MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 9080 02617 9850 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries HB31 .M415 7-Oc £ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Hedging Sudden Stops & Precautionary Contractions Ricardo J. Caballero Stavros Panageas Working Paper 03-19 May Revised: 26, 2003 November 10, 2005 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at MASSACHUSETTS 'NSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES j Hedging Sudden Stops and Precautionary Contractions Ricardo MIT Stavros Panageas Caballero J. and NBER University of Pennsylvania November 10, 2005* Abstract Even well bulk of which managed emerging market economies is At a moment's financial. are exposed to significant external risk, the notice, these economies may be required to reverse the capital inflows that have supported the preceding boom. sudden nonlinear events (sudden stops), we address in the paper is sudden stop jump itself. their likelihood fluctuates over time. how should a country hedging possibilities the country faces, While capital flows react to these fluctuations. crises are The question Depending on the the options range from pure self-insurance to hedging the In between, there is fluctuations in the likelihood of sudden stops. the more likely possibility to hedge the smoother The main contribution of the paper is to provide an analytically and empirically tractable model that allows us to characterize and quantify optimal contingent liability management in a variety of scenarios. management can example, that the gains from contingent liability of cutting a country's external liabilities by 10 percent of GDP. JEL Codes: Keywords: We show, with a concrete easily exceed the equivalent E2. E3, F3, F4. GO, CI. Capital flows, sudden stops, financial constraints, contractions, hedging, insur- ance, signals. "We are grateful to Victor Chernozhukov, seminar participants at MIT, UTDT, and the Gordon Hanson. Arvind Krishnamurthy, an anonymous referee, AEA for excellent meetings for their comments, to Andrei Levchenko research assistance, and to Alejandro Izquierdo for providing us the data on sudden stops from Calvo et Caballero thanks the NSF for financial support. and al (2004). Introduction 1 Even well managed emerging market economies capital inflows. That is, moment's notice these economies may be required at a capital inflows that supported the preceding The deep are subject to an occasional "sudden stop" of net boom. contractions triggered by this sudden tightening of external financial constraints have great costs for these economies, and therefore represent one of the problems to reverse the many emerging market economies. There are for main macroeconomic policy- domestic and external factors behind these sudden stops in net capital inflows. While there is adjustments that reduce domestic consensus on what are the adequate external liability management we analyzed there risks, is less substantial agreement on the kind of policy strategies to deal with external shocks. reserves accumulation and hedging mechanisms In Caballero and Panageas (2005) to soften the impact of once these take place. In this paper we focus on a different aspect of the problem: there are substantial fluctuations in the likelihood of a sudden stop, and that sudden stops We argue that many in instances these fluctuations are correlated with persistent external variables which offer hedging possibilities free of moral hazard or (emerging market specific) informational concerns (see Sections 5 and 6 for evidence). The main technical contribution of the paper is sive analytical characterization, but is also flexible guidance. The model has two a model that and central features: First is realistic is stylized enough enough to allow exten- to generate quantitative the sudden stop, which we characterize as a probabilistic event that, once triggered, requires the country to reduce the pace of external (net) borrowing significantly. This specification of sudden stops captures well policymakers' concerns not only with the stock of external variable). We Second but also with the size of current account deficits (a flow a signal, which describes the likelihood of sudden stop at each point in time. characterize the impact of changes in this signal on optimal precautionary savings, and the role of different actions On is is liabilities and the hedging opportunities in reducing the extent of fluctuations due to precautionary direct cost of one extreme, if sudden stops. the country has no access to hedging instruments, the only tool at hand a sort of precautionary contraction. worsen, the country slows down As external indicators the pace of borrowing. Of of the likelihood of a sudden stop course, in reality many countries choose to ignore these signals and tighten monetary and excessively prudent, The first and experience deeper contractions once sudden stops take of our goals in this paper is policy fiscal normative, and it is beyond what many the other extreme directly and is is reasonable. the case where the country can hedge both the (jump) sudden stop (diffusive) fluctuations in the price of such hedge as the signal fluctuates. In this case the country has maximal insurance. However, since our constraint deficits, remove the need that removes for precautionary contractions and jumps in the value of reduction in external for the welfare loss diffusive it minimal of the latter. on the current account can go a long way What does do, it is sudden stop to a to level the post-sudden stop stage enough to compensate from reduced consumption during the sudden stop). hedging One cost. limits the extent of a is is the more feasible scenario where the available. In this case the country still tionary contractions and reduce the cost of sudden stops, but it of the quantitative contributions of the paper in reducing the overall costs of living in a jump cannot be hedged but can remove the bulk of precau- remains exposed to the realization is to show that this type of hedging sudden stop prone environment. case of Chile, a prudent emerging market economy, provides a useful framework of reference. Chile's business cycle so that this price has investors is highly correlated with the price of copper, become a and policymakers signal, the decline in larger directly a marginal dollar at the time of the sudden stop (since the liabilities raises utility in In an intermediate range, The is such insurance does not remove sudden stop entirely but only reduces the country's level of external liabilities at the onset of the sudden stop, at smooth see as reasonable. to take a step in the direction of offering an empirically based metric to evaluate how much prudence On place. Others are its main export good; signal of aggregate Chilean conditions to (foreign alike. As a result of the many internal scenario in Australia, a developed effect of the price decline. economy not exposed falls sharply is is to this many times This contrasts with the to the possibility of a sudden stop, similar terms-of-trade shocks are fully absorbed by the current account, with almost domestic activity and consumption. 1 Chile much and domestic) and external reactions Chilean economic activity when the price of copper than the annuity value of the wealth so where no impact on a natural candidate for the type of hedging strategies we propose. We 'See do not attempt to explain why international financial markets treat Chile and Australia , e.g., Caballero (2001). so differently, or even the signal for the sudden stops should be so correlated with the price we take Instead, of copper. why characterize the optimal risk in the "sudden stops" feature as a description of the environment and management strategy under different assumptions about imperfections hedging markets. - We estimate sudden stop as a function of the price of copper and Chile's probability of facing a calibrate the parameters to match observed consumption hedging strategies and their impact on the volatility fluctuations. and levels of We then describe different We consumption. start by showing that in the absence of hedging instruments, Chile should exhibit a significant precautionary business cycle. For example, more than half of the deep reduction in the current account deficit in Chile during the 1998/99 crisis can be accounted for by the optimal response to the fear (not the realization) of a We sudden stop. then go on to show the benefit of adding contingencies to liability management. For a wide range of scenarios the gains associated with hedging are equivalent to reducing Chile's net external about 50 percent of liabilities (of GDP) by a we third. Similarly, find that the required risk premia to justify for a country like Chile to not adopt an active hedging strategy exceeds 800 basis points for the simplest strategies Of course the illustrative. "We policy — as identified by Calvo strongly correlated with lagged is for richer ones. benefits of these strategies are not limited to the case of Chile, which As another example, we show sudden stops latter and several thousand basis points for only a panel of emerging markets that the likelihood of et al (2005) US is — exhibits large time variation, and that the high yield spreads. focus on the aggregate financial problem vis-a-vis the rest of the world, in an environment where domestic is managed optimally and seldom hold in practice. Such decentralization failures exposure to sudden stops. See, e.g., compound is not a source of problems. the problems we Needless to say, these assumptions deal with in this paper by exacerbating the country's Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001, 2003) and Tirole (2002) for articles dealing with decentralization problems. The literature on government's excesses is very extensive. See, e.g., Burnside et al (2003) for a recent incarnation. J In his Nobel lecture, Robert Merton (1998) highlights the enormous savings than can be obtained by designing adequate derivatives and other contracting technologies to deal with risk management. He also argues that emerging- market economies stand to gain the most. Our findings in this paper fully support his views. See also, e.g., (1988), Froot, Scharfstein, Stein (1989), Haldane (1999), Caballero (2001), for articles advocating ation of emerging markets debt. framework and to constraints. link the The contribution of this paper relative to that literature hedging need not to commodities per se, is Krugman commodity index- to offer a quantitative but to the signal aspect of much costlier financial we describe the environment and characterize the optimization problem once a In section 2 sudden stop has been triggered phase." In section 3 The main — this provides we study the phase goal of this section is the boundary conditions for the "precautioning that precedes a sudden stop when the country self-insures. to characterize precautionary contractions. Section 4 describes aggregate hedging strategies under different degree of imperfections in these markets. illustrates our results through an application to the case of Chile. Section 5 Along the way, we outline an econometric approach to gauging the likelihood of a sudden stop and its correlation with an underlying signal. Section 6 provides empirical evidence for a panel of emerging market economies on the large time variation in the likelihood of sudden stops and exogenous) global indices. Section 7 concludes and 2 is its correlation with persistent (and followed by an extensive technical appendix. Preliminaries Intertemporal smoothing implies that emerging economies typically experience substantial needs for external borrowing from abroad. For a variety of reasons that on borrowing is a source of fragility. The sudden we do not model here, this dependence tightening of financial constraints generates large drops in consumption. In this section we formalize such environment and characterize the value function of consumers once a sudden stop has occurred. This serves as a boundary condition for the pre-sudden stop problem faced by the country, which 2.1 is our main concern in this paper. Endowment and Preferences Let the endowment grow at some constant rate, g yt = > yoe 0, during to t < oo: 9t (l) . This specification of the income process excludes feedback and from output < effects from aggregate demand to output sudden stops (although we recover some of the latter channel in the signal process, see below), and hence underestimate the impact of the phenomenon we we adopt its it because study. Nonetheless simplicity allows us to isolate the direct effect of sudden stops more cleanly. Reflecting emerging markets' net debtor position, the country starts with financial wealth, X(0) = Xq < 0. However the country's total wealth X where r Let Ct and cjT represent date t The it = ct > must be positive at all times: 0, exceeds the rate of growth of the endowment, r consumption and cj" i r-g denotes the riskless interest rate and I t — > t (X + ^- - Kyt > g. "excess" consumption, respectively, with: < k < , 1. representative consumer maximizes: /OO u(c*)e~^'-^ ds (2) ith = u{($) c* 1 The parameters simplicity, 5 1 ' -7 <5>0, 7 >0. , and 7 are the discount rate and we assume r = 6 throughout. The The in a manner habit term plays two roles: similar to First, is increasing at the rate of the country's growth raises the effective risk aversion of the it Campbell and Cochrane (1999) and thus brings the demand to realistic magnitudes. Second, borrowing demand to reasonable it For functional form of the utility function captures an external habit formation, with a habit level that rate. risk aversion coefficient, respectively. for country hedging introduces a trend in consumption which allows us to reduce levels without introducing overlapping generations or gaps between the interest and discount rates which would complicate the analysis. 4 A frictionless It is benchmark instructive to pause and study the solution of problem (2) subject to a standard intertem- poral budget constraint (and absent a sudden stop constraint): dX t = {rX -cl+y* )dt t t (3) ^Yq given Accordingly, this type of utility function implies that the indebtedness of the country at any point in time will be larger than - (1 ~^yt r-g with y* By ee (1 - n)y. standard reasoning we have that in such case: = c* and the "total resources" of the r (x + -^—j foralli>0, country remain constant throughout: r X -g + Vo (4) r-g so that lim —— i^oo y*t 1 = r-g and, accordingly: lim i->oo Moreover, for any level of ^ above -K r-g —= y 1 t value, the ratio its limit ^£ decreases monotonically to l r-g' This case serves as a frictionless benchmark in what follows. 2.1.1 Sudden Stops We place no limits on the country's borrowing country faces a "sudden stop." this constraint, or the stop is we look is for a realistic model the sudden stop up to the stochastic time r. we this time, the do not model the informational or contractual factors behind as a to produce a quantitative assessment of the hedging aspects of and fairly robust (across models) constraint. For this, we simply temporary and severe constraint on the rate of external borrowing. In particular, since the "natural" aggregator of a country's total wealth total resources, At complex bargaining and restructuring process that follows once the sudden triggered. Since our goal the problem, We ability is the net present value of its place the constraint on: * XT We assume that at time r, financial ^ < r-g markets require the country to increase c. e gT < C < e rT its total resources by within T periods. Formally: y (xT+T+ -^-)>dx T + ^-). r-gj T-gJ V V It is apparent that this constraint unconstrained benchmark show that debt/gdp this constraint at time t + T, I Xt + will -^- ) (5) be always binding because, as we showed above, at the remains constant at all times. debt/gdp then straightforward to maximum can be expressed as a constraint on the as a function of the It is To ratio at time r. amount allowable of see this, simply rearrange obtain (5) to r ^>Ce^+ Vr+T (Ce-* T -D— r Vt Higher levels of £ make the constraint tighter. At its minimum, (6) 9 C, = e aT the constraint literally , reduces to the requirement that debt/gdp cannot grow any further between r and r XT +T > Vt+t ~ Finally, it interesting to note that is + T:° Xt_ v* one can think of (6) as a constraint on the T balance-of-trade surpluses the country has to accumulate over the next minimum To periods. see this, budget constraint: start with the intertemporal rr+T e and replace (6) into it, -rV-T>( y * -^) dt= e~ rl X T+T - XT to obtain: rT+T e" r(i_T) (y* i; ~ <) dt > (Ce _pT - l)^- e -( r-g r ~ 9)T - (1 - Ce~ rT )XT . This gives us the constraint in terms of the balance-of-trade surpluses required from a country that is faced with a sudden stop. These required surpluses rise with the country's endowment, with £, and with the is a net debtor). That This is, level of we have debt at the time of the sudden stop (recall that XT < when the country arrived to a flow constraint rather than to a conventional stock constraint. specification not only facilitates our analysis but also captures well policymakers' concerns with current account °Even for the £ = e deficits regardless of the level of external indebtedness. In practice gT case the constraint we consider the fact that the debt/gdp ratio is is binding at the time of the sudden stop. This follows from always growing for an unconstrained country as we showed above. 8 we observe a wide array of debt-to-gdp ratios but warnings emerge quickly as soon as current account deficits There (a flow) crosses certain thresholds. above and beyond stocks: while there flows is much harder at least is one good reason for this concern with flows always some space for stock renegotiation, financing is new to obtain during distress. As we mentioned above, note that while the constraint is on the flows, stocks A do matter. higher debt-to-gdp ratio at the outset of the sudden stop requires a larger consumption sacrifice since debt-servicing is more expensive. This down countries to slow , is initial Note stock of debt diminished but excess consumption during the sudden stop approaches and hence the value of even small contributions to the relaxation of the constraint have great value. If 7 > which we assume throughout, the 1, adjust debt before a sudden stop rises with latter effect dominates and the incentive to £. The Sudden Stop Value Function (A Boundary Condition) 2.2 We to reduce this debt-burden cost. is upper limit erT the effectiveness of the changes in the in affecting the constraint zero, sudden stop in anticipation of a also that as C goes to its key for our results below, as the main reason for is solve the optimization crisis problem in three steps. Starting backwards, we first solve for the post- period, then for the sudden-stop period, and finally for the period preceding the sudden stop. In this section we summarize the results of the first V function at the time of the sudden stop, (XT two y T ), which , The steps. goal of these we then is to find the value use to find the solution of the optimization and hedging problems before the crisis with the latter phase, we assume that there only one sudden stop, which simplifies the analysis without sacrificing Lemma 7 > 1. 1 Let much is insight. V ss (XT ,y*) denote the value function at the the time of the sudden stop and set Then: v ss (xT where is takes place. Since our concern in this paper V + (XT ,y*) y ;) , = Kv + (x , y ;) (7) denotes the value function in the benchmark frictionless case: V + (XT ,yl) . .7(xT rJ and the constant T K -i--a1 —7 is K= (1 - e- rT )^(l - e- 1-7 rT C) + e- rT 1-7 C , (8) such that K = K(Q We leave the proof for the appendix. y T independently, but instead it A">1;A"'>0. with depends on the net present value of resources is K > to the and increases with £. While the particular simplicity of our formulae is more 1 The model general. will allow us to ( XT + £f- ) . and This reduce the dimensionality of constant K, we have problem without sudden stops. identical to the one in the we assume throughout, is it programming problem. Moreover, up function that XT Note that the value function does not depend on observation will prove convenient later on, because the dynamic (9) arrived at a value Lastly, for 7> 1, which 6 due to stylized assumptions, the basic message be understood as an approximation to a potentially more also can complicated specification of constraints that result in higher marginal disutility of debt in the event of a crisis. Precautionary Contractions 3 Let us now address our main concern and begin to characterize the country's problem prior to the sudden-stop phase. If there are no hedging instruments, the country's only reducing the cost of a sudden stop takes place. We varies over time. show that if is to cut mechanism for consumption and borrowing before the sudden stop sudden stops are somewhat predictable, the amount of self-insurance This time varying precautionary savings implies that when the signal of a sudden stop deteriorates, the country falls into a sort of "precautionary contraction." That is, into a sharp reduction in consumption to limit the cost of the potential sudden stop. Let st represent a publicly observed sudden stop signal that follows a diffusion process: Observe that value function 7 > 1 is is for 7 > 1 the function ^3— = + odB ds t is negative for jidt all t . Z > 0. Thus one, because the lender does not reduce is > 1 reflects that the lower than the continuation value function for the unconstrained problem. that the flow aspect of the constraint implies that having a higher one, this effect K its XT 10 crisis. The reason we need does not relax the constraint one demands by the same amount during the sudden strong enough to discourage saving for the constrained stop. When 7 is for below This signal imperfectly related to the sudden stop process. is Concretely, the stochastic time r depends on the realization of a stochastic jump process, the intensity of which = At We exp(a - ais t ); can now write the dynamic programming problem V(X t = maxE f -$ 1-7 Jt ,s u yl) > + e- given by 0. as: r{u - l) e- <*i is du r ^- V ss (X ,y*)\F T t) t (10) ~ exp(l). (11) where r = inf{£ 6 (0,oo) / : < X(s u )du z}, = X(s t ) e Q °- QlS( z , Jo and the evolution of (Xt, is st,yt) given by: dX = {rX -c* +y* )dt (12) dy*t = ylgdt (13) ds t = [idt t From the previous section we know t t t + adBt. (14) that once the sudden stop takes place, the value function takes the form: (iy( x^ + , , Hence the HJB with first 1-7 equation for the value function = max j£—- - Vxdt is: \-rV+ Vx (rX + y") + Vy .y* g + VsM + ^a V 2 ss In Proposition 5 in the appendix {Vx )- lh we show that the X(s t ) [V ss - V] . (15) v= b(s t (16) . solution to the X + ^~9 in more detail in what follows: 11 takes the simple form: r an appropriate function b(s t ). The function b(s t ) captures it HJB 1-7 y±-1-7 ^ t we study + order condition: t= for \1-T rX . all (i7) the economics of the problem and Precautionary Savings 3.1 Assume that sudden stops are totally unpredictable, Qi first in this case b(s) is no longer a function of the signal yields a simple algebraic equation for 0, so that X t replacing the function s, = V exp(ao) in the = HJB A. Since equation b: V b - rb+ -A 7 1 = 1 - 1 (18) where b captures the jump in the value function once the country enters into a sudden stop. relegate the proof of the following Lemma It is lemma Let us to the appendix: 2 Equation (18) has a unique solution in \^,b\ now straightforward to obtain the (excess) consumption function from the envelope theo- rem: (x + -£- t < This result -combined with larger of Lemma than - yet smaller than b. , sudden stops. Yet, it is = ~ r -^- (19) 2- demonstrates the presence of precautionary savings: b Hence consumption more than what it is less would be if than what it would be in the is absence the country experienced a sudden stop. This reflects the country's desire to accumulate extra savings (compared to the no-sudden stop case) in order to By smooth out the time-differentiating (19) extreme events. effects of these and using (1), (3), and (18) we obtain the country's (excess) consumption process: dr* dc; q That is, a r//>\ 7 ! 7 1 dt > the (excess) consumption process prior to a sudden stop has an upward turn reflects a precautionary savings of 1 i = -A sudden stop taking place with the signal self-insurance is s, in the demand drift: This in attributable to the uncertainty generated by the risk next instant. But, because this probability is not correlated there are no precautionary contractions. In this case, the pattern of saving for not a source of business cycles. L2 Time Varying Precautionary Savings 3.2 now return Let us the function V to the general case, of equation (17) into the where a\ HJB > 0. After a few simplifications, substituting equation (15) shows that b(s) satisfies the following ordinary differential equation (ODE): -b + b s fi + (7-1) (b s +b V+-A( 2 s ^7 St ) The boundary 1 0. (20) b. 7 conditions reflect the facts that as the signal becomes extremely positive, the problem approximates the frictionless (no sudden stops) benchmark, while when the signal is ex- tremely negative, the problem converges to that at the sudden stop time. Let b* = lim s—»oo K= where and b* 6* are lim b(s). (21) b(s). (22) given by: b* = r K lh -. K = We can easily obtain the solution to the ordinary differential plot this function (multiplied by r) in the top subplot of Figure with respect to s. As the 1. equation (20) numerically. The function b(s) is We decreasing signal deteriorates, this function rises rapidly, reflecting the increasing marginal value of wealth when a sudden stop is likely in the near future. This setup allows for an explicit characterization of the optimal consumption policy in feedback form. Given the value function, it follows from (16) that the optimal consumption policy takes the form: X + t Vt r-g (23) Kst) The effect of the signal can be seen clearly in this expression. its frictionless limit when the and hence consumption increases signal worsens, consumption falls for for any given contraction. 13 any given level of As s rises, b(s) falls level of wealth. toward Conversely, wealth causing a precautionary -i. 1.3 -20 1 2 .o \ 1.6 1.4 1.3 " \ 1.2 1.2 \ "~ - ^ 0.8 11 1 0.4 i 12 -10 i ' i- i ' i ' 3 Standard deviations of the state Variable Figure 1: The top subplot depicts rb(s t ) for a wide range of values of s t normalized by its (yearly) standard deviation. Similarly, the bottom panel focuses on a more narrow range of values (normalized by the yearly standard deviation), and plots rb(st) (dashed line axis) and the hazard rate (solid line - measured on the 14 right axis). - for s t measured on the left Finally, applying Ito's lemma hand to the right side of (23) using (20), (3), and (1) we obtain the country's (excess) consumption process before the sudden stop: dc? The case a\ drift = 0, + i (ob s y k^ i TYT) 1 i {st) (24) b -A(sj) I 1 b, , which we also found in the and captures precautioning against the Poisson jump event that can occur now at any there are two additional terms associated with the sensitivity of the likelihood sudden stop to the signal. For the reasons explained above, deteriorating signal increases the need to accumulate resources respond more to a one-standard-deviation increase also —odBt dt 7 term includes a precautionary term time. However, of a 7 an extra precautionary savings term ^ is strictly negative, so that a and accordingly makes consumption in the signal by a factor of — ^ There c- is in the drift in response to the additional uncertainty in consumption created by precautionary contractions. In the application section of the paper we quantify these effects. 3.3 Ignoring time varying hazards Before we turn to hedging, we shall develop a simply ignoring time-variation in the hazard framework to measure the costs associated with In order to quantify these costs, rate. a country chose to ignore time variation in the hazard rate and determines hazard rate was given by a constant A. assume that its policies as if the In that case, the country's "optimal" policy would be given by: (** + # d where d would be a solution to equation (18) with A replacing A. If the hazard rate varying, this policy will be clearly suboptimal. with this suboptimal policy by plugging it We can evaluate the expected utility V' is truly time associated (instead of the optimal policy (23)) into the Bellman equation (15). This results in the partial differential equation: •V o i An sub + X(s t ) (V ss - V sub )+V^ b (rX + t y* t - c*} 7 informed guess about the solution to this equation is: l-T V sub [/(*)]' 1 15 7 Vy ub gy; + Vr s . b H+^V T s b (25) Plugging back this conjecture into (25) and simplifying, shows that / V sub solves (25) if and only if solves: r^-4 1 7 2 loses of ignoring we + / 2 f'2 +/> + y (7 In the application section rf "f + y/ss 1) and evaluate the welfare solve this differential equation numerically time variation in the hazard rate. Aggregate Hedging 4 Precautionary savings and contractions are costly and imperfect self-insurance mechanisms for smoothing the impact of a sudden stop. In allow it to this section we enlarge the options of the country and hedge using insurance contracts and derivatives. Of course, the effectiveness of the hedging strategy depends on the contracts and instruments that are available to the country, and how accurate the crisis-signal In this section is. we provide a framework to explore a variety of scenarios in a unified framework. A 4.1 unified model of hedging There are two fundamental sources of associated with variations in the signal The second as "diffusive" risks. of the s. Since s follows The first type are risks that are a diffusion process, we shall refer to those source of risks are those that are associated with the actual arrival random sudden stop time r. We of the country to mitigate the effects of of markets to our framework. risk in hedge against these risks shall refer to this type of risk as sudden stops and the will critically "jump" risk. depend on both the The ability availability costs of such strategies. Let us assume that diffusive risks can be hedged in futures market. That is, a country can enter into contracts with payoffs given by: dF t —=- = (fiydt + adBt Ft where <p x is a risk premium, that could depend on global risks, then cp 1 = and the futures price is st . If the diffusive risks are not associated with a martingale. In the presence of futures contracts, 16 the dynamic budget constraint becomes: dX = (rX t where 7r t denotes the number the portfolio process as pt = Tv t dF {rX - t t risks are c* t + y* + pt4>i)dt + p odB t stop over the next interval dt, then the insurer pays Allowing for If t N It t is actuarially is fair, + y ; + ptfa - c*t t then (26) t + when 1 the country enters into a sudden amount equal (j> = 2 2 0. to A(s t )(l should be viewed as a Else the insurer charges <t> 2 )It)dt + Pt adB + I dN t t t = presence of insurers, then It and (3) as special cases. (27) reduces to (26). presence of futures markets to hedge against diffusive 4.2 The to the markup 2 > 0- (27) the country enters into a sudden stop, and denotes the amount of insurance contracts purchased (in units of the numeraire). budget constraint (27) includes equations (26) and + (j)2)dt the evolution of assets becomes: risks, A(s t )(l and jumps to identically equal to If the parameter 1; markets in both diffusive and jump dX = {rX where Similar to insurance constraint: unit of consumption to the country, else 1 nothing. In exchange for this contract the country pays an insurer per contract purchased. Defining hedged through "insurers" who are willing to enter into an (instantaneous) contract of duration dt in the following terms: or a risk premium. t we obtain the new dynamic budget TttFt, jump + yl)dt + of futures contracts that the country wishes to purchase. dX = Let us assume that c* t t risk, Furthermore, The dynamic If we assume away the if we assume away the then (26) becomes (3). general case Let us solve the country's problem subject to the dynamic budget constraint (27), and then turn to study important subcases. for the If the budget constraint is modified to (27), then the Bellman equation country becomes: = max i +A(.s ( ) ^ Vx c I max {V ss (X + t (28) I) - Vx (l + <f> 2 )l} 2 + max < p { a — VxxP „2 t/ „ 2 +pV\<p +V\S pa , 2 x 2 +VX (rX + yl) + piV + t s ^V 17 ss + Vy -gy* t [r + X(s t )} V i The first order conditions for this problem are: (cT 1 (29) v vxss The first optimality condition is Vx (l + (30) <p 2 ) Vx 4>\ VXi VX x v2 Vxx (31) the familiar Euler equation. The second equation captures the country's attempt to equate the marginal value of a dollar pre- and post- sudden stop, which is fully accomplished if 2 = 0. Finally, the last condition optimal portfolio of futures consists of two parts: and captures the willingness some to accept The first is part identical to Merton's formula. is positive (since volatility in return for a risk-premium. simple intuitive argument shows that the second term captures a hedging The reason is that the marginal value of wealth will that a sudden stop interesting case is is <p l imminent. This happens as = 0, i.e. when the Vxx < signal is demand and become higher the more s decreases By and hence Vx s < likely 0. A 0, The Vx > 0) contrast, a is negative. it becomes particularly uncorrelated with the world economy. Then p < 0, since only the hedging motive prevails. To solve (28) we proceed as in Section 3 and conjecture that the value function has a separable form: i— v= (*+£) d( St y (32) i i With this conjecture, equations (29) through (31) become, respectively: /~ i y*t d{s t ) V r {l 1 ( I 1^1 ya It will be useful to l + 4>2 - K rd \ + . (33) ~9 d. X d X + r-g Vi 1 t (34) Vi (35) t define: t Plugging back (32) into (28), using the r- above four equations and performing several simplifications, L8 shows that V satisfies (28) if 1 - and only + fid s + rd 1-7 70-'~ —d / 1 if d(st) satisfies the equation: ss + (36) ds 0J y jv 2 i 1-7 \ ; (l 1-7 7 is A' 7 A(s t + 1 it stiU characterize several properties of the solution. consumption, Lemma for i cps) + {l + 6 2 )d- a non-linear second order differential equation which the boundary conditions (21) and (22). Even though can 2 d 2 7 Equation (36) (d s ) is to be solved under does not have an analytical solution, we Of particular interest the behavior of is which we have: 3 The excess consumption process evolves according dc* -rd+ A(s t )(l + -f <p 2 )id [ fi to: + — ) ds + %-d s dt (37) ~~c* 7 a Let us now dBt analyze a few special cases to understand the different component of the consumption process. No 4.3 The risks restrictions on hedging natural starting point and the this case is when <p l risks that threaten the = cp 2 = 0. In other words, markets exist for both types of country are diversifiable. The following Lemma shows that in pre-sudden stop consumption wiU be constant: Proposition 1 If 4>i = <p 2 = 0, then dc[ = <t <T. 0: This result asserts that consumption will be constant prior to a sudden stop hedge perfectly in markets for both diffusive and jump risks. country can costlessly trade in contingent claims, then it This result will is if a country can hardly surprising. be able to stabilize its If the consumption stream pre-sudden stop. Precautionary savings ceases to be necessary as a mitigation mechanism. 19 Let us pause and note that both markets need to be costelessly accessible in order to obtain the above result. may seem This surprising at for diffusive risks as long as the country desires upon the all, is is time varying. The resolution of this puzzle is that the Since the contracts with the insurers are instantaneous, there uncertainty about the terms under which these contracts can be rolled over in the future. s decreases, needed To then the actuarially in order to insurance will become more costly. fair hedge against such variations see this, let us momentarily set In the appendix we show that it variations in s are only useful in predicting the likelihood of a jump, and are otherwise useless. cost of insurance should there be a need for a market can costelessly contract with insurers on the amounts sudden stop? After arrival of the Why first. </> 2 = 0, If Therefore, futures are in the price of insurance. but in this case the (excess) consumption process has the following properties: Proposition 2 Assume that cp 2 = and = 4> Y dc* 1 c* d —jcr 2 ^f (7+1) Then dt d 2 c Is T^dBt i for d(s t ) that solves (36) with That zero is, <f> 2 = and fa the consumption process "dB" term). This shows that is = - 7°" 2 ^f a non-degenarate diffusion (in the sense that in the presence of stop both markets (for diffusive and • jump time variation risk) will contribute in it has a non- the likelihood of a sudden towards hedging. Neither will be sufficient in isolation. Let us not return to the case with is to use the martingale This methodology is (t> 1 = q> 2 = 0. An alternative way to arrive at Proposition methods developed by Cox and Huang (1989) and Karatzas particularly attractive when dynamic trading stochastic payoffs. 20 allows one to span all 1 (1987). possible Formally, these methods start by solving an inherently static problem. Namely: t max c *l-7 + e -r(T-t)ySS\xT ,y*T )\F 3S__ e -r(«-*) du E (38) t subject to the intertemporal budget constraint: -Hv-t) This (39) an inherently is and maximizing c * du + static problem. E(e^ T - at least of Proposition decomposed 1. into is > 1 T, t r{u - t] y* du (39) u (40) y* ' (41) r-g times between all First, <u< t Second, observe that the optimal level of observe that the (excess) r. This is just a restatement financial wealth at time r can be two components: r-g r the second term is in and - - 1 captures the it = (A'- - This formula shows that optimal (excess) consumption sudden stops compared to an economy that for insurance. Com- > k r(xt + + demand _i k'y 1 (A> Extra insurance needed to cover SS the absence of SS solve for c* = i r clearly positive we can cT -k -i i i 1 bining (39), (40) and (41) to - <U<T K! - equal to a constant for Optimal Wealth K +E two observations that deserve comment. XT = Since t (38) over c*, A"T gives: consumption process <X KXT ) Adjoining a lagrange multiplier k to the budget constraint k There are t 1) £ Ee-^-V will be lower in an economy that is exposed not exposed to such events by the factor:' is 1 (42) Ki -l)Ee' It is for the is interesting to cross-check that consumption process. To see given by r(T -V dynamic programming and the martingale methods produce the same answer this note that the martingale methods in conjunction with (33) : d( s ,)=*+-(/w 21 - l) £e- r(T - £) imply that d(s t ) The reason to pay intuitive: is Even when such insurance, and hence for hedging possibilities are unconstrained, the country all it have to cut back consumption somewhat will be able to finance this insurance. However, this insurance An consumption process subsequently. volatility of its will allow still has order to in the country to eliminate the interesting feature of (42) us to determine the cost of "hedging" as a percentage of excess consumption. is That that cost it is allows given as i *•(* + £)-<? 1+1/0-1 )£e- r < T -'> = (K$ - l) Ee-rW This formula allows a simple "back of the envelope" computation. Note that moment generating random time function of the Ee -r(r-t) = 2 r. Ee~ r ( T~ '"' is the Accordingly: _ rE T _ ( tj + £(,.2) Ignoring the last term in the above equation, the cost of insurance as a percentage of excess consumption given approximately is as: (K$ -l)(l-r£(r-t)) This formula ity of the t)) high) the less To see that and the quite intuitive. sudden stop — rE(r — (1 is K captured by 1 ' 1 = (f>i <Pn = will and the constant of proportionality ) 1 is equal d(st) fid, yd + 33 + \(s t ) =E (,-t) e / ds + Ee J I — ODE (T-i) is given by: K to: =E r(a-0 ds + H--'"-" ^ -f and therefore d(s t ) This is given by produce the same answer, note that according to the Bellman equation - rd + d(s t ) turn is the expected distance to the sudden stop (say because s is According to the Feynman Kac Theorem the solution to this linear in proportional to the sever- : = which is is the cost of insurance. dynamic programming fact that says that the cost of hedging It Hence, the longer . is (as (43) exactly the same expression = -+E r 1 -r(T-l) as the one produced by the martingale approach. 22 >-'-' ds (36) Restricted insurance 4.4 One could reasonably argue that the hedging of jump may be risks sudden stops directly probably requires to overcome a long concerns. ballero One possibility infeasible in practice. Insuring of moral hazard and informational list to do proxy-hedging using exogenous variables, as described is and Panageas (2005), but there by Ca- always be an important residual that probably can only will be insured (and to a limited amount) by international financial institutions rather than by private markets. However, if one can find tradeable variables (such as the price of copper) that are useful in pre- dicting the arrival of a sudden stop, then hedging "diffusive" risk alone can provide significant still benefits. The easiest way assumption that 4> 1 to see this = 0. is to impose the constraint 7 Let us enforce the constraint I fc-o^" If 4>2 is risk given by this process, then clearly / premium but result in this case the Proposition 3 Assume Then the optimal that <p 2 A key observation about variation. This with equation is <p 2 is by assuming that is <p 2 satisfies: (44) (34). It consumption process is most useful to think of is = less volatile 0. = than 0. not as a <^ 2 The following in Section 3. Furthermore assume that cp^ = 0. given by: given by (44) an d <t>\ = the above proposition in contrast to Section 3 (37)). but continue to maintain the 1 given by (44) so that 1 consumption process where d solves (36) with by 0, Lagrange multiplier associated with the constraint 1 as the shows that even = = = is 0. that the consumption process has no quadratic where we allowed precautionary savings only (compare This means that hedging with futures achieves the goal of mitigating pre- cautionary contractions, even in the complete absence of markets that insure against the arrival of sudden stops (jump risk). Note, however, that relative to the <^ 2 = ing the presence of precautionary savings case, the consumption process still has a due to the presence of unhedged jump 23 drift reflect- risk. Moreover, there on st (smooth) variation in the consumption rate pre-sudden stop since both A and d depend is still . Pure Precautionary savings as a 4.5 In the previous section we In this section special case we postulated equation (44) for shall additionally postulate that = p hedging possibilities altogether. From equation (35) we That is, is (f>i the appropriate "shadow" risk 0, set impose the constraint so that the country p = is 1 = 0. excluded from by setting: -^ ~ 2 = 4>i in order to 4>2 (45) premium that ensures that p = throughout. The next proposition shows that under the joint assumptions (44) and (45) we recover the result in section 3.2 . Proposition 4 Assume section 3.2 and that (44) and (45) the consumption process dc* 1 c* d ' Then d(st) solves the same equation as b(st) in given by 4^y. 1+(1+1)'2d '1 iW J d* is hold. \ \ di rd ,„ -^CrdBt a which is The identical to equation (24). value of this proposition one that we used in "shadow" 4.6 risk is to this section and, premia embed the results in Section 3 in the more importantly, in order to justify same framework as the to identify the necessary assumptions on no hedging. Discussion We can now view the results that we have obtained thus far in a unified eliminated every hedging possibility. Therefore, the country was its sole protection against sudden stops. by both variations in the The with precautionary savings as country's consumption pre-sudden stop was affected hazard rate (diffusive conditional on the hazard rate (jump risk). left framework. In Section 3 we risk) and the random arrival of the At the polar opposite, Section 24 sudden stop 4.3 allowed for the presence of an insurer and a market to hedge against diffusive effects of both sources of risk risk. This helped eliminate the on consumption. Hence consumption pre-sudden stop was constant. Subsection 4.4 helped demonstrate that even in the absence of an insurer, the presence of hedging markets can help eliminate the process will still on consumption. However, the consumption effects of diffusive risk be affected by the non-insurability of jump which leaves a random risk the drift in consumption process. Importantly, Sections 4.4 and 4.5 helped to demonstrate that the assumptions on the presence or absence of markets are equivalent to making appropriate assumptions on the prevailing "shadow" risk premia on these markets. This will facilitate robustness checks after we calculate optimal hedging strategies. 5 An The Case of Chile Illustration: In this section we good case study illustrate since Chile our main results through an application to the case of Chile. This is an open economy, with most of to capital flows' volatility. Moreover, the price of copper (its source of income fluctuations but, more importantly for us, attitude toward Chile. aggregate demand and its a recent business cycle attributable main export) it is is is not only an important an excellent indicator of investors In fact, Caballero (2001) shows that the typical contraction in Chilean net capital flows after a sharp decline in the price of copper larger than the corresponding annuity value of the decline in Chilean wealth is many times due to the drop in copper prices. 5.1 Calibration While our purpose here we spend some time 5.1.1 Estimating Sudden stops However, we is only illustrative, and hence our search for parameters implementation. rather informal, describing our estimation/calibration of the key function A(s). A(s) are severe but rare events, which still is makes highlight our procedure because Similarly, a key issue is it it hard to estimate A(s) with any precision. provides a good starting point for an actual determining the components of the signal, 25 s. Given we use only the logarithm the limited goal of this section, implementation also it of the price of copper. would be worth including some global U.S. high yield spread, the EMBI+ VIX or the In a true risk-financial indicator, such as the (see Section 6 below), and removing slow moving 8 trends from the price of copper. With we use these caveats behind us, us describe the reduced-form Markov regime switching model to estimate A(s). Unlike the standard regime-switching model, ours has time-varying tran- sition probabilities. GDP let data but sudden stop Our left-hand side variable does not it make any at each point in time) Y= t The growth Mo + aggregate demand, Yt (which we will proxy with is difference for our purpose of identifying the likelihood of a and is generated by the process: +c*e, !{::,=:i}Mi e ~ N(0,l),n < i and variance is 0, the regime Oq. Otherwise, the is "normal" and growth regime is is = 0|ai = 0,X SiS£(M+1) = atp"/" = 1 — 1 *(*">*• ) Pr(z(+ i = 0|z ( POO, PiO = = 1, = poo X^m+i)) = Pio 1 ~~ <?i just a assumed is Prfo+i Pr(^t+i 1. When = p. + p. 1 l\= t = 0,Xs s6(M+1) = ) GDP l|zf = 1, X for the regressors that enter the data starting from 1976 to 1999 and monthly copper data (source, International Financial Statistics). s s s e(t,t+i)) = hazard function Few -*' copper, only discrete points. However, to improve the j s fit unobservable, since we can obtain copper data exp is same period but also is a key ingredient in designing investors/ insurers are likely to be willing to hold long-term risk on a t ignore this issue and calculate the integral by a '"There for the we may turn out to be non-stationary. D 1 ")"*" Strictly speaking the quantity exp variable that Q 10 Removing the slow moving trend not only seems long run insurance and hedging contracts. and m (the logarithm of the price of copper in this application). 9 For the purpose of estimating A(s), use annual /i to be the following: , = , , and Xt stands the normal variable with mean "abnormal" and growth has a lower mean, a variance a\. The transition matrix between the two states where poi and rate of Yt depends on an unobserved regime z t that takes values value of the regime Pr(c (+1 0. " Rieman sum v ' a at reasonable high frequencies so that we can of safely as exp ^ a caveat here. Our extended-sample starts from 1972, but 26 we cannot observe the continuous path all the years up to 1976 are part of a deep For estimation, we use a Bayesian approach that we Bayesian inference seems natural have. do not require asymptotic justification. we use a multimove Gibbs Sampler in this context, since we fix is to as described in augment the parameter set Kim and we Nelson (1998,1999) and based on is The refer the reader to these references. (/i , n1 , ao, <j\, q, an, a\) parameters we draw from the posterior distribution of the states and conditional on these in a single step as described in Nelson (1999). Given the draw from the posterior distribution of the states we sample means the conditional jj. q , /^ using a conjugate normal / truncated normal prior which leads to 11 a normal / truncated normal posterior. se of interest (namely (ao,ai)) by treating the unobserved states as parameters. Then a draw from the posterior distribution of Kim and allows exact statements that it To estimate the parameters the filtering algorithm of Hamilton (1989). For details basic idea suitable for the very few datapoints that is Conditional on the states and the draw from sample from the posterior distribution of posteriors in the same (o"o, cr i) class. Similarly, fixing the states using inverse gamma and the draw from q using a conjugate beta prior leading to conjugate beta posterior. priors (/i n , (/x , fi^) which lead to // 1; crn, a\) The sampling we draw of (an,a:i) presents the difficulty that there does not seem to be a natural conjugate prior to use and thus we use a Metropolis Hastings-Random normal we sample from a bivariate centered at the previous iterations' estimate as described in Robert and Casella (1999). This provides us with a new draw form we can walk-accept-reject step where iterate the algorithm standard result in by (fi , fj.^, ao, a\, q, ao, a\) filtering the states again, and conditional on based on the new draw this new draw etc. It is then a Bayesian computation that the stationary distribution of the parameters sampled with these procedure (treating the unobserved states as parameters too) coincides with the posterior distribution of the parameters. 12 contraction due to political turmoil combined with extremely weak external conditions. However, since the extended- sample starts during abnormal years these do not influence the estimation of X(s) (which transitions from normal to abnormal states). It is in this is estimated from the sense that the sample relevant for the estimation of the latter starts in 1976. For details see below. "For details see Albert and Chib (1993). '"To reduce computational time and satisfy the technical conditions required for the applicability of the Gibbs Sampler, we used proper priors for proper prior for (/j ,^j) was {fJ. Normal / ,p-i) and (qo.Qi) and improper Truncated normal with means priors for the rest of the parameters. (0,0) The and a diagonal covariance matrix. The standard deviations where chosen to be roughly 5 times the range of the sample, so that the priors had effectively no influence on the estimation. Similarly for (qq,Qi) we used independent normal 27 priors centered at with a standard A first state. The output of this procedure is Figure 2 which plots the probability of being in an abnormal model recognizes roughly three years out and the recent episode following the Asian/Russian a devastating debt-crisis, and was significantly episode appears to be a An mix of the 24 as The crises. more abnormal years: the early 1980s early 1980s episode corresponds to severe than the recent one. In fact, the recent sudden stop and a precautionary recession. of a milder interesting observation about these probabilities that they allow us to identify the abnor- is mal regimes with great confidence. To improve the tightness of the posterior confidence intervals concerning the parameters of interest (an,a:i) we observe that conditional on the states the (log-) likelihood function becomes: Yl ' Xl lo g(Poo(ao, a\ )) + (1 - Xi) log(poi ("o, "i ))] 2,=0 where Xi takes the value 1 if there is no transition to state words all our purpose of estimating states. In other words if and takes the value other parameters of the model including the (cvo,c*i) we were otherwise. depends on the data only through the interesting to notice that the likelihood for (arj,ai) states. In other 1, GDP-data It is filtered are relevant for only to the extent that they influence the identification of the to condition directly on the states we would be able to get rid of the noise introduced by filtering. Given the few data points and the quite clear identification of the abnormal states we report directly the posterior distribution of (an,a:i) conditional abnormal states, we report on the early 80's and 1999 being the the posterior distributions of the parameters (ao,ari) conditional on the states that are identified as abnormal. 13 Table Correspondingly, in what follows we use an = 1 reports these results. 2.5, a\ = 5.2 as our benchmark values for the function A(s). deviation of 10. Even when we experimented with more diffuse priors the algorithm produced virtually identical results but computational time was significantly increased, because convergence was significantly slower. Most importantly though, for the results that we report in Table 1 and that we use in the calibration exercise we used completely flat priors. ' I.e., states that have a posterior probability of being abnormal above 0.75. The conditioning is done increase the precision of the estimates and seems to be warranted just by a visual inspection of Figure 28 2. in order to Probability of abnormal regime 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1975 1980 Figure 1985 2: 2000 1995 1990 Probability of abnormal regime Posterior Distributions mean Oil Table 1: Deviation 10 25 50 75 90 -2.522 1.067 -3.826 -3.027 -2.316 -1.789 -1.420 -5.170 3.387 -9.259 -6.802 -4.708 -3.040 -1.515 std. Posterior Distributions of the Parameters (ao,ai) Conditional on the States that are Identified as Abnormal. 10, 25 etc. refer to the respective quantiles. 29 Other parameters 5.1.2 We calibrate £ and T to generate the average cumulative stops in the sample, which es T + 0.35(e rr is consumption drop caused by the sudden about 8-10% of GDP. One such configuration is T = and 1 Q = -eff T ). The parameters k and j are calibrated to generate reasonable amounts of steady-state debt (and hence reasonable amounts of insurance needs) together with significant precautionary fluctu- —but not — of the precautionary contraction much ations (see below, in particular, to explain all experienced by Chile at the early stages of the 1998-9 episode). For The interest rate r is set to 0.09 to emerging market and the growth rate g is set to 0.03. path that grows significantly faster than that up, and then decelerates below that debt-to-GDP ratio to 0.5 X = The latter level for a level forever. (i.e., we set k = 0.8 and 7 = 7. capture the high cost of borrowing faced by the typical to a initial this, We is a constant-rate approximation few years, while the country normalize initial GDP (j/q) to 1, is catching and set the -0.5). FinaUy, we approximate the process for copper by a driftless Brownian motion with constant volatility a, which we estimate using monthly data from 1972 to 1999 (source, IFS). value of roughly a = 0.23 and normalize the initial value of We find a s to 0. Aggregate Hedging 5.2 Given these parameters, we now turn to a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of the various strategies described in Sections 3.2 5.2.1 and 4. Precautionary Savings and Hedging Let us illustrate the impact of the different hedging strategies in steps: In the first one we illustrate the gains from going from a pure precautionary savings strategy to one that incorporates diffusion risk hedging. In the We 8 years start second one we enrich the strategy further by adding jump by drawing a random path and no sudden stop takes place for s t in it. , plotted in panel (a) of Figure The main 3. risk hedging. The path runs features of this path are not too different from the realization of the price of copper during the 1990s. In particular, the large the middle of the path followed by a sharp decline toward the end of the period 30 for is rise in s near reminiscent of The path the path of the price of copper in the second half of the 1990s. corresponds to the empirical The two lines in mean of Sj = 0. which in the data. subplot (b) illustrate the corresponding paths of (excess) consumption generated for the precautionary savings only case The former starts at so (dashed and the line) tracks the signal closely while the latter diffusive risk hedging case (solid line). manages to avoid precautionary contractions. Note, however, that both paths have positive slope, reflecting precautionary savings against the jump risk (both) Subplot risk (the case shows the the paths of the currents account (c) scenarios. In and precautionary contractions both cases the current account worsens the current account deficit Of deficit shrinks. with the signal but the point we are isolating a tightening of credit conditions. The is is without diffusion hedging) deficits course, in our context much both in income does not change the sensitivity of consumption to news signifying analysis would not be changed in any substantive deterministic process, in order to illustrate in the simplest possible of exported commodities can have an effect above and effectively "normalized" to differ "procyclical," in the sense that as the signal by adding some correlation between such news and income shocks. have do not . beyond We way way chose to keep income a that variations in the price their direct income effect (which we for simplicity), as long as they are useful in predicting the arrival of sudden stops. Importantly, the procyclical behavior of the current account deficit does not reflect the same behavior of consumption in the two scenarios. In the absence of diffusion risk hedging, When a point in case: than increased its it is consumption that does the adjustment. Chile is the price of copper collapsed at the end of the 1990s, Chile reduced rather current account deficit - exactly the opposite behavior of that of Australia, a developed economy which was facing similar terms of trade shocks. 14 Moreover, the sharp decline in the current account deficit from 6 to about 3.5 percent of GDP toward the end of the sample, suggests that about half of the current account adjustment observed in Chile during the 1998-9 crisis can be accounted by optimal precautionary behavior in the absence of hedging. 10 While the current account does follow a similar path when H See 1,1 The Caballero, rest of the Cowan and Kearns diffusive risk is hedged, the adjust- (2005). adjustment could be accounted for by excess adjustment (some have argued that the central bank contracted monetary policy excessively during this episode) and by the partial sudden stop spread tripled during this episode). 31 itself (the "sovereign'' excess consumption Path of state variable 0.24 1a. °- 23 / | 0.22 c 2 0.21 in 0.2 I K if ' V ' i 0.19 4 2 time - 6 (b) Path of Debt/GDP Path of current account/GDP -0.02 - prec. savings — -0.03 -0.04 k hedging diff. o 0.8 A I L_ 1 -0.05 U "Li '' ,' ' ft /f M, §0.6 ''. .- -0.06 <D Q -0.07 2 2 3: 0.4 V -0.08 Figure Subplot 4 time - (a) depicts 6 4 2 time - (c) and k = 0.8. The dashed The solid line depicts the path of excess line depicts the savings exclusively. Subplot (d) plots the its yearly standard deviation) as a when income at time is consumption when the country uses normalized to diffusive hedging. path of excess consumption when the country uses exclusively precautionary (c) plots the current account path of the debt/gdp ratio hedging and the dashed 6 (d) the path of the state variable (normalized by function of time. Subplot (b) depicts the path of excess consumption 1 - , n line to for the rXt — c[ +yl for the same two two scenarios. Throughout the precautionary savings. 32 scenarios. Subplot solid line refers to diffusive ment variable account t behavior of rXt X t t - c* + y* t quantity remains practically unchanged across the two scenarios, If this is see this note that the current given by: is CA = rX of c* To not consumption but the net asset position. is — c% is it means that the roughly similar across them. However, as we have seen already, the volatility dramatically different across the two alternatives. This must mean that the net asset position has to become more volatile as we move from the precautionary savings case to diffusive hedging. Subplot (d) confirms this conjecture. In the absence of hedging, the country's net asset position Xt is smooth, while debt to is GDP it fluctuates when the country is hedging. As the state variable deteriorates, the under hedging. Hence the increased ratio improves just a natural consequence of what hedging transfer resources between states of the world is meant volatility of the net asset position to achieve in the where they are less place: first Namely, to needed to states of the world where they are needed the most. As we increase hedging, a substantial portion of consumption volatility is "absorbed" Let us Section now turn to 4, stop. This with full by the procyclical variability of the net asset position. the second step and add the possibility of jump risk hedging. hedging possibilities excess means that the country As we showed consumption becomes constant prior to the sudden insulates itself from the sudden stop signal — it uses jump hedging to reduce the decline in consumption at the sudden stop, and diffusive hedging to fluctuations in the price of jump risk in hedging as the signal changes. The top risk offset subplot in Figure left 4 reproduces the signal path in the previous figure, while the top right subplot illustrates the paths of the country's net foreign liabihties: The solid line shows the path of debt/gdp which fluctuates with the signal as the price of jump-risk insurance fluctuates. The important concept, however, is the dashed line which corresponds to the debt/gdp ratio the country wiU have takes place. That and trending it is, it plots To generate risk levels at the and the diffusive-hedging only smooth hedging over and above diffusive hedging at these panels we ran 500 simulations kept only those that yielded a sudden stop during that interval. consumption is model would. show the gains from jump the time of the sudden stop. of difference in a sudden stop includes the return from the jump- risk hedges. This dashed line as the frictionless The bottom if case. The The time of the sudden stop right panel does the 33 same left for ten years, and panel shows the histogram between the for the full hedging case consumption drops at the time of the sudden stop. Both panels have the common message that the possibility of jump hedging can significantly improve the outcome during a sudden stop. risk Welfare calculations 5.2.2 We now summarize the different gains by evaluating the value functions of a country under different hedging scenarios. For this, let VH and to markets for diffusive risk only V HH and denote the value function of a country that has access and jump to diffusive risk, respectively. As a benchmark, V denotes the value function of a country that only accumulates savings without accessing hedging We now markets of any kind. compensate a country How much ask the question: resources would be required to hedging possibilities? Formally, when contrasting for its lack of access to with the diffusive risk hedging only scenario, we solve for the amount VH We do the same X ,y* = V(s u X for other scenarios as well (with V HH instead of (.s t , t ) t t W such that: + W, y*t ) V (46) , and so on) . It will be useful to define: W (47) r—g 1 Then, using (17), (32), the definition of w and <P where b solves the differential = (46) yields: (1 + w)P equation (20) and d on whether we want to allow jump risk is (48) determined as in sections 4.4 or 4.3 depending hedging or not. Finally equation (48) leads to u from which we can determine Figure 5 presents only, W by using W (normalized by gdp), when the country both diffusive and jump risks and when (Clearly in the third case the welfare gain loss (47). when the country is it is is allowed to hedge diffusive risks only allowed to accumulate precautionary savings. zero by construction) Finally ignores predictability altogether, as we described we also report the welfare in section 3.3 and hence adopts suboptimal precautionary savings. 16 b To determine the constant hazard A, we ran a simulation 34 to determine the probability that the country enters Debt/GDP Path of state variable at SS 0.8 Q_ n 0.6 L / tl ^ -TV ft/ I' .Q WW' (1) Q 0.4 r 0.2 Hedge Pert. Prec. Savings 4 6 time Consumption Differences -0.04 -0.02 Diff. in Figure The top 4: normalized by time. The its left at SS 0.02 (excess) consumption at subplot Cons. Drop Differences is 0.04 SS identical to the top left plot of figure yearly standard deviation. The top various lines capture the level of debt to stop at time t. The bottom left 0.01 Diff. in It bottom left at 0.04 SS depicts the path of the signal GDP as a function of assuming the country were to go into a sudden from a simulation. Conditional on so 500 paths for a duration of 10 years. Keeping those paths where the country enters years the SS 0.03 consumption drop right subplot depicts debt to GDP figure depicts results 3. 0.02 at in to a = 0, we draw SS within 10 subplot shows the differences in the level of consumption at the time of the sudden stop between the perfect hedging scenario and the diffusive hedging scenario. Similarly, the bottom right figure shows the differences in consumption drop upon entering the sudden stop between the two scenarios. 35 The figure shows that for a range of values of corresponding to the range of the (log) price s of copper in our sample, the gains from hedging are substantial. cautionary savings typically results hedging To put W between 8 and 10% of GDP, in values of used and are potentially up to is 18% when both this in perspective, notice that the Using hedging in place of pre- debt/gdp GDP ratio of the country from 50% to a Another important observation about the ratio for the country becoming strategies start to irrelevant. and the expected time "very far away" . to the next become essentially 0. reassuring feature of Figure 5 equivalent to reducing the is state variable approaches intuitive. If s t — » is it By infinity. a similar reasoning, as explicit insurance against jump risk. from the lowest the sudden stop hazard not too costly Sj — > is when the good This is line (with crosses) that ignoring at it sudden stop will for is in there is no jump (sudden many cases. at a constant rate — is high as long as the country has the right crisis: neither precautionary savings only handling the sudden stop. However the cost of a non-contingent precautionary non-contingent resources that when hedging and the variability of —essentially accumulating precautionary savings likelihood of a sudden stop is to perfect hedging, irrespective of the level important since developing markets savings strategy takes places during good times (high into a is -co the sudden stop that the welfare benefits of only hedging diffusive risks sense of the unconditional (on the signal) likelihood of a strategy hedging Hence, the sudden stop substantially harder than for diffusive risk, which are readily available in Finally, note all too expensive). and covers more than half of the distance is ±oo oo then the hazard rate goes of the state variable. This suggests that the benefits of hedging will accrue even stop) risk is that most of the benefits of hedging accrue sudden stop approaches becomes imminent (and insurance against significant under consideration Therefore any comparative benefits of one strategy over the other get so heavily discounted, that they A is As the The reason is used. is number between 32% and 40%. figure for intermediate values of the state variable. only "diffusive" "jump'' and "diffusive" hedging 50%. This implies that using hedging instead of precautionary savings debt to if when the low risk of a s), when the country overaccumulates sudden stop does not the next 10 years conditional on so produce exactly the same probability. 36 = 0. We justify costly it. then determined the constant hazard rate A so Equivalent variation 20 15 Q. Q & 10 c o CD •f?f?"fM-" ? — > " " " ° " """---- _CD CD > Diff. CT LLI Hedging Perfect Hedging -10 %3 Optimal Prec Savings "%. Suboptimal prec. savings -15 12 -10 3 Standard deviations of the state variable Figure 5: Equivalent variation for a "typical" range of values of St (normalized by its yearly standard deviation). For a precise definition of the notion of equivalent variation see the text. 37 Decomposing the Gains 5.2.3 Our model produces a Let us not decompose the gains from different hedging strategies. clear demarcation of time into three stages: Before a sudden stop, during a sudden stop, and after a sudden stop. The marginal value of a dollar the phase that precedes welfare gains if it and lowest it manages in is somewhat lower highest during the sudden stop, in the post-sudden stop phase. Hence, a strategy produces to "shift" resources into the sudden stop and also into the phase before the sudden stop. Table 2 reports the results of a simple simulation exercise: a number of paths for s t for 10 years. We We start with so also simulate the arrival of = and simulate 0, sudden stops by drawing independent exponential variables and using formula (11) to determine the time of arrival of sudden stops. In about 67% of the simulated paths then compute the behavior of stop c* c£, X t we observe a sudden stop within 10 for st + and the associated consumption drop upon entering the sudden stop. Results are reported from worst to best: suboptimal precautionary savings, optimal precautionary savings, diffusive hedging only, and perfect hedging. initial (excess) hedging. consumption, which The reason is The for this is that perfect columns that capture the most important consumption hedging does not require precautionary savings, while results, column shows that the drop lower in the case of diffusive of consumption and jump in all the cases rises over but the is jump reflected in the last the next three risk hedging. sudden stop The reason why the is hedged important: In all strategies; the is difference in drops but the full risk hedge case, the economy is when the country has not had column of the table, relatively vulnerable if no correlation. With hedging can also reduce it is insurance all the sudden the time to accumulate resources. which shows the correlation between the time takes for the sudden stop to arrive and the level of consumption at the sudden stop. risk hedge, there is significantly time as precautionary savings accumulate. But this also means that stop happens in the near future, This for the at the time of the greater than that of levels at the time of sudden stop consumption It is however. The second column shows the level of time of the sudden stop, with a clear advantage at the column shows first highest for perfect hedging and second highest for diffusive that of diffusive hedging requires less precautionary savings than the other two. case, We along the path, consumption immediately following the sudden for the four strategies of the previous section third years. the rest, this correlation significantly. 38 is it With jump positive, although diffusive c*(0) mean c*(r+) mean Ac* cov(c* + ,t) Suboptimal Precautionary Savings 19.99 12.00 9.39 0.99 Optimal Precautionary Savings 19.83 12.04 8.37 0.98 Only Diffusive hedging 20.24 12.66 9.00 0.67 Diffusive+Jump hedging 20.64 13.02 7.60 Table 2: Initial (excess) consumption c*(0), (excess) consumption at the time of the sudden stop c* + , standard deviation of the consumption path leading to the sudden stop (std(c*)) and instantaneous consumption drop upon entering the sudden stop (Ac*) to we go hedging scenarios. Introducing risk premia 5.2.4 Up for various now we have assumed no to the opposite extreme to give risk-premia on either diffusive or and ask: how large would the risk jump risk hedging. In this section premia have to be for the country up hedging? The framework we developed equation (45) shows that the in Section 6 is well suited to "critical" risk answer this question. In particular, premium that would render diffusive hedging pointless is: fa and equation hedging (44) shows that the critical d overestimation of the hazard (risk premium) for "jump" is: K ™ Since d ~1°~2"s = = b if p = with the function 1. (rd) 1 (no diffusive risk hedging) and 1 b from Section = (no jump risk hedging) we can replace d 3. Figure 6 reports the results when one computes the "critical risk premiums" fa an d fa as implied by the above formula, for the range of (log) price of copper observed in our sample. top panel shows that the critical risk shows that the critical critical risk premium premium for for diffusive jump risk 8% is very large is about 8%. The bottom panel hedging typically exceeds 100%. These large premia confirm the benefits of hedging. For have up-and-running markets, hedging diffusive risks, which in many cases already when compared with reasonable premia 39 The in liquid critical risk premium - diff hedging 0.08 i 0.06 To 0.04 12 -10 3 Standard deviations of the state variable critical risk premium - jump hedging 12 -10 3 Standard deviations of the state variable Figure 6: Critical Risk the critical risk altogether. Premia premium The bottom <£j for diffusive = — -ycr line depicts -f 2 hedging and jump hedging. which would make 1, i.e. {rdp it plot depicts optimal to avoid diffusive hedging the percentage by which the true hazard rate would have to be "over-estimated" by insurers in order to 1(1 The top make jump hedging too expensive. markets. 1 For ' jump risk hedging, a premium above 100% reflects the large potential gains of developing such markets. Sudden 6 stops: Time variation in hazard rates and traded vari- ables In this section this, we argue that Chile we document two important is not an exception in terms of the usefulness of our analysis. For ingredients for our framework: that there of predictability in sudden stops, and that this predictability and tradable indices which are largely (hence moral hazard is beyond the control is is a significant element correlated with readily available of individual emerging market economies Moreover, we conduct this analysis in a simple reduced of limited concern). form framework, so that our conclusions here are not intertwined with our specific methodology in the rest of the paper. 6.1 Time We identify the Variation and Predictability of the Likelihood of Sudden Stops sudden stop hazard using the data and methodology from Calvo, Izquierdo and Mejia (2004). They identify sudden stops based on a number of cutoffs and indicators, which they then use to run (probit) regressions against country specific variables (dollarization, openness and time effects. etc.) Their data are yearly and span the period 1990-2001 for 32 countries, of which 15 are emerging markets (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand and Turkey). exclusively We focus on the 15 emerging markets. We essentially rephcate the Calvo et al steps y lt We use the most significant by running = Pt(SS = 1) = logit of the form: F{x'it P) variables reported in their paper, openness, and terms of trade, as well as time fixed and probit regressions effects. namely the degree of dollarization, After running the regressions, we isolate the predicted probabilities F{x' ft) and the actual regressor values x' (3. ''For example, the corresponding Sharpe ratio of the US stock market (see, e.g. is 0.35 which Campbell and Cochrane is (1999)). 41 nearly twice the Sharpe ratio for the long sample Assuming that the conditional probabilities F(x'fi) capture well the variation in the likelihood of running into a sudden stop, we investigate whether there Columns rates. and 1 2 of is significant time variation in the Table 3 show that indeed the bulk of the variation is hazard in the within (across time) dimension as opposed to the between (across country) variation. Also, the standard deviation of 0.24 indicates that the conditional probabilities of sudden stops vary substantially across time. Time If there variability in the conditional probabilities is little is however not synonymous with predictability. or no serial correlation in the conditional probabilities, then there from time varying precautionary accumulation of reserves, hedging effective if there is some etc. is little benefit All these measures are persistence in the process that generates the conditional probabilities. The next four rows in Table 3 report results from a dynamic panel data regression of the form: Vit Rows 2 and 3 are simple known persistence biases of and hence Ot x + fitfit-l + P2Vtt-2 + Eit fixed effects regressions with robust standard errors. report the equivalent results the well = when one uses the estimator of Arellano and dynamic panel data models. Uniformly, the The next two rows Bond (1999), to avoid results indicate substantial predictability of the conditional probabilities. Traded Variables and the variation of the conditional likelihood of Sudden 6.2 Stops Sofar we have only examined whether there appears to be enough variation and persistence conditional probability of sudden stops to justify time varying precautionary measures. question is whether traded instruments can be used to hedge away these this question is to investigate whether there risks. exist traded instruments that A One way in the separate to answer can "predict" the time variation in the conditional probabilities. Table 4 addresses this question. We use HY -i t to denote the difference between Aaa and Baa bonds (high yield spread) as reported in the historical series H.15 of the Federal Reserve. Columns (1) and (2) use the predicted values x'/3 and F(x'/3) obtained using a probit model similar to Calvo regressions: 42 et al. (2004) to run the Between /Within Logit Probit Logit Probit (1) (2) (3) (4) 0.06/0.24 0.07/0.23 0.51 0.53 (5.32)** (5.45)** -0.48 -0.48 (-5.89)** (-5.89)** 0.46 0.46 (4.64)** (4.65)** -0.67 -0.68 (-5.12)** (-5.30)* * 0.37 0.37 Prob (Lagl) Prob (Lag2) Prob (Lagl) Arellano -Bond Prob (Lag2) Arellano - Bond R-squared Table 3: Columns (1) and (2): Ratio of variation (reported as ratio of standard deviations) attribut- able to the within (accross time) dimension as opposed to the between (accross panel) dimension. Columns (3) and (4): Regressions of predicted probabilities on their lagged values using regular regession and the Arellano-Bond estimator. 43 (1) (2) (3) (4) D.regressors D.lprob D.regressors D.lprob -16.90 -83.30 -71.62 -70.20 (-4.54)** (-4.30)** (-4.53)** (-4.40)** Observations 135 135 135 135 R-squared 0.20 0.17 0.19 0.19 L.HY Table Column 4: Regressions of (1): (2004) on the lagged difference between (1) differences in the regressors x'it /3 used in Calvo et first Baa and Aaa bonds (L.HY). Column with the sole exception that we use differences in the in place of x'it 0. For Columns regressions all (3)-(4): Same as columns A The Calvo first et. al. regression is is column predicted probability log. F(x'lt j3) model. and con- included but not reported. a + aiHYt-i + a + a A\og(F(x'J)) as errors allowing for heteroskedasticity constant A(4£) Same (l)-(2) using a logit instead of a probit we use panel corrected standard temporaneous correlation across panels. (log) (2) al. x e lt HY -\ + s t lt a projection of the change in the regressors entering the probit model of (2004) on the high yield spread at exercise for the predicted probabilities. If, t — The second 1. regression performs a similar for instance, increases in the high yield spread coincide with periods of high risk and risk aversion, then emerging markets might be exposed to contagion risk. Hence, in a manner similar to copper for Chile, variations in the HY can be used to form a hedging strategy. As Table 4 shows, the R-squared of these regressions is close to 20%. Hence, 20% of the inno- vations in the conditional probabilities are predicted by a variable that belongs to the information set of agents at time t — 1 and has a liquid market. To put this in perspective, in predictable variation in the conditional probabilities was about Comparing the two numbers 37% Table 3 the total of their variation in the sample. reveals a substantial co-variation between the predicted hazard and HYt-L Note that the coefficient has the expected sign since 44 HY is mean reverting, thus a high degree of HY today predicts a lower more this point AHY and t , HY tomorrow and hence a lower likelihood of a sudden suppose that there clearly, positive is stop. To contemporaneous correlation between Ax'lt /3 suppose that: i.e. E(Axit P) = a + a!E(AHYt ) with 5i > Now assume see that HY is t (49) a simple AR(1) process: HY = pHY -i + Ev,t t t < with p 1 so that: AHY = HY t and t - HYt-! = {p- l)HYt -i + e v ,t also: E{AHY = {p-l)HY . t ) t (50) l Plugging (50) into (49) shows that: E(Ax'J) = a + a 1 (p-l)HY _ 1 t Hence the regressions in The main reason why common Table 4 produce a negative sign on lagged HY HY performs well in terms of predictive power variation of the arrival of sudden stops across countries. To since a\(p is that it — 1) < 0. captures well the illustrate this, we computed the average yearly difference in the probability of a sudden stop as implied by the probit model. Then we plotted the (negative of) the high yield (lagged once) against it. Figure 7 illustrates the strong comovement between the two series. 7 Final In this paper Remarks we characterized several aspects of sudden the corresponding aggregate hedging strategies. For analytical light on We showed gate That demand is some of the key issues but realistic that even after removing in all we built a model simple enough and to shed enough to provide some quantitative guidance. other sources of uncertainty, the optimal path of aggre- an unhedged emerging market economy exhibits large precautionary contractions. contractions that precede sudden stops. remove much this, stops, precautionary contractions, We then argued that smooth diffusive hedging could of these fluctuations even in the absence of 45 more complex jump hedging mechanisms. CO f r 0) c I 1992 1994 1998 1996 2000 2002 year neg_L_hy Figure 7: The (D_probs) D_probs2 joint variation in the average yearly difference in the probability of a as implied by a probit model and the (negative (neg_l_hy). 46 of) the high yield sudden stop spread (lagged once) The gains from these hedging strategies are large, which raises the question of countries already doing this in a significant manner. problem is Our somewhat informed belief why is aren't that the mostly one of coordination, which could be reduced significantly with the involvement of the international financial institutions (IFIs). On liability one end, hedging along the management: Any lines we have suggested sensible policymaker is not standard practice for external knows that the political something going wrong while implementing an unorthodox strategy of failing while following the standard recipe. The is many (and personal) cost of times larger than that IFIs can help by modernizing their advice on standard practices. On the other, while one can imagine many indicators that could be used to start improving hedging strategies immediately, such as the price of commodities, the high yield spread (HY), the volatility index (VIX), indicators of US and other developed regions activity, and so on, some of these markets are not nearly as large as they would need to be (recaU that the issue hedge the income lager, effect of and probably not commodity price fluctuations but the sudden just as a multiplier but also as a bellwether). stop, which is is not to significantly Market creation requires coordination, and the development of a few general indices that can ensure adequate liquidity. Again, the IFIs can help develop these markets. 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(Lemma 1) we made the Since simplifying assumption that the country suffers only one maximization problem post sudden stop financial crisis, the *l POO V + (XT+T ,y*T+T )=max =t J Jt+T (t > r + T) simply: is i ^—e^-^+^dt - (51) 7 1 S.t. POO /CO c* t / e-^-( T+T » dt = XT+T + Jt+T This problem has the ^e-^-( T+T » / dt (52) Jt+T trivial solution: q* = rW£ t +T < t < oo (53) with W| = XT+T + ^±Z. (54) This constant can be interpreted as the "excess" wealth at date r of that which (r < t < t is needed to cover the reservation-consumption + T) we can use the continuation value function, +T level (that ny t is, the wealth in excess During the sudden stop ). V(Xt+ t, y* + x), from above, to write the maximization problem for the sudden stop phase: ySS (X rr+T „*l-7 T , y* ) r = max f ±JL e -r(t-r) dt + e -rTy+ {x .j s.t. rr+T T f 4e~ r{t Xt+t > - T) X T+T i-t+T XT + dt= r T rT y;e- ^- Ut-e- f XT+T (55) - where y?(i X T+T = C by (5). Since the country constraint allows, it is I A' T + r - growing and wishes to expand g its consumption at a faster rate can be easily shown 16 that the sudden stop constraint, XT+T = 'For details see Caballero and Panageas (2003) 51 Xr+T- (55), is than the always binding (56) Given problem this result, the optimization problem subject to a final wealth condition. ' 7 4= 1 _ e -rT a deterministic consumption is straightforward. A few steps of algebra show that: WU It is T<t<T + T (57) with W — XT H 1 It is crisis in A-t+t- g X t+ t easy to see from these expressions that as consumption during the e - r rises, cjT falls. The country has order to satisfy a tighter sudden-stop constraint. to cut back We are now ready to determine the sudden-stop value function: V ss (XT ,y*T ) = ^~\ -^-r) r T {rW1-7 dt + e 1 (rWf) -' 1— 7 It is (I- e~' T \ \ r r -rT Jt+t Jt + 1 J ^ (rWj) 1 (rWtf-> _ r{t _ {T+T)) e 1 - 7 dt /e^ T \ —7 easy to verify that our careful choice of the constraint pays off at this stage. The value function simplifies to: V ss {XT ,y'T K ) KV where V(XT ,y*) rJ + (X ,y* T T) the fact that the value function (which A. 2 (60) denotes the value function in the absence of a sudden-stop constraint and the constant given in the statement of the proposition. in the —7 1 absence of the constraint (55) A is negative if 7 > K 1) > 1 is K is a straightforward consequence of has to be lower than the value function simple differentiation shows that Kq > as long as 7 > 1. Proofs for section 3.1 Proof. (Lemma 2) We give a brief sketch of the proof. Differentiate the respect to b to obtain: -r + (l-7)^( = )'<0 52 left hand side of (18) with = = since 7 > than This establishes existence and uniqueness of the solution to (18) by the intermediate value 0. 1. Moreover, at b £ the left hand side of (18) greater than is while at b b less it is Theorem. Propositions and Proofs for section 3.2 A. 3 Proposition 5 (15) and is If there exists a function b(s) solving (20) subject to (21) and (22) then (17) solves the value function of the problem as long as: 1-7" lim t Proof. Substituting The reason why b(st) —>oo E f satisfied The above (61) 1-7 simplifications leads to (20). 6). Since (17) satisfies (15) for b(st) solving (20), 'a classical verification it must be the value fimction as long as the "tail" condition (Fleming and Soner (1993) p.172). proposition to establish that (17) to b are given — and performing some obvious (17) into (15) theorem can be invoked to show that is t}6(s) 7 has to satisfy the boundary conditions (21) and (22) follows from the next proposition (proposition (61) > l{r by (21) is is a "place-holder" for the properties that need to be verified in order all the value function of the problem. and We start by showing that the boundaries (22). Proposition 6 The value function of the problem with sudden stops for s > s satisfies: 1-7 M i Proof. We focus on the 7 (62) 5J V(XT ,s,y*T )=K[ > r-g ' \ ( lim V 1 case. 1 | (xT + ^- 1-7 rJ 1 The proof proceeds —7 in two steps. upper bound on the value function of the problem with sudden stops, which given by the value function of the problem in the absence of sudden stops: 53 First one obtains in this case is an naturally It tuns out that this expression The lower bound sudden stops < , sudden stops (since < t r satisfies it also a lower bound to the value function when is still goes to St upon observing that the consumption policy established is c* is infinity. the absence of in a feasible consumption /portfolio plan in the presence of > the intertemporal budget constraint and also Xt —^- for all t ). Accordingly we have the two inequalities: rr v(xu s t , (r L -r(u-t) y;)>Et \ *NSS\ l -1 ) -du V s as s — > + e-^^hir 1-7 I However by standard arguments goes to 7 U oo . To it is lim — OQ E e see that, note that Pr(r -r{u-t)\Pu ) + e -r(r-t) K1 r(u-t) r—a <.oc}A" < Q) — 1-7 for all finite > \ Cu ) , T < oo } VL 1-7 i f -\F t " Vr - 1 V»^{X u y* du\F 1-7 Q, and thus X NSS + /, du 1-7 \l-7" ... X. easy to show that the right hand side of the above equation (*NSS\*NSS\ l -1 S t-„ BO NSS t t ) 1-7 1-7 Since the upper and the lower similar claim can be used to Showing formally that (21) and (22) is a bound coincide show the second to as s — » claim oo, the is established. A result in the proposition. b(s t ) possesses a unique solution subject to the hard mathematical task that fairly V NSS is well beyond the scope of the present paper. how one would proceed The next Proposition provides a sketch of substantive results of the paper, we were always two boundary conditions to obtain a proof. For the able to obtain numerically a solution to this ODE at arbitrary precision levels. Proposition 7 There Proof. exists a solution to the (Sketch) First we compute the steady (20) subject to (21) we transform the second order states at s = +oo eigenvalues. Using the stable manifold establishes the result. For ODE more and s into a = — oo, linearize the = twice (as s theorem around details see Caballero 54 ODE s and (22). Then system of ODE's. system and compute — +oo and » as s and Panageas (2003) Proposition 3. its — — oo) > The (61) last step in order to verify that (17) is indeed the Value function is To show to verify (61). we need two Lemmas: Lemma 4 Consider a consumption policy that has the feedback form: c\ Then X t = X^ ss > (x + -l£- J A(s t ) , t where Xj^ ss is K~^r , result One is trivial. Vs t G (-co, +oo) when one = uses the optimal stops: r ( x nss + _Vt_ T r-, - 9, \ Proof. This <r the asset process that results consumption policy in the absence of sudden c?ss < A(st ) solves for the asset process that results from the two policies to find that X NSS = X t The equivalent calculation for the optimal policy d(e~( rt ~foM^)du) x = _^ _ A \ = Now integrating both sides e *° and rearranging result Lemma 5 Proof. to the this local now b(s) is means that if if r-A(s )-g t e -(rt-f< A(s u )du) dXt gt gives: ( [\-((r- 3 )*-£Ms»)du) {r _ A{Si) _ g) A = J < Vs t 6 r bounded between ( — oo, +co). -K 1 ' 1 and -. by means of a contradiction. Suppose (21), (22). there exists a b max. Similarly , ^+ - e (rt-ftAMdu)\ will derive the result boundary conditions -( rt -f< A(s u )du) \ follows since A(st) The function We (e st e St gives: r-g t V XQ - rg ^ 1) conditional on a path of ct -{rt-fZMsv)du) X = X + AeO-t-Jo'^H The -^^ (e* r-g Since b(s) asymptotes to £ as s >b then there exists a b < — » b(s) solves (20) subject oo and to 6 as there must be a s* such that b(s*) - then there 55 must be a s* >b and such that b(s*) < ^ s — -co > b(s*) is is a a local Both min. We are impossible though. similarly. Indeed, establish the suppose that there exists one point such that b s (s*) s* The second contradiction. first = and is obtained > b(s*) b. Then (20) becomes: — 1 rb(s A(s H ) -1 ) -bss-^cr 6(5*) which in turn implies that Hence every extremum Similarly local min if b(s*) -, since the left > in the area b(s*) b hand must be a side of the above equation minimum, and cannot be local a symmetric argument can be used, to show that is a is negative. maximum. impossible to have a in this region. Now, we are Lemma < > b ss (s*) in a position to establish the "tail condition" (61): 6 Assume (±) 7 t Proof. For any < 6(s t lim E —»oo t it is p < K (A) > 'i{t 7 Then Vsj e (-oo, +oo). t}b( St y (63) 1-7 the case that ( e~ / e - rt rt l{T >t}b(s t e~ J- l{T>t}K ri y • N 1 — > ' > 1-7 (x? A opt + - \l-7 vL > 1-7 / -, . KE Y ^ yNSS \{T>t} 1-1 i V't 1-7 1-7 The number. first inequality follows from the assumption The second from the previous and the lemma and fact that ' -^ 1 is a negative the monotonicity of the value function and the last limit follows from the fact that one can trivially show that in the standard model without sudden stops e" -- 0. 1-1 To establish the result observe also that 1-7 e- irrespective of t, since 7 > 1. rt ^t l{r Hence, it > t}b(s t y "+" r-a 1-7 must be the case that 56 <0 (63) holds. A.4 Proofs for section 4 For the value functions in this section one can apply similar verification arguments to the ones all we given in the previous section. Hence, on the substantive proofs of the Lemmas and just focus the Propositions in the text. Proof. (Lemma The proof 3) is a straightforward application of Ito's Lemma in conjunction with (27) dc* ^C c = Cv —dX c Cs P?0""Cvv Cv* * + —dy? + ^- —dt + —ds + , , t \ -A 1 d n / , A(s t )(l O C oCXs ——dt + p a —dt 2 c c ss , ds - 2 , o~ 2 + <&,>-- -f/z+- some obvious follows directly after Proof. (Proposition 1). = For fa dc* _ <£ 2 1 1 c* Notice also that for fa = fa = d " = 1 0, = cancellations I equation (37) becomes: — rd + a" \(st)id + nd + —d„ dt s equation (36) becomes: - rd + fid s + °— d ss + X(s t ) I f —1 -d J so that: dc* c* Note finally that i is , t c c dBt 7 a The claim now , 2 c _ X(s t ) K'- d ' -d given by (34) as fi K \h + so that A= 1<lh A d id and therefore dc* X(s t ) {id c* 57 - id} dt = dt / ^^l jff2 , 4\ ds d J d dt Proof. (Proposition 2) Similar to Propositions 3 Proof. (Proposition 3) = Suppose fa 0, Then the Bellman equation (see below) and that rd K and 4 h = T7r l , (l + ^2 ._i -' ) (36) becomes: = and the consumption evolution (37) 1 - rd + 1 — rd + d s jj.d s + —d + —d ss + is: dc* f.i dt s = c* dt 7 -X(s t ) Proof. (Proposition 4) 1 1 - rd + -(1-7) fxd s -X(s t )d' then follows upon using Lemma + —d O 2 (dsf 2 result \dt rd Using (44) and (45) the Bellman equation (36) becomes: (I The = rd I 3. 58 d rd ss + 1*28** 23 2 4 ?nnc JAR I Date Due 1O6 MIT LIBRARIES I I I II II 3 9080 02617 9850