MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 'lllllllilliiilllllilll DEWEY'' 3 9080 03317 5925 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Complexity and Financial Panics Ricardo J. Caballero Alp Simsek Working Paper 09-17 May 15, 2009 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02142 MA paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This httsp:// 14 14382 Complexity and Financial Panics Ricardo Caballero and Alp Simsek* J. May 15, 2009 Abstract During extreme financial rife crises, all of with profit opportunities a sudden, the financial world that was once for financial institutions (banks, for short) becomes exceedingly complex. Confusion and uncertainty follow, ravaging financial markets and triggering massive of this phenomenon. In our model, banks normally trading partners which assures ever, when acute enough In this paper flight-to-quality episodes. to them financial distress collect we propose a model information about their of the soundness of these relationstdps. emerges in parts of the financial be informed about these partners, as it also network, becomes important How- it is not to learn about the health of their trading partners. As conditions continue to deteriorate, banks must learn about the health of the trading partners of the trading partners of the trading partners, and so on. At becomes too unmanageable for some point, the cost of information gathering banks, uncertainty spikes, and they have no option but to withdraw from loan commitments and illiquid positions. A fiight-to-quality ensues, and the financial crisis spreads. JEL Codes: Keywords: EO, Gl, D8, E5 Financial network, complexity, uncertainty, flight to quality, cas- cades, crises, information cost, financial panic, credit crunch. *MIT and NBER, and MIT, respectively. Contact information: and thank Mathias Dewatripont, Pablo Kurlat, Guido Lorenzoni, Juan Ocampo and seminar participants at Cornell and MIT for tlieir comments, and the NSF for financial support. First draft: .'^pril 30, 2009. We Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries Introduction 1 The dramatic and banks' perceived uncertainty' rise in investors' 2009 U.S. financial is All of a sudden, a financial world that crisis. at the core of the 2007- was once rife with profit opportunities for financial institutions (banks, for short), was perceived to be exceedingly Although the subprime shock was small complex. capital, banks acted as if most of relative to the financial institutions' their counterparties were severely exposed to the shock. Confusion and uncertainty followed, triggering the worst case of flight-to-quality that we have seen in the U.S. since the In this paper spread panic we Great Depression. present a model of the sudden rise in complexity, followed by wideIn the model, in the financial sector. banks normally collect information about their direct trading partners which serves to assure them of the soundness of these However, when acute financial distress emerges relationships. network, it is in parts of the financial not enough to be informed about these partners, but it also tant for the banks to learn about the health of their trading partners. becomes impor- And as conditions continue to deteriorate, banks must learn about the health of the trading partners of the trading partners, of their trading partners, and so on. At some point, the cost of information gathering becomes too large and banks, now facing enormous uncertainty, have no option but to withdraw from loan commitments and illiquid positions. A flight-to-quality ensues, and the financial crisis spreads. The starting point of our framework resenting financial institutions against local liquidit}' shocks. is a standard liquidity model where banks (rep- more broadly) have The whole financial bilateral linkages in order to insure system ages which functions smoothly in the environments that though no bank knows with certainty work (that all the many is it a complex network of linkis designed to handle, even possible connections within the net- each bank knows the identities of the other banks but not their exposures). is, However, these linkages may also be the source of contagion when an unexpected event of financial distress arises literature is that we use somewhere in the network. this contagion as the source of confusion and financial mechanism not panic. Our point of departure with the as the main object of study but During normal times, banks only need to understand the financial health of their neighbors, which they can learn at low contrast, when a significant problem arises in parts of the too complex may for In network and the possibility of cascades arises, the number of nodes to be audited by each bank that the shock cost. rises since it is possible spread to the bank's counterparties. Eventually the problem becomes them to fully figure out, uncertainty and they react to it b}' which means that banks now face significant retrenching into liquidity-conservation mode. This paper related to several strands of literature. There is is an extensive literature that highlights the possibilitjf of network failures and contagion in financial markets. An incomplete and Tirole list includes Allen and Gale (2000), Lagunoff and Schreft (2000), Rochet and Rochet (2000), Leitner (2005), Eisenberg and Noe (1996), Freixas, Parigi (2001), Cifuentes, Ferucci and Shin (2005) survey). These papers focus mainly on the shocks may and Babus (2008) for a recent mechanisms by which solvency and liquidity (see Allen cascade through the financial network. In contrast, we take these phenomena as the reason for the rise in the complexity of the environment in which banks and focus on the their decisions, In this sense, our paper is effect of this make complexity on banks' prudential actions. and Knightian related to the literature on flight-to-quality uncertainty in financial markets, as in Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2008), Routledge and Zin (2004) and Easley and O'Hara (2005); and investigates the effect of and Wang network is from the behavior of the financial in endogenizing the rise in uncertainty More itself. events and innovations in financial markets, e.g. Liu, Pan, Brock and Manski (2008) and Simsek (2009). Our contribution relative (2005), to this literature new also to the related literature that broadly, this paper belongs to an extensive literature on flight-to- quality and financial crises that highlights the connection between panics and a decline in the financial system's ability to channel resources to the real economy and Kurlat We (see, e.g., Caballero (2008), for a survey). build our argument in several steps. In Section 2 we describe the normal envi- ronment, characterize the financial network, and describe a rare event as a perturbation to the structure of banks' shocks. shock for which it Specifically, was unprepared. In Section one bank 3, suffers we show that an unfamiliar liquidity if banks can costlessly gather information about the network structure, the spreading of this shock into precautionary responses by other banks uncertainty is is typically contained. This scenario with no network the benchmark for our main results. In Section 4 we make information gathering small, either because the liquidity shock is costlv- In this context, and we are back to the is limited or because banks' buffers are significant, banks are able to gather the information they need about liquidity shock the cascade if full their indirect exposure to the information results of Section 3. However, once cascades are large enough, banks are unable to collect the information they need to rule out a severe indirect hit. their lending, Their response to this uncertainty which triggers a credit crunch. In Section 5 is to retrench we show that under on certain conditions, the response in Section 4 can be so extreme, that the entire financial system can collapse as a result of the response is more fiight to quality. likely to take place in a Somewhat paradoxically, this extreme developed financial market than in one with limited precautionary options for banks. The paper concludes with a final remarks section and several appendices. The Environment 2 we introduce In this section We work. the environment and the characteristics of the financial net- describe the normal scenario in which the financial network facilitates first We liquidity insurance. which was unanticipated then introduce a perturbation to this environment: network formation stage at the A shock the financial network was (i.e. not designed to deal with this shock). The Normal Environment 2.1 There are four dates { — 1,0,1,2}. There is a single good (one dollar) that serves as numeraire, which can be kept in liquid reserves or If can be loaned to production firms. it kept in liquid reserves, a unit of the good yields one unit in the next date. Instead, unit is loaned to firms at date -1, The or unloaded before this date. and become lose this option At date to the lender. (e.g. by settling it 1, it bank , which is illiquid: One « hit /] > if 1 identical of banks denoted by {b^} banks and, our unit of analysis.' the depositor is by a liquidity shock. Let bank fr' (i.e. for simplicity, we but at date yields they 1 one unit 1 units. To simplify u)^ G [0, 1] 'l-^- Each of these continu- refer to each continuum At the beginning of date —1, each bank I — 6^ b' as has y units of loans, and liabilities by a liquidity shock and hit /o A demand > /i if deposit contract the depositor is not be the measure of liquidity-driven depositors of the size of the liquidity shock experienced by the bank), which takes one of the three values in {^ujh} with loh y so that the not recalled throughout this paper. which consist of a measure one of demand deposit contracts. pays if it is unit of loan recalled at date which consist of y units of liquid reserves and assets units at date 2 with the borrower at a discount) and receive r < composed of b^ 1 loans have a recall option at date The economy has 2n continuums is R> a the loan cannot be recalled, but the lender can unload the loan the notation, we assume r ums then yields if bank has 'The only reason = for the and liuj assets just > ^l and enough to pay continuum is for [1 /j Gj = [ujh + tj^,) — y) R= I2CJ /2, and suppose (resp. I2) to early (resp. late) depositors banks to take other banks' decisions as given. — if the size of the shock is u. However, the hquidity needs at date 1 may There are three aggregate states of the world, denoted by date In state s (0) 0. states s (r) and all banks expect to receive at date states are heterogeneous across banks. More and s (0), s (r) and the (resp. green type) specifically, the banks in this s (g) there is enough aggregate The economy (r) (resp. s (g)), are the expect to receive a high liquidity shock, Uf^, and the other banks expect to receive a low liquidity shock, Ui. This and revealed at liquidity shocks in these divided half and half between two types: red and green. In state s banks with red type s {g), the same liquidity shock O. 1 are realized with equal probability s (g) among banks. not be evenly distributed liquidity but there means that in states s (r) a need to transfer liquidity across is banks, which highlights one of the (many) reasons for an interlinked financial network. Given the financial network, banks make arrangements to transfer s (r) let and s {g) G {!,.., i liquidity in states through bilateral demand deposit contracts signed at date —1. In particular, 2n} denote a financial network and consider a permutation p slots in {1,..,277} -^ {l,...2n} that assigns bank 6''^'' to slot We i. : consider a financial network denoted by: b — where the arc > (p) = ^ (6^(^) fe'^f^) i + I . . . where we use modulo 2n arithmetic forward neighbor of bank bP^'+^^ We 6^^'^ i bank = - (w ^ _ (i.e., 2 • bank ^p(3) denotes that the bank in slot the bank in the subsequent slot . ^ (i.e., bank 6''''''"^' ) wl) for the slot f,p(2n) _ ^.(D) 6''*'') has a .(J) demand deposit equal to (2) . , index i.' (and similarly, to bank in We 6''^*' refer to 6''('+i^ bank as the as the backward neighbor of ). say that the financial network is consistent if all odd slots (resp. all even slots) contain banks of the same type, which means that red and green type banks alternate around the financial circle. to consistent ones (as For analytical simplicity, we restrict the set of feasible networks opposed to, for be arbitrarily ordered around the example, any circular network circle), since in which banks may these networks ensure that each needs liquidity has deposits on a bank with excess liquidity, facilitating bilateral liquidity insurance (see below) with the minimally required level of cross-deposits Next we introduce three features ^In particular, integer i. i —network uncertainty, represents the slot with index For example, i = 2n -\- 1 i' £ {l,..,2n} that represents the slot with index 4 bank that 1. ~. auditing, and loan recall is the modulo 2?! equivalent of that play no role in the normal environment but that will prove central during a rare event (defined as a perturbation to the normal environment). Network uncertainty Banks' tj-pes and the network are realized at date —1 as follows: First the types financial of banks are realized at random banks become red type and the other half (half of the green type); then a particular consistent financial network h types) is realized. We (with respect to these [p] define B={h{p) I p : {1, 2n} -^ ... {1, .., 2n} is a permutation} , as the set of consistent financial networks from an ex-ante point of view types of the banks are realized) and Assumption its slot and 2 = ? + and a consistent are realized p~^ (j) and the financial over B with support. full network forms, each bank identities (and types) of the banks p{t-l)^p{t-l) p{i) ^ p{i) p{i + l) = p{i + l) B^p) = {h{p)eB Note /-' (.) in its that (^),rf{p(j_i) the p(i) bank p{j+i)}i slots (see Figure 1). i^or The does b^ does it know know how the all types t = the of observes p ^ z — 1 set: {j) remaining banks these banks are assigned to the remaining means, and this latter these banks are connected to not where IP neighboring slots This information narrows down the potential networks to the 1. before the we suppose: (FS). Each bank has a prior belief Once the types (i.e. is critical, that banks do not know how other banks in the network. Auditing Technology Each bank tP can acquire more information about the financial network through an au- diting technology. state in {s [0) audit its neighbor , At the beginning of date s {r) ,s [g)}, forward neighbor ?/'('+2) . a bank f^^'^^'^ LP in slot and i its a-' (i.e. with j — p {i)) can exert in order to learn the identity of this bank's Continuing this way, a bank sheets learns the identity of after the realization of the aggregate + I b^ that audits a number, a^ , efi"ort to forward of balance forward neighbors and narrows the set of potential Figure 1: The network and uncertainty. The financial actual financial network. Each circle this realization of the network, each slot contains bank i boxes show the other networks that bank (i.e. the set B^ (p)). Bank they are ordered in slots i b^ £ bottom-left box displays the corresponds to a slot in the financial network, and in cannot {3, 4, 5}. tell b^ finds b^ (i.e. p (?') = i). The remaining plausible after observing its the types of banks b^,b'^,b^, nor can neighbors it tell how financial networks to: ~p{i-l)=p{i-l) BUp a') eB = {h{p) I p{i We B^ + a^ denote the posterior behefs of bank (/9, a^) gi\'en narrow down the in Figure ^fc.'- + tP = 1) p{i with f^ + + a^ it p (j) p,a^) which has support equal to {. \ would learn that bank 6^ is networks to the two boxes at the set of = i 1) assumption (FS). In the example illustrated one balance sheet, then where , bank b^ audits assigned to slot 3 and it would in Figure hand left 1, if side of the bottom row 1. Loan Recalls After learning about the aggregate state and narrowng the has updated information about each bank tP rearrange its its liquidity portfolio by recalling a portion of its financial needs at date loans yg € units in liquid reserves. After this portfolio reallocation, each invested in liquid reserves and 1 — y — in loans. yj^ any loans, while if = yo 1 — y, [0, yo] the banks can recall all If yo = 0, \ a^), The bank can 1. and by keeping these bank has y + y^Q 6 The parameter the flexibility of the banks in portfolio rearrangement. network ioB^ [p yo E — [0, 1 [y, y + yo] captures y] the banks cannot recall made of the loans they at date —1. Bank Preferences Consider a bank by q'-y and q^ and denote the bank's actual payments to early and IP (which may in principle be different late depositors than the contracted values /i and /2). Because banks are infinitesimal, they make decisions taking the payments of the other banks as given. The bank makes the audit and loan and yo € [0, yo], at date 0. At date 1, outstanding loans. its liquidity no benefit The bank makes bank, thus once maximize the return to the We it G {0, 1., z^ € [0,;:], and it may is, until q\ — li. satisfies its liquidity .., its also unload these decisions to maximize g^ until obligations to depositors, that for the a-' the bank chooses to withdraw some of on the neighbor bank, which we denote by its recall decisions, Increasing obhgations, q[ it it 2n — 3} deposits some of can meet beyond then /i has tries to late depositors g^. capture this behavior with the followng objective function V (1 {q>, <h]q>, + l{cf,> h]ci) - d [a^] , (3) where v R+ — : IR++ a strictly concave and strictly increasing function and d{.) is and convex function which captures the bank's non-monetary increasing auditing. > When the bank (which for (g^, g^) will expression in (3) given be the case is able to pay posterior beliefs f^ (. | With it /i at date 2 bank date 1 takes one of two forms. Either there which the bank is solvent "^ insolvent, unloads all 2; all late a no-liquidation equilibrium in (4) or there is a liquidation equilibrium in which outstanding loans, and pa3's qi<luqi = while is = h,qi>lu while the late depositors withdraw at date is can refuse to pay the and pays gl the bank and a bank this assumption, the continuation equilibrium for if early. maximizes the expectation of the p, a^). depositors IP at from disutility liquidity shocks are observable, depositors at least its late they arrive then in Section 4), Suppose that the depositors' early/late which an making a decision that would lead to an uncertain outcome b^ is its is ,',/, 0, (5) , depositors (including the late depositors) draw their deposits at date 1. This completes the description of the normal environment with an uncertain financial network. Figure 2 recaps the timeline of events in this economy. do in the Appendix, that the contracted values, In states s (r) and qi s [g], in = li and q2 — do not withdraw in their in is solvent and pays each state of the world s (0) , its s (r) depositors and s (g). demands by forward neighbor banks, and the banks with excess their deposits in order to receive higher returns at date 2. Moreover, the banks do not audit or facilitates liquidity I2, b^ can be checked, as we the banks in need of liquidity meet their liquidity withdrawing their deposits liquidity equilibrium each bank It recall any loans at date 0. The network financial insurance and enables liquidity to flow across banks even though the banks are uncertain about the network structure. In the next sections we show how things change dramatically in the presence of a perturbation to this environment, especially when banks face uncertainty about the financial network. •'Without this assumption, there could be multiple equilibria for late depositors' early/late withdrawal decisions. In cases with multiple equilibria, this assumption selects the equilibrium in which depositor withdraws. , , .,, , no late ) Date Dnte-l Liabilitiec; Banlc:' • y liquid balance 1 — y loDJi:;. tiio.t paA' i Banlc malie the depodt Measure one of demand depodtc receirec, 1 ^' tj'pec aje (haJf of bankc become red realbed at random demand the banls cannot promise their depozitz. condstent financial net-u'orli h{p] unload iz realized and only if aJl of ( that pay q\ < /j their outstanding, loans. Date 2 Do.te NORMAL if qi i: /]. green) t}-pe, half Inooh-ent bankc t. decidon Late depodtorc; demand their depodt:; Eanf A withdravi-al 10, .], Early depodtors or ^, /] e ENV: and State in {r{0),:{T),c{g) obser-i-ed PKKi'URBKD by EllY: State \ banl;c. i-'(O) h realized. Banlcc pay ci to late depocitorc. Banlc; malie the audit decidon a' 6 {0,1, ..,2n Banlc maJie the loan recall decidon j/^ 6 [0,!/o] Figure 2.2 A Timeline of events. 2: Rare Event Henceforth we consider the equihbrium following an unanticipated change in the structure of shocks: At date the banks learn that the actual state except for the fact that one bank, IP is s^ (0), becomes distressed and , which loses perturbed environment. assets. Figure 2 describes the timeline in the 6' is < We just like s (0) y of liquid its formally define the equilibrium in this econon\y as follows. The Definition 1. drawal, and payment decisions equilibrium^ is a collection of bank auditing, loan recall, deposit with- {a^ [p) , yl [p) , z^ [p) each consistent realization of the financial network b [p) at date the unanticipated aggregate state s^ (0) at date 0, each bank IP in (3) given its prior belief f^ (.) of their outstanding loans at date only if q2 (p) As we < h (cf- the liquidity demand and the late depositors for that, the realization of maximizes expected gj [p) < li) utility unload withdraw deposits early if all and Eqs. (4) and (b)). will see in the useful in this scenario. —1 and over B, the insolvent banks (with 1 such ,q[[p), qi {p)\ \ subsequent sections, the loan The distressed at date 1. bank tP This bank recall and auditing options become does not have enough tries licjuid meet but cannot obtain liquidity from cross- deposits (since the other banks do not have excess liquidity either), thus 9 reserves to it benefits from . some recalling loans, the it will of pay its crisis will less loans at date than li to the distressed bank If 0. insolvent despite recalling backward neighbor bank, and depositors, including its its is spread in this fashion to the other banks in the network. Anticipating banks {V}j^j may also want to some recall this, These banks may acquire additional loans. information about the financial network to make more accurate loan recall decisions. Note that each bank know IP ^ knows that the bank b^ IP is distressed, but the slot of the distressed bank. This know how far removed More specifically, exists a unique 6 /c it is key, since is from which we define it means that a bank V ^ V does not note that for each financial network b {0, .., 2n — = distressed bank The banks b' will bank tP from the distressed bank. As we will 6-' determine whether or not the cascade to bank 5p('+i)^ fc''(*-i), 6^(0^ — W network and, in particular, crisis We 3 We /c > a-' + of that originates at the respectively with distances 1,0 and 2n £ {2, ..,2n — ^• — know 1, their 2}) do not have this G {2, .., — 2n 2} (they Note, can use the auditing technology to learn about the financial about (wdth distance k) that audits learns that there will see, the by observing their forward and backwards neighbors). 1} however, that the bank , how many that decides information a priori and they assign a positive probability to each 6 {l,2n b^ V distances, but the remaining banks (with distances k rule out k each bank for p(j,-k), distance k will be the payoff relevant information for a bank it and (p) 1} such that as the distance of the loans to recall since necessarily the distressed bank. j it does not necessarily it a^ distance from the distressed bank. its > 1 banks either learns its distance k [if A bank k < a^ b'^^'"'^'^ + 1) or 2. next turn to the characterization of equilibrium in the perturbed environment. Free-Information Benchmark first auditing study a benchmark case a''^'"^^ = 2n — 3. in which auditing is free so each bank b''^^"^^ chooses In this context banks learn the whole financial network and, in particular, their distances b full (p) k. All banks receive a liquidity shock, cj, and have 10. liquid reserves equal to y = w/j, except for bank = IP withdraws its which has hquid reserves y b^^''' — At date 9. 1, the distressed bank As we show deposits from the forward neighbor bank. That is , , ~j bank t'^''^ The bank drawals. _ Vie{l,.„2n}. but cannot, obtain tries, also cannot obtain obtain additional liquidity at date some of loans at date its 1, w 0. must have 1 an}' net liquidity Anticipating that the distressed bank through cross with- b''^'^ it tries to will at date not be able to obtain liquidity by /], a bank with no liquid reserves The deplete all of level y^ is its liquidity at most recall at Combining the two (T) a natural limit on a bank's loan recalls (which plans to date any choice above 1) since necessarily insolvent. If the actual limit on loan recalls bank can y^ loans while yo'is remaining solvent; or cases, a bank's buffer this greater than else beyond It /3. it can i/g, recall then the j/o loans. • A bank can accommodate losses in liquid reserves up to the buffer losses are would make the bank given by is P = min{yo,yo} when left at at least l_,_5„"=ii^ units of loans. 1, 0. In order to promise late depositors at least the end of date (6) , any liquidity by unloading the loans since each unit of unloaded loan yields r recalling withdrawn. ; , In particular, Appendix, in the this triggers further withdrawals until, in equilibrium, all cross deposits are b^^'^ /?, foUows that the distressed bank but becomes insolvent 6^*'' will be insolvent whene\'er e that is, whenever the case so bank of its loans as at date early 1. it its 6''''' can > (8) /?, losses in liquid reserves are greater is j/q than its buffer. insolvent. Anticipating insolvenc}', this = Since the bank yo (since is it insolvent, maximizes all q^ ) bank and unloads Suppose will recall as all this is many remaining loans depositors (including late depositors) arrive and the bank pays 11 . where to h recall that bank if denotes bank qf bP^'+'^'^ Since bank Partial Cascades. 5p(''-i)'s to We K 6''^*~^\ bank E its continuing .., crisis banks have Under We failed. ^p(0 g^j^i^ i^ 5/'('-i) ^4th distance pay on its distressed also go — cascades to bank refer to 6''^'~-'^ severe enough, maj' cause 6^''~^', it may will bank then similarly cascade ) > if is 1 gq^ = . will recall as From /c many 1) is fe''('+^\ ^^^ j^g-j — which has a distance 2n K < 2n — 2 1, is i)^('^~2) but — if its li on this bank needs to deposits from the its Hence, bank in cross-deposits. ) q^ losses < receives only q^ it solvent. Therefore Consider now the bank calculated explicitl}^ ]-)g fo'^^'^i) from cross-deposits are greater than qt'^Kh-^. 1. then the only insolvent bank If this loans as it : is its will buffer, can, i.e. = j/q yo (10) : the original distressed bank and the condition holds, then bank and it 6^('~^) anticipates insolvency, pay will - given by it depositors all . (11) , onwards, a pattern emerges. The payment by an insolvent bank b^'^^~'^^ ' ' ' ' p(r-fe) this bank's remain solvent. In other words, the \,r'>=f(^f')- "^';^f" this point > K from the distressed bank. To remain solvent, and only fails, K > are insolvent (there are I which can be rewTitten as 01 condition K— as the cascade size. 6^^'\ so it loses z (li bankrupt <f\ jj-^ K bank deposits to bank bank cascade size and if banks with distance k < all .. (with backward neighbor bank cascade through the network but wiU be contained after this conjecture, _ ^p('+i) , insolvent, its while the banks with distance k crisis will partially If this equal cascade through the network in this fashion. its 2n - 2} such that K such banks) z ill is conjecture that, under appropriate parametric conditions, there exists a threshold {1, ^1 6^^'^ is cross deposit holdings, which, Once the insolvency. to early depositors (which solvent). is experience losses in payment fe'^^'^-^^'s backward neighbor f ( C^'+i)) fe''*' . - p(r-(fc-i))' js also insolvent if and only if 7^ ' < Zi — 7 Hence, the payments of the insolvent banks converge to the fixed point of the function 12- / + given by y (.) yo, and if^ + yo>li--, y (12) then (under Eq. (10)) there exists a unique A' > 2 such that <h-'^ qf'""^ and gf-(^'-i)) If 2n — 2 K, to this equation, 2n then, Eq. l)P{'-k) (13) shows that E Y^ith distance k {I, from K — deposits by recalling loans while Since bank /i). 6^('-^') still is bank In contrast, solvent, since it banks b''^'-''^ banks (that receives f^'"^^' can meet all b''^^^) from cross deposits from cross its losses promising the late depositors at least solvent, all is (14) 1} are insolvent since their losses forward neighbor) its if i.e. > K, 2 are greater than their corresponding buffers. Qi (13) addition to the trigger-distressed bank (in .., -2} {0,..J< >l,-^. greater than the solution, is ioreachke {i.e. li with distance k 6 {A" + 1, > q!^ - ..,2n 1} are also solvent since they do not incur losses in cross-deposits. Hence these banks do not recall = any loans y^ and pay = ' (qj = h.q^ '2), verifying our conjecture a partial cascade of size A' under conditions (12) and (14). for Since our goal we take the is to study the role of network uncertainty in generating a credit crunch, partial cascades as the The next benchmark. above discussion and also characterizes the aggregate as a benchmark Proposition Suppose the financial network conditions (8), (12) and (14) hold. Let Then, the banks' equilibrium payments from spect to their distance k K < 2n — 2 where K the distressed bank k (with distance k and unload all > K and it is < ) i — condition (12) which we use — fails, Bank (13). fc''''"'^' is and Banks Banks {6''*'"''"'}, a 1, (weakly) increasing with re- '^''^ ) there is a partial cascade of size {t''*'~''''}^^_o I) are insolvent while the = full cascade, i.e. 13 all '" distance from. (f'''^'"'''}? ~ do not recall {^^''"''"'j^.^,. = ) ) ; f /j — '~ ~ g^ always remains below banks are insolvent. ,, can recall all of the loans they _„ while banks f [Qi (luith remaining banks recalls a level of loans y^ then the sequence iql can be checked that there ,(?2 the distressed bank, are solvent. and realized as h{p), auditing is free, '" " ((?i defined by Eq. K is p"^ (j) denote the slot of the distressed bank. of the remaining loans at date or unload any loans. ''if level of recalled loans, subsequent sections. in 1. proposition summarizes the li — ) ^, ' 5 4 So =0.123 3 J 2 . - 1 1 "O 04 03 0.2 0.1 05 e 0.8 1*1=0.116 0.6 r So=0.123 ..— fe,04 _ i 0.2 __....-. 02 01 ) 05 0.4 0.3 e Figure The 3: K free-information benchmark. The top figure plots tlie cascade size bank 6, for different levels of the flexibility The bottom figure plots the aggregate level of loan recalls, J-, for the same as a function of the losses in the originating parameter yo- set of {yo}- which just is enough to m^eet its losses This bank pays loans). ' Q'l' — sequence '^' h,Q2^' I = g^ = ( h]- = gj from '^ li,q2 The payments of p(l-(k-\)) / Ui cross deposits (and does not unload while h all any other solvent banks pay the insolvent banks are determined by the A'-l where the Pil) initial value q^ solved is from Eq fc=0 p(r+i) (9) after substituting q^ The aggregate h- level of recalled loans is: ' yo Discussion. bank loans, tP = T, Proposition 6''(*~'^) is 1 + shows that the loan only depends on its distance k, recall decisions and the payments of a and that the aggregate roughly linear in the size of the cascade for an)' given level of yo- '15) yo K (and Figure 3 demonstrates this result is level of recalled roughly continuous in 6) for particular parameterization of the model. The top panel originating bank the cascade size yo- Intuitivel)', of the figure plots the cascade size K as a function of the losses in the 6 for different levels of the flexibility parameter yo- This plot is shows that increasing in the level of losses 6 and decreasing in the level of flexibility with a higher 9 and a lower flexibility 14 parameter yo, there are more losses . . to be contained and the banks have less emergency reserves to counter these losses, thus increasing the spread of insolvency. The bottom panel plots the aggregate level of loan recalls J^, which the severity of the credit crunch, as a function of with 9 and falls with yo- This an intuitive is 9. This plot shows that result: is a measure of T also increases In the free- information benchmark only the insolvent banks (and one transition bank) recall loans, thus the more banks are insolvent (i.e. T increases These the greater A') the "smoothly" with results offer a Note also that benchmark K and There we show that once for the next sections. JT may be non-monotonic in yo and can jump with 6. Endogenous Complexity and the Credit Crunch 4 We have now realistic laid out the foundation for our main result. assumption that auditing can arise is are recalled in the aggregate. 9. auditing becomes costly, both small increases \n more loans in is costly In this section and demonstrate that a massive we add credit the crunch response to an endogenous increase in complexity once a bank in the network sufficiently distressed. In other words, to figure out their indirect exposure. and they eventually respond by when K is large, it becomes too costly for banks This means that their perceived uncertainty recalling their loans as a precautionary measure rises (i.e., !F spikes) Note rium that, unlike in Section for a particular financial of the financial network financial networks b (p) is 3, we cannot simphfy the network b analysis by solving the equilib- [p) in isolation, since, b(p), each bank also assigns a positive probability to other G B. As such, for a consistent analysis equilibrium for any realization of the financial network h{p) Solving this problem in even when the realization full generality is (E B we must (cf. describe the Definition 1). cumbersome but we make assumptions on the form of the adjustment cost function, the banks' objective function, and on the we of the loan-recall limit, that help simplify the exposition. First, flexibility consider a convex and increasing cost function d[.) that satisfies (i(l) = and d\2) > v{h + This means that banks can audit one balance sheet 12) for free - v{{)) but it is (16) very costly to audit the second balance sheet. In particular, given the bank's preferences in (3), the bank will never choose to audit the second balance sheet and thus each bank audits exactly one 15 balance sheet, {a^ (p) = !} . Given these audit decisions and the actual financial •'ih(p)sB L network b(p), a bank b^ has a posterior belief f^ with support B^ (-l/O;!) (/5,1), the set of financial networks in which the bank j knows the identities of and second forward neighbor. In particular, the bank its the distressed bank 6''^'' information from the outset of date We 0). distance from learns 6'"^'"'"^) which already have its is neighbors bP^'-~'^'> 6''^'~-'^ 6^''', banks (in addition to its which this denote the set of banks that know the slot of the distressed bank (and thus their distance from this bank) by Qknow On is / the other hand, each bank at least 3 k G {3, .., 2n — > k (i.e. We 2}. 3), _ \ np{r-2) ^p(r-i) ^p{l) denote the / \ set of 1) / (1 ' — 2} learns that _ f ^p{T-3) min distance to all distances (0, 1) j^,3(i-(2n-2)) \ f^/3(r-4) in {.) with a —^ DO, so that the bank's objective cr) its banks that are uncertain about their distance by Second, we assume that the preference function v — — with k € {3,..,2n b^^'"'^^ but otherwise assigns a probability in ^unceTtain (x^~°' j^p(r+i)i {l{qi{~p)<h}cf,{p) (3) is Leontieff v (x) = is: + l{q\{p)>h}qi{p))-d{a^p)). (17) b(p)eej(p,i) This means that banks evaluate their decisions according to the worst possible network which they realization, b{p), The third and last find plausible. assumption is that ' yo<yoThat is, the actual limit on loan recalls (which also implies that the buffer is in the continuation equilibrium at date is below the natural limit defined given by 1, (18) V /3 = yo). Eq. (7) This condition ensures that, the banks that have enough liquidity are also solvent (since they have enough loans to pay the late depositors at least drop in /] at date 2). We this condition in the next section. We next turn to the characterization of the equilibrium under these simplifying as- sumptions. The banks make their loan recall decision at date decision at date realized). 1 At date under uncertainty (before their date 1 the distressed bank neighbor which leads to the withdrawal of 6^''^ all 16 1 withdraws and deposit withdrawal losses its from cross-deposits are deposits from the forward cross deposits (see Eq. (6) and the Appen- dLx) as in the free-information benchmark. Thus, to obtain additional liquidity at date 1 is any distressed bank, for through ex-ante (date only tlie way which we 0) loan recalls, characterize next. A bank original distressed make from its if it solvent), then [p] Qi < — li ,3/z also be insolvent), then X the bank = q[ = 0. no loans recalls it its (i.e. many will loans as it (p) If it can 0, and q2 [y'o.x] are forward — its bank that this More Vo- will generally, forward neighbor pays (19) characterized in Eqs. (25) and (26) in the the bank does not necessarily know x = ~ q1 [p) and it has to under uncertainty. this observation along can be simplified and .t'" its That y'^. q-[\y'Q,x] and the bank's payment is, are qily'^.x] is increasing receives from its forward neighbor regardless of the ex-ante loan recall it max (i.e. qf^'\p)=q2[yix], characterization in the Appendix also shows that Using li qi[yi^] qi [y'o^x] loans its — = level of loan recalls amount receives in it will lose in cross- qf~'\~P) and to it little j/g and bank knows with certainty that pay so at date [0, yo] (weakly) increasing in x for any given s.t. j/q forward neighbor recalls as it '" then this bank's payment can be written as Appendix. At date decision. amount the is 1, where the functions in the which /j, date Sit [p) The sufficient statistic for this knows with certainty that chooses some y^ £ 6''('~'^) q^ choose the < (,5) ' other than the forward neighbor. In other words, to decide how many of deposits. For example, is gj' A 0). ' bank only needs to know whether (and how much) to recall, this neighbor is 6^^'"'^' Consider a bank Recalls. suppose k > (i.e. the loan recall decision equilibrium, if Loan Sufficient Statistic for its optimization problem can be written as (1 {q, [y^, x'"] = min lx\x = In words, a bank 6''''"'^' neighbor the lowest with Eq. (19), the bank's objective value in (17) > h] [y',, x^'] qP'^''''~'>> (with k -possible q, (p) > , + 1 {q, [y^, h(p) E B' x^] > l,} q, [y'„ it will receive from its forward payment x^. Next we define two equilibrium location notions that are useful for further characterization. First, is (20) , (/9,1) 0) recalls loans as if Distance Based and Monotonic Equilibrium. librium allocation x^]) distance based if the bank's equilibrium 17 we say that the al- equi- payment can be written only as a function of its distance k from the distressed bank, that functions Qi, (^2 {0, : .., 2n - 1} R -^- is, if payment there exists such that p{i-k) ip),qf''Hp))-{Qi{k] is in monotonic — 2n ... Second, we say that a distance based equilibrium 1}. payment functions Qi the if k e {0, [k] , Q2 [k] are (weakly) increasing in k. In words, a distance based and monotonic equilibrium, the banks that are further away from the bank distressed We verif}' X B and h{p) E for all = yield (weakly) higher payments. next conjecture that the equilibrium below). Then, a bank = Qi[k — (p) Qi — 6''*'~''"''s 1] distance based and monotonic (which is uncertainty about the forward neighbor's payment reduces to uncertainty about the forward neighbor's its its own can further be simplified by substituting gj Qknow ^-^^ ^^^j, /^ > since a bank b''^''~'^^ S g) knows ^' ~ distance k which 1, equal to one less than is in (20) with = Qi x"' On [/c- distances k G {3, ...,2n — neighbor's payment Qi We ^^) g^j^gg are now distance = {p) Qi distance its Hence, the problem k. it /c, — [k In particular, 1]. solves problem (20) 1]. &''('"''=) the other hand, a bank ^uncertain we /c problem ^uncertain assigns a positive probabihty to f^p-^ Moreover, since the equilibrium 2}. — g 1 minimal is (20) with .t'" in a position to state the for the distance = Qi main is = /c monotonic, 3, its all forward hence a bank 6^^'' G [2]. result of this section, which shows that banks that are uncertain about their distances to the distressed bank recall loans as if all they are closer to the distressed bank than they actually are. More specifically, all distance A; = would 3 sufficiently large (i.e. benchmark would k > K banks ^""ce^*""' (^) recall recall in the free- information K recall > 3) so that many many also recall in the level of loans that the bank with benchmark. the bank with distance of its loans, banks all of their loans, even in /c When = the cascade size is 3 in the free-information 5""cer(am ^^^ with actual distances though ex-post they end up not needing liquidity. To state the result, we let [y^jreeip) decisions and payments of banks network h <E {p) Proposition B 2. (8), (12), (14), ^^i, free (p) ^^i. free (p)) in the free-information (characterized in Proposition Suppose assumptions (FS), and (18) hold. denote the loan recall benchmark for each financial 1). (16), and (17) are satisfied For a given financial network h{p), let i = and conditions p~^ (j) denote the slot of the distressed bank. (i) For the continuation equilibrium (at 18 date \): The equilibrium, allocation The cascade size in the con- h(p)eB tinuation equilibrium banks and monotonic. distance based is W(P)V2(P)},' {^''^'~'^'}t_n same the is as in the free-information benchmark, that insolvent while banks ^^^^ {&''*'"''"* },_^ are solvent where is, at date K is defined 1, in Eq. (13). Each bank (a) For the ex-ante equilibrium (at date 0): level of loans y^ (p) V 5""'='"""" 6 = .^^^ j/q as (p) {p) recalls yl [p] = m IP the free-information yJJ;/j {p) of {p) recalls the same benchmark, while each bank which loans, its G B'^"°^ what bank is would bP^''^^ choose in the free-information benchmark. For size the aggregate level of recalled loans, there are three cases depending on the cascade K: If K < then the crisis in the free-inform.ation benchmark would not cascade to bank 2, which would b'^''-^), no loans recall no loans and the aggregate recalls y^[^~^^ = (/s) Thus, each bank 0. e b> 5""'^^^*'''" (p) benchmark Eq. level of recalled loans is equal to the (15). If at K bank — then the crisis in the free-information benchmark would cascade to and stop 2), b^'^^'^^ 5""'=^'"'°'" each bankbP G loans which would , recall an intermediate level of loans yQ and (p) recalls y^r^f.^ {p) of its loans l^J [p) € [0, yo] Thus, • the aggregate level of recalled is: -^-Eyo = 3yo + (2n-4)<(;-t^. (21) j If would K > then in the free-information benchmark bank 4, many recall as recalls as many of its loans as can y^L^J of their loans as they can J' The proof it of this result is and — fjo- is € {1, 2, 271 payment Qi [2] 1} (that a tP e ^^^ is: (22) 1 is Among b^^'-^^ G 5'-'"°"' [p) distance based and monotonic, and (ii) since the with ^ > The date payments Qi [k — as their counterparts in the free-information benchmark. 1] for expects to receive) and the (that the banks in ^""=6^''"" (p) effectively expect to receive) are the 19 is other features, the proof the same as in the free-information benchmark. bank ^uncertain relegated to the appendix since most of the intuition loan recall decisions are characterized as in part /c Thus, each bank and be insolvent = Y.yl = {2n-l)y,. equilibrium allocation at date that the cascade size would the aggregate level of recalled loans provided in the discussion preceding the proposition. verifies that the 6^''"'^' same 3»=0.116 Jm=ai23_ 0,1 Figure The 4: 0.2 0.3 04 0.5 0,2 03 0.4 0.5 The top panel costly-audit equilibrium. a function of the losses in the originating bank plots the cacade size K as for different levels of the flexibility yQ. The bottom panel plots aggregate level of loan recalls F for the same set The dashed lines in the bottom panel reproduce the free-information benchmark parameter of {yo}- in Figure 3 for comparison. Discussion. The plots in Figure 4 are the equivalent to those in the free-information case portrayed in Figure The top panel 3. the losses in the originating bank cascade size in this case is the characterized in Proposition The key same 1, differences are in the The characterized in Proposition 2, (i.e. for K K switches from below 3 bottom if panel, which plots the aggregate level of loan while the dashed lines reproduce the free-information These plots demonstrate that, for to above 3, it is low levels of the same as the increases roughly continuously with the loan recahs in the costly audit equilibrium is, when the losses K 6. As make (measuring the severity of shock) are beyond a threshold, the cascade size becomes so large that banks are unable to act as benchmark solid lines correspond to the costly audit equilibrium a very large and discontinuous jump. That initial satisfy condition (18) so that the the aggregate level of loan recalls with costly-auditing ?)), as a function of figures coincide. free-information benchmark, in particular, the K as the cascade size in the free-information also plotted in Figure 3. < The parameters and both recalls j^ as a function of 6. benchmark 9. plots the cascade size tell whether they are connected to the distressed bank. All uncertain banks they are closer to the distressed bank than they actually are, recalling more loans than in the free-information episode. This our main result. is benchmark and leading 20. many to a severe credit crunch Note is also that the aggregate level of loan recalls (and the severity of the credit crunch) not necessarily monotonic in the level of flexibility in loan recalls when 9 = Figure 4 shows that providing more 0.5, That shock sufficiently large. Intuitively, is the increase in flexibility if to contain the financial panic (by reducing the cascade size to flexibilit}' backfires since at low levels of 6, is, may increase in flexibility stabilizes the system but the opposite For example, the banks by increasing flexibility to actually increases the level of aggregate loan recalls. i/o yo- take place when an the not sufficient enough is manageable levels), niore enables banks to recall more loans and therefore exacerbate it the credit crunch. The Collapse 5 of the Financial System Until now, the uncertainty that arises from endogenous complexity affects the extent of number the credit crunch but not the show that if banks have "too much" of banks that are insolvent. A'. In this section flexibility, in we the sense that condition (18) no longer holds and e yo (which also implies = (3 tJq), then the (%", 1 - (23) y] uncertainty rise in can increase the number of itself insolvent banks. The reason profitability is that a large precautionary loan-recall compromises banks' long run by swapping high return R low return for In this context, even 1. worst outcome anticipated by a bank does not materialize, if bank's large precautionary reaction improves more benign the additional still payment x = is the close to vulnerability with respect to of banks number may find themselves in the of insolvencies as a result of very similar to that in the previous section. depends on q^ choice its {p) at date qf"''^ [p] for rise in In other words, a flexibility. analysis payment can be a significant number its the become insolvent outcome when very liquidation its does so at the cost of raising scenarios. Since ex-post a large latter situation, there The it still than K) from the distressed bank. sufficiently close (but farther the distressed bank but may it if some functions qi [y'o,x] ^ and 1. j/q € [0, yo] That gj [y^, x] 92 [y'o,^]- at date and In particular, a bank's its forward neighbor's is: and g^''"''' [p] = q2 [y'o,x] However, the characterization of the piecewise 21 . functions and [vq.x] q-[ changes a §2 [y'o^x] when condition little and particular, these functions are identical to those in (25) now Section 4) but there new element critical from cross-deposits and (26) in the > li . is We That refer to scenarios (as in bound the — [(/j j/q x) This z]. a function of the losses is calculated as the level of loan recalls above which the bank's is Ril-y- yo" Appendix In -x)z]. Vo [ih remaining loans and liquid reserves (net of losses) would not depositors at least not satisfied. is an additional insolvency region: is y'o The (18) — x) + y^ [{h - — x) is, j/q [(/i [(/: - where x) z]) > y^ pay the late the solution to z] is [(/j j/q be sufficient to x) - z] {h - x) z for lack of z] as, = h {l - O) a better jargon, scenarios of precautionary insolvency. The functions gi [yo,x] and remain (weakly) increasing ^2 [y'o,^] conjecture as before that the equilibrium all banks (except potentially bank part (h) of Proposition 2. monotonic and distance based (which we verify is below), so the banks' loan recall decisions still 6''^'"'"-'^) In particular, Moreover, we in x. solve problem (20). It can be verified that recall the level of loans as characterized in banks all € b^ 5""<^erta2n choose the level of ^-^^ insurance the bank with distance k — However, part which characterizes the equilibrium at date (i) of the proposition, once yo exceeds y^. We • hmited. rium would choose If K in this case < is 2, is no additional panic each bank V e K as described in part (i) b^ € transition 5""'=^^*'^'" bank be seen that y^ (p) recalls y^ = yg /7ee < 2, K = ^^^ y:ecal\s y^ of Proposition — is ^o > equal to = 2, in A'. K > 4. 0. z], this, first 2, so the banks in with a cascade note that y^ < changes j/q ; size first flexibility 1 equilib- particular, there are Similarly, if /(" = 3, no each where the inequality follows since the — x) 1, In the The date < y^ [{h benchmark. where banks' solvent in the free-information benchmark. Since yo of Proposition ^To see and 6^('~^) is _g""certain ^^^ there are no precautionary insolvencies and the equilibrium (i) 3, relative to the case ^^"c'^rtain precautionary insolvencies and the cascade size bank in the free-information . divide the cases by the cascade size: two of these cases there is 3 equal to A' — ^^^.g is — ^O' it can golvent.^ It follows that again as described in part 3. which impHes {R-l)yi<Ry^-yi = {l-y)R-^{l-0)h-yi, where the equality follows from Eq. (7). Combining 22 this inequality with the inequality j/q > (Zj — x) The new — i/q > yo scenarios arise Vo loans, K when may 6''('+i) bank (which recall a smaller To analyze is Q^ncertam 6 IP ^^^ recalls in this case, all b^ e {b^^'K ..., amount. That in x. < [0] banks losses its 6''^'"^^""^^^} recall the only informed bank far away from the distressed bank) — y, 1 j/q [(/i — x) decreasing in z] is — (/j x) z, forward neighbor, the its experience a precautionary insolvency. Second, note will it bound the more a bank receives from is, bound above which the inequality, y^ bank In this case, each this case, first note that the and thus increasing higher the 4. and may experience a precautionary insolvency depending on from cross-deposits. Note also that, yo while > which follows from some algebra and using < I2/I1 R- Then, there are two subcases to consider depending on whether or not the flexibility parameter is yo greater than y^ Subcase upper bound the less of [f^'^ ..., If 1. y^ i/o [(/i (which [0] in the interval is — amount x .t) z] If yo 2. € from insolvent. some insolvency by choosing (j/q [0] and a bank receives it ii''^'-(2"-2)) j g^j.g Subcase the highest value of the is < (yo-J/o [0])) its 1 then yo y], is [(^1 j/q ~ ^) -])• than the alwaj^s greater experiences a precautionary insolvency regard- forward neighbor. In particular, banks all 6''('+i) can be verified that the informed bank It j/q V , — bound in averts yj (see the Appendix). then there exists a unique x € {h — y^/zJi) that [yo] solves yo^[(/, In this case, a its bank V that has recalled yo loans < x forward neighbor x recalls yo). By (so that its [yo] is = (24) yo. insolvent and only if upper bound y^ [{li — x) z] if it is receives below its from loan a similar analysis to that in Section 3 for the partial cascades (which carry out in the Appendix), the banks -,r[yo])c] jfe^*'*, it can be checked that there exists 6''('-(^"^)) .., K [A', 2n — € | are insolvent while the banks jfoK'-'^). are solvent. In other words, there is a partial cascade which is 1] we such that 6''('-'2"-i))| .., at least as large as (and potentially greater than) the partial cascade in the free-information benchmark. We summarize our findings (since A' < 3, , Note 2?""^'^'"*'''" the banks in vo in the following proposition.*^ (p) ^ < have sufficient hquid reserves at date {l-y)R-{l-Q)h -(h-x): ^3^ also that condition (18) implies yg — ^o — = yo [('1 1) leads to -x)z]. Vo ^"^^ thus rules out precautionary insolvencies by the above steps. ^Given the possibility of precautionary insolvencies, one maj' also wonder whether there could be multiple equilibria due to banks' coordination failures. Suppose, for example, contained after 3 banks level of loans, level of loans fail. Could there also be a bad equilibrium in which all K = 3, so that the crisis banks and their recall decisions are justified since their forward neighbors also and experience a precautionary insolvency (thus paying a small ql)7 23 recall the recall the is maximum maximum Proposition Suppose assumptions (FS), (16) and (17) are 3. Suppose also that condition (23) (which (8), (12), (14) hold. For a given financial network h{p), (18) J holds. = let i and conditions satisfied the opposite of condition is p~^ (j) denote the slot of the distressed bank. For the ex-ante equilibrium (i) Qknow information benchmark, while each bank which V 6 K recalls y^ For (p) E ! the 2n — such that 1] K cascade size K < 3, I enough •(f to a > A' recalls ^^-^ m recall = y^ip) the free- Vofreeip)' The bank date The \): and monotonic. There allocation exists a unique while insolvent are > K size equilibrium banks potentially larger than the is in the free-information benchmark. In particular, there are two cases: V then each bank i.e. 4, would it c to avert insolvency. The cascade ^^g solvent. as j^^^ {p) <bP^^\ ..,bP^'~^^~^)) banks E [bP^^ ,hP^-^\hP'''-'^'i] free-information benchmark. (at based QunceTtam G K= some chooses ^^^ precautionary insolvency. The cascade size benchmark, 6 equilibrium distance ^^ V yfj ^uncertain recall in the y^ just continuation ?2 (p)} [A', would < (p) JljP[i-h)^^^^l^p{i-{2n-i)) If 6''('~'^) what the bank is 6''('+^) (ii) {'Ti = ^p^ recalls the saine level of loans yj^{p) V Each bank (at date 0): m this case is y^ {p) < y^, and avoids a identical to the free-information K. then each bank G b' B^^^^^^"^^"^ (p) chooses j/q = (p) y^ > y^ . which may lead precautionary insolvency. There are two sub-cases: U yo £ size is given by If yo (yo [0] K= 1 , 2?! € (yo'^o is below x Discussion. a^^ A' banks > V € 5""c«''*'^»" G (p) 5 ""•=<='''<»*"• yo. [yo] (p) is insolvent if size is £ (^i K < yj, maximum ensure if its K forward neighbor's G 6, for [A', 27T. — 1], different levels of K in The top panel corresponds to For comparison, the dashed lines plot the cascade size i.e. This kind of coordination failure (14). Tliese conditions level as a function of the free-information benchmark for the same parameters. the case in which yo and the cascade ^TJo/PAi) characterized by and only an intermediate Figure 5 plots the cascade size the flexibility parameter are insolvent 4. The cascade [yo]- y there exists a unique x [0]]' Eq. (24) such that bank payment — y], — 1 > tliat when is condition (18) holds. not possible bank 6''*^'+'-^ in is By Proposition 2, in this case our setup, precisely because of conditions (12) and if all other banks choose the always solvent, even and experience precautionary insolvencies. To see this, note that the losses from we move away from the distressed bank and eventually g''f'+2' > 'i — 13/ z. Since bank fe''('+i) expects to receive at least /j — P/ z from its forward neighbor, it can avoid insolvency by choosing an intermediate level of loan recalls. Hence, it is never optimal for bank 6''('+i) to undergo a precautionary insolvency. But once we fix g^('+') = ci, the rest of the equilibrium is uniquely determined level of loans cross-deposits decrease as as described above, that is, there is no coordination failure 24 among banks. 03 02 01 04 05 0£ 07 0.8 - Figure The 5: K of the four panels plots the cascade size flexibility parameter yo plot the cascade size K size in the free-information of yo that satisfies yo sufficiently large 6 > Vo- Ii^ are insolvent in the costly audit K i.e. may > K. The in size of the with an intermediate fact, is stronger) is = cascade K level of yo, is A'. That is, rise, (i.e., the effect of the flexibility parameter non-monotonic: The whole financial system collapses but the health of the financial system with sufficiently high levels of yo. parameter yo reduces the cascade this increase in flexibility and the we increase then at some point the The is As long yo backfires and, in the current case, precautionary insolvencies. However, if it restored (and, in J^. size A' in the free-information not sufficiently large. A" does not financial panic remains. is intuition for this non-monotonicity the same as the intuition for the non-monotonic effect of yo on flexibility in the whole financial system Figure 5 shows that as yo continues to amplification disappears and again A' on the for 1). The bottom panel yo level and benchmark than third panel shows that, as trigger a collapse of the lines the same as the cascade is this case, precautionary insolvencies are possible, more banks a sufficiently large shock 6 = 2n- The dashed benchmark. The second panel corresponds to a higher free-information benchmark, A' runs. Each one as a function of 9 for a different level of the increasing order of yo from top to bottom). in the free-information benchmark. (i>^ there are no precautionary insolvencies and the cascade size yo, bank costly-audit equilibrium with self-inflicted as there is fall benchmark. manageable If levels a financial panic, the increase in also amplifies the cascade the increase in yo is by generating more sufficiently large, the financial panic and restore the health of the financial system. 25 to Increasing the it may end Remarks Final 6 Our model captures what appears During to be a central feature of financial panics: severe financial crises the complexity of the environment rises dramatically, and this in itself The perception causes confusion and financial retrenchment. arises even in transactions among apparently sound of counterparty risk engaged in long financial institutions term relationships. All of the sudden, economic agents are faced with massive uncertainty The as things are no longer business-as-usual. current financial crisis kets is In the cascades. Lehman Brothers during one such instance, which froze essentially and triggered massive run downs of money market collapse of credit lines all the private credit mar- and withdrawals even from the safest funds. model we capture the complexity of the environment with the When size of the partial these cascades are small, banks only need to understand the financial health of their immediate neighbors to make In contrast, their decisions. when financial conditions worsen and cascades grow, banks need to understand and be informed about a larger share of the network. At some point, from intermediation rather than risk this is simply too costly and banks withdraw exposure to enormous uncertainty, which triggers a flight to quality. We also loans or but if showed that banks' sell illiquid flexibility, defined as their ability to terminate long term assets while in distress, makes it harder for large cascades to develop, they do develop they can trigger more severe credit crunches and even a collapse in the financial system. containing panic, but it Intuitively, a gain in flexibility can be counterproductive is very useful does not as if it it if it succeeds in facilitates banks' withdrawal from intermediation. An aspect in a related we did not explore in this paper but one which work, is With full information, the distant banks (i.e., 0. mechanism we Our preliminary highlight in this the banks with k natural buyers of the loans sold by the distressed banks. face uncertainty are currently pursuing that of secondary markets for loans at date findings point to yet another amplification aspect of the paper: we and become worried that they may be too > K) are the However, once distant banks close to the distressed bank, they cease to buy loans from these banks as they would rather hoard their liquidity, which exacerbates the network's distress. There are some obvious policy conclusions that emerge from our framework. For example, there is clearly scope for having banks hold a larger bufi'er than they would be privately inclined to do. Also, transparency measures, by reducing the cost of gathering information, increase the resilience of the system to a lengthening in potential cascades. 26 There even an argument to limit banks' is However, we are interested in flexibility to undo their financial positions. going beyond these observations, and in particular in ex- ploring the impact of policies that modify the structure of the network. there OTC an emerging consensus that the prevalence of bilateral is transactions and that compounded it is For example, CDS markets for the confusion and complexity of the current financial crisis, imperative to organize these transactions in well capitalized exchanges to Our frameM'ork can prevent a recurrence. help with the formal analysis of this type of policy considerations. W'e leave this analysis for future research. Appendix 7 We Equilibrium in the Normal Environment. ment described in Section 2.1, the equilibrium tates hquidity flow in and enables each bank claim that, in the normal environ- with the uncertain financial network to pay the contracted values [ql b^ each state of the world. Suppose that a consistent financial network, b —1 and at date state s (r) is realized at date 0, and suppose without = facili- — li,q^2 h) realized (p), is loss of generality that red type banks are assigned to odd slots (the case in which red type banks are assigned to even slots is which symmetric). s {g) is realized is to prove the statement for this case since the case in It suffices symmetric to the s [r) case, and the case in which s (0) is realized is tri^^al. We conjecture (and verify below) that each bank positive audit costs d{.) > 0) and not to Consider the equilibrium at date odd slot bank, A chooses in B'''^-'^ ^''(^i-i) (p), _ ^_ drawing p(20 92 p^j. q^q]^ ;^*~'^ € it draws (l-y)i? + _ — lo > h and + c^C^"/^ '-. (which and is — y^ deposits from the forward neighbor 6'''^'', regardless of the financial (j''^"'' = /j (c-z^(^-))/2 iOi (. p), that liquidity flows through the network at date equilibrium at date 1 (cf. 1 0. It even though each bank is uncertain Eq. (4)) and the bank pays 27 and draw = i.e. In particular, for each next consider the equilibrium at date and • - | about the network structure. 0. assigned to an the preferences are given by (3), the green type banks do not their deposits regardless of their beliefs /^(-') We = a-' deposits leads to the payments 1 Since its i.e. 6^'^'"-'\ green type bank, [0, c] chooses not to audit (for anj' any loans, recall red type bank, by assumption) needs liquidity so i.e. network 1. bP ~''(2') they choose bank V, there [ql = li.ql — is follows a no-liquidation I2) verify our conjecture that the banks choose not to audit and not to recall any loans. First note that a bank f^^^ in need of liquidity at date 1 is able to obtain it by withdrawing deposits in the forward neighbor its at a cost of U/lj units at date 2 for each unit of liquidity bj' recalling loans at date but this would cost liquidity (since any loans at date > h > I2 in particular, Therefore, each bank I)- Second note that a bank's, 0. and deposit withdrawal date and R> b^^'\ R > h/h 6^^'^ units for each unit of optimal actions depend on its slot in > in the normal environment, the financial network and enables each bank IP parity), its Thus the bank B''*'^ (p). — a''*'' (whenever This completes the proof of our claim that, thus verifying our conjecture. 0), loan recall at (for (and only on i does not benefit from auditing and optimally chooses not to audit, d{.) also obtain optimally chooses not to recall independent of the financial network is it at date 1) only The bank could liquidity. banks facilitates liquidity flow across — to pay the contracted values [ql li,q2 = h) hi each aggregate state. Proof of Eq. (6) withdrawn, Eq. tion 3 i.e. and Suppose that, for We 6'^('""'=). is insolvent thus some k E {0, .., claim that cross-deposits are fully all both the free-information benchmark analyzed in Sec- (6) holds, in 6''*'', We 4. and the costly audit model analyzed distressed bank, bank for Sections 3 277 — 1}, 6^('~''') claim that bank withdraws it By in Section 4. bank also all 6''''"''"""''^^^ condition of its deposits, withdraws withdraws deposits, all the original (8), of z. deposits in its = -''('"'"*) i.e. = 2^^'^ i.e. which ~, proves Eq. (6) by induction. To prove the we As the cases in turn. insolvent claim, (i.e. pays it first first it cannot potentially bail further implies that the ^p{i-k) _ solvent, ^_ i.e. out — q'^ it < /^ and /j. g^^'""""^** = 0). Recall that bank forward neighbor as given (see footnote its forward neighbor by withdrawing bank withdraws ^g y^g ggcond neighbor) and /2//1 its case, all of its deposits from its In this case, bank 6^('~*-') its of its deposits from its is a cheaper way its deposits, to obtain liquidity, 4. Recall that bank backward which costs R> forward neighbor, proving our claim that Next consider the costly audit model of Section i.e. b^('-('=-i)), is needs liquidity z (to pay can obtain this liquidity either by withdrawing This z. forward neighbor, suppose that the forward neighbor bank, per unit of liquidity. Since the former all in particular, than less is smaU is b''^''''^ 1), units at date 2 per unit of liquidity, or by recalling loans, which costs withdraws 6^^'"''") suppose that the forward neighbor of bank case, qf'^''-'^^'^ and takes the payment of consider the free-information benchmark and analyze two units I2/I1 bank 6''('^'^) ;p('"'^~) 6'''^'"''' = -. makes the deposit \\'ithdrawal decision before the resolution of uncertainty for cross-deposits (see Figure 2). As the first case, suppose that bank 28 6^('''^) assigns a positive probability b to a network structure such that q^ (/5) assigns a positive probability tliat takes the pa^mient of its ^ forward neighbor as given and (that suppose bank -^Qy.^ ._ knows that the bank is, bank its that f^'-''^ believes forward neighbor its (that is, suppose the bank preferences are given its necessarily withdraws information benchmark, the bank withdraws to < h forward neighbor will be insolvent). Since the bank its LeontiefF form in (17), in this case the r.p(i-k) {p) g^^'-C^-i') all = (p) [^ by the of its deposits, i.e. with probability 1 solvent). In this case, as in the free- is = z^^''^^ meet z to its liquidity obligations backward neighbor. This completes the proof of the claim and proves Eq. by (6) induction. Proof of Proposition Contained 1. in the discussion Characterization of Banks' Payment Functions 4. X bank If = ~ ~ by functions Case X £ If 1. date {p) at (?i giA^en chooses some b''<'~'^) and qj [yQ.x] — [/j (and 1 ,5/c, = h; and [Oi The first not exceed x If 2. < li - p/z or j/q qi = this case, the bank the payment when the bank's losses is < — {li - {li + y Section payment y'o — follows: (25 UJ x) z, then + zx < Ij and q-i = 0. (26) losses enough loans recalled solvent and pays according to (25). losses is x) z, then payment when the bank's from cross-deposits do to counter these losses. The second from cross-deposits exceed In case characterizes its buffer, or when the do not exceed the buffer but the bank has not recalled enough loans to counter these losses. In this case, the bank Proof of Proposition 2. depends only on its is insolvent and pays according First consider part of the loan recall decisions in part banks in q2 [y'o-^] forward neighbor pays its which are characterized as > y'^ and the bank has buffer and = y'o-{h-x)z + 1il-y-y',)R ^^ > h- 92 case characterizes the its and at date 0, Vo] 1 Case qi [i/o,x] condition (18) holds), then this bank's 92 Wo-'^] , q-i if and l\] € j/q preceding the proposition. (ii). (i) to (26). taking as given the characterization Note that the loan recall decision of each bank distance from the distressed bank, which implies that the payments of in the continuation equilibrium that the equilibrium is distance based. can be written as a function of their distances, The characterization in part 29 (ii) i.e. shows that each bank {bP^'\ bP^'-'^\ € b"^'-'"'' benchmark chooses = y^ 6''(^-*^-i»} that would be insolvent in the free-information .., yo, and thus pays the same allocation it would pay in the it free-information benchmark: Qi Tlie = [fc] bank < <liTree ip) ^1 ^nd Q2 many b''^^~^^ recalls at least as benchmark, thus it is = [k] = q',%'^ (p) loans as for would it /c 6 {0, .., K- 1} (27) . recall in the free-information many solvent given condition (18) (which ensures that recalling too loans does not cause insolvency) and pays (cf. Eq. (25)); Qi{K] = h and Q2[K]>h. The banks |5p('-(/<+i)),6p(^-(a'+2))_ € b^^'-''^ ..^ bP(»-(2n-i)) j (28) and thus pay ^^^ solvent (cf. Eq. (25)): Qi [k] = h and Q2 [k] ^- = '— z — 1 > [K + h, for k e 1, .., 2n - 1} . to (29) In particular, the size of the cascade 'ii ^^ free (p) increasing in A: We in part it is in the free-information is Qi and Q2 [k] [k], monotonic. Consider are optimal. through (29) and proves that the are increasing in k and prove that the choices prescribed next turn to loan recaU decisions at date (ii) benchmark. Since (see Proposition 1), the characterization in (27) also implies that the payments, distance based equilibrium K as is the banks in B^^°^ first Comparing the charac- (p). terization of the continuation equilibrium in (27) through (29) to the characterization in Proposition 1, each bank b' E 5'="°"' forward neighbor compared to what (i.e. each bank recalls the same level of loans that Next we consider a bank We claim that Qi payment b^ e bank recall in the free-information either case Qi < [2] 2. — would receive problem would (20) with x"" = (27) through (29) x"" = Qi ^i f^ee [2]. (^^e benchmark), which in the free-information same also it benchmark. equal to is its benchmark Thus Qij'^ee'^''^)- which solves problem (20) with 6''^*"'^^ recalls the b^ level of loans y^ Z.^1 that benchmark. To prove the claim that Qi [2] b^'^''"'^^ = would Qi flee^ ^^^^ [2] is given by Eq. (28) or Eq. (29) and in Note that by Proposition 1, (?j Note that li. bank in the free-information recall in the free- information characterized in Eqs. [2] in turn proves that the K it expects to receive the same payment from S""^^'""'*" (p) of the forward neighbor of suppose that it 6 Bknow{p) g^j^^g b^ (^) in this case claim in this case. Next suppose K > 3 Qi and note that 30 J^^g = ^1 when in this case K Qj < [2] 2, is proving the given by Eq. (27) which shows Qi The and K = [2] g^'j^^e {p), completing the proof of part (ii). ' characterization for the aggregate level of recalled loans for the cases > from part 4 then trivially follow Proof of Proposition the proposition. Here, Most 3. we and Proposition of the proof text. We < 2, K=3 thus completing the proof. 1, contained in the discussion preceding is consider in turn the subcases main verify the claims in the (ii) K and 1 2 (for case K > A) and we also verify the conjecture that the equilibrium is distance based and monotonic. Subcase € If yo 1. (j/q [0] 1 , ' - . any x E for - y], yo > then yS This implies that [OJi]. all > [0] yo banks - [(^1 in ^) ~~] {6''*'', ..., they recall loans greater than their corresponding upper 6^''"^^""^^^} are insolvent since These banks' payments limits. are characterized by the system of equations qf-'^ where / pluggmgm By (gf / -e--^^) q[' = ' each k € ~ = '' (jj + yo < 1 < ~ !-~gg . (?i we have (14), Then, since bank y^ j^^l case can also avert insolvency by choosing some = 2n — l^ which is K ized in Eq. if and only 2. If yo (24) if G iyo^Vo is < the informed bank J/q, < yg It j/o- [0])i there exists a unique x forward neighbor x < its distance based and monotonic, we b^ of the banks in ^p,.-., ^ J < f^'^ .., b'^^''^ (gM-.«-.;; ) fo^. 31 '~vj ^^^h distance q^ benchmark 6''('+i) > is in this follows that the cascade K (under equilibrium in this case. 1 G [yo] such that a bank in yo, is "~"'' < 2n — 2, which imphes .^[yo]. (^i — y^/zji), j^uncertain € character- ^^^ jg insolvent Using the conjecture that further conjecture that the banks hp^'^.^b^i'-i^-'))] are insolvent while the banks jft^^'-^), The payments given by Eq. (9) (after greater than the free-information cascade size and increasing receives from the equilibrium is increasing (and converges to is condition (14)), completing the characterization of the date Subcase ' (30) , in the free-information b^'^''^'' some K 2n - 2} verifying our conjecture that the equilibrium 'i)) able to avert insolvency by choosing is .., h). based and monotonic. By condition size {l, condition (12), the solution to the above system the fixed point y ~ for defined in Eq. (11) and the initial condition gf is (.) = 6^('-(2"-i))| .., are solvent. are characterized by I i^ e ^ 1^ ..^ A' - 1 ^ , (31) which we is an increasing sequence (by condition are back to subcase 1 (i.e. K — 2n — 1), (12)). Then, either "~ < x (?f or there exists a unique K 6 [K, 2n — [yo] 1] and such that 5:<'-<''^^»< In the latter case, the banks in (since the}' receive less is J solvent since t)^l'~r^+^j)j .., it than x jfe''^'-^), [yo] I g^j.g g^^gQ analysis implies that the equilibrium 1 (32) .., 6K'-(^'-0)| c 5""='="*°'" [yo] from its are insolvent (/s) forward neighbor. solvent since the)' receive ward neighbors. The informed bank characterization of the date <,:"-('--» 15.1 from their forward neighbor) but the bank receives at least x tp(i-(2n-2)) a- 6^^'"*"^^ is is li > x [yo] also solvent as in subcase 6'''-'" The banks from their 1. ' in for- Finally, this distance based and monotonic, completing the equilibrium in this case. 32 References [1] and A. Babus (2008). "Networks Allen, F. in Finance," working paper, W^iarton Financial Institutions Center, University of Pennsylvania. [2] and D. Gale (2000). "Financial Contagion," Journal of Allen, F., 108, p. 1-33. 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