Newpublications IIIIIBMMR *Bulletin l50-Geologic activities in the 90s, edited by J. Ahlen, J. Peterson,and A. L. Bowsher,7994,737pp. 915.00 Errata: Bulletin 150 sells for $15.00,not $5.00 as listed in the May issue. USGS PnorrsstoNeL pApER 14l4-B-Regional aquifers in Kansas, Nebraska, and parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas,and Wyoming; geohydrologic framework, by D. G. Jorgensen,J. O. Helgesen,and J. L. Imes, 1993,72pp., 25 plates in pocket (Regional Aquifer-System Analysis; central Midwest). *Bulletin 133-Soils, geomorphology, and multiple displacements along the Organ Mountains fault in southem New Mexico. bv L. H. Gile, 1994,9l pp., 60 figs. including 11 aerial photos. $10.00 The Organ Mountains fault occurs along the easternside of the Organ and SanAndres Mountains in Dofra Ana Countv, New Mexico. The fault is one of the youngestin New Mexico and is of particular local interest and significancebecause(1) episodesof faulting are accompanied by severe earthquake activity, (2) major centers of population are nearby, and (3) the fault is very close to the headquarters of White Sands Missile Range (WSMR).This report presentsa study of soils, geomorphology, and evidence of both late Holocene and pre-Holocene displacements along the fault. Bur-r-EuN 2073-Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy193, edited by W. J. Sando,194. Chapter E. Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) nautiloids from New Mexico is by W. A. Cobban and J. W. Kennedy; chapters are issued as a single volume and are not availableseparately. +Guide to Bureau Services & Annual Report (199r-93),7994,32pp. FREE This pamphlet describes the servicesand facilities available to the citizens of New Mexico. It also includes a staff directorv; a financial statementfor fiscalyearc 1991,7992, and 1993;and 1992statistici for energy and mineral production, staterevenuefrom taxes 1103-A-USGS researchon mineral resources, 7994;Part A, Program and abstracts,edited by L. M. H. Carter, M. I. Toth, and W. C. Day,7994,719 pp. (Ninth V. E. McKelvey forum on mineral and energy resources) *Open-file List 7-Open-file reports available from the New Meico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,1994,30 pp. FREE *IsochrorVWest-The Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronofogy, no. 61, July l99a, a8 pi. Cooperatively published at irregulir intervals by New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resourcesand Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, lsochron/West is a forum for papers on isotopic age-dating(exceptcarbon-14)of rocks and minerals from the-Westem Hemisphere. A subscription to six issues (nos. 61-66) can be purchased for 912.00by writing to lsochronlWest, % New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Campus Station, Socorro, New Mexico 87801. Contributions (manuscripts and correspondence about editorial matters or poliiies) should be sent to John Schilling, 1301Royal Drive, Reno, Nevada 89503. August 1994 Nal MexicoGeology CrnculeRs 1098-Nonfuel mineral resourcesin the United States-Mexicoborder region; a progress report on information availablefrom the Center for Inter-American Mineral Resources Investigations (CIMRI), by G. l. Orris, N. |. Page,J. G. Staude,K. S. Bolm, M. M. Carbonaro, F. Gray, and K. R. Long,1993, 19 PP. 11.03-B-USGS researchon mineral resources, 1994;PartB,Guidebook for field trips, edited by C. H. Thorman and D. E. Lane,1994, 175 pp. (Ninth V. E. McKelvey forum on mineral and energy resources) WarrR-suppt-y pApER W-2400-National water summarv 7990-91.: hydrologic events and stream waier quality, compiled by R. W. Paulson, E. B. Chase, J. S. Williams, and D. W. Moody, 7993,590pp. Spncral PRTNTTNG Bandelier National Monument and vicinitv. New Mexico. Reprinted on waterproof t"ut resistant (plastic) stock rather than paper stock, folded. Otherpublications Eisenberg,R. A., Harris, P. M., Grant, C. W., Goggin, D. f ., and Conner, F. 1., 1994,Modeling reservoir heterogeneity within outer ramp carbonatefacies using an outcrop analog, San Andres Formation of the Permian Basin: Association of American Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 78, no. 9, pp.73371359. Karlstrom,K. 8., and Daniel,C. G., 194, Restoration of Laramide right-lateral strike slip in northern New Mexico by using Proterozoic piercing points: Tectonic implications from the Proterozoicto the Cenozoic-Reply: Geology,v.22, no.9, pp.8$-8e. Kues, G. E.,1992,Ground-water-qualitymonitoring for septic-tank-useeffects,central New Mexico; ir Borden,R. C., and others(eds.), Future availability of ground-water resources:American Water ResourcesAssociation, Technical Publication Series TPS, Proceedings, pp. 273J76. Lopes, T. J., 1997,Effectsof uranium mining, Puerco River, New Mexico; ln Ritter, W F., ed., Irrigation and drainage engineering: American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, pp. 508-515. Luo, M., Baker, M. R., and LeMone, D. V., 1994,Distribution and generation of the overpressure system, eastern Delaware Basin, western Texas and southern New Mexico: Association of American Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v.78, no.9, pp. 1386-1405. Scott,A. R., Kaiser,W. R., and Ayers, W. B., Ir., 1994, Thermogenic and secondary biogenic gases, San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico--implications for coalbed gas producibility: Association of American Petroleum Geologists,Bulletin, v. 78, no.8, pp. 7186-1209. Soreghan, G. 5., 1994,Stratigraphic responses to geologic processes:Late Pennsylvanian eustasy and tectonics in the Pedregosaand Orogrande basins, Ancestral Rocky Mountains: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 106,no.9, pp. 7795-l2ll. Webster, J. D., and Duffield, W. A., 1994,Exheme halogen abundancesin tin-rich magma of the Tavlor Creek Rhvolite, New Mexico: Economii Geology,v.8i, no. 4, pp. 8,0-849. Woodward, L. A., 7994, Restoration of Laramide right-lateral strike slip in northem New Mexico by using Proterozoicpiercing points: Tectonicimplications from the Proterozoicto the Cenozoic-Comment:Geology, v.22, no. 9, pp.862-863. 0pen-file reports USGS 93-ltM-Sources of information and data pertaining to geohydrology in the vicinity of the Roswell Basin, in parts of Chaves, Eddy, De Baca,Guadalupe, Lincoln, and Otero Counties, by D. P. McAda and T. D. Morrison, 1993,78 pp. 93{37-Petroleum exploration plays and resourceestimates, 1989,onshore United States; Region 4, Rocky Mountains and Northern Great Plains, edited by R. B. Powers, 1993, 794 pp. 93-522-Petroleum exploration plays and resourceestimates, 1989,onshore United States; West Texasand easternNew Mexico, edited byR. B. Powers,1993,84pp. 93-532-Dishibution of mineral depositsin the United States-Mexicoborder region, by Center for Inter-American Mineral ResourceInvestigations (CIMRI), with contributions by G. J. Onis, K. S. Bolm, M. Carbonaro, F. Gray, K. R. Long, ftJ.J. Page,J. M. G. Staude, and T. Wells, 1993,29 pp. NewMexicoBureau of Mines Resources stallnotes andMineral The Bureau filled two temporary (3month) positions by hiring fesse Dengate as a Cartographic Aide and David Ennis as a ResearchTechnician. Anniversaries of our staff with five or more years of service from fune through Augusi are: Charles Chapin, 24; AJbertBaca,22;Barbara Popp, 16; Orin Anderson, 15; Ibrahim Gundiler, Lynne Hemenway, Dave Love, and Virginia Mclemore, 14; ]ane Love, 13; Annabelle Lopez and Manuel Vasquez, 11. Several NMBMMR staff attended the American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting. GretchenHoffman received the AAPG Energy Minerals Division (EMD) Distinguished Service Award, organized short courses for the EMD, and attended the USGS Trace-element Course. Neil Whitehead, III presented the poster, "Fracfuresat the surface in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: implications for petroleum, ground water and engineering,"that was judged to be the outstandingposterpresentation of the Division of Environmental Sciences.SteveCatherpresenteda paper written with Charles Chapin, "Tectonic setting of the axial basins of the northern and central Rio Grande rift" and attended a field trip; Ron Broadheadattendedthe AAPC House of Delegatesmeeting and served as Matson Award judge; he also attended the Potential Gas Committee meeting of the PotentialGasAgency.Frank Kottlowski attended the Energy Minerals Division and AssociateEditors meetings; he servedas Chairpersonof EMD's Awands Committeeand alsojudged EMD posters. seminar and gave the invited talk, "General geology of the Border region"); Four Cornlers Clological Society lvieeting and Field Trip (FranlkKottlowdki); Societyfor EnvironmentalGeochemistryand Health (Lynn Brandvold, "Lead contentof plants and soils from three abandonedsmelter Norma Meeks was in charge of publicaareas"). tion sales for the Bureau. In recognitionof his work as a member Nelia Dunbar, William Mclntosh, and of the Coltilla Dam IndependentReview Mafthew Heizler attended the 8th Anteam, which led to the State'srecoveryof nual ICOG meeting where William Mcnearlv $5 million in cost overruns, Bill Intoshpresenteda paper,"ApplicationCO, hser hdating in Ar/Af geochiohology,".and Haneberg was awarded a Certificate of Distinction from NM StateEngineerEluid Matthew HEizler presEntedapapei, "*Ari rnArresultsof incompletelydegassedsanMartinez. fames Barker and George Austin met with BLM and IMC Fertilizer for idine: age of Lathrop wells vo'icanism." a WIPP study session.fohn Hawley and Otheimeetings attendedby NMBMMR Dave Love met with ForestService,Rocky staff include: Witer Quality Control ComMountain Forest and Range Experiment mission (Charles Chapin, Lynn BrandStation, for a middle Rio Grande ecologvold); TransboundaryResourceInyentgry Program (CharlesChapin); Coal Surface ical planning session. Mike Whitworth for the Min-ing Commission (Charles Chapin); iudebd technical presentations N A - M E S / M I M E Sp r o g r a m . C h a r l e s SMEF6undationBoardof Trustees(George Austin); Clay MineralsSocietyCouncil_and Chapin, Ron Broadhead, and Glen Jones attended a meeting at the Earth Data annual meeiing (GeorgeAdstin); GISAC Analysis Center (EDAC) to discuss pos(Glen jones); New Mexico Mining Assosible-jointprojects.Dave Love assistedin ciation Board of Directors (Frank Kotteaching bbttLthe SeismicSleuthsWorktlowski); Mining Commissionhearingson proposed hard-rock reclamation (Frank shop foi TeachersGrades7-12 sponsored by Federal EmergencyManagement kotilowski testified);NationalMining and M i n e r a l E d u c a t i o nC o n f e r e n c e( S i r s a n Agency and American CeophysicalUni o " na r i d a l s o t h e " T r a i n - t h e - T r a i n e r " Welch); Environmental Education AssoEarthquakeWorkshop for TeachersCrades ciation of NM Forum (SusanWelch); BorK - 6 s p o n s o r e db y F e d e r a lE m e r g e n c y derland Forum 95, the 31stForum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals, PrePara- Management Agency. Lynn Brandvold attend"edthe Witer Ecolirgy Proiect orition meeting (GeorgeAustin, fames Barker, Gretchen Hoffman); Intra-Agency entation and conductedthe 3-week Water EcologyProgram. Consortium on Border Resources(Charles Articlei"bv M-ike Whitworth and coauChapin); Chaparral Rockhounds of Rothors have 6een published in AppliedGeswell lVirgil Lueth, invited talk, "Mine r a l o g y o F G r o u n d w a t e r ") ; S o u t h w e s t ochemistry,EnttironmentalGeology,lournal of MembraneScience,and WaterResources Instituie Field Seminar, "The Border reBill Haneberg was coauthor of gion: southwesternNew Mexico,south- Research; easternArizona.and northem Chihuahua" U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2059, (Dave Love gave daily talks during the Chapter C. New Mexico Geology August 1994 loi Prolilor!.nDro. USPOSIAGT PAID MEXICO SOCORRO, NEW PERMIT NO 9