Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/heterogeneitystrOObena HB31 .M415 b> i working paper department of economics HETEROGENEITY, STRATIFICATION, AND GROWTH Roland Benabou MIT, NBER and CEPR No. 93-4 Dec. 1992 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 HETEROGENEITY, STRATIFICATION, AND GROWTH Roland Benabou MIT, NBER and CEPR No. 93-4 Dec. 1992 ' : ; 'j Heterogeneity, Stratification, and Growth Roland Benabou MIT, NBER and CEPR. June 1992 This version I am Tirole, - December 1992 grateful to Olivier Blanchard, Ricardo Caballero, Peter Yoram Weiss and especially Julio gratefully acknowledged. All errors are my Rotemberg own. Diamond, Steven Durlauf, John Heaton, Jean for helpful discussions. Financial support from the NSF is Abstract We examine how economic stratification affects inequality where heterogeneous agents interact through borhood effects) stratified into We study economies goods or externalities (school funding, neigh- and economy- wide linkages (complementary growth and welfare when families are integrated. local public and growth over time. skills, homogeneous knowledge local spillovers). We compare communities and when they remain Segregation tends to minimize the losses from a given amount of heterogeneity, but integra- tion reduces heterogeneity faster. Society may thus face an intertemporal tradeoff: mixing leads to slower growth in the short run, but to higher output or even productivity growth occurs in particular cases of segregation which structure is when comparing and integration. more local in the long run. This tradeoff and national funding of education, which correspond to More efficient over short generally, we identify the key parameters special which determine and long horizons. Particularly important are the degrees of complementarity in local and in global interactions. Introduction 1 In the United States a family's income, assets, education level, ethnic background and lifestyle can be predicted quite accurately from its zip code -and this in spite of the great diversity of the American population. 1 This strong degree of social and economic segregation, epitomized of late by the spread of gated communities, as is reflected in wide disparities in the funding primary and secondary education or law enforcement. It and quality of local public services, such also manifests itself in the increasingly different types of behavior and values to which the young are exposed during their formative years. The production of goods and services thus brings together on the factory floor and at the office workers on the one hand, managers and professionals on the other, whose upbringing and are becoming increasingly disparate. Could human levels of capital and outcomes this polarization of educational opportunities be a contributing factor not only to the widening inequality in income and wealth observed over the decade, but also to the slowdown of productivity growth? One reads for instance in the MIT last Commission's Report on Industrial Productivity: "American and foreign students not only in their average scores on standardized tests differ but also in the dispersion of those scores around the mean. The Japanese aim at bringing students to a high . . common level of competence, and they are largely successful; as a result .new entrants to the Japanese work In the U.S. learn. work force, force are generally literate, numerate, employers have discovered high rates of with basic mathematics and reading in workers with high school diplomas of ( The young Americans are technologically Made in in literate illiteracy . . . and difficulty Only a tiny fraction and have some knowledge of foreign is of course much more heterogeneous than societies. the Japanese. But this greater heterogeneity good part endogenous, precisely because any exogenous differences historical factors, immigration, or just plain luck) are magnified 1 and prepared to America, (1989)) U.S. workforce may be all Weiss (1989) provides a comprehensive and in human by economic or social lively description of the "clusters" capital (due to stratification. In used in commercial and political marketing. fact, a more diverse population may increase the value of integration, as it accelerates the homogenization of the labor force. Motivated by these observations, this paper investigates the relationship between the extent to which an and its The economy is stratified into homogeneous communities, its degree of income inequality, growth performance over time. central question efficient: is the following: given a heterogeneous population, which social structure segregation by income and education, or integration? is more includes as a special case the issue of It We whether public education should be funded locally or nationally. formalize these issues in a simple but quite general growth model with both economy-wide linkages (such as complementarity in production or knowledge spillovers) and local, community-level externalities or public goods (such as locally funded schools or neighborhood effects). We show that the answer to the question raised above depends on two basic effects, which can give rise to an interesting intertemporal tradeoff. The first effect measures how gating disparate levels of human efficient each social structure is at processing heterogeneity, capital into the production of goods and, ultimately, show that when family background and community quality are complements in i.e. at aggre- new knowledge. We a child's education, a segre- gated economy tends to have smaller instantaneous losses, hence faster growth, for any given amount of heterogeneity. it The second effect is dynamic: because an integrated society is better at reducing heterogeneity, converges faster to a homogeneous outcome-or in the presence of shocks, converges to a distribution of skills and income. Integration thus delivers much generations. Is this effect important enough for mixing to be of more its less unequal payoff over the course of several efficient in the long run, even when it leads to losses in the short run? We show that the answer tends to be affirmative, so that integration at eventually raises everyone's income. It is first hurts the better off but then Pareto improving, without need for redistribution, provided agents have a low enough discount rate. Conversely, increased segregation leads to: distribution of income; (ii) (i) a widening in the a short-lived burst of growth, benefiting mostly the better off households; a decline in the economy's long-run level of output, or even in the long-run growth rate. these results remain even as all (iii) Remarkably, global complementarities linking together rich and poor families become » vanishingly small. Of course, stratification is much need not be the case that mixing it remains more efficient if the degree is preferable in the long run. For instance, that of complementarity between agents' levels of human capital stronger in local interactions than in global interactions. Intuitively, this knowledge at the community we show means that level (e.g. in schooling) entail sufficiently greater losses than disparities in at the aggregate level (e.g. in production). What paper this stratification offers But as we move Thinking about extreme the spillover is closer to the show that one cannot even (the geometric helps to clarify It also some issues of aggregation combined with heterogeneity. In models with a representative agent, spillovers are specified. cases, this may seem obvious; minimum, to some identify -as is which it is arise how becomes naturally the equilibrium will be different average, or to the common when irrelevant to models with heterogeneity, the choice of aggregator and arithmetic averages) without rate, as well as the practice- the significantly maximum mean of all agent's actions. if But we of the logs and the log of the mean changing the economy's long run growth normative conclusions about the efficiency of stratification and integration. One must beyond rough intuitions and pin down the key parameters which determine how heterogeneity therefore go affects thus a framework in which the costs and benefits of different degrees of can be spelled out. externalities are crucial. is The aim growth. is not only to clarify the properties implicitly embodied in the specifications of previous models, but also to provide a guide for future empirical work on spillovers and neighborhood or peer effects. 2 In addition to the overall degree of returns to scale community and economy-wide inputs role played by the three interactions, in the production of elasticities of substitution and between all human and the capital, which operate within relative weights of family, we bring local interactions, within global three inputs. This paper draws on previous work by Benabou (1991), Tamura (1991a,b) and (1992). Benabou (1991) demonstrated that In a sense our effort is similar, in mapping between various forms to light the crucial in Glomm and Ravikumar a general equilibrium context, agents' incentives to segregate a macroeconomic and dynamic context, to Arnott and Rowse's (1987) study of the of peer effects and optimal school structure. themselves due to the presence of local externalities or public goods can have important effects on aggregate productivity and welfare, even with perfect capital markets. But the model was static, hence not suited to study growth or the idea that the merits of integration and segregation may look very Being a model with ex-ante identical agents, short and in the long run. whether due to issue of inequality, could also not address the it conditions or ongoing shocks; nor could initial different in the it capture the notion of homogenization over time. Tamura human (1991a) studies endogenous growth capital spillover, and shows two main to decreasing returns, heterogeneity slows long run the economy converges to a when heterogeneous agents results. issue of how in a general class of by an economy- wide because individual accumulation First, down growth. Second, this effect is is subject only temporary, as in the homogeneous outcome. Tamura uses simulations to demonstrate the vanishing impact of heterogeneity. In this paper dynamic path, are linked we provide models with both stratification affects growth, local and to answer it analytical solutions for the economy's entire and global spillovers. by showing how the This allows us to raise the losses per unit of dispersion, the convergence speed and their interaction differ under segregation and integration. Glomm and Ravikumar (1992) compare growth under private and public education. In a private system parents buy education for their own children and there are no spillovers. In Glomm and Ravikumar show a nationally funded public good, generating again a global spillover. a private system offers students better incentives to invest in long-run growth rate. economy to grow by heterogeneity adults' growth. human If also provide in is human capital, is that and thus leads to a higher an example where heterogeneity can cause a public education faster for a while; but they do not analyze why this is so. We make clear the role played each system's performance. Most importantly, we show that when children's ability or capital there They a public system education is subject to random shocks, public education may in fact lead to faster long-term even a very small amount of complementarity in the production sector, a move to public education can be Pareto improving, provided families' intergenerational discount rate is low enough. In any case, both private and nationally funded education systems dominate locally funded public education, which has neither the incentive properties of the former nor the homogenization properties of the latter. Finally, this paper is also closely related to Durlauf (1992) and S. Cooper (1992), through a shared how community concern about the effects of stratification in a dynamic, stochastic economy. Durlauf shows formation and local funding of education can generate path-dependence in lineage income, trapping some families in pockets of poverty while others enjoy growth. S. his model, Cooper (1992) incorporates redistribution into by allowing communities linked through production externalities to vote on cross-subsidies. Our main concern here how is stratification affects the growth performance and efficiency of the whole economy, with particular emphasis on the potential tradeoff between the short and the long run. Section 2 presents a model of education and production which motivates and sets It basic problem. then shows how similar issues arise in several other models, and provides a general framework in which to study them. Section 3 in up the examines how heterogeneity affects short an integrated economy. Section 4 shows how randomness and long run growth in innate ability magnifies in a segregated and the long-run effects of stratification. Section 5 considers the model's implications for the efficiency of nationally funded public education, locally funded public education, and private education. forms used in the text are generalized 2 2.1 in Appendix A; proofs Local and Global Interactions in A First Section 6 concludes. are gathered in Human the accumulation of in production. functional Appendix B. Capital Model: Education and Production We first consider the most natural channels through which group-specific ities arise in The There is human capital: local and economy-wide complementar- funding of education, and imperfect substitutability a continuum of overlapping generation families i € 0, of unit measure. During each period adults work, consume, and spend time rearing their single child. At time zero, the adult of dynasty i faces the following problem: member maximize = Uq Eq 2~Jp <u ( c <) subject to: i <=o (1) c\ = (2) y> = v\w\ ft« (3) and h l given. There are no She spends a fraction v\ {l-ri)y\ = K-ci-ai-riWiEiy-* +1 human financial assets, only endowment of her unit time The term the rest to helping her child learn. h't in (3) unpredictable component of the child's innate ability in the production of human capital is is At time capital. t, adult i at work, earning the hourly has human capital h\. wage w\, and devotes could also be due in part to inherited ability; the represented by the a local public good, which i.i.d. shock Q. The other input financed by taxing the labor income of is local residents. Per capita expenditures are therefore: E\=ri.YJ = (4) Ti. r ydm\(y) Jo where m\ at time t: is the distribution of income and city, suburban town, state, etc. secondary schooling. But law enforcement, To simplify the model, we shall take Y ' t its average, in the The most obvious community and voting choices "ceteris paribus" both the fraction of time 3 This in shown in Section and tax rates in will lead, in equilibrium, to Tamura 5.2; on some new is belongs primary and u\ spent working and the tax rate If effects r\ to agents have logarithmic preferences, such invariant rules. 3 But these are really in the political economy . the values of u and T are given in Proposition (1991a) and good i libraries, etc., are also relevant. assumptions by which we abstract from the issues explored literature, in order to focus to which family skill-enhancing public be constant over time and independent of community composition. their decisions fl| Glomm and Ravikumar 6. Log-utility also leads to constant investment (1992) respectively. Voting models of education with variable tax rates are analyzed by Perotti (1990), Saint-Paul and Verdier (1991) and Fernandez and Rogerson (1992), among others. , We now turn to the production sector. All workers take part in the production of a numeraire good, performing complementary tasks or specializing in imperfectly substitutable intermediate inputs. total output is: Y = (5) t where fi t v(i h^dn {h)\'~ X =v-Hu t denotes the distribution of human and managers will mean positively (6) lagging wages for basic workers. and the same on the economy-wide but level of t finite. human is will advances in knowledge Such interdependence Given (5), any worker's capital: , true for any community's level of per capita income: is Y =J\dm\(y) = v-(H )i-(j °°h^1 i (7) large, = vw\ = v(H )$(h\) st1 y\ This complementarity etc. Conversely, lagging seems quite plausible, especially as we allow a to be arbitrarily wage and labor income depend 4 production or clerical workers insufficiently skilled drag down the productivity of engineers, managers, doctors, scientists, engineers (7>1 capital in the whole labor force Q. meant to capture the idea that poorly educated, by Thus t i dfi\(h?) = v •(//,)'• (L\)^ o where fi\ is the distribution of human capital in community to increase with the level of skills. Incorporating (4) and £l\ Note that a . (7) into (3), the > 1 is required for income accumulation of human capital takes the form: (8) where a = Equation (8) involves 4 We 6, = (1 - 6)(a both a - l)/<r, h\ +1 7 = = e-c -(h\nL\f(H y t t (1 - 8)/a , with local linkage L\, because public a+ /? +7 = 1 and = k (1 Tamura (1991b) offers 6 u) (vt) 1 -6 . goods are funded by community income, and a develop in appendix a variant of Ethier's (1982) model of specialization which leads to (5) and proof of Proposition 6. - (6) below; see the a model leading to an aggregate production function closely related to Kremer (1992) and R. Cooper (1992) study equilibrium and optimal task assignment in firms or production teams. (5). global linkage H = Y /is, t t because workers are complementary in production. Both are all CES aggregates, with the same elasticity of substitution. As workers become better substitutes, communities become interdependent: /? rises and 7 falls. This model allows us to ask the following questions. Is it more maximizing aggregate output and growth, to have the population = (L\ h\) or mix into identical, integrated takes a short-run or long-run perspective? transfers to richer families? These Suppose that households are of public education funding reflects the income of communities (L\ Can then more stratify into homogeneous communities Does the answer depend on whether one for the specific more directly policy-relevant where each community's school budget where expenditures uniformly reflect national model developed above, we show that similar a wide class of models from the growth and human capital literatures. a Puzzle aggregate income clearly matters rise to a model with local and economy-wide interactions either production or education uses if some nationally provided public good, such as defense or infrastructure. Second, technological spillovers a la Lucas (1988) y\ — • R&D, it (h\) a may (H affect workers' productivity, leading to individual b t ) will again knowledge directly . As long as the accumulation of be affected by H t . if new human spillovers to Romer in schooling or (1991a) assumes that the aggregate level of capital: h\ +1 = (h't ) a (H b t ) . be confined to a smaller sphere than the whole econ- only because geographical distance limits frequency of interaction. Indeed, sociologists have long described, and economists recently modelled, a variety of channels through which a community's capital (1986)- production functions of the type knowledge uses produced resources, Tamura Alternatively, affects the generation of One would expect some knowledge omy, manner. by education and income. Which system local funding, efficient: There are many potential channels which can give First, t from the point of view of integration be Pareto improving even without compensating or national funding, its residents, More Models and like (8). H )t efficient, issues can also be rephrased in a income? Before answering these questions 2.2 = in fact geographically segregated is issues arise very naturally in less makeup affects the educational outcome of its 8 young people. These sources of human "social capital" (Loury (1977), Coleman (1990)) include: peer effects between students of and Besley (1991)); the or within the school (Banerjee good or bad, as well as networking contacts for the mery (1990)); and crime or other activities different ability in the classroom fact that neighboring adults provide role models, young (Wilson (1987), Streufert (1991) and Montgom- which interfere with education. There empirical evidence of such peer or neighborhood effects; see Benabou (1991) is also a fair amount of for a brief review. In contrast to fiscal spillovers, pure neighborhood effects can generally not be remedied by simply improving access to capital markets or by redistributing income across communities. 5 Of course any combination But likely. aggregate their H efficient -in t common of the channels discussed here and in the preceding section feature is possible, even is the presence of a local aggregate L\ and perhaps an economy-wide in the production function for new human capital. The question then arises again: is it more the sense of increased output and in the Pareto sense- for society to stratify into homogeneous clusters, or for each community to reflect the nation-wide distribution of human capital? Naturally, one expects the answer to depend on the form which interactions take. prising extent to which this is true, introduce the idea of local elasticity of substitution, empirical flesh to the discussion of non-fiscal spillovers, (1992a) investigates whether To show human let the sur- and give some us consider the following example. Borjas capital externalities operate within ethnic groups. Using longitudinal data, he estimates the model: \og(h\ +1 ) (9) where h\ +l capital; is a son's and L\ is level of = human "ethnic capital" , 5 a and /? capital, + (3\og(L\) + control measured as variables his hourly wage; h\ defined as the geometric average of in the father's ethnic group: log(L{) Borjas estimates both alog(/ij) = / °° \og(h)dfj,\(h). Finally, r/J is + is human r)\. his father's level of human among adults capital levels an unpredictable individual shock. to be between .25 and 0.30 and statistically significant. 6 Benabou (1991) shows that they can lead to inefficient self-stratification even in a representative agent model with perfect capital markets. 6 Borjas also uses years of education instead of log-wages. The remarks made below concerning the consequences of These results are very interesting in and of themselves, adding to the body of evidence that group interactions influence the acquisition of skills. But they (narrow) point of view of maximizing aggregate income, also raise the following question. is it more together, study together, etc., or that they remain separate? to answer this question. Unfortunately, we answer a priori: for any values of a and is exposed to his own group's average shall see that 7 efficient that ethnic groups mix, One might hope human capital than the long-run the two paths converge to the same level if if all a is always higher accumulation + (3 < will now be generally segregation, especially in the long run. In this instance, the the mean of the logs and the log of the mean can be This point each child 1. more common log(/ hdfi't (h)). under mixing than under quite misleading: with heterogeneous agents, Jensen's in fact is efficient = capital practice of not distinguishing between inequality implies that both individual and the economy's growth rates which the externality operates. if are exposed to the population average. In operates through the geometric average, one had used the arithmetic average: log(L{) later on, capital live (9) constrains the But suppose that instead of assuming that ethnic This conclusion seems rather distressing. As we show i.e. the to use Borjas' estimates by using a geometric average, the path of total labor income /?, From depend on the aggregator through independent of the stratification issue: if there is heterogeneity within each ethnic group, an equation like (9) will be misspecified unless the particular aggregator which it imposes happens to be the correct one. These remarks demonstrate the importance of the elasticity of substitution among individual inputs into is developed below. this parameter, rather than constraining the production of a peer effect or neighborhood externality; the underlying intuition It will it therefore be quite important in empirical to either one or infinity as is usually done. work to estimate 8 within-group inequality and inter-group mixing are quite general, and apply to that specification as well. This question is not purely hypothetical; one suspects, and Borjas' (1992b) later work indeed tends to indicate, that "ethnic capital" really arises from neighborhood effects combined with ethnic segregation. One (9) the could specify L| as a group's variance (A|) 2 CES index and estimate its elasticity t from a non-linear regression, or more simply include of log-human capital. Its coefficient will provide 10 an estimate of — 1/e; see Section 3.1 in 2.3 A General Framework common Recognizing in the various examples discussed above a underlying structure, we shall consider from here on the general model of knowledge accumulation: h\+1 (10) where Q is a random shock, h\ economy-wide index of human parental is = F(Clh\,L\,H t) human capital, and L't capital. In general, equation (10) is , H t and an are respectively a local not a purely technological assumption, but a reduced form which already embodies a variety of market and non-market interactions: equilibrium wages, financing of local public goods, technological spillovers, peer effects in schooling, etc. examples incorporated at most one local externalities can be reduced to (10), The two and one global where L\ and levels of interaction in (10) H t open up the link at a time, but we discuss below how heterogeneity. It The possibility of human value, positive or negative, of a CES capital inputs in L\ h'^ t (J°° While H t individual is i more homogeneous work- t. and H t respectively. We and global level, therefore specify <WoV~ computed over the whole population, L\ only belongs at time equalized, h^dMh)Y" 1 H = (12). is het- averages, with potentially different elasticities of substitution: L\=(j°° (11) When an intertemporal tradeoff. force in the next generation. Intuitively, heterogeneity causes greater losses at the local the external effects as (symmetric) multiple net loss, positive or negative, represents the efficiency cost of local must be weighted against the the less substitutable are individual earlier are appropriate composite indices. erogeneous families share the same school or community, or when some input into education the rich lose and the poor gain. Our Depending on the context a country. 11 reflects the this composition of the group fi{ to which can be a school, a community, a region, even We will show that the Figure indicated on costs of heterogeneity in L\ we allow them 1, substitutes rather than complements, H —00, H = t and max{h\,i £ The fi}. t and inequality is As are indeed measured by 1/c and l/<r. to take any values -even negative ones. a source of gains. spans the whole range from a Leontieff technology, t H 9 As In that case agents are 1/cr decreases from +00 to H = min{h\,i G fl}, to a "frontier" technology, latter case corresponds to the t model of Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny (1991), where the best innovation becomes embodied into the next generation of technology or know-how. Similarly we at the local level, allow cases between peer effects of the type "one all models where the best individual may ( sets the standard. More bad apple bunch" to spoils the generally, the accumulation of human role capital involve several interactions at each level, say: h \+\ 10 ') H\ For instance, > - costly (l/o ! t i 0) = F{Q\IA l t ,...L Kt \Hi tt ,...HNtt ) could arise from complementarity in the production of goods, which makes heterogeneity and priced through wages, while i72 ,t could be associated to the generation of non-rival, is non-excludable new ideas, where inequality is efficient (I/02 < But 0). all local and global spillovers will matter only through two weighted averages: we show in appendix that (10') reduces to (10), where L\ and H are appropriately defined. Finally, another important specification t function for new human (with either j3 equal one. To or The capital. is that of F(-), the production assumes the multiplicative form literature almost universally zero), constraining the elasticity of substitution between h\, L\ 7 equal to simplify the exposition, appendix, we generalize F(-) to a CES we retain a Cobb-Douglas specification aggregator, and show how the for and H (8) to t most of the paper. In effects of heterogeneity and social structure also depend importantly on the extent to which parental, local and national inputs in a person's education are substitutes or complements. For a measures The last CES index with constant returns such as (12), or just H(x,y) (in the neighborhood of x property -which as in (8)) whereas the det(H") = #n y) the two do not. Indeed, H12 first 2 ) to 7 2 (1 - (.jr « + « j y complementarity between inputs, the concavity of relevant here- remains true with is H22 - (H12 = = is any return to then proportional to 7 i)/cr, but log((if(2±i, ^-)/H(x,y)) 12 — is 1 + 1/<t, , 1/ct simultaneously H and the cost of heterogeneity. (when the index scale )»-» is raised to H\\ and H22 to some power 7 — 1 — 1/cr 7, and simply proportional to 7/17; see Section 3.1. L = min{hM 1+ £ local complements, local H = maxfh 1 } and global complements global substitutes -> «- o local and local substitutes, global complements global substitutes L = maxfh 1 } local and global Figure 1: The costs of heterogeneity: degrees of complementarity 1/e and 1/a. 12A H = minfh 1 } Community Composition 2.4 Given the general model described by (10)-(12), we mulation and welfare under two regimes of interest. The composition is the same endogenous community formation. This environment leads high and The same local public to perfect integration, where each is is we do not seek commu- basic force is work here: with d 2 F/dhdL goods or externalities L\ are strategic complements make more educated parents paper to offer a theory of differential sensitivity to the quality of low-skill workers to segregate as at in this for three reasons. Benabou (1991) already provides such a model, where a First, permit. perfect stratification, where each type of as that of the population at large. Intermediate cases of partial segregation could easily be considered using the same methods; but their first is The second agent lives in a separate, homogeneous community. nity's compare the dynamics of human capital accu- shall much > 0, in the as technology and institutions parental human capital h\ production of h\ +l and This tends . willing to outbid less educated ones for land or housing in a "better" community. One could thus obtain once again segregation as the only stable equilibrium, sustained by land rent differentials. Alternatively, one could follow Durlauf (1992) and allow each community's residents to vote on zoning or minimum income requirements. In the absence of significant fixed costs, the rich have no desire to let in the poor, so this would again lead to would require tying oneself to a specific choice of preferences elasticity of stratification. Implementing either approach, however, and of the "technology" of segregation: housing supply in each location, school district boundaries, costs for a school or a The second reason community, mobility is feasibility of zoning, size of many setup costs, etc. that the mixing and sorting regimes correspond to alternative policies: local or national funding of schools, tracking or busing, mixed income housing, etc. are price- The last reason is that there sources of stratification which are unrelated to parents' concern for their children's education: differences in income, tastes, racial segregation, etc. We therefore choose to be agnostic about the causes of stratification and focus on the growth performances of two "pure" cases which deliver the complete segregation and complete integration. 13 main insights: Stratification 3 and Growth: the Short and the Long Run Let us start with the simplest possible case. There are two types of agents, each. They differ only by their initial endowments of human the initial variance of log-human capital. 10 We In a stratified economy, the local environment h\ +1 (13) In an integrated economy, t Denoting . all all = e-(h\) a +P(Ht y, variables in the integrated h\ +1 = local level thus has human + /? to capital /?; from a the effect of accumulation H will alter a way which we make a, a Q= > 0. Thus A2 is 1. two effects. results, with = A,B. level of local externality or public we hat, First, i it good, Lf = Lf = have: = A, B. decreases the return to scale on parental raises the return to scale on the local aggregate human from capital the impact of any given amount of heterogeneity on the economy's growth rate, in precise below. In other words, one of the effect of distribution with small i remains unchanged. These changes in the effective technology of t mixing is A = y/a(l — a) two social structures will be more efficient knowledge than the other. to accelerate convergence to a 'As L\ depends on group composition but not group same differences: (L t y(Ht r, and correspondingly at aggregating heterogeneous levels of The second same economy with a (h\) Mixing agents at the the | log(fto /hf?) uncertainty: all compounds family agents share in the (14) to abstract from and B, with measure 1/2 Dynamics and Losses from Heterogeneity 3.1 L A= capital: A -> size, homogeneous any proportions (a,l — a) of society. A and B Denoting A* = families will lead to log(h^/h^). More generally, the Taylor approximations used below apply to any enough dispersion. 14 1 \ in the segregated \og(h*/hf) economy and A« (15) two Intuition suggests that these less efficient for effects = may heterogeneity affects growth. We t is is + /?) log(hf/hf) (13) we capital, but still more investigated below; but efficient in the first A = t (hf A -f t levels of and agents are complements but it it human distribution of capital. hf)/2, which brings out the role played by \ 0--1 level of human capital, the right = 6 + (a + P+y-l) log(A knowledge are unequal, however, the two bracketed terms face decreasing returns case, The and any aggregate index of human economy where everyone had the average The is long run because be ... to Jensen's inequality. heterogeneity for instance get: would be 0- Af +P -AJ and the growth rate \og(A t+ i/A t ) When may - ..(. In a representative agent side » we must determine exactly how g— 1(+1 have: A>a'A = A,. by the degree of inequality From we in the integrated one, lead to an intertemporal tradeoff: mixing focus on the per capita stock of knowledge 12 f • Consider for instance the segregated economy. fully described heterogeneity most clearly. | t any given distribution of human reduces heterogeneity faster. 11 This issue capital at time (a A = differences represent the losses caused a source of gain if a + /? > 1 or 1/<t in the < 0. differ t ), = log(0). from A" + ^ and A] due by heterogeneity when communities production of the aggregate We with 6 hand H t Conversely, . shall often focus the exposition on the first should be kept in mind throughout the paper that the model allows for any configuration of parameters: we do not impose that inequality be bad for growth. In the general model (10) we define greater efficiency as increased total production technology and preferences It will since it is Ht > Ht be clear how to go from unaffected by dispersion, for any a > 0, (e.g. Section 2.1) we and vice-versa capital. In specific models, shall also consider aggregate this arithmetic average to and human a < any other aggregate index, such as Ht. At 0. 15 given a output and individual welfare. therefore not biased toward segregation or integration: as for i.e. is a logical choice At > At, At = At implies We can simplify the expression for the growth rate under heterogeneity by using Taylor approxiFor any A and x,y such that mations. log A £ i (( f (16) /( ) \ £-js ^) f^±\ og ) A = can be approximated as \ \og(x/y) tf A (A) l0g We (i see that the drag Thus \og{Ht /A t ) w -A 2 /2<r and: to: *0 + (« + + 7-l)log(i*)-(«(l-a) + ^ + /? J on each economy's growth is ^^-a the product of two factors. be discussed below. The second is The 2t first is the economy's the current variance A2 or A2 capital distribution. The Short Run 3.2 We human m A(l-A)A 2 /2. ^(A) = t efficiency loss per unit of dispersion, to of the not too large, the loss function a e+(a + p + 7 -l)log(A )-{{a + m-^-l3) + l)^--(a + 0) 2t For the integrated economy, similar derivations lead (17) is first ask which economy grows faster, for any given amount of heterogeneity. In other words, suppose that at time t — higher or lower? previously segregated populations From £= intuition is clear: (19) is (a is C A 2 /2, human C A 2 /2, capital at t = 1 be with: + /?)(l-a-/?) + 7/<7 losses reflect the concavity of the function h a+l3 agents' inputs in the aggregate reduction in growth integrated: will (16), the efficiency loss in the segregated case (18) The become H, which has weight 7. l/<7 of In an integrated economy, the corresponding where: £ = a(l-a) + p/e + y/<r, 16 and the complementarity with a similar interpretation involving returns to scale at the family rather than the community both local and global and only if C > 4> < 1, the education production function capita (e = is enough endowment At Such . is clearly the case Borjas (1992a), the mixed economy when 2a + > 1, The Mixing is if concave in the previous generation's will then accelerate growth even poor do not drag more vulnerable hand if Lt is is standard, static models of matching. +7 = a+ 1, it the short too far below the per definition, mixing is in the short run. 13 means that parental human best understood by showing By t in human (e = 1) as in to heterogeneity than the segregated one. Finally education than the economy-wide aggregate intuition for Proposition 1 L a geometric average mixing tends to reduce human capital accumulation child's for any given amount of the local spillover operates through the arithmetic average (1992). On the other quite plausible since under constant returns, important to a is less local substitutability so that the Glomm and Ravikumar oo), as in i.e. = 0(l-2a-0-l/e)>O. capital under integration than under segregation. run, provided there in the short run, C, or: (20) When 2a + and elasticities of substitution. Proposition 1 The mixed economy has higher growth heterogeneity, if level, H t : how a > <j> This case capital is is more 7. embodies the effects at inefficient if the losses of the rich work in exceed the gains of the poor, meaning that: (21) (A 1 -A 1 [itir - 13 The same is )/(H2/2) (fc?)"] = (h*)° [ctf r true for log(Hi/Hi) [{hW - (Lof] - (h*)° - a?] + (A?r w fi (A 2 /2) ((1 • [ctf - la - f - (A?)"] f + (*? y -24] + Krtr + (^)l /3)(1 17 [(L - 1/cr) + \jb - 1/t), unless 1/<t - 1/e is Ap - Tp sufficiently large. positive. is The first It is positive since term arises children from better backgrounds lose to the per capita average Aq. For small dispersion this The second term comes from the It is more from a given term human (/?/e) • term is close to — (3(1 — it A a+!3 A 2 /2. The than mixing; the second one goes stratification proportional to 2a/? • — in the /?(1 Because mixing equalizes knowledge /?) Aq + ^ • — < up, so Lq first and really matters A To - C = t A 2 /2. < + /?/e = — : A 2 /2. if 1/e The > community than in 0). a rich term incorporates the final poorly educated agents drag 0, Aq. For small dispersion this last term tend to Summing opposite direction. /?) • last effects make sorting more is efficient three yields a net impact of all <f>- faster, the drag on growth due to dispersion eventually becomes shown by the smaller in the integrated than in the segregated economy, as t • The Long Run 3.3 what h* capital has a larger impact in a poor well educated agents pull approximately equal to decline in La, such as from approximately equal to 2a/? Aq is pure losses from heterogeneity in generating the local spillover Lq down Lq more than 0). local inputs (F12 decreasing impact of marginal improvements in local conditions (F22 negative since an extra unit of one. For small dispersion this > from the complementarity of parental capital and 6 is whether this effect is sufficient for A t to make up answer this question, we solve the difference equations (16) and (1 - i?')/(l log ( ^ - R), \ we terms its initial (17). in (16)-(17). A 2 Vfl'-i-<W/?V*-r „ Denoting R = a + /? + 7 Rt -( A2 R A2 -(a a + P) 2t l c - c t -c:%p<-^ = c -c.% t Therefore: 18 - R- -(a + /?) 2 B*- a 2t R _ a2 But handicap and overtake have: 2 ^Gi^) last and Proposition 2 For any 7 > the gap between the integrated 0, and segregated economies is, for t large enough: ^j„$.^( a + io g (22) /j + 7 )« where: $= (23) (a + /?)(l-a-/?) + T /<r + /? + 7 - (a + /?) 2 In the long run, the gap shrinks to zero to a finite limit R= if The two numerators denominators 1, a(l and explodes total returns to scale if R> if - a) + 0/e + 7/tr -«2 /? + 7 - <* a+ a 1. R= a+ +7 are less than one, tends Equation (23) embodies the main insights of the paper. represent each economy's instantaneous losses per unit of heterogeneity. reflect the different speeds of convergence to a homogeneous society. The The two tradeoff between incurring the costs of local heterogeneity and reducing the losses from aggregate heterogeneity at a faster rate apparent is obvious factor is in the fact that $ decreasing in /3/e and increasing in f/o-. is But an additional, less involved: the difference between the concavity of the technologies faced by a and by a family, adjusted by the appropriate convergence speeds. This value of $ for 1/e = community 1/cr = is generally positive, as will be seen below. We are now ready when to answer the question: is the long-run human capital stock larger under mixing than under segregation? Let us start with a useful benchmark case, assuming: returns; (b) e = a: heterogeneity a "neutrality" assumption; and H < than between the three inputs t 1: there h\, L t , is H more quality and (c) also seems plausible education than workers' different 14 When for society's general level of F(h,L,H) is a CES 1, constant lA t . substitutability within the composite inputs Note that the model of Section three restrictions; in particular, (c) was required for a worker's income to rise with her Assumption R= equally costly or beneficial at the local and economy-wide levels, is (c) 1/(7 (a) 2.1 imposed human L t all capital. most alternative interpretations. Parental background, peer group knowledge or income are skill levels in likely to be poorer substitutes in a child's the production of output or know-how. In the benchmark function with elasticity A, the relevant comparison 19 is l/<7 < l/A; see the appendix. case equation (23) becomes: > t- (24) at .xL« so that integration raises the long-run level of Figure 2 to, given stationary. < $ and R = Initially, The common trend 1. A the richer worsens, but the overall impact is to the fact that society remains and = a — 00. Let of the rich at 5.6 %. The A= 1, or first raises initial course, it • boom 6 t is factored out from all The stratified at variables, h* /h^ — 7.4; this common level which is distribution of income lower than what orders of magnitude, feel for let a = it slows it .5, /? = corresponds to a coefficient of variation of 0.76. is rich .3, preferable in the long run. is when The converse 15 is we show true for in R> = .2 and secession We now examine more 16 We shall come back to this feature appendix that decreasing 1. First, note the degree of economy-wide linkage 7 tends and poor are completely independent from one another and when on. Second, 7 slowdown but higher steady-state output. of stratification on the economy's long-run performance arbitrarily small extent. reduced, erased two generations later. Integrating a previously segregated society leads that the steady-state gap (24) remains positive even when is growth by 4.5%, but eventually lowers the steady-state path of the economy by need not be the case that mixing The impact down due would have been generally the relative performance of the two social structures, by varying key parameters. to zero. time making them more heterogeneous. Eventually, even the A's accumulation to the converse scenario, with an initial growth Of $ A 2 /2. 15 favorable and growth accelerates. Over time, however, had society remained integrated. To get a e by ' agents benefit, while the poorer B's lose. dynasties' capital stocks converge to a all capital r) >1 what happens when a previously integrated economy becomes illustrates < <j> human t ( is thus surprisingly different their fates are linked to when evaluating each dynasty's total returns R< 1 an welfare later raise the benefits of integration; the Third, and most importantly, segregation remains preferable in the long run Note that (24) allows for inequality to be beneficial, i.e. for \/a = l/t < 0. When all externalities if operate through geometric averages (Tamura (1991a), Borjas (1992a)), (24) shows that mixing and segregation lead to the same steady-state. On the other hand asa asymptote approaches + /3 = l— 7 approaches one, the speed at which the segregated economy tends toward zero; see the expression for \og,(At/AoR') in appendix. 20 its lower hi hA A 00 •00 hB 0 t integrated stratified Figure 2: The economy economy short and long run effects of stratification 20A disparities in knowledge entail sufficiently greater losses at the the aggregate level, e.g. in production. Rearranging (23), with *>0 < (25) The two e Figure R= level, e.g. in schooling, than at 1: I_I<(l-lV_L^) > o) \l+a as regions, illustrated on community a- 3, are quite intuitive. area between the boundary and the two axes; since 1/a + /3j V < < Perhaps most noteworthy is the triangular 1/e, heterogeneity creates negative spillovers at the local level but positive ones at the aggregate level. Nonetheless, mixed communities lead to a superior long-run outcome due to the differential combination of returns to scale in accumulation and convergence speeds discussed than 1/e. For instance, is much order to overcome this effect and earlier. In easier for it will be efficient for the good managers to make up than for students from favorable backgrounds to Similarly, qualities 0, 1/<t must be managerial and working classes to sufficiently larger live separately if it poorly qualified workers in the production of output, offset the effect of weaker schoolmates in peer interactions. be optimal to sort successive generations of Ph.D. students into departments of when complementarities differential are stronger during graduate studies than they are during research careers. Welfare and Pareto Optimality 3.4 It is will it for make $ < easy to go from the aggregates segregation: log(ft^) = log(A t ) + A t or A log(2/(l t + to each group's path of e _2A< « )) log(A t ) + human capital. For instance, A« — A^/2. Given a under specification of preferences and of the relationship between skills h\ and income y\, for instance as in Section 2.1, we could compute present values of each family's utility or of any planner's social welfare function. But the main (0 < insights are clear even without doing so. First, <j> < $), and of any levels. it will lead to more integration is more a higher value in each period, not only of total social welfare function In the if which interesting case is where a <f> human CES aggregate of individual < < planner has a low enough discount rate. Moreover, efficient even capital, human in the short run but also of output capital or consumption $, social welfare will be higher under mixing if 21 individual agents' discount rate p is if the high enough, . Cost of local heterogeneity O : < -•*** , ,: : : : : O > Cost of global «*" heterogeneity : 1 <D > Stratification versus integration Figure 3: in the long run 21A . integration will be Pareto improving even without any redistribution, because in the long-run are identical and share the same Random 4 it and to R > 1 capital Aoo or Aoo and Long Run Growth main parameters which determine how heterogeneity First, the long-run distribution of implies explosive growth. which the economy was agents us to draw the essential distinction between the short and the long run effects of identify the had two drawbacks. but then human Ability, Stratification The previous model allowed stratification, level of all stratified had no This effect growth. But + ft > income was always degenerate -unless a clearly contrary to the evidence. is affects on the long run growth rate, 1, Second, the way in except again in the case of increasing returns; see (22). In this section we solve both problems by incorporating returns to education, as in Loury (1981). random shocks Such random draws of luck constitute a permanent source of inequality, but also of social mobility: the relative rankings of forever, but will will On have a to children's ability or uncertain any two dynasties will no longer be preserved change with positive probability. Because a mixed society "undoes" inequality less dispersed the other hand, it asymptotic distribution of may still be human capital it and income than a segregated one. processing any given less efficient at faster, amount of heterogeneity. Under constant returns, the balance of these two effects will determine which of the integrated or segregated economies has the higher long-run growth 4.1 rate. Dynamics Let the accumulation of and the shocks Q are human i.i.d. capital be given with log(£J) ~ by Af(0,s 2 ). (8), initial distribution of human of this specification, which builds on is t are defined as in (11)-(12) log(/i' ) ~ M"(m, A2 ). We also The advantage Ravikumar's (1992) deterministic model, 22 little loss already captured by the h\ term. capital to be log-normal: Glomm and H Assuming independent shocks involves of generality, since intergenerational correlation of ability take the where L\ and is that h\ remains log-normally distributed. This allows if A log(/i;)~^K,A 2 ), t = (<r — H = t consider {£ h^ <*(*)) human capital at time log(A»+i) (27) Human log °° aggregates and loss functions to be computed exactly: hdp ((/ X t (h)) //~ AA = d/i,(fc)) A(l - A) • A?/2. Setting l)/«r yields: (26) Now **(At ) = then: CES capital at time t + 1 is '" = «P (m, + t+1. Taking (^) f ) = A, logarithms in (8) with L\ e Xp • = = 9 + log(C!) + (a + /?) log(AJ) + 7 (m + 2—1 t [-§) h\ (segregation): . M) therefore also log-normally distributed: log(/iJ +1 ) ~ A/"(m t +i, A 2+1 ), with m t+1 =0 + R-m +y(Zf±)£ t (28) A?+1 Integration yields similar expressions, with The steady-state variance of expected. make We human capital could solve (28) for the mean + /?) 2 A 2 + s 2 = (a a + replaced by then A 2^ = is capital A =f t (29) log (30) log hdfi t (h). Using (26) to (28), (^f) (^f) C= (a , it is which m t at (e is — l)/e added to y (<r lower than any point A 2^ = in time. 1 But — 1)/<t. _/^,g\i , as in order to better to track once again the behavior of total we obtain the growth rates of the two economies: e+J + (R-tyog(A )-^-((a + 0)(l-<*-P)+l) = 9 t + j + (R-l)\og(A )-^-(a(l-a) + ^ + l + /?)(1 — » — /?) + j/a respective variances. <>a /? = t These expressions are identical to (16) and factors * 1 of log-human capital the losses from heterogeneity appear most clearly, human a and and £ (17), = The comparison between a(l up to a constant. — a) + 0/e + y/cr In particular, for we recognize the loss each economy, multiplied by their the two social structures' efficiency at aggregating levels of 23 knowledge, between their capital stocks one period i.e. therefore unchanged: log(ii/>li) To examine and (A t , A t ); = /?(1 - 2a - - after starting 1/e) A 2 /2 = • <f> from the same A 2 /2. the impact of stratification on long-term output and growth, see the appendix. We first initial conditions, is consider the case where initial we solve (28)-(30) for endowments (A t ,At) are the only source of inequality. Proposition 3 The : effect 2 of initial inequality. If s = then for any j > and t large enough: <»»Mr«n^ )£*-£ * This is exactly the same expression as in the two-group case, so all the results derived previously extend to this model. Proposition 4 log( $ effect 2 of ongoing inequality. If s > 0, then for large enough t: i returns, the integrated economy's long run growth rate exceeds that of the segregated economy 2 • s /2. As seen by a The &~l('-±-'M¥kHT=fa-iiv)-H £s) Under constant by : $ > unless the cost of local heterogeneity exceeds that of aggregate heterogeneity margin. Proposition 4 shows, quite intuitively, that recurrent inequality impacts the two earlier, sufficient economies one level higher A2 than the same way A2 vanishes asymptotically. as initial dispersion does. affects long-run levels. When R < 24 When R = 1, s 2 1, s 2 affects long-run growth rates impacts long-run levels whereas the in effect of 4.2 Discounting and Welfare Let us now examine » the welfare of individual families, asking in particular whether integration can bring about a Pareto improvement without redistribution. To derive simple, closed form expressions, we assume that agents have logarithmic utility and compute the expected present value of log-human capital for Note that each family. if labor income depends not only on own human capital but also on aggregate productivity, as in (6), this will understate the relative benefit of integration with respect to segregation. Finally, in we use the benchmark specification 1/e which direction deviations from = 1/cr < 1 and R= t, differences and ultimately its U' -U' = E £>* P ( p/3{m lQg(fcj/AJ) I *'o (1 a~ \l-p' The first term the mean lose reflects the distribution of its initial l PS 2 * + (W)A 2(1 impact of the initial - 2 -p) endowment; - pa)(l p(a (A±2 + /?)) T l-fa + 0) \l-pa* ceteris paribus, dynasties 2 s ) of the unconditional average of (log) the expectation of the asymptotic distribution facing each dynasty, reflects their \A )) which start above made better off by integration. sufficiently patient. 1/cr > it makes human all is always (through level A2 ) capital. Since this better off to an extent degree of patience or intergenerational altruism. As p tends to one, so does the fraction point in time has finite support, integration 'Assuming 2 from integration, while those which start below the mean, gain. The second term and possibly the growth rate (through of dynasties capital at log(/i' )) - do not remain paribus: integration raises the which human endowment. Taking positive, reflecting the fact that ceteris is 3.3. stratified cases yields: t=o , z's expected intertemporal welfare, conditional on between the mixed and (31) should be clear from Section this case will pull the results. Straightforward but tedious derivations allow us to derive family any time It 1. 17 0; Note that the bias is this has reversed Since in practice the distribution of is for all practical 0. 25 wealth at any purposes Pareto improving nothing to do with any insurance when \/a < human effect: in (31), if agents are dynasty i's own shocks log(Q) are set to their expected value of zero under both integration and segregation. H^ Let us next examine the role played in this result by the global externality accumulation paths of rich and poor (due Suppose that 2.1). this link for instance to Recall from (24) that the asymptotic difference in growth rates economy converges to opposing effects into in the limit; down to zero. -\og(hj) + 1-pa (<r-l\ \ <r tributes positively to each dynasty's net welfare. = 2 , this is from initial + f3 tends $ A 2 /2 • at to 1. between the which the stratified Equation (31) incorporates these two it becomes: \ / />s 2 + mean (l-/>)A 2 \j 2(l-p) of (log) )\ human capital still con- endowments are the only source of inequality, When factor. Integration is not Pareto s initial conditions, 2 > 0, improving unless richer families receive com- however, mixing has a growth rate provided the discount factor is effect. makes almost all families better off, This dominates any Thus we high enough. the fraction of net gainers becomes arbitrarily close to one as p tends to one. integration 1, at , pensating transfers. effect When together the only a level effect so only a bounded fraction of the population has a positive net gain Uq — Uq, any value of the discount for + /?)' J \l-pofl) V In the limit, integration's long run effect on the unconditional s 2 1-a f R= s /2 or in levels discounted present values; when 7 goes to zero, u'-U^PJl^l (32 ) $ on the other hand, the speed (a trajectory slows its inferior ties complementarity in production, as in Section becomes very weak: 7 tends to zero and, maintaining two economies remains positive which If level see that once again agents are patient enough, even with an arbitrarily small degree of complementarity between rich and poor. 18 18 < k' if The formal statement corresponding p > ho are better off under integration. p*(ho) then all to (31) The is: V/i , V"K > 0, 3p(ho,f) such that if p stronger statement corresponding to (32) dynasties starting with h' < ho are better off under integration. 26 > p(ho,~f) all dynasties starting with is: V^o, 3p*(ho) such that: V7 > 0, Local versus National Funding of Public Education 5.1 What do the results of the general model imply for the relative efficiency of locally and nationally funded Recall from the model of Section 2.1 that public schooling? education and school expenditures in a child's income segregation with: in the general = <r>l, a = 6, e Proposition 5 funding /? = (1 - model 6)(a - is $ l)/<x, y = (1 - 1 = R=l. 6)/a and — 6 are the weights of parental funding (E\ r -Y ) t = r Y ') t is equivalent to equivalent to integration, Therefore, by (20) and (24): human initial endowments capital The higher = -6(l-S)(l-js) <0 capital accumulation than local A t is + cr) > more l. - 19 efficient in the long run, since: =( 2T4TTi)(ttI)(^1 ) 2>0 are the only source of inequality, national funding raises the long run levels of and output Yt by $• A 2 /2. When raises the long run growth rate of for capital, local and national funding (E\ (8), true for output growth if 6(1 (2) National funding, however, is human and 6 in the short run, since: The same When human if (1) National funding of education leads to slower * it Model Applications of the General 5 human capital children's ability or returns to education are uncertain, and output by $ 2 • s /2. agents' intergenerational discount factor, the larger the proportion of a national rather than a local system; for a high enough p, them who would vote there would be unanimity. Being derived from a very simple model, Proposition 5 should of course be taken with caution. In particular, one should keep in mind two important maintained assumptions. 'Using (26) yields: log^i/Vi) = (1 - 6(1 + <r)) (1 - S) (<r 27 - l) 2 • (A 2 /2<r 2 ). tax rates are kept constant across the two regimes. In practice, richer families First, redistribution inherent in national funding by voting for lower taxes; likely to internalize economy-wide spillovers may respond to the on the other hand, agents are more when voting on a national education budget rather than that of their school district. Richer families could also withdraw their children from the public school system, Variations in tax rates or a switch to private education will thus preserving or restoring stratification. essentially be reflected in different values of the constant factor 0. This Second, the underlying source of inefficiency in local funding is is examined in the next section. the absence of a capital market where poor communities can borrow from richer ones to finance schools. National equalization of expenditures amounts to a partial and gradual redistribution of human capital, with some payback to the form of a higher Ht. Given decreasing returns to dynastic accumulation (a intuitive that it should increase aggregate efficiency. true in the long run: early on, output and families lose more than poor ones when dynasties almost perfect substitutes, /im (T _t0O ($) = | (1 — 5.2 Public versus Private Education Let us now is is we simply may — is (1 — 6)/<r), it is that this only actually be reduced, as rich face returns arbitrarily close to one: as workers 6)/(l is the result that the steady-state gain from a + 6) > become 0. consider privately purchased education, along the lines of the model of Section 2.1, 1 perhaps most surprising capital accumulation Also unexpected gain. national scheme remains finite even human So what +P — rich in the Glomm and Ravikumar (1992). In replace equation (4) by: e\=ri.y\ (4') where t\ now represents the fraction of her income which adult corresponding input e| i spends on her child's education, and the takes the place of the per capita school budget E\ in the accumulation equation (3). We again keep the preferences side of the model as simple as possible by assuming logarithmic We also assume log-normally distributed initial conditions and shocks, as in Section 28 4, utility. or a small enough . With dispersion that the Taylor approximations of Section 3 are legitimate. these conditions, we prove in appendix: Proposition 6 Under private education, the fractions 1 —v and t of their time and income which adults devote to their children are given by: v = 1 — p8 Under national public education, by voters levels in is output Yt = v unit of m unchanged. The tax rate unanimously preferred - (*-l\ 1 (") < 6) Pi 11-*) - -6)(a-l)/a l-p6 + p(l-6)(a-l)/(T is a \ T J o- that the private marginal value of This capital enables the adult to not only is < Kl-*) _ \-p6 human higher under private than under public education. This human offspring. is 1-pS is consume more, but very similar to the effect identified by purchased. In our model, time is savings rates. in human in an extra first case, buy more education also to Glomm and Ravikumar shows up not (1992), in different values of this implies that private Whether the accumulation who allow when education for her the young is privately factor 6 The difference but in different preferred i>, under private education = f or f — is higher or lower than human capital allows an (as in the case leading to f), or even in that of all her 29 its r* In principle, voters should realize that a marginal increase in any agent's own consumption offspring. and education need not lead to higher investment a publicly funded system depends on whether f increase not only in her . allocated not between studying and leisure but between production capital therefore More importantly, capital. counterpart human r because in the at-home education, both of which allow adults to pass on more instruction to their marginal values of capital hence also the return on capital, a choice between leisure and effort at studying, and show that they work harder in human Ht-' The reason why f < r is adults' time allocation - P(l-g) = r* or f, depending on whether or not they internalize the complementarity of f savings, T , dynasty (as under private education, leading to r), but in that of all dynasties. If they do, they will base their vote on the social rather > than the private return to educational investment, leading to r* On r. the other hand, private underinvestment in education could also be addressed by uniformly taxing consumption and This would be equivalent to raising r without going to publicly, subsidizing education. funded education. For this reason, but also to highlight the still be considered the most private education is likely one, as we turn and Proposition 7 Let might to comparing growth rates. Proposition 6 shows that <f> < and $> economy (L\ given by Proposition still = h\), 5: denote the trend factors reflecting the differential incentive effects of private and national public education. Public education leads to faster growth in > effects of heterogeneity, the case equivalent to locally funded public education in a segregated except for the value of 0. Therefore we have, with uniformly i.e. human capital is less efficient and output in the long in the short run if $ run 2 • (s /2) if > — — > <j> A 2 /2, but 0. This result formalizes some of the main arguments in the debate about public versus private education or related voucher schemes, at least where efficiency of incentive and stratification effects, and perhaps is concerned. The key issue is also the relevant time horizon. the relative importance Our results also suggest that in the long run, both private and national systems dominate locally funded public education, which has neither the incentive properties of the former nor the homogenization properties of the latter. these conclusions are based on a simple, stylized model and should be taken with caution. is indicative of the major forces our results to those of Glomm and Ravikumar have been building on. Their model leads to the reduced form h\ +1 with 7 = = • (h\) a (At) 13 under public education. (no global interaction), Ravikumar observe that if there But the model at play in each case. It is also interesting to relate and Of course is e — is = • inequality, the + /? < 1; (h't ) whose work we a+ P under private education, another special case of our general model, oo (perfect substitutability) and enough under public education, provided 2a This h't+1 (1992), s 2 = (no shocks). economy can temporarily experience Glomm faster and growth but they do not explain why. The analysis of the short run effects of segregation in (22) provides the answer: when 30 2 a/3 < /?(1 — /?), the complementarity between parental background and school quality is dominated by the decreasing returns to accumulation equation under public schooling (integration) less quality. concave in parents' human This makes'the capital than its counterpart under private schooling (segregation). Turning to the long run, the asymptotic growth rate in Glomm and Ravikumar's model a over time (for the situation is + (5 < 1); it reflects incentives only, as the effects of initial inequality A2 vanish therefore always higher under private education. Proposition 7 shows that quite different when one random of some degree of allows for ongoing sources of heterogeneity such as ability or parental altruism, unpredictable obsolescence of specialized skills etc., and for complementarity in production, no matter how small. 5.3 For Immigration many countries, the immigration of workers and their families with lower levels of education than the The resident population constitutes another periodic or ongoing source of heterogeneity. East and West Germany the following. provides another example. The economy's What unification of the results of this paper tend to long run performance show be superior, benefiting in this family context is lines, if immigrants and their descendants are integrated rapidly, meaning that they share neighborhoods, is likely to schools and other public goods with the richer local population, than neous "ghettos". 20 However, integration established residents. may if they remain isolated in homoge- well have a negative impact Their individual incentives will all on the first few generations of always push society toward segregation. Whether they will collectively (through the political process) recognize and seize the long-run benefits of integration will 20 depend on how they discount the welfare of future generations. See Burda and Wyplosz (1991) for a model of migration flows with richer country to accept immigration or unification a larger population; see Tamura may be human capital spillovers. One possible motive for the the standard gain from increasing specialization achievable with (1991b). 31 6 Conclusion The model developed in this paper community and economy-wide is extremely simple. The acquisition of effects. The accumulation equation is human capital reflects family, general enough to encompass the reduced forms of most previous models. The degrees of complementarity or substitutability economy- wide interactions capture the direct costs or benefits of heterogeneity In spite of results. We its simplicity, this may slow each and level. framework allowed us to study several important issues and derive many examined how economic that integration at in local stratification affects down growth in the short growth and welfare, and showed run but promote it in the long run. We in particular also compared same the performance of locally and nationally funded public education systems, which exhibited the intertemporal tradeoff. Introducing private education lead to an additional tradeoff between incentive and stratification effects. The model could be extended in a number of directions. For instance, it would be interesting to refine the production and labor market side of the model, by distinguishing occupations which play asymmetric roles in the human production process, such as managers and workers. This would introduce an optimal degree of capital inequality in the labor force, which could then be related to those generated integration and alternative education systems. 21 The interplay between and global interactions also seems like by stratification, local complementarities, clustering a promising direction for future research. In Benabou (1991) this idea allowed us to study the social structure and productivity of cities. In this paper we extended a dynamic framework with heterogeneous agents, and to the study of education funding. It it to should be applicable to a variety of other problems. Recall that under symmetry, the optimal degre of inequality heterogeneity, the lower is Ht), or infinity, when they is either zero, are substitutes (the 32 more when agents are complements (the more heterogeneity, the higher is J/t). Appendix A: More General Education Technologies Complementarity Within and Between Inputs A.l The Cobb Douglas Moreover, it specification (8) allows stratification to have long-run effects only what should matter L\ and H t , convenient but has no special theoretical or empirical justification. is when 1/<t or 1/c differ from one. Intuitively, are the relative values of the elasticities of substitution operating within the aggregates and between the three inputs entering into h\ +1 =Q L\,H F(h\, t ). We show here that such is the case. Let: (A.l) h\ +1 where the weights When sign. a', ft', and = -C* j' sum • [a'(h\)^ A tends to one we obtain (8) in the 3, x -' t R> to one, approximations similar to those of Section + P{L\)^ +Y(H )^\ is any degree of returns to scale and A can take any with a limit, = Ra', /? one can show that the = Rf3' and 7 = Rj'. Using Taylor loss factors for the segregated and integrated economies are: ^ + n\-f-^ +W + nM-R) + ^) (A.2) C S R (A c s * (-3^22 +«.(!_*,+£+£) . 3) For instance in C, heterogeneity parent, due to a' H < 1 is costly because of: (a) concavity of a child's more concave; within H t R > 1 has the opposite complementarity within L t . <j> = C-t = Rp' l ( 2 "' if > beneficial; (b) decreasing total returns, is effect; (c) In the short run, mixing raises the growth rate (A.4) capital in that of her and to the complementarity of the three inputs into her education, 1/A are substitutes, on the other hand, heterogeneity F(-) human <j> > 0, where:. t + (2a' + /?')(! - R) j 33 \ 0; if h, L and which make (d) complementarity The interpretation is that decreasing total returns make mixing more approximation, the law of motion (28) for Proposition 8 The gap between as in Propositions ^ We see that 3 and 4, the integrated with when A C and C now =e=a and economy (within H). ° $= (A.6) As we saw tends to R-a 2 a in the case A make is = gg + a or a R= 1 . This effect. Intuitively, 7(1 given by the Thus: same expressions (A^) 2 (1^) + f + X + y- a 2 + manner the only case where the is in aggregation then causes similar losses also tend to 1 as: (« + ?)(! ~R) + R-(a + 0) 2 / , / (, 1\ l\ V \)' \) \ (l-fl)(2a 1 t ) than within and 1/e make = \/<r = 0, We now L t as or H t l see that greater complementarity (1/A > 1/a) has a similar shown on Figure integration beneficial, except 3. Finally, when 1/A is + /?) i?-(o + /3) 2 R-Xa greater complementarity at the aggregate than at the local level (h\,L\,H = $ -«) + aj integration superior in the long run. R< ( \/<r (i.e. > 1/e) a higher effect. In particular, non-increasing returns sufficiently greater than one. Multiple Spillovers Denote by and by 3 or 1, when A A. 2 1 can also rewrite \\ e why $ > to scale, We L_}l + (}--}l\ cost of disparity) between this . occurs at the level of a child's education (within F(h, L, H)), of a community (within L) or of it the whole is A2 given by (A. 2) and (A. 3), and: = either A which agents are partitioned has no steady-state whether Equation (A.4) also shows turn to the long run. To a second-order and segregated economies + (Q + fl, (^1) ( 1-H) + X Q + /? + 7-(a + /3) 2 $= 1. remains unchanged, and similarly for <« + /.Xl—g) _ ~ ; 2, A2 We now efficient. = when A similar to that of (20), to which (A.4) reduces ejt and an respectively the /?fc,7„ their CES elasticities of substitution of the L'k weights (partial elasticities) in F. Then, whether F(-) as above, equations (18)-(19) or (A.2)-(A.3) 34 show that (10') is 's t is and Hn ,t 's entering (10'), Cobb-Douglas as in Section equivalent to (10) with /? = . K (A.7) /?/£ = £>*/<*, j/<T N = Y,lJ"n. n=l fc=l Appendix B: Proofs Proof of Propositions Solving (28) to (29) leads <-) *(&) m *(&) hence the results as < Technology. A 2 = A 2 + (a + /?) 2< (A 2 - A*,) A 2 = A^ + a 2t (A 2 - A 2*,) — any 7 oo, for We first for > and: 0. (6). fill in a few details with respect to the production sector of Section any choice of hours worked v\. We 2, so as to drop time subscripts for simplicity. Output produced by competitive firms with constant returns, according to the technology: Y = (B.3) t where x s p, , *, K-<4)G=S)-£ (*-*)(*=?) compute labor income is to: (4). K-f)(^)-f<^>«±f) - Proof of Proposition 1. and (3) = is the quantity of intermediate input (x,/Y)~ ' , yielding revenue y, in a single input; with human This is or, in = p, x, (x^dsY (J s. = The output (x,)~z~ sector's inverse (Y)* We . demand curve assume that workers must each then chooses a different one, and we can replace the index capital h' working v' < 1 hours produces x' = v x for s is h* units, and earns s by j/' = i £ (i/' fi. then specialize ah h')~z~ agent (Y)* her net income, as production entails only the opportunity cost of time (e.g. the value of leisure, our case, parenting). Labor income also takes the form be called the hourly wage; hence (2). When v\ — v for all 35 i y\ G = fi, l v w', where w' = p' h' we obtain equations = dY/di/' can (5) (given N= 1 agents in 1. fl; Y otherwise, To Private education. binding. The Bellman equation W (B.4) t first rates: i/f for agent = max (h\) {l, tT) = i is v and t{ and we first —f. We assume that agents except all show that these later i choose restrictions are not then: {log{il-T).(i,h\)'-^(Yt ^) 1 -6 )} order conditions are: (B.5) i v\ a \ ) •£ (B.6) l-r 1+1 * ' economy Since the state of the value function as: W (h) = a \og(h) t l (B.7) 1 + p(l- At+i and A^+1 for fB81 V ; a= = log^j) • = v and t — S, /? - - p6 - p(l = (1 - 6)(a — c • Markov process (A t A^ + d. t. (ftj+i) t+l) A2 , This leads to T 1) dWt+i dh «+i ' = l ), j/J we guess the form = v, t\ = of the r, with: p(l-6)a + p(l-8)a Replacing in (B.4) and using the recursion equations (28) identifies the constants. In particular: (*-!)/* 1 ' +6 + p(l-6)a S)a + p6aa/(a - Equilibrium then requires that v and (29) characterized by the is ( dh t where a > (6). p-EWt^^.Q-dl-^hiY-ir^h^iY^) + The simplify the exposition, and savings invariant participation N 7^), should be multiplied by 6)((r - - a ' l)/a l)/a, 7 = (1 - +b= b 1 l-p' 6)/a and C, t 2a 2 ' pC + (l-p)/<r l-p(a + /3) 2 ' are given by (18)-(19). Replacing a in (B.7) yields the desired results. In this equilibrium, all agents choose the same constant values v and r. This at least in the following sense. Consider any finite horizon (T 36 < is in fact the only solution, 00) version of the model, without the & restrictions v\ = = period: (a) v\ v, ,rf vt and = = t\ A f. backwards induction similar to the derivations above shows that rt ensuring , Y = t vt -Ht] W (h) = a (b) t t game thus has a unique Markov perfect equilibrium, and it , 6, c, d) calculated above. involves symmetric strategies. As T— all j The oo, * tends to the equilibrium derived earlier. it We Public education. 2. that the Markov process (A t start again with A 2 , ) some = useful simplifications. First, let iPx fully describes the state of We economy. v for t +i through Q = t k (1 — D) 6 (Dft) 1-1 but does not , expected to be the decisive voter (or a dictator) not just at to the same preferred tax decisive at t i's Bellman equation and V(h\,At ,Al) (B.9) = ma* + 1 first t' > agent choose t\ as if she i chooses rt' as if she were same outcome. With these lead to {bg((l-r).(i/A{) ^(y«)') t Qi P6 1-** E h \+i dV - -Qfr( they do not, the corresponding rate form of the value function: V(h,A,A 2 ) 0, f\ i influences s ( „ >r) , )} r - 2 ht+i>At+i,A t+1 ) , = agent t future periods. Because this leads (e.g., t) will so order conditions are therefore: +p -&T' E K+\ Equation (B.ll), which determines t\* corresponds to voters v\ game t, l-v\ p(l-S) If in all let p-Ev(K-ci-((i-^)h\y.(rY y- s i f+1) A?+1 (<T-\ (B.10) (B.ll) but t rate for all agents, any other voting but expected the median voter to prevail at assumptions, agent A^. Second, affect ^ relax this restriction later on. Note from (17) and the analog of (28) under integration that the tax rate ft implemented at A sach -\og(h)+bf\og(At) — c t -A 2 +dt where the (a t ,b t ,ct,dt)'s satisfy linear difference equations whose fixed points are (a, finite in = f, t\* = f\ is = a who + r*, where: 1 (B.12) l+p6a<r/(o-- 1) 37 6 • log(i) - -Q^iht+ii A t+i, internalize the effect of taxes obtained by dropping the log(ft) dV • c last term. A 2 + d. Then t +i) on At+\. Again, we guess the (B.lO)-(B.ll) imply . mim r 1 ^ While f a + b. is t l+p(l-*)a a= < in (B.12) + S) T^-' a + 6 -rT7- and (B.13) leads to the desired d, r* reflects the full social marginal value c results. A?+1 ) -2^' leads to: i- ptt 2 Note that a < a < a + b, implying that other equilibria, consider again the finite horizon game, without the restriction \?% agent's value function and (Markov) strategy capital. _ + p(l-«)(a + S) l r* To exclude Whether voters each period: (a) i.e. g(i^j)(a <j Replacing in (B.9) and using the recursion equations for (A t +i, Replacing < Pi\-W based on the private marginal value of human capital (B14) f - " there is v\ — depend on internalize the effect of t\ on vt ensuring in particular that , fi t t where (i t is the distribution of (c) V (h, t ,c t ,d t ys satisfy linear difference equations fi t ) = whose above. Letting the horizon tends to infinity concludes the proof. 38 human +i or not, backwards induction easily shows that in remains log-normal and that p, t unanimity over the sequence of tax rates; where the (at,b (h\,\ix), =v. 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