Mobilizing the Library Shifting the focus of the library to a usercentered technology perspective ALCTS Webinar May 15 2013 Sonya Betz and Rob Zylstra MacEwan University, Edmonton AB Agenda • Background: The mobile connected world • User Experience: Definition and impact • The Problem: Users’ experience in our environments • User-Centered Design: Make your users feel awesome Background Poll # 1 Do you use a mobile device? Yes or No Poll # 2 In the past week, did you use your mobile device (smartphone or tablet) to ... a. Look up factoids on the internet b. Find reviews or recommendations (restaurants, movies, etc.) c. Used an app to do something (make a grocery list, watch Netflix, online banking, etc.) Our Customers UK Smartphone ownership, 2010-2013 eDigital Research. (2013). The Explosion of Mobile [excerpt]. Retrieved from Our Customers U.S. Smartphone ownership, Sept 2012 Rainie, L. (2012). Smartphone Ownership Update: September 2012 [excerpt]. Retrieved from Our Customers UK Smartphone Browsing, 2010-2013 eDigital Research. (2013). The Explosion of Mobile [excerpt]. Retrieved from Our Customers: Tablet computers are likely going to outsell PC + Laptop market in 2013 The Web is Dead? “mobile access of the internet will surpass that of PC’s by 2015” Anderson, Chris, and Michael Wolff. “The Web Is Dead. Long Live The Internet.” Wired 18.9 (2010): 111-118. The Next Generation 95% of teens 12-17 are online Internet use has transformed from stationary to always-on connections One in four teens are “cellmostly” internet users Half of teen smartphone owners are “cell-mostly” internet users PEW - March 13 2013 - Teens and Technology 2013 User Experience Consider the impacts of online user experience User Experience ...refers to the interaction between a person (patron) and a system (service) including their actions and perceptions. ...what the person wants to do, what they actually do, and their feelings about doing it. User Experience Good usability results in feelings of trust and satisfaction. Trust and Satisfaction produce long-term customer relationships. Users who trust in a service and are satisfied will tell their friends. Casalo, L. V., Flavian, C., & Guinaliu, M. (2010). Generating Trust and Satisfaction in E-Services: The Impact of Usability on Consumer Behavior. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 9(4), 247–263. Relationship Marketing If patrons don’t like an experience they won’t talk about it. If they hate it they'll talk negatively about it. If they like it they’ll tell their friends. Gauging User Experience Poor online experiences damage brands and annoy customers. Google Analytics in Real Life Challenges Food for Thought: What kind of experience do you think our users have in our online environments? -library websites -library catalogues -online databases -ebook platforms -other t The Problem The Problem A typical user experience And finally... How Our Users Feel “Satisfaction with the library is high when it comes to helpfulness of staff and services. However, in terms of the library’s collections (i.e., books, journals, videos/DVDs, e‐resources, etc.), satisfaction is moderate, at best, and has been decreasing steadily since 2008.” -MacEwan University’s 2010 Baccalaureate Survey How Our Users Feel “... the greatest levels of dissatisfaction are focused on expectations for a website that enables users to locate information on their own, easy-to-use access tools that allow users to find things on their own and making information easily accessible for independent use. “ -LibQual 2011 Survey How They REALLY Feel Search engine sucks It shouldn’t be so difficult User Centered Design @ MacEwan University Library ? Service Integration “The Library has a rich base of online services and resources; it now needs to consolidate those resources into a single, consistent user experience” Key concepts • One access point replacing multiple access points • Mobile and desktop interfaces • User aware • Fast and intuitive access • Consistent and predictable experience Project Deliverables Mobile (iPhone App) - Fall 2012 Full-scale web (responsive design) - Fall 2013 Project Mottos Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast.* and also... We’re not always the experts. * Michael Edson - Computers in Libraries 2012 Where are we now? User Centered Design Make your users feel awesome, not confused. User Centered Design How do we shift the focus to user-centered design in our online spaces? Investment Value usability, aesthetic, experience motivation, collaboration, relationships, discovery, trust, satisfaction Customization is an option. Technology - API’s service portal framework ILS e-Resv Website RoomBk Physical App e-Article A/V Consolidation of 3 separate spaces website (library info), Ebsco Discovery (search), Sirsi ILS (account) Authentication LDAP • EDS • Sirsi • Search Ebsco Discovery Service API Account Sirsi Web Services • holds • items out • renew • fees Library Info Next steps... • duplicate this experience on the web • integrate more systems • provide access via all devices Questions?