Queensbol-ough COlnmlulity College The City Umvel-sity ofNelv YOl-k- Bayside, New York 11364-1497 Queensborough Stu(lent Association Telephone 718·631·6239/ CONSTITUION Fax 718.281·5109 OF THE ASAP CLUB Article I. The ASAP Club Article II. The purpose of this club participate in fun events Queensborough c.c. and program and the benefits is to allow a platform for current and perspective ASAP student to and activities, as well as service projects to benefit the local community, to raise community awareness of the ASAP provided to students. Article III. Membership: All QCC students can take part in weekly Wednesday meetings during club hours (QCC ID required). No person shall be denied membership or office in this organization because of race, color, religious beliefs, veteran, handicapped status, or sexual orientation. Article IV. Section l. Club President: Duties include organizing the club activities weekly and organizing special events that will take place over the semester. Supervise VP and senator. Vice President: Duties include helping the president with club duties. Duties also include assuming charge of the club if the president is not present. Senator: Duties include preparing flyers and posters to advertise the club and club events. As well as taking care of the club budget. Section II. Election Procedures: Elections are conducted annually. Generally nominations are opened, seconded and actual voting takes place by ballot and confirmed by election committee in conjunction with faculty advisor. Article V. Meetings: Are generally held weekly during the semester. Dates and topics are announced prior to the meeting dates. Article VI. Amendment Procedures: Any amendment to the constitution must be discussed with all the club members at least twice, with pros and cons. Article VII. Ratification: This constitution and all amendments must be approved by the QSAStudent Senate. Article VIII. Conduct of Meetings: Most meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of order, although moderate rather than strict parliamentary procedures are normally followed.