Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/optimismdeadlineOOyild Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of OPTIMISM, DEADLINE EFFECT, AND STOCHASTIC DEADLINES Muhamet Yildiz MIT Working Paper 04-36 August 2004 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02142 MA This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection littp://ssrn.com/abstract=61 1946 at MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGV DEC 7 200*! LIBRARIES i Optimism, Deadline Effect, and Stochastic Deadlines* Muhamet Yildiz MIT August, 2004 Abstract Under a firm deadline, agreement until the deadline. I in bargaining propose a rationale is often delayed for this deadline effect that naturally comes from the parties' optimism about their bargaining power. is I then show that the deadline effect disappears stochastic and the offers are made Key words: optimism, deadline if the deadline arbitrarily frequently. effect, bargaining JEL Numbers: C72, C73. Introduction 1 When last there is a firm deadline, the agreement minute before the deadline. is often delayed until the very This "deadline effect" is served in a wide range of laboratory experiments as well as ations (See e.g., commonly ob- real-life negoti- Roth, Murnighan, and Schoumaker (1988)). For example, *This paper stems from my dissertation submitted to Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and some of the ideas here are also expressed in an earlier working paper (Yildiz, 2001). I thank my advisor Robert Wilson. and John Ktnnan. 1 I also thank Thomass Helmann the unions and employers reach "eleventh-hour agreements" just before the unions' deadline to strike. Litigants often reach a "settlement on the cour- thouse steps." In these and many other real-life negotiations the parties re- portedly hold overly optimistic views about their relative bargaining power (Babcock and Loewenstein (1997)). Such optimism has long been recognized as a major factor in bargaining delays (see, I propose a rationale for the deadline optimism about their parties' The Hicks (1937)). In this paper, effect that naturally relative bargaining power. the deadline effect disappears relative bargaining e.g., if power may the deadline is I stochastic comes from the then show that and the parties' shift quickly. rationale for the deadline effect as follows. Consider is and B, negotiating under a firm deadline d*, which two parties, A the last date at which is they can strike a deal. After a deadline, they can no longer negotiate, and each party receives his disagreement payoff, which is, at d* , the cost of delay high. Hence, at d* is , is presumably low. That a wide range of agreements are possible as outcomes of bargaining. For example, if party A has a strong bargaining position that allows him to set the terms of trade, leaving the other party no other option than that of accepting or rejecting these terms, then they reach an agreement in which gains from trade if B is and leaves B A B indifferent to disagreement. bargaining power, they may extracts almost all of the large almost indifferent to disagreement. Similarly, in such a strong position, then and leave A strike extracts all the gains from trade Depending on the any deal that is in parties' relative between these two extreme points. Therefore, a party's share in an agreement at d* affected by his relative bargaining power. Hence, at negotiation, each party his share in a possible may have any is greatly earlier date in the very high or very low expectations about agreement at d* , about bis relative bargaining power at depending on his d* . level of optimism In case of excessive optimism, these expectations will be so high that, unless waiting until the deadline too costly, there will be no agreement at the moment parties' expectations. Therefore, the players wait is that could satisfy both and reach an eleventh- hour agreement just before the deadline. The cost may be gain from trade lost due to the deadline Now consider an environment stochastic. Formally, may be in very high; half of the effect. which the deadline assume that the deadline is is not fixed but rather a random variable with a continuous cumulative distribution function. For example, consider a market may that does not necessarily close sharply at 5:00pm but in close at any time between 4:50pm and 5:10pm. For another example, consider a labor con- tract that does not expire at a fixed date but expires event happens, e.g., when the when a certain random inflation rate exceeds a certain threshold. commits yet another example, consider a union that For to a strike that will be triggered by such a random event, rather than automatically starting at a fixed date. Assume that the factors which determine may change power quickly, so that parties' bargaining whether a party has a strong bargaining position today does not have an impact on the probability of that party hav- ing a strong position tomorrow. Assume opportunities to strike a deal. In such an environment, 1 have frequent also that the parties I show that the deadline effect disappears, and the parties reach an agreement immediately. An intuition for this result the parties find it very is Consider a date as follows. likely that there will explained above, the perceived cost of delay is deadline is at which be no more negotiations. As high at t* , and the parties may be highly optimistic about their shares in an agreement at when the t* t* . Nevertheless, stochastic, the ex-ante probability that the parties will face the deadline before such a date t* must be very high. 2 not willing to wait until sufficiently earlier date, the parties are Hence, at a t* to realize their expectations because that incurs a very high risk of receiving the 1 that 2 is In the formal model, is I also make an assumption low to rule out any anticipated deadline implicit in players' beliefs. This is because the ex-ante probability that the deadline arrives before the date at least as high as the conditional probability of that event at t* be very high. But the former probability the the deadline arrives before the date is , which is t* +1 assumed to approximately the ex-ante probability that £*, for the dates t* and very close in real-time and the cumulative distribution function f+ is 1 are assumed to be continuous. payoff of disagreement. On the other hand, the parties expect to have if many opportunities to strike a deal in the future and parties are not pessimistic about their bargaining power in the future, then their expectations about the future are high. Hence the perceived cost of delay limits the scope of the individually rational trade. in a possible agreement are not affected is That relatively small. Then, the parties' payoffs much by their bargaining power. Therefore, the parties' optimism about their bargaining power induces only low levels of optimism about their shares. 3 There are arbitrarily close stochastic deadlines to any deterministic dead- The above line. results describe quite different equilibrium behavior such two similar environments. mism under While a deterministic deadline and opti- naturally lead to delaying of agreement until the deadline, under any nearby stochastic deadline, there environment From is will be immediate agreement whenever the sufficiently variable. a theoretical point of view, the above two results extend the cri- tique in Yildiz (2003) of the literature that explains the bargaining delays by optimism, using informal arguments that fit to a two period model, excessive optimism leads to a delay. In Yildiz (2003), mism The is sufficiently first persistent, then there will result in this showed that I opti- be an immediate agreement. paper shows that optimism naturally leads to the —just as deadline effect under a deterministic deadline! it leads to a delay in a two period model. The second result shows that, nevertheless, slight uncertainty if when about the deadline so that be an immediate agreement it is if there is stochastic, then there will in the continuous-time limit, the limit case that attracted most of the attention in bargaining literature. In the continuous-time limit, the players' relative bargaining power allowed to shift back and forth instantaneously. In practice, however, the factors that determine players' relative bargaining power suddenly and that often. Hence, optimism 3 Although this intuition is may do not change that lead to the deadline effect valid also for multilateral bargaining, some delay when there are many parties (Ali, 2002). is it may not prevent even under a stochastic deadline. Therefore, from a practical point of view, one must interpret the last result as follows: the deadline effect disappears when there is sufficient uncertainty about the deadline relative to how quickly the players get a chance to strike a deal and how quickly their relative bar- gaining power changes. A firm deadline is often imposed upon them from dragging out the negotiations negotiators in order to prevent indefinitely. Ironically, such dead- themselves sometimes entice parties to delay the agreement. lines happens because of the such a deadline effect that will happen at a then one parties' optimism, by imposing a deadline that random time and is may be is beyond the If this able to avoid triggered by an event parties' control. The uncertainty about the timing of the deadline must be high enough so that, during the period at which such an event happens, the parties will have many opportunities to strike a deal and their relative bargaining power will potentially change many times. Spier (1992) shows that, in a pre-trial negotiation with incomplete in- formation, the settlement probability will be a U-shaped function of time, consistent with the deadline effect. model that explains the deadline Ma effect. and Manove (1993) also develop a In that model, the delay and a party can wait as much as he wants before making an opponent has to wait for his fer waits until the deadline In their model, there is made and it is is offer. Then, the party who and makes a his make an of- it offer. between the times an offer may not go through. This model may not disappear when the accepted. Hence, a late offer Indeed, Roth, Murnighan, and Schoumaker deadline becomes stochastic. is to costles and offer, minute take-it-or-leave also a stochastic delay suggests that the deadline effect in that (1 last is is 988) informally discuss a possible explanation based on the idea that there no cost of delay except about the deadline. 4 ''Roth for a cost at the When end due to a the deadline becomes stochastic, the deadline and Ockenfels (2002) consider a similar model by the possibility that the slight uncertainty last offer may in which the delay is motivated not go through. They use this model to explain effect disappears in some models while remains intact in some other. Hence one can use stochastic deadlines to test these models. Model 2 There are two among themselves dollar N= 6 risk averse agents, i,j who want {1,2}, before a deadline; the set of all to divide a feasible expected place on a U — {(u ,!?) G [0, lplu + u 2 < 1}. The negotiation takes grid T = {0,1,2,...} of index-times t that approximates the continuum [0, 1 utility pairs is r (t, = k) Each index oo) of real times r. where t/k, The grid. 1 a large integer that measures the fineness of the is A; corresponds to a real time t players' time preferences and the deadline are given by the time and do not depend on the grid. Each player's r is e _rT x where r discount rate I is > (£, d if = < k) 2 , — At t 0. . if and only d, The with probability d* ) d, if deadline 1 for F the negotiation automatically ends and is some is d* said to be deterministic S [0, oo). 6 U; if game. Given any each player i t , <5*u ); 6 iV; otherwise, the is is i offers Notice that, if At each t with an alternative v = game ends yielding game proceeds — real time to date t + 1, F (t (t,k) before the recognition at r' \d > t'))p\ to the event that observed in p-Bay auctions but not firm; in said is which case the game ends yielding payoff vector and any history with the deadline effect 10 minutes. 2 1 assigns probability (1 e-Bay, the deadline Amazon can be i the other player accepts the offer, then the a payoff vector S u = ((5'n unless r (t + 1, k) > d, in (0, 0). The deadline and if continuous. Nature recognizes a player t why rl k will analyze the following perfect-information (w 1 u t, e~ model the deadline as a positive random variable d with cumulative to be stochastic r = denoted by 5 each agent gets payoff of I from getting x at measures the real-time impatience. The index-time distribution function F. only utility real Amazon, auction may not end if in Amazon auctions. In there was a bid in the last there are uncertainty about the entry, then the deadline in considered stochastic. Incidentally, the results here can also be extended to auction environments. 6 i be recognized at date will about t, where on r this event conditional (t, E p\ < k) his probability assessment [0, 1] is d. Everything above is common knowledge. This model it is similar to that of Yildiz (2003) allows a stochastic deadline. dom bargaining breakdowns, (1987), Merlo and Wilson Its only difference the discounting is that due to the ran- is the Rubinstein-Stahl framework (e.g., Binmore (1995)) also allows stochastic deadlines. In that framework, the discount rate is When . is usually taken as constant over time, and it thereby assumed that the deadline has an exponential distribution. This paper does not impose any such restriction on deadlines because that would rule out the critical class of stochastic deadlines that istic deadlines. however, is Its that it approximate determin- main departure from the Rubinstein-Stahl framework, allows the players to hold subjective beliefs about which player will be recognized and when, and these beliefs possibly differ from each other. A player's bargaining power is determined by the recognition process; a the present value of the temporal monopoly player's equilibrium payoff is rents he expects to extract when he is recognized (Yildiz, 2003, 2004). The differences in players' beliefs about the recognition process reflect their opti- mism date or pessimism about their bargaining power. The level of optimism for t is measured by = Vt The = p\ + Pt ~ 1- players' probability assessments for date t agree players are weakly optimistic (resp., pessimistic) for ?/t < 0). The main focus in this paper will be t when y = when y > do not update player is is 0. The (resp., t on the case that the players remain (weakly) optimistic throughout the game, although Notice also that p\ t it is not assumed. a constant. This reflects the assumption that players their beliefs about the future events as they observe recognized at a given date. This independence assumption in order to rule out the delays that are unrelated to the deadline effect. due to learning is which made (Yildiz (2004)), Equilibrium 3 One can iteratively eliminate all conditionally dominated strategies to reach an essentially unique subgame-perfect equilibrium. The equilibrium is unique for all own In this section, I a trivial (The continuation values are as the present value of continuation payoffs at expectations.) may be subgame-perfect equilibria; there multiplicity of equilibria in knife-edge cases. computed unique any player at the beginning of in the sense that the continuation value of any date is will derive using the player's t, a difference equation that determines these continuation values and describe the equilibrium behavior and the conditions that determines whether players reach an agreement at any given date. Let VJ be the continuation value of a player t < conditional on that r (t,k) when r (t, k) > any date the players share a (t, k) < the surplus or the perceived d, t is St If at the beginning of a date the continuation values are identically zero Conditional on r d. size of the pie at d; i common = v? + v2 t . set of beliefs, St is identically 1. may be higher players' subjective beliefs are allowed to differ in this paper, St or lower than For each 1. qt write also t, =l-F(T(t + l,k)\d>T(t,k)) for the conditional probability that the deadline t + 1 given that the deadline then payoffs at t + 1 Since the by the is not reached at is t. not reached at index time At date players discount t effective discount factor of Sqt The discounted - value 8qt St+i of the next period surplus determines whether players reach an agreement at t in equilibrium if they have not yet agreed. Consider the case that 5qt St +i > 1. Since each player counted payoff of Sqt Vt +1 from delaying agreement beyond i expects a dis- t, an agreement l at t must give 5<ltV£-i = at least 5qt Sq t St +i > 1. V +l z t to each player i, requiring a Hence the players cannot agree at sum t of 5qt V*+1 + in equilibrium. This case i is at the beginning of and the surplus Now The called the disagreement regime. continuation value of player t is is St = consider the case 5qt S +i < t 5qt St+ i. 1. (1) Now an agreement at t is possible but also necessary for equilibrium whenever the inequality This case is called the agreement regime. other player j i offers j this is willing to agree to When a player % — 5q V^+1 rest, 1 t , is strict. recognized, the is any division that gives j at amount and keeps the not only least Sqt for himself, VJ+1 t ; an amount more than 5q V?+1 his continuation value from delay. (The latter amount would be his share if he were not recognized.) The continuation that is t value of player V; i , at the beginning of = P\{1- 5q VJ+l + (1 ) t - pi) t is now 5qt Vi+l = p\ (1 - 5q St+l + 5q t In that case, the surplus at the beginning of S = t 4 l . t is + y {l-5q St+ i). t (2) t I will show that optimism and a deterministic deadline near future lead players to wait until the last date to effect disappears and there stochastic and the Proposition e VJ+1 Deadline Effect In this section, t* t ) = -rd' but this deadline immediate agreement whenever the deadline is offers are settle, made frequently (i.e., k is 1 Let there be a deterministic deadline at some d* > 0, and let Assume that (t, k) < (1 -f-^„) > 1. Then, in equilibrium, the players disagree at each d*} be the last date before the deadline. at t*. is large). max{i|r and reach an agreement in the t < t* Proof. regime at each < t t* and S = since q = , t*, and there will £**"*&. 5 > r t» 1 t 1, 0, + = 5qt *St *+i yt * (1 — S > e~ t* Td ' (1 yt .) > = t 1 t * t l 1 each 1 for < t t* by the hypothesis. a simple generalization of Example 1 is an agreement is Moreover, for +y 5* S = 5S +i = ^Sf will hold, at t, so long as 5 ~ Sf > 1- But the equality + Hence, there 0. 5qt *Sf+i) be a disagreement regime Proposition is — Firstly, since qt * of Yildiz (2003). It based on the basic observation that the recognized player just before the deadline has a great bargaining power, as he makes a take-it-or-leave-it If the deadline not too far away and the players are sufficiently optimistic is about being recognized and dictating a very favorable settlement at it is hypothesized in Proposition before t* agreement until the This behavior is last The next many when will delay the and is commonly observed in real- under which the deadline effect dis- the deadline becomes stochastic. e > the deadline be stochastic 0, there exists in equilibrium before real-time (i.e., let F be continuous). k such that the players reach an agreement for each k e ing two conditions are satisfied: (i) yt > > k whenever either of the follow- for each t, or (ii) yt = Y (r (t, k)) k for some continuous function Y. is, if the deadline is agreement in continuous-time tions be no feasible agreement experiments. result provides conditions Then, given any That will then predicts that the players called the deadline effect Proposition 2 Let all t, then there —as date before the deadline and settle at the last date. world negotiations and in for 1, t* that satisfies both players' (highly optimistic) expectations. Under this hypothesis, Proposition 1 appears offer. above is satisfied. stochastic, then there will limit, so long as either be an immediate one of the two condi- Such conditions are not superfluous because the play- ers' beliefs (particularly their pessimism) may reflect an anticipated deadline, and thus considerations about a deterministic deadline may be disguised as pessimistic beliefs. pessimistic about To t), see this, note that when yt < the analysis remains unchanged 10 (i.e., if when players are we instead assumed commonly that the players with probability believed that, at and no player p\ each player t, recognized with probability is recognized is i —yt . Hence, a deterministic deadline at a date d* can be implicitly incorporated in players' by assuming that yt beliefs = —1 each for > with r(t,k) t d* Condition . (ii) by rules out such possible incorporation of deterministic deadlines in beliefs jumps ruling out sudden one only needs to rule out sudden drops in the below. Condition out, random variable all Proof of Proposition agreement regime. 2, is t (tk, k) € for the proof consistent with empirical evidence for is I will For each 2. show that limfe^,*, log (2) /r] for each k, [0, be the k, let tk r k) (tk, = and hence the only limit point of the sequence r Since 0. date with an first Stk it suffices is to tk 5-q the inequality > By 0. = is 5 show that . Consider (1), Stk = tk ( bounded Let r* be any limit point (tk, k). of this sequence, and consider a subsequence that converges to r* any k with by the optimism (Babcock and Loewenstein (1997)). players' persistent by optimism considerations about deadlines are captured This condition d. level of which states that the players are optimistic through- (i), makes sure that with this intuition, in level of optimism. Consistent J! ft t 5 *(l-F(r (t k , k))) Stk > 1; (3) J due to the fact that there is a disagreement regime at 0. Hence, = — A (l-F(T(t k 1 will show that 1/A k converges e- to rT " k ,k)))Stk th lim 5 fc and therefore, r* = 0. Towards St k as there is 5 tk < 1. (4) {) proving that 1, = < - —>oo = 1, this goal, note first that =l + yt an agreement regime at k (1 tk, - 5qtk Stk+1 ) which 11 also implies that 5qt k Stk +\ (5) < 1. I 1. consider the two conditions separately. First assume [If = 1 + Vt S*»+i > 5qtk+1 Stk +2 Stk+1 = 5qtk+l Stk+2 > 1- If 5qtk+1 Stk+2 < - 5qtk+1 Stk + 2 ) > 1, as ytk+1 > 0.] Hence, by (5), then 1, +\ (1 k Stk +i > Then, (i). Stk <2-5qtk 1, then (6) . Thus, < (l-F(T(t k ,k)))(2-5qtk ) ^4fc = 2(l-F(r(t Since F Ak > Now converges to by 1 < assume > Vt k +i to be by 0, (ii) then 0, and similarly = that Y{t*) are covered, By bound Ak for 1. =Y (r yt k +i 1, (ifc, is Ak < — t, be delays shows. = 1, fc) r*, the — now 1 it suffices in the limit. If when is 1. 0. But, 1, &)) < if this case occurs infinitely Y (r*) > by continuity of F, imphes that A k < Stk < 1 + y (r*) < y tk -+ 1- 0, AH showing the cases complete. there is no deadline, condition — (i) guaranties im- qtS as the discount rate for model with time varying discount One cannot, however, may rates, as Proposition 1 in other sequential bargaining models, equilibriumi 5=1, and 1). 1. > clear that not greater than = part of the proposition from Yildiz (2003) because there in such a As ous near first + (tfe and thus 1/A& obtaining a bargaining model with no deadline. deduce the -M,fc)))-. (Recall that linifc^oo^ 1, mediate agreement. Moreover, one can take 5t date r limfc_ 00 It is (i). implies that + (ifc < yt fc +i (5), this yields and the proof Yildiz (2003), that > k)) = Y (r By A* fc Assume ytk > 0. If we also have implying the bound in (6), which has just proven Hence, assume 0. < F(r*) 1 yielding Stk +i > sufficient. often, then ytk — = without assuming Stk < (5), 1 (£&, fc) (4), this implies that to find an upper Vt k ,fc)))-J(l- JP(r(t continuous and lim^oo r is last expression Since fc is discontinu- hence one cannot use a continuity argument. (With a stochastic deadline, each 5 t — > 1 as k — 12 oo.) Conclusion 4.1 These deadlines often entice the Parties often negotiate under a deadline. parties to wait until the deadline to that such a deadline effect may make a last minute agreement. I show hat one may avoid the deadline effect, by making the deadline stochastic, deadline contingent upon an event that will so that parties have many show naturally arise from the parties' optimism about their bargaining power. More interestingly, order this to succeed there I must be happen i.e., at a sufficient uncertainty by making the random date. 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