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HB31 .M415 DEWEY X)0 .00- I Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series CREDIT MARKET IMPERFECTIONS AND PERSISTENT UNEMPLOYMENT* Daron Acemoglu, MIT Working Paper 00-20 SEPTEMBER 2000 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract_id=242228 This paper can be INSTITUTE MASS/ OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 3 2000 LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series CREDIT MARKET IMPERFECTIONS AND PERSISTENT UNEMPLOYMENT* Daron Acemoglu, MIT Working Paper 00-20 SEPTEMBER 2000 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http: //papers, ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract_id=242228 This paper can be Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries Credit Market Imperfections and Persistent Unemployment * Daron Acemoglu Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive MA Cambridge, September 11, 02142 2000 Abstract: This paper develops the thesis that credit market frictions contributor to high unemployment in Europe. new When may be an important a change in the technological regime ne- can happen relatively rapidly where credit markets function efficiently. In contrast, in Europe, job creation is constrained by credit market imperfections, so unemployment rises and remains high for an extended period. The data show that there has not been slower growth in the' most credit dependent industries in Europe relative cessitates the creation of to the U.S., but the share of firms, this employment in these industries is in the U.S. lower than in the U.S.. This suggests that although credit market imperfections are unlikely to have been the major cause of the increase in European unemployment, they may have played some role in limiting European employment growth. 'Paper prepared European Economic Association 2000, Bolzano, Italy- I thank Pol Antras for and Abhijit Banerjee, Olivier Blanchard, Jaurae Ventura and seminar participants European Economic Association 2000 Conference for helpful comments. for the lent research assistance, excelin the Introduction l The problems facing European labor markets are now well-known, and to explain how unemployment could be so high for such a long time in economies (see, for a number of European example, Layard, Nickell, and Jackman, 1991; Bean, 1994 or Nickell, 1997 Most economists believe that the reviews). a large literature tries are, at least in part, responsible for the rigid labor for market institutions of European economies high rates of European unemployment. In a recent review "Labor Market Rigidities: At the Root of Unemployment in Siebert put this in a stark form: Europe". It would not be an unfair statement, however, a loss in understanding the European market economics profession is plausible, there have been only a few major changes the institutions of European economies over the 1970's to lead to the high rates of of the 1980's and 1990's (see, for is still at unemployment phenomenon. Although the idea that labor cause unemployment rigidities to say that the example, Nickell, 1997). For this reason, in unemployment many economists have emphasized not only institutions, but also other macroeconomic changes. The famous Krugman ment hypothesis, for example, explains the increase in European unemploy- as a result of the interaction between skill-biased technical change stitutions (Krugman, 1994, OEC'D, international trade put Adrian Wood in- (1994) similarly argues that increased of less skilled workers, and unemployment European labor markets prevented unskilled wages from resulted because the rigid recently, Ball (1997) 1994). downward pressure on the wages and labor market falling. More and Blanchard and Wolfers (1999) have emphasized the interaction between, macroeconomic shocks, such as disinflation, the slowdown in TFP growth and the increase in the real interest rates, and the rigid labor market institutions as an explanation for European unemployment. Nevertheless, the evidence in Europe and Pischke, 1998). (see, for difficult to generate large responses to any of these shocks. For example, hard to reconcile with skill-biased technical change being the driving force of is unemployment it is (e.g., Nickell and Bell, 1996; Card, Kramartz and Lemieux, 1998; Kruger Similarly, the effect of increased international trade example, Krugman, 1995; Lawrence and Slaughter, 1994). seems Macroeconomic shocks, on the other hand, do not appear to be large enough to lead to such a persistent disinflation during the early 1980's could relatively small have increased unemployment, it is effect. Although only an extreme degree of hysteresis that can sustain very high levels of unemployment for over twenty years. Similarly, in most standard models, a permanent slowdown in TFP or a permanent increase in the interest rate only have a small effect on the unemployment rate. This assessment of the state of literature on unemployment suggests that we need new ways of looking at the unemployment problem. This paper makes a preliminary attempt an alternative hypothesis. 1 I develop the thesis that differences at developing in the credit markets may have 'Previously, Krueger and Pischke (1998) argued that differences in product market competition could be im- portant in understanding European unemployment. A recent paper by Wasmer and Weil (2000) provides a played an important role in the increase in European unemployment. simply as possible, I will abstract from labor market unemployment differences, the model presented here and labor market joint behavior of access to credit Credit markets differ in this idea as and focus only on differences rigidities, importance of credit market problems In addition to illustrating the credit markets. To develop in in causing a simple starting point for analyzing the is prices. many dimensions between the U.S. and Europe. In the U.S., stock venture capital finance, and funding of small businesses appear more important market activity, than Europe. In contrast, in Europe, lending by large banks appear to play a more prominent role. in in Most measures Europe in fact Rajan and (e.g. show that markets are more developed in the U.S. than credit Zingales, 1998). will I make complexities, and presume that the U.S. credit market new The main argument firms. paper in the markets respond to new opportunities performances in these Even though, librium in an have large will get it as I more many flexible in providing loans to way that this difference in the in which credit an important contributor to the different employment economies. show below, coordination economy with imperfect effects is is is a heroic abstraction from the failures markets credit markets, differences in credit on steady state unemployment eventually. However, in the can lead to a high unemployment equi- medium rates, not will often who need credit money to the correct because entrepreneurs run, the failure to channel To capture these entrepreneurs can have a large effect on unemployment. issues, I think of the U.S. and Europe during the 1950's and 1960's as characterized by the steady state of two economies, one with better credit markets than the other. be low to start with. new the arrival of a markets will I will both economies common will shock: The main result is that the economy with better credit new technologies without an increase in unemployment. In set of technologies. contrast, in the economy with worse in technologies can have a persistent adverse markets, the agents credit markets (the model equivalent of Europe), the change who need effect on unemployment because, to have the cash to start borrow the necessary funds. They have to accumulate rely in then consider the response of these two economies to a respond to the arrival of efficient credit Unemployment this cash in the absence of up new businesses cannot through their own savings (or on more expensive alternative sources of finance, such as borrowing from their family), so the economy goes through an extended period entrepreneurs unemployment may be made even more will of depressed job creation. difficult by the be high and wages low, so earnings of self-reinforcing factors slow down Accumulation by potential fact that in a depressed labor market, for the transition of the many individuals will be low. So a set economy to low unemployment for an extended period. The idea that there has been a change in technology (or the pattern of comparative advantage), and that the U.S. has adapted to this change faster than Europe think that the engines of growth of the U.S. economy today is is Many commentators companies like Ford or GM. plausible. not simple model combining labor and credit market imperfections, and shows that credit market imperfections tend unemployment. Another recent paper by Blanchard and Giavazzi (2000) emphasizes the interaction between product markets and labor markets, while Bertrand and Kramartz (2000) investigate the impact of the zoning restrictions in France on employment creation. to increase but new firms like Microsoft and Intel, which require different of financial arrangements. importance of these factors in explaining OECD and look (1998), at medium and low credit-dependent This result higher in the U.S., suggesting that differences in constraining employment creation in Europe. relevant is is The data I have do not enable an find I Rajan and Zingales no evidence for a office major most credit-dependent industries in the credit, may be markets Furthermore, new firms within investigation of whether there has been less is playing some role in might be argued that what it Europe than the U.S. over the past 25 years. This in manufacturing classify categories following not growth of specific industries, but job creation by by new firms I I not encouraging for the credit market story. employment find that the fraction of I countries. Europe since 1970. in growth across these sectors. Nevertheless, a preliminary attempt whether the most credit-dependent industries, such as electronics and and computer equipment, grew slower differential different types necessary to assess the is As European unemployment. look at the evolution of sectoral employment across industries into high, and perhaps skills, more empirical evidence Nevertheless, is more industries. all employment creation an interesting research area is for future work. The Model 2 Consider an economy that consists of a mass by an Each agent can become offspring. Production takes place type of agent type «j.(, i in of agents 1 t. Then, if Agents agent one period, and are replaced Let differ in their skills. becomes an entrepreneur and i an be the hires worker j with they produce 3a ht + a jit This form of the production function implies that matter live for an entrepreneur, a worker, or remain unemployed. worker-entrepreneur pairs. of generation who for productivity, distribution of a in skills but that of the entrepreneur the population is given by G (1) . is more important." (a) with lower support t and the worker of both the entrepreneur I assume that the a mm and upper support max ft All agents have preferences given by (l-sf-s'Clj'BZt-eit, C is consumption, B is function is convenient as it implies a constant saving rate, where utility function is bequest linear, in particular left U (y) to their offspring, = y — e, where y and s. is e It is cost of effort. This utility also implies that the indirect income, so that all agents are risk neutral. The simplify fact that the productivity of the entrepreneur some of the expressions below. is three times more important than that of the worker is to I also assume that the cost of effort is {j w given as follows if if worker and exert 7E where j w < *y E For . A7 = skill level agents do not change across generations, The assume that if — 1 In contrast, q. contract of a worker of type efficiency I effort choice of common is an individual utility to shirking (not = Oij-i for a has effort, is qw knowledge. all i. effort output effort, to encourage (a) through monetary incentives. him and be high with probability will 1. to exert effort as in the standard possible, so will get a zero whereas the q, w (a) > wage. Since 0. all Therefore, the utility to exerting effort is w (a) — e. = (l -q)~ 1 - ' t W . always in the interest of the entrepreneurs to encourage high effort. an incentive compatibility constraint (the equivalent of the no-shirking condition Stiglitz, of the wage, w(a), needs to be greater than v Shapiro and his not observed by others introduces a is who produces no output exerting effort) This implies that to encourage it is is and assume that the type this here, assume that negative wages are not agents are risk neutral, a worker is a^t i.e., he exerts if wage model. assume that of a worker Workers need to be induced to exert The wage there The . the worker does not exert effort, output will be high with probability with probability I 7 s~ 7w/ workers need to exert costly effort that fact that moral hazard problem. I entrepreneur adopt a particularly simple form of I effort important that the ability to perform entrepreneurial tasks are correlated it is across generations. if define I In contrast, the private information. For the analysis, future use, effort worker and exert no 1984, model) which requires that wages for all Hence, in the possible types of workers satisfy w (a) > Finally, to The to (IC) v. become an entrepreneur, an individual needs an investment exact timing of events become an entrepreneur is as follows. or a worker. If of 2 A'. At the beginning of the period, each agent decides there is necessary funds, otherwise they have to use their a credit market, entrepreneurs borrow the own wealth. Entrepreneurs hire workers, production takes place, and they pay back the loans. Finally, consumption and bequest decisions are made. (see, e.g., The is Walrasian except for the presence of the moral hazard constraint Acemoglu and Newman, Since there at the labor market is 1997). no discounting within a period, an entrepreneur who borrows an amount beginning of the period has to pay back 2 A". So the employing a worker of type a' as a function of the wage, UE («, «') = 3a + a' - w (0') utility of w (a), - 2 A IK an entrepreneur of type a is - 1e , (2) +a where 3a capital, the revenue that this employment relationship generates, 1 is and j E Since the labor market the effort cost. is entrepreneur has to obtain the same = Ue Ue{oc,q') (a, a"), for all a' wage contract has and a" that are workers. be unemployed. worker for an agent with a' > (3) The market. <a= incentive compatibility con- + a' < with v, i.e., — w*, v (4) v employed workers exert all — w* eqs. (2) and (5), the utility to becoming a effort, so is UW = w* + (a') we obtain that a* = w* a' - lw (5) individuals with all skill level greater than + K + Ao become entrepreneurs. Whether they can do (6) so or not will depend on the availability 3 Equilibrium Without Credit 3 The equilibrium with credit market frictions is want to become an entrepreneur can obtain consistent with am + a', w* to be paid to solve the moral hazard problem. Along the equilibrium path, of credit. Therefore, This implies that the equilibrium Intuitively, their contribution to the revenues of the firm falls short of the wage that they have like to = (a/) will adjust to clear the a' would competitive, in equilibrium an is imposes a wage floor and implies that workers with w* Combining the cost of to take the simple linear form where the constant term, w* will is from hiring two different workers. level of profits w straint, (IC), IK full employment, w m (a) relatively easy to characterize since all agents a- Let finance. = w m + a, be the median of the distribution of Market Frictions (i.e., in the me define the who wage function that absence of credit market frictions. G (a m = ) 1/2). For full agents with indifferent a greater than full my focus is is m = am - K - w (am = w m + a m ) become entrepreneurs. I assume So workers with low ability will be unemployed that . satisfy A-), ability distribution, also possible that workers with ability less than a, constraint, might want to out. the equilibrium wage, on the interaction between credit market frictions and unemployment, impose that the lower support of the 'It for employment equilibrium wage function must iu Since all should become entrepreneurs. Hence, the median agent should be between entrepreneurship and working Therefore, the Let employment, half of the agents need to become entrepreneurs. Without credit market frictions, this implies that am is Qm i n , is less than wm I : who cannot become workers because of the wage 3a - u>* - IK - -y E < 0, which rules this possibility Assumption am 1: which implies that Equilibrium is \ n full now < wm , employment will not be an equilibrium. a characterized by a cutoff level of ability satisfying equation (4) to become a worker, a cutoff level of ability a* for entrepreneurship that satisfies equation (6), the This market clearing condition requires that the function (3), and a market clearing condition. number of entrepreneurs equal to the is number of workers, or 1-G(q*) = G(a*)-G(a), where 1 — G (a*) is number the become entrepreneurs, and G (a*) G (a) be entrepreneurs, but have a sufficient equals in demand w* demand , which The condition. falls as number the is left-hand side, demand the is equilibrium wage function, i.e., w* Figure Once w* . who for labor, The right-hand the price of labor increases. to*. of agents is a simple supply and since a* side is is increasing the supply of labor, shows the determination of the unique 1 determined, the unemployment level is who are not skilled enough to to be employed. Equation (7) skill level a strictly increasing function of is (7) of agents with ability greater than the cutoff level, a*, — wage is given by G(v-w*). Wage intercept .G(a*)-G(a) / / / / / / X - \ / f— / \ \ / *- / / V X N * ^ % "--^ ,'' l-G(a') Supply and demand Figure 1: The determination of equilibrium wage level to an increase in Proposition 1 by equations (4), There and (6), become entrepreneurs, w (a 1 ) = w* + a' and The comparative Figure 1. exists a all all (7). A7 w*, and comparative statics in response or K. unique steady state equilibrium characterized by [a,a*,w*) given In this equilibrium, agents with agents with skill level a' skill level € a < a all agents with [a, a*} K or A7 make greater than o* become workers and receive a wage are unemployed. statics of this equilibrium are straightforward, Increases in skill level and can be obtained using entrepreneurship less attractive, shift both the supply 6 and demand curves down to the broken curves, and lead to a lower equilibrium wage intercept As a w**. result, both a* and a increase, so there are fewer entrepreneurs, and more unemployed workers. It is useful to characterize the steady state wealth distribution, even bution does not affect the a who want will leave bequest of to become an entrepreneur = Bf+l (a) 3a — + (Bf (a) s bequest of Bf (a) from his parent, invested 2A", paid a wage of w* + a'. Bf (a) and produced 3a In steady state, He consumes = Bf+1 a fraction — 1 steady-state wealth distribution for workers, In particular, Bf+l (a) (a 1 Finally, those workers with ability be level will u B = in the a < a will — + a' worker of for a and leaves a fraction s as bequest. a € those with ability [a, a*], is given So + w*) -s be unemployed, therefore their steady state wealth Equilibrium with Credit economy without market credit Market Frictions frictions, equilibrium prices economy with In contrast, in an block-recursive). depends on the wealth investment IK. ability a', have wealth will determine the bution of wealth, but are themselves not influenced by the distribution of wealth is Therefore, 2A") since he received a 0. 4 Note that i.e. = s (Bf (a) + a + w*). s hire a worker. xv* -s ; 1 The s of this, an entrepreneur of type a (a), so v similarly. distri- equilibrium allocation in this economy without credit market frictions. First, notice that all agents entrepreneur though the wealth level of individuals with high market credit skill, who need (i.e., distri- the system frictions, the equilibrium to undertake the up-front This feedback raises the possibility of multiple steady state equilibria and richer dynamics. Here I assume an extreme form of individual could runaway with the this case, we need distribution. Let to me credit denote the steady-state wealth distribution by p(a)dG(a)= F (2K i.e. wc | a) is is a who have wealth I (1 level less the fraction of agents with who have skill level than economy with no borrowing (e.g., an risk of being caught). In is F (b \ a), i.e. this is the b. credit market frictions is - p (a))dG (a) + G (K + A 7 + w c ) - G [v - w c ) the constant in the equilibrium wage function have wealth greater than 2A". agents there money he has borrowed without any Then, the market clearing condition in this where frictions: determine the equilibrium allocation jointly with the steady-state wealth fraction of workers with ability / market skill level w c (a') = w c + a who can In the expression (8), J K+ & greater than A" + A7 + iv c afford to +w c P a', and p(a) (8) , = 1 - become an entrepreneur, («) dG (a) is the fraction of and have a wealth greater than 2 A'. So — become entrepreneurs. The remainder become workers except these agents like and can afford to those with skill level less Assumption 2: than v ^±fl — w c who cannot be employed profitably. > IK. This assumption ensures that in an allocation corresponding to the equilibrium of the economy with no credit market eventually worker with frictions, a become an entrepreneur. So skill level neighborhood of the equilibrium of Proposition in the without credit market problems), those agents (i.e. can accumulate this money by saving. a* can accumulate enough wealth to who need money to 1 become entrepreneurs This implies exists a steady state equilibrium identical to that described in Proposition Proposition 2 There 1. economy without In contrast to the credit market frictions, the steady-state equilibrium no longer unique: there can now exist other steady state equilibria. is an example to Consider the following situation in which only a fraction A of agents with illustrate this point. skill level I will give greater than K + A7 + w c have enough wealth to become an entrepreneur. Then, the equilibrium condition can be written as 2A dG (a) + G / .lh' where w the constant in the wage function. b — — — max is and moreover as A skills, a max , is » 0. w > not very high the implied wage level w a v (i.e., . a max A - wb) = lower level of A implies a lower equilibrium wage, < (1 — s) 2K/s), we can r— < 2K. Then no '- enough wealth to become an entrepreneur, and the economy entrepreneurs (equal to a fraction A market frictions, there JK A +wb dG(a) is is additional agent can accumulate of the population). Therefore, with credit can exist other steady state equilibria with higher unemployment and state equilibrium exists because is always find a level of A such that stuck with only a small fraction of lower wages than the equilibrium characterized in Proposition wealth, there 1. ' Hence, as long as the upper support of the distribution of — satisfies -* (v ^ + A"/+w b a limited demand when only for labor, 2. Intuitively, another steady- a few of the potential entrepreneurs have enough and this depresses wages. With depressed wages, it harder for potential entrepreneurs to accumulate enough wealth to finance their investments, and in fact, as the above example demonstrates, they may never be able to do so, leading to another steady state equilibrium with greater unemployment and lower wages." This intuition 1 very similar to the reasoning for multiplicity of steady states in the Banerjee and model of occupational choice. Newman is (1993) There, too, different wealth distributions can be self-sustaining because the equilibrium wage rate depends on the distribution of wealth. In terms of Figure 1, this corresponds to the demand for labor being an upward sloping curve because when wages are low, potential entrepreneurs cannot accumulate the necessary funds to hire workers. As a result, there can be multiple intersections of supply and demand. Change 5 I now discuss technology. how economies with and without in specific form: a fraction «2- I have ability <f> 1 cti, — 2<p —^ skills, of agents have a distribution and another fraction have </> F (a) respond to a change in modifying the pattern of G (.) takes the following a4 with upper support 03, and the fraction k have skill level , a skill assume that Two > (%2 > ct3 In particular, 2). a\ and > C14, > and 1/2 > k 2c/>. economies, one with and the other without credit market frictions, are in the minimum- unemployment steady-state equilibrium 0.2 indifferent I equivalent to that characterized by Propositions (i.e., assume that a\ also become entrepreneurs. will > 0:2 > a* > > Q: 3 £*; skill level Q'2 has to be So the equilibrium wage function, wage. for a is w= this, I also a = v — w, obtain that so a.2 —K— A7. (9) unemployment is equal to U = {1-2<P-k)F{v-Q). Furthermore, Assumption 1 so the agents with skill level This implies that an agent with between entrepreneurship and working w (a) = w + a, Using frictions In particular, suppose that entrepreneurship. a\ and market credit consider a very simple shift in the distribution of I comparative advantage fraction Technology in 3: I (10) assume that Bw (a 3 ) = ^T 1 < 2K < B ™ n'i) = ( s ~^^1 This assumption ensures that the steady state wealth - level of a worker with 03 skill level is not enough to afford the up-front investment for entrepreneurship, while that of a worker with skill level Now a\ is sufficient for entrepreneurship. suppose that there agents with a\ and 0:3 economy without any is an unanticipated are switched: credit market not be any macroeconomic changes in the economy with agents who credit market i.e., those shift in the distribution of skills at who had frictions will is still previously had productivity 03, and C13 and vice given by Proposition now have productivity first, to become entrepreneurs. The evolution of unemployment now depends on now have and versa. 1. 5 in the the transitory dynamics of the model. all The will In contrast, Assumption 3 implies that unemployment at frictions «i t*, immediately adjust to this change, and there —the equilibrium frictions skill time increases: oj, cannot afford economy with credit market Transitory dynamics are in general quite complicated, since the equilibrium wage rate changes as the wealth distribution of agents become less productive. It is conceptually I am assuming that some cumbersome to extend the model so that the productivity of all agents increases and the changing technology can be modeled as some productivities growing more than others over a 'Perhaps this is too simple, since straightforward, but the notationally over time, certain time period I Nevertheless, the specific assumptions that agents evolves. wage particular, they ensure that the equal to w. This and equation is rate (9) still t* unemployment {l-2(j)- level at This implies that immediately after the time t* + K)F(v-w) + who now have r can be written as skill level At r*, Bf. +T , (a\) exceeds 2A' the for the first time. become entrepreneurs, and unemployment Therefore, while unemployment is aj start accumulating wealth. so there will exist a threshold time r* such productivity a\ falls this point, the agents Uf from in the economy with persistently between the date of technology change, By changing parameters within this arbitrarily late (e.g., if '^'^^ ~ 2 A"), credit simple example we can so this model market and the date t*, In general, with a depressed labor and their own make it businesses. given by (10). is t* It it stays high . decline in unemployment capable of generating an arbitrarily long demand, the wage useful to note that It is also a potentially important factor contributing to unemployed persistence this will U frictions. + t* make the period of unemployment, or an arbitrary amount of persistence. example. to with always constant in the economy with perfect credit markets, upon change of technology increases (t>> U. 5 > 2 A, 3 implies that lim r ^oo Bf. +T [a\) + t* In increases to After this point, the agents (dynasties) that at analysis. independent of the wealth distribution, and always determines the equilibria wage. Uv = Assumption imposed simplify the because agents with productivity «2 continue to be the marginal entrepreneurs, technology change at Their wealth is I is missing in this simple rate will also fall during transition, harder for potential entrepreneurs to accumulate funds sufficient to finance This is in fact exactly the same force that led to the multiplicity of steady state equilibria in the previous section. 6 So far I vs. have presented an abstract model of unemployment imperfections. they Empirical Evidence: U.S. may Europe in the presence of credit market Credit market problems do not necessarily lead to higher unemployment, though introduce additional equilibria with high unemployment levels. The major result is that economies with and without credit market frictions respond to changes in technology quite differently. In response to a shock that changes in entrepreneurship, which agents have a comparative advantage an economy without a well-functioning credit market may suffer a lengthy period of unemployment, as productive agents lack the necessary funds to create jobs. situation is This reversed only slowly as these agents gradually accumulate enough wealth to finance their investments. It is possible to tell a story of European unemployment based on this model. Europe and the U.S. had similar unemployment levels during the 19G0s because they were both in a "steady 6 To obtain this expression note that (q 3 + s(w + Qi), etc. sB w at time £*, they start with wealth ) 10 Bw (as) = iiSjtSa^ amj then B^i + 1 (oi) = A state situation". variety of changes during the early 1970s and early 80s and firms to assume a more important sectors of the economy, requiring different entrepreneurs This happened relatively quickly the U.S. thanks to a more role. with institutions In contrast, in like growth shifted the fluid credit market, especially venture capitalists channeling funds to the rapidly growing high-tech sectors. Europe, lack of funds in the hands of the people with the right slowed skills down job creation. there any evidence supporting this story? Is The second maintains Although constraint. story, I can look With I it is this purpose, firms in some I follow some The sectoral first views sector. particularly credit-dependent sectors that are most do not have a way of investigating the validity of the Rajan and Zingales (1998) in the U.S.. at Europe to be those using new technologies within each support for the second version using the for dependents credits that end the paper with a quick look There are two interpretations of the model. evidence to answer this question. the firms that are constrained in I Using the results erages and tobacco, textile, apparel and leather, in Table OECD first version of the sectoral database. in classifying sectors according to their of these authors, classify food, bev- 1 wood and furniture, paper I and paper products, basic metals, and metal products as low credit-dependent industries; chemical, coal, rubber and plastic products, metal products, machinery and equipment, and transport equipment credit-dependent industries, and electrical goods and are high credit-dependent industries. By office as medium and data processing machine industries focusing on manufacturing, this classification avoids other potential differences in the U.S. and European economies in the growth of service sectors, though service industries are if more credit-dependent, it might understate the importance of credit problems. Figure 2 plots the share of employment in a number of European countries in the low, medium, and high categories unemployment is relative to the share of the same categories fall 7 If European fall behind the U.S. in the high In other words, in this case, the curve with the squares (the high category) should relative to the other curves, especially relative to the circles, For most countries, all Germany, employment sectors. the U.S.. mainly due to the failure of the European economies to expand into new sectors because of credit constraints, we would expect these economies to credit sectors. in three curves in Therefore, there move in a more which denote the low industries. 8 or less parallel fashion. In fact, for France and high credit-dependent sectors seem to be growing more than another is no evidence that European economies have been falling behind the U.S. in the credit-dependent industries over the period of rising European unemployment. are from the OECD ISDB data set, and refer to the total number of employees in that sector relative employment. More formally, let e c be total employment in the low group in country c at time t, and Ect be total employment- I am plotting (e c ,/E c t) / (e v st / En st) Data for the high category in Sweden and Finland 1 The data to total < are missing. An in increase in all West Germany employment compared to the three curves, as in the case of the relative share of manufacturing 11 or Denmark, would correspond U.S.. to an increase Aempl medium In ind rel to Aempl US -- I 2000 1970 medium in ind rel to A empl US in mednjm md t? lo U ..., 1990 980 7 year Belgium Bempl empl In tow ind in high ind Aempl rel !o U.S. rel lo U.S. medium in ind ret lo US Bempl empl in low ind in high ind rel to U.S. rel to U.S. Aempl in medium ind ret lo US m 1980 1970 year year Denmark Western Germany Italy Aemp! in medium ind rel lo US I empl empl in in tow ind rel to U.S. rel to U.S. Aempl in medium ind rel lo Aempl U S high ind 1980 year UK Finland Figure 2: The evolution of the fraction of total employment in low, medium, and high credit-dependent industries in European countries relative to the U.S.. Data from data employment in the OECD ISDB set. Nevertheless, except for the Netherlands and the substantially less UK, European economies appear most credit-dependent gium, Italy and Denmark, relative employment industries. in the least to have For example, in Bel- credit-dependent industries is on average about 50 percent more than in the U.S., while the relative employment in the most credit-dependent sectors is about 30 percent less than the U.S.. This suggests that credit market problems may have played some role in constraining employment UK commonly thought among in Europe. Interestingly, the the European economies, so it is suggestive that the most credit-dependent industries have relatively high employment in the UK is to have the best credit markets as well as in the U.S. (though their share in the 1980s). These observations give some support been an important factor in UK employment seems for the idea that credit to have fallen over the market problems may have the recent European employment experience, and encourage further research in this area. 12 me in medium <nd re< to 11 i References Acemoglu, Daron and Andrew ture " CEPR Newman (1997) "The Labor Market and Struc- working paper. NAIRU" NBER Ball Lawrence (1997) "Disinflation and the Banerjee, A. and A. of Political The Corporate Economy, Bean Charles Newman WP #5520. 'Occupational Choice and the Process of Development.' Journal 101, 274-298 (1993). (1994); "European Unemployment a Survey" Journal of Economic Literature Vol 32, pp 573-619. Bertrand, Marianne and Francis Kramartz (2000), paper presented in the NBER labor studies. Blanchard Olivier and Justin Wolfers (1999) "Shocks vs Institutions" forthcoming Economic Journal. 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