Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/factorpricestechOOacem 5 DEWEY , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series FACTOR PRICES AND TECHNICAL CHANGE: FROM INDUCED INNOVATIONS TO RECENT DEBATES Daron Acemoglu Working Paper 01 -39 October, 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/abstract^ 290826 MASSACHUSmTiNSTm^ DEC 200] LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series FACTOR PRICES AND TECHNICAL CHANGE: FROM INDUCED INNOVATIONS TO RECENT DEBATES Daron Acemoglu Working Paper 01-39 October, 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/abstract= xxxxx Factor Prices and Technical Change: Prom Induced Innovations to Recent Debates* Daron Acemoglu Massachusetts Institute of Technology October 22, 2001 Abstract This paper revisits the induced innovation literature of the 1960s to which Phelps was a major contributor (Drandakis and Phelps, 1965). was the first I first This literature systematic study of the determinants of technical change and also the investigation of the relationship between factor prices and technical change. present a modern reformulation of this literature based on the tools developed by the endogenous growth literature. This reformulation confirms many of the insights of the induced innovations literature, but reveals a new force, which I refer to as the market size effect: there will be more technical change directed at more abundant factors. I use this modern reformulation technical change often skill biased, recent decades? for (2) what is to shed light on two recent debates: (1) and why has the role of income differences across countries? it human become more skill why is biased during capital differences in accounting Interestingly, an application of this mod- ern reformulation to these debates also reiterates some of the insights of another important paper by Phelps, Nelson and Phelps (1966). JEL Classification: E25, J31, O30, 031, 033. Keywords: Biased technical change, endogenous technical change, factor dis- tribution of income, growth, innovation, skill-biased technical change, technology. *This paper is prepared in honor of Edmund participants at the Festschrift conference for assistance. Phelps. I thank Nancy Stokey, Jaume Ventura and comments and Ruben Segura-Cayuela for excellent research Introduction 1 In many ways, one can see the "induced innovations" literature of the 1960s as the har- binger of the endogenous growth hterature of the 1980s and 1990s. While the endogenous growth literature studies the process of growth tions hterature attempted to understand generate, it what type of irmovations the economy would and the relationship between factor was Hicks in induced innova- at the aggregate, the prices The Theory of Wages (1932) who innovation,^ the important advances were and technical change. first made during discussed the issue of induced the 1960s by Kennedy Samuelson (1965), and Drandakis and Phelps (1965), who studied the factor prices Although link (1964), between and technical change. However, during the 1960s the economics profession did not possess necessary for a systematic study of these issues. In particular, when the tools all firms choose tech- nology in addition to capital and labor, the notion of competitive equilibrirmi needs to be modified or refined either by introducing technological externalities (Romer, 1986, and Lucas, 1988) or by introducing monopolistic competition (Romer, 1990, Grossman and Helpman, 1991, and Aghion and Howitt, tools forced this literature to take a arguments rather than In this paper, I fully briefly number 1992).^ The absence of shortcuts, of the appropriate and ultimately rely on heuristic micro-foimded models. survey the approach taken and the problems faced by the induced innovations literature, and then recast the results of this literature in terms of models of endogenous technology (or directed technical change), based on work (e.g., Acemoglu, 1998, 1999, 2001, and Acemoglu and Kiley, 1999). This my own recent Zilibotti, 2001, as well as modeling exercise not only formahzes the contribution of the induced innovations literature, but also highlights a this hterature. In particular, like Hicks, the new economic force that did not feature in induced innovations literature emphasized 'In particular, Hicks argued that technical change would attempt to replace the factor. He wrote "A change in the relative prices of the factors of production and to invention of a particular kind is itself more expensive a spur to invention, —directed to economizing the use of a factor which heis become relatively expensive..." (p. 124). ^In addition, see the work by Segerstrom, Anant and Dinopoulos (1990), Jones (1995), Stokey (1995) and Young (1993), and the survey in Aghion and Howitt (1998). relative prices as the key determinant of which factors new technologies would save on. In models of endogenous technology, as emphasized by size effect Romer (1990), there because new technologies, once developed, can be used by is many a market firms and workers. This market size effect also features in the analysis of the direction and bias of technical change: there will be greater incentives to develop technologies for abundant factors. Th2 market size effect is not only of theoretical interest, more but turns out to play an important role in a number of recent debates. In the second part of the paper, the modern reformulation of debates. The first its I discuss how the directed technical change model, induced innovations hterature, sheds relates to the question of on two recent light why the demand for skills has been increasing throughout the 20th century, and even accelerated over the past 30 years. The second concerns the role of human capital in of directed technical change provides technical change to be skill human himian capital differences an explanation both biased in general, and for accelerated over recent decades. interaction between economic development. I will also capital show that will for why this I argue that a model why we may have this skill biased model points out an and technology, and via this channel, may be more should expect it interesting suggests why important in explaining differences in income per capita across countries than standard models imply. These two debates are interesting not only because they have been active areas of recent research, but also because they relate to another important contribution of Phelps, Nelson and Phelps (1966). capital is Nelson and Phelps (1966) postulated that essential for the adoption of important implications: are introduced, first, the new demand technologies. This view has at for skills will increase as and second, economies with high human capital better technologies. These insights are relevant since they provide a theory for why for the technical change least two technologies will effectively possess two debates mentioned above, may be hiunan capital differences can be essential in accounting capita across coiintries. new human skill biased, for differences in and why income per Nelson and Phelps developed this insight in a reduced form model. Interestingly, the directed technical model change provides a framework to derive related results from a more micro-founded model. But these results differ in interesting and empirically testable ways from the predictions of the Nelson and Phelps approach. The rest of the paper organized as follows. In the next section, is the induced innovations approach of the 1960s. In Section of directed technical change based on I show how my own literature in a micro-founded model, outline a simple Acemoglu research, especially, model (2001). and without encoimtering some of the problems that this earher literatvire faced. In Section the role of briefly survey framework captures many of the insights of the induced innovations this to investigate 3, I I when and why the demand human 4, I vise the directed technical change model for skills will increase. In Section 5, capital in accounting for differences in across countries, and then I I disciiss income and output per worker use the directed technical change model to highlight the interaction between technology and how can lead to large differences in income per skills capita across countries. Section 6 concludes. A 2 Simple Induced Innovation Model In this section, I model considered by Drandakis and Phelps outline a version of the (1965), which in turn bmlds on Kennedy of consimiers with constant savings rate (1964). The economy is populated by a mass 9. All firms have access to a constant-elasticity of substitution (CES) constant returns to scale production frmction, Y= where L is Nl and N^ labor, which are labor- is + (1 - 7) (NkK)-^ assumed constant throughout the paper (1) , K is no depreciation of capital. ''I choose the and Although firms hire the profit-maximizing of cost reduction" for given factor proportions p. capital, the elasticity of substitution between labor and capital.^ For amoiint of labor and capital, they choose their technologies to maximize and Phelps, 1965, is and capital-augmenting technology terms, which are controlled by each individual firm, a simplicity, there is 7 {NlL)-^ 824). This CES form is (see, Kennedy, 1964, p. "i/ie current rate 543, Drandakis equivalent to maximizing the instantaneous rate of to simplify the discussion. output growth, R, taking K and L as simply take logs and differentiate (1) To given. calciilate this rate of with respect to time, holding K output growth, and L constant. This gives: where s is the share of labor in GDP. In maximizing R, firms face a constraint I will refer first introduced by Kennedy (1964), which to as the "innovation possibilities frontier" ^ This frontier is portance for the arguments of the induced innovations literature, as technologically-determined constraints on technical change can be traded where F is off. Let of central im- it specifies the how labor-augmenting and capital-augmenting me for now take a general form a strictly decreasing a differentiable and concave function. This frontier captures the intuitive notion that firms (or the economy) have to trade-off a higher rate of labor-augmenting technical change with a lower rate of capital-augmenting technical As a change. as shown The the innovation possibilities frontier traces a downward sloping result, in Figure lociis 1. solution to maximizing (2) subject to (3) takes a simple form satisfying the first-order condition (i-) + ^r'(§)=o. Diagrammatically, this solution is drawn the instantaneous rate of output growth, as shown by point A. Comparative in GDP, reduces s, ^. in Figure 1 as the (2), Put and of the innovation statics are straightforward. differently, technical change, as a result, technical change A ^Kennedy (1964) very much like greater share of labor ^ I is the first and important highlight for future reference: called this "innovation possibility function", while "invention possibility frontier" and Hicks conjectiued, tries to becomes more labor-augmenting. This which for facilities frontier, (3), A greater s corresponds to labor being more expensive, insight of the induced innovations literature, it tangency of the counters makes labor-augmenting technology more valuable, and increases replace the expensive factor. called (4) Drandakis and Phelps (1965) Result 1: There be greater technical change augmenting the factor that will is more "expensive" Next note that the growth rate of output is given by Y _1^, {NlLY-^ + (1 - 7) [Oi + §^) {NkKY-^ y 7 {NlL)^ + (1 - 7) {NkK)^ where I ^ have replaced by 9j^ using the constant saving rule. Let lis now equilibrium satisfying the Kaldor facts that the output to capital ratio, ^, and output grows d^ = = is constant, and j^ — y- Therefore, technical change has to be piirely labor-augmenting (or the tangency point has to be at pins This necessarily implies that jf- at a constant rate. look for an down the B as drawn in Figure 1). Moreover, the fact that ^— immediately equilibrium labor share from (4) as:^ (1 Intuitively, there are - s) + sT' (0) = two ways of performing 0. capital-like tasks in this economy: accu- mulate more capital, or increase the productivity of capital. In contrast, there is only one way of increasing the productivity of labor, via technical change.^ In equilibrium, all technical change is of capital-like tasks. directed to labor, while capital accumulation increases the supply Therefore, this model not only gives us a theory of the type of technical change, but also a theory of factor shares. This gives a second Result 2: result: Induced innovations and capital accumulation determine equilibrium factor shares, ensure that all technical constant share of labor in Finally, major GDP change will be labor augmenting and imply a in the long run. Drandakis and Phelps (1965) also addressed the question of whether the economy would tend to this long-run equilibrium. They showed that as long as the ^Also this equation indirectly determines the capital-output ratio to satisfy the requirement that ^ =01. He wrote "The general tendency to a more rapid marked European history during the last few centuries has ^Interestingly, Hicks also anticipated this result. increase in capital than labor which has naturally provided a stimulus to labor-saving invention" (pp. 125). elasticity of substitution Intuitively, (between labor and capital) a greater share of labor in this 1, (4). the share of labor 1, leads to the third Result 3: 1, major As long 1, the economy is stable. When the elasticity of substitution is labor-augmenting technical change increases the share of labor even further, destabilizing the system. In contrast, than than GDP encourages more labor-augmenting technical change as shown by the first-order condition greater than is less falls when the elasticity of substitution is less and the economy converges to the steady result of the state. This induced innovations hterature: as the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is less than the economy converges to the steady state with constant factor shares. Overall, the induced innovations literature provided the first systematic study of the the determinants of technical change, and the relationship between factor prices and technical change. Moreover, this literature obtained a I summarized of important results that in Results 1-3. But there are important number lies in also some problems with the approach the assumption that firms simply maximize profit-maximizing firms instead? had to confront of this literature. The answer in order to construct relates to the (2). Why The most we have can't problems that Romer (1986) a model of long-run growth. If aggregate tech- nology has increasing-returns-type characteristics, there does not exist a competitive equilibrium with complete markets. In this context, profit-maximizing- firms would solve max / K,L,Nk L,Nk,Nl J wL — rK ^{NlL)-^ + {1-i){NkK)- exp (—rt)' ^^ subject to (3), and taking the factor prices, w and r, as given. But this dt, I problem does not have an interior solution, since the production function exhibits increasing returns to scale. Therefore, to go cost reduction, beyond the heuristics of we need a micro-founded model maximizing the instantaneous rate of of innovation.^ ^See Salter (1960) and Nordhaus (1973) for some of the early criticisms. A 3 Model How do we of Directed Technical Change^ incorporate profit-maLximizing firms in an economy with increasing returns, and maintain the flavor of a competitive/decentraUzed equihbriiun? Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) achieved this by introducing technological externalities. els, investments (in either physical or human In these mod- capital) increase the productivity of other firms in the economy, and because individual firms don't internalize this effect, they are subject to constant "private returns" (in the sense that their profits double, while total output may increase when they double aU by more). As a factors, result, despite increasing returns at the aggregate level, a competitive equihbrium continues to exist. Romer (1990), oped a different formulation Grossman and Helpman (1991), and Aghion and Howitt (1992) devel- by introducing monopolistic competition, and an explicit discussion of endogenous technical change. In these models final good producers (users of technology) are competitive, but suppliers of technology a result, when face. Here tral issues of folds, I will but their profits only double because of the decline in the prices build on this class of models, and extend them to discuss the cen- the induced innovations literature, the possibility of innovations benefiting factors differentially; 3.1 power. As these monopolistic producers double their inputs, total output increases by more than two they command market • Baisics Consider an economy that admits a representative consumer with logarithmic preferences />InCe'P^dt, where C is constant, p is (5) the rate of time preference and the budget constraint C+I<Y= where / denotes investment. I also £-1 ' lY^^ +{l--l)Yz' (6) impose the usual no-Ponzi game condition, requiring the lifetime budget constraint of the representative consumer to be satisfied. ^The material here liberally is borrows from Acemoglu (2001). a heuristic presentation to save space and minimize repetition. I omit many The pro- of the details and opt for duction function in that consumption and investment goods are "produced" (6) implies from an output of two other (intermediate) goods, a labor-intensive good, Yl, and a good that uses another factor, Z, gate of li, and Yz). Z, as I I where P G (or alternatively, utility is defined over to a am being deliberately want to think of The two Yz it CES aggre- vague about the other factor of production, as skilled workers or capital in different apphcations. intermediate goods have the following production functions (0, !)• The labor-intensive complementary machines, xl good is produced from labor and a range of labor- denotes the amount of the j-th labor-complementary {j) (labor-augmenting) machine used in production. used with labor is denoted by The range The production A^^. uses ^-complementary machines and function for the other intermediate explained similarly. is of machines that can be me to model It is important that these the fact that some technologies two sets of will be augmenting labor, while others increase the productivity of Z. machines are Although, diff'erent, Nl and Nz, for given returns to scale, enabling when Nl and Nz the production fiinctions in (7) exhibit constant are chosen by the firms in the economy, there will be increasing retiirns in the aggregate. I assimie that machines in both sectors are supplied by profit-maximizing "technology monopolists". Each monopolist will set a rental price Xl it supplies to the market in order to maximize all machines depreciate same for all machines and equal to First suppose that prices Xl fully after use, (j) or Xz U) Nl and Nz ^p its profits. iJ) o^ Xz U) fo'^ For simplicity, I ^^^ machine assume that and that the marginal cost of production in terms of the are given. final is the good. Then an equihbrium consisis of machine ^^at maximize the profits of technology monopolists, machine demands from the two intermediate goods mediate good producers' profits, and factor sectors Xl (j) or xz {j) that maximize inter- and product prices wl, wz, Pl, and pz that clear markets. This equilibrium is straightforward to characterize. Since the product markets for the two intermediates are competitive, product prices satisfy p,Pi = i^(^)-*. The greater the suppfy of Yz (8) VFl/ 7 PL relative to F/,, the lower is its relative price, p. Firms in the labor-intensive sector solve the following maximization problem max PlYl - wlL - Xl U) ^l / Jo taJking the price of their product, pl, well as the range of machines, the Z sector The similar. is and the ij) dj, (9) rental prices of the machines, Xl{J)j ^ Nl, as given. The maximization problem facing firms in first-order conditions for these firms give machine demands as: The important point that comes out from these expressions employment of a because market it profits of = demand for machines complementing that was emphasized Xl (xl iJ) (j) a monopolist supplying labor-intensive machine ~ i')^L Since the (j)- — Y^- '^° simplify demand curve the algebra, This implies that in equilibrium Using factor, in the introduction. (10), is iso-elastic, the profit-maximizing price will cost: that a greater level of creates a greater market size for the machines. This observation underlies the size effect that The ttl (j) factor raises the is this price, factor markets, all can be written as machines facing the monopolist, be a constant markup over marginal normalize the marginal cost to I machine for j prices will be given by Xl iJ) if} = \ — (3. — Xz U) — ^ machine demands given by (10) and the assumption of competitive we can also calculate relative factor rewards as: WL \ 1 J \LJ KNlJ ' ^^^^ where a =£- (e - 1) (1 Inspection of (11) immediately shows that a factors, which in turn is is - /?) the elasticity of substitution between derived from the elasticity of substitution between the goods in consvmiers' utility function, e. 9 For a given state of technology as captured by Nz/Nl, the relative factor reward, wz/wl, effect: decreasing in the relative factor supply, Z/L. This is the more abundant factor marginal product is is the usual substitution substituted for the less abundant one, and its relative falls. To determine the we need direction of technical change, to calculate the profitability of different types of innovations. Using the profit-maximizing machine prices, Xz iJ) — ^^^ machine demands given by 1) TTi = (10), Pp]!^L and TTz we find the monopoly Xl iJ) — profits as: = Pp'J^Z. (12) Then, the discounted net present value of technology monopohsts are given by standard Bellman equations: rVL where r = i^l + Vl or -nz-, and the appreciation of the In steady state, the prices, pi or Vl = vr^ + Vz, (13) the interest rate. These value functions have a familiar intuitive explanation, is equating the discounted value, tVl or -kl and rVz = Vz^Q rVz-, to the flow returns, which consist of profits, asset at hand, pz-, and the Vl or Vz- interest rate will be constant, r, so and Vl = and Vz = r The greater Vz is (14) . r relative to Vx,, the greater are the incentives to develop Z-complementary machines, Nz, rather than labor-complementary machines, Nl- Equation (14) highlights two effects 1. The on the direction of technical change: price effect: there will be greater incentives to invent technologies producing more expensive goods {Vz and Vl are increasing 2. The market size effect: The market size effect Vz are increasing in Z a larger market for in pz and pl)- the technology leads to more innovation. encourages innovation for the more abmidant factor {Vl and and L, the total supplies of the factors technologies). 10 combined with these The price effect showing that there the analogue of Result of the induced innovations literature, 1 be more technical change directed towards more "expensive" will wl = factors (note that this is PNip]!'^/ model introduces a new force, and role in the applications below, (1 - and wz /?) the market size is essential for = PNzP^J^/ which effect, - P)). In addition, will play an important (1 a new result discussed below, that an increase in the supply of a factor induces technical change biased toward that factor. The Innovation 3.2 Instead of (3), which specified an innovation types of innovations, of the we now need a two types of innovations. we have addition, possibilities frontier trading off the frontier that transforms actual resources into either This frontier will embed a specific form of known in the endogenous growth not enable long-run growth. In particular, R&D, sustained growth requires these factors to time, for example Here due to assume that I two (3). spillovers R&D is when literature, many specifications there are scarce factors used for become more and more productive over from past research.^ by carried out scientists, and there is a constant supply N/N of scientists equal to S. With only one proportional to S: that current research benefits from the stock of past innovations, With two is, sector, sustained growth requires sectors, instead, there is a variety of specifications, between the two In to be carefvil in the choice of the form of the innovation possibilities frontier, since, as is well will Possibilities Frontier sectors. In particular, its own A'^. with possible interactions each sector can benefit either from of past innovations, or from a combination of to be its own stock stock and the stock of the other sector. To clarify the issues, The degree affected it is useful to first introduce the concept of "state dependence". of state dependence relates to how by the current composition of R&D. more from own its other factor, I future relative costs of innovation are When current R&D in a sector benefits stock of past irmovations than past innovations complementing the refer to the innovation possibilities frontier as "state 'See Acemoglu (1998, 2001) and there are no spillovers. for models of directed technical change where 11 dependent". R&D A uses final output, flexible formulation Nl = where 5 £ (0, 1) is: riLNi^^'^^'Nt'^^'S, and measures the degree of state dependence: when 6 state dependence since both in the two N, ^ VzNt''''Nt''^'S„ sectors. N^ and Nz there 0, is no create symmetric spillovers for current research when In contrast, — (15) ^ = 1, there is an extreme amoxmt of state dependence because an increase in the stock of labor-complementary machines today makes future labor-complementary innovations cheaper, but has no efiect on the cost of Z-complementary innovations. ^° To find the steady state equilibrium of this economy, ative profitability of profitability is Z- augmenting technical change to Vz/Vl given by I (dNLJdSj) steady-state equilibrium condition its relative cost. The rel- relative = Vz^VvlNI ^l then: is rj^Ni7rL Now to equate the (14), while the relative cost is {dNz/dSz) The we need = VzNl7rz: solving condition (16) together with (12), (16) we obtain the equilibrium relative technology as In Acemoglu here I (2001), I show that the equilibrirmi will simply assume that this condition is satisfied, be stable as long as a so 1 — 5cr > 6^^, and 0. There are a niunber of important results that follow from equation relative degree of < Z-augmenting technology simply depends on the (17). First, the relative supply of Z. This captures both the price and the market size effects emphasized above, since in equilibrium prices are also determined by relative supplies (from equation in the case when the elasticity of substitution between the two factors is (8)). Second, greater than ^"With existing data it is not possible to determine the extent of state dependence. In Acemoglu I argued that results from the patent citations literature, e.g., Trajtenberg, Henderson, and Jaffa (1992), suggest that there is at least some degree of state dependence in the innovation process. (2001), 12 > 1, i.e., cr in the relative supply of an increase 1, Z/ L leads to Z-augmenting technical change. This Greater relative supply of effect. this factor. Z Z creates is Z further. demand curve for Z, which keeps Nz/Nl endogenous-technology relative demand where (11)), to the With this piKpose, greater machines complementing for to illustrate the implications of the market size effect constant-technology relative is, a consequence of the market size more demand This in turn increases the productivity of One way Nz/Nl- That increases compare the to is constant (equation Nz/Nl is given by (17). substitute (17) into (11) to obtain the endogenous-technology relative demand: wz _ (rizy-'" /l-7\ ^L \VlJ V 7 / that with relative > (J demand less than is flatter This for Z. demand increase the Now ETi 1, demand CT. scarce. Nz/Ni and the has become more abundant. cr < 1, an increase is Z now drawn < cr in the long-run relative this Nz/Nl is compare (18) to (11)). actually biased towards Acemoglu, 2001). So irrespective of the not equal to it is level, in Figure 2 (again simply a decline in 1, reduces the price effect dominates Interestingly, however, the endogenoiis-technology relative and the discussion (as long as supply of in the relative is and new technologies are directed at the factor that has become effect, flatter, as Because when factor raises because, as pointed out above, changes in technology is for the factor that Because with 1. the market size At some straightforward to verify Z/L increase in Nz/Nl, making technology more labor-augmenting. This is still It is given by (18), ETi, contrast the previous case to the one where the elasticity of substitution, u, than more ,^g. demand curve curve, CT—the 1-*- \L. Figure 2 draws the endogenous-technology relative together with the constant-technology (Z\ '"*' 1, i.e., demand curve is as long as is flatter we Z demand curve Why is this? (see equation (11), elasticity of substitution are not in the Cobb- Douglas case), than the short-run relative demand curve. an application of the LeChatelier principle, which states that demands become flatter when all other factors adjust (here these other factors correspond to "technology"). But there is more to surprisingly, the relative this framework than the LeChatelier demand curve can be upward 13 principle. sloping as Somewhat shown by ET2 in Figure This happens when 2. a>2-8. Intuitively, the increase in the relative (19) supply of Z raises the demand for ^-complementary innovations, causing Z-biased technical change. This biased technical change increases the marginal product of Z more than that of labor, and despite the substitution effect, the relative reward for the factor that has become more abundant increases. Inspection of (19) shows that this can only ative demand happen when a > we need the market curve, of an upward-sloping relative That 1. size effect to demand curve first for an upward-sloping be strong enough. The it will play rel- possibility for skills is of interest not only to strength of directed technical change, but also because the is, show the an important role in application of this framework below. So we now have a micro-founded framework that can be used to study the direction of technical change biased. This literature. and to determine towards which factors framework also leads to an analogue of Result Does it also capture the insights of the new 1 of technologies will be the induced innovations induced innovations literature related to the behavior of the shares of capital and labor in GDP? To answer this question, let us look at the implications of directed technical change for factor shares. Multiplying both sides of equation (18) sz by Z/ L, we obtain _wzZ _ relative factor shares as: (r]zY-'- (l-l\^-'" This equation shows that there is (Z\ 1-*" no reason to expect endogenous technical change to keep factor shares constant. In fact, generally as Z/L changes (e.g., due to capital accimiulation as in the simple induced innovation model of Section 2), sz/sl will change. However, factor shares relevant, special case ties frontier, that is, will be where there when ^ = 1 constant in an interesting, and perhaps empirically is full state dependence in the innovation possibili- in terms of equation (15). In this special case, the accumulation equations take the familiar-looking simple form Nl -— = ij^Sl and 14 Nz -— = rjzSz- (21) That is, sector, research effort devoted to one sector leads to proportional improvements in that and has no effect possibilities frontier on the other sector. and multiplying both Using this formulation of the innovation sides of (11) by Z/L, we now have: ^ = ^. (22) Hence, in this case, directed technical change works to stablize factor shares. This formulation of the iimovation possibilities frontier therefore leads to the second major result, Result 2, of the induced innovations literature, but with a micro-founded model where firms maximize profits and with the caveat that this result only obtains for a specific formulation of the innovation possibihties frontier. Now imagine that Z stands for capital as in the canonical model of the induced in- novations literature. Capital accumulation of the representative consumer. given by the optimal consumption decision is Hence we have the Euler equation ^ = r-p, where r is (23) the interest rate, and capital accumulation is given by Z = Y -C. (24) In steady state, equation (22) ensures that factor shares are constant. In addition, capital accumulation, which follows from (24), implies that there will be labor-augmenting technical change. This can be seen by first noting that the relative share of capital is given by ""' sz (l-l\^ fNzZ' Sl \ 1 J \NlL, Inspection of this equation shows that this relative factor share can only remain constant if ^ is growing at the same rate as capital for worker, j. So technical change has to be labor-augmenting. In interest rate has to (see fact, the result here is remain constant in the long Acemoglu, 1999).^^ stronger than this: in steady state the riin, and so Nz has to remain constant This model then predicts that the share of capital should ~ P) and to ensure balanced growth, the interest rate ^^ Briefly, the interest rate is r = PNzpJ / (1 has to be constant. Along the balance growth path, pz is constant, so Nz has to remain constant. 15 stay constant along the steady-state equilibrium, and technical change should be piirely labor-augmenting.^^ Is this steady-state a < quires 6~^ . we now have 6 equilibrium stable? Recall that in this framework stability re- In addition, to ensure the constancy of factor shares in the long run, = 1. Therefore, as in Drandakis and Phelps (1965), stability requires the elasticity of substitution to duced irmovations be literature: than less when f^ 1. > intuition is also similar to that in the in- ?^, the share of the Z factor is sufficiently large want to undertake Z-augmenting technical change. that all new technologies increases ^^ further, the firms The economy Therefore, for the steady state to be stable, will diverge If the introduction of away from steady we need Z-augmenting state. technical change to reduce the relative factor share of Z. This requires the two factors to be gross complements, i.e., a <1 (see Acemoglu, 1999, for details). Therefore, Result 3 of the induced innovations literature also follows from this more micro-founded framework. I next discuss how the directed technical change model, the the induced innovation literature, sheds Debate 4 1: Why Is new light modern reformulation of on two recent debates. Technical Change Skilled Bi- ased? Skill-Bieised Technical Chctnge 4.1 The been general consensus among labor and skill-biased over the past 60 years, macro economists technical change has been favoring skilled workers skills (the my model. why we should more than number ^^The reader may notice one difference between the reasoning innovations model and in that technical change has and most probably throughout the 20th century. Figure 3 summarizes the most powerful argument for a measure of the relative supply of is unskilled workers. It plots of college equivalent workers for constant factor shares in the induced In the induced innovations model, the constancy of the factor shares follows from the requirement that there has to be steady capital accumulation. equation think that consistent with different factor shares. In contrast, in my model Otherwise, equation (22) implies that "any technology equilibrium" has to give constant factor shares. Capital accumulation can then be introduced into this framework, £is discussed briefly above and much more in detail in Acemoglu (1999), (4) is and leads to the conclusion that all technical change has to be labor-augmenting. 16 divided by noncoUege equivalents) and a measure of the return to skills (the college premium).^"' shows that over the past 60 It years, the U.S. relative supply of skills has increased rapidly, and in the meantime, the college premium has also increased. technical change had not been biased toward (and presuming that skilled skilled workers and unskilled workers are imperfect substitutes), we would expect a large dechne returns to On skills. the contrary, over this time period, returns to The the college premium, appear to have increased. rapid increase in the supply of skills, the college the skill Why why has bias of it is become more In the first skill skill is this pattern to an acceleration explanation, technical change it sometimes is skill bias. when but This approach can obviously has enough degrees of freedom. not a particularly attractive approach. biased during the past 25 years, precisely And for Moreover, according to this the supply of skills skill- has increased very be viewed as a coincidence. rapidly, has to The second explanation, interestingly, builds on another seminal paper by Phelps, human Nelson and Phelps (1966). Nelson and Phelps suggested that are important for the absorption for skills And skill-biased, explanation the pattern whereby technical change appears to have become more of the Nelson in biased over the recent decades? There are two popvilar account for the patterns we observe, since it shows that despite the biased throughout the 20th centru-y? no theory for when we should expect more this reason, as proxied by technologies. has technical change been explanations. there new figure also skills, in the premium has been increasing very rapidly Most economists attribute over the recent decades. If and Phelps model and use of new technologies. in the (I capital and skills outline a simple version Appendix). According to this view, the demand has been increasing because there have been more (or more high-tech) new technologies during the 20th century, and perhaps because the ^^The samples are constructed as in Katz and Autor (2000). I rate of technical change thank David Autor for providing me with data from this study. Data from 1939, 1949 and 1959 come from 1940, 1950 and 1960 censuses. The rest of the data come from 1964-1997 March CPSs. The college premium is the coefficient on workers with a college degree or more relative to high school graduates in a log weekly wage regression. The relative supply of skills 18 and 65. It is is calculated from a sample that includes all workers between the ages of defined as the ratio of college equivalents to non-college equivalents, calculated as an Autor, Katz and Krueger (1998) using weeks worked as weights. 17 has increased diiring the past 30 years. This explanation also has some drawbacks. First, the original Nelson-Phelps model and modern reformulations its (e.g., Greenwood and Yorukoglu, 1997, Galor and Maov, 2000, Aghion, Howitt and Violante, 2000) are very "reduced form" intensive. : And the adoption and use of new technologies is simply assimied to be skill- one can imagine new technologies simphfying previously complex yet, tasks, such as scanners. Second, there are many historical examples of skill-replacing technologies, such as weaving machines, the factory system, the interchangeable parts technology, and the assembly increase the demand I will for skills is So the presumption that new technologies always not entirely compelling. next show that an approach based on directed technical change provides an explanation for became more to be always 4.2 line. why technical change has been skill biased over the past century and skilled biased over the past and everywhere skill 30 years, without assuming technical change biased. Directed Technical ChEinge and Skill Consider the model of Section 3, with Z Bicis^'^ interpreted as the and L as the number of unskilled workers. Then, equation bias of technology, First, number of skilled workers, (17) gives the degree of skiU and leads to a number of interesting implications. an increase in the relative supply of skills will encourage the skill-biased technologies. Throughout the 20th century, the increased very rapidly, both in the U.S. and in most other development of relative supply of skills has OECD economies. Therefore, the framework here suggests that this increase in the supply of skills should have induced new technologies to become more and more Second, with the same reasoning, degree of skill tion (19) is satisfied, curve for skills. bias of skills. when the supply of skills accelerates, we expect the technologies to accelerate. Moreover, recall that when equation (18) traces an upward-sloping long-run relative Therefore, the induced pronounced that the supply of new skill biased. skill skill premium may bias of new condi- demand technologies can be sufhciently increase in response to a large increase in the In fact, this model, together with condition (19), provides an attrac- ^*This material builds on Acemoglu (1998). 18 tive explanation for the behavior of the college in Figure 3. variables) , Because technology it is is premium over the past 30 years shown slow to change reasonable to expect the (i.e., are state premium to a large response of the college first increase in supplies to be along the constant-technology sponse to the increase in the supply of Nz and Nl because returns to skills, demand That curve. skills will initially is, in re- dechne. Then once technology starts adjiisting, the economy will move to the upward-sloping long-run demand relative curve, and returns to skills will increase sharply. Figure 4 draws this case diagrammatically. Therefore, this theory can explain the secular technical change has become more skill bias of technical change, biased during recent decades, and also response to the large increase in the supply of and then started a sharp increase first fell, skill skills of in the 1980s. the 1970s, the college Human 5.1 why in premium ^^ Debate 2: The Role of Human Capital country Income Differences 5 why in Cross- Capitcd and Income Differences There are large differences in human capital across coimtries. For example, while the average years of schooling of the population in 1985 was just under 12 in the United States and New Zealand, it was less than 2 years in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Can these differences in educational attainment (more generally, human capital) be the proximate or the ultimate cause of the large differences in income per capita across countries? number of economists, including Lucas (1988), Azariadis Murphy and Tamura emphasized the growth (1990), Stokey (1991), role of human and Drazen (1990), Becker, and Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992), have capital in cross-country differences in income levels these effects be quantitatively large? ^^This framework also suggests a reason may have been skill-replacing. why many This is The recent literature on decomposing technologies developed during the early 19th because, during this time period, there was a large increase in the supply of unskilled labor in British cities during that time period. See for a and rates. Can century A more detailed discussion. 19 Acemoglu (2001) differences in income per capita or output per worker across countries into components concludes tiiat the answer is no. Hall and Jones (1999) find that differences in can accotmt ical capital, rest due to Both Klenow and Rodriguez (1997) and human capital, or even differences in phys- only a fraction of the differences across coimtries, with the for differences in efficiency of factor use (or me reiterate this Let different somewhat point differently. due to differences in "technology"). Figure 5 plots the logarithm of out- put per worker relative to the U.S. for 103 coimtries against average years of schooling The in 1985. ing. In figure shows a strong correlation between output per worker and school- the bivariate regression line plotted in Figure 5 has a slope coefficient of fact, 0.29 (standard error 0.02) and an R-square appears that there could be a ple calculation suggests that lot in it is the differences in To human difficult to rationalize income as steeply as suggested by Figure So of 65 percent. ^^ in a regression sense, capital. However, a sim- educational attainment raising 5. —the increase see this, note that the "private" return to schooling ual earnings resulting from an additional year of schooling Card, 1999) — is (e.g., In the absence of human capital externalities, the contribution of a one-year . differences in schooling come. More in individ- about 6-10 percent increase in average schooling to total output would be of roughly the But then it specifically, deciles of the can explain little same magnitude.-'^ of the cross-country variation in in- the difference in average schooling between the top and bottom world education distribution in 1985 to schooUng around 10 percent, is less than 8 years. With the returns we would expect the top decile countries to produce about twice as much per worker as the bottom decile countries. In practice, the output per worker gap between these deciles So how could we justify human is approximately 15. capital differences playing a more important role in the world distribution of income? There are a number of possible avenues. First, formal schooling may be is only one component of human capital, understating the true differences in workers acquire much more on-the-job and human training in differences in formal schooling capital. This could be because some countries than others, or because ^^Data on output per worker are from Summers and Heston (1991), with the Hall and Jones (1999) from Barro and Lee (1993). ^^And if capital were in scarce supply, it would be lower. correction. Education data are 20 the quality of schooling varies substantially across countries. There truth to both of these points, but undoubtedly much appears unlikely that they can be the whole story. it who migrate For example, workers is to the U.S. from other countries quickly converge to the earning levels similar to those of U.S. workers with similar schooling, suggesting that quaUty differences are not the major factor behind the differences in income across Moreover, even without controlhng for education, these workers earn not countries. much less than U.S. workers (certainly nothing comparable to the output gaps across coimtries), so differences in output across coiuitries we observe must have more to do with physical capital or technology differences (see Hendricks, 2001).^^ Second, perhaps the above calculation understates the importance of because it human ignores capital externalities. whole society benefits indirectly from the greater After all, human human capital quite plausible that the it's capital investment of a worker. In fact, externaUties were the centerpiece of Lucas' (1988) paper which argued for the importance of human capital differences, and have been a major building block for many of the papers in the endogenous growth literature. How effect of large do hiuiian capital human relationship externalities capital differences shown justify a strong "causal" on income differences consistent with the bivariate A in Figure 5? need to be to back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that in order to justify the magnitudes implied by Figure 5, hiunan capital externalities need to be very large. The social) returns to education of approximately 34 percent (exp(0.29) alternatively, the comparison of the top and bottom decile countries implies returns slope of the hue in Figure on the order of 40 percent. To externalities of 25-30 percent 5, 0.29, is rationalize Figure 5, we consistent with (total or — therefore need on top of the 6-10 percent private 1 ~ 0.34). human Or capital returns. In other words, external returns created by education needs to be of the order of three to four times the private retruns What human is — ^very large capital externalities indeed! the evidence? There have been a capital externalities '^ These human results have to observed or unobserved by exploiting number of studies attempting to estimate differences in average schooling across cities or be interpreted with some caution, since skills who migrate to the U.S.. 21 it may be workers with relatively high states in the U.S. (e.g., Rauch, 1993). However, these studies face serioiis identification problems. Cities with greater average schoohng To of other reasons. also have higher wages for a variety solve this problem, one needs to find "quasi-exogenous" differences Acemoglu and Angrist in schooling across labor markets. In attempted to do may this and (2000), Josh Angrist by looking at variations in compulsory attendance laws and I child labor laws in U.S. states between 1920 and 1960. It tiirns out that these laws were quite important earlier in the centiuy in determining educational attainment, especially high school graduation rates. For example, strict child labor we found that a person growing up in a state with laws was 5 percent more likely to graduate from high school than a person growing up in a state with the most permissive child labor laws. Moreover, these differences in laws states. do translate into substantial differences in average schoohng across These laws therefore provide an attractive source of variation to identify human capital externalities. So how high are himian capital externalities? found very small Our hmnan Contrary to 1 is required for of the differences in human income per capital to symptom than conclusion to draw. more hne of attack: county adopts, and level, it is human how capita. differences across countries are too early to jump effectively these technologies are is is capital play a developed in the correct is one effect on income when they interact the insight that comes out of Nelson and Phelps (1966), the induced innovations literature that ^^This point more being utilized. At an intuitive discussed in the Appendix, and also follows from the Can human is to this conclusion, since there himian capital differences have a much larger is far capital differences can affect the type of technologies that a with technology choices. This which These are magnitudes the cause of the differences in income? Perhaps this But 0. be a major ultimate or proximate cause Are we then to conclude that himian capital of a from or 2 percent (in other words, they imply plaiisible externalities of the order of 20 percent of the private returns). what we expectations, capital externalities, often not significantly different baseline estimates are around short of my I discvissed in Section 3 (see below). much more important my joint work modern reformulation ^^ role in accounting for cross-coimtry with Fabrizio Zilibotti (see Acemoglu and 22 of Zilibotti, 2001). income differences when it Although existing evidence does interacts with technology? not enable us to answer this question, there are a few pieces of evidence that suggest that there might be something here. First, Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) present cross-country regression evidence consistent with this view. Second, there with the notion that human productive technologies is micro evidence consistent capital facilitates the absorption and use of new and more Foster and Rosenzweig, 1996). Third, in Acemoglu and (e.g., Zilibotti (2001), Fabrizio and I undertook a simple calibration of a model with technology mismatch and found that differences in Finally, it can account income per capita with the differences for in a large fraction of the actual human capital across countries. a quick look at the cross-coiuitry data shows that there between "technology" and human skill- is a strong correlation a measure of the relative supply capital, especially, of high him:ian capital workers. For example. Figure 6 plots the TFP measure (relative to the U.S.) calculated by Hall and Jones (1999) from a cross-country levels accounting exercise against the ratio of college to 1985 (from Barro and Lee, 1993). of some other on both factors countries as emphasized noncoUege ratio of workers in the population This correlation might of course capital it by Hall and Jones (1999) and Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson suggests that a and technology so here instead I will the effect variables, for example, institutional differences across (2001), or the effect of higher (exogenous) productivity Nevertheless, reflect in is more on human capital investments. careful look at the relationship required. This paper, naturally, is between human not the right forum for this, simply develop an alternative approach to analyze the interaction between himian capital and technology based on the insights of the directed technical change/induced innovations 5.2 literature. Directed Technical Change, Appropriate Technology and Human Capital The notion of directed OECD countries, technical change implies that which are often used by LDCs, new technologies in the U.S. will be designed to work best with the conditions and factor supplies in these technologically these nations are more abundant in hvunan 23 or in the more advanced nations. Because capital, frontier technologies they develop Lack of will typically require highly skilled workers. making create a technology-skill mismatch, it skilled personnel in difficult for LDCs these countries to benefit from frontier technologies. In other words, these technologies will be, at least to LDCs' needs. This "inappropriate" to the directed technical change model, but then will insight follows some degree, from an application of the also quite related to the insights of Nelson is and Phelps (1966). To develop these ideas world economy. the technologies copy these. more model of Section 3 applied to a A technology leader that 1 refer to as the North, Nz and e.g., the U.S., produces Nl, while the other countries, the South or the LDCs, simply For simplicity, I take workers and Z' skilled workers. abundant formally, consider the A all LDCs of the key characteristic of the than the North, that in skilled workers to be identical, with L' unskilled LDCs is that they are less is: Z Z' Assume that LDCs can copy new machine varieties invented in the North, with- out paying royalties to Northern technology monopolists because of lack of intellectual property rights. This assumption implies that the relevant markets for the technology monopolists will be given by the factor supplies in the North. of producing machines in the LDCs may be higher, in the North. This cost differential may result 1 also assume that the cost k~^/^^~^^ rather than from the -0 = (1 fact that firms in the — /?) as LDCs do not have access to the same knowledge base as the technology monopolists in the North. I also all assume that there machines will sell at is free entry to copying Northern machines. This implies that marginal cost in the LDCs, that natural to think of k as less than than in the North. Finally, there 1, is is, at the price k'^^^^''^^ It so that machines are more expensive in the South no international trade. Using the above expressions, we obtain the output levels of the two final the North as: yL = while in the LDCs, Y^ [PLf-'^" NlL and Yz^^^ {p^f-^^'^ N^Z, we is have: 24 goods in where p"s denote prices in the LDCs, which proportions are different and there from those in the North because factor differ no international is trade. The parameter k features in these equations since machine costs are different in the South. Notice also that the technology terms, Nl and Nz, are the same as in the North, since these technologies are copied from the North. The income in the South to that ratio of aggregate I in the North can be written + (1 - 7 (pt'^'N^L)-^ + (1 - 7) [vr'"'NzZ)- 7 {{P'^i'-'"' N,L')-^ 7) {{P'zf-'"' NzZ') K (25) Simple differentiation and algebra show that dY'/Y Since Z' /L' < Z/L, (i.e. (see (26) this expression implies that Nz/Nl when a > raises the 1, i.e., skilled workers, there will technologies are less and less appropriate to the needs of the What number of skilled workers to make best LDCs iise be a tendency Intuitively, these LDCs who do new not have a ^° of these technologies. are the implications of directed technical change for income differences across countries? Equation (26) shows that a greater income gap between skill the two factors income gap between the income gap between the North and the South to increase. sufficient when reduces Y' /Y). This implies that as technologies produced by the North become more and more directed towards for the Acemoglu, 2001): fN^ are gross substitutes, an increase in and the North as: rich skill bias of technology will increase the and poor countries (between countries with different levels of abundance). Directed technical change implies that technologies developed in the when cr < 1, an increase in Nz/Nl narrows the income gap since the term in square is now negative. However, when cr < 1, a lower Nz/Ni increases the demand for Z relative to the demand for labor that is, it corresponds to Z-biased technical change. Moreover, in this case, the North, which is more abundant in Z, will invest in technologies with lower Nz/Nl than ^"in contrast, brackets in (26) is — appropriate for the South. In other words, exactly as in the "too skill- biased" technologies, since with cr < 1, lower Nz/Nl ceise with cr > 1, the North will choose corresponds to greater skill bias. This extends the results in Acemoglu and Zilibotti (2001) to a slightly more general model, and also more importantly, to the case where the two factors are gross complements, i.e., a < 1. See Acemoglu (2001) for a more detailed discussion. 25 OECD U.S. or the will be catered to their own needs, so than woiild have been otherwise. As a tjrpically result, directed technical more change skill biased will increase the income gap across countries. To gain further insight, consider a special case with derived as an equilibrium of a Zilibotti, 2001), (25) is more detailed and suppose that 5 = in = cr 2 (this model with many terms of equation was the case that was sectors in (15). In general, complicated because domestic prices in the North and the South on domestic factor supplies and world technology. However Acemoglu and differ in the case with equation depending cr = 2, (25) simplifies to / 7i(L-)-/- Y' + (l-.)i(t^')'^V U«(i)"' + {l-7)*(t2)"V This expression shows explicitly that the extent to which less developed country can take advantage of new technologies depends on the number of skilled workers. few skilled workers this technology is will have difficulty adapting to the world technology, especially highly biased towards skilled workers, develop this point further, note that A country with when a = 2 and 5 = i.e., 0, when Nz/Nl is when high. To the endogenous technology equation (17) implies Substituting this into (27) where 7o South much is will we obtain: a suitably defined constant. So the income gap between the North and the depend on the himian capital gap between the North and the South, very as in Nelson and Phelps (1966). It is also instructive at this point to compare this approach based on endogenous technology choice to Nelson and Phelps' original contribution. Despite the similarities, there are also a number of important differences between this approach based on the idea of directed technical change and appropriate technology, and the Nelson and Phelps' 26 approach. The first difference son and Phelps (1966), human is more apparent than real. It all same technology countries have access to the not be differences in TFP/technology. This conclusion TFP differences are calcvilated as a residual tween human that Y = that in Nel- capital differences translate into technology differences, whereas in the simple version of the model of Acemoglu and outlined here, may appear capital, physical capital K-^^ {AHf-^'^, and A, the presence of technology-skill mismatch as in term, it is with Fabrizio should typically assiuned Zilibotti, TFP. Therefore, human I specific relationship be- calculated as the residual. is of hiunan capital on output will be counted as part of differences in output per worker or frontier, so there particular, my model discussed here and in Nelson and Phelps (1966), which not correct, however, because from assimiing a and output. In TFP is Zilibotti (2001) In the the effect both the model in capital differences contribute to income per capita because of their interaction with technology adoption and the efficiency of technology use. The second difference between the approaches is more Inspection of interesting. equation (30) from the Nelson-Phelps model given in the Appendix shows that capital should matter more when the growth rate of the world technology, contrast, (27) (or less transparently, (25)) when new technologies are human g, is greater. In shows that human capital should matter more more skill-biased. This is an interesting area to investigate. A recent paper by Easterly (2001) finds that low himian capital countries lagged especially behind the richer countries over the past 25 years. Interestingly, this period has been one of slow world growth, so according to Nelson-Phelps' view, these low hrrnian capital countries should have benefited relative to the technology leaders. the past 25 years have also been characterized by very rapid which suggests that, according to the model in could accoimt for this pattern, and more work of these issues. 27 skill- biased Acemoglu and capital countries should have lagged further behind. is On But of the other hand, technical change, Zilibotti (2001), course, many low human other factors required to get a better understanding Conclusion 6 This paper revisited the induced innovations Hterature of the 1960s to which Phelps was a major contributor (Drandakis and Phelps, 1965). This literature provided the first systematic study of the determinants of technical change, and also investigated the relationship between factor prices of this literature based on the reformulation confirms many reveals a at new force, the more abundant and technical change. tools developed I presented a by the endogenous growth what is literature. This of the insights of the induced innovations literatiire, but market size effect: there will be more technical change directed factors. This modern reformulation sheds light on two recent debates: often skill biased, modern reformulation and why has the role of human it become more skill biased during recent decades? capital diff"erences in accounting for countries? Interestingly, an application of this why is technical change And income differences across modern reformulation to these important debates also reiterates some of the insights of another important paper by Phelps, Nelson and Phelps (1966). Despite the similarities, there are also different implications of the Nelson-Phelps approach and those of an approach based on the direct technical change model. To investigate these differences empirically appears a fruitful area for future research. 28 Appendix: The Nelson-Phelps Model 7 I now a version of the second model of Nelson and Phelps (1966).^^ briefly outline Imagine that there a world technology is frontier, T {t), advancing at an exogenous rate 9, i-e., T{t) = T (0) exp {gt) Countries can benefit from this world technology by incorporating But tion processes. this is into their produc- it a h\maan capital-intensive task. For example, a country needs highly skilled engineers to adapt world technologies to their conditions, to sitions in the these new coimtry where j, hj is (t), So Nelson and Phelps (1966) postulated that the technology of would evolve according to the human the their equation (8')). Aj {t) A, it) human first A, is its ' ^ it) which is assumed to be timing variant rate of progress. Most to be absorbed. capital of a country graduates, or engineers, or The equation This equation states that the farther a country be years of schooling, hj can diff'erential ct>{hj){Tit)-Aj{t)) more technology out there is the greater the ^ capital in country j, technology frontier, the faster because there key po- implementation of these technologies and to train workers in the use of techniques. Aj fill is, from the world would be > so that, But also (j)' (hj) the faster will this convergence be. Here some other feature of the human is (see plausibly, this or the fraction of high skilled individuals, implication of (29) is ^ such as university capital distribution. that d% it) I A, (i) ' dT{t)d(t>{hj) so that human capital becomes more valuable when technology is more the reason why demand Greenwood and Yorukoglu, for skills to the 1997, Galor Violante, 2000). 21 is number of the Nelson-Phelps approach has provided the foundation for a recent papers hnking the (e.g.. advanced. This See also Shultz (1975) and Welch (1970). 29 speed and extent of technical change and Maov, 2000, Aghion, Howitt and Second, note that although equation (29) is in terms of technological progress, does have a unique stable stationary distribution as long as In the stationary state, all cross-country distribution is Aj (^)'s will grow at the same (l){hj) rate g, > for all countries. and this stationary given by ^.W = -T%rT^(^)9 + <p{hj) Suppose now that output in each country then implies that countries with low absorb less of human is human across countries can be capital to output, more important proportional to Aj (30) (t). Equation (30) capital will be poor, because they will the frontier technology. 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D) a a .4 - W O - .2 o .3 - - Relative Supply of College Skills and College Figure 3: Relative supply and relative demand Premium for college skills in the U.S. labor market 1939-1996, author's calculations from Census and Current Population Surveys data. 37 Relative Wage Long-run Rel Wage Initial Rel Long-run demand Wage relative for skills Short-run Response Exogenous Shift Relative Supply Figure 4: supply of Short-run and long-run response of the skills. 38 skill in premium to an increase in the Figure 1 USA ITA UKG is^Jft^ Aufl©? SPA SGF HKqRE > DEN J5N-^ VEN SYIJorMEX ARG^ Brag ^**^" KOR POR ALG,^^BRA > ^^i^^G URS HUN COL M ^^J^^^ EGY SMt^^^-^ft 0) -2- o PHL ^.--^^ IDN ^-^^^ PAp^^iM 2BW Q. ^^^j^ Q. ^^^ NGHMB O CZE SRL MigJHOfraM P8KN L_ PAN GUY ROM IND LES CHN ZAM D) O ^°*brmmlw 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 years of schooling Figure 5: Cross-country relationship between years of schooling and logarithm of output per worker. Data from Barro and Lee (1993) and Hall and Jones (1999). 39 NZE TFP Hall Jones (log) * ITA SGpSfil^^^^ 0BAN M^Gp^^ ^mC^^FIN,,;;^ ARG J^eSWiyzE COLugfeKKOR IRN SLE USA^^ y^^ PAK REU SWZ 1 SRL - SEN^ ^ RW/PEN^^ MOZ GMB PAIS IND JAM MAtr LES ^ 2 - CAF MLW P§i pHL ROM m^^^ NGR N?C "UN GUY BRM TOG CHN ZAM -3 1 1 1 -6 1 -2 Ratio of college to non-college Figure 6: Cross-coimtry relationship between the ratio of college graduates to non-college graduates and total factor productivity. Data from Barro and Lee (1993) and Hall and Jones (1999). 40 1 6Sk'5 no6 Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 2227