the history of shocks and actions contained in previous cross sectional densities of disequilibria. The firm 2.2 Net Profits 2.2.1 When the firm is not investing, its flow of net profits is: n{K.9) = K''^e-{r + 6)K, (1) where A' is the firm's stock of capital; 6^ is a geometric random walk shock to the profit function which combines demand, productivity and wage shocks; r and S are the discount and depreciation rates; and /3 is a parameter which is less tion of decreasing marginal profitability of capital, either than one, capturing our assump- due to decreasing returns in the technology or the presence of some degree of monopoly power. For mathematical convenience, we have written the profit function net of flow payment on capital, {r + 8)K. Since there are neither borrowing constraints nor bankruptcy options. two limiting cases: the standard (S, s) model, where the probabLIity one at the trigger points, and the standard linear partial adjustment models, where this probability is independent of the size of the firm's disequilibrium. For concreteness, let the production function be Cobb-Douglas and homogeneous of degree one with respect to capital and labor, with capital share o < 1. Let the demand faced by the firm be isoelastic, with price elasticity minus ?;, 1 < rj < oo. It follows from these assumptions that ^ = ^(t? — 1)/(1 + »(') — 1)) < 1. ^This should be contrasted with of a firm adjusting jumps from zero its to . the solution to the firm's problem payment do unchanged by replacing flow payments this for a lump sum time of purchase. at the useful to replace 6 in the profit function by a variable with It is We is more economic content. frictionless stock of capital of the firm, by defining the K* , as the solution of the maximization of (1) with respect to capital, so that: = iK' where ,f = (r + \-P) 6)1 (i. Substituting this expression into (1), and defining the disequilibrium variable 2 = ln(A7A'*), allows us to rewrite the profit function as: Figure ital, 1 illustrates, and equation 7r(r)A" = - ^ (e^"' (3e') IC (2) implicitly defines, profits per unit of frictionless cap- ~{z).^ 2.2.2 When in = n(z, IC) (2) Adjustment Costs in\'esting, a firm not only adjustment costs. Since commits we wish to pay for the capital acquired, but also incurs and lumpy nature of firms' to capture the intermittent investments, we require these costs to exhibit some form of increasing returns. are many ways to do so. assume the firm One sells its old possibility is to follow Grossman and Laroque (1990), and stock of capital at a discount when kx\ alternative, with similar implications for our purposes, down operations is the one for a fixed period of we pursue, There is replacing to it by a new one. assume firms must shut time when replacing capital. In the latter case, which the firm incurs in an adjustment cost proportional to foregone profits due to reorganization:^ Adjustment Cost = u;{n(7v',6') + (r + 6)K] = uK^O, /? = 0.4, r = 0.06 and i = 0.1. Cooper and Haltiwanger (1993) for a model where the main cost of reorganization ^Parameters: See e.g. tunity cost. is its oppor- d ID d d CM d CD £_ q d I CD d I d I CD d I CD d I ses'o S6f0 N , where u represents the fraction of profits foregone due to the capital stock adjustment. A derivation similar to the one that led to (2) allows us to rewrite the adjustment cost in terms of z and A'*: Adjustment Cost = u^e^^ K* where z~ denotes the capital imbalance immediately before adjustment. Rather than treating realization is — as standard (5,5) type models in — we let it be a observed at the beginning of each period. With this slight generalization of the standard fixed cost framework wc capture — in an admittedly stylized form — two heterogeneity in adjustment costs at any point in time, and time variation realistic features: in as fixed variable with a distribution function, G{u), independent across firms and over time, random whose u> these costs for any given firm.^° More importantly, it will that this extension gives us an important degree of flexibility be apparent in section 3 when estimating aggregate investment equations. Microeconomic Adjustment 2.2.3 Given the increasing returns nature of the adjustment cost technology, the optimal policy is obviously not one of continuous and small investments but rather one of periods of inaction followed by occasional lumpy investment. Therefore, the firm's problem can be characterized in terms of two regimes: action and inaction. Finding a solution to the firm's problem is equivalent to characterizing the partition of (w,z)-space into these two regions and specifying firms' actions when located we present the in the region where they act. basic steps involved in finding this solution. In technical aspects and intermediate steps of the solution in Inheriting the stochastic properties of 6, K' appendix more In what follows A we discuss the detail. follows a geometric random walk (with drift): A7 = where is /X( is i.i.d. and, throughout most of the paper, Normal. This implies that no adjustment, with the i.i.d. A7_,e''-, Zt follows a random walk (with drift when there and Normal innovations). Together nature of w, this assumption ensures that the firm's decision on whether to A more realistic formulation would let adjustment costs exhibit some persistence at the individual level. would also allow for a distribution of adjustment costs that depends on aggregate conditions. We do not incorporate these features into our model because they complicate substantially both the microeconomic and aggregation problems. It adjust its capital stock in period t, and {zt,K' ,ijjt), which we refer to as the adjustment-disequilibrium parameters if so by 2, frictionless fully is The 'state of the firm'. determined by the vector value of a firm with before- stock of capital A'*, and (current) adjustment cost — which we denote by V'{z,K',uj) — does not adjust, V{z,K'), and the value if it how much, if it is the ma^mum of the value of the firm does adjust, V{c,K') - w^e^'A'*; where the optimally determined return point (see below). In short: c is = m^x{V[zt,K;) V'{zt,K:,u;t) (3) The , K(c, A7) - ut^e^"K;}. evolution of the value of a firm that does not adjust in the current period described is by: V(z<,A7) = -(r,)A7 + (4) + (l r)-iEt[l^'(-, + ,,/^r+:,w< + ,)]. Since the profit and adjustment costs functions are homogeneous of degree one with respect to A'", given z, so are the value functions V{z,h'') and V'{z, K' reduce the number of state variables by restating the problem = V{z,K')/K' and of frictionless capital. Let v{z) v'{z,u)) in = ,u:). This allows us to terms of the value per unit V'{z, K',oj)/ K' . Dividing both sides of equations (3) and (4) by A'' and noting that 1 -(5)e-^-''+\ A7 vields (5) v'{zt,u}t) = mcix{v{zt), v{c) (6) v{zt) = -(-<)+v''E, with c = (1 — (5)/(l + r). now.^' This figure shows Figure 2 depicts how — v{z), v{c) -ut^e""}, [t''(r,+,,u;< + ,)e"^'"'"' an example the basic setup developed up to in u>(^e^' , and v'{z,uj) determine the trigger points, given a particular realization of the adjustment cost. a firm that does not adjust in the current period. ''Parameters: and the 0.1; /? = 0.4, r = 0.06, 6 = 0.1; the distribution of adjustment costs the is — solid line illustrates the value of The dashed a firm that decides to adjust, given a realization of describes v'{z,u}), and the inaction range The uj. line represents the value of The maximum between both for a given u — corresponds to the interval mean and standard deviation of the logarithm of with mean 0.17 and coefficient of variation Gamma numbers are broadly consistent with our estimates and assumptions lines A',* are 0.16. All in the empirical part of the paper. I < If' 1 1 CO 1 d ^^,,00^ '^.---'^ ^^^^ ~ ^^^ - ^ CD d / / / / f d 1 ' f f 1 , f d f V C\J CD £_ 1 \ f / : \ D o d 1 . 1 \ \ \ \ O) I 1 / / 1 C\J - - \ \ I 1 - - 1 \ _ 1 / 1 1 1 92"e I ' 1 ^2"e (X) \ \ \ \ \ f 1 ' \ \ 1 1 I \ 1 - d \ 1 82-e d 1 ! 1 22"e suoi^ounj snisA d I d 1 1 02'e 1 8fe N between the intersection of the two follows directly from maximization of the value of a firm that decides to adjust, It v{c) lines. - uj^e^^ , obtained at 2 with respect to the return point = c and that Al Proposition in this return point c, that the independent of the is the functions v{z) we obtained via value iteration maximum, we have been unable speaking, the return point maximum, its The largest disequilibrium. when performing estimation always had show to continuous and bounded. Even though is this generally. follows that, strictly It should be interpreted as one of the points where v{2) attains c solution also can be characterized by the policy function, fl{z), defined as the adjustment cost factor hand z. for which the firm finds it advantageous to adjust given a From the value matching condition that equates the two terms on the side of equation (5), -' (7) initial is '^ say the smallest value. capital imbalance right of v{2) and v'{z,u) Appendix A shows that the Bellman equation obtained by substitut- ing v{zt) in (5) by (6) has a unique solution, which a unique maximum it follows that: n{z) ,. = r'e-''{v{c)-v{z)), which implies: fi(c) = 0. Differentiating (7) with respect to _, evaluating the result at 2 = condition u'(c) 0, = close enough to 2 and using the first order 0. Figure 3a illustrates the function ^{z) for the example is c yields the additional ''smooth pasting" condition: n'(c) of adjustment costs = is = a Gamma. As c, it in Figure follows from equation (7), if 2, where the distribution the firm's disequilibrium only will adjust for arbitrarily small adjustment costs. then on, ^(2) increases with \z — c\. Figure 3b depicts the inverse of the function Q(z). of the curve below and above c, From respectively. We label L(ii!) and C/(w) the segments These functions correspond to the maximum shortage and excess of capital tolerated by the firm for any given realization of the adjust- ment cost factor w. In Proposition ' An {L,c,U) That A5 we show is, for any fixed u;, they describe a standard {L,c,U) policy.^^ that the set of maxima, and hence of possible return points, policy corresponds to a two-sided {S,s) model. The notation L, U and c is finite. stands for lower Figure 3a Figure 3b 0.24 The area enclosed by the two curves corresponds to the combinations of disequilibria and adjustment cost factors A2 Proposition A3 shows sition uj, is it A4 shows able to on that in for which the firm chooses not to adjust. Appendix A derives formally the existence of 0.{z), and Proposition an analytic function, and therefore has derivatives of that i^{z) tends to infinity as show that rt(z) is the optimal policy tends to is of the {L,c,U) type. when estimating the parameters will in section 3 A G'(cj). the all were unimodal. depend inverse, {L{oj),c,U{u!)), its on the entire distribution of adjustment cost factors, given realization of the not generate the same inaction range for different distribution In particular, a low value of functions G{lj). Yet we have not been infinity. should be noted, though, that It location of the function Q.{z) and adjustment cost factor order. Propo- unimodal, and therefore have no formal proof that, conditional policies obtained numerically The shape and \z\ all u) more is likely to lead to action when it comes from a distribution of adjustment cost factors with a high rather than a low average value. Adjustment hazard, expected investment and ergodic density 2.2.4 Adjustment hazard Above we showed deterministic policy with respect to that for any given u the firm follows a simple actions are taken only z: when z lies outside the {L{iL!).U{u)) interval, in which case investment occurs so as to bring z back to aggregation mind, here we reduce the amount of information contained in Rather than conditioning on w, we only use information on question: what is The answer X = z — c if u; to this question < n(x + if c)). is contained in what we current adjustment cost Which means is its call small enough to + is G{u)) is a A Let firm with deviation make adjusting profitable (i.e. Gamma distribution with bound, upper bound, and "center," respectively. See Harrison 10 its given by: c)), where G{u)) denotes the cumulative distribution function if the adjustment hazard. that the probability of a firm adjusting, conditional on A(2) = G(n(x (8) For example, the policy. distribution and ask the target point. disequilibrium being equal to x (the adjustment hazard), uj. With the probability that a firm with disequilibrium z adjusts? denote a firm's imbalance with respect to X adjusts only its in c. for the mean et al. (1983) pcj) adjustment cost factor and variance p<^^, the adjustment hazard is: ^W = ^/o' ""'"'""'*''" <i.'r(p) Jo Figure 4a shows the adjustment hazard function for three different adjustment cost factors. These distributions differ in their gamma mean and distributions of variances: the solid line corresponds to an exponential distribution (mean and standard deviation of 0.1); the long dashes correspond to a high variance and mean distribution (mean: 80, standard deviation: 282); while the short dashes describe a low variance and mean distribution (mean: 0.14; standard deviation: 0.044). These examples illustrate well the range of cases covered by our setup. Figure 4a shows that when the variance of adjustment costs is low, there is a range of adjustment costs where the firm (almost) never adjusts since adjustment costs are (almost) never small enough to justify extreme version of Conversely, this. the standard {S,s) it; when the variance is rather than by the firm's disequilibrium; in their {L,c,U) of adjustment costs — is case is an high, and so largely motivated by the adjustment cost mean, the decision of adjustment is — or draw the limit, adjustment costs are independent of the firm's disequilibrium, yielding the standard-linear partial adjustment model. In Proposition and lim|^|_^ A(a:) B2 = in Appendix B we show that A(x) is differentiable, with A(0) = 1. Expected investment A stock of capital and, if it (e<^ firm with disequilibrium x has a probability A(a:) of adjusting its does so, it - e^)A7 = Thus the average investment their capital stock in period t invests: (e-- - Ije-'AY of firms with disequilibrium x l)A',(x). immediately before adjusting is: E^[/((x)|i] (9) = {e'- - = A(x)(e-^ - l)A'((i). Figure 4b depicts expected investment corresponding to the hazards in figure 4a (with A't(x) =1). The nonlinear-convex nature of expected investment is an important feature of the model, playing a key role in shaping aggregate investment dynamics. incentives to invest rise Which is more than proportionally with a a feature not shared by the standard quadratic firm's disequilibrium. says that '"^ adjustment cost model but certainly not exclusive of models with fixed, or even non-convex, adjustment costs. 11 It ' 1 Figure 4a CD — d 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 \ 1 1 < \ 1 1 / / 00 d f r r-^ d \ 1 \ 1 \ CD 1 v d 1 \ 1 . / \ ^X ^r----^^ in d — < ^ o * \ *^^v \ ^ d ^^ X **> / ^ \ ^ C\I ^^ ^ ^ ^ -;-/^ "" ^ K / / 1 ' d ^ d ^V V ^"--, o -0.6 -0.8 il.O -0.4 ^ / 1 / \. V ^^->, -0.0 -0.2 0.2 1 y 0.4 0.6 0.8 X Figure 4b 1 V \ \ V \ \ V. X \ x' S" UJ ^ oj Q ^^ "^ ~T ^ * ^ C\J d ^:»s»,^,^ V^'**"^ «• 1 V <s CD d M.O -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.0 -0.2 X 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 We Ergodic density conclude our characterization of microeconomic behavior by stating that the disequilibria a firm goes through over have an invariant density. The its lifetime, formal proof, which also shows that convergence takes place at an exponential rate, in Appendix B. The nonlinear nature adjustment of is given microeconomic adjustment, with relatively small for small imbalances, imprints the opposite pattern on the ergodic density: steeper hazards translate into relatively less mass in the tails of the corresponding invariant density in exchange for more mass in the regions of low values of the adjustment hazard (i.e., relatively platokurtic).^^ Sectoral investment 2.3 2.3.1 Sectoral investment and the cross sectional density Let Ki", if^, ^"^'ii^) a-nd /((x) denote the aggregate (sectoral) stock of capital and gross investment, and the stock of capital and gross investment held by firms with disequilibrium X at time t (before adjustment). Since adjustment costs shocks are It{x) (10) where = i.i.d. {€-'' across firms, it follows directly from (9) that: -l)\{x)Kt{x), A'((x) denotes the average stock of capital of firms with imbalance x. Letting /(i, take place, t) denote the cross sectional density of disequilibria just before adjustments we can obtain an expression If Dividing through by Kf for =/(e""- aggregate investment: \)i\(x)h\{x)fix,t)dx. and rearranging terms, we obtain an expression for the aggre- gate investment/capital ratio: (11) |4 = /(^"' - m{^)f{x,t)dx + |(e-- - l)A(x) (^^ - ij f{x,t)dx. ^ - l)A(x) are uncorrelated. Since such an assumption simplifies computations substantially, we make The second term on the right hand side of (11) drops out '^The U.S. manufacturing plant level data studied distribution of shocks affecting these plants. 12 is - A'/*) and (e Engel and Haltiwanger (1995) revealed considerably more platokurtic than the average in Caballero, that the average observed distribution of disequilibria if (A'((a:) , it and obtain an approximate expression aggregate investment/capital ratio: -^- J{e-^-l)A{x)fix,t)dx. (12) In for the appendix C we describe in detail the additional Monte Carlo simulations showing that the instead of (12), and present the results of of the approximation It is is only minor. computational burden of using (11) cost '^ apparent from (12) that since (e~^ - l)A(x) investment depends not only on the is generally nonlinear in x, aggregate moments but also on higher first of the cross sectional distribution of disequilibria. The 2.3.2 An extreme linear/partial adjustment exception to the statement the previous paragraph occurs in hazard does not depend on x and f has most of its mass near x = 0, when the adjustment so that e"^ — 1 ~ —x. In that case -|^~-AoA',, (13) where Aq denotes the constant hazard, and A'( denotes the average disequilibrium before adjustment. Equation (13) corresponds to the well known partial adjustment model (PAM), and also coincides with the standard costs model. This is linear equation arising from the quadratic adjustment the only adjustment hazard that does not require cross sectional information on the right hand side of the aggregate investment equation. Indeed, a few steps of algebra allow us to go from equation (13) to the standard expression:'' tA tA _ -j^ = •'( (14) where The Vi A /J Ao(<5 + , .. ^ t'() A (l-Ao) + /I ^ , ''(-1 ^^ , represents an aggregate shock, to be defined in the next paragraph. and Ha.ltiwanger (1995) are reassuring on this respect. There we used data for U.S. manufacturing during the 70s and 80s, and documented a results in CabaJlero, Engel comprehensive establishment level very close empirical fit between the actual and approximate series during that period. and k' denote the average of the logarithm of the pre-adjustment stock of capital and the frictionless stock of capital, respectively. We define u, = A/t*, and note that Afci ~ (/,'1]/A','l]) - 8. Combining these two expressions with the fact that, Let kt A', = k, - k: = Ak, - Ak: yields (14). 13 + .V,-i Sectoral equilibrium and cross sectional dynamics 2.3.3 Shocks to wages, demand, and productivity drive the dynamics of decompose these shocks and firm into sectoral shocks, vt, We frictionless capital. specific (idiosyncratic) shocks, cj: K' = A7_ie Vl+U which implies that when the firm does not adjust, the disequilibrium measure x evolves according to: Axt = ~{6 + where capital depreciates at a rate S Vt) - €t, from one period to the next. We assume these shocks are exogenous to the firm and the sector. Between two consecutive periods, the cross section distribution of disequilibria changes and idiosyncratic shocks. Since we as a result of firms' adjustments, depreciation, sectoral are working in discrete time, We events within each period. f{x, / — 1). t important to describe the timing convention we adopt for denote the cross section density at the end of period Depreciation and the aggregate shock corresponding to period in the density f{x,t). Period it is Next come adjustments, as concludes with the idiosyncratic shocks. The final density is — I hy follow, resulting determined by the hazard function A(2;). f{x,t), and the cycle Recalling that a positive shock leads to a decrease in x, starts again. t t we can summarize this chain of events as follows: (15) f(x,i) (16) f{x,t) where g^{c) is f{x + 6 + vt,t- j A{y)f{y,t)dy 1), g,{-x) + / - [1 A(a; + e)]/> + the probability density for the idiosyncratic shocks. €,t)g,{-e) de, The integro-difference equation describing the evolution of the cross sectional distribution from one period to the next follows directly from equations (15) and (16): (17) fix,t) J Hy)fiy + s + + y [1 - A{x + vt,t-i)dy g,(-x) €)]f{x 14 + € + 6 + vt,t- l)g,{-e) de. From equations (12) and (15) -^ (18) Combining equations determined by an we obtain the following aggregate investment equation: = J{e-^ - l)Aix)fix + (18) and (17) we can determine + v„t - We Appendix C. l)dx. the sequence of aggregate investment distribution, /(2:,0), initial cross section shocks, {vt]. For details see 6 and a sequence of aggregate turn to estimation issues next. Empirical Evidence: U.S. Investment 3 Data 3.1 Our data are constructed from annual gross investment and capital series for 21 two-digit manufacturing industries from 1947 to 1992.'^ All of capital correspond to the series used by the series are in Bureau of Labor tivity studies.'^ Since capital stocks are end-of-year, ratio used in estimation start in 1948. We 1987 dollars, and the stocks Statistics for their produc- our measures of the investment/capital report separate results for equipment and struc- tures panels; each has 945 observations. Econometrics 3.2 The econometric problem consists of estimating the parameters that characterize (a) firms' profit functions, (b) the initial distribution of disequilibria, (c) the distribution of adjust- ment costs, (d) the distribution of idiosyncratic shocks, and (e) the process generating aggregate shocks. In this subsection we outline the main features of the estimation procedure; a detailed description is presented For tractability, we limit the izing the distribution of adjustment costs remaining parameters, we either shocks), show that number their role equilibria) or concentrate is fix in Appendix C. of parameters being estimated to those characteror, equivalently, them (profit function the hazard function. As far as the and distribution of idiosyncratic limited within a reasonable range (initial distribution of dis- them out of the likelihood function (process generating sectoral shocks: individual effects and cross sectoral variance-covariance matrix). Since identifying nonlinearities from a purely time series (as opposed to regressions) dimension requires a We have 21 rather than 20 sectors because Motor Vehicles is separated from Transportation equipment. This is one of the three capital stock series reported by the Bureau of Econoniic Activity. 15 large number of observations, we impose a hazard function or a costs that common is or structural model The source we estimate a semi-structural across sectors (depending on whether — see below). of randomness in our estimation procedure are the sectoral shocks, which assume multivariate Normal and independent over time, We distribution of adjustment approximate the initial sectoral cross-sections for we most of our empirical analysis. by the invariant cross-section of an individual plant, and proceed to use the Markovian nature of the process generating crosssectional distributions to generate these distributions. For each sector, and at each date, the cross sectional distribution is updated as a function of the sectoral shock, using an implicit law of large numbers at the microeconomic (firm) rate — level. The observed sectoral investment a non-linear function of the current shock and the distribution prior to this shock is this function is one-to-one in the shock. Conditional on the initial distribution, the sequence of sectoral shocks and the cross section distributions can be recovered from the time series of sectoral investment rates. shocks. We The likelihood calculated using these sectoral is also need to calculate the corresponding Jacobian terms, which correspond to the elasticities of sectoral investment rates with respect to sectoral shocks. These elasticities are a byproduct of the calculation of sectoral shocks. Semi-structural and structural models 3.3 We estimate two basic models. In the first one (semi-structural), we estimate directly the parameters of an ad-hoc adjustment hazard. we estimate the adjustment costs parameters While in the second one (structural), and obtain the implied liazard via dynamic Both of these models yield increasing hazards, ^° but include a constant programming. hazard as a limit case. Although our main goal Semi-structural. in the paper is to estimate and assess the structural model, there are good reasons to start by estimating a less structured version. It allows us to search and test for the presence of an increasing hazard it facilitates directly, and comparisons with standard linear models. Furthermore, by assuming that the adjustment hazard is an inverted Normal: A(x) = l-e-^°-^^^'. (19) By more increasing hazard increasing for i > we mean a hazard that is increases with 0. 16 |i|, i.e., that is decreasing for i < and and A2 > where Aq > 0, we are able to obtain accurate computations and to reduce estimation time significantly (by a factor of 12) by keeping the cross-section distributions within a closed family of mixture of Normals (see Appendix C). Rather than estimating the adjustment hazard Structural. we directly, in this case estimate the parameters of the adjustment costs function and obtain the hazard from the solution of the drawn from dynamic optimization problem presented Gamma a which has mean fi^ = in section 2. Adjustment costs are distribution: p(f) and a coefficient of variation cv^ = 1/^. We estimate /i^^ and cv^. As for the other structural markup of capital, and parameters, we assume an interest rate, share of each type of 6, 15 and 20 percent, respectively;^' as well as depreciation rates equipment and structures of 10 and 5 percent per year, for We respectively.'^^ estimated the standard deviation of idiosyncratic shocks, c^, obtaining estimates in the range of 5 However, since these were not estimated very precisely, and comparisons to 15 percent. across models are easier wc liave imposed 3.4 Main Table 1 a^ = if results tural results for The All estimated Semistructural first two columns present semistructural and struc- equipment investment, while the models allow include a free additive constant that in report results where 0.1 (both, in semi-structural as well as structural estimation). contains our main results. structures. we only idiosyncratic variances are similar, The semistructural is of /? two do the same for individual effects common The investment for across sectors. hazard model, increasing hazard parameter, A2, around 0.45 if in on the sectoral shocks, and results allow us to reject the constant favor of an increasing hazard one. These parameters imply a value last the production function is is significant constant returns and all other factors of production (including the other type of capital) are fully flexible, around 0.3 if all factors but the other form of capital are flexible, and around 0.15 if all other factors are fixed. Our conclusions are robust to reasonable variations of /?, conjunction with those that we estimate. but we do not have enough power to identify this parameter The results we report assume jS = in 0.4. Although there is a slight upward trend in the sample, these depreciation rates are consistent with the average depreciation rate computed from the ratio of actual depreciation to net capital stocks reported in Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in The United states, 1925-89. 17 Table 1: Main Results Equipment Parameters Semi-structural Ao A2 constant 0.155 0.000 (0.067) (0.054) 2.804 2.437 (1.165) 0.878) -0.006 0.013 0.019 (0.013) (0.016) (0.006) (0.002) cv^ 0.166 0.228 (0.029) (0.046) 0.327 0.066 (0.109) (0.009) 2431.4 2430.2 Standard deviations at the one percent level in both cases. probability that a firm adjusts small imbalances to 45% when small imbalances to about Structural 0.057 Mcv LOG-LIK. Structures Semi-structural Structural 32% its 2612.4 in parenthesis. The estimated hazard function suggests capital stock of its imbalance for a 2637.2 is that the equipment increases from about 14% 40%, while 40% imbalance, in it for goes from close to zero for the case of structures. The sharp nonlinearity can also be captured through the expected invested/capital ratio (conditional on the imbalance); for equipment, it goes from close to 0.05 at a 20 percent imbalance to 0.23 at a 40 percent imbalance, while for structures it goes from 0.02 to 0.16, for the same imbalances. Structural. The results of the structural hazard findings. Moreover, the likelihoods The estimates of the mean rise, especially so for structures. of the distribution of adjustment costs (the the average adjustment cost drawn profits for models confirm the semistructural increasing is fi^^s) indicate that the equivalent of 16.7 percent of a year's operational equipment and 22.8 percent for structures. 18 Since firms can "search" for a low realization of adjustment costs, these are upper bounds for the average costs effectively paid by firms when going through a major adjustment episode. Indeed, the average costs paid are 11.1 percent for equipment and 21.4 percent for structures. The difference between the unconditional and conditional (on adjustment) means rises with the coefficient of variation why adjustment of these costs, which explains third less than the structures both in means equipment are one cost faced by firms (see cv^^) while in the case of are very similar. Simple alternatives 3.5 We mean adjustment costs actually paid for view the microeconomic foundation of our approach as one of this section we look purely at the statistical We simple linear counterparts. its main virtues, however advantage of our structural models over do not intend to conduct "horse races" against alternative investment models but want to provide a simple metric to assess the contribution of the nonlinearities The first we estimated obvious step to the time series properties of aggregate investment. is to compare our mode! with the "almost" nested PAM. As we argued above, the constant hazard model e~^ - 1 ~ PAM, which -X, yields the standard each sector's aggregate investment series. also run an we across sectors:^'^ tA -'it-i , , •'Mi-l •'Sf we together with the approximation corresponds to estimating an AR(1) for same tA 'if generally, 0), For comparability with the structural model, constrain the correlation coefficient to be the More = (A2 AR(2) with unconstrained autoregressive coefficients for each sector: 't Tm = „ °' I "'-1 'Sl-1 '^it In „ ^tt-2 , + P^'-Fa- + P^'T'A- + I ^'• -'^.(-2 both cases we preserve the assumption of jointly Normal aggregate shocks, and allow for individual effects. We look at within and out-of-sample criteria, and find widespread evidence supporting the structural nonlinear model over the linear representations for both equipment and structures. Within sample The criteria. likelihoods of the linear models are uniformly lower than those of the corresponding Recall that the structural has the same distribution of adjustment costs across sectors. 19 AR(2)s structural models, even for the structural models. — which have 39 parameters more than the nonlinear But comparing the likelihoods models (especially the AR(2)s) are not nested the test for non-nested models developed by Let and and /[ T 2, denote the I2 maximum in not strictly correct, since the linear is our structural models. Instead, Vuong (1989) and Rivers and Vuong we use (1991). value attained by the log-likelihood for models 1 denotes the number of periods considered when calculating the likelihood (42, in our case), rti and 722 denote the number of parameters for models and S denotes the Newey-West estimate differences. The null hypothesis is for the variance of the 1 time and 2, respectively, series of likelihood that both models are vT-asymptotically equivalent;^"* should this be the case we have that the test statistic (20) ^^^^ ^ h - I2 - Ijn, - n,)\ogiT) VST has a Standard Normal distribution. model 1; Positive values of Vi^2 indicate evidence in favor of negative values evidence in favor of model 2.^^ Table 2 presents Vuong's statistics and the p- values for the test that both models (lin- ear and nonlinear) are equally close to the 'true' model, against the alternative that the (nonlinear) structural model is better. It is apparent that the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative even at very low significance levels. One possible reason for the bad relative performance of linear models assumed that aggregate shocks are Normally distributed. is that we have Sectoral investment rates, on the other hand, are clearly not Normal; the skewness and (excess) kurtosis coefficient of (standardized, for every sector) investment rates are 0.61 and 0.74 for equipment and 0.76 and 0.87 for structures. Obviously, linear models with Normal errors cannot account for these departures from Normality. The innovations generated by the best partial adjustment model and best second-order autoregressive models in table 3: also depart from Normal, as can be seen Their skewness and kurtosis coefficients are 0.49 and 1.15 for equipment and 0.95 limr-oc VT(/, - h) = 0. Note that: First, the numerator of (20) contains a penalty term - the Bayesian Information Criterion, BIC - that corrects for differences in degrees of freedom between both models. Second, denoting the sum of sectoral likelihoods for model at time ( by /,,, i = 1,2, and d, = h, — lit, we have that the S in the denominator of Vi,2 is; 'M.e., i 5(r,?) where 7^ not vary = 7o + 2^ ? + 7j. l denotes the sample autocorrelation of order j of the d, time series. Since in all cases S{T, for values of q larger than 7, we choose q = & when calculating S in (20). much 20 q) does Table 2: Nonnested Models Test: Normal Shocks Eq uipment Vuong statistic p- value NOTES: Vuong St ructures PAM AR(2)-UNC PAM AR(2)-UNC 2.61 4.25 2.92 4.07 0.0045 < 0.0001 0.0018 < statistic calculated as in (20). All test statistics model estimated in Table 1 with the model in the table. good', the asymptotic distribution of the statistic is 0.0001 compare the structural both models are 'equally If Standard Normal. Large positive values provide evidence in favor of the structural model. and 1.88 for structures in the partial and 0.86 and 1.65 different last to adjustment case, and 0.38 and 1.00 for structures in the from zero (the Normal case) AR(2) All these case. at the 0.001 level for numbers are equipment, significantly (estimated via bootstrap). The two rows show that the increasing hazard model generates innovations that are closer Normal than its linear and constant hazard counterparts. The estimated skewness and kurtosis coefficients are considerably smaller, and both skewness coefficients do not depart significantly (at the 0.05 level) from their values under the Normality assumption. increasing hazard model does not need to introduce nearly as in aggregate shocks to account Normality is for much skewness and The kurtosis investment behavior. the natural assumption when aggregate shocks are conceived as the sum of a wide variety of small shocks with limited dependence (by the Central Limit Theorem). In spite of this, we momentarily relax this assumption in order to consider shocks which admit skewness and kurtosis properties similar to those observed ratios. in sectoral investment/capital For this purpose, we generalized the distribution of the residual to consider convex combinations of Normal and log-Normal distributions. The log-Normal component did not add significantly to the structural model, while the linear weight to the log-Normal component. For this reason models assigned most of the we compare the structural models with NormaJ shocks versus the linear models with log-Normal shocks in table 4. Although the likelihood in the linear model improves substantially with this modification, table 4 shows that the test for non-nested models still 21 favor the (nonlinear) structural models by Table 3: Skewness and kurtosis Equi pment Model Kurtosis Skewness 0.49 1.15 0.95 1.88 (0.13) (0.36) (0.15) (0.65) AR(2) Structural 0.38 1.00 0.86 1.65 (0.31) (0.14) (0.60) -0.04 0.65 0.17 0.79 (0.20) (0.13) (0.34) in parenthesis: standard deviation, obtained via bootstrap. a wide margin. In fact, the reduction in the the test (the likelihoods Kurtosis (0.12) (0.11) Shown Struct ures Skewness Part. Adj. * for innovations* become more denominator due to the increased precision of correlated across models) more than outweighs the increase in the likelihood of the linear model. Out-of-sample criteria. Next, we evaluated the out-of-sample forecasting performance of our model. For this purpose we reestimated the nonlinear structural and AR(2) models dropping ten percent of our observations (the last five years for ahead forecast distributions, for each of our 21 sectors), and generated the one-step- each sector and year out of the sample. the model's performance relative to that of an We only evaluated AR(2) using a standard Mean-Square-Error criterion, although this reduces the potential forecasting edge of nonlinear models. ^^ postpone further discussion of forecasts' higher moments until the conclusion. Table 5 reports, year (first for each investment type, the average (across sectors) two columns), and the percentage increase model over the nonlinear one (third column). Except in MSE where the gain is for each generated by the AR(2) for 1988, the structural model systematically outperforms the AR(2) representation. This structures, MSE We is nonlinear particularly true for over 35 percent during four out of the five years for which we generated out-of-sample forecasts. This favorable evidence for the nonlinear model See Ramsey (1996) for is reinforced by table arguments on the bias against nonlinear models inherent 22 in 6. MSE It reports, comparisons. Table 4: Nonnested Models Test: Log-Normal/Normal Shocks Equipment test NOTES: Vuong PAM AR(2)-UNC PAM AR(2)-UNC 2.42 7.97 3.57 4.53 0.0078 < 0.0001 0.0002 < 0.0001 (Normal) p-value Structures compare the structural statistic calculated as in (20). All test statistics model estimated in Table 1 with the model in the table. good', the asymptotic distribution of the statistic is If both models are 'equally Standard Normal. Large positive values provide evidence in favor of the structural model. Table 5: Average MSE for 1-Step-Ahead Forecasts: 1988-92 Equipment AR(2) MODEL 88 0.591 0.640 89 0.240 90 Structures AR(2) MODEL -0.075 0.306 0.340 -0.092 0.230 0.038 0.371 0.220 0.502 0.308 0.270 0.131 0.207 0.150 0.359 91 0.566 0.540 0.044 0.507 0.350 0.371 92 0.399 0.330 0.194 0.518 0.340 0.425 Year ln((l)/(2)) The parameters were estimated using data up 23 to 1987. MSEs ln((l)/(2)) are multiplied by 10 MSE each investment type, the average (across years) for and nonlinear models for each sector for the AR(2) two columns), and the percentage increase (first in MSE generated by the AR(2) model over the nonlinear one (third column). At the bottom of the table, we report the percentage increase in average (across sectors and time) AR(2) model over the nonlinear the The sectoral dimension in order to gain statistical same However, table sectors) increase. power for the nonlinearities distribution of adjustment costs across sectors, which to hold too closely in the data. sectors. median (across one, as well as the generated by one along which we would have expected the nonlinear model to is do relatively poorly, since forced to impose the MSE 6 The AR(2), on this unfavorable metric the structural model outperforms the unconstrained AR(2) representation. MSE true for structures, where the gain in terms of and above 30 percent 3.6 Dynamic for the average not likely the other hand, has no constraints across shows that even under sector, is we were Again, this is particularly over 15 percent for the median is MSE. implications of increasing hazard models. Perhaps the main distinctive feature of the model we have estimated, compared with linear counterparts or a constant hazard model, that are investing but also the number fluctuates over the business cycle. This level evidence number the Doms and Dunne in is that not only average investment by those of firms that choose to invest at is its any point in time a realistic feature according to the establishment- (1993). Among many interesting facts, they of plants going through their primary investment spikes (i.e., show that the single year with the largest investment for the establishment), rather than the average size of these spikes, tracks closely aggregate In terms of our model, manufacturing investment over time. this flexibility in the number of firms investing implies that the extent of the response of aggregate investment to aggregate shocks fluctuates over the Figure 5 depicts the paths of the median (across sectors) derivatives of business cycle. aggregate investment with respect to aggregate shocks for equipment and structures.'^^ is apparent that it is this "index of responsiveness" fluctuates strongly procyclical: are, respectively, 0.79 Its There are traces of the Evaluated at widely over the sample. Moreover, correlations with aggregate shocks and 0.89 for equipment, and 0.72 and 0.39 cyclical features of It and aggregate investment for structures.^* our nonlinear model in our out-of-sample vt- 28^ The correlations with lagged investment/capital ratios are 0.60 and 0.13, for equipment and structures, respectively. 24 r i i 1 1 o ^;^ '--' -P "^ - 05 CD CD =5 F -P CD - k quipi true V 1 LiJ 00 - 1 ) / " 00 1 GO ^\ '~~~1 ~ - V V — - LD ^-^^ - CD (_ C\J 1 ^^\ •• ** CD 00 ^^^"^ ^^^^^ .^^^ U) - - - • — "" o V ^ ^ ^ CD CD ''* — — — — — ^ ^^"^^ ^ ^ -—-«^'' ^ "^ ~ ^ -. ^ CM CD V y \^ -,—^"l»^- X ' 4 00 in - ^ '^^AJ "" * ^rXf ^.--"^ LD O UO 05"o 017-0 oe"o CD CD > Ll_ -c^irr ^^"""""^TTTi ^ ^ r^ ^^ ^^,„„l«i^ ^^^0^^^^ 7 / _ 02"o SS8U8AISU0dS8J ^0 XQpUl OfO Table 6: Sectorial Average MSE 1-Step-Ahead Forecasts: 1988-92 for Equipment Sector AR(2) MODEL Structures ln((l)/(2)) AR(2) MODEL ln((l)/(2)) 20 0.591 0.780 -0.425 0.742 0.150 1.571 21 0.085 0.084 0.003 0.117 0.150 -0.233 22 0.343 0.310 0.091 0.221 0.120 0.612 23 0.243 0.110 0.781 0.278 0.094 1.088 0.333 24 0.160 0.240 -0.405 0.342 0.250 25 0.083 0.092 -0.105 0.560 0.260 0.760 26 0.034 0.068 -0.707 0.633 0.400 0.456 27 1.620 1.710 -0.055 0.386 0.720 28 0.129 0.180 -0.341 0.313 0.400 -0.619 -0.247 29 0.098 0.100 -0.036 0.628 0.570 0.097 30 0.272 0.260 0.035 0.417 0.088 1.560 31 0.082 0.089 -0.097 0.063 0.054 0.159 32 1.433 1.000 0.357 1.483 1.000 0.392 33 0.078 0.076 0.023 0.017 0.024 -0.352 34 1.739 1.410 0.211 0.201 0.270 -0.288 35 0.551 0.730 -0.276 0.353 0.400 -0.127 36 0.506 0.420 0.181 0.328 0.390 -0.170 -0.411 37-1 0.310 0.220 0.338 0.099 0.150 37 0.241 0.270 -0.124 0.494 0.075 1.888 38 0.221 0.200 0.120 0.184 0.210 -0.124 39 0.099 0.072 0.319 0.162 0.100 0.467 - - 0.047 - - 0.312 0.241 0.220 0.003 0.328 0.210 0.159 ln(S,(l)/S.(2)) Median The parameters were estimated using data up 25 to 1987. MSEs are multiplied by 10 Table 7: Standardized Difference in Absolute Value of Forecast Errors (AR2-ModeI) Equipment Sort by v Sort by y Below -0.286 -0.189 Above 0.255 0.185 Rel. to Median forecasts as well. The MSE Structures ^ Sort by Sort by y Sort bv dv -0.043 -0.056 0.100 -0.013 0.155 0.158 -0.033 0.092 gains of our model over the linear nounced during periods of high activity. ^ Sort by v To show this, AR(2) we proceed in particularly pro- is three steps: First, we construct, for each sector, a standardized series of the difference of the absolute values of the forecast error of the AR(2) and the structural model, \Jar ^I'^id e^ Jr., — cr. where A./ denotes the forecast errors (ar and nl stand a^j respectively), and A|e-^|: for AR(2) and nonlinear model, denotes the standard deviation of the difference value of the forecast errors. Second, for in the absolute each sector, we sort these standardized series by one of the following indicators of activity: the sectoral aggregate shock, u, the level of the sectoral investment/capital ratio, y, and the sectoral index of responsiveness, dy/dv. third, we average And across sectors the sorted standardized series. Table 7 reports these averages (below) and above its for times median (above). when the sorting variable was below With only one exception, all its median the entries suggest that a substantial fraction of the better performance of the nonlinear model comes from periods when the sectoral indicators of activity (shock, investment are high. For example, we find that periods when aggregate shocks achieve a forecasting-performance improvement which than the average structures. MSE gain for equipment, while Conversely, when aggregate shocks performance improvement for equipment, while it is is it is is and sensitivity index) are below their median, 0.286 standard deviations lower 0.056 standard deviations lower for are above their median, the forecasting- 0.255 standard deviations higher than the average 0.158 standard deviations higher for structures. 26 MSE gain Final Remarks 4 we derived and estimated a time In this paper builds from the realistic observation that series model of sectoral investment that lumpy adjustments play an important role in firms' investment behavior; but that allows for the empirically appealing feature that adjustments do not need to be of the same size across adjusting firms Using a nonlinear aggregate time fixed for a firm over time. procedure, we estimated the distributions of adjustment costs faced by firms. The adjustment hazards implied by our estimates they leave a significative range of inaction, and increase sharply there- are nonconstant: after. series and Depending upon the history of shocks, the estimated hazards have the potential dampen to magnify or normal times accumulated is, — the response of investment to aggregate shocks. occasionally, more than offset The by the brisk response to large passivity of — current or shocks. These nonlinearities clearly improve the aggregate performance of dynamic investment equations. Both the microeconomjc as well as the aggregate implications of the estimated largely consistent with the establishment level evidence presented Haltiwanger (1995) for U.S. manufacturing More importantly, they density of capital imbalances in by Caballero, Engel and 1972-88 period). They found evidence (for the of an increasing hazard for the range of disequilibria their time. model are where establishments spent most of also found an important role for the cross sectional explaining changes in the marginal response of aggregate investment to aggregate shocks. In the processes of assessing the contribution of the model, we found an important forecasting gsi]n over simple linear models. In almost every year and sector, and particularly so for structures, the nonlinear model reduced the Mean-Squared-Error by a substantial amount. Beyond the current paper, there tioning at closing: are three extensions and robustness issues worth First, the nonlinear model has non-trivial implications higher moments. Our preliminary exploration viation, skewness and excess kurtosis of investment/capital correlated with the business cycle. to explore movements Second, in the moments. working paper version of A good complement for non-structural ARCH this models, 27 for forecasts' of this issue reveals that the standard de- These relations hint in forecasts' higher men- at a ratios' forecasts, are highly promising structural avenue ^^ paper (Caballero and Engel 1994) we for example. allowed for serial correlation in the rate of growth of aggregate frictionless capital (the and found very little of it, which provides support section. Interestingly, the linear correlation, especially for Finally, (PAM) model we for our estimated i.i.d. left assumption in u.t's) the theory plenty of unexplained serial equipment investment. and also reported in Caballero and Engel (1994), we extended the theory and empirical sections to acknowledge the existence of continuous "maintenance" investment, which does not require paying sizeable adjustment lowance was important to obtain a more and average investment rates tion of in accounting for We found that while such an realistic distribution of observed changes al- in capital small changes account for a significant frac- (in particular, microeconomic investment changes), lumpiness costs. it did not diminish the role of microeconomic the dynamic aspects of aggregate investment. 28 Appendices A.: appendix we study the In this section we show 1 Dynamic Optimization In section 2 dynamic optimization problem. In existence and uniqueness of the solution to the firm's Bellman equation. we study the main properties of the optimal policy function. Existence and uniqueness 1 From the main text it follows that the Bellman equation - for the firm's value function normalized by frictionless capital - v'{z,u;) with its firm's stochastic {i given is = m&x(Tr{z + i)-L^^e'^'{i^ 7^ 0} + by:"^*^ i' f f e'^'v'iz + + i 0} denoting an indicator function that takes the value Az,ij')dF{Az)dGioj')\ 1 when the , firm adjusts and zero otherwise. capital stock The operator associated with the above equation is not bounded from below. For this reason we add a term to v'{z,iv) which does not depend on the choice variable and therefore does not affect the firm's optimal choice, but which bounds the corresponding operator: viz,^) (21) = v'{z,u)+^ue^'. Substituting (21) into the expression above, using the expression for n{z) derived in section 2 of the main text, and performing some straightforward (but tedious) calculations, leads to the Bellman equation for v{z,i^'): (22) v{z,u) = max{ci(Lj)e^^ - maXiu cae^" - C2e' C2e" + 'A // e-^'v{z + ' Az,u')dF{Az)dG{u'), + ^ I f e'^'viu + Az,io')dF{Az)dG{J) }, with c,{u) All = terms that are not explicitly defined ^ (l in + u- - ^E [e^^^] ;.^) what follows were defined 29 , in section 2 of the main text. where /^i^ denotes the mean C2 = e/?, C3 = ^ (l - VE p^^] , of the distribution of the adjustment cost factor G{io). (22) has a unique solution To show that /i.) we make the following three assumptions and prove the following two lemmas. The assumptions hold throughout the remainder of this appendix. Assumption 1 from below by 0. The adjustment = Assumption 2 VE Assumption 3 ^pfi^^E \e^^^\ [e-'^'l cost factor, u), is jp J e-'^'dF{Az) < = TpfJ-u bounded from above by uj < +00 and l.^' f ^^^'dF{Az) < 1, where > 0. 11^ denotes the mean of the distribution of u. Lemma Al Let J(z) P). = k-^e^' Then /(-) value, which is is - k2e\ with increasing for z equal to (1 Proof Elementary - calculus. < < < /3 Zf,j, 1 and /c] , A:2 decreasing for z P)k\^^^~^\p/k2)'^^^^-'^K at z Denote z^ = \og{ki0/k2)/{l - > z,\}, and attains its maximum = z^. | Lemma A2 Consider the operator This operator domain M x Then T: is T defined by posing {Tv){z,uj) equal to the right hand side of (22). defined on the set B of all real-valued, bounded, continuous functions with [0,u;]. (i) preserves boundedness; (ii) preserves continuity; and (iii) satisfies Black- well's conditions. Proof (i) Consider u ^ B, bounded from below by u and from above by u. Then (Ttz)(z,cj) is In the main text we assume that Az follows a Normal distribution, with mean n and variance a Then this condition is equivalent to fi > ^a^ + log(V') which for r -f 6 << 1 corresponds approximately to ^i > ^cr — T — b. Thus, for the set of parameters we use in the empirical section, a sufficient condition is that /J > —0.15 for equipment and /j > —0.10 for structures. Both conditions can be expected to hold. . 30 bounded from above, since: < V'E e-^^ u + max |ci(w)e^^ - C2e' < V-E e-^-' tl + max fc,(u;)e^"' < xPE 'e-^'~ u + ^{l-P)[l+uJ - VE where the second inequality follows from the last inequality from That (Tu)(2,cj) {Tu){z, ij) Lemma > ^E[e-^^ u + max > i'E [e-^' u ^-^-'1 V'E e where we used (ii) 03 < ci{u>) in the and the second is constant. u\(z.u}) in < is maximum the T - C2e^ - fact that, for c\{uj) cae^'^ /?) (1 second step, and is To show that I H + ^1 - follows that {Tu){z,Lo) (iii) 1/(1-/3) g^Az' w > all < 0, C3 Ci{lo), It ,Pz - u), c.e-]} 1/(1-^) - ^E p^''] Lemma Al continuous for u G (Tu) the last step. in we note that from first inherits continuity The second Blackwell Proposition it from first note that if Ui,U2 G B, and then the expected value of any positive random variable, straightforward calculation shows that, for any u £ + (22) continuous. is we /z.) ;B, of two functions; the follows that 036oP^ max , particular e~^~, preserves the above inequality. Thus: {T[u and the C2e' satisfies Blackwell's conditions, U2{z,u)) for aU z and €26 {Tu,){z,oj)<{Tu2){z,u). A 1} follows from: + max To show that the function {Tu) u(z,u>) C2e cae^ w Al. bounded from below is max a])(;,u;) B and any = {Tu)iz,u) + 0E condition follows from Assumption [e-^^] 2. constant a. | Al Equation (22) has exactly one solution (and this solution Proof 31 belongs to B). a: It follows from Lemma A2 that T defines a contraction The modulus (normed with the sup-norm). of the contraction now Existence and uniqueness of a solution to (22) Theorem Theorem (see, e.g., mapping on the metric space B follows from the Lucas and Stokey (1989)). 3.2 in mapping is i/'E e~^^ . Continuous Mapping | Properties of the optimal policy 2 We define the following functions related to the solution of the Bellman equation, v{z,u>), considered in the preceding section: (23) I{z) = i) (24) Jiz) = C3e^' f f e-^'v{z+ Az,oj)dF{Az)dG{u), - C2e' + I{z). Lemma A3 The function J{z) is bounded from above, i.e., sup, J{z) is finite. We denote this supremum by Jmax- Proof Since v{z,uj) satisfies Bellman's equation, we have: v{z,u>) (25) If max, J(;) were not Proposition Al. It finite, = max{^we^* + J{z) we would have that follows that sup, J(c) , max J(u)}. v[z,ijj) not bounded, contradicting is | is finite. Lemma A4 The function J{z) satisfies: lim (26) Z——00 lim (27) 2—>-|-CX> J{z) = J^ax^E I J{z)e-' = lim v{z,uj) -C2. Proof From (25) it [e-^^l follows that: 32 = Jmax, J , which, from (23), implies that lim I{z) = JmaxV'E e-^^ Expression (26) now follows from (24). Expression (27) holds because of (24) and the fact that I{z) inherits boundedness from v{z,uj). I result establishes the existence of a curve in (z,w)-space partitioning this The next space into two regions; one where firms adjust their capital stock and another where they remain inactive. Proposition A2 Define: n{z) = r'iJm..-J{z))e-f'\ (28) Then firms adjust when remain inactive when their current w > adjustment cost factor, w, is smaller than fi(r), and ^{z). Proof By equating both terms on the right hand side of (25) inequalities that hold for Proposition The obtain: ^n(z)^{J^,,-J{z))e-^\ (29) The we u> larger and smaller than ft{z) follow trivially. | A3 function fl{z) is analytic on the real line, and therefore has derivatives of all order. Proof From the definition of fl{z) and J{z) (see (28) and (24)) that I{z) is analytic. To do this, we note that I{z) may we have that When uj = = i^ f K{z + Az)dF{Az), Q{z) firms are indifferent between adjusting and not adjusting. 33 suffices to show be written as the convolution of a normal density and a continuous, bounded function: /(z) it with K{z) = / ip = -^le /i and variance That the convolution continuous) function is - /i a"^ and variance (where dF{Az) cr^ is <7^). and an integrable analytic, follows from a well Theorem on 9 known property Lehmann 59 in p. (in particular, (1986)). a bounded, of the exponential | z tends to -oo:'*'^ ^fi(z)~ J„,,,{l-0E[e-^'']} e-'\ (30) as z tends to oc: ^fi(.-) (31) It = Jl A4 Proposition and 2 of a norma! density family of distributions (see As sl- >^ ^ and dF{Az) a normal density with mean normal with mean v{z,u))dG(u>), ~ C2e('-'3)^ follows that: lim (32) |j| — oo n{z) = 00. PliOOF Expression (30) follows from (28) and lini|.|_,^ A4. Expression (31) follows from (27). Then n(r) = CO then follows from (30), (31), Assumption set 2 and the fact that /3 < 1. | A5 Proposition The Lemma C of r £ iR such that J{z) = Jmax is a non-empty set with a finite number of points. Proof Continuity of J{z) (it A4 combined with Assumption which J{z) attains maximum its 2 ensure the existence of a maximum. Continuity write a(z) ~ maxima A3) and analytic, see the proof of Proposition of J{z) on the indeed attained and therefore C is we have that 'We its is is if lim^^c Inj 34 = compact set set 1- Q within Q ensures that the non-empty. Finally, since J{z) are isolated, thus showing that 6(2) as : tends to c bounded, closed Lemma C contains a finite is analytic number of elements. | Proposition When A6 adjusting capital stock, a firm's optimal choice of z its disequilibrium after adjusting does not depend on its any element is in C. Thus its disequilibrium before adjusting. Proof The result follows hand on from the fact that when the side expression of (25) z. is maximum between both terms in the right attained at the second term, this expression does not depend I All calculations of ^(z) performed while estimating the distribution of the cost factor (see section 3.3 in the element, c, main text and Appendix C) and a function n(~) that the right of 2 = c, is decreasing to the a led to of 2 left set = C with a unique and increasing to c therefore implying an optimal policy of the {L,c,U) type. Yet been unable to show formally that C has one element we have a unique return point), and also (i.e. have not shown formally that, conditional on u, the firm's optimal policy is As the following proposition shows, however, we can prove that the type. adjustment of the {L,c,U) latter holds in a neighborhood of a return point. Proposition For (cj, z) in a A7 neighborhood of (0, c), the optimal policy of the {L,c, is U) type. Proof From Proposition A5 is decreasing to the follows that there exists a neighborhood it of c left equation (28) that ^{z) z = c. Thus, for all ui < is = c and increasing to the right of ; decreasing to the max-gv'('^ma.x policy, conditional on the current is of r = - J{~))p-~^' and adjustment cost factor, B.: This appendix left of the approximation we of = c. :; = It c such that J{z) then follows from and increasing to the right of c r £ is V we have of the that the optimal {L,c,U) type. | Aggregation divided into three sections. In Section sion for aggregate investment V and present the use. In Section 2 1 we establish the exact expres- results of simulations to assess the quality we study the main properties of the adjustment hazard. In Section 3 we characterize the average cross-section of firm deviations. The following operators, defined on the set of probability measures on the real line, are 35 used in sections 1 and 3 of this appendix and • Sectoral (aggregate) shock, A{v): • Adjustment shock, tion characterized • v. HiO): applies adjustments determined by the adjustment func- by the parameter vector with zero mean and variance Full cycle of shocks, T{v defined above,'^'' 6. i.e., + cr^. S,9,a): equal to the combination of the three shocks + to I{(7)H{d)A{v Equation (17) 6). explicit expression for the cross-section that results • by shifts a cross-section Idiosyncratic shock, I{o^)- convolves the probability measure with a Normal density • Appendix C. in Aggregate investment functional, y-. the main text gives an in from applying T to f{x,t — 1). Assigns to a cross-section the average vestment rate that results after adjustments take place (see equation (12) in in- the main text). Aggregate Investment 1 we derive the exact expression In this section tion (12) is an approximation. We aggregate investment, of which equa- for also assess the quality of this approximation. Lemma Bl We introduce the following notation: • x,,i: disequilibrium immediately before period • r, (! number /, • (! last A:'(_^: of periods, as of time time firm i t, since firm adjusted (equal to i — desired level of (log) capital of firm adjustment of firm t i i. last adjusted.''^ r, i immediately before its last adjustment took place. • ktj^^: that /:, firm — (_ J t's (log) capital stock k'l^ ^ + c and immediately after the last time that, as changes in capital since time /,,( it adjusted. have only reflected depreciation, this quantity completely determines the current capital stock. Incorporating depreciation. ^^Possible values are: 1,2,3 36 Note Then, conditional on on when the firm we have that /,,(, and i,t k^j^ ^ are independent. last adjusted, its current disequilibrium That is, conditional and current capital stock are independent. Proof We have that = x,t k* ^ - A;*; and therefore depends on shocks (aggregate and _ idiosyncratic) that took place during periods on shocks that took place at /, (, t < /,,(. both quantities are independent. t > In- On Since shocks are the other hand, i.i.d., it A;, ;^ ^ depends only follows that, conditional on | Proposition Bl Denote: • Kt{x\r): adjusted • h'tir) : average capital stock of plants with disequilibrium x at time r t, that last periods ago. average capital stock of firms that last adjusted r periods ago. Thus: all = ^7r,(r)r,(r). A-,^ r • /((r): average investment, at time /, of those that last adjusted r periods ago. Thus: r • f'{x\r): Tt • cross-section, at time t, of plants that adjusted r periods ago. = n(e)A(vt + S)I{a1) and U = A{vt + 7r((r): fraction of plants, as of time t, <5)I((t2), we have that that last adjusted at r periods ago. Then: it = E'^'(^)^(('-)/(e-" - Proof It" = E''tir)It{r) 37 l)K{x)ft{x\T)dx. Denoting - l)A{x)Kt{x\r)f;(x\r)dx (e-^ E'^'M/c^ E Mr)Kt{T) /(e-^ - ^ Lemma where we used It Bl the last step. in l)Aix)f;ix\r)dx, | follows that, to calculate the exact expression for the aggregate investment/capital ratio, we need to keep track of a sufficiently large and the ft{x\r) size distribution of cohorts, 7rt(r). more burdensome than the approximation we used. this appro.xjmation We note that if number of conditional cross-sections, Computationally, this We show numerically, however, that mostly affects nuisance (secondary) parameters. 7 denotes the estimated values of the main parameters transformation of the shocks used when calculating the likelihood main parameters. use is ~^" substantially is It follows that a still 7,''^ then a linear leads to the same good measure of the quality of the approximation we to determine the extent to which the exact expression imation when we allow for a linear change in comes close to our approx- the aggregate shocks that determine exact aggregate investment. To implement this idea we consider 50.000 firms with and disequilibrium x equal to zero. initial capital All firms belong to the same stock equal to one sector. We simulate the evolution of these firms during 75 time periods, with parameters given by our estimated structural model. We keep track of the aggregate shocks (denoted by imation to aggregate investment (denoted by yf). Next we rescaled aggregate shocks (if, = aggregate investment (y^(a,6)). is closest to of them applied y^ . To measure a + We bvt), this re- Vt) and our approx- run the whole process with time keeping track of the exact expression for find the values of a and pro.xjmity between both series b for which the we consider two series yj{a,b) criteria, both to the last 45 observations of both series: ^2 ^ ^_MSiyJ(a^b)-yf) y^r{yf) R2 = 1- V^T{yJ(a,b)-yf) Var(t/^) There are three of these parameters in both estimation approaches we use. In both cases we have a free The two remaining parameters characterize the distribution of adjustment costs in the structural case and the adjustment hazard in the semistructural case. This follows from the expression derived for the likelihood (see Appendix C). constant. 38 Table 8: Assessing the approximation for aggregate investment Equipment Structures 0.0153 0.0030 a b R? d b R2 1.054 1.080 0.9803 0.9949 -0.0185 -0.0045 1.225 1.145 0.9962 0.9980 where MS(j/() denotes the average of the squares of the corresponding its variance. These measures capture the whether they allow or not our simulations. It is for fit of a regression of yj on an additive constant term."^^ y^ ^ and Var(2/t) differing in Table 8 shows the results of apparent that the excellent quality of the approximating aggregate investment by series fit we obtained justifies (12). Adjustment hazard 2 In this section we study the properties of the adjustment hazard: A(x) = G(fi(i where c is + c)), a fixed element (say the smallest one) in the set C characterized in Proposition A5. Assumption [0,w], w < 4 The distribution function G has a continuous density g(w) with support CO. Proposition B2 Under Assumptions 1, 2 and 3 made in Appendix A we have that the adjustment hazard satisfies: (a) |a;| lim|^|^oo A(2;) > M we have = A(a;) Furthermore, there exists a positive constant 1. = M such that for 1. It is arguable which criterion is more adequate in our case. On one hand, we allow for an additive constant term when estimating our models, on the other hand, it did not vary across sectors. 39 (b) A(a;) is difFerentiable at all x and: A'{x) = g(a{x + c)}n'{x + c). Proof A4 and Assumption (a) This follows immediately from Proposition (b) follows from the fact that A(x) It is 1. the composition of two differentiable functions and therefore differentiable (see Proposition A3). | 3 Invariant distribution Due to the presence of aggregate shocks, the distribution of disequilibria that determines aggregate investment (see Section 2.3.3 of the main text) has no invariant distribution. In Caballero and Engel (1992b) we establish that, a well defined sense, the average over in possible trajectories of aggregate shocks of the cross-section of deviations invariant distribution faced by an individual firm.''^ distribution exists and that convergence toward The on the • following operators, real line, will We let 7] mean = all of it 2 • = We which are defined on the We set T + = h)I{a'^)7i{e) and Tj 'H{B)A{^i + of probability densities S)I{a'^), of aggregate shocks, 6 the depreciation rate, a^ the = G{n{x + c)). set of The operators A, appendix. For any integer n > 1 H we denote by where sum fi denotes the of the variance of parameters characterizing the and I were defined 7^" the n-fold earlier in composition of 7i, 1,2. denote by V(/) the function that associates to / the fraction of firms that adjust when applying • we show that such a be useful throughout this section. y4(/j function A(x) equal to the takes place at an exponential rate. aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks, and 9 the this In this section is all 72. denote by Gn-\ the operator that associates to an of firms that have not adjusted after {n Thus the aggregate shock is constant and equal mean and variance a^ = it\2A + a^ - to 40 1) /i initial density / the cross-section shocks, normalized to one. and the idiosyncratic shock is Normal with zero We The cLSSume throughout that shocks are Normal. following lemma is needed to establish the main result of this section. Lemma B2 Given a cross-section /o let = /„ 7^"(/o). Denote by nn{fo) the probability that a particular firm adjusts at time n, conditional on not having adjusted during the and by 'r„(/o) the fraction of firms that exists a constant a £ common (0, 1), do not adjust during the to all initial - ^n(/o) > 1 (34) r„(/o) < a". by J^n-i the not adjusted after (n- 1) a lower bound Ne.xt note that that A(x) when |i| = > for M is a lower > M . represent those firms that have 7r„(/) > inf = >nj^i(/)- bound n periods. Then there = 7ri(^„_](/)), for 7r„, n > is M such 1. exists a constant B2 that there It that: V(/) Denote by A'(x) the adjustment hazard that and equal to zero elsewhere. we have V(g) inf follows from Proposition it for |i| 1 also tT] = 7r„(/) inf Hence may T and C periods, Q, set of all densities that shocks. Since J^„_i 1 cross-sections, such that: (33) Proof Denote first n - first is equal to one ea^y to see that both r„(/o) and 1 — ^i(/o) corresponding to this adjustment hazard are larger or equal than the corresponding quantities for the original hazard. Tlius the case of (33), for n = it 1. Applying the operator 72 to a mass point at x, which the fraction of firms that does not adjust distribution before adjustment is Q = 2$(M/o-) — 1, prove (33) and (34) for A'(a:) and, in suffices to with is (5^, is we have that the value largest, is the value such that the normal with zero mean and variance < q < 1 and ^ denoting the c.d.f. of x for cr^,'*° and this fraction of a standard Normal. follows that for any density /(x) the fraction that does not adjusts after applying T2 bounded from above by "Since <J>((A/ - x)/cr) a. Hence - $((-A/ - > tti x)/(t) is 1 - q. maximized 41 Finally, given at i = 0. It is any cross-section /o(x), we have that ^^(/o) Proposition = B3 n^_j(l - ^kifo)), which Given an arbitrary bounded from above by q". is initial cross-section, /o, let fk the sequence (/^) as above, but for the particular case where /o Let is = T^{fo). conditional on not having adjusted during the first n — 1 Also, define a mass point at x denote the probability that a firm which starts off at i = 7r° | = 0. adjusts at time n, periods. Denote: n;:^(i-^,°) ^' i and define: /'^(x) = + E.>:[nL-d(i-'^?)]' J2i>oPifi{^)- Then /„ converges to /^ convergence takes place at an exponential Proof We consider At any moment the in time, same number of periods The weights on Hence f° ago. = follows from It Stokey (1989, = z I subsets and A = j e a convex combination of /o,/i°, is S - • • • , fn-\- Lemma B2 p. 348). = max(a, = - (1 {0,1,2,3,...}, and transition kernel: TTs)6s,v--[ and zero otherwise. State The corresponding (adjusting). N if 1 Sq. the above densities can be determined by the one-to-one correspondence Pis,v) (5,,^ = f° can be partitioned into groups of firms which last adjusted with the Markov process with state space where the variation distance and rate. the case where /o first in probabilities are + ^s^s,0, + s leads to s 1 — tt, and (not adjusting) or to tt^. that the above process satisfies Condition Indeed, with the notation of these authors 1 1 - q) > 0, with q defined in M in Lucas and we have that there exists lemma, such that for all the preceding of 5: rmx{ P^ {s, A), P:{s,A^)) > e, since m..iP,is,A),P,is,A^)) =\' 1 and from Lemma B2 we max(7rs, have max(7rs, Hence Theorem 11.12 in 'f 1 1 - - = e ^^ ^ ^ °^ ^°'^ + '^ ^ ^"^ for all 5. Lucas and Stokey (1989, 42 + otherwise, 7r^) tt^) ^°'^ p. 350) implies that there exists an invariant distribution, /^, and a constant /° (35) II Furthermore, /^ is -n\< (1 - e) G"ii fs the unique fixed point for the straightforward calculation show that f^ Extending G= = < 1, such that: -n\. Markov operator. The latter and a Y^^Pif"- where /o can be arbitrary this results to the general case is straightforward. All firms eventually adjust and, once they adjust, the previous case applies (since they adjust to X = 0). Given an arbitrary /o we may write: T"(/o) = where /* is in Lemma . , f",^; gn could the fact that the variation distance that there exists a G (0, 1) iiTVo-rii Convergence follows by . beany cross-section, and r„ B2. From Lemma B2 and is - V2)r"/^(/„*) + V2(5n), a convex combination of Jq, f^,. was defined we have (1 is bounded from above by 1 such that: < (i-r„/2)iiT'^/'(<5o)-rii+v2 < G"/' II /o - r II +a"/'. letting n tend to infinity; the rate at geometric, bounded from above by mcLx(vG, i/q). which convergence takes place | C: Econometrics This appendix is divided into two sections. In Section and sketch the general approach used In Section 2 1 we derive the likelihood function for calculating this function at given we describe implementation parameter values. details for the semistructural (Section 2.1) structural (Section 2.2) cases. 43 and Calculating the likelihood function 1 An 1.1 expression for the likelihood sources of randomness ("error terms") are the sectoral (aggregate) shocks, The where u,('s, i = and I,..., I t = We l,...,r.'" i.e., the assume that sectoral shocks are Normal and independent over time, and denote the mean and variance of these shocks in sector by ^, and c„, respectively. The (column) vector of sector is by V,; We V [c,j] aggregate shocks denotes the column vector with Vi followed by V2 and so on; and fiy allow for contemporaneous correlation C= i's among shocks from i denoted = different sectors; the ^[V]- matrix denotes the corresponding covariance matrix (which does not vary over time). Standard change of variable calculations lead to the following expression minus the for log likelihood: -Log. where A lik. Q B = const + ^ log §^ dvu + ^ log \C\ Log. lik. = const + y^log C dyxi dv,t where /I'v hv - /iv)'(C-' denotes the Kroneckcr product of matrices Concentrating the likelihood with respect to [361 + and ® hW - A and B and y,; ^iv), = lal^'^ii- /iv leads to: + 2l°g corresponds to the vector of sample means. {V - fIv){V - ^TvY That the Jacobian is well defined follows from Proposition B2. Calculating the likelihood in (36) requires calculating the sectoral shocks (the the corresponding partial derivatives (the dyu/dv,i^s). Next we show v,t's) and that, conditional on the initial cross-section and the set of parameter values, the relation between sectoral shocks and sectoral investment rates is invertible. Our proof is constructive: it describes how the sectoral shocks are actually calculated for given parameter values. ^'By working with a continuum of firms we have that, despite the presence of idiosyncratic and adjustat the micro level, the only source of sectoral randomness are aggregate shocks. That is, the cross-section that results after adjustments is uniquely determined by the adjustment function and the cross-section prior to adjustments. Also, the cross-section that results after the idiosyncratic shocks is the convolution of the density (common across plants and sectors) from which these shocks are drawn with the cross-section prior to the shock. See equations (15) and (16) in the main text for the corresponding formulas. ment shocks 44 Calculating the components of the likelihood 1.2 Suppose we know the cross-sections of disequilibria from the aggregate dynamics the i-th sector during period and (see equations (15), (16) (37) = y,t determined by the aggregate shocks is yltiv^l,v,2,...,v,t,M,0)), and the cross-section prior to = yu 0. It follows in the first t periods is = i l,...,/. a function of only the current aggregate shock this shock: y.tiM-J-l),Va) = (39) = t (18)): Furthermore, aggregate investment (38) every sector at time our model that the observed capital-investment ratio in in t in + 4>{v,t S - x)A{x -vu-S)Mx,t- l)dx, I where in our case = (p{u) - e" 1 but, more generally, in the derivation that follows 4>{u) could be any smooth and strictly increasing function with above expression with respect to ^(/,(-,^-1),lO = / d Vu J [(h'(v + 8 v,t evaluated at v - x)A(x - V -6) + is 4'(0) equal 4>{v + 6 = 0. The derivative of the to: - x)A'{x -v- 8)] f,{x,t-l)dx. Recalling that f{x,t) denotes the cross section immediately after period Vs sectoral (and depreciation) shocks, (40) It that: ^iM;t-l),Va)= [ [<P'{-x)\(x) - follows from our assumptions on and increasing is we have (41) (42) the fact that A(z) for positive x (the "increasing strictly positive Vii is d and when /,(i, ^ - 1) <t>{-x)A'{x)] is l)dx. decreasing for negative x hazard" property) that the above derivative has support equal to the real line (as in our case). uniquely determined from (38): vu Mx,t - = f.((2/.r,/,(-,^- 1)) = Vaiy^t,v,,t-\,,Vi^l,f,{,0)), 45 Thus and proceeding inductively we conclude that: v,t It - v,t{y,t,y,,t-i,-- • ,2/.i,/.(-.0))). follows that, conditional on the initial cross-sections, the by the t;,('s are uniquely determined y,('s. Initial cross-sections 1.3 The initial cross-section in sector i is measure of the set equal to the invariant probability unconditional process describing the evolution of disequilibria for an individual plant This that sector.''^ the cross-section obtained is paths of aggregate shocks. Although when averaging over in possible sample all ''' this selection is arbitrary, we checked the robustness of our results by study- ing the convergence properties of cross sections distribution near our initial distribution. We compared the sequence of cross-sections used in our likelihood calculations with those obtained when we perturbed the mean of the invariant-initial distribution by one standard The Markov deviation of the average (across sectors) aggregate shocks. problem, combined with the contractionary features derived for Appendix A, ensures that any given sequence of aggregate shocks, the distance between both cross-sections tends to zero over time with probability one; the issue tlie in structure of our other. Simulations showed that, for the is how fast one distribution converges to parameter values considered, the distance be- tween both sequence of cross sections becomes negligible (variation distance sometime between the second and we discarded the 1.4 first third cross-section after the initial three observations for all series when less than 0.01) For this reason, one.'''' calculating the likelihood. Summary Given a set of parameter values, we calculate the likelihood By unconditional, we mean that we do not condition on actual variance of shocks relevant for this distribution sum in (36) as follows: sectoral shocks. For this reason the and idiosyncratic we show that if Fo denotes the probability measure describing a particular plant's deviation at time t = 0, and Ft the corresponding probabihty measure t periods later, then Ft converges in the variation distance to a distribution F* which does note depend on the initial distribution Fo. ''^See Caballero and Engel (1992b) for a proof. The parameter on which convergence depends most is the variance of idiosyncratic shocks; convergence is faster as this parameter becomes larger. shocks. In Appendix is the B.l 46 of the variances of sectoral 1. The (one for each of the 21 two-digit man- initial cross-section of firms' disequilibria ufacturing sectors considered) are set equal to the invariant distribution faced by an individual plant. These cross-sections are denoted /,(x,0); 2. For i = 1 = Solve (38) to find (b) Calculate dyit/dv^t from (40). (c) Determine the next The next conducted in = 1,...,21. to T: (a) upon i and (15) u,(, z 1, . , . . 21. set of cross-sections of disequilibria (the /,(-,<)'s) based (16). section provides the details on exactly how everyone of the steps above are both estimation approaches (semistructural and structural). Implementation 2 Semistructural approach 2.1 This approach estimates the adjustment rate function directly. ment rate function is common A(x) = and A2 > 0. assume that the adjust- across sectors and of the form: (43) with Aq > We 1 -e-^°--^^^', W'e estimate three parameters (besides the means and var-cov. matrix of aggregate shocks); Aq, A2 and an additive constant (common across sectors). Estimating the 2.1.1 In what follows, we knew this initial cross-sections we do not make any assumptions about the mean mean, or could estimate it of the aggregate shock. If directly from the observed data, then we could de- termine the invariant density by calculating the invariant probability function of a standardfixed Markov chain To compute the (see Caballero and Engel (1994) initial cross-section we proceed for details). as follows. denote a Normal density with zero mean and variance 47 CTq = cr^ For sector + c„. We i we set let c,, 5,(1,0) equal to 0.035 for all sectors.''^ Given 5,(1, r - 1) we calculate g,{x,T) by y [niXo, A2M(tV + where by y; v^r- Then we 1) and = y„ i. The solution is denoted = T{v,r + 6,Xo,X2,cTo)g,{x,T - 1). approaches the unconditional invariant density for an individual 5,(a:,r) approaches a constant consistent with the mean of sectoral investment/capital v,t We solving for v in set: As T grows, ratio. - denotes the average capital-investment ratio of sector 5,(1, r) plant, S)]g,{x, r first use this density as the when calculating the cross-section initial Simulations showed that using 30 iterations (for each sector) was sufficient for likelihood. all practical purposes. 2.1.2 Calculating the likelihood The family we work with has the of adjustment functions attractive property that the evolution of the cross-sections can be tracked efficiently using a convex combination of a number small this, Normal of we show next that densities, then f,{x,t) densities, thus reducing if is we assume that f,{x,t computational time substantially. To see — a convex combination of 1) is A -|- a convex combination of A' Normal 1 densities. We also derive simple expressions to update the means, %'ariances and weights assigned to the Normal densities characterizing /,(x,i). Consider variance a^. for i',( first A the case A' = 1 and assume f,{x,t - 1) is Normal, with mean fi and simple but tedious calculation shows that solving (38) reduces to solving in: (44) y_^ = e'='''-+*' - Ie"''*"'-+*' + ^''''"+*', - 1 a where t' a^ = I + 2A2CT2' There are two reasons for fixing c„: First, it avoids estimating an additional non-linear parameter. Second, since we may expect that the variance of idiosyncratic shocks is significantly larger than the variance of aggregate shocks, the value of the latter is of little relevance when determining the adjustment function and the invariant density. 48 The partial derivative in (40) 1^ dv,t (45) It = e'^(^-+^) + 1 2 - fi+ -a c{v) = V d{v) = Ao is equal + , — A2(v-/i) to: 4e-''<^"+*' - 2X2{v,t + <5 ,cK, + 5) - /i)4 _ ^. a'- cr follows from equation (17) in the main text that the cross-section density period's sectoral (aggregate), hazard and idiosyncratic shocks, f,{-,t), <-th combination of two Normal densities, one of them with mean = tj and variance r^ + a^^, and the other with zero mean and variance cr^. (fi — vn — is ^)/(l after the a convex + 2A2cr^) The former corresponds to those firms that did not adjust, the latter to those that adjusted their capital stock. fraction of firms in the group that does not adjust The is: r2 (46) (7^ In the of vV more general Normal densities, combination of terms y,i case, where f,{x,t-l) = u,( is obtained by solving an equation analogous to (44) with a linear like H = partial derivative is convex combination the one on the right hand side of that equation: Qfc k The '}2k=i (^hf^(,x,i~^) 's a / (i'{vii + <5 - x)A{x - u,( - S)f^{x, t - l)dx. •' equal to a convex combination of terms like those in (45). also have that f,{x,t) will be a convex combination of A'' + 1 Normal densities. We Each of these cross-sections corresponds to a specific cohort, grouping plants that have not adjusted for the same number of periods. "younger" ones and have lost The "older" cross-sections are mass monotonically due to the adjustment of their members. Simulations showed that keeping track of 30 densities is extremely conservative: the impact on aggregate investment of cohorts much older than 30 years in every period more spread out than the we merge the two oldest cohorts into one is negligible. For this reason, Normal density with mean and variance equal to those of the convex combination of the densities being merged. 49 Structural approach 2.2 Instead of estimating the adjustment function directly, as in the semistructural case, here we estimate the parameters of the distribution of adjustment costs and obtain the adjustment function from the solution of the dynamic optimization problem described in section The initial distribution is calculated in a Adjustment costs are drawn from a '""'= which has mean ^i^ — p4) and Gamma way analogous to the semistructural case. distribution: 54) r '"''"'**• coefficient of variation cv^j = l/y/p- Again, parameters (besides the means and var-cov. of aggregate shocks); constant (common 2. /x^, we estimate three cv^ and an additive across sectors). Adjustment function 2.2.1 The adjustment function for a given set of parameters is obtained by solving numerically the stochastic dynamic optimization problem described in section 2. For this purpose - but not when evaluating the likelihood from the shocks and Jacobian terms- we disregard sectoral differences in /x^ function {fi^, cv^, a^, and r, S, cr^, and assume the parameters that determine the adjustment P, in addition to fi^ and cr^ ) are allows us to calculate only one adjustment function and use We common it across sectors. This for all sectors. use a grid of 800 equally spaced points on the interval [-3.5,3.5] to determine the value function via value iteration. '^^ The corresponding simulations showed that 30 iterations were sufficient, -• Cn = Vr._,{z + Az) + steps, for which extensive are:"*^ ^e^(''+^^) / G{u)du argmax(u„(2)). Using 200 points makes no significant difference; we used 800 because the additional time involved was The reason why we need at least 200 points is that we fix the grid of possible values of x (between -3.5 and 3.5) in advance, so that often a significant part of this interval becomes irrelevant (the hazard is small. almost equal to one on it). Also, the finer the grid, the closer we can get to the case where the adjustment hazard looks like that of an (5, s) policy. See Section 2.2.3 for the derivations. 50 The distribution of Az Normal with mean is variance faced by an individual firm (ctq = a'^ — ln(l + 8) and variance equal When cr^). calculating Cn to the total we interpolate with a quadratic polynomial the value function Vn{z) at the 3 points on the grid where the function is largest, and polynomial. By doing this set c„ equal to the argument of the maximum value of this maximization over a smoothed function, we avoid having to work with a discontinuous likelihood function. We set the mean of the aggregate shocks equal to the mean estimated with the semistruc- tural approach.''^ 2.2.2 Family of adjustment functions The adjustment function estimated via dynamic optimization 800 points. This makes it needed to calculate the i;,('s evaluated on a grid of is computationally infeasible to solve the 945 non-linear equations every evaluation of the likelihood. For this reason in we work with a family of adjustment functions characterized by only a few parameters and such that the derivatives needed for the Jacobian terms do not need to be calculated numerically. Experimentation with a variety of distributions of adjustment costs showed that the family of continuous, piecewise inverted Normal adjustment functions approximates well the adjustment functions obtained via value purposes, with the middle piece equal to zero. parameter family is A suffice for representative most practical member of this four- of the form: 1 A(x) = (47) _ e-\-(x-r-)2 if^<^-^ U X- < <( l_e->^(--^)^ We Three pieces iteration. approximated the positive (x > X < x+ ifx>x+. and negative (i < 0) function obtained via value iteration separately. , We 0) determined arms of the adjustment x'^ and A"*" by imposing that the approximation matches the function obtained via value iteration at the (positive) points where the hazard equals 0.25 and analogous condition for negative values of * We set this value ex-ante to avoid non-linear adjustment term 4i[v„ of this drift from the data. firm deviations, we allow + S 0.75, We obtained x~ and A~ imposing an x. having to estimate additional non-linear parameters. Because of the x) in equation (38), there is no simple way to obtain an estimate — Also note that, as described for a firm specific mean that corresponding sector. 51 is earlier, when calculating the invariant density of approximately equal to the observed mean of the Calculating the 2.2.3 When and the corresponding derivatives keeping track of the cross-section of deviations, we approximate /,(,< mass points on a We t;j('s why we grid of equally spaced points (we discuss The The operator by u,( + 8. at each point A{v^t + ^) is operator, m(x) on the pre-shock at X H, is dard deviation , I). CT;. The grid, then after the /i,, 4- 4cr,(], where /i,( and a1^ obtained after the idiosyncratic shock. ''^ is at zero): if x is a adjustment shock we have mass this point at zero. where the mass was located and stan- computed at 33 equally space points on denote the mean and variance of the cross-section We work with ber of points needed to track the cross-section. a dynamic grid to reduce the around the mean, suffices to accurate estimates. analytically, thereby avoiding 52 num- Simulations showed that 33 points on a grid of width equal to 8 standard deviations, centered Both the mean and variance are calculated — each one of the 34 mass points becomes to the point resulting density fi{-,t applied next, leading to 34 mass points (one and mass A(x)m(x) stemming from Normal density with mean equal 4ct,, obtained from: + 6,X- ,X+ ,x- ,x+ ,a,)f,{x,t - Finally the idiosyncratic shock takes place: - is yu. where there was mass before adjustments and a new mass - .\{x))m{x) [//,( chose 33 points shortly). implemented by shifting the 33 mass points describing The adjustment point with mass a Next fi{x,t) partial derivatives are calculated from (40). f,{xj) = Tiv.t (1 by 33 1) solve for v in: y[ni\-,X+,x-,x+)A{v + S)]Mx,t-l) = 1) - any circularity. obtain References [1] "Consumer Durables: Evidence on the Opti- Bar-Ilan, Avner, and Alan S. 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