Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/dopeoplemeanwhatOObert DEWEY B31 1415 .Odr Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series PEOPLE MEAN WHAT THEY SAY? IMPLICATIONS FOR SUBJECTIVE SURVEY DATA DO Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan Working Paper 01 -04 January 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf7abstract id=260 131 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series PEOPLE MEAN WHAT THEY SAY? IMPLICATIONS FOR SUBJECTIVE SURVEY DATA DO Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan Working Paper 01 -04 January 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf7abstract id=260 1 3 MG 2 2 20o7 LIBRARIES DO PEOPLE MEAN WHAT THEY SAY? IMPLICATIONS FOR SUBJECTIVE SURVEY DATA Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan* Many ing. surveys contain a wealth of subjective questions that are at Examples include "How important yourself?", or "How satisfied are is leisure time to you?", you with your work?" one data source that economists rarely use. In fact, "How glance rather excit- satisfied are Yet despite easy you with availability, this is the unwillingness to rely on such questions marks an important divide between economists and other This neglect does not come from disinterest. first social scientists. Most economists would probably agree that the variables these questions attempt to uncover are interesting and important. But they doubt whether these questions elicit meaningful answers. These doubts skepticism rather than on evidence. are, however, based on a priori This ignores a large body of experimental and empirical work that has investigated the meaningfulness of answers to these questions. objective in this paper is to summarize this literature for Our primary an audience of economists, thereby turning a vague implicit distrust into an explicit position grounded in facts. Having summarized the findings, we integrate them into a measurement error framework so as to understand what they imply for empirical research relying on subjective data. Finally, in order to calibrate the extent of the measurement error problem, we perform some simple empirical work using subjective questions. I. EVIDENCE ON SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Cognitive Problems specific We begin by summarizing the experimental evidence on 1 people answer survey questions. can affect how people A set of from the ordering of questions: whether question One cognitive factors affect the One X is first preceded by question reason for this ordering effect may elicit certain is general?" and first, when A second issue "How happy that is later answers. In a you with life in the dating question came are came second, they were basically Apparently, the dating question induced people to focus on one aspect of their an aspect that had undue Another cognitive researchers it or vice versa can that people attempt to provide When often do you normally go out on a date?" the answers to both were highly correlated but uncorrelated. life, "How Y memories or attitudes, which then influence striking study, respondents were asked two happiness questions: comes interesting manipulation answers consistent with the ones they have already given in the survey. prior questions way experiments has shown that simple manipulations process and interpret questions. substantially affect answers. how effects effect is the on their subsequent answer. importance of question wording. "Do you think the United States should compared responses to two questions: forbid public speeches against democracy?" and "Do you think that the United States should allow public speeches against democracy?" While yes, public speeches In one classic example, more than half of the respondents stated that should be "forbidden," three quarters answered that no, public speeches should not be "allowed" . Evidence of such wording effects are extremely common. Cognitive problems also arise due to the scales presented to people. German respondents were asked how many hours the respondents were given a scale that begin with of < TV | In an experiment, they were watching per day. Half of an hour and then proceeded in half hour increments ending with the first five The hours. other respondents were given the answers were compressed so that respondents given the and a half of 4|+ TV first set per day. 32% it began with — TV viewing from the stating that the survey's purpose An % of the more than two hours of the respondents given the second set of response alternatives scale. 2 hours range, suggests to subjects that this the scale scale except l\ hours. Only 16 of response alternatives reported watching reported watching more than two hours and a half of be inferring "normal" << same is TV The per day. Respondents thus appear to first scale, amount to estimate the of amount TV of with a finer partition in the viewing TV is common. In fact, viewing greatly diminishes effect. even more fundamental problem is that respondents may make little mental effort in the relevant information or by answering the question, such as by not attempting to recall all not reading through the whole As a consequence, the ordering of list of alternative responses. response alternatives provided matter since subjects alternatives in a most and list. may simply pick the first or last available In the General Social Survey, for example, respondents are asked to least desirable qualities that a child surveyed people and gave them this that subjects would rate the first list may have in either the out of a GSS list list the of 13 qualities. Researchers order or in reverse order. They found or last listed qualities, whatever they were, as most important. Social Desirability Beyond purely cognitive issues, the social nature of the survey procedure also appears to play a big role in shaping answers to subjective questioning. Respondents want to avoid looking bad in front of the interviewer. A famous example is that roughly 25% of non-voters report . having voted immediately after an election. This over-reporting value norms of political participation the most and those Other studies have noted that if who among those that originally intended on voting. is strongest one adds to a voting question a qualifier that "Many people do not vote because something unexpectedly arose...," the discrepancy rate between self-reported voting and actual voting drops. Another example can be found in the self-reporting of racial attitude. Much evidence sug- gests people are unwilling to report prejudice. For example, reported prejudice increases when respondents believe they are being psychologically monitored for truth telling and decreases when the survey administered by a black person. is Non- Attitudes, Wrong Attitudes and Soft Attitudes Perhaps the most devastating problem with subjective questions, however, that attitudes may A not "exist" in a coherent form. ingly, apart, the 55% same subjects were asked about the possibility indication of such problems is that For example, in two surveys spaced a few measured attitudes are quite unstable over time. months first is their views of the subjects reported different answers. on government spending. Amaz- Such low correlations at high frequencies are quite representative. Part of the problem comes from respondents' reluctance to admit lack of an attitude. Simply because the surveyor about it. is asking the question, respondents believe that they should have an opinion For example, researchers have shown that large minorities would respond to questions about obscure or even A second, fictitious issues, more profound, problem such as providing opinions on countries that don't is that people may often exist. be wrong about their "attitudes" People may not really be good at forecasting their behavior or understanding why they did what they did. In a well-known experiment, subjects are placed in a room where two ropes are hanging from the ceiling and are asked to tie the two ropes together. The two ropes are sufficiently far With no apart than one cannot merely grab one by the hand and then grab the other one. other information, few of the subjects are able to solve the problem. In a treatment group, the experimenter accidentally bumps into one of the ropes, setting solve the problem one on an up arc. in this case: subjects final swinging. it was the jostling by the experimenter that led them to the and related problem is cognitive dissonance. Subjects and past may attitudes. asked afterwards how they liked the task, those enjoyment. They likely reason to themselves, for "If I who solution. report (and even feel) In one experiment, in- dividuals are asked to perform a tedious task and then paid either very it people and grab see that they can set the ropes swinging attitudes that are consistent with their behavior When Many more Yet when they are debriefed and asked how they solved the problem, few of the subjects recognize that A now it little or a lot for it. are paid very little report greater didn't enjoy the task, why would I have done nothing?" Rather than admit that they should just have told the experimenter that they were leaving, they prefer to think that the task was actually interesting. In this case, behavior shapes attitudes and not the other way around. II. A MEASUREMENT ERROR PERSPECTIVE What do these findings imply for statistical work using subjective data? Let us adopt a measurement error perspective and assume that reported attitudes equal true attitudes plus some error term, A = A* + e. Statistically, we readily understand the case where e is white The above evidence however suggests two important ways noise. error in attitude questions will be more than white noise. First, the in which the measurement mean of the error term will not necessarily be zero within a survey. For example, the fact that a survey uses "forbid" rather than "allow" Second, in a question will affect answers. many of the findings in the literature suggest that the error term will be correlated with observable and unobservable characteristics of the individual. groups (e.g. For example, the misreporting of voting higher in certain demographic is those that place more social value on voting). There are two types of analysis that can be performed with subjective variables: attitudes to explain behavior or explaining attitudes themselves. surement affects both types of analyses. attitudes to explain behavior. the true model time, is Y represents Yu — a+ First, Specifically, (3Xit an outcome of suppose we estimate where Y — it a + bX + cA it it , while represents individuals, t represents represents observable characteristics, Z represents t X examine how mismea- will suppose we are interested in using self-reported + jA* + 5Z interest, We using it , i unobservable characteristics, and we assume for simplicity that the estimated coefficient c compare to 7 given what Z is orthogonal to X. How we have learned about measurement will error in attitude questions? White zero. noise in the The first measurement of measurement problem A will produce an attenuation c will now i.e. listed above, a survey fixed effect, will as long as the appropriate controls (such as year or survey specific The second problem, bias, correlation with individual characteristics X a bias towards produce no bias dummies) are included. and Z will create a bias: include both the true effect of attitude and the fact that the measurement error in A is Hence, assuming that measurement error problems are correlated with unobservables. not dominant, subjective variables can be useful as control variables but care must be taken in interpreting it. The estimated Let us to the second type of analysis, themselves. For example, suppose we estimate is is self-reported. This A = it a + bX + it e, play a while the true model variables. much more important is A* t = a + f3X + -yZ it role. Specifically, now X. For example, suppose we As noted earlier, this X is far helps predict "attitude" more means only predicting the measurement error in attitude. So, one cannot argue as one is a problem that it is is much harder is a good thing, irrespective of causality. Second, this to solve than an omitted variable bias problem. For example, hard to see how an instrumental variable could resolve this instrument that affects X But the the fact that a rich background affects the reporting of the preference for did before that simply helping to predict that . the fact that measurement error severely bias severe than in the previous analysis. First, the fact that an little if it is it bias. money. Such a correlation could thus be purely spurious. Notice that this problem very 2 increase loneliness. Specifically, see that those from rich backgrounds have a greater preference for money. reflect closely related measurement of attitudes no longer causes correlated with individual characteristics will might simply is but also the where we are attempting to explain attitudes we might ask whether high work hours In this setup, the white noise in the now the attitude effect of attitude problem that we often encounter even with perfectly measured now turn other biases does not only capture the how that influence effect of other variables to the causality coefficient X but not the measurement of attitude. will likely affect measurement in a causal sense. issue. One would need an But the above evidence This makes it tells us very unlikely that such an instrument could be found in most contexts. To summarize, interpreting the experimental evidence provides two important insights. measures may be First, if the in a measurement measurement error framework error is small enough, subjective helpful as independent variables in predicting outcomes, with the caveat that the coefficients must be interpreted with care. Second, subjective variables cannot reasonably be used as dependent variables given that the measurement error likely correlates in a very causal way with the explanatory III. variables. HOW MUCH NOISE IS THERE? This leaves the important quantitative question: the subjective questions we might be interested in? how much white Can we noise error in fact gain is there in anything by adding responses to subjective questions to our econometric models? To assess this, in school in we turn to the High School &: Beyond's Senior sample, which surveyed seniors 1980 and then followed them every two years until 1986. This sample provides us with a set of subjective and objective variables in each of these waves. In the first 8 columns of Table 1, we correlate answers to a set of attitude variables with future income (thereby removing mechanical correlations with current income). Table corresponds to a separate regression. The dependent variable row 1, we add as control the sex, race cell in the log(salary) in 1985. In and educational attainment of the respondent. Answers to the subjective questions clearly help predict individual income. very intuitive. is Each A set of correlations are People that value money or a steady job more earn more. social goals such as correcting inequalities around them earn less. People that value People that have a positive Maybe somewhat attitude towards themselves earn more. care about their family earn substantially more. intriguing, Even more we find that people that intriguing, people that value leisure time also earn more. The second row shows that respondents' attitudes do not simply proxy for objective family income 3, background characteristics. Controlling in the senior year for parents' education and family does not weaken the predictive power of the attitude variables. In row attitude questions stay predictive of future income even after one controls for we show that current individual income. As a whole, these results suggest that noise does not dominate the measurement of these sub- jective questions. Attitudes actually predict characteristics. Of we course, income even beyond past income and background are not arguing for causality, merely that attitude variables add explanatory power. Finally, one might wonder to what extent these variables are conveying any information beyond fixed individual characteristics. School and Beyond survey. but also add person fixed We effects. In row 4, we exploit the panel nature of the High rerun the standard regressions with lagged attitude measures Most of the effects previously discussed disappear, except for the importance of work and the importance of having a steady job (marginally significant). therefore does not appear that changes in attitudes have as themselves. much It predictive power as attitudes Thus, while these attitude questions are helpful in explaining fixed differences between individuals, changes in reported attitudes are not helpful in explaining changes in outcomes. In column 9, we investigate whether answers to reservation wage questions are correlated with future income. Are individuals that report higher reservation wage today more in the future? We see a very strong relationship likely to earn between reservation wage and future income, even after controlling for the individual's education, sex and race. This holds true even if controls for family background (row 2) or family we add background and current income (row 3). However, changes in reported reservation wages do not help predict changes 4). In Changes in reported reservation Finally, in column is we when trying to predict individual income. wages however provide no information about changes we ask whether answers 10, future job turnover. Again, IV. income (row summary, answers to reservation wage questions do appear to capture some unobserved individual characteristics and might be worth including whole" in in income. to job satisfaction questions help predict find that people's self- reported satisfaction with their job "as a 3 a strong predictor of their probability of changing job or not in the future. CONCLUSION Four main messages emerge from this discussion. First, a large experimental literature by and large supports economists' skepticism of subjective questions. Second, put in an econometric framework, these findings cast serious doubts on attempts to use subjective data as dependent variables because the measurement error appears to correlate with a and behaviors. For example, a drop in reported racism over reluctance to report racism. much Since data as dependent variables, this note, these data may be is time may simply reflect an increased of the interesting applications would likely use these a rather pessimistic conclusion. useful as explanatory variables. interpreting the results since the findings large set of characteristics may not be causal. 10 Third, and on a brighter One must, however, take care in Finally, our empirical work suggests that subjective variables are in practice useful for explaining differences in behavior across individuals. Changes in answers to these questions, however, do not appear useful in explaining changes in behavior. REFERENCES Bertrand, Marianne and Mullainathan, Sendhil. "Do People Mean What They Say? Implications For Subjective Survey Data." Mimeo, University of Chicago, 2000. Sudman, Seymour; Bradburn, Norman M. and Schwarz, Norbert. Thinking The Application of Cognitive Processes to Survey Methodology . San Francisco: about questions: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1996. Tanur, Judith New M. Questions About Questions: Inquiries into the Cognitive Bases of Surveys York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1992. 11 . TABLE Log Wage Log Wage Value Value Work Money Effect of Attitude Questions on Future Dependent Variable: Log Wage Log Wage Log Wage Log Wage 1: Value Steady Value Family Value Value Friends Leisure Job Outcomes'1 Log Wage Log Wage Log Wage Stayer Value Positive Reservation Satisfied Wage with Social Towards Causes Self Job Additional Controls: Demographics Demographics Family Background .08 .08 .13 .07 -.01 .09 -.08 .07 .17 .08 (.03) (.02) (.02) (-02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.03) (.01) .07 .08 .12 .06 -.01 .08 -.08 .06 .17 .08 8c (.03) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.03) (.01) Demographics Family Background U Log Wage in 1983 .07 .05 .12 .03 .02 .06 -.06 .05 .14 .08 (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.03) (.01) .06 -.015 .03 .003 .00 .02 -.01 -.00 -.00 _ (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) (.02) &: Person F.E. Notes; 1. 2. 3. Data Source: High School and Beyond (Seniors). Demographic characteristics include education, sex and race. Family background characteristics include father education, mother education and family income in senior year (7 categories). "Stayer" is a dummy variable which equals one if there os no job change between second and third follow up. "Work" Each cell Except in corresponds to a separate regression. Standard errors are in parentheses. row 4, outcomes are from the third follow-up survey and attitudes are from the second follow-up. Row The regressions in row 4 include survey fixed effects. available survey periods. 12 4 reports panel regressions on all Footnotes * 1. Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Due to space constraints, we will just NBER and CEPR; MIT and NBER. mention two books that are a good source for a review of the experimental evidence: Tanur (1992) and Sudman, Bradburn and Schwarz (1996). A fuller list of references can be gotten in the full version of this paper (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2000). 2. An extreme example of this occurs variable of interest itself as is report a lower preference for when the measurement error is correlated with the suggested by cognitive dissonance. For example, people money if they are making less money. This is may a case of pure reverse causation. 3. In this case, we was only asked are not able to study a fixed effect in the model as the job satisfaction question second and third follow up of the data. 13 561*5 037 k > Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 0791