Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/crisespricesinfoOOange HB31 DEWEY J1415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series CRISES AND PRICES Information Aggregation, Multiplicity Volatility George-Marios Angeletos Ivan Werning Working Paper 04-43 December 15, 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without c harge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=634881 and MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FEB 1 2005 LIBRARIES j Crises and Prices Information Aggregation, Multiplicity and Volatility* Ivan Werning George-Marios Angeletos MIT and NBER MIT, angeletOmit edu UTDT and iwerningOmit edu . First draft: NBER . January 2004. This version: December 2004. Abstract Many argue that crises - such as currency attacks, bank runs and described as times of non-fundamental when endogenous We riots - can be argue that crises are also times sources of information are closely monitored and thus an important part of the phenomena. volatility volatility. We by introducing a study the role of endogenous information in generating financial market in a coordination game where agents have heterogeneous information about the fundamentals. The equilibrium price aggregates common knowledge. In contrast to the case with exogenous information, we find that uniqueness may not be obtained as a perturbation from common knowledge: multiplicity is ensured when individuals observe fundamentals with small idiosyncratic noise. Multiplicity may emerge also in the financial price. When the equilibrium is unique, it becomes more sensitive to non-fundamental shocks information without restoring as private noise JEL is reduced. Codes: D8, E5, F3, Gl. Keywords: Multiple rency crises, bank equilibria, coordination, global games, speculative attacks, cur- runs, financial crashes, rational expectations. *For useful comments and suggestions, we thank Daron Acemoglu, Manuel Amador, V.V. Chari, Christian and seminar participants at MIT, Stanford, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Duke, the Minneapolis and Chicago Federal Reserve Banks, the Minnesota Summer Workshop, and the UTDT Summer Workshop. Hellwig, Patrick Kehoe, Balazs Szentes, Introduction 1 a love-hate relationship, economists are at once fascinated It's On tiple equilibria. and uncomfortable with mul- the one hand, economic and political crises involve large and abrupt Com- changes in outcomes, but often lack obvious comparable changes in fundamentals. mentators attribute an important role to more or or 'animal spirits', and models with multiple less arbitrary shifts in 'market sentiments' equilibria formalize these ideas. On the other hand, models with multiple equilibria can also be viewed as incomplete theories that should some dimension ultimately be extended along The first view empirical side, is Kaminsky crises is affected On the theoretical side, political the significant amount of volatility models featuring multiple equilibria attempt to Bank address such non-fundamental volatility. and On documents that the hkelihood of economic (1999), for example, by observable fundamentals, but that a remains unexplained. crashes, riots to resolve the indeterminacy. represented by a large empirical and theoretical literature. runs, currency attacks, debt crises, financial regime changes are modeled as a coordination game: attacking a regime - such as a currency peg or the banking system - is worthwhile if and only if enough agents are also expected to attack. 1 Morris and Shin (1998, 2000) contribute to the second view by showing that a unique equilibrium survives in such coordination games when individuals observe fundamentals with small enough private noise. 2 striking The result is most the original common-knowledge model, which is when seen as a perturbation around ridden with equilibria. Most importantly, their contribution highlights the role of the information structure in determining and char- acterizing the equilibrium set. The aim two of this paper distinct forms of is to understand the role of information in crises. non-fundamental volatility: the sensitivity of a unique equilibrium to non-fundamental disturbances. considering endogenous information Information is is focus on We argue that crucial for these questions. typically treated exogenously in coordination models, but dogenous in most situations of We the existence of multiple equilibria and interest. Financial prices is largely en- and macroeconomic indicators convey information regarding others actions and their information. During times of crises such indicators are monitored intensely and appear to be an important part of the phenomena. As an example, consider the Argentine 2001-2002 of the peso, sovereign- debt default, crisis and suspension of crisis, which included devaluation bank payments. Leading up to the throughout 2001, bank deposits and the peso-forward rate deteriorated steadily. Such 1 See. for example, Diamond and Dybvig (1983), Obstfeld (1986, 1996), Velasco (1996), Calvo (1988), Cooper and John (1988), Cole and Kehoe (1996). 2 See Carlson and van Damme (1993) for an earlier contribution and Morris and Shin (2001) for a review. variables were widely reported by people making crucial by news media and investor reports, and were closely watched economic decisions. These observations lead us to introduce endogenous sources of public information in a coordination game. In our baseline model, individuals observe their private signals and the price of a financial asset. The rational-expectations equilibrium price aggregates disperse by introducing enough noise private information, but avoids perfect revelation in the aggre- gation process, as in Grossman and Stiglitz (1976). Thus, none of our results are driven by restoring common-knowledge. 3 The main insight to emerge is that the precision of the endogenous public information increases with the precision of the exogenous private information. is more precise, individuals' asset result, the equilibrium price reacts more demands more are more sensitively to When private information sensitive to their information. As a fundamental variables, thus conveying precise information. This result has important implications for the determinacy of equilibria, as a horse-race between private and public information emerges. information makes coordination more tinct information. An increase in the precision of private difficult as individuals rely more on their own dis- However, the consequent increase in the precision of endogenous public information facilitates coordination. This indirect effect typically dominates, reversing the limiting result: enough private multiplicity is ensured when individuals observe fundamentals with small noise. Uniqueness therefore can not be attained as a small perturbation around commonknowledge. To illustrate this point Figure plicity in the Multiplicity 1 displays the regions of uniqueness and multi- space of exogenous levels of public and private noise is ensured when either noise is vate noise act symmetrically. In contrast, when information facilitates multiplicity, but (<7 E and a x , respectively). sufficiently small. In this sense, public less private noise contributes is and pri- exogenous, less public noise towards uniqueness. Moreover, with endogenous information, equilibria outcomes are continuous with respect to information parameters. In contrast, with exogenous information, the limiting result discussed above illustrates a sharp discontinuity. Interestingly, multiplicity may emerge, not only with respect to the probability of regime change, but also in the asset price. This occurs when the asset's dividend depends on the endogenous aggregate activity in the coordination game, which one can interpret also as a short of investment game. Different equilibrium prices are then sustained by different expectations about the aggregate size of attack/investment, and therefore about the dividend 3 Atkeson (2000) has already pointed out that perfectly revealing asset markets would restore equilibrium multiplicity. uniqueness multiplicity Figure 1: a x measures the exogenous noise in private information and <r £ the exogenous public noise in the aggregation of information. of the asset, which in turn are possible only thanks to the coordinating role prices play in the first place. In regions where the equilibrium We is unique, we are able to perform comparative statics. find that a reduction in exogenous noise increases the sensitivity of the regime to non-fundamental disturbances. noise may also increase the When the asset's dividend non-fundamental is volatility in the financial price. results parallel the determinants of equilibrium multiplicity, outcome endogenous, a reduction in we conclude Since these that lower noise increases volatility for both forms of volatility. We also study a separate model motivated by the bank run and riots applications. In this model there is no financial market. However, information observe a public noisy signal of others actions. An is endogenous because individuals advantage is that this model allows us to study endogenous information with a minimal modification of the Morris-Shin framework. The model shares the main insights and results for equilibrium multiplicity obtained with the financial price model. This paper contributes to the real-expectations literature by examining the coordinating role of financial prices and its implications for volatility. In where the dividend of the asset is is Stiglitz (1981), exogenous and there are no complementarities in real vestment choices, the equilibrium price information structure. This Grossman and is unique and is less in- volatile the lower the noise in the because in that framework prices merely convey information about the underlying fundamentals, which helps every individual figure out his best choice without regard to what other agents are choosing. In the presence of complementarities, instead, financial prices serve also a coordinating role: they help agents coordinate their real investment choices by improving the ability of each agent to predict what other agents do. And it is this coordinating role that explains emerge also in the Our work or uniqueness is prices. why multiple equilibria and high volatility may 4 builds on Morris-Shin and underscores their general theme that multiplicity Within such a framework, our aim depends on the information structure. to understand the effect of endogenous sources of public information such as financial prices and other indicators of aggregate HeUwig and Pavan (2003, 2004) activity. Angeletos, also endogenize information, but not through information aggregation as here. Instead, they consider the signaling effects of policy interventions and the flow of information in a dynamic global game. Related and allow focus on devalue is Mukherji, Tsyvinski and Hellwig (2004), who consider a currency-crises financial prices to directly affect the coordination outcome. how multiplicity or uniqueness game In particular, they depends on whether the central bank's decision to triggered by large reserve losses or high interest rates. Tarashev (2003) also en- is dogenizes interest rates in a currency-crises model, but does not investigate the implications for equilibrium multiplicity. Finally, we share with Chari and Kehoe (2003) the motivation in examining the role of information in generating non-fundmental volatility, but we focus on coordination rather than herding. Indeed, we bring closer the global-games and social-learning approaches to crises by allowing endogenous public cascades by assuming that no agent how coordination may signals is about others' activity, "big". Building again but avoid informational on Morris-Shin, we also show help understand high non-fundamental volatility even with a unique equilibrium. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We describe the basic model in Section 2 and review the exogenous information benchmark. Section 3 incorporates the financial asset and examines multiplicity of equilibria. Section 4 examines the determinants of volatility as a comparative static along a unique equilibrium. Section 5 studies the model with a direct signal of aggregate activity. Section 6 concludes. Barlevy and Veronessi (2004) consider a Grossman-Stiglitz-like economy which admits multiple rationalexpectations equilibria, but the source of multiplicity is very different. In their model, there are no complementarities in real investment choices (the dividend of the asset not play any coordinating role is actually exogenous) and the price does our framework. Multiplicity instead originates in the non-linearity of the inference problem faced by uninformed traders when they interact with informed and less risk-averse agents. like in The Basic Model: Exogenous Information 2 we review the Before endogenizing public information, model with exogenous informa- basic tion. Actions and Payoffs. There indexed by quo (oj = i £ [0, 1]. 1) or Each agent not attack (a 2 payoff from attacking c 6 (0, 1) only if yl is 1 — = c i 1). > is a status quo and a measure-one continuum of agents, can choose between two actions, either attack the status The if payoff from not attacking the status quo The parametrizes the cost of attacking. > 6, where A status quo U(a ,A,6) i R (A, 9) = It follows —c otherwise, where abandoned in turn if denotes the regime outcome, with R= 1 if Interpretations. In models of self-fulfilling currency attacks the currency, forcing the central of foreign reserves or more maintain the peg. In models of that the payoff of agent a l (R(A,6)-c) and Shin, 1998), a "regime change" occurs when a amount is and denotes the mass of agents attacking and 9 represents the exogenous fundamentals, namely the strength of the status quo. where normalized to zero. The is abandoned and is (1) A> 9 and otherwise. crises (Obstfeld, 1986, 1996; bank to abandon the peg; self-fulling R= sufficiently large generally the ability i is Morris mass of speculators 9 then parametrizes the and willingness of the central bank to bank runs, on the other hand, a "regime change" occurs once a sufficiently large number of depositors decide to withdraw their deposits, forcing the bank to suspend its payments; 9 then parametrizes the liquid resources available 5 to the banking system. Throughout the paper, we focus on crises as the applications, however, are also possible. main interpretation of the model. Other For example, one could interpret the model as an economy with investment complementarities, in which investment, A In short, the key property of the payoff structure coordination motive: U (1, A, 9) — U (0, A, 9) 9 € when (#, #] — = 9 is (0,1]. common The knowledge, both we 1 represents undertake an consider increases with A, incentive to take one action increases with the Indeed, a; the aggregate level of investment, and 9 the exogenous productivity. mass A = I is that it of other agents taking the and introduces a meaning that the individual A= is same action. an equilibrium whenever interval (9,6] thus represents the set of "critical fundamentals" for which agents can coordinate on multiple courses of action under Information. Following Morris-Shin, we assume 6 is not common common knowledge. knowledge. In the Other related interpretations include debt crises and financial crashes (Calvo, 1988; Cole and Kehoe, Finally, Atkeson (2000) interprets the model as describing riots: the potential rioters may or may not overwhelm the police force in charge of containing social unrest depending on whether the number of rioters exceeds the strength of the police force. 1996; Morris and Shin, 2003, 2004). , beginning of the game, nature draws 6 from a given distribution, which constitutes the agents' common prior about where o~ x is a positive scalar independent of positive scalar 9. For simplicity, this prior 9. uniform over the entire real line. and 6 Agent assumed to be an (improper) is ^ ~ AA(0, 1) is idiosyncratic noise, Agents also observe an exogenous public signal ~ Af(0, 1) and v is common z = 9 + a.v, The information structure is thus parametrized parsimoniously by a x and a z a x = o~ 2 and a z = Equilibrium Analysis. if and only We if monotone focus on his private signal is equilibria, that is less than a threshold x*(z). The and is decreasing in where 9*(z) is the unique solution to A(9, z) of his private signal <1> /q^(x*(z) (v if 9 9*{z), — 9)) x *( z ) ct x = posterior of the agent about 9 + oc z , where a x public information. — a~ 2 and a z It follows = 6. It 9*{z) is + Hence, an equilibrium a~ x ^, and where a z is , a £. the standard the precisions of , [V^+cZ (e*(z) is 2 o~ x < a z ^/2n. This assumption is — 9, (See is which that, if the realization x then A(9, if = z) and only or equivalently {£)). (2) a* x a - [9 ^ it - ar + optimal to attack < 6*(z)\x, x*{z) z] unique Appendix = c, if a z and precision and only if x < x* (z) or equivalently ^-z)) = - z c. (3) : simply identified with a solution to and and only equilibria in Thus suppose denote, respectively, the precision of private and that the agent finds solution to (4) always exist equivalently we 2 size of the attack is ^-\9* Substituting (2) into (3) gives a single equation in 6*(z) A 0" both 9 and follows that regime change occurs where x*(z) solve the indifference condition Pr $ if Normal with mean 2 is, sufficiently low.' given a realization z of the public signal, an agent attacks The -f- and public information. an agent attacks < o~~ 9 across agents i.i.d. noise, distributed independently of deviations of the two noises; or equivalently by private = then receives a private signal Xj i for all z if (4). and only for a detailed derivation.) without any serious loss of generality: by letting the if a z /^/a x < V2n, ~ We common or conclude that the prior be uninformative, bias the results against multiplicity. 7 This is without serious unique and the information loss of generality for is two reasons. First, when the monotone equilibrium is exogenous, a standard argument of iterrated deletion of strongly dominated show that there are no other non-monotone equilibria either. Second, to prove the common-knowledge outcomes with either exogenous or endogenous information, it suffices to look at monotone equilibria. strategies can be used to existence of multiple equilibria and the convergence to Figure 2: ax and a z parametrize the noise in private and public information; uniqueness is ensured for a x small enough. equilibrium is Proposition unique if unique and only if the private noise if ax < sufficiently small. illustrated in Figure 2, is For any a z is ficiently small. In the limit as a x unique. common-knowledge game, incomplete-information in — > > 0, which depicts the regions of 0, the incomplete-information which there are multiple game remains unique and non-fundamental volatility (o~ x ,az ) uniqueness in ensured by letting the regime outcome becomes independent of all the equilibrium is a^y/2/K. the equilibrium to matter, but is (Morris-Shin) In the game with exogenous information, 1 and only This result if e. o~ x for which > suf- game approaches the equilibria; yet, the equilibrium of the actually asymptotes to a situation where In other words, not only sunspots cease - the volatility of A or R conditional on 9 - vanishes. Corollary 1 In < 6 and A{9,z) -* This result o~ x the limit as = : The key behavior: is if 6 o~ x > intriguing, as 0, it — > 0, where there is a unique equilibrium, in which A ((9, z) — > 1 if 6 = 1 - c. manifests a sharp discontinuity of the equilibrium set around a tiny perturbation away from perfect information obtains a unique equilibrium. intuition it is that disperse private information serves as an anchor for individual limits the ability to forecast each others' actions multiple equilibria. and thereby to coordinate on Indeed, when agents share the same information about the underlying fundamentals, all they can perfectly forecast each others' actions in equilibrium and can therefore perfectly when coordinate on either everybody or nobody attacking 6 G (6, 6} . But when agents have heterogeneous information about the fundamentals, each agent faces uncertainty regarding other agents' beliefs about 9 and their actions. For any given precision of public information, the higher the precision of the agents' private information, the more heavily agents condition their actions on own their private information, and thus the harder it is for other agents to sufficiently small relative to a., this anchoring effect of predict their actions. When a x private information strong enough that the ability to coordinate on multiple courses of is action totally brakes signal become down and is a unique equilibrium survives. Finally, as infinitely precise relative to the public signal, in ax — > 0, the private which case agents cease to condition on the public signal and by implication the sensitivity of equilibrium outcomes to the shock e vanishes. Endogenous Information 3 The results reviewed I: Financial Prices above presume that the precision of public information remains ant while changing the precision of private information. This, however, when may invari- not be possible the public information consists of financial prices that endogenously aggregate the disperse private information in the population. To capture the role of prices as a channel of information aggregation, environment as follows. There are now two stages. In stage 1, we modify the agents trade a financial asset whose dividend depends on the underlying exogenous fundamentals and/or the endogenous outcome of Stage 2. Stage 2 in turn is like section, except for that the public signal stage the benchmark regime-change is now the game of the previous price that cleared the asset This framework opens up new modeling choices regarding the specification of the asset's dividend and the preferences over risky payoffs. We guide our choices with an eye towards tractability: to isolate the effects of information aggregation from any direct payoff linkages between the two stages, we assume that preferences are separable between the portfolio choice and the second-stage attacking information structure, and market in 1. we model Stiglitz (1976, 1980) stage and Hellwig 1 decision; along the 8 first-stage and to preserve normality CARA-normal framework of of the Grossman (1980). 'However, we do allow the payoff of the asset to be depend on the aggregate activity of stage 2. . Model Set-up 3.1 Timing, information, and payoffs. The game an improper uniform over R. Each agent an exogenous private signal £; is A/"(0, 1) In stage i.i.d. , 1, riskless asset = 9 +- cXx^. The distribution of and independent of across agents, with nature drawing 8 from starts again has a given endowment of wealth Wi and receives w-i is arbitrary and the noise 9. agents can invest their wealth either in a risk-less asset or a risky asset. in infinitely elastic supply, is The the second stage. / Xi i risky asset, it costs and in the first stage, 1 on the other hand, costs p delivers it and in the first stage The 1 in delivers in the second. The agent enjoys utility from final-stage consumption and has constant absolute risk (CARA). The payoff from the aversion portfolio choice c = w — is the coefficient of absolute risk aversion. pk + fk is thus V (c) = — exp(— 7c) /7, consumption, k denotes investment in the risky is an unobserved random variable K (e) = The net supply of the risky asset where £ cr s e, ~ jV(0, 1) where and 7 > asset, is given by independent of both is the fundamentals and the private noise and a £ parametrizes the exogenous noise in the The unobserved shock aggregation process. 'noise traders' and its role is e can also be interpreted as the demand of to introduce noise in the information revealed by financial prices about fundamentals. In stage = (R 1) if as in the offs agents chose whether to attack or not. > 9 are realized at the What end of stage 2. is is status quo U(a, A, asset's dividend, 9) is abandoned = a(R (A, 6) — c) and the agents' pay- the specification of the asset's dividend are interested in two alternatives: the case that 9; 2 9 remains to close the model economic fundamentals The the and the agent's payoff from stage benchmark model. The regime outcome, the Asset. We 2, and only if A and the case that / is / is /. determined merely by the underlying a function of the endogenous activity A of the coordination stage. What we game is wish to capture with the latter case some short of an investment game which is environments where the coordination also determines asset returns. For example, imagine agents have the option to invest in a new sector (or adopt a new technology), the dividend of the asset depends on the profitability of this sector, and the profitable only if enough agents Equilibrium. asset is Because of the CARA-normal specification, the independent of wealth. The individual's demand k in stage 9 new sector is invest. 1 demand for the risky and action a in stage Given the separability of payoff between the two stages, one could reinterpret the model as if the agents in stage 1 were different than the agents who move in stage 2, provided of course that the latter observe the price that cleared the asset market in stage 1 who move , . 2 are thus functions of (x,p) alone. Since there the exogenous state A Definition 1 (0, e)~. We price, on the other hand, is a function of thus define rational- expectations equilibrium is a price function P(9, e), individual strate- and a(x,p) for investment and gies k(x,p) a continuum of agents, the corresponding is The equilibrium aggregates are functions of (9,p). and A(9,p), such attacking, and corresponding aggregates K{Q,p) that: (i) in stage 1, k(x,p) = argmaxE K(9,p) = — p) V((f [ I k(x,p)d$ k) \ x,p (5) ] (^—) (6) = K(e) K(9,P(9,e)) (7) in stage 2, (ii) a(x, p) = arg max E A(0,p)= The [ U(a, A(9, p),6) x,p] \ (8) fa(x,p)d$(—-) interpretation of these conditions is (9) and straightforward. Condition (5) (9) requires that an agent's investment take into account the information contained in their private information and prices, whereas condition (7) imposes market clearing in the asset market. Note that (5)- (7) define (8)-(9) define a of notation, we a standard rational-expectations equilibrium standard Perfect Bayesian equilibrium in stage let R (9, e) = R (9, A (9, P (9, £))) a function of the exogenous state for stage 1, Finally, whereas with some abuse denote the equilibrium regime outcome as (9, e) Exogenous dividend 3.2 We 2. consider fundamentals We first 9. the case that the dividend / depends only on the exogenous economic To preserve Normality, we let / = / (9) = 9. start the characterization of the equilibrium with stage Thanks to the CARA-Normal specification, the E{V(c)\x,p} The FOC, which is expected 1 (the financial market). utility of the = V((E[f\x,p}-p)k-lV&r[f\x,p}k 2 both necessary and sufficient, implies that 10 agent reduces to ) the optimal demand for the asset is k(x,p) E[f\x,p]-p = 10 r, iVax\f\x,p] where / = 9. We and precision propose that the posterior of 9 conditional on x,p has mean Sx a, for some and therefore K(8,p) = (8a/j)(9 = market-clearing price as p 9 — — p). = tion of p (5a/-y)~ 1 aE is It 0. K (e) = + (1 (Sa/j) (x — S)p — p) which gives the , (Sa/j)~ a E e, or equivalently = 9-op e (11) the standard deviation of the price conditional on therefore equivalent to the observation of a is = fohows that k(x,p) In equilibrium, K(9,p) P(9,e) where ap > G (0,1) and a 8 Normal 9. The observa- signal about 9 with precision = a~ 2 Moreover, x and p are independent and therefore 9\x,p ~ JV (Sx + (1 — 5)p, a) £ = & x /a, and a = ^ ap which verifies our initial guess. Solving for a, 8, and ap we get a = a x (l + a x a E /^y 2 ), 8 = 1/(1 + ax ae /j 2 ), and ap = a e a^/7 2 That is, the precision of the ap . , -(- , , . public information revealed by the price is an increasing function of both the precision the aggregation process and the agents' primitive private information. Equivalently, ap = jae al, (12) which together with (11) completes the characterization of stage Next, consider stage 2 (the coordination stage). stage 2 signal is z = p = P (9, e) and hence a z of our earlier analysis in Section < x if x* (p) abandoned if , and only unique if if and if <J o~ .o\ < 7 outcomes, (27r) -1 / 2 R (9,p) . , 9 < = ap The the agent's strategy A (6,p) = $ is (11), the continuation is (a/o^ (x* (p) a(x,p) — 6)) , = 1 if 2 e the ax in and only and the regime is 9*(p); second, the thresholds x* (p) and 9* (p) are given by the ; if game following are thus immediate implications . first, Given of Section 2, except for the fact that the public once we replace z with p and a, with ap third, the solution (4) and only 2 if and only Proposition 2 In 2 2: the aggregate attack and only solution to (2) if game isomorphic to the benchmark is 1. < ap ^/2n. Using then u x > j 2 (2ir)~ 1 ^ 2 economy with f (11), we conclude is unique that the equilibrium is . = f There are then multiple (9), there are multiple equilibria if strategies, and only if a(x,p), attacks A(9,p) and regime for the coordination stage, but the asset demands, k (x,p) and K (9,p) , and the price function, P(9,e), are always uniquely determined. Note how this result contrasts with Proposition a sufficiently low a x ensures uniqueness; but when 11 1: when public information the public information is is exogenous, endogenous as Figure With endogenous 3: ity is therefore in the present public information, as ensured for sufficiently small ax ax decreases, o~ z also decreases; multiplic- . model, a sufficiently low a x ensures multiplicity. This private information is because more precise now implies more precise public information, indeed at a rate high enough that the agents' ability to predict each others' actions increases as their information improves. Figure 3 illustrates the result in the (a x a.) space: unlike Figure , decreases and fast enough that the economy 2, as ax Uniqueness can therefore not be seen as a small perturbation away from edge. As it was earlier illustrated in az decreases, also necessarily enters the region of multiplicity. Figure 1, precision of the endogenous public information is when either ax or ae is common knowl- small enough, the sufficiently high that multiple courses of ac- tion can be sustained in the coordination stage. Moreover, the common-knowledge outcomes can actually be recovered as as either type of noise vanishes. Corollary 2 Consider o~ x . the limit as ax — > for given There exists an equilibrium in which R(9,s) equilibrium in which R (9, e) — » 1 whenever 9 € o~ E — , or the limit as whenever 9 £ » (0, 9). o~ s {9,6), — > for given as well as In every equilibrium, P(9, e) — an 9 for all (9,e). 3.3 Endogenous dividend We now consider the case that the payoff of the asset coordination stage. To preserve Normality, we now thus pays more the lower the size of the attack, which "attack" means refraining from some short is let determined by the outcome of the / we could of investment. 12 = f (A) = —^~ 1 (A). The asset interpret as a situation where We start again the equilibrium analysis with stage for some threshold s/a^[9 so — is /. x* (p) Hence, we have , that = 1 if and only if x < x* (p) A (8,p) = $ (y^fx* (p) — #]) and therefore / = (p)]. It follows that the individual optimal Substituting / = y/a^[9 — we can rewrite the optimal demand as k = section, we then propose = Sx K (9,p) = E[#|x,p] — p) and is is for d, a, = 9- Normal and ap gives (p), — p) (13) / (^fVax[9\x,p\). Like in the previous = 5)p and Var[0|x,p] a. It follows that T^-=e. signal (14) = (5a/^) 2 a e a = a x + a p Solving about 9 with precision ap ) and . 2. The = ja^l- (15) threshold 9*(p) solves 9 = 8*(p) — A (9,p) equivalently, ; + ^-\9*(p)). on the other hand, solves Pr $ [9 < 9*(p)\x,p] (16) = (v^T^ (>(P) - 5fe^(p) " sfep)) These equations are the analogues of substitute (13) and (16) into (17), *(P) which case 7^/0^ and , x*(p) threshold x* = + (1 — 5)p, a) with 5 = a x / (q x + a p = ap a E a x /^f = a e a x /'j 2 or equivalently Next, consider stage in 7 9\x,p~J\f (8x ap The for the asset is again as in (10). letting a one-to-one mapping between p and p, the observation of p equivalent to the observation of a and therefore verify later), therefore market clearing implies p Hence, provided that there — (1 Normal (which we + x*(p) (E[9\x,p] + is demand and x* (p)] into the latter p (5a/ 7)) (9 (x, p) the agents posterior about 9 x* if Guessing (and later verifying) that 1. agents use monotone strategies in stage 2 such that a -* (16) implies also a (2) we and (4) in c; =c unique x* $_1 C (p) . 1 - c ) - S=fe?) we : > ( 18 ) Hence, unlike either the benchmark game or the case of the previous section, the strategy of the agents in the coordination 13 (17) the benchmark game. However, once get a unique solution for 9*(p) (y^ equivalently, game and the . regime outcome are always uniquely determined as functions of the realized price. To complete the analysis, we need mapping p the equilibrium price = to determine the mapping between p and P(9,e). Using (13), the aggregate demand p, for that is, the asset is K(9,p) Since x* = j{6-^=p-x*(p)). uniquely determined, (p) is k(x,p)). Moreover, for any K{9,p) —* — oo p — as a solution; that > 9, K (9,p) K(9,p) is determined (and similarly for also uniquely continuous in p, K(9,p) -f oo. It follows that K (9,p) a market- clearing price p is, is (19) — e, = P (9, e) — > oo as p —* — oo, and or equivalently (13), always admits exists for any 9 and e. However, the market-clearing price need not always be unique. Note that 9*(p) and x* (p) are decreasing in p, which in turn implies the As a result, the demand asset's dividend, for the asset = / yfaZ\9 — x* (p)], is itself increasing in p. can be non-monotonic. Indeed, (16) and (19) imply *»{^}--^-,(.-<0)} and therefore K p) (9, a l a x > 7 2 /\/27r. If monotonic and there whenever p ^ (pi is globally decreasing in instead o\(j\ is if ^fa^jav < > demand y2ft, or equivalently for the asset is non- such that (13) admits a single solution (p\,p~2) (pi p%) , mappings between p and p, . Different selections that is, from these different equilibrium price P (9, e) o\a\ < 7 2 (27r) , and only p 2 ) but three solutions whenever p E , Proposition 3 In k (x,p) if j /\/2x, the aggregate a non-empty interval solutions then sustain different functions p 2 -1 / 2 . K (9,p) , the economy with f — f (A), there are multiple equilibria if the strategy a (x,p) , and the attack A (9,p) In the model of the previous section, the dividend if are always uniquely determined. was a function of 9 alone the price played the role of a signal about the exogenous fundamental. minacy emerged and only There are then multiple price functions P(9,e), but the asset demands for the strategies and the size of As a and therefore result, indeter- the attack in the coordination stage, but not for the price clearing the asset market. Here, instead, the dividend depends on A and therefore the price plays the role of an anticipatory signal about the endogenous size of the attack. A particular price realization coupled with an agent's private information then pins down a unique is posterior about the size of the attack, in which case the agent's best response of course unique. This explains In stage 1, on the other hand, why the strategies in stage 2 are uniquely determined. different levels of the price are associated with different expectations about the size of the attack and therefore about the dividend of the asset: in 14 equilibrium, a higher price signals a higher dividend. offset the usual negative payoff cost of obtaining the asset When this effect is strong enough, it can - namely that a higher price means a higher effect of the price - and may therefore induce the demand for the asset to increase with the price. This non-monotonicity of the asset demand introduces the possibility for multiple market-clearing prices. Finally, the positive effect of the price is higher, for a higher ap is when ap stronger increases the sensitivity of the agents' actions in stage 2 to the price and therefore of the dividend to the price. why This explains multiple equilibrium prices exist for for small levels of noise. To why further understand of the agents, exogenous signal = then x is 9 moment the optimal to attack strategy p and (p,A) is if and only if A> A A are not uniquely determined. Instead, for = (— oo, 1) can be sustained in equilibrium. In conclusion, small noise now — —^~ in the strategy = = a£ The 0). (A) and therefore an p. Clearly, the agent then finds < $(—p), which means or equivalently x 9, (a x 1 p is by observing uniquely determined as a function of x and game no-noise and the equilibrium price agent learns perfectly 9 by observing x and it and not multiplicity emerges in the price helps to consider for a it that his However, the equilibrium values of p. every 9 £ (9, 9], both (p, = A) (oo, 0) and ensures multiplicity in both the asset price and the co- ordination outcome: different equilibrium price functions result to different realizations of the price and the size of the attack for the same 9 and e and therefore to different regime outcomes as well. What is more, the no-noise (or common-knowledge) outcomes are once again obtained as the noise vanishes. Corollary 3 Consider the ax . There well as 3.4 is limit as o~ x — for given > an equilibrium in which R(9, e) — 1 an equilibrium in which R(9,e) > —* 1 <x £ or the limit as , and P(9, and P(9,e) e) — > — — oo > ae — > whenever 9 6 -co whenever 9 £ for given (9, 9), as (9,9). Discussion Although the property that the precision of endogenous public information increases with the precision of exogenous private information effect is and whether it is can overturn the direct likely to be very robust, how strong effect of private on the details of the channel through which private information result that multiplicity is ensured for small a x relies information is aggregated. Indeed, the on the precision of public information increasing at a rate higher than the square root of the precision of public information. was the case in the two specifications we consider above need not be true in general. We now this may depend (as evident in (12) and That (15)) but provide an example which illustrates this possibility. 15 To this aim, we modify stage The agent as follows. 1 is assumed to be from the portfolio choice utility > When f — (i) 9, the rium regime outcome high relative to a £ (ii) When f = c = w-pk-^k + fk 2 (20) We parametrizes the liquidity /transaction cost. R V is given by (20). equilibrium price function is consider again two and endogenous. cases for the dividend, exogenous Proposition 4 Suppose indirect thus given by is V(c) where the scalar k risk neutral The and face a quadratic liquidity/transaction cost for investing in the risky asset. unique if and only if ax P is is either sufficiently small or sufficiently always unique, whereas the equilib- . = — $ -1 (v4), sufficiently small. there are multiple equilibria if and only Multiplicity then emerges in both the regime if and/or a e are o~ x outcome R and the price function P. Here, unlike the earlier CARA-normal cases, the increase in the precision of public infor- mation generated by an increase in the precision of private information enough to offset the direct effect of the private not always strong of the asset because the slope of individual demand on the expected dividend exogenous. This is dependent of the risk in the dividend, (less risk). When is is in- which implies that the precision of public information increase less with private information than information is when the payoff information when the slope itself increases with the dividend depends only on 9, more precise the anchoring effect of private information dominates, thus ensuring uniqueness for a x small enough. When, however, the dividend of the asset depends on the size of the attack, the fact that the sensitivity of the size of the attack and therefore of the dividend itself to the fundamental increases as the agents' information improves compensates for the lack of such a sensitivity in the demand for the asset. As a result, coordination once again becomes easier as private information becomes more precise and multiplicity reemerges for small enough noise. These examples highlight that the ter. They details of the process of information aggregation also suggest that the coordinating effect of prices agents are risk averse and when the dividend coordination outcome. In Section 5, we or o~ z endogenous signal are small enough. In is what likely to of the traded assets will consider mat- be stronger when depend directly on the an alternative channel of information aggregation, namely a direct signal about others' activity. effect of this is We will find that the coordinating once again strong to deliver multiplicity when either follows, we continue 16 to focus on the more o~ x interesting case that the precision of public information increases fast enough with the precision of private information. Noise and Volatility 4 We now investigate the role of the information structure for the volatility of the regime outcome is, R non-fundamental (or the size of the attack volatility, that A) conditional on 9. In general, there are two sources of non-fundamental volatility: volatility generated the shock e when the equilibrium when variables (sunspots) is by unique; and volatility generated by payoff-irrelevant there are multiple equilibria and agents use these sunspots to coordinate their behavior. With exogenous is information, multiplicity disappears with small idiosyncratic noise. tals What small enough. is more, as By — o~x — o~ x , > 0. On Hence, e. as in this case the common-knowledge outcomes o~ x and therefore introducing more sunspot is maximized when or is What is when a x volatility vanishes as maximized when a z —* is o~ e can increase volatility. for given are obtained. Corollaries 2 (9, 9] as , quite different. is by ensuring multiplicity volatility either noise vanishes: regime can either collapse or survive for any given 9 € sunspot. volatility information, the impact of private noise on volatility A sufficiently large reduction in either sunspot volatility agents observe the fundamen- no sunspot non-fundamental all the other hand, non-fundamental volatility With endogenous is the size of the attack and by implication the 0, > regime outcome become independent of ax when implication, there and 3 indeed imply that — ax a£ or > — > 0, the purely as a function of the more, sunspot volatility can show up in prices as well: when the dividend endogenous, the equilibrium price can be arbitrarily low or arbitrarily high for any given 9e {9,9}. The property that, with endogenous information, less noise may increase volatility does not rely on the existence of multiple equilibria. As we show next, when the equilibrium unique, a reduction in either o~ x or o~ s may increase the sensitivity of the regime the asset price to the exogenous shock e and may is outcome and therefore result to higher non-fundamental volatility. 4.1 Regime Volatility In equilibrium, the regime depends on 9, since p is abandoned (R = P (6,e) To of the exogenous variables 9 . and e, = 1) if and only if 9 < 9* [p) , but p in turn express the equilibrium regime outcome as a function note that, as long as the equilibrium 17 is unique, 9* (p) is continuously decreasing in R (9, e) = 1 if and only if 9 p and P (9, e) is 9 (s) where 9 (e) is < , Consider we 3.2, follows that (e) to e. the case the dividend first where is exogenous (/ ip = + y/l 1/ therefore, for respect to let £o : any s\ e. By (^a^)^ 1 (1 - c). It follows that 39 <t>{§-\9)) _ (9)). Using the results of Section any given (22) a reduction in a £ or a x increases the slope of 9 9, (e) implication, 9 satisfies a single-crossing property with respect to < such that e\ e^ non-fundamental (2i) 2 -ya £ a x = be the unique value of e for which d9/da e and similarly 3|^(e 2 ) A / = $(ip + -2— £ } de and = get e( £ ) a£ It can thus examine the non-fundamental volatility of the regime outcome by examining the sensitivity of 9 for 9. the unique solution to = 6*(P(9,e)). e We continuously increasing in — 9(ei)\/g e < 0. Eq < £2, we still or equivalently have that d\9(s2) — 89/da x 9(e{)\/a £ < with a x or = 0; and In this sense, a reduction in either type of noise increases volatility. similar result holds (22) continue to hold if when we the dividend replace 7 with 7 is endogenous (/ = ja x We . = / {A)). Indeed, (21) and conclude that Proposition 5 Less noise implies more non-fundamental volatility rium increases the slope of 9 (e) with unique: for any given is respect to Our 9, a reduction in a e or a x even when the equilib- e. earlier results regarding equilibrium multiplicity reincarnation of the above result. not only because the outcome is When the noise is can thus be viewed as an extreme sufficiently small, volatility can be high, very sensitive to the exogenous noise, but also because the outcome can depend on arbitrary sunspots. 4.2 We Price Volatility next examine the comparative statics of the volatility of prices. implications for volatility that do not derive from multiplicity, that the equilibrium is unique or that there are no sunspots. 18 we first To emphasize the focus again on case When the dividend instead the dividend = and ap 7cr £ 0"^. is is = exogenous, we have / = endogenous, we have / In either case, we can p 9, -1 = [A) "3? / — ap e, and ap = (9 — x*)/a x write the equilibrium price as the , — ^a z a\. When p= sum f "— (o- p /a x ) e, of the dividend and the supply shock appropriately weighted: V Keeping / constant, the or . the dividend / - (l<y e o\) e (23) volatility of the price clearly decreases a 6 But what about the When = is with a reduction in either a x volatility of the dividend itself? exogenous, / is independent of exactly like in Grossman-Stiglitz: a reduction in either o~ x e. The impact or a e implies lower of noise is then volatility in equilibrium prices. When instead the dividend is endogenous, / depends on e, because agents' actions in the second stage depend on the price, which in turn depends on the shock same reason that a reduction essentially the outcome to the shock e, a reduction in noise increases the sensitivity of / on the overall impact of noise on the volatility of prices less noise now ambiguous: on is The second which depicts low a x (In . o~ x indeed dominates in some cases. , for different values of e sensitivity of P (9, e) similar picture emerges is to e if the dividend is we is non-monotonic: In the analysis so far, is illustrated in Figure ??, solid line corresponds to a it is highest . when a x We is The effect either high thus conclude: exogenous, the volatility of the price conditional on 9 we have assumed a x or II: o~ E . But when may the dividend depends on increase price volatility. Observable Actions that agents observe a signal generated from a than the coordination game. generated within the coordination game. let The consider the impact of a e Endogenous Information market and 9. high enough that the equilibrium in unique.) the coordination outcome, a reduction in either noise different stage itself. An example and a given necessarily decreases with a reduction in either is result, , however, a x Proposition 6 When 5 As a the one hand, the dotted one to an intermediate a x and the dashed one to a relatively all cases, a x on the A effect P (9, e) relatively high or low. e. reduces the volatility of the price for any given volatility of the dividend; on the other hand, less noise increases the volatility of the dividend of Moreover, for e. in noise increases the sensitivity of the regime We now examine the case that the information In particular, we assume away the financial the agents observe a noisy public signal about the aggregate activity of other agents in the coordination game. 19 We first consider a model where the signal this case, our equilibrium concept game expectations and dynamic variant about others' contemporaneous actions. In novel and unavoidably at the crossroads of rational- later show that the same of this model, in which the population who have only movers, is We theory. is is can be obtained in a and private information about the fundamentals, can also observe a public signal about the early movers' is results divided into two groups: 'early' 'late' movers, who The equilibrium concept activity. then standard game-theoretic. Model set-up 5.1 There is no asset market and, except, for the the benchmark model analyzed in Section —9+ o~ x £, s:[0,l]xR-^l and e is noise, = s ~ jV(0, 1) 10 of standard deviations is identical to after observing The is s(A,e) independent of 9 and The exogenous information . game signal about the size of the attack. the information structure and obtain closed-form solution, and signal, the move simultaneously whereas the public signal y where All agents and a public private signals about the fundamentals private signals are again x endogenous public 2. structure is £. we To preserve Normality let s(A,e) = §~ l (A) , + of a£ e then parameterized by the pair (<x x ,cr £ ). Since the information of each agent includes a signal about other agents' actions, the equilibrium concept we define is a hybrid of a perfect Bayesian equilibrium and a rational- expectations equilibrium. Definition 2 A rational- expectations equilibrium co?isists of an endogenous signaly an individual attack strategy a{x,y), and an aggregate attack A[9,y), a(x,y) = max E arg [ U(a,R(9,y)) \ x, y = Y(9,e), that satisfy: (24) } a€[0,l] for all (9,e,x,y) € M4 , A(6,y) = y = fa(x,y)d$(—) (25) s(A(9,y),e) where R{9,y) = 1 if A(9,y) (26) > 9 and R{9,y) = otherwise. This convenient specification was introduced by Dasgupta (2001) in a different set-up. 20 Condition (24) means that a(x, y) means that A(9, (25) introduced by (26) y) is is the optimal strategy for the agent, whereas condition y. Equilibrium analysis 5.2 focus again on monotone and the status quo identifies with a is (y/a^(x*(y) — and only if 6)} . It follows = 9, and only if 9 if and triplet of functions x*,9*, 9*{y) solves A(9, y) which an agent attacks equilibria, in abandoned Given that an agent attacks $ fixed-point relation the rational-expectations feature of our context: the signal y must be is generated by individual actions, which in turn are contingent on We The simply the aggregate across agents. 9*(y). A if and only < that the regime is x*(y), the aggregate attack abandoned if and only if = 8*(y) + ^- < x*(y) is thus 9 < is A{9, y) 9*(y), = where 1 (9*(y)). (27) Condition (26), on the other hand, implies that the signal must satisfy y = y/a^ [x*(y) — 9]- or equivalently -a x y = 9- x*{y) Note that (28) is a mapping between y and z y(z) We will Now x or equivalently x*(y) a E e, if monotone equilibrium Y. x if < later show that y(z) is all z 9 aE e. — ax ae e. (28) Define the correspondence = {yeR\x*(y)-ax y = z}. non-empty and examine when take any function Y(z) that that Y(z) G y(z) for = <rx - and is let (29) it is single- or multi- valued. a selection from this correspondence - that is, such e) = Y(9 — ax a E e). Any such Y{9, e) is then equivalent to the observation of z Y(9, selection preserves normality of the information structure. Indeed, the observation of y 9 = — o x o-s = Z (y) where Z (y) = , Normal public signal x*(y) — a x y. about 9 with precision az The Therefore, az = a x a E — ax a£ precision of endogenous public information is , it is as if = the agents observe a or equivalently (30) . thus once again increasing in the precision of exogenous private information. For the individual agent in turn to find it optimal to attack 21 if and only if x < x* (y), it must be that x* (y) solves Z (y) = — a x y and x*(y) 9*(y) which together with ^x* - (v^T^I (<r(y) $ Using the indifference condition Pr (9 (y) - < 9* -^-Z (y))) = substituting x* (y) from (27), = $ (-^r-y + \a x + a z J^hr*\ a + a x A (9, y) we 1 (i = c, or equivalently c. (31) get - c)) (32) , J z unique 6*(y) and x* (27) determines agents a (x, y) and the aggregate attack (y) \x,y) (y). Hence, the strategy of the are uniquely determined. We finally need to examine the equilibrium correspondence y(z). Recall that set of solutions to x*(y) — x y = z. Using (27) and (32), this reduces to by the = ^(-^—y + A)+- F(y) = where A — as y this is given o~ \Ja x j (a x a 2 )$ -f +oo, and F(y) > — _1 — (l +co c). Note that F{y) — as y =(--^—y + A\=z, l is continuous in -co, which ensures that > (33) and F(y) y, 3^(z) is — -co » non-empty and therefore that an equilibrium always exist. Next, note that sign {F'(y)} and therefore F(y) is = -sign globally monotonic single valued. If instead a z j sfa x > ~ ' takes three values whenever z £ if I 1 - -^=<p and only y/2n, there (z, z) . is if (^^y + Aj > a z /\fa^ < v 27r, in which case y(z) is a non-empty interval (z,z) such that y(z) Different selections then sustain different equilibrium signal Y. Using a z noise is = a £ a x we , conclude that multiple equihbria survive as long as either source of sufficiently small. A monotone rational- expectations equilibrium exists for all (cr x ,a £ and only if o\o x > l/\/27r. // o\o~ x < l/\/27r, the equilibrium strategy a Proposition 7 is unique if aggregate attack Interestingly, ) A (o~ x attack if when 0), in and only and remain unique, but there are multiple signal functions Y. multiplicity arises, it is with respect to aggregate outcomes but not with respect to individual behavior. To understand this — aE = and which case x if x < 3>(y), = 9 and y = ^ 1 result, consider the no-noise limit (A). Clearly, the agent finds it optimal to which uniquely determines the equilibrium strategy a(x, the agent. However, for every 9 G {9,9}, both (y,A) 22 — (— oo,0) and (y,A) — (+oo, y) for 1) can be sustained as equilibria. When a x remains: the behavior of the agent can be multiple equilibrium value sense, the multiplicity here is and is are non-zero, the o~ £ same nature of indeterminacy uniquely determined for any given x and for y and A we encountered similar to the one y, any given realization of 9 and for in Section 3.3, but there e. when In this agents traded a financial asset whose dividend depended on the size of the attack. Finally, the common-knowledge outcomes are once again obtained as either source of information becomes infinitely precise, and therefore sunspot volatility On the noise vanishes. is the other, the Morris-Shin limit can be obtained public signal becomes infinitely imprecise, in which case it is as if maximized when if the endogenous the endogenous signal were not available. Corollary 4 (i) in which R(9,e) whenever 9 G (ii) < or > (9,9], as well as — o~ e > 0. There exists an equilibrium, an equilibrium in which R(6,e) — > 1 (9, 9]. 9 R (9, e) and — —> > oo. There whenever 9 is > a unique equilibrium in which 9, where R (9, e) — > 1 9 = 1 — c. Non-simultaneous signal 5.3 The whenever 9 G > Consider the limit as a £ whenever 9 — Consider the limit as either a x — analysis above has assumed that agents can condition indicator of contemporaneous aggregate behavior. their decision to attack We now show that our results on a noisy extend to a simple dynamic model in which no agent has information about contemporaneous actions of other agents and therefore a standard game-theoretic equilibrium concept (namely PBE) can be used. The population first, is on the basis of divided into two groups, 'early' and 'late' their private information alone. Late agents agents. Early agents move move second, on the basis of their private information as well as a noisy public signal about the aggregate activity of early agents. Neither group can observe contemporaneous activity, but late agents can condition their behavior on the activity of early agents. Let ji G (0, 1) denote the fraction of early agents, Ai the aggregate activity of early and A2 the aggregate agents, and observed only by activity of late agents. late agents is The y^Q-^AJ+e, where e ~ A/"(0, o~l) is signal generated by early agents given by independent of 9 and £. (34) Early agents can condition their actions only on their private information, whereas late agents can condition their actions also on 23 y\. Finally, the regime changes We if and only + fiAx if agents not, a monotone equilibrium 9* R — : 9. > can condition their behavior on R a scalar x\ 6 is and a pair such that: an early agent attacks (0, 1) < if abandoned if is if and only follows that y x of yx is = if x _1 <1> and the regime x\(y\)\ [Ax (9))+e = — [x\ yfa^ is of functions and only In such an equilibrium, the aggregate attack of early agents attacks It > ji)A 2 look for perfect Bayesian equilibria in which the strategy of the agents in monotonic in their private information. Since late agents and — (1 if < x and only A\ (9) if 9 x2 : K— R a late agent x\; =$ but early yx < 0*(y 1 ). (s/q^ [x± — #]) . 9]+e. Hence, in equihbrium, the observation equivalent to the observation of 1 a, which = az a public signal with precision is cr £ a x ), like in az = ct E ax (equivalently, with standard deviation the simultaneous-signal model. Since yx and z have the same informational content, we can equivalently express the strategy of a late agent as a function of z instead of yx and replace the functions x 2 (yx) and $ 8*(yx) with [s/a^ pi)A 2 [x 2 (z) (9, z) . A(9*(z),z) It = — x 2 (z) and 6]) The aggregate 9*{z). and the overall attack attack of late agents from both groups follows that the regime changes if and only is A < is (9, z) if 9 - 6*(z)\) 9*(z), then = A 2 (9,z) = + (1 — \iAx (9) where 9*(z) solves 9*(z), or equivalently - M $ (Vc£[*J 9*(z)}) + (1 - /.)$ (yfe[z*2 (z) = 9*{z). Next, consider the optimal behavior of the agents. Since the realization of z to late agents, their decision problem solves Pr [9 < 9*(z)\x 2 (z), $ where and 5 = c, is known benchmark model: the threshold x 2 (z) or equivalently {s/^(5x*2 (z) and a in the + (l-S)z- = a x + a.. 9*(z))) =l-c, (36) Early agents, on the other hand, do not observe z therefore face a double forecast problem: they are uncertain about both the fundamental and the Pr — a x /(a x + a~) z] is like (35) [9 < signal upon which 9*(y)\xl\ = c, late agents will condition their behavior. The threshold x* solves or equivalently f* {^Tx [x\ - 9*(z)}) ^l<t> (V5T 24 [x{ - A) dz = \- c, (37) = where a^ A a x a e /(l + ae u ). monotone equilibrium x*2 (z) = + -Lsr 9*(z) We therefore a joint solution to (35)-(37). is dimensionality of the system by solving (35) for x^(z) 1 + -JL- {8\z) - $ (,/S [x* - (V(z) Substituting the above into (36) and using 5 = r(r(z),x*) can reduce the : a x /(a x + az ) and a 6T (*)])}) . = a x + a z we obtain: , = 5 (z), (38) where r(<9, xO = + Q z /a x $ _1 —%e + *- 2 + -r— {e-§ (^ e f (z) = yjl rium is a joint solution of (37) and (38) for a threshold x| G g (1 — — c) (a z /y/a^) z, and a, [ x* - 0])} = Q £ a x We conclude that an equilibR and a function 9* R — (0, 1). . » : Let C denote the set of piecewise continuous real functions with range a subset of 9* For any given function the other hand, (38) (ftu aE , fi) . may admit [0, 1]. unique x\ G R. For given x\ G R, on a unique or multiple solutions in 9* G C, depending on Different solutions to (38) for given x\ represent different continuation equilibria game between for the C, (37) always defines a G late agents defined question of interest, however, In the appendix we show the fixed point of (37)-(38) solutions for every x\ is is by a fixed strategy for the early agents. The the determinacy of equilibrium in the entire game. that, when (38) admits a also unique. G R, we prove that On unique solution for every x\ G R, the other hand, when (38) admits multiple (37)-(38) also admits multiple fixed points. This provides us with the following sufficient (but not necessary) conditions for uniqueness and multiplicity: Proposition 8 (i) There exists a unique equilibrium i ai<7 x (ii) u To on x, z There exist multiple equilibria see this, note that z is = 8 1 , , (1 — u) if — ax e = x — distributed normal with precision > if £ a.\ — a x e. so that z\x ~ TV (0, a\ + = a x a e /{\ + a e ). 25 cr x oV) . That is. conditional < For any a E and a x such that o\o x 1/\/2k, multiplicity in ensured for game In this sense, the multiplicity result of the simultaneous-move fraction of informed (late) agents — vanishes as u and therefore » is it < more, for any u can be shown that the equilibria of the simultaneousequilibria of this multiple equilibria exist as long as 1, a x and any the other hand, for any cr £ , uniqueness intuitive, since in this case the role of the We we conclude that the insights survives as long as the Indeed, the dependence of (38) on x\ high enough. model can be approximated by signal low enough. fi is dynamic model as n a £ and ax — > 0. What is On are sufficiently low. ensured by taking \i — 1, which is also informed agents vanishes. derived in the simultaneous-signal model extend to the present framework and do not hinge on the fixed-point nature of the hybrid equilibrium concept we used Remarks Final 6 there. Building on Morris and Shin (1998, 2000) this paper introduced instruments that endogenized the sources of public information in models where coordination modeled public information by equilibrium, or equilibrium in (i) cases is is important. We a financial asset's price that reveals information in An a direct noisy signal of aggregate activity. (ii) all either important feature of the that the precision of public information endogenous and is rises with the precision of private information. We result showed that this effect is typically strong obtained with exogenous public information: multiplicity is ensured fundamentals or the uniqueness We is enough to reverse the limiting uniqueness also is when common ensured if showed that with endogenous public information, either the idiosyncratic noise in the individuals' observation of noise in the aggregation process is small enough; conversely, large enough. the noise is less noise may have a unique: a reduction in either source of noise destabilizing effect even may when the outcome and the price to exogenous shocks, thus leading to an increase volatility. Our multiplicity result can thus equilibrium increase the sensitivity of the coordination in non-fundamental be interpreted as an extreme version of this negative effect of on volatility. In conclusion, we view the main theme in Morris-Shin as emphasizing the importance of the details of the information structures for understanding the determinacy of equilibria and the volatility of outcomes. This paper contributes to this same theme by studying the importance of endogenous information aggregation. understand crises phenomena such as currency attacks, 26 Our bank results on volatility runs, or debt crises. may help Appendix 7 Proof of Proposition Rewrite 1. (4) as G(6*(z))=g(z), (39) = - (a.J^) 9 + §~ (6) and g(z) = yjl + a z /a x $- (1 - c) - (az /^) z. every zGE, G(6) is continuous in 8, with G(0, z) = -co and G(l, 2) = 00, which implies l where G{9) For x that there necessarily exists a solution and any solution satisfies 9*(z) G that G{&) = —% + a, (0, 1). Next, note 1 1 (*)) and max^eR = 0(w;) a z /^/a^ < \j\pht. If which implies a unique solution to and there in 9 z G if a z j^oTx < if y/2n. Proof of Proposition . In either case, — 9*{z) of z. » = 5 — 1 = 6 1 + cr x az /' c for /a x — and ~ > y any $ (^) if 2, we ??. assume that Ui(c) linear relation, G increasing in is strictly y/2n, then G is 9, non-monotonic We conclude that monotone equilibrium is unique y{a x + a z /a x ) — — for given a~, or > so that the regime-change threshold — > instead consider the limit Paz-i = where x x, az 9 if — we 00. > > 00 for given is miique and independent consider the limit ax — > 0, QED. who Consider an agent (zj. — Condition (39) then implies that 1. > az receives a private signal x price p. His optimal investment k solves u'l We ' Consider the limits as a x 1. Proof of Proposition and observes a that a z /^/a x > QED Similarly, condition (??) gives x*(z) _1 and x instead an interval (z,z) such that (39) admits multiple solutions 9*{z) whenever is and a unique solution otherwise. (z, z) and only ax (39). If we have \Z2k fcj loss of generahty, = is (w-k)=E[(f-p)u'2 ((f-p)k) quadratic and k {E [/|x,p] 112(c) is linear, in — p} + we normalize A = 0. A, for \x,p]. which case (40) reduces to a simple some constants K > Finally, we let / (40) = f(9) — 0, 9. A G R. With out any That is, the return of the asset depends only on the exogenous fundamental. The for analysis here the asset is k We similar to that in the first example. The optimal is = k{E[ f x,p] I -p} = k{E[ 9 I x,p] -p}. conjecture 9\x,p] = 5x 27 + (l- S)p individual demand some for By G 8 = K(9,p) k8 (0, 1) (9 implication, p Z(p) =p and v . is is K= In equilibrium, e. It k(x,p) = — k8(x a £ That . and therefore p) is in this is, example remains to pin down 8 and the function Q. bounded above by K2 a£ and therefore we immediately have that unique- ensured for a x high enough. To complete the analysis, note that is ax + The above uniquely determines 5 G function of a £ To . (0, 1) a = ax / see this, let Q. ax + a£ 82 n2 p as an increasing function of a— oo. »• Using these results, we au and (a e n 2 ) and rewrite the above as Obviously, this gives a monotonic relation between as — k Hence, the equilibrium price 2 a public signal about 9 with precision k 8 = — -^e. Note that ap ness to be determined. It follows that — p) a and <5, with 5 — >• as a decreasing a = a — 3 8 /(l and > — 6 5). — > 1 find = (K^)y/5(l-6). The fact that 5(1 — 6) — as either we have that av j\fa x < \/2n and ' is 6 a x —* On either sufficiently small or sufficiently high. (1 — 8) < sufficiently high is sufficient for multiplicity. Part (ii). a£ oo then imphes that, given > if and only the other hand, for given and therefore a £ < 8tt/k 2 1/4 necessarily — a2 or therefore the equilibrium in unique is sufficient for if , ax a x we have , uniqueness, whereas a£ QED Let x*(p) denote the threshold agents use in stage 2 in deciding whether to attack. In equilibrium, so that the asset return k = k{E [ / is f | = x,p ^/a^[9 } — x* (p)] . The demand — p} — k{^/o^E[ 9 | x,p } for the asset is thus — p — v/a^x*(p)} . Let p 28 + x*(p) (41) ' and note that, for every p, the above defines a unique p. k where k = K^/a^. We now = K{E[6 follows that can thus write the demand as -p} conjecture E[9 It x,p] | We K — k5(6 — p) \ x,p] = + 5x -S)p. (l and therefore t-»-y. Hence, the observation of p 9 with precision ap = H 5 2 is a£ . (42) equivalent to the observation of p, which It follows is a public signal for that E[9\x,p]=E[9\x,p] =8x + (l-5)p, where . This oc x ax ax + ap a x + a E 52 h? _ the same as in the previous example, with H replacing is t 1 so that 5 a x hke , is decreasing in in the a e but independent benchmark model. Indeed, the -%= = and is increasing in both The 9* (p) + a£ 52 K? a s and a x of Using k = ap is a x This means . now that x» = proportional to (*%.) Vo- (43) second example. In particular, the thresholds -^- $- 1 $fV V a x + &p e*{p) infer . rest of the analysis is similar to the = we given by and x* (p) are uniquely determined and are given by 9*{p) K^/a^, ' critical ratio is ~^~ = At. + ~^- 1 (l-c/6)--^- P y ce x (9*{P )), 29 + ap J > . with ap as in ap /^/a^ < If Next, combining (41) and (42), we infer that the equilibrium price solves (43). the above has a unique solution. 2-7T, Proof of Corollary — 9*(y) 9 — ax e Part — > \a £ a x — ax y - cp(y)\ and a x y > Pr let Y_(9,e) that 9 - [ - <7z£ = min^^ — (??), 0*(y) is = as y Pr [ 9 — < > +00. 9 9 — < 1. It the above has > (??) we have that, for every y, Condition (28) then implies oo. unique signal function in the limit 0. > It result. 8. 9 e, — — ax e — 9 as | e (0,0) = and Y(0,e) > cr x , 9*(y) ] -» and Pr [ > is -» 1 Next, note that both and 6 — z e) = < 9* E 9 as such (0, e) and therefore $(—00) > the 0, = d^O. as as > = $(+00) > follows that 0. It — +00 — 9 — ax Y(9, follows that, as long as 9 ] = 0. lim y ^ +00 <p(y)y max^y(0 — a x e) and consider <y <y < e) a x —> $(—00) > > and Y(9,e) as lim^.^ (p(y)y = Hence, z e (1,2) <j x e) +co » cr x — >• 0. — 9 as y > -00, and 0*(y) — (9, 0), (7(0, e)) ] -> 1 as a x -> 0, QED For any /i 6 (0, 1) and any x\ 6 R, r(0,£*) ji) follows that (38) always admits a solution 0* (z) given x\ 6 R, (38) defines at least one function 9* We cr £ = —00 and F(9,xl,/j.) = 00, where 9 = (x*, Q x ,/x) respectively, + ^- {0 - $ (yaT^ [x\ - 9}) } = and = 1, and with T(9,x\, < — — y Since vanish. — —00 9* (Y(9, e)) Proof of Proposition solves, > independent of which establishes the 0, - OzS e (z,z). Note that Y(0, Y.(0, e) $(+00) and conditions (??) — — oo and Moreover, for every 9 and Next, 2ir, e. 2 and (f>(y)\ 0. From Prom (i). note that y First, (ii). - av j\Jol^ > instead l latter implies ax Part 4. — c/b = 9 and x*(y) —> 9 + a x §~ (9) = x as = x*(y) — a x y —> x — a x y and therefore the 1 Y(9,e)-*(x-9)/a x + \g\gx If QED multiple solutions. : R— > -^= + A (9-x,, ax ,,) 30 9 (a;*, a x ,jj) therefore satisfy 6 (9,9). That next examine under what conditions the function that solves (38) = continuous in = is, for < any (0, 0) that Te is and 9 is unique. Note , } . where A (0; xl, a x As 6 — > , p) = ^_ l(9+ _^ — (equivalently, z or { ^ » that, since <f> = 8 (x\ , (0, ax , /z) G (0, 0) < Combining, we conclude that, {0 1-// J cj> (^/ce^ [x\ ($ — _1 + ^- {0 - $ (^/a^ [x^ = 1/2, and using again [ (9 5]) } we have + —— + y/a£<j> yja x ~ - j^l \x\ -fljjj > + 1 I —$ \ 1 1 J be the solution to l/\/27r, M v^i + v 1-/ = (fl;x*,o; g ,/xj /x) , l/v27r], 0+ y^is (j> A (0; x\, a x inf 1/V^l l/v^7T, or equivalently the solution to < A = /i) g D] +oo. Let > > ax) the fact that the maximal value of A'(x*,a x ,/x.) , takes values in A'^,^, Moreover, letting 8 ax + j-^ [1 + v^^ (>/^ [»i ~ [l _ e])})) A (0; Xj, a^, fi) — ±oo), A' (xj, and note (v/5 [i; -PL for all K (ax (x\,a x > ,/j,) /i) , K (xl,ax ,fi) > K(fj,) where K (a x fj) = K(») = , V27T Case(i): ^< 0, for all and + 1-M + 1 l-/x- Note that, importantly, neither bound In this case, -^== { 1 is a function of x\. K(p). < all x\. It K_(fi) < inf x . A" (x^,a x ,/x) and therefore T is follows that (38) defines a unique function 8* given x*. Moreover, since T is decreasing in x* and g decreasing in z and increasing in x^ Finally, 8* . 31 is is decreasing in strictly increasing in : R— z, (0, 0) for the function continuous in both z and x \ any 8* is Next, consider (37). For any given 9* Moreover, this solution C Let be the R— C increasing mapping It is exists. > and > (6_, 6) , (37) admits a unique solution Xj continuous and increasing in is set of continuous a mapping R— : T R— 9* (and bounded) functions mapping C— > : R— > [9_, T (— oo) > -co and T(+oo) < oo. Hence, a arbitrary x\ and a > 0, let £** = x* + a and let easy to check that Moreover, for and solutions to (38) for x* Then, (38) and x\*, respectively. . #* and = i-c v^ [Txr -#**(*)]) vW*(v^[^r--])^ = l-c < y^1 we , (38) is fixed point always /'<i>(v o~[Tx*-r( 2 )])vsr^(v/sr[^i-~]) d ~ /"$( Then, clearly have 8** < = 6 9* + 0** be the (37) give , Since -7= #) R. Together, they define a continuous and R. > : a is (37) G R. 9*. a and, by implication, Tx" < X\, where X\ solves / If Xi = $( v/o~[xi -0*(z) -a]) v^oT^Cv^i £ -2])^ Tx\-\-a (> Tx*), the above would have been positive, so < Tx\ + Therefore, Tx\* Case (ii): <J 2 E a x < -4= In this case, -^= empty region z G K T (1 — (/j.) Z— (z_,z) fj, > — fia 2 ) , or equivalently -%= K (x*,a: x sup x , — Z (x*) (Ty) be the associated mappings. each mapping. Let 9*L (^1) < ,/z) G Each and T(+oo) < (9*H ) Z and of the 00. T}j (x*) for any than one > K (/1). and therefore V necessarily has a nonany x*, there is a non- be the function denned by selecting the the unique one whenever z (z) and the x*. It follows that < 9* H is Z. Let Tj, a fixed point (at least one) for (z) for all z fact that Z the fixed point of 32 G' mappings Tl and T# are continuous and Hence, there Moreover, for any given x*, 9*L implies (because of the monotonicity in (37) Tl is less such that (38) admits three distinct solutions whenever a unique one otherwise. T (— 00) > -co T has a unique fixed point. lowest (highest) solution whenever z satisfy must be that X\ < Tx^ + a. of non-monotonicity in 9 for all x*. It follows that, for interval Z and > it = l-c which proves that the slope of the mapping a, for every x\. 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