SODA Club CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I - NAME OF ORGANIZATION - STUDENT ORGANIZATION FOR DISABILITY AWARENESS ARTICLE II - PURPOSE OF ORGANIZATION- To intergrate disabled students in the general college community and to raise awareness of disability issues in society. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP- Open to any student at QCC. . ARTICLE IV Section 1. PRESIDENT - The President's duties include; Planning and Organization of club meetings and events, serves as chief executive officer of the club and works closely with the faculty advisor and fellow officers in the operation of the club. VICE- President- Assists the President in executive functions helps to plan and coordinate and conduct club activities. SECRETARY- Assists in making flyers for the club, taking minutes of the meetings responsible for correspondence and other clerical duties as needed for the proper functioning of the club. TREASURER- In conjunction with the President keeps records of payment vouchers and expenses and sees that payment vouchers are submitted appropriately. SECTION 2. ELECTION PROCEDURES Elections are conducted annually. Generally nominations are opened, seconded and actual voting takes place by ballot and confirmed by election committee in conjunction with the faculty advisor. ARTICLE V MEETINGS Are generally held weekly during the semester. Dates and topics are announced prior to the meeting dates. ARTICLE VI ARTICLE VII ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENT PROCEDURES Any amendment to the constitution must be discussed at least at two meetings- pros and cons are presented. Ratification by simple majority. RATIFICATION to the constitution and all amendments must be approved by the club and QSA Student Senate. MEETINGS, Meetings are generally conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order, although some meetings are run on an informal basis. Meetings are usually chaired by one of the elected officers in. con junction with the faculty advisor'.