&****), 'UBBAfilES ^»TB<*£ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/modelofgrowththrOOaghi working paper department of economics A MODEL OF GROWTH THROUGH CREATIVE DESTRUCTION Philippe Aghion Peter Hewitt No. 527 May 1989 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 A MODEL OF GROWTH THROUGH CREATIVE DESTRUCTION Philippe Aghion Peter Howitt No. 527 May 1989 J/fT >n*OtCQ ,r A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction by Philippe Aghion* and Peter Howitt** May, 1989 * Department of Economics, M.I.T. ** Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful comments and criticisms of Roland Benabou, Olivier Blanchard, Patrick Bolton, Mathias Dewatripont, Dick Eckaus, Zvi Griliches, Rebecca Henderson, Louis Phaneuf, and Patrick Rey. The second author also wishes to acknowledge helpful conversations with Louis Corriveau. INTRODUCTION 1. This paper presents a model of endogenous stochastic growth, based on Schumpeter's idea of creative destruction. starting with is Solow (1957), attributable to We begin from the belief, supported by that a large proportion of improvement in from the We 1988) in activities economic growth in empirical studies developed countries technology rather than the accumulation of capital. The paper models technological progress as occurring result many in the form of innovations, which in turn of research firms. depart from existing models of endogenous growth (Romer, 1986, 1988; and Lucas, two fundamental respects. we emphasize First, the fact that technological progress creates losses as well as gains, by rendering obsolete old skills, goods, markets, and manufacturing processes. This has both posidve and normative implications for growth. In positive terms, the prospect of a high level of research in the future can deter research today by threatening the fruits of that research with rapid obsolescence. In normative terms, obsolescence creates a negative externality from innovations, and hence a tendency for laissez-faire to generate too much Obsolescence does not models have only positive generate too little model innovations than existing Ones. fit growth. well into existing models of endogenous growth. Those externalities, in the growth. The closest in spirit to consist of the invention of Once invented because of the lengthening of the form of technology new good remains a list our model is spillovers, that of Romer and thus tend to (1988). In that intermediate goods, neither better nor worse in production forever. Growth takes place of available intermediate goods. This model does a good job of capturing the division—of—labor aspect of growth. But adding obsolescence, by allowing old goods to be displaced by the introduction of this goods, may eliminate growth in kind of model (see Deneckere and Judd, 1986 1 ). Our second departure the new is that we view view taken by many economic historians the growth process as discontinuous. We share that individual technological breakthroughs have aggregate effects, that the uncertainty of innovations does not average out across industries. 1 This view is supported by recent empirical evidence of authors such as Nelson and Plosser Mankiw (1982) and Campbell and includes a substantial (1987) that the trend component of an economy's random element. 2 Existing models of endogenous growth do not produce a exogenous technology shocks are added We to the model, as is random trend, unless done by King and Rebelo (1988). take the view that technology shocks should not be regarded as exogenous in an analysis that seeks to explain the Instead, in GNP GNP we suppose are economic decisions underlying the accumulation of that they are entirely the result of such decisions. knowledge. Statistical innovations produced by economic innovations, the distribution of which is determined by the equilibrium amount of research. This makes the distribution of technology shocks endogenous to the model. 3 In making both of these departures our inspiration from Schumpeter (1942, from recent models of endogenous growth we take p. 83, his emphasis): The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the new consumers' goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets,... [This process] incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly , creating a new one. This process of Creative Destruction about capitalism. In Schumpeter's view, capitalist growth is inherently uncertain. is the essential fact Fundamental breakthroughs are the essence of the process, and they affect the entire economy. However, the uncertainty upon is endogenous the level of research, "the prizes offered "economic by life itself to the which in turn flexible Although enough depends upon the the monopoly rents that constitute capitalist society to the successful innovator." (1942, p. 102) changes its own The present paper develops elements. system, because the probability of a breakthrough depends it is data, by a simple quite special in to serve as a prototype fits and model starts." (1934, Thus, p. 62). that articulates these basic some dimensions we believe it is Schumpeterian also simple and model of growth through creative destruction. 4 THE BASIC MODEL 2. a. Assumptions There are four classes of txadeable objects: land, labor, a consumption good, and a There continuum of continuum of intermediate goods i infinitely— lived individuals, with mass N, each endowed with 6 [0,1]. is also a a identical one— unit flow of labor, and each with identical intertemporally additive preferences defined over lifetime consumption, > with the constant rate of time preference r constant marginal utility of consumption at in the economy. There is no disutility 0. Except in section 5 each date; thus from supplying below, There a unique rate of interest r is also the labor. we assume also a fixed supply is H of land. The consumption good Since constant returns. H is is produced using land and the intermediate goods, subject fixed we can express the production function to as: 1 y=\ (2.1) where F' > input i, and 0, F" < (F[x(i)]/c(i)}di 0, y is the flow output of consumption good, x(i) the flow of intermediate parameter indicating, for given factor prices, the unit cost of producing the c(i) a consumption good using the intermediate input Each intermediate good i is i. produced using labor alone, according to the linear technology: x(i) (2.2) where L(i) is the = L(i) flow of labor used Labor has an alternative use research, X, i. to producing intermediate goods. It can also be used in which produces a random sequence of innovations. The Poisson innovations in the and in intermediate sector economy at any instant is Xn, where n is arrival rate of the flow of labor a constant parameter given by the technology of research. There is used in research no memory in this technology, since the arrival rate depends only upon the current flow of input to research, not upon past research. 5 Time continuous, and indexed by x > is starting with the st t+1 innovation (or with x = t The length of each . research in interval t, its Each innovation interval The symbol in the case random. is 0. mind such in = = 0) 0,1... denotes the interval and ending flow of labor n just before the is applied to length will be exponentially distributed with parameter Xn new consists of the invention of a in line . of intermediate goods, whose We producing consumption goods. "input" innovations 6 as the steam engine, the airplane, and the computer, whose use made possible new methods of production An t If the constant use as inputs allows more efficient methods to be used have of t mining, transportation, and banking. in innovation need, not, however, be as revolutionary as these examples, but might consist instead of a new generation of intermediate goods, similar to the old ones. Specifically, use of the in (2.1) by the factor y new e (0,1). most modern intermediate good during interval t c (2.3) is the (i) = t where c~ is same is assume away all always produced goods reduces the cost parameters lags in the diffusion of technology. 7 in c(i) The each sector, and the unit—cost parameter for all sectors; thus: = CqY c We line of intermediate 1 Vie [0,1], t = 0,1,..., £ the initial value given by history. (Of course, it is always possible consumption good using an old technology, with a correspondingly old to produce the line of intermediate goods.) 8 A sector, successful innovator obtains a continuum of patents, one for each intermediate each one granting the holder the exclusive right to produce the newly invented intermediate good in that sector. from retaining a firm that that right in a positive becomes assume, however, that anti— trust laws prohibit anyone measure of sectors. So the innovator sells each patent to the local monopolist in that sector until the next innovation occurs. assume perfect competition patents.) We in all (We markets other than those for the intermediate goods and for The innovator offers each patent for sale at a price equal to the expected present value of the monopoly rents accruing to the patent. The buyer pays that price as a lump sum in exchange for unconstrained use of the patent. Thus we implicitly rule out royalties and other The contingent contracts between the innovator and the local monopolist. restriction will parties be discussed would want rationalized either in (d) below where it is argued The a contract with negative royalties. by noting that force of this without the restriction the two might therefore be restriction by referring that negative royalties are not in fact observed, or to costs of monitoring the output of the intermediate good. No The idea behind this assumption before its new patent covers the use of a is invention, to be patented. intermediate good in the consumption— good sector. that potential uses of the The assumption might new good are too obvious, also be rationalized even by the observation that important innovations like the ones mentioned above have had widespread uses too numerous and diffuse for anyone to monopolize them. b. The Intermediate Monopolist's Decision Problem The local monopolist's objective of profits over the current interval. is When to maximize the expected present value of the flow the interval ends so do the rents. uncertainty in the decision problem arises because the length of the interval Because no one operates amount of research Because of simply to this at in a positive is measure of sectors the monopolist takes random. as given the each time, and hence also takes as given the length of the interval. and because maximize The only the cost of the patent the flow of operating profits In equilibrium all prices symmetry, the same quantity x i.e.: K sunk, the monopolist's strategy will be at each instant. and quantities are constant throughout the will be interval. Also, by chosen by each monopolist. This quantity will also be the total output of intermediate goods in period of labor in manufacturing; is t, which by (2.2) equals the total employment 1 1 = x 1 We = x. (i) di J l L J can then re—express (2.1) F(x (i) di • l as: ) -^t yt = The inverse demand curve facing a monopolist charging the price p is the marginal product schedule: p t = F'(x t)/c t (2.4) Thus w the decision as given. is to The necessary w c (2.5) problem . t Assume ) + x F"(x t t when F comes from a CES —w ]x , taking c and is is downward—sloping: V x > when F" < This condition holds automatically )/c ). t 2F"(x) + x F"(x) < : maximize [F'(x marginal—revenue schedule that the monopolist's Assumption A.l to first—order condition = F'(x t choose x so as 0; production function. we show It in Appendix 1 that it also holds follows from (2.5) and A.l that there is a unique solution to the decision problem: w x = x(c (2.6) f t where x is strictly ) t decreasing. Thus the demand for labor in the intermediate industry is a decreasing function of the cost (in terms of the consumption good) of producing one efficiency unit of an intermediate good. Likewise (2.7) we can express the monopolist's price and flow of profits p t = p(c t w t )/c t iF'(x(c twt))/c t , and (2.8) = 7C 5r(c t t = w t)/c t w -cw [(P(c ) ) t t t w )] = -[x(c £ t w )]/c x(c t t w )) F"(x(c t t t t as: where p is strictly % increasing and is strictly decreasing. For future use, we also assume: Assumption A.2 We = x(0) : 0. have not allowed the local monopolist's decision problem potential competition from were potentially binding; example = x(°°) <*>, the holder of the previous patent. i.e. if the innovation were non-drastic Tirole, 1988, ch.10) then the current patent who would of the previous patent, This be constrained by because if the constraint in the usual sense (see, for would be of face no such competition. is to greatest value to the holder Thus our model predicts that non—drastic innovations would be implemented by incumbent producers, whereas innovations would generally be implemented by new firms. This is in drastic accordance with several empirical studies to the effect that incumbent firms implement less fundamental innovations new than do (See, for example, Scherer, 1980.) entrants. Whether or not the innovation is drastic is determined by whether or not a competitive producer of the consumption good would incur a loss buying from the previous monopolists, a price equal to the unit cost C(p^,w ) > w . Thus the condition for a drastic innovation at is 1 ^c" , t where C( p is ) is the unit—cost function uniquely associated with the production function F, The the equilibrium price of land. latter is determined by the conditions for competitive equilibrium in the markets for land and the consumption good: C(p^,p ) = 1 c" t where p is The the equilibrium market price of special case of a F(x (2.9) ) all Cobb—Douglas It is = x^ straightforward to verify that in this case: (2.10) x^Cc^a2 17^" ) 1 ^ other intermediate goods, given by (2.7). production t and is defined by: (2.11) P^Wj/a, (2.12) 7C = - a)/a]w x [(1 t and innovations and only will be drastic if y<a a (2.13) , t t if: . Research c. There are no contemporaneous spillovers employing in the research sector; that z will experience innovations with a Poisson arrival rate Xz, — be independent of other firms' research employment n = n research firm after the innovation. V i . w z. Thus takes It is The firm innovation. w Xz. its max 0= max XzV > 0} [z The Kuhn-Tucker condition w (2.16) > The value whose length (2.17) v ' X z > o) z is XV V is , , V V. + X(n t+i on W Then ,. t+i W -w = is the (W Xn this event at , , t+i 0, so (2.14) z > 0, ). Its flow of labor cost - W.) - w.z t t can be expressed as: z C with at least one equality (waloe). the expected present value of the constant flow : is any firm makes an —W . t is: V=—\+-V-. An r be the value of a Bellman equation: 10 exponendally distributed with parameter Xn t W arrivals will from successful innovation — W when . + z)(W. c and these The density of , . the expected payoff per unit time free entry into research. (2.15) will receive and n as given. Thus we have { Let a research firm be the value of patents from the expected rate of capital gain t Assume Thus it will realize a capital gain rW, = (2.14) V let firm makes an innovation If the the current instant Xz innovation, and t z. 9 is, K over an interval is that there is an important intertemporal spillover in this Note reduces costs forever. by c the same that will be model. An innovation allows each subsequent innovation to reduce the unit—cost parameter It and with the same probability An fraction y, lower by the fraction y than it , but from a starting value c , would otherwise have been. The producer of an innovation will capture (some of) the rents from that cost reduction, but only during the next interval. After that the rents will be captured by other innovators, building upon the basis of the present innovation, but without compensating the present innovator. 11 This intertemporal spillover will play a role in the welfare analysis of section 4 below. The model is an act of creation aimed at capturing monopoly rents that motivated the previous creation. the denominator of V in (2.17). the current monopolists, d. Wage (2.18) "!' - '. w But it also destroys the monopoly Creative destruction accounts for the term An in research this period will reduce the expected tenure of and hence reduce the expected present value of their flow of rents. ]2 / / aggregate research employment, (2.16) implies: is > Combining W +1 , n > 0, waloe. (2.8), (2.17), (2.18) x + n = (2.19) More rents. Determination Because n . Each innovation thus embodies Schumpeter's idea of "creative destruction". t N;t = and the equilibrium condition: 0,l,.... t yields the condition: ^gj#p^ w - (2.20) .--.-.. ^r^Wmk --•-.^ :: ", :; : > r "^tVi, + An t+i = ft c t+i w t+i )/c t+i , (rA) + n - x (c t+1 w t+1 ) <M N x < waloe. , ; r Condition (2.20) describes the supply of labor to the intermediate sector. unless that sector absorbs in research, all the economy's labor, the wage It says that will equal labor's opportunity cost XV~[7.- This condition, together with the labor-demand schedule (2.6), jointly 10 w determine and x in terms of w , and x ,, shown as Figure in Figure 1. 1 clear It is now why a successful innovator Such a contract would induce each royalties. This would have two effects on below maximal value given by the reducing n , Thus the would be as given (2.8). to offer a contract with negative local monopolist to by (2.17). Second, it seller of the second—order small by a line t creative destruction during interval creative destruction royalties, , would want First, it would produce more than x(c would reduce also reduce the w ). the numerator denominator by through (2.19). In the neighborhood of the zero—royalty solution analyzed above the former effect not. V x N X.=X(Wt .ct ) on their because each one would of patents would want negative royalties so as to discourage t. The local monopolists own by producing more is the envelope theorem, but the latter too small to affect n . than x(c would not attempt w ) in the to discourage absence of negative 11 PERFECT FORESIGHT EQUILIBRIA Using (2.6) and the fact that x is (PFE) an invertible function, we can Multiplying both sides of (2.20) by c and using the identity: c = yc , w write we = x (x )/c . obtain: _1 h* t )Z Trk+ H x (3.1) (x rc(x , which we can re-express by = ^(x x (3.2) t t+1 l ))/ Y l\ +] <N x -. ; waloe t the following first—order difference equation: = min(G(x ) t+1 ), N) where: 13 1 (x tc(x G(x t+1 = x ) We define t+1 N - r/X + ))/y x t+1 a perfect foresight equilibrium (PFE) as a sequence {x satisfying (3.2) for all t > endogenous variables (w In 0. , x , y PFE everyone , % , n , V ) Lemma 1 V , with certainty. 14 However, the length of each — i » G(x) is decreasing in random. The x. is as follows: A foreseen increase in x hand it it raises the flow of wage w , will raise the reward monopoly rents tt.(x X ( x t+ i)) reduces the amount of research and hence the amount of creative destruction next interval (the effect in the denominator). equilibrium is simplified by the following: next innovator: on the one hand the other N] follows from the fact that both x and k are decreasing functions. The 1 interpretation to the and on is The mappine x : Lemma economic PFE in [0, can predict the future evolution of the interval (in real rime %), as well as the identity of each innovator, characterization of },-. this period (if The increase in X V , will raise the x < N), which in turn will induce the intermediate monopolists to reduce their demand for labor this period, x . 12 Because (3.2) is forward—looking, history does not determine a unique value of x n PFE. Typically, there will be a continuum of PFE indexed by the there will only be a finite asymptotically. Proposition 1 More periodic trajectories to which any — converge asymptotically are, or with zero growth —a "real" — "no— growth a 2—cycle, growth (n = SE (NGT) remains constant. Growth will be innovations if We and only define real 2—cycle a real if 2—cvcle x° = ^(x (3.3) Then = ^(x). 1 ), x 1 labor In SE the economy experiences balanced < N and zero positive if x is allocated to research. = ^(x°), x to unique SE. is as a pair (x corresponds a . employment between manufacturing in the sense that the allocation of N — x) PFE . or trap" as a steady state x growth : . Furthermore there always exists define However PFE could converge one of the following to a stationary equilibrium (SE) with positive — SE We value x^. precisely: PFE All : number of initial in , 1 in x ) such * x° and if (x) and research x = N, because there that: N t {x°, x 1 }. which manufacturing employment oscillates between two different values with each succeeding innovation. High manufacturing employment in odd intervals raises the reward to research during even intervals, depresses manufacturing employment during even intervals, through the and hence mechanism discussed above. Likewise, low manufacturing employment in even intervals raises manufacturing employment A but N e in odd intervals. "no—growth" {x , x }. trap is As shown a pair (x in , x ) such that the Figure 2 below, NGT first exists three conditions of (3.3) hold, when G(N) < G (N) = x . 13 Figure 2 ** Even though NGT defines stop after period The From 1. interpretation of = #0 an infinite sequence (x then on the NGT is economy that the prospect ~, } will the oscillation of the perform as if in SE economy will with zero growth. of low manufacturing employment in even periods so depresses the incentive to research in odd periods that research stops. As we shall can happen even in an economy that possesses a posidve balanced— growth see, this equilibrium. Proposition chaotic PFE. It 1 rules out complicated periodic trajectories such as follows immediately from follows a monotonic path in [0, N]. Lemma 1, which implies k—cycles that x Therefore the sequence converges. By in with k > 3, or odd periods continuity, the "> . . . limit point is a fixed point of the 2—cycle (either real or intersection xe [0,N] second—iterate map NGT). Since ^(x) is 3f ", which non—increasing corresponds to either in x, there is a between the graph of J?and the 45 —line; in other SE unique words, there is a unique SE. 15 We conclude this section with a brief discussion of each type of asymptotic PFE. or a 14 a. Stationary Equilibrium (SE) In the Cobb-Douglas case, - . 1—a x a x = G(x) = positive growth is determined by: -|1/(<X-1) a y _r/X + i.e. SE with N - X by the simple equation: —1-oc a Y = - (3.4) rfX For growth to be positive, Y (3.5) + • X N - it is x necessary and sufficient to have: <^.1^.N In particular, for a fixed value of Y, X, r, N, a necessary and sufficient condition for positive * growth is To that the parameter be sufficiently small: a < a = XN/(kN + interpret this result note that a is 1—a is the Lerner (1934) intermediate sector. (price a Specifically, minus marginal cost divided by intermediate monopolist, and 1—a sector accruing to the monopolist, is yr) < \. an inverse measure of monopoly power (1—a) price), is in each measure of monopoly power the elasticity of demand faced by an the fraction of equilibrium revenue in an intermediate — n - * t . Thus, if monopoly power is too weak (a > a ) then the flow of monopoly rents from the next innovation would not be enough to induce positive research aimed at capturing those rents creative destruction in the next interval. b. "No—growth" Trap As we have seen, NGT will exist iff: even if they could be retained forever, with no 15 G(N)<x C (3.6) = G ! (N) ^c\J-\ N6J 6(H) / X t + 2. Figure 3 In particular NGT will always exist when the interest smaller r (or r/X), the easier are more c. A dj? -j it is likely to exist in an Real to satisfy (3.5): economy rate r is in other words, that possesses a positive sufficient condition for a real 2-cycle to exist < 1, "no— growth Note that the trap" equilibria balanced— growth equilibrium! 2—cycle is that: 2 (x) sufficiently small. 16 where x is the unique SE. 17 (Figure 4 below). G(N) < x (i.e. (3.6)) and 16 = &C*lJ) k' 5 s"l.fc ^ aA Figure 4 Proposition 2 When R = : r/X. is sufficiently small and the elasticity of demand for intermediate - input (V) 18 ) is sufficiently close to The assumption that R is 1. there exists a real small guarantees that 7(1 ^'(X)=(T1-1) (3.7) 1 (See Appendix 2). - 2—cycle. G(N) < x . (See (b) above). Also: Tl) 1 -I XT] Tl Tl This expression approaches zero as r\ approaches 1. Proposition 2 then follows from the fact that: jf-(x) = >'(x) In the ^'(^(x)) = (^'(x)) • Cobb—Douglas case we 2 have: 1 (3.8) we know Then, from Proposition 2, G(N) < x (rA We small). that there exists a real 2—cycle whenever a can summarize the conclusions obtained in the is small and Cobb—Douglas case 17 by the following picture. Again a can be interpreted as an inverse measure of monopoly power the degree of in the intermediate industry. -X. £ Pofitvc L^ * \ 1 \ W.I«nUi ZCTt '.II c#) °< [r*<»~uJ growth it NH1 . r l^WT) uuri ( Figure 5 The reason in the model of for cycles in this Shleifer (1986). 19 model is similar, but not identical, to the reason for cycles In the Shleifer model innovations are exogenous, and there are multiple equilibrium strategies for implementing them, because of an aggregate—demand externality. That externality intersectoral form. As (3.1) is present in this model in an intertemporal rather than makes clear, higher flow of monopoly rents next period. As manufacturing output next period raises the we have seen, it is this effect, of creative destruction, that makes x depend inversely upon x , , together with the effect and which therefore makes high manufacturing employment in odd intervals together with low manufacturing employment in even intervals a possible equilibrium configuration. There are several questions that would need empirical relevance of these 2—cycles. One is to be addressed before judging the likely their observability under realistic expectational assumptions; equilibria that are stable under perfect foresight (as in Figure 4 above) are often unstable under learning (Grandmont and Laroque, 1986). Another is the size of the resulting output fluctuations; modern economies typically allocate no more than 2 or 3 percent of their 18 We labor force to research. issues, and even if the Learning raises regard these questions as open. movement of it could produce large proportional fluctuations in research, and hence in the growth rate of output. we unresolved labor between manufacturing and research would cause small proportional fluctuations in the level of output questions further many Rather than pursue these paper on balanced growth equilibria. shall focus the rest of the Accordingly, the main interest of the above analysis is not to propose a theory of cycles but to describe the logic of the model of creative destruction. BALANCED GROWTH 4. Time—Series a. One of Properties of Output the benefits of endogenizing technical average rate of growth (AGR) of the economy. change is we can endogenize that Rather than have AGR depend exogenous population growth and/or exogenous technical progress as growth model, we have made it depend upon various benefit is that what appear determine in the AGR. no growth, in we can endogenize We model factors that affect the incentive to In this sense (1986), Lucas (1988) and others. the variability of the growth rate we do are Another (VGR). The variance of technology shocks depends upon the same economic factors that In the extreme case VGR shall as Romer upon in the neoclassical research and the fruitfulness of research in reducing production costs. following the seminal contributions of the where the incentive to do research is so small as to result will also be zero. now proceed under the assumption that the economy is always in a situation of positive balanced growth. Thus: 20 x = x (4.1) X/y r To (n see how = N — x), l • tc(x (x)) + X(N - x) a change in the parameters it = G(x) (more r, X, y, N precisely G(x, r, X, y, N)) affects the equilibrium level of research suffices to determine the sign of the partial derivatives J&', J&, <-%^, <%\r, c^ 19 where <^fis defined by: <#(x, X, y, r, N) = G(x) The following Lemma - is x. an immediate consequence of Lemma 1 and the fact that jt and x are decreasing: Lemma We 2 ^ = G^ - : 1 < 0; <#. > 0; ^ < 0; <%. ' > 0; ^ + Jj^ < 0. then obtain: Proposition 3 : The amount of research performed in a positive balanced growth equilibrium will: fa) decrease with the rate of interest (b) increase with the arrival (c) parameter X This proposition research, speed at is (i.e. decrease with r means an increase an increase in the arrival rate (the effect an increase in the size of increasing the size of next interval's fi, in the required rate effect will be to reduce the total investment in X will an increase in total labor R& of return on D. have both the positive effect of raising the on the numerator of increasing creadve destruction (effect on the denominator). (d) and intuitive: which research pays (c) y), endowment N. an increase in the interest rate whose (b) , increase with the size of each innovation (d) increase with the total labor (a) r. 4.1), The and the negative effect of first effect dominates. 21 each innovation (decrease in y) also increases research by monopoly rents relative to today's research costs. endowment N increases research by increasing, for a given the size of the market that can be "monopolized" by a successful innovator. 20 We now complete our comparative of monopoly power good in the intermediate industry. measure of monopoly power was (inverse) proceed in a similar way and F(x) = (f(x)) (4.2) < a < where We Lemma 3 : statics analysis The 1. In the the by studying the effect of the degree Cobb— Douglas case, we saw that a we can parameter a. In the general case define: a , elasticity r\ again depends positively on a. 22 can then show: d% > 0, where <#(x, ct) = G(x, a) — x. Proof: ! Sfa (x)) x - T](x,a) (x) 1 This expression decreases with a. The We lemma then follows from (4.1). then obtain the following intuitive result: Proposition 4 : An increase in monopoly power (reduction in a) increases the amount of research in a balanced growth equilibrium. We now derive an explicit expression for both the average growth rate variability of the output (i.e. growth yt = (VGR) in a the- balanced growth equilibrium. The volume of real consumption goods) during interval the flow of ia i\ (4.3) rate (AGR) and t is: J^ F(x) whirh imnlies: _1 (4-4) Thus y t+1 =y • yt . the time path of the log of real output b\ y(x) —where x is real time — will be a random 21 step— function starting at in y« = mF(H,x) — (n c~, with the size of each step equal to the constant —in y > 0, and with the time between each step {A,,A~,...} a sequence of variables exponentially distributed with parameter Xn. iid. This statement, together with (4.1), fully specifies the stochastic process driving output, as a function of the parameters of the model. Not surprisingly, this stochastic made at discrete points in (4.5) m where e(x) is -in above discussion y(x+l) = time m process + y(x) e(x); x = Suppose observations were (4.4): 0,1,... y times the number of innovations between x and x+1. that \ 1 \ '—, . is ... in y(x+l) = follows from the as: -lnlhy+ in y(x) It a sequence of iid. variables distributed Poisson with parameter Xn. Thus (4.5) can be rewritten (4.6) nonstationary. Then from unit apart. 1 is e(x); x = 0,1,... with e(x) iid., E(e(x)) (4.7) where e(x) = e(x) + Xn in y. = 0, From var e(x) = Xn(in y) (4.6) and (4.7), the discrete output follow a random walk with constant positive AGR (4.8) Combining changes on AGR = -Xn in y, VGR = Xn(in (4.8) with Propositions 3 and VGR. 2 drift. lower AGR. The it. . and 4 we can now sign the impact of parameter Increases in the arrival parameter, the size of innovations, the size all raise AGR. Increases in the rate of These parameter changes have the same qualitative effect on effects are intuitive with our earlier finding is also follows that: 2 y) of labor endowment and the degree of monopoly power interest It sequence of observations on log needed before growth for the growth process. (in the is and straightforward. The Cobb—Douglas effect of VGR as on monopoly power, combined case) that a minimal degree of monopoly power even possible, underline the importance of imperfect competition 22 The Schumpeterian theme: the tradeoff between current effects also highlight another output y = F(x)/c and growth. Any parameter change (other than N) that raises reduces y (taking c as predetermined), by drawing labor out of manufacturing. of a that effect is amplified by the attendant consumption—good sector.) However, the a static efficiency loss of monopoly. shift loss of current output economy and research. Whether the economy picks a also (In the case of the production function in the Our assumption of imperfect competition from putting the AGR inside is not, as inelastic labor its Schumpeter argued, supply prevents current frontier of manufacturing good point on examined that frontier will be in the next subsection. The has noted positive effect of N on AGR in a similar context, that larger footnote 20 above implies that, in the more than double the growth rate. international, since We has the unfortunate implication, which we have economies should grow Cobb—Douglas Romer (1988) In fact, (4.1 faster. case, a doubling of population should (These comparisons must be intertemporal rather than not dealt with the question of transboundary technology flows.) accept the obvious implication that this class of models has little to say, without considerable modification, about the relationship between population size and growth The variability of output in this model should be distinguished from existing real business cycle models, for the following reasons. has been endogenized here. An innovation in the statistical that respond Second, output never to its rate. variability in of shocks First, the variability sense in real output an innovation in the economic sense, the distribution of which depends as economic decisions ') in is we have the effect of seen upon parameter changes. falls in this model, contrary to what is observed in recessions, and contrary to what happens in existing real business cycle models. This innovations are increments in knowledge. knowledge but a smaller than average A is because all negative e(x) indicates not a decrease in increase. We accept the implication that the random fluctuations of output around the balanced growth path of our model tell a seriously — 23 incomplete story of the business cycle. Instead they are best thought of as portraying the (Output can stochastic trend of output. however, fall, We now compare the laissez-faire AGR chosen by a social planner whose objective was c derived above with the to maximize the AGR that would be expected present value of of consumption y(t). The maximized value of the planner's objective function, historically given, is 2—cycle.) Welfare b. utility in a is PF(xJ 1 , determined by the following Bellman equation: max rZ = (4.9) Z when + X(N-x C (x <N) (Z • ) t -Z t+1 ) t t t The first—order condition F'(x (4.10) It is easily checked t Z -Z F(x )/c *-* + X(N - x )(1 [$$ - x*] r (4.12) Y= . + r Thus the social XN — * * ) = Xn. ( 1 optimum same stochastic process —x - zp y ) solves: Hi-y) X(N is: is: * to the problem ) = ' where x this t . =-V 1 t+1 that the solution to (4.9) * Zt (4.11) = ^(Z )/c t an interior solution for instead of - — yl y) a balanced is growth path, with real output growing according as before, but with innovations arriving at the rate X(N — x) = A.n. Accordingly laissez-faire produces an AGR more * (less) than opumal if Which way x < (>) x these inequalities go can be checked by comparing (4.1) and (4.12). former can be rewritten y . as: 7u(x~ (x)) —^~ : i (4.13) Y= r + X(N - x) The 24 which, from the definition of % and X(l-y)(£ - 1) f^ y= (4.14) where *- w = C — wc ' / *" can be rewritten x, + X y x x £ ^- \ is between price and marginal cost the constant ratio The intermediate industry on the balanced growth path. reward as: to research, deflated by next period's real monopolistic in the right side of (4.14) is the private wage. The right side of (4.12) the is corresponding social reward, deflated by the shadow cost of research next period. There are three differences between (4.12) and (4.14): The presence of the term — XNy in the denominator of A from it his innovation for comes from Z an innovation, V X>X , . is the private innovator will capture rent one interval only, whereas the social rent continues forever. Formally the presence of the term value function difference This corresponds to the (4.12). intertemporal spillover effect discussed in section 2(c). first XZ , in the definition (4.9) whereas no such term' appears of the social planner's in the definition (2.17) of the private value of This effect leads the laissez-faire economy to underinvest in research: i.e. .2 The second difference is X y *- x the presence of the term in the numerator of (4.14). This corresponds to a "business— stealing" effect. The private innovator does not internalize the loss of surplus to the monopolist presence of — X(N — whose x )Z in the social planner's subtraction appears in the third difference the numerator of (4.14). maximand It comes formally from in (4.9), is i.e. it <x the whereas no corresponding problem (2.15) solved by the private research private firms to overinvest in research: The rents he destroys. This effect leads firm. . the presence of the term d (-t- — - F(x*) l)x instead of [p ') *p x This corresponds to the monopolistic distortion effect. It — x* • ] in arises because the flow of returns whose capitalized value the social planner attempts to maximize total output, whereas the pnvate value can work in either direction. In the V is liie capitalized value of profits, Cobb—Douglas case it is 7t . is This distortion non-existent, since in that case —x= F/F' to )x ( = — (-2- l)x. one another: K = (l-ct)y , (In the Cobb—Douglas case output and profits are proportional so the effect amounts to nothing more than a multiplicative constant in the social—planner's decision— problem.) spillover effect will dominate The intertemporal (i.e. y social reward when — — small) is there is reward in this case the private and laissez-faire innovations are not too large dominate, leading to an AGR (i.e. y is the size of innovations compared to research will be small AGR will generate an much monopoly power (a when less than optimal. 24 close to zero in the Cobb—Douglas On is large to the the other big hand case) and not too small), the business—stealing effect will under laissez-faire which exceeds the optimal level of average growth. 25 (This case cannot arise in Romer's (1988) model where there is no destruction of existing monopolistic activities). 26 c. Introducing Learning by Doing We now introduce a second source of growth besides innovations: accumulation of learning— by-doing (lbd) formalize lbd is assume to intermediate industry can that in the time interval still instant, t, and x is the amount of labor devoted natural way to its intermediate goods through value of the unit cost parameter to at time x manufacturing intermediate goods in at that we assume: | = -gx (4.15) where g > in the if if c (x) is the A between two successive innovations, the improve upon the quality of manufacturing them: more formally, interval in the intermediate industry. namely, the 0. Thus, learning—by—doing consumption good sector in the at the rate innovation occurs, productivity will jump intermediate industry will increase productivity g x between two innovations. as before by the factor y When a new . Following A. Young (1928) and more recently Arrow (1962), Romer (1986), and Dasgupta—Stiglitz (1988), we assume that the returns from learning by doing are shared by all 26 In particular the intermediate firms firms in the economy. their lbd, which also over into the research sector. Because of spills intermediate firm will choose its optimal level of intermediate output lbd on the other intermediate producers; that In in (4.15). Romer knowledge, hence optimum. Let in (x), which x Likewise V 7U w (x) (x) over interval follows (x) = x = grow and economy—wide is average x less than the social however, the spillover of lbd can generate the opposite too to a research firm We As (x). (x) grows before, at the V of making the t innovation at time x. confine attention to balanced growth equilibria, Then x = x(c (x)w (constant). Tt(cw)/c result; i.e. that fast. 27 tt(x) analogously. Since K t. taking as given the each x(i) as before, relying for an average growth rate under laissez-faire which denote the value (x) is, this externality, (1986), this type of externality leads private firms to underinvest in In this paper, private economies Define x to experience a complete spillover of (x)) as (x) is the before, so c (x)w (x) = cw (constant). expected present value of k evaluated constant exponential rate gx over this interval, it that: V (4.16) (x) Vx) = + An - gx r Therefore: £(x V (4.17) (x) Thus (x))/c (x) f = r The -1 + XN + g)x first—order condition for positive research to the level of output x in a (4.18) - (X y ~ rc(* r + ( XN (non—degenerate) SE *))/x (x) - (?t+g)x is occur is, given by: as before, w (x) = XV , (x). 27 This equation is identical to (4.1) except for the term —gx in the denominator. previous analysis of stationary states was a special case, with g = The AGR under laissez-faire ) number of innovations the is that lim oo E(-) X °° occurred until date innovations follow a Poisson process with arrival rate X X-t 0. = limi(gxt-E(t)my) X-t T-t eo t the given by: is AGR =Umi- E(my(x)-my (where Thus h, we x.) Given our assumption that have: = ln. Hence: (4. AGR = 19) g(N - n) - Xn&ry. In words, the average growth rate component due to Ibd process (— Xnmy). On (g(N — n)) now derives from two components: and a random component corresponding the other hand, VGR is additional growth generated through lbd VGR = (4.20) By directions: Xfi(foy) is deterministic: 2 example, an increase equilibrium, thereby reducing to the innovation given by the same formula as before since the contrast with Section 4(a) above, parameters for a deterministic in r will VGR. The may affect AGR and VGR in opposite reduce the amount of research n performed in effect on AGR is ambiguous: the random part will 28 be reduced as before but the deterministic part will increase together with the amount of N — h. manufacturing labor x = An effect on AGR In particular increase in the speed of learning by doing AGR of research ri. (equal to 28 When effect will increase Ag(N - n)). It AGR. When (i.e. in g) will will also indirectly affect the initial value of g is the initial g > —Xfiry. will increase if g have AGR a positive direct by increasing the sufficiently small (— Xlny — g > 0), the indirect large however, a further increase in g is have a perverse effect on growth by inducing too much research at the level may expense of learning by doing. The tendency following welfare analysis. Let satisfies the Z (x) rZ(c (x)) max = ^ F(x) (x<N) additional term according = Z(c (x)) research is brought out more clearly by the be the social planner's value function. It following Bellman equation, analogous to (4.9) above: (4.21) The much for lbd to induce too —Z'(c (x))gx c (x) + X(N-x) [Z(y is -1 x c (t)) - Z(c t the social return (T))] - Z'(c t (x))gxc (T) t t from learning by doing at time x, to (4.15). It is straightforward to verify that if research is positive then the solution to (4.21) is: yF'(x*) 1 = Z(cfx)) VL (4.22) t where x "-c^xT|>(l -y) solves the equation: (X(1_y) - gyXpWO- * x } y: (4.23) r The comparison between level x SY at the social as before, i.e. -y -i; L + XN(1 ) the equilibrium level x under laissez-faire optimum (i.e. and the corresponding between (4.18) and (4.23)) involves the same three the intertemporal spillover effect, the business stealing effect monopolistic distortion. But there is now and the an additional source of distortion due to the introduction of learning by doing as a second factor lbd; terms in (— g) appear in the effects 29 denominator of (4.18) and in the numerator of (4.23): research under laissez-faire, but reduces "business—stealing effect" mentioned The economics of the reward to research innovation. But it this result activities, it words introducing lbd increases in other optimum! This in the social effect reinforces the earlier. can be summarized as follows: learning by doing raises by raising the net present value of rents from a successful does not raise the marginal profitability of hiring manufacturing workers, since the benefits of lbd are external to the firm (our spillover assumption). a laissez-faire economy will respond to an increase in g by investing more This explains in why research at the expense of manufacturing. With the social planner things will go the other way around: internalizing the effect of lbd in his decisions, the social planner will respond to an increase in g by putting To more workers see that learning by doing can the following example. Start with an * is into manufacturing, thus fewer workers into research. almost equal to x make a laissez-faire economy without economy grow too fast, consider learning by doing, where x = x(g = 0) * =x (g ^ (AGR* - AGR) = = 0). 29 j|g(g Then: + X (x*(g) in y) - x(g)) * = As we have x*-x + (g + dx dx seen, -t- -r-| \mY)-(g--g) ^ n > 0. Therefore, introducing learning by doing will generate too if x (0) is sufficiently close to x(0), much growth at the margin: AGR*(dg) < AGR(dg). 5. CONSUMPTION - SMOOTHING: MAKING INNOVATIONS LARGER CAN DETER RESEARCH In this section we relax the assumption of constant marginal utility. Instead, the instantaneous utility function has a constant elasticity of marginal utility equal to a> 0. Thus 30 o" = u(c) 1— 1 c t . The pure rate of time preferences elasticity of intertemporal substitution is case of a= With a > 0. consumers 0, l/o". will is still The preceding want to > the constant r 0. Thus the analysis dealt with the special smooth consumption over time, which will affect the equilibrium. We confine attention to situations of are identical, so have equal consumption all will innovation will reduce the marginal u ' (y , /N)/u ' (y 7N) of substitution equal =y to consumption good just . w = t where V . is Each shareholder of a research firm have a marginal Accordingly, a research firm will discount the payoff after. , and its rate and the to a marginal condition for positive research will be XyCT V t+1 That value continues to be determined by The will thus just before an innovation good of the market value in terms of the consumption (2.17). 30 From (5.1) and the t st + 1 innovation. (2.17): Vi * ,„, equal to y/N. Thus each in equilibrium, between the consumption good y All households of consumption by the factor utility successful innovation by the factor y (5.1) non—degenerate balanced growth. l local monopolist's choice problem will be the same as before. Thus in a balanced growth equilibrium (5.2) implies: 1 (5.3) y Equation (5.3) ^ 1 7 = X ftf*" (*))/*"* (*> r + X(N - x) determines x, and hence also the level of research ri = N — x. difference between (5.3) and the previous equation (4.13) is The average growth determined by comparative rate and statics effects its on n, variability continue to be AGR and VGR remain the presence of The only C on (4.8). unchanged except the left side. Thus all the for the effect of the size of innovations. Specifically, an increase in the size of innovations (decrease in y) research, and hence increases the average growth rate and its still increases variability, if the elasticity of 31 intertemporal substitution exceeds unity (a < of (5.3), which causes a decrease left side substitution is less than unity (a > reduction in research. payoff raises the If the elasticity marginal effect utility if the elasticity of intertemporal AGR measured and new VGR. possibility in units of is consumption good. But of consumption after the innovation relative to before. when a > negatively sloped savings schedule that occurs overlapping generations model with An all 1 in the endowments accruing The effect standard to the because reduces the it research by reducing the rate at which marginal utility The welfare maximized value of its falls after analysis of balanced— growth equilibria the social planner's objective function max [j-^—[F(x )/c rZ = l <N) (x ~ a l 1-CT .] is Z easily verified that if research z* = z^/y 1 ^= FCx*)" is a_1 where x* solves: 1 ^(1-Y (5 5) ^) F(x*) * F'(x y l ~° r x ) a-1 + 7iN(l - y ) * increases the variability, determined by the Bellman + X(N - x.)(Z . t+l -Z)}. positive then the solution to (5.4) F'(x*)A(y o~) an innovation. t t It is similar to the almost the same as before. The is t l the latter raises the utility— rate of return to equation: (5.4) is 1 young. research, and hence also increases the average growth rate and of (5.3). Intuitively, also reduces the two—period increase in the intertemporal elasticity of substitution (decrease in left side it decrease in y When a > amount of it A straightforward. so strong as to reduce the utility rate of return to research. is the sufficiently close to zero this could lead to such a is interpretation of this to research as But in x. y decreases then an increase in the size of innovations leads to a 1), large reduction in research as to reduce The economic In this case the decrease in 1). - Dc|-°. is 32 Comparison of (5.5) with (5.3) reveals the So, as before, laissez-faire ENDOGENOUS 6. may produce SIZE same three differences as before either too much or too little between x and x . research. OF INNOVATIONS: INNOVATIONS ARE TOO SMALL UNDER LAISSEZ-FAIRE This section generalizes the analysis of balanced growth developed in section 4 by allowing research firms to choose not only the frequency but also the size of innovations. show that the equilibrium size of innovations will be except the technology of research firms. Thus analyzed remain unchanged. There is, independent of everything in the model comparative— statics effects previously all the however, a change in the welfare analysis. Specifically, under laissez-faire innovations will be too small. make the intertemporal— spillover effect in tending to the Rather than assume a linear research technology This new economy grow at the effect will reinforce too slowly. individual firm level, helpful to assume an infinitely elastic supply of identical research firms with curves. Assume that to experience innovations with a cost reduction factor firm must hire v(z,y) units of labor, with v, > v~ < 0, 0. with a constant aggregate level of research employment z and y within each research number of v(z,y)/z is firm, and with c w x = N — n, (2.5) and n, y it is U— shaped cost at the rate with z and y equal to the constants for all t. Since n/v(z,y) demand for manufacturing labor, given by: c w = c w v V t+1 =F st ' (x) + x F"(x), innovation ^ (CW)/C t+1 = r+(A/k)n is: = k(cw)/cw r+( k)n U A w t+l = Aw t+1 is the = (Vk)n, where k = a constant. is Xz a look for a stationary equilibrium firms, the aggregate arrival rate of innovations is [n/v(z,y)]?t.z the value of the t+1 r*n (6J) We = cw = constant In a stationary equilibrium, the intermediate We i.e. 3 1 1 33 If a makes firm choosing y w t+i /z: ->\ (6.2) c t During interval and (6.2), A and takes t, will make ,cw>~=wy (— )y c + 1 wage rate rise to: . t w and the t the research firm takes as given that max - w (6.3) it ~— cw = = innovation, the (t+1) as given. v(z,y) Thus + A,zAy~ its V . decision problem will be determined by (6.1) is: w (z.y) Assume an interior solution. that (6.3) has must equal From zero. (6.4) Vj = vz (6.5) v this By free entry, the maximized expression in (6.3) and the first—order conditions: _1 _1 From average cost 2 = -vy (6.3) the output of research proportional is K(z,y) =y It proportional to z/y. Therefore a research firm's to: v(z,y)/z. Our assumption of U-shaped Assumption A. is cost is: K(z,y) : is strictly convex. follows from (A. 3) that (6.4) and (6.5) define a unique equilibrium combination (z,y); specifically, the combination (z,y) (6.6) = arg that min minimizes average K(z,y). Since none of the parameters (r,X,N) enter of them. Similarly, the size of each innovation power. Thus all cost: comparative— statics results is (6.6), it follows that y and z are independent independent of the degree of monopoly go through as before except for those describing — 34 which the effects of varying the size of innovations, are no longer relevant since the size is endogenous. To conduct function Z(c rZ(c)= max (6.7) 1 where m The ( {z,y,m} number of the is F(N ~ mv ( z '7» + Xmz(Z( Tc c 1 —F' easily c" checked 7r Z(c 1 ^ ) mv~ + Xzm c \ ) , l ,y )/z , Vj = vz*" 1 (6.9) v = Our main = n (6.8) 2 ) that the solution to (6.7) = J-l-7, Z(c y m 1 -<l-Y*r vY*~ )) = = is: -n*) F(N *-, -4 = l v(z are: = )) Z'(yc r = v(z l t + A.m(Z(7C )-Z(c 1 where k problem + Xz(Z(yc )-Z(c m V][ c" - Z(c .))) firms. 31 t - F' ) l t first—order conditions for this -F' vc; It is maximized objective given by the Bellman equation: is ) the welfare analysis, note that the social planner's ,y ) (k/k )(y , -l)n w/c C and: 1 result is that innovations are too small in equilibrium: * Proposition 5 Proof : (6.10) Y> Y : Define a s y (z ,y ) v(z*,Y*)/z*(l-y*) = arg min{K(z,Y) + ay}. > 0. From A.3, (6.8) and (6.9): 35 From (6.6) and (6.10): K(z,y) + From ay > K(z these inequalities: This result K(zV). < K(z,y) ay > ay ,y ) + ay . Since a > 0, therefore y > y . . a another manifestation of the business— stealing effect. The smaller the is innovation the larger the losses through obsolescence relative to the gains of an innovation. The private firm ignores this cost of raising By free entry the _ y= (6.11) __i rc(g maximand i (x))/* krA + N - in (6.3) equals zero. W „ to (6.7) yields: F'(x*) (6.12) x * (1-Y*) y = F'(x ) . _1 k*rA + (l-y* ) Comparison of (6.11) with (6.12) reveal amount of fact that too k much 7. research. * k or too This implies: x where k = v(z,y)/z. The solution * y. N the same In addition, the fact that three distortions as before y> y will also generate a distortion. As on the equilibrium will tend to create too little research. before, the total level of research may The be little. RANDOM ARRIVAL PARAMETER: CREATIVE DESTRUCTION CAN DESTROY GROWTH In this section illustrates the force world to deter value of X in innovation a the arrival parameter state ,..,X new X X to vary randomly. This generalization of creative destruction by allowing an increase in research in other states. In fact, one Let {X. we allow } is becomes be the infinite, the finite set we in some states of the present an example where in the limit as the average growth rate of possible values of drawn, according X to the transition X. falls to zero. At the moment of any matrix A, and all research firms learn 36 Transition into a high—X state could represent a fundamental breakthrough that this value. wave of innovations, whereas leads to a Schumpeterian transition to a low state could represent the exhaustion of a line of research. stochastic equivalent of balanced growth equilibrium The manufacturing employment depends only on the the value of making the an equilibrium in which of the world, not on time. Let V./c be state innovation arid moving into state t is j. In any state i, the marginal m expected return to research in interval t is S X1 : positive research occurs in state i. If _ a-. j V./c U J research occurs in This will equal the wage t+ r * all states, the V-'s must satisfy the Bellman equations: vY = (7.1) Sfl.jIa.jVj/y) [ j The AGR equals —f /h n. =N-x(X. t l v y, - ^[N-x^Ia-.V./yXIV. J J where j f is the J ; i=l,..,m J asymptotic frequency of innovations. Define Za.. V./y). Then: y J m f= I (7.2) . where q- is i=l X. n. q. i_i. q » the asymptotic fraction of time spent in state Our example has m= 2 and a.. q1 = l_ q2 = ;) 1/2 V... __7_ X~n~ (7.3) = It is if i. easily verified that in this case: 37 From (7.2) and (7.3): = (? 4) - ' To complete and r = the N = X, 2 ^1^-9 n Vl ^2 When X~ = 1, = Cobb—Douglas Using (2.10) and 1. = 1/3. f = —2n—n~ [\6X (W 2 1 = jj °°, is W Thus 0. = x ) and suppose a =y= 1/2, (2.12), (7.1) can be rewritten as: 2 }V 1 )\- 2 is the solution is 1 -\2 {l V. = V~ = V, = 1/4, 2 -[4L,(V 1+ V )r )V 2 2 « 7 V? /8, = which implies n, = n~ = 1/3, and which-implies n, = n^ = 1, 3/4, raising the productivity of research in be discouraged in the other growth l+ case (F(x) ^(l-^Vj+V^] the solution to (7.5) When Xj = f state, one state 0, and can cause research through the threat of creative destruction, to such an extent eliminated. CONCLUSION 8. We have presented a model of economic growth based on Schumpeter's process of creative destruction. results Growth results exclusively from competition among research firms consists of a new line from technological progress, which that generate innovations. in turn Each innovation of intermediate goods that can be used to produce final output more efficiently than before. that 9 example, take the V2 = that n fV 1 = [16(V 1+ V 2 )] (7.5) to + i Research firms are motivated by the prospect of monopoly rents can be captured when a successful innovation is patented. But those rents in turn will be destroyed by the next innovation, which will render obsolete the existing line of intermediate goods. 38 The model possesses a unique balanced— growth equilibrium, constant allocation of labor between research and manufacturing. of GNP growth follows a rate, random walk with and the variance of drift. The the increments in a economy's average the variability of the these parameters of growth are endogenous to the model, and is In that equilibrium the log size of the drift is the is which there growth depend upon the rate. Both rate of time preference and elasticity of intertemporal substitution of the representative household, and upon the size and likelihood of innovations resulting from research. As Schumpeter argued, the degree of market power available an innovation will also be an important determinant of growth. degree of market power, and shown that rate and its it We to someone implementing have parametrized the has a positive effect upon both the average growth variability. The average growth rate and its variability are also affected by the extent of learning—by—doing in the manufacturing sector of the economy. The greater the coefficient of learning— by—doing, the more research will be undertaken. This will raise the average rate of growth attributable to research, but doing, because the only way it may for society to decrease the growth attributable to learning—by- engage in more research is to take labor out of manufacturing. The average growth two counteracting rate distortions. may The be more or less than socially optimal, because there are first is a technology spillover. A successful innovation produces knowledge that other researchers can use without compensation The counteracting distortion internalize the loss to others is a "business— stealing" effect. due that innovations are too small to The to the innovator. private research firm does not obsolescence resulting from his innovations. We also show under laissez-faire, again because of the business—stealing effect. Learning by doing introduces a further distortion because manufacturing firm. This distortion tends much research. Whether it produces too to produce too much little it is external to the individual manufacturing, and hence too or too litde growth depends upon the relative 39 efficacy of learning by doing and research as sources of growth. Under some circumstances with balanced growth. finite it One is a model possesses the "no— growth trap" in time because of the (rational) expectation that would be followed by a flurry of research activity. equilibria in addition to the unique one which the economy stops growing if one more innovation were This expectation makes it to take place so likely that the rents accruing to the producer of the next innovation will be destroyed quickly that to create the innovation, worth trying real 2—cycle, in and research which manufacturing employment cycles, as well as those arising stops. Another possible equilibrium oscillates in it is not is a between two values. These from random imitation or a random arrival parameter of innovations, have the interesting implication of a negative correlation between the cyclical components of productivity (y c/N) and real wages (w c ), because y cVN = F(x(w c ))/N. t Relatively high real wages arise from a relatively high incentive to research, and discourage the output of goods. Two the final results are model has a sufficiently size of innovations rate of is a one worth mentioning here. low intertemporal representative household in First, if the elasticity of substitution then can actually reduce the amount of research, and hence reduce the average growth in the economy. Second, when the Poisson arrival random function of state an increase in the the amount of rate of innovations research, an increase in the likelihood of innovations in of the world will result in extra creative destruction in that state; this can discourage research in other states to such an extent that the economy's average growth rate We size of conclude by nodng direcdons for future research. innovadon eventually to fall, to It would be useful allow for the possibility that technology bounded. Also to include a richer intersectoral structure to study diffusion and the normative effects of intersectoral spillover. falls. to is allow the ulrimately both the positive dynamics of The model would also gain 40 richness and realism if capital technical change, or Rand D were introduced, either physical or human capital embodying capital that affects the arrival rate of innovations. 32 unemployment by introducing search structure of demand demand externality, externalities into the labor market, and for intermediate goods so as to allow for a might also generate multiple equilibria and allow us feasible because of the simplicity changing the contemporaneous aggregate reciprocal interaction between technical change and the business cycle. seem Allowing to study the All these extensions and transparency of the basic model. 41 APPENDIX Assumption A.l Let F(x) = (x p + We HP 1/p ) , have: !/ F' = l/p(xP + HP) P- Hence: is 1 satisfied in the < p < where V" 1 1 = xP- CES case . 1. • F" = (p - 1)xP- 2 (xP + hP) 1 ^" 1 + xP" 1 = (p - l)(xP (xP + • HP) 1 (1/p - 2 2 2 1/ + hP) P- [xP" xP + xP- RP ^ 1)( X 1 P + nP) 1 - x 2 P- 2 ^^ 2 1 ] p- 2 xP-2 hP<o = ( P -D(xP + hP) 1/ and 1Hp • F" = - (p l)(l/p - 2)(xP + HPj^P^pxP-^P- 2 2 3 1/ + (p-1)(xP+hP) P- ( P -2)xP- = (p - l)(xP = (p - l) X 3 !/ + HP) P- [(1 - 2p)x 2 P"3 + P- 3 (xP + HP) 17 P-3 [(p - 2)HP - (p (1 - 2)x 2 P~3 + 3 + HPxP" (p - p)xP]. Therefore: 2F" + xF" = (x p 1/p_3 hP(p + hP) 2 + xP- [(p-2)HP-(l + = (p <0 - 1) • hp • (xP + np l/ ) - l)[2xP~2 (x p + Hp ) p)xP]] P-3 [J-2 ][xP(i - p) -f p hP] 2)] 42 APPENDIX 2 Derivation of (3.7) We have: N- r/X + Using (2.5), (2.8), and the or' /-N J? (x) = x(wc), we fact that x X' = + rfk [ - x(wc) 1/y (5ic + t/X wc N get: TI^WC)/! WC]'— N x L x ' (wc) [— x(wc) + ywc x'(wc)] X(WC) — ~, 'WC 7t(wc) = . where „x = ri i)(-yn; — wc x (wc) ^ ' ~, 'wc By _ (r, , ,m x (— YH'wc v - — 1N 1)' ' N c - 1), . x(wc)N the first—order condition (2.5): F '^Xl-^y)=wcDifferentiating this w.r.t. (wc), we can 'wc 1 - - reexpress xtV 1/T| Hence: Y(l- ^'(X) = (T1-1) .1 - ri) XT]' 1/T| 7t r\ as: (X ?7X + '(wc) + ywc x'(wc)) - x(wc) 7t(wc) = + (x))/y N -x 43 References Aghion, Philippe, and Peter Howitt, "Growth and Cycles through Creative Destruction," Unpublished, University of Western Ontario, 1988. Arrow, Kenneth J., "The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing," Rev. Econ. Stud. 29 155-73. (June 1962): Azariadis, Costas, "Self— Fulfilling Prophecies," Journal of Economic Theory 25 (December 1981): 380-96. Campbell, J. and N.G. Mankiw, "Are Output Fluctuations Transitory?" Quart. (November Cochrane, John H., Econ. 102 857-880. 1987): "How Big (October 1988): J. is the Random Walk in GNP?" Journal of Political Economy 96 893-920. Corriveau, Louis, "Entrepreneurs, Growth, and Cycles," Unpublished, University of Western Ontario, 1988. Dasgupta, Partha, and Joseph and Trade Deneckere, Policies, Raymond J., Stiglitz, "Learning by Doing, Market Structure, and Industrial Oxford Economic Papers 40 (June 1988): 246—68. and Kenneth L. Judd, "Cyclical and Chaotic Behavior Dynamic Equilibrium Model, with in a Implications for Fiscal Policy," unpublished, Northwestern University, 1986. Grandmont, Jean—Michel, and Guy Laroque, "Stability of Cycles Journal of Economic Theory 40 (October 1986): and Expectations," 138—151. 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Shleifer, Andrei, "Implementation Cycles," Journal of Political Economy 94 (December 1986): 1163-1190. 45 Solow, Robert M., "Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function, Review of Economics and Tirole, Jean, Statistics 39 (August, 1957): 312—20. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1988. Woodford, Michael, "Stationary Sunspot Equilibria," unpublished, University of Chicago, 1986. Young, Allyn, "Increasing Returns and Economic Progress," Economic Journal 38 (Dec. 1928): 527-42. . 46 FOOTNOTES In the Deneckere— Judd model a constant proportion of existing intermediate goods disappear each period. The equilibrium of the model exhibits no growth. ! 2 More recent work by Cochrane (1988) shows that this evidence is not, however, conclusive. 3 Thus policy analysis based on critique because it treats the variability King— Rebelo model would be subject to the Lucas of growth as invariant to the policy determinants of the growth. 4 Mention should also be made of the preliminary work of Corriveau (1988), who is developing a similar model of growth and cycles in a discrete time setting. The discreteness of time In Corriveau's model introduces complications from the possibility of simultaneous innovations, which we avoid by our assumption of continuous time. In Corriveau's framework all innovations are non—drastic, and it is not possible to parameterize the degree of monopoly power in the economy as we have done. 5 Some consequences of introducing memory are discussed in section 8 below. 6 Scherer (1984) combines process— and input—oriented R and D into a measure of "used" R and D, which he distinguishes from pure product R and D. He estimates that during the period 1973—1978 in U.S. industry the social rate of return to "used" R and D lay between 71% and 104%, whereas the return to pure product R and D was insignificant. 7 Gradual diffusion could be introduced by allowing the cost parameter after each innovation to follow a predetermined but gradual path asympotically approaching the limit c and then to jump to c upon the next innovation and follow a gradual path approaching c , , This would produce a cycle in research within each interval, as the gradual fall in costs induces manufacturing firms to hire more and more workers out of research until the next innovation occurs. 8 Note that this description of technology implies increasing returns in the production of which are land, labor (as embodied in the intermediate goods) and knowledge (as embodied in the c's). If land and labor alone were doubled, then the flow of intermediate input would also double, and hence, by the assumption of constant returns, final output would just double. Since there are constant returns in these two factors holding the third constant, there are increasing returns in all three. The technological specification of the economy follows that of Griliches (1979). There exist empirical studies casting doubt on our assumptions that there are constant returns in research in that a doubling of research will double the rate of innovations (Griliches, 1989), that there is no variability in the size of innovations (Pakes, 1986), and that there is no variability in the Poisson arrival rate of innovations (Hausman, Hall, and Griliches, 1984). The first two assumptions can be relaxed with only notarional difficulties. The third is relaxed in section 7 below. Finally, we could modify the intermediate technology (2.2) to allow a specialized fixed factor in addition to labor. We could interpret the specialized factor as unskilled labor, and, interpret the labor that can be used in either manufacturing or research as skilled labor, thus adding plausibility to the model. The work of Romer (1988) suggests that no substantive difficulties would be created. the consumption good, the ultimate inputs of The alternative assumption that research firms have identical U—shaped functions with a small efficient scale produces identical results. This alternative is employed in section 6 9 below. 10 Bellman equations like (2.14) are standard in the patent—race literature (see Tirole, 47 1988, ch. 10). Several more are introduced below. This footnote presents an alternative Let T, T', and T" be, respectively, the time of the next innovation, the time at which the other firms would experience their first innovation if they held employment constant derivation. and the time forever, at n employment constant at which firm would experience this Under at z forever. the its first innovation no— spillover assumption, T' and T" if it held its are independent random variables, expoentially distributed with respective parameters An and Xz, T = min and (T", T"). + with parameter X(n follows It z) and already mentioned, T that the probability that the next on the date of firm, conditional that, as that innovation, is exponentially distributed innovation will be Prob {T = T' |T) is made by the constant z/(n + this z). ' Thus, conditional on ', -rT W (T) the value of the research firm V/ t t+ 1+ Prob{T=T'|T}V is: — t+1 ' o e w.zdx t Thus: W (T) = e -rT W t+1 + By + z))V (z/(nt t -rT N -1 n (1-e ) t+1 w z t definition: W 1 = Max {z >0} -rT ") = Since E(e EW f (T). l X(n + z)/(r + + A.(n z)): f + z)W X(n W t Max = 1 [z > 0} t r. +1 + ?L(n + XzV .+„ i+{ - w z t z) t The last equation n It is is equivalent to (2.14). straightforward to relax the assumpuon of complete spillover by allowing the th t st innovator to have an advantage in finding the t+1 innovation; to have an arrival parameter X' > X. We have worked out this analysis under the assumpuon of U—shaped cost with small efficient scale (see footnote 9), with no important change in results.12Our analysis of research is derived from the patent— race literature surveyed by Reinganum (1987) and Tirole (1988, ch. 10). Within that literature the paper closest to ours is Reinganum (1985), which emphasizes the affinity to creative destruction. Most other papers do not have the sequence of races necessary for creative destruction. Our paper goes beyond that literature by embedding the sequence of races in a general—equilibrium setting. Thus (a) the flow of profits Jt resulting from an innovation will depend upon the amount of , research during the next interval, (b) our welfare criterion is the expected lifetime utility of the representative consumer, (c) we characterize the time—series properties of GNP, and (d) in section 5 we find that the size of innovations affects the rate of discount applied to research. In addition, the analysis in secdon 6 of the endogenous determination of the size of 48 innovations, and the analysis of cycles in section patent—race 13 G 3, go beyond anything we have found in the literature. is well defined on (0,N), by A. 2. The methods of Azariadis (1981) or Woodford (1986) could also be used to construct rational—expectations sunspot equilibria, at least in some cases. 14 This distinguishes our model from the growth (1986), which may have no steady state. 15 Romer model with externalities developed in n 16 When \~, — 7t(x r=0, x is c (x ))/y defined by: 1, l = N; N whereas l G(N) = x By 5t(x (N)Vj = x(+») = < x, by (T A.2. continuity, (3.6) will hold for r (or r/X) positive but small. 17 occur A 2—cycle also exists if G(N) > x and ^(x) > 1. However, Cobb—Douglas case (see Aghion and Howitt, 1988). real in the 18T1(X) | | this can never F'OQ H xF'(x) 19 Likewise, • the reason for cycles is similar to that underlying the chaotic fluctuations in model of Deneckere and Judd (1986). They model innovations as Romer (1988) does, with no creative destruction. Their dynamics are backward looking, because the incentive to innovate depends upon the existing number of products, which depends upon past innovative activity, whereas their assumption that monopoly rents are not destroyed by future innovations makes the incentive independent of future innovative activity. Their cycles arise because the only rest—point of their backward—looking dynamics is unstable. the 20 In the Cobb—Douglas X (4.1'): Y r 21 In the 22r|(x,a) 1-q a + X(N - case, (4.1) can be expressed by: 1-a a x) (N - t/X + n extension of the model considered in section 7 the second effect = -F'(x)/xF"(x) = f(x) CZ (x) (l^x)x[f'(x)] 23 h) may dominate. . -xf(x)f'(x) Two additional kinds of spillover can easily be included. First, researchers could from the flow of others' research, so that an individual firm's arrival rate would be a constant returns function X(z,n) of its own and others' research. Second, there could be an exogenous Poisson arrival rate \i of imitations that costlessly circumvent the patent laws and benefit clone the existing line of intermediate goods. Both would have the effect of lowering AGR. Also as we showed in Aghion and Howitt (1988), the inclusion of fi would introduce another source of cycles in the economy, since each imitation would make the intermediate industry perfectly competitive, which would raise manufacturing employment, until the next innovation a 49 arrives. 24 More formally, as approaches a ^In will —XN -— 1— — — > rAN, then n falls to the . * -rrr, approaches zero, whereas x x strictly positive limit. the when y^- > lower limit . y Cobb-Douglas case, if > 0, for all y (see 3.5) whereas n* = XN/ctr. 26 There seems to be a presumption among empirical students of R and D that spillovers dominate business stealing in a welfare comparison. See, for example, Griliches (1979, p. 99). 27 The formal source of these different results is that in our model research is a separate from the production of the goods embodying knowledge. The activity whose doing activity creates external learning is Doing the production. it more intensively requires less research to be undertaken. Romer follows Arrow (1962) in assuming that the two activities are inseparably bundled, thereby eliminating this tradeoff. 28 This follows immediately from equation (4.18), using the fact that both decreasing function. the Cobb-Douelas intnecobb Douglas 2 9Tn casecase. (1 T? )N (i_ a ) ayv/X ~ ( y)N " 1 *T "T + £y " (l-y)(l—oc) ~ tc and x are ^ ' 30 Someone who gave up a marginal unit of consumption to buy shares in a local patent would receive a constant dividend of tcTV until T, the date of the next innovation. The expected utility gain of the transaction would be: U'(C)7C/V T Equating 3 this to the expected utility cost u'(c ) yields (2.17)... _ _ . .. We assume that no non—negativity constraints bind. We have examined the consequences of a limited kind of R and D capital by allowing for the arrival parameter X to increase randomly in the middle of an interval, and then to remain high until the next innovation, so that the probability of an innovation depends not just upon the flow of research but also upon the length of time over which the innovation has been sought. The analysis is formally like that of section 7 above, and most of the comparative—statics results of section 4 go through. 32 5S&U Date Due 6 J 1991 NOV 15 mi . . m 3 1 awt • MAR. 24 FEB 1996 2 8 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 TOflO I DDSb7Mlfl fa