QUEENSBOROUGH STU~ENT ASSOCIATION QUEENSBOROUGij . COMMUN"ITYCOLLEGE 222..:.05 "56th AVENUE BAYSIDE, NEW YORK 11364 DUn 631 - 6239 MATH ,CLUB CONSTITUTIO~ Article ! Math 'Club Article LI. To promote learning and interest ~rticl~ III Membership Anyone-interested in Math may be a member It Must Be Stated That; in Math NO PERSON SHALL BE DENIED MEMBERSHIP OR OFFICE IN THIS ORGANIZATION BECAUSE OF RACE. COLOR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OR NON BELIEF, NATIONAL ORiGlN, SEX, I POLI~ICAL BELIEFS I VETER,AN t HANDiCAPPED" STATUS OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Article IV ' section I Officers and DU.ties PRESIDENT I.To attend all pres"idential meet.ings 2.1)lan club act.i,vities with help of members 3.~1?n field trips and projects 4.selp exec~te all club activities VICE PRESIDENT' 1. to a"ssist the" President club act.ivities in planning and executing TR.EA~URER 1. Planning 2. Watching the expenditures 'of eLub money that we stay within our budget SECRETARY 1. Take the minutes 2. Types work for club Section II Election ProcedUres Election of club officers \1i 11 be by \"hoaver gets the largest votes at the called for and' publicized officer elections Arti\ple V Meetings Twice .~ month before or· after club activiti~s' .~rticle vi & VII Amendment Procedures and Ratification 2/!'vote a~ two meetings'shall' be necessary to ratify or amend the .constitution Arti~le VII! Conduct of Meetings Most meetings are conducted accordingly to Or.der although moderate rather than strict parlismentary procedures are normally followed. Robel:"t·ts Rules of