Queensborough Community College The City of New York

Community College
The City of New York
Business Department
Phone: 718-281-5488,
Email: TRosen@gcc.cuny.edu
Club Advisor: Ted Rosen, Assistant Professor
Queensborough Community College
Finance club Constitution
Article I: Name of the Club:
For purposes of Student Government
activities and other activities and matters on campus, the dub
shall be known as "the Finance Club".
Article II: Purpose of the Club:
The purpose of the Club is to offer students the general theory of financial market and economic
market. In addition, Finance Club provides students basic skiffs and strategies to dive into trading
Article III: Membership:
is open to any student in good standing of Queensborough
shall be denied membership
College. No person
or office in the Club because of race, gender, reed, color, religion, national
origin, age, disability, sexual orientation,
political beliefs and/or veteran status.
Article IV: Officers and Duties:
All officers of the Club shall meet the academic qualifications
required of a Queensborough
Group officer as is set forth in Article II, Section VI (D) of the Constitution
of the Queensborough
Association. All officers of the Association shall be members of the Club and regular attendees at the
meetings and activities of the Club. The officers of the Club shall consist of the following:
President: The President shall be responsible for convening and presiding over meetings, helping
arrange speakers with the Faculty Advisor, and shall have ultimate
for the administration
of the Club.
Vice President: The Vice President shall carry out the President's duties in his or her absence and
separately, the Vice President will be responsible for recruiting and maintaining
members by sending
ernails, by asking faculty to announce meetings of the Club in class, and by posting flyers.
Student GovernmentSenator:
The Student Government
Senator will represent the Club in the Student
Article V: Removal of Officers:
Officers may be removed from office by a vote of the membership
for cause which shall include failure
too regularly attend meetings and activities of the Club.
Article VI: Section:
In the event of a vacancy in an office aid pending the filling of such vacancy at a special o~ regular
election, the powers and duties of that office shall be assumed by the officer next in the line of
succession as follows: the Vice-President
shall succeed to the Presidency, the Secretary shall succeed to
the Vice-Presidency.
Article VII: Meetings:
The Finance Club shall meet at least once a month, but may meet more often as may be nJcessary. The
day and time of meetings shall be determined
by the membership
and the faculty advisor.
Article VII: Amendment Procedures:
can be proposed by any rnernber of the Club at an official meeting and shall ~e reviewed
by the Executive Committee,
and voted on at the next plenary meeting, requiring a two-thirds
the members in attendance at that meeting to pass.
vote of