D£\NEVll MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 03317 5941 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE CRISIS: BASIC MECHANISMS, APPROPRIATE POLICIES Olivier AND Blanchard Working Paper 09-01 December 29, 2008 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This http://ssrn.con-)/abstract= 324280 1 w The Basic Mechanisms, Crisis: and Appropriate PoHcies* Olivier J. Blanchard^ December 2008 Abstract The purpose of this lecture is to look beyond the complex events that characterize the global financial and economic crisis, identify the basic mechanisms, and infer the policies needed to resolve the current crisis, as well as the policies needed to reduce the probability of similar events in the future. * "Munich lecture'", delivered on November 18, 2008. I thank Stijn Clae.ssens, Giovanni DeH'Ariccia, Giaiuii de Nicolo, Haiiiid Faruqee, Luc Laeven, Krishna Srinivasan, and many others in the IMF Research Department for discussions and help. I thank Ricardo Caballero. Cliarle.? Calomiris, Steve Cecchetti, Pi-ancesco Giavazzi. Anil Kashyap, Arviud Kri.shuanunthy. Andrei Shleifer, and Nancy Zim- merman, for discussions along assistance, t MIT. NBKR. and IMF. tlie way. I thank loannis Tokatlidis for research Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/crisisbasicmechaOOblan It is much least because too early to give a definitive assessment of the it is far from over. It is think about the policies we need to implement, what pass ill 1 shall try to do not not too early however to look for the basic mechanisms that have taken us where is crisis, in this lecture. Take it we are today, now and for what and later. it is, a to This first the midst of the action.' Figure 1 Iniliat Subprime Losses and Subsequent Declines In World GDP and World Stock Market Capitalization (in Trillions US Dollars) Estimate of Subprime Losses on Loans Estimate of Cumulative World and Securities by 10/Z0O7 Source IMF Global Financial Exchanges. The best Figure losses 1. GDP Stability Report, Decline in World Stock Market Capitalization 9/07 to 10/08 loss Wotid Economic Outlook November update and estimates, World Federation way of motivatiiij; tlic lecture The first l^ar (which is on U.S. subprime loans and 2007. at about $250 billion dollars. is ol to start with the chart in barely visible) shows the estimated securities, estimated as of October The second bar shows the expected full disclosure: This is a first pass by an economist who, thought of financial intermecHation as an i.ssue of relatively little importance for economic fluctuations... 1. Ill the interest of until rccentl.y, cumulative loss in world output associated with the current forecasts. This loss tries, of constructed as the sum, over November 2008. IMF all coun- 20 times the estimates and forecasts of output as of for the years the cumulative loss is initial 2008 to 2015. Based on these forecasts, forecast to run at $4,700 billion dollars, so about subprime loss. The third bar siiows the decrease the value of stock markets, measured as the sum, over kets, of the decrease in stock November 2008. This loss 100 times the How based on the expected cumulative deviation of output from trend in each coimtry, based on in is crisis, is market capitalization from July 2007 to equal to about $26,400 billion, so about subprime initial mar- all loss! The question is an obvious one: could such a relatively limited and localized event (the subprime loan crisis in the United States) have effects of such magnitude on the world economy?' To answer in I shall proceed by identifying the essential First, the this question, crisis. I see them newly issued initial in four steps. conditions which have shaped as fourfold: the underestimation of risk contained assets; the opacity of the derived securities on the balance sheets of financial institutions; the connectedness between financial institutions, both within and across countries; and, finally, the high leverage of the financial system as a whole. Second, by identifying the two amplification mechanisms behind the 2. Ironically, the other shock which dominated the ncw.s until the financial led to the opposite cjuestion: How could the very large increa,se in oil crisis prices from the early 2000s to mid-2008 have such a small apparent impact on economic activity? After all, similar increases are typically the 1970s and early 1980s. lecture, but is less fragile in very The much worth blamed for the very deep recessions of plausible answer, which exploring, some dimensions, more I shall not explore in this must be that the economy has become fragile in others. ' 'i ' ; I. I , 1 ; , , ; ; M 1 crisis, bad once the trigger had been pulled and some of the assets appeared or doubtful. I see two related, but distinct, mechanisms: sale of assets to satisfy liquidity runs by mechanisms ca.n lead, the investors; and, second, the sale of assets to reestablish capital ratios. conditions, these first, Together with the and indeed have initial led, to very large effects of a small trigger on world economic activity. Third, by showing h(}w the amplification mechanisms have played out in real time, moving from subprime to institutions, to other assets, from institutions and from the United States, first to Europe, and then to emerging countries. Fourth, by turning to policies. conditions for this crisis... It is too late to change the So, current policies should limiting the two amplification mechanisms at work initial be aimed at at this juncture. Future regulation and policies should also aim however at avoiding a repeat of some of those fight current fires Initial 1 The initial conditions. In short, and reduce the we need to both risk of fires in the future. Conditions trigger for the crisis United States. But, in was the decline in housing prices for the the years preceding, four evolutions had com- bined to potentially turn such a price decline into a major world 1. A.s,set.s crisis. were created, sold, and bought, which iippenicd much risky tlinn tlicy truly were. less Conditional on no housing price decline, most subprime mortgages appeared relatively riskless: The value relative to the price of the house, but of the it mortgage might be high would slowly decline over time was as prices increased. In retrospect, the fallacy of the proposition in its premise: If and when housing prices actually declined, many mortgages would exceed the value of the house, leading to defaults and foreclosures.^ Why who took did the people these mortgages, and the institutions which held them, so underestimate the true have been given, and some of many risk? Many potential culprits have been explanations named. To list them: Large saving by Chinese households, leading to a low world mterest rate, and thus a "search for yield" by investors disap- pointed with the return on truly safe assets; large private and pul)lic capital inflows into the United States in search of safety, leading suppliers to offer what looked like safe assets to satisfy expansionary a monetary policy distribute" itoring model of the United States, with the im- in promise of low interest rates plicit for a long time; the "originate mortgage financing, leading to by the loan originators. Each grain of truth, but only a grain. Why equilil:)iium US interest rate, if insufficient and mon- of these explanations contains a would a low world necessarily lead to "search for yield"? have set a higher the demand; too Why interest rate should Alan Greenspan low interest rates reflected low world rates, and there was no pressure on inflation? should investors have bought mortgages from originators if Why they knew that monitoring was deficient? 3. On Foote the relation between property values, mortgage.s, and foreclosui'es, read et al [2008J I suspect that the fundamental explanation is more general. History teaches us that benign economic environments often lead to credit booms, and to the creation of marginal assets and the issuance of marginal loans. Borrowers and lenders look at recent historical tributions of returns, and become more mistic about future returns.'' dis- optimistic, indeed too opti- The environment was indeed benign in the 2000s in most of the world, with sustained growth and low interest And, looking rates. in particular at and lenders could point US housing prices, both borrowers to the fact that housing prices had increased every year since 1991. and had done so even during the recession of 2001.^ Nor was this understatement of risk confined to subprime loans. Credit default swaps (CDS), which sound complex but are in effect insurance policies, were issued against many For low premia, firms and risks. institutions could insure themselves against specific risks, be risk of default And CDS the by a firm, by a financial institution, or by a country. happy issuers were assumed the probability 2. it Securitization led to to accept these low premia, as they of having to pay out was nearly complex and hard negligible. to value assets on the bal- ance sheets of financial institutions. Securitization had started nuich decade. In mid-2008, more than curitized. In the 60% of but changed scale all in the last U.S. mortgages were se- mortgage market, mortgages were pooled 4. For an analysis of .see Claessens et 5. A prices eaxliei', credit. Ijoonis to form and hnsts over a large number of countries, al [2008]. point that Charles Calorniris would ever go down). [2(J08] has called "plausihie deniahilit\-" (that mortgage-basod securities (MBS), and the income streams from these more or less GlolDal Financial Stability Report securities were separated ("tranched") further to offer risky flows to investors. Figure 2, (GFSR) cial taken from the 2007 IMF gives a sense of the complexity of that part of the finan- system. tranches, It shows how mortgages were securitized, cut in initial and then held by various with different degrees of rows would take the investors risk aversion. and financial institutions, Going through the various rest of the lecture.'' My intent is ar- simply to give a visual impression of the complexity of the financing arra.ngements. Figure Mortage Finance 2. Bough! hy more r — " i 1" * /SIVshuyABS and issue BuiJu l*ndcr ; //-.,. "l*"*^'- .Vrriu^.-O-'i"" jJ: icr ABrprondiiil.s /(;. Ji-rt Slit) pri lilt Servicer ,1 seeking ioMMiirs i^vL^Ul^^ Suhprijiw Sul>|)riiiH' Rou«h hv Uilh risk- MtkiiiK h..,.- /irin-tJr i rtttil shori- lurm dehi linr.iiatiiinluiis/SIVs SubpniiiL- ,!.,.. t Sll-U.IUK i f,n..r,nnM'-lIl '' liisuren. AHS.lfvt»llJ.'lll 1/1 hy CTM^S If SIV' .11^ ir.iiichv'd iiuf ..inicnirvJ lpi> ^\^ equii. niKhihyli'-s s Hinj^Jii b livi.ssuiiigdt^lii r sk^s^H-'kioL nviisiiirs Source. Adapted from Figure Exposures'' Chapter 6. On this, see I, p. 11, Gary Gortcni 1.10: risk -SI kiiiu nK)s Mortgage Market Flows and Risk October 2007 GFSR. [2007] illVLS Why did securitization take such a way? Because off in it was, and a major improvement in risk allocation and a fundamentally still is, healthy development. Indeed, looking across countries before the sis, many (including me) concluded that the U.S. economy would a decrease in housing prices better tlian most economies: would be absorbed by a large few fina,ncial institutions, set of investors, rather and thus be much resist The shock than just by a easier to absorb... This arginnent. ignored two aspects which turned out to be important. first waij that, with complexity, to assess the value of simple came cri- opacity. While was possible it mortgage pools (the MBS), The it to assess the value of the derived tranched securities (the was harder CDOs), and even harder to assess the value of the derived securities resulting from tranches of derived securities (the CDO^s). Thus, worries about the original mortgages translated into large uncertainty about the values of the derived securities. securities And, were held by a large in that environment, the fact that the set of financial institutions implied that this large uncertainty affected a large number of balance sheets in the economy. 3. Securitization and globalization led to increasing connectedness be- tween financial institutions, both within and across countries. In the same way securitization increased connectedness across finan- cial institutions, globalization stitutions across countries. increased connectedness of financial in- One of the early stcnies uf the crisis the surprisingly large exposure of some regional German banks was to U.S. suliprime loans. But the reality goes far l)eyoiul tins anecdote. Figure .3 shows the steady increase m foreign claims by banks from the major advanced countries, an increase from $6.3 five 2000 trillion in to $22 trillion by June 2008. In mid-2008, claims by these banks just on emerging market countries exceeded $4 implies if, for trillion. Think any reason, those banks decided to cut on exposure; unfortunately, this figure stops in of the decrease has what this their foreign indeed what we are seeing is June 2008. Much then.) of now (the happened since • Figure 3 ConsoMcfatad Foreign Claims ol Reporting Banks on the Rest ol the World ey Naiionalllv ot Reporting Banks. Trillions oT US doQars <a* *?' / # p^ 1? i' <if^ o'" x^' & o"' i-'''<^*'Q'f' 1 — »' ^ «?'=•' 'S^jS' ^ V*""^'©-^*^' France - fS' 1^" ^J" ^ <,^ </ Germany ~ " -1^^ sf .d* S*" » /'b*'*©^*''' ^J^pan Unllad S' 'i'J' v**' ^ # o='^'^ ';."'' Kingdom - / tJ' J* ^o^ 5^ ci^ •»* v»^ fb*' s?" 'i?'' ^ P' o''*' ^# ** :* / United Slates (Source: Table 9a, BIS Banking statistics) 4. Leverage increased. The fourth important Put another way, less and initial condition was the increase in leverage. financial institutions financed their portfolios with less capital, thus incretising the rate of return on that capital. What were timation of a number the reasons behind risk, optimism, and the underes- it? Surely, was again part of Another important factor was it. of holes in regulation. For example, reduce required capital by moving assets banks were allowed to off their balance sheets in so called "structured investment vehicles" (SIVs). In 2006, for example, the value of the off-balance sheet assets of Citigroup, $2.1 trillion, exceeded the value of the assets on the balance sheet, $1.8 trillion. (By mid 2008, writedowns and returns of some of the assets back to the balance sheet had decreased this ratio back to less than one half.) The problem went far beyond banks. Fur example, "monoline insurers" (that is at the end of 2006, insurers insuring a particular risk, for ex- ample default on municipal bonds), operating outside the perimeter of regulation, against had capital equal to $34 more than $3 billion to trillion of assets... Whatever the reason, the implications were straightforward. back insurance claims If, of high leverage for the crisis any reason, the value of the assets became for lower and/or more uncertain, then the higher the leverage, the higher the probability that capital would be wiped out, the higher the probability that institutions exactly 2 what we have would become insolvent. And this is, again, seen. Amplification mechanisms Aromid the end of 2006, US housing price indexes stopped rising and then started declining more steadily. This implied that many marginal mortgages, especially the subprimes extended during the previous expansion, would default. As we saw in Figure 1, the expected loss from 10 these defaults, as of October 2007, was $250 billion. hoped that this loss would be easily One might have absorbed by financial institutions, with limited financial or economic implications. But, as we know, this has not been the case. The larger crisis is the result of two amplifica- tion mechanisms, interacting with the initial conditions I focused on earlier. 1. The mechanism modern first amplification first go quickly back to basics. Think of financial institutions is the version of banli runs. Let me in the simplest terms, sheet, liabilities i.e. with assets on the on the right side, positive, the institution insolvent. So, when both the expected is solvent; The first if it is So long as capital negative, the institution some assets increases, The value of capital becomes both more uncertain, increasing the probability amplification is and the uncertainty associated with the asset side of the balance sheet increases. lower and liabilities. the prol^ability of default on loss side of their balance and capital as the difference between the value of the assets and the value of the is left mechanism then has two of insolvency. parts: Depositors and investors are likely to want to take their funds out of the institutions which might become insolvent. In traditional bank runs, say during the Great Depression, their money out then. First, in of the banks. Two it was the depositors that took changes have taken place since most countries, depositors are now largely insured, so they have few incentives to run. And banks and tutions largely fina.nce themselves in other financial insti- money markets, through short term "wholesale funding". Modern runs are no longer literally runs: 11 What happens is that institutions that are perceived as being at risk can nu longer finance themselves on these markets. The result ever the same as in the old bank ability to borrow, institutions To the extent that many extent that time), there If, this is may be few deep have to sell assets. is same sell at "fire sale prices", below the expected present value of the payments on the prices This in turn implies that the sale of the assets by one institution all onh" on the l^alance sheet of the institution which the balance sheets of all amplification mechanism of the amplification is is at work, determined by To the extent that the similar assets, not is selling, but on the institutions which hold these assets. This turn reduces their capital, forcing them to The at the especially difficult for outside further contributes to a decrease in the value of in to the (i.e. pocket investors willing to buy assets. investors to assess, the assets are likely to asset. phenomenon and investors are affected in addition, the value of the assets i.e. how- runs; Faced with a decrease in their a macroeconomic institutions is assets are and so on. and you can see how the size sell assets, initial conditions: more opaque and thus value, the increase in uncertainty will f)e difficult to larger, leading to a higher perceived risk of solvency, and thus to a higher probability of runs. For the same more buy these reasons, finding outside investors to difficult, and the fire sale discount will be larger. assets will be To the extent that securitization leads to exposure of a larger set of institutions, more institutions will be at risk of a run. that institutions are more leveraged, that And is, finally, have to the extent less capital relative to assets to start with, the probability of insolvency will mcrease more, again increasing the probability of runs. As we have seen, all these 12 '^. factors were very much this ampHfication mechanism has been 2. The second present at the start of the This crisis. is why particularly strong. nnipUfication inechnnism conies from the need by fi- nancial institutions to maintain an adequate capital ratio. Faced with a decrease in the value of their assets, capital, financial institutions and thus a lower need to improve their capital ratio, either to satisfy regulatory requirements, or to satisfy investors that they are taking measures to decrease the risk of insolvency. In principle, they then have a choice. They can either get additional funds from outside investors, additional capital. is, Or they can "deleverage" that , decrease the size of their balance sheets, by selling some of their assets or reducing their lending. macroeconomic In a to be difficult. This finding additional private capital crisis, is for is may be the same reasons as earlier: There few deep pocket investors willing to put funds. And likely to the extent that the assets held by the financial institutions are difficult to value, investors will be reluctant to put theii' funds in the institutions that hold them. In that case, the only option for these institutions some The of their assets. The same mechanism as before is is sell then at work: sale of assets leads to fire sale prices, affecting the balance sheets of all the institutions that hold them, leading to further sales on. to And, leverage for the all same reasons as before, opacity, connectedness, and imply more amplification. The two mechanisms in the and so are distinct. Conceptually, runs can absence of any initial happen even decrease in the value of assets. This is 13 the well-known multiplicity of equilibria: be liquidated at first place. If funding stops, assets must justifying the stop in funding in the fire sale prices, But, clearly, runs are more the higher the doubts likely, about the value of the assets. Conceptually, firms measures to reestablish their capital ratio even if may want to take they have no short- term funding problem and do not face runs. The two mechanisms interact however in many ways. A financial institution subject to a run may, instead of selling assets, cut credit to another financial stitution, which may turn be forced to in the channels through which the tries to lines crisis has sell assets. Indeed, one of moved from advanced coun- emerging market countries has been through cuts from financial institutions eign subsidiaries, forcing them in in- advanced economies to in credit their for- in turn to sell assets or cut credit to domestic borrowers. Dynamics 3 The in Real Time amplification mechanisms are retrospect. In real time, now when housing clear, but this is true only in prices started dechning, most economists and policy makers expected the impact to be much more limited. The scope over time. Here 1. is of the amplification nistitutions, clear the story in real time. Contagion across The widening mechanisms only became assets, institutions, and countries. of the crisis to a steadily growing munlier of assets, and countries is shown in Figure 4. The figure is a "heat 14 :;')ir'i map", constructed l>v the IMF, which shows the evohition of heat indexes for a number of asset classes. is complex, but the principle is simple: The construction The of the index larger the decrease in the price of the asset, or the higher the volatility of the price, each relative to its average value in the past, the higher the value of the index. As the heat index increases, the color goes orange and to red (corresponding to respectively, so orange The see 1, 2, 3 from green to yellow to and 4 standard deviations and red should be seen as very rare events). from the bottom, figure tells the history of the crisis. Starting how the crisis started with subprime mortgages in early 2007. extended to financial institutions and money markets (the markets where financial institutions summer of 2007, to regular borrow and lend to each other) mortgage pools (Prime RMBS) in and the cor- porate credit at the end of 2007, and to emerging market countries in the fall of 2008. At the time of this writing, showing an exceptional decrease 2. Increase in counterparty Figure 5 shows how between banks, i.e. the in prices 3-month rate), and increase in volatility. crisis led to an increase in counterparty risk to an increase in the perceived probability that "Ted spread" rate charged by classes are in red, risk. a bank borrowing from another bank plots the all , which is may not be able to repay. It the difference between the average banks to each other and the three-month for ,3-month loans (the "Libor" T-bill rate, the rate at the government can borrow, for four different countries. Note which how the spreads increased from the middle of 2007 on, especially in the United States and the United Kingdom, and how they jumped when the U.S. 15 ,';;;,( Figure Heat Map: Developments 4. Systemic Asset Classes in Emerging markets Corporate credit ' Prime "^% RMBS Commercial IVIBS Money markets Financial institutions Subprime RMBS Jan-07 ! Jan-08 Jul-07 Oct-08 IMF, Global Financial Stabilily Reporl. Oclobei 200B government let Lehman Brothers to file for bankruptcy in September 2008. Until then, financial markets not let large, and the had assumed that the government would systemic, banks fact that claims fail. The failure of Lehman on Lehman became frozen convinced them otherwise, lea.ding to a very large (Note the partial decline at the very end. Associated with this large increase in I Brothers, for a long time, jump in the spread. shall return to it perceived counterparty later.) risk, was a sharp decrease in the maturity of the loans that banks were willing to make to each other. The result keep enough cash on hand and was the attempt, by each bank, linrit its reliance^ to on borrowing from other banks. 16 Figure 5. Counterparty Risk. 5.0 Ted Spreads: 3-month Libor Rate minus (in T-bill Rate percent) 4.0 Sep 15. 2008 Lehman Files 3.0 lor Bankruptcy j P '' 1; 2.0 1.0 - 0.0 us 3. Euro UK Japan Tightening banking standards One of the wa,ys rationing, i.e. a, financial crisis affects the is through credit the tightening of lending standards by banks deleveraging. This is in the who are indeed what has happened. Figure 6 shows the evolution of an index standards economy for changes in bank lending United States and the Euro Area, loans and for commercial and inthistrial loans. based on a cjuarterly survey of bank loan for The both mortgage index, wliich officers, reflects is the differ- ence between the balance of respondents between those wlio sa.y they have "tightened considerably-tightened somewhat" and those who say they have "eased somewhat-eased considerably" . The how, since mid 2008, credit has become steadily tighter figure shows for firms and households. 17 Figure 6. Bank Lending Standards ^^ V 4. ,t> ^;^ -o^ r^^ V^ ,^- J-' \^i V "o^ ,<^' Vt> fV fl .-^ -^^ 'l* - U.S.: C&l loans ECB Large company loans U.S.: ^J \^ ivl ^,' 'o' V .-.^ It^- ^ f"- *^ Mortgages ECB Mongages Emerging market spreads and sudden stops Deleveraging has not been limited to domestic credit. For a long time after the start of the financial crisis, might be shielded from the crisis. it looked as if emerging markets The premium most emerging market country governments had to pay relative to the US government As Figure "sovereign spread") was small, and did not increase much. 7 shows however, things changed dramatically in the fall (the of 2008. In the process of deleveraging, advanced country banks started drastically reducing their exposiu'e to emerging markets, closing credit and repatriating funds. Other investors did the same. The across the board, but not totally indiscriminate: the premium jumped up substantially more The figure for countries lines selling was shows tha.t with large current account deficits. Deleveraging in the form of capital outflows presents additional macro- economic problems. Not only do countries have to deal with a domestic 18 Figure Sovereign 7. CDS Spreads (index 7/2/07 = 100) 9.'2'07 1l'2'07 Curreni account deticil larger than 5% of 2007 GDP Current account surplus, or small delicil credit saw problem (as banks experience a run, and the mechanisms we but they have to deal earlier are at work), exchange rate. eign credit, for If they have reserves, or example credit from central IMF, they can use them may have if witli pressure on the they have access to for- banks or loans from the to limit the depreciation. Otherwise, they to accept a large depreciation which, if domestic liabilities are denominated in foreign currency (which they often are) leads to further burdens on debtors, be they households, firms, or financial institutions. Asian The mechanism crisis, is familiar from past crises, especially the and can lead to major economic disruptions. It is playing out in a number of countries today. 5. From the financial crisis to a full-Hedged economic crisis For some time after the start of the financial crisis, the effects of the financial crisis on real activity appeared limittd. This however did 19 not last. Lower housing prices, lower stock prices, triggered initially by the decreased stock market value of financial institutions, higher risk premia, and credit rationing, started taking their of 2007. In the fall toll in of 2008 however, the effect suddenly pronounced. The worry that the financial uicnt' the second half became much was becoming crisis worse, and might lead to another Great Depression, led to a dramatic decrease in stock markets, and to a dramatic fall in consmrier and firm confidence around the world. Figure 8a. Stock Prices EqurnltartnisrAdvincHjEccnwifc! "^fe * :'i .^ / v'*^* ." i' .^ yt ti^^-i^Q*- _» > <,«*«,«? v*" _*' . ' j" v" -^^ 6*= / p," B^ ^.1^ -J .> -" i* v" -;** v'" ** ^ - Witt— ATHocnff A - I iiiuice BloumtiBig and IMH "'^ ^5TFn^ElBo'= :' slall o^Iiioal^s. Figure 8a shows the evolution of stock price indexes from markets both in a long m advanced economies and and steatiy increase in emerging market from 2002 on. stock prices started declining the second half of 2007, and then Figiu"e 8b shows the evolution confidence. It countri(\s: After of shows the dramatic fell abruptly in the fall of 2008. business confidence and consumer fall in both intlexes, for the States, the euro area, and emerging economies, These evolutions have led in turn to a large decrease in United in the fall of 2008. demand and in 20 Figure 8b. Business and Consumer Confidence ;A I - - ./^^^^^- Unlwa St»rt» EmBrglna^conomloi EU (right scale) U.S. (Inn acaln) output. Figure 9 shows the IMF growth forecasts as of mid-November. Most advanced countries now have negative growth, and the are for negative growth in 2009 (year on year) as well. Emerging mar- ket countries are forecast to have positive growtli, but than they have had major economic in the past. The world is forecasts clearly much now lower facing a crisis. Figure Real and Potential for 2009; in GDP 9. Forecasted Growth Rates percent 52 -0.4 Euro Area -0.2 Japan hi Emerging & Developing Economies S Real GDP @ Potential GDP 21 '': , ' I- ''•! Policies for the short run 4 crisis... Thus, must be 1. change the clearly too late to It is to in forward: If to limit runs conceptually straight- is they have access to such funds, financial do not need to amplification is The way the central bank to provide liquidity against good (enough) collateral. This the two amplification mechanisms. the runs. It is for stitutions conditions which led to the thinking about policies for the short run, the purpose dampen Dampening initial sell assets at fire sale prices, and the in- first mechanism does not operate. exactly what central banks have done, acting as "lenders of last resort" since the beginning of the crisis. Traditionally, such liquidity provision was limited to banks, and the list of assets which could be used as collateral was relatively narrow. VVliat central banks have done during this the list crisis is to steadily increase both the set of institutions and of assets that qualify as collateral. Since mid-2008, the U.S. Federal Reserve, in particular, has pursued a particularly aggressive liquidity policy. $841 billion in As a result, the monetary base has increased from August 2008 to $1,433 trillion in November, an increase of $592 billion in four months... Has this provision of Ht|ui(lity been successful? The answer appears largely yes, at least with respect to domestic institutions. However, for countries suffering from capital outflows — largely, but not only emerging market countries — things have been tougher. A few countries have had access to credit in foreign banks, in the form of swap Iceland, which lines. currency from the major central But the others have been exposed. had a very large banking system relative to its economy, 22 with assets aiifl of \hv major cfise, liiil)ilili(\s casualtic's ol' the inabihty to borrow in of the first Evuo and thus (IcMioiiiiiiat-cd la,rf);(>ly he I tliree and may need Asset j)nrchiisrs and 2. eliminates the first dress the scH'ond, is crisis ior (|Mick a.c;c:ess ix'c:ij)ilnli'/.ii1i(iii. namely the icestablishment a large number oi' fairly well established, not (in tliis Ix'inf; |)a.rt Icela.nihc l)a,nks weul, the country as a whole. Mut many are likely to to ibreign iitiuidity. 'The provision of amplification m(>clianisni. Based on the evidence iiom the crises in major as exposed as Iceland was. ar(> runs witli one access to the iiquidil y provided hy not, lia.viufi, bankrupt, creating a deep economic face similar inns, I<"a.('(!cl money markets) and the European Central Bank, the Few counlries crisis. in ciiios, i;)eca,iiic it li(|iiidity does not however ad- of capital resolul ion of a large rat.icjs. nnmbei- of banking done count, lies in the past, what, needs to be and has two components: bad or potentially bad First, tlie state must, isolate various ajjproaches to doing this. One is ass(>ts. 'i'heic lo leave tlie a,ssets are on the balcUiee sheet, of the institutions, but have the state provide a floor m to theii' value, Another, whit;h 1 exchange for (^xa)nple nujre attra.ctive, lintl is h)i' the balance sheet altogether, by buying or for' prices: the (pre-intcivention) |)ric(> exiXHicd a.nd thus |)resenl right solution on I them safe assets such as goveiiirnent. bonds. that of the price at which to i)uy is he one hand, embody lo set, I he licm. market exchange pi ice for cash, ccutra.l {|uest.ion think which may well be : or I is two extreme of h(> I'st a, hre imated as the "iiold to maturity" price. The belwceii these two exi lemcs. giving, inst tut ions incent ivcs i The One can piice. in a large hcinidily discount known value t take the assets for tiie state to off sale slifUcs in the institution. to sell and. on the ot hci' hand. 23 taxpayers a reasonable expectation that, the assets are indeed held if to maturity by the state, they will actually benefit from the purchase in the long run. The effect of such asset purchases is twofold. First, it sets the value of the assets on the balance sheets, and by reducing uncertainty, allows investors to better assess the risk of insolvency. Second, the price of these assets from their their mulerlying expected value, of all fire sale price to increases it something closer to and thus improves the balance sheets the institutions which hold these assets, directly or indirectly. These purchases are however value of the assets insolvent, is half of what needs some institutions clearer, and thus should be closed. Most Once the to be done. may turn out to be are likely to show positive, but too low, capitalization and thus must be recapitalized. This can be done through public funds only or through matching of public and private funds, in exchange for shares. The purpose is to return these institutions to a level of capital so they do not need to further deleverage, to further Where are saw the sell assets or cut credit. some time, governments liquidity, thus a prol)lem to be handled by the we today on these two crisis as one of fronts? For central banks through liquidity provision. In the clear that undercapitalization was a major fall issue. In United States introduced the "troubled asset relief of 2008. it became October 2008, the program" (TARP), allowing the Treasury to buy assets or inject capital up to $700 billion. A few weeks later, meetings both put in during an important week end in October, with Washington and in place financial then, France has in Paris, programs along the committed to major countries agreed to lines spend up to 40 sketched above. Since billion euros, Germany 24 Figure 10. Ted Spreads: 3-month Libor Rate minus T-bill Rate 5.0 4.5 / 4.0 3.5 \ - 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ^-.J^'- ^ — -._.-'' -- - O.O , . 8/16 8/1 hilliuii ' .__ — "" ^ -^ — ^ , 9/15 8/31 US up to 80 '^ eiuDS, the United 9/30 1 0/1 5 UK Japan Euro Kingdom, 50 0/30 1 | billicjii pcjunds. In addition, to alleviate worries about solveney before the programs are fully implenrented, most govenmients have extended the guarantees accorded to depositors to interbank claims, that is claims of banks on other banks. The size and the complexity and many governments are States in particular, the of the required programs is enormous, still exploring their way. In the United TARP appears to have changed direction twice, with an initial focus on the purchase of troubled assets through auctions, then a shift in focus to recapitalization, and in the more recent past, (for example in the case of Citigroup) a reliance on both providing a floor on the value of some of the assets on the balance sheet, and recapitalization. Other programs appear more consistent, but the funds are being disbursed slowly. 25 Are these programs working? The vtndict mixed. As Figure 10 is shows, the spread between the interbaul'C lending rate and the T-bill rate has decreased, but remains surprisingly high, despite interbank guarantees, and despite recapitalization of some banks. Little has been done to dispose of bad limited. Uncertainty made assets, and public capital injections have been about the course and the details of policy has private investors hesitant to invest funds without knowing the nature of future public interventions. The result is that deleveraging continues, with banks continuing to reduce credit, both domestic and abroad. Issues of coordination are also at work. for some assets can lead investors to The move for into those assets, We ing things worse for non-guaranteed assets. United States provision of guarantees making things worse when in the non-guaranteed mortgages. The provision of guar- antees by one country can lead investors to ple have seen this mak- for move to that country, other countries; this was the case for exam- Ireland unilaterally offered guarantees to investors in the of 2008. Putting capital controls in one country to slowdown fall capital outflows can lead to the perception that other countries will do the same, therefore triggering capital outflows tecting domestic depositors and investors in those countries. Pro- at the expense of foreign depositors and investors can create the risk of major outflows from depositors and investors in similar situations elsewhere, and the risk of similar measures by other countries. just that led the United get Iceland to change its Kingdom The attempt by Iceland to do to invoke an anti-terrorist law to mind. Finally, guarantees and other measures taken in advanced countries make it more attractive for investors to put their funds in those countries, and thus can lead to further capi- 26 Figure Sovereign 3000 11. CDS Spreads i (Index 7'2;07=100) 2500 \ i 2000 r 1500 A 1000 i \ \ \ / 500 y 11/2/07 9(2/07 - - 3/2/08 1,'2/OS Current account deficit larger 5% than Current account surplus, or small tal 7/2/08 5/2/08 of 2007 9/2/08 GDP deficit outflows from emerging market countries. As Figure 11 shows, the sovereign spreads on emerging countries have decreased from their October height, but they remain very high. I have focused on the measures needed on the financial fall in demand and in side. The sharp output in the past couple of months also requires measures to increase demand. Interest rates on government bonds are already very low, so the scope for using traditional monetary policy is limited. The focus must be now on tary side, "quantitative easing", that other policies. is On the mone- the purchase of other assets than government Ijonds by the central bank, can reduce spreads dysfunctional credit markets. to play a central role here. It is clear however that At the time of fiscal this writing, in policy has most countries 27 are developing fiscal packages, intended at increasing and decreasing the perceived IMF to do 2% has argued for a more if risk of . commitment the macroeconomic situation becomes worse than cur- in the next few demand is likely to be a central issue months. Policies to avoid a repeat Looking forward beyond the days), the question arises of scenario, how we can Much work is crisis (something how we can difficult to do these avoid a repeat of the same decrease the fragility of the financial system, without impeding too much in directly another "Great Depression" The global fiscal expansion, with a rent forecasts. Sustaining world 5 demand its efficiency. already going on, both in international institutions and academic departments, ranging from the examination of rules gov- erning ratings agencies, to constraints on executive compensation, to rules for valuing assets on balance sheets, to the construction of ulatory capital ratios, and so on. time here, to go into details. But reg- have neither the expertise, nor the I I can try to give you a sense of the broad directions. Recall the basic argument of this lecture, that the scope of the crisis is due to the interaction between mechanisms. We initial conditions and amplification have already discussed how liquidity provision and state intervention can dampen maining question, our context, becomes: Should we try to avoid recreating some in the amplification mechanisms. of the initial conditions which led to the The re- crisis? 28 '';> Some of these initial conditions are clearly here to stay. Securitization, and, by implication, relatively complex derivative securities, allow for a much ity better allocation of from turning into we have in activities tition risk. opa.city; The challenge to prevent complex- we can probably do much better than the past. Or, to take another and is large cross border positions are also essential to and the allocation of funds and border initial condition, cross risk in the world. compe- They should not and will not go away. Where something can and probably should be done leverage. Leverage of the financial system as a whole too high before the crisis. is in decreasing was almost surely Regulation can force lower leverage. This requires however increasing the perimeter of regulation beyond banks to many other financial institutions. The where to draw the perimeter, whether, funds in or out, and, One must also go if they are challenge here for what in, is how and example, to put hedge rules to put beyond leverage within the them under. financial system, and look at leverage for the economy as a whole; Highly levered firms or households are also highly exposed to small fluctuations in the value of their assets. leverage, The irony is that many existing tax rules favor such from the tax deductability of mortgage interest payments by households, to the tax deductability of interest payments We have to Even if l)y revisit these rules. and when new regulati(;n introduced and tax laws are is changed, we should be under no illusion that systemic risk fully under control. Regulation lag behind financial innovation. will lead to firms. will will be be imperfect at best, and always There will still underestimation of risk (the first of benign times, and they the initial conditions I 29 beginning of the lecture). Thus, a major task of regulators listed at the be to monitor, and, will risk. In doing so, if needed, to react to increases in systemic they will face two sets of challenges: The first is about monitoring how to use it tional itself, what information and international We level. Some positions sons why many advocate moving among of the information needed do not know, CDS investors for tion of information. And, even and countries. This if The second is challenge is how an attractive automatic better collec- is a difficult conceptual to react when measures which capital ratios increase some index stabilizer. of systemic risk of systemic risk, They can dampen sound the build up on the way up, and the amplification mechanisms on the way down. The challenge is clearly in the details of the design, the choice of an index, the degree of procyclicality. monetary policy more actively. The idea. Before the crisis, was a very pool Another avenue is to use idea that monetary policy should be used to fight asset price or credit booms policy foi' are surely not there yet. either in response to activity or to of risk one of the rea- the information becomes available, increase. Pro-cyclical capital ratios, in like just trading from over the counter to a to construct measures of systemic risk We is example, the distribution of centralized exchange; this would allow, in particular, exercise. and to construct measures of systemic risk, both at the na- not available today. how to collect, is an old and controversial some consensus had developed that monetary tool to fight asset price booms, and it should care only about asset prices to the extent that such prices had effects on current or prospective inflation. The crisis has certainly reopened the debate. 30 6 Let the Conclusions me end where And, as crisis. I I started. This lecture write it. the crisis phase, in which a drop in confidence and a major written in the middle of is appears to be entering yet a new is leading to a drop in demand, recession. This in turn raises a set of new issues, from the dangers arising from the interaction between a deep recession and a weakened financial system, to the risk of deflation and liquidity traps, to further capital outflows from emerging comitries and sudden stops, to an increased risk of trade wars, to the effects of the collapse of commodity to invite prices on low-income countries. me I am afraid you will ha.ve again next year for an update... 31 References (I have made no attempt to give a complete literature review, either Some in the lecture or in this bibliography. below trace the ideas to the Bank of the recent articles listed earlier literature.) of International Settlements, 78th Annual Report, June 2008. Brunnermeier, M., 2009, "Deciphering the 2007-08 Lirjuidity and Credit Crunch" , JEP forthcoming Caballero, R. and A. Krishnamurthy, 2008, "Collective Risk Manage- ment in Flight to Calomiris, C, Quality" 2008, , Journal of Finance, forthcoming "The Subprime Turmoil: What's Old, What's New, and What's Next", working paper, presented at Polak Annual Research Conference. November. Claessens. sions, S. . A. Kose, M, Terrenes, Crunches, and Diamond, D. and l-". Busts'.''". C, working paper. 2008 Dybvig, 1983. "Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity", Journal Foote, IMF "What Happens during Reces- of Political K. Gerardi, L. Goette. (We Think) We Know about Economy, P. 91-5, 401-419 Willen, "Subprime Facts: the Subprime Crisis and What What We Don't", Public Policy Discussion Papers, Federal Reserve of Boston. Global Financial Stability Report, Fall 2008. Gorton, Gary, 2008, "The Panic of 2007" Holmstrom, B. and Liciuidit\-". J. Tirole, 1998, . IMF working paper "Private and Public Supply of Journal of Political Economy. 1006-1. 1-40 32 Krishnamurthy, Arvind, 2008, "Amplification Mechanisms ity Crises", mimeo Chicago, September Shleifer, A. and R. Vishny, 1997, "The Limits in Liquid- of Arbitrage" , Journal of Finance, 53, 35-55 World Economic Outlook, Fall 2008, IMF. 33