DEWEYj MIT LIBRARIES M f>o- 3 9080 03316 3327"' { |0- 04 Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts BEAUTY CONTESTS Institute of AND IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE: A NEOCLASSICAL APPROACH George-Marios Angeletos Guido Lorenzoni Alessandro Pavan Working Paper 10-04 March 5, 2010 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at Beauty Contests and Irrational Exuberance: a Neoclassical Approach* George-Marios Angeletos MIT and Guido Lorenzoni Alessandro Pavan MIT and NBER Northwestern University NBER March 5, 2010 Abstract The arrival of new, unfamiliar, investment opportunities movements financial in asset prices markets look at and real economic activity. the real sector for signals about the profitability of the new investment opportunities, and vice versa. In this paper, the incentives that agents face we is often associated with "exuberant" is During these episodes of high uncertainty, when making find that the sensitivity of equilibrium we study how such information their real economic decisions. symptoms impact spillovers the positive front, outcomes to noise and to higher-order uncertainty amplified, exacerbating the disconnect from fundamentals. that these effects are On of constrained inefficiency; On the normative front, we then we find identify policies that can improve welfare without requiring the government to have any informational advantage vis-a-vis the market. At the heart of these results economy to behave as a like "irrational is a distortion that induces a conventional neoclassical Keynesian "beauty contest" and to exhibit fluctuations that may exuberance" to an outside observer. Keywords: mispricing, heterogeneous information, information-driven complementarities, ity, look volatil- inefficiency, bea,uty contests. 'This paper subsumes and extends an earlier paper that circulated as a 2007 NBER working paper under the title "Wall Street and Silicon Valley: a Delicate Interaction." We thank Olivier Blanchard, Stephen Morris, Hyun Song Shin, Rob Townsend, Jaume Ventura, Ivan Werning, and seminar participants at MIT, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the 2007 IESE Conference on Complementarities and Information the 2007 Minnesota Workshop in Macroeconomic Theory, and the 2007 Angeletos and Pavan thank the NSF for financial support. (Barcelona), NBER Summer Institute for useful comments. Email addresses:;; Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries I Introduction 1 The arrival of in the late 90s, or ments — a novel technology the Internet emerging economies — often associated with large move- new, unfamiliar, investment opportunities new markets in asset prices and real in like e.g., joint is economic activity. Many them oncile with fundamentals. Instead, they interpret observers find these as movements hard temporary waves of "exuberance" which appear to get reinforced as market participants look at one another's behavior the profitability of the new investments. Furthermore, to rec- financial markets are blamed destabilizing role, as the agents in charge of real investment decisions become regarding for clues for playing a "overly" concerned about the short-run valuation of their capital instead of paying attention to the fundamentals — popular argument that can be traced back to Keynes' famous "beauty contest" metaphor. Understanding these episodes, while also capturing the aforementioned away from the paradigm of "exuberance," "sentiments," and the for and A neoclassical it is efficient like; ideas, requires markets: within this paradigm, there is to assume that the observed phenomena are the beliefs and the behavior of irrational agents. we maintain the axiom of rationality; ing dispersed information; no room asset prices only reflect the underlying fundamentals; irrelevant whether real investment decisions are driven by fundamentals or simple alternative is moving We 2 do not go we depart from the prices. 1 driven, to a large extent, by in that direction here. neoclassical and we focus on the information by asset Instead, paradigm only by introduc- spillovers that emerge when financial markets look at real economic activity as a signal of the underlying fundamentals. This modeling approach reflects, in part, a matter of preferred methodology. fortable with policy prescriptions that rely heavily We are uncom- on the presumption that the government has a superior ability to evaluate the economy's fundamentals, relative to the market mechanism. importantly, mation is it helps us capture two important aspects of the likely to phenomena Most of interest: that infor- be particularly dispersed because of the absence of previous social learning; and that market participants seem anxious to look at one another's behavior, and at various indicators of economic activity, for clues Our contribution agents face economy is then to study when making to noise is that these effects are about the underlying their real profitability. how such information investment decisions. spillovers First, we impact the incentives that find that the response of the amplified, exacerbating the disconnect from fundamentals. symptoms Second, we find of inefficiency even relative to a constrained planning problem that respects the diversity of beliefs and the dispersion of information. Combined, these results provide a theory of rational exuberance neoclassical l 2 See, e.g., economy to behave and uncover a mechanism that induces an otherwise conventional like a Keynesian beauty contest. Lucas (1978) and Abel and Blanchard (1986). al. (2000), Shiller (2000), Bernanke and Gertler (2001), Dupor (2005), Akerlof and Cecchetti et Shiller (2009). Preview of model and "entrepreneurs" perfect, The results. who each must real sector of our how much decide to invest in a and heterogeneous, information about the The new technology on large number of the basis of im- profitability of this technology. In a subsequent stage, but before uncertainty is resolved, these entrepreneurs financial market. model features a may sell their capital in a competitive "traders" in this market are also imperfectly informed, but get to observe a signal of the entrepreneurs' early investment activity. At the core of omy. On this model is a two-way interaction between financial markets and the the one hand, entrepreneurs base their the price at which they in charge of real may sell their capital. investment decisions initial real econ- investment decisions on their expectations of This captures more broadly the idea that the agents —be they the CEO of a public corporation, —are concerned about the future market valuation or the owner of On the other hand, traders look at the entrepreneurs' activity as a signal of the profitability of the new investment a start-up opportunity. This captures of more broadly of their capital. the idea that financial markets follow closely the release macroeconomic and sectoral data, and constantly monitor corporate outcomes, looking about the underlying economic fundamentals. The that, as in identifies On any Walrasian setting, is not by an information spillover that the positive side, we By (or, more broadly, any source of variation represents a pecuniary externality first effect the source of any distortion. at the heart of our positive mechanism that identify a noise relative to fundamentals. opportunity is itself for clues The second and normative effect results. amplifies the response of the economy to "fundamentals" we mean the profitability of the new investment technologies, preferences outcomes that in equilibrium is and endowments). By "noise" we mean orthogonal to the fundamentals. In our model, such non-fundamental variation can originate from correlated errors in information about the fundamentals; from higher-order uncertainty; and, in certain cases, from sunspots. To understand in the entrepreneurs' information; this Suppose for a where this result, consider the case moment is "noise" originates we concentrate on the case from correlated errors for the bulk of our analysis. that the entrepreneurs' decisions were driven merely by their opinions about the fundamentals. In equilibrium, aggregate investment would then depend on the entrepreneurs' average opinion and would therefore send a signal to the financial market about the underlying fundamentals. In general, this signal entrepreneur —may not be able to is tell going to be noisy: any given agent whether high aggregate investment — be he a trader or an is caused by a positive shock to fundamentals, or by a positive correlated error in the entrepreneurs' opinions. Nevertheless, relative to the typical trader, the typical entrepreneur the noise in this signal. This is because the signal is bound itself is the collective choice of the entrepreneurs; the noise in this signal thus originates in the entrepreneurs' entrepreneurs, as a group, are playing a signaling game to have superior information about own private information. In effect, the vis-a-vis the traders. This observation cial is crucial, for market are partly predictable by the typical entrepreneur. In particular, whenever there itive correlated error in will implies that the (rational) pricing errors that occur in the finan- it more than his a pos- the entrepreneurs' information about the fundamentals, each entrepreneur expect the average opinion of the other entrepreneurs increase is own —and hence aggregate investment — to But then the entrepreneur opinion. will also expect the financial market to overprice his capital. This in turn creates a speculative incentive for the entrepreneur to invest more than what warranted from what may look like his expectation of the fundamentals As "exuberant" investment to an outside observer. same, their collective "exuberance" may —and thereby to engage in entrepreneurs do the all trigger asset prices to inflate, because the traders will The anticipation perceive this exuberance in part as a signal of good fundamentals. prices can feed back to further exuberance in real economic activity, and so of inflated on. This argument highlights more generally the role of higher-order uncertainty between the agents participating in the real and in the financial sector of the economy. Within the context of our model, this means the about the traders' be able to When following. sell his an entrepreneur decides how much to about the fundamentals beliefs capital in the financial market. invest, he must form beliefs which he in order to predict the price at A trader, in turn, must form will about the beliefs entrepreneurs' beliefs in order to interpret the signal conveyed by aggregate investment. It follows that investment and asset prices are driven by the higher-order beliefs of both these two groups. The key contribution of our analysis two sectors of the economy and asset is in highlighting may heighten the how the information spillovers between the impact of such higher-order uncertainty on investment prices, thereby exacerbating their disconnect from fundamentals, while also providing a micro- foundation to Keynes' "beauty contest." Interestingly, these effects obtain without they are all and take infinitesimal prices Thus, despite a certain similarity in any of the agents being and aggregate outcomes flavor, as strategic, in the sense that exogenous to their choices. our results are distinct from those in the financial microstructure literature, which, in the tradition of Kyle (1985), focuses on manipulate asset "invisible prices. hand" that , 3 is, of the general-equilibrium interaction of multiple small players. symptoms side, the question of interest of inefficiency. This question is is whether the aforementioned positive central to our formalization of "exuber- ance" and "beauty contests," for these ideas typically involve that something To address is a, more or less explicit, judgement going "wrong" in the market and that the government should intervene. this question, we consider the problem faced by a planner who has agents' incentives but has no informational advantage vis-a-vis the market 3 large players can Rather, the manipulation effects in our model are the by-product of the Turning to the normative results are also how See, e.g., Goldstein and Guembel (2008), which emphasizes how this full —either power on the in the form of manipulation could distort real investment. additional information, or in the form of the power to centralize the information that in the economy. 4 We dispersed is then show that this planner would dictate to the entrepreneurs to ignore the expected mispricing in the financial market and all the consequent higher-order uncertainty, and instead base their investment decisions solely on their expectations of the fundamentals. This because any gain that the entrepreneurs can make by exploiting any predictable mispricing a private rent —a zero-sum transfer from one group of agents to the other, wedge between the private and is is only which only creates a social return to investment. It follows that our positive results have a clear normative counterpart. We conclude our is analysis by identifying restricted to use only information that is policies that improve welfare even when the government policies that stabilize asset prices, like those often show how simple advocated in practice, can lead to higher welfare; We but we also identify some important limitations of such policies. sophisticated policies can do better, possibly restoring full efficiency. Related literature. We first already in the public domain. then discuss how certain more Morris and Shin (2002) recently put forth the idea that models that combine strategic complementarity with dispersed information can capture the role of higher-order uncertainty in Keynes' beauty contest metaphor, spawning a rich literature. However, by lacking specific micro-foundations, this earlier origin of strategic complementarity, ciency of the equilibrium, Wincoop of (2005), dynamic if work did not address the positive question of and the normative question of what any. Subsequent is what the cause of the is the ineffi- work by Allen, Morris and Shin (2006), Bacchetta and and Cespa and Vives (2009) has addressed the positive question within the context asset-pricing models, but has abstracted from real economic activity the normative question. Relative to this literature, our contribution is and has left aside to address the aforemen- tioned questions within a micro-founded, neoclassical framework of the interaction between real and financial activity. What opens the door to non-trivial effects from higher-order uncertainty in our setting the combination of trading and information spillovers among different groups of agents (the en- trepreneurs and the traders). In this respect, our formalization of "beauty contests" to Townsend (1984), who was the first is is connected to highlight the role of higher-order beliefs in settings with dispersed information and endogenous learning. But while Townsend studied a framework with no trade and no other payoff links across agents, bur results rest on the presence of trading opportunities: if and the the entrepreneurs never sold their capital in the financial market, both the amplification inefficiency Our paper Amador and 4 would vanish. also connects to the voluminous literature on herding and social learning Weill, 2008; Banerjee, 1992; Chamley, 2004; Vives, 2008). This planning problem builds on the notion of constrained efficiency studied environments with dispersed information. for a class of in We share with this (e.g., liter- Angeletos and Pavan (2007, 2009) ature the broader idea that the economy may feature heightened sensitivity to certain sources of information, leading to increased non- fundamental volatility; see especially Chari and for an application to financial markets and to investment Loisel, Pommeret and booms. However, the mechanism we identify in this literature is is Kehoe (2003) Portier (2009) for an application distinct. The key distortion featured the failure of individual agents to internalize the impact of their own actions on the information available to other agents, which in turn affects the efficiency of the decisions taken by the latter. Instead, in our model, the key distortion is the one that rests on how the antici- pation of the signaling role of investment affects the entrepreneurs' incentives. In this regard, the mechanics are more closely related to those in the signaling literature (e.g., Spence, 1973) than to those in the herding literature. Note, though, that the "senders" in our model (the entrepreneurs) are non-strategic in the sense that the actions of each one alone do not affect the beliefs of the "receivers" (the traders); hand", that affects the Our paper it is only the collective behavior of the former, coordinated by an "invisible beliefs of the latter. also adds to the growing contribution in this regard is macroeconomic literature on dispersed information. 5 Our to identify novel positive and normative implications of the two-way interaction between real and financial activity. Closely related in this regard Goldstein, Ozdenoren and namely from the financial Yuan (2009). This paper focuses market to the is the recent paper by on the opposite information real sector. In so doing, it spillover, complements our paper, but it does not consider the amplification and inefficiency effects that are at the core of our contribution. Tinn (2009) considers an informational spillover similar to the one in our paper, but within a setting that does not feature our amplification and inefficiency results. La'O (2010) studies a model where the two-way interaction between real and financial activity rests on collateral constraints, as in Kiyotaki and Moore (1997), rather than information spillovers, as in our paper. Finally, by touching on the broader themes of heterogeneous beliefs, speculation, and mispricing, our paper connects to Scheinkman and Xiong (2003), Panageas (2005), and Geanakoplos (2009). This line of work abstracts from asymmetric information and instead models the heterogeneity of beliefs with heterogeneous priors. By abstracting from asymmetric information, this literature rules out the information spillovers that are at the core of our positive results, and normative results. Our on the other hand, are driven by the asymmetry of information, but do not hinge on the assumption of a common prior: they can be extended to settings with multiple priors, provided that one allows for endogenous learning stemming from the presence of dispersed information. Layout. The rest of the paper 3 characterizes the equilibrium is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the model. Section and delivers the key positive results provide a neoclassical formalization of "exuberance" 5 results. Section 4 discusses and "beauty contests" . how our Section 5 See, e.g., Amador and Weill (2009), Angeletos and La'O (2009a), Hellwig (2006), Lorenzoni (2010), Mackowiak and Wiederholt (2009), Mankiw and Reis (2009), Veldkamp (2009), and the references therein. characterizes the constrained efficient allocation, contrasts it it to the equilibrium, may Section 6 discusses possible extensions that policy implications. Appendix of the paper. Section 7 concludes. A contains all and discusses help reinforce the message proofs, while Appendix B proves the robustness of our results to richer payoff and information structures. The model 2 Our model features a single round of real investment followed by a with information flowing from the former to the of agents, "entrepreneurs" i E [0, 1/2] and traders by and "traders." 6 1]. i (1/2, Timing and key choices. Time The economy latter. Each type is single financial trading, populated by two types is measure 1/2; we index entrepreneurs by of divided in four periods, is round of £ t {0, 1,2,3}. At t = a new 0, investment opportunity, or "technology," becomes available. The profitability of this technology is determined by a random variable model. drawn from a Normal It is common the unknown At t to = prior (with all 1, agents. ttq distribution with being the precision). new mean The \x > and variance l/ng, which random realization 9 of this defines variable is 6 the "real sector" of the to invest in the This random variable defines the "fundamentals" in our 9. technology. Let economy operates: each entrepreneur gets the opportunity denote the investment of entrepreneur ki investment in terms of the consumption good is kf/2. 7 When i. The cost of this choosing investment, entrepreneurs have access to various sources of information (signals) that are not directly available to the traders. The noise in some of these signals may be We be correlated across entrepreneurs. in Appendix B. Here, to simplify, purely idiosyncratic noise: it is we mostly idiosyncratic, while for other signals the noise consider a general information structure along these lines let the entrepreneurs observe only two signals. given by X{ = + &, where & is it is given by y independent of 9 and of = 9 {£i}ie[o,i/2]i + e, where e is with variance to introduce a source of non-fundamental Gaussian noise, l/ir y movements . The one has Gaussian noise, independently and identically distributed across agents, independent of 6, with variance 1/tt x correlated noise: may The key . The common other has perfectly across entrepreneurs, role of the correlated error i in aggregate investment. is 8 Throughout, we use "tildes" to denote random variables and drop them when denoting realizations. One can easily reinterpret this cost as the disutility of effort necessary to produce ki. 8 Such a correlated error, in turn, can have various origins. As discussed in Section 6.3, private signals about the actions of agents that moved in the past may lead in equilibrium to signals about 6 with correlated errors. More broadly, network effects, social learning, and information cascades may also explain this correlation. Alternatively, as emphasized in Hellwig and Veldkamp (2009) and Myatt and Wallace (2009), strategic complementarity like the one that, as we will show, emerges endogenously in our economy by itself generates an incentive for the agents to collect correlated sources of information. See also Dow, Goldstein, and Guembel (2010), Froot, Scharfstein, and Stein (1992), and Veldkamp (2006) for complementary justifications. — — At — t traders. 9 some entrepreneurs the "financial market" operates: 2, transfer their capital to the These trades may be motivated by a variety of reasons unrelated to private information. To keep the analysis tractable, we model these trades an idiosyncratic shock with probability A G consumption at — t 3 by hit is Entrepreneurs hit by this shock do not value [0, 1]. and have no choice but to Each entrepreneur as follows. sell all their capital at t — For simplicity, 2. the entrepreneurs not hit by the shock are precluded from trading; this last assumption can be relaxed provided that the equilibrium price does not From now in Section 6.3). on, we refer to this become perfectly revealing (see the discussion shock as a "liquidity shock"; but we think of more it broadly as a modeling device that helps us capture the concern that the agents in charge of real investment have about future equity prices. 10 The market financial is competitive and the market-clearing price denoted by is When p. the traders meet the entrepreneurs hit by the liquidity shocks in the financial market, they observe the quantity of capital that these entrepreneurs bring to the market. Since A K to observing the aggregate level of investment, other signals that the real sector production and sale data. Any 11 The may be — ui 1/ttu While . 9 + where r], u> is fj is This kidi. may have about the fundamentals as an exogenous signal, it is 6, traders have dispersed private signals about Finally, at i 3, the fundamental 9 new technology and the to capture is i and is {6}ie[o,i/2]i in the financial To simplify the exposition, B Preferences, endowments, and markets. agent i's is consumption zero: t, while An alternative way in each period. a Si is m = random it to the ones is held by an its ownership.) endowment Moreover, they are risk neutral and en + ca + s,;Ci3, where en denotes variable that takes value if the agent installed capital to introduce this concern within the context of start-ups rests on the presence of efficiency gains from transferring capital ownership from the agents company as the we assume that each 9 Throughout, we do not explicitly model the distinction between trading financial claims over the and trading the capital goods themselves; in our framework, this distinction is irrelevant. 10 it market when the All agents receive an exogenous preferences are given by in period with variance for extensions that allow for richer technologies and for the marginal product of capital to depend on good in a public publicly revealed and production takes place using the installed capital. of the (nonstorable) consumption 8. 8. entrepreneur or by a trader. (See Section 6.2 and Appendix their discount rate more broadly summarized unit of capital delivers 9 units of the consumption good, irrespective of whether e equivalent is straightforward to reinterpret outcome of the aggregation of information that may take place — this sending to the financial market, including preliminary Gaussian noise, independent of modeled here meant is known, traders then use this observation to update their beliefs about other information that the traders signal = J is who have a comparative advantage in who have a comparative advantage in starting a new running it at later stages of development (e.g., Holmes and Schmitz, 1990). n In K , is equilibrium, the cross-sectional distribution of k is Normal with known variance; observing the thus informationally equivalent to observing the entire cross-sectional distribution of investment. t mean level, is an entrepreneur hit by a and value liquidity shock Finally, in addition to the otherwise. 1 aforementioned financial market, we allow the following markets to operate in each period: market consumption good (which for the and a market for insurance contracts is also the numeraire); a market on the entrepreneurs' idiosyncratic for a riskless liquidity shocks. a bond; Given the assumption of risk neutrality, these additional markets will be irrelevant for either investment decisions or asset prices in equilibrium. Rather, they are introduced so as to clarify that the only essential market imperfection we impose the fundamentals and the —our results will the one that limits the aggregation of information about is not be driven by borrowing constraints, incomplete risk-sharing, like. Equilibrium 3 Because of the assumptions of linear preferences and zero discounting, the equilibrium rate is zero in all periods and risk-free the consumption allocations and the trades of bonds all states; and insurance contracts are indeterminate; and the agents' expected utility reduces to the expected present value of their net income flows. For entrepreneurs hit by the liquidity shock, net income flows sum up to 3e+pki — kf/2, while for entrepreneurs not hit "surviving entrepreneurs"), they utility at the time of investment Since this objective as a function of sum up is given, to 3e + 8ki up strictly concave, the is x and by the shock (henceforth — kf/2. Therefore, each entrepreneur's expected to a constant, by E[uj|:rj, y\ — E[(l— \)8+\p— \k\ \x{, y\. investment choice of an entrepreneur can be expressed the two signals observed by the entrepreneur. y, also referred to as Aggregate investment then a function of two aggregate shocks, the fundamental 8 and the correlated error A trader's net income flow, on the other hand, the position he takes in the financial market. and the aggregate capital E[iij|A', lo\ = (E[£>|A', u] — A', his expected is given by 3e and ui = 9 + 1], A - pq t , where qi utility at the time of trading is, up — E[9\K,ui} 12 Since the equilibrium price can be expressed as a function of we denotes w to a constant, p)qi. It follows that the market-clearing price in the financial these observations in mind, Definition 1 6q% e. Since the trader observes the exogenous signal pinned down by the traders' expectation of the fundamental: p of {9,e) + is K is [8, e, rj). market is a function With all define our equilibrium concept as follows. (linear rational- expectations) equilibrium, an aggregate investment function K(9, e), is an individual investment strategy k(x, and a price function p(8, e, rf) y), that jointly satisfy the fol- lowing conditions: '"Since no trader has private information and the entrepreneurs who sell their capital have perfectly inelastic any information, which explains why we omit conditioning on p when describing the traders' expectations. Also, any value /(el can be observed in equilibrium, which explains why we do not have to worry about describing out-of-equilibrium beliefs. supplies, the market-clearing price does not reveal for (i) all (x,y), k (x,y) £ (ii) for argmaxE (1 - \)8k = / + Xp(8,i fj)k > U2 — \k x,V all [8,s), K{6,e) k(x,y)d<l>(x,y\8,s), where §(x,y\8,£) denotes the joint cumulative distribution function of x andy, given 8 and e; (Hi) for all (8,e,i]), p(8,e,rt) where K = K(8, e) and ui = 8 =E K, -\- r/; (iv) there exist scalars (3q, (3g and E such for that, all (8,e), K{8,e)=Po + PoO + pE e. Condition (i) requires that the entrepreneurs' investment strategy be individually rational, Condition taking as given the equilibrium price function. Condition investment. (iii) (ii) just the definition of aggregate is requires that the equilibrium price be consistent with market clear- ing and rational expectations on the traders' side, taking as given the collective behavior of the entrepreneurs. Finally, condition ature, this linearity is imposes linearity; as usual in the rational-expectations (iv) liter- necessary for maintaining tractability. (In our setting, linearity of the price function implies linearity of the aggregate investment, and vice versa.) we henceforth drop the . Also, simplify the language, and "rational-expectations" and qualifications "linear" rium concept simply as "equilibrium" To we refer to 8 shock" and the "noise shock", and to the coefficients f3g and refer to s as, respectively, the and @£ our equilib- "fundamental as the "responses" of aggregate investment to these shocks. 3.1 A benchmark with no information spillovers For comparison purposes, we real and the vanishes (nu The financial sector — financial > is now absent. In particular, suppose that the noise in the traders' signal oo), so that 8 is known market then clears of an entrepreneur who consider a case in which the information spillover between the if at the time of trading and only receives signals x entrepreneur's optimal investment is if p and y = is = E[8\x, y] = S his expectation of 8: + 5x x role of K vanishes. by implication, the expected payoff simply E[#|x, y]k — k 2 /2. pinned down by k (x, y) 8 and, and the signaling cj + 5y y It follows that the where 5q = = 5X r&fJ., ?*, 5 y = ^, and n = + n x + n y By implication, = Sx + Sy and 5E = 5y Tro given by K(8, e) — Proposition In the absence of information spillovers, the equilibrium 1 <5n + + 5g8 5e e, where Sg aggregate investment . is . is unique and investment pinned down merely by the entrepreneurs expectations of the fundamentals. is ' This result establishes that, in the absence of information spillovers, rium outcomes whether investment driven by the entrepreneurs' expectations of the fundamental is or by their expectations of the asset price. ventional neoclassical economy, leaving no In this respect, our room Importantly, this result does not require 8 to be known by is behavior cannot possibly convey any additional information about this benchmark any con- more generally applies for this infor- which case the entrepreneurs' #. 13 From now on, we refer to as the case with no information spillovers. Information spillovers 3.2 We now turn attention to the case of interest, namely when the real sector sends valuable signals to the financial market. fixed point Below, we how any equilibrium can be understood as a and the asset price function (which summarizes the financial market), focusing (i.e., where with this property always exists and Take an arbitrary coefficients is (3g > unique and j3e > for A small 0). We (3g and /3C A . is increasing in both the then prove that an equilibrium enough. linear aggregate investment function of the /?n, collective behavior collective behavior of the on the situations where aggregate investment fundamentals and the noise some describe first between the aggregate investment function (which summarizes the of the real sector) for it a sufficient statistics in like a Keynesian beauty contest. the traders; one that the entrepreneurs as a group possess, for the economy behaves for the features of as long as the information that the traders possess about 9 mation and irrelevant for equilib- it is K {9,e) = form central object in our analysis is fa + Pe® + fie e, the response of aggregate investment to noise relative to the fundamental, defined as the ratio From ity in To at t = the perspective of an outside observer, this ratio determines the fraction of the overall volatil- aggregate investment that cannot be explained by fundamentals. clarify this point, consider 2 (i.e., Finally, let Xi [ 1|1 / 2 ]2'ii implies that E[8\l2 ,li] By = is ip inversely an arbitrary information structure. Let 12 be the exogenous information of traders the information not inferred through A'). Next, = U i6 Formally, and assume that Z2 E[0\12 ]. Because the law of iterated expectations, K is is let measurable in we then have that EfplZa] follows that every entrepreneur chooses k t = Ji t a sufficient statistics E[8\l,i]. 11) lu = be the information of entrepreneur i at t = 1. for (Z2, 2i ) with respect to 9. This assumption this also implies that E[E[5|X2 ,Zi]|Xl(1 ] = p = E[6\l2 K] E[e|Z,i] for all , i e = E[8\l2 }. [0,1/2]. It related to the R-square of the regression of the realized a trader in the model, on the other hand, tive of ip K on the determines the informativeness of the signal that the financial market receives from the real sector. Indeed, as long as fig informationally equivalent to observing the following Gaussian signal about z=«f®>=e + It follows that <p Var(tpe)/Var(0) pins down the = -Kg/ir 2 p> y . Now, put aside for a ^ 0, observing We henceforth refer to tp K <pe. (2) is simply interchangeably as the "relative response to ratio." moment the endogeneity of the aforementioned signal, assume that the — traders observe a signal of the form z 6 + ipe for some arbitrary <p 6 R, and consider the determination of the asset price. Bayesian updating implies that the traders' expectation of 6 weighted average of their prior where tt$, signal z. = nu and n z , By TT y /<p mean 2 p, and n /g = two signals their are the precisions and u> ^"r ^ /y / , . 7£ = — = 7o Ty , , , 2 <P, + 7e6 l means more and 7„ = — —^ ( measure the responses of the t-t ; 4) depend on (p: because a higher noise in the signal z but also less sensitivity of the traders' expectation of 6 to this signal, a higher its and the ui, + 7£^ + 7^: asset price to the underlying shocks. Importantly, these responses ip a z: the prior, the signal of, respectively, is implication, the equilibrium asset price can be expressed as follows: P(0>£,V) where is 6: noise-to-signal ratio in aggregate investment: this ratio and as the "noise-to-signal noise" From the perspec- realized 9. ip necessarily reduces the response of the price to the fundamental 6 response to the noise ?/, while it has a non-monotonic effect on its and increases response to the noise e. Next, consider the incentives faced by the entrepreneurs when they expect the asset price to satisfy (4). x and Optimality requires that individual investment satisfies the following condition for all y: k(x,y) =E (1 - \)6 + \p(6,i,rj) x,y (5) Substituting the asset price from (4) into the entrepreneur's optimality condition (5), and noting that the conditional expectations of 8 and e are linear functions of the signals x and the conditional expectation of as a linear function of the and P'y . two rj is zero, signals: we infer that individual h(x,y) = Importantly, these coefficients depend on 11 f3' + xx (3' p through + while investment can be expressed p" y, for y (4), y, some coefficients j3' /3' , x capturing the impact that the anticipated price behavior has on individual investment incentives. Finally, aggregating across the entrepreneurs gives signal sent <p' = / P' P'e . ' /3' + /3'g 9 + p'e e, real sector The latter is pinned down by the which in turn depends on y, with can be expressed as by the x and signals K (9, e) = fi' Q z' = = 9 (3' x + (3' y + tp'e, and (3' 6 = (3' . y It follows that the with noise-to-signal ratio given by relative response of individual investment to the p through two (4). Putting the aforementioned arguments together, we infer that any equilibrium can be under- stood as a fixed point to a function F that maps each which is K some to = 9 + pe with noise-to-signal ratio given by some arbitrary responds by sending a signal = z' + <p'e 6 £ <p' when formally defined in the appendix, has a simple interpretation: receives a signal z in 6 <p with noise-to-signal ratio given by JR. This mapping, the financial market <p ip' G M, the real sector = Of F(<p). course, any equilibrium the signal received by the financial market must coincide with the signal sent by the real sector, which explains why the fixed points of the mapping F identify the equilibria of our economy. Studying the properties of this mapping then permits us to reach the following which concerns the existence and uniqueness of equilibria Proposition 2 There always are all positive. exists in our model. an equilibrium in which the > Furthermore, there exists a cutoff A 0, result, coefficients Px, Py, @9, P£,lo,l£,lri such that, for any A < A, this is the unique equilibrium. We conclude that there always exists an equilibrium in which individual investment responds positively to both the signals to both the fundamentals 9 x and y and, by implication, aggregate investment responds and the price also responds positively to noise Whenever e. both 9 and This e. is this is positively the case, the equilibrium asset because the traders (correctly) perceive high investment as "good news" about profitability, but cannot distinguish between increases in investment driven by 9 from those driven by 3.2.1 We now to noise. e. Mispricing, speculation, and amplification turn to our main positive result, regarding the relative response of equilibrium investment To this purpose, it is k=E t useful to rewrite the entrepreneur's optimal investment as follows: [0] where Ej and E t are short-cuts + AE 4 \p(6, e, v) - &] = Ej [§] t [E t [6] - 9} (6) , for the conditional expectations of, respectively, entrepreneur the traders. This condition has a simple interpretation. valuation of a unit of capital. + AE The gap p - 9 =E t [9} that valuation, or the "pricing error" in the market. - The i and variable 9 represents the fundamental 9 thus identifies the traders' forecast error of The component of investment that is driven by the forecast of this pricing error can then be interpreted as "speculative." For any given expectation 12 of 9, an entrepreneur error; this is will invest because he expects to That entrepreneurs base tal valuation in more and on in response to a positive expectation of the traders' forecast the extra capital in an "overpriced" market. sell both on their investment decisions fundamen- their expectation of their their expectation of the financial price should not surprise. This property holds any environment where entrepreneurs have the option to sell their capital in a financial market. What In particular, this property also applies to the benchmark with no information spillovers. benchmark distinguishes the present case from that that permits them that the entrepreneurs possess information is to forecast the traders' pricing error. This possibility rests on two properties: and signal of the underlying fundamental; about the sources of variation in their that the traders look at aggregate investment as a (i) (ii) that the entrepreneurs possess additional information investment choices. In particular, note that, for given positive realization of the noise shock e in the entrepreneurs' information causes a investment. Since the traders cannot tell whether or by noise, they respond to this investment this boom by boom was boom 9, a aggregate in driven by a strong fundamental bidding the asset price up. However, relative to the traders, the entrepreneurs have superior information about the origins of the investment boom. This explains why they can, and hence at least in part, forecast the traders' forecast errors speculate on the market mispricing. This, in turn, crucially impacts the entrepreneurs' incentives. Because of the aforementioned speculative component, each entrepreneur bases his decision on his forecast, not only of also of When e. their precisions, it tt x comes and TT y to forecasting . When, contains information on both 9 and only contains information on 9, instead, e, what distinguishes the two it is simply which relatively better predictor than the signal x, which e, the signal This suggests that an entrepreneur who expects prices to increase 9. with both the fundamental 9 and the noise e will find it optimal to give relatively more weight to the signal y than what he would have done in the benchmark with no information spillovers which p does not depend on e). noise on aggregate investment is Proposition 3 For any of the Py > (i) 6y , Pg < Sg, and [3E > 5E . As all entrepreneurs find amplified. This intuition it is optimal to do (ii) so, the impact of the equilibria identified in Proposition 2, the following is true: That is, relative to the (in verified in the following proposition. benchmark with no information individual investment responds less to the idiosyncratic signal and and but y, comes to forecasting the noise becomes a x and y signals 9, more f3x < 5X , spillovers, to the correlated signal, aggregate investment responds less to fundamental shocks and more to noise shocks. Proposition 3 illustrates the amplification mechanism generated by the interaction between real and financial decisions mechanism is under dispersed information. In Appendix B we show that this amplification quite general, in the sense of being present in variants of our model that allow for richer information and payoff structures. However, we 13 will also see that the more robust positive about the relative response to noise and fundamentals, rather than the absolute prediction is responses. For this reason, we henceforth define the contribution of noise to aggregate volatility as the fraction of the volatility in aggregate investment that is driven by noise, rather than by the 14 fundamentals, and state the main positive prediction of the paper in the following form. Corollary 1 (Main positive prediction) tribution of noise to aggregate volatility Put it slightly differently, of the fundamentals: will discuss how 4. amplified. the mechanism identified in the paper reduces the explanatory power reduces the R-square of a regression of aggregate investment on it this result contests in Section is In the presence of informational spillovers, the con- 6. We complements our formalizations of exuberance and Keynesian beauty Before proceeding to and the possibility of multiple equilibria. 3.2.2 Comparative statics this, however, we first study certain comparative statics and multiplicity In the absence of information spillovers, the strength of the entrepreneurs' concern for asset prices, as measured by crucial. is A, is irrelevant for The next result Proposition 4 As long equilibrium outcomes. With information spillovers, instead, shows how a higher A reinforces the amplification get concern some is equal to Ai for all entrepreneurs and value for the noise-to-signal ratio in aggregate investment. > A2 Ai joins the economy. Since this entrepreneur asset price remain unchanged. From (5), it is this entrepreneur's investment strategy will is concern for asset prices. intuition for this result, consider the following exercise. for asset prices effect of Corollary 1. as the equilibrium remains unique, the contribution of noise to aggregate volatility increases with \, the strength of the entrepreneurs' To it be is let ip\ Now a Suppose that the initial be the associated equilibrium new entrepreneur with concern infinitesimal, aggregate investment and the easy to see that, relative to any other entrepreneur, tilted in favor of the correlated signal y. The reason the one discussed before. Relative to the idiosyncratic signal x which contains information only about 9, latter impacts the asset price, a higher concern the correlated signal y contains information also about the common for the latter induces the error e. Because the entrepreneur to respond Formally, let K denote the projection of equilibrium A" on 6\ that is, consider the regression of realized investment — A is orthogonal to the projection A, we have that Var(K) = on realized fundamentals. Since the residual Var(K) + Var{K — A). That is, aggregate volatility can the be decomposed in two components: Var(K), which represents the fundamental component, and Var(K — K), which represents the non-fundamental component. The contribution of noise to aggregate volatility is then defined as the fraction Var(K - K)/Var(K). In our baseline - K depends on a single noise shock and the fraction Var(K — K)/Var(K) is simply an model, the residual 14 K K increasing transformation of residual K — A', tp. model of Appendix B, there are multiple noise shocks driving the and 2 continue to hold for the fraction Var(K — K)/Var(K). In the generalized but the results in Corollaries 1 11 "1 more to y relative to x. Next, let the concern for asset prices increase to A2 for all entrepreneurs economy, but continue in the noise-to-signal ratio given y, by assume that the signal to As ip\. all 2 received by the financial market has a entrepreneurs start responding more to the correlated signal aggregate investment starts responding relatively more to the noise proves that the mapping F increasing in A for any given is (p. Formally, this argument e. Next, consider what happens as the traders realize that the entrepreneurs' incentives have changed in the aforementioned manner. Because aggregate investment has become a noisier signal of the fundamentals, the traders find optimal to respond less to to £ could either increase or either reinforce or As a it. This fall. dampen the result, the response of the price to 8 response its once acknowledged by the entrepreneurs, can last effect, initial effect of while falls, it the higher Formally, F(F(tpi)) could be either A. higher or lower than F(tpi). However, as long as the equilibrium remains unique, the fixed point of r necessarily inherits the comparative statics of F, Interestingly, however, as financial sector may which proves the A increases enough, the two-way feedback between the get sufficiently reinforced that fixed points are associated with self-fulfilling F may admit multiple they make asset prices more is an open set and the Different fixed points. respond more to the correlated signal sensitive to noise shocks relative to fundamental shocks, turn justifies their stronger response to the correlated signal Proposition 5 There real prophecies regarding the quality of the signal that the real sector sends to the financial market: as the entrepreneurs y, result. S C R5 such that, for which in y. all (A, TTg,ir x , Tr y , w ) e S, there exist 7r multiple equilibria. This multiplicity originates merely from the information spillover between the real and the financial sector of the economy. It is thus distinct from the one that emerges in coordination models of crises such as Diamond and Dybvig (1983) and Obstfeld (1996). Rather, one in it is Gennotte and Leland (1990) and Barlevy and Veronesi (2003). These papers closer to the also document multiplicity results that originate in information spillovers. However, these papers abstract economic activity and focus on spillovers that and uninformed traders. In our between the both real real sector and the emerge within the financial market, setting, instead, the multiplicity rests financial market and can manifest from real between informed on the two-way feedback itself as sunspot volatility in investment and asset prices. Clearly, this possibility only reinforces the message of our paper: the mechanism we have identified can contribute to significant non-fundamental volatility, not only by amplifying the impact of correlated errors in information, but also by opening the door to additional volatility driven by sunspots. 15 4 Beauty contests and exuberance In the preceding analysis, equilibria. We now we studied the economy from the perspective of rational-expectations look at the problem from a different angle, one that permits us to uncover the can play in our role that higher-order uncertainty setting. This in turn helps explain the way in which our framework provides a formalization of the notions of "beauty contests" and "exuberance." We do so in three steps. game among the coordination differences from, previous class of coordination clarify that "noise" 4.1 work that has attempted real but also metaphor with a certain and the is best understood as a signaling-cum-trade financial sector of the economy. Finally, in our we game discuss the various forms that our economy. game among coordination in of the information spillover with the option to trade; this helps and "exuberance" may take A to capture Keynes' to, games. Second, we explain that the role of higher-order uncertainty our formalization of "beauty contests" between the represented as a entrepreneurs; this helps us highlight certain similarities on the combination setting rests we show how our Walrasian economy can be First, Substituting condition (2) into condition the entrepreneurs (3), we can express the traders' expectation of the funda- mentals, and therefore the equilibrium price, as a linear function of aggregate investment. Replacing the resulting expression into the entrepreneurs' optimality condition Proposition 6 In any equilibrium, there exist scalars acq, the following result. (5) leads to Kg and a such that the equilibrium investment choices solve the following fixed-point problem: k(x,y) Furthermore, a > if and only if =E facilitates + K, g 6 high investment a positive signal about 9), which in turn This result KQ is + aK{6,i) is x,y (7) , "good news" about profitability (i.e., necessarily the case whenever the equilibrium a certain game-theoretic representation of our economy: is we if conveys unique. fix the equilibrium response of the financial market, the equilibrium investment decisions can be repre- sented as the Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium of a coordination best responses given by condition (7) and with the coefficient complementarity in this game. game among the entrepreneurs, with a measuring the degree Importantly, the origin of the coordination motive of strategic is the infor- mational spillover between the real and the financial sector. Although each entrepreneur alone is too small to have any impact on market prices, the entrepreneurs as a group can influence the beliefs of the traders and hence the equilibrium price. 16 This naturally leads to a complementarity investment decisions: the higher the aggregate investment, the higher the traders' expec- in their tation about the profitability of the which each entrepreneur will this in turn puts constraints new investment be able to opportunity, and hence the higher the price at sell his capital. Of on the extent that the entrepreneurs can collectively "manipulate" the traders' beliefs. Nevertheless, as the above proposition establishes, a coordination motive among and course, the traders recognize this, is present the entrepreneurs as a long as the traders look at investment as a signal of the underlying fundamentals. This game-theoretic representation, in turn, establishes a useful parallel between our model and a class of games with incomplete information and linear best responses analyzed, As by Morris and Shin (2002) and Angeletos and Pavan (2007, 2009). work, strategic complementarity (a earlier > 0) tilts it is among others, known from this the equilibrium use of information towards correlated sources of information, which in turn offers an alternative angle on what drives the result in Proposition 3 regarding the response of individual investment to the different signals. Furthermore, Morris and Shin (2002), and a growing body of research thereafter, have associated the aforementioned class of linear-quadratic games with Keynes' beauty contest metaphor. This approach puts aside the micro-foundations of what these games represent and instead focuses on the fact that these games help capture the dependence of equilibrium outcomes on higher-order From beliefs. this perspective, and if one treats the equilibrium response of the financial market as exogenous, our economy can be interpreted as a beauty contest However, tarity in our it is important to note that, in contrast to this economy is among the entrepreneurs. earlier work, the strategic complemen- endogenous: as already mentioned, the complementarity originates in the information spillover between the real and the financial sector, not in any direct payoff externality, production spillover, and the 15 The beauty contest game between the 4.2 An like. even more appealing — at least in our view real and the financial sector — formalization of "beauty contests" obtains if one does not abstract from the micro- foundations and instead focuses on the endogeneity of the response of the financial market. 15 With and For example, labor market. "beauty contest" then emerges as a game between the real and the market interactions, the degree of strategic complementarity a can be either positive Section 6.2 we consider a variant of our baseline model that introduces a competitive In this variant, higher aggregate investment raises the demand for labor, which in turn increases richer payoffs or negative. A richer in equilibrium wages and reduces the expected return on capital. As a result, a source of strategic substitutability emerges. Alternatively, Angeletos and La'O (2009a) consider a Walrasian economy in which specialization commodities introduce strategic complementarity (a > 0) even in the absence of an information spillover. However, as we show in Appendix B, the following is true within a rich class of environments that can accomodate the aforementioned effects: relative to a situation without information spillovers, the signaling (a < 0) and trade of differentiated role of aggregate investment necessarily tilts the entrepreneurs' best responses in the direction of more strategic complementarity (or less strategic substitutability), exactly as in the baseline model considered here. In this sense, our result that the information spillover is a source of strategic complementarity is quite robust. 17 economy, that financial sector of the rather than as a To game among the more see this clearly, between the entrepreneurs, as a group, and the entrepreneurs. if they hold on their capital, and the price at which they p, own beliefs about their first-order beliefs If 9, may capital in the financial market. It follows that the entrepreneurs only need to forecast the in turn, is pinned down by This implies that the behavior of the entrepreneurs is pinned down by fundamentals and the behavior of the traders. The traders' behavior, their traders, note that in our model the entrepreneurs' payoffs depend only on the exogenous return they receive sell their is, 9. about 9 and by their second-order beliefs about the traders' beliefs about 9. the traders' beliefs about the fundamentals had been exogenous, this would have been the end of the story do matter — beliefs of in our setting sector of the higher order would have not mattered. In contrast, higher-order beliefs because the informational economy makes the signal conveyed spillover traders' beliefs endogenous. between the real and the Indeed, in order to interpret the by aggregate investment, the traders must form behind the entrepreneurs' actions. actions are pinned down by their By beliefs own about the entrepreneurs' first-order first- beliefs about the entrepreneurs' second-order about the driving forces the argument in the preceding paragraph, the entrepreneurs' and second-order beliefs. about the fundamentals, and hence their behavior, depend on beliefs financial It beliefs their second-order beliefs (i) about the fundamentals and (ii) about their own first-order to forecast the behavior of the traders, the entrepreneurs must form follows that the traders' their third-order beliefs beliefs. beliefs But then, in order about the traders' higher-order beliefs, and so on. These observations make clear that higher-order uncertainty plays a role in our economy only because of the information spillover from the entrepreneurs to the traders. Furthermore, the presence of strategic uncertainty within the group of the entrepreneurs, while empirically appealing, is not strictly needed for our mechanism. In the variant with heterogeneous priors studied in Section 6.1, we can allow the entrepreneurs to share the ization of "beauty contests" is same information. In these respects, our formal- perhaps more closely related to Townsend (1984), who emphasizes the role of higher-order uncertainty in settings with endogenous learning, than to Morris and Shin (2002), 4.3 who emphasize the role of strategic uncertainty in coordination games. Noise and exuberance The preceding equilibrium, discussion helps recognize the following. we assumed a particular information To facilitate the characterization of the structure that permitted us to guess and verify the fixed point directly instead of working with the infinite regression of higher-order role of higher-order uncertainty then manifested itself The only in the amplification of the correlated errors in the entrepreneurs' information about the fundamentals. 18 beliefs. However, with more general information structures, "noise" or "exuberance" could also originate from shocks to higher-order beliefs. Indeed, following Angeletos and La'O (2009b), one could introduce shocks that move higher- order beliefs without affecting either the fundamentals or any agent's exogenous information about the fundamentals. These shocks would then cause fluctuations in investment and asset prices that would look a sunspot fluctuations, even though they would not be triggered by correlation lot like devices and they would not rest on equilibrium multiplicity. Combining these observations with the of "exuberance" we propose and (iii) the formalization paper can take any of the following three forms: in this of correlated errors in information about the fundamentals; to higher-order beliefs; we conclude that results of Section 3, (ii) (i) amplification fluctuations originating from shocks sunspot fluctuations. Either of these forms captures variation in equilibrium outcomes that likely would seem "hard to reconcile with fundamentals" in the eyes of an outside observer; they are possible spillover in our setting because, between the two sectors of the economy. In Section form of "exuberance" that can obtain in and only because, of the information 6.1, we discuss a fourth complementary a variant of our model with heterogeneous priors — this variant, permits us to reinterpret the correlated error e of our baseline model as a form of "bias" in beliefs, without, however, abandoning the axiom of rationality. Finally, whereas the entire preceding discussion focuses on positive aspects, we believe that a proper formalization of "exuberance," "sentiments," "beauty contests," and the like should also capture the normative aspects of these ideas. Indeed, references to these notions typically come together with an argument tioning of the —more or less explicit —that there economy and that the government should is something "wrong" intervene. in the func- Keynes himself brought up his famous beauty-contest metaphor, and talked more generally about "animal an explicit attempt to make a case that the market mechanism can be spirits," as inefficient, part of not merely to describe market behavior. In this regard, the normative results of the next section are an integral part of our formalizations of "exuberance" and "beauty contests." This work where the normative aspect and Wincoop, 2005) or imposed is in either ignored (e.g., Allen, Morris an ad hoc manner (e.g., is in contrast to previous and Shin, 2006; Bacchetta Morris and Shin, 2002). and Policy 5 Efficiency The analysis so far focused on the positive properties of the equilibrium. normative properties and to policy implications. 1!) We now turn to its Constrained efficiency 5.1 In the environment considered in this paper, the government could obviously improve upon the competitive equilibrium it public — this could collect all the information dispersed in the economy and would remove any asymmetry of information and would achieve the cation. In practice, question if it it we address seems implausible that the government be able to perform here is make first-best allo- this task. 16 The whether the government can improve upon the equilibrium by manip- ulating the agents' incentives through taxes, regulation, and other policy interventions. consider a notion of constrained efficiency that is We thus designed to address this question, without getting into the details of specific policy instruments. Namely, we consider a planner who can dictate to the how to use their available information but that cannot transfer information from one agent to another. Angeletos and Pavan (2007, 2009) propose and study such a notion of constrained agents efficiency within a class of games with dispersed information; here, we adapt this notion to the Walrasian economy under consideration by embedding the aforementioned information constraint into otherwise standard definitions of feasible Definition 2 A and Pareto-optimal allocations. feasible allocation is a collection of investment choices k t , one for each entrepreneur, together with a collection of consumption choices c#, one for each entrepreneur and for each trader in each period, that jointly satisfy the following constraints: (i) resource feasibility: Ci\di < — e };ki di, I JiZ[0,l/2] i€[0,l] ci2di < Ctfdi < Jig [0,1] / e + Jie[o,i] with Cj3 = all i such that Si = t (i.e., for all entrepreneurs hit by the shock). informational feasibility: for each entrepreneur (ii) (xi,y), Cj2 trader for dk di / 7ie[o,i/2] i G is contingent on {xi, (1/2,1], en is y, Si, K, uj), and non- contingent, c^ is Cjs is i G [0,1/2], en and are contingent on ki contingent on (xi,y,s z K,u>,0); for each , contingent on (K,ui), and C& is contingent on (K,u,6). Definition 3 An efficient allocation is a feasible allocation that is not dominated by any other feasible allocation. 16 Why the government may not be able to centralize the information that is dispersed in the economy is an important and difficult question that, as emphasized by Hayek, rests at the heart of the market mechanism. Clearly, this question is beyond the scope of this paper. 'JO Because of the linearity of preferences consumption, efficiency leaves the distribution of in consumption across periods indeterminate. Moreover, the distribution of consumption across agents will depend strategy in general on the point chosen on the Pareto uniquely determined and is is Q= J Ok-idi measures the efficient investment the one that maximizes the following welfare objective: W=E where However, the frontier. level of Q- kfdi \ aggregate output at t = i 3 and where | J. kfdi represents the social cost of producing this level of aggregate output. Equivalently, W = E[ek(x,y)-±k(x,y) which leads to the following characterization of the Proposition 7 The efficient is given by =E = 6 all The (x, y) \<i\x, (x,y), where the coefficients 5o, S x efficient , y] and + (8) ], investment strategy. investment strategy k almost efficient 2 5x x 5 y are the + S x y, same (9) as in Proposition investment strategy thus coincides with the equilibrium strategy with no information spillovers. It 1. in the benchmark follows that our key positive result has a normative counterpart. Corollary 2 (Main normative prediction) In the presence of information spillovers, the con- tribution of noise to aggregate volatility is inefficiently high. As anticipated in the previous section, this result provides the tion of "exuberance" and "beauty contests." The intuition for this' normative basis of our formalizaresult is quite simple. The agents investment decisions possess information that permits them to forecast not only in charge of real the long-run profitability of their investments but also the mispricing of this profitability by other agents at subsequent stages of financial trades. turn gives from a rise to a "speculative return," which social viewpoint. of information away from The market markets. By aggregation formation is efficiency, is possibility of forecasting such a mispricing in however purely private and hence not warranted tilts the we mean the way entrepreneurs respond to their sources with negative implications for welfare. friction that sustains this inefficiency this is Such a private benefit The is only the absence of perfectly revealing following. In Walrasian settings, the absence of perfect information tightly connected to missing markets: perfectly revealed through prices, and a 21 when markets are complete, first-best allocation is all relevant in- obtained (Grossman, 1981). In this sense, our normative result necessarily rests on some missing market. However, has nothing to do with borrowing constraints, incomplete risk-sharing and the only essential market friction is like. the one that limits the aggregation of information: emerges robustly as long as the financial market looks at the this Rather, the inefficiency real sector's activity as a signal of the underlying fundamentals. 17 Finally, note that Corollary 2 have focused on. When presumes that the equilibrium is the case we means that, Since this property 9. when clearly satisfied is there are multiple equilibria, of all them by the efficient are inefficient. Policy implications 5.2 While the preceding analysis suggests that there exist policies that improve upon equilibrium welfare without requiring the government to centralize the information that is does not spell out the details of the specific policies that permit to do aimed may at reducing asset price volatility Our achieve this goal. motivated by two considerations. First, there is unique, which there are multiple equilibria, the result holds for any equilibrium in which aggregate investment increases with allocation, this also is is dispersed in the economy, so. We now show how it policies focus on this class of policies a vivid debate on whether central bankers, or governments more generally, should try to tame "exuberant" movements in asset prices. Second, such policies look a priori plausible in our setting, since the inefficiency in our model rests on how financial markets respond to the signals sent by the real sector. Consider a proportional tax r on financial trades at more broadly a variety of policies that may may we let For simplicity, the tax to is meant to capture is assumed to be paid by the buyers (here may be contingent on the level of asset the tax rate r be contingent on p: T where This tax 2, include not only taxes on capital gains but the traders). To capture the idea that policy intervention prices, — introduce a "wedge" between the asset price and the underlying private valuations of the asset; this also regulatory interventions. t and tp are The equilibrium scalars chosen = T (p) = + Tp p, T (10) by the government. 18 price in the financial market now P=—+— 1 T„ satisfies E[0|A>]-TO V p = E[0\K, . u>] - r (p), which yields (11) / For example, we could allow the entrepreneurs to trade at t = 1 securities ("futures") whose returns are correlated 9; as long the price of these securities is not perfectly revealing of 9, the financial market at t = 2 would continue with to look at the equilibrium 1 The revenues distribution of this K collected as a signal of 9, by lump-sum this and our results would go through. tax are rebated as a lump-sum transfer. transfer is irrelevant. 22 Because of linear preferences, the hi If the tax is procyclical, in the sense that to the traders' expectation of 8, rp > and thereby 0, its effect is e, investment to K because entrepreneurs assign relative K becomes a more precise signal of the fundamentals 9, and thereby also to the noise were not the case, the second on We infer that policies real economic effect aimed However, the e. first effect would not emerge As level, this some less making weight to prices y, namely it is aggregate more responsive — must always dominate for, if that in the first place. at stabilizing asset prices can extent, tends to this happens, a second, dampen the relative impact of noise Furthermore, a wide range of numerical results suggest that activity. desirable to do so to At the aggregate (5). responsive to noise relatively to fundamentals. countervailing effect emerges: the response of asset prices thereby also dampening the relative bias towards the correlated signal in the entrepreneurs' best responses less dampen to the information contained in aggregate investment. This dampens the price response to the noise make investment to optimal to set rp £ (0, co). 19 reduce the impact of noise only by reducing the response of asset prices to it is always However, these policies all sources of variation in the traders' expectations of their valuation of capital. In so doing, they also reduce the response of asset prices to the fundamentals themselves. As the real sector anticipates this, the absolute response of real economic activity to fundamentals also goes down, which entails a welfare since that response was already inefficiently low. It follows that this improve welfare, but cannot possibly restore Proposition 8 Consider loss, kind of policy intervention can efficiency. the policies defined by (10). As long as the equilibrium, remains unique, a higher tp necessarily reduces the contribution of noise to aggregate volatility and, in so doing, can improve welfare. However, no policy in The this class can implement the constrained- efficient allocation. analysis above thus provides a rationale for policies without invoking either the presence of irrational forces wisdom on the side of the government. such policies: they economy this it participants or any superior highlights an important limitation of only by also dampening the response of the to fundamentals. The government, however, may do By at reducing asset price volatility, among market At the same time, may tame unwanted exuberance aimed we mean better by considering policies that are contingent on a wider more sophisticated policy interventions. set of publicly-available signals about both the exogenous fundamentals and the endogenous level of economic activity. In particular, consider a tax on capital trades whose rate 19 is contingent, not only on the asset price p, but also on aggregate is positive, we have found this to be we have randomly drawn 10,000 values of the parameter vector (A, -Re, tt x 7r u 7^, A) from (0, 1) x M.\. For each such vector, we have numerically computed the value of tp that maximizes welfare and we have found this to be strictly positive. At the same time, we could show that a policy of While we have not been able to prove a formal result that the optimal tp the case for an extensive search of the parameter space: , full 20 , price stabilization The equilibrium is (i.e., tp — > oo) is never optimal. necessarily unique if A and rp are small enough. 23 investment K: r where To,rp ,Tfc are By scalars. of investment on asset prices trepreneurs' noise prices respond — r(p, K) = choosing tk > + Tp p + tk K, t 0, and thereby ensure that more strongly to all asset prices 0, the signaling effect no longer respond to the en- the government can ensure that asset other sources of information that the traders have about the fundamentals (here summarized in the signal In fact, conditioning the tax on the asset price u>). accomplishes the same as conditioning the tax on the signal 8. dampen the government can At the same time, by choosing tp < e. (12) ui, In terms of the game-theoretic representation of Proposition and thereby on the fundamentals 6, this means that an appropriate combination of tk and tv permits the government to control separately a, the degree of strategic complementarity in investment decisions, and of) the fundamentals. It relative Kg, the sensitivity of best responses to (expectations then follows that these contingencies permit the government to reduce the impact of the noise while at the same time raising the absolute impact of the fundamentals, therefore restoring full efficiency. Proposition 9 Consider the policies defined by (12). These policies can control separately the response of aggregate investment to noise and fundamentals. Furthermore, there exists a policy in this class that implements the constrained efficient allocation as the unique equilibrium. This result highlights the distinct role that state-contingent policies can play economy the decentralized use of information, and thereby the response of the fundamental and noise shocks, when information focusing on taxes on financial trades, its is dispersed. applicability eventual capital returns (or firms' profits). If this is tax it can affect is non-contingent, then (e.g., the price p and aggregate investment 6K as of t different states of nature; this is way can it across affect the all states of the average level of investment and the average level of the price, certain public signals — this insight broader. For example, consider a tax on but cannot affect their response to the underlying shocks. In contrast, aggregate output to the underlying While we illustrated incentives faced by the entrepreneurs and/or the traders only in a uniform nature. In so doing, in controlling 3), K if this tax as of t — 2, is contingent on or the realized then this tax can impact incentives in a different way across because different states of nature, and different information are associated with different expectations at t — 1 regarding these contingencies. It sets, follows that these contingencies can help control the response of the economy to the underlying fundamental and noise shocks, much well alike the taxes on financial trades studied above. 21 Whether such state-contingent policies are time-consistent or politically feasible is an important question, but beyond the scope of this paper. Also, the ability of such state-contingent policies to restore full efficiency may well rest on special features of our model, such as the absence of risk aversion and the ability of the government to perfectly observe the signals that the real sector sends to financial markets. However, the (weaker) result that these 24 We conclude this section by considering policies that directly affect the information available In particular, towards capturing the role of the government in collecting various to the market. data on economic activity at either the sectorial or the macroeconomic of our model where the financial market observes only a noisy statistic of K. that the government can control the quality, or precision, of this statistic. the precision of this signal, the fundamental. It more the weight that the the response of asset prices to aggregate investment it — is subject to essentially the price-stabilization policies: same 22 We trade-offs as those it Suppose further Clearly, the higher when estimating the this statistic to essentially in the with the price-stabilization policies considered above. precision traders assign to government can use the precision of follows that the consider a variant level, same way as manipulate it could do optimal infer that the choice of the emphasized for the aforementioned increasing the precision of this statistic increases the response of real economic activity to the fundamentals, but also exacerbates the relative impact of intermediate quality of macroeconomic statistics the cost of improving this quality is may noise. thus be optimal in our context, even An when negligible. Discussion and extensions 6 In this section we discuss various extensions that help reinforce the message of the paper. by providing a possible reinterpretation of our priors. We We start results within a variant that introduces heterogeneous then continue by enriching the "real" and the "financial" side of the economy. Heterogeneous priors 6.1 Our analysis has imposed that this assumption may be hard unfamiliarity of the all agents share a common prior. While new investment opportunities, different agents of rationality accommodate macroeconomics, have different priors about about the informativeness of available signals priors about the joint distribution of the fundamentals analysis can may in Rather, because of the to justify during the episodes of interest. their likely profitability, as well as how our standard and the this possibility, while at the and a non-paternalistic approach available signals). (i.e., different We now discuss same time maintaining the axiom to policy. how agents respond to their different sources of information, and in so doing control the impact of noise and fundamental shocks, is not sensitive to the details of our model. See Angeletos and Pavan (2009) for the broader applicability of this insight, and Angeletos and La'O (2009a) and Lorenzoni (2010) for applications contingencies can control in canonical business-cycle 22 models. is a formal equivalence between the two policies. Let the statistic of aggregate Gaussian noise with variance 1/ttv For each 7r c there is a price elasticity rp of the tax in (10) that induces the same response of the price to aggregate investment in the economy with perfect observability of and vice versa. In fact, it is easy to show that there investment be A" K = K+ <;, where ? is , , 25 It is easy to show that our results extend to a variant of our model where the entrepreneurs and the traders have is different priors about and where these priors are common knowledge. This because both the amplification result of Corollary 1 and the inefficiency result of Corollary 2 are driven merely by the presence of an information spillover between the two groups, which remains present irrespective of whether or not these groups share the same prior on Perhaps more if we interestingly, a complementary form may emerge of "exuberance" in our setting allow for heterogeneous priors about the informativeness of available signals. In particular, consider a variant where the signal y informative of the fundamentals only in the minds of is the entrepreneurs; the traders, instead, believe that y prior 6. = that y is are mutually + while the traders' prior e, known and the rest of the model variation in the entrepreneurs' beliefs that is is is pure noise. Formally, the entrepreneurs' that y — These differences e. unchanged. Under in prior beliefs this specification, y causes considered "unjustified" from the traders' perspective. However, from the entrepreneurs' perspective, information about 6 which is is the traders' refusal to believe that y contains it is "unjustified." Furthermore, these differences in opinions are mutually accepted: the agents have agreed to disagree. Finally, these differences in opinions do not involve any form of naivete or irrationality: given his prior and his information, each agent forms rational expectations about the fundamentals, the prices, and the other agents' actions; and this fact common knowledge. Because the entrepreneurs believe that y react to it even if y. is informative about is they would find it. On it if about 6. when the In contrast, far is uncorrelated y impacts the entrepreneurs' own traders do not directly observe y aggregate investment as a signal of the fundamentals, they are not able to in optimal to they could directly follows that, in the absence of an information spillover, the price It it the other hand, because pure noise, they would themselves not react to with y while aggregate investment responds to y only in so beliefs #, they believe that the price did not correlate with the traders believe that y observe is and instead look tell at apart movements investment that are driven by signals that the traders themselves consider informative about 9 (here captured by the signals x) be an unjustified "bias" in the from the movements that are driven by what the traders believe to in the entrepreneurs' beliefs (here presence of an information spillover, the price the entrepreneurs' incentive to respond to that the interpretation of "noise" correlated error in their own eyes of the traders, "noise" is is now y. is captured by the signal correlated with y, which in turn reinforces In other words, Corollary different. y). It follows that, From 1 continues to hold, except the eyes of the entrepreneurs, "noise" is information, exactly as in the benchmark model, whereas from the now synonymous to a "bias" in the entrepreneurs' beliefs. This extension permits us to capture the idea that many market players often appear to believe that they "know better" than the rest of the market, while at same time recognizing that 26 other market players may also think in a symmetric way. model speculative movements recent literature that uses heterogeneous priors to (Scheinkman and Xiong, 2003) and differentiates 23 this literature allows for how information the equilibrium impact of certain "biases" as some agents cannot investment or asset price spillover that boom is spillovers is at the may amplify apart whether the observed tell driven by "hard information" or by the "biases" of other agents. Furthermore, our approach has distinct normative implications. To appreciate the concept of Pareto optimality allows for subjective probabilities. and the speculative forces studied open the door heterogeneous In contrast, by combining heterogeneous priors with dispersed informa- our approach helps uncover a novel positive result: priors, in asset prices Nevertheless, our analysis symmetric information, thus ruling out the information core of our analysis. tion, real investment (Panageas, 2005). from this literature in one crucial respect: priors but imposes brings our paper closer to the It also that follows that heterogeneous aforementioned literature, do not by themselves Rather, one has also to take a paternalistic stand that to policy intervention. the priors of some agents are "wrong" in the It this, recall —a stand that we have sought to avoid. In contrast, once heterogeneous priors are combined with the information spillovers we have highlighted, the consequent amplification of the perceived "biases" non-paternalistic planner who undesirable even under the perspective of a is evaluates each agent's ex-ante utility using the agent's own prior, not some other prior that he judges more appropriate. In other words, the property that agents respond to their own "biases" symptom not per se a is of inefficiency under a non-paternalistic perspective; but the property that information spillovers amplifies this response Richer specification of the real sector 6.2 We now consider a certain variant of the real sector of our model, one that introduces a competitive labor market. The production technology uses as inputs not only capital as in the baseline model, but also labor. For tractability, this technology requiring n units of labor at n > 0. labor is The t = net return to capital 3 in order to is thus r supplied only by the traders. 24 labor. Their intertemporal budget, where the last m— {r— p)qi assumed to be H is where w for some denotes the wage rate. For simplicity, now given by u % = cji+Cj2+Cj3 — H{ti), a strictly convex function representing the disutility of on the other hand, + wli - Leontief, with one unit of capital produce 8 units of the consumption good, — 9 — um, term represents labor income. to a constant, as is Their preferences are where 4 denotes labor supply and where up is. It is given by follows that H(£i). 23 The c,;i we can +Cj2 + cj3 = 2>e+{r — p)qi+wli, express the payoff of a trader, payoff of a surviving entrepreneur, on the In particular, the aforementioned papers allow different agents to disagree on the informativeness of different exogenous signals about the fundamentals, but assume that all the signals are commonly observed. It follows that there is nothing to be learned from observing the behavior of other agents. 24 Allowing the entrepreneurs to also supply labor, or introducing a third class of agents ("workers") whose only role in the economy is to supply labor would not change the results in any significant way. 27 other hand, We is = in rki — hkf, while that of (at [1/2,1], while labor = t for labor w = H'(nK), and r — - pqh as u = V {9 K, q i t { ) ) By nK). is [1/2, 1], expressed 6 e (9,K,k) side, = [6 - H'{nK)n]k. = \K l vestment = V^(9,K,XK) (at t — 1). and where m = pki—^kf. is First, consider wages = w i for all G Leontief assumption, — ti £ — nK for all follows that the payoff of a trader can be - H'(nK)n]q + H'(nK)nK - H(nK), can be expressed as U{ = V e (6,K,ki) — ^ fy where where V\6, K, q) = [9 , = t 2). Optimality on the traders' in equilibrium, implies that =E p where v It Next, consider asset prices (at along with the fact that q ^e = n ^ Ow implication, in equilibrium, - H'(nK)n. while the payoff of a surviving entrepreneur V by a liquidity shock Optimality of labor supply requires that H'(li) 3). market clearing requires that ^gn/2 11^ demand the aggregate 6 hit characterize the equilibrium of this variant by backward induction. and employment i an entrepreneur E t [-] t t [v (13) ], Finally, consider in- denotes the traders' expectation. Substituting the price into the entrepreneurs' optimality condition gives the following equilibrium condition: ki^ilwil+XEilEtlv^-v*], where W{ = (1 - X)V^(9, K, ki) + XV* (9, K, XK) and where E,-[-] (14) denotes the entrepreneur's expec- tation. These results have a simple interpretation. ities, or the reduced-form payoffs, solved out. The dependence First, the functions V e V and f represent indirect util- which emerge once equilibrium employment and wages have been of these payoffs on K reflects the pecuniary externalities associated with the labor market: higher aggregate investment raises the demand for labor, wages and depressing the return to investment. l Second, the variable v thereby raising represents the marginal valuation of capital for a trader. Third, the variable Wi represents the marginal valuation for an entrepreneur who expects to get a price equal to v l when he sells his capital. In finance jargon, these variables represent the "fundamental valuation" of capital, or the "fundamental return" to investment. Finally, the expression the error that the traders that is, term in condition (14) Ejfi)'] make — v\ represents the pricing error in in estimating their own the financial market, valuation of the asset. The last then represents the entrepreneurs' forecast of such a pricing error; this term captures a "speculative" return component akin to the one in the baseline model. As in the baseline model, the pricing error is forecastable in the eyes of the entrepreneurs only because they have private information about the sources of variation behind the signal (aggregate investment) that they collectively send to the financial market. 28 Furthermore, this speculative component once again a zero-sum transfer between the traders and the entrepreneurs. These is observations suggest that the present variant continues to feature essentially the same kind of and amplification Appendix B, where we show that also to more We inefficiency highlighted in the baseline model. Corollaries flexible specifications of the and 2 extend not only 1 reduced-form payoffs verify these intuitions in to the present variant, but V and V e 1 that may summarize the 'Inner workings" of the real sector of the economy. Apart from illustrating the robustness of our insights to richer specifications of the real side of the economy, these results help clarify the notions of "fundamental" and "speculative" returns to investment. While these notions were tightly connected to the same exogenous random the baseline model, here they are allowed to have deeper micro- foundations. boom. A Furthermore, these how an episode of "exuberance" can be associated not only with high investment asset prices, but also with high employment, high wages, and an all-around economic results indicate and high variable in similar reasoning then implies that the signals that the real sector sends to the financial market need not be limited to aggregate investment; they should be interpreted more broadly as the information, in part public and in part private, that the real sector conveys to financial-market participants about real economic activity. 6.3 Richer specification of the financial market Next, we discuss extensions that may help capture the role of the financial market as a provider of information, as opposed to a simple receiver, as in the baseline model. This possibility introduces additional feedbacks between real and financial activity, which may actually reinforce the message of our paper. To 9, suppose that traders are start, they observe private signals of the form model of the financial Grossman and market Stiglitz (1976) u>i — for the asset is 9 + closer to the literature and Hellwig rfr, where all rn is noise. This would make the on rational expectations (1980). Specifically, display constant absolute risk aversion and that demand an exogenous public signal about risk averse and, instead of random assume that the in the tradition of traders' preferences variables are Gaussian. Each trader's then given by ft = *&^, (15) rvan[6] where E z \9] = risk aversion. E[9\wi,p, K], Vari{9} = Var[9\LUi,p, K] and where F Note that the market clearing price now serves as a the information dispersed among sources of variation in the demand is the coefficient of absolute signal about 9, for it aggregates the traders. However, as long as there are additional unobserved or supply of the asset, the equilibrium price will not be perfectly L"J revealing. For example, suppose the noises u>i which is a noisy signal of shock are allowed to trade common shock that is in are correlated: the price will then reveal the average suppose that the entrepreneurs not Finally, 6. rji by the hit liquidity the financial market, but their valuations are subject to an additional Once not observable by the traders. again, this shock guarantees that the price does not perfectly reveal the fundamental to the traders. K as a signal of perfectly revealing, the traders will continue to use our information-driven complementarity would still be present 25 As long as the price is not Therefore, the key source of 9. in this extension. Furthermore, because our mechanism reduces the informativeness of aggregate investment, also implies that the traders end up faced by each trader, Var^d], higher risk premium have about 9. for it The higher. When this is less information: the conditional uncertainty the case, each trader will not only require a holding the asset, but also react less to any private information she may equilibrium price will then also do a worse job in aggregating this information, be relatively more sensitive to other sources of aggregate will mechanism may side, this for is with in equilibrium noise. It follows that our also reduce the informational efficiency of the financial market. means that our mechanism may non-fundamental it On volatility. premia raise risk in financial On the positive markets and amplify their the normative side, the increased uncertainty may also exacerbate the misallocation of the asset, which in turn would reinforce our welfare implications: the planner would like entrepreneurs to react more to the fundamentals and emphasized in the baseline model, to the financial but also because this less to noise, would transmit more precise information market and thereby improve informational and allocative Next, suppose that we introduce efficiency. a second round of real investment decisions, which takes place after the financial market closes. round of investment not only for the reasons Now information would travel not only from the to the financial market, but also from the latter to the second first round of investment. This would capture the role of asset prices in guiding investment decisions by revealing valuable information that managers (e.g., Dow is dispersed in the marketplace and not directly available to corporate and Gorton, 1997, Subrahmanyam and Titman, 1999, Chen, Goldstein and Jiang, 2007). Importantly, our financial markets. This is mechanism would then imply a deterioration a direct implication of the argument made in this functioning of in the previous paragraph round of real invest- regarding the informational efficiency of asset prices. Alternatively, suppose that we introduce a financial ment. This market includes some informed traders, market before the who may or may rounds of trading, as well as some uninformed liquidity traders, whose first not be present at subsequent role is to preclude perfect in- formation aggregation. Suppose further that the entrepreneurs observe some private signals about ~5 Whether or not the price reveals 6 to the entrepreneurs reveal 8 to the traders, so that the traders continue to use is K not crucial. The key as a signal of 8. For a is that the price does not perfectly analysis of an extension along full these lines, see Section 6.2 of the earlier version of this paper, Angeletos, Lorenzoni and Pavan (2007). 30 the trading positions of the informed traders; think of this assumption as a parable for the fact that investors and firm managers are often anxious by some key informed big players in financial to collect information about the positions taken markets. 26 Then, we could re-interpret some of the exogenous signals that the entrepreneurs receive in our model as imperfect private learning about the actions of these big players. signals —and thereby the In this case, the origin of the correlation in the entrepreneurs' initial source of "noise" or errors of these early traders. "exuberance" in our model —could well be the 27 Furthermore, because these earlier traders may themselves have some private information about the sources of variation behind the signals they send to entrepreneurs and later traders, they may also be able to forecast the errors made by these subsequent agents. An information-driven complementarity similar to the one that emerges in the entrepreneurs' investment decisions may then emerge also in the traders' positions. This complementarity, in turn, is likely to be stronger the higher the degree of short-termism of the traders: the more the early traders' portfolio choices are driven by forecasts of future pricing errors, as opposed to forecasts of the fundamentals, the stronger the complementarity in their choices, our model. An much what happens alike in the case of the entrepreneurs in extension along these lines could thus not only reinforce our results, but also bring our analysis closer to Froot, Scharfstein, and Stein (1992), Allen, Morris and Shin (2006), and other papers that study the implications of short-termism in financial markets. Conclusion 7 This paper examined the interaction between the real and the financial sector of a neoclassical economy with dispersed information about the profitability of a new investment conveying a positive signal about profitability, higher aggregate investment higher real activity —increases asset way feedback between real and prices, which financial activity — opportunity. or, more By broadly, in turn raises the incentives to invest. This two- makes real economic decisions sensitive to higher- order expectations and amplifies the impact of noise on equilibrium outcomes. As a result, economic agents may behave as if they exhibit fluctuations that were engaged may appear in a Keynesian "beauty contest" and the economy in the eyes of 26 an external observer as if may they were the product For the sake of this discussion, ignore the additional effects that may obtain when these big players attempt to manipulate asset prices and/or real economic activity. 2 Indeed, suppose that the entrepreneurs, in addition to the market-clearing price in the first round of trading, observe two purely idiosyncratic signals, one about the fundamentals 8 and one about the position Q of the early informed traders. Let these signals be i, = 8 + f, and y, = Q + ?, and impose that the noises f, and c, are independent across i and of any other random variable. Next, suppose that the equilibrium value of Q is a linear function of the early traders' average forecast of 8, which in turn is a linear function of 8 itself and some noise e: Q = j/)q + i/i 1 5 + i/j2£. The observation of the signal y, is then informational equivalent to the observation of the signal x l2 = —{yi - i/>o) = 8 + ^-e + -j-Si- Clearly, this is a private signal about 8, whose error is correlated across the entrepreneurs. A mechanism similar to the one in the baseline model is therefore once again at play. ' 31 of "irrational exuberance." Importantly, these effects are by the dispersion of information, and obtain While both irrationality tion policies that are contingent only of inefficiency, are driven purely an otherwise conventional, neoclassical, and our mechanism can not rest on any presumption of superior tals in symptoms wisdom on justify policy intervention, our the government's side. on publicly-available signals We showed how stabiliza- about the exogenous fundamen- Through a proper design of such contingencies, the gov- ernment can dampen the impact of noise on equilibrium outcomes, improve cases, approach does indirectly tax/subsidize the response of economic and the endogenous economic activity can agents to different sources of information. setting. welfare, and, in certain even attain a certain constrained-efficiency target. The analyzed in this paper are likely to be stronger during periods of intense techno- effects logical or institutional change, opportunities is likely to when the information about be highly dispersed. At some the profitability of level, this new investment seems consistent with the recent experiences surrounding the internet revolution or the explosion of investment opportunities in emerging economies. Our mechanism may, however, also be relevant tions. Indeed, information regarding aggregate supply and dispersed, as indicated by surveys of forecasts release of key to the ones macroeconomic documented statistics. in this paper ordinary cyclical fluctua- conditions seems to be widely financial markets' anxiety preceding the This opens the door to the possibility that may effects similar operate over the business cycle. Finally, our analysis has left aside credit finance relevant for investment decisions. and by the demand for market We spillover as the only source of amplification frictions that have done so and make the availability of outside in order to focus inefficiency. on the informational However, the episodes of interest appear to involve important interactions between credit markets, asset prices, and investment. An extension of our model that introduces collateral constraints as in Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) reveal additional amplification effects multiplier. asset prices, Episodes of "exuberance" but also in coming from the may interaction of our then manifest, not only exuberant credit booms. 32 in mechanism with a may credit exuberant investment and Appendix A: proofs Proof of Proposition The proof proceeds 2. the equilibrium characterization in the main text. proves existence of a equilibrium with [3X) (3y , /?#, pE Step in three steps. the details of 1 fills in Step 2 analyzes the fixed point problem and jg, , 7£ 7^ > Step 3 proves uniqueness of the 0. , equilibrium for A small enough. Step A' First note that there exist 1. no equilibria which in 0. Indeed, in any such equilibrium, would convey no information to the financial market. The equilibrium price would then simply be equal to E[#|uj]. Because this is an increasing function of would then impose that they react positively to both that fig — be equal to K would perfectly reveal 9 to the traders that responds positively to both x and equilibrium must satisfy fig analysis in the = j3 x + (3y ^ main text, the facts that = 0, nz = ny /^p 2 , E[6\x, y] = and + coefficients (/?o, Ac, (3y ) A, = f3£ (3y ^ are given = ?y - 0. - fi) + 0o Indeed, in any such it optimal to follow a linear strategy j3 £ = 0. Hence, any 0. given by is 5 X (x = any equilibrium the in price Substituting (4) into (5). 5 y (y - E[i\x,y] /j,), is = y is (5), — given by and using E[9\x, y], and given by + px x + (5y y, by the following: (l-/?x -/3 y M (16) ) ITy V Any find we have that the entrepreneurs' investment strategy k (x, y) where the = assumption which case the equilibrium price would in we then have that jj, j5E contradicting the assumption that y, and the entrepreneurs' investment strategy E[ijj|x,y] signals, thus contradicting the But then again each entrepreneur would 0. From the the entrepreneurs' best responses 8, Next, note that there exists no equilibrium in which 0. equilibrium, (4) = f3g + (fi" V [TTg + 7T W) J (nv % + ','f^ + J V ( <P {Kg (18) » TToj) equilibrium must thus satisfy (16)-(18), along with * Step 2. To Px + Py establish existence of a equilibrium in which 33 f3x , (3 y > 0, let b = Py /P.v - Dividing (18) by and noting that (17) — <p + b) 6/(1 yields 2 = 6 i i S^ *»+(&) Using the definitions of Sx and 5y , of (19) equivalent to the following function of is _5y mapping It is — = f2 b 1 = *" . — > limj-^+oo A F F (6) follows that finite. It tp' well defined is one can then show that the right-hand side (1 + 6) b F monotone transformation a b is F(b) identifies the mapping easy to see that * [(l-\)(l-6x )+n]b 2 +(2-\)6y b + 5y j Noting that 0. 1 (19) 6: \ ~^\ 1+ F(6) where + *«)-*&(% + lV«) (*« as in Proposition , ^--^. — mentioned T(tp) of main in the (p, we have text. and continuous over R+, with F(Sy /5x has at least one fixed point b > 5y /S x that the Given . > ) S y /5 X this value of existence of a equilibrium can be established by construction. First, the equilibrium value of obtained substituting of (16). 7tj given by (3X is Finally, in the Step @y /b and from the main = p text, + b) fact that 0g it is immediate To prove uniqueness, 3. into (18) also positive. is can be seen directly from Px an d b/ {1 (17). Py must correspond = (3 X and Given + (3y and first = e , the equilibrium value of and from the formulas (3 y , is Next, the equilibrium value notice that there exist no equilibria in which This in turn implies that A' > the right-hand side of (20) is strictly positive, for is j3y f3y 6, /?o is given by 7e and for 70, to see that all these coefficients are also positive. Next, note there exists F and (3X all such that, for any A G any [0, A'] - A) (1 - 5X ) + fi]6 2 + This the denominator in the fraction in (2 - A) 6 y b + when A G that, defined and continuously differentiable over the entire real 5X {[(1 0. defined in (20). G R. This implies b @x — equilibria, irrespective of the sign of F to a fixed point of the function , the function clearly positive. is and [0, A'], with line, 5y } Moreover, lim F{b) b—»— 00 = lim F(b) b—>+oo =FOQ = case, F is suppose 5y = (1 - A) (1 - 8X ) + f2. ^ (1 - A) (1 - Sx ) + Q. Then F' < Sy + (1 A'. - a) (1 We now - sx ) +n > IT-. need to consider two cases. First, — -1/2. In this respectively, by F_ = F( — 1/2) and F = F^,. Second, (6) has two zeros, respectively at b = 61 and at b = 62, The function bounded from below and above, 1 X Thus, from now one, restrict attention to A suppose 6y -^- F 34 then has a global minimum at b where -sy - v/ [(i-\)(i-5x -5y )+m> and s b - iy - (1 - A) (1 iy) - n - a <y -jy + v[(i-A)(i-^-^)+nF; 5y-(l-\)(l-5x -6y)-n s 62 " " ^ (1 — A) 5q + O, the function F then has a global minimum at F = F (62) and a global maximum at F = F (b{). It is easy to check that in all the cases considered both F and F converge to 5y /6 x as A — 0. But then F converges uniformly to 5 y /S x as A — 0. It follows that for any When 5y > > > e [S there exists a A 0, y /5X ~e,5y /5x + Now, with a Fon slight and A > 1. It > £ — e, follows that, A if < A, Proof of Proposition <p fix £ < From (0,1). 5X and > fiy has no fixed point outside the interval continuous in b at F (5 with = A) (6; F (6; A), {5y /5x ,0) such that dF{b; X)/db (0, A] to highlight the dependence of < F is +e], . -i, 5y /6 x +i] that there exist e b $ continuous and differentiable in [d 6, — y /S x £, 5y /6 x > + e], with dF(b; X)/db < result. In any of the equilibria identified in Proposition conditions (17) and (18) in the proof of that proposition, 6y 0. It we have [5y /6x has at most one fixed point, which establishes the 3. = £ the following are true: for any [0, A], y /5 x and 8F(Sy /5x ;0)/db for all b 1 results with the continuity of F(-; A), A £ all [(^/tfa: is and A £ such that, for 7^ b; for 6 F (b) abuse of notation, replace Combining these [0, A], F A, e]. follows that there exist i and A £ < so that, whenever A A' Notice that 8F(b; X)/db A. F (6; A) < 2, we have that then follows that it Moreover, the two inequalities imply LP 1 - _ fiy Sy ^ 7Ty 5X fi x <p = > Finally, = = fix + ox + o yv + t> x fiy J + dy + 7T0 ' 2. A', For any A £ A" £ = + TT last inequality follows Proof of Proposition [0, [0, = > TTy 4. X A', ^y (1 + TT y from TT y ip)n e W+ Lp)ir y - 7T-, + and ip 2 if7T x + r ; (tT0 7T < dx + + d ^x + ^y ^y y —, W r ^u) y W) and is b" F (b; A) introduced in the proof of Proposition Take any pair continuously differentiable over R. be the unique solutions to F (6; A) = b, respectively A" (existence and uniqueness of such solutions follows directly from Proposition for A 2). Furthermore, as shown in the proof of Proposition A' ^8 ^ui) + tpne + + <f~ TT tpirx — A (21). F(;A) let b' r 7T} </> - - (1 Consider the function A), the function A) with A" and A + Tfx <pir e A TT0 where the + + + nx ipiTy A 35 2, F {b, A') - b > for all b £ [0, b'). Simple algebra then shows that > that b" b' The . dF (6; A) /dX > any for result in the proposition b > Proposition n +^"+ 7r 2; for Consider the function 5. we convenience Take the parameters • is Sx 5 y , , = ft) proof of Proposition Moreover, at the point 2. properties, together with the properties that > in ( —00, ensure that, — 00,62) and F [b) - that b one such that F 6y 62, we have Sy , , 61 > = Because (.75, .2, .1, .1) F b\ and 62 are as defined in the (A, irg, ix x , 7r y Proof of Proposition , u) S ir E , ft.) < 62 (b\ is "strict" 0. , These 5 y ft) , > in the sense A, 5x ,5y ,ft) in admits at least three fixed points whenever (X,5x ,5y ,ft) £ B. (A, 5 x ,S y < F (b; A, Sx there necessarily exists an open set , = admits at least one fixed point continuous in is ft these parameters the function and lim(,__ 00 F and the parameters, with all that F(b2; X,5 x ,5 y ,ft) ft) b) introduced in the proof of Furthermore, each of these three fixed point in (62,0). , ft) where , , (A, 5X , 5 ft) y , With (.75, .2, .1, .1). F (0; A, 6X proposition then follows by noting that for any parameters , addition to a fixed point in (S y /5X +00), in changes sign around them. neighborhood of 92. if follows It 0. an increasing function of F (b; A, 5X F is defined and continuous over the entire real line and bo < = > + are highlighting here the dependence on (A, if b 6/(1 then follows from the fact that fact that the contribution of noise to aggregate volatility Proof of Proposition with strict inequality 0, BC The an open (0, l) 3 x R result in the G B, there corresponds a unique set of 5 . Substituting condition (2) into condition (3) gives the equilibrium 6. and the price as a linear function of aggregate investment p(6, s, 77) = 70 traders' exogenous signal: + jK K(e, e) + 7w w, (22) with Clearly, 9. The and jk > if and only result then follows letting kq = A70, Kg = Proof of Proposition 7. Proof of Proposition 8. contribution of noise. using (3), if (3g > 0, which means that high investment from substituting 1 - A + X-y^ is a positive signal about (22) into the entrepreneurs' optimality condition (5) and a = Xjk- This follows directly from the main text. Consider the first claim, namely that a high rp reduces the relative Substituting the price (11) into the entrepreneurs' best response (5) and one obtains a system of equations for /3o, (3X and Following similar steps as in the proof of that proposition, 36 (3y it is , as in the possible to proof of Proposition 2. show that a equilibrium is = characterized by a ratio b ((1 * = that satisfies b //3x = F (b; + b (1 F(b;9) with f3y + tp 1/ (1 easily see that - A) (<J + 5y + n) + Afi*) b 2 A* 6) (2 (1 - F (b; *) = b with from such a solution, one can construct a equilibrium in which b > F (b; 0, •) is increasing in *. equilibrium value of We increasing in *. Equivalently, the ratio b is proof of Proposition one can 2, > b 6 y /d x f3X) j3 y > 0. and is — „^„ tp , is A*) 6y one can then (ii) that, starting Furthermore, for any is unique, the and hence the decreasing in tp Lastly, following steps also verify that the equilibrium + X 2, thus conclude that, as long as the equilibrium contribution of noise to aggregate activity, in the + A*) 5y b + {l- A) Following steps similar to those in the proof of Proposition ). there always exists a solution to (i) + *) where relative similar' to indeed unique those when A and tp are small enough. may Next, the claim that a positive tp increase welfare can be established by numerical example; namely that there see footnote 19. Finally, consider the last claim, implement the constrained efficient allocation as suppose that the opposite with the efficiency condition (9), no policy as in (10) that can an equilibrium. Towards delivering a contradiction, Comparing the entrepreneurs' equilibrium best responses true. is is (6) one can immediately see that efficiency requires that the following condition holds: >- E = x,y for all x, y. Substituting the equilibrium price (11), this condition can be rewritten as 1 K 1 By Proposition K— 5q + E[d\K. = z,y TO TD for all x, y. (23) the fact that the policy implements the efficient allocation in turn implies that 7, + 6q6 + 5£ £. This implies that E[0 are as in Section 4 with /?o = <5q, j3x — 1 5X A', w] , and = 70 (3y = + jkK + 7^ lj 5y . 7o + IK ( 60 + Se 6 + 5e i I coefficients (7o,7A',7w) Therefore, (23) can be rewritten as 1 E where the + -y u uj - r \x,y 0. 1 Taking unconditional expectations, one can then see that t— 1 + Tp [70 + IK (<5o to + ^M) + 7w/-i - and tp must T ] - /i = satisfy 0. Subtracting side by side the last two equations, after some manipulation, one obtains that 1+T, {iK&e + lw) - 1 E fj.\x,y - 1 37 + Tp IK S E E[i\x,y}=0. Substituting for the terms in expectation yields 1 1 + {.ixbe 1 1 Given that + t, this condition •7/*-^ [y 1 Substituting the first -m- must hold 1 .1 + Tp + lu) - <5x(2- for all +T, and given that n) + sy(y - m)] - 5 y (y fi)] = o for an i 1 + T, 7if(5 e = 0, Sy) = 0. 1 1 + 7——1k5s ^y y- 2-% must be that y, it (1 (24) 1 T" 7 Tj 7K^ = 0. cannot be true given that, when investment We a contradiction. - condition into the second gives > S£ - a*) + Iw) - 1 last condition (x [5 x x and hh'dd + lw) - (li<5e - 1+Tp This 1 7V and tp must be finite to is efficient, ensure that (24) is 7/f is satisfied. necessarily positive, Therefore, there is conclude that a simple stabilization policy as then one given in (10) cannot implement the constrained Proof of Proposition 9. efficient allocation as a To competitive equilibrium. establish the result, suffices to it show that there exists a policy of the type given in (12) such that, under this policy, there exists a competitive equilibrium in which E\p-6\x,y} To see that this must satisfy p is P if for allx,y. (25) indeed the case, note that, under any policy as in (12), the equilibrium price = K[9\K,uj} — tq — Next note that =0 rp p = 1 - tkK. + T„ Equivalently, K,u>] - T - TK K (26) the policy (to,tp ,tk-) implements the constrained efficient allocation, then (27) with coefficients (7o,7k,7w) as in Section 4 with (3q = 6$, Px = 5X into (26), one can then easily see that the policy with coefficients T = 70, tk = IK, 38 rp = -yul - 1. , and j3y = 5y , Replacing (27) is such that p time (25) 1, — — 6 lu — 6 we then have that = Since the entrepreneurs possess no information on the shock 1]. E[7J|x,y] Finally, note that is satisfied. 7W which implies that 7^ € , = which tk > verifies that, and rp < under the identified 0; this last result follows r\ at policy, condition from the definition of (0, 1). Appendix B: a generalized model This appendix considers a generalization of our model that helps illustrate the robustness of our key positive and normative results (as stated in Corollaries some made of the related claims main in the 1 and signal observed s-th signal. entrepreneur ..., 5} and write them by entrepreneur i. = Let p s as x, 5 = + £«, Corr(^i s ,^j s ), for i.e., = given the signals Xi S > where ^ i j, 1 signals &a about 9. Index the error in the s-th is denote the correlation in the on the information available to Finally, let E;[-] denote the expectation conditional i, also forms the basis for text. Information structure. Suppose that the entrepreneurs observe these signals by s £ {1, and 2) (xn,...,Xig). Payoff structure. For a surviving entrepreneur, the value of holding k units of capital in period 3 is V e (9, K, k). An entrepreneur's payoff is then V e (9, A, k)-k 2 /2 and pk — if he is not hit by a liquidity shock, k~/2 otherwise. For a trader, on the other hand, the value of holding q units of capital V'(0, K, q), so that his payoff is V t A, (9, reduced-form payoffs that the agents the focus of our analysis. may For example, summarize the interaction of the agents To maintain tractability, we impose —pq. The functions q) V e and V f are meant in the variant considered in Section 6.2, these payoffs in a competitive labor market during the production stage. that these functions a linear-quadratic. Vkk < Vkg > interpreted as better fundamentals. 0, so that higher 9 is further impose that To guarantee that and V*q < we VL > to capture the obtain through a variety of market interactions outside individual decision problems are concave, and is 0. Finally, We also let we assume that (1 where Q = A A'. Section 6.2. inefficiency: idea, X)Vjl-(9, This assumption effects featured in the externalities that - is K, K) in certain 14(0, K, Q) = (28) motivated by the following considerations. reduced-form payoffs emerge + V e and V t are market interactions, The external meant to capture only the pecuniary like in the case of the labor market in In Walrasian settings, such pecuniary externalities need not be the source of any they often wash out at the aggregate. and thereby to We impose (28) only in order to capture this isolate the information spillover as the only source of inefficiency. Equilibrium and efficiency. The following proposition provides a characterization of the equi- librium and efficient allocations for the more general model described above. 39 Proposition 10 (i) For any equilibrium, there the payoff structure, the information structure, exist scalars kq, Kg, and and a (these scalars depend on the particular equilibrium) such that investment satisfies the following: = Ei[Ko + K e 8 + aK]. ki (ii) There exists scalars Kq, Kq, and a* (these scalars depend only on the payoff structure) such that, in the unique constrained efficient allocation, investment The (Hi) There exists a constant if and only ip > if such « = a > that, «- + a > a* if and only The equilibrium is constrained, efficient if implication, (v) Parts (i) (30) relative contribution of noise to aggregate volatility is higher in equilibrium than in the constrained- efficient allocation (iv) satisfies the following: = Ei[K*o + K*e + a*K}. ki By (29) and pendix and the (ii) if a*. for any equilibrium, *A« (3D high investment serves as a positive signal about and only if there are no information 0. spillovers. provide a certain isomorphism between the generalized economy of this ap- games studied class of in Angeletos and Pavan (2007, 2009). The scalar a can then interpreted as the degree of complementarity featured in any given equilibrium, while a* can be interpreted as the degree of complementarity featured in the efficiency allocation. Part (hi) points out that comparing the relative impact of noise in any equilibrium with that in the efficient allocation is synonymous is efficient comparing a with a*. Part a with a* of discrepancy between equilibrium to is high investment is 1 when and only when the information and 2, is spillovers (amplification) Proof of Proposition and normative t The combination results of the baseline model, as continue to hold in the more general model consider here: as long as both higher than 'what and excessive from a 10. Part (i). it would have been =E t in the absence of information social perspective (inefficiency). Clearly, the equilibrium price p E spillover vanishes. "good news" about the underlying fundamentals, the relative impact of noise on equilibrium investment where then establishes that the only source the information spillover, while part (v) points out that the of these results then imply that the key positive stated in Corollaries (iv) must satisfy [Vt(8,K,\K)} denotes the traders' expectation, given their available information. 40 By implication, the equilibrium level of investment must satisfy h= Ei\w(e, k, h)] + AEi Et[vf(d, k, xk)\ - where Ej denotes the expectation of entrepreneur w{9, K, k) Note that = must hold this condition (1 vq\e, k, xk) (32) and where i - X)Vke {6, K, irrespective of k) + W*{d, K, XK). whether there are information spillovers from the real sector to the financial market; in fact, this condition holds for any information structure. Because the functions Ve and V 1 w are both linear-quadratic, the function w(9, K, k) = and Wk linear, = Vk k < 0. Next, because we have that the K is itself linear: + wgd + wkK + w k k, ioo (33) where wo, wg, Wk, Wk are scalars pinned down by the payoff structure, with wg e is known = {l — X)V£g + XVL > to the traders, and because the function V* traders' error in forecasting their valuations is is proportional to their error in forecasting 6: E t [V*[0, K, XK)} - V*{B, K, XK) Substituting (33) and (34) into (32), we have = V£ (e, [§] - d) (34) that, in equilibrium, the investment strategy must satisfy Ei 1 wo - wk 1 w° .e + JOX-K + xitivM-e - Wk (35) where 1 - Wk Next, note that, in any equilibrium, the entrepreneurs' investment strategy h= Po + ^2 @sXi is given by '- s=l for some scalars po, Pi, ,@s- By implication, aggregate investment is given by K = Po + Pe{9 + e) where e = entrepreneurs' signals. It — errors in the J2s=i J~ £ s is a weighted average of the correlated is a Gaussian signal of 9, which follows that, in the eyes of the traders, J2s=i Pa &n ^ wnere e K 41 can be written as in turn implies that their forecast of 9 E where u and only is t [0] = K[6\lj, = K] + 1lj lo + 1K K 70 the exogenous information of the traders and where 70, > if /3$ 0. u>, their forecast of Substituting (36) into (35) and using = Ej[a>] Q = ; 1 Xipjo, \- -w k k6 = l-Wk Consider the constrained (ii). k,q and a defined as £ (1/2, This 1]. is is if 1 at t = E;[0]. = - wk + Mhk (37) First, note that, irrespective of the t = the planner always finds 1, 2 uniformly across the traders: q % 17. = XK for It follows given by W=E is XK 9: E,[(D] a direct implication of the concavity of payoffs with respect to that the welfare objective Clearly, this > follows: a = and A^(7u efficient allocation. optimal to allocate the supply of capital all i are scalars, with 7^- 7^ we conclude that the investment strategy must information structure and irrespective of the investment strategy at it , coincides with their forecast of Ej[#], indeed satisfy condition (29), with the scalars kq, K W (36) Next, note that, since the entrepreneurs have no information about the error in the traders' exogenous signal Part follows: 2 !W k + (1 - X)V e {6, K, k) +V l (9, K, XK) the same as welfare in a variant economy where there is only one class of agents, say the entrepreneurs, whose payoffs are given by U= This variant economy -ifc 2 + (l- X)V e {9,K,k) + V (9,K,XK) t nested in the class of economies studied is in Angeletos and Pavan (2007, 2009). Following similar steps as in the proof of Proposition 2 in Angeletos easy to check that the constrained efficient allocation is e, \uk (~e, Using the definition of E, -ki + (1 U in k, h) (1 + uK (9, k, A')] = follows: - x)v%(9, k, k) + vk(9, k, xk) + xv e (d, k, xk) q or, equivalently, /Cj — i&Li (2007), w(§, k, h) + (1 - \)v%{6, k, k) + 42 it is pinned down by the following condition: our setting, the above can be rewritten as - x)vke (e, k, h) + and Pavan vK {l a\ xk) l = Under the assumption introduced =E [w{e,K,ki)]. ki Using (33), we conclude above reduces to in (28), the (38) t that the efficient investment must indeed satisfy (30), with the scalars Kq, Kg and a* defined as follows: k = 1 Finally, existence same arguments Part (iv). = - Wk 1 > Part (v). formation u> if f3g > (39) . 1 1 of Angeletos and as the equilibrium (iii) and - Wk Pavan (2009). efficient allocations of the class of games studied then follows from Proposition 3 of that paper. This part follows directly from the definition of a and only if a = and fixed point to condition (30) follows from essentially the the observation that, in any given equilibrium, 7A' , parts imply that the equilibrium and efficient allocations of our Angeletos and Pavan (2009). Part Part k8 as in the proof of Proposition economy can be understood in , and uniqueness of the The preceding (Hi). - Wk jk in (37) and a* in (39), along gives the slope of Kt[8] with respect to with K and 0. Consider the case with no information spillovers, which is nested by letting the in- that the traders possess be a sufficient statistics for the entire information that the entrepreneurs collectively possess. In this case, spective of the investment strategy. From (35), HL t [0\uj,K} = E t [9\u] and Ej[Et[0] — 9} = 0, irre- one can then immediately see that the equilibrium allocation coincides with the constrained efficient allocation and, by implication, is also unique. Conversely, consider the case with information spillovers. That the efficient allocation cannot be an equilibrium follows directly from part (v) along with the fact that investment is a positive signal of 6 along the efficient allocation. References [1] Abel, Andrew Movements [2] B., and Olivier in Investment," J. Blanchard (1986), "The Present Value of Profits and Cyclical Econometrica 54, 249-273. Allen, Franklin, Stephen Morris, and Hyun Song Shin (2006), "Beauty Contests and Iterated Expectations," Review of Financial Studies 19, 161-177. [3] Amador, Manuel, and Pierre-Olivier Weill (2008), "Learning from Private and Public obser- vations of Others' Actions," Stanford University/UCLA mimeo. 13 [4] Amador, Manuel, and Pierre-Olivier Weill (2009), "Learning from Prices: Public Communi- cation and Welfare," Stanford University/UCLA mimeo. [5] Angeletos, George-Marios, and Jennifer La'O (2009a), "Noisy Business Cycles," NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2009. MIT mimeo. 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