^S^CE%^^ -si* \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/currentaccountsiOOkraa © 4.- HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics i CURRENT ACCOUNTS IN DEBTOR AND CREDITOR COUNTRIES Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura No. 97-12 July, 1997 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ~ L 9 t** C WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS CURRENT ACCOUNTS IN DEBTOR AND CREDITOR COUNTRIES Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura No. 97-12 July, 1997 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 021329 siOL 3 1 1997 Current Accounts in Debtor and Creditor Countries Aart Kraay The World Bank and Jaume Ventura M.I.T. July 1997 in international economics: What response transitory income shock such as a temporary Is the current account to a Improvement In the terms of trade, a transfer from abroad or unusually high production? To answer this question, we construct a world equilibrium model in which productivity varies across countries and international borrowing and lending takes place to exploit good investment opportunities. Despite Its conventional Ingredients, the model generates the novel prediction that favourable Income shocks lead to current account deficits In debtor countries and current account surpluses In creditor countries. Evidence from thirteen OECD countries broadly supports this prediction of Abstract This paper reexamines a classic question : the theory. We are grateful to Rudi Dornbusch for discussing these ideas with us. We also thank Daren Acemoglu, Jakob Svensson and participants in seminars at Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Rochester and The World Bank for their useful comments. Further comments are welcome. Please contact the authors at akraay@worldbank.org (Kraay) orjaume@mit.edu (Ventura). The views expressed herein are the authors', and do not necessarily reflect those of the World Bank. Introduction This paper reexamines a classic question in international economics: What is the current account response to a transitory income shock such as a temporary improvement in the terms of trade, a transfer from abroad or unusually high To answer production? this question, productivity varies across countries we and construct a world equilibrium model international borrowing place to exploit good investment opportunities. Despite its in which and lending takes conventional ingredients, the model generates the novel prediction that favourable income shocks lead to current account deficits in debtor countries and current account surpluses countries. Evidence from thirteen OECD countries broadly supports this creditor in prediction of the theory. A how simple thought experiment reveals natural our result is as a benchmark case. Consider a country that receives a favourable transitory income shock. Suppose further that this country saves this shock and has two investment choices, domestic capital and foreign loans. To the extent that the shock does not affect the expected is profitability of future investments at home and abroad, a reasonable guess that investors allocate the marginal unit of wealth (the assets in the same proportions as the average unit of wealth. Since by definition the share of a debtor country's wealth invested increase in income shock) among wealth (savings) results in in domestic capital exceeds one, an a greater increase in domestic capital (investment), leading to a deficit on the current account (savings Conversely, in as a portion of this wealth increase is invested creditor countries the increase in wealth account surplus in creditor countries. minus investment). exceeds investment at home, abroad. This produces a current The sharp assumptions. result that First, comes out of this simple example follows from three the income shock is saved. Second, investing not an option for the country. Third, the marginal unit of wealth assets as the average one is. We maintain the paper without (excessive) apologies. The allocated is of we feel the jury is still consumption-smoothing as a savings motive we focus on here.^ if and only if equivalently, the share of domestic capital if and only if foreign debt in among failures of the out regarding the relative importance at the The second assumption can be other assumptions, a favourable income shock is a basic tenet of consumption-smoothing models of savings. Despite some empirical simplest of these models, foreign capital two assumptions throughout the first assumption first is in business cycle frequency that easily removed.^ If we keep leads to a current account still the deficit the country's wealth exceeds one or, exceeds the stock of outward foreign investment. Otherwise a favourable income shock leads to a current account surplus. The bulk of the theoretical effort of this paper is devoted to assessing the merit of the third assumption underlying our simple example, namely, that the marginal unit of wealth (savings) wealth. To do so, we uncertainty invested in the same proportions as the stock of construct a simple world equilibrium model varies across countries good investment is and international borrowing opportunities. In the model, and random changes in we technology. which productivity and lending takes place distinguish In in to exploit between production each date, some countries have "good" production functions that exhibit high average productivity, while other countries have "bad" production functions that exhibit low average productivity. normal times, production functions do not change but output is uncertain. We In use the The importance of consumption-smoothing depends on the frequency of the data one is obviously important for the analysis of quarterly data (most people spend more than they earn over Christmas and other holidays, and somewhat less than they earn in other times), and almost as surely is a bad theory for understanding savings rates over a quarter of a century. See Deaton (1992) for a survey of evidence on intertemporal models of savings. ^ analyzing. ^ It Moreover, economies is this that assumption is consistent with the strong home equity preference in OECD has been documented by French and Poterba (1991) and Tesar and Werner (1992). Lewis (1995) surveys alternative explanations for this phenomenon. term output shock to refer to production surprises. These shocks do not affect the probability distribution of future productivity and, income or wealth effects as a in their economic environment level of productivity, that change These events have production functions to "good" ones, or vice versa. on the average they have only transitory on investors. Occasionally, countries perform economic reforms or experience changes effects result, and we label them their "bad" persistent productivity shocks. Since productivity shocks change the probability distribution of future productivity, they both have income or wealth effects on investors, and also affect their investment strategies. In our basic model, we assume aversion and have no labour income. that investors exhibit constant relative risk As a result, the shares wealth invested of domestic capital and foreign loans depend only on asset characteristics, returns and volatilities. Since these are not affected by output shocks, the marginal unit of wealth (the output shock) is in in we find that find that positive output these countries, and creditor countries. This distinction we expected invested as the average one Since countries with high productivity are debtors, lead to current account deficits i.e. does not apply to current in is. shocks account surpluses to productivity shocks. We find instead that favourable productivity shocks always lead to current account deficits, as investors react to the increase in the expected return to domestic capital by increasing their holdings of domestic capital and reducing their holdings of foreign loans. The usefulness of this benchmark model is that it highlights the set of assumptions that underlie our example: shocks have only transitory income investors exhibit constant relative risk aversion, We then proceed to relax and there these assumptions. is First, effects, no labour income. we find that if relative risk aversion decreases with wealth, positive output shocks raise wealth and induce investors to take riskier investment positions. As a invested share if in risky labour income domestic capital exceeds is its result, the in share of the shock wealth. Second, we show that, less risky than capital income, positive output shocks raise the ratio of financial to human wealth and hence expose the investor to greater induces investors to take safer investment positions the share of the shock invested wealth. We obtain a simple in domestic capital rule to in their financial falls short of its risk. This wealth, and so share in financial determine when a positive output shock leads to a current account deficit: the country's debt has to exceed a certain threshold that depends on how attitudes towards risk vary with wealth and the size income. This threshold can be either positive or negative, and constant relative risk Our research account.^ The is of labour zero in the case of aversion and no labour income. naturally relates to existing intertemporal early generation of intertemporal models, models of the current such as Sachs (1981,1982) Obstfeld (1982), Dornbusch (1983) and Svensson and Razin (1983), were designed to study the effects of terms of trade shocks and to develop rigorous theoretical foundations for the Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect. We share with these models the notion that countries save transitory income shocks so as to smooth consumption over time. However, since these models abstract from capital accumulation, income shocks can only be invested transitory in income shocks lead Simply allowing result of this paper, foreign loans. to current for capital As a result they predict that positive account surpluses accumulation is countries. not sufficient to obtain the main however. Subsequent contributions by Sachs (1981), Persson and Svensson (1985) and Matsuyama (1987) extended the models in all to include capital models were designed to early intertemporal accumulation by investors with perfect foresight. These analyze the current account response to persistent shocks to the profitability of investment.'' that the return to investment is Since the assumption of perfect foresight implies certain, arbitrage requires that the marginal product of capital equal the world interest rate. This condition, combined with the assumption diminishing returns at the country level, uniquely determines the domestic stock of " See Obstfeld and Rogoff (1 995) These shocks correspond to our for a survey of these models. productivity shocks. of capital independently of the country's wealth. raise wealth but in do not Hence, transitory income shocks which affect the marginal product of capital are again only invested foreign loans, leading to current account surpluses One can understand important implications for Once investment is in all countries. our contribution as recognizing that investment how risk has the current account reacts to transitory income shocks. modelled as a equates the return on investment risky activity, the appropriate arbitrage condition to the world interest rate plus a risk premium. Since the latter increases with the share of wealth held as risky domestic capital, transitory income shocks which do not must in part In particular, capital be invested we in domestic capital find that the do affect the profitability of investment, but for the arbitrage condition to share of the income shock that exceeds the income shock itself in raise wealth, is invested debtor countries, but not in be in satisfied. domestic creditor countries.^ The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 develops the basic model. Section 2 presents the main result of the paper. Section 3 explores the robustness of this result. Section 4 presents empirical evidence for thirteen OECD countries. Section 5 concludes. economy in which accumulation and investment risk. The latter arises from a stochastic depreciation rate. This model is used to show that cross-country differences in the rate of time preference could explain the Feldstein-Horioka finding that savings and investment are highly correlated in a cross-section of countries. Interestingly, he finds a U-shaped relationship Zeira (1987) provides an overlapping-generations model of a small open there is capital between the steady-state level of debt of a country and its rate of time preference. He does not however explore the effects of transitory income shocks, as we do here. A Model 1. of International The world equilibrium international borrowing Borrowing and Lending model presented here and lending is average some average assume stock markets. enough This is r, all which We own their capital stocks assume is determined enough in real production functions. In We that international loans to in of equity in markets is high the domestic stock market. generate the strong home-equity economies.^ We draw a distinction the state of technology. world equilibrium. that the cost of operating in foreign stock an extreme, yet very popular device preference observed in and are financed by sales domestic investors and firms trade that only that countries are allowed to borrow and that the penalties for default are large are riskless. Firms the rate of time preference.^ have "bad" production functions productivity. Investors in lend from each other at an interest rate We in countries have "good" production functions that exhibit high productivity, while other countries exhibit low that results from differences in investment opportunities across countries rather than differences At each date, based on the view between production uncertainty and random changes in normal times, countries have time-invariant but stochastic use the term output shocks to refer to production surprises which occur during these normal times. Since these shocks do not probability distribution of future productivity, they have only affect the transitory income or wealth effects on investors. Occasionally, countries perform economic reforms or experience other changes on their average in their economic environment level of productivity. and model them as random changes ® See See in label these events have persistent effects as productivity shocks the production function. Since productivity and cLarida (1990) for world equilibrium models in which borrowing and motivated by cross-country variation in rates of time preference. Obstfeld (1994) for a discussion of the effects of financial integration in a model similar Buiter (1981) lending ^ We that to ours. is shocks change the probability income or wealth effects A number of j=1,2,... . on investors, and also is used for many atomistic countries, indexed by we we assume that there exists a single consumption and investment. This device permits us intertemporal trade Finally, infinitely This allows us to rule out large-country effects and concentrate on the pure effects of international linkages. Also, which affect their investment strategies. simplifications serve to highlight the bare essentials of our We consider a world with arguments. have distribution of future productivity, they both restrict and eliminate the complications that arise from our analysis to the steady state of the model average growth and the in to focus on commodity shocks as opposed to global shocks. trade. which both world interest rate are constant. This allows us to focus effects of country-specific good on the While these assumptions simplify the analysis considerably, we are convinced that removing them would not affect the thrust of our arguments. Firms and Technology Production is random. Let qj and kj be the cumulative production and the stock of capital of the representative firm of country technology of this country. representative firm Conditional on is E[d9j ]=dt and E[d9jd9m]=0 depreciation) if that, conditional in ttj as the state of the production function of the + akj-dej a positive constant and the which states Also, define is: dqj =7ij-kj-dt where a ttj, j. country j is GjS (1) are Wiener processes with E[dej]=0 and j>m. Equation on the state (1) is simply a linear production function of technology, the flow of output (net of a normal random variable with instantaneous mean ; and variance-covariance matrix defined by E[dqi^]=a^kf E[dqj]=7rjkjClt E[dqjdqni]=0 not j^vn. if change the Realizations of dt and d0jS are output shocks. Since these tine probability distribution of future productivity, they shocks do have only income or wealth effects on the owners of the firm, but do not affect their investment strategies. Average productivity varies across countries of the countries are in a high-productivity regime, and over =n n-^ , =n, withn < k The dynamics low-productivity regime, n^ . each date, time. At while the other half are of follow Kj half in a a Poisson- directed process: with probability fO dTii = \n-K where g(7i;i) = •{_ \n ' —n if TCj ., ' If 7ii = 7t = 7t E[dKjd9j]=0 and E[dTtjd7rm]=0 rare events (i.e. ; if (j), dt (j)dt n and n are Equation j;^m.^ positive constants with (2) states that they occur with probability that goes to zero time) that are uncorrelated across countries (1). (j) (2) with probability \g{n-.) ' - 1 i Since the probability of a change in changes in the is in regime are limit of and with the output shocks regime n - 5 < a^ in continuous Equation small, productivity levels are persistent. Since high(low)-productivity countries expect productivity eventually to decline (increase), productivity levels also exhibit mean-reversion. Realizations of the dTTjS are productivity shocks. Since these shocks change the probability distribution of future productivity, they and they also have both income or wealth effects on the owners of the firm, affect their investment strategies. Since there are infinitely productivity countries many countries, change regime. regime, half of the countries will It each period a follows that always be in if fraction (t)dt of the high(low)- half of the countries each regime. are initially in each There are many technology. The identical firms in representative firm is each country with free access divided into kj to existing shares which have a (constant) value of one and deliver an instantaneous dividend equal to the flow of production per unit of capital. We assume that the distributions of the current shocks d9j realizations of past and dTij are shocks and the known by probability investors before production starts. However, the realizations of the contemporaneous shocks d9j and dnij are only investors known after production is must commit their completed and output resources before production is observed. Since starts, their investments are subject to uncertainty related to the contemporaneous realizations of the shocks. Since investors can freely trade equity after production investments are not subject to uncertainty related It = — - dt + d9j Therefore the expected . the representative firm are tij and completed, their to future realizations of the follows that the return process perceived by investors doOj is return and is Tijdt+adcoj, volatility of shocks. where holding a share of o, respectively.^ Consumption and Investment Strategies Each country contains many utility identical consumer/investors with a logarithmic function: EjlnCj-e-P'dt (3) Despite the fact that productivity shocks affect the return to investment, they do not contribute mean and variance of the return process since both they occur infrequently (with probability of order dt) and they are small (with magnitude of order dt). to the where q is the consumption of the representative be the wealth respectively. constraint of this We consumer and assume consumer the share of wealth that that aj(0)>0 for all j. in is country held in Let j. Hj and Xj equity, Then, the consumer's budget is: daj = [((jtj - r) + r) Xj • - Cj aj dt + aXj-aj-dcOi (4) This budget constraint illustrates the standard risk-return trade-off behind investment decisions. If 7i:j>r, expected return by aaj. In increases to wealth Appendix 1 in by the share of wealth allocated to equity raise the (nj-r)aj we show , , at the cost of raising the volatility of this return that the solution to the consumer's problem is: Cj=p-aj -r Tt| Equation (5) consumption (5) states that of asset characteristics i.e. substitution effects of changes consumers. Equation (6) depends only on asset aj. This is and r, tij in shows is a fixed fraction of wealth and c. This is the is independent well-known result that income and asset characteristics cancel for logarithmic that the share of wealth allocated to characteristics, i.e. r, tcj and nothing but the simple investment rule introduction. 10 a, and not on the we used in each asset level of wealth, the example in the World Equilibrium To find the world interest ^(aj -kj) = international loans, n= lim — • j^~ J ^ — '-^j are constant. and the investment rule in Equation (6) to obtain: In . Appendix 1 we show that there exists a lim-.Tai j^-J in market-clearing condition for (7) Kj '-' steady-state 0, tlie = n-a^ T where we use rate, .^, which both the world growth rate and the world average productivity In what follows, we assume that the world economy is already in this steady state. Using the world interest rate Equation (6) we 71: ki = 1+ . and its Equation (7) and the investment rule in find that the world distribution of capital stocks is given by: '' Equation in -7t^ ' •^i o' J (8) (8) states that the capital stock of a country is increasing productivity. Interestingly, this world of stochastic linear in both its wealth economies does not generate the usual corner solution of a world of deterministic linear economies which all the capital productivity. In the is located presence in the country or countries that have the highest of investment risk, these are ruled out by investors as excessively risky. In fact, extreme investment strategies since we have assumed productivity differences are not too large relative to the investment risk, S-u < a^ , all in countries hold positive capital stocks 11 in equilibrium. i.e. that Although world average growth To see cross-section of growth rates. is constant, this world this, economy exhibits a rich substitute Equations (5)-(7) into (4), to find the stochastic process for wealth: da. 7ti -71 + n-c^ -p a+- TZi-n dt + a+- dCO; (9) a. The growth rate consists of the return to the country's wealth to wealth ratio. and is The first term in Equation (9) is the minus the consumption average or expected growth rate, larger in high-productivity countries, since these countries obtain a higher average return on component in their wealth. the growth rate, The second term and is more in Equation (9) is the unexpected volatile in high-productivity countries, since these countries hold a larger fraction of their wealth 12 in risky capital. ^ 2. Determinants of the Current Account The model developed above describes a world equilibrium in which high- have productivity countries borrow from low-productivity countries since the former access investment opportunities than the to better productivity countries borrow this, let fj is limited only be the net foreign assets by of country j, latter. The amount bear their willingness to i.e. fj=aj-kj , that highrisks. To see and use Equation (8) to find that: Since n < n < jt high-productivity countries are debtors, fj<0, while low-productivity , countries are creditors, risk, fj>0. Equation (10) shows the volume of borrowing and lending is that, for a given level of investment larger the larger are the cross-country productivity differentials. Also note that, for a given productivity differential, the volume of borrowing country can is move from larger the lower is the investment risk. Finally, lender to borrower (borrower to lender) if observe that a and only if it experiences a positive (negative) productivity shock.^° Next First, we we examine the behavior of the curent account derive the stochastic process for the current account and salient features. determine how Second, we provide an intuition to the ^° sudden and large current account ^^ in main economic forces deficit that turns debtor should be seen as a positive development. This notion held beliefs comment on its that we emphasize the current account between debtor and creditor countries.^ in world, a as world equilibrium. the current account responds to shocks. Throughout, the differences in this in this is a country from creditor to clearly at odds with widely- policy circles. The reader might ask why emphasize productivity distinction. the debtor/creditor distinction instead of the high/low There are two reasons. From a theoretical viewpoint, one could defend 13 Current Account Patterns Since the current account Ito's lemma to (10) is tfie and use Equation ctiange net foreign assets, in i.e. dfj, (9) to find tfie following stochastic we process apply for foreign assets: / df; = Kj a+ -71 4-71-a^ - -p f-dt+|a+^ '- fdcOi+f ^ (11) J Equation (11) states that net foreign assets follow a mixed jump-diffusion process and provides a complete characterization of their dynamics as a function of the du: forcing processes dOj and parameters of the model Consider account in first drtj a, p, (remember (j), that dcO: n and n the prediction of the dt + dB:), andallthe . model for the average or expected current debtor and creditor countries. Taking expectations of E[d,,] = TCi + - -Tt (1 1) yields: <t)g(Ttj) + n-<f -p fdt + •f-dt Kj -n (12) choice by pointing out that the debtor/creditor distinction is more robust, in our model, only cross-country differences in average productivity determine whether a country is a debtor or a creditor. If we assume, for instance, that high average productivity is associated with high this production, it is then possible that the high-productivity technology might be unappealing enough to turn high-productivity countries into creditors (see Devereaux and Saito (1 997)). In this case, all the results presented in this paper would still hold true for the volatility in debtor/creditor distinction, but not for the high/low productivity distinction. From an empirical viewpoint and anticipating that the predictions of the model will be confronted with the data, one could defend the use of the debtor/creditor distinction based on the observation that existing measures of net foreign asset positions of countries are of those of their average productivity. 14 much better quality than ' Equation (12) separates the expected current account into two pieces, whicli capture and expected changes the effects of expected savings The term reflects consumption first "tilting" by agents. in If asset returns, respectively. the expected return to wealth exceeds (does not exceed) the rate of time preference, ' -71 Ttj a+— to ^ + their "tilt" Ti -a,2 > (<) consumption same assets in means that, in deficits, the p , consumers profile. will find These savings or dissavings are allocated across proportions as the existing stock of wealth. Ceteris paribus, this growing economies, debtors countries on average run current account economies with negative growth. The second term effects of mean above long-run average. reversion The opposite It expected is (increase) their holdings of capital means is Equation (12) captures the in to decline, while the in converse is on average experience current account The balance growing economies, and depends on in true for and instead lend (borrow from) abroad. Ceteris that debtor countries ambiguous is is productivity induce investors to reduce surpluses, while creditor countries on average experience deficits. the two effects true in productivity. Since productivity in debtor countries in creditor countries. Reductions (increases) paribus, this optimal to save (dissave) so as it while creditors have surpluses on average. its i.e. all of the parameters of the model. The faster the economy grows and the smaller the meanreverting component of productivity run current account deficits and is, the more likely it shocks To see this, note that it that on average debtors creditors run current account surpluses. Both output and productivity shocks contribute account. is to the follows from Equation (11) variance of the current and the definitions of the that: Var [dfj = \2 r J V^i-^7 2 rV^\\ a+^ (l)fdt ^ 15 (13) In normal times with probability close to one) (i.e. cl7i:j=0 and fluctuations in the current account are driven by the output shocks. These shocks have small effects dt'"^) but occur with high probability (of order the current account dates captured by the first order Their contribution to the variance of some term of Equation (13). At with probability close to zero) dnj^tO (i.e. account is 1). (of and the behavior infrequent of the current dominated by productivity shocks. Although these shocks occur with small is probability (of order dt), they do have large effects on the current account (of order 1) since they induce a reallocation of investors' portfolios. Their contribution to the variance of the current account is captured by the second term of Equation (13). The Current Account Response We are now ready that the response country is n- a+— to to Shocks examine perhaps the most novel of the current finding of this paper, account to an output shock depends on whether a a debtor or a creditor. This result follows directly from Equation (11). Since -K > , a positive output shock, i.e. d9j>0, leads to a current account deficit in o debtor countries and a current account surplus intuition for this result, we in To develop an creditor countries. focus on the savings-investment balance. The permanent-income consumers who populate our world economy save in order to smooth their consumption over time. Since the output shock represents a transitory increase of in whether a country models income, is it is saved a debtor or a (recall creditor, Equation and is a (9)). This is true regardless typical feature of intertemporal of the current acount. Having decided to save the output shock, investors must then decide how allocate these additional savings between domestic equity and foreign loans. 16 to We depart from previous intertemporal models of the current account how we model in Since the investor's desired holdings of equity are equal this decision. country's stock of capital in equilibrium, Equation (6) to the can be interpreted in terms of a familiar arbitrage condition: =r + cT^--!- 7t (14) Equation (14) states that expected rate of return interest rate, r, return to equity and the domestic capital premium Kj, must equal the world plus the appropriate risk or equity premium, o^(k/ai). logarithmic investors, this risk risk to equity, premium is is nothing but the covariance between the return to the investors' wealth. investors' wealth, the larger in world of In this is this The larger is the share of covariance and the larger that investors require to hold the marginal unit of equity. The is the additional savings that result from the output shock allow investors to increase their holdings of risky domestic equity without increasing the keep the share of equity in their portfolios constant. (the output shock) is invested in the definition the risk of their portfolios, same provided that they Thus, the marginal unit of wealth proportions as the average one. Since by share of a debtor country's wealth devoted to domestic capital exceeds one, an increase in wealth (savings) results in a greater increase in domestic capital (investment), leading to a deficit on the current account. Conversely, countries the increase wealth increase is in in creditor wealth exceeds investment at home, as a portion of invested abroad. This produces a current account surplus this in creditor countries. This discussion emphasizes the importance of allowing for investment predicting the current account response to form of uncertainty investment is is important, existing a riskless activity, an output shock. To the extent models of the current risk in that this account that assume or else abstract entirely from capital accumulation. 17 provide a misleading description of how the current account responds to output shocks.^^ We now turn to the o+— since of the current account > , the second term of Equation o productivity shock, account deficit in This effect i.e. d7ij>0, (1 1 shocks. ) shows that a positive generates an income effect that leads to a current debtor countries and a current account surplus formally equivalent to that of an output shock is to productivity -n n- First, response in creditor countries. and requires no further discussion. Second, a productivity shock has a rate-of-return changes the effect probability distribution of future productivity.^^ on investment since When it a creditor (debtor) country receives a positive (negative) productivity shock, the expected return to equity increases their portfolio in reflected in of this investment the current account are (of they would ^^ The result, response is generates an investment a current account boom (bust). deficit (surplus) and the third term of Equation (11). Since rate-of-return effects of shocks consist productivity shocks This induces investors to hold a larger (smaller) fraction of domestic equity and, as The counterpart is (falls). order dt).^" in larger (of order 1) than the large spikes premium observed feature of real economies. should be larger much income effects of the on same Since productivity shocks are infrequent but have large effects, show up as large equity of reallocations in the stocks of assets, their effects A in in a time series of the current account. is an important premium, o^+Hj-n, our knowledge, this result is new and has the data suggests that investment risk prediction of this model debtor countries. To the best of been tested yet. As Equation (5) shows, income and is that this equity not ^^ substitution effects of changes in the expected return to our world of logarithmic consumers. In models with more general preferences these rate-of-return effects of productivity shocks could be associated with consumption booms or busts, depending on the balance of their income and substitution effects. ^* And, for that matter, much larger than the income effects of output shocks (of order dt'^). equity cancel in 18 3. Investment Strategies The theory developed above output shocks this result is different in debtor predicts that the current account response to and creditor countries. Instrumental in deriving were our assumptions regarding how investors trade These assumptions ensured foreign loans coincide. is and return. and average propensities that the marginal However, there risk a long and distinguished literature that analyzes how optimal investment strategies depend on attitudes towards size and stochastic properties and changes returns in A risk, the income and the correlation between asset of labour the investment opportunity set investor's environment.^^ to invest in general finding of and other aspects this literature is that of the one should not expect that marginal and average propensities to invest coincide. The purpose holds in show of this section is to that a modified version of our result a generalized model that allows attitudes towards wealth and introduces riskless labour income. ^^ here, marginal find and average propensities a simple rule which determines account deficit: attitudes towards risk vary with wealth, risk the generalized positive output and (2) shocks lead that However, we to a current depends on (1) how the size of labour income. This is zero aversion and no labour income. result that favourable output model presented shock leads exceed a threshold threshold can be either positive or negative, and constant relative vary with the level of to invest in foreign loans differ. when a the country's debt has to In risk to to current in the benchmark case We therefore account of have the modified deficits in sufficiently indebted countries. Otherwise, they lead to current account surpluses. See Merton (1995) for an overview of this research, and Bodie, Merton and Samuelson (1992) for an example with risky labour income. do not explore the implications for our argument that arise from the possibility that asset We be correlated with changes in the investors' environment. These correlations give rise a hedging component in asset demands that greatly depends on the specifics of the model. returns to 19 Two Extensions To allow attitudes toward risk to vary with the level of wealth, following Stone-Geary utility we adopt the function: oo Ejln(Cj+pj)e~P'dt where the PjS (15) are constants, possibly different across countries. — The coefficient of C: relative risk aversion, i.e. , For a given level of consumption or wealth, important for our purposes, relative risk aversion as if risk uses labour to aversion is time, as follows. decreasing in Pj. their level of consumption increases. produce the single good. ^^ that there is ^^ an additional technology Normalizing the labour force of each country to one, the flow of output produced using the second technology A,j • dt . Labour productivity, ?ij , is assumed to be constant although across countries. Workers are paid a wage equal to the value of product, i.e. ^jdt. More Pj<0 (Pi>0), investors exhibit decreasing (increasing) To introduce labour income, we assume that and over varies across countries The existence of labour it their income complicates only is given by might vary marginal slightly the consumer's budget constraint: cbj =[((7tj -r)-Xj +r)aj +^j -Cj]dt + Xj ^^ a^ adcOj (16) As is well-known, consumers with Stone-Geary preferences might choose negative consumption. We ignore this in what follows. The assumption of an aggregate linear technology between labour and capital is much less restrictive that it might seem at first glance. It arises naturally in models where some form of factor-price-equalization theorem holds. One could, for example, use the model in Ventura (1997) to endogenously generate a linear technology. We do not do so here to save notation. 20 To ensure that that 3,(0) > The countries hold positive capital stocks all representative follows the this dynamics in consumer and the Xi (2). In depend on both income, X,j=0, country] maximizes (15) subject to equilibrium) belief that in Appendix 1 , we show J that the solution to illustrate o how and investment optimal consumption and the presence of labour exhibit constant relative risk aversion, |3j=0, Equations (17) and (18) reduce model (Equations equity cancel. Equation (18) decreases with wealth consumers constant and -r (5) to the and (6)). if shows and only if As To income. Note and there is first no labour before, consumption in that the share of wealth X.j+Pj>0. rules consumption and investment wealth and income and substitution effects of changes Pj>0, is J Tti rules of the previous r is: attitudes towards risk consumers in (17) ' = Equations (17) and (18) if we assume a+-^ r-a^ if (correct Equation y in residing generalized consumer's problem Ci=p- that equilibrium, n-G^ the budget constraint (16) Ttj in linear the expected return to devoted to equity interpret this condition, note exhibit increasing relative risk aversion, is and so choose first that to allocate a smaller share of wealth to risky domestic capital as their wealth increases. Second, note that in the presence of riskless labour income, wealth raise the ratio of financial to investor to greater risk. In human A.j >0, increases in financial wealth, and, ceteris paribus, expose the response, agents adopt less aggressive investment 21 strategies, and the share Finally, holding i.e. of financial wealth devoted to risky domestic capital constant the level of wealth, investors with low relative high values of high values of \, risk falls. aversion, and/or a relatively large stream of riskless labour income, pj, devote a larger share of will i.e. wealth to risky domestic capital. their World Equilibrium To compute we impose once the world equilibrium interest rate, J 1 market-clearing condition for international loans, lim investment rule (18) to find that Equation 1 - • ^^aj - valid. still kj =0 Appendix 1 and use the shows that, if "^ --^^.j +Pj = ~*°° lim ^ (7) is again the , there exists a steady-state which both the world growth rate in j=i and world average productivity are constants. In restriction regarding the the world economy The world is in what follows, we assume cross-country distribution of parameters is that this satisfied and that the steady state. distribution of capital stocks is now given by a straightforward generalization of Equation (8): ki = ( ^i+^A ( 1 + T^\-A ' (19) - <J As before, the capital stock of a country wealth, and moreover, the world the restrictions that 3,(0) > 71 increasing in both distribution of capital stocks — -a — is J j- and ti-ti < a^ . 22 , jointly Its is productivity and non-degenerate since ensure that all countries hold positive capital stocl<s have a high tolerance have large domestic We find, world economy in for risk whose residents and/or high labour productivity, high and/or exhibits Equations (17)-(18) and a that while the world rich average growth cross-section of growth rates. (7) into + K-a^-p a+- i.e. Pj X,j, capital stocks. once more, da. equilibrium.^^ In addition, countries the budget constraint 1 •dt To see is constant, the this, Equation (16) substitute to obtain: L +a -Tt Kj ^i+Pi + in rate + o+ 1 a(7r-(/) + dco, a(7r-o^) (20) As before, high productivity countries grow faster and experience more volatile growth than low productivity countries. Perhaps the most interesting difference between this (/\.j+Pj<0), growth rate and the special case Equation both the growth rate of a country and the (increase) with the level of wealth. This described n Equations (18). share of in their If is (9) is that, volatility of if ^j+Pj>0 the growth rate decline a consequence of the investment strategy X,j+Pj>0 (>.j+Pj<0), investors invest a smaller (larger) wealth to risky domestic capital as their wealth increases, lowering (raising) both the expected return on their wealth and the volatility of that return. Determinants of the Current Account We are now ready to examine the more general model. The world behaviour of the current account distribution of loans is in this given by the following generalization of Equation (10): 19 The first parameter restriction ensures the first 23 parentheses in Equation (19) is positive. : ^2 ) As before, the first advantage term in in which, conditional on the level borrow from low-productivity countries home. This of better investment opportunities at Equation (21). In addition, characteristics of labour is order in reflected in the the international pattern of borrowing and lending reflects cross-country differences who have a a [ model describes a world equilibrium of wealth, high-productivity countries to take (21) n-a attitudes towards risk in and the income across countries. Countries populated by investors high (low) tolerance for risk and/or a large (small) stream of riskless labour income ?ij+Pj>0 (^j+(3j<0) are, ceteris paribus, more We find the current account by applying Ito's likely to lemma to be debtors. Equation (21) and using Equations (17) and (20) \2 f Ttj a+— dfjV + 7c - a - p •dt K-O / -7t^ ( + a+- X-. +P \ fi+- 7t-a^ J f •dcoj + J V ^i+pi V n-c (22) The current account again follows a mixed jump-diffusion process, with dynamics that can be completely characterized all in terms of the underlying shocks, the parameters of the model, a, p, iim-T'^i +p: =0, (j), k ,n , X,j and Pj. the results of the previous section Since d9j and drtj, and we have assumed may be that thought of as describing the determinants of the current account for an average or "typical" country where >.j+Pj=0. Comparing Equations (22) and 24 (11), we see that they are identical drt: K; -n — —^ provided that we generalize a straightfonward manner provided that in replace used. Accordingly, we fj restrict insights obtained from the to output shocks. Since o + K- -n — > account with + i Thus, . n-a ail of the results in Section this modified definition of debt is ourselves here to a brief discussion of the additional more general mode! regarding the response , 2 Equation (21 ) shows of the current that a positive output shock, i.e. o d9j>0, leads to a current account deficit countries where in fj — ^i+Pi +— ^< and a n-a surplus in countries where fj —^ +— > . This result is again best understood in n-a terms of the savings-investment balance. As savings behaviour consumption in arbitrage condition in a'-^-7 aj the premium is is in we results differ from are allocated across obtain the following generalization of the ^—r '-^ (23) (K-a^)-aj+^j+Pj The the product of two terms. equity returns domestic equity, Where our how these savings on equity and the return on an investor's volatility of of the previous section, Equation (14). K =r + return model the face of transitory income shocks. assets. Rearranging Equation (18), risk the very standard and reflects the desire of agents to smooth their is the existing current account literature The in o^-(k/aj). and the larger The second term 25 is is first is portfolio, the covariance between the which is greater the larger the share of wealth invested is in the coefficient of relative risk aversion (7i-a^)-aj —r of the investor's value function, section ?.j+PpO and this coefficient depends on both was equal income. Most important for our results is invested in falls (rises) shock now that raises investors' wealth. exactly the if relative that this term wealth provided that Xj+Pj<0 (^j+Pj>0). Suppose positive output same If and Equation (23) more general setting, it importance of riskless labour is decreasing (increasing) in that a country experiences a the marginal unit of wealth proportions as the average >lj+Pj<0 (>.j+Pj>0), the model of the previous to one. In this and the attitudes towards risk In . the overall risk unit, no longer holds. Hence, arbitrage condition to be satisfied, the marginal unit of wealth invested domestic capital must exceed (be less than) the average is premium for the in risky unit. This result qualifies the relationship between debt and the response of the current account to output shocks. (debtor) If ^j+pj<0 (/Vj+Pj>0), a country and yet experience a current account favourable income shock. If may be deficit (surplus) in relative risk aversion a creditor response to a decreases with wealth, positive output shocks that raise wealth induce investors to take riskier investment positions. As a result, the exceeds some its share of the marginal share in unit of wealth invested average wealth. Depending on the magnitude creditor countries might run current account less risky than capital income, positive output human wealth and hence expose to take safer ^° The in deficits. domestic capital in their financial falls short of its risk. wealth, share of this effect, is ratio of financial to This induces investors and so the share in financial coefficient of relative risk aversion of the value function tells us values different domestic capital Since labour income shocks raise the the investor to greater investment positions shock invested in risky of the wealth. Hence, how the consumer as apposed to the coefficient of relative risk aversion of the utility function, which tells us how the consumer values different lotteries over consumption. The latter depends only on preferences, while the former depends on both preferences and other aspects of the consumers' environment. lotteries in wealth, 26 some debtor countries might run current account surpluses in response to a favourable output shock. In account summary, we to threshold find a simple rule to determine the response of the current a favourable output shock. -fj > — ' —^ , If the level of debt exceeds the following then favourable output shocks lead to a current account Tt-a deficit. Otherwise, they lead to a current account surplus. This threshold can be positive or negative, Finally, and in the special case of the previous sections note that using Equation (21) we can rewrite this condition as high-output shocks lead to current account deficits current account surpluses Once again, remember in equal to zero. 7tj>7i. That high-productivity countries low-productivity countries.^^ that this differences across countries in is is a consequence in volatilities. See of our assumption that there are no footnote 11. 27 is, and 4. Empirical Evidence In this section, we present some preliminary empirical evidence that broadly supports the theory developed above. This evidence as suggestive that of the theory, but rather behaviour of the current account and in we not intended as a formal test is are capturing the real world. We some aspects of the begin by assuming that X-^+^i are unobservable. Hence, the threshold level of debt above which output TCj shocks lead to current account cannot be observed. Under deficits this assumption, the content of our theory can be understood as a probabilistic statement that the higher is the level of debt of the country, the lead to current account deficits.^^ We take likely per capita favourable output shocks GNP growth as an imperfect shocks emphasized by the theory. This measure measure of the does not distinguish between output and output shocks are present in the data, the current account with per capita levels of debt. Accordingly, of more we study imperfect since it productivity shocks. Yet to the extent that we would GNP is growth how expect is to find that the correlation of smaller in countries with higher this correlation varies with the level of debt a country. Data For our empirical work, we require appropriate measures of debt and the We construct a measure of debt using data on the international investment positions (MPs) of OECD economies as reported in the International current account. Monetary Fund's Balance of estimates of stocks of ^^ The of Payments Statistics Yearbook. The IIP is a compilation assets corresponding to the various flow transactions unconditional probability of an output shock leading to a current account deficit Pr(^+Pi>-rfj)=Pr(7ij>7i)=1/2. However, conditional on the distribution of Xj+Pj, this probability is Pr(;\.j+Pj>-rfjlfj) 28 level of which is in the is debt of the country and for any increasing in fj. capital account of the balance of payments, valued at nnarket prices. We measure debt as minus one times the net holdings of public and private bonds, and other long- and short-term ratio to used capital of the resident official GNP. However, as noted in and non-official sectors, measure the introduction, this share of wealth held as claims on domestic to infer the take into account the fact that the countries in of expressed as a debt cannot be capital, since it does not our sample can hold their wealth three forms: debt, domestic capital, and capital located abroad. Accordingly, and holdings subtract outward foreign direct investment of foreign equity in we by domestic residents from debt to arrive at an "adjusted debt" measure. Figure A1 plots the time series for debt and adjusted debt for the thirteen able to construct these variables. ^^ Table sample 13 of OECD measures. The located abroad. it economies for which we are presents an overview of the data for the is possible to construct adjusted debt column reports the net external debt first GNP, fraction of countries for which 1 OECD of country j, expressed as a while the second column reports the holdings of claims on capital The third column reports the difference between the first two columns, our "adjusted debt" measure. We measure the current account as the change in the international investment position of a country, expressed as a fraction of measured at market prices, the change in in measure of the current account, the stock of foreign assets. Figure A2, which plots the conventional measure of the current account and the change the countries change The in are the IIP reflects both the within-period transactions which comprise the conventional flow as well as revaluations GNP. Since MPs in the IIP for each of our sample, reveals that the contribution of revaluation effects to the in the IIP is final sample of countries complete description substantial of the is data in most countries. determined by the limited data provided in Appendix 2. is 29 availability for these series. A , Current Account Cyclicality We are now ready to Debtor and Creditor Countries in examine how the cyclicality of the current with the level of debt of a country. Table 2 presents a first column reports the average level of adjusted account varies The look at the evidence. first debt over the period 1971-93, while the second column reports the time-series correlation of the current account surplus GNP) (expressed as a share of each debt of the countries in is while account In six is GNP which plots the is (Sweden is account (on the There is the simple correlation between the two variables Although highly suggestive, the results in is if time series correlations of the current is their level of in in Figure First, adjusted debt. we We then in Figure 1 1 should be interpreted with To the extent that country- poses no particular productivity are important in the data, the simple may obscure 1 pool highlighted -0.54. Table variations over time account within countries. To address following strategy. by changes the only exception), vertical axis) against the level specific levels of productivity are constant over time, this However, is a clear negative relationship, and caution as they pool information within countries. difficulties. period, for negative, the current account the only exception). This pattern cyclicality of the current same out of seven countries where adjusted countercyclical of adjusted debt (on the horizontal axis). some growth over the out of six countries where adjusted debt procyclical (Japan is our sample. positive, the current in five with per capita all this concern, in the cyclicality we adopt the country-year pairs of observations and rank them divide the sample in adjusted debt. Then, for the two subsamples, two at a particular threshold we compute the cyclicality of the current account for the two subgroups and test whether they are significantly different.^^ ^'* We remove country means from all equality of current account cyclicality variables before computing the correlations. in the two groups as follows: First, we We test for regress the current account on per capita income growth in the two subsamples. Under the assumption that the two point estimators are independent and asymptotically normal, we can construct the usual Wald statistic for the null hypotheses that the slope coefficients are equal in the two 30 Figures 2(a)-2(d) present the results of this robustness check for various subsamples each of the data, in current account figure, the bold (solid) line plots the cyclicality of the debtor (creditor) countries for the corresponding level of adjusted in debt at which the sample is divided in The dashed two, indicated on the x-axis. line reports the p-value for a test of the null hypothesis that the cyclicality of the current account is equal the two groups. Figure 2(a) uses data for in entire period from 1971 to countries over the all 1993, and reveals that current accounts are clearly procyclical in creditor countries and countercyclical values of the threshold, range of level. Figures 2(b), (c) and (d) present the debtors. Moreover, for a wide in this difference is significant at the same information for three the data. Figures 2(b) and 2(c) restrict the sample to the 1971-81 subperiods respectively, and reveal that the difference much more pronounced following the the latter period. However, 1973 and 1979 Figure 2(d), the pattern In in oil 5-10 percent in if subsamples and 1982-93 current account cyclicality we is done in re-emerges. the theory developed above, output shocks are saved creditor countries, while the differential current in account behavior in both debtor and the two sets of countries arises from the the differential investment response to output shocks. debtor countries, a fraction greater than one of these savings capital, while in creditor countries fourth columns theory. The third GNP per capita correlation of Table 2 provide a this fraction some rough ^^ In all subsamples. A The countries, there portion of is at shocks correlation and between a strong positive annual frequencies, to income are saved evidence that the the two groups of countries. defined as net national savings, expressed as a fraction of in cyclicality of the in 31 third indicators of these two pieces of the rejection of this null hypothesis constitutes current account differs is some In allocated to domestic smaller than one. between savings and per capita Income growth consistent with the view that at least Savings is is column reports the within-country time-series growth and savings. is drop the two years shocks from the 1971-82 subperiod, as we emphasize of GNP. order to smooth consumption over time. relationship final column between the of As in the theory, there no obvious is debt and the cyclical behaviour of savings.^^ The level of Table 2 reports the within-country time series correlation between savings and the current account. Consistent with the theory, there is a strong negative relationship between the level of debt of a country and the correlation of savings and the current account. In six out of seven debtor countries, savings and the current account are negatively correlated, while in five out of six creditors, they are positively correlated (Sweden and Japan again are exceptions). Other Explanations for the Debtor/Creditor Distinction A notable feature of business cycles be highly correlated across countries.^'' in OECD economies is that they tend to This observation suggests two possible alternative explanations which might account for the difference in current account cyclicality between debtor and expansions tend series correlation six-month LIBOR countercyclical in to be associated with increases between is creditor countries. OECD average 0.55. Thus, it is First, in OECD-wide economic interest rates. GNP per capita In fact, the time- growth and growth in the possible that current accounts are debtor countries only because domestic booms coincide with high present and expected future debt service obligations. Second, to the extent that countries hold claims account fluctuations also much reflect on foreign capital, current domestic and foreign residents' decisions on how capital to hold abroad. This too can potentially account for the countercyclicality ® This of course does not rule out other explanations for the procyclicality of savings. For if booms redistribute wealth from individuals with low savings propensities to individuals with high savings propensities, savings would also be procyclical. However, as long example, as individuals allocate their wealth using investment rules such as the ones discussed paper, our effects would still arise. See Costello (1993) and Kraay and Ventura (1997) 32 in this accounts of current in debtor countries. To see wtiy, suppose that, consistent with the notion that they are high-productivity countries, debtor countries tend to invest less abroad than foreigners invest marginal unit of wealth in among them. Then, provided that assets in the same all investors allocate their proportions as their average wealth, favourable income shocks that are correlated across countries current account deficits in will produce debtor countries simply because foreigners purchase more claims on debtor country capital than residents of the debtor country purchase our sample, the outward investment of debtor countries abroad. In 5.6% GNP, of while inward investment in countries, the corresponding figures are To adequately these countries was on average was 9.8%. In creditor 15.2% and 11.1%. differentiate our theory from these alternatives, we revisit evidence presented above, conditioning on global shocks such as changes interest rates and foreign income. This is done in Table 3 and Figure 3, in the world which report the partial correlation between the current account surplus and domestic per capita GNP growth, controlling for the growth rate of the 6-month rate of OECD per capita GNP excluding the country in LIBOR and question.^® the growth Now the cross- country correlation between the level of adjusted debt and the cyclicality of the current account remains negative, sample of dividing the full levels of debt. The we can now the same in and is equal to -0.55. Figure 4 reports the results of countries into debtors pattern which emerges is and creditors at various threshold similar to that in Figure 2(a). However, only reject the null hypothesis that the cyclicality of the current account is debtor and creditor countries over a smaller range of threshold levels of debt. A further concern might be that productivity shocks account for a larger share of fluctuations per capita GNP growth in debtor countries than in creditors. Although there are no a priori reasons to believe in this asymmetry, it is possible that our results are driven by it. We did experiment with controlling for various proxies for productivity shocks, and obtained in substantially similar results to those reported here. 33 5. Concluding Remarks Using a model with quite conventional ingredients, prediction that, if investors exhibit constant relative risk aversion income, favourable output shocks lead and surpluses in average one. Since by is to current definition the in as a portion of in account surplus in wealth increase is creditor countries. aversion varies with wealth and in a to unit of proportions as the deficit in a greater on the current account. exceeds investment at home, invested abroad. This produces a current We have also shown that, if investors' risk the presence of labour income, there determine when a positive output shock leads rule to same wealth (savings) results creditor countries the increase in wealth this debtor countries share of a debtor country's wealth devoted to domestic capital (investment), leading Conversely, and have no labour deficits in distributed across assets in the domestic capital exceeds one, an increase in account derived the novel Under these assumptions, the marginal creditor countries. wealth (the income shock) increase we have to is a current account a simple deficit: the country's debt has to exceed a threshold that can be either positive or negative, and is zero in the case of constant relative risk aversion and no labour income. also provided some suggestive evidence from thirteen OECD countries that We have is consistent with this prediction. To make progress one must be been shy about doing so. Sovereign features of real economies that however that our results willing to risk we have would survive and left all make assumptions, and we have foreign investment are two important unmodelled here. is the investment absence is of most adjustment costs to investment. not "bang-bang" as We feel confident but the most extreme versions of models that incorporate these elements. In our opinion, the paper not we have assumed glaring omission of this In real economies here. Abstracting from adjustment costs greatly simplifies the analysis, while permitting us to isolate the 34 main economic forces at wor[<. 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It can easily be . verified that the following value function solves the Bellman equation: V(ai,Tr:) where g(7tj) = p-^ln aj+-^ does not depend on (A4) Substituting the derivatives of the value function aj. and (A3) into the first order conditions (A2) turn specialize to Equations (5) + g(7ij) and yields Equations (17) for the (6) case and (18). These in of l^-^^-Q. The World Steady-State Here we show 1 that, lim if -• " ^^j +Pj = , there exists a steady-state in j=i which both the world average productivity and world growth rate are constants. Let H = n and L be the be the set of countries with Ttj Remember that each group contains the average wealth of countries in , set of countries with same number the two groups is a = - lim — J^-J • ya ^ interest rate Next do so in . i Also, define s as Using . ^ a+a r = s • t! + (1 - s) we show that there four steps. First, the condition = ' we ds=0 requires 7t lim 2 — ^aj • and J6H this notation, we can write the world - o^ exists a distribution of wealth s* at which ds=0. note that, except for the cases that =n of countries. Therefore, the •'^"^ J a= Ttj ^^ = a ^a . Second, 39 we In which a = We or a = 0, note that Equation (19), the J '' assumption that lim .1—loo J->- —1 V^, ^^ +(3: • . =0, and thefact that a fraction of countries (t)dt ' ^ I 1=1 change regime each da = period, jointly imply that: n-Tz + (1-S) + S-7C + (1-S)-7t-G^-p •a+{j)-(a-a)^-dt+ (A5) + a + (1-s) 0-S da lim — y a, dco —\ +s-7t + (1-s)-7i-a-p a + ({)-(a-a)>-dt+ a (A6) + o+s Third, we —\- lim — -"y 3; -dco note that, conditional on the ajS and given that the shocks dcoj are independent across countries, a straightforward application of the Law of Large Numbers shows that lim j^°» ds=0 if and only J 2 -dco, = lim— J-*- J jsH y a, dco: =0. Fourth, it follows that JeL if: s(1-s) An 2 — -y a, (1-2S) k-tC + 2(7i:-7t) + (t)(1-2s) = (A7) analysis of this equation reveals that there exist a solution s*e (1/2,1]. Hence, taking this distribution of wealth as an initial and the world interest rate are constant. growth rate also constant. is condition, the world The reader can 40 easily average productivity check that the world Appendix 2: Data Sources This paper uses data on international investment positions (IIPs) reported the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Subject to Edition). availability, this Payments Statistics Yearbook source reports data on the stocks in (5th of various assets held abroad by residents of a country, and the corresponding stocks of domestic assets held by non-residents. These stocks of assets are valued prices, and hence changes which are not captured In three in in these stocks the usual flow reflect measure of the IIP: market unrealized capital gains and losses of the current account. order to empirically implement our model, components at we need to distinguish between claims on foreign capital held by the residents of a country (outward equity claims), claims on domestic capital held by non-residents of that country (inward equity claims), and net holdings of the international Outward equity claims are measured as outward foreign residents' holdings of corporate equities abroad. Finally, net direct investment plus Similarly, measured as inward FDI plus non-residents' holdings of bond. inward equity claims are domestic corporate equities. bond holdings are proxied by the non-reserves residual of the IIP, which includes net public and private bond holdings and other long- and short-term capital. Our sample of countries concerns about data We then checked the quality. was determined We began with a both by data availability and sample of 20 OECD economies.^" overall IIP series for these countries against that reported in Rider (1994), which presents independent estimates of IIPs based on extensive research into national sources. For most countries, these two sources correspond Greece, Ireland and Iceland were immediately dropped from the sample due to extremely coverage. The Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook reports balance of payments data for an aggregate of Belgium and Luxembourg only. This reduces the original sample of 24 OECD economies by four. limited data 41 quite closely. Zealand due However, we were forced to to drop Belgium/Luxembourg and major discrepancies between the two sources. Next, New we excluded Portugal and Switzerland since IIP data were available only for eight years for each of these countries. Finally, we dropped Denmark, Norway, Turkey since stock data on the subcomponents of the IIP This resulted in fairly complete series on the IIP we and from the sample required were not available. its components between 1970 and 1993. The remaining missing values in of payments obtain a balanced panel of 24 annual observations for each country drawn from the OECD's ^^ in this 13 countries the sample were obtained by cumulating the corresponding flow items from the balance The remaining data used for ^^ and in order to series. ^^ paper (GNP and net national savings) are national accounts. Stock data on equity holdings not available for Norway and Turkey. Stock data on FDI not available Turkey. 54 out of a total of 312 observations were obtained 1970s. 42 in this manner, all of them in the early Table 1- Debt and Adjusted Debt (percent of GNP. average, 1970-1993) Debt Outward Investment Adjusted Debt (1) (2) (3)=(1)-(2) Debtor Countries Finland 24.3 3.2 21.1 Canada 26.0 13.3 12.7 Australia 16.6 6.6 10.0 Sweden 17.1 8.6 8.5 Austria 8.5 2.4 6.1 Italy 6.5 3.3 3.3 Spain 4.5 1.7 2.8 Creditor Countries France Japan 2.2 6.4 -4.2 -3.2 3.5 -6.7 United States 3.2 11.1 -7.9 Germany United Kingdom -3.5 5.8 -9.3 6.3 27.8 -21.5 Netheriands -0.6 36.3 -36.9 Debtor Average 14.8 5.6 9.2 0.7 15.2 -14.4 Creditor Average >c CO CO >*— c 3 o o < r- CM CO ._ CO 1- 00 T-; CO t^ '^ '^ in 05 CM cp O O o o d o o o o o c c QJ ,o t 3 TO o m i_ .c k_ o 1 o o m To o o To o o o •«*• -"S- CD 1-^ q S 9 o CD Cvl O W O 1^ ^O o re ^ o 5 o o re CM •<*- OO CD CM CM CM T- TjCD CO CD r^ '^ r^ ^ O CO CM d d d d d d d in f^ in en CM t^ CD CM -^ C3 c6 ^. CM 1^ Tf CD o o Tl- lO in d d o CM d re O 0) 1- o Ql r: O O m CD CM CD d d d d d d * O o d o CD CD U1 CM CO OO LO IT) IT) LO -^ CD cb r-- §•5. c re M o Q c O o o o < o c Z E O re o o >« O c O u u < o c (^j ^ d ^ ^ o d d re O 01 a. o O c 0) O I - CL -° Z T3 O So CM V re . C^ $^ 3 a) ^^ o ^ Q. >-: ° vn T- CO <» 00 CD CO CM C3> f-^ CO ai CM CD CO CM CJ) Q D 0) I/I u 0) k. o 0) Q E o c 3 O c 3 o O 0) o o re TO ™ .E .b li- re .2 c re a) o re w a) 01 3 g 5 3 O < W < ^ CO ii 're (2. W i ^ (U o c re re O o) 2 5 « > 0) (U Ll-i? B 5 o D Z < u. o 1- O p < c o m .ti s^ a u o o Table 3- Current Account Cyclicality Controlling for Global Shocks Adjusted Debt (percent of GNP) Account Growth Partial Correlation of Current with Per Capita GNP Partial Correlation of Debtor Countries Finland 21.1 -0.03 Canada 12.7 -0.20 -0.13 Australia 10.0 0.11 -0.02 Sweden 8.5 0.18 -0.02 Austria 6.1 0.02 -0.15 Italy 3.3 -0.33 -0.20 Spain 2.8 -0.31 -0.31 France -4.2 -0.14 -0.12 Japan -6.7 -0.13 0.08 United States -7.9 0.06 0.24 Germany -9.3 0,14 -0.03 United Kingdom -21.5 0.12 0.09 Netherlands -36.9 0.45 -0.03 Debtor Average Creditor Average 9.2 -0.08 -0.13 -14.4 0.24 0.01 -0.55 -0.36 -0.05 Creditor Countries Correlation w/ Adjusted Debt Savings with Current Account tf) T3 0) o DC ro (A _o O >> O C 3 O u u < c 0) ^u. 3 o o 3 O) sjojipajo puB sjoiqaa AjlIEDipAo JBMJ lS9i ^ ' en 00 o o ' ^~ d (p d in d u; * d <' ^ lenbg p|B/v\ JOJ 1 /: s; 3n|BA-d CO rsj T- d d d c OLO > \ 600 900 1 /-^Z ZOO 900 900 / C 3 O u u 900 900 WO t'O'O L'O'O < £00 c 200 1 0) k. 1_ 3 o LOO _ Creditors O O) -w en J LOO ^ 000 % LOO- o (U LOO- — y 300- CT) ~"^^^ O in £00- £ £00^^""^ • MOwowo- ^^'^"•\~v^-^btors — 3 ' (D /^^V^X 900900900- Q-_; zoo- /A zoo- \ 60-0- 900- OL'Oin CM CNJ d o 1 300- ° — 3^ ^ lO T— d T- d m o d c3 {qvv\oJ9 dlMO BiidBQ jaj |Bay 'snidjng junooov iuajjno)jjo3 IT) O d 1- d ' u) ~ c3 j= 1- » sjo^ipojo puB sjo;qaa A}!|BDn|oAo jeqj jsai CD o d IT) <« o o u| p|B/\/\ n o |Bnbg joj sj 3n|BA-d CM o Ol-O — oro - 60'0 - 800 - 80-0 - 800 - ZOO - ZOO - 900 - C 3 O u u 900 < V c V w 3 O 1^ O 900 - 900 l_ n soo a soo T3 0) t'OO — o l- ^ 3 TJ £00 < o •" 300 '~ ;- 000 > 1— 1- 20-0- u o CO •— o O 3 _.- SO'O- ;- wo- - fO'OCO - 900- o •4—' - 900- Q - 900- 1 zoo.j ZO'O•i r- 800- ,v — 600^ 6004- CO d d CN og o o (MVv\oj9 dN9 o BiidEo jaj leay 'snidjns lunooov iuajjno)jjoo d n o 2 n JZ - t-oo- O) 0) oro- 03 . 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