Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/holdupsefficiencOOacem iUEWEV 2>\ working paper department of economics HOLDUPS AND EFFICIENCY WITH SEARCH FRICTIONS Daron Acetnoglu Robert Shimer September 1998 massachusetts Institute of teclinology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS HOLDUPS AND EFFICIENCY WITH SEARCH FRICTIONS Daron Acemoglu Robert Shimer 98-14 September 1998 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 fJF1'tnHS\!OlOGY JAN 2 8 'SSg Holdups and Efficiency With Search Frictions* Daron Acemoglu Robert Shimer MIT Princeton December 1997 Current Version: August 1998 First Version: Abstract A natural holdup problem arises in a market with search frictions: make firms have to a range of investments before finding their employees and larger investments translate into higher wages. In particular, bargaining, the equilibrium is always when wages inefficient: are determined by ex post recognizing that capital intensive production relations have to pay higher wages, firms reduce their investments. This can only be prevented by removing all the bargaining power firom the workers, but this in turn depresses wages below their social product, and creates excessive entry of firms. In contrast to this benchmark, we show that efficiency firms post wages and workers can direct their search towards more is achieved when attractive offers. This efficiency result generahzes to an environment with imperfect information where workers only observe a few of the equilibrium wage offers. We show that the underlying reason for efficiency is not wage posting per se, but the ability of workers to direct their search towards more capital intensive jobs. Keywords: JEL Efficiency, Holdup, Search, Wage Posting. Classification: 83 •We thank two anonymous referees, Jonathan Levin, and seminar participants Society for Economic Dynamics Conference. at MIT, NBER and Introduction 1 An investment Wilhamson held up is if one party must pay the (1975) and Grout (1984) show that incomplete contracts are the underlying cause of holdups: with complete contracts, be forced to pay their share of the cost, while others share in the payoff. cost. all Even those who from an investment can benefit in the presence of incomplete contracts, if agents arrange their relationships appropriately, holdups are often preventable. Before making investments, agents can man and reallocate property rights (Williamson, 1985, Gross- Hart, 1986, Hart and Moore, 1990), impose simple breach remedies and Malcomson, 1993; Edlin and Reichlestein, 1996), or enter (MacLeod into long-term relations (Williamson, 1975). many In situations, however, investments example, a firm must build a factory before must complete must be sunk before agents meet. can hire workers, and it similarly, For workers their education before finding jobs (Acemoglu, 1996, 1997; Davis, 1995; Masters, 1998). In such cases, contracts and related arrangements are impossible, be- cause agents do not know who their partners will 1996). This suggests that holdup problems be at the time they invest (Acemoglu, may be much more serious in the presence of trading frictions. This paper analyzes the potential for holdups in markets with tions, and examines how markets can result is efficient internalize the resulting externalities. ers Our main that despite pervasive market incompleteness, the decentralized equilibrium under fairly mild conditions. It first show that when firms solves the is holdup problem and creates the right and to participate incentives for firms to invest in capital We fric- in the production process. make ex ante investments before matching with work- and wages are determined by ex post bargaining, the equilibrium is always inefficient. Either wages increase with output, creating a holdup problem for firms' investments, or all the bargaining power sive entr}' of firms. We is vested in the firm, leading to very low is efficient. who show Our levels and exces- then turn to an economy in which firms post wages and workers direct their search towards different firms. rium wage results therefore We establish that in this case the equilib- extend those of Moen (1997) and Shinier (1996), that wage posting can achieve efficiency in the standard search environment. In these models, where firms do not have ex ante investment decisions, efficiency only demands that the economy and Hosios (1990) equilibrium efficiency, for results as bargaining power. number of jobs. find that even in the standard search is efficient and Shimer's creates the right Diamond (1982) and bargaining model, the an appropriate bargaining solution, one can interpret Moen's showing that wage posting picks the With ex ante and so our Since efficient distribution of investments, however, no bargaining solution achieves efficiency result is much more striking. Also surprising are our results regarding the role of information: we find that full information, whereby workers observe In particular, result. random When firms. it is wage all sufficient for offers, is not necessary for this efficiency each worker to observe the wage offers of two each firm knows that every worker who also observed at least one other wage, there will effectively among Finally, We and firms, has observed its wage has be Bertrand competition this competition ensures efficiency. we examine way ex ante wage conclude that the key feature is offers are so effective in achieving efficiency. the ability of workers to direct their search towards firms with different levels of capital, not towards those offering higher wages per example, if firms can commit se. For to pay a certain share of the output to their employees (perhaps by committing to play a particular bargaining game), but workers do not observe the ex ante capital choices, efficiency that increases commit its capital stock is still to different sharing rules their search, the equilibrium This not achieved. always efficient. receive the full benefit of This finding is it its investment. attracts from attracting more workers, and thus filling when Nevertheless, more unemployed workers, The since it is Wage ex ante since workers increase in profits vacancies faster, can offset the reduction Moreover, when firms can commit to a bargaining wages from investments are exacthj therefore avoided. firms firm that invests share, they choose a sharing rule which ensures that the decline in profits is if useful in understanding recognize that a larger investment translates into higher wages. due to higher wages. because a firm and workers can observe investments before directing investments are observed by workers, in profits is subject to the holdup problem. In contrast, when workers have bargaining power, a the essence of our results: more does not is is offset due to liigher by faster job creation. The holdup problem posting soh'cs the holdup problem via the same channel, formally equivalent to a setup where firms post sharing rules and workers observe investments before their application decisions. In essence, our economy therefore achieves efficiency because it encourages workers to direct their search towards more capital intensive firms and enables firms to The plan frictions. is as follows. to the appropriate sharing rule. Section 2 describes the nature of the trading Section 4 derives the Section 3 derives the constrained efficient allocation. equilibrium holdup of the paper commit when wages inefficiency. are determined by ex post bargaining Section 5 proves that when and demonstrates the firms post wages in order to attract workers, holdups and search externalities are internalized, even limited information about the available wages. efficiency result. details. if workers have very Section 6 explores the origins of this Section 7 concludes, and the Appendix contains proofs and technical The Environment 2 There is a continuum 1 of risk-neutral workers and a larger continuum of risk-neutral firms. All agents live forever in continuous time, rate Firms are inactive r. allows them until they buy some and discount the future capital > /c at the unemployed worker by posting a vacancy. Holdups to attempt to hire an because firms must invest in capital before meeting a worker, and workers some of the benefits from larger investments. If a firm employs one worker / is it and concave, and satisfies in s, of Finally, which case the worker Unemployed workers inactive. reap and k units the usual Inada conditions. each piece of capital breaks down with flow probability becomes unemployed and the firm becomes may We assume that produces a flow of output f{k), with a price normalized to one. strictly increasing which at marginal cost p, arise capital, common receive a flow payoff' of zero. Matching is frictional. Suppose in some labor market there are Q G [0, oo] unem- ployed workers seeking each vacancy. Wlien workers do not direct their search towards any particular group of firms, bor market tightness. This is Q is for the (market) queue length, or the inverse of the example the case analyzed la- in the standard bargaining models of Diamond (1982) and Mortensen and Pissarides (1994). Otherwise, different vacancies may be associated with different queue lengtlas. Matching frictions are modeled using a standard constant returns to scale matching technology. Each worker matches with a firm with flow probability ^{Q), and each vacancy matches with a worker with flow probability rj{Q) map and 7] and id{oo) = and we have Qfj.{Q), fj.' the extended positive real numbers = 77(0) = 0. In words, if < [0, and oo] there are very few ?]' onto > 0. We itself, also so //(O) assume that = 77(00) = many unemployed workers per vacancy. We These technical conditions guarantee the existence of locations. A match agreement of both 3 An The is consummated 00 unemployed workers per vacancy, workers find jobs arbitrarily quickly, and firms cannot hire workers; and conversely there are /x also assume that interior equilibria 77 and is if concave.^ efficient al- —turned into an employment relation— upon the parties. Efficient Allocation allocation is (constrained) efficient if it maximizes the net output of the economy subject to search and informational restrictions, the standard definition in this literature. In the Appendix, we use optimal the market queue length Q and control theory to solve rigorously for the time path of capital investment level k that ma:ximizes the value of 'This last assumption is extremely weak. Since ii{q) = ri{q)/q is decreasing, with the assumption that 77(0) = 0, this is almost a statement of concavity. ri'{q) < ri{q)/q. Together we provide a more net output. Here intuitive derivation of the efficient allocation. Let A denote the shadow flow value of an unemployed worker in steady state, so that an additional unemployed worker raises steady state output by A/r. Then, a recm-sion defining A can be written as: -A ,^v ff{k) Since workers are homogeneous, lations. it is destruction, match ends. s, capital until it Solving (1) for s)pk matches into employment hired at the flow rate is Accounting for by definition + s). From and the A, yielding a flow both impatience, f{k)/{r is fJ.{Q), is re- and match r, this, we must cost of using k units of unemployed, the economy Since each vacancy uses k units of capital, the flow cost for her. of maintaining these vacancies as an allocation that all In addition, while the worker breaks, pk. l/Q vacancies is + (r turn the present value of this gross output net out the flow labor cost, which sustains efficient to Thus each unemployed worker of output f{k) until the A {r + s)pk/Q. An efficient A, the shadow value of unemployed workers. is maximizes allocation can now be defined A yields a convenient characterization of the efficient allocation: Proposition 1 An {k^,Q^) € (0,00)" efficient steady state allocation exists. (i.e. characterized by a pair It is an interior solution) solving r^{Q)f{k)-{r + s + rj{Q)){r + s)pk Proof: Appendix The maximization problem (2) is not jointly concave in k and Q, and so the first order conditions are not sufficient for a maximization. Nevertheless, because the efficient allocation is an interior solution to the maximization problem, the first order conditions are necessary, so they will be useful in recognizing inefficient allocations. These conditions are given in the following corollary. Corollary 1 The efficient steady state allocation {k^ r ^ Equation r +s+ + s ri{Q^) + Q^) when the vacancy The first satisfies: (3) ' s vJQ') - Q'v'JQ') + r]{QS) + {l-QS)Tj'{QS) (3) is easily interpreted. value of a dollar r , fraction is first filled. impatience and the possibility that the vacancy on the This value may be f{k')/k' r + right is (4) s hand side is the current discounted because of both destroyed before it is filled. The second fraction hand is the discounted marginal product of the job if it is filled. So the right side represents the present marginal value of a vacancy using k units of capital. That must be equal to the marginal cost of capital p at an optimum. Equation (4) in turn requires that the cost of creating another vacancy equals the expected revenue. Namely, it equates the cost of opening one more vacancy pk^ to the additional social The expression value from this vacancy, the right hand side of (4) (times k^). social value somewhat complicated, is since it for this takes into account the reduction in the matching probabilities of other vacancies. Wage Bargaining 4 This section examines the search environment of Diamond (1982), Pissarides (1990), and Mortensen and Pissarides (1994). The preferences, production and search technologies are as specified in Section 2. economy In contrast to Section 3, the and wages are determined by bargaining between workers and made its investment, fC result, must anticipate how the bargained wage it contractual incompleteness Let As a investment and contacted the worker. is will firms, after the firm has when the made in equilibrium, when first, entering the mai'ket earn zero profits, if it is in the mutual J^ {k) — interest of the p/c = if A: k G if G /C; result of bargaining conditional on k since wages This An equilibrium by the wage equation, may depend on make a /C; third, profit second, firms matches are worker and firm; and fourth, wages are determined by bilateral bargaining between employed workers and summarize the capital. its and J^ {k) denote firms enter the market, they maximizing capital investment, so k maximizes J^{k') — pk' accepted only makes the source of holdups in the bargaining model. denote the set of capital investments satisfy four conditions: firm depend on the expected present value of a firm with a vacancy and k units of capital. must decentralized, is w = firms. iu{k). To begin, we This equation is the size of the firm's irreversible investment. Later we discuss the specification of the bargaining game in more detail. Analysis We start by writing the Bellman equations which determine the profit of firms in different states. Since the focus of this paper rJ^{k) is = with steady states, we suppress time dependence.^ f{k) - w{k) - sJ^{k): (5) '^At this point we assume that workers accept any match, as occurs in the efficient allocation. This assumption is not restrictive, because the goal of this section is to show that the equilibrium of the standard search model is always inefficient. If in some equihbrium, some matches are not turned into emploj'ment, the equilibriimi is necessarily inefficient. In the next subsection, we verify that with Nash Bargaining, all matches are accepted in equilibrium. J^{k) the asset value of a is filled pays a wage w{k), and gets destroyed at the rate /(fc), rj^'ik) The = r^iQ) [j'^ik) value of a vacancy with capital k which happens rate vacancy with capital generates a flow of output s. - .f{k)) - sJ^'ik). (6) due to the possibility of generating a match is In the meantime, the equipment breaks at the rate r]{Q). down at the s. Equations and (5) imply (6) r Again, the fraction +s+ filled + r Comparing equations (3) and + s (8), f'jk) - w'jk) r + s . r]{Q) JC solves ^ ^' ^ If w is strictly increasing, firms anticipate that investing neighborhood of the (7), free efficient capital stock, more amounts is avoided only if w is constant k^ entry implies r + + s r ri{Q) + s this with (3) 3qelds a second necessary condition for the equilibrium to optimal, w{k^) ^ Since workers do not share in the cost of ex ante investments, this leads to underinvestment. This holdup Comparing The second a vacancy. a necessary condition for the equilibrium to be optimal to bargaining to a higher wage. Again using fill This formalizes the notion that efficiency requires a solution to the 0. holdup problem. in the s job, as a function of the capital stock. maximization implies that any k E viQ) = + fraction represents the time required to first (7), profit w'{k^) f r]{Q) the present value of profits for a is Using is k. It = f{k^) — k^ f'{k^). Firms must earn the marginal product of capital, while workers keep the residual. effectively solves the be If, holdup problem for as example, workers earned a zero wage, which w^k) = 0, the return on capital would exceed the marginal product, attracting excessive entry. At the root of the excessive entry result is the fact that firms create a negative externality for other firms to find workers. when they enter, as they make very low, the positive externality vanishes, so entry down w{k^) is excessive. In If wages are summary, optimality the level and slope of the wage function in a neighborhood of the efficient level of capital = harder At the same time, they create a positive externality on workers because they increase the probability that workers find employment. pins it f{k^) k^ namely, to achieve efficiency in the bargaining equilibrium, - = , k^f'ik^) and w'{k^) 0. 6 we need Bargaining Game We show that these conditions by the Nash bargaining we prove the same that for axe never satisfied simultaneously assumption solution, the usual if wages are determined in this literature. In Appendix B, any "regular" bargaining game. Nash Bargaining implies result for all k, P {J^{k) - = J'^ik)) - (1 /?) - J^) (J^(A;) (10) , where P is the bargaining power of the worker, J^ is the value of an unemployed worker, and J^{k) is the value of an employed worker in a job with capital k, defined by = rj'^ik) w{k) +s[j" - Her flow value equals her wage minus the expected which occurs at the exogenous rate we (l-/3)(r.n(LA r Since the production function / — w is bargaining equilibrium - from job destruction, J^{k), and (11) for J^{k) A;^ is s + {l r/(Q)) - J^ and , r (3), a ^ -P)V[Q) concave in the firm's investment is concave as + +5+ Then well. level k, this implies the investment level in the (8) implies the unique solution to Jl-PMQ) Comparing with loss she suff'ers obtain: f(lA net revenue f (11) . s. Solving equations (5) and (6) for J^{k) simplifying (10), J^{k)) + s + - [l f'jk) p)r]{Q) r + ^ 2) ^' s necessary condition for efficiency is ^ P— 0, so the firm has ^ the all bargaining power. Now we can calculate the value of an unemployed worker. rj^ =/i(Q) [J^(/c^)- J^J. The value of an unemployed worker is (13) equal to the flow probability that she finds a match, times the net present value gain from employment. This equation uses the fact that in equilibrium, all make the same investment firms Then accepted by workers as stated above. ""^ ^ /?(, ' Plugging this into (9) yields r + and so /c^, matches are (10) implies that +,+ ^(Q))/(fcB) + p^.{Q) + {l-PUQy s all ^ ^ the other necessary and sufficient conditions for a bargaining equilibrium: (1 r - PMQ) + s + p^{Q) + {l-p)r]{Q) This allows us to characterize an equilibrium. f{k^)/k^ r + 5 _ ^ (15) Proposition 2 A steady {k^,Q^) e (0,oo)~ (3 is > state search-bargaining equilibrium is and that solves (12) An (15). If the elasticity of the production function 0. summarized by a pair equilibrium exists is JAJ if and only if nonincreasing, the equilibrium unique. An equilibrium never coincides with the efficient allocation {Q^,k^). In particular, 1- If0<l3< 2. If That ^ ."ly^i < < < /3 either firms is, , either Q^ > Q^ and k^ > k^ or 1, either Q^ > Q^ or k^ ^^frisP < Q^ < Q^ and k^ < k^ k^ undermvest (k" < k^ ) or entry is too low (Q > Q or both. ), Proof: Appendix. This proposition extends Hosios' (1990) results, choice, the equilibriuna to the elasticity of the Then equation case. optimal (4), if and only matching function, Suppose capital k Condition". models. is (3 the efficient allocation is = ^(qT)- We in the if and only if tions (3) and the Hosios condition holds. (12)."^ Therefore, even though the social shadow value of labor, slope of the standard search and bargaining characterized by the queue length capital investment, this bargaining share leads to it wage function are equal is it is equal is refer to this as the "Hosios and the equilibrium allocation has queue length Q^ = Q^ that without a capital the worker's bargaining share if exogenous as is who showed Q^ Q^ satisfying given by (15). In this However, with endogenous holdup problems, as shown by equa- possible for the level of wages to equal impossible to ensure that both the level and the to the appropriate social values. In light of Hosios' results, search environments are often viewed as quite "neoclassical": with the right choice of institutional structure to determine the bargaining strengths of labor and capital, the level of wages and the efficient allocation is achieved. is equal to the shadow value of labor, Even leaving aside the difficulty of fine-tuning bargaining strengths, Proposition 2 shows that decentralization is impossible when there are ex ante investments. Search frictions prevent ex ante contracting, and so wages are forced to accomplish two tasks: encourage investment and discourage entry. With ex post bargaining, these cannot be achieved simultaneously. ''This result is related to Corollary 2 in Aceinoglu (1996), which shows that in a two-period with firm and worker investments, the equilibrium is inefficient: distorts physical capital investments, while a low bargaining share of workers distorts investments. Here, there are no distorts the entry margin, which human is capital investments, but a low bargaining unmodeled in model a high bargaining power for workers Aceinoglu (1996). human power for capital workers Wage 5 Posting Firms commit to and This section considers a variant of the standard search model. post wages before nieeting workers in an effort to attract appUcants. Montgomery (1991), Shimer (1996), Moen (1997) and Acemoglu and Shimer (1997b) have also analyzed such a setup. Following these papers, we assume have full information about posted wages. That is, Peters (1991), they observe for all now posted wages and then decide which of these to seek. In this decision, they recognize that workers who are seeking vacancies at worker applying to this wage probability fj.{q). is wage w to firms offering w is q = if T]{q) = the ratio of q{w), then each hired (and hence actually receives the wage) with flow Symmetrically, each firm offering this wage expects that vacancy at the rate that workers it will fill its qiJ.{q). We distinguish between the "market" queue length Q and the queue length associated with a particular wage, q{w). With ex post bargaining as in Section 4, capital-intensive jobs yielded higher wages (equation (14)), but workers' application decisions did not respond to these incentives. This was either because workers could not observe firms' capital choices before As a their search. making their applications, or because they were unable to direct had a common result in the bargaining model, all jobs necessarily (market) queue length Q. In contrast, this section allows workers to adjust their application decisions in response to wage differentials, so different with different queue lengths qiw). More precisely, if wages are generally associated firms offer different wages librium, then queue lengths will adjust so that workers are indifferent about in equi- which wage to seek. Higher wages will be associated with longer queues. Search frictions are often interpreted as representing the time required to learn about a job opening. Since we assume here they require a different interpretation. One geographic or industrial "labor markets" labor market. If know about that workers . possibility is all of the available wages, that firms locate in different Workers know the wage associated with each they attempt to get a job in a labor market offering a wage of w, they recognize that there will be on average q{w) other workers competing for each job opening. Matching frictions exist within individual labor markets, however, so the worker is (1991), Montgomery mixed hired with probability fi{q{w)). strategies in An alternative interpretation follows Peters (1991) and Burdett, Shi, and Wright (1997). Workers use identical making their applications, and the mixing probabilities are such that they are indifferent about where to apply (so that mixed strategies are optimal). If the realization of the mixed strategy the worker is workers only is that there are employed with probability l/{n if at least + 1). one worker actually applies n other applicants Conversely, firms for the job, manage for its job. In this case, to hire the matching technology corresponds to a standard urn-ball process: An equilibrium of the wage posting game must = ri{q) qfj,{q) oc 1 — satisfy four conditions: new investments and wage commitments are profit maximizing; second, e"'."* first, firms' entrants earn zero profits; third, workers direct their search towards the wage(s) that maximize(s) their expected wealth; and fourth, q{w) any decision node. More equilibrium, q{w) is consistent with rational expectations beginning at is precisely, for wages w 6 W, the set of wages offered- in i.e. the ratio of unemployed workers seeking that wage to firms posting and by the third requirement of equilibrium, applying to such a wage it, highest possible utility to workers. For any other wage w' subgame-perfection requirement with a similar spirit: if q{w') , w gives the pinned down by a is a firm offered w', the queue length would be sufficiently long that workers would not prefer applying to w' instead of ti; € W. This final requirement to deviate from the prescribed is wage important for understanding the incentive of a firm set. Analysis We once again start by writing the Bellman equations, restricting ourselves to steady states. The value of a vacant firm posting wage rj^\tu, k) This is = v{q{w)) (J^{w, k) identical to equation (6), except that so that q{io) ^ Q^ it w and using capital k - f'{w, k)) - sJ^\w, is k). allows queue lengths to (16) depend on wages, Similarly. rJ^[w., k) = which has exactly the same reasoning f{k) -w- sJ^{w, k), (17) as (5) in the previous section. For workers, the value of being employed at wage w is rj^{w)=iu + s{f' -J'^iw)). (18) Note that the value of an employed worker only depends on her wage, not the investment k. firm's In fact, workers do not need to observe firms' investment decisions. In the bargaining equilibrium of Section 4, the value of employment depended on k, because "This matching technology does not satisfy our requirement corner solution in the social planner's problem, i.e., an also lead to nonexistence of a bargaining equilibrium. 7;(oo) = /t(0) = oo. This may lead to a with no active firms. It may does not alter the main conclusion efficient allocation However, it wage posting equilibrium is efficient. ^We once again impose that workers accept any match. This is not a restriction since our definition of equilibrium ensures that q{iu) = if workers prefer unemployment to employment at a wage of w. So any wage offered in equilibrium will be accepted by workers. in this section, that the 10 the bargaining solution split the surplus in the match. In contrast, here the wage is determined solely by the firm's ex ante decision. Next, the value of an unemployed worker applying to a job with wage w is rJ^{w)=^l{q{w)){J'^{w)-J"). (19) Again, the construction of these equations parallels (11) and (13), with the value of an unemployed worker defined by the highest value that she can attain while unemployed: = J" sup J^{w), (20) toew W where is the set of wages offered in equilibrium. we formalize the requirement that Finally, pair of conditions which apply for all w w, including = q{w) (i) q{-) satisfies rational expectations as a W: ^ a J^ > J^ w] Q (21) (ii) where wage J^' is The first J'^iw) condition ensures that workers do not apply for a (even off the equilibrium path), unless ic unemployment J^ value of q{'w) defined by (20). J^ > — for all w < . it Manipulating (18) and ' ''"'"^^Iq) rj^. them gives The second utility at least (19), this is equal to the equivalent to requiring condition ensures that unemployed workers can never expect to earn more than the value of unemployment. they determine q{w) for An all equilibrium of this w, and in particular ensure that J'^ economy can now be defined more and J^ distribution of wages J^\w, argmaxu,,/; 0. It is k) and capital investments —pk, and satisfying the X nonempty a maximizing for all w > succinctly as the appro- priate Bellman equations, J^{w,k), J^{w,k), J^{w), J^{w), a queue length function q that satisfies (21); = J^ {w) Together, as described above; joint support, of the firms' profits, free entry condition, i.e. maxw^k -/^(^, k) X C —pk — simpler to characterize an equilibrium as the solution to a constrained optimiza- tion problem: Lemma librium 1 if (g, X) with {w^, k^) G and only if X and w,k,q ^^^^ r + s + yL[q) r + is a steady state wage posting equi- , , w (22) , -— subject to ''In q{w) [w^, k^, q^) solves: max fected = q^ s -\- r][q) r + > pk. s imposing these conditions, we are implicitly assuming that the value of unemployment is unafa single firm's decision. Tliis is natural in our atomless economy, and is formally equivalent b}- to the limit of a finite agent economy (Burdett, Shi, 11 and Wright, 1997). Any wage, capital, and queue combination observed in equilibrium must mciximize the utility of the representative worker, subject to moglu and Shimer (1997b) prove new vacancies earning zero profits. Ace- Lemma, and we do this another triple {w',k',q') gives workers more Intuitively, if not repeat the proof here. utility, and entry condition, then a firm could offer a slightly lower wage than w', and make ers, Lemma in this attract work- make the same investment and complete information environment: not degenerate, there must exist two yield firms the wage posting game. Gener- unique solution to this constrained optimization problem, and so generi- ically there is a cally all firms still the free strictly positive profits. allows us to characterize an equilibrium of the 1 satisfies same More important profit (g'^, // the same wage. This result diff'erent k^) is intuitive wage, investment, and queue triples that and workers the same and is the wage and/or capital distributions are if utility. for the focus of this paper, the equilibrium coincide. Intuitively, (2) Proposition 3 ofi"er and efficient allocations (22) are equivalent optimization problems. Formally: an efficient allocation as characterized in Proposition 1, and w' = f{k')-k'f'{k'), then there Conversely, is wage posting a if (g, A') then {q'^,k^) is an is equilibrium. (<?, A") (23) with q^ = a wage posting equilibrium with q^ q{uj^) = and {w^,k^) 6 X. q{w) and {w^,k^) G X, efficient allocation as characterized in Proposition 1. Proof: Appendix. Equation (23) shows that there wages and productivity. Thus the absence an increasing equilibrium relationship between is Firms that undertake larger investments pay higher wages. of a holdup problem (i.e. the fact that the equilibrium appears to contradict the intuition from the bargaining equilibrium. The that firms here are not compelled to offer higher wages instead can conceive of investing more while keeping when they their is efficient) diff"erence is invest more, but wage constant. They offer higher wages precisely becaiise they want to attract more workers. So at the margin, the higher wage that a capital intensive firm offers by the faster rate of job creation. In fact, the wage is is exactly off^set always equal to the marginal product of capital (equation (23)), because at a given wage, firms adjust their capital investment until this condition obtains. The second part of the efficiency result is that entry decisions are optimal. from the definition of the optimal allocation that jobs (or labor markets) We know with capital investment k^ and queue lengths q^ produce more net output than any other possible combination. Since in any equilibrium, all profits 12 are driven to zero, the expected present value of wages must be higher in jobs offering k^ and q^ than in any alternative. So these jobs are offered, all if workers will be drawn to these jobs giving them the highest expected wages. Therefore, no other allocation can be an equilibrium and there are no profitable deviations from the efficient allocation with k^ result that wage posting induces unfettered competition is shows, this ensures that in equilibrium worker utility is and q^. among The essence of this and as firms, Lemma 1 meiximized. Imperfect Information The assumption know about that unemployed workers and fortunately not necessary for most of our all the available wages Proposition unchanged. is The rest not affect the efficient equilibrium described in will we summarize the main Here, 3. This strong, Suppose that each worker only results. observes two posted wages, independently chosen from the set of vacancies.'' of the setup is result of this subsection: Proposition 4 Suppose each worker only observes two independently drawn wages from wage the k^ distribution. Then, there exists an equilibrium in which attract queue length , Q^ and offer wage w^ = all firms choose capital — k^ f'{k^)- f{k^) Proof: Appendix. The intuition for this result can be seen as follows: starting from the equilibrium iq^ ,k^ ,uj^\ a reduction in workers' information reduces the profitability of viations, but does not raise the profitability of , realizes that = this is offers j^f it ) s\ will w^ only attract workers by giving incompatible with the firm making positive a wage w' < them the all de- other firms different wage efficient level of utility However, we know from the perfect information benchmark that w^, it will profits. More specifically, if a firm obtain a shorter queue length, as described by the perfect information indifference condition (21). And if it longer queue length — but only up to a point. (i.e. Because wage w^ with associated queue q^ any firm that posts a are offering J^ any others. some the market queue length), only 2Q If offers a wage w' > w^ , it will obtain a the unemployment- vacancy ratio is Q workers observe a given firm's wage, so a deviat- ing firm's queue length cannot exceed SQ. As a result, the second part of condition (21) may be violated for sufficiently high wages. game reduces This change in the extensive form of the the profitabihty of some deviations from prescribed equilibrium, without raising the profitability of any others. Therefore, the it does not change the fact that there This analysis borrows from our earlier paper Acemoglu and Shimer (1997a), where we endogenized amount of information gathering by workers, but did not investigate the efficiency issues discussed here. 13 is no profitable deviation when all firms make investment k^ and off^er the wage w^. This remains an equilibrium.** By reducing the profitability of some deviations, however, we In particular, take a local equilibria. lem {w*,k*,q''). (22), If there is maximum may introduce other of the constrained optimization prob- < no {w,k,q) with q to this problem, thon this will be an equilibrium. 2q'' This is that yields a higher value unlikely to be a real issue, however, as simulations suggest that the constrained optimization problem has a unique maximum, [w^ ,q^ ,k^), local the efficient allocation. Moreover, as the observations of each worker increases, inefficient equilibria become number of wage progressively less likely. Another way of obtain the intuition of this result them firm has one opponent, but price competition forces The efficient allocation is similar, since firms utility subject to non-negative profits. Diff'erently know who the firm does not its rival is. by comparing our imperfect With Bertrand competition, each information environment to Bertrand competition. cost. is to set price equal to marginal choose wages to maximize workers' from standard Bertrand competition, This does not matter, however, because it knows that the rival also maximizes workers' utility subject to zero profits. The result in this subsection is also related to Burdett and Judd (1983), who show in a model of price search that when each consumer observes two random prices, Bertrand competition is obtained. However, our result is stronger since in Burdett and Judd's paper, firms have infinite capacity, so each firm knows that the other firm observed by the consumer can supply her with the rccjuired good. In contrast, in our setting each firm can only hire one worker, so the otlier firm whose wage may not hire the worker. Nevertheless, firm is sufficient to take us to is observed by the worker expectation of competition with this "other" tlic Bertrand competition. Understanding Efficiency 6 With the while traditional bargaining setup, the equilibrium when (Section 5). is always inefficient (Section firms post wages and workers direct their search, efficiency It is important to understand what underlies these results. is 4), guaranteed We can begin by noting that there are two important diff"erences between the environments of Sections 4 and 5: in Section 5, firms are able to post Although there '^This result is wages and workers can direct their search. a natural association between these features, it is possible to inquire would change substantially if each worker only observed the wage of one firm. Then its wage slightly would not suffer a reduction in queue length, since workers have It is easy to show that the unique equilibrium of such a model has firms paying a zero a firm that lowers no alternative. (monopoly) wage. This is the Diamond (1971) paradox. 14 which one At is the source of the strong efficiency results we obtained in Section a trivial level, the possibility of directing search commit important. is to wages, but workers applied to firms randomly, firms and we would obtain the equilibrium to a zero wage, of Section 4 with three hybrids of the environments analyzed in Sections 4 and 1. Wages are determined by ex post Nash 5. The fundamental equilibrium is = 0. To we consider 5. and direct their search appropriately, as in condition of Section 5 which determines applications workers must have the decisions will once again be an equilibrium condition: same expected seriously, /3 bargaining, as in Section 4, but workers are able to observe firms' capital investment Section firms could If would obviously commit and wage posting more investigate the role of directed search 5. utility at all jobs (with positive queue length). As a result, the characterized by the constrained optimization problem (22), with one additional constraint: wages are not a choice variable, but instead are set ex post by Nash bargaining. So the additional constraint (14). in this hybrid environment, It is does not bind at the equilibrium straightforward to see that constraint (14) (efficient) values of k^ and 5 and only if p equal to the elasticity of the matching function rj. is and (i.e. wages must satisfy at the efficient allocation) if , w^ and q^ of Sections 3 workers' bargaining power In other words, Hosios "bargaining power equals elasticity" condition holds, we obtain the allocation as the equilibrium of this hybrid environment. Therefore, can direct their search towards firms with more if 2. the Hosios condition Firms commit to and advertise a bargaining they direct their search accordingly. there are when workers capital, holdups are avoided rule before the if only rule, (3 matching stage. but not its capital investment, The equilibrium and coincides with the bargain- where Q^ is the market queue length. As in P = ,gV) now holdup problems. More specifically, capital investments ing equilibrium, with 4, efficient is satisfied. Workers observe each firm's bargaining Section when the , are given by (12), so there is underinvestment. Firms compete efficiently along the dimension that workers can observe, which ensures the Hosios condition. Lairger investments translate into higher wages but do not attract a longer queue as workers do not observe investments, so there rewarded 3. is a holdup inefficiency: &:ms are not fully for their investments. Firms can commit to and advertise a bargaining rule P Workers can observe each firm 's bargaining rule and direct their search accordingly. The equilibria of this 15 before the matching stage. capital investment, 'and they economy coincide with the efficient equilibria cliaracterized in Sections 3 the capital investment These hybrid models is and 5. clarify the role of different ingredients of and Hosios condition solves the holdup problem. The reason some bill is choice of /3 conditional on formally equivalent to a wage commitment. workers" observe the capital choices of firms take A our economy. When direct their search accordingly, the is that, even though wo'kers of the retm'ns from investments in the form of higher wages, the higher wage exactly offset by the increase in profits due to the longer queues that are attracted. Holdups do not arise because workers' application decisions internalize the dependence of wages on investments. Although the assumption that workers observe perfectly direct their search is extreme, it all wages and can seems plausible that workers have some idea about prevailing wages and can direct their search to some degree. They can choose, for example, between jobs in the manufacturing and service sectors. The forces emphasized paper should therefore reduce the scope of holdups in practice. in this Complementing the the Hosios condition that of all is which solves the holdup problem when role of directed search, satisfied, wage or bargaining rule commitments (posting) ensure firms offer a division of output satisfying the Hosios condition. wage commitments and directed search therefore Note conversely that holdup problems depends on its capital investment, and The combination leads to an efficient allocation. arise if the value of a firm's this investment is wage commitment unobserved. This is consider- ably weaker than a more naive conjecture that holdups arise whenever wages increase with investment. Remarkably, ered, the natural search environment that we have consid- in whenever workers can direct known their search capital intensity, the Hosios condition between two randomly chosen jobs with is all we need for workers to internalize the dependence of wages on investments. In particular, when the Hosios condition holds, a firm that chooses a larger investment pays higher wages but also attracts sufficiently longer queue lengths so that tives. We its investment incentives are aligned with do not have a very good intuition for why exactly the Hosios condition required to balance the two opposing effects on firm profits, although a understanding can be obtained by thinking of each investment land" economy and workers' job applications We know from Hosios (1990) that when the efficient incen- more level as a is intuitive separate "is- as decisions to enter one of these islands. elasticity condition and expected wages are ma:x;imized within each is satisfied, net output island, so workers will choose to enter the island with the highest expected wages, which will be the one with the greatest net output, so efficiency will be achieved. To conclude, with wage posting and both in the entry directed search, the market achieves efficiency and investment margins, despite the large number of missing markets and possible widespread imperfect information about available wages. This 16 is because the wage posting environment of Section 5 enables two distinct but related phenomena. First, allows workers to direct their search towards it more capital intensive firms. Even environment of Section 5 workers do not care about firms' investment de- though in the cisions, they observe wages, and firms that make larger investments offer higher wages. Second, wage posting ensures that wages satisfy the Hosios condition, the other require- ment of efficiency. This is Shimer (1996) discussed Moen related to but stronger than the results of in the introduction, since it (1997) and obtains in a model with ex ante investments, where bargaining equilibria are always inefficient. Concluding Comments 7 A natural conjecture holdups and it to this conjectmre. in when there are ex ante investments and trading frictions, we formalized is In fact, our not always true. main result With standard assumptions on the form is this conjecture, in striking contrast of trading frictions, an which workers can direct their search towards more capital intensive jobs achieves efficiency. and workers The that inefficiencies are unavoidable. In this paper, and showed why economy is We showed that direct their search towards higher results presented here may with: perhaps with a sufficient inefficiencies. this result arises naturally We wage when firms post wages, firms. suggest the opposite conjecture to the one commitment technology, trading believe that this conjectm'e would also frictions we started do not lead to be incorrect, because there are other, harder to avoid, inefficiencies, once again arising from frictional trading and the informational problems underlying search. For example: 1. W^e have assumed that there is only one-sided investment. The inefficiencies em- phasized in Acemoglu (1996) and Masters (1998) rely on two-sided investments. It is unclear whether the ability of firms to post complex contracts can prevent inefficiencies in this 2. An type of environment. This is left for future important cause of inefficiencies in search models is work. random matching: with two-sided heterogeneity, the equilibrium matching configurations with those preferred by a social planner. This problem may be may not coincide avoided if workers have complete information about the available jobs, but that assumption seems too strong in an economy with an atomless distribution of jobs. With imperfect information, skilled workers will sometimes have to match with low capital firms, and mismatch will be present. In firms' capital investments, in this case, the skill distribution of and via this channel, also wages (as in workers affects Acemoglu, 1996; the context of bargaining). Therefore, the return to worker and firm investments will depend on the actions of other firms and workers, introducing 17 externalities. 3. We treated the information structure as exogenous. how much here) and to search also both in the sense of determining reservation wages how much that workers have an informational In practice, workers decide is information to gather. When endogenous, the equiUbrium externality. In particular, workers will (as the amount of information be inefficient, because of do not take into account the impact of their information on the wage distribution, and thus on the firms and the wages of other workers (see 18 we have profits of Acemoglu and Shimer, 1997a). Appendix A Proofs of Main Results Proof of Proposition prove existence. A dependence. We characterize first and then tlae efficient allocation, are looking for a steady state solution, and therefore suppress time "social planner" chooses the firms' capital investments k, output. That We 1: time path of the market queue length Q, and the unemployment rate u to maximize the value of net is: maxf (.«).(0(())(^-pM<)) -3|(r + .«0)e-*^ (24) subject to u{t) The constraint (25) rate: is = s{l-u{t))-fx{Q{t))u{t). a standard equation describing the evolution of the UBemployment the increase in unemployment hires. (24) is a bit risk neutrality) equal to the flow into unemployment minus is for the interest rate (equal to workers' rate of and depreciation. The from newly created The number jobs. times the probability that each is first of (r + is time preference under in parentheses represents the payoff the is hired, u{t)fi{Q{t)). f{k{t)) units of output until the capital must continue to rent term new jobs new firms renting capital at a cost {r + s)p, more complex. Think of vacant which accounts both (25) number A of unemployed workers newly created job produces destroyed. However, in the process, the job s)pk{t) units of capital. Therefore, the net expected present value of a newly created job is of maintaining open vacancies, ,['}'']) i.e. — pk{t). The second term represents the cost the rental cost of a vacancy, times the by each vacancy unfilled vacancies u{t)/Q{t), times the capital used k{t). nmnber of All payoffs are discounted back to an initial time. The maximization of (24) subject to (25) gives the planner not afforded by the model. She may costlessly adjust the capital investment of existing vacancies after they are created, but before they are would never take advantage of problem described here is this option. filled. Thus the In steady state, the planner solution to the maximization the solution to the social planner's problem. restrict the planner to choose the follows an extra degree of freedom same investment from concavity of the objective for all jobs. in k for arbitrary More subtly, The optimality we of this Q. Write the current valued Hamiltonian associated with this dynamic optimization problem. //(/c, g, uA) = u L{Q) U^^ - pk\ 19 ^1±^\ + A (5(1 - tx) - ^.{Q)u) Let {k{X),Q{X)} maximize H{k,Q,u,\) for a given value of A. independent of u > since 0, u Crucially these are enters the maximization problem Uneaxly: {k{X),Q{X)} e argrnaxMQ) fc,Q ' >) (^-pf^ \r + s Define the Maximized Current Value Hamiltonian n{u,X) = ^^^. Q ' J (26) as: H{k{X),QiX),u,X). Arrow's generalization of Mangasarian's Sufficiency Theorem (Kamien and Schwartz, 1991, p. 222) states that the following conditions are necessary and sufficient for to be a steady state solution to the function of u (in fact, rX and u — = satisfies it is dynamic optimization problem: = a linear function), k = + fi{Q) k{X), Q= a steady state version of the state equation s(l Solving (27) for A is Q, u} a concave Q{X), —— -pkj - I ?i {A;, X[s + (27) i^[Q)), (25): -u) =^(Q)u. (28) : ^^v{Q)i^-{r + s + viQ))pk {r + s)Q + Substituting this into (26) and simplifying, maximization problem Now we lem. Q is (2). [0, oo]^, is = 0, since f{k) the Inada conditions. zero when Q = Finally, = 0. It is It is negative negative oo, since /i(oo) = we prove that there exist when maximization prob- continuous in when Q is k is The {k, Q) defined on value of the objective sufficiently large, since sufficiently small, since r]{0) zero ^^ ^ by — 0. And it Q that yield positive payoff, implying interior value. Fix Q with ij^Q) positive and Then by the fundamental theorem s)p, which -{r + + v{Q)){r + s)p dK > {r + s)Q + T]{Q) I ' v{Q)f'{k)-{r + s + v{Q)){r + s)p dK = {r + s)Q + T]{Q) L s 20 exists by the Inada of calculus, the value of the objective at {k,Q)\s r' r?(Q)/'(Ac) is values of k and maximum must be obtained at an Choose k > to satisfy f'{k) = ^^^^jj^{r + conditions. this 0. that the finite. to the static implying existence of a maximum. Next, extremal values of k yield zero or negative value to the objective (2). /c Thus the solution the efficient capital and queue length. observe that the maximization problem First, when is the text we obtain can establish the existence of an interior solution to the compact set or (1) in v{Q) where the inequahty exploits concavity of > /: /'(^) f'{k) for all k < k, and the equality uses the definition of k. Proof of Proposition 2: Existence: Consider the graph of equation (12) rant of the plane. Since By the Inada conditions on /, = K(Q). Moreover, K(0) + by f'{ki)/{r implicitly and / increasing is rj = concave, the graph is upward sloping. implicitly defines a continuously differentiable function it = since 7^(0) s) is ik,Q) space, the nonnegative quad- in and = /'(O) oo; and K(oo) = ki, defined p. Next, divide (12) by (15) and simplify to obtain: M^) +s+ r Given the assumptions on mapping Q(0) > (0, 00) onto 77, and Thus itself. Note that if /3 = the is = hand side Q unique < a decreasing function of Q, = (0, 0). an equilibrium, since we have assumed that k G (0,oo). More equilibrium capital stock sequence converges to zero too, is not allowed, this equilibrium sequence Uniqueness: If the elasticity of / Q relationship between and and hence (29), Then {r + either rj{Q^) < or k^ > since A;^, Next, consider r The right /9 > s){r side is ^ 0, precisely, as k^ -> 0. /9 But since V + S + - the = nonincreasing, (29) describes a nonincreasing most one intersection between (12) at 0. (3) +s+ and (12) imply: rj is < /? is p< T]{Q^)) {r < f'{k^). increasing and / < ^^Q^" (1 (^) + - Q^)v'{Q^) ~ (^^) r +s+ 7]{Q^))' Q^ < Q^ This implies that either concave. is ^^^ s){r This is the desired result for ™P^y- + s + {l-0) 7?(Q^) + /3/.(Q^) decreasing in p. Therefore, substituting for with Jqb\ implies jviQ') A; not not lower hemi-continuous. is Thus there can be k. t]{Q^) or f'{k^) + s + TjiQS) + hand is i.e. However, this most one equilibrium. at Efficiency: Take any and two curves cross at 00, the an equilibrium, establishing existence. the cm-ves intersect only at (Q, k) 0, is solves this equation, Q(/c). Since Since Q(A;i) 0. .29) ^^^^ 1 kf'ik) left for all k, a Such an intersection ki. _ZR _ . PHQ) /?, above (12) when k 0, (29) lies some k < /i, - {1 Q'ri'jQ')) r]{Q^) + (1 nk')/k' - Q^v'jQ^)) f{k^)/k^ + t]{Q^) + (1 - Q^)7]'(Q^) {vJQ^) - Q^WiQS) ^ 21 r + s ' <P Hence > f{k^)/k B either f{k^)/k^ - Q'v'iQ') ^ + v{Q^) + (1 - Q^WiQ^) viQ^) - viQ') + r s r + + s QV(Q^) + (1 - Q^WiQ^) r?(QS) < Since /'satisfies the Inada conditions, the former possibility imphes k^ Alterna- k^'. tively, d v{Q)-Qn'{Q) ( dQ Vr + 5 where the inequality Combining the Q^ > Q^ , + 7?(Q) results for > /9 and Thus the 77. < (3 constraint. Eliminating (^, q) .qVn 3: implies that either w At a solution, the constraint w and must lead is binding. Otherwise, without violating the from the objective through the binding constraint yields if they are (2). efficient. equation, observe that the objective in (22) does not depend on k; only the constraint does. Since the constraint in k in (22) raise the value of the objective, pair appear in equilibrium only To obtain the wage change Q^ > Q^ k^ > k^ and latter possibility implies or both inequahties are reversed. would be possible to reduce Thus a ^-v"iQ){ir + s)Q + r]{Q))>0. (l-Q)7j'(Q) exploits concavity of Proof of Proposition it + binding, optimality dictates that a small is to a violation of the constraint, or at least keep the constraint binding. Equivalently, V{q){f{k)-w) r + s) {r + s + -pk] = 0. r]{q)) Simphfying the derivative with the binding constraint yields Proof of Proposition 4: To formalize the (23). issues related to imperfect information, we introduce some additional notation. Let p{w, w') be the who observes wages w and w' applies to w in preference of and w' are mutually p{w,w') = 1 exclusive, p{w,'w') whenever J^{w) > decisions of other workers. J^ = where G is utility of 1. Since applying for w Applications are optimal if w' . J^{vj'), implicitly taking into account the application The expected value of an unemployed worker the equilibrium wage distribution. The term in parentheses an unemployed worker conditional on observing two wages Finally, we need all to define q{vj). indifference across wages. In- is: (p{w,w')J^'{w)+p{w\w)j"{w'))dG{w)dG{w'), j j integrals take expectations over anteed. + p{w\w) = probability that a worker possible realizations of these With full information, it w is the maximal and w' and the , two observations. was pinned down to ensure With imperfect information, such indifference any subgame, a worker might not observe some wages, and 22 (30) is not guar- for this reason cannot apply to them, even though she would Instead, the equilibrium like to. queue function satisfies q{w) Q where is the equiUbrium is 2Q (31) • number unemployed workers per of firm. The equilibrium w is equal to the number of workers since there are Q workers per firm and each observes two wages, times the queue length which = 2Q Jp{w, w')dG{w'), wage for a who observe this wage, wage instead of the alternative probability that each of those will apply for this w', a wage randomly drawn from G. An equilibrium is once again defined as the appropriate Bellman equations; a queue length function q satisfying (31); a joint support of the wage and capital distribution A!, each element of which maximizes firms' profits and satisfies wage distribution G; and a preference function p that p{iu, w') = whenever J^{w) > J^{w'). 1 Now we the free entry condition; a satisfies the optiraality condition can give the proof of Proposition Proposition 3 implies that {w^ k^ Q^) solves (22). , , It trivially solves imization problem with the additional constraint q € [0,2Q^]. maximized value of this program, 4. the same max- Letting J^* be the {w^ k^ Q^) must similarly solve the dual program , , V{q){f{k)-w) T—- - pk max w,k,q (r subject to r and + s) (r + s + ri[q)) Z'^'", + s + fi{q), > J"; qe[0,2Q^]. We prove that this dual program is in fact the problem that a firm faces when it considers deviating from a proposed equilibrium with First, profit maximization and wage w^ is will also observe a it The J^*. wage wage of w^ in expectation, Thus the value deviating firm realizes that . promises them at least J^*. its it Thus On it B solution is In Section 4, wage w^ all workers the other hand, since only this is who observe 2Q^ workers its its profits, this. will wage, observe Thus the firm subject to these two constraints. an equilibrium. With Alternative Bargaining Rules we showed that no equilibrium with Nash bargaining achieves Here we extend that k^ and to a worker of applying for a job cannot have a queue length longer than {w^ ,k^ ,Q^), Inefficiency oflfering be imable to attract any applicants unless will attempts to maximize the expected value of As the other firms free entry drive the other firms to use capital drive the market queue length to Q^. at all result to arbitrary bargaining rules that satisfy ditions. For this purpose, consider weak efficiency. regularity con- a bargaining game with transferable utility between 23 two players, there where conditional on agreement they obtain 2, disagreement, is so agreement A and 1 obtains 1 mutually is and 2 obtains rfi We beneficial. ^2, joint surplus y. where we assume that + do < di denote the bargaining payoff of player bargaining rule A, with payoffs uf (y, ^1,^2) and U2 = y — uf is regular if If be i y Uj. the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Individual Rationality: Vy > di + ^2, wf (y, 2. Weak > y > + Monotonicity: > ut{y',di,d2) The first di d2, if c?i > more than and u^(y, <^i < uf-{y,di,d2) di, (i2) < y < — y — c?2- d2 then u^{y,di,d2). condition states that both players obtain at least as The second points. Vy' ^2) c?i, condition requires that his outside option, and the if at some much as their disagreement level of surplus each player receives level of surplus is increased, then each payoff increases. As examples consider two well-known bargaining uI — — di — uf- = di ii P{y imposes some P G We all di; u^ /? = y G — [0, 1]. d2 if Nash bargaining imposes that Rubinstein-Shaked and Sutton bargaining Py > y — do] and uf = Py otherwise, for straightforward to verify that both surplus divisions satisfy both values of G /? [0, 1]. next state: Proposition 5 is some di for py < It is [0, 1]. conditions for + (^2) rules: If w{k) determined by a regular bargaining solution, the equilibrium is always inefficient. Proof: Recall that Also, di w'{k^) = = efficiency requires: = J^ J^{k) and ^2 is only possible 1. either w{k) 2. or J^(fc5) The second w{k^) < f{k^) = = in this case. = /(/c"'^) - k^f'{k^) and w'{k^) Weak Monotonicity then = 0. implies that if: rj^. J^(it^). condition - w{k^) is not possible as long as r]{Q) k^f'{k^), leading to suboptimal entry. 24 < 00. The first implies that References [1] Acemoglu, Daron, 1996 "A Microfoundation Human [2] Capital," Quarierly Acemoglu, Daren, 1997 ket" Review of [3] "Training and Innovation in an Imperfect Labor Mar- Studies, 64, 445-464. "Efficient Wage Dispersion" and Princeton Mimeo. Acemoglu, Daron and Robert Shimer, 1997b surance" [5] Increasing Returns in of Economics, 111, 779-804. Acemoglu, Daron and Robert Shimer, 1997a MIT [4] Economic Joumal for Social MIT "Efficient Unemployment In- and Princeton Mimeo. Burdett, Kenneth and Kenneth Judd, 1983 "Equilibrium Price Dispersion," Econometrica, 51, 955-969. 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