How can I get more information?

How can I get more information?
What kinds of activities are included?
Odyssey classes are challenging and thought provoking, but don’t require
any prior knowledge or training. You won’t have to worry about homework or
In addition to our regularly scheduled classes, Odyssey has luncheon
lectures and field trips throughout the year. Recent course topics and field
trips have included:
Odyssey USA Membership Application
Field Trips
Asian Arts
Our Beloved National Parks
The Holocaust and More
Wit and Wisdom of Jane Austen
Kings and Queens of England
How Humans Work
Local Authors and Their Books
The American Presidency
Religious Philosophies
CSI Odyssey
Children’s Literature
Pensacola Naval Air Museum
Walter Anderson Museum
The Exploreum -- Pompeii Exhibit
Lauren Rogers Museum of Art
To Kill a Mockingbird Performance
Coastal Alabama (ecology)
What are the benefits?
The Annual membership fee includes:
 Participation in one or more classes each term
 USA Library privileges
 50% discount on Listen and Learn access to
credit courses (on a space available basis)
 15% discount on most USA Special Courses
 The Log, Odyssey USA’s quarterly newsletter
The USA Center for Continuing Education is open Monday through Friday
from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. We can be reached:
By telephone at 251/405-9930
By Email at
By US Mail at
Odyssey USA, University of South Alabama
1504 Springhill Ave. #2515, Mobile AL 36604
“Odyssey proves that
learning is an ongoing
process. Fridays have
become a day of
stimulating, exciting, and
cultural activities. We are
expanding our horizons by
a smorgasbord of classes.
We are meeting and
enjoying people with
similar interests and are
having fun learning
without grades or exams.”
Name ______________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________________
Home Phone __________________ Cell Phone ____________________
E-mail ______________________________________________________
□ I am a new member of Odyssey USA
□ I am a returning Odyssey USA member. My $10 reinstatement fee is
included with my dues.
I would like to join for:
□ One Full Year $110 (12 consecutive months/four terms)
□ Partial Year $60 (6 consecutive months/two terms)
Payment Method:
□ Check enclosed (Payable to the University of South Alabama)
-- Sarah Kretzer
The University of South Alabama provides equal educational opportunities to and is open and
accessible to all qualified students without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, sex or qualified
handicap/disability, with respect to all of its programs and activities.
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Card #_________________________________
Expiration Date __________________________
Cardholder’s Name_______________________
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U.S. Postage
Permit No. 506
What is Odyssey USA?
Odyssey USA is a membership program for learning in retirement at the
University of South Alabama. It was founded in 1992 with 26 members and
has grown to over 175 members. Our members come from a variety of
backgrounds and are drawn together by a love of learning.
Peer leadership is a key component of the program. Members comprise the
Executive Board and serve on a variety of committees. One of these
committees, the Curriculum Committee, plans the topics to be studied during
each of our four terms.
Odyssey USA is administered through the USA
Center for Continuing Education.
Membership Information
How does Odyssey Membership work?
There are no formal requirements for membership
other than an interest in continued learning.
There are no academic or experience requirements.
Odyssey USA
University of South Alabama
1504 Springhill Ave., Suite 2545
Mobile, AL 36604
Odyssey members pay annual dues rather than
course registration fees. Once a member, you may
select from the course offerings in each of our
four terms. Our terms are:
8 weeks
8 weeks
8 weeks
6 weeks
“What we want in
retirement is something to
stimulate and challenge our
minds. I have attended
classes on art, music,
astronomy and the brain.
After each, I wanted to say,
Thanks, I needed that.”
--Daniel McDonald, Ph.D.
Late September -- Mid-November
Mid-January -- Early March
Early April -- Mid-May
Mid-June -- Late July
Courses are offered on Friday afternoons on the University of South
Alabama’s main campus. Members may select two courses per term. The
first class meets from 2:30 – 3:20 PM and the second meets from 3:40 –
4:30 PM. In between classes is a coffee break to give members a chance to
visit with friends and enjoy refreshments.