!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Eidgenössische !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Technische Hochschule !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! Zürich Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Zurich Politecnico federale di Zurigo Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich hp FEM for incompressible fluid flow stable and stabilized K. Gerdes and D. Schötzau Research Report No. 97-18 December 1997 Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule CH-8092 Zürich Switzerland hp FEM for incompressible fluid flow - stable and stabilized K. Gerdes and D. Schötzau Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule CH-8092 Zürich Switzerland Research Report No. 97-18 December 1997 Abstract The stable Galerkin formulation and a stabilized Galerkin Least Squares formulation for the Stokes problem are analyzed in the context of the hpversion of the Finite Element Method (FEM). Theoretical results for both formulations establish exponential rates of convergence and are confirmed by intensive numerical convergence studies. In our numerical experiments we demonstrate that these hp−FEM with geometric mesh refinement can resolve corner singularities at an exponential rate. Keywords: hp Finite Element Method (hp-FEM), Stokes problem, Galerkin formulation, Galerkin Least Squares formulation Subject Classification: Primary: 65N30, 65N35, Secondary: 65N50 !2 a^ 4 ^a 7 ^a 3 1 a^ 8 ^a 9 ^a 6 a^ 2 0 a^ 1 a^ 5 1 ! 1 0&1&23&24&,/2,",56789,2789,#7":#; $ 0&1&23&24&,/2,",567@9,27!"9,#7":#; $ !" !" +&'/4*)< 1.&==>.& +&'/4*)< 1.&==>.& ! !" ! !" %&'()*+&,-../. %&'()*+&,-../. " " !" !" !! !" !! !" !$ !" !$ !" !!" !" !? !# !" " !" " # !" !" !" !" !!" !" !# !" " !" " # !" !" !" 0&1&23&24&,/2,",56789,2789,#7":#; ! 0&1&23&24&,/2,",567@9,27!"9,#7":#; " !" !" +&'/4*)< 1.&==>.& +&'/4*)< 1.&==>.& " !! %&'()*+&,-../. !" %&'()*+&,-../. !" !! !$ !" !" !$ !" !? " ":$ ":8 ":A ":@ ! 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F*.=),O&'/4*)<,P/G1/2&2) " Q.&==>.& " !" !" !,7,":#, !,7,":M# !,7,!:", !,7,!:$# !,7,!:#, !,7,":#, !,7,":M# !,7,!:", !,7,!:$# !,7,!:#, !! !! %&'()*+&,-../. !" %&'()*+&,-../. !" !$ !$ !" !" !? !" !? A @ !" !$ !8 !A D,0&C.&&=,/E,F.&&3/G!H? !@ $" $$ !" $8 F*.=),+&'/4*)<,4/G1/2&2) !! A @ !" !$ !@ $" $$ $8 Q.&==>.& " !" !8 !A D,0&C.&&=,/E,F.&&3/G!H? !" !,7,":#, !,7,":M# !,7,!:", !,7,!:$# !,7,!:#, !,7,":#, !,7,":M# !,7,!:", !,7,!:$# !,7,!:#, !! %&'()*+&,-../. %&'()*+&,-../. !" !$ !" !$ !" !? !" !? A @ !" !$ !8 !A D,0&C.&&=,/E,F.&&3/G!H? !@ $" $$ $8 !" A @ !" !$ !8 !A D,0&C.&&=,/E,F.&&3/G!H? !@ $" $$ $8 F*.=),O&'/4*)<,P/G1/2&2) " Q.&==>.& " !" !" #7":!, #7":!# #7":$, #7":?, #7":#, #7":!, #7":!# #7":$, #7":?, #7":#, !! !! !" %&'()*+&,-../. %&'()*+&,-../.,*2,R !" !$ !" !? !? !" !" !8 !" !$ !" !8 A @ !" !$ D,0&C.&&=,/E,F.&&3/G!H? !8 !A !@ !" A @ !" !$ D,0&C.&&=,/E,F.&&3/G!H? !8 !A !@ Research Reports No. Authors 97-18 K. Gerdes, D. Schötzau 97-17 97-16 97-15 97-14 97-13 97-12 97-11 97-10 97-09 97-08 97-07 97-06 97-05 97-04 97-03 97-02 97-01 Title hp FEM for incompressible fluid flow - stable and stabilized L. Demkowicz, K. Gerdes, HP90: A general & flexible Fortran 90 hp-FE C. Schwab, A. Bajer, code T. Walsh R. Jeltsch, P. Klingenstein Error Estimators for the Position of Discontinuities in Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Source Terms which are solved using Operator Splitting C. Lage, C. Schwab Wavelet Galerkin Algorithms for Boundary Integral Equations D. Schötzau, C. Schwab, Mixed hp - FEM on anisotropic meshes II: R. Stenberg Hanging nodes and tensor products of boundary layer meshes J. Maurer The Method of Transport for mixed hyperbolic - parabolic systems M. Fey, R. Jeltsch, The method of transport for nonlinear sysJ. Maurer, A.-T. Morel tems of hyperbolic conservation laws in several space dimensions K. Gerdes A summary of infinite element formulations for exterior Helmholtz problems R. Jeltsch, R.A. Renaut, An Accuracy Barrier for Stable Three-TimeJ.H. Smit Level Difference Schemes for Hyperbolic Equations K. Gerdes, A.M. Matache, Analysis of membrane locking in hp FEM for C. Schwab a cylindrical shell T. Gutzmer Error Estimates for Reconstruction using Thin Plate Spline Interpolants J.M. Melenk Operator Adapted Spectral Element Methods. I. Harmonic and Generalized Harmonic Polynomials C. Lage, C. Schwab Two Notes on the Implementation of Wavelet Galerkin Boundary Element Methods J.M. Melenk, C. Schwab An hp Finite Element Method for convectiondiffusion problems J.M. Melenk, C. Schwab hp FEM for Reaction-Diffusion Equations. II. Regularity Theory J.M. Melenk, C. Schwab hp FEM for Reaction-Diffusion Equations. I: Robust Exponentiel Convergence D. Schötzau, C. Schwab Mixed hp-FEM on anisotropic meshes R. Sperb Extension of two inequalities of Payne