3^^^^^^^ ^ \ / ^^ Of 1%^ ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/macroeconomicsofOOcaba HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics THE MACROECONOMICS OF SPECIFICITY Ricardo J. Caballero Mohamad L. Hainmour 96-25 September, 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 THE MACROECONOMICS OF SPECIFICITY Ricardo J. Mohamad 96-25 Caballero L. Hammour September, 1996 — iV,/.3ii.'-.::.j::l,:J p. :,' - •EBBl199/< The Macroeconomics Ricaxdo J. of Specificity Mohamad Caballero August 31, L. Hammour* 1996 Abstract Specific quasi-rents build posed to opportunism unless up a wide variety of economic relationships, and are ex- in fully protected tracts are often incomplete has yielded by contract. The recognition that such con- major insights into the organization of microe- conomic exchange. Rent appropriation, we argue, also impUcations. suffers hsis important macroeconomic Resources are underutilized, factor markets are segmented, production from technological "sclerosis," recessions are excessively sharp, job destruction is out of balance with creation, and expansions run into bottlenecks. While, depending on the nature of the shock, expansions may require reinforcement or sions should always be softened. In the long run, capital-labor relations, may stabilization, reces- institutions, such as those governing evolve to alleviate the problem by balancing appropriation. Technology choice will also be affected, with the appropriated factor partially "exclud- ing" the other from production to reduce appropriation capital-labor substitution played in the rise of — as manifested in the role European unemployment. Introduction 1 An asset specific to a relationship to the extent that its value is relationship than outside. Economic specificity is is greater within the a pervasive phenomenon. It arises when a firm selects and invests in a worker; when the worker spends his learning years in a firm; when capital entrepreneur; when is invested in a unionized firm or industry; when an upstream firm makes investments to serve credit to an downstream customers; foreign direct investment flows into a country. 'Respectively: MIT and NBER; Capital Guidance. and the NBER financial support. 1996 Summer Institute We are grateful to Giuseppe Bertola, Olivier Blan- ECARE, LSE, IMF, MIT, NYU, OFCE, Wharton, (EFCCL) for helpful comments. Caballero thanks the NSF for chard, Peter Diamond, and seminar participants at Yale, when a bank extends Specificity in a relationship reduces the flexibihty of separation decisions, reluctance in the investment decision. This ment But literature. the basic insight of the irreversible invest- specificity acquires a potentially combined with contracting difficulties. more troublesome dimension when To the extent that relationship creates specific quasi-rents that parties' ex ante is which induces may it is irreversible, entering into a not be divided ex post according to the terms of trade. Avoiding this transformation from an ex ante competitive — known in the as the "fundamental transformation" or the "holdup problem" — requires prior protection through comprehen- situation to an ex post bilateral sive monopoly literature and enforceable long-term contracts. The problem closer to a methodological is that such contracts are benchmark than a description of actual much practices.^ Relationship specificity, together with the recognition of the difficulties involved in actual contracting, (Klein, is a central building block in the modern economic theory of institutions Crawford and Alchian 1978; Williamson 1979 and 1985). Specificity as a central dimension of transaction description forms the basis of insightful theories of the firm and internal organization (e.g., cial structure (e.g., Grossman and Hart 1986; Hart and Moore 1990), of Williamson 1988; Hart and Moore 1994; Shleifer and Vishny 1995), of public-choice institutions and credibility (e.g.. North and Weingast 1989; Thomas and Worrall 1994), and a variety of other institutional arrangements. The those theories is finan- common the idea that a main function of institutional arrangements is feature in to allow the transacting parties to partly circumvent the holdup problem. The institutional literature generally acknowledges that, while institutions often help alleviate appropriability, they rarely resolve the problem spective, the prevalence of unprotected specific rents fully. makes it From a macroeconomic per- a potentially central factor in determining the functioning of the aggregate economy. Transactions in the labor, capital. ^The problem of the appropriability of relationship-specific investment goes back early in the history Marx, in Das Capital, saw in it a channel for the capitaUst exploitation of labor: "The knowledge, the judgement, and the will, which, though in ever so small degree, are practiced by the independent peasant or handicraftsman [...] these faculties are now required only for the workshop as a whole. Intelligence in production expands in one direction, because it vanishes in many others. What is lost by the detail laborers, is concentrated in the capital that employs them [...]" {as cited by Rosenberg 1965). Simons (1944) took the opposite view, that it is labor that takes advantage of specificity to approriate capital; "Frankly, I can see no reason why strongly organized workers, in an industry where huge investment is already sunk in highly durable assets, should ever permit a return on investment sufficient to attract of economic thought. — new capital or even to induce full maintenance of existing capital." resulting under-investment: "[t]he bias against [...]. [...]. new investment He provided an early analysis of the inherent in labor organization is important the prospect that labor organizations will appropriate most or aU of the earnings Indeed, every new, long-term commitment of capital is now a matter of giving hostages to organized Investors sellers of now face [...] complementary services." or goods markets axe frequently characterized by some degree of specificity. a job, for worker The creation of example, typically involves relationship-specific investments by the firm and the (e.g., Becker 1964). Beyond be increased by such option of using its its purely technological aspect, effective specificity may institutional features as dismissal regulations (which devalue the firm's investment outside the relationship) or unionization (which narrows the firm's outside option to a sector outside the scope of the union). In partial equilibrium, un- resolved opportunism results in reduced investment incentives, because the resulting specific quasi-rents may later be partly appropriated by others (e.g., Simons 1944; Grout 1984). In general equilibrium, as the problem of creating and sharing quasi-rents spreads throughout the economy, the market system will adjust to help compensate the appropriated factors, providing a highly inefficient macroeconomic "solution" to the unresolved microeconomic contracting problems. This general-equilibrium adjustment can affect major aspects of the aggregate functioning of the economy. In this paper nomic "solution" we attempt to characterize the nature to the holdup problem.^ and implications of the macroeco- Throughout the paper we think of the problem one where two factors of production contemplate either committing to a partly as irreversible joint-production relationship, or remaining in "autarky." Section 2 sets up this model and draws some basic macroeconomic implications. The problem of appropriabihty im.plies, in general equilibrium, that factors of production are underemployed; that the market for the "appropriating" factor is segmented (i.e., it production); that the productive structure units axe kept in operation economy ation. compared to an experiences involuntary unemployment in joint is "sclerotic" efficient (i.e., too low-productivity economy); and that, paradoxically, the exhibits excessive destruction of production units given The many its depressed level of cre- section concludes with a discussion of the canonical set of policies that restore macroeconomic efficiency. Section 3 turns to cyclical implications, and focuses more closely on the labor/capital interpretation of the two factors — where we take those factors' distinguishing features to be that the supply of uncommitted capital to form joint-production units to be more elastic ^A number of recent contributions have examined various implications of appropriable quaisi-rents in general equilibrium setting. Makowski and Ostroy (1995) highlight the key role that "appropriation" plays in the eflBciency of markets. Ramey and Watson (1996) analyze the interactions of the holdup problem and a matching model. More applied examples are MacLeod and Malcomson (1993), who study the macroeconomic effects of employment contract forms that attempt to avert investment holdup; Acemoglu (1996), who examines the effects of search-related incomplete contracting on human capital accumulation; and Robinson (1995), who looks at the economics and politics of labor-market institutions when effort incentivization in employment contracts are incomplete. than that of labor. In this context, we show that experiences market segmentation at high levels of activity shortages) . it is (i.e., that, at low levels of activity, labor there is the market for capital that the capital market is when the labor market Put segmented. is is segmented is economy will (i.e., there are labor excessively elastic (compared segmented, and excessively rigid when differently, recessions bring unnecessarily severe unemployment, while expansions run into bottlenecks sooner than particular, that the efficient. This implies, in have an asymmetric response to a symmetric shock process — with sharp recessionary dips and recoveries followed by shallow expansions. this asymmetry implies that an We Moreover, macroeconomic shocks increase in the volatility of decrease average employment and output. nature of the shock the factor involuntary labor unemployment), while Moreover, the cyclical response of the economy to an efficient economy) is conclude that while will — depending on the — expansions may require stabilization or reinforcement, recessions should always be softened. Section 4 touches on issues relating to the longer-term response of institutions and technology to the presence of unprotected factor will seek, as specificity. Prom a political point of view, an ex ante united group, institutional developments that increase the other factors' specificity. But this pohtical incentive for rent appropriation has because it each its limits, inherently results in ex post internal segmentation of the appropriating factor between employed winners and unemployed macroeconomic inefficiency of losers. It is through that channel that the opportunism enters into the factor's political calculation, and, beyond a point, starts dominating any additional distributional gain. Over the long run, the economy will also respond along attempt to circumvent the appropriability problem. adaptation ogy choice is is in the relative factor proportions used. essentially determined its technological dimension in an A principal dimension of technological We show how, in equilibrium, technol- by the appropriated factor. That factor, we argue, has an incentive to reduce appropriation by selecting a technology that partly "excludes" the other factor from joint production. The under-employment of the appropriating result is factor. a distorted capital-labor ratio and further This exclusion phenomenon with the role that capital-labor substitution seems to have played is in the rise of consistent European unemployment. Section 5 concludes with a series of macroeconomic questions that can be illuminated by drawing on the ideas developed in this paper. An appendix follows. Appropriable Rents 2 General Equilibrium in Factor Specificity in Joint Production 2.1 In this section we lay out the model that we use to analyze the general-equilibrium implica- tions of specific quasi-rents in the joint use of factors of production. as given the institutional framework and available technology. It is Our basic model takes therefore appropriate study of short to medium term equilibrium, but must be used more selectively in for the the study of long-term issues. Section 4 discusses the implications of endogenizing long-run institutional and technological evolution. Productive structure Our model economy has one consumption good and two and factor 1 utility 2. The two factors of production, denoted as factors are identified with optimizing agents, from the consumption good, which we use who derive linear as the numeraire. Production takes place in two modes, identified with separate sectors of the economy. Factors 1 and 2 can either produce separately in their respective Autarky sectors, or combine in the Joint Production sector. Autarky and by Ei Each factor's For each factor employment total Autarky sector gate production function Fi{Ui). is i, we denote by Ui total perfectly competitive and characterized by an aggre- In Joint Production, factors 1 and 2 combine in fixed A production unit combines xi units of factor with X2 units of factor 2 to produce y units of the consumption good. the total number of production units. Parameters a:i,X2 and for The in in Joint Production. proportions to form "production units." technologies. employment > We denote by 1 E and y are given by available implications of allowing for short-run substitutability between factors, even greater substitutability in the long run through technological development will be discussed in section 4. Creation and destruction We study a one-period economy. There were formed before the factors of type 1 we and fix total factor is start of the period. 2, a mass There E° is of pre-existing production units that also a mass U° and U2 of uncommitted that are not part of a pre-existing unit. For each factor z = 1, 2, supply to one: XiE° Production units that are newly created + f/° = this period 1. have (1) common revenue y". Pre-existing production units have heterogeneous revenues y°, whose distribution D{y°) is given by the history of technology adoption and idiosyncratic shocks. Naturally, minimum revenue required for survival (see below) of pre-existing units destroyed The timing of production y°, E°. If the then the total number D{y°). is is denoted by is = D{+oo) as follows. In a first phase, pre-existing production units decide whether to continue operation for this period, or to separate and release their factor resources. In a second phase, factors that were released from pre-existing units and uncom- mitted factors can choose to form new production units, or remain in Autarky. In the phase, factors in A new number sectors produce. all of identities will be useful in units created, final and recalhng that D{y°) what is the C number follows. Denoting by number of pre-existing units destroyed, the of we have E = E" + C-D{f); = XiE- (3) = U°-x,C + XiD{f), (4) Ei Ui where z = 1,2. The first (2) identity equates the number E of production units of pre-existing units plus net creation; the second gives Joint Production each factor as a function of E; the as a function of the Specificity When number of last identity gives uncommitted factors number employment Autarky employment and net to the for for each factor creation. and incomplete contracts factors join to form a new production respect to each other, and a share the production unit. If (pi 6 [0, 1] unit, they develop a degree of specificity of factors the factors separate, only (1 i — = with 1,2 can no longer be used outside (l)i)xi units of factor i can be used elsewhere. Specificity can be a pure aspect of technology, or, as discussed in the examples of section 2.2, can be due to institutional factors. Specificity creates quasi-rents factors within the production unit whose value and is the difference between the value of the their value in their best outside use. To guarantee that specific quasi-rents will be divided according to the factors' ex-ante terms of trade, the factors unit must enter an ex-ante contract that governs and the division of its their participation in the production surplus. Unfortunately, such ideal contracts are quite difficult to achieve in practice. In general, the contract must take into account the ation. Specific investments are typically made full complexity of the concrete situ- not once, but incrementally throughout the life of a production unit. The contingent plan for making such investments, the duration mechanism must be of the relationship, and the rent-division and made fully contingent that determine on the future pre-specified profitability of the production unit, on factors evolving prospects, and on the various events, both aggregate and id- its The iosyncratic, that govern each factor's outside opportunity costs. specify the from the start many dimensions that characterize each factor's participation in production, again possibly based on contingencies outside the factors' control. observability, verifiability, enforceability, A variety of problems of and sheer complexity, make such rarely possible. In practice, agents enter into arrangements "incomplete contracts" contract must also — that leave plenty of room ideal contracts — what one might loosely for ex-post discretion.^ call (For a clear discussion of incomplete contracts in the presence of specificity, see chapter 4 of Hart 1995). When pre-contracting termined ex post. It is is well not possible, the division of specific quasi-rents must be de- known that, in this case, the relation between the two factors undergoes, in Williamson's (1985) term, a "fundamental transformation" from an ex-ante competitive setting to an ex-post bilateral monopoly. To analyze the contracting, we effect of incomplete distinguish between two extreme cases: the "efficient" equilibrium, where factors are able to engage in full contractual tracts" equilibrium, where no precommitment precommitment, and the "incomplete conis possible. Free entry and exit We can now turn to the determination of factor rewards entry and exit decision rules for production units. in Autarky, any equilibrium with < Fim for the we denote by and the free- pi factor z's rental price we have P. in If in diflFerent sectors, < Ui 1. = Fim (5) Assuming the functional form = —^\l-{l-U.)'+'/^^], 1 -I- l/lji L Autarky production function, we get a constant r,i>0, J supply-elasticity r/j for factor i into simple transaction that would overstep the need for contracting altogether is an exchange of factors own both factors in a production unit. In the first two examples we develop below, solution is made impossible by the fact that one side of the transaction involves this in section 2.2 "inaUenable" human capital. In the third example, it is limited by span-of-control and other Umits to the ^A that allows a single agent to extent of vertical integration. Joint Production: Ei=p1\ = z l,2, taking (1) and (2)-(4) into account. Naturally, Fi{Ui) Turning to Joint Production, we newly created production unit. To tions are different for the efficient to denote the former. let zi;" is (6) increasing and concave in Ui.^ denote the unit-compensation of factor differentiate and incomplete-contracts equilibrium, we use an asterisk their ex-ante opportunity cost p*, wr=pl ^ = new production governed by their ex-post opportunity cost opportunity costs of is (1 — units are i.e. l,2. (7) In the incomplete-contracts equilibrium, factor compensation in such a production unit in a between variables when equilibrium condi- In the efficient equilibrium, factors in compensated according to i (f)i)pi. The new production units specific quasi-rent s" is from the difference between the unit's revenue y" and the ex-post its factors: s" = y" - (1 - (^i)pixi - (1 - (J>2)P2X2. (8) Following the Nash bargaining solution for sharing the unit's revenue, we assume that each factor i gets its ex-post opportunity cost plus half of the unit's bargaining surplus s":^' <Xi = (1 - ^i)PtXi + ^s". In the efficient case, the entry condition for the creation of y">K^i+P2^2. ^ (9) new units is (10) ""The strict concavity of the Autarky production function implies the presence of a third "quaisi" factor. This becomes relevant in the distributional analysis of section 4.1, where it is briefly discussed (see footnote 20). ^We impUcitly eissume that each type of factor in the production unit forms a coalition that bargains as a single agent. ®An alternative specification of the "disagreement point" in bargaining yields the Shaked and Sutton (1984) sharing rule that allocates ^y" to each factor 2is long as neither factor i = 1,2 receives less than (1 — 4>i)piXi. (See Binmore, Rubinstein, and Wolinsky 1986 for a discussion of the foundational differences between the two approaches). The discrete change in the way the opportiinity cost (1 — (i>i)piXi enters the Shaked-Sutton rule makes it less attractive for an "aggregate" model. Otherwise, our main conclusions do not depend on the specific sharing rule. In the incomplete-contracts case, the rule for factor w^>Pi, It is easy to show from (8)-(9) that (11) y" where (10) -^i and > PiXi + p^^X^i + is 1 {(piPiXi The i. this condition for factor the term Aj Considering that the expression relationship, = (t)iPiXi (j>jPjXj Aj measures the net 1,2. (11) - ^^iP^iX^i) between the difference — = z , two by A= |Ai|. 1, 2, efficient positive net specificity that It is is entry condition (13) measures the value of what factor j sinks into the effective specificity of factor Ai i. Condition (12) for is positive A-,j obvious that it is if i sinks in = — A^, we denote requires that revenues y" cover the i factors' outside opportunity costs, plus the net effective specificity sink into the relationship. (12) (j)^ip^iX^i. a greater value than the other factor, and negative otherwise. Since their absolute value is equivalent to denotes the factor other than i is = to participate in Joint Production i Aj factor i would the entry condition of the factor with binding, so that, taken together for = z 1,2, the two entry conditions (12) are equivalent to y"" > PiXi + P2X2 + A. (14) We now turn to the separation decision of factors in pre-existing units. To avoid clouding the analysis with side-effects, we do not assume that pre-existing units exhibit any factor specificity. Otherwise, because factors would lose a fraction factor supply would effectively if (pi the unit separates, total depend endogenously on destruction, and would therefore not be fixed. Measuring the probability that a unit of factor will i be employed in Joint Production by ^^^^ ^\^ur+xMry the opportunity cost of factors in a pre-existing unit unit to survive, its is revenues must at least cover the Xiwf sum -I- of (1 — Xi)pi. its two For a pre-existing factors' opportunity costs/ In other words, the free-exit condition for a pre-existing unit "destruction margin" y° y° is > y°, where the given by is f = XiW^Xi + (1 - Xl)piXi + X2W^X2 + (1 - X2)P2X2. By equation (7), in (16) the efficient equilibrium, the revenue requirement for survival reduces to f*=plxi+p*^X2. Efficient We are case. (17) and incomplete-contracts equilibrium now ready We make to define equiUbrium in both the efficient parameter assumptions that guarantee an and the incomplete-contracts "interior" equilibrium in cases, so that free-entry condition (14) holds with equality and all both sectors have positive employment. Assumption where Zy is is y" < y" < 2^ and E° < 2£;(y"), = min{x,(l+(|)'""'),x.(l + (|)'""")} defined implicitly by = xi^^/"^ 4/"^ The upper-bound to drive that given by .. and Z£{y^) Equilibrium) We assume 1 (Interior Zy + x^+^/'^ zl/'^ + max {xi+^Z"^ z^/^S x^+^Z"^ 4/^^ } . on y" guarantees that Joint Production revenues are not high enough Autarky employment to zero. The upper-bound ze on the number E° of pre- existing units guarantees a need for positive creation.^ An (interior) incomplete- contracts equilibrium lo", 102, y°) is a set of variables (C, E, Ei, E2, Pi, P2-, that satisfies free-entry condition (14) with equality, as well as equations (2)- (3), (6), (8)-(9), (13), and (15)-(16). An (interior) efficient equilibrium is a set of variables (C*, £", E{^ E2, Pi, P2, Wi*,W2*,y°*) that satisfies the efficient free-entry condition (10) ^This separation rule is privately efficient. Specific quEisi-rents give rise to the possibility of privately- whenever there is a "non-transferabiUty" problem, due, for example, to asymmetric information. See Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983) for a general result, and Hall and Lazear (1984) for an inefficient separations application to the labor market. *This condition is stronger than needed at this stage, but paper. 10 it will turn out to be helpful in the rest of the with equality, as well as equations (2)-(3), (6)-(7), The replaced by (C*, E*, E^, E2, Pi, P2, y°*)- and uniqueness for and (17) with (C, E, Ei, E2, pi, P2, y°) following proposition establishes existence both types of equilibrium (proofs for all propositions can be found in the appendix). Proposition 1 (Existence and Uniqueness) An incomplete- contracts equilibrium ists, is unique, and unique, and satisfies Assumption 1 employment in Joint C,Ei,Ui satisfies C*,E*,U* > 0, i > = i 0, = 1,2. An ex- efficient equilibrium exists, is 1,2. guarantees that equilibrium is characterized by positive creation and positive Production and Autarky. Before we turn to the basic implications of our model, it is some useful to look at examples. Examples 2.2 Specificity and appropriable quasi-rents characterize a variety of transactions that are preva- throughout the economy. Our highly stylized model can be given a number of lent We pretations. discuss three main examples that touch on the labor, financial, inter- and goods markets. Example 1: Labor and capital The two factors can be interpreted prime example 3 and 4. firm. Autarky or in this paper, and as labor will and be used Joint Production consists of worker employment for capital in sectors that are relatively is employment and immune investment abroad, or consumption. is human capital is the capital investment within the — voluntary or involuntary — to contracting problems (and example Autarky for capital corresponds either to (low 77fc). typically sink various forms of specific investments into their relation- ship (see Becker 1964, for example). or This We think of labor as the relatively inelastic factor relatively elastic (high Firm and worker l,k). the "informal" sector, where constant returns and low capital requirements allow for self-employment). while capital = specifically to develop the analysis in sections workers corresponds to "unemployment" typical of the developing world 77/), (now denoted asi embodied (j)k > in the worker. instead? Possibly because the investment is arises Why when the firm finances organizational does not the worker make the investment firm-specific as well as worker-specific, and pos- sibly because the worker does not have sufficient wealth (and cannot obtain competitive 11 outside financing for the same incomplete-contracts reasons that render the firm's invest- ment appropriable). > </>/ when the worker arises opportunities to firm-specific knowledge. A dedicates part of his lifetime learning special case of firm- and worker-specificity that has been studied extensively in the labor-market literature are search costs expended by and workers, which, by firms their very nature, cannot be protected by ex-ante contracting. Generally, one expects each side to make, over time and in various ways, investments that are specific to the other, so that both 0/ and Specificity can have dimension. With legislation.^ The power unions, it is Legislation on dismissals of the union. The institutionally-driven specificity. A 2: it takes, would The origin, in addition to its technological who are able to form a union to of the union may derive from firm investments — again, ultimately a contracting problem — or become relationship-specific full set of and enter the scope and severance pay provides another example of imposition of severance pay, for example, depending effectively increase (f)^ or reduce (j)i. External finance second interpretation firms. positive. not only worker-specific investments but the firm- or industry-specific capital that can Example be Consider, for example, the case of workers that are embodied in workers as a group on the form will an important institutional negotiate with their employer. from (pk first entrepreneurial factor skills; is Moore 1994). If serious damage it above as modelling the external financing of would then represent "managers," who possess management and the second factor would represent the capital of outside financiers (shareholders and lenders). agement makes those to think of the The delegation of control rights over the firm's assets to assets partly management- specific (e.g., Williamson 1988; Hart and withdraws from the relationship, management can, to the firm's value acts of omission or commission. The its assets, different ways in (see, e.g., Shleifer cause capital, or undertaking highly disruptive which financiers can protect the value of their investment from management appropriation governance" approach to finance in various ways, — by withdrawing their firm-specific human withholding vital information on the firm and man- is the subject of the "corporate Although we do and Vishny 1995). not emphasize this interpretation, our results can help shed light on the macroeconomic implications of financial constraints (see Caballero and ®See, e.g., Lindbeck the phenomenon and Snower of "strikes." — 1996c) (1986). In this context, appropriability finds its clearest expression in The only reason for technological or legal reaisons Hammour strikes put any pressure on employers to substitute outsiders for striking insiders, of specificity with respect to labor. That is precisely the leverage used 12 i.e. is that it is capital has costly — some degree by insiders to improve their deal. Example A 3: Vertical relationships third example draws on the role of specificity in the hterature on vertical integration Klein, Crawford, (e.g., and Alchian 1978). Our two factors would then represent the capital of upstream suppliers and of downstream customers, respectively. make mutually that is specific investments specific to > ((^j a suppher (by locating An 0). Buyer and may electric utility seller may invest in a plant near a coal mine, for example) or specific it to a customer (by locating near an industrial complex). A are "customer markets," where the upstream supplier a final-goods producer and the downstream customer (e.g., Phelps and Winter 1970). Under-employment and Rationing 2.3 A a consumer is is example special case of this microeconomic situation where one factor is open to appropriability by another, if widespread throughout the economy, results in offsetting macroeconomic adjustments to guarantee that appropriated factors obtain adequate returns in general equilibrium and satisfy their free-entry condition. This general-equilibrium response affects of the macroeconomy, which appear as symptoms of an inefficient major aspects macroeconomic "solu- tion" to the unresolved appropriability problems. This section describes general-equilibrium implications for factor employment. The main benchmark We start for an incomplete-contracts equilibrium by giving parameter conditions is an efficient economy. for the incomplete-contract equilibrium to be efficient. Proposition 2 (Balanced Specificity) The incomplete- contracts equilibrium iff, is efficient in equilibrium, (plPi^i which will happen iff the \(f)i Condition (18) for efficiency it is + (j)2 (18) (t>2P2X2, economy 's parameters Xi other words, = satisfy X2\(pl Xi J + (f>2X2j equivalent to requiring zero net effective specificity A.^° In requires that, even though factors may sink some degree of specificity with ^"Throughout we eissume the two factors' bargaining share parameter to be equal. If not, the efficiency me modified by dividing each side of (18) by the bargaining share of the corresponding condition must factor. 13 respect to each other, their interdependence be "balanced." To interpret this balanced-specificity condition, note that effective specificity (piPiXi determined not only by the E^^. A low is X2 factor with unattractive outside opportunities in When the factors are completely symmetric — condition — (19) for balanced appropriation holds. i.e. be (i) the factor with the lower elasticity rji. symmetric, the appropriating factor (ii) What The is will the effect of appropriability first effect of appropriability if = has relatively sinks into the relationship (f)i = (f>2, iji = 772 and xi specificity. If = comes everything else the factor with the lower specific share is (piXf, the efficient parameter condition does not hold? to reduce the is it pi) Positive net appropriation from asymmetries in the parameters that determine factor and Autarky (low because the relative value of what effective specificity, low. but also by the factor's Autarky reward p, specific share (piXi, is Proposition 3 (Under-employment) In an employment level in Joint Production: inefficient incomplete-contracts equilibrium both factors are under-employed: Ei<E*, Underemployment results Joint Production, since Pi = w^ its = 1,2. from the decreased incentives of the appropriated factor to enter it is that factor's entry rule that holds with equality. Equalization Autarky and Joint-Production returns of the appropriated factor's partly by depressing 2 own opportunity cost pi is achieved and partly by reducing the appropriating both of which involve a reduction in Joint- factor's opportunity cost p-,i (to support lo"), Production employment. The second implication of appropriability is market segmentation of the appropriating factor: Proposition 4 (Market Segmentation) In an rium, let i be the "appropriated" factor while the market for the other factor Net appropriation involves one of the is" = for that factor. (pjPjXj (see equation 9), i.e. A^ > 0. The market for factor and w^i>p-,i. factors capturing rents, To its i.e. i clears, segmented: is wf=pi market segmentation — inefficient incomplete- contracts equilib- (20) which inherently induces see this, note that the market for factor j clears iff share of specific quasi-rents exactly compensates it 14 what for it sinks into the relationship. Since ^s" goes to each of the factors, both markets clear simultaneously only under balanced specificity, Otherwise, equilibrium, equality. let i it is The replacing |s" be the appropriated factor (Ai obvious from (12) that other factor market = it is > factor when equilibrium is efficient. Given that we have an interior 0). free-entry condition that holds with z's segmented, and is i.e. its return differential is obtained by 4>iPiXi in (9) for factor -li: «,-p.i)x^i = Thus, taking A/x-,j per unit, net Ai. (21) measures the extent of the appropri- effective specificity ating factor's market segmentation. Net appropriation gives rise to the "involuntary" unemployment of the appropriating factor in Joint Production, which persists because that factor cannot pensation lower than equilibrium determined by the appropriated w'^^. The number precommit to a com- of "slots" open in Joint Production factor's free-entry condition, is and are rationed among units of the appropriating factor. Productive Sclerosis and Unbalanced Gross Flows 2.4 Besides the level and structure of factor employment, appropriability affects the manner in which production units restructure The in response to evolving profitability. following proposition states that the inefficient rosis," in the sense that pre-existing units are itability than in an efficient economy exhibits "productive scle- kept in operation with lower levels of prof- economy. Proposition 5 (Sclerosis) An inefficient incomplete- contracts equilibrium exhibits "pro- ductive sclerosis": The scrapping margin To in an inefficient equilibrium is lower than in an efficient equilibrium. see why, rearrange expression (16) for y° taking the accounting identity y" W2X2 = w^xi + into account: y° = y" - (1 - Ai) (u;^ Since in an efficient equilibrium there the efficient scrapping margin is y°* = - pi) xi - is (1 - A2) {w^ - P2) X2. no market segmentation y". This 15 is (lu"* (22) = p^, j = intuitive, since pre-existing units 1,2), can be costlessly replaced On the other hand, by new units that produce y". factor in an inefficient equihbrium, the market for factor and > p-,i) and expression (22) (ii;"i — p-,i) x-,i < y" (since A-,j < A-,i) in 1 an be segmented = (u;" = pi — (1 — y" interior equihbrium). In this case, the outside opportunity cost of the factors in a pre-existing unit of factor will scrapping margin becomes y° for the it;"j ->z the appropriated if i is than y" because released units is less are not guaranteed a slot in Joint Production and, with probability 1 -iz may end up in Autarky earning Sclerosis less. A-,i, thus tightly related to factor-market is segmentation. Coupled with under-employment, — it is likely to constitute a powerful drag on economic growth. The next We proposition characterizes the efficiency of the gross flows of production units. define aggregate income as W(C,y°) =y"C+ / where the argument ^ rdDir)+ 'r in function Fi{Ui) is - x,C + XiD{y")). obtained by replacing states that, in an inefficient economy, creation is (23) (see Caballero and The (4) for Ui. proposition generally insufficient and destruction excessive. This captures an important dimension of nomic adjustment episodes Fi{Uf i=l,2 "employment Hammour Proposition 6 (Creation and Destruction) An crises" is during macroeco- 1996a and 1996b). inefficient incomplete-contracts equi- librium exhibits insufficient creation: dW dC and ^ >0; excessive destruction: dWInsufficient creation is < due to the when D'{f) > 0. fact that the appropriated factor centives to enter Joint Production because of positive net appropriation. positive density D'{y°) struction is > it is has reduced When there inis a of pre-existing units at the destruction margin, excessive de- due to the excessively high compensation of the appropriating Production, given that i involuntarily unemployed. side opportunity cost of a unit of factor from a private point of view, it is -'i From a 16 + -iz in Joint social point of view, the out- in a pre-existing unit higher and equal to p^i factor is its X^i {w-,i Autarky reward — P-^i), which p-.^; values the possibility of capturing specific rents in a what causes destruction to unproductive labor that case It is zero, to unemployment and any may appear be excessive. positive 0). case arises The when Autarky corresponds social opportunity cost of labor in too high and results in excessive destruction. is a comparison with the efficient equilibrium; and the latter a comparison between the social and private values of a pre-existing unit in the equilibrium. The is paradoxical that the economy exhibits both sclerosis and excessive de- struction. In fact, the former is is = This high private compensation unit. An extreme {p^i wage new inefficient coexistence of "sclerosis" and "excessive destruction" uncovers the fallacy way of a "liquidationist" approach in our context, that would see in a recession a healthy of cleansing the productive structure from sclerosis (see, sense in liquidating sclerotic production units if e.g., De Long There 1990). is no the released factors will not be reabsorbed in Joint Production through an adequate creation rate. Dual Optimal Policy Design 2.5 We now turn to the problem of designing a canonical set of optimal macroeconomic policies to address the macroeconomic ills of appropriability. Those policies are not designed to address other inefficiencies due to appropriability that arise at the microeconomic We define two types of canonical policies: creation incentives added to the revenue new production of each unit; replacing y" in entry condition (14) by y" -|- which are subsidies cr", and protection subsidies the revenues of each pre-existing unit. Equilibrium in this case is level. a°, added to determined as before, by a", and y° in exit condition (16) by y° Proposition 7 (Dual Optimal Policy) Efficiency can be restored in + a° an incomplete-contracts equilibrium with the following combination of a creation incentive and a protection subsidy: cr"* where -iz = A* and denotes the appropriating factor The reason we need a dual quasi-rent appropriation — is (i.e. a"* ^ A-,i < \*_,iA*, 0). policy approach even though there that this ill only one ill — namely affects different types of agents differently. are two types of marginal decisions in this economy: creation tives for creation are depressed is There and destruction. The incen- by A, which must therefore be compensated for. At the destruction margin for pre-existing units, the prospect of rent appropriation also distorts the opportunity cost of the appropriating factor. But this distortion 17 is only equal to the rents A times the probability A* lower if that they will be captured. That distortion would be even the factor had to scrap some specific component upon separation. In any case, the protection subsidy a°* must therefore be lower than ct"*. What to mend the need for two policy tools implies in practice is that, alone, a policy designed would exacerbate excessive destruction by increasing rents itself, A things on one margin will exacerbate things on the other. of capturing those rents. A protection subsidy, by itself, creation incentive, by as well as the probability would reduce destruction but make the private factor costs of creation even higher. Only a combination of the two can restore efficiency. An ^^ application of this approach to the problem of managing macroeconomic adjustment can be found in Caballero and Hammour (1996b). In that paper, must be managed through a combination of creation for the existing structure. A that adjustment and protection measures incentives purely gradualist approach, which can be thought of as a single policy-instrument approach to slowing address we argue down creation, is deficient in that it does not — and actually exacerbates — the need to accelerate creation. Business Cycles: Slack and Bottlenecks 3 In this section we analyze the effect of unprotected specificity on the economy's response to aggregate shocks. Although our simple setup does not allow a yields important insights into the economy's cyclical features. ^•^ exogenous shock to gross revenues y", which tals" or (e.g., may be due a tax on gross output). ^^ We focus is more closely is analysis, it economy's "fundamen- or "aggregate supply" type on the capital/labor interpretation main distinguishing feature between that the supply of (uncommitted) capital Assumption 2 (Capital/Labor) The demand" dynamic We consider the effect of an either affect the to a distortion of the "aggregate of our two factors. For our purposes, the labor may full relatively more elastic capital and than labor. two factors are capital (k) and labor (I). We ^'^There are many ways to implement the above "canonicEil" policies, taking into consideration the economy's regulatory and institutional context in which they operate. For example, if new and pre-existing units cannot be segregated by policy, the above can be replaced by a production subsidy a^ and a creation subsidy 0-'=: a^' =a°' and cr"' =a"' -a^'. ^^A dimension that our setup is ill designed for is the analysis of gross employment flows over the cycle, which requires a full inter-temporal analysis. We examine this question in Caballero and Hammour (1994, 1996a). ^^The shock may or may not affect the revenues y° of pre-existing units. analysis of gross flows over the cycle, which our setup is 18 This would be relevant for an not designed to address. assume that exhibit some uncommitted capital is m.ore elastic than labor, and that both capital and labor specificity: Vk>m\ and (f)k>0 (24) (pi > 0. (25) Unemployment and shortages How do factor employment patterns evolve over the cycle? First, it is easy to show that, as expected, higher levels of revenue are associated with higher levels of Joint-Production employment: dE ^ 3— More >0. interestingly, the following proposition states that, as revenue the economy turns from a situation where the labor market Production investment is is < satisfies balanced-specificity condition (19). y"'' the labor market y"^ corresponds to the is is segmented; if y'^ below y^^ the capital market > y"** capital is of labor-market shortages economy is efficient. crosses the level of activity y"**, unemployment and and segmentation where capital could obtain a higher return to find the requisite labor. -^^ is 1 which there At it levels of appro- is turns from a capital shortages for job-creation, to one in capital markets. should one interpret the possibility of segmented capital markets? units, Tobin's g segmented. appropriated, while at levels higher than y"*" labor situation of involuntary labor How is level of revenues implicitly defined in proposition 2, at As the economy expands and priated. exists a level y"'' of revenues In an incomplete- contracts equilibrium, zero net appropriation and the incomplete-contracts activity segmented and Joint- factor. Proposition 8 (Unemployment and Shortages) There ify^ rise, the limiting factor for expansion to a situation where capital segmented and labor shortages are the limiting y" that is and employment It is a situation invested in Joint Production but if is unable In terms of the stock-market valuation of Joint-Production when y" < y"*" and greater than ''*One expects contracting problems to be less severe when 1 labor when y^ > y^^ is (even though there appropriated than when capital is. The appropriated, some capital may be transferred to the worker to convince him to commit to a production unit; when capital is appropriated, the reverse transfer of labor to capital is infeasible. Although, in practice, this may not constitute a perfect solution because of asymmetric information and other re£isons, it gives reason to believe that capital-market reason is that labor segmentation is is more "inalienable," while capital likely to is not. Thus, when labor be alleviated at the microeconomic 19 level is than labor-market segmentation. are no explicit adjustment costs). Periods of labor-market shortages are times of expensive stock-market valuations. Although the level of revenues y"*" seems arbitrary, we argue in section 4 that, in the long run, institutional and technological evolution are likely to result in a situation where y"'' is within the range of revenues in which the economy fluctuates. Institutions are likely to respond to correct any imbalance in appropriation that cause macroeconomic inefficiency beyond a certain to rise point; and technologies will also be developed that allow On production with new factor proportions that reduce this imbalance. does not expect y"** to be far removed both counts, one run from the economy's average in the long efficient level of output. The next proposition characterizes the economy's cyclical responsiveness at different levels of activity. Proposition 9 (Elastification/Rigidification) The economy's tified" when the labor market is cyclical response is "elas- segmented, and "rigidified" when the capital market is segmented: ^^ PW' I When dE*/E* ( ^ dy^/y- „. „ , '^'" '^ (26) >y y '} ' economy labor suffers from involuntary unemployment, the incomplete-contracts more responsive to shocks than an efficient economy; economy's cyclical response is more rigid than in the when labor the short factor, the is efficient case. is Thus, appropriability exacerbates recessions and brings about unnecessarily severe and involuntary unemploy- ment, while it constrains expansions by creating labor shortages that prevent sufficient investment in new jobs. The balanced-specificity level of employment E^ associated with y"*" is analogous to the concept of a "natural rate." It is the level of employment at which the labor market functions effectively within the economy cessive slack of involuntary — it neither builds unemployment nor constitutes a bottleneck up the ex- for the rest of the economy. An intuition for why proposition 9 holds can be drawn from the under-employment result (proposition 3). As illustrated in figure incomplete-contracts economy employment ^Figure 1 is is 1, we know that when y"' = y"''' employment equal to that in the efficient economy, while for y" lower than efficient on both sides of was generated with the following parameter 20 y"*".^^ values: Xk Thus = as revenues 0.7, x; = 1.4; T]k = in the 7^ y" expand and 8.0, r]i = 0.3; 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 C m < D o o 0) (-1- fD I n o r-^ -i D3 O r^ W n £) -J 3 employment cross y"'', it) to the sides left expands first faster than in the of y"**, then expands slower (to under-employment At low revenue levels is it is economy up with (to catch short again) to the right of fall y"''. On both due to one of the factors constraining employment of the other. capital — the more elastic of the free-entry condition constrains labor employment, economy's response; while efficient at high revenue levels, two factors — whose binding and induces excessive it is labor — the elasticity in the less elastic factor — that constrains growth and induces a rigid response. Two interesting implications follow from proposition 9. of Jensen's inequality. Because of the at low and high levels of activity, asymmetry an increase a simple application first is economy's cyclical responsiveness in the volatility of aggregate shocks inefficiently lowers average Joint-Production can lead to high costs of macroeconomic in the The employment and output. This around y" ^ "level" effect instability. Second, the economy will exhibit an asymmetric cyclical response to a symmetric shock process. Figure 2 gives a stylized representation of the model's implications for symmetric cycle in revenues around y"*".^^ The two curves represent the sequence of (static) equi- librium employment levels that correspond to each revenue level over the cycle, with the curves' averages efficient shown as a straight line. economy, which is The dashed curve represents the response of an symmetric around the average employment curve represents the response of the incomplete-contracts economy. level E''. It is The solid asymmetric, with excessive elasticity at low activity levels and excessive rigidity at high activity levels, and exhibits lower average log-employment than the efficient economy. pattern is reminiscent of asymmetries documented for the apparent asymmetry in the US The resulting cyclical business cycle, such as the economy's response to negative and positive Sichel (1992), for example, characterizes post-war fluctuations in US oil-price shocks. output as consisting of three phases: contractions, high-growth recoveries to pre-recession levels, and moderate- growth periods. The corresponding pattern in figure 2 are the relatively recession-recovery phases below average E, and the shallow and moderate expansion above sharp and short more prolonged phase of it. Stabilization policy There is a strong case for trimming recessions in the presence of appropriability, irrespective of whether the adverse shock affects fundamentals or 4>k = ^® 0.4, 4>i = is due to an aggregate distortion 0.2. Figure 2 was generated with the same parameter values as figure 21 1. — 0.58 0.54 o b 1 1 1 ^>^ 0.74 ^^' 1 ' 0.7 ' ^ ^^y o ^^/ ^ / / *^ y o CO f { / C \\^^\ bo -i \ O fV) ^\\ ^"^«<\ 1- b TO 1 \ \ 1— 1 c ^^^<:nj^ o 1 7' Vj^ %. fO o 0.70 0.66 0.62 1 1 b o o 1 ro o \: " *- P) V 1 ?d fD fO \ 'co CO 5" 2 g 3 2: T3 3 " T3 O M fD / / n ~ \ 1 (t CO b M \ 1 /^ ' 1 CO n- 1 m *. 1 1 , 1 yy ^ " i.e., whether affects the "central planner" it brings employment below unemployment and E'', sclerosis is problem or not. When proposition 7 indicates that the optimal response to labor to apply creation and employment more necessary in the presence of a distortionary shock, since not contract at all in The appropriate distortionary, it a shock to fundamentals an incentives. This efficient policy response during expansions should be stabilized. However, £J"'', if is economy should more ambiguous. the favorable shock is If the shock Thus, while recessions are always to fundamentals it to inefficiently severe, expand beyond expansions may well be "golden opportunities" that call for reinforcement rather than stabilization. this sense, recessions should Institutional In be systematically trimmed, while much greater care should be taken not to curtail real opportunities 4 is proposition 7 again prescribes a combination of ex- pansionary incentives that reduce the economy's bottlenecks and allow "natural" rate. the that case. and takes the economy beyond its is all for expansion. ^^ and Technological Evolution In the short term, factors' net specificity Aj varies mostly as a result of the general- equilibrium response of Autarky prices to changes in macroeconomic conditions. Over the medium and long term, however, institutional and technological forces are likely to directly affect net specificity substitution {xk/xi). through changes in unitary specificity (the 4>i^s) and through factor This section explores the long-run institutional and technological responses to the problem of appropriabihty. 4.1 An Institutional Balancing Act Institutions arise as the rules that govern the transactions between agents or groups of agents. At the level of individual transactions between workers and firms, institutional arrangements often arise as ways to improve efficiency by alleviating appropriabihty problems and "minimizing transactions costs." Institutions also develop to regulate interactions between "coalitions" of labor and capital owners, be (e.g., firm- union it at the level of corporate governance bargaining or corporatist representation) or at the political level through the legal and regulatory environment (e.g., right-to-strike or severance-pay legislation). In ^^See De Long and Summers (1988), e.g., for a related view of business cycles as "repeated transient and potentially avoidable lapses from sustainable levels of output" and of good policy as aiming to "filling troughs without shaving peaks" (p. 438). 22 this function, institutions can play a distributional as well as an efficiency role, and embody the entrenched interests of different groups. ^^ This section tries to account for the labor and capital interest-group incentives to develop institutions that affect their mutual driven by distributional concerns, very fax from balanced The politics of capital "specificity." Although interest groups we argue that the institutional outcome is may be strongly unlikely to drift specificity. and labor Institutional arrangements can reinforce the effective specificity of one factor with respect to another by allocating rights by making otherwise the right not to lose one's job "without cause") or feasible contracts unenforceable (e.g., the unenforceability of commitment to long-term dimension of specificity, is, (e.g., employment we think (pi^s as having an institutional to a large extent, a political choice variable. changing the In order to capture this institutional contracts). of the We (pi^s. We view period in our model as representing the long run. that pulls evolutionary forces. From this perspective, initial conditions 3 (Long Run) There are no pre-existing units: gregate income of each of the factors. Under assumption Wi term second term of the single this "long run" as E° In order to get to the incentives of different interest-groups, first we think matter an attractor less and we that there axe no pre-existing units:^^ Assumption The component which analyze different groups' interest in Since institutions typically take time to evolve, at this stage may assume worker is is = wfEi+piil-Ei), the income of units of factor the income of units in Autarky. ^^ i 3, it is 0. we denote by Wi the ag- easy to see that i^l,k. engaged The = in Joint (27) Production, and the interest of factor i as a whole is to '^Recent analyses of the politics of institutional development include Robinson (1995, 1996), who analyzes Roe (1994), who gives a political interpretation to the origins the politics of labor-market institutions; eind of US corporate governance arrangements. ^^Thus, we view pre-existing units as powerful enough to aflFect the time and speed at which institutions evolve and, perhaps, the precise limit to which institutions converge, but not powerful enough to change the baisic course of long-run institutional developments. W as defined in (23). The difference corresponds to the ^°Wi + Wk do not add up to aggregate income income X^ _, t ^t(f^i) —pdJi that accrues the "shadow" factor implicit in our decreasing-returns assvunption on the Autarky production functions Fi{Ui). We do not consider the political incentives of this third "factor." 23 maximize Wi, but there are distributional The argument segmentation. for issues within each maximizing Wi factor's unconditional expected income.'^^ We group in the presence of market in the "long run" is that represents the it also analyze the ex post incentives of factor owners in Joint Production and Autarky. Proposition 10 (Interest Groups) For each factor finding the pairs {(f)i,(j)k) G [0,1]'^ i = I, k, consider the problem of maximize the ex ante aggregate factor income Wi that arising in the corresponding incomplete- contracts equilibrium. There (i) is a line segment that crosses the parameter space which any point maximizes Wi. To measure A= A''' > A -unit for any pair of factor {(f)i,(t>k) S i E= i, and a unique pi, which first part of this proposition states that each factor z, as a whole, institutional arrangement that creates in equiUbrium net specificity factor has an incentive to capture rents conomic outcome. There is, in fact, a level of net specificity (recall that along this fine may ment. It is not Aj whole = i and falls (f)-,i would choose an A^ > in its favor. at the cost of a socially less efficient line in (piPiXi accommodate difficult to in the short — (<?!);, macroe- <^fc)-space that yields any desired The different configurations (p-^ip-^iX-^i). — i.e., run changes in the macroeconomic environ- conceive of situations where the historical evolution process does not lead to the most "flexible" configuration — i.e., the configuration with the lowest </>/ (pk- The this maximized correspond to widely different degrees of institutional "rigidity" different abilities to and is (pi. The The level of that yields an efficient equilibrium; while a unit of factor employed ex post in Joint Production receives wf, which always increases with with and along [0, l]'^ £jW. employed ex post in Autarky receives [0,1]'^ 6 points on that segment there corresponds a unique all of net effective specificity in favor of factor Joint-Production employment (a) {(pi, (pk) is political incentive for each factor to appropriate rents has its limits. The reason for stated in the second part of the proposition. Inherently, a factor's attempt to capture rents results in own-market segmentation, and creates winners and losers within the interest group. The winners are "insiders" employed in Joint Production, whose ex post incentive '"^We assume that interest groups recognize the general-equilibrium impact (on pi's and A^'s) of their Although "partial-equilibrium myopia" can undoubtedly play an important role in the political choices. political process, our assumption captures the idea that interest groups adjust to the general-equiUbrium consequences of their choices. 24 will partly anticipate and partly who remain from rent appropriation is unlimited; the losers are "outsiders" whose ex post incentive is to minimize macroeconomic inefficiency. It in Autarky, and therefore through is the internal segmentation of the appropriating factor that macroeconomic efficiency enters its ex ante objective function and limits The incentive for rent appropriation. degree to which institutions can deviate from balanced specificity bounded. At*^l its If in the long run political power lies with ex ante interest groups, represent upper bounds on capital's and labor's long-run net specificity. limits, both factors would attempt to reduce the degree of appropriation It is in this sense that we expect is institutional forces to A''' and Beyond those in the perform a "balancing therefore economy. ^^ act," and keep the economy from deviating too far away from balanced specificity. Institutional rigidity Institutions are slow to evolve ipate them. Even though would eventually lead large and adapt, and they often react to and persistent changes in the to institutional adjustment, in the crises rather than antic- macroeconomic environment meantime it is proposition 8 (unemployment/shortages) that determines the fortunes of different factors of production. Suppose, for example, that the political outcome leads to a situation of balanced specificity for will a certain expected level of y". be segmented; and if If realized realized y" is y" is less than expected, the labor market more than expected, the capital market will be segmented. This mismatch between the frequency at which institutions react and that at which shocks occur, together with our analysis of the incomplete-contracts economy's response to shocks, naturally fits with accounts of European macroeconomic performance in the postwar period. The European experience in the fifties and growth (high y") allowed the development of welfare-state in its relationship with capital (high resistance on the part of without (pk) capital. In fact much sixties was one where vigorous institutions that benefited labor cost in terms of Europe exhibited signs of labor shortages during that period, which necessitated a substantial flow of immigrant labor. eighties tivity (volatile and low y"). The a burden on the labor market and gave The seventies and policy, and produc- institutions that evolved after the war became were a period of negative aggregate shocks, often contractionary slowdown unemployment or rise to a serious unemployment problem (proposi- argument why a highly inefficient political outcome is unlikely to persist, an analysis that attempts to unify the view that government favors interest groups with the view that government corrects market failures. Taking an economic approach to political behavior, he argues that pressure groups benefitting from activities that raise efficiency have an intrinsic advantage in the competition for influence over groups harmed by those activities, and therefore will lobby more efiFectively for efficiency. ^•^Becker (1983) provides another in 25 tion 8). The institutional framework has responded, but quite slowly as "insiders." Unions, for from secure example, are today it faced resistance much weaker than they used to be. Technology also seems to have adjusted with substantial capital-labor substitution, a point we come to in the next section. In the meantime, proposition 7 recommends introducing large job-creation incentives, while the requisite "protection subsidies" are probably than provided for by existing job-protection legislation (which, unlike the unfortunate effect of effectively increasing capital specificity) more pure subsidies, have .^^ Technological Development: Factor Exclusion and Withdrawal 4.2 Although fixed in the short run, technology is a major dimension along which production units can adapt to the appropriability problem. In this respect, a central aspect of tech- nology is relative factor intensity. factor substitution in the short run, menu Even though new long run. This section asks the question, Our we consider an extreme form fixed proportions in the short run priability problem, and how will that may allow limited technologies can be developed that allow a broader of factor intensities. In this paper, and assume available technologies how and will of this dichotomy, infinite elasticity of substitution in the technology choice respond to the appro- response in turn affect macroeconomic equilibrium? analysis can also be used to shed light on the consequences of allowing some factor substitution in the short run. Technological possibilities From a we assume a long-run perspective, technological menu characterized by a constant- returns function y"(xfc,x/) that essentially relates productivity to relative factor intensity; and a function (pi{xk,xi), i = k,l, that is homogeneous of degree zero and specificity to relative factor intensity (see below). so y" and (j)i development. relates unitary In the short run, Xk and xi are fixed, are fixed; in the long run, those variables result from technology choice We and assume the following functional forms. Assumption 4 (Technological Menu) The long-run technological menu is characterized by y'^ixk.xi) = \a{xk+xi), a>0; ^^Some countries have opted for increeised unemployment benefits, which amounts to subsidizing the segmented factor's Autarky sector and exacerbates the appropriability problem. This mechanism, it is argued, may have played an important role in the persistence of European unemployment (see, e.g., Blanchard and Jimeno 1995 and Ball 1996). 26 = (j>i{xk,xi) The (l>i{x^i/xiY, long-run technological maximum menu i e {k,l}, technology by is Unitary specificity (f)i{xk,xi) also which captures linear, is size ratio. depends on technology and specialized with respect to the latter. which each unit of capital The [0,1]. Because of constant returns the tal/labor ratio. If a unit of capital, for example, works with more ^G [0,1), immaterial, so an appropriate normalization allows us to identify a embodied capital/labor its e y"'{xk,xi) for production possibilities of long-run factor substitution. of production units (j)i is strength of this effect more The presumption labor, it is be likely to thus that the degree to is with the technology's labor intensity. specific to labor increases is a function of the capi- is captured by the parameter As an example, consider the /i. possibiUty of substituting generic machines for specifically trained workers. Capital specificity arises if substituted for workers, the share An institutional pay. If severance labor/capital Our example pay is when arises fixed in of specific training in total capital investment (pk monetary terms, presentation does not aim at it effectively mechanisms likely to (Parameter Configuration) We l'/2' ing parameter configurations: The upper-bound technology choice and labor is (i) is (i) a< 1; (ii) T]k = rji = restrict case. which unitary specificity does form implies, proportional to total labor use xi may /x € Assumption rj. depend on {0, 1}. why effective specificity (i.e., simplifies (Hi) restricts the 1 or 0. We take relative factor use, as our base may depend on (f>k{xk,xi)xk We contrast = 4>kXi), as would this with the case factor proportions not be independent of the capital/labor ratio either. 27 two values, (ii) for exzimple, that total capital specificity cate our training and severance-pay examples above. ^''Another reason (Hi) to the follow- an interior equilibrium. The elasticity-based distinction between cap- in the unitary-specificity function (pi{xk,xi) to is our analysis on the productivity parameter a guarantees that equilibrium with Specifically, the functional strength proportional to the not central to the results in this section, and assumption value, for <j)k{xk,xi)xk and r]> 0; things by assuming that both factors have equal elasticity first 4>k and 2 with assumption r/2': Assumption the legislated severance be at work more generally. With this in mind, we 1 /x makes falls. but focuses on selected cases that axe full generality, replace assumptions parameter from capital specificity derives are ratio.'^'^ indicative of the ital As machines the firm finances workers' relationship-specific training. is n indi- = 0, that relative bargaining where unitary specificity does not depend on relative factor use. Equilibrium with technology choice How is equilibrium determined with technology choice? Suppose temporarily that any point on the technology that maximizes its menu were Then each available. would select the technology factor income in Joint Production, subject to the other factor being willing to participate. In other words, Xi units of factor x^i factor = argmax {wf{xk,xi)xi s.t. i would choose u;"j(xfc,x;) > p^j} 2 , = 1,2, (28) x-,i>0 where wf{xk,xi) and w^^{xk,xi) are given by As we (8)- (9). discuss below, optimization together with equilibrium free entry determine the technology that — if given the choice — would select from the technological menu. The question that technology be actually developed? We do not model technological development and adoption. Instead, if there is unanimity in all new production new production we rely on a simple long-run will principle: relationships about a single technology, then new production Since are identical, they would select the same technology and, according all relationships in our model to the "unanimity" be developed. principle, that technology will mind, we define an this in is, any detail the process of in that technology will be developed. With units (interior) incomplete-contracts equilibrium with tech- nology choice as a set of variables {xi, X2, C, E, E\, E2, Pi, P2, W^, W2, y°) that satisfy technology-choice problems (28), the normalization xi an (interior) incomplete-contracts equilibrium. with technology choice As stated which in the We is 1, as well as the conditions for define an (interior) efficient equilibrium same manner. in proposition 13 below, there will still specificity = be some parameter configurations for balanced in equilibrium and other configurations for which one of the factors appropriates the other appendix shows that, and experiences market segmentation. in the first case, technology is Section 6.5 of the determined in equilibrium by the joint free-entry conditions of the two factors (the first-order conditions for (28) generally serving to identify the constraints' shadow price). In the second case, technology is determined by the first-order condition of the appropriated factor: Proposition 11 (Appropriation and Technology) Suppose ated (i.e., A, > that factor i is 0^ in an incomplete- contracts equilibrium with technology choice. 28 appropri- Then the equilibrium choice of technology Xk/xi determined exclusively by factor is i's unconstrained optimization problem maXx^i>o{Wi^{xk, xi)xi}, given equilibrium pk andpi. The Since its free-entry condition holds with breaks even with its optimal technology and would intuition behind proposition 11 equality, the appropriated factor suffer a i is simple. with any other technology. The other factor has therefore no choice but to loss accept factor i's preferred technology. "^^ Although different in that equilibrium outcome, this result is akin to the idea in the property-rights literature that who must make control rights are often optimally deposited with the agent specific investment (see, e.g., purely a market- it is Grossman and Hart 1986; Dow the largest 1993). Before characterizing equilibrium with technology choice, we address the question of existence and uniqueness: Proposition 1' (Existence and Uniqueness) technology choice exists, is and unique, An satisfies equilibrium with technology choice exists, is incomplete- contracts equilibrium with C,Ei,Ui > 0, unique, and satisfies z = An 1,2. C*,E*,U* > 0, efficient — i 1,2. Exclusion and withdraujal The problem of appropriability can cause an inefficient technology to be chosen. to see that, because we have assumed choice of technology has Xk/xi = 1. full symmetry between the two With incomplete It is simple factors, the efficient contracts, this capital/labor ratio is generally distorted: Proposition 12 (Exclusion and Withdrawal) Suppose anced specificity factor i and the efficient technology Xk/xi takes place, causing </)j > (f)^^. = 1. the economy An institutional shift against initially bal- Define the "short-run" response (superscript "s.r.") as the incomplete-contracts equilibrium outcome with fixed technology (xk/xi "long-run" response (superscript has "l.r.") = \); as the incomplete- contracts equilibrium and the outcome with technology choice. (i) If n= 1, then xl-^ „l.r. (ii) If ij, = 0, > ^ < and Eb,l and E^>Et:[-. rf.s.r. Et;l then „l.T. ±» 25 r ^Technically, "constraint qualification" ated first-erder condition is „s.r. <±i^ is not satisfied for factor -i's optimization problem. therefore not necessary. 29 The associ- Let factor rameters — (capital, for concreteness) experience a detrimental shift in specificity pa- i i.e., a increase in or a decrease (/»^ short-run response with fixed technology than Prom proposition 1 remains technology will be chosen. In the base case // = and the capital/labor ratio xf^/xtj' 1, also be shown underemployment of capital to alleviate the and Et;[- are lower the long run, an capital will be substituted for The under-employment its we know that the fixed. In labor leading to an inefficiently high capital/labor ratio x\-^/xb^j-. of labor from Joint Production exacerbates 3, £'?'' under-employment: is — efficient inefficient (p^^. partial "exclusion" (Eb,^- (£'''" > < Et;l' , and can Excluding Ef'^)?^ labor helps reduce the net specificity of each unit of capital, and reduce appropriable rents. By /x contrast, = 0, if unitary specificity did not depend on relative factor use, as then the opposite would happen. The capital/labor ratio would be is the case when ineflttciently low, as capital "withdraws" from Joint Production in an attempt to capture a bigger piece of quasi- rents per The we own unit. rationale behind exclusion and withdrawal = use the accounting identity y" w'^Xk+wYxi together with function in (28) for appropriated factor w'^{xk,xi)xi where Ai{xk,xi) given by (13). is social point of view term — net (i.e., = 1, it is /x = 0, > 0. (21) to rewrite the objective as [y"(xfc,a;/) The first - p-,iX^i] - Ai{xk,xi), term expresses i's (29) objective function from a How p-,i); eff'ect of changing factor proportions on net specificity Excluding the other factor helps reduce net effective by a problem of distorted capital/labor is had developed labor-market is specificity. If ratio. aspects of high unemployment in Europe. oil If reduced, but replaced This analysis of the technological response to rent appropriation can shed a result of the second does the second term distort the resulting technology? the opposite would hold. In both cases rent appropriation ally considered if — captures the private distortion to that objective function easy to see that the given by dAi/dx^i i can be made clearer based on the other factor's social shadow cost eff'ective specificity due to rent appropriation. /x = in proposition 12 The rise of unemployment light in the 1970s on some is gener- shocks and of the productivity slowdown on economies that institutions better adapted to an era of rapid growth. Wage ^®In fact, with our assumption of infinite elasticity of factor substitution, technology choice will cause capital to be ot;er-employed disappear for lower compared to the efficient outcome. elasticities of substitution. 30 But this result is not robust, and would resistance to adjustment caused an increase in the labor share of national incomes contraction in employment. In the 1980s the labor share reversed unemployment kept sharply, but its and a course and declined Blanchard and Katz 1996). The labor rising (see, e.g., share of value added in French manufacturing, for example, rose from 61 to 68 percent in the 1970s, but then declined to 58 percent by the end of the 1980s. One plausible driving phenomenon is a technological response to appropriability characterized by labor exclusion: As capital is substituted for labor, the labor share declines while un- force behind this employment Looking again at the example of France, one finds evidence of strong rises. capital/labor substitution. Between 1970 and 1990, the capital/labor ratio in French man- ufacturing increased by 122 percent versus 88 percent in the US. Normalized by the capital labor ratio in the trade sector, the increase was 25 percent in France versus 8 percent in US." the Balanced- specificity region As does institutional development, the introduction of technologies with characteristics run. The may help balance specificity and eUminate market segmentation in the long following proposition characterizes the region in the space of specificity parameters i,4>k->4>i) ill which eflFective specificity is balanced with technology choice. Proposition 13 (Balanced-Specificity Region) For rium with technology ters C {(f)f.^ (f>i) [0, l)'^ (ii) 7/77 > choice, define the for which equilibrium as the set of parameters The (i) new factor-intensity efficient set £ is The balanced- specificity 1, then £ C B C {(l)f.,(f)i) the line (pi^ £ C "efficient" set is efficient; = the incomplete- contracts equilib- and define for which A= the m as the set of [0, l)'^ parame- "balanced-specificity" set B equilibrium. (f>i; set includes, but is not generally equal to, the efficient set: [0,1)2; if rj < 1, then £ = B\^^-^ C B\^^q C [0,1)2 ^^f^^^^ a^v denotes strict inclusion). Statement is (z) of the proposition identifies the efficient set intuitive since From proposition we have assumed everything 2, we know that with else to £ with the ^^ Another piece of evidence (})f. = (f)i, which be symmetric for the two factors. fixed technology the balanced-specificity set also correspond to a line. In the long run, technology choice can correlation observed between line expand the would possibilities of on labor shares that is consistent with the exclusion effect is the strong negative wage premia and the labor share of value added in US industry (see Krueger and Summers 1988, and Katz and Summers the eissociated low labor share may be 1989). If part of the wage premium reflects specific quasi-rents, the result of a labor exclusion response to rent appropriation. 31 balanced specificity and turn the line into a broader cone, illustrated in figure in B the balanced-specificity set (ii), broader than the with technology choice can generally cover a region The reason efficient line £. As stated 3.^^ is A that can be reduced to zero through the adoption of technologies with suboptimal relative factor intensities. Technology choice therefore another reason why is analyzing the economy near a balanced-specificity point can be reasonable. However, there are limits to the degree to which factor substitution allows specificity to be balanced in equilibrium. Going back to the objective function (29), using factor substi- tution to reduce rent appropriation Aj term y"(xfc,X() As factor substitution is on to relied the resulting marginal inefficiency tion. B For this reason the set is does not generally cover the 0. 0. Thus, it is more difficult with factor exclusion than the partial-equihbrium offset equihbrium effect straightforward to see that dAi/dpi > the appropriated factor, the general-equihbrium effect of if i is exclusion, which causes pi to rise and p^i to is is Taking into account the general-equilibrium variables that determine net and dAi/dp^i < and p^i parameter space. Market while they reinforce the effect of withdrawal 1, effective specificity Ai{xk,xi;pk,pi) in (13), partial a point where infinite elasticity of factor substitution. when ^ = rebalancing effect of exclusion = full because general-equilibrium forces is may come —p-,iX-,i. greater than the marginal reduction in appropria- a sense in which balancing specificity with withdrawal. This when ^ costly for the efficiency offset appropriation, there is segmentation can arise even with an There is = when ^ 1 . The fall, is to increase Aj and partly offset its general equihbrium effect of withdrawal on pi the opposite, and helps reduce Aj further when /z = 0. Thus the former results in greater distortions in factor intensity than the latter. A prices measure of the strength of the general equilibrium is how low the elasticity the proposition states, efficient line £; when but when effect eliminates 77 < of factor supplies t] > r/ 1, 1, the appropriating factor -iz 77 region < 1, B coincides with £. is B The strong is on relative /x = 1. As greater than the general-equilibrium specificity outside the efficient line. In fact the exclusion effect actually worsens segmentation of outside the efficient notation of proposition 12. This Consider the base case the balanced-specificity region any possibility of balancing one can show that, in the case is.^^ effect of exclusion line, i.e. wb^^- — p'j,j because, by (20), segmentation ^* Figure 3 was generated with rj = 1.5 and ^ = 1. ^^More generally, if Tjk ^ fli, the relevant measure of the strength low a weighted average of the two factors' supply elasticities is. 32 is > wt;l' — pf;f in the equal to A/x-,j, which of the general-equilibrium effect is how 9*2 0.0 — ^^ 0.1 ' ' 0.2 0.3 0.4 T T T 0.5 1 1 0.6 1 0.7 1 1 O.B 0.9 1.0 1 1 1 xV \v Fac tor 2 Segmented y X\ \v 1 \. X ^N, \\ \ \ / ~~-~-..____ C • \ \ 1 1 Factor \ \ 0) 1 - 1 1 B) 3 \\ (D r^ \ CO " \ SI Segmented to V \ 3 o \ o' D M n a. i / X/ Specificity \ \ can when a strong rise (i.e., reduction of x-,i) general-equilibrium effect necessitates a great degree of exclusion to decrease A. Thus, exclusion of the appropriating factor through technology choice not only leads to greater under-employment for that factor, but may also lead to greater factor segmentation. Conclusion 5 The prevalence of specificity in economic relationships suspect for a wide range of economic ills. In this paper makes rent appropriation a prime we have tried to provide a simple, synthetic characterization of the multidimensional macroeconomic problem Why do economies waste unemployed resources during recessions? voluntary unemployment and labor market segmentation at all? Why it gives rise to. Why is there in- do some economies Why do countries build social institutions that are later perceived as obstacles to flexible adjustment? Why do some countries seem stuck with a highly outdated productive structure? Why is the massive destruction of reforming countries' old productive systems not matched by immediate and significant creation? Why "over-heat" at even modest levels of growth? are methods of production (e.g., capital/labor ratios) so different across economies that are, otherwise, at a similar stage of development? often fail It is Why do poor countries with cheap labor so to attract capital and grow? certainly not inconceivable that part of the answer to those apparently disconnected questions could be traced back to appropriable quasi-rents. As this paper argues, each of the phenomena those questions touch upon may reflect a different aspect of the economy's general-equihbrium response to widespread opportunism. 33 Appendix 6 Construction of Equilibrium in Section 2 6.1 This section derives a constructive characterization of incomplete-contracts and equilibria that will prove useful in what follows. An incomplete-contracts equilibrium constructed in the following manner. First use equations Pi{E) that give pi values Pi(0) = = = Pi{E) in equilibrium. and pi{+oo) = +oo. {xiE)^/"" Pi{E) Now is , i efficient = (3) and is (6) to define functions l,2, (30) continuous, strictly increasing, and takes free-entry condition (14), which is equivalent to can be written as (12), y" < Given that > max {(1 + 4>i)pi{E)xi + (j)j properties of Pi{E): f{+oo) = -l-oo. < 1, it Since y" j is = 1,2, it is (1 - <t>^^)p^i{E)x-.i} clear that the function = f{E). f{E) (31) inherits the above — and continuous, strictly increasing, and takes values /(O) > 0, this impUes that free-entry condition yields a unique positive value of E. It is (31) taken with equality easy to check that the other equihbrium variables (C, Ei,E2,pi,P2,Wi,W2,y°) are determined uniquely as a function of E from the remaining equilibrium conditions. Free-entry condition (14) can also be thought of as relating employment net specificity — a relation that will prove useful. The function ^(A) E= ^(A) to implicitly defined is by y"" It is continuous and strictly decreasing. An efficient equilibrium figuration of To = Pi{E)xi + p2iE)x2 + A. {(pi,<f>2) see this, one can corresponds to an incomplete-contracts equihbrium with a con- that yields first easily A = (which includes the configuration check that the definition of an sponds to that of an incomplete-contracts equilibrium ^(A) defined above takes value E* when A= 34 0. if A = 0. Conversely, efficient (pi = 4>2 = 0). equilibrium corre- In particular, the function A = is necessary for an incomplete-contracts equilibrium to be efficient because, since E{A) is strictly decreasing, Proofs of Propositions in Section 2 6.2 Proof of proposition The 1: existence and uniqueness of an incomplete-contracts equi- librium was shown by construction in section 6.1. It was also shown that an efficient = (among equilibrium corresponds to an incomplete-contracts equilibrium with (pi = (f)2 other possible ((/»i,^2)-configurations), which therefore guarantees existence and uniqueness. It remains to = <j>i=<l>2 First, be shown that C,Ei,Ui,> 0, i = 1,2 {C*,E*,Ul > follows by setting 0). we show that C > which, by 0, for (2), it is sufficient to show that E > E°. Define the function g{E)=x\^^''''E^I^' +x\^^''^E^I^-\-mB^[x\^^''''E^I^\x\^^''^^E^I'^^]. One can E. show that g{E) > f{E) easily Since ze employment assumption is the solution to y" 1 implies for which the = xiE > = 1 — Ei > minimum y" follows from we show 0, E> 0, g{zE) and equilibrium < E. which was shown that Zy in assumption efficient equilibrium exhibits zero To the factors. f{E), we must have ze for for all Thus E° < ze in E° < E. Second, Ei show that Ui = 0, = defined in assumption 1 as the solution to y" is > and g'{E),f'{E) (defined in (31)) 1 is in section 6.1. the minimum Autarky employment {Ei = Third, to value of y" 1) for one of see this, note that, by substituting (30) in (10) (taken with equality), the which E* = 1 is .(:.(^-"Zy is simply the 1 implies E* < minimum 1. of the above expression for i = 1,2. Thus y" < Since proposition 3 (proved below) states that Ei Zy in < assumption E*, this implies Ei<l.a Proof of proposition equilibrium is that this 2: is efficient iff is The A= first part of the proposition — was proved — that an incomplete-contracts in section 6.1. What we still need to show equivalent to parameter condition (19). Solving (10) and (18) simultaneously 35 for (pi,P2), If we (3)), we get replace this expression for pi in (6) and use the fact that Ei/xi we obtain that E'{A) < this implies that — and E(0) equilibrium, in which Ei < A> E^, by proposition i = 5: Given dW — =y By in the „ -D'{y^) main — pi) + A2 {'W2 proposition 4 and Ai,A2 > 0). Proof of proposition 7: (3), text. [f - piXi - P2X2) By inefhcient equiUbrium (by proposition 2). [Ai (to" and C and y° yields -pixi -P2X2\ (14) taken with equality, the first expression —D'{y°) in equilibrium, d 1,2. —= E{A) E = E{A) < E{0) — E*. By must have 2, Differentiating (23) with respect to 6: equation This imphes that an inefficient incomplete-contracts E*. Proofs of propositions 4 and Proof of proposition E= Recall from section 6.1 that 3: £'2/2:2 (see D condition (19) in the proposition. Proof of proposition = — P2)], which is is . equal to A, which (16), is positive in the second expression is an equal to negative in an inefficient equilibrium (by Taking (21) into account, the equilibrium entry and exit con- ditions with subsidies are y" y° where -'i (7° + a° = pixi + P2X2 + A^i A, denotes the appropriating factor. Substituting the tions ((10) with equality and + cr" = pixi + P2X2 + A; for their and (17)) for efficient entry and exit condi- y" and y° in the formulae above, and replacing proposed expressions, transforms the equiUbrium conditions into = = which are obviously (pi (Pl - pI)xi + {p2- P*2)X2 + (A - -p\)xi satisfied iov + (p2 -P*2)x2 E = E*. D 36 + (A^iA - A*), A^iA*), cr" 6.3 Proofs of Propositions in Section 3 Proof of proposition Prom condition 8: we (19) for efficiency, y"*": solve for >0. To determine which factor — ^iXipi{E). By (j>kXkPk{E) segmented, rewrite (13) in terms of functions (30): is differentiating this expression at a point where = Ajt 0, A^ = we get dAi dE which is negative given that rik \ > = when y" < we y"**, > get Afc = f{E) (i.e., < (i.e., Proof of proposition 9: Suppose that Then and and the capital market y"' y^ y"'' — (1 + (pi)piXi H y" is E it is E' ^" at the unique segmented by proposition is and that - = segmented) when y" y"**. D the appropriated factor. is i > 4) Substituting functions (30) i. and y", we get dE (f)^i)p-,ix- for the efficient equilibrium is Comparing those two equations, and only (1 and that A^ E y" The corresponding equation obtained by setting (j)i = (p-^i = 0. clear that ^ dE*/E ^ E ^ dE/E y"' dy'^/y^ dy'^jy^ if —p\xi + — p*-^iX^i which, after a few algebraic steps, XV-^i in section 6.1), totally differentiating with respect to dy" ( an increasing function of y" (which is free-entry condition (12) holds with equality for factor for the pj's if £^ the labor market Afc y"*"; (pkXkPkiE), Vl. Noting that rji. follows immediately from equation y" value for y" V^A: Afc=0 ) [P*i Vi/ - (1 - (f>^i)P^i] ^^i > —(1 + (l>i)piXi is H (1 - (f)^i)p^iX-,i, equivalent to >—[(! + (t>i)PiXi + (1 - (t>-.i)p-.iX-.i - p*Xi - p* jX^i] = Vi (32) The right-hand side of the above inequality is 37 zero, because it is equal to the difference 0. between the right-hand sides of the (10). 3) The sign of the left-hand side > imphes p*j is — then r/i, segmented, then rj^i 77-,, is > rji Proof of proposition 10: (i) — 1/rii, > since £'*j appropriated factor if < ^^; and E^i (proposition — capital is i and ^^' inequality (32) holds, labor i.e., is on the contrary, if, > ^^. and ^^* Proof of the Proposition 6.4 efficient free-entry conditions, (14) the sign of l/rj^i Thus, (30). < segmented capital by p-,j and inefficient in Section 4.1 Factor i' aggregate income (27) can be written as a function of the other factor's net specificity A^: Wi{A^i) taking into account ^i > < and E' maximized factor i. for By 0, it is clear A-,j < when 0, > W^{A^i) — A^^ AL,j of = line in (f)^ip^i (^ {\A^i\)) parameter space i if employed = in Joint Production, it is for in section 6.1. any A^j < Since So Wi{A^i) 0. is net effective specificity in favor of i.e., the latter is proposition 4 that negative. If A-.^ the accounting identity y" = u;"x, > -I- is - (f (lA^il)) <i,ipi = fix A-,i (33) Al^j. > again because p^ 0, increasing with (f)^i is , we write always increasing with A-,i when the latter wf = which is 6.5 Mathematical Appendix to Section 4.2 This appendix provides a proof for propositions is pi f£'(|A-,j|)j < , j y" ( always increasing with (pi). which increases with = that w^^ — p-,, ^ A^ ( ( | j | p^i. ) j 1) Using x^^ j /xi qualification condition is satisfied for this problem and 1', in that order. 38 (28) for factors — , non-negative. 11, 12, 13, and optimization problem If A-,j Equilibrium with technology choice involves an additional endogenous variable Xk/xi (equilibrium being normalized to is For a unit 0. and decreasing with we know by proposition 4 to" jX-,j — and E' income wf ex-post wf = pi = pi (E (|A-,j|) 0, Xi, Autarky, ex-post income pi we show that easy to see from (33), we know by x-,i we in at the efficient value of A-,i A-,i (which, and E{.) , definition (13), For a unit of factor employed [E{\A^i\)) definitions of pj(.) that Wi{0) a non-negative value which defines a maximized and the (3), (21), A^i (ii) = m3^{A^i,0}xiE {\A-.i\) +pi i.e., i w^^{xk,xi) = > k,l. If xi the constraint p-.i for some feasible — then the following value of x^i "^p-^'> ox^i We first-order condition +Q.^-^=o ai«i-p^i)=0, and ox^i divide the parameter space sponds to parameter configurations {4)f.,(f)i) for necessary: is € [0,1) into three sets: which factor is B Suppose 11: {(j)f.,(pi) = i A, (34) k,l, corre- > 0) in the 0). € Ai. Proposition 4 shows that, with the equilibrium technology Xk/xi, factor z's market clears and factor This means that the constraint > p-,i u;"^ (i.e., 0. corresponds to parameters for (A = characterized by balanced specificity Proof of Proposition Ai, appropriated i is incomplete-contracts equilibrium with technology choice; which equilibrium some a^ > for to factor z's -iz's market is segmented. technology-choice problem (28) is not binding in equilibrium. First-order condition (34) becomes djw^Xj) dx^i ^ ~ 1 a 2 2 T / Xi ^"^^ ~ x^-/^ Pi V^ j - /. (^1 taking (8)-(9) and assumption 4 into account. - It .. (1 .^ - /^)'^-i / X- [— N^ ) ) P-' = (35) 0, determines technology Xk/xi given equi- librium pk and pi Is this i's market technology consistent with factor clears {wf — = pi -li^s technology choice problem? Since factor 0) at this (unconstrained) optimum technology, no other technology can yield a positive value for lo"— p^. Therefore constraint qualification for factor -li's problem does not hold, and the associated We first-order conditions are not necessary. can now determine equihbrium quantities (and prices) in regions Ak^ Ak^ and B. Suppose section 2 {(f)k,<l>i) € At. Given technology, equihbrium employment — by appropriated factor (taken with equality) by E z's after taking is determined — as in free-entry condition. Multiplying each side of (14) assumption 4 into account, and using (3) and (6), yields f iE. . E^) = Since (3) implies Xi/x^i (l = . ^. (^)") Er'- . (l - ^, (^)') <-". Ei/E^i, (35) and (36) can be solved simultaneously to yield equilibrium quantities in region Af. if/x = 0, ,36, Ei=(^-^] 2i+^J and '^"^ 39 E^r ^^' = V^i-"*- Suppose now that G B. The two {4)k,<l>i) factors' free-entry conditions hold then with equaUty (and are equivalent). They can be used to determine equilibrium quantities Ek and El. Multiplying both sides of the balanced-specificity condition (pkPk^k and taking (3), (6), fi/E„=*, = 4>iPi^i by E, and assumption 4 into account, we get where v, = | <*-''*')'"^' I 'f W- and ?^ 1 + - 2;. ^ 1/, 0. otherwise, 1, (38) for i = k,l.^^ We with equahty and can use this expression to solve A = 0), for Ei in free-entry condition (14) (taken again after multiplying both sides by E and taking (3), (6), and assumption 4 into account: Because the constraints to technology choice problem (28) are binding in B, the as- sociated first-order conditions (34) determine the constraints' shadow prices Oj. first-order conditions to hold, in B, it is suflficient (35) for we need to check that a^ by continuity to check a^ > > on that d{wfxi)/dx^i and a similarly derived expression Since the line 0. line. for To do so, (p^ = For the is <f>i always we use expression dw^^/dx^i: + (i-(i-M)0,(|-) 1p.£;-+^^., (£;-)%., Since both factors are symmetric under symmetry (by (14) with when A = 0) (p^ = ^i, i* is Proof of proposition 12: — using a/2 = pi = p^i — that dx-,i in that case. It follows immediately easy to see dx-,i from (34) that aj Suppose parameters In the short run with fixed technology Ek/Ei = > 0. shift against factor 1, (6) and i so that (14) (with equality) <^j > (^-,j. determine equilibrium quantities: ^r'E^Note that if 1 + I/t/ - 2/x = 0, then {4)^., 0, ) = G B [^^^-^]. iff 40 <^j. = i^, . This justifies (40) the value i/)i = 1 in that case. The proof of the and with proposition follows directly from comparing (40) with (37) (38)-(39) if (^k^^i) € if {^ki^^i) Ai, eB.U We now characterize the boundaries that delimit the different regions in parameter space. We start by determining all the "smooth" boundaries — i.e., boundaries at which equilibrium variables are continuous functions of the parameters {^k,^i)- Note any point that smoothly separates Ak and Ai must be included factor- market segmentation At any point and B smooth boundaries that separate region attention to We would involve a discontinuity). in B (otherwise the can therefore from regions Ai, = i that first flip in restrict our k,l. {4>k,4>i) along such a boundary, equilibrium must satisfy equations (37) (39) simultaneously. Equating Ei/E^i as determined by each of those two equations, a smooth boundary must satisfy i_ (j)^i = where h^{(j)^J(t)i), = —-^^ hi{z) (?l>t = = (/)_,, origin and 0). + 1/r/ — 2/i ^ and (otherwise it In the space of parameters {4>k,^i) € 7^ </)j(?!>_,j 1 and must remain on the 1 ^10(2) 1 must -3-, +2 (41) 1+1 satisfy the continuous extension [0, 1), side of the 45 degree line z^+1 1 = +1 Z n-i as long as 1 — ij-l Z such a boundary starts at the where > (p^ Points between (j)^^. the 45 degree line and the boundary are in B, and points between the boundary and the <^j-axis are in in Ai.) It A- (If this were not so, then a point such as easy to check that this configuration holds is direct consequence of the fact that hn{z) hold ii fi = and 1 < r/ G (in this case hi{z) [0, 1) iff G [0, 1) iff < z (0j,(?!)_,j) if /z = < 1, z > 1). = 0, or if (1,0) = /u 1 in this case); By symmetry, would not be and 77 > (a and does not the set A^i is a mirror image of Ai. Thus, i = k,l, if /x and is = 0, or /x = 1 and t/ flanked by the sets > 0, the set B Ak and At on lies each boundaries exist (other than at the origin). The set and the sets Ai to the space between that Proof of proposition Statement 13: essary condition for efficiency (37), it is clear that Ek/Ei = (i): side. If B and the ^= only if (pi = Statement (ii) Thus the efficient set and 77 < 0, for no smooth line, <^j-axis. Since the two factors are symmetric, a nec- 4>k- But (pi = (pk is = £ corresponds 1. also for efficiency, because, given the efficient technology, proposition 2 quantities are efficient. 1 corresponds to the 45 degree a symmetric technology Xk/xi is 1 line between the two boundaries (41) Looking at (39) and a sufficient condition shows that equilibrium to the line cpi = (pk- follows immediately from the above characterization of the different 41 regions. D Proof of proposition Existence of an incomplete-contracts equilibrium with tech- 1': nology choice was shown above by construction. Uniqueness follows from determination of regions Ak, Ai, and because the two sets lie on opposite the latter contains the 45 degree on (37) for region We Ai and on (a point in region Ak cannot sides of the 45 degree line; and smooth boundaries line, and (a) the unique determination B > (41) Eire and (1 (39). (2)-(3); Ui = 1 and Ei — + 0-,z)/(l + ipJ^ The above efficient ) follows follows from a from a > < cannot be greater than existence, uniqueness, (pi = if B because they exist); > (pk- 0, i 3), = C > 1 in equations (37) and 42 Because we follows from < 1) (39) (noting that 2). and interior-equilibrium properties ^ k,l. in equations (37) (recalling that 0^ equilibrium with technology choice, since rameter configuration in Ai (39) for region B). > > Ei unique in region of equilibrium variables in each of those regions (based turn to the interior-equihbrium properties C,Ei,Ui hy be and cannot be have assumed that there are no pre-existing units (assumption Ei also the unique (i) it also apply to an simply corresponds to the special pa- References [1] Acemoglu, Daron (1996): "A Microfoundation for Social Increasing Returns in Human Capital Accumulation," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(3), 779-804. 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